
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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donspauldingthe #ubuntu folks told me to come here, even though the most recent version I've found this problem on is Jaunty (haven't tried Karmic yet).  Late in Jaunty's dev cycle I ran into a problem where my T61 would work fine for hours, then it would start behaving weirdly and I'd realize the / fs was mounted read-only.  A subsequent reboot would result in being dumped to a shell after the automatic fsck failed with some UN01:18
donspauldingI bought a new hard drive, thinking that was the problem, reinstalled Jaunty (before it had been an apt-get upgrade && dist-upgrade) and ran into the same problem.01:20
donspauldingI installed suse 11.1, and haven't had a problem for 2 months.  Reinstalled the released version of jaunty yesterday, bam, same problem.  It doesn't seem to matter if I use kernel 28-11 or 28-13, both cause problems.  This guy (when not complaining) looks to have experienced the exact same thing as me http://abing.gotdns.com/posts/2009/ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope/01:22
donspauldinganyway, I suppose people in this channel have moved beyond Jaunty, but in case it rang any bells with anyone, I wanted to bring it up.01:23
* TheMuso sighs at drive by comments.01:53
directhexTheMuso, he pays for support, damnit, it should be instant!02:38
* TheMuso sighs at drive by comments.eh02:39
macowonder if he used lvm02:40
macoi watched dtchen's ext3 choke and get mounted read-only then fsck ate the data02:41
macobut he said he'd only seen it with lvm, and the error log sounded like something lvm-able02:41
TheMusoI was wondering whether he was using ext4.02:42
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loolcjwatson: Works; thanks05:52
dholbachgood morning06:27
jussi01dholbach: morning Daniel :)06:36
dholbachhey jussi0106:37
ograARGH !!!!06:52
dholbachogra: GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)06:52
ograso todays update completely reordered all files on my desktop06:52
* ogra curses06:52
ogradholbach, hey, morning :)06:53
dholbachhappened to me too06:53
dholbachdon't bother reordering them :)06:53
ograwell, thats how i keep track of priorities of stuff i work on :)06:53
ogralittle desktop icon clusters :)06:53
dholbachthat explains a lot06:54
dholbachjust kidding ;-)06:54
dholbachtry gtg - it's REALLY good stuff06:54
ogralooks like something tomboyish06:57
dholbachI like it because you can categorise and tag stuff, assign due dates, etc.06:57
dholbachit's good stuff06:57
ogralooks like tomboy merged with a tasklist06:57
* ogra os only looking at screenshots06:58
ograStevenK, i bet you are bored ... and urgently want to push NCommander's uboot-imx through NEW :)07:00
* ogra knows StevenK always waited for doing that ...07:00
pittiGood morning07:00
ogramorning pitti07:01
pittihey ogra07:01
sbeattieTheMuso: can I assign you to bugs 395208 and 399084? Or should they go to the kernel team or someone else?07:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395208 in alsa-driver "[9.10 regression] HDA power_save=10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39520807:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399084 in alsa-driver "[9.10 regression] HDA power_save=10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39908407:02
dholbachhey sbeattie!07:02
TheMusosbeattie: Unfortunately I was not the one who decided to try that out, and have been thinking of disabling the powersvae stuff, since I don't know how to fix the hda kernel code to make things work properly.07:03
dholbachsbeattie: what do you think about a regression test suite session at UDW? :)07:03
TheMusoSo unless dtchen has plans to work on this, I think it will be disabled.07:03
dholbachsbeattie: maybe the security folks could do it together with you :)07:05
sbeattiedholbach: where's the schedule?07:05
dholbachonly one slot left07:05
dholbachif you can't make it at the time, we could try to do some shuffling around07:05
dholbachit'd be great if more people contributed to it07:05
dholbachI guess 20:00 UTC is 11:00 your time07:06
sbeattiedholbach: I agree, it'd be good to get more contributers, was just thinking about presenting it to bugsquad07:07
dholbachnice, that sounds good07:08
dholbachgood thing with UDW is: you'd still have a bit of time to prepare07:08
dholbach(although I'd imagine that you get so many questions, that demoing 3-4 examples and talk about it a bit more general would be enough)07:08
sbeattiedholbach: that time is good, but that friday I'm taking as a vacation day...07:08
dholbachargh :-(07:09
sbeattie(long weekend in the US)07:09
dholbachI could ask agateau, Riddell, bdmurray, jcastro and pedro_ if they'd be willing to swap07:10
dholbachalthough pedro, bdmurray and jcastro already swapped once to accomodate others07:10
dholbachI'm really keen to get the schedule sorted out today, as I'll be on vacatoin afterwards07:10
dholbachI'll drop everybody an email07:10
dholbachthanks a lot though sbeattie!07:11
dholbachsbeattie: I'll pencil you in for now and we'll try to get the swapping done07:11
dholbachsbeattie: which session title would you like to have?07:11
sbeattiedholbach: good question.07:12
dholbach"Effectively testing for regressions" or something?07:13
sbeattieSure, that sounds good as a working title.07:14
dholbachif you want to get in touch with the security folks if they want to hold the session with you, that's cool07:14
dholbachI'll send out the time swapping email in a sec07:14
dholbachthanks so much for this, sbeattie!07:14
sbeattiedholbach: thanks for herding us cats and organizing everything!07:14
dholbachyou wouldn't imagine how much chasing up people it is :)07:15
StevenKpitti: Right, all of the UNR MIRs are either Invalid or Fix Commited, shall I push the Big Red Shiny Button and start moving stuff to main?07:24
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pittiStevenK: I saw that you backed out fbreader, so go ahead08:17
StevenKpitti: Should I leave -doc packages in universe, or promote the lot?08:18
pittiis it just me, or did the latest round of upgrades now cause two mixer applets to appear?08:18
pittiStevenK: please promote them completely08:18
StevenKpitti: I'm also going to leave cheese-hildon in universe.08:18
pittiStevenK: component-mismatches will show what should go back08:18
pittibut -doc and -dbg have some implicit auto-seeding08:18
RAOFpitti: Don't think it's only you; #ubuntu+1 thinks so too :)08:19
StevenKpitti: So cheese-hildon should go to main just to go back, or shall I just ignore it?08:19
highvoltagecjwatson: good morning, are you around perhaps?08:19
pittiStevenK: right, you can ignore that; I meant -doc etc.08:19
kirklandmvo: morning08:44
mvohey kirkland - thanks for your uploads08:44
kirklandmvo: sure :-)08:44
kirklandmvo: question for you, though ...08:44
kirklandmvo: so the update-motd package isn't needed any more08:45
