
progre55soreau, sec00:00
progre55soreau, and another stupid question.. where do I open gconf-editor? :)00:00
soreauprogre55: From Alt+F200:01
progre55oh, it says "compiz"00:01
iliketofrolic666what are some good podcasting programs for linux? google has failed me00:01
progre55should I change it?00:01
soreau[16:59:35] <soreau> progre55: Probably not. If you can open gconf-editor, navigate to desktop>gnome>session>required_components>windowmanager and make sure it is set to metacity00:02
Davieyiliketofrolic666: The default application for listening to podcasts at the moment is rythmnbox installed by default00:02
progre55soreau, thanks :)00:02
progre55okay, let me try to restart now..00:03
progre55soreau, thank you so much! appreciate!!00:03
iliketofrolic666thanks, reinstalling00:03
tyocWhat program can I use for: extract full contentes of a .nrg Nero file or for convert it to ISO?00:10
tyocDVD ISO00:10
HowardTheDuckhey all00:12
Guest60044i just put a computer together, and put in the ubuntu disc, it works for about a minute or two, then the screen just stays black, WTF!?00:14
chiquesGuest60044, You sure your power supply is working OK00:14
Guest60044how can i test it?00:15
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:15
Guest60044the computer stays on, and its a 750 watt power supply00:15
chiquesIs it a new PS?00:15
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Guest60044slightly used but worked fine before00:15
briancronI have a problem with the webcam on an HP DV6000 laptop.  It does not see the webcam00:16
chiquesGuest60044, Is the RAM new?00:16
Apollo2366Hey, all. I have a few sounds set to play at my login screen, and they play just fine, but after I successfully log in, I cannot get any sound to play. Period.  This just started happening after I rebooted my computer. Help?00:17
Guest60044chiques: the ram isnt brand new out of the box00:17
Guest60044this computer worked before, and the guy took it apart and placed it in a box00:17
mickster04Apollo2366, what have u tried to do to fix it00:17
Guest60044we just put it back together00:18
allquixoticHi, is there any way to capture my desktop in a way that a Video4Linux2 application will be able to stream from it?00:18
chiquesGuest60044, There are too many factors that can be causing your black screen. I'd try to use the last configuration (if possible) since it was working then add each upgrade one at a time.00:18
mickster04!webcam | briancron00:18
ubottubriancron: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:18
Apollo2366mickster04, I don't know what to try. I haven't changed any audio settings recently.00:18
mickster04Apollo2366, check stuff isnt muted, ur speakers are on an plugged in00:18
mickster04etc etc00:18
Guest60044chiques: i didnt make any upgrades00:18
Guest60044i just tried booting it and doing the run ubuntu with no changes00:19
Apollo2366mickster04, My speakers are both plugged in and at max volume.00:19
nexsja'ello. I've got a tricky situation. I've connected to my Office VPN, Skype works, local internet works (i have access to offices' servers), but can't open any web page, afaik i can't access the DNS server.00:19
Guest60044and it does the loading bar00:19
mickster04Apollo2366, mutes?00:19
nexsjaHow can i fix this?00:19
chiquesGuest60044, Must be pilot error, I'd check all of your harnest's and stuff like that00:19
calwigis there a faster way to transfer files using sftp or scp??00:19
Guest60044finishes then it just goes black00:19
Apollo2366mickster04, nothing is muted00:20
mickster04Guest60044, is it ovwerheating00:20
buckyGuest60044: what's your cpu temp?00:20
chiquesGuest60044, Have you used this installation disc on any other computers?00:20
Guest60044chiques: yes the one im using right now and a friends computer00:20
Guest60044bucky: how do i check cpu temp?00:20
buckyGuest60044: in  bios is one way00:21
Guest60044cpu core temperature 35C00:21
Guest60044is that ok/?00:21
chiquesGuest60044, I'd try bucky's suggestion. CPU overheating will halt the system.00:21
buckyGuest60044: is it going into sleep mode and not waking up00:22
VCoolioApollo2366: what do you use for sound? alsa? pulseaudio?00:22
Apollo2366VCoolio, pulseaudio00:22
Guest60044bucky: the screen just goes straight black once it tries to boot00:22
serphIs there a way to remove the suspend and hibernate options in the shutdown menu? (They do not seem to work with my nvidia fx5600)00:22
chiquesGuest60044, Do you have any other OS's that you can boot? Just curious if Windows or other Linux distributions will boot00:22
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Guest60044chiques: when i try the windows disc i get an error telling me to check stuff00:23
chiquesGuest60044, This sounds like some of the hardware wasn't inserted or plugged in correctly.00:23
laura_Buenas noches. Dado un número de PID determinado, cual sería el comando que tengo que ejecutar para matar un determinado proceso?00:23
Guest60044chiques: so should i go find my friend and kick his butt for plugging it in wrong and wasting my time?00:24
mickster04nexsja, how do u use skype if internet doesnt wrk?00:24
chiquesI'd tear it apart and start from scratch just to make sure00:24
nexsjamickster04 the internet does work, as i said, afaik it's the DNS's problem00:25
nexsjait's unaccesible or smtn00:25
mickster04!sp | laura_00:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp00:25
serphnexsja,  try and for  your dns ips00:26
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:26
nexsjaserph umm.. how do i configure it on a VPN connection?00:26
serphNo idea.00:26
LamoI'm trying to access my computer at home through remote desktop but when i connect i just get a black screen. I'm thinking maybe allow remote users to control desktop is not enabled so i cant bring the screen out of sleep? Im connected with ssh tho, is there a way i can enable control through command line?00:26
Apollo2366VCoolio, mickster04, also when I attempt to test sound in Preferences > Sound Preferences It gives an error message: "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid Argument."00:27
aleron6does anybody heah know of a video editing program like windows00:27
serphHow do I remove the "Suspend" and "Hibernate" options in the shutdown menu on the top right of gnome??? Every time these are pressed ubuntu hard locks00:28
serphdue to nvidia card I belive.00:28
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I have a Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) and for some reason whenever I am listening to music or watching videos it will play a couple songs and then my sound will stop working. I have read a lot of things about switching the sound settings to use ALSA instead of Pulseaudio and to kill Pulseaudio and things like that but for some reason nothing seems to fix the problem. Does anyone know00:28
fuzzybunny69y what else I could try doing?00:28
supreme__im trying to log into ubuntu one, and when i clicked on "sign in", the system sent to me to the same website , then i click again on "sign in" and the same00:29
supreme__(sorry for my english)00:29
mickster04VCoolio, you have any ideas? i could seach but dont know owt about this kinda problem?00:30
TuxedoBondMy network connection drops out after being connected and shows no light on the port in use on my router. Any ideas?00:30
VCoolioApollo2366: is pulse running? run "ps -ef | grep [p]ulse" in terminal to check00:30
Apollo2366Hey, all. I have a few sounds set to play at my login screen, and they play just fine, but after I successfully log in, I cannot get any sound to play. Period.  This just started happening after I rebooted my computer. Also when I attempt to test sound in Preferences > Sound Preferences It gives an error message: "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid A00:30
Apollo2366Sorry, VCoolio, thought you were gone. Running now.00:31
supreme__TuxedoBond, did you try in another port in router?00:31
gwhiphow do i reinstall grub to the mbr from the live cd?00:33
Apollo2366VCoolio: http://pastebin.com/d73e8a7b900:33
soreau! grub | gwhip00:33
ubottugwhip: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:33
TuxedoBondsupreme__: No. I'm trying that now.00:33
lowlycoderwhen I run gnome, i have a certain gtk style; when I run from xsession, I have a different gtk style; what can I put in ~/.xsession to run the proper gnome programs to ahve the gnome gtk style (running gnome-sound-properties and quitting does the trick, but i'd prefer something more elegant)00:33
* Gon ausente: Ausente por el momento00:34
joannethraxif nm-applet wojn't let me select "Enable Wireless"...why is that and what can I do about it?00:34
VCoolioApollo2366: you could read the syslog to see if something useful is mentioned; I'm checking on the command for pulse to restart, like with alsa-utils00:34
supreme__im trying to log into ubuntu one, and when i clicked on "sign in", the system sent to me to the same website , then i click again on "sign in" and the same thing happen00:34
Apollo2366VCoolio, where's the syslog?00:35
gwhipthanks for the link00:35
VCoolioApollo2366: in /var/log but you can use log reader in system > administration if you're on Jaunty00:35
Interphasedoes anyone else notice that firefox uses a lot of CPU?00:35
aleron6so any boyd knows of a windows movie maker alternatove00:35
joannethraxInterphase: Firefox does that.  Especially if you're low on RAM00:36
dreamyanyone using the new sis driver for ubuntu ?00:37
serphdreamy url?00:37
dreamyw8.. ill give to u in moment00:37
silvernodeHow can I change the main menu icon in gnome ?00:37
dreamycan i paste in the room?00:38
serphif its one line00:38
Interphasejoannethrax, I'm not low on RAM00:38
meteor``One or more applications depend on fwbuilder. To remove fwbuilder and the dependent applications, use the Synaptic package manager.00:38
meteor``Im getting this while removing fwbuilder00:39
dreamyserph: im sad just bcause for linux it doesnt includes the  672 fx .. but for vista and xp it does00:39
supreme__how can i become a certified ubuntu support master of universe (or some like that XD)?00:39
TuxedoBondMy network connection still will not connect.00:39
VCoolioApollo2366: appendix A here may be useful for at least troubleshooting and maybe solve00:39
VCoolioApollo2366: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890000:39
dreamyserph: do u got a sis?00:39
Apollo2366VCoolio, theres some stuff from syslog that I'm putting into my pastebin. http://pastebin.com/m3607207 Does any of it mean anything to you?00:39
OuterSpaceManHow do I disable notify-osd?00:40
serphI do dreamy I just placed an nvidia card in today because every crashed with sis00:40
Apollo2366VCoolio, and thanks for the link00:40
serphbut now suspend doesnt work ofcourse00:40
TuxedoBondIt works for at least a while if I restart the router.00:40
TuxedoBondThe router doesn't recognise the laptop unless I restart the router.00:40
TuxedoBondAfter I think it continues to work fine.00:40
dreamyserph: u mean u had one but u quit?00:41
TuxedoBondIs this a common problem?00:41
joannethraxSo...no one can help me with the fact that nm-applet won't let me choose to enable wireless?00:41
dreamyserph: do check it out ;) .. my pc image has become so greattt00:41
TuxedoBondI don't see the link light on the router turn on always for the windows XP install yet the internet connection still works on it.00:41
serphdreamy, its an onboard one from an old p4,00:41
TuxedoBondUbuntu does not.00:41
supreme__i hate you all since nobody listened to me! (xD im just kidding)00:41
serphdreamy thanks I'll definatly take a look .00:41
VCoolioApollo2366: if you run "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" does that fix sound?00:42
wahnfriedenis there some way to have a keyboard shortcut to make a window take up the left/right half of my screen?00:42
wahnfriedenso I can tile some windows00:42
supreme__see you , bye00:42
wahnfriedenI'm in gnome00:42
OuterSpaceManAnyone know how to stop notify-osd?00:42
donspauldingjaunty keeps hosing my file systems.  If I leave it up long enough, it becomes read-only, and then when I reboot, bam, fsck UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY.  I can't find one thing that does it, but it happened late in Jaunty's dev cycle and hasn't been fixed in the release.00:42
donspauldingdoes that ring any bells with anyone as to a specific bug?00:43
dreamyserph:are you well informed at this 3d .. perfromance .. drivers etc .. issues?00:43
donspauldingsuse 11.1 on a different partition of the same drive has been running like a charm for 2 months.00:43
Apollo2366VCoolio, no00:43
mobi-sheepKDE Experts.  Where can I toggle on Hidden in Dolphin? CTRL + H (from Gnome) does not work and I looked in "Configure Dolphin" too.00:43
buckydonspaulding: usplash made jaunty boot as read-only00:44
serphdreamy Not at all, I was just installing on this old system as a favour to a friend. Noticed with the sis onboard was very sluggish so I simply put in an old nvidia fx5600.00:44
buckydonspaulding:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117145900:44
VCoolioApollo2366:  too bad, would have been nice. ok, try the appendix link00:45
dreamyserph: ok.. let me say tho, i realy glad at my new image00:45
serphnew image?00:45
dreamyserph: sorry .. i meant after isntalling this driver .. my image become realy awesome00:45
tpirate5how do i install gnome desktop on my ubuntu server?00:45
Apollo2366VCoolio, ok...00:46
CapaHOne thing is frustrating to me. I want to scp a file from one computer in my network to another. Now, the catch is you have to be root to have permissions for the file. Therefore, I cannot simply say: scp me@server:/path/file ./  --- since I somehow have to 'su' to become root. Further, I have it configured so that direct root ssh is impossible. How can I do this?00:46
serphdreamy, does the program fspot work for you, in slide show with the new driver?00:46
dreamyserph: no idea.. im using vista on the lap that has the sis graphics card, im waiting for a linux release for the sis00:47
serphdreamy oh, there isn't a linux version?00:47
donspauldingbucky: thanks, but I don't think that's it.  / comes up just fine as read/write, then after running for a few hours (never the same amount of time) things start acting wonky and it gets remounted as read-only.00:47
dreamyyes but not for the 672 fx00:47
donspauldingand it's not just /, it does it to my /home partition as well00:48
serphi see I have an older one00:48
mickster04hi again00:49
wiske57Can't play an audio cd in the CD-ROM drive. Audio is fine in Amarok when you play a .mp3 file, no problem with audio in Firefox such as playing a video. Put the same CD-ROM and audio cable in another box and no problem. Any thoughts?00:49
buckydonspaulding: ext3 ?00:49
TuxedoBondOn Ubuntu the upper bar icon that shows the network connections has an x and says no valid connections, yet I am connected.00:50
TuxedoBondAny idea?00:51
tpirate5on ubuntu sudo apt-get install wont install anything00:51
mickster04TuxedoBond, how connceted?00:51
buckydonspaulding: is this with grub or grub2 ?00:51
TuxedoBondMy router must also be restarted in order for Ubuntu to be recognised and given internet access.00:51
mickster04tpirate5, what u trying to install?00:51
tpirate5gnome desktop00:51
donspauldingbucky: jaunty shipped with grub right?00:51
TuxedoBondVia ethernet cable to a router.00:51
donspauldingI don't think it's grub200:51
mobi-sheepKDE Experts.  Where can I toggle on Hidden in Dolphin? CTRL + H (from Gnome) does not work and I looked in "Configure Dolphin" too.00:52
TuxedoBondI suppose the X is just showing me that no wireless connections are active?00:52
TuxedoBondI still wonder why the router needs to be restarted to get a connection in Ubuntu, while Windows Xp has no problem.00:52
bucky / comes up just fine as read/write, then after running for a few hours, comes up as read only00:52
tpirate5mickster, any ideas?00:53
mickster04TuxedoBond, i never have had that problem the x is for wireless and how long to u wait before restartin?00:53
donspauldingyeah, remounts read-only while still running, then a reboot gives the fsck failures.00:53
CorpXanyone know how to start a new log file in the middle of a putty session?00:53
buckydonspaulding: unless someone else has any ideas it sounds like memory corruption to me00:54
buckydonspaulding: test your memory ?00:54
TuxedoBondmickster04: About five minutes or so.00:54
donspauldingbucky: I will, but it seems odd that suse would run just fine all this time.00:54
donspauldingmaybe memory corruption+newer kernel?00:55
TuxedoBondI didn't have this problem when I only had the gnome-core xorg, and GDM installed.00:55
donspauldingI feel like I'm hitting a corner case of bad code here.00:55
buckydonspaulding: can you press escape at the grub menu and fall back to an older kernel?00:55
donspauldingbucky: this guy seems to have run into the exact same problems I've had, without any solutions:  http://abing.gotdns.com/posts/2009/ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope/00:56
th0rdonspaulding: are you using 2.6.28-14?00:56
tpirate5anyone know how to install vnc via ssh on ubuntu server. all the commands ive tried said it cant find the package00:57
donspauldingth0r: no, all I've got are -11 and -1300:57
AzMooHey guys. I'm running an NTP server. Up until last weekend it worked great, but now netstat says it's listening and the server is running, but if it doesn't respond to ntp requests and if I run a portscan with nmap it's not showing up on that. Where can I look? I am stumped.00:57
th0rdonspaulding: ok...I have encountered some problems with -14 that cleared up when I went back to -1300:57
mickster04TuxedoBond, no i have no idea....try turnin it on after ur router?00:57
mickster04TuxedoBond, restart should be different to normal start up?00:58
=== murcherson is now known as murch
donspauldingth0r: I think I tried switching kernels back when JJ was first released, I'll give it another go tonight00:58
th0rtpirate5: you should be able to install it with 'sudo apt-get install vnc4server00:58
tpirate5tried that00:59
tpirate5said it couldnt find the package00:59
th0rtpirate5: you need to enable all the repos in the server00:59
tpirate5how do i do that?00:59
Apollo2366Hey, for the past couple of hours, I haven't been able to get any audio to play on my system. I'm using pulseaudio, Intrepid, I've already tried everything in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900. At the login screen, audio plays just fine, but when I actually log in, no sound plays. Also, here is a pastebin entry with the output from a command someone told me to try (I can't remember what command) And som relevant-l01:00
th0rtpirate5: vnc4server is in universe. To be honest, I don't know how to do it from the command line.01:00
tpirate5kk ill check it out on google01:00
th0rtpirate5: yeah...I was just going to do that01:01
th0rtpirate5: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine01:01
buckydonspaulding: i'd ask in #ubuntu-devel and show them that link01:02
th0rtpirate5: you can do it by editing sources.list. If you need the repo line to enter let me know and I will look at mine01:02
tpirate5kk thanks th0r01:03
MrPiracyThe installer won't recognize my partitions, could anyone please help me?01:03
Apollo2366VCoolio: You still there?01:04
th0rtpirate5: in fact, that link shows the universe lines about half way down01:04
nsadminMrPiracy how did you make them?01:04
VCoolioApollo2366: yeah, found anything?01:04
Apollo2366VCoolio: Nope, nothing in Appendix A worked.01:04
MrPiracynsadmin, i've been messing with partitions for a long time, but now all the other tools will see them, except ubuntu live cd01:05
MrPiracynsadmin fdisk -l will list them no problem01:05
nsadmindoes ubuntu live cd have sfdisk?01:05
MrPiracynsadmin, i have no idea01:05
tpirate5i tried /etc/apt/sources.list but it says permission denied which doesnt make sense because im logged in as root01:05
VCoolioApollo2366: nothing in the playback tab01:05
=== iamcalledrob|awa is now known as iamcalledrob
nsadminwhat are you running right now, and what kind of machine you got?01:06
th0rtpirate5: do you have synaptic open by any chance?01:06
MrPiracynsadmin, i'm on Windows 7 latest build, Core2Duo, Sata II 500gb drive01:06
Corsair^^awayhow do i mount a network drive?01:10
nexsjathere. so how can i mount a network drive?01:12
rogue_kinghi everyone01:12
munkhuh, my irc crashes when I open the channels window... Anyone know a channel for the transcoder application?01:12
MrPiracyGhostWolf, did that a thousand times01:12
tpirate5sudo: /usr/bin/nano: command not found01:12
prince_jammystpirate5: echo "$PATH"01:12
GhostWolf0o what in the name??01:12
Apollo2366_Hey, for the past couple of hours, I haven't been able to get any audio to play on my system. I'm using pulseaudio, Intrepid, I've already tried everything in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900. At the login screen, audio plays just fine, but when I actually log in, no sound plays. Also, here is a pastebin entry with the output from a command someone told me to try (I can't remember what command) And som relevant-looking lines from my syslog: 01:12
nsadmintpirate5: so you need something to help you understand pathnames, relative and absolute and what's the difference and how to specify which... maybe a basic unix tutorial or shell tutorial for that, and maybe you could use a shell tutorial anyway01:13
GhostWolfMrPiracy whats the brand of the switch??01:13
MrPiracyGhostWolf, leadership01:13
damien_I've got a spanish keyboard. How do I get it to work with Ubuntu01:13
MrPiracyGhostWolf, it works find on windows7/xp and even hackintosh01:13
GhostWolfMrPiracy hmm i dunno then i bought iogear one from a local computer shop and i didn't have both my computers on when i hooked it up01:13
prince_jammys!keyboard > damien_01:14
ubottudamien_, please see my private message01:14
mattgyverCan fail2ban monitor webmin?01:14
GhostWolfand when i turned on my nix box it was at 640x480..01:14
rogue_kingthe desktop on my laptop extends beyond the screen itself, is there a file i can modify to adjust this?01:14
nsadminMrPiracy so let me understand where it doesn't work...01:14
nsadminjust on the installer?01:14
MrPiracyGhostWolf, i could just take it all off ... it would do for now i just have a friends pc here, but i'll soon get my other computer back and i wanted it to be working01:14
damien_prince_jammys: That doesn't wokr01:14
nsadmincan you get into your ubuntu?01:14
mickster04rogue_king, have u tried display settings first01:14
prince_jammysdamien_: OK.01:14
here4thegearI am using ubuntu server. I did not set it up. I do not know how apache/php/mysql were installed (apt-get or aptitude), but, I know I do not have cURL which I need. What are the chances that running sudo aptitude install php5-curl will give me what I need (even though php is already installed?)01:15
damien_prince_jammys: I have a spanish keyboard with keys for spanish01:15
prince_jammysdamien_: yes, i know. i thought that factoid would address your problem.01:15
damien_prince_jammys: None of the layouts match my keyboard01:15
MrPiracynsadmin, yes, i'm now trying to reinstall the whole system because i think it will be easier for me ... but the partition editor in ubuntu will see my main drive as a empty space only01:15
rogue_kingmickster04, yea i have. it only allows me to use 1024 x 51201:15
prince_jammysdamien_: if it didn't, i don't know the solution.01:15
GhostWolfMrPiracy well im just saying what helped with me depends on what ya monitor accepts, video card and all that so i don't know it works for me.. and i didn't have a install disk01:15
nsadminMrPiracy: ok, can you boot your ubuntu now?01:16
MrPiracynsadmin, even fdisk -l, partition magic, acronis disk manager, ...., even DOS ones will see them all just fine01:16
nsadminand then come here01:16
n2diyI just used grsync and ssh to copy from "elmo" to "curly", and it worked! I then tried the same operation, and now I get a remote host ID has changed error. Is this because Elmo's known_hosts file replaced Curly"s?01:16
GhostWolfMrPiracy maybe you should look up the name of the switch online and see if theres any updates available.. or that it can be used with a nix box01:16
MrPiracynsadmin, yes i can, but it will be in 640x480 resolution, kinda hard to deal with01:16
nsadminwheres n2?01:16
nsadminMrPiracy: I'd just like to have you try one thing01:17
Apollo2366_ Hey, for the past couple of hours, I haven't been able to get any audio to play on my system. I'm using pulseaudio, Intrepid, I've already tried everything in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900. At the login screen, audio plays just fine, but when I actually log in, no sound plays. Also, here is a pastebin entry with the output from a command someone told me to try (I can't remember what command) And som relevant-looking lines from my syslog:01:17
MrPiracynsadmin, shoot01:17
GhostWolfanywho.. i forgot how to change to a folder/directory thats in the main folder im in terminal can someone help?01:17
nsadminbtw what happens when you remove the switch01:17
prince_jammysGhostWolf: the 'cd' command changes dir.01:17
MrPiracyGhostWolf, i dont think there are drivers for that ... it's just a swtich, no drivers at all01:17
GhostWolfprince_jammys i know01:17
MrPiracynsadmin, i didtn try that yet01:17
mrken1Total newb here but also having sound issues01:18
mickster04rogue_king, well what are your current settings01:18
prince_jammysGhostWolf: ok, misunderstood your question then.01:18
nixn00bHello, im running ubuntu jaunty and have a video card question, is this the correct place to ask?01:18
mrken1just installed ubuntu for first stab at linux01:18
MrPiracynsadmin, but i think it's all screwd up now because i've been tyring to edit xorg.conf and all that ... even reinstalled NVIDIA drivers01:18
mrken1looked at forum sticky and manuals no avail01:18
GhostWolfprince_jammy i mean the full command like cd /home/games or something like that i forgot what i have to type first01:18
mickster04nixn00b, yea probly01:18
rogue_kingmickster04: resolution set to 1024 x 512 @ 60Hz refresh and normal rotation. thats all i can see of my display settings01:18
GhostWolfMrPiracy did you buy the switch at a retailer??01:19
x_orDoes anyone know of a simple command line FTP client?  I want something with no configuration file that I can use for programmatic tests of FTP.  Just to run on localhost.01:19
nsadminthat would be somethign to try... so what I want you to do once you're booted into your ubuntu, is first to come here, then to rewrite your partition table, finally test to see if ubuntu installer sees the partitions after that (don't try rewriting in dos/win/macos)01:19
mickster04well thats too wide?01:19
MrPiracyGhostWolf, do you happen to use NVIDIA ?01:19
mickster04rogue_king,  well thats too wide?01:19
MrPiracyGhostWolf, i bought down the corner01:19
GhostWolfMrPiracy yes my vid card is xfx01:19
mickster04mrken1, more details then01:19
MrPiracyGhostWolf, the cheaper i could find01:19
damien_I've got this keyboard http://www.datacal.com/spanish-keyboards.htm but I'm not sure how to configure it01:19
mrken1intel arch01:19
rogue_kingmickster04, yes. i can see maybe 60% of the desktop01:19
nixn00bwill this video card http://cgi.ebay.com/ATI-Radeon-HD-4650-1GB-DDR2-PCIE-HD4650-HDMI-Video-Card_W0QQitemZ370165499254QQcategoryZ3762QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp2773.m263QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%252BC%26itu%3DUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BFICS%252BUFI%26otn%3D38%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D54 - work with this mother board? - http://www.gigabyte.us/Products/Motherboard/Products_Overview.aspx?ProductID=250701:19
GhostWolfMrPiracy ok but that doesn't answer was it a retailer store you got it from??01:19
here4thegearGhostWolf: cd folder/whatev01:19
mrken164 bit ubuntu01:19
mickster04rogue_king,  what should the resolution be then?01:20
mrken1playing through hdmi nvidia card01:20
nsadminI'm also using nvidia and want to get xen going01:20
mrken1into onkyo receiver01:20
MrPiracyGhostWolf, it's a grocery shop01:20
GhostWolfhere4thegear i did that i remember typing cd home or something like that01:20
Apollo2366_ Hey, for the past couple of hours, I haven't been able to get any audio to play on my system. I'm using pulseaudio, Intrepid, I've already tried everything in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900. At the login screen, audio plays just fine, but when I actually log in, no sound plays. Also, here is a pastebin entry with the output from a command someone told me to try (I can't remember what command) And som relevant-looking lines from my syslog:01:20
n2diyI just used grsync and ssh to copy /home from "elmo" to "curly", and it worked! I then tried the same operation again, and now I get a remote host ID has changed error. Is this because Elmo's known_hosts file replaced Curly"s?01:20
prince_jammysx_or: the simplest would be 'ftp' itself. lftp is also available.01:20
NoxourneDoes anyone here use virtualbox01:20
rogue_kingmickster04, definitely above 1280 x 102401:20
GhostWolfMrPiracy well if you can take it back.. you should go to a local computer shop.. probably get a good one for around 15 bucks or so for a 2port one01:20
nixn00bNoxourne; yes01:20
mickster04rogue_king, do u have compixz01:20
mickster04rogue_king, do u have compiz, you may have desktop zoom on?01:21
Apollo2366_nick Apollo236601:21
GhostWolfah now i got it.. dang terminal01:21
=== Apollo2366_ is now known as Apollo2366
NoxourneI installed virtualbox 3.0 by both the .deb file and by repository but it makes no launcher in the applications list01:21
MrPiracyGhostWolf, i'm in brazil, everything here is expensive ... no 15 bucks KVM here, i got mine for around 40 dollars, all the others were around 10001:21
here4thegearn2diy: yes, probably so, but you can probably use the ip address instead though.01:21
zeitsofahello - i have some trouble with LVM. i have a new install with luks and LVM on a new disk. know i like to use my old one with same vg name but it dosn't work. can anyone help me?01:21
rogue_kingmickster04, no i never messed with compiz. and all this occured after i downloaded the upgrade for 9.04. btw im running it on the HP Mini01:21
mickster04Noxourne, try terminal01:22
nixn00bNoxourne; i installed mine through synaptic package manager i think it was with no problems useing ubuntu jaunty,i had to for school to run visual basic01:22
mickster04rogue_king, r u running desktop or nbr?01:22
rogue_kingmickster04, desktop01:22
mzzn2diy: bit hard to tell. It seems likely you overwrote known_hosts, but I'm not sure if that should be giving you this error, depending on what's in the files and how you're ssh-ing.01:22
GhostWolfwell i dunno then mrPiracy.. maybe the one you have doesn't work with nix only way to see is google the name of the brand and see if they have a site and look for the product you have and see if it will work for nix machines01:22
n2diyhere4thegear: actually, I was using the machines ip address.01:23
Noxourneit's not in synaptic package manager, even though it's available to install from apt-get01:23
mzzn2diy: if I get those and know the id was supposed to change I just remove the offending line from known_hosts by hand.01:23
nixn00bwill this video card http://cgi.ebay.com/ATI-Radeon-HD-4650-1GB-DDR2-PCIE-HD4650-HDMI-Video-Card_W0QQitemZ370165499254QQcategoryZ3762QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp2773.m263QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%252BC%26itu%3DUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BFICS%252BUFI%26otn%3D38%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D54 - work with this mother board? - http://www.gigabyte.us/Products/Motherboard/Products_Overview.aspx?ProductID=250701:23
Noxourneare there hidden packages in synaptic?01:23
rogue_kingmickster04, when i first installed it the resolution was perfect. then after the update i can't change the resolution (even after reistalling it twice)01:23
MrPiracyGhostWolf, i dont see a reason why a switch would be compatible or not ... it's my monitor behind all the cables, isnt it?01:23
mickster04rogue_king, hmm...well i wuold recomend gettin compiz fusion icon then using that to go thu settings and seeing if u can edit zoom things thereut that probly wont be the problem....01:23
mickster04rogue_king, what did u first install01:23
n2diymzz: well, the error message goes on to tell me to adid the new host key to known_host, and all will be well again.01:24
rogue_kingmickster04, 9.0401:24
MrPiracyGhostWolf, i thought i'd just need to edit my config files and add moded resolutions i could choose from in the GUI01:24
GhostWolfMrPiracy it doesn't matter if its your monitor you need to connect it to both computers and if its not compatible it won't work..01:24
Noxournebah, I'll just make a launcher on the desktop for it01:24
GhostWolfMrPiracy no cause all i did was restarted and it was fine..01:24
nixn00bNoxourne; mine is located in applications > accessories > when i first installed it , i kept looking under system tools01:24
mickster04rogue_king, so ou updated it?01:24
Apollo2366Hey, for the past couple of hours, I haven't been able to get any audio to play on my system. I'm using pulseaudio, Intrepid, I've already tried everything in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4928900. At the login screen, audio plays just fine, but when I actually log in, no sound plays. Also, here is a pastebin entry with the output from a command someone told me to try (I can't remember what command) And som relevant-looking lines from my syslog: h01:24
mickster04rogue_king, upgradin is different01:24
GhostWolfMrPiracy so either the switch you got is not compatible or you got a bad switch01:24
mzzn2diy: you can just remove the existing entry, and you'll get the usual prompt to accept a new host01:24
mzzn2diy: but yeah, editing would also work01:24
mickster04Apollo2366, it looks like no one knows ur solution try again tomoz01:24
MrPiracyGhostWolf, it works find on windows and mac os x01:25
Fishy-how do you set up a network drive on ubuntu01:25
rogue_kingmickster04, yes. my apologies for getting the two terms mixed up.01:25
MrPiracyGhostWolf, fine*01:25
nixn00bFishy-, i think with SAMBA01:25
Apollo2366mickster04: ok...01:25
mickster04rogue_king, ah ok...ermm did u get any notices abut changing owt? wihilst updatin, have u checked again recently01:25
MrPiracyGhostWon, nsadmin, hang on, i'll be back from ubuntu01:25
n2diymzz: ok, that would work for now, but I do need to make a proper fix. Any idea where I would find the RSA key ssh wants?01:25
GhostWolfMrPiracy well most do.. but linux is not like windows or mac.. if you don't that by now then you will hve more issues long the line01:26
dhireni was wondering if there was anyone that could help me with an issue01:26
prince_jammysdhiren: describe your problem in detail and someone will help.01:26
rogue_kingmickster04, unfortunately my wired NIC doesn't work so i haven't been capable of checking01:26
Athunye05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Attansic Technology Corp. Device 1062 (rev c0)  What is the module for this ethernet card ?01:26
GhostWolfwell im leaving i got my issue worked01:26
nixn00bno ideas on if my video card will work with the motherboard? i dont see why it shouldnt i started a thread at ubuntu forums with no response yet , heres the ubuntu forums link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=be15d1c74d08be13975772027784f5b3&t=121502801:26
dhireni have been trying to open an avi video file on ubuntu and i tried vlc, mplayer, and movie player that comes preinstalled and as soon as i open the file the player opens and than all the sudden closes01:27
mickster04rogue_king, it could e that sumat isnt entirely updated or sumat like that...i dont really know. there is a file somewhere that has a list of  graphical devices and stuff ut i cant remember where...:(01:27
frostbite7hey guys. when i try to install a theme on 9.04 it continues to tell me that the theme is not valid. what do i do?01:27
prince_jammysdhiren: does this happen with ALL avi's?01:27
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dhireneven mp3s01:27
dhirenand flacs01:27
phenixdhiren: can you play DVDs on your system?01:28
here4thegearusing ubuntu server, which someone else set up, I need to install cURL. apparently sudo aptitude install php5-curl will do the trick, but, how would this effect a pre-existing php5 install? will it just re-install php5 with the curl options, or will it break my php5?01:28
prince_jammysdhiren: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?01:28
dhirendont believe so01:28
dhirencan i pm u?01:28
nixn00bdhiren; do you have the correct drivers installed for your video/audio card? is it nvidia card?01:28
rogue_kingmickster04, thanks for the help. im going to ask to see if anyone in here knows where the file is located01:28
frostbite7no how do i do that?01:28
phenixdhiren: in terminal, go: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:28
mickster04dhiren, are u sure the file even works?01:28
prince_jammys!codecs| dhiren: Follow this:01:28
ubottudhiren: Follow this:: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:28
dhirenyeah im positive it works01:29
dhirenit worked on XP01:29
dhireni just switched over to ubuntu01:29
rogue_kingdoes anyone know where the file is that contains all the possbile graphical devices and possibly even the resolutions allowed01:29
mzzn2diy: iirc ssh prints it01:29
dhirenand i dont think i installed a driver i have and intel video card.01:29
nixn00brogue_king, goto system > preferences > display i think for the resolution changes01:29
prince_jammysdhiren: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:29
dhirenyeah i did that01:29
dhirenits installing01:29
MrPiracynsadmin: ok, here i am, what were u going to suggest me to do?01:29
frostbite7thank you guys so much. have a good dau..01:30
rogue_kingnixn00b, ive tried but after i update the system im only capable of 1024 x 512 resolution01:30
TuxedoBondRegardless of when I cold boot into Ubuntu, or soft restart after, it doesn't make the internet connection my wired router. I have to power off/on the router for it to work.01:30
dhirenprince_jammys: its installing fonts?01:30
TuxedoBondCorrection, a soft restart after a cold boot DOES work.01:30
TuxedoBondA plain cold boot does not.01:31
leaf-sheepAnybody here using KDE, does "kde-config --version" display 3.5.10 for you?01:31
rogue_kingTuxedoBond, is this a fresh install? dual partition with windows? or format over windows installation?01:31
