
=== asac_ is now known as asac
seb128hey robert_ancell_00:02
seb128'night everybody00:07
=== robert_ancell__ is now known as robert_ancell
Ampelbeinhi there. I could need some help with updating gnome-nettool to 2.27.4 . I can't get the Launchpad-Integration to work, no Menu items are added to the "help"-menu. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~amoog/gnome-nettool/packaging2.27.4 is my current progress. I also tried adding a name to the "help1" menu, but had no luck either.00:27
AmpelbeinHope someone here can push me in the right direction.00:27
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
mac_vHi, is the FUSA being replaced by User-switch-applet in Karmic? or is the temporary switch due to the GDM2.26?04:38
TheMusomac_v: I believe its due to the new GDM.05:01
mac_vTheMuso> so we'd switch to FUSA by the time of RC?05:02
TheMusomac_v: Not sure05:02
mac_vok... thanx, was just wondering , whether i had messed up FUSA... :)05:03
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
pittiGood morning07:00
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
didrockspitti: that's correct. Thanks for the explanation :)08:19
pittihey didrocks08:20
robert_ancellhey seb12808:30
seb128good morning there08:30
seb128hello robert_ancell08:30
seb128robert_ancell, reading your email about gnome-games08:33
pittihey seb12808:33
pittihey robert_ancell08:33
seb128I'm really not convinced that binary package inflation is a good thing08:33
seb128it means the apt index becomes less managable over time08:33
robert_ancellIsn't that a scalability issue for apt?08:33
seb128too many entry, hard to work with list in package management tool, slower to download, etc08:33
seb128extra work08:33
seb128well it's rather than each description takes space08:34
seb128and every apt-get update download the index08:34
robert_ancellWell, in this case I'm proposing we'll only be distributing a subset of games08:34
seb128and it makes the number of items in the package management tools08:34
seb128I'm fine with that08:34
didrockshey seb128 & robert_ancell08:34
robert_ancelldidrocks, hey08:34
didrocksseb128: thanks for sponsoring, again and again :)08:34
seb128but I don't want to start splitting gnome-utils for each binary, and gnome-media and gnome-games, etc08:34
seb128didrocks, thanks for updates again and again ;-)08:35
seb128didrocks, if you look for tasks I've work for you08:35
robert_ancellwell I'm only interested in gnome-games as there is a good reason for splitting it now08:35
seb128which one?08:35
robert_ancellanyway, gtg, see you guys next week08:36
didrocksseb128: fire up ;)08:36
seb128ok, see you!08:36
seb128have a nice week end08:36
didrocksgood night robert_ancell!08:36
seb128didrocks, gobject-instrospection and clutter-0.9 to rebase on debian08:36
pittirobert_ancell: have a good weekend!08:36
seb128didrocks, kov added clutter-0.9 0.9.6 to pkg-gnome08:36
didrocksseb128: ok, I will do that between two quickly commit ;)08:36
seb128it should be mostly a sync I looked at the diff yesterday08:37
seb128though they did some different choices for the gobject-introspection08:37
seb128so you might to merge that first08:37
seb128owen rolled a mutter tarball too could be nice to try to get that in universe now08:37
seb128I will try to get gjs in universe too08:37
pittibtw, do we have anything in Ubuntu to talk to gobject-introspection-supporting libraries through Python?08:37
seb128so gnome-shell can build08:37
pittiI'd love to use libgudev from Python08:38
didrocksok, I will look at this08:38
seb128pitti, I don't think so08:38
didrocksseb128: I should ask huats how he collaborate in alioth to avoid doubling the effort08:38
pittithat was formerly called "pybank", but was renamed or changed/merged or something08:38
seb128didrocks, easy, ask for pkg-gnome membership on alioth08:38
didrocksseb128: I think I will have to put more patch in debian bts before asking for membership08:39
seb128didrocks, right, fair enough, or maintain a package directly in debian as huats do08:40
seb128pitti, commented on the gdmsetup blueprint08:41
pittiseb128: merci08:41
didrocksseb128: just a question, do you follow a ML to see what has been commited to pkg-gnome or what is in debian experimental/NEW?08:50
seb128didrocks, no, I'm on #gnome-debian in irc.gnome.org and the commit are displayed on the channel08:50
didrocksoh, ok08:51
seb128which is something which would be really cool to have there too but not sure if that's possible on launchpad08:52
didrockshaving every new uploaded package of "gnome category" or just "bzr commit" in ~ubuntu-desktop?08:57
seb128didrocks, commits08:59
seb128so you know who is doing what08:59
seb128and you have a sense of work getting done ;-)08:59
didrocksit's probably possible with launchpadAPI, I can do it, but not within those few weeks, I think :)09:00
seb128didrocks, well, polling on the server is not efficient, would be nice to have a trigger or a built in feature, but don't bother with that09:03
pittithere, gdm down to 5 small patches, and no autoreconf09:04
* pitti puts down the patch cleanup axe09:04
seb128james_w, ^ do you think if there is a way to have commit to the team vcs displayed on irc?09:04
seb128pitti, speaking about gdm, look at http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gdm/log/09:04
pittiseb128: I packaged a git snapshot09:04
seb128pitti, \o/, the ping for patch review worked09:04
pittiRay fixed the session thingy09:05
seb128yeah, I did talk to them on #gdm about that and patch review 2 days ago09:05
pittiseb128: yeah, I got some responses and patches applied \o/09:05
seb128pitti, IRC nagging is sometime useful ;-)09:05
seb128I gave them so 7-8 bugzilla URLs with patches to review there09:05
seb128and they have been nice enough to look at the list09:05
pittithe patch stack is so much nicer now09:06
pittiI really hate 81_initial_server_on_vt7.patch, it's a nasty hack09:06
seb1285 patches still seem a lot09:06
pittiand 03_hide_system_users.patch is still being discussed, that should eventually go away, too09:06
pittithe rest is reasonable09:06
pittiwe have two that could be forwarded09:07
pittiI mean, I'll forward them, perhaps they could be applied upstream09:07
pitti  * debian/patches/01_xrdb_nocpp.patch:09:08
pitti    - call xrdb with the "nocpp" option (Ubuntu: #14268).09:08
pittihm, that bug reference is definitively wrong09:08
pittibut it's clear enough what it does, I'll forward that one09:08
pittioh, heh, seems that's not even shipped any more09:09
seb128pitti, it's not wrong09:09
seb128pitti, that was just a bugzilla.ubuntu.com number09:10
seb128pitti, bug #20507 now09:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 20507 in gnome-session "should call xrdb with -nocpp" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2050709:10
pittioh, I see09:10
seb128pitti, I'm also not sure the -br change is still useful09:12
pittiseb128: no, already killed that09:13
pittisee gdm branch09:13
pittiseb128: hm, we patch data/Xsession.in for xrdb, but ship our own debian/Xsession (which doesn't use xrdb at all)09:13
seb128the default server would probably make sense upstream too as a configure option09:13
pittiso either we should use upstream's variant and forward the patch, or drop the patch and keep our own script09:13
pittiseb128: *nod*09:13
seb128the directory workaround needs autotools work too09:14
seb128I don't like to do autotools changes ;-)09:14
pittialready settled09:14
seb128pitti, I'm not sure why we have your own Xsession script to be honest but I would tend to use debian had a reason09:16
seb128not sure if the reason still stand though ...09:16
pittiwell, old gdm had a session type chooser09:16
seb128the lazy way would be to keep using that since it works09:16
pittifor failsafe, etc.09:16
pittiseb128: I'm inclined to test the upstream one09:17
seb128lowering delta is always good09:17
seb128it's still early karmic09:17
* pitti test-builds the current bzr state for now09:17
pittiseb128: I'll look into the xsession script afterwards09:18
pittibut current gdm doesn't even have a session type chooser, hasa it?09:18
* pitti can't find one09:18
seb128it does09:19
seb128you need to select an user09:19
pittiright, I did; and then?09:19
seb128at the bottom09:19
seb128you have session and keyboard selectors09:19
pittiI have language, keyboard, and a11y09:19
seb128I've language keyboard and session09:20
seb128as text entries09:20
seb128session listing GNOME and fluxbox there09:20
seb128you maybe have no other session than GNOME09:20
pittiah, but no failsafe, etc.?09:20