kirklandmvo: there's a blast of failed upgrades, and i don't quite understand why08:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 400462 in update-motd "package update-motd (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: no package named `update-motd' is installed, cannot configure " [Undecided,Confirmed]08:45
mvoare those in launchpad?08:45
kirklandmvo: ^08:46
kirklandmvo: ideas?08:46
kirklandmvo: its strange ...08:46
kirklandmvo: update-motd gets uninstalled, but then it looks like it wants to configure it08:46
mvothey look all prety recenent08:46
kirklandmvo: oh yeah, they're all as of today08:46
liwkirkland, does update-motd have a postrm?08:47
kirklandliw: i think it might have a prerm08:47
kirklandliw: yeah, a prerm08:47
kirklandliw: and a preinst08:47
mvokirkland: let me read the terminal logs08:48
* mvo wonders if its something to do with the latest dpkg changes08:50
mvokirkland: you can not reproduce the problem yourself or can?08:55
kirklandmvo: i did reproduce the problem08:55
kirklandmvo: but it only happened once08:55
kirklandmvo: when i dist-upgraded08:55
mvokirkland: great, I will try to reproduce it in a VM then here, it might be a problem in libapt (also this part has not changed in a while) or dpkg changed in some way08:56
kirklandmvo: cool, thanks.08:56
mvokirkland: was that on your server or your desktop machine? I noticed that most of the bugreports have a bluez failure, but that may just be coincidence08:56
kirklandmvo: desktop, and yes, i have bluetooth on that system08:57
StevenKpitti: Right, everything promoted, and everything set to Fix Released.08:57
pittiStevenK: yay, thanks08:57
StevenKpitti: Thank you :-D08:57
mvokirkland: thanks. there have been cases in the past were failures there caused this incorrect error message, but I will first try to reprocue08:58
mvokirkland: I can reproduce it (yeah!) - now the fun^Wdebugging can start :)09:02
kirklandmvo:  ;-)09:02
kirklandmvo: awesome, thanks.09:02
* mvo fills up his tea cup09:02
liwI see it too09:02
kirklandmvo: you can have that bug, update it, whatever ;-)09:02
mvokirkland: heh :) isn't it pretty late in your TZ now btw ?09:04
kirklandmvo: yessir, very, very late09:04
kirklandmvo: it's almost early, even :-)09:04
mvoheh :)09:05
cjwatsonhighvoltage: hi09:10
mvokirkland: I updated the bugreport, its debatable I guess if this is a bug in dpkg or apt, but apt can not know if a package is complettely empty on install09:20
kirklandmvo: hmm, okay09:20
kirklandmvo: so it's not a bug in update-motd then?09:20
mvokirkland: a workaround is to ship with a e.g. README.Debian, that should be ok, the upgrader will suggest to remove update-motd anyway09:21
mvokirkland: well, update-motd triggered it and it can work around it09:21
kirklandmvo: okay, sure, that's easy09:21
liwthat's a fun little bug: gnome has no panels, so no way to shut down or open a terminal; using the power button gives a dialog that doesn't let me shutdown09:23
mvoliw: and alt-f2 does not work of course?09:24
ograwelcome to the world of gnome-shell :P09:24
liwmvo, it might, if I could use it, but kvm isn't letting me09:25
liwbut I could ssh in and shutdown from the command line09:25
liwogra, har har09:25
liw(some days I think I should just stop using desktop systems at all, but text-mode browsing sucks)09:25
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ogrause the framebuffer for the browser then :)09:25
kirklandmvo: okay, just uploaded an update that does dh_installdocs, which puts a changelog, thanks, copyright file09:28
kirklandmvo: so the package is no longer empty09:28
kirklandmvo: that should work around it on my end, right?09:29
mvokirkland: yeah, that should fix the problem09:33
mvokirkland: I will look into dpkg for a alternative next09:33
* cjwatson takes a deep breath and attempts to update ia32-libs10:35
pitticjwatson: with the debian reimplementation or the regular way?10:35
pittieither way, good luck!10:36
cjwatsonthe usual way10:36
cjwatsondon't actually have an amd64 box to hand here :)10:36
mvokirkland: I send a bugreport (plus possible patch) to debian, lets see what the dpkg team thinks)10:36
cjwatsonI'm just doing it on ronne10:36
cjwatsonlooks like I have to update a few packages to stop depending on NBS things first10:41
* pitti throws a new gdm at the buildds, now more sane \o/10:42
davmor2cjwatson: if you want I open up ssh on one of my 64bit test boxes :)10:45
sebnerpitti: \o/, I thought only the insane can do great things! xD10:46
davmor2sebner: Yay there's hope for me yet then :D10:46
cjwatsondavmor2: I'll stick it up in a PPA once I have something vaguely working, but I think testing it will require an actual graphical session10:50
pittitkamppeter: are the hplip udev rules upstream anywhere? (just replying to Tim Waugh's "device permissions" thread)10:50
sebnerpitti: gdm + git. Wow, that's really insane to make it sane :D10:53
pittisebner: easeier than keeping to pile up more and more patches10:54
cody-somervillepitti, launchpad can import git branches ya know10:55
sebnerpitti: now mor tty1 for gdm upgrade right?10:56
pittisebner: right, but that was already fixed in a previous version11:05
pitticody-somerville: I know, but cloning it directly was much faster than requesting an import and waiting for it to finish11:05
* cody-somerville nods.11:06
cody-somervillepitti, Are you going to have a chance to review my merge proposal?11:06
sebnerpitti our gdm hero \o/11:06
pitticody-somerville: I discussed that with seb128 yesterday, and he asked me to hold back; it seems that gdm really needs more than just g-s-bin11:07
seb128it needs a settings daemon and a wm to work correctly11:07
cody-somervillewm, yes11:07
cody-somervillesettings daemon maybe not so much11:08
cody-somervillewe can patch the desktop file to launch x-window-manager instead of metacity11:08
seb128not sure that's this simple, needs testing11:09
seb128gnome-session expect the software it runs to register to the session11:09
cody-somervilleI agree11:09
cody-somervilleI've tested it and xfwm4 does indeed timeout11:10
cody-somervillehowever, I want to try and bring down the Xubuntu cd size back to normal so people can continue to test11:10
cody-somervillewith the way things are now, half of gnome gets pulled into Xubuntu11:10
seb128use xdm?11:11
cody-somervilleThats not a very sustainable solution.11:11
seb128it should do the start a session job just fine no?11:11
mr_pouitbut it's ugly?11:11
cody-somervilleand I heard from bryce that it doesn't setup the proper security context11:12
seb128I've no good reply, GNOME upstream don't design their software to make sure they work without GNOME11:12
seb128so the new gdm is harder to make work in a non GNOME context11:12
simon-ocody-somerville: what about slim? that's fast and looks nice11:12
seb128and I'm not sure they will take patches for that11:12
seb128so maybe it's time to look at an another login manager for xubuntu11:12
cody-somervilleseb128, It may come to that but for now we're going to attempt to integrate the new gdm for Xubuntu11:13
seb128ok, good11:13
seb128you will have to solve the need for a settings daemon and the registration issue then11:13