here4thegearusing ubuntu server, which someone else set up, I need to install cURL. apparently sudo aptitude install php5-curl will do the trick, but, how would this effect a pre-existing php5 install? will it just re-install php5 with the curl options, or will it break my php5?01:31
prince_jammysdhiren: yes, it installs some microsoft fonts also.01:31
dhirensame problem prince jammys01:31
mickster04rogue_king, /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:31
dhirenit opens the media player than it closes right away01:31
nixn00brogue_king; maybe system > admin > nvidia x server settings?01:31
nixn00bno ideas on if my video card will work with the motherboard? i dont see why it shouldnt i started a thread at ubuntu forums with no response yet , heres the ubuntu forums link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=be15d1c74d08be13975772027784f5b3&t=121502801:32
MrPiracynsadmin:  u there?01:32
TuxedoBondrogue_king: Fresh install, dual boot set up with Windows XP, and separate partitions for each OS.01:32
rogue_kingmickster04, thank you. can't believe i didn't remember it01:32
mickster04rogue_king, ditto01:32
prince_jammysdhiren: open a terminal and run:  vlc -vvv /path/to/your_movie.avi.  You should see some error messages.01:32
rogue_kingnixn00b, not listed01:32
Nameless_auleaf-sheep: kde-config --version Qt: 3.3.8b KDE: 3.5.10 kde-config: 1.001:32
MrPiracyok, could anyone pls help me to restore my screen resolution after installing a KVM?01:32
prince_jammysdhiren: vlc should spit out some error messages that will appear in the terminal you launched it from.01:33
rogue_kingTuxedoBond, whats happening is that windows is shutting the NIC off and Ubuntu doesn't communicate with the driver properly to turn it on01:33
nixn00bMrPiracy, maybe try uninstalling whatever caused the problem just now?01:33
prince_jammysdhiren: pastebin the error messages and attach the link here with your original question, so someone can help.01:33
grouti have a ati 3300 on 9.04 64, the driver sucks cant even pplay 1920x1200 avi, do i have any options?01:33
mzzTuxedoBond: just got here, which nic?01:33
ubottudhiren: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:34
MrPiracynixn00b: i installed a KVM, but now i am stuck at 640x48001:34
leaf-sheepNameless_au: Strange, isn't it?  Thought I was running KDE401:34
rogue_kingmickster04, xorg.conf is completely blank01:34
Nameless_auleaf-sheep: yeah i thought i had 4.2.2...01:34
nixn00bMrPiracy, i would try to uninstall the KVM and see if it goes back to normal resolution01:34
mickster04rogue_king,  wel thats not good01:34
mickster04do some research into it then...01:35
mickster04rogue_king, thats all i can offer01:35
leaf-sheepNameless_au: I wonder if you know how I can toggle on Hidden Files/Folders?01:35
MrPiracynixn00b: i dont want to even try that because i want the kvm to work01:35
frostbite7.please can someone help. how do you install a mac leopard theme on 9.0401:35
rogue_kingmickster04, well the help provided is greatly appreciated01:35
nixn00bwill a pci express 16 card, work with a pci express 8 slot?01:35
Nameless_auleaf-sheep:  u mean in dolphin?01:36
leaf-sheepNameless_au: Yes.01:36
nixn00bleaf-sheep; goto view in the folders menu, then check the box that says "view hidden files"01:36
_Apple_can I get some help adding resolutions to my second display01:36
rogue_kingTuxedoBond, i had the same problem when i had a desktop dual partitioned for Win XP and Ubuntu01:36
dhirenprince jammys did i do it right01:37
Nameless_auleaf-sheep: in dolphin, go under the 'View' menu, it is there.01:37
prince_jammysdhiren: yes. the key error seems to be: "X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)"01:37
dhirenwhat does that mean?01:37
prince_jammysdhiren: that's the error message01:37
dhirenproblem with the video?01:38
prince_jammysdhiren: now time to see what google has to say about that ;)01:38
leaf-sheepNameless_au: Wow. Thanks. I tried asking in #kubuntu and nobody responded. I tried Configure Dolphin too.  Nothing.  Thanks again. :)01:38
nixn00bno ideas on if my video card will work with the motherboard? i dont see why it shouldnt i started a thread at ubuntu forums with no response yet , heres the ubuntu forums link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=be15d1c74d08be13975772027784f5b3&t=121502801:38
nixn00bplease help!! :)01:38
dhirenman ive been trying to figure this out for 3 to 4 days01:38
dhireni was gonna switch back to xp01:38
Nameless_auleaf-sheep: no probs, #kubuntu can be slow at times, i know form experience01:38
_Apple_can I get some help adding resolutions to my second display01:39
prince_jammysdhiren: Don't despair yet. For starters, see if this is relevant: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-185784.html01:39
Dr_WillisHmm.. the 3 yr old was on the computer.. :) hope he dident flood anything...01:39
leaf-sheepNameless_au: Is there anything else I should know about?  For instance, I just found out that applying something in a folder (view/settings/etc) does not apply globally.01:39
Socah!resolution | _Apple_,01:40
ubottu_Apple_,: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:40
dhirenseems like the same issue jammys01:40
prince_jammysdhiren: check this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-194746.html01:41
usr13dhiren: Try mplayer01:41
usr13dhiren: apt-cache search mplayer01:41
_Apple_thank's ubottu, I was looking for that site lol01:41
dhirenive tried mplayer.01:42
dhirensame effing issue01:42
dhireni havent installed my video card01:42
dhirencould tat be it01:42
=== Anon6616 is now known as Kangarooo
dhirenwell the driver for it01:42
dhireni have an intel video card.01:42
prince_jammysdhiren: seems to be related to video memory, yes.01:42
frostbite7i appreciate your help but the ".....does not appear to be a valid theme" message keeps coming up. any help?01:42
=== Leszczoman is now known as karaeska
Nameless_auleaf-sheep: um there are heaps of things one should 'know' about any OS they want to use on their computer - you'd have to be more specific01:42
prince_jammysdhiren: intel is mentioned in the second link i posted.01:43
usr13dhiren: apt-cache search w32codecs01:43
prince_jammysyeah, install that too.01:43
usr13dhiren: Where did you get aaf-ent.s05e05.avi01:44
leaf-sheepNameless_au: Oh okay. I'm great with Gnome (a year now) and been trying Kubuntu for 2 days now. Faced some issues. (Sounds, etc).  Slow support. Outdated information/version/etc. :)01:44
BlizzerandWhich are the best games in Ubuntu repository01:44
leaf-sheepNameless_au: I can assume it's not fully ready but it's getting there and frankly it's looking nice. :)01:44
usr13dhiren: Can you supply a URL?01:44
Socah!best || Blizzerand01:44
ubottu| Blizzerand: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:44
usr13Or can you show us aaf-ent.s05e05.avi ?01:44
Kangaroooheelo.. HDD 1:WinXP 2:Ubuntu 3:just hdd w/o OS    i need to log in to WinXP 1st HDD. I cant. 1st booting was 2nd hdd. But WinXP was not shoving up in grub. So i switched back to 1st HDD to boot 1st. But there was also Grub and also w/o WinXP. Im now trying Super Grub Disk and cant guess witch optioon to choose. I already choose 10x and rebooted 10x bur cant get WINXP to work.. What to do? Witch option works?01:45
usr13dhiren: Or can you show us aaf-ent.s05e05.avi ?01:45
Blizzerand* k Which are the coolest games which you all enjoy in this heavy rain01:45
Nameless_auleaf-sheep: yeah i'm a bit of a newb with kde myself, but i'm loving it (originally an xfce user)01:45
=== karaeska is now known as Leszczoman
SocahKangarooo, there is no windows entry in grub? Or there is one, and doesn't start01:45
TuxedoBondmzz: Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection01:45
SocahBlizzerand, if you like fps games, try nexuiz01:46
Trizicusis it common for suspend not to work?01:46
KangaroooSocah theres grub on both disks and no Win entry on both.01:46
mzzTuxedoBond: mmm, haven't seen it with that one. I did hit it with a realtek chipset once, and worked around it by messing around in the driver properties in windows, telling it to not shut down the card01:46
TuxedoBondrogue_king: It works after I cold boot into Ubuntu and then soft restart. Why is that?01:46
SocahKangarooo, just do -> nano /boot/grub/menu.lst, open google, find what entry you need to add for windows, and copy it to file, save, and check if it's ok.01:47
dhirenhow do i show it to u lol01:47
prince_jammysdhiren: this seems to be relevant, too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/37425801:47
Socah!grub | Kangarooo,01:47
ubottuKangarooo,: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:47
^menace^hi all, anybody want to help me out here, ubuntu, starts up bar moves accross screen and then when i should get my desktop i just get balck screen, shade chnges as it trys to fire up a couple of times but thats it........... i think i need to get vesa driver functioning buti dont know how,,, ive been trying all day, somebody please01:47
mzzTuxedoBond: if you're hitting the same thing I'm hitting it's because windows shuts down the card into a state the linux driver can't boot it back up from. You'll be fine as long as you cold-boot into ubuntu.01:47
SocahTrizicus, I think it's pretty common01:47
TrizicusSo if I want to save power what should I do? Just dim it?01:48
SocahTrizicus, all 3-4 laptops that I have used, was not able to suspend out-of-a-box01:48
mzzTrizicus: suspend's technically harder than it sounds at first. Can sometimes be made to work by finding the right kernel/xorg combo.01:48
usr13dhiren: how large is the file?01:48
WAVINhi, I cant mount my android phone with usb01:48
usr13dhiren: pastebin it.01:48
KangaroooSocah ups now theres no grub on both disks.. i messed something up. :)01:48
SerpherI was given a domain and password to edit a website I didn't make nor register. Are there any tools Ubuntu has to upload and download these files (wget)?01:48
TrizicusHow do I save power w/o suspend?01:49
SocahTrizicus, you got laptop, yes? You can managed your cpu requency, screen brightness.01:49
TrizicusYes a laptop01:49
=== forrest`` is now known as forrestv
SocahKangarooo, use link that ububott gave you, and check repairing grub section01:49
Dr_WillisWAVIN:  most of the time ive seen people have 'cant mount phone issue' they dont realize that most phones have a 'usb/drive  mode' in the menus  thta has to be activated.01:49
rogue_kingTuxedoBond, i haven't heard a problem like that before01:49
TrizicusHow do I do that? I know how to do manage the dim but what about cpu freq01:49
mzzTrizicus: standby (suspend to ram) may still work if hibernate (suspend to disk) does not01:49
SocahSerpher, wput01:49
^menace^anybody hi all, anybody want to help me out here, ubuntu, starts up bar moves accross screen and then when i should get my desktop i just get balck screen, shade chnges as it trys to fire up a couple of times but thats it........... i think i need to get vesa driver functioning buti dont know how,,, ive been trying all day, somebody please01:49
TrizicusNeither work on my laptop01:49
mzzTrizicus: also spinning down the drive, turning off the display/backlight and powering down the network all conserve a bit of power.01:49
dhiren232.7 MB (244051968 bytes)01:49
SocahTrizicus, also install package named powertop, and run it01:49
SerpherSocah: thanks01:50
Trizicuswhat will it od?01:50
usr13dhiren: So where did you get it?01:50
WAVINDr_Willis: yes it works now01:50
Dr_Willis^menace^:  vesa driver would be the bottom of the barrel 'fail safe' sort of driver.    tell the channel your exact video card - is a good idea.01:50
SocahTrizicus, it will help you to turn off thing, that you don't use and that waste memory01:50
mzzTrizicus: I recommend against blindly following the recommendations from powertop, but its list of wakeup-hungry apps and possibly its power measurements can be useful.01:50
dhirenits an episode of entourage01:50
TrizicusIt says it supports Intel and I am AMD lol01:50
Socahdamn, not memory, power01:51
TrizicusHow could I contribute to fixing the suspend problem?01:51
^menace^hi all, anybody want to help me out here, ubuntu, starts up bar moves accross screen and then when i should get my desktop i just get balck screen, shade chnges as it trys to fire up a couple of times but thats it........... i think i need to get vesa driver functioning buti dont know how,,, ive been trying all day, somebody please, ati radeon mobility hd260001:51
prince_jammysdhiren: My guess is that your video card driver is not configured properly.01:52
dhireni never configured it how do i do that?01:52
Socah^menace^, go to console, (alt+ctrl+f1), log-in, type sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf , find section "driver" and replace entry with vesa, save, reboot01:52
^menace^dr_willis, but if  icould get vesa up then i could get into my system and just install another driver, right? im only two weeks into ubuntu, so not experianced with command line defore now01:52
Socah^menace^, yes, you can01:52
prince_jammysdhiren: paste here (in the channel), the output of the following:  lspci|grep VGA01:53
^menace^socah, cant get concole in system, recovery modes is all thats available01:53
dhiren00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)01:53
TuxedoBondmzz: That's the problem. Cold booting into Ubuntu DOES not provide a functional network connection without a router reset, yet if I cold boot into Ubuntu and then soft restart it does work WITHOUT a router reset.01:54
Socah^menace^, you can do same from recovery mode01:54
TuxedoBondWindows XP is never booted in my scenario.01:54
prince_jammysdhiren: ok.01:54
SerpherCan 'Places --> Connect to Server' be used to edit a website?01:54
WAVINIe mounted it but now it says error "The folder "?" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.01:55
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prince_jammysdhiren: type the nickname of the person you're talking to in the channel, else your message can get lost. you can type the first few characters and then the tab key to autocomplete: eg: princ<TAB>01:55
dhirenprince_jammys, sorry01:55
prince_jammysdhiren: that's ok. now you know :)01:55
aleksioSerpher: no01:55
SerpherIs there any program with a GUI that I can use or is it all wget and wput?01:56
n2diyI just backed /home from one box to another, all my files made it, but not the apps. to run them. What else should I back up?01:56
prince_jammysdhiren: the configuration is in a file located at /etc/X11/xorg.conf . open that file in a text editor, and pastebin it like you did before.01:56
Megabyte1311 people. Wow.01:56
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:57
mzzTuxedoBond: that's peculiar and differs from the issue I encountered. Can't debug it right now, sorry, I'm falling asleep01:57
frostbite7how do you install themes on jaunty01:58
prince_jammysdhiren: also, what version of ubuntu are you running?01:58
^menace^Socah, im using 9.04 ubuntu, when i tried to do that with alive cd it told me that it overirdes those settings from elsewhere and i  couldnt save my changes........ would this be diferent from in recovery mode and also, whast the command to save?01:58
dhirenthe newest one01:58
MegabyteCan you guys even see me in this multitude?01:58
Pici!html | Serpher01:58
ubottuSerpher: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/01:58
bazhangfrostbite7, download them and drag and drop on the theme manager01:58
prince_jammys!changethemes > frostbite701:58
ubottufrostbite7, please see my private message01:58
rfmIs there something I can put in a gnome panel that displays the local host name?  I have two jaunty machines on a kvm switch and it's sometimes hard to tell where I am....01:58
^menace^frostbite, care or youl end up in my situation lol01:58
soreauMegabyte: no01:58
dhirenprince_jammys,  9.0401:58
prince_jammysdhiren: ok.01:59
Megabytesoreau, lol01:59
jribrfm: personally I would use a different theme to distinguish, but I don't know the answer to your question01:59
Serpherubottu: Sorry...I mean something to edit files ON the server, uploading and downloading them. Thank you though.01:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:59
n2diyrfm: just keep a terminal open?01:59
frostbite7i always get a message that says the theme isnt valid01:59
Megabyteubottu, command01:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about command01:59
jribSerpher: gedit should work fine...01:59
Megabyteubottu, commands01:59
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:59
bazhangfrostbite7, then choose another, or follow the instructions on the page on how to install them02:00
SerpherI mean like an FTP client...I don't really know my terminology for this02:00
bazhangMegabyte, please /msg ubottu02:00
mzzSerpher: it depends! If you have some kind of access to the server that's compatible with places -> connect to... then that should work just fine02:00
jribSerpher: nautilus is one (connect to server like you said)02:00
jrib!ftp | Serpher02:00
ubottuSerpher: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd02:00
mzzSerpher: "to edit a website" is a bit vague02:00
Megabytebazhang, ok02:00
mickster04frostbite7, even on default themes?02:00
dhirenprince_jammys, http://paste.ubuntu.com/220177/02:00
TuxedoBondmzz: No problem.02:00
FloodBot1katey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
prince_jammysdhiren: is it a laptop?02:00
bazhangkatey, stop02:00
dhirenprince_jammys, nope its a Dell desktop02:01
TuxedoBondmzz: It could be my router, yet it didn't happen with a mnimal Ubuntu install with XORG, GDM and Gnome-Core.02:01
Condoulook, for some reason I'm having issues sharing files between two Ubuntu machines. I have Samba installed on both of em, and created a share on one, but the other one won't access it02:01
frostbite7just downloded ones02:01
mickster04frostbite7, well then maybe the theme is invalid?02:01
^menace^socah, thanks ill have another go02:02
soreauCondoulo: samba is for sharing with windoze. You want to use ssh02:02
frostbite7lol the 22 themes i tried couldnt have all been02:02
Condoulosoreau, oh? there a UI for connecting via that method? >.<02:02
WAVINhow to change permissions for mounted usb connected phone?02:02
bazhangfrostbite7, some themes are invalid/badly done, try some others, or follow the instructions on the page you download them from02:02
usr13Condoulo: Are you sharing these same files with a MS Windows machine?02:02
f7ee_Which small Graphics2D-containing library can I add to sablewm java virtual machine?02:02
phenixCondoulo: you could try clicking Places->Connect to Server.  Then, enter smb://x.x.x.x for the ip of the machine that has the share on it.02:02
Socah^menace^, you need to use it with sudo02:02
Socah^menace^, to save02:02
Condoulousr13, yes. I'm trying to share the files between three different OS': Windows, Ubuntu, OS X02:03
soreauCondoulo: Not sure. Just use something like 'scp /path/to/file' for instance02:03
rfmjrib: trouble is I'm not on either of them enough to remember which theme is which; n2diy: trouble is I ssh between them often, and have the prompt wired to set the window title to the ssh'ed to.  I think what I'll do is just make wallpaper images consisting of the name repeated over and over again, like TV talking head backdrops02:03
^menace^Socah, just exiting will save or should i type a command to save?02:03
mickster04frostbite7, if you got al of one type an u need a different type then yes?02:03
davidguardHi guys, I'm looking for a good tutorial on setting up a printer server. I have a fedora box which I'm planning on using as a server and I want to attach my printer to that and be able to print from a mac book pro, and a bunch of linux laptops. The howtos I've found don't work and don't give enough detail to help me understand why they aren't working.02:03
bazhangfrostbite7, let's keep in channel (no PM)02:03
histodavidguard: i've used cups for that on my home network.02:04
prince_jammysdhiren: while we figure this out, check out the links i'm posting. This one is your problem to a tee (some with the same video card)02:04
usr13davidguard: It's shared by default02:04
frostbite7OKAY.........thanks for the help02:04
prince_jammysdhiren: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=728587202:04
bazhangfrostbite7, you're welcome02:04
^menace^ok ill go try thanks,02:04
gmaphow can i stream audio from a mic on 1 computer, and have another computer on the lan hear02:05
davidguardhisto: that's what I tried too but I don't know howto get it working. I tried printing from the MBP but it isn't printing. I'm a bit confused02:05
Stanley_j #apache02:05
th0rgmap: use a sip phone02:05
chrome_hi, when I connect through ssh I see a text. How can I change that text?02:06
Socah^menace^, ctrl+o saves, ctrl+x exit02:06
th0rchrome_: change the motd file02:06
usr13chrome_: What do you mean>?02:06
chrome_where is it?02:06
gmapth0r can i keep it on my lan or must i use the internet02:06
davidguardhisto: do you know of a good tutorial on the subject?02:06
chrome_th0r: where's it?02:06
th0r chrome_ the location is defined in ssh_config02:06
chrome_ok :P02:06
^menace^Socah, aha cool, thanks ciao fo now02:06
th0rgmap you can keep it local, some software will let you go direct ip to ip02:07
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gmapth0r: do you know any off hand?02:07
barqersguys, how do I unlock /var/www? When I try to browse to my site inside this directory it gives me a 403 Forbidden error!02:07
davidguardhisto: I'm willing to learn it fully but I need to start with something a bit basic.02:07
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dhirenprince_jammys, i tried to use wine and install vlc the windows version and the file opens but it skips like crazy02:07
th0rgmap: not in the distro...it has been a few years since I tinkered with that. There were several phone packages on the web for free that worked ip to ip but I don't recall the names02:08
jribrfm: it's probably a trivial thing to write if it doesn't exist, just take some hello wold example and change a line02:08
th0rgmap: you might look at ekiga and see if it allows that02:08
zenlunaticbarqers, what's 'ls -ld /var' say?02:08
gmapk thx02:08
prince_jammysdhiren: did you try the temporary workaround in the most recent link i pasted?02:08
barqerszenlunatic: drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 2009-07-16 20:32 /var02:08
prince_jammysdhiren: this seems to be a recent bug.02:08
zenlunaticbarqers, what about /var/www ?02:09
barqerszenlunatic: drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2009-07-16 21:06 /var/www. Also when I right click the 'inetpub' directory under /var/www and view properties, it says I am not the owner and cannot change permissions on it02:10
dhirenwat was the themp workaround?02:11
prince_jammysdhiren: definitely a recent problem. i'm seeing many pages of people complaining about this.02:11
prince_jammysall pretty recent02:11
dhirenprince_jammys, so theres no way to fix it?02:11
zenlunaticbarqers, who is the owner?02:12
barqerszenlunatic: It wouldn't let me move my directory there to begin with, so I did, 'sudo cp -r /home/barqers/Desktop/inetpub /var/www'02:12
barqerszenlunatic: I am the owner of this computer, only 1 account on it. Mine/02:12
zenlunaticbarqers, assume you're using apache?02:12
prince_jammysdhiren: From the page (only for the "totem" player): "Workaround to get it working: open gstreamer-properties. Then, Video tab, Default Output section. Change the Plugin from "Autodetect" to "X Window System (No Xv)" and close. This way, totem will play any video format, but the other players still not working."02:13
zenlunaticbarqers, well technically there are several non-human users :D02:13
chrome_th0r: I can't see the location of that file in the ssh_config..02:13
dhirenprince_jammys, alright thanks02:14
th0rchrome_: give me a sec to check it out02:14
prince_jammysdhiren: presumably you can start by typing "gstreamer-properties" in a terminal, and do the rest02:14
prince_jammysdhiren: i don't have that installed here.02:14
barqerszenlunatic: Lol true. Yeah I setup Apache2 with asp support. I placed files in the /var/www directory, and tried http://localhost and got "It works!" but when I go to http://localhost/inetpub/index.html I get an error02:15
dhirenokay whats totem02:15
zenlunaticdhiren, video player02:15
zenlunatic"movie player" in menu02:15
tj83_can anyone please tell me. if someone were to physically local at the machine deleted some files.  and then emptied the trash... i realize that one cannot get them back unless were to do serious recovery hit or miss if its be over written but i dont think it has . However... what if you just wanted to know "when" they were deleted. certainly there is a log or some place to find a time stamp for file deletion or even trash empty actions. please someone help02:15
tj83_me if at all possible.02:15
dhirenoh okay02:16
zenlunaticdhiren, they're using generic names for noobs02:16
th0rchrome_: doh! that message comes from the server, so it is in sshd_config. The line you want is02:16
th0rBanner /etc/issue.net02:16
dhirenprince_jammys, SUCCESS!02:16
prince_jammysdhiren: good.02:16
dhirenprince_jammys, too bad it skips a little02:17
th0rchrome_: you can either edit the default (issue.net) or create another file and put the filename in the config file02:17
tj83_serious nobody knows?02:17
chrome_th0r: thank you :)02:17
prince_jammysdhiren: a little error message goes a long way. remember that! ;)02:17
prince_jammysdhiren: but there still should be a REAL solution, which i'm not finding.02:17
dhirenprince_jammys, so you think they'll be working on this issue?02:17
th0rtj83_: the command you are looking for is 'history'02:17
th0rtj83_: but it might not have a timestampt02:18
prince_jammysdhiren: they should be. many seem to have been affected, and i see no solution posted anywhere.02:18
tj83_th0r, ok, but i am talking from say the GUI nautilus not the CLI02:18
dhirenprince_jammys, ive been looking for 3 days man im going nuts02:18
jribtj83_: I doubt that is logged anywhere02:18
prince_jammysdhiren: this is the exact bug, i think: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/37425802:18
tj83_this individual is not as savy and was using my computer i find out i have ton of data missing... and i want proof02:18
prince_jammysdhiren: it doesn't have to do with the video players. it has to do with the video driver.02:19
th0rtj83_: opening a terminal to find out what you want isn't too much to ask02:19
zenlunaticbarqers, you should try whats in that link second post02:19
dhirenprince_jammys,  sounds shitty02:20
AmerigoHow do you do system maintenance like 'Defrag' with Ubuntu?02:20
tj83_th0r, i use the CLI all the time... this person doesnt know the CLI. this was a point and click action done by a noob02:20
dpetrosky1Can someone please help me: I can connect my netbook via CAT-5 cable, but when trying to connect through wireless it wont. It sees the router, but will not connect to the internet.....02:20
* tj83_ is quite upset about it02:20
tj83_Amerigo, no need to the ext3 file system does not require it.02:21
barqerszenlunatic: Second post where?02:21
prince_jammysdhiren: i doubt this will do anything, but you can try to re-configure the video by running this in a terminal, and then logging back in: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:21
zenlunaticbarqers, i msged you02:21
prince_jammysdhiren: but it shouldn't hurt.02:21
dhirendo i gotta restart?02:22
Condoulohow would I open the SSH port.02:22
prince_jammysdhiren: yes02:22
dhirenprince_jammys, xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration02:22
dhiren   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2009071620220702:22
prince_jammysdhiren: that's fine.02:22
tj83_Condoulo, what do you mean exactly? change the listening port of sshd or specify the port your connecting to?02:22
dhirenprince_jammys, should is restart now?02:23
barqerszenlunatic: Oh I totally didn't realize, thank you! haha :P02:23
prince_jammysdhiren: yes.02:23
prince_jammysdhiren: if anything improved, show up here and let us know.02:23
Condoulotj83_, well, I'm trying to use scp to copy a file from my other PC to this PC and I keep getting Connection Refused02:23
Condoulo(both running Ubuntu 9.04)02:23
dhirenthanks alot for ur help02:23
tj83_with ssh i think for some reason ssh its -p but with scp its -P02:24
tj83_Condoulo, *02:24
prince_jammysdhiren: welcome. keep your eye on that bug report for developments.02:24
prince_jammysdhiren: save the link.02:24
dhirenwhats the link again/02:24
MaT-dg1are sourceforge links broken?02:24
nsadminAmerigo: for one, learn your shell... it's an important and powerful tool, it's more powerful and expressive than any gui that exists now and many maintainance tasks can be done with the shell and a handful of tools alone. as far as defragging, mostly linux filesystems take care of themselves, but there are probably defraggers you can get.02:25
tj83_tj@ubuntu:~$ scp -P 222  file.mp3  tj@69.180.22.XXX:/home/tj/Desktop/ Condoulo02:25
prince_jammysdhiren: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/37425802:25
dftin Network Connection Manager what's the diff between Auto(DHCP) and Auto(DHCP)addresses only?02:25
dpetrosky1PRINCE_JAMMYS or ZENLUNATIC can one of you help me out?02:25
prince_jammyswith what?02:25
dhirenthank you tons for ur help02:25
dpetrosky1Can someone please help me: I can connect my netbook via CAT-5 cable, but when trying to connect through wireless it wont. It sees the router, but will not connect to the internet.....02:25
prince_jammysdhiren: welcome. good luck.02:25
bazhangdpetrosky1, what netbook, what wireless02:26
prince_jammysdpetrosky1: i'm ignorant about that02:26
dftdpetrosky1: did you setup your wireless security?02:26
vickiHi. I have an ATI soundcard and when I try to play audio, I do get extremely low quality muffled sound coming out of my box, but not from any speakers plugged into the audio jack02:26
vickiwhat's going on? :S02:26
peepsaloti want firefox-3.5 to be my default browser.  but when I click html files from nautilus, it still opens in firefox 3.0.  does someone know how to change this?02:27
dpetrosky1baz it is a linux and I know NOTHING about that system lol it is a EVEREX CLOUDBOOK02:27
vickipeepsalot: why not just uninstall firefox 3.0?02:27
bazhangpeepsalot, system preferences preferred applications select shiretoko02:27
nsadminvicki: it sounds like you are using a driver for the pc speaker rather than your sound card02:27
nsadminor maybe in addition to02:27
dpetrosky1(dft) wireless is setup right02:27
vickinsadmin: yeah. That's what I was thinking.02:27
peepsalotbazhang, i've already done that.  it didn't fix the problem02:28
nsadminyou could try alsaconf02:28
peepsalotvicki, because i need both, for testing02:28
bazhangpeepsalot, then right click on file choose properties-->open with02:28
jrib!ssh > Condoulo02:29
ubottuCondoulo, please see my private message02:29
dpetrosky1bazhang can I connect to you through chat02:29
FLJohnOk,  I just installed Ubuntu on a new computer.  The new computer goes through the boot sequence and Bios goes well.  This is what I get after Ubuntu supposidly loads. http://www.glorystock.com/bootup.JPG02:29
vickipeepsalot: just out of curiousity, is firefox3.0 /usr/bin/firefox and 3.5 /usr/bin/firefox-3.5? Because if it is, you might want to rename them because programs like to open /usr/bin/firefox by default02:29
FLJohnHas anyone encountered this?02:29
Stanley_Any web programmers here?02:29
tj83_Condoulo, that work out for you?02:29
nsadminStanley_: in tcl and postgres, yeah02:30
peepsalotvicki, yeah,that's how they are set up.  I will prob try that.02:30
rogue_kingmickster04, i think i almost have my resolution problem fixed02:30
Condoulotj83_, ok, using my IP, I managed to actually do the command for copying from a local file to a remote location on the other PC. So I got the file I wanted copied over02:30
vickiWhere do I get alsaconf from? It's not in alsa-utils on this silly distro :S02:30
tj83_Condoulo, sweet02:30
jribpeepsalot: there should be no need to mess with those files manually, you'll just confuse the package manager and then later it won't do what you expect.  Try what bazhang said as that should work02:30
Stanley_nsadmin: I should of said web designer***\02:31
jrib!alsa | vicki02:31
ubottuvicki: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:31
nsadminStanley_: no, I'm not a web designer02:31
FLJohnNot professional stan02:31
peepsalotjrib, it should work but it doesn't02:31
Stanley_nsadmin: so no css ?02:31
jribvicki: alsaconf is frowned upon by the devs02:31
Condoulotj83_, still can't seem to copy from remote to local on this PC though. =/ weird.02:31
jribpeepsalot: really?  What did you do exactly?02:31
vickijrib: hmm? Really? I use it all the time.02:31
nsadminStanley_: I'm pretty much starting with css.02:31
nsadminI moreorless understand the concepts and have been able to use css02:32
Stanley_nsadmin: Ahh okay... Just wondering about when you have a linked image and you want to change the colours of the dotts around them when you have a mouse-down on it, how do you do that?02:32
peepsalotjrib, i set system preferences preferred applications to firefox-3.502:32
jribpeepsalot: that's not the last thing bazhang said02:32
jrib!defaultapp | peepsalot02:32
ubottupeepsalot: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.02:32
dpetrosky1Can someone please help me: I can connect my netbook (EVEREX CLOUDBOOK) (LINUX SYSTEM) via CAT-5 cable, but when trying to connect through wireless (LINKSYS) it wont. It sees the router, but will not connect to the internet..... my other computers connect with no problem and they are running Windows XP02:32
nsadminwould you need javascript for that?02:32
jribvicki: https://bugs.launchpad.net/alsa-utils/+bug/2959702:32
tj83_Condoulo, http://www.raiden.net/articles/howto_using_scp/02:33
swayedHi - I'm running Gnome desktop - If I wanted to checkout KDE Desktop - I just need to install Kubuntu Desktop correct ? ?02:33
bazhangdpetrosky1, just be patient, we are websearching the issue02:33
FLJohnAfter Ubuntu Boots this is what my screen looks like  http://www.glorystock.com/bootup.JPG02:33
Piciswayed: yes02:33
peepsalotjrib, well, that's great but i'm tired of right clicking.  it doesn't remember my previous setting02:33
swayedPici, Thanks - Thought so.....02:33
nsadmindpetrosky1: just so you know... I interpret that as a repeat with no growth, no new information... I recommend you collect info into a file02:33
jribpeepsalot: read what ubottu said more closely.  Hint: "Properties"02:33
dpetrosky1(bazhang) thanks.....can I connect to you in a seperate window instead of trying to catch a note here and there on this window?02:34
peepsalotjrib, alright, sorry.  thanks for the help02:34
nsadminthe thing is you might have new information you're not coming across with02:34
dpetrosky1nsadmin?????? what?02:34
bazhangdpetrosky1, seems the cloudbook is using Gos; did you install Ubuntu over that?02:34
jribpeepsalot: no need to apologize, glad it worked for you!02:34
nsadminwhich part didn't you understand? with that, all I can do is repeat, and you'd have to interpret that the same way I did02:35
dpetrosky1bazhang no it came that way with the gOS and ubuntu already installed02:35
bazhangdpetrosky1, Gos is not Ubuntu02:35
FLJohnThanks guys02:36
bazhangdpetrosky1, the version of Gos that everex uses is different from the stock Gos download; you may wish to try the Ubuntu Netbook Remix on that for support here02:36
dpetrosky1Im at a loss here..... I've never used a Linux based system and it is difficult to navigate this netbook02:37
jribdpetrosky1: are you using ubuntu?02:38
dpetrosky1I do not know why it can connect wired and nt wireless, I put the right SSID & wepkey in and it sees it, just wont connect02:38
nsadmindpetrosky1: look at the output of... ifconfig wlan002:38
nsadmindo you get an error or a paragraph02:38
dreamyis the m6 ly rv100 iqual to the "radeon 7000" ?02:38
dpetrosky1how do I do iconfig on a linux nsadmin02:39
dpetrosky1jrib ubuntu is on the netbook02:39
nsadminyou type that into a terminal window02:39
bazhangdpetrosky1, did you install Ubuntu over Gos? they are not the same02:40
xTheGoat121xI've moved my /usr folder to another partition -- but my system only boots to a command line. Does /opt have to go on the partition with it?02:40
zenlunaticxTheGoat121x, never heard of /opt even being on its own02:40
xTheGoat121xzenlunatic, alright. Then I need to figure out what's going on here.02:41
zenlunaticwhat does boot to cli have to do with it?02:41
LaCordeAnyone know a GM server???02:41
ongolaBoyhi.is there a torrent for 8.04.3 ?02:42
xTheGoat121xzenlunatic, well, since I moved my /usr to the new partition... the system won't go any farther than a command line.02:43
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bazhanghttp://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.3/ ongolaBoy02:43
dpetrosky1bazhang ubuntu is in the system folder of this netbook02:43
mickster04ongolaBoy, have you looked on TPB?02:44
dpetrosky1nsadmin, I have no idea where to get the ifconfig02:44
* ongolaBoy is checking bazhang's link ; thanks02:44
bazhangdpetrosky1, so you reinstalled with Ubuntu? over Gos?02:44
ongolaBoymickster04: what do you mean by TPB ?02:44
^menace^Socah, that didnt work, i was in nano, xorg file name was up the top of the screen to tell me that i was apparently in that file, but blank screen as if the file contained nothing02:45
mickster04ongolaBoy, the pirate bay02:45
bazhangdpetrosky1, the card in the everex is ath0 (in terminal type ifconfig)02:45
zenlunaticxTheGoat121x, you probably need to tell it where to find /usr which is where X11 binarys are02:45
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ongolaBoymickster04: no. i prefer to use official torrent first :)02:46
xTheGoat121xzenlunatic, I know it's mounting it properly, b/c once I login, I can access /usr02:46
dpetrosky1bazhang so how did you find that info02:46
mickster04ongolaBoy, well u may find one on there too02:46
bazhangdpetrosky1, web search02:46
Joelitohello guys, where can I configure my notification settings?02:47
VCoolioJoelito: for what app?02:47
LaCordeAnyone know a GM Server?02:47
JoelitoVCoolio: I'm looking something like this pic: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rgO8m__aY7g/SXJH3xzoZMI/AAAAAAAABQk/wbot6Ak-Ec4/s400/notificaciones_jaunty.jpg02:48
PiciLaCorde: GM?02:48
zenlunaticxTheGoat121x, just a shot, there are files in /usr correct?02:49
LaCordeyou know a GM Server?02:49
bazhangLaCorde, what is a gm server02:49
zenlunaticyeah what is it02:49
delamanhow do i enable public_html with Jaunty Ubuntu?02:49
eFrag|PulseAnyone familiar w/ routing on linux? Basically what I am trying to accomplish is to use a laptop as a router. It pulls the wlan0 connection, forwards it to eth0 and then my desktop picks it up. Problem is that it only resolves on SOME websites02:49
