
ryanakcanewz2000: ping, Do you have any idea why the exact same theme (I'm told that canonical did not modify it when installing) would give two different results? http://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/Complete vs. http://wiki.ryanak.ca/kubuntu/test (theme: lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu-wikitheme )00:30
ryanakcaThe community help wiki has the same theme (well, almost, colors are changed, JS for rounding and moved the edit bar to the top of the screen) and it appears to work fine there...00:31
SiDiyou're lacking a CSS file imho00:33
ryanakcaSiDi: Oh?00:41
SiDiit looks like you're lacking the file that gives the shape of the corners and several other things00:42
SiDiits only a supposition though, didnt look at the sources :)00:42
ryanakcaSiDi: file that gives the shape of the corners? As in the corners of the container? We do it with JS :)00:44
SiDithen one of your js files is screwed on your server ^.^00:45
SiDithe common.css files of both websites are not identical, too, but it doesnt seem to have many differences00:45
MT-newz2000: you ever get a chance to check out the email?01:02
=== thorwil_ is now known as thorwil
ryanakcaSiDi: You're right, it's the JS that's breaking something, look at http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/working-wiki.png vs ~ryan/broken-wiki.png13:36
knomethe contents div should have a z-index of, say, 5013:37
ryanakcaknome: .table-of-contents has it13:44
* ryanakca is stumped13:53
ryanakcaThe script works fine on http://www.kubuntu.org/ , I wonder why it doesn't like the wiki.13:53
ryanakcaor why the wiki doesn't like the script :)13:53
MT-newz2000: ping16:15
=== SiDi`Laptop is now known as SiDi
MT-newz2000: reping20:29
SiDiMT-, ICMP Error : Host unreachable20:34
MT-SiDi: lol20:34
=== MT- is now known as newz2OOO
* newz2OOO IRC Error : Host too busy20:37
=== newz2OOO is now known as MT-
jpdsID theft!20:37
jpdsAnd 'ping' is so overrated.20:38
MT-jpds: no... only imitated20:38
MT-jpds: TACO20:38
MT-that's right, isn't it?20:40
MT-which canonical employee do I need to bug next+20:40
SiDistu yourself !20:43
jpdsMT-: For what?20:46
MT-the Luanchpad OpenID stuff20:47
MT-jpds: so, you you been?20:50
jpdsI what been?20:52
MT-how have you been? **20:52
SiDiIs that me or this conversation doesn't make sense and doesn't even try to ?20:52
MT-how did I do that? :S20:52
SiDijar jar binks !?20:52
MT-jpds: no opinion on how you're doing?21:01
MT-SiDi: those darned busy busy beaver canonical guys21:02
SiDiMT-, contrarily to us, they work :D21:02
MT-I work, I just make up for the time I'm not doing anything, doing homework, or at work by not sleeping :P21:03
MT-SiDi: you ever used CVS?21:04
SiDiI use git and bzr21:04
MT-I've been figuring out the challenge that is cvs - I find it similar to learning how to slit my wrists in a specific order at specific lengths and which type of blade is needed at each stage21:05
MT-bzr is about as hard as learning how to use ssh :P21:06

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