mr_pouitsimon-o: "SLiM is looking for a new maintainer!" on its homepage11:14
simon-omr_pouit: Just saw that too, that's sad. They did a great job11:14
cody-somervilleseb128, For now, can we patch gdm to depend on gnome-session-bin and to launch x-window-manager instead of metacity?11:15
seb128that will create those timeout registration error for some users if they don't have x-window-manager set to a working alternative11:16
seb128and we still need gnome-settings-daemon to be pulled in11:16
seb128without it there is no accessibility, no theming, etc11:16
cody-somervilleseb128, Sure but gdm isn't the only thing in Ubuntu that depends on g-s-d11:16
cody-somervilleseb128, and g-s-d is *not* a hard dependency11:16
seb128well it's a recommends if you want11:17
seb128ie it will be pulled in with gdm11:17
cody-somervilleseb128, Can we make it a suggest for now so that the daily builds can be useful?11:19
seb128can't you try to come with a working solution?11:20
seb128if we workaround it nobody will care and that will stay this way11:20
cody-somervilleseb128, I was thinking I would investigate patching gdm to run x-session-manager instead of gnome-session directly11:23
cjwatsonmaybe the settings daemon should be an alternative too ...11:24
cjwatsonnot sure how to make that a generic concept11:24
* cody-somerville nods.11:24
hilebtw what has changed that the settings daemon requires so much of gnome to run? or has it always required, but gdm did not require it?11:26
cody-somervillehile, gdm got rewritten pretty much11:26
seb128hile, gdm used to be a gtk software now it's basically a gnome session11:29
seb128they use gnome-session + a custom autostart set11:29
hilemakes sense, from gnome pov11:30
pittiseb128: well, we'll still have g-s-d in the gnome CDs anyway, so lowering the dependency in gdm itself shouldn't hurt us at all?11:32
pittiseb128: and gdm without accessiblity is still better for xubuntu than xdm (which doesn't have all those fancy things either)11:32
seb128pitti, it's technically wrong though, it means somebody with a minimal install doing apt-get install gdm will get a non working gdm11:32
seb128pitti, I'm happy to use alternative depends11:34
pitticody-somerville: would there be an appropriate g-s-d alternative for xubuntu, so that it could Depends: g-s-d | xfce-something ?11:34
seb128ie gnome-session | xfce-session11:34
pittiseb128: right, just thinking that11:34
seb128I'm not sure it will work without gdm changes but that's rather a xubuntu change11:36
seb128let's add the alternative depends now and let them sort how they make that work for them then11:36
pittiI guess xfconf will work fine if you also change metacity to xfwm?11:36
seb128they still need a session manager though11:36
seb128or something running the autostarts11:37
cody-somervillefor now, lets depend on gnome-session-bin11:37
seb128gnome-session | xfce-something rather11:37
cody-somervilleno, thats still wrong11:37
seb128I'm not going to depends on gnome-session-bin that's not enough requirement to get gdm working correctly11:38
pittignome-session-bin, gnome-session | xfce-session, metacity | xfwm, gnome-settings-daemon | xfconf11:38
seb128we need gnome-settings-daemon too for example11:38
seb128and gpm11:38
seb128and some accessibility tools11:38
cody-somervillethose aren't dependencies11:38
seb128they are11:38
cody-somervilleno they are not11:38
pittiperhaps at this point it would make more sense to build another gdm-xfce with all the dependencies swapped?11:38
seb128when you apt-install gdm on a minimal install you should get the full user experience11:38
seb128Recommends if you want but gdm should pull those11:39
cody-somervilleseb128, and that'll happen but things like gpm would be a recommend and not a depend11:39
seb128which doesn't fix your CD build issue11:39
pittiseb128: my depends line from above would provide that11:39
cody-somervilleseb128, we already include gpm11:39
seb128pitti, if you do that make sure it pulls also accessibility tools required, gpm, etc11:39
pittisure, it wasn't the complete line, just illustrating11:40
seb128would be easier to have "gnome-session | xsomething"11:40
cody-somervillewe might decide to use gnome-session-bin11:40
pitti^ that still needs an additional gnome-session-bin11:40
pitti(which is a no-op for ubuntu)11:40
seb128I'm not arguing that ;-)11:40
seb128just don't drop the gnome-session depends if you don't add all the required components11:40
seb128ie make sure that you do a minimal install, apt-get install gdm and get it working correctly11:41
seb128not complaining about some tools missing or themes not working or something11:41
ogradid we drop the old gdm completely ?11:41
pittiok, sounds like a plan11:42
pitticody-somerville: does that work for you, too?11:42
cody-somervillegdm should not directly depend on gnome-session but instead gnome-session-bin but *should* as seb128 ensure that the right stuff gets pulled in like some of the stuff that automagically got pulled in when depending on gnome-session11:43
cody-somerville*as seb128 said11:44
pitticody-somerville: i. e. the dependency scheme from above (gnome-session-bin, gnome-session | xfce-session, metacity | xfwm, gnome-settings-daemon | xfconf)11:44
pitticody-somerville: *nod*11:44
pitticody-somerville: then you just need to make sure that those alternative dependencies occur before gdm in the xubuntu seeds11:44
cjwatsonI don't think you even need that - germinate should add all directly specified packages before trying to resolve any of their dependencies11:45
pittiah, nice11:46
cody-somervillepitti, so I would see the deps being like this for now: gnome-session-bin, x-window-manager, gnome-settings-daemon | xfconf11:46
pitticody-somerville: x-window-manager isn't a real package11:46
cody-somervillepitti, right-o11:46
pittimetacity | x-window-manager would work11:46
* cody-somerville nods.11:46
pittii. e. you need to specify a preferred real package11:47
pittikirkland: why did you reopen bug 400462 ?11:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400462 in update-motd "package update-motd (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: no package named `update-motd' is installed, cannot configure " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40046211:58
cjwatsongah, ia32-libs/fetch-and-build only works when all the binary packages it wants are in sync with its sources :-(12:01
* cjwatson waits another hour ...12:02
pitticjwatson: IIRC there was a magic env var to override the check12:02
pittiI think I added that ages ago when I was annoyed by exactly that12:02
cjwatsonpitti: I don't see one, but it doesn't matter, I can do other things12:06
pitticjwatson: SOURCE_VER_MISMATCH=112:07
cjwatsonoh so there is12:07
pittiI haven't played around with ia32-libs-tools yet, but it seems much easier to maintain12:08
pitti(and avoids the OMG 400 MB packages)12:08
cjwatsonyeah, but I'm worried about the fact that it requires an extra manual apt-get dist-upgrade after the first upgrade12:08
