
rwwMy pc speaker isn't working in Karmic. It works fine during POST on bootup, and the pcspkr module is loaded. Any suggestions?00:22
BUGabundorww: it was disabled from the kernel00:29
BUGabundolots of discussion on the list about that00:29
BUGabundosome said: "its 2009, who still uses a speaker?"00:30
rwwBUGabundo: do you happen to have a link, or remember which list?00:31
BUGabundodevel or devel-discuss00:31
BUGabundotry 3 months ago00:31
* BUGabundo and with this I leave you .00:31
rwwBUGabundo: aha, found it. thanks00:33
DanaGIt took disabling dnsmasq for NM sharing to work.00:43
DanaGOh, and Intel cards won't do Master mode.00:43
DanaGI'm curious to see a link to that discussion.00:44
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coz_hey guys how do I     upgrade  kubuntu 9.04 ro 9.10 for testing?01:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 385616 in linux "Pulseaudio dies after hogging the cpu for a while, points blame at alsa: 'Mhmm, actually there is nothing to rewind'" [Undecided,New]01:44
DanaGoh, and if I kill notify-osd... what is it that brings it back, magically?01:51
bcurtiswxhow do i get sound events to work in empathy?02:57
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coz_can anyone tell me how to upgrade kubuntu 9.04  to 9.10?03:12
bcurtiswxif the command line is the same in both Ku and U... its update-manager -d03:13
coz_bcurtiswx,  there is  no update-manager in kubuntu03:13
bcurtiswxcoz_, what are you upgrading from? 8.10?03:14
coz_I had done this about 2 weeks  ago but  forgot the procedure  it is definitly not update-manager03:15
m3gaubuntu-bug crashes with "Could not import module, is a package upgrade in progress? Error: No module named launchpadlib.errors". i raised a bug (#398599) about a week ago but there has been no response. i would have thought this was kind of important. right?03:16
bcurtiswxcoz_: is it adept?03:19
coz_bcurtiswx,  no no adept on kde   either03:19
bcurtiswxi feel like im playing hangman here03:19
coz_yeah I found it online 2 weeks ago and cant find it now03:20
coz_no adept and no update-manager on kubuntu  but let me ch eck again03:20
coz_and the pacakge manager has nothing I can see for upgradeint to karmic03:21
bcurtiswxupdate-notifier-kde  do a man on that, see if theres a dist-upgrade thingie03:21
coz_ok h old on03:21
coz_no man entry03:22
bcurtiswxpress alt-F2 and run update-notifier-kde -u03:23
coz_nothing let me try it in terminal03:23
coz_no new updates available03:24
bcurtiswxmaybe -d03:24
coz_no  undocumented  it says03:24
coz_this is odd  I will keep googling03:24
PiciInstructions are in the channel's topic.03:26
coz_Pici,  I dont see it there ...the last link  goes to ubuntu with the  update-manager -d  command which wont work on kubuntu03:29
Picicoz_: Try sudo do-release-upgrade -d03:35
coz_ok hold on03:36
coz_Pici,  that seems to be doing something :)03:36
coz_I will make note of that  ...thanks  guy03:37
bcurtiswxhappy upgrading coz_03:38
coz_thanks again gys03:38
coz_be back if this works out :)03:38
DanaGtry -c -d03:56
billybigrigger_anyone here use remote desktop?04:44
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andresmhsince switching to 9.10 my sleep mode only works once06:28
andresmhthat is, my laptop can  go to sleep once and come back but after that "sleep" is not a viable option06:29
Tefad#ubuntu was a bit unresponsive.. i'm on 9.04 but i'm trying to use ext4 with journal disabled.. where can i prod people for their knowings?06:48
Tefadi am using 2.6.30 kernel06:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 400397 in kexec-tools "Errors (hanging,only continue with Ctrl-c) while prosessing kexec-tools" [Undecided,Fix released]06:54
DanaGah, had to delete the db_stop line from /var/lib/dpkg/info/kexec-tools.postinst06:58
TefadDanaG: perhaps you can tell me where i need to be07:00
DanaGoh, I use things with journal enabled; you've googled for "ext4 disable journaling"?07:00
DanaGor "ext4 without journaling"07:00
DanaGheh, installing to linux-backports-modules changed iwlagn from 1.3.27k to 1.3.27ks07:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 378328 in module-init-tools "iTCO_wdt missing from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-watchdog" [Wishlist,Fix released]07:05
DanaGweird... I've had iTCO_wdt loading for ages, and never had it cause reboots, unless I specifically "poke" the watchdog.07:06