bazhangLaCorde, does this relate to Ubuntu?02:49
xTheGoat121xzenlunatic, alas, yes, there are.02:49
LaCordeGM Server(privat server)02:49
xTheGoat121xI'm thinking that permissions may not be set properly.... but I'm not sure02:50
LaCordeyou can make that all what can make a GM02:50
zenlunaticxTheGoat121x, how did you move it?02:50
bazhangLaCorde, how does relate to Ubuntu02:50
xTheGoat121xzenlunatic, sudo nautilus -- every other method I used didn't work02:50
nsadminLaCorde: you looking for a provider? you can probably find lots on google02:50
zenlunaticwait you copied and pasted in nautilus?02:50
LaCordeOn goggle can i find lots of GM servers for TMW oO?02:51
xTheGoat121xzenlunatic, yes, but I made sure that it mounts in the proper location, I compared sizes and file counts, etc02:51
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: did you specify the location of /usr in /etc/fstab?02:52
nsadminI thought you wanted a general server... well I'm dropping this now, it has nothing really to do with ubuntu02:52
bazhangLaCorde, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic if you don't have a Ubuntu support question02:52
JoshuaP0xI am running some programs that crash on me02:52
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, yes02:52
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: ah, so it's mounted already.02:52
brad1ok, so I've some hard drives and they are mounted in removable drives, and they where sitting on the computer, on top, and a women at work droped them off, then sort of slamdded them down, and drop them again. How can I test for bad sectors, or do I need to ?02:52
JoshuaP0xwhere do i find out why?02:52
bazhangJoshuaP0x, what apps02:52
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: are you able to run a program like 'nano' from the command line?02:52
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, yes.02:53
zenlunaticxTheGoat121x, wow that was ballsy02:53
prince_jammysso what's going wrong?02:53
LaCordeLOL OKay02:53
nsadminstart the apps from the shell, get them to crash, read what it says on the shell you started it from02:53
JoshuaP0xbazhang: enemy-territory02:53
JoshuaP0xbazhang: for one02:53
JoshuaP0xbazhang: chess02:53
brad1can you read this ?02:53
marcusHi I was just wondering if anyone can tell me why my eth connection keeps going up one number everytime I connect the cable?02:53
dpetrosky1bazhang: Network Name (ESSID) = Linksys-G; Password Type = Wep Key (hexadecimal); Network Password = **********; Configuration = Automatic configuration (DHCP)...... and it will not connect still02:53
PC_Nerd101Hi, whats the default path for finding libraries installed on teh system?02:53
^menace^brad1, did you google, i think theres lots of software for that about, i never have done it but......02:53
JoshuaP0xbazhang: any idea?02:53
kenyonis there a way to show whether a package came from, say, jaunty, jaunty-updates, jaunty-proposed, etc.?02:53
nsadminPC_Nerd101 look at /etc/ld.so.comf02:54
bazhangJoshuaP0x, with that paucity of info, no; were you running fullscreen with compiz enabled?02:54
brad1first do I really need to test?02:54
barqersAnyone know why I get this error:  E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:54
PC_Nerd101ok thanks02:54
bazhangbarqers, close other instances of apt02:54
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, the computer seems to start normally until I get "...fail!" and then it drops to a command line login02:54
th0rkenyon: it tells you the repo in synaptic, right click and choose properties02:54
nsadminbarqers: also say exactly what you're doing02:55
VCoolioJoelito: that's the old style notifications; Jaunty uses new, black. Not configurable. It seems you can use old style by installing gnome-stracciatella-session and selecting that in your login screen.02:55
kenyonth0r: ah, know of a way to get that on command line?02:55
JoshuaP0xbazhang: I'm new to *nux. I was running full screen, not sure about the compiz enabled part02:55
iMatterI'm having USB Issues i'm getting this: [80109.944053] usb 1-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 902:55
iMatter[80110.023174] hub 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 402:55
iMatter , someone recommended me having  ehci_hcd load before uhci_hcd how would i go about this?02:55
JoshuaP0xbazhang: how do i check02:55
prince_jammyskenyon: apt-cache madison package_name02:55
JoshuaP0xbazhang: and should i have it enabled?02:55
JoshuaP0xbazhang: or no02:55
JoelitoVCoolio: colors understand, but how about position..can't change that too?02:56
PC_Nerd101ok - I've checked that /usr/local/lib is in the ld.so.conf (one of its included files), however my library (which I've checked the name) still cannot be found ( "libMagickCore.so.2" - symlink to the real one) any suggestions?02:56
^menace^bradl, ive never bothered about doing that much as i said, i had a problem years ago and did and proved the drive faulty, depends how vital your imfo is i suppose, a drop with either break them or not break them,,,, but just cause they broken doesnt mean they wont still function to start02:56
bazhangJoshuaP0x, try disabling compiz; alt f2 metacity --replace and try the game in full screen again02:56
prince_jammyskenyon: that's right, "madison".02:56
jstarcherI've got Windows 7 on a second drive and I cannot get the grub menu to boot to it. I have it all setup but I cannot figure out how to tell which HDD number it is02:56
jstarcherwhat do I use?02:56
JoshuaP0xbazhang: what do you mean alt f2 metacity02:56
dpetrosky1(bazhang) you get my last message with the wireless settings?02:56
kenyonprince_jammys: ahh that's right, thanks!02:56
JoshuaP0xbazhang: nm02:56
bazhangdpetrosky1, do you have access to the router? try turning off encryption just to test02:57
zenlunaticjstarcher, grub uses the bios locations iirc02:57
LaCordei dont found the server?02:57
JoshuaP0xbazhang: so I typed in metacity and pressed enter, the box went away02:57
nsadmindpetrosky1: did you say before you got this machine with ubuntu on it?02:57
bazhangJoshuaP0x, alt f2  metacity --replace02:57
dpetrosky1nsadmin yes it was preinstalled02:57
bazhangJoshuaP0x, not only metacity02:57
Cryptorchildneed help, "battery state could not be read at this time", nor Power status not changing when switching from Battery to AC power, any idea?02:57
prince_jammyskenyon: welcome.02:57
CryptorchildI'm using Ubuntu 9.04/Jaunty02:57
nsadminso, then do you want ubuntu?02:57
JoshuaP0xbazhang: screen blinked a few times then went away02:58
kazza_ /help02:58
VCoolioJoelito: not that i know of02:58
dpetrosky1I have no idea what ubuntu is nsadmin lol02:58
bazhangJoshuaP0x, now try game again02:58
bazhangkazza_, ask a question02:58
SeaPhorwhere would i find user logs? like when the trash was emptied or a file was deleted and then trash emptied?02:58
nsadminwell that's why I'm asking02:58
marcusHi I was just wondering if anyone can tell me why my eth connection keeps going up one number everytime I connect the cable?02:58
usserSeaPhor, those kinds of things are not logged02:58
prince_jammysSeaPhor: i don't think either of those operations are recorded.02:58
jstarcherzen0, how do I figure the partition number?02:58
usserSeaPhor, not by default anyway02:58
bazhangnsadmin, its not Ubuntu it's Gos02:58
nsadminwhat's gos?02:59
nsadminbriefly :P02:59
marcusGood OS was too google for me02:59
JoelitoVCoolio: ok, thanks =)02:59
dpetrosky1gOS is Good Operatin System02:59
jstarchergOS http://www.thinkgos.com02:59
billybigriggeranyone aware of a good ipod nano video converter?02:59
SeaPhorok, Thanks usser and prince_jammys - prolly right but still looking,,, thanks again for the reply02:59
nsadminok... so is it debian-based? is it linux at all?03:00
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) the wlan0 properties does not display the ip sub or gateway address but it sees the router03:00
marcusnsadmin: http://www.thinkgos.com/index.html03:00
jstarcheryeah its linu03:00
dpetrosky1nsadmin it says it is a linux system03:01
marcusBasically ubutu knockoff with tons of prism apps for google.03:01
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stegelne1 using dwl-g510 (marvell chipset) successfully on ubuntu 8.1 with WPA-PSK TKIP?03:01
jigpDELL or Toshiba?03:02
SeaPhorusser and prince_jammys so there's no recycle/trash logs? even if done as sudo -i?03:02
stegeljigp, you asking me?03:03
jigpwhich one is nice for ubuntu?03:03
jigpstegel : which one is best for ubuntu?DELL or Toshiba?03:03
JoshuaP0xbazhang: Chess is not working03:03
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marcusoh yeah and google gadgets as well in good os.03:03
jigpstegel : DELL with builtin camera / Toshiba with builtin camera? which one?03:03
bazhangJoshuaP0x, which chess game03:03
marcusway to much google.03:03
stegeli am not familiar with either03:03
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) I figured out the terminal window and typed in ifconfig............what do you need off of that03:04
nsadminif you don't find out here, look there03:04
Cryptorchildneed help, "battery state could not be read at this time", nor Power status not changing when switching from Battery to AC power, any idea?03:04
CryptorchildI'm using Ubuntu 9.04/Jaunty03:04
JoshuaP0xbazhang: IDK, it just says chess03:04
patrincan anyone tell me what a good app is to have to tell me weather on my desktop and also a forecast???03:04
nsadmindpetrosky1: whether it's a paragraph or an error message03:04
bazhangJoshuaP0x, 3D, or other, there are tons of chess games03:04
_Apple_can I get some help with getting my second display to run at another resolution? I've tried just about everything I can think of and find any more suggestions03:05
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) there is a long paragraph(s)03:05
JoshuaP0xbazhang: I look under applications, games, then it says Chess03:05
JoshuaP0xbazhang: that's all i know03:05
zenlunaticpatrin, right click the panel and choose "add"03:05
nsadminok, so the wireless driver is there03:05
prince_jammyspatrin: there's a panel applet that does that. there's also a conky script that does that, if you have conky.03:05
zenlunaticpatrin, weather report is at the bottom, config it to your location03:05
bazhangJoshuaP0x, you say not working is kind of vague; it does not launch, it freezes, or what03:05
patrinzenlunatic i've tried that but its only for the current time03:06
bazhangdpetrosky1, install Netbook Remix on that and then you can be fully supported; Gos is not supported here03:06
patrinprince_jammys i dont i have ubuntu 9.0403:06
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) yes I suppose wlan0 with a paragraph attached with it03:06
zenlunaticpatrin, they have a forecast tab03:06
JoshuaP0xbazhang: sorry, don't mean to be. a window pops up for less than a second, I think it's blank, then goes away03:06
nsadminbazhang: the link I pasted a moment ago will take him to the gos network question forum03:07
patrinzenlunatic they dont have forcast, general and location03:07
bazhangJoshuaP0x, compiz still off? this is jaunty correct? let me try03:07
dpetrosky1(bazhang) where do I install that from?03:07
FLJohnI can not get Ubuntu to work on a new computer.  Any thoughts.  The Boot up to Ubuntu where the little light goes from left to right works then when it finishes there is crap on my screen03:07
bazhangnsadmin, I think he does not know the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu-based03:07
FLJohncould it be the motherboard is incompatable?03:07
JoshuaP0xbazhang: still off. and yes, jaunty.03:07
bazhangdpetrosky1, let me get you a link03:07
nsadminoh, so gos is based on ubuntu?03:07
dpetrosky1I do not know the difference at all....you are right bazhang03:08
divkladekFLJohn: Notebook or desktop?03:08
dpetrosky1I am so clueless on this Linux system....... not at all like a WindowsOS03:09
_Apple_can I get some help with getting my second display to run at another resolution? I've tried just about everything I can think of and find any more suggestions03:09
nsadmindpetrosky1: see that's why I asked you earlier03:09
nsadmindo you want ubuntu, and03:09
nsadmindo you want any linux?03:09
FLJohndivkladek: Desktop PcChips Motherboard03:10
nsadminmaybe right now the answer is "I don't know, so no" and you can revisit that decision any time you want03:10
patrindoes anyone know a good program i can use on my panel for weather and forecasts03:10
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) is ubuntu another type of OS? I have no clue on that03:11
djmetalyes it is03:11
hushyes is linux distro03:11
FLJohndivkladek:  I can not see anything on the screen, but I can type the name and password and it loads.03:11
hushbetter  that windows03:11
nsadminapparantly ubuntu is close to gos... but not close enough to motivate either to answer questions about the other03:11
divkladekIs it just loading as command-line (black screen, gray text, no interface)?03:11
^menace^anybody use ubuntu studio?03:11
hushno really03:12
nsadminhush: that's subjective and is up to him03:12
FLJohndivkladek: I took a picture of the screen here it is.  http://www.glorystock.com/bootup.JPG03:12
hushubuntu is a evolutio in the linux world ...  u need to try  to see the different03:12
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) I cannot answer that question; Ubuntu or Linux? I just got this netbook, thinking it was windowOS based but it is not......never used Linux or...Ubuntu?03:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:13
prince_jammys^menace^: ubuntu studio has an irc channel: #ubuntustudio03:13
nsadminif you force him into it, then he doesn't make the decision. if he doesn't make the decision, are you goign to support him?03:13
rocky_oops..... forgot the /amsg would go in here, sorry03:13
BlizzerandCan anyone point me towards the key for Gnome Do03:13
^menace^prince/bot, sorry, will do that03:13
nsadminhe doesn't even know what it is03:13
nsadminand so far he hasn't told us if he wants to03:14
prince_jammysBlizzerand: is that the program launcher? if so, alt+F203:14
hushthat is sad   we have to start  make comercial    like    ms  jajaja03:14
FLJohndivkladek: I am downloaded 8.04 32 bit to see if that was the problem.  I took the hard drive out and threw it in this computer and it botted fine.03:14
bazhangdpetrosky1, could you paste a screenshot of your desktop? seems some of the cloudbooks had a hardy installation on them03:15
nsadminif he wants to, then he's motivated to help himself at least to the degree he can03:15
djmetalcan somebody tell me whats wrong with this....i'm trying to install ubuntu desktop and i keep getting this error:03:15
djmetalProcessing archive: C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso03:15
bazhang!imagebin | dpetrosky1 use this03:15
ubottudpetrosky1 use this: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.03:15
djmetalError: C:\ubuntu\install\installation.iso is not supported archive03:15
divkladekFLJohn: Are you trying 9.04 now?03:15
JoshuaP0xbazhang: any ideas?03:15
FLJohndivkladek: no.  I am running 8.04.  9.04 did not impress me03:15
prince_jammysdjmetal: you're trying to burn a cd?03:15
dpetrosky1(bazhang) no I cannot..... I am on my other computer talking to you guys here03:15
Blizzerandprince_jammys : heh . Sorry but I am referring to the public key for the launcher for gnome do03:15
djmetalno i'm trying to install ubuntu03:15
prince_jammysBlizzerand: ah, i misunderstood you completely ;)03:16
zenlunaticdjmetal, do you know what an iso is?03:16
user__user 0603:16
nsadmindpetrosky1: what do you want to use the computer for?03:16
bazhangJoshuaP0x, works fine here, not sure but to suggest installing some of the other chess apps in the repos03:16
Blizzerandprince_jammys : Ah !03:16
djmetalyes i do. i burned the cd from the iso i downloaded from ubuntu03:16
lucaxhow can i force a resolution from the terminal??03:16
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) for surfing the web while I am gone from home.....wirelessly of course03:16
FLJohndj is you computer set to boot from CDrom first?03:16
prince_jammysdjmetal: did you burn it as an image or as files?03:17
JoshuaP0xbazhang: I was hoping for some help tshooting my problem that seems to be bigger than just the one game03:17
divkladekFLJohn: If another HDD functioned correctly in the same machine, I doubt it is a mobo incompatibility; Are you dual-booting or installing Ubuntu as your primary platform? Are you installing from a Live CD?03:17
nsadmindpetrosky1: so it doesn't matter to you what os you use as long as you can do that much?03:17
prince_jammysdjmetal: make sure you burn it as a disk image, and then boot to it.03:17
user__mas punya cardride???03:17
FLJohndivkladek: let me say it a little clearer.  I took the HDD out of the computer I am trying to get working and popped it into This one that I am already running ubuntu on and it worked great.03:18
bazhangJoshuaP0x, well then you need to give more info; just games not working is not enough imo; is it video card probs? or something other--try some other games and see if the problem is at least consistent03:18
zenlunaticdjmetal, you know you have to reboot and then boot up from the cd? you can't open the iso in windows and intall inside windows03:18
BlizzerandSo does any one know where I can find the public key for Gnome-do03:18
nsadminthat was easy. now we know what he wants03:18
djmetalthen whats that windows installer for?03:18
jduBlizzerand, google it03:18
billybigriggeranyone aware of a good ipod nano video converter?03:18
divkladekI've never heard of a mobo incompatibility with Ubuntu to be honest. I'm almost certain I remember that happening to me before, but I can't remember what my solution was.03:19
bazhangbillybigrigger, mp4?03:19
FLJohndivkladek: I did not take the Solid state Drive out of this computer and drop it in the New Build to see if it works.03:19
JoshuaP0xbazhang: in windows, I would check the logs to see if there is a reason why the program crashed03:19
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JoshuaP0xbazhang: is there something like that in Ubuntu?03:19
nsadmindpetrosky1, if you want to stay with gos, point web browser at: http://gosforums.org/viewforum.php?f=21&sid=b962b4daa04030ac3587b5e116cf36d703:19
billybigriggerbazhang, ok, whats an easy to use video converter? its not for me, i'd do it through ffmpeg, but not really aware of what front-ends are availabe and commonly used03:19
zenlunaticdjmetal, i think there are select programs available for install as a courtesy,but its just apps, not ubuntu03:19
divkladekAre you booting from a Live CD then?03:19
jduJoshuaP0x, bazhang yes   dmesg command or look in the System menu for the log viewer03:20
billybigriggerbazhang, he's a newly converted ubuntu user so anything that is super simple would be the best :)03:20
FLJohndivkladek: let me give you the whole rundown.03:20
djmetalwell i'll reburn it and try again.03:20
nsadminif you do that, you don't have to install a different os... but you can't ask questions here03:20
Cryptorchildneed help, "battery state could not be read at this time", nor Power status not changing when switching from Battery to AC power, any idea?03:20
CryptorchildI'm using Ubuntu 9.04/Jaunty03:20
bazhangJoshuaP0x, system administration log file viewer as jdu  says03:21
zenlunaticdjmetal, do you understand that you must reboot and boot off the cd?03:21
Blizzerandjdu : That didn't help much but some how I installed it . Thanks03:21
owen1when i switch between dvorak and querty the arrow keys and window keys stops working. i use this command: 'setxkbmap -rules xorg -model pc105 -layout us'.  maybe the problem is the keyboard model? I use dinovo edge. how to find the exact string for my keyboard?03:21
djmetalyeah . i've used redhat before. i've just never had this many problems installing linux before. ubuntu is new to me03:21
JoshuaP0xThank you.03:21
zenlunaticokay good luck03:21
jduBlizzerand, gnome-do's website gives a link to a page that gives a command that will automatically get the key, I think03:21
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) this is where it told me to come for support.....03:22
nsadmindpetrosky1, another choice you have is to install ubuntu, and you'll get help here from the start03:22
jduBlizzerand, sorry, I'm glad it worked03:22
nsadmindpetrosky1: it? what's it?03:22
FLJohndivkladek: I did not have extra Sata Cables, so I took the New Drive that was going in the new build and dropped it into my older computer and downloaded Ubuntu 8.04 64Bit.  then I took the CDrom Sata out of my computer and put it in the New computer then I installed the hard drive in it the new computer.  I did not try to boot with the CD since I do not have enough Sata Cables Yet03:22
bazhangdpetrosky1, you have ethernet on that box, why not boot it and give us a screenshot then03:23
nsadminsomeone might want to pay attention here, and contact whoever it is to correct their support assumption if it's wrong03:23
FLJohndivkladek: CD rom Sata Cable , Not the rom drive03:23
djmetalso all the files you get when you download 9.04 desktop. you just add those to an image file and then reboot and it should work?03:23
ctmjrbillybigrigger, try Avidemux i think it will convert ipod vids (mp4)03:23
bazhangdjmetal, burn the iso to cd after doing md5 check then set in bios to boot from cd first03:24
billybigriggerctmjr, thanks03:24
dpetrosky1(nsadmin) it: is the support form on my computer03:24
bazhangdjmetal, also a good idea to burn slowly and do disk integrity check on cd once it is booted to03:24
test34bazhang, md5 check.. do you really do these everytime you download something?03:24
djmetalyou'd think they'd just do it like everybody else and just let you download the actual premade iso lol03:25
prince_jammysit ain't just "something"03:25
bazhangtest34, seeing as I don't dl iso's very often sure, it does not take long and iso's do sometimes get corrupted03:25
dpetrosky1(bazhang) what are you looking for exactly with the screen shot? I can tell you on here03:25
billybigriggerctmjr, you know a decent youtube video downloader/convert for ipod videos in linux/ubuntu?03:26
bazhangdpetrosky1, whether it is Hardy or Gos with the customary e17 desktop and Google Dock at the bottom with facebook, blogger etc apps03:26
_Apple_can I get some help with getting my second display to run at another resolution? I've tried just about everything I can think of and find any more suggestions03:26
mattgyverHi, im using fail2ban and have enabled ssh however it is not blocking bad attempts, could anyone help?03:26
delamanhow do you enable public_html on jaunty?03:26
FLJohnOk Here is what I am going to do03:27
test34bazhang: it should be an automated check.. like a rar archive (it doesnt work if it's corrupted)03:27
Picimattgyver: It usually blocks after the second or third attempt.03:27
mattgyverPici, i had someone try more than 8 times, however it did not block their login03:27
mattgyverPici, it is blocking vsftp however03:27
mattgyverPici, do you know if its normal for it to not retain the bans after a reboot?03:28
Picimattgyver: From the same address?03:28
FLJohnI will turn this computer off and rip it apart and do a complete install of Ubuntu03:28
FLJohnfrom disk03:28
bazhangtest34, some cd burning apps have it ; if you just right click iso burn to disk not so sure though, I'm always cautious nonetheless (particularly if it's not a torrent from Ubuntu official sources)03:28
mattgyverPici, yes03:28
dpetrosky1(bazhang) NO google dock at the bottom - -------- the taskbar has Ubuntu Symbol, Applications, Places, Systems, firefox and then your wireless icon, time&date & speaker icon03:29
ctmjrbillybigrigger, there is a firefox add-on videodownload helper that can down load youtube vids and convert them also they have front ends for mencoder never used them cli is to easy03:29
billybigriggerill try mencoder for the front end03:30
wahnfriedenHow do I scroll in gedit without using the mouse?03:30
Picimattgyver: The bans are timed, it removes them after a certain period.  I can't find a document on my system for how that is calculated, but a search should find it.03:30
mattgyverPici, yes its by seconds, i thought i had mine set for 2 weeks, however the bans lift after 2 restarts03:31
otter_how do you get the toshiba gigabeat mp3 player to work on ubuntu ?03:31
Bogus8I'm having an issue with postfix... I think it's a mysql issue... could someone look at this (it has some error logs and such) and tell me what they think? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121443203:32
toter_hi everybody! I subscribed today to a company that is offering WiMAX 4G here in Atlanta, Georgia. And BTW, I'm enjoying 5.44 Mbps WiMAX for $40 a month. You know, WiMAX, the technology we keep hearing about for the last three or four years and never materialized? That WiMAX. The problem is that they don't have linux or mac drivers for their USB devices. They use the Motorola USBw 100.  I'm using their ethernet modem, so no drivers required. Could you guys poi03:32
wahnfriedenyour message got cut off toter03:32
wahnfriedenit's too long03:32
wahnfrieden"Could you guys po"03:32
dpetrosky1(bazhang) I took a screenshot.png saved it on memory card....... how do I send it on here to you03:33
toter_i'm sorry03:33
toter_the rest is03:33
toter_Could you guys point me to the right place regarding who I should contact to write the drivers for these peripherals? Another question: Has anybody used WiMAX successfully on Linux? How's the progress with this technology on our beloved operating system?03:33
FloodBot1toter_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:33
prince_jammys!paste | dpetrosky103:33
ubottudpetrosky1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:33
otter_can you get support for the toshiba mp3 player on ubuntu ? (need help)03:34
jdutoter_, fellow linux user said WiMax worked as long as there was a router inbetween03:35
otter_how to get mp3 to work on ubuntu03:35
zenlunatictoter_, you should email linus torvalds03:35
jdutoter_, but probably you are talking about a wimax card...03:35
prince_jammysotter_: describe in greater detail what the problem is and what the device is, and someone might be able to help. also, search the ubuntu forums for your device; i'm sure it's mentioned.03:35
dpetrosky1(ubottu) thanks03:35
dpetrosky1(bazhang) http://imagebin.org/5619003:36
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:36
xTheGoat121xAfter moving /usr to another partition (actually another device), my system now only boots to a command prompt03:36
toter_jdu: i'm using a router... via ethernet... it's working fine.03:36
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: what happens when you do: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start ?03:37
djmetali swear this os. is very annoying to install........even burning it as an iso and telling it to boot from cd.......it doesnt do anything. just keeps loading windows03:37
lucaxguys i need to force a resolution for my screen, i have 1280x800 i want it to be 1280x1024 but i cant get it higher... im on ubuntu with an intel gma x3100... any help??03:38
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, I get a fail.03:38
prince_jammysdjmetal: either something is wrong with the cd, or you need to change your BIOS to tell it to try booting from CD before hard drive.03:38
imgoofygooberCan you take me higheeer03:38
bazhangdpetrosky1, that looks like a modified version of hardy; could you type in the terminal of that cloudbook : lsb_release -a   and tell us what it says the version number is03:38
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: specifically what is the error message?03:38
djmetali did change that.03:38
=== sadie is now known as Guest9507
jdudjmetal, in my humble opinion, ubuntu's cd is one of the easiest of any distro.03:39
prince_jammysdjmetal: and you're positive that you burnt the CD as image and not as data files?03:39
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, I don't get verbose error messages03:39
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: just nothing happens?03:39
djmetali selected all the files from the download .rar file and put them in an image then burnt it....03:39
Guest9507Hi Where is the best place to look at all my hardware on this laptop?03:39
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, it says "Starting GNOME Display Manager    [fail]03:40
Guest9507Hi Where is the best place to look at all my hardware on this laptop?03:40
toter_jdu: but they have a usb dongle... i didn't subscribe to the other plan because they don't have linux or mac drivers03:40
Bogus8I'm having an issue with postfix... I think it's a mysql issue... could someone look at this (it has some error logs and such) and tell me what they think? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121443203:40
gogetaGuest91857: lspci will show all hardware03:40
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log might contain hints.03:40
bazhangGuest9507, sudo lshw03:41
gogetatoter_: what03:41
jdutoter_, unfortunately not by expertise.  The people around here have been selling these white boxes that for some reason don't seem to want to connect directly to linux (or so I am told)03:41
gogetatoter_: white boxes03:41
toter_zenlunatic: I think that's a possibility. CLEAR, the company that offers this service here in Atlanta, only has coverage, at least for now, in three cities: Atlanta (where I live), Portland (where Torvalds lives, I think) and Las Vegas03:42
gogetatoter_: anything runs linux even tosters03:42
jduxTheGoat121x, what happens if you type     ls /usr03:42
otter_how do you get the mp3 player to work on ubuntu ?03:42
nibsa1242My computer keeps restarting / hard locking. An investigation of the logs revealed "syslogd 1.5.0#5ubuntu3: restart" could anyone else let me know if they have that in their logs?03:42
jdugogeta, I thought that was the slogan of netbsd...03:42
deweyI installed ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop. The keyboard and mouse works untill xwindows starts up. Then nothing works. So I cant login or nothin. WHat could cause this ?03:42
zetanuxihas anyone had issues with transmission not downloading when the screensaver activates?03:43
toter_zenlunatic: maybe i should e-mail him03:43
djmetali'm just going to download the dvd .iso. perhaps that will work better03:43
Sinatracan soembody point me to a good newbie guide for Ubuntu?03:43
Sinatraliek do they have any sort of lessons to get started??03:43
dpetrosky1(bazhang) http://imagebin.org/5619203:43
jdudewey, define your use of 'xwindows'  X is was is handling the mouse and keyboard, so they couldn't work before it starts up.03:43
gogetajdu: bsd is soo oblated by linux03:43
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ Sinatra03:44
etoDis there a place for non-support related ubuntu discussion03:44
etoDis this it03:44
FLJohnOk I am Back.  I did not take this computer apart.  I just put the New CD rom Drive in and rerouted the wires from the hardrive.  I am attempting to run Ubuntu from Live CD03:44
xTheGoat121xjdu, such a command gives me a list of the folders contained inside /usr03:44
prince_jammysetoD: #ubuntu-offtopic03:44
gogetaetoD: yep !ot03:44
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, nothing seems out of the ordinary in there.03:44
rugeHey guys, got myself an nvidia problem :(03:44
jduxTheGoat121x, of course, just making sure.  Unless things did not get copied (perhaps important to X), then the move of /usr can't be a problem because it is obviously mounted03:45
bazhangdpetrosky1, you have a wifi hotspot there? and you are associated with the ap?03:45
sadie9976just finished install of jaunty on this dell lappy - latitude d600 - has an ati radeon 9000 - but showing standard vga - anyway i get the ati video to work ? ?03:45
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: paste the output of this in the channel: grep /usr /etc/fstab03:45
bazhangdpetrosky1, type iwconfig in the terminal and see03:45
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: should be just one line, i assume.03:45
PMantisHi everyone. I'm building a server based on SuperMicro hardware (so REAL server hardware). Booting with an 8.04 CD, and seeing, "No common CD-ROM drive was detected". CDROM drive is the only SATA device, the rest are SAS on a RAID controller. Loading ide-scsi doesn't help. Best place to look for help?03:45
xTheGoat121xjdu,  well, the fact that it booted fine before this.03:45
jduxTheGoat121x, true.03:46
rugeI installed LinuxMint7 and got the associated nVidia drivers last night. All was well, my resolution is at 1600x1200. However, just now I booted my machine and for some reason I can't get a better resolution than 1024x768.... any ideas?03:46
dpetrosky1(bazhang) I am at my house and it is my wireless connection that I cannot connect to on that netbook03:46
jduxTheGoat121x, do you have the original /usr still on the disk?03:46
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, no, several lines.  If you want, I can just give you the line related to the new /usr partition03:46
jengc0il1hi there03:46
loshergogeta: oblate? As in, flattened at the ends?03:46
xTheGoat121xjdu, yes.03:46
otter_so does any body know how to use a mp3 player on ubuntu03:46
bazhangruge, you should seek support in Linux Mint channels or forums then03:46
gogetaruge: thats nice but this isnt mint7 chat03:46
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: yes, just paste that line.03:46
jengc0il1!sound jaunty03:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sound jaunty03:46
bazhang!mintsupport | ruge03:46
ubotturuge: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org03:46
jduxTheGoat121x, you might test to make sure there is no difference between them.03:46
rugeohh right, thanks!03:46
chiquesHey room,03:46
FLJohnOk.  The computer botted up from Live CD.03:46
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: the grep command up there will show you the line.03:47
chiquesWhat is the appropriate way to "uninstall" an application in the .wine directory?03:47
FLJohnI will now have to take this computer down so I can use the sata cable to install it on the other computer03:47
bazhangdpetrosky1, and does iwconfig show the ap03:47
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, /dev/sdb1 /usr auto relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 103:47
FLJohnbe back03:47
gogetachiques: wine has a uninsteller look in the wine menu03:47
otter_does any body know how to get a mp3 player to work on ubuntu03:47
paul_hello i have a problem with atheros ar5009, the level is not in a good reception level (in windows work good)03:47
chiquesgogeta, Thanks!03:48
dpetrosky1(bazhang) in the networks application?03:48
bazhangpaul_, which mp3 player03:48
zetanuxiwhat is the best bittorrent client for ubuntu? anything comparable to uTorrent?03:48
otter_how do i get a toshiba gigabeat mp3 player to work on ubuntu03:48
gogeta zetanuxi transmission03:49
bastidrazorzetanuxi, deluge, ktorrent, transmission03:49
paul_is not a mp3 player is a chipset for wireless03:49
bazhangdpetrosky1, in terminal, where you typed lsb_release -a   ----> iwconfig03:49
KalebsRevengezetanuxi: opera web brwser has a good built in client03:49
bazhangpaul_, sorry wrong person03:49
otter_transmission is the best torrent client ever !03:49
KalebsRevengeotter_: no03:49
dpetrosky1yes there is a paragraph listed with iwconfig03:49
otter_then what is03:50
KalebsRevengei use operas built in one03:50
otter_tried vuse and i think it is hard to use03:50
bazhangdpetrosky1, and does it show your wifi03:50
otter_but frost wire on ubuntu is very hard !03:51
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: pretty baffling.03:51
KalebsRevengei use frostwire03:51
=== jengc0il1 is now known as jengc0il
otter_ever time i download something on frost wire i get a windows exe file03:52
maxagazi have installed jaunty on a Dell Optiplex 320, but when restarting i get a black screen after the grub, i tried a lot of things but none worked, can someone help ?03:52
jdumaxagaz, how long does the blank screen stay?03:52
maxagazjdu, for ever03:53
losherxTheGoat121x: can I try?03:53
otter_does the dell laptop use a oem type of bootable cd03:53
xTheGoat121xgo ahead, losher03:53
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: check whether any lines in Xorg.0.log have "EE" (error)03:53
deweyjdu when my laptop boots up to the login screen nothing works but if i boot into console mode it does. what would cause this ?03:53
jdumaxagaz, there is a video buffer setting in the BIOS that can be increased from 1mb to 8mb to help solve that kind of problem when I've had that problem on an optiplex, but in my case, it didn't stay forever03:53
joannethraxwould anyone like to help me try to get sound working on this laptop?03:54
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, there were a few lines, sure, but they didn't seem bad enough to stop a boot03:54
dpetrosky1(bazhang) http://imagebin.org/5619303:54
bazhangdpetrosky1, try : sudo dhclient wlan0 (with ethernet disconnected on that box)03:54
otter_get a sound driver03:54
losherxTheGoat121x: first let me recap. You did something with your partitions making a separate /usr partitition, and since then, you can only boot into a shell?03:54
jdudewey: nothing works?  can you switch to a console with ctrl+alt+f103:54
deweyno the keyboard and mouse are unrespnsive03:55
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: well, you were able to boot. you just can't start x. try reconfiguring with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org03:55
otter_did you use a wubi installer03:55
KalebsRevengeanyone got a good port scanner?03:55
deweyits weird03:55
deweyeven after reinstall03:55
jduKalebsRevenge, nmap03:55
unitxtI know I can't be the only one that is having horrible Firefox problems. It crashes *every* time I attempt to exit out the browser and will not play Flash at all. Anyone know of a fix for this? I am guessing it's an Ubuntu bug as Flash will not play in other browsers either.03:55
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: ... if you haven't tried that already.03:55
KalebsRevengei have nmap03:55
Bogus8I'm having an issue with postfix... I think it's a mysql issue... could someone look at this (it has some error logs and such) and tell me what they think? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121443203:55
otter_if you use the wubi installer in ubuntu it doesn't work03:55
^Phantom^Are there any programs for ubuntu that can help me build a website.03:55
jduunitxt, what version of firefox / version of ubuntu03:56
KalebsRevengelooking for others03:56
xTheGoat121xlosher, you are correct. I moved /usr to a new partition, actually on a separate device.03:56
