
Picijrib: fwiw, while breunig might be a regular, he also has a history of trolling our channels.00:01
jribheh, I know (I've banned him before for it), but lately he's been more helpful00:01
PiciThat troubles me a bit00:02
ikoniahe's been quite helpful in the channel, but quite helpful in #archlinux at orginising others to troll00:02
mneptokkeep an eye on bruenig02:44
mneptokhe's deliberately annoying people, AFAICT02:45
mneptokapparently bruenig is CTCP'ing and /notice'ing people that he decides to irritate. but i don;t have enough evidence to ban him. and i'm heading for dinner.03:03
bazhangDeath Threats via PM06:42
naliothbazhang: awwww, don't you feel all warm and snuggly?06:43
bazhangnalioth, hehe06:43
bazhanghe's probably 13 or something06:43
FlannelNot that it's relevant here, but shadowwolf just joined #math and asked if anyone wanted to have a religious debate.  What's wrong with that boy?06:43
naliothi've had a few tell me my address and informed me they were coming over to "take me to school", but nobody ever shows up . . . .06:44
elkysimilar to what a certain hawaiian user said to me but a little more graphic and terminal06:46
elkys/but/but that/06:46
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (dhonie_)06:48
* jussi01 waves07:12
bazhangmay wish to keep an eye on #kubuntu as dhonie_ (banned in #u and #u+1 ) may surface there.07:22
bazhangrecommended he join #ubuntu-id and he is there now07:24
jussi01bazhang: 1 line the exited...07:31
bazhangjussi01, sorry was away for a moment; I saw that (now trying to ban evade with nick of van) just PM'ed me07:46
tsimpsonrandom fact: we have 15488 "items" in the bans database07:58
Flannel-motu, tweaker needs a ban08:53
FlannelMmm, he stopped apparently.08:55
Flanneloh, there he goes again.08:56
Flanneloh, and -devel08:57
ikoniamneptok: in my opinion and for the record bruenig has a LOT of proven form of unacceptable behaviour, if users are complaining about him, I would personally ban him and sort it out later due to his known form, it may be the wrong thing to do but the guy gets away with it due to how sneaky he is while in the channel, and blatent outside the channel08:58
FlannelAh, and now he's threatening ban evasion!09:00
FlannelHowdy dholbach09:06
dholbachI just banned modder25 from #ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-meeting09:06
FlannelOh, he was in -meeting too?09:06
dholbachif somebody could do the same in #ubuntu-devel I'd appreciate it09:06
dholbachI was very patient with him09:06
Flannelyeah, I already spent some time with him in #ubuntu.  Where he earned a ban, and I imagine that's what started his spamming spree.09:07
dholbachnot sure if I followed the correct procedure and if I need to do anything else just now09:07
ubottuhifi called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (modder25)09:07
Garyon it, give us a mo09:07
* Flannel wonders why Hobbsee isn't in here anymore.09:08
jussi01Gary: is he getting a ticket on the k train?09:09
dholbachis there an auto-expiry for the ban?09:09
dholbachor do I have to unban at some stage?09:09
Flanneldholbach: No, you have , yeah09:09
dholbachok, I'll take a note to do that tomorrow (before I go on vacation)09:09
jussi01dholbach: I can sort it if you like, but I think maybe he will get a network wide ban. Gary ?09:10
dholbachjussi01: that'd be nice if you took care of it - as you can tell, I'm far from being an expert09:10
jussi01dholbach: no probs, which channels have you banned him in?09:11
Garydholbach jussi01 solved09:11
dholbach#ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-meeting09:11
dholbach#ubuntu-devel I couldn't get an op for09:11
dholbachthanks guys09:11
FlannelGary: ah, thanks.  I'll remove my bans09:11
jussi01right, you can unban now, or I can do it, your choice09:11
dholbachplease do it, I'm not sure I'd do it correctly :)09:12