TefadDanaG: yeah i did that07:14
Tefadthat's why i'm using kernel 2.6.3007:15
Tefad28 doesn't like ^has_journal07:15
Tefadi can mount arbitrary ^has_journal while OS is running07:15
Tefadbut i can't boot one07:15
Tefadwith .28 i wasn't able to do any mounting of ^has_journal ext4 fs07:16
DanaGoh yeah, try rootflags= on kernel command line?07:29
DanaGyou'd have to find the corresponding 'mount' option.07:29
DanaG... and make sure rootflags matches fstab.07:29
DanaG'man mount', perhaps.07:31
Tefadrootflags you say.. thanks for the tip07:31
Tefadmount option for what? no journal?07:32
Tefadit's an fs feature not a mount option iirc07:32
DanaGmaybe data=ordered (or whatever was the "skip the journal" thing).07:32
DanaG  * 01-alsa-plugins-pulse-Implement-pause.patch: Add pause support to the pulseaudio plugin, taken from git master.07:33
DanaG"pause" support?07:33
DanaGoh yeah, have to go to bed now-ish.07:33
DanaGThu Jul 16 23:33:14 PDT 200907:33
DanaGWhat you have to do, depends on the exact message you're getting when booting fails.07:34
DanaGAnyway, I have to go now.07:34
maxbHas anyone noticed weird problems with ssh sessions *to* karmic machines not exiting cleanly - instead hanging when you try to logout?07:48
nhasianhello everyone07:48
rippsAn extra volume slider suddenly appeared in my notification area, I already have a volume control applet, what's the deal?08:17
RAOFOrly?  That'd be the super-duper pulseaudio-backed gnome-volume-control, I'd guess.08:18
RAOFI thought that it wouldn't appear when you've already got a volume control applet, though.08:18
rippsNot to mention that I get damn kernel oops every 5 minutes. This kerenel is definately unstable08:19
RAOFYay drivers!08:19
rippsI had to switch my default file browser to thunar because nautilus was causing so many slow downs and freezes. It might not be nautilus's fault, it might just be exposing problems in the kernel's disk reading capabilities08:26
Le-Chuck_ITAHi, what is the package (that I uninstalled by mistake) that will let me get the latest kernel on upgrades?09:22
Le-Chuck_ITAmaybe just linux-image?09:26
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m3ganautilus is repeatedly crashing and restarting on me. is there a log file that might tell me why?10:31
drs305m3ga: Is it opening hundreds of instances?10:38
m3gano, i think its a single one which dies and gets restarted10:39
drs305m3ga: Each time I install a new release I get hundreds of nautilus browsers trying to open. I've found the solution to that but it's not what's happening to you apparently.  :-(10:43
m3gai'd actually be happy to kill it altogether, but i  can't apt-get remove it  because that remove gdm10:51
elkym3ga, at one point in time, nautilus used to spit out a nautilus-debug-log.txt file into one's home directory upon death, does that not happen any more?11:14
m3gaelky: no sign of any such debug log.11:21
elkym3ga, darn. i wonder if there's a way to launch it that makes it spit that out11:22
m3galike i said, i'd be happy to disable nautilus altogether11:24
elkywell, if it's only removing gdm, replace gdm11:24
m3gaand gnome-session which is mildly useful11:25
elkyhmm, drat.11:25
maxbHas anyone noticed that when logging out of a ssh session to a karmic server, it often hangs?11:27
m3garemoving nautilus from gconf item /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/filemanager should disable it :-).11:27
elkyhttp://en.opensuse.org/Bugs:GNOME#Nautilus should apparently give you the above .txt if you want to figure the actual problem, too11:28
kholerabbiWill Karmic use plymouth or usplash?11:33
ripps_kholerabbi: usplash, they were going to use plymouth, but decided it was unnecessary since they're trying to make boot up as quick as possible, why bother with pretties on something that's only going to be up for a few seconds11:36
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kholerabbiOK thanks11:38
ripps*sigh* computer froze again. blinking caps and numlock. I really wish these instabilities would go away soon.13:05
BluesKajhowdy all13:19
Supersaiyan_IVhttp://lists.grok.org.uk/pipermail/full-disclosure/2009-July/069714.html Root hole in Linux 2.6.30 including a creative new exploit for NULL-dereferences13:40
PiciSupersaiyan_IV: And?13:43
Supersaiyan_IVPici, I thought people should know? Thats what a community is for?13:44