otter_bulefish web editor03:56
Xcellcant beat nmap03:56
^Phantom^Like, help me create a nice design for it, and put it together.03:56
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, I never thought of that, actually... I will try it.03:56
_Apple_can I get some help with getting my second display to run at another resolution? I've tried just about everything I can think of and find any more suggestions03:56
test34KalebsRevenge: whats wrong w/ it?03:56
prince_jammys^Phantom^: look into Quanta and Kompozer03:56
Xcellinfact.. nmap now has a new version 5.003:56
unitxtjdu: 9.04 / 3.0.1103:56
otter_i could help you make a website03:56
losherxTheGoat121x: did you change any of the existing partitions when you did this, or merely add a new one on a new device?03:56
deweyjdu any idea ?03:56
^Phantom^prince_jammys, I'll do that, thank you for the suggestions :)03:57
jduunitxt, i've had a similar setup and never had a problem; try 3.503:57
test34KalebsRevenge: are you trolling03:57
KalebsRevengetest34: im writing a review of scanners for 3 os i only have nmap for ubuntu03:57
jdudewey, not really.  probably and x.org config problem.  You may have to configure what driver it uses differently.03:57
xTheGoat121xlosher, other than renaming the original /usr to /usr2 after the copying (to ensure recovery), no changes to the existing partitions.03:57
unitxtjdu: I build 3.5 from source, right?03:57
XcellKalebsRevenge-  google poer scanners and reviews03:57
deweyi might downgrade03:57
Pici!ff35 | unitxt03:57
ubottuunitxt: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY03:57
dpetrosky1(bazhang) with your sudo dh client wlan0 this is what came up http://imagebin.org/5619603:58
jduunitxt, get it from mozilla, copy the unpacked firefox.tar.bz2 to /opt  and link /usr/bin/firefox to /opt/firefox/firefox03:58
bazhangjdu,  no need its in the repos03:58
maxagazjdu, i didn't find such settings03:58
jdui stand corrected03:58
Xcellsudo apt-get update.. 3.5 will be there03:59
losherxTheGoat121x: can you paste from the broken machine. I'd like to see /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst, the output of blkid, and 'df -h'03:59
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: if you reconfigured X, try starting gdm again.03:59
jdumaxagaz, you may have to look for them longer.  at least they are in the several optiplex's i've tried03:59
xTheGoat121xlosher, no, I cannot paste. I'd have to retype everything by hand.03:59
jdumaxagaz, but I really don't know03:59
jduXcell, cool.04:00
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, I haven't gotten to the point of reconfiguring yet... almost there.04:00
losherxTheGoat121x: no network connectivity on the broken box?04:00
FLJohnI know you guys do not care, but I keep trying different things out of curiosity,  I am not trying to boot Live CD 8.04 64 to see if I get the same problem with the CD.04:00
prince_jammyslosher: his fstab line as pasted earlier:  /dev/sdb1 /usr auto relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 104:00
FLJohnI Booted successfully from 8.04 LTS04:00
prince_jammyslosher: and he can view files in /usr, and run programs in his PATH such as nano.04:00
xTheGoat121xHmm, this is interesting04:00
eFrag|PulseAnyone have any experience with routing/firestarter ?04:01
chiquesIt sucks most mp3 players don't play .ogg format04:01
losherprince_jammys: thanks, that helps a bit, but I'll need to see more...04:01
FLJohnThere was a failure to boot from live CD.  this will not run 64 bit04:01
bazhangdpetrosky1, does that box have some special everex repos? please cat /etc/apt/sources.list and paste.ubuntu.com with it04:02
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, losher, something deep is screwy... I just tried the dpkg-reconfigure, and I got a warning about how xserver-org is not installed04:02
eFrag|PulseI'm using firestarter to do internet connection sharing, however certain sites/hosts will not resolv.04:02
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: mmm04:02
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: xserver-xorg (with an x)04:02
prince_jammysyou said "org"04:02
FLJohnNew computer with 4 gigs of Ram will not run 64 bit04:02
FLJohnWhat a piece of Crap04:02
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, yeah, just picked up on that myself... typo! I'm currently reconfiguring.04:02
Xcellsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  ??04:02
dpetrosky1(bazhang) you have me lost on cat & pasting ubuntu....... please explain04:03
jduFLJohn, is it 64bit?04:03
FLJohnWell it was sent to me from manufacturee with 4 gigs of Ram in it.04:03
bazhangdpetrosky1, still in terminal -->type:   cat /etc/apt/sources.list  --> paste that to website   --> paste.ubuntu.com  hit paste and give us the url here04:04
FLJohnJDU: let me look up the motherboard04:04
PiciFLJohn: The processor determines whether it can handle a 64bit architecture OS, not the RAM or motherboard.04:04
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, still does not allow GDM to start04:04
Xcelllook at the bios for that model # on the board04:04
xTheGoat121xlosher, I can probably get network connectivity...04:05
Xcellversions mean allot04:05
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:05
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
FLJohnpici: thank you.  Its a Dual core pentium 2.5 Ghx04:05
losherxTheGoat121x: too many cooks right now. Why don't you and prince_jammys work on it a bit more & then if you don't make progress I'll give it a try...04:05
HigginsI have a problem with my new Lenovo laptop.  After loading, there's a black screen and nothing appear.04:05
xTheGoat121xlosher, but ssh-ing into the machine... can that be done with a crossover cable?04:05
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: the errors from /var/log/Xorg.0.log are probably the most relevant.04:06
jduFLJohn, does the label on the outside of the box (or on the palm rest) have 64 on it.04:06
prince_jammyslosher: no, please.04:06
prince_jammyslosher: i don't mind, plus i have no idea what the origin of the problem is.04:06
jduFLJohn, I know that is not scientific but they want to advertise the 64ness04:06
FLJohnjdu: it was a barbones kit sent by mistake I do not know that much about it.  Guess I should research it.04:06
prince_jammyslosher: all that i can tell is that /usr seems to mount properly, but X won't start.04:07
Xcellwhat video card is it04:07
FLJohnjdu: Vision man sent me the wrong computer first then they sent me a rebuild of the right computer and never asked for the wrong one back04:07
losherxTheGoat121x: if you dont have network connectivity, was the whole thing installed entirely from CD? I'm thinking we can probably just reinstall the xserver...04:08
HigginsXcell, me?04:08
FLJohnI am paying them for this one too now.  do not have the correct manifest with the correct print outs cause the manifest on the wrong computer was the correct components with the right computer04:08
chiquesI have a couple of empty partitions that were created during my ubuntu upgrade. How can I merge them to my home directory?04:08
bazhangcore duo is 32 bit ; core 2 duo is 64 bit04:09
FLJohnthanks baz04:09
prince_jammys!gparted | chiques : Get the live CD:04:09
ubottuchiques : Get the live CD:: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:09
FLJohnbazhang: that should be in Bios right?04:09
prince_jammyschiques: actually, gparted comes with the ubuntu Live CD, if you have it. Boot to that and use "partition editor"04:10
xTheGoat121xlosher, here's the long version of the story. I have an eeepc 2g surf that only has a 2gb SSD. I'm using eeebuntu, and everytime i tried to put /usr on an SD card right from installation, it didn't work04:10
chiquesprince_jammys, ubottu So I have to boot off the live cd to merge them?04:10
bazhangFLJohn, the core duo/core2 duo? not sure; usually I see it on the outside of the case, you can find out in the terminal though04:10
philf]Good evening, with Ubuntu 9.* using aMSN .97 I can't seem to recieve files or view contacts webcams, I've tried disableing the firewall, allowing port 6891 no avail...any ideas? thanks!04:10
puffHey guys, I have this box with jaunty freshly installed onit, eth0  is there and appears to come up but no response from dhcp.04:10
puffAny suggestions?04:11
prince_jammyschiques: i suggest so.04:11
xTheGoat121xlosher, so instead, I installed to the 2GB SSD with plans on moving /usr to the SD card post-installation04:11
=== nibsa1242_ is now known as nibsa1242
prince_jammyschiques: what you'll do is stretch your /home so it takes over the available space.04:11
dpetrosky1(bazhang) http://paste.ubuntu.com/220222/04:11
bazhangFLJohn, cat /proc/cpuinfo04:12
prince_jammyschiques: .... provided the partitions are next to each other.04:12
losherxTheGoat121x: so in fact you've never had a successful installation on this hardware? And X has never worked?04:12
FLJohnlooks like there is only 3.25 gigs of memory04:12
* prince_jammys pulls his hair if X has never worked and that wasn't mentioned.04:13
xTheGoat121xlosher, no, actually I've had great success with this hardware. The problem is that the 2GB hard drive winds up with 55mb free after installation, and I'd like to be able to have more installed than just Firefox04:13
jduFLJohn, if you are running 32 bit ubuntu, run    sudo lshw -html > lshw.html && firefox lshw.html &04:13
jduFLJohn, the resulting html file will tell you the width of the processor04:13
* losher has no hair to pull04:13
xTheGoat121xlosher, the issue with booting only began after moving /usr to the SD card04:13
=== playerx_ is now known as px
jduxTheGoat121x, to an sd card?04:14
jduxTheGoat121x, you can probably find a trashed computer witha 20 gig drive or use a distro that only consumes 200mb or so.04:14
xTheGoat121xjdu, yes, to an SD card.04:15
jduxTheGoat121x, you'll ware it out.04:15
jduxTheGoat121x, probably04:15
xTheGoat121xjdu, it's a netbook04:15
jduxTheGoat121x, how did you format it?04:15
jduxTheGoat121x, ah, yes04:15
xTheGoat121xjdu, how it's formatted currently doesn't matter -- I know that ext3 is bad for flash memory04:15
FLJohnOk Gang.  I am going to load 8.04 lts until I can get another Sata cable here so I do not have to swap cables again.  Talk in an few.  I need to rip this one apart .  Talk in a few.04:15
jduxTheGoat121x, sorry.04:16
FLJohnbe back.04:16
puffAnyone want to help me get networking working on this box?04:16
xTheGoat121xjdu, no need to be sorry.04:16
jduxTheGoat121x, if its something like fat, it may be that linking is not working which may be your problem.04:16
prince_jammysit isn't. it's ext304:17
prince_jammysoh, wait04:17
prince_jammys /dev/sdb1 /usr auto relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 104:17
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, it had been ext3 previously in fstab04:18
losherxTheGoat121x: ext3 -> auto shouldn't really matter. Does /dev/sdb1 fsck successfully?04:18
n2diyOk, I just backed up  /home to my test box, and it worked! All my files are there, but not all the apps. to run them. Is there an easy way to restore the apps., or should I reload them with Synaptic?04:18
puffThis is a fresh ubuntu jaunty install on a desktop box.  It installed successfully and, of course, was immediately out of date.04:19
poseidonWhat do I have to do to make it so that ubuntu can play dvd's again?04:19
puffDid an update and it fetched packages for a couple of hours and then told me it needed to reboot.  Rebooted and when it came back up couldn't get back on the network.04:19
xTheGoat121xlosher, let me check04:19
jdun2diy, not really.  unless you never deleted the debs from /var/cache/apt/archives04:19
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:19
dpetrosky1(bazhang) did you get that last TEXT link?04:19
puffn2diy: If you have your old drive, or the files  from /etc from your old drive, you can pull a package list out of apt and just reload all your packages at once.04:20
xTheGoat121xlosher, how am I going to fsck it if it's mounted, and I get a warning when I try to umount it (apparently it's in use?)04:20
n2diyjdu: so, if I ran apt-get clean recently, I'm out of luck?04:20
bazhangdpetrosky1, yep, just hardy repos (none from everex) did the wireless ever work on that box?04:20
jdun2diy, yes04:20
jdun2diy, they're no longer there04:20
puffSo, nobody has any ideas on this networking before I give up and reinstall jaunty from scratch?04:20
puffGod, I feel like a windows user.04:20
losherxTheGoat121x: well, normally you'd do it from the livecd. Dunno if eeebuntu has one though. I admit I don't know much about eeebuntu....04:20
prince_jammysn2diy: do you have the apps installed in your old box?04:20
xTheGoat121xlosher... alright, I'll boot off my USB04:21
dpetrosky1(bazhang) I just got it yesterday...... ethernet works fine, but not wireless04:21
jdupuff, try restarting networkmanager04:21
xTheGoat121xlosher, that'll take a moment, then04:21
jdupuff, reading logs.04:21
n2diypuff: I did  back up /etc, but I think I might need to tell grsync to do it recursively.04:21
puffjdu:  Which logs in particular?04:21
bazhangdpetrosky1, sorry I don't know more about everex cloudbooks (never had one); is there a wifi on/off switch on that? or wifi marked on one of the F1-F12 keys?04:22
jdupuff, if you go to the log viewer then try to connect, the appropriate logs will become bold04:23
jduthere may be several04:23
n2diyprince_jammys: its not my old box! It's my mission critical box! :) Yes the apps. are here, and I have all my synaptic markings saved.04:23
dpetrosky1bazhang there is a Wif-i located next to the power on/off switch04:23
bazhangdpetrosky1, try toggling that before you restart  the box04:23
puffjdu: Ah, so it just checks the timestamps?04:23
dpetrosky1bazhang: hold on I'll take a pic for you.... NO toggle switch just says Wif-i04:24
jdupuff, it certainly tracks changes04:24
bazhangdpetrosky1, no need for a picture, is there a key with a wifi symbol on it04:24
jdupuff, not that can't be done with         dmesg | tail -f04:25
jdupuff, additional that04:25
jduin the last senctance04:25
* jdu is tired, is going04:25
=== samtihen_ is now known as samtihen
dpetrosky1bazhang: yes the wif-i is a button that you press on/off..... lights up orange04:26
bazhangdpetrosky1, then hit it, and sudo dhclient wlan0 again  no need for pictures, just say if you get anything more than last time04:27
micahcan someone please tell me how to turn of the vlc text thing and clock on vlc media player?04:27
puffjdu:  Hm, oddly enough my friend rebooted themachine while I was talking here and the network appears to be working now.04:28
CoJaBo-Aztecmicah: The one that is displayed on the video?04:28
micahno its just on the screen for every movie i play04:28
CoJaBo-Aztecmicah: Theres an option in preferences to turn off the OSD, that seem like what youre loking for04:29
micahoh ok thank you let me try that real quick04:29
* CoJaBo-Aztec wonders how ssh works o_O04:29
nate[oz]anyone know of a textile editor/previewer app for ubuntu?04:29
billybigrigger_where is the config for the system/preferences/remote desktop???04:30
micahwell im under the subtitles/osd part and i dont see an option for osd04:30
billybigrigger_i see port 5900 is open, but can't find /etc/vnc or anything like it04:30
xTheGoat121xlosher, apparently the device passes fsck04:30
xTheGoat121xI just ran it and it says it's clean04:30
dftwhich pkg provides sun jvm?04:30
poseidonsun-java-6 i think04:30
dftI'm trying to watch a webex and ff keeps complainig jvm is not installed04:31
dftI have java6-jre isntalled04:31
poseidonjre = jvm04:31
CoJaBo-Aztecmicah: akgraner Should be an osxdude ption "enabel OSD that you can unckeck.. What version arere you using?"04:31
losherxTheGoat121x: please re-run it with fsck -f /dev/sdb1 to force an actual check, not just test the 'clean' flag...04:31
poseidondft, did you try restarting?04:31
dftposeidon: yes04:32
micahnvm aztec i found it thank you very much man04:32
dftposeidon: ff at least04:32
TuxedoBondHow do you change default program for handling file types?04:32
dftnot my whole box04:32
Skaperenhas anyone written up a "recipe" on how to get Ubuntu to start the wireless network connection without/before a user logging in?04:32
dpetrosky1bazhang: I feel real stupid. that damn Wif-i does NOT LOOK like a button......but it sure enough was.... I am connected now... THANKS for all your help.... if you are not mad at me now......lol - - - - - - Now, will this, like windowsOS, remember the passkey that I entered, or something that I have to re-enter everytime I want to connect to the internet?04:32
poseidondft, I'd try at least restarting x04:32
xTheGoat121xlosher, running right now04:32
bazhangdpetrosky1, for the wifi? you should be able to set that in the network manager applet or in the network connections preferences04:33
dpetrosky1thank you bazhang, cant thank you enough.............04:33
bazhangdpetrosky1, additionally you may consider just using Mac Filtering instead of WEP, as wep is not secure at all04:34
unitxtjdu, bazhang: Thanks guys. 3.5 *is* in the repos so that was nice as well.04:34
xTheGoat121xlosher, passes with flying colors04:34
bazhangdpetrosky1, glad you got it going04:34
losherxTheGoat121x: where did you copy the new /usr from?04:34
* poseidon has no encryption!04:34
dpetrosky1Is Mac Filtering another days worth of investigation for me04:34
xTheGoat121xlosher, from the 2GB SSD04:35
losherxTheGoat121x: can you mount the 2GB SSD?04:35
bazhangdpetrosky1, it is set in the router, and means that only your MAC (hard ware address for your chipset) is allowed to connect04:35
xTheGoat121xlosher, yeah, no problems there04:35
losherxTheGoat121x: can you mount the 2GB SSD? I'd like to check the data copied faithfully04:35
xTheGoat121xlosher, sure. What exactly should I be looking for?04:36
dpetrosky1bazhang: ok.....on that....... does this Linux open .exe files, or is that not allowd with this system?04:36
mattgyveris there a command to log you out of gnome, and return you to a terminal?04:36
CoJaBo-Aztecdpetrosky1: MAC filtering provides almost no security as weell04:36
losherxTheGoat121x: I want to mount the original /usr and the new /usr and then diff them. Do you know how to do that?04:36
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bazhangdpetrosky1, some will work with wine, an app that allows some windows programs to run; you can check the appdb for more info on what does and does not work04:37
xTheGoat121xI've got the original on the SSD as /usr204:37
bazhang!appdb | dpetrosky104:37
ubottudpetrosky1: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:37
dpetrosky1CoJaBo: thx04:37
losherxTheGoat121x: great. And the new /usr (/dev/sdb)?04:37
losherxTheGoat121x: great. And the new /usr (/dev/sdb1)?04:37
billybigrigger_where is the config for the system/preferences/remote desktop???04:37
xTheGoat121xlosher, I've got them both mounted (which is currently on /dev/sdc1)04:37
dpetrosky1bazhang: and what is Wine?04:38
xTheGoat121xlosher, but I have no clue as to how to diff things04:38
Docvet95Is it ok if I advertise on this chat? Like just one link xD04:38
losherxTheGoat121x: ok, now do diff -r /usr2 /new_user (if you see what I mean)04:38
bazhangdpetrosky1, install it from the repos  it is an application that lets you run some windows software04:38
bazhangDocvet95, no04:38
Docvet95Ok thanks anyways04:38
bazhang!wine | dpetrosky104:39
ubottudpetrosky1: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:39
dpetrosky1bazhang: Ok I can do that if I know what repos is........ I told you I am totally lost on the OS but WILL LEARN it hahhahaha04:39
AndorinAm I allowed to ask for help on an issue that I have posted about on the Ubuntu forums, but that has gone without substantial help?04:39
losherAndorin: sure you are...04:40
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ dpetrosky1 you may wish to read this primer as well04:40
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:40
xTheGoat121xlosher, I see what you mean, and the diff is running right now04:40
billybigrigger_can someone tell me where the config is for remote desktop?04:40
dpetrosky1bazhang: what is repos04:41
bazhangdpetrosky1, the repos are the software repositories where you install applications from, unlike in Windows where you go to 3rd party websites, the repos have most everything you need04:41
AndorinOkay, cool... basically, I'm having trouble with keyboard shortcuts and such, and I do not believe it's hardware related. I'd appreciate it if anyone who could help with such things would look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121450804:41
dpetrosky1and where do I find that bazhang?04:41
bazhangdpetrosky1, they can be accessed via add/remove  synaptic package manager, or the command line04:41
losherxTheGoat121x: assuming the copy is good, then the next step is to reboot, connect to the network, and try reinstalling your xserver....04:42
xTheGoat121xlosher, I'm imagining that if the copy was good... there wouldn't be much output from the diff operation?04:42
eFrag|PulseAnyone familiar with routing with firestarter? I'm having a problem where only some hosts are accessible on the client machine04:42
bazhangdpetrosky1, search around in your menus for the first two, I dont recall where they are in hardy, should be in Applications, and system administration respectively04:43
losherxTheGoat121x: basically no output -> no problems04:43
xTheGoat121xlosher, haha, well, then. That explains a lot.04:43
philf]does anyone have any ideas on how to view others webcams or recieve files on aMSN v.97 on Jaunty? I've tried disabling the firewall, allowing port 6891 but still nothing...thanks04:43
losherxTheGoat121x: why, what happened?04:43
xTheGoat121xlosher, the thing is still listing the differences04:43
censushqi cannot get the wordperfect gzip tar package to install04:43
censushqis there a secret to install wordperfect 804:44
dpetrosky1bazhang: I am in the add/remove part.... any suggestions on what to use for the .exe files and/or any other apps I should be using if you know any off the top of your head04:44
losherxTheGoat121x: if you ran the thing for a while after copying, installed new stuff etc. the differences may be legitimate. Did you?04:44
censushqwine is a windows emulator that can run exe04:44
chetnickis it just me or this Document Viewer is way faster and more responsive than Adobe Reader ... ?04:44
n2diycensushq: Wordperfect works in linux?04:45
chronographerchetnick: way faster!04:45
censushqis there an adobe reader for linux04:45
xTheGoat121xlosher, no, that's the thing... hmmmm, true.04:45
ethicxanyone who's got a good recommendation for LCD ARM desk mounts?04:45
censushqthere is a linux wordperfect no longer supported04:45
losherxTheGoat121x: you never said, exactly how did you attempt the copy?04:45
censushqwindoze blows04:45
bazhangcensushq, no need for that04:46
censushqok sorry04:46
censushqi have 3 windows pcs04:46
bazhangdpetrosky1, yes, Wine04:46
censushq1 ubuntu netbook04:46
eFrag|PulseAnyone have any experience with using ubuntu as a router? I'm using it to route from a wireless connection to an eth0 connection, where a single pc client picks it up. (internet connection sharing). I can get it working MOSTLY, except some sites/hosts are not accessible, nor even pingable.04:46
censushqhow hard is it to upgrade from hardie heron to the gibbon04:46
khelvancensushq - Is there a reason you don't want to use OpenOffice?04:46
censushqon a netbook04:46
bazhangdpetrosky1, please do some reading, such as the links I have given you and the primer as well04:46
xTheGoat121xlosher, booted into the Live USB, then used sudo nautilus to copy /usr from the SSD to the SD card. Changed the mount points (including renaming /usr to /usr2), and tried the reboot04:47
censushqi have open office but it cant seem to load wordperect files even with import filters04:47
dpetrosky1I will do that bazhang..........thank you very much04:47
khelvanHmm, that's strange...04:47
bazhangdpetrosky1, you're welcome04:47
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:48
Slurpeeso I have some personal DVD movies I created.  I had them on a DVDR playing movies....then I ripped the movie onto my laptop to an ISO file.04:48
Slurpeethe iso file are 4 gigs....04:48
losherxTheGoat121x: Hmm. I'm not sure I would trust nautilus to do the copy properly. Would you like to reattempt the copy using a different tool? Is there anything on the new usr you need to save?04:48
dpetrosky1bazhang: So if I ever have another Q:? about this system, is this where I am supposed to get my help then from now on?04:48
Slurpeeanyone recommend a program to encode these iso files?04:48
censushqhow hard is it to change from heron to gibbon on a netbook04:48
censushqis it worth the upgrade04:48
censushqheron to gibbon04:49
losherSlurpee: encode them to what? For what purpose?04:49
dreamywhat can i write at the terminal to check if my card is doing opengl ?04:49
Slurpeei am open to suggestions on codecs to use...obviously dvd is way too much.  especially when sharing with friends.04:49
xTheGoat121xlosher, no, nothing that needs to be saved. The only thing that is concerning me is that I don't get a progress bar with any other tool, and there tends to be some... issues... when copying to the SD card04:49
censushquse vlc media player04:49
censushqit has lightweight codecs04:49
bazhangdpetrosky1, here is fine, but for very basics things like what is wine, etc. you should first read the links given so as to ask more informed questions04:49
khelvancensushq - if you upgrade, I would suggest a reinstall with Jaunty rather than Gibbon...I assume you don't have a CD/DVD drive?04:50
losherxTheGoat121x: what kind of issues. Anything less than a perfect copy is, well, imperfect....04:50
censushqi have a usb external i can hook to the netbook04:50
HopsnickI have jaunty.  I heard the next release is going to be pimp though04:50
censushqheron recognizes the external usb04:50
AndorinCan someone help me? I'm having trouble with keyboard shortcuts and such, and I do not believe it's hardware related. I'd appreciate it if anyone who could help with such things would look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121450804:50
bazhanghttp://wiki.ubuntu.com  https://help.ubuntu.com/community   dpetrosky1 these are very good sources of info as well04:50
censushqhow much lonte04:50
censushqlonger is heron supported04:50
censushqthis unit came with heron04:51
censushqthis unit came with heron04:51
FloodBot1censushq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:51
_Apple_can I get some help with getting my second display to run at another resolution? I've tried just about everything I can think of and find any more suggestions04:51
rodsHey! Got an Ubuntu Netbook Remix running on my eeePC 1000HE. For some reason flash just crawls. Any ideas? I'm not sure the issue is the hardware (I see a lot of netbooks--I product test at woot.com)04:51
censushqit actually has an xp coa on the unit even though heron was installed04:51
bazhangdpetrosky1, ubuntuforums.org also has tons of info04:51
dpetrosky1bazhang: K thx for everything, have a good day.........adios04:51
nibsa1242thanks guys04:51
xTheGoat121xlosher, well... I can put in dmesg during a copy and it'll have a Reset High Speed USB device warning04:51
poseidonI installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, however I still can't play a dvd I rented04:51
C0nn0R1/win 404:52
censushqtry vlc media player to play rented dvd04:52
bazhangposeidon, get a package from medibuntu.org libdvdcss204:52
C0nn0Rsprry wrong command04:52
Hopsnickvlc will run anything04:52
xTheGoat121xlosher, let me just format the partition and try the tool you're going to recommend.04:52
rodsi concur on VLC04:52
losherxTheGoat121x: well, you've nothing to lose at this point. I suggest wiping the new partition & we'll try the copy again...04:52
Hopsnickdoes anyone know a good tutorial/guide to using mySQL I have all the software installed on Ubuntu but I can't get any commnands to work or create a db04:53
xTheGoat121xlosher, should I use gparted to format it?04:53
censushqcan these old 486 units with 200mb drives run ubuntu04:53
losherxTheGoat121x: yes, good idea...04:53
censushqwhat are the minimum reqts04:53
SeaPhorcensushq, have you installed the dvd un the system?04:53
rodsHey! Got an Ubuntu Netbook Remix running on my eeePC 1000HE. For some reason flash just crawls. Any ideas? I'm not sure the issue is the hardware (I see a lot of netbooks--I product test at woot.com)04:54
bazhang!requirements | censushq04:54
ubottucensushq: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu04:54
=== Hopsnick is now known as Hopsnish
* obf213 lll04:54
censushqI had eeepc and went back to eee xandros04:54
xTheGoat121xlosher, to ext3? Or would ext2 be safer?04:54
censushqthe eeeepc forums had a bunch of threads about probs with ubuntu recognizing flash04:54
losherxTheGoat121x: you can always change your mind about that later. Let's start with ext304:54
rodscool, thanks censushq04:55
xTheGoat121xlosher, okay04:55
=== philf] is now known as philf
SeaPhorcensushq, for trouble playing DVDs, try this- http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=54&Itemid=50&mosmsg=Item+successfully+saved04:55
xTheGoat121xcensushq, I would go back to eeexandros if it didn't completely drive me insane.04:55
bazhangrods, eeeuser.com  ; also #eeepc here on freenode04:55
censushqi have no trouble playing dvd with vlc04:55
khelvanHi guys, in what package can I find mp4box? I have gpac installed, I thought it was there, but for some reason I can't run mp4box.04:55
ctmjrcensushq, your trolling04:55
censushqsomeone had trouble i suggested they use vlc media player04:55
censushqit can play anything04:55
censushqand it has lightweight codec04:55
dabj01it's good04:55
Hopsnishjoin #mysql04:55
CoJaBo-AztecExcept RM :/04:55
SeaPhorcensushq, give them that link04:56
Hopsnishbeen a while since i used irc04:56
censushqme too04:56
censushqi havent used IRC in over 11 years04:56
censushqback then ubuntu did not exist04:56
HopsnishI'm suprised I remembered  /list and /join lol04:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:56
censushqi used to know all the slash commands04:56
censushqbut i forgot04:57
xTheGoat121xlosher, currently formatting04:57
censushqit will come back to me04:57
* CoJaBo-Aztec knows /me04:57
censushqany ideas on getting the wordperfect 8 linux pkg to install04:57
censushqi tried the steps on that site04:57
censushqit is no longer supported04:57
bazhangseems virtual box is the only way censushq04:58
censushqhow do i setup virtual box04:58
otter_my virtual box is messed up04:58
censushqmaybe i can run wine with windows wordperfect04:58
censushqdoes wine work on heron release04:58
bazhangcensushq, check the appdb04:58
bazhang!appdb > censushq04:58
ubottucensushq, please see my private message04:58
ctmjrcensushq, wordperfect for liniux as been unsupported for over 3 years04:58
bastidrazorcensushq, vmware or virtualbox is the only way to get get the full function of wp04:58
censushqit is late here on east cost04:59
censushqi will try tomorrow04:59
censushqthanks for all your help04:59
otter_how can i reconfigure virtual box?04:59
Hopsnishwordperfect is so 199604:59
MK-ubuntugood night!04:59
xTheGoat121xlosher, format complete.05:00
losherxTheGoat121x: ok, now mount the new partition somewhere convenient, and tell the name of the mount point05:00
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as Bawksy
censushqif i have an xp home coa on my ubuntu netbook, can i use that code to install xp in virtualbox while keeping ubuntu05:01
censushqwhy would i regress backwards to windows if i only need limited apps05:02
khelvanHeh, nevermind on the mp4box question. It is in gpac, you just have to use MP4Box, I didn't realize the case was different.05:02
=== censushq is now known as windozeblows
RoyallI can't seem to kill a process; it's deluge05:02
xTheGoat121xlosher, device is now mounted in /media/disk05:03
Royalldeluged also seems to be unkillable05:03
losherxTheGoat121x: and remind me, where is the original /usr mounted right now?05:03
=== Bawksy is now known as Adema
_Apple_can I get some help with getting my second display to run at another resolution? I've tried just about everything I can think of and find any more suggestions05:04
zenlunaticRoyall, check out SysRq05:04
=== Adema is now known as Bawksy
losherxTheGoat121x: ???05:05
xTheGoat121xThe original /usr is currently mounted in /media/disk-1/usr205:05
xTheGoat121xlosher, see the post directly above05:05
Hopsnish#mysql is a dead channel05:06
HopsnishI need help creating a db.  I typed mysqladmin create <databasename>  and I got an error message saying,  bash: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'05:06
losherxTheGoat121x: ok, our copy command is:  rsync -av --partial --progress /media/disk-1/usr2/  /media/diskl05:06
Royallzenlunatic: uhm, that seems to be for killing /all/ processes05:07
allenbradleyAnyone installed linux-server package?05:08
xTheGoat121xlosher, should that be a sudo command?05:08
allenbradleyFrom the repo's?05:08
wizzo50Hi, I just setup Sun Virtual Box on Ubuntu. Now, how do you run it to load Windows on Ubuntu?05:08
HopsnishI thought windows was the only OS that required you to restart your computer after an update, but Ubuntu does it to.  Why do OS's need restarts after updates?05:08
losherxTheGoat121x: yes, definitely use sudo, otherwise you will have permissions problems05:08
lstarnesHopsnish: usually that's only required for updating the kernel or certain core libraries05:09
AndorinCan someone help me? I'm having trouble with keyboard shortcuts and such, and I do not believe it's hardware related. I'd appreciate it if anyone who could help with such things would look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121450805:09
nevynHopsnish: some don't but if the core os code is replace during a software update it's generally easier to reboot than attempt to replace in memory that code05:09
RiverRatWhat is the name for version 9.04?05:09
AndorinRiverRat: Jaunty Jackelope.05:09
xTheGoat121xlosher, running right now05:10
allenbradleyAnyone tried installing the linux-server package from repo's?05:10
losherxTheGoat121x: you should be able to watch its progress...05:10
wizzo50Hi, Can someone help me? I just setup Sun Virtual Box on Ubuntu. Now, how do you run it to load Windows on Ubuntu?05:10
xTheGoat121xlosher, as a matter of fact, I'm watching right now05:10
allenbradleyHave a windows CD/iso?05:11
wizzo50allenbradley: Yea05:11
=== yow|x2 is now known as faustus34
allenbradleywizzo50 : Cool. Now i assume you're booted into ubuntu and all05:11
allenbradleyopen Virtualbox05:11
losherxTheGoat121x: just curious, what kind of copy speeds is it reporting?05:11
allenbradleyClick on New05:12
Hopsnishwhat's the Ubuntu equivalent to alt ctr del for showing processes05:12
allenbradleyHow do you open a private chat?05:12
_Apple_can I get some help with getting my second display to run at another resolution? I've tried just about everything I can think of and find any more suggestions05:12
FLJohnOk that took a lot longer then I thought.  Now I have another problem05:12
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oldude67Hopsnish, ps -e05:12
xTheGoat121xlosher, anywhere between 4.34Mb/s and somewhere down in the Kb/s05:12
xTheGoat121xIt ranges, really.05:12
FLJohnIt says I downloaded Nvidia drivers for my display, but I can not access the 1440x90005:13
losherxTheGoat121x: ok, so about 10 times slower than a sata disk. Just wondered...05:13
=== yow|x2 is now known as faustus34
xTheGoat121xlosher, give or take.05:14
FLJohnOk It appears there were more updates.05:14
TwitteryHow long will be an ubuntu version maintained05:15
SeaPhorFLJohn, i can help you....05:15
MaxPower9Twittery, that depends on the version05:15
oldude67Twittery, server or desktop?05:15
oldude67Twittery, 3 years05:15
SeaPhorFLJohn, are you on the live cd or already installed?05:16
=== redsoxking is now known as redsoxking|afk
Twitteryoldude67 : Wow thats a big number compared to fedora05:16
FLJohn SeaPhor:  I downladed the drivers.  It asked me for the acer display and It did not have my model number.  I am installed.  I thought it did the updates, but now I am downloaded 164 do that computer is tied up now05:16
TuxedoBondHow do I change the default program that opens music files?05:17
neko_enable the multimedia selector by editing menus05:17
neko_youll find it in system>administration05:17
SeaPhorFLJohn, I also have native res of 1440x900 and cannot get without what i am about to offer you05:17
FLJohnI am running that res on this computer.  ATI seems to have their crap togethor05:18
SeaPhorFLJohn, but i need more info from you before i suggest05:18
TuxedoBondDo you mean Main Menue?05:18
TuxedoBondFor me it's in preferences.05:18
SeaPhorFLJohn, ATI + Linux = BAD ,,, for now, getting better but,,, my offer still stands05:19
xTheGoat121xlosher, still waiting05:19
prince_jammys!defaultapp | TuxedoBond05:19
ubottuTuxedoBond: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.05:19
losherxTheGoat121x: copy progressing normally?05:19
MaxPower9Twittery, only the LTS releases are supported for 3 years05:19
FLJohnSeaPhor, I have two computers now running Linux. the one I am on now is not the one we are talking about.05:20
MaxPower9the regular releases are 18 months05:20
xTheGoat121xlosher, other than the occasional pause, yes.05:20
FLJohn SeaPhor: The one we are talking about is running Nvidia05:20
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: what happened? /usr hadn't been copied properly?05:20
TwitteryMaxPower9 : Whats LTS <sorry>05:20
prince_jammysTwittery: long term support05:20
prince_jammys!lts | Twittery05:20
ubottuTwittery: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0405:20
FLJohn SeaPhor:I also agree that ATI is not tooo great, does cause this system to crash05:20
losherxTheGoat121x: no problem then. When the copy finishes, umount, fsck, and then reboot. You know the drill from there....05:20
xTheGoat121xprince_jammys, we tried reformatting and copying again05:20
MaxPower9that pages details it out05:21
prince_jammysxTheGoat121x: ah05:21
xTheGoat121xlosher, will do. The question arises, I shouldn't have to change anything in the fstab at this point, right?05:21
losherprince_jammys: the original copy was done from within nautilus, and there were lots of differences between the copy & the original, so we recopied using rsync05:21
SeaPhorFLJohn, this is also 1440x900 and nvidia, and I HAVE to run a specific add-to kernel-line to get it to work,,,05:22
prince_jammyslosher: i see.05:22
=== rocky_ is now known as rocky_balboa
losherxTheGoat121x: no, shouldn't need any new changes to fstab, unless you want to change auto to ext3...05:22
xTheGoat121xlosher, that's what I figured.05:22