cjwatsonif we're actually getting multiarch (which seems not entirely implausible now) then I'd sort of rather skip straight to that12:09
pittianything that gets us rid of this excruciating ia32-libs pain is a major step forward12:10
tkamppeterpitti, I have still to inform the HP guys about their new UDEV rules.12:10
pittiogra, lool: do we have daily armel CD builds for UNR? (Stefan Vogelsang was interested)12:20
ograwe only build live images but are lacking kernels12:20
pittiogra: oh, so http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/current/ armel won't work either?12:22
pittiok, thanks12:22
ograthere is no content in the kernel package thats used12:22
ograso it wouldnt boot12:22
ograpitti, we're supposed to have kernels for the two arches we will build for by A412:23
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loolpitti: We don't due to lack of OpenGL drivers or 2D version of UNR12:28
loolpitti: I just deferred the specs for this cycle, as it's a bit late to add these now12:29
ograright, that too :)12:32
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Keybuksuperm1: I really hate the Mini 10v's touchpad, like, seriously wtf13:48
ionI couldn’t live without a wacom-enabled tablet PC anymore. :-P13:53
tseliotKeybuk: what's the problem? (I might already be working on it)14:15
tseliotabout the touchpad, I mean14:17
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Keybuktseliot: that the mouse buttons are embedded in it14:44
Keybukso it's impossible to click without violently moving the mouse pointer14:44
tseliotKeybuk: my patch was accepted today: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2161314:44
ubottuFreedesktop bug 21613 in Input/synaptics "Property to make part of the touchpad insensitive to movements" [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed]14:44
Keybuktseliot: I'd rather have an option to turn the buttons off and use tap-to-click14:45
tseliotKeybuk: you have an option to do that14:45
tseliotKeybuk: you can set it with xinput14:46
tseliotKeybuk: xinput set-int-prop $YOU_DEVICE_NAME "Synaptics Click Action" 8 0 0 014:51
tseliotthis should do it14:51
Keybukwhy the 8?14:51
Keybukthat appears to have changed the property, but the buttons still work14:52
tseliot8 bit14:52
Keybukin fact14:52
Keybukthat has disabled tap-to-click14:52
Keybuknot the buttons14:52
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tseliotweird, let me check14:52
tseliotSynaptics Tap Action should disable taps while Synaptics Click Action is supposed to disable clicks14:55
* tseliot has a look at the code14:55
tseliotKeybuk: I don't see anything wrong in the code. Can you file a bug report about it and assign it to me, please?14:58
Keybukwhich package?15:00
tseliotKeybuk: ^^15:04
Keybuktseliot: thanks, bug #40069715:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400697 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "Cannot disable touchpad buttons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40069715:05
ScottKtseliot: How about the other patch?15:06
tseliotKeybuk: thanks15:07
Keybukseriously though, this Touchpad is the kind of idea that must have gone straight from concept to production without passing through a brain in between15:07
tseliotScottK: the other patch is still work in progress. I have to make sure that it doesn't break other touchpads. I'm discussing this with upstream15:07
ionWhat – a touchpad that sucks even *more*? Is that possible?15:08
ScottKKeybuk: tseliot's patches seem to tame it a bit.15:08
* ScottK is no longer considering throwing his through a window.15:09
Keybuktseliot: is that something that might not work on Jaunty but might work on Karmic?15:15
tseliotKeybuk: I'm using the driver from upstream, therefore I don't think so15:17
tseliotbut anyway let me try on Karmic (just in case it's a kernel issue)15:18
Keybukit was jaunty-release that I tried that xinput on15:18
tseliotok, I tried it on Jaunty + upstream's x driver and it didn't work15:20
tseliotit doesn't work on Karmic either15:21
tseliotwait a second that just customises left clicks15:23
tseliotKeybuk: my bad. It can be done from Xinput15:26
cudevCan someone please expand upon what "if-up.d/mountnfs [device__]: lock /var/run/network/mountnfs exist, not mounting" means?15:27
* tseliot should RTFM more carefully...15:27
tseliotKeybuk: sorry but you'll have to use the 1st solution that I suggested :-/15:29
Keybuktseliot: what was that?15:30
superm1pitti, cody-somerville so in this new gdm upload, glancing thru the changelog still no solution for having it depend on gnome-session-bin yet right?15:30
cody-somervillesuperm1, I thought we had a solution15:30
tseliotKeybuk: use the driver from upstream and type: xinput set-int-prop $YOUR_DEVICE_ID "Synaptics Area" 32 0 0 0 400015:31
pittisuperm1: that was discussed this morning, and I think we have a working agreement now15:32
Keybuktseliot: but I don't want to change the touchpad area15:33
KeybukI want to turn off the buttons15:33
superm1Keybuk, the buttons dont go crazy when you change that area15:33
superm1they act more like normal touchpad buttons15:33
* ogra hands Keybuk a soldering iron15:33
superm1pitti, yeah i saw some of the discussion in scrollback, it just hasn't made it into "this upload" (i'm looking for when xubuntu and mythbuntu disks can start being tested again)15:33
Keybuksuperm1: but that will introduce an invisible magic line inside which the touchpad works and outside which it doesn't15:34
* superm1 hands Keybuk a permanent marker :P15:35
Keybuksuperm1: I have a hammer15:35
ograheh, you will sonn have a full toolbox if that goes on :)15:35
tseliotKeybuk: maybe try with xmodmap?15:36
tseliotand change the pointer map?15:37
Keybuktseliot: second Q, which package do I install on karmic to get the wireless to work?15:38
tseliotKeybuk: bcmwl15:39
pktwhy is packagekit-udev-helper not in ubuntu? (or is it in and I missed it?)15:41
Keybuktseliot: err, that area thing doesn't work either15:43
tseliotKeybuk: doesn't it ignore movements and taps in the bottom area?15:43
tseliotKeybuk: are you using the driver from upstream?15:44
tseliottoday's snapshot15:45
tseliotKeybuk: I've found the solution15:46
tseliottype: xinput set-button-map $YOUR_TOUCHPAD 12 12 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1215:47
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Keybuk... :-)15:48
tseliotthe trick is to set the 1st three buttons to a higher code15:48
Keybukset the first three buttons to button 12? :)15:48
tseliotyes, or to whatever you like15:48
tseliotit works well here15:48
Keybukjust 12 12 12 works15:49
tseliotthat too ;)15:50
Keybukthat disables tap-to-click as well ;-)15:50
Keybuktap-to-click is now sending button 12 too15:50
tseliotI guess it's the same event15:50
tseliotyou can test it with xev15:51
tseliotback to my 1st solution then15:53
Keybukwhich didn't work either ;)15:53
ograsome thick duct tape ?15:54
tseliotKeybuk: are you using upstream's code15:55
Keybuktseliot: I'm using Ubuntu15:55
tseliotKeybuk: that's a no then15:55
tseliotmy patch was accepted today15:55