pittiright, that could be it09:20
seb128no, there is a bug open about that09:20
pittibut an xterm session, etc. would be nice09:20
pittiseb128: either way, since debian/Xsession presumably is from the old gdm, I'd rather use upstream's09:21
seb128pitti, bug #39951609:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399516 in gdm "Missing "Run Xclient Script" option from gdm sessions menu (dup-of: 398300)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39951609:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398300 in gdm "gdm ignores .xsession file" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39830009:21
seb128pitti, right, me too09:21
pittiseb128: thanks09:22
pittiWTH? build now fails with09:23
pitti(gconftool-2:30958): GConf-WARNING **: Failed to load source "xml:merged:/home/martin/ubuntu/desktop-bzr/build-area/gdm-2.26.1+git20090717/debian/gdm//var/lib/gdm/.gconf.mandatory": Couldn't resolve address for configuration source: Bad address `xml:merged:/home/martin/ubuntu/desktop-bzr/build-area/gdm-2.26.1+git20090717/debian/gdm//var/lib/gdm/.gconf.mandatory': `+' is an invalid character in a09:23
pitticonfiguration storage address09:23
pittiGConf:ERROR:gconftool.c:969:main: assertion failed: (err == NULL)09:23
pittioh, that's my version number, I see09:23
seb128drop the +09:23
pittiwhat does it have to do in a gconf tree anyway..09:23
seb128pitti, ls /usr/share/xsessions09:24
pittiseb128: right, just gnome.desktop09:24
seb128pitti, having extra session is just a matter of dropping .desktops there09:24
seb128we could easily add some in the debian directory to copy there for the options you listed before09:25
seb128https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/399516/comments/1 also has a user session desktop example09:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 399516 in gdm "Missing "Run Xclient Script" option from gdm sessions menu (dup-of: 398300)" [Undecided,New]09:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 398300 in gdm "gdm ignores .xsession file" [Low,New]09:25
chrisccoulsonseb128 / pitti - i just saw your comment about the session issue being fixed in GDM now09:30
chrisccoulsoni still intend to write a patch for metacity to disable the dialog though. there's still quite a f ew applications that don't play nice09:30
pittiseb128: right, sounds like a good idea; I'll add a failsafe one at least, and have a look at the two bugs you mentinoed09:31
seb128pitti, thanks09:32
pittichrisccoulson: hm, but wasn't it useful for something?09:32
pittichrisccoulson: it should probably display it if you enabled session saving?09:32
chrisccoulsonpitti - not really, other than annoying users.09:32
chrisccoulsonit only means that the window size / position won't be saved. and metacity will show the dialog regardless of whether you want to save the session or not09:33
chrisccoulsoni don't think it warrants a dialog every time you log out09:33
seb128the dialog is displayed only when an application claim to register to the session but don't do it correctly no?09:33
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the dialog will be displayed for any application that doesn't tell the window manager its client ID - that basically means any application that doesn't connect to the session manager09:34
chrisccoulsonor any application that does connect but is buggy09:34
chrisccoulsoneg, xterm, synaptic both trigger this dialog09:34
chrisccoulsonany proprietary application or non-native app will trigger it too09:34
seb128I probably never close my session with lot of cluttering on screen09:35
chrisccoulsonevery time you log out;)09:35
mvoI guess synaptic does not do it because of gksu ?09:35
seb128I'm too well behaved for that ;-)09:35
chrisccoulsonmvo - most likely, yes09:35
chrisccoulsonbut i think a dialog is complete overkill for this. it should just be a warning in the users .xsession-errors09:35
chrisccoulsonif the user actually notices window positions are not restored after they save their session, they'll report bugs against those applications09:36
chrisccoulson(i think)09:36
pittinew gdm works great \o/09:40
james_wseb128: ideally LP would have CIA integration or something09:40
seb128pitti, rock on!09:41
seb128james_w, there is no hackish way or receipe for that right now?09:41
james_wyou can do it client side with the bzr-cia plugin09:41
james_wbut it requires everyone to install and configure it09:41
james_wor you could run a watcher on one machine09:42
seb128ok thanks09:42
seb128I was curious to know if some teams or channel already had something similar we could copy09:42
seb128pitti, do you know if any karmic language pack update is scheduled?09:54
pittiArneGoetje: ^ ?09:54
pittiseb128: no, I just read dpm's announcement that they are finally open now09:54
seb128pitti, ok, I was not sure of who is in charge of those between dpm and ArneGoetje now09:55
dpmpitti: seb128 ArneGoetje told me that the first langpack had started to be generated and would be released in a couple of days (the same which is stated in the announcement). ArneGoetje is currently in charge of them09:56
seb128dpm, ok thanks09:56
loolseb128: It looks like something broke gedit recently10:15
loolprocess 13636: type array 97 not a basic type10:16
loolprocess 13636: type array 97 not a basic type10:16
loolzsh: segmentation fault  gedit10:16
seb128lool, did you reboot since you upgraded gvfs and dbus?10:16
seb128that would be it10:16
loolI'll do that then, thanks10:16
seb128not sure what is going on10:16
seb128but something doesn't work as expected after upgrade until dbus restart10:16
loolIt looks like the daemon and the lib disagree about gtype ids, but it means these are passing around gtype ids which would be nasty10:17
seb128lool, I don't really understand what is going on and if the issue is rather gvfs or dbus but a restart fix it10:19
loolseb128: Killing gvfsd wasn't enough, but once I had killed all gvfs processes it worked10:22
loolIt looks like we're missing a kill in an upgrade script10:22
seb128weird, I'm pretty sure I had the issue after a session restart the other dya10:22
loolThese were the processes I had before killing http://paste.ubuntu.com/220378/10:23
lool(I had killed gvfsd stuff already)10:23
vuntzseb128: isn't your gnome-menus bug an alacarte bug?10:48
vuntzseb128: ie, what is it doing?10:48
seb128vuntz, dunno10:49
seb128vuntz, run alacarte, sudo touch /usr/share/applications/something10:49
seb128vuntz, and your gnome-panel applications menu is empty10:49
seb128alacarte and gmenu-simple-editor still work10:49
vuntzerr, no, works here?10:50
seb128not a surprise you always deny having bugs in your code ;-)10:50
seb128no? ;-)10:50
seb128hum, I don't get the issue either now10:51
vuntzthat's not a valid bug :-)10:52
vuntz(for those kind of bugs, it's basically impossible to know what's going on unless you attach the stuff from ~/.config/menus)10:52
asacany decision on ephy+webkit yet?10:53
* asac sits in front of a failed build of the gecko stuff against 1.9.1 and wonders if he should really start looking at this10:53
seb128vuntz, hum, I don't get it again now, annoying10:54
vuntz11:52 < vuntz> (for those kind of bugs, it's basically impossible to know what's going on unless you attach the stuff from ~/.config/menus)10:54
vuntzseb128: and stop leaving when I talk to you ;-)10:54
asaclol. thats seb12810:54
seb128vuntz, I restarted my session to see if that makes a difference10:54
asache should start using screen + irssi at least ;)10:54
vuntzasac: I definitely agree :-)10:55
seb128vuntz, well I tried the steps and that emptied the menu so I though that was enough10:55
vuntzasac: re ephy+webkit, decision will be taken during the next release team meeting upstream. That being said, the ephy team has definitely switched to webkit10:55
seb128asac, I would use a proxy if we had one such service free somewhere10:55
asacwell. they have switched for two cycles now ;)10:55
vuntzasac: sure, but they never released tarballs with webkit before. Now they do :-)10:56
asacah ok. so there is indeed improvement10:56
asacwhen is the next release team meeting?10:56
asaci want to get all ported before alpha4 cycle so if i know lets say shortly after alpha3 is out that would be good enough i guess10:57
seb128the question is not really epiphany10:57
vuntzasac: before end of july10:57
seb128but rather to know if other desktop components will switch too10:57
asacthough if its like just 20% chance now that we get it i would start anyway10:57
asacbecause i have the feeling that the ephy port might be a bit of a beast10:58