_Apple_SeaPhor, what is this you speak of...with the 1440x90005:23
xTheGoat121xlosher, is there any way to get an inkling of how far into the ENTIRE process we are?05:23
KoolDanyone knows a tutorial on how  to change the cpu freq when there is a change in the power supply (ac to battery)05:23
=== nabeel is now known as Guest80444
losherxTheGoat121x: if you run df -h you should see the 'used' sizes of both source & destination....05:23
SeaPhor_Apple_, ? thats native resolution for this box, and no release of ubuntu has run it on this box whithout me adding it to the kernel-line05:24
xTheGoat121xlosher, k05:24
FLJohn SeaPhor:Ok, you run it in Terminal?05:24
SeaPhor_Apple_, not since 7.0405:25
SeaPhorFLJohn, no05:25
SeaPhorFLJohn, not necessarily05:25
losherxTheGoat121x: from df -h, how much of the original looks copied so far?05:25
_Apple_i see, which box is this then? OS wise, I need to be running that as well on display number two05:25
FLJohn SeaPhor:Ok what do I need to do?05:25
SeaPhorFLJohn, please join me in #seaphor - less traffic,,, and _Apple_ you are welcome too05:26
xTheGoat121xlosher, hold on one second05:27
KoolDanyone knows a tutorial on how  to change the cpu freq when there is a change in the power supply (ac to battery)05:28
FLJohn#seaphor I do not see it in the room list05:28
xTheGoat121xlosher, about 1.2 GB into the copy05:28
avcascadeHey folks: Trying to figure out why Ubuntu won't recognize my RAID array, which I've never been able to use since I built my computer. The disks I have (1 TB each) are managed through an Adaptec controller card. When I first installed my computer, the array was detected as "Adaptec", but not long after, Ubuntu mysteriously stopped recognizing it, and started showing it as "Mass Storage Drive". Clicking "Mass Storage Drive" produces the message, Unable to 05:28
losherxTheGoat121x: and the total size of the original?05:29
xTheGoat121xlosher, honestly, not sure. LoL05:29
SeaPhorFLJohn, do /join #seaphor05:29
losherxTheGoat121x: what does df -h say is the 'in use' size of  /media/disk-1/usr2/ ?05:30
xTheGoat121xlosher, never mind. LoL It just completed!05:30
D4rk-aVenGeRJoin to our new server .:: /server irc-undernet.org ::. & join #cyprus - for help contact NightLord!05:30
glitsj16KoolD: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=597998 might be of interest05:30
losherxTheGoat121x: ok, dismount /media/disk and fsck it just to make sure it's clean, then you can reboot...05:31
glitsj16KoolD: it mentions feisty and gutsy but is still relevant, np05:33
xTheGoat121xlosher, one second05:34
AndorinHey, guys, how do I determine my laptop's MAC address in Jaunty?05:35
Konamafter a "java -version" command in the command line i get that i have the version and openjdk even tho I uninstalled it... is that ok? I have the java-sun-jdk installed too05:35
skylany way to see what my device is for a umout command05:36
skyllist them?05:36
skylI need to umount my current drive immediately :(05:37
=== rocky_balboa is now known as ROCKY`
losherskyl: df -h will show you all mounted devices05:37
stroyanskyl: "df ." will tell you your current mount point.  You can umount by the mount point directory name rather than a device name.05:37
skylthank umount: /: device is busy.05:38
AndorinHow do I determine my laptop's MAC address?05:38
stroyanskyl: Of course.  If you have it as a current directory then that alone will make it "busy".05:38
skylstroyan how can I make it unbusy05:39
failersAndorin http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+check+mac+adress05:39
kapilAndorin: "ip link show"05:39
joannethraxcan anyone here help me figure out what "model" I should be using for my soundcard?05:39
wizzo50How do you setup gpartioner on here?05:39
cjehi, does anyone know a good IRC channel for Linux games?05:39
=== ROCKY` is now known as shadowwolf
cjeSorry, let me re-phrase that question.  Does anyone know a good Freenode IRC channel for Linux gamers.05:40
=== shadowwolf is now known as ROCKY`
Andorinfailers: Are responses like that REALLY appropriate? >_>05:40
stroyanskyl: / is always going to be busy.  You would need to shutdown (or pivot_root to another / filesystem) to unmount it.  What is your motive?05:40
shade34321does anybody know anything about adding a splash screen to grub here?05:41
failersAndorin well some people really have to learn use google :p05:41
skylstroyan recover data I deleted :'(05:41
Andorinfailers: I do know how. A basic search didn't turn up anything help. kapil, on the other hand, did provide help. Thank you.05:41
=== redsoxking|afk is now known as redsoxking
stroyanskyl: It is probably too late to recover data from /.  It is a busy file system.  If you wanted to try you would need to shutdown and examine it from an alternate boot such as a live CD.05:42
wizzo50Anyone help me on setting up the program g--- something to check or change any of your partitons on here?05:42
shade34321ive edited my menu.lst file on grub....and i put a picture there for it that's 640x480 with 14 colors in the xpm format that's gzipped....i even updated my grub, where it finds my splash image, and it still tells me that it cant read it....any ideas?05:43
kapilskyl: sometimes "mount -o remount,ro /" will work to mount the fs read-only.05:43
joannethraxhttp://git.alsa-project.org/?p=alsa-kmirror.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/ALSA-Configuration.txt;h=f9d11140af913c95d317963d9b0c1bd672a881ef;hb=ae889d6f764559932485be23e6ad2744164fc9d1  says See Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio.txt for more details about  HD-audio driver.  Each codec may have a model table for different configurations. If your machine isn't listed there, the default (usually minimal) configuration is set up05:43
joannethrax.  You can pass "model=<name>" option to specify a certain model in such a case.  There are different models depending on the codec chip.  The list of available models is found in HD-Audio-Models.txt05:43
joannethraxWhere would I find these text files?05:44
wizzo50Anyone help me on setting up the program g--- something to check or change any of your partitons on here?05:44
xTheGoat121xlosher, I got something about an entry having illegal characters in the name....05:44
wizzo50Anyone help me on setting up the program g--- something to check or change any of your partitons on here?05:44
xTheGoat121xlosher, should I fix it or let it ride?05:44
oldude67wizzo50, its gparted and just apt-get install it05:45
glitsj16shade34321: startupmanager is a package that offers a GUI for grub splash configuration, that might throw some light onto your trouble05:45
losherxTheGoat121x: that's scary. It shouldn't happen. Let it ride for now. See how many other errors you find...05:45
kapiljoannethrax: probably in the alsa-source package05:45
AndorinOkay, now another question that I have already tried Google for... in Ubuntu, on my laptop, I am trying to configure a network. By setting a static IP it also wants me to fill in the "DNS 1" field. where do I find the information for that?05:45
shade34321glitsjl6: hmm....ok...let me look at that real fast05:45
wizzo50oldude67:  need sudo in front of it05:46
xTheGoat121xlosher, directory corrupted, should I salvage?05:46
joannethraxkapil: they apparently aren't on my computer, according to locate05:46
oldude67wizzo50, probably05:46
losherxTheGoat121x: yes05:46
kapilAndorin: that depends on your local network. or you can use a public dns server like opendns.05:46
joannethraxwait...I found them05:47
joannethraxLinux Kernel Documentation05:47
joannethraxThank you.05:47
Andorinkapil: Thanks. Found it.05:48
wizzo50what is that program called to take an image and put the address on here when showing someone? Not pastebin I am talking about but it starts with an S05:49
adam7wizzo50: imageshack or xs.to?05:50
adam7they don't start with S but do the same thing, I guess05:50
wizzo50yea, thanks adam05:50
bazhang!imagebin | wizzo5005:50
ubottuwizzo50: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.05:50
xTheGoat121xlosher, getting a TON of unattached inodes05:50
SquyntiOk I have a few things I like to iron out a few kinks I have here is firstly, the flash plugin wont let installed because it says wrong architecture05:51
histoSquynti: how are you trying to instal it?05:51
mbnoimihow I can reset ubuntu modifications?05:52
SquyntiIm not too sure, I had it installed thru synaptic pac manager05:52
Squyntiand i    tried the typical    way like windows but it tells    me wrong cpu according what    it message said05:53
losherxTheGoat121x: it strikes me that we never checked the source /usr. If these come from there then it's probably trashed and you need to reinstall. The alternative is that the target device is unreliable, which means you're probably never going to be able to use it. At this stage, I would reinstall from CD, do a manual partition, and select /dev/sdb1 as the location for /usr, and see if that works.05:53
wizzo50Hi, Can someone help me? I just setup Sun Virtual Box on Ubuntu. Now, how do you run it to load Windows on Ubuntu?05:53
skylhow can I interact with /dev/sda1 ?05:54
skylI am trying to recover data that I deleted05:54
xTheGoat121xlosher, alright. I'll get cracking on that right now05:54
skyl/dev/sda1 has been umount05:54
SquyntiI hope im clear enough..05:54
histowizzo50: Applications > System Tools I believe its under there the one near the bottom05:54
losherxTheGoat121x: it's late here, I'm gonna sign off for tonight. Best of luck, ok?05:54
Gemmie78Hello. I've been having issues with my pidgin instant messenger recently being unable to sign in to both my MSN accounts and my Yahoo account. Has anyone experienced a problem recently05:54
mbnoimihow I can reset my ubuntu to the defaults?05:55
xTheGoat121xlosher, yeah, it's late here too.. Thanks for everything.05:55
Gemmie78I can explain what version I am currently running but after researching google and forums haven't found much help on my exact issue05:55
xTheGoat121xlosher, I'll look for you soon, let you know how it goes05:55
Squyntiand how can I get the scroll bar widen?05:55
stroyanskyl: Perhaps http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2007/12/26/undelete-files-in-linux-with-lazarus-and-unrm/05:55
losherxTheGoat121x: ok. good luck...05:55
glitsj16Gemmie78: what version pidgin are you running? there was some yahoo trouble with 2.5.7 that has been fixed in 2.5.8 recently05:57
skylstroyan it doesn't mention ext305:57
skylhttp://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html <-- I05:57
Gemmie78I am currently running version 2.2.1 of pidgin05:57
skylm kind of working off of this and I only have 90 minutes05:57
histowizzo50: i'm downloading it now myself if I can get it goign i'll let you know exactly were its at05:57
Gemmie78I find the issue strange as the issue arose quite suddenly that basically the MSN client would fail to authenticate05:58
mbnoimihow I can reset my ubuntu to the defaults?05:58
Gemmie78Researching online doesn't provide much help due to the fact of version differences and help given more than 18 months ago. While they may have solved their issues I'm not sure if it would solve mine05:58
glitsj16Gemmie78: yep, each time msn or yahoo (or any of the other supported networks) changes their service, pidgin needs to adapt to it, might be worth to upgrade pidgin, i'd check getdeb.net for a supported version05:59
x_I accidentaly downloaded the server version of ubuntu, but I managed to install and run gnome06:00
x_now I tried to install nvidia drivers, but I got this06:00
x_You must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.28-11-server (x86_64) first.06:01
x_what am I supposed to do?06:01
SquyntiDoes synaptic pack manager be able to install flashplayer for the browser?06:01
skylundelete /dev/sda1 from here on sdb106:01
AndorinCan someone help me? I'm having trouble with keyboard shortcuts and such, and I do not believe it's hardware related. I'd appreciate it if anyone who could help with such things would look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121450806:02
moymoySquynti: yeah..they should already have it in there.. install the non-free plugin06:02
acidioanyone know alot about virtualbox? I'm trying to install my toshiba windows disc to virtualbox, I need to trick the installer into thinking it's running on a toshiba machine06:02
somedude933anybody have an issue in 9.04 with the nvidia 180 driver not installing in the Hardware Drivers app?06:02
acidiovirtualbox is running on a toshiba though06:02
Squyntimoymoy But I get an error saying wrong arc06:02
moymoySquynti: are you on a 64 bit machine?06:03
Squyntithat might be why...?06:03
WIGGMPkHello, came home from an incredibly bad day at work to find out that my Grub can no longer find my bootable image.. How do I mount an ext4 filesystem partition from the live CD? I keep getting "mount: you must specify the filesystem type" and im just not good with the mount command?06:03
Squyntibut it shouldn't matter does it?06:03
acidiowhat are those windows installer discs called that come with the OS and applications for that certain machine?06:03
acidiois it OEM?06:03
moymoyyeah.. heard some bad things about 64 bit and flash... but there are tons of people that get it working.. i see posts about it all over the forums06:03
somedude933now i get this:  http://i29.tinypic.com/5of5si.jpg06:04
SquyntiI looked for it and seem couldnt find itguess Ill keep on looking then06:04
x_I don't have a hardware drivers app06:04
x_how do I bring this up?06:04
zer0nesomedude933: try earlyer drivers if they are offered and see if it works...06:04
Squyntimoymoy I looked for it and seem couldnt find itguess Ill keep on looking then06:05
=== x_ is now known as Megabyte
moymoySquynti: alright06:05
=== Megabyte is now known as Megabyte_
moymoyanyone know how to get scrot to disregard the screensaver and snap a picture of the desktop?06:06
x_I accidentally installed the server version and I tried to install nvidia drivers06:07
x_and I got this06:07
x_You must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.28-11-server (x86_64) first.06:07
x_what am I supposed to do?06:07
moymoyx_: sudo aptitude install dkms06:08
eFrag|Pulsex_ do as it says06:08
eFrag|Pulseif I recall you can just rerun the installer with the -K option06:08
moymoyx_: nasically what the dkms does is keep track of changes in the kernel or something06:08
zenlunaticWIGGMPk, for starters it's mount -t fstype but why do you want to mount it in livecd?  Don't you want to grub fixed?06:08
tehbaut|I'm trying to install on an already partitioned drive, and I keep getting a dialog: "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu."06:09
SquyntiAnother issue; I have one HDD with a partition that cannot mount... and it says: failed to read last sector (numeric): invalid argument. Perhaps the vol is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't set up yet, or the wrong device was used, or the partition table incorrect. Failed to mount /dev/sbc306:09
WIGGMPkzenlunatic: yes, im mounting my boot partition in the livecd to fix grub06:09
eFrag|PulseAnyone familiar w/ firestarter and internet connection sharing?06:09
zenlunaticWIGGMPk, oh okay06:09
tehbaut|but I'm not seeing any partitioning menu06:09
moymoytehbaut|: you have to tell the installer all the mount points for the partitions06:09
WIGGMPkzenlunatic: is the filesystem check command different for ext4 partitions? i think my boot partition has some bad superblocks06:10
moymoytehbaut|: you have to click "Manual" when it asks you if you want to do a "guided" install or "manual"06:10
tehbaut|yeah, I'm already on the manual editing screen06:10
moymoyWIGGMPk: just specify the FS .. fsck -t ext4 .. or use fsck.ext406:10
orb360when in doubt... just fsck it06:10
x_now... how can I enable my live 5.1?06:11
zenlunaticWIGGMPk, never used ext4 are you on ubuntu 9.10?06:11
moymoytehbaut|: is this a fresh install? or do you want to keep data?06:11
x_do I have to enable the software mixer?06:11
WIGGMPkmoymoy: thanks.. and I can still use the -y parameter too?06:11
WIGGMPkzenlunatic: yea06:11
moymoyWIGGMPk: yup06:11
tehbaut|moymoy, one of my partitions is hfs+ but I don't want to reformat it on accident06:11
coldhakhow much space does ubuntu need? should 10gb be enough?06:11
tehbaut|trying to triple boot06:11
eFrag|Pulsecoldhak: more than enough06:11
jerrcsHi. When installing the ubuntu-server 9.04, I get a bunch of "debootstrap warning" errors, several .deb files seem corrupt.06:12
coldhak(not really a linux question) if I put /home on a different partition, is there a way for windows to read it?06:12
zenlunaticWIGGMPk, you probably would be better served in #ubuntu+106:12
tehbaut|moymoy, I saved ubuntu for last, so the first two partitions need to keep their data06:12
eFrag|Pulsecoldhak: nope.06:12
WIGGMPkzenlunatic: oh crap im sorry.. no im using 9.04 (jaunty)06:12
moymoytehbaut|: okay, click into the partition and for the dropdown menu, click "use as HFS+ partition" and set a mount point... but make sure it's marked as "do not format"06:12
eFrag|Pulsecoldhak: Windows cannot read linux partitions. However. IF you have to share files. Just use a seperate fat32 partition06:12
moymoytehbaut|: the installer is complaining that you didn't set up a root partition... so pick a partition to mount "/"06:13
coldhakcan /home be put on a fat32 partition?06:13
tehbaut|moymoy, there is no HFS+ option, just XFS journaled and JFS journaled06:13
moymoytehbaut|: hmm right.. the installer doesn't support HFS then.. but i know the kernel supports it.. so i don't know06:13
eFrag|Pulsecoldhak: I don't think so, but maybe?(someone else...). Not recommended in either case06:13
eFrag|PulseFat32 has alot of limitations, mainly in filesizes and whatnot.06:14
eFrag|Pulseext4 is pretty nice lately ^_^06:14
moymoytehbaut|: wait.. you want to install linux onto the hfs+ partition right?06:14
tehbaut|no, that's my osx partition06:14
tehbaut|but I'd like to be able to access it06:14
tehbaut|both read and write06:15
moymoycoldhak: fat32 only allows 4GB file sizes max i think.. and your /home will most likely become heavily fragmented and become very slow06:15
xTheGoat121xHow is Ubuntu's support for bluetooth mice?06:15
coldhakah. that's definitely bad.06:15
moymoytehbaut|: oh .. then you don't have to do anything to it when you install ubuntu .. you'll be able to access it from ubuntu no problem06:15
moymoytehbaut|: but you might have to install some modules from the repositories .. but i know it works.. i can mount Mac OSX partitions on my install06:16
tehbaut|moymoy, okay but I still need to specify a mount point? or?06:16
SquyntiAnyone catch my message on mount?06:16
moymoytehbaut|: yes, you still have to specify a mount point.. do you have a partition set aside for ubuntu already?06:16
tehbaut|yep, I do06:17
linux 06:17
moymoytehbaut|: then you can set that to be mounted as "/"06:17
WIGGMPkmoymoy: quick question.. whats the differences between e2fsck and fsck???06:17
n2diywhere's a good "wake on lan" howto?06:17
tehbaut|Prepare Partitions dialog won't let me add a mount point to the other part's though06:17
moymoyWIGGMPk: they're the same to me.. but i always use fsck06:18
TheShahFactorI have this weird problem, Whenever i lock my Ubuntu desktop and login back again; the sound which i muted before gets unmuted06:18
moymoytehbaut|: which parts? do you want two different partitions for / and /home?06:18
tehbaut|not without reformatting them, at least06:18
tehbaut|no, for the other os pars06:18
usserWIGGMPk, well they're not technically the same, e2fsck is for ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems, fsck is more general, its a wrapper that works for any FS.06:18
moymoytehbaut|: i don't understand what you're saying06:19
usserWIGGMPk, by calling and appropriate fsck06:19
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.506:19
aroonihow do i remove/replace grub, and make it so the laptop always boots up to vista?06:19
tehbaut|moymoy, you said that I needed to add mount points to the other os's part's06:19
ZyYyXyhi friends06:19
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY06:20
WIGGMPkusser: which would you suggest for repairing an ext4 partition? should i just us fsck -t ext4 or e2fsck -t ext4? this is my first need to repair one of my ext4 paritions06:20
moymoytehbaut|: not necessary .. you only need to mount "/" that's the most important .. everything else is optional (but highly recommended)06:20
tehbaut|moymoy, but when I edit those part's, the mount point field is greyed out until I tell it to reformat06:20
usserWIGGMPk, just use fsck06:20
[R]arooni: "fixing" your MBR is a windows issue, not a linux issue06:20
usserWIGGMPk, thats the "right" way of doing it06:20
WIGGMPkusser: moymoy: k thanks for the help guys06:20
tehbaut|I guess I can just proceed then?06:20
ZyYyXywant to share info about http://www.ubun2.com Web 2.0 style Question and Answers  Please help to build the largest Ubuntu knowledge base06:20
bullgard4RFC2828 includes a definition of 'proxy server'. In two commentaries of this definition the term 'proxy' is used (not 'proxy server'). Does this use of 'proxy' mean a short-hand for 'proxy server' or what does proxy stand here for?06:20
* Squynti sighs06:21
ZyYyXy want to share info about http://www.ubun2.com Web 2.0 style Question and Answers  Please help to build the largest Ubuntu knowledge base06:21
moymoytehbaut|: always double check when dealing with your harddrive .. make sure you don't format the wrong drives and such06:21
arooni[R], right but uninstalling linux ubuntu should be something covered in this channel06:21
arooni[R], i love ubuntu to death, i'm just selling the laptop to someone06:21
[R]arooni: there is no such thing as "uninstalling"06:21
richardcavellarooni: You can uninstall and just have a computer with BIOS on it06:22
SquyntiAnother issue; I have one HDD with a partition that cannot mount... and it says: failed to read last sector (numeric): invalid argument. Perhaps the vol is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't set up yet, or the wrong device was used, or the partition table incorrect. Failed to mount /dev/sbc3 <-- anyone help me with this?06:22
Squyntior an input06:22
moymoyarooni: a quick google search will give you all the details .. mostly just put the windows disk in and boot into recovery or something and `fixmbr` or something06:22
richardcavellHey guys, what is the correct way to map keyboard keys as mouse buttons?  I'm using xmodmap. Is that still the 'correct' way?06:23
tehbaut|does ubuntu not share swap space on the same partition as the install itself?06:23
richardcavelltehbaut|: no, you should use a separate partition06:24
richardcavelltehbaut|: it is possible to use a swapfile but it is a bad idea06:24
moymoytehbaut|: swap partition is always a separate partition.. but if you have enough RAM, swap isn't necessary unless you want to hibernate and such06:24
tehbaut|ah, well that's not important06:24
wizzo50What sound programs is there for on Ubuntu that are good?06:25
moymoydo macs use a swap partition?06:25
richardcavellmoymoy: no, they cannot do so06:25
skylhow to get a full copy of a drive (ext3 partition) so that I can query the deleted items?06:25
eFrag|PulseI always do 2GB for swap myself.06:25
richardcavellmoymoy: that is to say, OS X does not and cannot do so. Ubuntu can if it's installed on a mac06:25
[R]wizzo50: "sound program"?06:25
eFrag|PulseThough the usual reference is 1.5x your RAM06:26
Gemmie78Okay it looks like I may need to upgrade pidgin in some way06:26
[R]skyl: query?06:26
Gemmie78How should I go about doing this?06:26
tehbaut|yeah, macs use a swap file I thought06:26
skyl[R] well, hopfully eventually 'recover'06:26
richardcavellGemmie78: what version do you have?06:26
Squyntican swap partition be adjusted?06:26
eFrag|PulseMac doesn't use swap.06:26
skylI want not just an image with files that exist but a full binary copy I think06:26
[R]skyl: undeleting on ext3 is pretty tough06:27
[R]skyl: but you can google it06:27
tehbaut|that explains the performance issues I experience when memory is low then06:27
skyl[R] I'm aware06:27
usserskyl, dd06:27
eFrag|Pulsetehbaut|: how much ram do you have?06:27
tehbaut|2GB in this machine06:27
skylright now I am only trying to get /dev/sda1 which is umount (I'm on another partition) to another computer06:28
wizzo50r yes06:28
eFrag|Pulsetehbaut|: if you can manage the extra space, match your RAM w/ swap. (2048 MB for swap)06:28
Rob235why does firefox 3.5 have to include firefox 3.006:28
SquyntiI think I have my swap partition too big, can it be fixed?06:28
Enocohh wow!! I found a chat with tons of ppls:)06:28
shade34321i'm trying to have a splash screen on my grub menu....I've manually edited the menu.lst file to include it.....put in a picture in the grub folder that was .xpm format and gzipped and 14 colors with a resolution of 640x480....then i updated the grub, which reconized my splash screen....yet grub kept giving me a failed to read splashimage error.....i was told to try StartUp-Manager and so I installed it and checked everything out....and everythi06:28
usserskyl, dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/location/to/store/image06:28
[R]Squynti: there is no "too big"06:28
SquyntiWelcome first timer Enoc06:28
tehbaut|eFrag|Pulse, is it something I can add later?06:28
moymoySquynti: how big is your swap? ... and why do you think it's too big?06:28
eFrag|Pulsetehbaut|: ofcourse.06:29
tehbaut|not planning to do anything that intensive right away06:29
Squynti[R]: ok though my HDD seem to be a wasted space with oversized swap (initally made an error on that part)06:29
ussershade34321, try grub2 its really easier to set splash image in it06:29
eFrag|PulseJust make sure you leave the extra space just in case.06:29
tehbaut|how do I revisit swap space in the future?06:29
tehbaut|just partition manager?06:29
Rob235why does firefox 3.5 have to include firefox 3.006:29
Enocthanks I'm new and still alittle lost lol06:29
eFrag|Pulsejust leave a few gigs free at the end of your disk space06:29
[R]Rob235: yes... we all heard you the first time06:29
glitsj16Rob235: i believe it has to do with making sure the gecko rendering engine is available for other (dependant) packages06:30
Squyntimy ram is 15,gb and the swap I had it set on I think according to windows  disk managment at nearly 7 gb06:30
moymoytehbaut|: yup.. just shrink one of your partitions and create a new swap partition06:30
eFrag|Pulsethen later you can just format the free space as swap and activate it06:30
Rob235ok thanks06:30
Squynti1.5 gb*06:30
richardcavellOS X definitely cannot use a swap partition. It's a constant complaint of people who use graphics software06:30
histoCan you do a server install from the mini.iso cd?06:30
eFrag|Pulserichardcavell: don't get me started :P06:30
skylthanks so much usser , I'm on a pretty tight timeline here or I would be doing my homework :)06:30
usserhisto, yes06:30
usserhisto, server install is nothing more than a basic set of packages around a -server kernel06:31
richardcavelleFrag|Pulse: some people have made it work with external swap partition but it involves a lot of Darwin voodoo06:31
Enocany site where girls are located??06:31
usserhisto, install as usual from mini.iso add -server kernel and go from there06:31
histousser: I understand that I just don't see an option to choose server install to get the server kernel.06:31
AndorinCan someone help me? I'm having trouble with keyboard shortcuts and such, and I do not believe it's hardware related. I'd appreciate it if anyone who could help with such things would look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121450806:31
cachedanyone know what "tracker applet" telling me that "there was an error while performing indexing: corrupted" means? and why do none of the 3 relevant buttons to close it work? why is it using my hard drive like a madman?06:31
eFrag|Pulserichardcavell:  bleh :P More trouble than its worth than heh06:31
moymoyEnoc: ubuntuforums.org06:31
richardcavellHey guys, what is the correct way to map keyboard keys as mouse buttons?  I'm using xmodmap. Is that still the 'correct' way?06:31
usserhisto, so, just install as usual you can always add another kernel later on when system is in place06:32
[R]richardcavell: if it works and does what you want... then yes06:32
usserskyl, no problem06:32
Enocmoymoy I'm alittle lost06:32
eFrag|PulseIMHO, there is no "Right, and wrong way." If it works without quirks, then its the right way.06:32
Gemmie78richardcavell I believe I have 2.2.1 of pidgin06:33
richardcavell[R]: but there's a problem: I also want to map some of my keys as super keys (eg ctrl), and I don't think it's compatible06:33
histousser: trying to avoid that I just dl the server iso06:33
Gemmie78It's not as simple as updating the piece of software by clicking on the menu06:33
richardcavellGemmie78: Latest version is 2.5.506:33
Gemmie78I had to go into terminal, but strangely, typing what was asked at the pidgin website didn't seem to have much of an effect06:33
tehbaut|eFrag|Pulse, moymoy: thanks for your help06:33
moymoytehbaut|: no problem06:34
Gemmie78I realise that06:34
[R]richardcavell: and what makes you "think" its not?06:34
richardcavellGemmie78: don't update using the pidgin website's instructions06:34
skylcan one then latter use the image as a drive after dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/here.img  ... what can one do with the image?06:34
strostany application that i can run on 9.04 but not 8.04 ?06:34
Gemmie78So I'm trying to upgrade the software in some shape or form06:34
moymoyskyl: you can mount the image if you want06:34
richardcavellGemmie78: use update manager. What version of Ubuntu are you on?06:34
richardcavell[R]: I'm on a Mac and I have two command keys either side of my spacebar that are doing nothing06:34
[R]strost: sure... something that requires the version of something that is in 9.04 and not 8.0406:34
moymoyskyl: sudo mount -o loop /image/here.img /folder/here06:34
duckwarswhat is a good command line bittorent aplication?06:35
Tefadi cannot find a guide for disabling journal on ext4 successfully06:35
Tefadi upgraded kernel to 2.6.3006:35
moymoyduckwars: try rtorrent06:35
[R]richardcavell: they don't show up in xev at all? anything show up in dmesg when you push them?06:35
isonomyI was trying to make my transparent terminal embedded within the desktop via compiz, but then all windows lost their borders. How do I get the borders back?06:35
richardcavell[R]: So I'm trying to do keycode 133 = Control_L but it's not working06:35
Tefadbut i still get error after the kernel loads.. it isn't able to mount the rootfs it seems06:35
skylmoymoy I see, ty06:35
duckwarsmoymoy: i was going to, but i can't apt-get or wget rtorrent06:35
Gemmie78Update manager?06:35
strost [R] : like what ?06:35
richardcavell[R]: They are keycodes 133 and 134. I can map them to Pointer_Button1 but not Control_L06:35
Gemmie78I'm using gutsy gibbon06:35
moymoyduckwars: almost all bitorrent clients in linux have command line support .. but rtorrent is the only one that uses ncurses06:35
Gemmie78I'm fairly lazy to update the whole thing, I'm fairly simple06:35
skylif I compress and uncompress an image it will still be identical?06:35
strostvery slow internet connection over here , going to take days to download another iso06:36
duckwarsmoymoy: what is ncurses?06:36
Tefadhowever, i am able to mount ext4 paritions without journal enabled once i am in the OS...06:36
[R]richardcavell: keys like control and alt are called "modifier" keys... you should re-read the xmodmap man page06:36
moymoyduckwars: have you tried compiling it? the one in the repositories are out of date anyway06:36
Gemmie78I've tried using update manager and it says I'm using the latest stuff but have the choice to upgrade the 8.04 LTS06:36
[R]strost: i don't know06:36
[R]strost: but if you have no problems iwth 8.04... then stay with it06:36
richardcavell[R]: I've read it a hundred times06:36
[R]strost: no one is forcing you to upgrade06:36
Gemmie78Should I just remove pidgin from my computer and redownload it?06:36
richardcavellGemmie78: Well then that's the version used in 8.04. So what's the problem?06:36
usserskyl, well yea what good is a compression algorithm that messes up the original file after decompression06:37
strostthe changelogs arent that helpful06:37
usserskyl, of course it will be the same06:37
richardcavell[R]: In my startup Applications I have xmodmap -e "keycode 133 = Control_L", but it doesn't work06:37
skylusser yep06:38
skylI'm dealing with wax records over here j/k06:38
[R]richardcavell: and then what does xev report?06:38
richardcavell[R]: huh?  You mean I should run that after running the xmodmap -e "keycode... bit?06:39
Gemmie78The problem is I cannot sign into my MSN and YIM06:39
Gemmie78This stopped last week06:39
lbsjackhi,who knows the partioning tool disk druid?06:39
richardcavellGemmie78: I don't know that's pidgin's fault06:39
[R]richardcavell: sounds like you dont know what xev is... maybe you should read it's man page06:39
richardcavellI'm signed in to MSN right now06:39
richardcavell[R]: I know what xev is06:39
richardcavellThat's how I got the keycodes06:40
moymoyduckwars: it's basically like a commandline interface .. it constantly updates itself, so it's already almost like a gui that runs in the command line06:40
duckwarsi hate to ask, but how do I compile a .tar.gz file?06:41
[R]duckwars: you don't06:41
[R]duckwars: .tar.gz is an acrhive... not somethign "to compile"06:41
richardcavellduckwars: what do you mean? What are you trying to do?06:41
NickDeNegeryou have to unpack it first :)06:41
Stralyticanyone in the US want a google voice invite? they sent me one and i cannot use it...06:42
jsqhello, can someone please help, i am unable to log in to a tty, i tried creating a new user, also i am unable to do anything requiring a password.. i am in the admin group06:42
duckwarsI'm trying to install rtorrent06:42
duckwarsit's a .tar.gz06:42
moymoyduckwars: all you have to do is extract it.. get on a terminal and go in and ./configure then make then sudo make install06:42
moymoyduckwars: but you need to hunt down all the dependencies first06:42
richardcavell[R]: What's wrong with the command : xmodmap -e "keycode 133 = Control_L"06:42
moymoyduckwars: a quick google search on "how to compile rtorrent" should give you a nice list06:42
richardcavellIt should work but it doesn't06:42
jsqduckwars tar -xvf filename06:42
[R]richardcavell: so like i ALREADY said...06:42
[R][10:38:53] [R] richardcavell: and then what does xev report?06:43
jsqthen cd dir, ./config, make06:43
jsqor ./configure06:43
dragon_how can i share a file with someone using UbuntuOne?06:43
jsqanyone can help me?06:43
richardcavell[R]: I have the output of xev but what do I need to grep?06:44
jsqi am about to just format.. even though i have everything set up06:44
[R]richardcavell: when did i tell you to grep anything?06:44
jsqhave had ubuntu running for almost a year.. don't know why this happened06:44
cachedHoly crap. I just removed trackerd and now my laptop just became fast again.06:44
histojsq: can you log in as your old user?06:45
jsqnot in a tty, i cant log in as anyone06:45
richardcavell[R]: Well, xev produces a ton of output. I thought it might be sensible to grep the relevant parts06:45
richardcavell[R]: ButtonPress event, serial 32, synthetic NO, window 0x6e00001,06:45
richardcavell    root 0xac, subw 0x6e00002, time 75764165, (45,39), root:(1141,630),06:45
richardcavell    state 0x0, button 2, same_screen YES06:45
FloodBot1richardcavell: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:45
jsqjust takes me back to a login prompt06:45
moymoy!paste | richardcavell06:45
ubotturichardcavell: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:45
[R]richardcavell: that is what is output when you push the key?06:45
richardcavell[R]: yes06:45
richardcavellmoymoy: okay, noted, thanks06:45
`bozHi all could anyone recommend a windows emulator to run under ubuntu?06:45
richardcavell`boz: you know about wine?06:46
[R]richardcavell: i thought you said it output a keycode06:46
jsqim in my old user now, i have auto login06:46
`bozwine is not working too well06:46
richardcavell[R]: It did before I mapped it to Control_L06:46
histojsq: the other option is to boot and catch it at the grub menu and log in recovery mode so you can get single user access to figure out whats gonig on.06:46
jsqbut anything that requires a password doesn't work06:46
[R]`boz: there is no such thing as a window emulator06:46
richardcavell`boz: it doesn't work for me either06:46
jsqi have done that06:46
[R]richardcavell: weird06:46
histojsq: so everything works but tty?06:46
joannethraxCan anyone help me with getting sound to work?  I've been through everything on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting06:46
jsqi made a new user, and they aren't able to do admin either06:46
`bozi stand corrected R06:47
jsqeverything but tty, and anything admin06:47
histojsq: anyone should be able to admin with sudo06:47
histojsq: perhaps the sudoers is messed up06:47
histo!sudo | jsq06:47
ubottujsq: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)06:47
jsqhence my problem.06:47
jsqi know what sudo is06:47
richardcavell[R]: Are you able to help me or are you just being sarcastic?06:47
jsqit's not working06:47
joannethraxno one as any ideas about sound?06:48
histojsq: so your users are not in a certain group let me check mine06:48
acmeincLF help configured the plugins in Brasero so I can burn a DVD of asome avi's...THanks!06:48
jsqsudo | julian | julian06:48
jsqbash: julian: command not found06:48
duckwarshowto's never run straight trhough =(06:48
joannethraxI've a Dell Studio XPS.06:49
histojsq: try sudo visudo06:49
jsqafter i enter my password, absolutely nothing happens, eg when trying synaptic06:49
jsqnothing, just takes me to prompt06:50
histojsq: are you sure your user is in admin group06:50
jsqi will double check, but yes06:50
histogpasswd -a jsq admin06:50
`bozDoes anyone know of a WINE alternative?06:50
[R]`boz: wine is the only implementation of windows api06:50
histojsq: /var/log/auth.log will have errors as well06:50
jsqgpasswd: Permission denied.06:50
joannethraxand the sound card isn't making a peep06:50
nirupamaHow to execute udev06:50
nirupamaI gave udevtrigger but nothing happened06:51
`bozso if don't go in wine, it don't go eh?06:51
histojsq: reboot in single user mode and issue that command06:51
richardcavell`boz: there's the commercial version, called CrossOver06:51
nirupamaI added the rules06:51
jsqJul 14 07:50:01 julian-desktop CRON[6230]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user julian by (uid=0)06:51
jsqJul 14 07:50:01 julian-desktop CRON[6229]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)06:51