Keybukit's in today's Ubuntu?15:55
tseliotno, here: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-synaptics/commit/?id=7179a0eb11a842d9d5a420f5702a411b0dc217a215:56
tseliotin freedesktop, that is15:56
Keybukoh, well, if you haven't _packaged_ it ;-015:57
tseliotI can put it in my PPA15:57
Keybukthis machine's used for boot performance testing - I don't want to install anything on it that's not in the official repo to avoid skewing results15:58
tseliotIt's pretty much like the version in Karmic + a bunch of patches15:58
Keybukexactly <g>15:58
tseliotok, I'll bug someone to upload it to Karmic next week15:59
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Keybukmuch! :D15:59
mvoRiddell: could you please add me as admin to the software-properties project page? I would like to update some stuff and it seems like you own it currently :)16:04
kirklandpitti: because it came back up16:05
RiddellI do?  amazing what one is sometimes16:06
kirklandpitti: talked to mvo last night, and it's a dpkg/apt issue16:06
pittikirkland: hey; sorry, context?16:06
pittikirkland: ah, right, the update-motd bug16:06
kirkland<pitti> kirkland: why did you reopen bug 400462 ?16:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400462 in update-motd "package update-motd (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: no package named `update-motd' is installed, cannot configure " [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40046216:06
kirklandpitti: a problem with empty packages16:06
kirklandpitti: so i "fixed it" by putting a file (copyright) back into the package16:07
pittithat's policy anyway16:07
kirklandpitti: oh, i see what you mean16:07
pittikirkland: so it needs to be fixed harder, with some preinst magic?16:08
kirklandpitti: my marking it confirmed, and my upload were racing one another :-)16:08
pittiah, ok16:08
pittiso it shold really be closed16:08
kirklandpitti: yessir16:09
Riddellmvo: only one person or team can be Maintainer of a project it seems, I can set it to you, or is there a team which would be more suitable?16:09
mvoRiddell: I don't know of a team, but we can create one, I just want to link trunk to the lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/main branch16:10
cjwatsonmterry: what's happening with the librelp MIR? it seems to be on your plate for a correction?16:10
cjwatson(but not assigned to you - seems a bit ambiguous)16:11
mvoRiddell: if you could do that, then I'm happy :)16:11
Riddellmvo: done, I think16:12
mvoRiddell: cool, thanks16:13
kirklandpitti: thanks for going through the kvm sru feedback ;-)16:32
kirklandpitti: that was a lengthy, complex set :-)16:32
pittikirkland: you're welcome16:32
cjwatsonevand: foundations-karmic-usb-creator-for-windows is still "not started" in LP - that isn't accurate, is it?16:37
evandah, fixing16:37
Keybukcjwatson: err, we're installing ubuntuone by default now?16:40
cjwatsonKeybuk: per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:41
* Keybuk explodes with fury16:42
Keybukclearly I should just give up16:42
cjwatsondesktop team matter, this is the first I knew about it although of course I knew it was planned16:42
Keybukcjwatson: can I mark boot performance as an abandoned spec then?16:42
Keybukthere's no point if we're adding services that take 25s to start on their own!16:42
cjwatsonpitti: ^-16:42
cjwatsonwe should regard this as a critical problem with the ubuntuone packages16:43
cjwatson(and, if it can't be resolved, act appropriately for new features with critical problems)16:43
pittiKeybuk: 25 seconds??16:44
Keybukpitti: yup16:44
Keybuk15s seems about average though16:45
Keybukthat 25s may have been competing with apt-check (another thing I'm going to get annoyed about soon)16:45
Keybukeven 15s is 150% of the entire boot time16:45
cjwatsonperhaps we should make anacron not attempt to catch up with cron jobs until well after boot16:45
pittiI didn't notice any difference, but if it's taking so much time, we should start it a minute later or so16:45
cjwatsonyou typically don't want them to run immediately you start up anyway16:45
Keybukcjwatson: it already does back up for a while16:46
Keybukpitti: I don't consider that a fix16:46
pittiwell, network sync can only be so fast16:46
pittiand it's not even enabled by default; but if you do, you certainly want it to work?16:46
Keybukif you enable it, and turn on sync, and have files to sync, sure, it can take as long as it likes16:47
Keybukbut on a default install16:47
Keybukon the first boot16:47
pittiKeybuk: anyway, would you mind filing a bug about it, so that I can channel it to OLS, etc.?16:47
Keybukwhen I have not enabled it16:47
Keybukand I have no account16:47
pitti(sorry, I'm in meeting)16:47
Keybukand I have no files to sync16:47
Keybukit should NOT TAKE FIFTEEN SECONDS!16:47
pittiKeybuk: agreed, that's a bug16:47
Keybukpitti: I've filed bug #400746 and I have subscribed the release team16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400746 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntu one client takes too long to start" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40074616:47
pittiKeybuk: splendid, thanks16:48
cjwatsonmarked rc16:48
cjwatson(i.e. release-targeted)16:48
mterrycjwatson, Yar, I was in the middle of updating the bug with the upstream author's comments.  he basically said not to worry, but I'm verying what he said.  I'll update the bug today16:49
mterrycjwatson, (^^ above was re: librelp MIR)16:49
cjwatsonkees: ^-16:49
pittiKeybuk: thanks for pointing out16:50
james_wal-maisan: thanks for the patch16:58
james_wal-maisan: I think it might not quite be correct16:58
al-maisanjames_w: please explain.16:58
james_wif I remember correctly the _parse_error just warns if strict == False16:58
james_wso you would still get an error as it did the [-1] afterwards16:58
james_w(just going on memory)16:59
james_wsome form of "return" or something would fix that16:59
al-maisanjames_w: good point .. let me address that.17:00
james_wthen I'll try and fight with git to commit it upstream for you17:01
james_wcjwatson: I've just implemented collision handling in the importers17:02
james_wno guarantees that it will work, but it will at least try and do something now rather than freaking out17:02
james_wyou can't create merge proposals with the API yet, so I'm filing a bug instead and I'll create the merge proposals by hand17:03
al-maisanjames_w: I think all it takes is an additional return statement, see http://pastebin.com/m368d17ba17:05
james_wsounds about right17:07
james_wthanks al-maisan17:07
al-maisanjames_w: thank *you*17:07
cjwatsonjames_w: nice, thanks for the note17:07
james_wI'm glad I got it done by the time LP allowed everyone to right and it became "OMG!!!"17:08
\shhmm..I have a very strange ssh client problem...I have .ssh/config setup for hosts with pubkey auth...but it looks like that ssh client sends all keys found in .ssh/id_rsa.pub to the host..and the host is telling me "too many auth errors"...which seems very wrong to me...but I could be mistaken17:08
