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mac_vSiDi> hi...09:48
SiDimac_v: heya09:49
mac_vSiDi> have a look at this... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana/UpdateIssues#Hassle-Free%20In-Session%20Updates%20[%20/!\%20WIP] anything i have missed out?09:50
mac_vi havent finished it fully yet , needs a bit of polish... 09:51
SiDiyou're gonna cut a Polish in parts and put a bit of it in it ? OO09:53
SiDi5. "Restart Required" alert is misleading for new users coming for Windows <- i think it's misleading for everyone ;)09:53
mac_vSiDi> i'll add "especially" ?09:56
SiDino, i think its just misleading for absolutely everyone :P09:56
SiDiindeed windows users will be more prone to restart immediately, but people who discover comps with ubuntu too, i believe09:56
SiDi"new" users will be more prone to restart, wherever they come from09:56
SiDimac_v: i agree to some of your changes and disagree to some others :)09:58
SiDiI think the check button should stay, it's very practical, for insance when i just added a PPA09:58
mac_vSiDi> sure , i cant be fully righy09:58
SiDior when i wake up and expect a daily build to be ready for me09:58
mac_vit can be moved to the description details section09:59
SiDiHm don't know :/10:00
SiDiI really like this big button immediately available10:00
SiDii think you should leave it where it was and use a different icon for Remind later10:01
SiDisomething like a clock10:01
SiDioh, and i'm ok with the present icon for normal updates, but the "update-manager" icon of my theme is too sexy, it MUST be used for security updates at least :)10:01
mac_vsure we like it , but in actual use, average users  dont use it daily, so moving it to hidden menu is better10:02
SiDiThey may use it from time to time, but in my opinion they wont use "Remind me later" more :)10:02
SiDiif the update manager is already open it means : 1) they opened it | 2) it opened itself cause they were too long to react for pending updates :p10:02
mac_vwell the close was removed , so had to keep the "remind"10:02
SiDioh crap there are too many present icons oO10:04
SiDiits xmas !10:04
mac_vSiDi> that is why i have mentiond that the apt-get update must be done if the UM is opened after 12hrs of the last check... i feel anything lees might be over kill10:04
SiDi(it's already how it works, you know :p)10:05
mac_vah, that because there are so many mockups! , but we only get to see 1 at a time10:05
SiDi(but you can manually refresh :p)10:05
SiDiStill, 3 times the same icon is too much10:05
SiDiTHe present idea is cool, i'm ok with it as a package icon, but you shall not put it everywhere10:05
SiDiFor instance here, the button should have a "gtk-validate" icon, as it's the "Ok" answer10:05
SiDiand the update-manager should always have it's own application icon in the top right10:06
mac_vwell the restart icon was there in the window title , its either this or i had to get the UM icon10:06
SiDiwhich leaves us to one present icon instead of 3 :)10:06
SiDiby the way, I think you should label the buttons depending on the action they perform10:06
SiDiit must state very clearly "Restart computer"10:06
SiDisome users dont have a fully translated locale, or they dont really understand what their computer says10:07
SiDithey need to be clearly told what will happen if they click here or there10:07
mac_vyeah the UM icon needs to be in the title... but the starting pic i had had the restart icon ,... I'll edit it10:07
mac_vwell this is just a basic idea... surely it need the refinement of the UX team10:08
SiDii think your timed reminders are too short btw :p10:09
SiDiI dont even see the need of it for non-security updates, and you say yourself that if someone uses the PC for work 8 hours / day they'll be disturbed twice per day about it ...10:10
SiDiAnyway good job mac_v 10:11
mac_vSiDi> no , for software reminders are at every 12 hrs only10:11
SiDibut for security updates10:11
SiDiwhat does a company user care bout security updates when they're automatically performed usually ? :P He shouldnt be told twice per day with updates that he shall restart10:11
mac_v, that i why i said 1 pm and 6, it either at lunch or after , if the user does it in lucnh he wont have the reminder later ;p10:12
SiDimac_v: my point is that they don't control it, and they cant afford to reboot the PC anyway10:16
SiDiso its a disturbance for company employees, and they shall not be condemned to be disturbed :p10:17
mac_vSiDi> those scenarios, the admins are reminded... not the user10:17
mac_vnon-admins should not be notified 10:17
mac_vI'll add that10:17
mac_vif i'm not mistaken, that is how it already works, non-admins dont get notified10:20
SiDithey probably dont10:24
* MacSlow -> lunch12:28
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danrabbitAnyone want to give me their opinion on something?18:22
ryanpriordanrabbit: shoot18:23
danrabbitSo, is it This: http://www.elementary-project.com/abuse/Screenshot-1.png18:23
danrabbitor this: http://www.elementary-project.com/abuse/Screenshot.png18:23
danrabbitwe're looking at the 48px view. The second largest.18:23
ryanpriorat the largest size I like the white one better18:24
ryanpriorat the smaller sizes I like the dark one better18:24
danrabbitEach size would have it's own icon, so it would look sharper.18:24
danrabbitBut, I'm liking the dark one too.,18:25
ryanpriorright, with some pixel fixes I think it would be pretty ideal18:27
ryanprioryou can solicit opinions in #ubuntu-artwork too if you'd like more criticism18:28
danrabbitgood idea18:28
ryanpriorif that channel is dead (it usually is more active) you can take it to the mailing lists18:31
danrabbitIt's fine. I think Iv'e made my decision :D18:33
ryanpriorgreat, thanks for your work18:34
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