asacseb128: yeah. but the other stuff is most likely easy to port (and most i already did)10:58
seb128well the question is not to be easy or not10:58
seb128is to know if we will ship the webkit versions10:58
seb128I'm not going to ship code not flagged as ready by GNOME10:59
asacthen gnome should also review the state of their gecko epiphany10:59
seb128how is that revelant?11:00
asacseb128: well. if they say that they dont go for webkit it practically means they have no browser for distros that want to do xul 1.9.111:00
seb128well, as said I don't really care about epiphany we have epiphany-webkit11:00
asacimo that should be considered when deciding whether or not to allow webkit11:00
seb128that's rather other desktop components11:01
seb128ie what we ship on the CD11:01
seb128the issue with webkit is not to accept it, is to make sure that the webkit version has no major issue, they are blocking on webkit not be accessible right now for example11:01
seb128vuntz, gnome-panel doesn't seem to pick some changes or that's gnome-menus ... did you drop the command line gmenu test tool?11:04
asacfyi, people.ubuntu.com gets now redirected to people.canonical.com for me ;)11:05
seb128asac, for me too11:06
vuntzseb128: it's not installed anymore. Still in git11:06
asacso seems people.ubuntu.com is getting closer to become open to community ... which is great!11:06
seb128vuntz, when I hide or unhide gnomecc.desktop the panel doesn't pick the change dynamically11:06
vuntzseb128: and it works in my jhbuild11:07
seb128hum ok11:07
* seb128 stop bothering about gnome-menus11:08
vuntzis there any weird patch for gnome-menus that you use? :-)11:08
seb128vuntz, fix alt-f2 not working ;-)11:08
loolvuntz: Hmm that broke recently for me as well; not sure whether it's related, but I installed a wine app a couple of weeks ago and got it in the menu immediately (new top level menu) but after installing another app last week I had to killall gnome-panel to see it11:09
seb128vuntz, no weird patch in karmic no11:10
vuntzseb128: I have no idea why it stopped working. I assume it's broken in compiz too?11:17
seb128vuntz, yes11:17
seb128I'm using compiz11:17
vuntzlool: was it for a new app in this new top level menu?11:19
loolvuntz: it was for a new app below this top level menu, actually a new submenu11:19
lool(Wine > Programmes > Game X, Game Y etc.)11:20
vuntzthat could be a bug, yes. Can you file it?11:20
pittibryce: do you know whether the kernel team plans another kernel upload by alpha 3, which could pull drm-intel-next?11:22
pittibryce: (I guess you'll update the userspace bits by next Tuesday, so that a3 ships with the lastest intel drivers?)11:23
loolvuntz: GNOME #58885911:24
ubottuGnome bug 588859 in general "Submenu doesn't appear in menus" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58885911:24
vuntzlool: thanks11:28
brycepitti, no clue, I've probably got less insight into kernel team plans than you do11:32
pittibryce: ok, just wanted to know whether you already happened to hear about that; I'm happy to talk to them about it11:33
bryceand yes, I plan to either get 2.8.0 in for A3 or if that's not released by then, at least an updated git snapshot11:33
pittibryce: the stuff needs to be in by next Tuesday for a311:33
bryceyep, I know11:33
brycepitti, 2.8.0 is scheduled for "Monday or Tuesday"11:34
pittihah, nice timing11:34
bryceyeah :-/11:37
* bryce keeps fingers crossed, and goes to bed.11:37
Ampelbeinhi there. I could need some help with updating gnome-nettool to 2.27.4 . I can't get the Launchpad-Integration to work, no Menu items are added to the "help"-menu. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~amoog/gnome-nettool/packaging2.27.4 is my current progress. I also tried adding a name to the "help1" menu, but had no luck either.11:49
SteveAI just upgraded from jaunty to karmic dev release12:06
SteveAI'm logged into my gnome desktop.  alt+tab, the shortcut for expose, and switching desktops using the keyboard, isn't working12:07
SteveAI can switch desktops using a mouse click12:07
SteveAdesktop effects are set to "normal", and animations etc. are working12:07
SteveAalt+space to activate the window menu also does nothing12:08
SteveAXF86AudioMute does work12:08
SteveAseb128: hi, any ideas?12:09
SteveActrl+alt+L works to lock the screen12:09
seb128SteveA, hey, seems compiz is bugged, try asking mvo12:09
mvoha! I knew this answer ;)12:09
SteveAhi mvo!12:09
mvohey SteveA12:10
mvoSteveA: what is the output of "gconftool -g /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins" ?12:11
SteveAsteve@blixa:~$ gconftool -g /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins12:11
pitti(just for the record, all of that works here)12:12
SteveAhmm... is there some way I can reset it to defaults?12:13
pittithere is12:14
pittigconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/12:14
pittibut before you do that, perhaps get a backup of ~/.gconf, so that we can debug it further, if mvo wants to?12:14
SteveAshould I do this, or is there some debugging you want to do?12:14
seb128gconftool --unset /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins12:14
seb128Ampelbein, looking12:16
mvoSteveA: hm, my initial idea was that gnomecompat might be missing, but that is there12:16
Ampelbeinseb128: thanks. the problem for me comes in the change from libglade to gtkbuilder and I don't really know how to debug this.12:17
SteveAso, I have made a tar file of .gconf/12:17
mvoSteveA: what does "gconftool -g /apps/compiz/plugins/staticswitcher/allscreens/options/next_key" have ?12:17
SteveAand run the command:12:17
SteveAgconftool --unset /apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins12:17
SteveAand logged out and back in12:17
SteveAalt+tab + shifting desktops with the keyboard still does not work12:18
SteveAsteve@blixa:~$ gconftool -g /apps/compiz/plugins/staticswitcher/allscreens/options/next_key12:18
seb128Ampelbein, your ui path is obviously wrong12:18
seb128Ampelbein, there is no "menubar1" in the source12:18
seb128ups, grepping in the wrong directory12:19
Ampelbeinseb128: huh?12:19
seb128what is the issue exactly?12:19
mvoSteveA: if you have a backup of .gconf you can run "gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz/"12:19
Ampelbeinseb128: the menu items do not get added to the help menu12:20
seb128Ampelbein, have you tried to make the path start with /ui/menubar...?12:20
SteveAsteve@blixa:~$ gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz/12:21
SteveAFailure during recursive unset of "/apps/compiz/": Bad key or directory name: "/apps/compiz/": Key/directory may not end with a slash '/'12:21
seb128SteveA, gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/compiz12:21
SteveAdone that.  no output.12:22
seb128that's normal12:22
seb128it did reset your config though12:22
seb128works better now?12:22
SteveAno change in the working of key combinations12:22
SteveAdo I need to log out first?12:22
seb128compiz --replace12:22
seb128Ampelbein, I've to go for lunch by try adding /ui that might be it12:22
Ampelbeinseb128: i'll try that12:23
Ampelbeinseb128: thanks for looking12:23
seb128you're welcome12:23
SteveAseb128: done.  screen went crazy for a few seconds.  I now have 2 desktops rather than 6.  alt tab still does nothing.12:23
seb128lunch bbl12:23
SteveAI'll go for lunch too... meanwhile, I'll try a new user account12:23
mvoSteveA: that is a bit mysterious, try the guest account12:24
SteveAto see if it's a user config issue or a global issue12:24
* mvo nods12:24
seb128mvo, no guest account in karmic12:24
mvowasn't that a gdm2 feature?12:24
pittiI need to look into that12:24
pittibut you can create a fresh user, test with that, and remove it again afterwards12:25
pittiright, what SteveA said12:25
SteveAusing a different account works12:25
SteveAso, it's something in the 'steve' user's configuration12:25
pittiSteveA: as a first bisecting, I'd switch off desktop effects and try again12:27
pittiif it's still there, I suspect gnome-settings-daemon; if that fixes it, probably compiz12:28
SteveAwith no desktop effects, alt+tab and desktop switcing work12:28
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
SteveAI'm trying to switch "visual effects" back to "normal"12:29
SteveAbut I have a pop-up with a message "searching for available drivers..."12:29
SteveAand a progress bar that is sweeping like a cylon and reading 0%12:29
pittiyeah, that will take some seconds12:29
pitti(known wart)12:29
SteveAit's been 2 minutes already12:30
pittioh, that's not good then .. perhaps you could mail /var/log/jockey.log to me then?12:30
