
shtylmanevand: the brnach I will be working out of is ~shtylman/ubiquity/kde_themeing currently, I have just started to make the transition to the new theme the frist one or two pages work12:03
evandshtylman:  okay, thanks for the heads up.12:04
CIA-3ubiquity: mterry * r3323 trunk/ (54 files in 6 dirs): add emacs modelines for ease of tabbing14:10
CIA-3ubiquity: mterry * r3324 trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): remove horizontal separator in gtk dialog14:13
davmor2cjwatson, evand: is there a reason for the padlock on today's cd's ubiquity desktop icon?14:15
cjwatsonusually means you can't write to it, but don't know14:16
cjwatsonbet I have a guess though14:16
evandit's owned by root in this case14:17
cjwatsonI reckon busybox sed -i doesn't preserve ownership14:17
cjwatsonyou might want a manual chown in there, in casper14:17
davmor2evand: I just noticed it was owned by root :)14:18
CIA-3ubiquity: mterry * r3325 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/noninteractive.py): fix noninteractive bug when setting the user's language14:18
cjwatsondavmor2: BTW can you check to see if aufs is in use? 'ps aucx | grep unionfs-fuse' should say nothing, and 'lsmod | grep aufs' should list aufs14:20
cjwatsonthe kernel team put that back in recently14:20
davmor2aufs 150604 114:22
davmor2and ps aucx showed nothing14:22
cjwatsonrock on14:22
CIA-3casper: evand * r654 casper/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser): Busybox sed does not preserve ownership, so chown after using it.14:27
davmor2so the padlock is nothing to worry about then :)14:27
davmor2cool :)14:27
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
cjwatsonevand: can you confirm when you're planning to upload usb-creator with the windows backend? it needs to be Monday at the latest for a317:09
CIA-3partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1223 ubuntu/lib/lvm-base.sh: fix lock detection19:10
CIA-3partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1224 ubuntu/lib/lvm-base.sh: typo19:11
CIA-3partman-md: cjwatson * r937 auto-setup/lib/md-base.sh: fix lock detection19:11
CIA-3partman-crypto: cjwatson * r684 auto-setup/ (5 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)21:18
CIA-3partman-crypto: * Add a menu under "Configure encrypted volumes", making this more in line21:18
CIA-3partman-crypto:  with partman-lvm and partman-md.21:18
CIA-3partman-crypto: * Rearrange crypto configuration per the21:18
CIA-3partman-crypto:  foundations-karmic-server-installer-improvements specification. Instead21:18
CIA-3partman-crypto:  of requiring partitions to be set for use as physical volumes for21:18
CIA-3partman-crypto:  encryption first, we now offer all partitions that could be used as21:18
cjwatsonfoundations-karmic-server-installer-improvements done bar the uploads21:19
juliuxis there a list online which packages are installed if i choose ubuntu-cli system?21:33
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.hardy/structure, start at standard (http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.hardy/standard) and then also look at the depended-upon sets listed in the structure file21:40
cjwatsonin other words, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.hardy/standard plus http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.hardy/minimal plus http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.hardy/required21:40

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