richardcavell`boz: CrossOver is a bit ahead of the WINE curve, and based on the same code06:51
jsqthen what?06:51
`bozcheers richardcavell may try that06:52
histojsq: then reboot and sudo should be working06:52
histojsq: for whatever user you specify06:52
jsqok ty will try06:52
richardcavell`boz: Don't. You're better off virtualizing06:52
`bozhow do i do that richardcavell?06:53
richardcavell`boz: Do you know about VirtualBox?06:53
richardcavell`boz: it allows you to run an operating system such as Windows within Ubuntu06:53
richardcavell`boz: real windows, not WINE06:53
Gemmie78If I'm currently on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon and choose to upgrade to 8.04 will I receive the new firefox06:54
Gemmie78I'm currently using firefox 2 and unable to upgrade it simply in the menu06:54
richardcavellGemmie78: no06:54
histoGemmie78: you'll have the firefox that was in 8.0406:54
Gemmie78I believe there's a firefox 3?06:54
Gemmie78I see, darn06:54
histoGemmie78: you mean upgrading to 9.0406:54
Gemmie78And what firefox version was packaged in 8.0406:54
richardcavellGemmie78: Yes there is but it's not in 7.1006:54
Gemmie78No no, I was hoping I could go with an LTS06:54
histoGemmie78: 9.04 has 3.0.1106:54
histoGemmie78: let me check06:54
Gemmie78thank you06:55
Gemmie78Currently I'm uysing 7.10 which has FF2 packaged in06:55
rocky_omg, you guys have to read this: http://austinist.com/2008/12/10/aisd_teacher_throws_fit_over_studen.php06:55
richardcavellrocky_: summary?06:55
geirhaGemmie78: Hardy has firefox 3, yes. And Gutsy has reached EOL a long time ago, so you should really upgrade06:55
ZyYyXyhere is how to install firefox 3.5 http://www.ubun2.com/question/157/how_install_firefox_35_ubuntu06:55
`bozso i just have to get a windows version and install and i'm away then richardcaell06:56
rocky_richardcavell, a teacher has a fit about a kid distributing linux, thinking its illegal XD06:56
histoGemmie78: it says version 3 in hardy06:56
histo!info firefox hardy | Gemmie7806:56
Hilikuswhen i ssh to my server i get the MOTD twice. any idea why??06:56
ubottuGemmie78: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.11+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 120 kB06:56
jsqok, got the message: Adding user julian to group admin. still same problem: julian@julian-desktop:~$ sudo vi [sudo] password for julian:  julian@julian-desktop:~$06:57
[R]Hilikus: twice when you login or once before and once after?06:57
richardcavell`boz: Yes. Check the compatibilities first. It tends to be a bit slow. But it's really Windows inside Ubuntu.06:57
Hilikus[R]: twice when i loggin. one after the other06:58
`bozcheers richardcavell i'm on to it06:58
richardcavell`boz: Not really good for running games. But for servers or testing programs, etc, it's invaluable06:58
jsqgksu nautilus asks for password, then does nothing06:58
[R]Hilikus: how odd06:58
histoGemmie78: what version of ubuntu areyou running?06:58
jsqstill can't log into a tty06:59
geirhaGemmie78: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades06:59
Gemmie78I'm considering upgrading but my concern is losing my settings files and bookmarks06:59
histojsq: so you can't log in to tty and you can't use sudo is what you are saying?06:59
histoGemmie78: do you have your home on a seperate parititon?06:59
Hilikusactually the "last login" info is displayed once but the info about the kernel and my custom message appears twice06:59
Gemmie78And doing an upgrade from the Upgrade Manager, I've never done it before so yeah I'm hesitant06:59
jsqis there some way to reset pam package? histo: yes! exactly06:59
coolpyrofreakGemmie78: If you upgrade by changing your sources.list file, you shouldn't lose anything.06:59
histo!seperatehome | Gemmie7806:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about seperatehome06:59
Gemmie78So to confirm hardy heron is 8.04 and an LTS version which should give plenty of support for many months to come07:00
jsqsomething with pam maybe?07:00
Gemmie78should be safer07:00
histo!home | Gemmie7807:00
ubottuGemmie78: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome07:00
Gemmie78and has Firefox 3?07:00
Gemmie78Will other programs be updated too, such as pidgin?07:00
histoGemmie78: seperate home is your safeest bet all yoru settins and files should be stored there.07:00
geirhaGemmie78: Your home folder will not be touched by an upgrade07:00
histojsq: let me find the link i was looking at with some trouble shooting for sudo07:00
Gemmie78Home into a seperate partiton, not that I'm aware of actually07:00
jsqok thanks07:00
histojsq: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sudo07:00
indusgeirha: i dont think thats entirely true07:00
geirhaGemmie78: All programs will be updated, more or less07:01
geirhaindus: how so?07:01
anirbanI have installed Virtualmin 3.703.gpl module in my Webmin 1.480 panel of my Ubuntu 9.04 HyperVM VPS . Now I have added 1 domain named web2dziner.com using Virtualmin virtual hosts. The problem is when I type http://web2dziner.com (wrong Apache default page ) and http://www.web2dziner.com (the desired page) , it goes to two different webpages. I haven't done any modifications as such directly to the Apache. How to fix it ?07:01
coolpyrofreakGemmie78: Possibly.  If you want everything up to date, though, you'd be best to upgrade to the latest version.07:01
Gemmie78I see, so my home folder is basically my settings and documents right07:01
Gemmie78What about installed software and programs? Will they be effected?07:01
Gemmie78Upgraded/ or even lost?07:01
depaulhey.. any experts here.. i need some help with ubuntu07:01
indusgeirha: probably some .ice files etc are rewritten but iam probably wrong07:01
coolpyrofreakGemmie78: They'd only be upgraded07:01
S_AHi! where can i get package for kscope ?07:01
industhe Xauthority files07:01
geirhaindus: No idea what .ice files is07:01
Gemmie78I see, thanks for the help everyone07:02
coolpyrofreakGemmie78: Just because a package is upgraded doesn't mean you'll lose your preferences.  It might happen, but that's rare.07:02
Gemmie78I'm guessing I should sign out of everything and restart before an upgrade07:02
indusgeirha: aah its some permissions file07:02
Gemmie78and even then07:02
histoGemmie78: if you installed everything from apt or synaptic they will all be upgraded. Unless you used 3rd party repos07:02
Gemmie78I'm concerned about system requirements increasing with the upgrade07:02
histoGemmie78: there are ways to install firefox 3 on your version of ubuntu as well.07:02
depaulanyone had a good time with ati driver in jaunty?07:02
histoGemmie78: I don't think system specs have gone up at all07:02
Gemmie78Currently I run a 1.5 celeron M on 512MB ram, sufficient I hope07:02
jsqmy /etc/group is okay07:02
histoGemmie78: if anything you would probably see a performance increase due to a better version of gnome etc...07:03
coolpyrofreakdepaul: which ATI driver07:03
jsqsudoers should be okay but i will go into recovery mode to make sure07:03
GeorgeAScottplease tell me... if i had  synce-hal and removed it to install odccm, can i download just the package? im stuck with a mobile phone for the net otherwise..07:03
[R]GeorgeAScott: huh?07:03
jsqshould be fine esp i just ran gpasswd -a07:03
histoGemmie78: but if you back up your home you will have all your data and settings07:03
aqlx86How can configure the server to skip http authentication for local ip addresses?07:03
geirhaGemmie78: I've upgraded from Edgy 6.10 to Hardy 8.04, never lost any settings due to the upgrades07:04
histoGemmie78: all the settings are in . folders hidden in yoru home.07:04
Gemmie78What about bookmarks?07:04
histoGemmie78: there in there as well.07:04
Gemmie78settings for pidgin?07:04
histoGemmie78: everything07:04
GeorgeAScotti was tethered to my pc.  and installed a package without noticing that it was removing synce-hal.07:04
coolpyrofreakGemmie78: yes.07:04
histoGemmie78: all those settings are in your users home directories07:04
Gemmie78So the upgrade was seamless in the sense that the software was untouched07:04
geirhaGemmie78: firefox bookmarks are in ~/.mozilla/firefox/ somewhere. A bookmarks.html file for firefox 2 I believe07:04
Gemmie78sorry let me rephrase07:04
GeorgeAScottnow i cant tether any more....07:04
[R]GeorgeAScott: ok and...07:05
Gemmie78the software was updated, but the settings for that software (pidgin, firefox, thunderbird) were kept?07:05
Gemmie78What about cookies? Temp files07:05
coolpyrofreakGemmie78: exactly.07:05
Gemmie78I have to say I'm very surprised07:05
GeorgeAScottand tethering was my only outside connection... i cant apt-get synce-hal07:05
coolpyrofreakGemmie78: cookies and temp files don't matter.  Firefox will download new cookies if it needs to.  Temp files are only temporary.07:05
aqlx86How can configure the Apache2 server to skip http authentication for local IP addresses?07:06
geirhaGemmie78: And upgrade updates package versions. It doesn't remove anything in your home-folder where all your personal settings are07:06
anirbanI have installed Virtualmin 3.703.gpl module in my Webmin 1.480 panel of my Ubuntu 9.04 HyperVM VPS . Now I have added 1 domain named web2dziner.com using Virtualmin virtual hosts. The problem is when I type http://web2dziner.com (wrong Apache default page ) and http://www.web2dziner.com (the desired page) , it goes to two different webpages. I haven't done any modifications as such directly to the Apache. How to fix it ?07:06
histoGemmie78: everything is in your home.  go to places > home and hit ctrl + h to see all the hidden files07:06
histoGemmie78: hit ctrl+h again to hide them.07:06
[R]GeorgeAScott: ok... and...07:07
histoGemmie78: or you can open a terminal and ls -la07:07
GeorgeAScottsince synce-hal was the only package that was removed, can i download it to my mobile sd card and copy it over and restore tethering capabilities?07:07
[R]GeorgeAScott: OH... why dindt you say that to begin with07:08
[R]GeorgeAScott: http://packages.ubuntu.com07:08
histoGemmie78: thats why I keep a seperate home partition I can switch distributions or anything and keep all my data.07:08
GeorgeAScottR, but will that work?07:08
Gemmie78A seperate home partition07:09
[R]GeorgeAScott: what do you mean?07:09
Gemmie78But I thought the home partition was untouched?07:09
GeorgeAScottif i remove the odccm package that caused the removal of synce-hal07:09
[R]GeorgeAScott: sounds like you'll have to reinstall both07:09
S_AHi! where can i get package for kscope ?07:09
geirhaGemmie78: Yes, when upgrading, when reinstalling Ubuntu though, you want a separate home partition so you can tell the installer not to wipe it07:10
GeorgeAScottreinstall both? i just want synce-hal back, i can use sd card to transfer files if need be.  i just want net back on my pc..07:10
Kartagishey all. in System > Preferences > Sound, Sounds tab, I attempted to change the Login sound, but it defaults. any ideas?07:11
histoGemmie78: it is in an upgrade. But i have the optiont aht I can reload root and just mount my home so that all my stuff stays even when switching to different distros.  You don't have to worry about that if you are upgrading.07:11
logankoesterAnyone have a favorite command line alternative to pidgin?07:11
histo!best | logankoester07:12
ubottulogankoester: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:12
jsqok,, everything is in order.. im going to say its nothing to do with the sudoers file or the group.. especially i created a new user.. and they are unable to sudo. also a can't log into a tty and that has nothing to do with sudo, and i think these are related.07:13
GeorgeAScottmy biggest question... if i go to the ubuntu packages page and download the synce-hal(though i think i got it originally through svn) all dependencies should be met right, since that was the only package removed?07:13
logankoesterhisto: Haven't seen a rule like that on irc before, seems kinda silly. But thank you, I won't ask again07:13
histojsq: thats wierd let me do some more searching07:13
jsqiirc or something is cool07:13
[R]GeorgeAScott: if you have them all... but it sounds like you removed one of its deps07:13
histojsq: do you get an error when you try to log in to a tty07:14
geirhalogankoester: for what protocols?07:14
jsqno, it just says ubuntu 9.04 blah, then prompt for login again07:14
GeorgeAScottR, i was trying to install odccm because i couldnt access the file sys on my phone anymore(????) but when i did it removed synce-hal... which broke the tethering shindig i had going on..07:15
[R]GeorgeAScott: ok so reinstall it07:16
jsqwish i could cut & paste :P07:16
Gemmie78Cool. I was a little concerned upgrading that there might me an option to start from a fresh slate07:16
histojsq: you can use pastebin I had a similiar problem before trying to remmeber what I did to fix it.07:16
GeorgeAScottbut cpying synce-hal from the sd card to the pc should be ok since all dependencies were there before right?07:16
Gemmie78I'll probably upgrade later on tonight, thanks to everyone involved07:16
jsqi mean from the tty07:16
[R]GeorgeAScott: unless you removed something07:17
histojsq: yeah same behavior07:17
crunchbangxubuntu does not respond to my laptop07:18
histojsq: are there any errors in /var/log/auth.log when you try07:19
histojsq: to use sudo or login07:19
jsqa pam error07:19
jsqul 16 23:20:05 julian-desktop CRON[3686]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root07:20
jsqis that it..07:20
Boohbahjsq: no, that is the cron daemon running on schedule07:21
jsqthat's the only kind of message i see07:22
wizzo50sebsebseb: back07:22
histojsq: try using sudo then check07:23
sfxhi everone07:23
jsqJul 16 23:23:24 julian-desktop sudo: pam_smbpass(sudo:auth): Error loading service file /etc/samba/smb.conf07:23
jsqsamba? that's the last 107:23
sfxi need help to instal intel driver 310007:24
jsqthat must be it07:24
sfxi suf in  tuturial pages but can be helpfull07:24
jsqmy etc/samba dir is missing07:25
histojsq: shouldn't have anything to do with loging in though07:25
jsqi agree07:25
=== Shaz is now known as Shazburg
jsqbut that's the append to /var/log/auth.. when i try to sudo07:26
sfxany one help please07:27
canadais it true that colleen in twitlive "leo laporte" is a shemale?07:27
histojsq: i'm at a loss perhaps someone else might shed some insight.07:27
histo!ot | canada07:27
ubottucanada: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:27
jsqi have been using linux for 2 years,, so im no newb.. thought i could find some help here07:28
jsqi have compiz and everything working sweetly, but i am thinking about just f** it and install slackware :-)07:28
histojsq: No i know its something silly withthe users/groups but I can't remember what it was that was causing me the same hang up.07:29
histojsq: there is also #linuxhelp07:29
jsqok thanks for the help.. i will continue to work on it07:30
jsqsomehow samba got uninstalled07:32
jsqmaybe i should reinstall it...07:32
histojsq: that or purge it07:33
jsqsamba keeps uninstalling itself lol07:33
histojsq: in recovery mode aptitude purge samba07:33
jsqyea will try that.. ug07:33
histojsq: or try to install it07:33
histojsq: you should still have the deb lying around.07:34
jsqi can get network in recovery mode07:34
KingSteve032I need help07:39
NickDeNegerjust ask...07:39
JarHey guys I have a freeradius server using mysql db for authentication. It is on the same server as a Dansguardian/Squid proxy server. I use SARG to view the reports of internet usage. Currently this is reporting by IP address. Is it possible for me to have it log by the username from the MYSQL db?07:39
KingSteve032I installed ubuntu through a pc and put the hdd into my laptop and i get a gurb error07:40
KingSteve032no i mean os07:40
NickDeNegeryou transfered the disk to another pc?07:40
=== AzMoo_ is now known as AzMoo
KingSteve032it says  Error loading operating system07:41
JarKingSteve032: because of different hardware, it would chuck out errors07:41
KingSteve032so what i do07:41
JarBest bet is to build the ubuntu install on the laptop07:41
KingSteve032my laptop doesnt have a disc drive07:42
saifis it possible to install ubuntu in virtual box in xp host ?07:42
lstarnessaif: yes07:42
Slartsaif: yes07:42
jsqguess what07:42
NickDeNegerthat is probably because your laptop has other disk settings07:42
jsqapt-get purge samba* fixed it!07:42
JarKingSteve032: I am sure there is a way to install ubuntu off a USB07:42
NickDeNegerwhen it was on your pc the drive directive was probably /dev/hd?07:42
KingSteve032on a ibm thinkpad 4r007:43
saiflstarnes,slart : is there any addition work or just what i am used to do07:43
NickDeNegerlol that's old :+07:43
jsqhisto thonks alot07:43
JarKingSteve032: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-from-usb-stick.html07:43
NickDeNegerboot via network support?07:43
Slartlstarnes: the same procedure as always.. setup machine, tell it to boot from the install cd/iso, start machine07:43
jsqnow.. do i want to reinstall samba... or slackware... hmm07:43
jsqnot really :P07:43
histojsq: sudo aptitude install samba07:44
histojsq: thats wierd.07:44
jsqit has already got uninstalled twice... 1st time nothing bad came of it07:44
jsqi will leave it uninstalled for now.. and keep ubuntu07:45
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary
supreme_i have a problem with acpid in ubuntu 8.0407:47
supreme_i ve been in the web for many hours looking for a solution07:47
supreme_when im trying to install something07:48
supreme_with apt-get, i get Configurando acpid (1.0.4-5ubuntu9.3) ...07:48
supreme_ * Starting ACPI services...                                                                      acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: No such file or directory07:48
supreme_and then "the subprocess post-installation script .... error code 107:49
jsqtry aptitude reinstall acpid ?07:49
jsqsame message?07:50
anesthesiaomg i am so scared07:50
indusgood news folks07:50
anesthesiaYou are home alone, and you hear on the news about the profile of a murderer who is on the loose.07:51
anesthesiaYou look out the sliding glass doors to your backyard, and you notice a man standing out in the snow. He fits the profile of the murderer exactly, and he is smiling at you.07:51
anesthesiaYou gulp, picking up the phone to your right and dialing 911.07:51
anesthesiaYou look back out the glass as you press the phone to your ear, and notice he is much closer to you now.07:51
anesthesiaYou then drop the phone in shock.07:51
FloodBot1anesthesia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:51
wangtao_there is chinese guys?07:51
indusHardy 8.04.3 released07:51
=== disappearedng_ is now known as disappearedng
acalvoI've deleted an user but it seems that its UID it's still used, how can I check it?07:51
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:51
amineis ubuntu's installer text-based or gui? my computer can't display anything text-based (bios, grub, ctrl-alt-f1 in xorg, etc)07:51
jsqsupreme: maybe sudo touch /proc/acpi/event07:52
gogetaamine: gui07:52
No1Vikingwhois iamfuzz07:52
supreme_jsq:  maybe... that could be dirty?07:52
wangtao_ubottu, are you a real man?! or bot?!07:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:52
Cybertinusamine: the normal installer is GUI, the alternate installer is text-based07:52
Hilikuscan someone please run /etc/init.d/bootlogs.sh as a regular user and tell me what commands fail with permission denied please07:52
jsqyes.. but it might work07:52
amineCybertinus: so if I boot up the CD, it load X?07:53
wangtao_ubottu, are you sure? a real bot?!07:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:53
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:53
amine'this is instant relay chat, not instant messaging'07:53
supreme_amine: is just a bot07:53
Cybertinusamine: yeah, it starts X, and then you double click "Install" and the installer then runs07:53
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.07:54
amineCybertinus: okay cool, thanks07:54
aminesomeone add !!lol :p07:54
byerleyI'm having some grub issues, anyone up for helping me troubleshoot?07:54
byerleypls? :D07:54
aminebyerley: just ask your question07:54
Kalamansihello guys. BitchX anyone? how to read private msg or the people who msg to me? i cannot read their msg using ctrl+n or ctrl+p and /win 1 or /win # ....07:56
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
byerleyamine: help troubleshooting grub is about as much as I can ask without pouring out details. I dual-boot xp, was doing some repartitioning and stupidly let PartitionMagic Pro have free reign. It screwed up my MBR something fierce, used fixmbr on a windows boot disk, but now I'm having a lot of trouble getting grub running again (system will boot into windows fine)07:57
BoohbahKalamansi: you are aware that BitchX was removed from debian long ago because it is no longer maintained and contains known security vulnerabilities, right?07:58
gogetaKalamansi:waent that surpassed by ircii07:59
adhilhi there, anyone know how to hide the partition icons showing in the desktop while it is mounted. am using ubuntu 9.04 with gnome desktop07:59
madsjwhat's the package name for the program lint ?08:00
Blizzerandadhil : Why do you want to do that08:00
papulhi. i want to reinstall firefox.08:00
papulhow do i do it?08:00
bernardlychan1hi! eversince i got kde, i haven't been able to get the desktop on just one monitor. it's always been on two. does anyone know how to fix this?08:00
acalvoHow can I get a list of used UIDs in my system?08:00
madsjpapul: "sudo aptitude reinstall firefox"08:00
gogetapapul: sudo apt-get -reinstall firefox08:00
jsqadhil: something in gconf i think08:00
papulwhich one do i use?????//08:01
gogetabothh work08:01
bernardlychan1eversince i got kde, i haven't been able to get the desktop on just one monitor. it's always been on two. does anyone know how to fix this?08:01
gogetano -08:01
madsjpapul and gogeta: I think aptitude keeps track of the changes and apt-get doesn't08:01
linux_i lost connection when i ran shiretoko web browser08:01
gogetamadsj: i beleve there all linked in ubuntu08:01
unopacalvo, awk -F: '{print $3}' /etc/passwd | sort -nu08:01
BoohbahKalamansi: interesting, there is a BitchX2 according to http://www.bitchx.com/08:02
bernardlychan1anybody know how to install a .tar.gz file? everytime i try to run commands, it says "no such file or directory".08:02
unop!source > bernardlychan108:02
ubottubernardlychan1, please see my private message08:02
Boohbahbernardlychan1: what is contained in the file, source?08:02
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html08:02
gogetabernardlychan1: tars are not a dri there a arcive like a zip08:02
Boohbahbernardlychan1: if so you will have to build it08:02
papulaptitude is removing many things. is it ok????08:03
gogetapapul: it shoukd be 4 or 5 packages it removed them then installs em08:03
byerleypapul: if you're using the reinstall option, should be08:03
unop!build > bernardlychan1 , sorry, ignore !source, see this instead08:04
ubottubernardlychan1, please see my private message08:04
acalvounop:  thanks08:04
papulmy progress bar doesnt show up.08:04
ivenkysmorning gents - not a strictly ubuntu question but here goes - i have got ubuntu running on a VM on OS X , now i run Apache within ubuntu , how do i access that Apache instance publically from within the network , does that make sense ?08:04
papulfirefox was working fine yesterday08:04
=== _soloslinger is now known as soloslinger
MikeL!info eclipse08:05
ubottueclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-5ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 126 kB, installed size 420 kB08:05
jsqthe instance?08:05
byerleyivenkys: depends how the VM is doing networking08:05
Boohbahivenkys: that depends on what sort of virtualization software you are using and the network configuration. try running ifconfig in the vm08:05
anirbanwhy I am getting this problem in http://dbms.web2dziner.com/ ?08:05
ivenkysjsq: yes08:05
jsqi always have luck with bridged networking, if that helps at all08:05
NickDeNegeranirban, your mysql module isn't loaded into php08:06
anirbanNickDeNeger : How to load that ?08:06
bernardlychan1 Boohbah: bernardlychan1: what is contained in the file, source? what do u mean?08:06
ivenkysBoohbah: i am using Virtual Box - and ifconfig gives me a 10.x.x.x networking address .- any pointers to where i can read more about this08:06
jsqsounds like your using vmware fusion? in wich case i have no clue08:06
Kartagishey all. in System > Preferences > Sound, Sounds tab, I attempted to change the Login sound, but it defaults. any ideas?08:06
jsqoh nvm08:06
ivenkysjsq: nope - Virtual Box08:06
NickDeNegeranirban, open your php config file and uncommand the load_module mysql;08:07
DulakSaturn2888: what's broke?08:07
NickDeNegerbut maybe you need to apt-get install php-mysql08:07
barqersGuys, I went to synaptic and downloaded gfx-boot themes, then when I go to startup manager it doesn't see any of them, and I can't click the option to use an image for bootloader08:07
Saturn2888Dulak: the apache server is working, it's listening. I can go to ebox on https://serveraddress, but if I go to any of the domains in /var/www/, they don't work. Also,08:08
carlos`I've installed ubuntu 9.04 in yutube for example i can hear the sound of the vidoes but not the vidoes themself. i found a manual which says to use apt-get install adobe-flashplugin , but it says it has no installatin candidate , how can i add sources to apt-get ?08:08
hunter107hey all...strange problem here. i'm streaming my webcam via vlc over rtp, but on the receiver i'm getting Port Unreachable (from wireshark). on the server even netstat does not list the stream port as LISTEN.08:08
Saturn2888Dulak: also, I can go to mydomain.com/apex/ and get oracle's thing working to. But that shouldn't work since the domain isn't working otherwise.08:08
DulakSaturn2888: the domains in /var/www, you added config files for them in /etc/apache2/sites-available and enabled them?08:08
gogetacarlos`: sudo apt-get install flash-installer08:08
hunter107quick telnet to the server on stream port says connection refused....no firewalls running08:09
NickDeNegerhmm wrong package to, try php5-mysql ^^08:09
carlos`gogeta, E: Couldn't find package flash-installer08:09
jsqaptitude install flashplugin-nonfree (for the non-free 1)08:09
Saturn2888Dulak: well they used to work. Not after whatever happened to them today. The domains are there. How do I know if they're enabled?08:09
bernardlychan1hey anybody know how to make kde run on just one monitor not two? i have a laptop and a mon, and it has to run on both.08:09
anirbanNickDeNeger : E: Couldn't find package php-mysql !! I am on ubuntu08:09
NickDeNegeranirban, php5-mysql08:10
NickDeNegersorry my bad08:10
DulakSaturn2888: if they are enabled they'll have a link in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled08:10
barqersanyone know how to change bootloader theme?08:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spllash08:11
Saturn2888Dulak: yep, they're there08:11
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.08:11
byerleyalright so: "grub> find /grub/stage1" gives me "(hd0,5)", "grub> root (hd0,5)", "grub>setup (hd0)" gives me: Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+16 p (hd0,5)/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/menu.lst"... failed Error 12: Invalid device requested08:11
byerleyany ideas?08:11
DulakSaturn2888: what happens when you try to load one of them? What error do you see in the browser?08:11
Saturn2888The connection was reset blah blah blah in FFox08:11
anirbanNickDeNeger : Installed, now what to do ?08:12
DulakSaturn2888: and if you do "ps aux | grep apache" you see that apache has some processes running?08:12
Saturn2888Dulak: I'd like to note that only /apex/ works. All of the other ones like /otrs/ and /bandwidthd do not08:12
NickDeNegeranirban, i don't have php installed so i try out of my head... go to etc/php08:12
NickDeNegerthen open the config file08:12
NickDeNegerand uncomment the load_module mysql.so08:13
Saturn2888Dulak: http://pastebin.com/d1f0b0ed608:13
indusbyerley: seems you are stuck with repairing grub08:13
KingSteve032cn i just make a usb start updisk creator08:14
DulakSaturn2888: ok so what happened today?  Update or something?08:14
anirbanNickDeNeger : What is the name of the config file ? conf.d ?08:14
gogetabyerley: i use the supergrub live cd to fix up a broken grub08:14
NickDeNegeranirban, sec installing apache and php =)08:14
richardcavellxmodmap -e "keycode 133 = Control_L" does not work to map my extra key as the Control key. Any xmodmap experts here?08:14
bernardlychan1hey guys when i type this in terminal: tar -xvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz, i get this: tar: superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory08:15
bernardlychan1tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now08:15
bernardlychan1what should i do?08:15
anirbanNickDeNeger : php.ini ??08:15
KalamansiBoohbah gogeta : ah so chance to read the msgs for the last time?just for this day?i will close the BitchX after i read the msgs.its like 24 windows there... how to read the private msg in BitchX?08:15
Saturn2888Dulak: here's 2 things I did. I updated OTRS using the debian testing repo. OTRS is a ticketing relay system. You use it through the browser. I also updated eBox to version 2.1. I've been updating ebox a lot recently w/o problems. I dunno what changed today.08:15
NickDeNegeranirban, yeah that's the one08:15
bernardlychan1 hey guys when i type this in terminal: tar -xvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz, i get this: tar: superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory  tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now.08:15
nibbl0r_hi. is there any alternative to network manager, which supports multiple wireless interfaces, and multipple vpn connection?08:15
Saturn2888Dulak: I also deleted the debian line in my sources.list file after updating otrs08:15
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bernardlychan1 hey guys when i type this in terminal: tar -xvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz, i get this: tar: superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory  tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now.08:16
gogetaKalamansi: they should show in  the same window08:16
bernardlychan1  hey guys when i type this in terminal: tar -xvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz, i get this: tar: superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory  tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now.08:16
bernardlychan1  hey guys when i type this in terminal: tar -xvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz, i get this: tar: superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory  tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now.08:16
DulakSaturn2888: ok anything weird showing up in your apache log?08:16
bernardlychan1  hey guys when i type this in terminal: tar -xvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz, i get this: tar: superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory  tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now.08:16
byerleygogeta: I was under the impression that supergrub didn't have anything more than an ubuntu live disk to offer?08:16
bernardlychan1  hey guys when i type this in terminal: tar -xvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz, i get this: tar: superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory  tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now.08:16
lstarnesbernardlychan1: stop that08:16
indusbyerley: are you running grub with sudo?08:16
bernardlychan1  hey guys when i type this in terminal: tar -xvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz, i get this: tar: superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory  tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now.08:16
NickDeNegerahh ffs where the fuck is it08:17
lstarnesbernardlychan1: you need to change to the directory where that file is first08:17
Saturn2888Dulak: nothing except google bot and some other spiders08:17
Boohbahbernardlychan1: tar xzvf superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz08:17
Boohbahbernardlychan1: z for gzip08:17
lstarnesbernardlychan1: btw, next time, please wait 15 minutes or so before repeating08:17
indus!language | NickDeNeger08:17
ubottuNickDeNeger: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:17
byerleyindus: well, from root yes08:17
gogetabyerley: super grub can fix windows reinstall grub find linux installs and even boot a distro with a bad grub install08:17
NickDeNegersorry indus :)08:17
DulakSaturn2888: I actually meant the error log08:17
Saturn2888lemme paste08:18
byerleygogeta: fair enough, thanks08:18
Saturn2888Dulak: http://pastebin.com/d276a7aa208:18
indusbyerley:just make sure you typed hd and number 0 and not the alphabet o08:18
indusbyerley: do one thing type root(hd and press tab08:19
DulakSaturn2888: that's the problem right there, it's not getting a session id for some reason and it's failing08:19
Boohbahor if you are confusing o and 0, get a nice monospace font like bitstream vera sans mono08:19
bernardlychan1lstarnes; i'm still getting error when i type this: tar -xvf /home/desktop/superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz08:19
Saturn2888Dulak: ok. Then what's that issue from?08:19
Boohbahbernardlychan1: tar xzvf /home/desktop/superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz08:20
Boohbahbernardlychan1: z for gzip08:20
hatoriheya my x no longer starts itll just hant when i type startx08:20
hatoriwould anyone know why?08:20
bernardlychan1ok boohbah, will try08:20
byerleyindus: I've done this a few times, I'll double check, but I'm pretty sure my syntax is right08:20
bernardlychan1hey boohbah08:20
byerleygogeta: http://download.cnet.com/Auto-Super-Grub-Disk/3000-2094_4-10829335.html is what I want yeah?08:21
bernardlychan1still error08:21
hatoriafter a while it says giving up no such file or directory08:21
DulakSaturn2888: not sure I"m looking for anyone else that had the issue, give me a minute08:21
indusbyerley: use tab to see what devices are available like root(hd then tab08:21
Boohbahbernardlychan1: what's the error?08:21
lstarnesbernardlychan1: /home/$USER/Desktop/superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz08:21
lstarnesbernardlychan1: or the shortened form ~/Desktop/superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz08:21
indusbyerley: root(hd0,then also press tab08:21
Boohbahoh dear...08:21
bernardlychan1tar: /home/desktop/superkaramba-0.39.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory08:21
bernardlychan1tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now08:21
bernardlychan1tar: Child returned status 208:21
bernardlychan1tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors08:21
FloodBot1bernardlychan1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:21
indusbernardlychan1: go to paste.ubuntu.com then paste this in there08:22
Boohbahbernardlychan1: so unless you have a user called 'desktop' ....08:22
byerleyindus: 0,1,3,5,608:22
indusbernardlychan1: just type in one line with commas,08:22
bernardlychan1thanks istarnes!!08:22
indusbyerley: good08:22
hunter107hey all...strange problem here. i'm streaming my webcam via vlc over rtp, but on the receiver i'm getting Port Unreachable (from wireshark). on the server even netstat does not list the stream port as LISTEN. no firewalls running..08:22
bernardlychan1hey guys what do i do after i've unzipped .tar.gz?08:23
indusbyerley: so go ahead and type root(Hd0, and tab should list some of the partitions available with a description08:23
bernardlychan1where r the files that i've unzipped?08:23
indusbernardlychan1: well it will create a folder with same name \08:23
indusbernardlychan1: it will be in same place where the tar file is08:24
hunter107even streaming to localhost gives the same problem, but only on ubuntu. i tried on other distros, its working fine.08:24
bernardlychan1ok... wierd08:24
industhat spelling confuses me all the time08:24
DulakSaturn2888: ok well from that log otrs is what is broke and causing your problem, but nobody seems to have that same error so there is nothing to go on, if it was me I'd go back to the older OTRS and see if it starts working again, then take that error log and put it on the otrs mailing list for more help08:25
DulakSaturn2888: they don't even have a forum, it's all mailing lists08:25
supreme_damn, i cannot fix the apt-get error08:25
bernardlychan1hey guys what do i do when i've unzipped the .tar.gz?08:26
bernardlychan1(soz to be so annoying)08:27
byerleyindus: 0 is 0xde (my dell utility partition), 1 is 0x7 (Windows), 3 is 0xdb, 5 is ox83 (ubuntu), 6 is 0x82 (swap I believe?)08:27
Saturn2888Dulak: yeah, I requested a forum. Should I just uninstall reinstall?08:28
bernardlychan1hey guys what do i do when i've unzipped the .tar.gz?08:28
Saturn2888Dulak: the version in Ubuntu is 2.2.4 which isn't even the newest 2.2.x version. .7 has security updates for instance08:28
martinjh99Does anyone have a link to docs for upgrading between LTS versions?  I have a LTS server I need to upgrade to 8.04LTS08:28
DulakSaturn2888: honestly I have no idea, I have never used it, but something is broke in that newer package you installed08:28
supreme_martinjh99: in sypantic, you can configure that08:29
DulakSaturn2888: it looks like they make all their money from commercial support, so chances of getting anything like a timely response without paying for support is pretty low08:29
supreme_the system only shows the LTS updates08:29
icerooti am searching for a program which can manage passwords, i only need username, password and target for the login. this should be an application with a gui and NOT keyring-manager. it should be an application for managing logins like f-spot is managing photos08:29
barqersCan someone help me? I installed the gfxboot-themes from synaptic, but inside the startupmanager I can't tick "Use bootloader image"08:29
byerleyindus: in any case, I'll be back in a bit if supergrub doesn't work out08:29
barqersHow do I change bootloader theme?08:29
Saturn2888Dulak: yep. And there doesn't seem to be a better database system. At least not a free one.08:29
martinjh99Its a server - No X...  Have been looking at do-update-manager will that go from LTS to LTS...?08:30
DulakSaturn2888: but that error doesn't show up scanning their mailing list archive, so if it's something new....  Also you can see if maybe they have a ubuntu deb of the the newest version you can download and install manually, instead of using the repo08:30
indusbyerley: so try again with hd0,508:30
supreme_martinjh99: what about edit sources.list?08:30
Kartagis!info libnpjp2.so08:30