SteveApitti: it's in my home on rookery, jockey.log12:31
SteveAoh, it's empty12:31
pittiSteveA: does "ps aux|grep jockey-backend" show a process?12:33
pittihm, so it got activated, but doesn't do anything12:33
pittisudo killall jockey-backend12:34
pittisudo /usr/share/jockey/jockey-backend --debug12:34
pittiand in another terminal,12:34
pittijockey-gtk --list12:34
pittithat should cause some debug stuff to appear from jockey-backend?12:34
SteveAI have a "Application problem" window12:35
SteveAtelling me jockey-gtk closed unexpectedly12:35
pittiah, so it crashed then12:35
SteveAsteve@blixa:~$ sudo /usr/share/jockey-backend --debug12:35
SteveAsudo: /usr/share/jockey-backend: command not found12:35
SteveAoh, I missed a directory12:35
SteveAok.  I'm running jockey-backend --debug in one term12:37
SteveAand jockey-gtk --list in another12:37
SteveAno output from either12:37
pittiso perhaps it crashed again then12:37
SteveAand no new gtk windows I can see12:37
pittino, it's not supposed to spawn one12:37
SteveAit doesn't respond to ^C in the term12:37
SteveAI can kill it with 'kill'12:38
pittitry ^\12:38
SteveAoh wait12:38
SteveAafter a while, I get a python trackback12:38
pittiright, expected12:38
SteveAin msg_reply_handler from dbus/connection.py12:38
pittisomething seems wrong in the d-bus communication12:38
SteveA^\ made it quit and dump core12:39
pittiSteveA: you have i386 or amd64?12:39
pitti(amd64 latest karmic here)12:40
pittiseb128: you are on i386? does jockey currently work for you? or just hang like for StevenK?12:40
pittierm, SteveA12:40
SteveA /proc/cpuinfo says Intel Core2 CPU 1.20 GH12:40
pittiuname -m12:40
pittiI doubt that it's an i386 specific problem, I guess it's something else, but worth checking12:41
pittiSteveA: you got an apport crash before? could you please file it?12:41
pittiperhaps that says something about what went wrong12:41
asacwasnt there someone claiming today that he needed a restart to get dbus working again?12:42
SteveAI just tried logging out as me, and in as a different user12:43
SteveAthe user that the alt_tab plus other keys works in12:44
SteveAdesktop effects was working.  I turned them off.12:44
SteveAI turn them on, and I get the same problem with the progress bar12:44
SteveApitti: what apport command should I run?12:44
pittiSteveA: oh, didn't you say it offered you to file the crash?12:45
pittiif you cancelled that, either open /var/crash in nautilus and click on the .crash file12:45
pittior /usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c /var/crash/foo.crash12:45
SteveApitti: nautilus crashes when I try to open it12:46
SteveAwhich may be an ubuntu one issue12:46
SteveAas u1 appears to be broken here12:46
pittisomething is seriously screwed here12:46
SteveAI'll uninstall that12:46
SteveAprobably old u1 pacakges from jaunty or something12:46
pittiSteveA: I have the karmic ubuntuone as well, though12:46
pittiSteveA: oh, the upgrade to karmic should have upgraded those as well?12:47
pitticlicking on .crash works here12:47
pittioh, I lied, I don't have u1 installed right now12:48
pittiindeed, 0.90.3+r63-0ubuntu1~ppa2~jaunty is >> the karmic version12:49
SteveAI'm restarting the laptop12:50
SteveAafter I uninstalled ubuntuone packages12:50
SteveAwill /var/crash stay around?12:50
SteveAit's taking a long time to restart12:52
SteveAI see the small ubuntu logo12:52
SteveAand the red bar under it12:52
SteveAabout 1/10 of it is filled with light12:52
pittiSteveA: oh, you didn't reboot after upgrading to karmic?12:52
SteveAI did12:52
SteveAnow I'm rebooting again12:52
SteveAexcept it is stuck12:52
pittidoes that behave differently than the first reboot?12:52
pittiusually the first couple of seconds are readahead12:52
SteveAthe first reboot was fine12:52
SteveAthis is minutes now12:53
pittiSteveA: could you ctrl+alt+f1 and see whether there's messages there?12:53
SteveA19+0 records in12:53
pittiif not, reboot with removing "quiet splash" from the kernel commands, and see where it hangs?12:53
SteveA19+0 records out12:53
pittihm, dd12:53
SteveAkinit: name_to_dev_t(.... stuff)12:53
SteveAkinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/byuuid/stuff12:54
pittiall normal so far12:54
SteveAkinit: no resume image, doing normal boot12:54
SteveAand now other stuff appeared12:54
SteveAand it has booted12:54
pittiinit scripts, etc.?12:54
SteveAit stopped after the last kinit message for a long time12:54
seb128pitti, sorry was at lunch12:54
seb128jockey-gtk displays a bouncing bar12:54
seb128and then an empty dialog12:55
seb128which I think is normal on my intel laptop config12:55
pittiseb128: ok, works then12:55
seb128you're welcome12:55
pittiSteveA: so it took a while to boot, or still stuck?12:55
SteveAit's now booted, and I logged in as 'steve'12:55
SteveAI went to the Appearance preferences app12:55
SteveAand chose "normal" visual effects12:56
SteveAthe "cylon" window bounced for about 30 secs12:56
SteveAand then I got a dialog saying "Desktop effects could not be enabled [ok]"12:56
pittiSteveA: which graphics card do you have?12:56
SteveAwhich is odd, because I know they work with a fresh user account12:56
seb128SteveA, we get a lot of nautilus crash due to u1 recently12:56
seb128SteveA, try again, for some reason it works every second try there12:57
SteveAtrying again...12:57
SteveAno cylon window this time.  just the dialog that effects could not be enabled12:58
seb128compiz --replace works?12:58
pittiSteveA: I think I actually had that once as well12:58
Ampelbeinseb128: still no launchpad-menu items in gnome-nettool. I'll finish the update without lpi and let someone experienced look at this, ok?12:58
pittiSteveA: seems like a weird bug in control-center/compiz, I worked around it by resetting the gconf key12:58
seb128Ampelbein, did you commit your changes? I can have a look now12:58
SteveAcompiz --replace runs compiz12:58
SteveAso I am now running compiz, and getting compositied graphics12:59
seb128so it's a capplet bug12:59
SteveA(and my alt_tab key doesn't do anything)12:59
SteveAI kill compiz with ^C in the term I ran it in12:59
SteveAand alt+tab works as expected12:59
Ampelbeinseb128: code is at lp:~amoog/gnome-nettool/packaging2.27.413:00
pittiseb128, SteveA, mvo: I can reproduce the capplet bug; enabling desktop effects starts compiz, then restarts metacity, and complains about not being able to start compiz13:01
SteveApitti: you still want the jockey crash report?13:01
pittibut this seems entirely separate to your keyboarrd problems13:01
pittiSteveA: sure13:01
seb128pitti, yeah, I've been running into it too13:01
seb128Ampelbein, ok, I've some other things to do now but I will have a look after that and let you updated13:02
Ampelbeinseb128: thanks13:02
mvopitti: are you debugging this now or shall I have a look (in some minutes when I'm finished with debugging a vte problem?)13:03
pittimvo: no idea about it, I'm afraid :(13:04
SteveApitti: jockey bug filed, bug 40063813:04
ubottuBug 400638 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/400638 is private13:04
pittiseems to be some compiz gconf setting, I guess this needs to be bisected13:04
pittiSteveA: thanks13:04
mvopitti: the capplet bug I mean (not the keyboard one) :)13:05
pittimvo: oh; can do13:05
pittimvo: (not right now, though, urgent requirement to get some lunch :) )13:05
mvoheh :)13:05
didrockspitti: you only speak about data/**.py, you're not concerned about ui and desktop files which can be in this directory (don't know if it can interfere)?13:06
didrocks(for bug #399324)13:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399324 in python-distutils-extra "do not calculate requirements for data/**.py" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39932413:06
Keybukwalters: tested that patch when you're around?13:06
pittididrocks: so, 2.5 uploaded with that fix13:07
pittialso to my ppa13:07
pittididrocks: hm, *.desktop is an interesting conflict, indeed13:07
pittianyway, lunch! now! really!13:07
didrockspitti: have a good lunch!13:07
didrockspitti: when you will be back, they will be desktop and .ui file (what do you do on .ui file, btw?). I reckon that you move desktop file ready to install .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/13:09
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
SteveApitti, mvo: http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.bugs.dist/browse_thread/thread/0a0215fcd93a797c/856acfb0ef8c3c5c?lnk=raot13:41
SteveAok, this is really weird13:44
SteveAif I hold down MOD4 while doing alt+tab, it works as expected13:45