Supersaiyan_IVPici, anything else you want to say?13:44
PiciSupersaiyan_IV: I thought you were asking a question, nevermind.13:44
RanakahSupersaiyan_IV if you don't have pulseaudio is not exploitable :D13:47
Supersaiyan_IVRanakah, unfortunately im too lazy to switch to oss :P13:47
Ranakahi remove pulse and install esound.. nice and clean sound :)13:47
Supersaiyan_IVRanakah, im trying to use an equalizer with xmms2 and i have no way of telling if it actually works13:48
Supersaiyan_IVmost likely answer, no xD13:48
Ranakahheh.. no :D13:50
Ranakahi don't see any useable equalizer in linux :D only in vlc player :D13:50
Supersaiyan_IVoh, but there are, xmms2 has a 31band equalizer13:51
Supersaiyan_IVnext step is making it work :p13:51
Ranakahhihi :D then report me if work :D14:00
Supersaiyan_IVRanakah, got it working14:13
Supersaiyan_IVRanakah, http://amot.wordpress.com/2009/03/16/how-to-add-an-xmms2-installation-eqpy-and-lxmusic-client-to-your-gentoo-install-via-the-zugaina-overlay-with-layman/14:13
Supersaiyan_IVi was configuring it manually without the eq.py file, which seemed to mess things up14:14
Ranakahokay tnx.. i'll try :)14:14
Supersaiyan_IVaaah, the bass boost :D14:14
* Supersaiyan_IV xmms2 [audio/mpeg] The Acacia Strain - Burn Face (The Dead Walk) [1:23/2:33] 320 kbit/s14:14
Ranakahhehe :D14:15
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Supersaiyan_IVRanakah, just noticed, that must be the most hq/cpu consuming equalizer ever14:42
Supersaiyan_IV25% cpu14:42
Supersaiyan_IVok, the cpu races only dring silence14:50
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Supersaiyan_IVCould somebody try reproducing a bug for me? In compiz, enable the 'scale' plugin, then run a gedit instance, initiate the 'scale' window picker 'for all windows', then kill the gedit instance with mouse3 while in window picker15:35
Supersaiyan_IVthis should cause a Gnome crash15:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 391035 in aptitude "aptitude stops displaying downloads" [Undecided,New]17:15
dupondjethis bug is extremely annoying :(17:15
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yofeldupondje: maybe because you're the only one that's affected?17:35
BluesKajdupondje, maybe check your source.list , it may need some judicious editing of old or outdated repos17:37
BluesKajerr sources.list17:37
dupondjeyofel: thats weird, having it every time :(17:44
dupondjeapt-get works perfectly17:44
dupondjeaptitude breaks17:44
yofeldupondje: what's your vt?17:49
dupondjevt ?17:50
yofelxterm/gnome-terminal/konsole whatever17:50
bmungerim surprised the package "firefox" doesnt install 3.5.x yet... anyone know the reason behind this?17:54
itswhatevi added a daily repo or something,  shows up as xxxPre117:57
bmungeryea problem is, daily can be unstable17:58
itswhatevi keep ff 3.0 on hand for that.. i am more eagerly anticipating the port of chrome17:59
BluesKajitswhatev, chromium, the open source chrome-linux browser is available but it's still not media ready with permanent plugins for java & flash , altho they are available if one enables them in the cli18:02
BluesKajitswhatev, checkout #chromium18:02
itswhatevBluesKaj: cool!  i guess i didn't pay due diligence to my reader like i thought :O18:03
BluesKajitswhatev, well it's not as if it's ready for prime time. By the tone of the chromium chatroom , devs aren't encouraging use by ppl who expect full browsing capabilities  :)18:06
itswhatevBluesKaj: i just want to watch it render something :D18:07
BluesKajit's fun to fool around with tho18:07
itswhatevit's straight c?18:07
BluesKajno i don't think so , but you can ask them18:08
BluesKajQt and GTK are written in C and chromium has adopted  GTK+ so it looks good on gnome from what I''ve read so far18:14
itswhatevoops, chromium is not the same thing as chromium-browser :O18:19
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DanaGodd, if I try to EFI-boot my laptop, it fails to mount the root filesystem.18:52
DanaGIt either identifies it (ext4 partition) as ext3 (and fails to mount), or booting with rootfstype=ext4 gives "unable to mount root on unknown-block(0,0)"18:54
DanaG... or booting with /dev/sda6 instead of UUID gives "unable to run 'init" -- or something like that.18:54
seedscan't connect to wpa network in kde.  i wonder what's going on?19:23
veckanyone know how to fix this error?http://pastebin.com/m37f0b78d19:33
