
* ogra wonders what lool thinks about https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BuildEABIChroot :)13:35
Stskeepsogra: that's cool :) did you include debootstrap support for that or?13:39
ograno, just a wrapper script that calls first and second stage separately and sets --arch armel13:39
suihkulokkiA patch for qemu exists at http://qemu-arm-eabi.sourceforge.net/ to enable EABI support in qemu-arm13:40
suihkulokki<- thats so outdated :P13:40
ograsuihkulokki, ??13:40
ograis there a newer one ?13:40
ogra(that applies to 0.10.x)13:41
suihkulokkiEABI is supported even before 0.10.x13:41
Stskeepsogra: ah, but it copies in the qemu-arm static binary into the target temporarily i presume13:42
ogranot temporarily, else you couldnt chroot :)13:42
Stskeepsah yes13:42
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ograsuihkulokki, i find it intresting that i could never use qemu-arm properly then ... given that we had 0.10 in jaunty already13:47
suihkulokkiogra: not really interesting.. just different (fixed in git head) issue14:09
suihkulokkiusing git head highly recommended at the moment, as it will turn 0.11 any time now14:11
loologra: I think that it's nice but not good enough for package builds14:29
ogralool, for home use its surely good14:29
ogramy mesa build finished in about 2h14:29
ograon my laptop14:30
loolI just don't trust it14:30
ograso if you want to do a pbuilder testbuild on armel before uploading etc thats surely a good way14:30
ograi wouldnt use it as a buildd :)14:30
ograand i dont know how it will behave with neon and v714:31
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loolThat's not an issue14:32
ograits surely better than cross compiling the whole dep chain of gnome to testbuild a single gnome package in a cross compiler env14:32
loolsyscalls don't map one to one on armel and x86; I wouldn't trust that they are all properly wrapped and you might end up building packages which assume support for stuff which isn't truly supported or vice-versa14:33
ograyeah, its surely not for full production use14:33
ograbut its *faaaaast* :)14:34
robert__hello! I'm trying to build an arm-rootfs using rootstock (tried the older script from wiki, too), but it just hangs after starting qemu saying "installing core packages"15:36
ograit doesnt hang15:36
ograits just very slow inside the VM15:36
robert__really? how long does it do "nothing" (or at least saying nothing"?15:37
robert__I just got curious after half an hour or so15:37
ogragive it time ... building the base system completely usually takes about 50min15:37
ograthe apt stage later is faster15:37
robert__oh, okay. maybe on my host it will take some hours :)15:37
robert__I will wait. thanks a lot15:38
ograthe 50min are on my laptop ... core2duo 1.8GHz15:38
ograslower machines will indeed take a bit longer15:38
robert__okay. well, another question. what's a minimal system just providing X? I am currently trying xubuntu-desktop15:39
ograminimal system is really minimal ...15:40
ograjust enough to boot15:40
ograif you only want boot and X add xorg15:41
ograa lightweight desktop would be lxde15:41
ograthere are some examples on the RootfsFromScratch wikipage15:42
robert__hm, I think I'll stick with xubuntu-desktop first, and maybe remove unneeded things later15:44
robert__the created image should be bootable on an OMAP-board, right?15:48
ograits just a tgz15:51
ograyes, the packages should all run on OMAP15:51
robert__okay, I'll try it later when the system is fully configured15:52
robert__ogra: The script did not take too long, it booted the system a few minutes ago and is unpacking the packages now16:46
ograah, good16:46
robert__ogra: Do you know what compiler was used to build the armel packages?16:52
ogradepending on which release you use 4.3 or 4.416:53
robert__okay, thanks. that should fit with the other applications I plan to use16:54
robert__ogra: "--seed build-essential,openssh-server" took about 15 minutes to build the full rootfs on an core2@2,66GHz19:10
ograsounds about right19:11
robert__but the system does not boot, last messages is: " * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                             [ OK ]19:12
robert__chown: failed to get attributes of `/var/log/dmesg': Stale NFS file handle19:12
robert__chmod: failed to get attributes of `/var/log/dmesg': Stale NFS file handle19:12
robert__/etc/rc2.d/S70bootlogs.sh: 61: cannot create /var/log/dmesg: Stale NFS file handle19:12
robert__chgrp: cannot access `/var/log/dmesg': Stale NFS file handle19:12
robert__mv: accessing `/var/log/udev': Stale NFS file handle19:12
robert__I don't understand why it seems to look for stuff on NFS at all...19:13