SteveAthat's the windows key13:45
SteveAhi seb13:45
mvoSteveA: oh, that is indeed odd13:45
SteveAI found something really interesting about this keyboard shortcut problem13:45
SteveAso, I can do alt+f1, and I just get a control code in my terminal13:45
SteveAbut alt+mod4+f1 opens the applications menu in the panel, as expected13:46
SteveAhow weird is that13:46
SteveAit's the same problem being reported by the debian user I linked to13:46
seb128what is the issue now?13:48
seb128is alt-tab still broken for you?13:48
SteveAyes, just as described here: http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.bugs.dist/browse_thread/thread/0a0215fcd93a797c/856acfb0ef8c3c5c?lnk=raot13:49
SteveAbut, oddly, it works if I hold down the windows key (mod4) also13:49
SteveAsame for a bunch of other shortcuts that involve the alt modifier13:49
SteveAis there a reasonable way to do a diff of gconf settings?13:59
mvoSteveA: do you have anything in your keyboard layout options that might looks odd?13:59
mvolayouts/layout options14:00
pittiSteveA: "gconftool -R /" is a complete, diff'able dump14:00
SteveAmvo: my keyboard layout is a standard USA14:02
SteveAalt is mapped to right win...14:02
SteveAI reset the keyboard layout options to the defaults14:03
SteveAand now I can't use the workaround I found of holding down the windows key as well as Alt14:03
SteveAthe only setting that allows this workaround is "Alt is mapped to Right Win, Super to Menu"14:04
pittididrocks: right now, data/*.ui is shipped literally, in /usr/share/<project> (i. e. "data" is stronger than "*.ui")14:09
pittididrocks: so that part should work for you14:09
pittididrocks: I'm actually not entirely sure what happens with data/*.desktop.in14:09
seb128hey tedg14:09
tedgMorning seb12814:09
pittididrocks: however, I just noticed that the lastest update fixed the test suite's test case, but not actually the quickly tree; reiterating then14:12
pittihey tedg, how's things?14:12
tedgpitti: Going okay.  I had set a bazaar command to run most of yesterday and through the night, to have it fail this morning :(14:13
didrockspitti: oh? strange. The update you've done seems fine (I just gave a look at your bzr branch). so, as an extra bonus and if you have some time, you can try to add a dummy .desktop file in data/templates/ubuntu-project/ :)14:14
didrockspitti: out of curiousity, what do you do for .ui for file which are not in data/ directory?14:15
pittididrocks: just install into /usr/share/<project>/14:16
pittiright, I should document that in the docstring, thanks14:16
pittididrocks: well, for gtkbuilder, anyway (Qt *.ui files need special treatment and compiling)14:17
didrockspitti: oh ok, no special treatment added for ui file using gtkbuilder. distutils just makes something for Qt *.ui files14:18
pittididrocks: so gtk/foo.ui and data/foo.ui are actually identical :)14:20
didrocksunderstood :)14:21
didrocksbut yes, documentation on what is done on each type of file can be great :)14:22
seb128rickspencer3, hey14:26
rickspencer3hi seb12814:26
rickspencer3boy, is my computer in a world of hurt14:27
rickspencer3after upgrading last night, gnome-panel is totally busted :/14:27
rickspencer3I can14:27
rickspencer3't run apps or anything14:27
* rickspencer3 tries upgrading again14:27
seb128or anything?14:27
seb128ie the menu is broken?14:27
rickspencer3I can't click on anything in the panel, can't create a launcher on the desktop14:28
seb128empty? or running applications doesn't work?14:28
rickspencer3well, the icons display, but I can't click on them14:29
rickspencer3when I switch to VT1 and back to VT7, the icons don14:29
rickspencer3t repain14:29
rickspencer3*sigh* had to type on this little keyboard14:29
rickspencer3fortunately, I've been using U1, so it won14:30
rickspencer3t be hard to just reinstall if I need to14:30
SteveAseb128: ok, here's something really weird14:32
seb128weird, do you get the same issue with an another user?14:32
SteveAseb128: when I make alt-tab work to switch windows, using alt+win+tab...14:32
SteveAseb128: I actually see two slightly different window switching effects overlayed14:32
SteveAit's like there are two window-switching plugins competing to use alt-tab14:33
seb128mvo, ^ any idea?14:33
mvoyeah, the win+alt-tab is bound to one of the fancier switchers by default14:34
SteveAI have two windows open.  one of the overlaid switchers displays a selector 2 windows wide14:35
SteveAthe other 3 windows wide14:35
SteveAboth run at the same time when I do win+alt-tab14:35
mvohm, no - at least not on my system14:36
rickspencer3seb128: yes, the issue effects other users as well14:36
rickspencer3perhaps I should reinstall gnome-panel?14:36
seb128SteveA, seems you have some weird keyboard config for your user, not sure where14:36
seb128rickspencer3, I doubt it's gnome-panel if you get the issue on the background too14:37
seb128rickspencer3, and reinstalling usually don't make any difference under linux, I doubt you have a file corruption leading to that14:37
rickspencer3seb128: well, the background works, in that I can browse my external HD which shows up there14:37
seb128"can't create a launcher on the desktop"14:38
seb128what happen when you try?14:38
rickspencer3seb128: well, sometimes I find that reinstalling fixes configuration problems that I've created by installing ppas and such14:38
rickspencer3when I try to create a launcher, there is simply no system response14:38
seb128rickspencer3, packages don't touch user configuration, and I doubt you got a gnome-panel ppa version14:38
seb128rickspencer3, can you open a command line?14:38
pittirickspencer3: hey14:38
rickspencer3seb128: I can use VT1, if that's what you mea14:39
pittirickspencer3: could it be that you caught the latest consolekit without the latest gnome-session? I had symptoms like that14:39
seb128pitti, why would that lead to a broken gnome-panel? (just being curious)14:39
pittiseb128: I don't know, the broken gnome-session broke pretty much everything14:40
pittiincluding the panel14:40
seb128rickspencer3, try dist-upgrading again to make sure you are  uptodate14:40
pittiprobably the processes hung on trying to register to the session or whathnot14:40
seb128pitti, yeah, could be14:40
rickspencer3pitti: would I be able to tell from the version numbers?14:40
pittirickspencer3: 2.26.2-x was broken until 2.26.2-1ubuntu314:41
rickspencer3so for gnome session I have 2.26.1-1ubuntu214:41
pittithat's the broken one14:41
pittiubuntu3 should fix everything14:42
pittiI just wonder how you ended up with the new consolekit and the old gnome-session14:42
pittisince CK was uploaded 12 hours after gnome-session14:42
rickspencer3for console kit I have 0.3.0-2ubuntu614:42
pittiright, that's the latest one14:42
rickspencer3they only thing I'm doing that is odd is running grub 214:43
pittiso, dist-upgrade and restart, that shold do it14:43
seb128rickspencer3, you might also be using an odd mirror ;-)14:43
* rickspencer3 distipgrades14:43
rickspencer3I didn't think to dist-upgrade14:43
pittirickspencer3: oh, FYI, I'm going to manage alpha-3 next week, since both Steve and Colin are at debconf14:43
rickspencer3pitti: thanks, that means I can push all my pet projects in at the last minute, right?14:43
seb128pitti, gnome-session should probably have a versionned depends too?14:44
pittirickspencer3: if you have some "convincing" arguments :)14:44
pittiseb128: well, it breaks with a specific CK version, and it's due to a bug in a specific gnome-session version14:44
pitticombinations with older versions work as wel14:44
pittiso I considered it just a bug in 1ubuntu1 and 1ubuntu214:45
pitti(which it is, really)14:45
seb128yeah, transitional bugs during karmic course are ok14:45
rickspencer3anyway, only users of the unstable development release have any chance of seeing this issue14:45
seb128the gnome-menus merge mistake was the same14:45
rickspencer3and most of them are probably smarter than me, and will try a dist-upgrade14:45
pittiseb128: I wouldn't like to add 100 Breaks: for those transitional things, they'd clutter the dependencies a lot14:45
seb128pitti, right, if that doesn't bit jaunty upgrades no need14:46
pittirickspencer3: welcome to karmic :)14:46
pittirickspencer3: at least you can now sleep again, seeing that karmic actually changes instead of just keeping working eternally :-P14:46
rickspencer3honestly, that's what I was thinking last night14:47
pittididrocks: oh, I see the flaw14:47
didrockspitti: nice \o/ Seems I will have a working distutils-extra this week-end to play with it :)14:48
