
sladen_what are the story-NNNN tags?00:21
jdobriensladen_: they are how we track our project02:42
ayllui have a problem installing ubuntu one on ubuntu notebook remix04:06
aylluI added de PPA, but when i click install in the sopurt page, do nothing, and i trid to find in synaptic, but i cudnt04:08
verterokayllu: do you have apturl installed?04:24
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sladen_jdobrien: do they correspond to some other internal trac instance?10:46
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jdobriensladen: no, it's for our internal project management13:25
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akjodesend invitation for ubuntu one plis13:32
akjodeneed invitation for ubuntu one13:34
akjodeneed invitation for ubuntu one13:41
statiksladen, launchpad doesn't yet have a way to track higher level stories across projects, we've just got a google spreadsheet with a list of stories/features in it. then we break down the work into approximately one bug/branch per day or 500 lines of code14:10
statikthen we have a python script that uses the gdata library to read the story ids out of the spreadsheet, and queries launchpad using launchpadlib, and updates a progress indicator for each story. it also shows some dashboard like stuff about how many open bugs still haven't been triaged or mapped into a story for prioritization against the other work14:11
statikwe're giving the launchpad team input about how we're using all this stuff to give ideas for launchpad v414:12
* CardinalFang thinks statik/Canonical should sell all that crazy planning glue mojo.14:21
statiki was going to post it on my blog14:29
statikHi, everyone who is here for the ubuntu one developer standup, please say 'me'. The format for this meeting is to paste 3 lines: TODO, DONE, and BLOCKED. Then say the person that should go next - we can try going in 'me' order.15:00
statiki expect teknico and aquarius aren't here today15:01
statikjblount, vds, urbanape ?15:01
statiklets get started15:01
statikCardinalFang, i think you are first15:02
CardinalFangDONE: Nearly got Paste replaced.  A few warts remain.15:02
CardinalFangTODO: Find a place to write files containing port number.  Test; I'll want help with this; I'll update branch 'replace-paste-with-spawning' again later today.15:02
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None.15:02
CardinalFang(Actually, that first TODO may be close to finished since I wrote that.  Hrm.)15:03
CardinalFangrodrigo_: You.15:03
rodrigo_DONE: finally make 'make start' work for me15:03
rodrigo_TODO: fix some more issues with local server's backtraces and continue testing tomboy syncing15:03
CardinalFangrodrigo_: I have some work on "start" wonkiness.  Let's compare notes.15:03
rodrigo_BLOCKED: errors in local setup15:04
rodrigo_CardinalFang: make start now works for me, after some fixes, it's just the web server now that fails15:04
rodrigo_statik: go15:04
statikDONE: Not so much of what was on my TODO from yesterday. A bunch of phone calls and debugging and code reviews, and wrote a branch for shorter download urls with better control over Content-Disposition. Started setting up evolution-couchdb, but didn't get it working yet.15:05
statikTODO: Face duty. As time allows: publish desktop-contacts python module. Make an ubuntu package for lp:bindwood. Work with Rodrigo on Tomboy sync.15:05
statikBLCK: None. Next: jblount15:05
jblountDONE: Got payment process branch approved, kind of working downloads for /files/new15:05
jblountTODO: Get payment branch landed, downloads up for review, start work on delete15:05
jblountBLOCKED: PQM seems incredibly cranky this morning15:05
jblountvds: Your roll15:05
vdsDONE: finished funambol branch and going to propose it, discussed with the team about bugs, roadmap, estimation and other things15:05
vdsTODO: propose the branch and finally land it!15:05
vdsBLOCKED: no15:05
vdsgo urbanape15:05
urbanapeDONE: Finished stuffing all the new files ui code back into a namespace. jblount's new upload dialog works, but uploading doesn't. Pushed to lp and got it approved.15:05
urbanapeTODO: Need to pull trunk and pqm-submit. Then, get started wiring up the rest of the buttons.15:05
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:05
urbanapenext => dobey15:05
dobeyDONE: Use localhost in oauthdesktop instead of, Got rid of setup.py usage in ubuntuone-client, Mostly fixed clientdefs installation issue15:05
dobeyTODO: Make a tarball release (0.90.4), UL/DL status notifications, syncdaemon start-up error reporting, Fix UnknownLoginError silliness15:05
dobeyBLCK: None.15:05
statikjblount, about PQM blocking you, verterok is working on a fix now15:06
statikrodrigo_, anything we can do to help with the errors in local setup that are blocking you?15:06
rodrigo_statik: https://pastebin.canonical.com/19856/15:07
statikthanks for the meeting everyone! MEETING ENDS15:07
statikrodrigo_, that is odd. we use a geoip library to try and default to the correct country when people are signing up. i'll try to find which one it is15:09
dobeyi think it's python-geoip15:10
rodrigo_statik: now I get this: "Caught an exception while rendering: Reverse for 'ubuntuone.homepage' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found."15:11
jblountrodrigo_: That sounds like a url confi problem15:24
rodrigo_jblount: seems that ubuntuone.homepage string is not in the source tree....15:26
rodrigo_jblount: any idea where to look?15:26
jblountrodrigo_: lib/ubuntuone/web/urls.py is the main url conf, that sort of error happens when there is some problem with that, but I'm not sure how it's related to python-geoip15:33
rodrigo_ok , looking...15:33
sladenstatik: ta, that was a seriously useful summary.  Hopefully  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne?action=diff&rev2=47&rev1=45  in turn summaries that17:22
statiksladen, cool thanks!17:25
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CardinalFangstatik: Care to start our call early?20:31
statikCardinalFang, sure!20:31
statikCardinalFang, i just need 5 minutes20:32
CardinalFangWhenever you're ready.20:32
statikwow eating watermelon does not mix well with laptops20:39
dobeyno, no it doesn't20:40
BUGabundohey hey hey. duug gnineve21:45
adeptus_how long does it take to get a invitation?22:42
dobeythese days, not very long22:45
dobeydid you click the "Request an Invitation" link on the site?22:45
BUGabundoif that doesn't work22:45
BUGabundoadeptus_: pvt me your email and you wil have it in sec22:45
BUGabundohi dobey22:46
BUGabundothis as been calm22:46
BUGabundoadeptus_: done. welcome to the Cloud22:48
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adeptus_what is up with the file shared23:10

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