* ogra points to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/39109419:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 391094 in glibc "the "stale NFS file handle" error should be reworded" [Undecided,New]19:13
ograwhen did you check out the script ?19:13
robert__an hour ago or so19:14
robert__rev17 I think19:14
ograthere was a bug where it was not properly unmounting the VM image19:14
ograyou could do an fsck ... but its worrying that you still see it19:15
ogradid you build for jaunty or karmic ?19:16
robert__I built jaunty19:16
ograhrm, i checked that, thats bad19:17
robert__the build was absolutely fresh, first boot19:17
robert__and I unmounted the image to where I unpacked rootfs correctly19:17
ograit didnt unmount the VM cleanly and then rolled a tarball that contained uncleared inodes19:17
ograyou will see stuff being mentioned in the logfile i guess19:18
ograthe best you can do is an fsck19:18
ograit will clean up the dangling inodes19:19
ograi will look deeper into that on the weekend19:19
ograi'm 100% sure its fixed in karmic, but i only tested one run under jaunty19:19
robert__the image had wrong inodes, strange19:21
ogranot if you think about it :)19:21
robert__because qemu was killed while the fs was mounted?19:22
ograthe image is built in a vm ... the vm isnt shut down properly ... then the image is mounted again and a tarball is created from the content19:22
robert__but it still hangs with " * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                             [ OK ]19:22
robert__chown: failed to get attributes of `/var/log/dmesg': No such file or directory19:22
robert__chmod: failed to get attributes of `/var/log/dmesg': No such file or directory19:22
ograyou can create that file it shouldnt stop you from booting19:23
ogra-rw-r----- 1 root adm 50862 2009-07-17 13:44 /var/log/dmesg19:23
ograshould look like that19:24
robert__well, but that should not stop the boot process, right?19:24
* ogra has to go soon19:24
Sarvatt_hmm 15 minutes? are you using amd64 or i386 on it robert__? its still around 3.5 hours for a build-essential,openssh-server karmic on a 2.4ghz turion x2 herex2 for some reason19:25
robert__Sarvatt_: maybe 20 minutes, but not more19:26
Sarvatt_debian is 20 minutes though19:26
ograamd64's qemu-syste-arm might run slower19:26
robert__it's i38619:26
Sarvatt_yeah thats what imthinking19:26
Sarvatt_wow, cant type today :)19:26
ograanyway, i really have to go now ... i'll look into that tomorrow19:27
robert__ogra: strange, /var/log/dmesg exists in the image19:27
Sarvatt_thats a pretty crazy difference, i'll try it on i38619:27
robert__all right, I'll try to get it running19:27
ograif you cant get it fixed, worst case use build-arm-rootfs for jaunty19:28
robert__I will try that, too. just 15 minutes ;)19:28
robert__ah, I tried jaunty. you mean k... (forgot the name :) )19:29
robert__can karmic only be run with cortex-a8 as cpu? I need to use is for an 92619:32
Sarvatt_you can use it for that now but its going to change soon to be armv6+,, would need to change rootstock around a bit because i think ogra moved it over to cortex in there19:35
robert__yes, just a line to change. I was just wondering if the binary format changed for karmic19:39
Sarvatt_not yet19:39
Sarvatt_still armv5t arch default for gcc in karmic19:40
robert__by the way, what do you use ubuntu/arm for? are there tablet pcs strong enough to run ubuntu on yet?19:42
Sarvatt_i wish!19:43
Sarvatt_i'm just using it for a build environment for a future system and to check for problems in pixman from git here19:44
robert__so it's basically a "proof of concept" project at the moment?19:44
Sarvatt_qemu is running so slow on my amd64 machines that i've resorted to using karmic in a chroot on my htc dream phone for all of that :D19:46
robert__I'm planning to profile some applications on real hardware (OMAP developer board)19:47
robert__hm, I have an htc himalaya laying around here, but never managed to run linux on it19:47
robert__just managed to boot a kernel19:47
Sarvatt_debian might be a better fit for both of those, jaunty and karmic arm are using arch armv5t with cortex-a8 tune for everything and i'm just guessing that would make things slower on the older hardware19:52
robert__is there a list of CFLAGS used?19:54
robert__ogra: karmic rootfs also hangs after "* Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                             [ OK ]"20:11
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robert__I tried removing the symlinkgs in /etc/rc2.d which started services after sshd, without success20:18
robert__I'll continue tomorrow. see you!20:18
Sarvatt_ogra: holy crap, build-arm-eabi-chroot is great! thanks for packaging that!20:43
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