pittididrocks: this time I'll really check it with your branch, promised14:49
pittididrocks: hah, reproduced it in my test suite now14:49
pittiI only guarded against modules, not packages14:49
seb128can somebody with a license clue tell me what license is http://paste.ubuntu.com/220535/ so I can write the copyright correctly? ;-)14:50
seb128and what license text I need in the tarball14:50
didrockspitti: thanks for testing with my branch ;)14:50
pittiseb128: looks BSDish14:50
pittiseb128: ah, it's MIT14:51
pittiseb128: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php14:51
pittiseb128: but, like BSD, just copy the entire thing, it's short enough14:51
rickspencer3pitti: seb128: fyi dist-upgrade of course fixed it14:51
pittirickspencer3: *phew*14:52
seb128rickspencer3, ;-)14:52
pittiso, no Friday-midnight working to fix the boss' machine14:52
seb128pitti, and do I need to GPL, LGPL or anything for the exceptions?14:52
rickspencer3like I would do that14:52
pittiseb128: exceptions?14:52
seb128pitti, the14:52
seb128"The following files contain code from Mozilla which14:53
seb128is triple licensed under MPL1.1/LGPLv2+/GPLv2+:14:53
seb128The console module (modules/console.c)14:53
seb128Stack printer (gjs/stack.c)"14:53
seb128pitti, at the bottom14:53
seb128pitti, of the COPYING14:53
pittiseb128: IMHO, pointing to LGPL (as the most permissive of those) should be eonugh14:53
seb128pitti, which means I need a LGPL copy in the source?14:54
pittiseb128: well, any of MPL/GPL/LGPL, yes14:54
seb128ok thanks14:54
seb128though upstream let the license choice14:54
seb128so should they be shipped one of those in the tarball?14:55
seb128all of those?14:55
seb128should we ship one in the diff.gz?14:55
seb128sorry about the questions, but licensing is not really my thing ...14:55
pittino, needs to be in orig.tar.gz14:55
seb128which one?14:55
seb128upstream let the choice, they should distribute one, all?14:55
pittiif I were to source NEW this, I'd require that any is in the orig.tar.gz; don't particuarly care which one14:55
pittithey should distribute at least one IMHO14:56
seb128ok, I will contact them about that, thanks14:56
pittiyou can repack the orig.tar.gz to add one, and file a bug upstream14:56
pitti(not necessary to block on it)14:56
seb128will do that14:56
mac_vpitti> hi... you have marked this bug 395299 as a wishlist , will it be done by karmic?14:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395299 in gdm "gdm 2.26 has no graphical configuration tool" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39529914:56
mac_vor expected to be done?14:57
seb128mac_v, see the blueprint associated to the bug14:57
seb128mac_v, ie most recent comment14:57
* mac_v looks14:57
pittimac_v: yes, very likely14:57
SteveAok, I have disabled switch_windows under metacity/global_keybindings in gconf-editor, and I have just one window switcher running now14:58
SteveAit's still using the wrong keys though14:58
seb128mac_v, upstream doesn't want a gdmsetup though14:58
seb128mac_v, what option do you miss out of autologin?14:58
pitti"about me" is quite a strange place for it, but if they want that, and no gdmsetup, *shrug*, WFM14:59
seb128pitti, I don't think they specialled argued it should be there, but do you have a better suggestion?14:59
pittiwell, personally I'd prefer something in gdm itself15:00
pittilike, in the greeter15:00
seb128I would like suggestion from the design team there15:00
mac_vseb128> i miss the autologin itself , not sure if this is related, the FUSA has been replaced by User-switch-Applet , i had asked earlier and was told this switch was due to the gdm ..15:05
mac_vIMO FUSA is better15:05
pittididrocks: ok, works beautifully with your tree now15:05
mac_vseb128> also not having an auto login almost spoils the karmic's fast boot work15:07
seb128sorry got to restart my session15:07
seb128mac_v, autologin is really orthogonal to boot speed15:07
seb128mac_v, it's the speed to reach gdm and the speed from gdm to desktop15:07
mac_vyeah...thats y i said "almost"15:08
pittididrocks: so, data/foo.desktop is similar, "data/" wins over ".desktop"15:08
pittididrocks: erm, .desktop.in I mean15:08
seb128mac_v, well that's not the right argumentation way to convince people15:08
pitti(*.desktop is not magic at all)15:08
seb128mac_v, anyway, what option do you need out of autologin?15:08
mac_vseb128> since in 9.04 there is no wait , now we have to wait, that small wait negates the good work done15:08
mac_v i miss the autologin itself , not sure if this is related, the FUSA has been replaced by User-switch-Applet , i had asked earlier and was told this switch was due to the gdm ..15:08
seb128mac_v, autologin is still there, it's kept on upgrade and an option on new installs15:09
didrockspitti: perfect. What do you normally do to .destkop.in (for those which are not in data/), for the record?15:09
seb128mac_v, tedg is working on updating fusa15:09
mac_vseb128> oh....ok. didnt realize that.15:10
pittididrocks: run intltool-merge to merge translations from po/, and install into /usr/share/applications, or /usr/share/autostart if "autostart" is anywhere in the path15:10
didrockspitti: oh nice :)15:10
didrockspitti: can you put the new version it in your jaunty ppa, please?15:11
seb128mac_v, anyway the question about options stand ;-) upstream wants to integrate auto-login and background selection in GNOME15:11
pittididrocks: will do, sure15:11
* didrocks hugs pitti 15:11
SteveAseb128: fixed the weird alt behaviour15:11
pittididrocks: still adding documentatino15:11
seb128mac_v, I'm wondering if there is other option users need15:11
seb128SteveA, how?15:11
pittididrocks: if you are eager to try, get lp:~python-distutils-extra-hackers/python-distutils-extra/debian, debuild -us -uc -b, install, and go15:11
SteveAseb128: I had to disable the keyboard layout option for "alt is mapped to right win, super to menu", and return that "alt/win key behaviour" to "default"15:12
didrockspitti: I'm at my company on a windows desktop right now. But I will do it in a few hours, at home :)15:12
SteveAseb128: then I had to log out and log back in before it would fix the alt-tab (and alt-other things) behaviour15:12
seb128SteveA, ok, seems an xorg keyboard issue15:12
SteveAI could reproduce the problem by logging into a fresh user, and establishing that with compiz running, alt-tab works fine15:13
SteveAseb128: then, selecting that keyboard layout option, and finding that alt-tab no longer works, but alt+win-tab works15:13
pittididrocks: ah, it'll be on the mirrors by then15:13
SteveAseb128: then, setting it back to "default" makes alt-tab work again15:13
pittididrocks: you shuold bump the auto requirement to >= 2.615:13
didrockspitti: yes, will do.15:14
mac_vseb128> almost forgot... the graphical session selection thats something a lot of users will miss15:17
pittiseb128: hm, is it just me, or did the gpg agent broke today?15:18
seb128mac_v, it's there on the login screen15:18
seb128pitti, wfm but I didn't upgrade since lunch15:18
pittialready in the morning15:18
pittinevermind for now15:18
seb128pitti, but I'm using seahorse-plugins not gpg-agent15:18
pittiso do I15:18
pittithat's what I mean15:18
pittissh works fine15:18
mac_vi dont see it now...15:18
seb128ssh is gnome-keyring15:18
seb128mac_v, you probably don't have several session available15:18
seb128mac_v, ls /usr/share/xsessions15:19
mac_vpreviously the fail safe  was always available, that helped15:19
seb128mac_v, are you running the current gdm from today?15:20
seb128mac_v, that has been fixed in the version pitti uploaded today15:20
SteveAso, I switched to karmic today.  I don't like how my full name is advertised in bold letters top-right to anyone looking over my shoulder.15:20
SteveAis there a way to turn that off, but still get the functionality of that part of the panel?15:20
pittiSteveA: our previous fusa applet is being ported to new gdm15:21
mac_vseb128> ah... updated yesterday... will check again after today's update...15:21
pittiSteveA: so that should get fixed eventually15:21
pittididrocks: ok, 2.6 released to sid, karmic, jaunty PPA, and upstream; have fun15:25
didrocksthanks pitti \o/15:26
seb128gjs upload to universe now, let's see if it gets accepted ;-)15:29
seb128lool, do you remember why you added use-default-python-path to gnome-menus?15:38
seb128lool, there is no bug reference in the changelog and the issue is not clear to me15:38
dobeypitti, seb128: if i want to push an upgrade for a package in karmic, do i just upload to revu again?15:38