\shs/to the host/to the host which is not configured in .ssh\/config/17:08
al-maisanjames_w: would you be willing to sponsor the change? Otherwise I'll start harassing mvo ;)17:09
maco\sh, by default it should try id_rsa and id_dsa but ignore id_rsa.2 and such17:09
james_wal-maisan: I'm committing it upstream, I'll also ask them to upload it to Debian17:09
al-maisanjames_w: thanks!17:09
macoperhaps that host doesnt like even getting the 2 of them?17:10
\shmaco: tbh, I don't have a standard id_rsa / id_dsa all keys are named differently..17:10
cjwatsonyou aren't supposed to put multiple keys in id_rsa.pub17:10
cjwatsonone key and one key only17:10
\shcjwatson: it isn't :)17:10
cjwatson"all keys found in .ssh/id_rsa.pub"17:11
cjwatsonwhat does that mean if you don't have multiple keys there?17:11
\shcjwatson: sorry..typo17:11
\shhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/220653/ <- my .ssh dir17:11
cjwatsonanyway, use IdentitiesOnly if ssh is sending more keys than you want17:11
\shcjwatson: and what if ssh-agent is not running?17:12
cjwatson\sh: don't believe it, ssh doesn't magically send extra keys unless some agent has then17:13
keescjwatson: that was for Keybuk, not me, yes?17:13
cjwatson\sh: remember that things like gnome-keyring implement the agent protocol ...17:13
cjwatsonkees: no - you're the assignee of the librelp MIR bug right now, and the last person to ask a question on it17:14
\shcjwatson: so..if I say to /etc/X11/Xsession.options: don't start ssh-agent, and i remove the lines in /etc/gdm/Xession which are starting the ssh-agent, too (which I don't understand) then I have still something started like gnome-keyring which does the very same thing? sounds very insane to me17:16
keescjwatson: oh! sorry, missed the context on that.17:16
cjwatson\sh: don't look at me, I'm not a fan of gnome-keyring pretending to be ssh-agent either17:16
keesI just wish gnome-keyring had a timeout for it's ssh-agent emulation.17:17
\shcjwatson: I don't, really...but I really wonder why we have at least to "ssh-agent" starting mechanisms (one of X11 Xsession, which is configurable) and a static "start ssh-agent when you find it on the system" in /etc/gdm/Xsession script (without somehow any configuration) (and forget gnome-keyring or seahorse)17:17
ogra\sh, you cant have enough security ;)17:18
\shogra: ssh-agent is not for security, it's for lazy people to not enter their passphrase17:19
ograi know :P17:20
cody-somervilleit also pops up a dialogue17:20
cody-somervilleso you enter it into the dialogue instead of la terminal17:20
\sh(actually when they do use passphrases)17:20
ograbut it has ssh in the name, so it must secure something :)17:20
pittislangasek: FYI, I forwarded the cdbs python change to debian bug 537373; it can't be applied until doko uploads the experimental python2.{4,5} to unstable, though17:20
ubottuDebian bug 537373 in cdbs "cdbs: Use --install-layout=deb for Python" [Unknown,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/53737317:20
cjwatsoncody-somerville: ssh can do that itself too17:20
cjwatsondepending on configuration17:21
cody-somervilleInteresting. I didn't know that.17:21
\shcody-somerville: you enter it once, and without a sane timeout it never shows any popup again...so start your session and leave it open for a while17:21
cjwatsoncody-somerville: in fact, ssh-agent itself never asks for a passphrase - that's ssh-add17:21
* cody-somerville cuddles his seahorse.17:22
\shcody-somerville: seahorse is broken with gnupg smartcards ... so I can't use it...17:22
ionsh: I have a script that starts keychain in the session, and i source it from /etc/profile, /etc/zsh-beta/zshrc and /etc/X11/Xsession.d/89keychain. Gnome’s own ssh agent seems to break it, though. I haven’t got around to investigate/fix that yet.17:26
ionsh: apt-cache show keychain17:27
\shion: the fun part is, it started this morning when I updated jaunty with the latest updates...17:31
slangasekpitti: ok, thanks :)17:32
\shanyways..this identitiesonly yes works ... thx cjwatson17:35
fbondHi.  How can I find out what time a version of a package hit the archives?17:51
fbondogra: launchpad has many pages ... can you be more specific?17:53
ogracould you ?17:53
ograwhich package ?17:53
fbondI can see the changelog there, or course.17:53
fbondBut that date is not the date that the packgae hit the archive necessarily, right?17:54
fbondOh, publishinghistory, eh?17:54
ogra    * Published on 2009-06-3017:54
fbondogra: thanks17:54
cjwatsonthat tells you when the source was published17:55
cjwatsonto find out for a binary, go to the build page for the binary in question, and add an hour or so to the completion time there17:55
fbondI'm really trying to figure out if a grub update went out for Jaunty between yesterday and today.  I'm seeing some strange failures with update-grub in an automated build I've been working on.17:56
jjohansenhas anyone else hit a bug where firefox throws up several hundred help tabs and you get dozens gnome terminal help windows?17:58
ograsounds like a kbd or xinput issue17:58
ionYeah, every time i fall asleep on the F1 key17:58
fbondjjohansen: Using a KVM?  USB keyboard?17:58
jjohansenfbond: no17:59
jjohansenno usb keyboard and KVM is not currently running17:59
fbondErr, KVM switch.17:59
infinityThat problem is usually my cat.17:59
jjohansenor in my case kids, but I have seen happen spontaneously a few times now18:00
infinitycjwatson: Binary publishing history works just by swapping +source for <arch>, as in something like https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/i386/libc618:01
infinitycjwatson: (ie: no need to "count an hour past of build time")18:02
\shuhohah...karmic gnome looks really great...18:03
sebner\sh: karmic \o/18:05
dholbachhave a good time without me - see you soon again! have a great WE my friends!18:06
sebnerdholbach: hf! I wish you nice holidays! :)18:06
cjwatsoninfinity: oh, nice18:06
dholbachthanks sebner18:07
cjwatsoninfinity: though you still have to add a bit as that's the start of the publisher run, but same goes for source pubs18:07
infinitycjwatson: *nod*18:08
ogratsk ... 1h after publisher run ... /me learned to could 600 min after upload ... at least for the armel stuff :P18:09
infinitycjwatson: I've always thought an actual file-on-disk-on-primary-mirrors (so, not on cocoplum, but on $random_archive_ubuntu_com_machine) prober that then wrote the value back to the DB would be kinda cool, but pretty heavyweight.18:09
infinitycjwatson: So, publishing history would show "published at 04:32; on primary mirrors at 04:56" or something.18:11
cjwatsonthen people'd want it to probe au.archive and stuff ;-)18:12
ograinfinity, could you turn that 10h timeout back to normal since it didnt gain us something a package that has the issue just effectively blocks a buildd for half a day18:13
infinitycjwatson: Well, there's no sane way to implement even my pipe dream, so it ain't happening. :)18:14
infinityogra: Yeah, doing so no.18:16
infinityogra: Done.18:18
ograthanks a lot18:18
