
mneptokh00k: as that is elky's ban, you'll want to speak with her about it00:00
h00kis elky around?00:00
h00kor elky_work?00:01
* mneptok shrugs00:04
h00khrm, should I try back here?00:07
h00kor should I idle for a bit00:07
h00kI'll...just wait around for a bit00:26
Seeker`!idle | h00k 00:29
ubottuh00k: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.00:29
h00kokay.  I suppose I'll be back.00:29
elkyhook's ban has been lifted00:35
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuone06:44
dragon_UbuntuOne allows you to sync your files, share your work with others or work remotely, all with your Ubuntu computer. For more info: http://ubuntuone.com06:46
dragon_Could someone tell Ubottu about UbuntuOne?06:47
naliothdragon_: go ahead. say "ubottu ubuntuone is blahblah"06:49
naliothwe'll get it figured out06:49
dragon_ubottu: UbuntuOne is <reply>UbuntuOne allows you to sync your files, share your work with others or work remotely, all with your Ubuntu computer. For more info: http://ubuntuone.com06:49
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, dragon_ said: ubottu: UbuntuOne is <reply>UbuntuOne allows you to sync your files, share your work with others or work remotely, all with your Ubuntu computer. For more info: http://ubuntuone.com06:49
dragon_nalioth: thanks, there it is06:51
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary
indushi how do i announce something to all?07:47
indushow to07:49
elkyall who?07:49
indusi have some good news i want to say to all in channel ubuntu07:49
elkythere is no way for us to do that.07:49
elkywhat good news were you going to cross-post, anyway?07:50
indusok thanks then07:50
elkyah, it'll go to mailing lists and planets and such. people will notice it in due time.07:51
indusya not all subscribe to it so i thought ill announce it but ok07:51
indussee you07:51
elkyi really don't understand how some people work...07:54
FlannelIt's already on mailing lists...08:34
elkyi figured, i just couldnt be arsed digging around for it just to please an attention seeker09:00
FlannelI had it handy09:10
* Pici awaits the people with 8.04.x wanting to upgrade to 8.04.312:53
ubottuIn #kubuntu, DaskreeCH said: !virtualbox is virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox13:59
DaskreeCHHelllo you charming folks :)13:59
DaskreeCHJust following up on a edit request13:59
jussi01hi DaskreeCH14:03
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:03
DaskreeCHCleaned it up a bit and removed the obsolete reference14:04
jussi01!no, virtualbox is <reply>virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:04
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0114:04
jussi01thanks for your edit DaskreeCH :)14:04
ubot3In #ubuntu-drupal, MT- said: !notdrupal is <reply>Ubuntu-Drupal is NOT Drupal. Drupal is an incredibly CMS (drupal.org). Ubuntu-Drupal is a set of extras to be used on top of Drupal (modules/theme) that helps you to deploy an Ubuntu related site very quickly. If you have any ideas for modules you'd liked developed, please ask.15:57
Piciincredibly cms!15:59
bazhangnew fun question: when will 3.5.1 arrive!!!!11?16:01
PiciI've been hitting my head on my desk all morning in anticipation for the questions.16:01
PiciI'm debating whether to send them to #ubuntu-mozillateam16:09
bazhang+bf :)16:10
PiciI'm not feeling that evil today.16:10
bazhangheheh the mozillateam would be furious16:10
elkya few more instances of headdesk and you should be just about ready16:11
bazhangtrue, that was only the *first* I saw16:12
ikanoboriMez: Just for the record, I oppose the ban and I do not want to discuss it with you.19:50
Mezikanobori: it's not a ban, it's a mute.19:51
Mezjust while I have a chat with you19:51
ikanoboriSame reasoning goes for the mute :)19:51
Mezikanobori: the mute is in place because it was starting to turn into a little bit of a flamewar.19:51
Mezikanobori: basically, I asked you to tone down the stuff like <ikanobori> funkyHat: HAHAHA UBUNTU N00B19:52
MezIt's against the Code of Conduct.19:52
MezIf I'd been a new user joining that channel, it wouldn't have made me feel particularly welcome.19:53
Mezikanobori: do you understand my reasons for objecting to messages like that?19:53
ikanoboriMez: I would have never said such a thing to a new user.19:53
Mezikanobori: Which is why I'm just explaining to you.19:53
ikanoboriMez: It’s just, I neve saw you acting as an op, or saw your nick for that matter, in the past period of time and you seemed to be showing off :)19:54
MezImagine a new user had joined half way through that conversation.19:54
Mezikanobori: I only step in now and then. :D19:54
MezI'm not showing off, just trying to manage things.19:54
MezAll I ask is that you understand my point, and take it on board in future :D19:54
Mezcan you do that?19:55
MezThanks, that's all I wanted :D19:55
ikanoboriGood, still opposed to the action but alas I can see your point.19:56
Mezikanobori: the mute was only to stop things getting out of hand in the channel.19:56
naliothikanobori: you don't have to actually say it to a new users, just that a new user can see you saying it19:56
ikanoboriYes, I understand the reasoning behind it and I will not do it again. :)19:56
ikanoboriNow if you’ll excuse me, no hard feelings to Mez ;)19:59
MezI think he got the message nalioth :D20:07
MezI guess I surprise people when I put my cinnamon roll on20:07
naliothwearing one as a hat tends to do that20:08
ubottuctmjr called the ops in #ubuntu (toobparts,)23:38
ubottuzenlunatic called the ops in #ubuntu ()23:38

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