ubottuPackage libnpjp2.so does not exist in jaunty08:30
Saturn2888Dulak: I tried two deb files but they're both for Debian. There isn't any official Ubuntu version so I dunno how I'm even running it08:30
ubuntuwhat do i need prior to compiling other than build-essential?08:30
supreme_martinjh99: and replace dapper with hardy08:30
indusSaturn2888: DO NOT install debian files direct in ubuntu08:30
martinjh99Supreme I might just do that actually thinking about it.. ;) Probably a lot easier!08:31
Kartagislibnpjp2.so is provided by what package?08:31
Saturn2888indus: oh why?08:31
indus!Iinfo libnpjp08:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Iinfo libnpjp08:31
DulakSaturn2888: honestly I wouldn't even bother with a deb, for that I'd probably be using the source and manually installing, so I could update as new releases come out, the repo is lagging behind by a lot08:31
indusSaturn2888: well , packaging08:31
Kartagis!info libnpjp08:31
ubottuPackage libnpjp does not exist in jaunty08:31
supreme_i hope it works08:31
indusSaturn2888: there are differences and it will break your system08:31
supreme_i have problem with apt-get08:32
supreme_everything that i try to do i get an error08:32
martinjh99Thanks guys08:32
icerootsupreme_: post the error at pastebin08:32
Boohbahsupreme_: what is the error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/08:32
iceroot!paste | supreme_08:32
ubottusupreme_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:32
Saturn2888Dulak: indus: sounds like a good idea. I'll do it from now on soon as I backup these files and go ahead and remove it08:33
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supreme_my system is spanish, is there a way to run the command in english ?08:33
indusDulak: Saturn2888:you could always enable proposed repository or backports for newer packages08:33
DulakSaturn2888: I never use packages for web apps, they tend to update much faster than a repo package, so it's actually easier just to use source and manually update as I need it08:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about proposed08:33
ubuntuwhat do i need prior to compiling other than build-essential?08:34
indusubuntu:nothing else08:34
ubuntuindus, could i send you a pastebin to see what's missing please?08:34
indusubuntu: you will need some courage though08:34
indusubuntu ya sure08:34
ubuntuindus, lol im on a live cd not to ruin anything with my learning experience ;)08:35
Boohbahsupreme_: we should still be able to help08:35
supreme_iceroot  http://paste.ubuntu.com/220328/08:35
Saturn2888Dulak: what do I do after I do this? Restart apache? Think you can help me setup a newer version of ((otrs)) ?08:35
icerootsupreme_: sorry dont speak spain or what that is08:35
Boohbahsupreme_: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=44087008:36
Saturn2888Dulak: YAY! Thank you so much, My site works now! :D08:36
DulakSaturn2888: yeah probably a restart of apache after the package is removed, as for installing the newest, I've never used it so I'd just be reading the docs on it just like you08:36
ubuntuindus, http://pastebin.com/m328a07c008:36
Boohbahsupreme_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpid/+bug/6345008:36
Boohbahsupreme_: found those by googling the error message, usually works :)08:36
DulakSaturn2888: get the newest source, unpack it, and read the README and/or INSTALL file to start08:37
Saturn2888Dulak: well I've never compiled anything from source before. Lemme take a look. I'll ask questions as needed08:37
Kartagiswhat package provides libnpjp2.so?08:37
indusubuntu:what is this pastte?08:37
indusKartagis: what does that lib do?08:37
ubuntuindus, have you heard of the package called stow?08:38
DulakSaturn2888: it's a web app, it's not compiled.  Read this: http://doc.otrs.org/2.3/en/html/x414.html08:38
indusubuntu nope08:38
ubuntuindus, the regular sudo make install has exact same error btw08:38
Kartagisindus, it's for java applications in ff, I think08:38
=== fjordlord_ is now known as fjordlord
ubuntuindus, stow is a program with a folder in /usr/local that basically helps u remove apps as easily as if it were managed by a packaging system but without any binaries08:39
der_OnHello. After a distro-update and then again downgrade (for compatibility reasons of some libraries) I've get a "segmenation fault" most of the time using nautilus and now even when starting a binary. I already did a lot of googling, but don't know what the segemenation fault even is. Does someone know how to track the problem down?08:39
DulakSaturn2888: you probably have the perl modules part already since you installed from the package, but otherwise it's just copying and putting things in the right places and stuff08:39
icerootKartagis: use apt-file to search for the file08:39
ubuntuindus, but if that confuses you, ill paste a regular sudo make install and would you be able to tell me what im missing then?08:39
ubuntuindus, in fact it would have the same output so i dont see the need08:39
icerootKartagis: apt-file will tell you the paket which provides the file08:39
supreme_Boohbah: didn't work,, but im still trying other ways08:40
ubuntuindus, here's an easy to understand guide im reading: http://fredbrunel.com/journal/2004/03/stow/08:40
indusubuntu: its lunch time i will come back later08:40
supreme_iceroot: that is a problem with my apt-get ,when i try to install anything i get that error08:40
bernardlychan1hey indus, see pm08:41
Saturn2888Dulak: so it would be compatible if I installed a newer version?08:41
ubuntuindus, k ill probly be here08:41
supreme_Boohbah: i can't believe that i have to recompile the kernel... i really cant believe it, im searching for another solution08:42
KingSteve032I keep getting funky error when  i try to boot from a thumb drive to install it08:42
Kartagisiceroot, does it do a search in the repos?08:43
gogetasupreme_: ipv6 bug i assume08:43
icerootKartagis: yes (in the index files)08:43
KingSteve032Buffer I/O error08:43
Boohbahsupreme_: you can try a newer kernel from a debian repository08:43
supreme_gogeta: : how ipv6 could affect apt-get or acpi?08:43
icerootKartagis: sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update && sudo apt-file search the-file-you-search08:43
gogetasupreme_: oh diffrent bug08:44
Saturn2888Dulak: I think my database is gone too? I made a backup. Do you know how to move it?08:44
BoohbahSaturn2888: is it a sql dump of a mysql database?08:45
Saturn2888Boohbah: yeah08:45
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gogetasupreme_: i had some crazyness with the genrec kernel to i switched to the array.org netbook kernel being i have a netbook08:46
BoohbahSaturn2888: http://www.howtoforge.com/faq/6_4_en.html08:46
Saturn2888Boohbah: seems to be working? I dunno. IT didn't throw -- yeah! IT WORKS THANKS :D08:48
supreme_check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/220335/  is about apt-get error08:48
BoohbahSaturn2888: excellent08:49
Kartagislibnpjp2.so exists on the system but mozilla doesn't recognize it08:49
supreme_i really cannot fix that,,, still trying08:49
mitkokHey, guys. Does anyone know how to "clear" the result of xrdb -merge .Xresources ?08:50
anirbanWhy I am getting this error screenshot: http://download.techdarpan.com/download.php?viminfo.jpg ??08:52
supreme_lol, i think i fixed renaming /etc/init.d/acpid script and leaving an empty file instead :P08:52
Boohbahanirban: i dunno but you need to fix your webserver08:53
supreme_then, after dpkg fixed the problem, i just renamed the acpid_orig to acpid08:53
eeosI would like to buy a desktop with ubuntu preinstalled or no os, and 3 years NBD on site warranty .... does anyone know whether this is possible (UK)?08:53
BromaxSuxwhat is /etc/esound/esd.conf responsible for?08:53
icerooteeos: DELL imo08:54
BoohbahBromaxSux: esd configuration, believe it or not :)08:54
ubuntueeos, check Dell and system76 (haven't checked them out myself so can't help more)08:54
icerooteeos: also have a look at debian.org  there is a list with pc-sellers installing linux on them08:54
eeosiceroot: got a look to Dell, negative .... system76 does not do UK I believe08:55
BoohbahBromaxSux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enlightened_Sound_Daemon08:55
BromaxSuxBoohbah: yep im there. thanks08:55
Saturn2888Dulak: ok. I downloaded the OTRS2.3.4.tar.gz file. I untarred it. It shows the directory structure. Looks like I can just copy/paste it and then what? That's the EOF. If I run it it might ask me to update the database and stuff. This is really confusing08:56
eeosiceroot: debian.org, ther eis no UK08:56
Saturn2888Dulak: oh, I found an upgrading file08:56
DulakSaturn2888: just follow that, I'd be reading it just like you, I never heard of otrs before tonight08:56
Saturn2888Dulak: what does *) Stop all your services (e. g. rcotrs stop-force) Mean?08:57
AdvoWorkhi there. yesterday i edited /etc/logrotate.conf and i added an entry for syslog: http://pastebin.com/d7ec86924  its rotated the file, as it now says syslog.conf but its still 410mb so its not compressed it. any ideas please?08:57
DulakSaturn2888: ummm, I have no idea, I imagine there is a script rcotrs that you can run to stop everything, but I have no idea08:57
Saturn2888Dulak: same here.08:58
icerooteeos: hm, yes you are right, there is no uk :(08:58
supreme_now, im leaving, see you, and thanks for all08:59
BoohbahSaturn2888: is that http://otrs.org ? if so also check out http://bestpractical.com/rt/08:59
eeosiceroot: I have hear about something called techrat or similar ....08:59
eeosiceroot: but cannot find them08:59
Saturn2888Boohbah: ok08:59
eeosiceroot: ever heard o them?08:59
dragon_Some jerk sent me a .psd image :| Any way I could view that photoshop image file in Ubuntu?08:59
eeosdragon_: tried inkscape?08:59
icerooteeos: sorry, never heard of them08:59
Saturn2888Boohbah: this is like 100 times easier08:59
Kartagislibnpjp2.so exists on the system but mozilla doesn't recognize it08:59
icerootdragon_: maybe gimp?08:59
dragon_eeos: will try08:59
Kartagishow can I fix that?09:00
dragon_iceroot: gimp didn't seem to open it automatically, but i'll try that too09:00
Flanneldragon_: GIMP can import it if it's in RGB.  If it's CMYK, you might have to find some hoops to jump through09:00
BromaxSuxBoohbah: it says in the wiki "ESD was maintained as part of the GNOME project, but as of April 2009, all ESD modules in Gnome has been ported to libcanberra for event sounds or GStreamer/PulseAudio for everything else."... so if i use jaunty, does it mean the file is a historic file?09:00
dragon_Flannel: thanks. I was lucky that it was RGB.09:01
Kartagisiceroot, libnpjp2.so exists on the system but mozilla doesn't recognize it. how can I fix that?09:01
BoohbahBromaxSux: yeah, esd is still included for legacy app support09:01
neil_don pygtk version 2.12.9 this works "button = gtk.ToggleButton('test',False)" but on pygtk version 2.16.1 it no longer works, what do I need to do for it to work?09:01
icerootKartagis: hm, isnt *.so something for the kernel?09:01
BromaxSuxBoohbah: i see. thank you again09:02
Kartagisiceroot, nope, it says in about:plugins it is for java09:02
moxohi! I've installed a PPA for xorg some weeks ago. now my update manager wants to update X11. will my manually installed PPA get lost once I let the update manager update xorg?09:02
AdvoWorkany reason why logrotate wouldnt compress my file if ive got "compress" set>09:03
icerootAdvoWork: use -d for logrotate (its debug modus)09:03
Slartmoxo: it should still be there.. but if another repository offers a higher version of something it should use that instead09:03
icerootAdvoWork: with -d it is just a simulation, no action is done09:03
q0_0phow do i get fluxbox to start on boot up?09:04
q0_0pmodifying xinitrc doesn't work09:04
Slartmoxo: then there will be dependencies and so on, of course09:04
q0_0ponly when i type in startx09:04
moxoSlart: the problem is, before the PPA my system was practically unusable, only the PPA fixed it. I can't risk updating xorg if the update overwrites the PPA. I'd have to reinstall my whole system then.09:05
AdvoWorkiceroot, the thing is though, its rotated, but not compressed, any reason why it wouldnt?09:05
Slartmoxo: then don't update.. or use "pinning"..  I think you can basically tell apt to not update xorg... not sure how, though09:06
icerootAdvoWork: run logrotate in debug-modus and check for errors while compress09:06
FlannelSlart, moxo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:06
SlartFlannel: ah, thanks09:06
moxoSlart, Flannel: thank you09:06
Saturn2888Boohbah: for This RT thing, the  apt-get line shows: apt-get install request-tracker3.4 rt3.4-apache2 rt3.4-clients apache2-doc postfix postgresql postgresql-doc-7.4 lynx libdbd-pg-perl. If I have apache already, does it need to be in there?09:07
paintedtrying to get windows 7 to boot correctly from grub09:09
paintedanyone know how to find the right hd(x,y) number09:09
n0gearwhy is it that when i FileZilla to my server as a normal user i can still go to root and browse all the folders?09:09
bp0for grub?09:09
paintedi'm editting menu.lst rite now09:10
bp0right for what?09:10
paintedneed to know hd(x,y)09:10
icerootn0gear: ftp or sftp?09:10
BoohbahSaturn2888: use the whole apt-get line09:10
paintedright as in where windows is located09:10
paintedi know which drive09:10
bp0painted: fdisk -l /dev/sdx09:10
paintedi just need the hd(x,y)09:10
prince_jammyspainted: what's the device name?09:11
icerootn0gear: then its normal, sftp = ssh09:11
prince_jammyspainted: /dev/what?09:11
Saturn2888Boohbah: ok09:11
n0gearic: thanks ice09:11
paintedhmmm i don't know which it is09:11
paintedbut i have it mounted09:11
prince_jammyspainted: type 'mount' and see09:12
AdvoWorkiceroot, ok so just as normal logrotate -d -v /etc/logrotate.conf?09:12
icerootAdvoWork: logrotate -d -f  /etc/logrotate.conf09:12
paintedprince_jammys /dev/sdb109:13
bp0im looking for informaiton on how to read a reiser4 disk in ubuntu09:13
AdvoWorkiceroot, that resulted in: http://pastebin.com/d681042c609:13
prince_jammyspainted: (1,2)09:14
icerootAdvoWork: looks ok09:14
icerootAdvoWork: logrotate -v -f /etc/logrotate.conf  will not compress the log?09:14
anirbanhow to add mod_ssl module for SSL websites in Apache ?09:14
paintedthx prince_jammys!09:14
prince_jammyspainted: WRONG09:15
icerootanirban: sudo a2enmod mod_ssl09:15
prince_jammyspainted: (1,0)09:15
icerootanirban: sudo a2enmod   for a list of all mods you can enable09:15
prince_jammyspainted: a=0, b=1, and so on for the first number. the second is the number at the end (sdb1) minus one.09:15
prince_jammysso b1 is (1,0)09:16
eeosdragon_: how is it going?09:16
eeosiceroot: I am speking to one of dell's offline advisors09:16
dragon_eeos: going good.09:16
icerooteeos: good luck09:17
eeosdragon_: gimp or inkscape?09:18
dragon_eeos: gimp09:18
anonbadgerHello #Ubuntu. I am trying to share my wireless internet connection with another computer I installed Debian on via LAN.09:19
mcbanehow do I perform a hd integrity test with a ubuntu live cd?09:19
dragon_!fsck | mcbane09:19
ubottumcbane: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:19
mcbanethanks dragon_09:19
anonbadgerWhen I plug in the Cat5 between my router and my computer, I lose my wireless connectivity.09:19
wojtek0490I know what u mean is it simmilar problem when u plug usb cable?09:21
barqersI no longer get a splash screen on boot. How would I fix this? And does anyone know where to get bootloader images?09:21
elkybarqers, we will need more information, especially along the lines of versions09:22
yuggeHey guys, quick question, the messages icon in the panel, you know, the one which indicates that you have a new message waiting for you (indicated by a letter), what program controls that? Because it seems to have disappeared..09:22
AdvoWorkiceroot, that seemed to work..09:23
Saturn2888Is Ubuntu 8.04.2 IPv6 compatible?09:23
icerootAdvoWork: fine :)09:23
lstarnesSaturn2888: yes09:23
barqerselky: Okay I was trying to get the BlackChrome theme working. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04. I installed startup manager, located the *.so file, added it, and rebooted, but now I only get text! I set resolution to 1024x768 24bits of colour.09:24
lstarnesSaturn2888: linux itself has been capable of using native ipv6 for a long time09:24
Saturn2888lstarnes: cool. I just wanna know if I can use it on my webserver09:24
lstarnesSaturn2888: your server software most likely supports it09:25
lstarnesSaturn2888: although sometimes a little extra configuration is needed09:25
=== service is now known as Guest62929
Guest62929i need a program that is able to find deleted files from a windows recovered disk, any ideas?09:25
AdvoWorkiceroot, when it runs, the firsttime, should it rotate that day, or the following day?09:25
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AdvoWorkas it ran last night, rotated but not compressed, now its rotated/compressed09:26
icerootAdvoWork: rotate that day (as normal)09:26
Saturn2888lstarnes: ah ok09:26
AdvoWorkiceroot, so is it working as it should or? :S09:27
icerootAdvoWork: yes :) looks good09:27
icerootAdvoWork: use a cronjob for logrotate09:27
barqerselky: Any ideas? I'm confused because it says it supports 1024x768 resolution09:27
AdvoWorkiceroot, but shouldnt logrotate run automatically on the dailycron?09:28
icerootAdvoWork: maybe, dont know09:28
icerootAdvoWork: have a look there09:28
xbmc666i need a program that is able to find deleted files from a windows recovered disk, any ideas?09:29
robinsmidsroddoes anyone have experience setting up apache to do auth via pam to a mysql server?09:29
xbmc666running on ubuntu here09:29
nexsja'ello. I've got an issue with OpenVPN09:30
robinsmidsrodI see log lines like this: Jul 17 08:28:15 mail apache2: pam_unix(apache2:auth): check pass; user unknown, but my /etc/pam.d/apache2 contains only entries with pam_mysql.so, where is the problem?09:30
elkybarqers, i dont know anything about that sort of customisation, sorry. i have no idea why a theme would want you to put a *.so file into anywhere, it sounds like a silly thing to do to me.09:30
nexsjaIf i run 'sudo openvpn --config /path/to/ovpn/file' - everything works nicely09:30
No1VikingHello. Is this the right place to ask about Ubuntu Server?09:30
nexsjabut when i wanna connect to a VPN using Ubuntu's default GUI - i get some bull about 'no valid secrets found' o_O09:31
icerootNo1Viking: dont think there is a extra server-channel09:31
indusiceroot: No1Viking: there is #ubuntu-server09:32
icerootindus: thx, dont know09:32
Flannelindus, iceroot, No1Viking: this is also an appropriate place for server questions.09:32
No1VikingI installed the Ubuntu Server and need to do a proper backup of it. Either the backup would be at another harddrive or in a ISO file that I can burn to a CD and restore in a simple way. Any ideas?09:33
Flannel!backup | No1Viking09:33
ubottuNo1Viking: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:33
indusFlannel: any gui back up tools?09:33
No1VikingFlannel, tanks! :)09:33
icerootindus: you dont have/want a gui on ubuntu-server09:33
Flannelindus: Some of those are GUI, I believe.09:34
indusiam talking about a desktop iceroot09:34
No1Vikingiceroot, no, no gui09:34
StupidWeaselHey folks, just a quick question regarding xchat 2.8.6 (on jaunty). I'd like to replace the graphical user symbols with text symbols ~ I've used the /set -or gui_tweaks 65 (64+1) but they're still graphical symbols.09:34
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No1Vikingindus, I have no gui in the server09:35
mazinHi, I'm having trouble installing the proprietary ATi drivers for my HD 4870 on Jaunty, what's the right channel to ask for help?09:35
No1VikingSo what backup/restore system is ok to use in server without GUI?09:35
monckyNo1Viking: I have heard good things about bacula09:36
monckyNo1Viking: other options are amanda and duplicity09:36
No1Vikingmoncky, thanks. I'll check them out09:36
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dragon_!ati | mazin09:38
ubottumazin: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:38
owen1how to tell gdm to run a script before running awesome or any other wm?09:38
silvernodeso my logitech IM Connect webcam works on 8.04 but not in jaunty. Any ideas?09:38
silvernodeI can't get it to work09:38
indusNo1Viking: i was talking for me actually09:38
silvernodeI wish to use gtk-recordmydesktop09:39
silvernodebut it fails09:39
mazinthanks dragon_09:39
aftertafsilvernode: what chipset is it ?09:39
No1Vikingindus, sorry09:39
silvernodeaftertaf, Oh shiii I forgot. What's the cammand for terminal again? lsusb?09:39
aftertafsilvernode: not near enough awake to tell you ;)09:40
StupidWeaselJust a quick question regarding xchat 2.8.6 (on jaunty). I'd like to replace the graphical user symbols with text symbols ~ I've used the /set -or gui_tweaks 65 (64+1) but they're still graphical symbols.09:40
aftertafsilvernode: look here http://stemp.wordpress.com/2008/09/15/intrepid-les-webcams-et-les-drivers-gspca/09:40
silvernodeaftertaf, shii umm drink 5 hour energy rofl09:40
dragon_StupidWeasel: i love your nick.09:40
StupidWeaselHeh heh, thanks =P09:41
Anirban1987Can anyone help me to fix this up. http://www.intodns.com/web2dziner.com09:41
aftertafsilvernode: lsusb should tell you. I have a creative vistacam and before i had to use the hacked ov511 jpeg kernel module, but not works with gspca . . . .09:41
aftertafbut now works, i should say !!! ;)09:42
silvernodeaftertaf, I see. Well btw i am comming from Arch Linux since compiz is a pain there for nvidia cards...although I must admit if it were not for Arch I would not have learned things like lsusb09:43
AdvoWorkdoes using xdebug(xdebug.profiler_enable = 1) slow things down?09:43
aftertafwe all have command line goodness waiting to be discovered . . ..  :)09:43
nexsjasome one?09:44
indusnexsja: yes what is the problem?09:44
StupidWeaselHumm anyone know if there is an official IRC channel for xchat support?09:44
StupidWeaselI assume there would be, but have not found reference to one.09:45
indusStupidWeasel: you can aske here09:45
monckyStupidWeasel: that info would be on the xchat site, have you checked there?09:45
nexsja[indus], I've got an issue with OpenVPN. If i run 'sudo openvpn --config /path/to/ovpn/file' - everything works nicely, but when i wanna connect to a VPN using Ubuntu's default GUI - i get some bull about 'no valid secrets found'.09:45
nexsjaindus I've got an issue with OpenVPN. If i run 'sudo openvpn --config /path/to/ovpn/file' - everything works nicely, but when i wanna connect to a VPN using Ubuntu's default GUI - i get some bull about 'no valid secrets found'.09:45
indusStupidWeasel: join #xchat09:45
nedai downloaded firefox 3.5 and unpacked it. when i run firefox i receive a message that says firefox is a textfile. do you want to run it or display the content...09:45
indusnexsja: aah sorry dont know this one09:46
nexsjai've googled on the issue, though nothing of use to me09:46
nexsjaah damn :<09:46
indusneda: why download ff 3.5 its available from repository09:46
monckyneda: how did you download it? as a tarball or using apt09:46
nexsjaanybody here had a similar issue or has any idea on it?09:46
becomingGuruneda, The right way to install ff3.5 is to add appropriate sources from repos09:46
StupidWeaselindus: Ok that would be the logical channel. Thanks \0/09:46
indusStupidWeasel: :)09:46
nedamoncky: .tar.bz209:47
NickDeNegerapt-get install firefox09:47
monckyneda: use synaptic or apt do install09:47
silvernodeaftertaf, http://pastebin.com/m122331609:47
indusneda: apt-get install firefox-3.509:47
aftertafsilvernode: sorry, link was in french :).... you should have vendor ID and hardware ID : 0x046d  0x08d909:47
NickDeNegerapt-get install firefox-3.509:47
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY09:48
nedathanks all. I will install it using repos. But anybody knows what is going on. What is the reason? I unpacked the same package and installed it on my previous ubuntu installation.09:50
silvernodeaftertaf, Do i really need that? Skype works in 9.04 which is what I have but gtk-mydesktop fails09:50
aftertafsilvernode: so its not stricly a webcam issue, then.. it works, but not with mydesktop...09:51
silvernodeaftertaf, true09:51
owen1how to configure gdm to run a script before starting one of my window managers?09:51
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aftertafsilvernode: ok. no idea in that case, but good thing your cam works ;) is there a channel for gtk-mydesktop you can try in that case ?09:52
aftertafsounds like a specific issue09:52
silvernodeaftertaf, let me make this more specific. When using skype, Audio is the only thing that works. Video crashes skype. In 8.04 things work just fine. Couldn't download 8.04 because everything mirror on the ubuntu website was 404.09:53
silvernodeaftertaf, every*09:54
aftertafok. then yuo'll need to install gspca drivers. let me find the link09:55
indussilvernode: hello09:55
indussilvernode: you using 64 bit?09:55
silvernodeindus, no sir09:55
silvernodeindus, 32bit09:55
eeosiceroot: incredible half an hour to discover that they did not have the specifications I required with no OS or linux09:56
indusaah ok silvernode try chaning video from v4l2 to v4l?09:56
eeosiceroot: and I gave them this list09:56
nexsjaanybody here worked with ubuntu's default VPN gui?09:57
silvernodeindus, sir I am intermediate in use of Linux. Still do not know 80% of commands. Please elaborate :-)09:57
eeosiceroot: that was the list-> http://paste.ubuntu.com/220368/09:57
indussilvernode: ok please state your problem again ,ill try to help09:58
aftertafindus :  how do that? with a PRELOAD ?09:58
aftertafindus: webcam not working since upgrade; skype works only with sound, etc..09:58
AdvoWorkdoes using xdebug(xdebug.profiler_enable = 1) slow things down?09:58
silvernodeindus, ok let me type a long descriptive message.09:58
supermouse1 Guys just a quick question, how do you set the default permission for new files being created in a drirectory??10:01
silvernodeWhen running gtk-recordmydesktop, audio fails (using webcam as mic). When running video on skype, video fails. Audio on Skype works find. Video on record mydesktop works fine. BTW in 8.04 there are no issues related....10:01
duckwarsunder login window in preferences there is a tab labeled "remote" that has a remote login things, what is that for remotely logining into with?10:02
dragon_!chmod | supermouse110:02
ubottusupermouse1: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:02
hcAnyone using Google Adwords here?10:02
dragon_supermouse1: what you're looking for would be specifically under umask.10:02
rmolnehi all!! I have a problem sending and receiving mails, i can't do it using my laptop wlan interface, but it works normaly if I use a gsm conection. In fact it works correctly untill I try to install vmware server and I unistall it. If I can't to connect via telnet to my mail server  too, but if I do it with another laptop it works correctly, don't have any firewall running or something like that. ¿what's happening? ¿what can I do? Thanks10:02
silvernodeindus, F****** typos10:03
prometheanI'm trying to install/upgrade ubuntu on a computer that already has the previous version.  First I tried to upgrade using the Internet, which failed.  Then I tried using a new disk to upgrade from, and that didn't work.  So then I tried doing a fresh install and that didn't work.10:04
Slartduckwars: isn't X multiuser/network transparent by default? so you can login to a remote computer just using X?10:04
monckypromethean: that doesnt make sense, how did a fresh install fail?10:05
supermouse1dragon_: Thanks for that , but the answer to my question is not on that page. I would likle to make it so that any files created under /var/log have default permissions of 600...10:05
duckwarsyou mean xwindows works on ubuntu by default? My question is in ubunut when going to System -> Administration -> Login Window10:05
duckwarsthen hit the "remote" tab it gives an option for style10:06
aftertafyou can open a ssh X session with that, right ?10:06
duckwarsremote login disabled is the usual one, but what happens if I make that remote login available?10:06
Slartduckwars: you are running X windows when you're using gnome in ubuntu10:06
duckwarsis that talking about x windows?10:06
duckwarswhat kind of remote login is it referring to then?10:06
Slartduckwars: gnome is just the shiny stuff on top of X.. if I understand things correctly10:07
gabkdllySlart: I sometimes log into a remote X server with ssh -X, it is usually pretty slow though10:07
Slartgabkdlly: mm.. I've used that for running remote apps.. as you said.. it isn't fast nor network efficient.. but it works10:07
duckwarsdoes anyone know the default os x xwindows client? is it this x11 program?10:08
lenqueteurj'ai crashé mon netbook a coup de paquet et de edpot foireux10:08
lenqueteuror j'aimerais tout réinstallé10:09
indussilvernode: type gstreamer-properties in terminal10:09
Slart!fr | lenqueteur10:09
ubottulenqueteur: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:09
silvernodeindus, Yes sir10:09
meteor``Whenever I download anything from Add/Remove programs, are the setups saved somewhere?10:09
indussilvernode: dont call me sir10:09
prometheanmoncky, I guess I didn't do the fresh install.  I scanned the disk and it said there were 7 errors.  I don't think there is anything wrong with the disk.  Should I just go ahead and use it?10:09
monckypromethean: depends on what the disk errors actually are10:09
duckwarspour quoi francais?10:10
silvernodeindus, rofl, what can I call you? Have been drinking beer so give me something fun.10:10
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr10:10
indusindus is fine10:10
monckypromethean: if you have a running system use fsck to check and try to repair the errors then apt-get upgrade to upgrade10:10
duckwarsc'est drole!10:10
owen1how to configure gdm to run a script before starting one of my window managers?10:10
testi_Since I installed  and configured  hpoj(HP Office Jet Drivers) my HP Office Jet 6500 Printer is no longer working even after purging the package. Since I installed that package the printers fails to find the correct driver. Even purging the hpoj driver package doesn't help recognizing the printer again.10:11
silvernodeindus, in properties what next?10:11
meteor``I cant run filezilla. :/10:11
jbk`owen1: start - settings - session and startup10:11
indussilvernode: video output try select v4l10:11
prometheanI used synaptic to fix broken packages and I updated what it would let me.  Is that the same thing?10:11
rmolnehi all!! I have a problem sending and receiving mails, i can't do it using my laptop wlan interface, but it works normaly if I use a gsm conection. In fact it works correctly untill I try to install vmware server and I unistall it.I can't to connect via telnet to my mail server  too, but if I do it with another laptop it works correctly, don't have any firewall running or something like that. ¿what's happening? ¿what can I do? Thanks10:11
jbk`then then "automatic start" or something, I don't know how is it called in english, but you will see a list of applications that's going to start10:12
owen1jbk`: not using gnome, using awesome wm10:12
testi_How can I remove all files that were created by the hpoj setup?10:12
techiehas anyone here used synergy in the past?10:12
jbk`I see10:12
owen1jbk`: just using gdm, since it's nice10:12
owen1jbk`: but thanks10:12
silvernodeindus, Cunstom: No element "v4l"10:13
silvernodeindus, custom*10:13
indussilvernode: not custom, default first entry10:13
indusvideo for linux10:13
indussilvernode: use first or second option and check your applications for crash10:14
silvernodeindus, Plugin dropdown-menu: Autodetect, greys out all options below10:14
indussilvernode: not autodetect10:15
indussilvernode: sorry video input10:15
indussilvernode: not  output , input10:15
silvernodeindus, Ok got it  now Device dropdown menu: USAB Camera ?10:16
TriMeHey Fellas, any of you guys use, usenet?10:17
DJonesTriMe: Yes, now and again10:17
TriMeI downloaded, PAN Newsreader, is that a decent ubuntu verion?10:18
TriMeubuntu Client...10:18
indussilvernode: ya try all options10:18
grawityPan is probably one of the best10:18
DJonesTriMe: Thats what I use, it does everything I need, I've not had to find any alternatives10:18
indussilvernode: no only in plugin,dont do nanythinh in devices10:19
TriMeCan i PM you and ask you some questions... as i am little Mis understood how this actually works..10:19
DJonesTriMe: Its very much like Forte Agent before that got overcomplicated, very easy to use10:19
Saturn2888Boohbah: I'm getting an internal server error when trying to access RT10:19
silvernodeindus, Video seems to work on vl42 plugin?10:19
testi_I accidently installed outdated software (hpoj) and it made my printer unusable. How can I remove everything from hpoj if dpkg --purge hpoj doesn't remove everything?10:19
silvernodeindus, Perfectly10:19
TriMeDJones: Not familiar to that program either... i have only just discovered it and i liked using Vuze.10:20
DJonesTriMe: Ask your question in the channel, I'm not on Ubuntu at the minute, so would be difficult to talk you through anything, apart from the initial setup, I've not had to do anything with it10:21
TriMeDJones: Thanks mate.10:22
TriMeGrawity, is helping me....10:23
silvernodeindus, Oh hai did you get my last message?10:24
dukewindnow install zubunto.... for cellen2.410:26
Saturn2888if I have this line: Include "/etc/request-tracker3.6/apache2-modperl2.conf" where would I put it in my apache default file?10:26
jengc0ilhi there10:28
* jengc0il need help10:28
jengc0ilsame problem10:28
=== dahlia_ is now known as dahlia
lady_whitehow can i install theme files in ubuntu?10:34
schmiedclady_white: system --> prefferences --> Theme10:35
lady_whiteok thanks10:35
schmiedclady_white: not shure about the Theme because i have no eng installation running10:36
silvernodeindus, you thar?10:36
schmiedclady_white: but should be something like that10:36
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silvernodeindus, ok well stuff works now as far as video device10:36
aftertaf:) cool silvernode10:36
lady_whiteok schmiedc10:36
lady_whitethank you so much10:37
indussilvernode: ok nice10:37
schmiedclady_white: your welcome ;-)10:38
silvernodeindus, Video for Linux 2 (v4l2) gives a positive test but what next?10:39
=== office_ is now known as office
jengc0ilhelp me10:39
indussilvernode: check the applications like skype if it crashes,if it does try v4l plugin and so on10:39
indussilvernode: so you will know10:39
silvernodeindus, alright testing....10:40
schmiedcjengc0il: do you use the same plugin-port for the headphones and the boxes?10:41
TuxedoBondHow do I install the newer Firefox 3.5?10:42
schmiedcTuxedoBond: packagename: firefox-3.510:43
schmiedcTuxedoBond: so sudo aptitude install firefox-3.5 should be fine10:43
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY10:43
TuxedoBondWhat is the Firefox with gnome package?10:43
schmiedcaptitude search firefox and you see all the packages with firefox10:44
prometheanmonky,  does my filesystem need to be mounted when I use fsck?10:44
grawitypromethean: fsck only works with unmounted filesystems.10:44
TuxedoBondSpecikfically the firefox-3.1-gnome-support package10:44
TuxedoBondI mean what is it for?10:45
xbmc666i've got a Hauppauge WinTV Nova TD-500 remote, but i dunno how to get it to work, any ideas?10:45
monckypromethean: you can force a fsck at boot if you need to, though im not sure howto of the top of my heak10:45
silvernodeindus, fail, skype only uses one device10:46
schmiedcThis is an extension to Firefox that allows it to use protocol handlers from GnomeVFS, such as smb or sftp, and other GNOME10:46
schmiedc integration features.10:46
prometheanmoncky, I am able to boot up into ubuntu10:46
silvernodeindus, no matter what I choose in gstreamer-properties10:46
monckypromethean: so have you been able to upgrade with apt-get dist-upgrade?10:47
schmiedcyou can get a package descritption by typing aptitude show <package>10:47
jengc0ilschmiedc: yeah10:47
jengc0ili mean internal speaker10:47
jengc0ilschmiedc: externa speaker / headphone still not function10:48
prometheanmoncky, I didn't try with apt-get, but it it failed to upgrade using the upgrade manager10:48
schmiedcjengc0il: hmm no idea10:48
schmiedci assume you have checked mute, power etc10:49
monckypromethean: did it give you an error message?10:49
prometheanmoncky, yes10:49
jengc0ilschmiedc: thanks10:49
monckypromethean: what did it say?10:50
sebrhey dudes, trying to update to karmic, but running sudo do-release-upgrade says "no new release found"10:50
schmiedcjengc0il: no problem10:50
TuxedoBondApparently Firefox 3.5 is installed, yet my quick launch icon on the top bar opens Firefox 3.1. What's up?10:50
TuxedoBondIt keeps old versions on the system even after updates?10:50
grawity!ff35 | TuxedoBond10:51
ubottuTuxedoBond: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY10:51
xbmc666i've got a Hauppauge WinTV Nova TD-500 remote, but i dunno how to get it to work, any ideas?10:51
prometheanmoncky, I believe it said that I had broken packages, which is why I then tried to fix them, and failed.10:51
grawityTuxedoBond: On Jaunty, it won't replace 3.0 unless you use something like Ubuntuzilla. (Which always gets you the latest version, but it can create some font problems.)10:51
monckypromethean: go to a terminal and type sudo atp-get update10:52
TuxedoBondDoes it not replace old versions of other software or does it only do this with Firefox?10:52
schmiedci guess it depends on the packages10:53
grawityTuxedoBond: It's only Firefox 3.0 that is not replaced by 3.5 -- read http://is.gd/1reB3 , like I told you10:53
monckypromethean: then sudo apt-get check10:53
indussilverraindog: are u silvernode?10:53
schmiedcgrawity: for which packages does the !... works?10:53
prometheanmoncky,  thanks, I will.  I'll have to go off line on this computer to update that one.10:53
monckypromethean: also have a look at the -f option in apto10:54
jaminwongdoes ubuntu 8.04.3 come w/ext4 fs?10:54
TuxedoBondOh, ok.10:54
TuxedoBondThanks for the help.10:54
grawityschmiedc: The !commands aren't really related to packages.10:54
grawity!ubottu > schmiedc10:54
ubottuschmiedc, please see my private message10:54
nsadminit comes with whatever the kernel has10:54
indussebr: sudo upate-manager -d10:54
schmiedcgrawity: thx10:54
grawityTuxedoBond: If you want to really update Firefox to the latest (3.5.1 actually), get the Ubuntuzilla tool.10:55
jaminwongcan i have 8.04 w/ext4. i really like how its fast.10:55
prometheanmoncky, apto?10:55
indussebr: karmic is unreleased version so wont show in update manager10:55
nsadminwhat does that do?10:55
nsadminjaminwong: yes you can. do you have linux installed now?10:56