seb128dobey, no, open a bug and subscribe the sponsor team to it15:38
seb128ubuntu-universe-sponsors if that's an universe package15:39
dobeythey are main packages15:39
seb128and add the debdiff or the tarball and diff.gz if that's a new version15:39
pittidobey: are you using bzr nowadays? (that speeds up sponsoring a lot)15:39
seb128ubuntu-main-sponsors then15:39
dobeypitti: yeah15:39
SteveAseb128: should I report this weird alt-key behaviour somewhere?15:40
seb128SteveA, yes, that's a bug, I doubt anybody will look at it though, we don't have keyboard issue experts15:40
seb128the gnome capplet only set xorg issue15:41
seb128if you open a bug do it on xkeyboard-config15:41
SteveAat least others will be able to find the issue in launchpad there15:41
SteveAand thus on google15:41
pitti(or report it upstream directly)15:41
SteveAsteve@blixa:~$ ubuntu-bug xkeyboard-config15:42
SteveAsays xkeyboard-config does not exist15:42
seb128pitti, apport doesn't take source package names?15:45
pittiseb128: you mean xkb-data?15:45
seb128SteveA, xkb-data is the binary15:45
pittiseb128: no, binary packages15:45
seb128pitti, ok, I though that both were working15:45
pittiseb128: well, source packages don't get installed, so you can't get their version, check package consistency, conffiles, binary-package hooks, etc.15:46
seb128pitti, indeed, fair enough15:47
seb128I usually use the source when I know the issue is in the source and not a binary one15:47
seb128but better to get infos about depends etc anyway15:48
rickspencer3_seb128: any thoughts regarding why an audio cd is not showing up on my desktop?15:54
seb128rickspencer3_, is it listed in the computer view or gvfs-mount -li?15:54
rickspencer3_computer view makes nautilus crash!15:55
rickspencer3_Places -> Computer = nautilus crash15:55
seb128I bet it's another of those nautilus crashes due to ubuntuone-client15:56
seb128can you remove it and see if nautilus still crash?15:56
seb128it seems to turn nautilus in crash land, 80% of the crashes we get on nautilus are due to it15:56
rickspencer3_you mean apt-get remove?15:56
seb128yes, or mv the .so on the side15:56
seb128dpkg -L ubuntuone-client | grep nautilus15:56
seb128rickspencer3_, dpkg -S ubuntuone | grep nautil?15:57
rickspencer3_well ... I just apt-get removed it15:58
* rickspencer3_ logs out15:58
seb128rickspencer3_, no need, just restart nautilus15:58
* seb128 teaches nautilus --quit to rickspencer3_15:59
dobeypitti: so now that we have source package branches, what should we do with them exactly?16:00
rickspencer3_seb128: well .. I had already "restarted" nautilus by crashing it again16:00
seb128rickspencer3_, still crashing?16:00
rickspencer3_so thought to log out/log in to make sure something else wasn't still running16:00
seb128I would tend to say it's the same bug we get crash duplicates every day about16:00
rickspencer3_but my dvd drive is now called "Generic Multi Card" ;)16:01
dobeyseb128: it is16:01
seb128rickspencer3_, iz pitti bog16:01
seb128rickspencer3_, devkit-disks --show-info <device>16:01
seb128it's probably listed somewhere there16:02
dobeyseb128: i made a tarball release yesterday. we could get it uploaded to karmic today if possible, or we can wait for the 0.91.0 release I'll do on Tuesday if you prefer16:02
pittiseb128, rickspencer3_: ubuntuone-client-gnome has the nautilus extension16:03
seb128dobey, I don't know how stable the versions are, what are the changes, etc16:03
pittidobey: for now they are pretty much "read only", I don't think it's clear what to do with them commit-wise yet (james_w would know better)16:03
seb128dobey, so basically it's your call16:04
james_wyou can push to ~dobey/ubuntu/karmic/ubuntuone-*/branch-name at your will16:04
dobeyseb128: well, 0.90.4 is pretty stable. and it would solve the nautilus crash, and stop all the dups from rolling in :)16:04
james_wwe're working on code so that the sponsor can merge that to the official branches16:04
Laneyseb128: what do you want to do about tomboy now?16:05
dobeyjames_w: we have them under ~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/karmic/ubuntuone-*/karmic and i've been managing the packaging in them16:05
james_wthat's perfect16:05
james_wyou can "propose merge" from those branches to the official branches if you like16:06
dobeyseb128: but if it will take until tuesday to get uploaded, we might as well just wait for 0.91.016:06
james_wbut until this job is finished it will claim that it is merging too much16:07
seb128Laney, let pitti and jcastro argue and go back to what lool was working on, ie backport the change16:07
james_wso I'd wait for a little while until we've closed the loop16:07
pittiLaney: why not just backport the fix? seems easy enough?16:07
dobeyjames_w: hrmm. well, these aren't branches off the "official" branches... so i'm not sure how that would work16:07
Laneypitti: That's what we did but apparently jcastro had some agreement with upstream16:08
LaneyI don't know the details16:08
loolseb128:     - New patch, 21_default-python-in-shebang, fixes shebang of16:08
lool      gmenu-simple-editor to use the default Python version.16:08
seb128lool, not this one16:08
loolseb128: I guess it was using python2.x explicitely instead of "python"16:08
james_wdobey: we might be able to make them official, depending on whether they are suitable in terms of layout and history16:08
pittiLaney: well, so I heard, but it still doesn't fit SRU criteria16:08
seb128jcastro, ^16:08
Laneyjust did what I was asked16:08
mac_vseb128> yup.. sessions are fixed ... thanx pitti16:08
seb128jcastro, no tomboy stable update for you16:08
james_wdobey: I'll try and remember to discuss that with you once we are ready to go16:08
pochulool: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/pkg-gnome?view=rev&revision=675316:09
dobeyjames_w: any idea when that will be?16:09
james_wdobey: we're waiting on LP16:09
loolThat goes a long way back16:10
loolI guess I heard about it via email or in another bug report16:10
dobeyjames_w: waiting for a feature, or waiting for it to finish processing something?16:10
seb128lool, right, it's one of those patches we carry for ages and I would like to get cleaned or upstreamed16:10
james_wdobey: a feature16:10
dobeyah ok16:10
seb128lool, I just don't understand what issue it solve to upstream it16:10
jcastroseb128: that sucks, but we'll live.16:12
seb128we have an issue that we have no solution to deal with stable upstream updates right now16:12
seb128not sure how to deal with that though16:12
jcastroseb128: sprint discussion maybe?16:13
seb128yes, we can try discussing it again16:13
seb128but I doubt we will agree on anything16:13
loolseb128: I found messages exchanged with piman back then, but not about this patch; still digging16:13
seb128lool, thanks!16:13
Laneyseb128, jcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions ?16:13
loolseb128: Couldn't find anything, even on his blog; might have been a request on IRC or an allusion on a mailing list hmpf16:15
Laneypitti: for this particular case, lool already put a debdiff on the bug16:15
Laneydon't know if you saw16:15
pittiah, I didn't16:16
pittisponsors is sub'ed, so we'll get to it then16:16
* Laney fixes status16:17
loolseb128: So I couldn't find the original discussion; I didn't have IRC logs back then, so it might be the reason16:20
loolseb128: I suspect it had to do with either running it with a custom python16:20
loolOr with a python build issue16:20
loolSince this is about the time the pycentral stuff was added, I'd opt for the later16:20
loolI wonder whether pycentral used a special path at some point16:21
seb128lool, ok, thanks for trying to figure the reason16:21
loolseb128: So since the package moved to support, let's kill the patch and see if anything breaks16:21
loolIMO it's not needed anymore16:21
seb128lool, do we think we should try to comment it and see what happens?16:21
seb128ok good16:21
loolThat said I also think that upstreams shouldn't add such snippets16:22
loolPeople should just set PYTHONPATH16:22
seb128pitti, audio CD are not detected in karmic, do you know if that's a devkit bug?16:35
pittiseb128: ah, can reproduce16:37
pittiseb128: nautilus crashed again, argh16:37
seb128pitti, using ubuntuone?16:37
seb128uninstall it16:38
seb128and nautilus will be stable16:38
pittican we get this fixed for alpha-3?16:38
* pitti looks at dobey16:38
seb128$ devkit-disks --show-info /dev/sr0 | grep audio16:38
seb128not sure what should be listed16:38
seb128but I assume it's a devkit issue16:38
seb128gvfs doesn't list any drive or media16:38