ograi hope we'll find out what it is soon18:18
infinityogra: I'm going to try to look into it a bit first thing next week.18:19
infinityogra: Do you have a package that's a reasonably short build that exhibits the issue?18:19
ogracool, i'll make sure i'll be around18:19
ograwell, mesa is the quickest i guess18:19
ograthough thats still a 3-4h build18:20
ograand it only seems to show up at dpkg-deb very late in the build18:20
ograat least thats what NCommander said18:20
infinityYeah, I know vaguely when and where it happens.  Just hoping I don't have to wait all day to see it and debug it. :)18:21
ograbeyond mesa most KDE packages show the issue18:21
NCommanderhey infinity18:21
ograi dont think there is one thats actually a fast build among the problematic ones18:21
NCommanderinfinity, the problem usually crops up in packages that are doing lzma compression on relatively huge datafiles18:22
ograNCommander, what are you doing here, you took the day off :P18:22
NCommanderogra, I felt the need to be summoned18:22
ograyeah, i'll say "michael" next time if i mention you ... :P18:23
* NCommander is still finding everything he needs to pack :-/18:23
ograNCommander, did you see my toying around results today ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BuildEABIChroot18:24
NCommanderogra, I found that to be extremly unstable18:25
NCommanderogra, with unimplemented syscalls everywhere when I tried it18:25
NCommanderif its stable for you then, maybe upstream has improved it greatly18:25
ogradid you try the 20 or so patches ?18:26
ograwell, i added that patchset and afaik its what OBS uses as well18:26
NCommanderogra, that's very sexy :-)18:26
ograit built mesa without issues and rolls chroots just fine18:26
NCommanderogra, I think you found a solution for the buildd issue18:27
ogranot for production use, there are surely still missing syscalls18:27
ograbut for testbuilding at home its perfectly right18:27
NCommanderogra, nifty. Nice work. You could try rebuilding the base system, thats usually a pretty good environment stress test.18:28
ograi might do tht on the weekend ... though its really not the porpose to act as buildd :)18:28
ograwhat do you think causes the timeout issue ? i'm curious18:29
NCommanderogra, no idea. We ruled out hardware and the software individually18:29
ograsorry, i'm to tired :P18:30
ograi read "I think *I* found a solution for the buildd issue"18:30
* NCommander starts a caffiene drip into your ARM18:30
NCommandershoot me18:31
ogranah, i should really stop for the day ... to short night, long day and i'm still chatting18:31
* ogra decides to do so ...18:32
* ogra calls it a day18:32
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cjwatsonwould anyone with a karmic amd64 system like to test https://launchpad.net/~cjwatson/+archive/ia32-libs-testing, please?20:38
cjwatsonsee the changelogs for the list of bugs it's meant to fix20:38
jpdscjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220760/20:41
slangasekcjwatson: sure, pulling20:41
slangasekoh, or that20:41
* jpds ponders dist-upgrading.20:41
slangasekthat wouldn't help, though?20:42
donspauldingok, so I updated my jaunty box to karmic (by editing sources.list && update && upgrade && dist-upgrade), rebooted and got a grub "Error 2" message on boot.  I'm back in with a jaunty livecd, how can I mount the karmic partition in the live environment and reinstall grub?20:42
slangasekkarmic doesn't have libc6-i386 (>= 2.9-18), that's pending the eglibc merge20:42
jpdsslangasek: Oh right.20:42
donspauldingor rather, how do I reinstall grub for the karmic installation from the jaunty livecd?20:42
slangasekcjwatson: darn, would've been happy to test since that would fix the flash+pulse problem, but I guess we're blocked on eglibc20:43
jpdsdonspaulding: Try #ubuntu+1 for support.20:43
donspauldingjpds: ouch, sorry didn't read the topic apparently.20:43
A|iwho's the packman for mysql-server?20:59
cjwatsonjpds: drat21:00
cjwatsonslangasek: eglibc is in NEW, if you fancy looking it over before the end of your week :)21:00
slangasekheh, I can do that. :)21:00
A|iwould it be safe to install mysql-server-5.1 for hardy from jaunty repo?21:01
slangasekA|i: it has the general problems common to any installation of a newer package on an older system - untested, and you may have to upgrade an arbitrary number of other packages to get it to install21:02
A|islangasek, my server is 8.04, and i cannot find any mysql 5.1 repo for it :/21:02
slangasekA|i: you could request a backport: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports21:08
slangasekpersonally, I think if you're going to bypass the integration and primary security support for the packages included in the LTS in order to get a newer version of a package as significant as mysql, you might as well upgrade the system to jaunty anyway21:09
keesA|i: you'd gain the default compilter flag improvements too21:10
* kees is a broken record.21:10
ScottKA|i: I doubt we'd approve such a backport either.  mysql packaging isn't generally designed to be co-installable.  Jaunty has some changes for that, Hardy doesn't.21:19
A|iScottK, how risky would it be to upgrade to jaunty from hardy on my server?21:20
ScottKA|i: Directly, don't do it.  Upgrade via Intrepid.21:20
A|ioh dear21:20
ScottKHard to say for sure, but if you want 5.1, running Jaunty is your best bet.21:20
ScottKA|i: You don't intend to experiment with this on a production server do you?21:21
A|iScottK, ii'm trying to install 5.1 manually, honestly it's a mess21:21
A|ieven uninstalling mysql-server properly doesn't work fine21:21
A|iScottK, it is a production one21:21
ScottKOK.  Experimenting on production boxes is just a recipe for tears.21:22
ScottKA|i: #ubuntu-server is probably a the best channel to seek help.21:22
A|iScottK, it's an amazon ec2 instance, not really for production yet21:22
ScottKAh.  OK.21:22
A|igood idea21:22
slangasekkirkland: hrm, why is /usr/share/doc/update-motd/changelog.Debian.gz missing?21:38
jpdsIs there a why I can tell debuild to ignore the @*ubuntu.com Maintainer thing?21:39
slangasekjpds: it doesn't complain unless you put 'ubuntu' in the version number, does it?21:40
slangasek(if it complains for non-Ubuntu version numbers, you can file a bug and demand it be fixed ;)21:40
jpdsslangasek: Yeah, it doesn't complain without ubuntu, but the Maintainer field is set to tha @canonical address.21:41
cjwatsonif DEBEMAIL doesn't contain @ubuntu.com, then it's downgraded to a warning21:41
cjwatsonso DEBEMAIL=jpds@someotherdomain.com debuild -S21:41
slangasekjpds: maintainer fields for packages in Ubuntu aren't supposed to be set to @canonical addresses...21:41
cjwatsonthat said it's probably silly for dpkg to complain about cases where they are21:41
cjwatsonthe point of that warning is to try to avoid people leaving the maintainer field set to the Debian maintainer's address, which we were explicitly asked by Debian not to do when making source changes21:42
cjwatsonclearly not a problem for @canonical.com21:42
