
aragood morning!07:02
arabuenos días jcollado07:31
jcolladoara: Buenos días07:32
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
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davmor2fader_: how's things mucka16:46
fader_davmor2: Can't complain but I still do :)16:50
davmor2fader_: You complain are you sure your not a new yorker?16:51
fader_Heh, nah, it's more common across the States than just NY :)16:51
davmor2I know but they are nearly as famous for it as you right ;)16:52
fader_davmor2: How's life treating you these days?17:04
davmor2fader_: Just bust enough at the moment :)17:05
fader_davmor2: I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.17:08
davmor2Bad thing for next week :)17:08
=== pace_t_zulu is now known as pace_t_zulu|afk
davmor2_fader_: note board adium theme in empathy is weird but it makes it really obvious as to who says what :)20:37
davmor2_oh and metalsolid is nice too :)20:38
fader_davmor2_ (davmor2): You'll have to send me some screenshots :)20:38
=== pace_t_zulu|afk is now known as pace_t_zulu
davmor2fader_: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/empathy-nb.png and http://www.davmor2.co.uk/empathy-mb2.png20:45
fader_davmor2: Wow.  I'm genuinely not sure how I feel about that.20:46
davmor2fader_: there are others too :)20:46
davmor2I just pick the first 2 that were listed as working fully :)20:47
* fader_ is apparently too text-oriented to be a digital native.20:47
davmor2fader_: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/Themes just click through I'm sure there are some that even you would like :)20:51
fader_cr3: Style question... should checkbox tests output text only when they fail, or is it useful to see specifics about what passed as well?21:05
fader_And do you look for that on stdout or stderr?21:06
davmor2fader_: you might like this http://www.adiumxtras.com/images/pictures/paraphernalia_5_3324_5493_image_7836.png21:07
fader_davmor2: It'd be better without the background image :)21:08
davmor2just select a black background ;)21:08
fader_davmor2: Do you have any machines with CRTs instead of/in addition to LCDs?21:14
davmor2no I don't have the space :(  I think I still have a crt down in the shed somewhere though why?21:15
fader_davmor2: Meh, no big deal.  I am writing a checkbox test to cycle through all the detected video modes on a system and wanted someone to run 'xrandr -q' on a machine with a CRT to validate my assumptions as to how xrandr works21:17
fader_Not a huge deal as I'm pretty sure I'm right. :)21:17
* fader_ is never worng.21:17
fader_I have a CRT buried somewhere in my nigh-infinite junk that I can hook up if I don't find anyone who has one handy.21:18
davmor2fader_: try the xubuntu channel :)21:19
fader_(That said, if anyone lurking has a CRT and is willing to send me the output of 'xrandr -q' or better yet try my script, please let me know :) )21:19
sbeattiefader_: in what context?21:19
sbeattiealthough... my crt I have probably predates edid.21:20
fader_sbeattie: Hmm, I'm not sure what we'd see on a pre-edid monitor.21:20
fader_sbeattie: It'd be valuable enough I think that if you have it hooked up right now I would whine at you to run xrandr, but probably not worth dragging it up from storage or something21:21
sbeattiedistro matter?21:21
fader_Not at all... this should be standard vanilla X stuff21:22
fader_just the output from "xrandr -q" will tell me if I'm on track21:22
* sbeattie snickers at fader_'s misguided naivate when it comes to X. :-)21:22
cr3fader_: if the script passed, checkbox captures stdout and, if there's none, stderr. if the script failed, checkbox only captures stderr.21:23
fader_Nah, I remember the Good Old Days.  I spent about a week setting up Slackware from a stack of floppies taller than I was and running console-based modeline calculators from the values in the back of my monitor manual.21:23
fader_I don't miss the Good Old Days :)21:23
fader_cr3: Excellent, thank you.  I'll output errors to stderr and successes to stdout.21:24
fader_(Sorta what I expected.)21:24
cr3fader_: if it's what you expected, that's a good sign. pleased to hear it21:25
fader_cr3: Well, I was mostly interested in whether I should be unixy and silent on success or if it's okay to add additional info... stderr/stdout I just assumed.21:26
davmor2_fader_: even meh need typing lessons21:26
davmor2_what are you expecting from a crt that you don't get from an lcd or visa versa21:26
sbeattiefader_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220044/21:27
fader_sbeattie: Perfect, that's exactly what I expected.  Thanks!21:27
davmor2_fader_: but that isn't much different from what I get on my lcd.  Was it just a is it the same query?21:32
fader_davmor2_: It is the same format of output.  I basically wanted to make sure that (a) CRTs still got listed as being 'connected' rather than being some other state, as I wasn't sure you could detect connectivity for VGA; and (b) that modes were still given as unique values rather than ranges, as with CRTs you can do weird nonstandard modes21:34
fader_I figured that the format would be the same but it doesn't hurt to check.21:34
davmor2_fader_: All my lcd's are connected via vga21:36
fader_davmor2_: The discrete/range mode question was still valid though. :)21:37
davmor2true :)21:37
davmor2sbeattie: do you have an msn account?22:40
davmor2or you fader_?22:41
fader_davmor2: No, sorry22:41
sbeattiedavmor2: I do, immunix@hotmail.com22:41
davmor2_sbeattie: are you logged on?22:44
sbeattieI should be, but through bitlbee which is not always entirely protocol compliant. Lemme fire up pidgin.22:45
sbeattiedavmor2_: I'm pidginified now.22:46
davmor2_that seems okay but I'll try again tomorrow if your around with just a default install22:54
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
davmor2_sbeattie: this seems relatively stable to be honest but I will try tomorrow on fresh install to find out whether it's haze or butterfly that is the issue23:04
sbeattiedavmor2_: sure thing.23:09
davmor2no probs then I think I'm going to call it a night then bye23:11

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