pittiI'm not either; not sure whether it's gvfs or DK, but I can take a look16:39
pitti(sorry, release meeting right now)16:39
seb128tools/devkit-disks.c:                g_print ("    num audio tracks:      %d\n", props->optical_disc_num_audio_tracks);16:39
pitticould someone please file a bug and assign to me, as a reminder?16:39
seb128it seems devicekit disks should display track infos, etc16:40
* seb128 opens bug16:40
pittiprobably something in udev or dk, will look16:40
pittiseb128: merci16:40
dobeypitti: the crash is fixed. all i need to know is what the best way for me to get the updates pushed to karmic is.16:44
pittiah, I see16:44
pittidobey: so just attach the patch to a bug (or open one) and sub ubuntu-main-sponsors16:44
dobeypitti: well i made a new release, and will be making another release on Tuesday for getting into karmic alpha316:45
seb128pitti, bug #40074216:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400742 in devicekit-disks "GNOME doesn't see audio CDs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40074216:45
dobeypitti: should i just file a bug to update, sub sponsors, and link the branch?16:45
seb128rickspencer3_, ^16:45
pittidobey: sounds fine16:46
dobeypitti: ok, cool. will do that as soon as i return from lunch :)16:46
rickspencer3_seb128: do yu want me to use apport on that?16:46
seb128rickspencer3_, no, everybody get the issue apparently so that should be fine16:47
seb128I don't have the ubuntu-bug reflex yet ;-)16:47
rickspencer3_thanks seb12816:47
rickspencer3_or should I say "merci"16:47
seb128de rien!16:49
pittibut you should do it anyway, just to train the habit :)16:52
seb128pitti, how do I get udev details about a drive?16:53
seb128I've the feeling it's an udev issue after looking a devicekit-disks16:53
pittiseb128: udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sr016:53
seb128        /* device_is_optical_disc and optical_disc_* */16:54
seb128        if (g_udev_device_has_property (device->priv->d, "ID_CDROM_MEDIA_STATE")) {16:54
seb128                devkit_disks_device_set_device_is_optical_disc (device, TRUE);16:54
seb128$ udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sr0 | grep STATE16:54
seb128that's the issue16:54
pittiso, I'm upstream committer for udev, but not dk-disks (yet), that makes it easier to fix :-P16:55
seb128I still don't know if udev is wrong of devkit16:55
pittianyway, will check with kay on which side the bug is16:55
seb128ie what ID_CDROM_MEDIA_STATE is16:55
pittithanks for the investigations16:55
seb128pitti, you're welcome16:56
rickspencer3_pitti: I put a list of our bugs targeted for previous releases here:17:43
pittirickspencer3_: nice, thanks! I'll go down that list at some point and weed out some obsolete ones17:46
rickspencer3_pitti: ideally, we should identifiy the ones that we will actually fix, and get them fixed asap17:46
rickspencer3_in other words, we should drive this list to zero so we can remove the "noise"17:47
rickspencer3_perhaps discuss at the team meeting next week?17:47
pittirickspencer3_: sure, but as I said, before we should do some "wontfix" cleanup17:49
rickspencer3_that's what I mean by "drive to zero"17:50
rickspencer3_either fix them, or nuke them17:50
pittior handle this by mail (no need to block everyone else on discussions on individual bugs, IMHO)17:50
rickspencer3_agree on the individual bug discussion17:50
pittiso perhaps everyone could take a look at "their" bugs first17:50
rickspencer3_I meant discuss having people look them first17:51
rickspencer3_but, as you wish, whatever is deemed most efficient17:51
rickspencer3_seb128: btw, brasero is not recognizing my blank cdr17:52
rickspencer3_though it is on the desktop17:52
* rickspencer3_ assumes a similar issue to the audio cd one17:52
pittilet me upload that fix now, I'm done with spec review18:02
seb128rickspencer3_, not the same issue I would say since gvfs and nautilus see blank disks18:05
seb128let's wait for pitti's update to see if that makes a difference though18:05
pittiworks like a treat with audio CDs, uploaded18:12
pittiyep, brasero is busted here, too18:13
pittirickspencer3_, seb128: ^18:14
seb128rather a software bug that a gvfs, devkit one18:14
seb128that will be for next week, now is time to go for dinner and weekend18:14
seb128have fun everybody!18:15
pittihave a good weekend everyone!18:15
didrockshave a good weekend pitti!18:16
didrockstoo late for seb :)18:16
crevetteseb128, is it a know problem that gvfs crash (or perhaps the consumer of gvfs) crashes when mounting ftp connection?18:16
didrockscrevette: raté ;)18:16
crevetteI don't see such problem in malone18:19
crevettelet's open a bug18:19
rickspencer3_thank pitti18:19
rickspencer3_I'll update tomorrow, and then start speaking French ;)18:19
didrocksrickspencer3_: you're surrounded by French people ;)18:19
rickspencer3_didrocks: yes, so I decided to learn some French18:20
didrockshehe :-)18:20
rickspencer3_and I bought some French lesson CDs last night, and they didn't work :(18:20
didrocksrickspencer3_: really?18:20
rickspencer3_well, not "they didn't work" as in "I don't speak French yet"18:21
rickspencer3_"didn't work" as a bug in Karmic kept them from being loaded18:21
didrocksthat's seb128's fault, for sure :-)18:21
didrocksHe knew that you wanted to learn French and prevent it so that you can't understand when French people speak together :p18:22
rickspencer3_my goal is to be able to greet people and order food, maybe get directions18:23
rickspencer3_so you are safe18:23
didrocksorder food is always the must difficult thing in a language, to my mind (and the most dangerous too!) :)18:24
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3-afk
cjputting karmic on a xen vm.  can someone point me at the package signing key?19:11
* cj is going to try out jdub's wp/drizzle stuff19:11
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
hyperairhas anyone noticed that applets in the panel can't be dragged around using the middle button anymore?22:17
hyperairor is this a bug that's affecting just me?22:17
brycehyperair, does it work with ctrl or alt?22:17
hyperairbryce: no it doesn't.22:18
hyperairwell that said, *one* applet can be moved around using the middle button22:18
hyperairthe menu bar22:18
hyperairbut that's all22:18
bryceare they locked?22:18
hyperairi can't even drag the panel around the screen or from screen to screen anymore22:19
hyperairthey're not.22:19
hyperairi checked already22:19
hyperairthey're movable via right-click->move22:19
bryceweird, no idea22:19
hyperairit works for you then?22:19
hyperairhow strange -=22:19
brycehyperair, my desktop is not up to date on karmic at the moment so I'm not a good one to test22:21
hyperairalso some of my notification area icons have suddenly gotten black backgrounds22:21
hyperairspecifically liferea and banshee22:23
* hyperair scratches his head22:23
brycehyperair, look in your dpkg log and see what you've updated recently, try downgrading and find what package caused the regression22:24
hyperairit happened sometime back22:24
hyperairi didn't bother about it =\22:24
bryceah too bad.  could search launchpad to see if there's already a bug about it22:25
bryceare you using metacity or compiz or ...?  What you're describing sort of sounds like a window manager problem, so maybe trying a different window manager would prove/disprove that22:26
hyperairlet's try metacity then =\22:26
hyperairno change.22:26
chrisccoulsonhyperair - someone else mentioned your issue on here a couple of days ago22:26
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo had the same issue i think22:27
hyperairhmm is that so?22:27
hyperairi'll go poke him later then22:27
chrisccoulsonhe doesn't seem to be on any of the channels this evening though22:27
hyperairhe's online though22:28
hyperairconnected to freenode i mean22:28
chrisccoulsonah, ok22:28
chrisccoulsonAmpelbein - did you get your gnome-nettool query sorted in the end?22:29
hyperairaha seems fixed now22:32
hyperairat least the middle-click-moving part22:32
hyperairicon still has a black background though22:33
hyperairand i still can't drag the panel around.22:33
hyperairno wait, i can.22:34
hyperairrequires alt22:34
bcurtiswxpitti:are you available for a /msg?22:38
chrisccoulsonglad you got it sorted hyperair22:46
chrisccoulsonrequiring alt to drag the panel hasn't changed recently though22:46
cjanyone know how to add alt-tab back into wm shortcuts?  it seems to have been removed.  yay. wm=compiz.23:29
=== evanrmurphy_ is now known as evanrmurphy

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