* dupondje would like to know if somebody has coding experience with nautilus, as I have some question about a bug in it, which i'm fixxing21:42
jpdsslangasek: Not my package (terminator)...21:43
ScottKSince it's just a warning, I just ignore it in cases it's not relevant (I don't change the maintainer in cases where I'm the Debian maintainer for example).21:44
cjwatsonit's only just a warning because your DEBEMAIL doesn't contain @ubuntu.com21:44
cjwatsonI suspect from the question that that isn't the case for jpds ...21:44
cjwatson               if (defined ($ENV{'DEBEMAIL'}) and $ENV{'DEBEMAIL'} =~ /\@ubuntu\.com/) {21:45
cjwatson                   error(_g('Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address'));21:45
cjwatson               } else {21:45
cjwatson                   warning(_g('Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address'));21:45
cjwatson               }21:45
ScottKcjwatson: That's correct.  I don't use my @ubuntu.com address, so the warning is correct.21:45
cjwatsonI actually do change the maintainer even for my own packages these days, but I do that because that means queries about the Ubuntu version go to a different mailbox, which I find slightly useful21:46
cjwatsonbut not everyone does it that way ...21:46
* slangasek files a fun bug on openssh21:57
davmor2slangasek: is it that it's not easy to say when drunk22:00
slangasekno, it's bug #40087622:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400876 in openssh "openssh-server honors .hushlogin but doesn't tell PAM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40087622:01
cjwatson... and it's time for me to head off for the weekend, amazing how that works22:02
cjwatsonI can look at it on Monday if you want :)22:02
slangaseksounds good :)22:03
slangasekI'm not sure it's a terribly high-prio bug anyway22:03
slangaseknot like there are lots of people who create .hushlogin and then later decide to remove it and are going to be upset about not seeing the legal disclaimer22:03
slangasekcjwatson, jpds: eglibc accepted (a bit ago) and building now, so perhaps we can test ia32-libs in a few hours22:35
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jpdsslangasek: Groovy.22:35
elmois eglibc replacing glibc?22:36
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cjwatsonit's effectively just a distribution of glibc22:37
cjwatsongod, I *hate* the dialog-warning sound at the moment22:37
cjwatsonmterry: so now that we have librelp in main (as of a few minutes ago, thanks to Kees' (tentative) signoff), I'm just about to seed rsyslog; I assume I might as well just do that rather than making you create a branch for a one-liner. :-) Any objections?22:38
cjwatsonmterry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220792/22:39
elmoI can't decide which upsets me more; the fact that throw-everything-away-screw-legacy keybuk is the guy as worried as me about eglibc becoming the default.  or the fact that eglibc is becoming the default22:39
elmocjwatson: did they stregthen any of their API/ABI guarantees?22:39
mterrycjwatson, heh, actually I already did make the one-liner branch, but yeah, that'd be great (though you're patch isn't keeping the sort order!)  :)22:39
cjwatsonverbally at least; the reason they don't give a strong one on the website is that they obviously aren't ABI-compatible if you disable option groups (facility provided by eglibc). We aren't doing that though, and they said they have zero interest in breaking ABI if you leave all the option groups on, and lots of pressure not to22:40
cjwatsonif they add any interfaces of their own they'll use EGLIBC@blah versioned symbols22:40
cjwatsonmterry: oh, let me grab that then22:40
elmocjwatson: that still means we risk binaries that run on ubuntu/debian but not e.g. fedora, suse, though, right?22:41
cjwatsonmterry: bleh, seeds are at best inconsistently sorted anyway :)22:41
cjwatsonI think it's extremely unlikely22:41
mterrycjwatson, really the same thing, but here:   lp:~mterry/ubuntu-seeds/platform.karmic-rsyslog22:41
cjwatsonI don't think they're remotely interested in doing that; if I catch a whiff of that I'll take action22:41
keesthere, AppArmor now loads in under a second.  that should make Keybuk happy.  :)22:41
mrooneyHey, can anyone point me to the wiki page for package-specific upload rights? I'm trying to figure out if it is for me22:41
cjwatson(and it should be easy to check simply by seeing if any binaries use EGLIBC@ symbols22:42
* elmo wanders off to practice his 'told you so' dance, just in case ;-)22:42
mterryelmo, you should really have that locked and loaded already22:43
cjwatsonelmo: frankly I think we'll be considerably worse off if we have to maintain glibc ourselves without reference to Debian's packaging22:43
jdstrandkees: awesome!22:43
cjwatsonmterry: ok, merged that, thanks22:44
* cjwatson ponders the wisdom of a Friday evening ubuntu-meta upload22:44
mterrycjwatson, thank you.  I was worried I'd have to file a bug or harass someone22:44
cjwatsonwhat could POSSIBLY go wrong22:44
mterrycjwatson, :)22:44
ScottKcjwatson: Nothing as long as you stay offline until Monday.22:45
cjwatsonmterry: I assume we'll probably want to seed some of rsyslog's plugins as supported somewhere22:45
cjwatsonor something22:45
keesjdstrand: just a few growing pains.  though your "it didn't cache anything" issue freaked me out.22:45
mterrycjwatson, hmm, you mean install some plugins by default?22:45
* kees will pay money to see elmo's 'told you so' dance.22:45
cjwatsonmterry: no, supported just means they go in main22:46
mterrycjwatson, right, but you said 'seed' and I got confused22:46
cjwatsonthe way it is at the moment, the maintenance scripts will be prompting us to put rsyslog-mysql etc. back in universe22:46
cjwatsonsupported is a seed ...22:46
mterrycjwatson, ah ah.  :)22:47
cjwatsonnot all the seeds are used for what's installed by default :)22:47
jdstrandkees: :)22:47
cjwatson(in fact, supported was one of the first three seeds)22:47
cjwatson(but it probably wouldn't actually want to go in supported, maybe server-ship or something)22:47
cjwatsonor dvd or ... whatever22:47
mterrycjwatson, hmm22:48
cjwatsonno rush, it won't fall out of main without manual action anyway22:48
cjwatsonoh, blah, rsyslog needs to have its priority bumped before ubuntu-meta/update will pull it in22:50
* cjwatson remembers about the weird special cases22:50
cjwatsonmrooney: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Per-package%20Uploaders22:53
mrooneycjwatson: that sounds perfect, thanks :)22:58
cjwatsonStevenK: so is UNR all meant to be in main now? if so, I need to adjust component-mismatches23:04
agent_ji'm trying to package a game, but it doesn't work. do i compile the game and then make the package, or do i just make the package without compiling first?23:07
cjwatsonyour 'debian/rules build' ought to do any compilation required23:08
ScottKagent_j: #ubuntu-motu is a better channel for basic packaging questions.23:08
agent_jok sorry23:08
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