charlie-tcaveck: try this - http://maxolasersquad.blogspot.com/2009/05/resolving-apt-key-signature-problems-in.html19:45
dvz-_hey.  so i just updated 9.10 yesterday with a lot of updates...changed my login screen and whatnot, and now when I change workspaces or open terminal or use other programs, the screen starts flickering horizontally and then resumes a semi-still composure until i move the mouse over a button or switch spaces.20:05
veckcharlie-tca: thnx figured it out was messing with bleeding edge graphics drivers and forgot what I was doing thnx again!20:05
veckcharlie-tca: x-org-edgers20:05
veckdvz-_: what kernal upgrade did you go to?20:08
veckdvz-_: 2.6.31-1.1320:09
dvz-_  2.6.31-3-generic20:14
veckdvz-_: I did a clean install, sometimes upgrade breaks stuff did you do safe-upgrade or full?20:27
rippsWhenever I plug my usb harddrive in, I get a kernel oops and then suddenly all my terminals stop working. They freeze and no new shells can be started. It's very weird. I can start purely graphical apps, but any apps the create commandline output won't start20:32
dvz-_veck, no clue..just executed my alias for "sudo aptitude update && sudo update-manager -d"20:36
Sarvatt_dvz-_: intel graphics? if so, try installing the 2.6.31-2 kernel20:38
jpdsdonspaulding: Happy to help you here tho :)20:44
donspauldingok, so I updated my jaunty box to karmic (by editing sources.list && update && upgrade && dist-upgrade), rebooted and got a grub "Error 2" message on boot.20:44
donspauldingI'm booted up right now with the jaunty live cd.  how do I reinstall grub for the karmic installation from the jaunty livecd?20:45
jpdsdonspaulding: You have to mount your / partition on your disk to a directory somewhere (like /media/karmic) and do: chroot /media/karmic /bin/bash20:45
jpdsdonspaulding: From there, you should be able to run apt-get and reinstall it.20:46
donspauldingjpds: yeah, I started to do that, but I don't see my / part under /dev, there's no /dev/hda4 like there usually is.20:46
jpdsdonspaulding: Try /dev/sd*20:46
donspauldingjpds: not that either, it's typically recognized as hda4 on this machine, but right now /dev has about 15 dirs underneath it, no hd* or sd*20:47
jpdsdonspaulding: How odd...20:47
donspauldingjpds: hmm, that was as the livecd user, root sees it differently20:48
donspauldingnow I do:  root@ubuntu:~# mount /dev/sda4 /media/ubu/20:49
donspauldingmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda4,20:49
jpdsdonspaulding: Hmm, maybe try the other numbers under: ls /dev/sd*20:49
donspauldingsure, hang on20:49
donspauldingthe other three work (one is a suse install, one is my /home partition, one is swap)20:51
jpdsdonspaulding: Try running fsck on it.20:51
Sarvatt_what filesystem is it?20:52
donspauldingdmesg|tail has some more info on the failure, I'll paste it20:52
Sarvatt_mount -t ext3 /dev/sda4 /media/ubu ?20:53
donspauldingSarvatt_: same thing even when I specify the type.20:54
donspauldingthe reboot directly before I upgraded to Karmic, an automatic fsck on boot finished cleanly20:55
donspauldingI then upgraded to Karmic, and (aside from broken dependencies I saw in OOo packages) everything went smoothly.  I rebooted to activate the new kernel, and was met with the grub error.20:57
donspauldingI did see that the grub package was updated on my way to karmic, but I wouldn't expect even a broken grub to then render my / fs unmountable.20:57
donspauldingI assume my only recourse at this point is an fsck -y /dev/sda4? ?20:58
veckdonspaulding: I had to go in and remove the --no-floppy from the grub to boot after upgrade21:00
donspauldingveck: yeah, but at this point, until I fsck the partition, I can't even mess with grub.21:00
veckdonspaulding: you can mount from live cd and kdesudo kate to edit21:01
donspauldingveck: I don't think you're reading my problem right.21:02
donspauldingok, fsck'd it and it seemed to complain about a lot of directory counts being off, but it didn't have to connect anything to l+f so I think I'm gonna try a reboot now.21:02
donspauldingif you don't hear from me again, thanks ;-)21:02
veckdonspaulding: good luck to you21:03
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BUGabundohey everyone21:22
BUGabundoanything I should be aware, before I boot to my usb stick and format?21:22
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