jussi01hehe, hobbsee beat me to it :)09:13
Flanneldholbach: It's just /mode -b [whatever you set +b on]09:13
Flanneloh, with no brackets, of course.09:13
jussi01dholbach: ok, all is sorted now. :) thanks again09:13
dholbachFlannel: ah ok09:13
dholbachgood to know09:13
dholbachno worries09:13
dholbachat least I managed to tell him where to get help, maybe he'll do it in the end09:14
ikoniaI think hobbsee's just said he's been klined09:15
ikoniaand she removed her ban on him09:15
dholbachthanks a bunch for taking care of it09:16
dholbachhave a great day!09:16
* jussi01 hugs ikonia... bit late :)09:16
ikoniaI'll take it, thanks09:17
dragon_i'm not sure if L33Thaxor666's behavior in #ubuntu deserves an !ops trigger.09:22
jribHere's my proposal for the "ubuntu is too big" problem: have the default irc client, pidgin, ship with a plugin that only shows highlights for #ubuntu (with some obvious notification that it is enabled and an easy way to disable it)11:46
jussi01jrib: come again?11:51
jribjussi01: context?  or what I said?11:55
jribI mean "#ubuntu is too big"11:55
jribWhen a new user joins #ubuntu, he'll only see messages that have his nick in it.  That way the issue that there is too much traffic in #ubuntu for it to be helpful goes away11:56
elkyjrib, the problem is training people to actually address people properly12:09
tsimpsonthat still leaves the problem posted in comment #512:12
jribtsimpson: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/392799?comments=all ?12:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 392799 in ubuntu-community "#ubuntu too noisy to be useful" [Medium,Confirmed]12:13
jribI don't want to split the channel at all12:13
tsimpsonit'll have a similar effect for the "general public"12:13
jribtsimpson: can you explain?12:14
tsimpsona user asking for support, but knowing how to fix another users issue, will never see the other issues12:14
jribtsimpson: remember, the only users who would keep this setting enabled are those who feel the traffic in #ubuntu is too heavy anyway so they wouldn't help with another user's issue most likely12:15
tsimpsonI mean casual users12:16
tsimpsoneg: "Oh, I had that issue when I started, this is how you fix it..."12:16
jribI don't think it's a real issue because 1) someone more experienced can probably also help 2) the user would not notice other's questions when the amount of traffic is too much for him.  I agree it means the user is less likely to begin giving back to the community, which is bad.  Maybe the questions metabot catches could be shown as well12:20
tsimpsonit maybe an idea for the plugin to make the text light/grey instead of filtering too, or have it configurable12:25
jribtsimpson: do you know if pidgin does not highlight by default?12:25
tsimpsonI don't use pidgin, so have no clue12:26
jribI think we need some statistics.   I've always thought highlighting was good enough to make #ubuntu very useful12:26
tsimpsonI'm pretty sure it would though12:26
jribBut since more than a few people claim #ubuntu is not useful to them, I've always assumed it's because highlighting wasn't good enough12:27
tsimpsonthe thing about highlighting is to make a line _more_ visible, with "greying" the bulk of the text becomes _less_ visible and so highlighting becomes less necessary12:27
jribmaybe a separate window in pidgin, that limits itself to highlights, that way the user can go back to the full context12:28
jribtsimpson: I think part of the problem is the amount of scroll12:28
Pici!away > Until_It|Sleeps13:06
Pici!away > Until_It_Sleeps13:06
tsimpsonseems Until_It_Sleeps doesn't care: * Until_It_Sleeps is now known as UIS|AFK13:16
bazhangharjot is not maniheer13:19
bazhangmaniheer is still trying to ban dodge though13:19
bazhang<ef_codd> please clear the way, I am an official computer styled scientist13:20
bazhangthis is the 'my bunty broke' guy13:23
