
billybigrigger_anyone know a good place to learn some tips to compiling a kernel05:31
billybigrigger_like what options i don't need or how to shrink my kernel and such?05:31
billybigrigger_or any speed optimizations?05:31
billybigrigger_or is it all pretty much learn it on your own and trial and error?05:31
jjohansenwell the kernel team knowledge base has a lot of useful info for dealing with Ubuntu kernels05:37
jjohansenDealing with upstream kernels is a little different, look at kernel.org05:38
jjohansenand kernelnewbies.org05:39
jjohansenbillybigrigger_: there certainly is a bit of trail and error but there is a lot of good documentation05:40
jjohansenAs for speed optimizations, the is a matter of setting the configs for your situation05:40
jjohanseneg.  If you don't need SMP you can get a little speed boost by turning it off.  But then your kernel will only work on with a single thread/core on newer cpus05:42
jjohansenfiguring out which config options you want is going to be the hardest part.05:43
jjohansenYou can compare what the different distros do, that will give you a feel for what is needed for generic style kernel.  And then you can start turning stuff off (well for the most part, you may turn a few things on)05:44
jjohansenbut if you are looking to speed up a generic kernel with some magic config it isn't going to happen.05:45
bullgard4RFC2828 includes a definition of 'proxy server'. In two commentaries of this definition the term 'proxy' is used (not 'proxy server'). Does this use of 'proxy' mean a short-hand for 'proxy server' or what does proxy stands here for? 06:19
apwcjwatson, iscsitarget -- would a test kernel be of use?  if so what arch?12:11
cjwatsonactually I can probably put together something for myself from the iscsitarget source package and svn ...12:15
cjwatsonI don't need to ship this, it's just for local use while testing12:16
apwcjwatson, i've just pulled ours up to that svn you pointed to,12:16
apwand was going to compile test it, so might as welll make you a kernel you can use to validate it12:16
cjwatsonok - is it ABI-compatible with -3?12:16
cjwatsonideally I'd just insmod something12:16
cjwatsonoh, -generic, btw12:17
apwits wholey contained within its own dir, so i assume its compatible yes.12:17
apwi will be making a whole kernel as part of the test12:17
apwlet me make just the .ko and you can try insmoding it12:18
apwcjwatson, try: http://people.canonical.com/~apw//iscsitarget/12:23
cjwatsoninsmod: error inserting 'iscsi_trgt.ko': -1 Invalid module format12:30
cjwatsoniscsi_trgt.ko: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped12:30
cjwatsonJul 17 12:30:05 sarantium kernel: [105134.078592] iscsi_trgt: no symbol version for module_layout12:30
cjwatsondoes it need to be modposted or something?12:31
cjwatson(er, please excuse me not really knowing what I'm talking about)12:31
apwhrm ... oddness12:32
smbapw, Did you compile the whole kernel or just the module?12:36
apwi compiled just the module.12:36
apwit did get modposted12:36
smbmaybe it also misses the whole modules versions12:36
apwbah, i'll just build the whole thing12:37
smbfrom the external symbols12:37
apwits only computrons12:37
smbAnd it keeps you warm :)12:37
cjwatsonI'll try updating the external package locally here12:38
apwcjwatson, it would almost be preferable for you to test the real kernel12:40
cjwatsonwell, FWIW the external module at least builds fine once updated, but I'm entirely happy to test the real kernel too12:41
cjwatsonof course I have to figure out how to use the userspace stuff ;-)12:41
apwhehe 'instant expert' time again huh12:42
cjwatsonjust add coffee12:42
apwcjwatson, i assume its you who i need to make sure is aware we reinstated aufs12:43
cjwatsonI saw the mail on ubuntu-installer@12:43
cjwatson(and replied, actually)12:43
apwhrm.  damned too much email12:43
cjwatsonoh, it's uploaded, cool - in that case current desktop images should actually already be using it12:43
cjwatsonI didn't change the default to unionfs-fuse, I just made it a fallback in case aufs was missing12:44
apwvery nice ... handy for ever more for sure, particulalrly for alpha-1 kernels12:44
apwmodules is the same name so we should be good12:45
* hyperair wonders if iwlagn takes up 100% cpu from time to time for anyone around here12:48
apwnot that i've seen on my kit.  i did have it blow its tx queue once since i hit 2.6.31-312:49
dinhamitk_ hi14:19
cjwatsonapw: Dave Morley reports that aufs is happily in use on today's live CD14:23
apwcjwatson, most excellent thanks for the report14:23
rtg_cjwatson, but is it 'quickly' in use? i.e., faster then FUSE?14:23
apwi hammered the hell out of it before i committed it, but you do never know14:23
amitk_dinh: hi14:23
amitk_how do you do?14:24
dinhamitk: good thanks...manoj mentioned you have some prior experience with lauterbach?14:24
amitk_dinh: yes14:24
amitk_on OMAP2/3 platforms14:24
dinhi'm been able to debug with source level debuggin on our bsp, with your 2.6.31, my lauterbach script can't seem to be able to locate the source code after loading the .vmlinux file14:25
dinhdo i need to do a KBUILD_OUTPUT with your tree?14:26
amitk_dinh: not sure. Are you using load.elf?14:28
* amitk_ tries to dredge up his lauterbach .cmm files14:29
dinhperhaps I can you send our .cmm file that we use to load?14:29