bazhangultra-troll extraordinaire13:23
PiciDo you have notes there? I can barely remember who is who..13:23
bazhangjust in the BT, ef_codd as a search term ; he was using *!i=plural@creep.bur.st before13:25
=== jrib1 is now known as jrib
tsimpsonsomeone should start writing up wiki pages for bantrackertwo blueprints, so people can add comments etc13:56
tsimpsonsomeone who is not me :)13:57
bazhangthought there was one already; or was the one I saw the other day not it13:57
tsimpsonthere are no pages linked from the blueprints anyway13:58
PiciThis is my first time really using the blueprints, I'm not really sure what would be in a linked wiki page.13:58
bazhangnext outburst by ef_codd in #ubuntu and he is gone14:01
Piciin #u or #u-ot?14:01
topylinow gone from -ot14:02
tsimpsonblueprints.l.n is mostly used to track overall process, the wiki is where the work/ideas go14:03
tsimpsoneg: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/daily-upstream-builds-poc (top of the ubuntu blueprints page)14:03
ikonia@bansearch maniheer14:16
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-proxy-users by Automated-Addition in #kubuntu on Jun 29 2008 06:42:46 (ID: 4947)14:16
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-proxy-users by Myrtti in #ubuntu on Jun 08 2009 20:15:50 (ID: 14466)14:16
ubottuMatch: maniheer!*@* by ikonia in #ubuntu on Jul 10 2009 20:38:27 (ID: 15354)14:16
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-proxy-users by Automated-Addition in #ubuntu on Apr 18 2008 18:46:25 (ID: 4846)14:16
ikoniamaniheer!*@*  ?? how did he get in #ubuntu then14:17
Priceyikonia: when?14:17
ikonia12:47 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+e  maniheer!i=5ac79ad6@gateway/web/freenode/x-9d6d916897faf9e4] by  FloodBot314:18
bazhanghe tried but was turned away by the FB's14:18
ikonia13:08 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-e  maniheer!i=5ac79ad6@gateway/web/freenode/x-9d6d916897faf9e4] by  FloodBot2, FloodBot314:18
ikoniathey did a +e first14:18
bazhangI had him in PM the whole time14:18
ikoniasurly they would not bother14:18
ikoniaahhhh quick bz14:18
ikoniaquick bazhang 14:18
bazhangany objections to removing until it sleeps?14:39
bazhanghad him/her in PM; wanted to argue that it was 'just a nick change' asked him/her to exit the channel and that status change message *is* an away message14:44
bazhangbullgard need to learn the benefits of having a PM with ubottu18:49
PiciHis question was at least on topic this time.18:51
bazhangheh good point18:52
Flannel!away > iamcalledrob|awa 19:37
ubottuIn ubottu, ufo said: well there is nothing on ubuntu about that or i did not find it19:52
Seeker`Pici: there is nothing on ubuntu about that!19:55
Seeker`how can you not understand that?19:56
PriceyFlannel: weren't you looking for !awa?19:56
PiciSeeker`: That was after getting !patience > in #ubuntu, don't understand how that is a reply to that.20:04
Seeker`@bansearch maniheer22:59
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-proxy-users by Automated-Addition in #kubuntu on Jun 29 2008 06:42:46 (ID: 4947)22:59
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-proxy-users by Myrtti in #ubuntu on Jun 08 2009 20:15:50 (ID: 14466)22:59
ubottuMatch: maniheer!*@* by ikonia in #ubuntu on Jul 10 2009 20:38:27 (ID: 15354)22:59
ubottuMatch: *!*@gateway/web/*!#ubuntu-proxy-users by Automated-Addition in #ubuntu on Apr 18 2008 18:46:25 (ID: 4846)22:59
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, alexbobp said: !no, rtfm is Read The Fantastic Manual23:00
h00kI would like to formally apologize for my actions on Monday, July 6th as seen http://pastebin.com/d799594e1.  My goal was not to harass or offend another user, and I am sorry my actions could have been seen as such.23:52
h00k*In channel #ubuntu-offtopic23:53

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