apwamitk_, the armel config we have in karmic ... i note we have a lot of stuff 'off' for arm is there a reason that things are this way ... for example most of CRYPTO14:29
bjfapw, the config in karmic isn't for imx51 it's for imx3114:30
amitk_dinh: sure. send it over.14:31
bjfapw, I don't think that config is any good (I don't know that anyone has actually looked at that config)14:31
amitk_apw: the config is FOOBAR currently.14:31
=== amitk_ is now known as amitk
apwamitk_, so would it be sane for me to try and commonise some of those options then14:31
apwon the assumption you are going to replace the armel config anyhow when the code is fixed14:32
amitkapw: for arch-independent stuff, feel free to enable it all. That way when we add the imx51 config, we'll know what we forgot to turn on14:32
dinhamitk: nevermind, i think i just figure it out...hold off on looking at the cmm file...14:36
dinhamitk: hi amit15:19
manjoyo amitk 15:20
amitkdinh: hi15:22
amitkyo manjo 15:22
dinhamitk: what i'm seeing is that after some time, the system goes to turn off the display(ipu), it disables the IRQ for the IPU15:23
dinhbut it seems like all IRQs have been disabled because the command prompt is also not responding15:24
amitkdinh: you mean at the login prompt?15:28
amitkdinh: could it be something simpler related to MXC_CONSOLE?15:29
dinhamitk: hmm...can you explain more by MXC_CONSOLE?15:31
amitkdinh: is CONFIG_SERIAL_MXC_CONSOLE=y ? and if so, is that code correct?15:33
amitkperhaps a better question is, does lauterbach show that all IRQs are disabled? or are you guessing?15:34
Keybukrandom Q15:35
Keybukwhy doesn't broadcom wireless work in Karmic?15:35
Keybukhow can I make it work?15:35
rtg_Keybuk, its a dkms package15:35
Keybukrtg_: how do I install it?15:35
Keybukwhat's it called?  is it on the CD image? :)15:35
rtg_bcm-source (i think), tseliot is the maintainer15:35
Keybukwe got rid of lrm entirely right?15:37
rtg_Keybuk, entirely, ling live lrm :)15:37
rtg_jjohansen, can you update status on bug #35933815:38
ubot3Malone bug 359338 in linux "apparmor paths are broken when using ecryptfs on jaunty" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35933815:38
rtg_Keybuk, bcmwl-kernel-source15:40
jjohansenrtg: ack doing it right now15:45
dinhamitk: the console code looks correct...from my lauterbach, i see that we try to disable the IPU_SYNC  irq(11), we call disable_irq(), then it get stuck in synchronize_irq15:46
dinhin synchronize_irq, we're stuck in the loop that will not let us get out because it thinks we're in a critical section15:46
dinhamitk:  while (desc->status & IRQ_INPROGRESS) cpu_relax();15:56
dinhamitk: i cleared the desc->status  IRQ_INPROGRESS bit and the login prompt is alive again15:57
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amitkdinh: so you suspect some irq handler is stuck?16:01
dinhamitk: yes16:02
amitkdinh: is the trigger always the IPU turn off display code?16:03
amitkI guess IPU is trying to release the clocks and idle dynamically when it sees no user activity16:05
dinhyes, the ipu will turn off after some period of inactivity16:08
amitkdinh: you could try disabling that? Is it done through the suspend callbacks? I can see a call to mxc_pg_enable in the suspend callback of the ipu3 driver16:21
amitkperhaps comment that out?16:21
dinhamitk: i16:23
dinhamitk: sorry..we look at it some more..but i'm pretty sure its ipu related code, because our system has been running for a long time now that the ipu is asleep16:23
bjfmanjo, ping16:26
amitkdinh: drivers/mxc/ipu3/ipu_common.c:ipu_suspend() Trying commenting out the mxc_pg_enable in that if you feel like a quick test16:26
bjfmanjo, got time for a quick call (i'll call you)?16:27
manjobjf, can you we do it in 30mts or so ? 16:27
bjfmanjo, yes, let me know16:28
amitkbjf: manjo: dinh: I've gotta run a few errands. It being Friday evening 6:30pm and all. Will be back later...16:28
manjoamitk, we are in ipu_common .. making some mods16:28
manjoamitk, cya soon16:28
amitkmanjo: cool16:28
manjobjf, you want to call ? 17:01
bjfmanjo, yes17:01
manjok can you call my cell ? 17:01
bjfmanjo, I think I have that number17:02
apwjj so we still clone regression outstanding17:56
jjohansenapw: yes18:02
MT-I want to help, tell me how21:14
* MT- enjoys opening can-o-wormies on self w/ already busy schedule :)_21:15
manjoMT-, you could take part in the ubuntu kernel bug day 21:16
manjoand look at some of the kernel bugs 21:16
MT-what day is that?21:16
manjoI think the next one is Tue 21st21:16
manjoMT-, let you point you to the wiki ... 21:16
manjoMT-,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/BugDay/2009072121:19
MT-manjo: sounds like fun21:21
manjoMT-, http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-buglist.html 21:22
manjoMT-, ping ogasawara, will get you set up if you want  to contribute  21:28
MT-ogasawara: remember me? I wanna be on the other side now :)21:28
MT-manjo: thanks21:29
manjoMT-, np21:29
MT-manjo: I've been working on ubuntu-drupal stuff and 3/5 of the projects are basically done. Just little tweaks left abd probably bug reports. Two devs are working on the other 2 and I'll work on finishing those when they're done. After that I think I'll try to leave the project in the hands of the other devs and move on to kernel stuff and motu21:33
MT-manjo: do kernel and motu merge well together?21:33
manjoMT-, you have  to ask the motu guys ;) 21:34
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