jaminwongyes nsadmin10:56
jaminwongi am going to do a clean install.10:56
prometheanmoncky, thanks for the help.10:56
nsadmindo you have ext4s now?10:56
ivzeGood time! I am experiencing random repeating OS freeses on Acer Aspire One netbook with a frequency about one day. How to capture data to make a bug report? Thanks!10:56
jaminwongi guess i won't be b/c 8.04 has only ext310:57
grawityI think ext4 was finished long after 8.04 was released10:57
nsadminif worst comes to worst and no install kernel has ext4, then install it on a very small partition then upgrade the kernel then make the ext4s and copy over10:57
jaminwonghmmm... good. plan.. thanks nsadmin10:58
jaminwongi think that will work too..10:58
nsadminword to the wise tho: you want everyone else to test this (new) partition type for at least 6 months10:58
silverraindogindus: nope10:59
iceroothow to find a file recursiv in a dir, which contains foo?11:03
nsadminman find11:04
jacksyHello everybody11:04
jacksyi am new to the Linux11:04
grawityiceroot: grep -r "foo" directory11:04
ubottujacky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:04
icerootnsadmin: not the filename, the content...11:04
icerootgrawity: thx11:05
=== eus is now known as eusu_kefuin
th0rjacksy: http://tldp.org11:05
jacksyi want to know how to set up a domain controller in a home with 2 pc11:05
grawityWhat kind of a domain controller?11:06
jacksylocal domain controller so that both the clients can logged in to that domain11:06
jacksyand save their files11:07
StrangeCharmwhere's the driftfile for the ntp package kept by default?11:07
monckyjacksy: as a file server?11:07
nsadminthe clients have to use windows?11:07
grawityjacksy: You must mean something like Active Directory? Linux doesn't have that - it just uses plain LDAP, Kerberos, Samba...11:07
grawityjacksy: What OS are the client computers running?11:08
jacksynot exactly as a file server with user group policy11:08
nsadminthe clients have to use windows?11:08
jacksyclient is ubuntu 8.1 and windows XP11:08
grawityYou mean 8.10?11:08
jacksyand the server is ubuntu 9.011:09
grawity...and 9.0411:09
monckyjacksy: have a look at freeNAS or openfiler11:09
jacksywhere can i get that11:09
monckyi think that is the closest you will get for an out the box system to do that kind of thing11:09
monckyjacksy: try google11:09
nsadminif you REALLY want a windows domain controller... you could also look at samba, but note, there's a lot of ways of doing file services11:10
grawityjacksy: To create a Windows-accessible file server, install 'samba'. For centralized logins, Linux uses LDAP, but Windows doesn't really support that. (There are ways to create a Linux Domain Controller for AD, but I don't think they're very reliable.)11:10
monckygrawity: yeah there are some guys working on an open version of exchange but its way off11:11
jacksyso could u plz help me out what should be the easiest way11:11
grawitymoncky: Exchange and ActiveDirectory DC are unrelated.11:11
ebelFYI a few of us ubunter users who like motorbikes have started #freebikers for people who like FLOSS and motorcycles :)11:11
silverraindogmoncky: why do they want an open version of exchange (just want to know why they are not putting it in to say postfix or something like that, basicaly just curious)11:12
grawitysilverraindog: Um, because Exchange is more than mail?11:12
jacksyis it possible that users will logged in that domain controller and access intrenet from that domain controller11:12
grawitysilverraindog: For example, my phone can sync emails/calendar/contacts with an Exchange server. Sure, it's possible with IMAP and SyncML, but that's harder to configure for the end user.11:13
e-framehey, how to do-release-upgrade using local mirror / repo ?11:13
nsadminthe local mirror is ready to go?11:14
Blizzerande-frame : Which version are you using right now11:14
monckysilverraindog: there are several things the exchange does in one package, postfix will do mail but not calendering, we have an exchange server in the office which means I am having to use windows here because I *need* to use outlook11:14
e-frameupgrading gutsy to hardy-LTS11:14
grawitymoncky: Doesn't Evolution work with Exchange?11:15
e-frameafaik there is no more gutsy repo11:15
Blizzerande-frame : Can't you just use update manager11:15
e-frameBlizzerand:  afaik there is no more gutsy repo11:15
BlizzerandAh sorry didn't read that11:15
monckygrawity: yeah but its quite messy, it basically pulls the mail from the raw output of the web interface,11:15
DeannaT2e-frame,  upgrade is only possible form LT - to LT directly11:16
monckygrawity: which is fine for mail, but seems to do wierd stuff to the calander and todo lists11:16
MushroomsHi I have a question regarding Evince (The PDF reader that comes with UBUNTU). My problem is for printing multiple pages onto one sheet of paper. I can not seem to be able to control the order they appear.11:16
e-frameDeannaT2: but now it is working but using archive.ubuntu.com not my local repo11:16
grawitymoncky: O_o I see... I thought it supported the actual sync protocol.11:16
e-framedo i have to edit sources.list first ?11:17
DeannaT2e-frame, yes i was reading wrong, i think gutsy upgrade to hardy is possible, there is no other version between gutsy and hardy11:17
monckygrawity: not unless its been implemented when i havent been looking, I use mutt :D11:18
DeannaT2e-frame, but if possible, new-install-hardy will be always better *think*11:18
indusDeannaT2: you should download hardy 8.04.3 its latest11:18
indusDeannaT2: latest LTS11:18
DeannaT2i have hardy, yes11:18
e-frameDeannaT2: i'm too lazy to re-configure it after fresh install11:18
indusDeannaT2: ok whats the question11:18
Blizzerandindus : e-frame , wants to upgrade Ubuntu from gusty to hardy11:19
DeannaT2indus, it was e-frames question how to upgrade gutsy to hardy11:19
e-frameindus: i asked the question (i think)11:19
induse-frame: aah sorry, dont you see an upgrade option to 8.04 in update manager?11:20
e-frameindus: it's ubuntu server11:20
e-frameno gui11:20
induse-frame: ok try sudo update-manager -d11:20
e-frameindus: it's already running with sudo do-release-upgrade11:20
e-frameindus: but since it's not using my local repo, it takes too long to finish11:21
e-frameindus: my question was: how to do-release-upgrade using local mirror / repo ?11:21
induse-frame: doh!11:21
induse-frame: which mirror11:22
nsadmine-frame: btw, if it makes any difference to you, you could install the x client libs and x clients on your server, so that you can run them on the server and have them display on another machine that has an x server11:22
Blizzerande-frame : Try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76392511:22
BlizzerandNot sure though I didn't read it11:22
induse-frame: i believe the gutsy repos anyway dont exist now, so its good to do a fresh install11:22
e-framensadmin: don't want to install any X on the server ^^11:22
Mushroomsah.. disappointing.. looks like i have to go back to windows to do this job.. so much promise, gone in the blink of an eye lmao11:23
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BlizzerandMushrooms : So how could *we* help you11:23
silverraindogmoncky: what about KDE mail ?11:23
e-frameindus: that's why i use "do-release-upgrade" and it's downloading hardy's files from far away server11:23
kk_jauntihello, I hve problem installing xvidcap on ubuntu.  the package gets insall with sudo apt-get install but it does not capture sound.  I had the problem in hardy also but had compiled with source.  but now in 9.04 i can't compile it because xmu is missing and there is no package called xmu11:24
e-frameindus: i am thinking of using local repo / mirror. they also have hardy on them11:24
MushroomsBlizzerand: my question was above ^.. but people didn't respond, so i assume no one could help11:24
nsadminkk_jaunti: so you have no problem installing... or does apt-get return an error?11:24
BlizzerandMushrooms : Ah .... Could you be a little more specific , Sorry11:25
legend2440kk_jaunti: to compile you may need to install    libxmu-dev11:26
monckysilverraindog: I generally try to avoid KDE things11:26
nsadminspecific... informative... concise... complete... on-topic...11:26
nsadminall good things... put em together, you get...11:26
kk_jauntilegend2440: so sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev would do is it?11:26
DeannaT2e-frame, it will need a lot of time, from local mirror or from far-away-mirror11:26
silverraindogmoncky: aaah, we are moving to exchange, hence why i was asking11:27
legend2440kk_jaunti: yes11:27
e-frameDeannaT2: 1 hour remains11:27
MushroomsBlizzerand: I try to print 4 'slides' to 1 page of paper, let's say we hold a piece of paper in landscape, and starting from the top left hand corner we have "page 1" then top right hand corner, page 2, bottom left, page 3. and finally bottom right, page 4.11:27
e-framenot too long ^^11:27
DeannaT2e-frame, yes11:27
Blizzerande-frame : Back up all your data and make a fresh install of Jaunty or whatever11:27
nsadminbefore wah happens?11:27
e-frameBlizzerand: that's the plan Z11:27
MushroomsBlizzerand: but no matter what I try to do, it always prints, Page1 in the bottom left position, page 2 in the bottom right, page 3 in the upper left, and page 4 in the upper right.11:28
Blizzerande-frame : Well good luck then11:28
e-frameBlizzerand, nsadmin, DeannaT2 and all. thx anyway. i'll tell you when it's done11:28
DeannaT2e-frame, yes good luck, it was doing well in my system from gutsy to hardy11:29
BlizzerandMushrooms : Ah thats something I am not much sure of . As a last resort you could try ubuntu forums11:29
e-frameDeannaT2: yeah. from hardy i will only upgrade to the next LTS :)11:29
BlizzerandMushrooms : http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php11:29
BlizzerandThey are much more helpful11:30
insomen4ohelp please; with what app to watch blueray and dvd movies?11:30
DeannaT2e-frame, oh oh --i thougt hardy was the latest LTS11:30
richardcavellDeannaT2: God no.11:30
MushroomsBlizzerand: I have to manually specify the page numbers like 3,1,4,2,7,5,8,6 and so forth.. >.< this is not scalable if i have very large documents lol.. guess i have to move back to windows for this one11:30
DeannaT2richardcavell,  whats the name of the next one?11:31
BlizzerandMushrooms : Have you tried Ubuntu forums11:31
e-frameDeannaT2: hardy was the first LTS i knew. but actually 6.06 was also LTS (correct me if i'm wrong)11:31
grawityMushrooms: Have you tried installing another PDF reader? (epdfview, for example, or the Adobe Reader)11:31
BlizzerandMushrooms : Or try using an other pdf viewers but don't quit11:32
richardcavellDeannaT2: 10.0411:33
kalle23how to get a webcam to work in ubuntu11:33
kalle23i have acer aspire 563011:33
Mushroomsgrawity: Blizzerand: yeah that is plausible, but it just seems easier to load onto the windows computer and print from there instead of having to boot up synaptic and then looking for another reader. or going onto the forums11:33
richardcavellDeannaT2: The LTS releases are 6.06 (Dapper Drak), 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and 10.04 (unnamed)11:33
BlizzerandMushrooms : Its your choice though11:33
MushroomsBlizzerand: lol i looked on the forum, some poor guy wasted 3 hours11:34
richardcavellBut does LTS really matter?  Do you believe that the LTS releases get security updates that don't make their way to the current distro?11:34
richardcavell6.06 is Drapper Drake by the way - my typo11:35
DeannaT2richardcavell,  thanks but 10.04 will come11:35
richardcavellDeannaT2: If you're keen on LTS, then yes, it's scheduled so barring a disaster it will come.11:35
Mushroomswoops sorry accidentally quit11:35
Mushroomshope i didn't miss anything11:36
richardcavellMushrooms: mate, we gave away all the secrets while you were gone11:36
BesogonHello! I have quesion about notification daemon. I've updated my ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 and notification-properties dont work for me.(I cant change popup location on the workspace for stack notifications)11:37
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Mushroomsrichardcavell: ahh too bad, i thought this place was keen on converting windows users to ubuntu / linux users11:37
* e-frame ordering some food :p11:37
richardcavellMushrooms: While you were gone, I gave everyone the link to download an update that fixes all bugs, speeds up your computer by 30%, and has a special supervisor that prevents you from doing anything that could fsck your system.11:38
BesogonI find out on the page(http://trac.galago-project.org/wiki/InstallingGalago#introduction) paragraph "4.3   Setting up dbus-launch". Can anybody spent some time for me?11:38
Mushroomsrichardcavell: right.11:39
Mushroomsrichardcavell: </sarcasm>11:39
adondolociao a tutti!11:39
richardcavellHas anyone here been able to play Half-Life either under Wine or VBox?11:41
Mushroomsrichardcavell: yeah i have, using the above fix you provided while i was gone11:41
Besogonrichardcavell, If you can buy HalfLife you can buy WinXP.11:42
jrib!appdb | richardcavell11:42
ubotturichardcavell: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:42
e-framei have cs cz runs under wine ^^11:43
richardcavellBesogon: That's probably true. But I lack hard disk space. I'm aware of the appDB, but I can't get the thing to work under 64-bit 9.04. I filed a report to appDB.11:43
jribrichardcavell: wfm with no issues, try #winehq11:43
kalle23why dosent my webcsam work in ubuntu..i have a acer aspire 56311:43
richardcavellkalle23: Webcam support under Ubuntu seems to be pretty hit and miss.11:43
kalle23seems like that11:44
richardcavelljrib: I can't really debug it because it makes my computer to strange things. It's certainly not the sort of thing that should tax my system performance-wise.11:44
jribrichardcavell: strange thing to say, but ok11:45
BesogonHello! How does the X set up? "That is, whether you're using .xinitrc, .Xclients, .xsession, etc." So what do we use?11:45
jribBesogon: what do you want to do?11:45
richardcavelljrib: The opening videos don't play (seems to be a common issue with Wine/Half-life), I get mad flickering, incorrect zoom, can't change video options, get sound repeating itself, and that's only up to the first menu!11:46
xcessHi, I am using Ubuntu Jaunty and the problem I am facing is it clears the history on every reboot. Can anyone tell me how to avoid this?11:46
Besogonjrib, I find out on the page(http://trac.galago-project.org/wiki/InstallingGalago#introduction) paragraph "4.3   Setting up dbus-launch". PS: my notification systems not works right11:46
jribrichardcavell: well you can change the video options with the command you use to execute it (as in appdb)11:47
jucapetontos ja  ja  ja  ja!!!!111:47
richardcavelljrib: I know. But I seriously end up having to do a hard reset half the time and it really tests my patience.  I've spent days trying to get it to work.11:47
richardcavelljrib: I want to see if I can get it installed on Windows 711:48
richardcavellHas anyone chainloaded Windows 7 with GRUB/Ubuntu? I presume it works, but can anyone confirm it?11:48
nsadminyou could also make distclean11:48
jribBesogon: galago is in the repositories.  What is you actual question though?  Do you want to install galago?  Or do you want to troubleshoot your notifications?11:49
pw-toxichi, i want to mount a ext4 partition in my fstab file.. how can i do this? i cant find an example for mounting an ext4 filesystem11:50
blackpearl1Hello Room11:51
th0rpw-toxic: it is mounted just like an ext3, but with 'ext4' instead11:51
grawitypw-toxic: I think it would be the same as any other partition - just with "ext4" as filesystem.11:51
Besogonjrib, Im not install galago yet. (At first I want to know what is with my D-bus) Im wondering about string "exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session". Where is that?11:52
pw-toxicth0r, i even dont know how to do it with ext3 .. i can mount ntfs and fat but i dont know how to mount ext3 or ext411:52
jribBesogon: ask what you are actually trying to solve please11:52
grawitypw-toxic: it's usually the same.11:52
blackpearl1i installed Mac4Lin_v1.0 on Ubuntu 9.04 it installed fine...After uninstalling i am getting "Could not start the X-Server" error11:52
kalle23richardcavell: but should i t work in wine or is it often that webcams doesnt work in ubuntu?11:52
kalle23Richardcavell:im pretty new in ubuntu11:53
Besogonjrib, I've updated my ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 and notification-properties dont work for me.(I cant change popup location on the workspace for stack notifications)11:53
pw-toxicgrawity, but he says wrong fs type, bad option, bad superlobck on /dev/sc211:53
blackpearl1i tried Recovery Mode during bootup & select Option Xfix ...but problem is not solved ???11:53
jribBesogon: that's most likely because the notifications system changed to notify-osd11:53
DeannaT2kalle23, what webcam do you use?11:54
Besogonjrib, What should I do?11:54
th0rpw-toxic: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=fstab+examples&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g4&fp=KxYPMM6r3XA11:55
kalle23Deanna:its an internal webcam in an acer aspire 5630 laptop11:55
kgxanyone knows if firefox 3.5 will be available on ubuntu 8.04 or should i install in manually?11:56
pw-toxicth0r, thanks this helped ;)11:56
jribBesogon: afaik, you have to wait for the feature to be implemented.  You can check bugs.ubuntu.com and notify-osd development in the mean time I suppose11:56
blackpearl1i installed Mac4Lin_v1.0  Themes on Ubuntu 9.04 it installed fine...After uninstalling i am getting "Could not start the X-Server" error11:56
bazhanghttp://is.gd/1jkNY kgx info here11:56
blackpearl1i tried Recovery Mode during bootup & select Option Xfix ...but problem is not solved ??11:56
richardcavellkalle23: seems to me that webcams often don't work11:57
indusrichardcavell: not true11:57
indusrichardcavell: they often d11:57
indusrichardcavell: some cheap no name ones dont11:57
richardcavellkalle23: and indus: I am on a Mac and basically all iSight cameras don't work (standard on all Macs)11:57
linduxed1if ive got windows on /dev/sda3, what should i type into menu.lst to make it boot?11:57
Balahi everyone11:58
professor_how do I get rid of all the MARK messages in my log?11:58
indusrichardcavell: hmm cant say anything about macs11:58
kalle23richadcavell:yes but uif you run software through wine?11:58
jribrichardcavell: they work after extracting the firmware (instructions on wiki)11:58
professor_I want to see what's going on and run tail but just get a screen full of -MARK11:58
Besogonjrib, I will try to make new user. May be it will change situation...11:58
Balacan anyone tel me i've installed mac os themes11:58
jribBesogon: that means you don't understand what I just told you11:58
Balabut icon can't appear new look11:58
Balahow to kill gnomepanel11:58
Balaplz tel me11:58
indusbala killall gnome-panel11:58
richardcavelljrib: I don't understand what that's about - how does the camera firmware have to be installed in Ubuntu?11:59
Balaindus whr to put that command?11:59
yurikoleshow to download all IMAP messages in opera?11:59
richardcavellindus: I maintain instructions for installing Ubuntu on Mac hardware, so I'm always keen to explore nooks and crannies.12:00
DeannaT3kalle23, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam12:00
grawityyurikoles: In "Account Properties", go to "Incoming" tab and choose "Make all messages available offline".12:00
indusrichardcavell: link12:00
Balaindus thanks i did installed12:00
jribrichardcavell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleiSight?action=show&redirect=AppleiSight12:00
yurikolesthx bro12:00
indusrichardcavell: do maintain stuffthats good12:00
richardcavellindus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119229612:00
bernardlychan1hey anyone know how to install make emerald themes work?12:01
bernardlychan1it won't apply the theme12:01
bernardlychan1is there a command or program i have to run?12:01
Besogonjrib, (I see notification about update system every time but always that is up and right) (notification-properties change parametrs in Gconf but in vain)12:01
jribBesogon: like I said, that's most likely because the new notification system hasn't implemented that yet.  But ok, no harm in trying a new user to verify12:02
sanduHi all12:02
richardcavelljrib: thanks for link. I will study it and test it thoroughly on my machine.12:02
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indusrichardcavell: why use ubuntu on a mac when it has its OS12:02
linduxed1if apt complains about lack of space on /boot, what should i remove on it?12:02
richardcavellindus: Why use Ubuntu, full stop?12:03
indusrichardcavell: its a question honest12:03
jribindus: because one prefers ubuntu to OS X?  It's all personal preference.  I do the same12:03
indusrichardcavell: i mean, isnt mac full of cool software?12:03
Besogonjrib, ok12:03
legend2440bernardlychan1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48404612:03
indusok nvm its off topic anyway :)12:03
richardcavellindus: Yeah, personal preference. For me, I like coding and I like the flexibility of Linux. I like the fact that I can download all software for free from repos using the same package manager, that I have tremendous control over the computer, and so on.12:04
pw-toxicjrib, ubuntu is free ;) thats the main reason i would use ubuntu over os x12:04
* sandu has enter12:04
* nsadmin has12:04
indusrichardcavell: ok fair enoughs12:05
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johe|workhi all, got a problem here, when apt-get install ndoutils, it justs hangs on dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password, what can i do. or how can i just disable it?12:05
yurikolesis there a fix to eneble smooth scaling in opera?12:05
sleepy_cathi any room for geany ?12:05
sleepy_catC/C++ IDE12:06
nsadminnever seen that12:06
nsadminyou don't like netbeand12:06
sandutype sudo first12:06
nsadminargh. no more enter for me.12:06
xbmc666i need a program that can recover files from a formated disk, any ideas?12:06
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:06
masterchildwhat is cdemu called in synaptic?12:07
masterchildgoogle won't tell me DX12:07
oskar-xbmc666:  photorec in testdisk12:07
fosco_xbmc666, testdisk can restore deleted partitions, does it help?12:07
kalle23Deanna: thanks a lot but have cheese software but i doesnt seem to work anyhow12:07
nsadminxbmc666: you mean you formatted the drive and erased the files?12:07
xbmc666i need it to recover files12:07
xbmc666yes nsadmin12:07
xbmc666well, i didnt, a customer did12:07
DeannaT3kalle23, have you activated camstream in synaptic? with this prgramm you can test, if your webcam works12:08
schmiedcmasterchild: are you shure that there is a ubuntupackage?12:08
DeannaT3kalle23, you will start camstream with camstream in terminal, then open viewer12:08
monckyxbmc666: if its ext3 you can grep the indoe tables but really give it back to the customer and tell them all about backups12:08
xbmc666it's ntfs im afraid12:08
masterchildi've installed it a while ago with synaptic I think12:09
xbmc666it's from a windows pc12:09
sarthorHi, <to right click on the file on the desktop and then send to, > i configure Thunderbird from .. system..preference..preferred Application, but not working. using jaunty. HELP12:09
schmiedcmasterchild: ok found it12:09
richardcavellxbmc666: Take it to a forensic expert.  There are people who specialise in data recovery12:09
schmiedcmasterchild: https://launchpad.net/~cdemu/+archive/ppa12:09
xbmc666yeah, but they want like 3000 euros to do it12:10
=== devil is now known as ankush
monckyrichardcavell: indeed for several thousand $'s12:10
xbmc666and 500 just to look at it12:10
masterchildthank you schmiedc12:10
xbmc666testing photorec now12:10
schmiedcmasterchild: you will have to enable this ppa in you sources.list12:10
schmiedcmasterchild: no problem12:10
richardcavellmoncky: well if you want the data then do that. If you don't think it's worth the money then forget about the data12:10
xbmc666says files recovered, are those deleted files (in photorec)?12:10
Balaindus r u thr?12:11
Balai've small problem12:11
masterchildI'm also trying to find a linux program that works with built in fingerprint scanners12:12
CrocoJetgood morning everyone ! How to do fsck at ext4 partition ?12:12
kalle23Deanna: ok so cheese isnt the program t use? only to test?yes i will try... to write camestream in the terminal12:12
Balahow to fix theme icons12:12
oskar-CrocoJet:  with a recent fsck simply "fsck /dev/xxx"12:12
Balatel me that commands12:12
DeannaT3kalle23, with this programm you can see, if your cam ist know by system12:13
schmiedcCorpX: fsck.ext4 --help12:13
CrocoJetoskar-, thanks, let me try ...12:13
DeannaT3kaller23, you can also use it to stream, but there are other programms i like more12:13
silverraindogjohe|work: try apt-get ndoutils -m dbconfig-common  ?12:13
DeannaT3kalle23, before you type camstream in terminal you have to install it with synaptic12:14
kalle23deannat3: ok thanks12:14
CrocoJetfirst time in my life, when booting my computer, I got terrible message about problems with i-nodes (ext4).12:14
jbk`good for you!12:15
DeannaT3kalle23, when you type camstream in the synaptic-window with all the programms you will find it fast12:15
kalle23deanna: thanx12:16
CrocoJetsounds that ext3 was more stable than ext412:16
jbk`ext4 is still buggy from what I've heard12:16
CrocoJetnow "Checking for bad blocks" in my backup partition .. slow process12:16
CrocoJetjbk`, really ???12:17
CrocoJetdamn !!12:17
* jrib uses ext4 fine...12:17
=== ank123 is now known as ankush
CrocoJetwell is pretty more fast than ext3 .. but is buggy ... not good12:18
jribCrocoJet: what bugs?12:18
CrocoJetjbk` said ..12:18
jribjbk`: what bugs?12:18
jbk`I don't know if is it buggy or not, I just heard that12:18
sarthorHi, <to right click on the file on the desktop and then send to, > i configure Thunderbird from .. system..preference..preferred Application, but not working. using jaunty. HELP12:18
masterchildit appears synaptic is hiding packages from me12:19
CrocoJetwell I got one error message in this morning that after "clear i-nodes and etc" .. deleted whole my /home12:19
masterchildi can install stuff on apt-get but they don't appear on synaptic12:19
AlexisMhi ! anyone knows how gmail works ?12:19
BoohbahAlexisM: yes12:20
CrocoJetsounds .. more safe .. back to ext312:20
CrocoJetgood that I had backup of my things12:20
CrocoJetI think that no fsck at ext4 ... like ext3 when starting computer12:21
CrocoJettalking about automatic fsck12:21
jbk`AlexisM: pretty well12:21
jribCrocoJet: yes there is12:21
BoohbahCrocoJet: determined by your fstab12:21
legend2440sarthor: http://ubuntuswitch.wordpress.com/2007/07/09/howto-use-mozilla-thunderbird-in-nautilus-send-to-instead-of-evolution-for-attachments/12:21
CrocoJetlet me see my fstab file12:21
kangarooohow to know if video card driver is installed?12:23
AlexisMjbk`, : can't make it work12:23
AlexisMjbk`, where can i show you logs ?12:23
Chiselhuk_Plus1Mozilla Firefox makes me want to start smoking again....can anyone suggest an alternative, more stable browser? I'm using Hardy.12:23
jribChiselhuk_Plus1: try epiphany12:23
Chiselhuk_Plus1jrib: Thanks, are plugins available for it now? :)12:24
grawityChiselhuk_Plus1: Either epiphany-browser, or update your Firefox.12:24
BoohbahChiselhuk_Plus1: or disable your buggy plugins12:24
jribChiselhuk_Plus1: it has plugins for a long time...12:24
jbk`Chiselhuk_Plus1: opera12:24
Chiselhuk_Plus1Great, thanks guys!!12:24
testi_How can I add a HP WLAN Scanner? HP Officejet 650012:24
Chiselhuk_Plus1Any idea where I can find a linux geek on a dating site? LOL12:25
grawityChiselhuk_Plus1: Try browsing the meatspace.12:25
whobodyHi skylight12:25
grawityChiselhuk_Plus1: Btw, what version of Firefox were you using?12:25
skylightDoes someone have exprience with NX ?12:26
CrocoJetwhere I can find error message "crash " of my ext4 ?:12:26
Chiselhuk_Plus1gawity:  2 secs, just loading it.12:26
skylightno one ?12:26
AlexisMim using jaunty and gmailfs wont work12:27
Chiselhuk_Plus1grawity: 3.0.1112:27
whobodythe word ubuntu takes me back...12:27
skylightAlexisM,  try the light html version12:27
grawityChiselhuk_Plus1: And the latest is 3.5.112:27
grawityskylight: gmailfs, not Gmail.12:27
Chiselhuk_Plus1grawity: So do I just look for it in synaptic or wot?12:27
skylightups :$12:28
grawityChiselhuk_Plus1: In Jaunty, there is firefox-3.5, but it doesn't actually replace the current version. If you are not afraid of editing ~/.fonts.conf slightly, you could get the Ubuntuzilla tool - it automatically installs the latest official release.12:28
CrocoJetone question: do I need reboot from dvd to make fsck in my "/" ?12:28
professor_is there any way to make xplanet a background12:29
professor_there used to be a way to make xearth a background in gnome12:29
SlartCrocoJet: afaik, yes12:29
professor_but not xplanet any more?12:29
Sorinellohello. can someone tell me why Kubuntu has so few featuyres in the start bar ? it's frustrating idiotic... it's too simple, I can't even set up a static ip address12:29
koshariCrocoJet basiclaly as the drive cannot be monted12:29
whobodySorinello: #kubuntu12:29
Slartprofessor_: you can use xwinwrap.. you can use anything for a background12:29
Chiselhuk_Plus1grawity: U seem to think I have more ability that I actually have!! lol I tried installing Intrepid on this pc 'n it wouldn't go on....guess my hardware's archaic now. lol12:30
professor_xwinwrap thanks12:30
grawitySorinello: nm-connection-editor12:30
kalle23deanna: ok i put camstream on but i onle get a black screen12:31
kalle23deanna: does this mean that it doesnt work12:32
DeannaT3kalle23, than i think your cam is not known by system, what cam do you use?12:32
grandrewhi all! I've got a strange problem: all images in firefox have a top and left border. including images of the chrome theme (the scrollbars' image theme) has anybody come across this problem?12:32
masterchildhmm, I didn't know how to search for this, but is there a way to configure virtualbox to pretend it's hardware is the same as the host PC?12:33
masterchildi'm wanting to install windows on it with a CD that came with my laptop only I want it running in virtualbox12:34
kalle23i dont know the name but it is an internal cam to an acer aspire 5630 laptop12:34
DeannaT3kalle23, an integrated?12:34
kalle23deanna: yes12:34
kalle23deanna:and i dont know how to check the name of it..maybe it would work with wine?12:35
mzzkalle23: running lsusb may be interesting12:36
kalle23ok i will12:36
mzzkalle23: this laptop's internal camera is actually hooked up via usb internally12:36
DeannaT3kalle23, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=269855 maybe this will help you12:36
mzzalso, google is your friend12:36
mzz(this one's camera works apart from being upside down)12:36
mzzthe fix for that: "For applications that don't use libv4l, try holding your computer upside-down."12:37
DeannaT3kalle23, sorry was the wrong laptop12:37
kalle23mzz:true...logitech, inc orbicam was found in bus 001  dev oo212:38
jcrawfordhey guys is there a way to have commands executed when a user logs in/out of ssh?12:38
adhilhi there, does any one know how to hide the partitions icon which appears when they are mounted in the desktop.. am using ubuntu 9.04 with GNOME desktop,thankyou12:38
jrib!icons | adhil12:38
ubottuadhil: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)12:38
Slartjcrawford: isn't there an .initrc .bashrc or something?12:38
jcrawfordSlart: yes, i am more concerned with on logout12:39
jribjcrawford: what do you want to do on logout?12:39
blind|melon|chitHow would you go about specifying a destination port in iptables in 9.04? For some reason --dport isn't available as an option12:39
jcrawfordjrib: i want to stop a process12:40
jribjcrawford: ~/.bash_logout should work.  It should be a login shell when you ssh12:40
jcrawfordon login process needs to start, on logout it should stop12:40
jcrawfordthanks jribas12:40
jcrawforderr jrib12:40
kalle23mzz: hold it upside down?12:41
kalle23mzz: i definetely dont follow now12:41
sarthorlegend2440, thank you a lot, your given link worked for me. i only can Say THANK YOU.12:41
mzzkalle23: no, that's for my laptop. Its camera is mounted upside down, and according to the driver documentation there are two fixes: use an app that detects that, hold the laptop upside down :)12:42
legend2440sarthor: your welcome12:42
aytekinhello there12:42
aytekini ve problem with usb on ubuntu12:43
DeannaT3kalle23, what is your system? hardy, jaunty, other?12:43
aytekinnone of them has seen on ubuntu12:43
aytekinis tehere anybody to help me12:44
kalle23mzz: but if mu orbicam is found bi lsusb what should i do? i have cheese inside an d i also have a camstream that detects the cam but its only black screen12:44
kalle23Deanna: it should be jaunty12:44
kalle23Deanna: how to check that?12:44
DeannaT3kalle23, after upgrade, kalle=12:44
kalle23deanna:ok upgrade synaptic12:45
mzzkalle23: sorry, not sure what's up with that. Cheese just worked here...12:45
DeannaT3kalle23, go to "system" then about...12:45
DeannaT3kalle, no, wait, this wrong12:45
aytekinhello there12:45
aytekinis there anybody to help for fixing usb problem12:46
aytekinno usb port works on my ubuntu12:47
kalle23deanna: ok12:48
ReedMaceAccording to du report my /root directory is using 13GB. In Nautilus, however, on 4.0KB shown. Can't find where the 13GB is being used. Any ideas how to investigate?12:49
Boohbahaytekin: do you see anything if you type 'dmesg |tail -f' in the console and plugin a USB device?12:49
DeannaT3kalle23, in terminal cat /etc/issue or cat /etc/lsb-release will show your release12:49
ralf_1985cat /etc/issue12:51
S_AHi! where can i get package for kscope ?12:52
sarmisaki have started to hate firefox about this flash plugin12:52
sarmisakafter any update, I have to reinstall this stupid flash plugin12:52
ralf_1985flash plugin works good .. here12:52
sarmisakralf_1985: this is ubuntu 9.04 amd6412:52
ralf_1985same here :P12:53
sarmisakralf_1985: interesting then, because every 2 or 3 flash pages it just stalls12:53
sarmisakcd #pardus12:53
jribsarmisak: "this stupid flash plugin" is vague12:53
AlexisMwhen I try to mount my gmails account, something seems to be mounted but a "ls -l" gives a lot of "?" instead of usual information.12:53
ralf_1985i noticed that flashes works better after i installed my nvidia card12:53
sarmisakralf_1985: i have an nvidia, actually this is a notebook12:54
jribsarmisak: what plugin are you using exactly?12:54
ralf_1985hmmm i use a pc12:54
sarmisakjrib: adobe flash plugin for firefox, downloaded from the website and installed through dpkg -i --force-architecture install_flash_player_10.deb12:56
ripper17hi all - I'm trying to get the sum of the file-sizes of a certain file-type in a directory and all sub-directories. Only the total (so I can use it in a script) - find . -name "*.xml" | xargs du -h -c -s  prints out to much information12:56
jribsarmisak: why on earth would you do that?12:56
ripper17is there a better way?12:56
sarmisakjrib: because apt-get does not work either?12:56
aytekinBoohbah; İ was misunderstood, iv problem with usb ports on ubuntu12:56
jribsarmisak: why not ask here about that problem instead of forcing something and then coming here for help though?12:56
aytekinnot a device connected to usb ports12:57
sarmisakjrib: thanks for the advice, but it's not my first time here.12:57
aytekinjust my usb mouse is seen12:57
sarmisakjrib: I am trying different alternatives ;)12:58
professor_why does xchat transparency show a gnome background I had set even though I am using KDE12:58
aytekinbut others12:58
jribsarmisak: I'm sure no one told you to -force that.  Undo that and just use the beta native 64 bit plugin from adobe.  (just copy the libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins/)12:58
jribsarmisak: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html12:59
Boohbahaytekin: connecting a device to the usb port will determine if the usb port is working properly13:00
Boohbahjrib: flash player not in repos ?13:01
aytekinBoohbah; yes i ve usb port problem on ubuntu13:01
Boohbahaytekin: do you see anything if you type 'dmesg |tail -f' in the console and plugin a USB device?13:01
jdusercalwig: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNServer   ;   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient13:01
Kartagisdoes anyone know where is the page which gives us the line to add to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base according to codec?13:01
jribBoohbah: flash player in the repositories for 64bit uses nspluginwrapper13:02
kalle23deanna:here is the screenshot13:02
aytekini see13:02
aytekinone second please13:02
tarzeauis andreas moog here?13:02
DeannaT3kalle23,  i found this, and i think, cam will work...  http://wiki.kainhofer.com/kubuntuonaceraspire563013:02
Rolandsomething strange happened... i can't use my numpad anymore... it will only control the mouse????13:02
jribRoland: ctrl-shift-numlock13:02
aytekini ll post seen on on terminal13:03
Rolandjrib, thanx :)13:03
DeannaT3kalle23, you need only someone who can help you with commands, drivers or somthing other to solve this problem13:03
sarmisakjrib: thanks a lot, you saved my day :)13:03
kalle23deann: ok thanks13:03
aytekinBoohbah; i ve seen these13:04
aytekin[ 1651.868013] usb 5-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 313:04
aytekin[ 1666.980017] usb 5-1: device descriptor read/64, error -11013:04
aytekin[ 1682.196015] usb 5-1: device descriptor read/64, error -11013:04
aytekin[ 1682.412514] usb 5-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 413:04
aytekin[ 1687.434241] usb 5-1: device descriptor read/8, error -11013:04
FloodBot1aytekin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:04
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=== Guest68672 is now known as ShapeShifter499
aytekinok i got it13:05
xcessHi, system (Jaunty) is it clearing the history on every reboot. Can anyone tell me how to avoid this?13:05
error404notfound[OFFTOPIC] Can somebody suggest me ubuntu based cheap vps services?13:05
Picierror404notfound: #ubuntu-offtopic awaits13:06
ReedMaceAccording to du report my /root directory is using 13GB. In Nautilus, however, only 4.0KB shown. Can't find where the 13GB is being used. Any ideas how to investigate?13:06
error404notfoundPici, thanks :P13:06
aytekinBoohbah; any advice to fix13:07
yellabshow can i start appearance settings for root ? ( from the bash , gnome terminal )13:08
ShapeShifter499hi, I got a question, I had backed up my Acer Aspire One's Window partition with dd a while ago, well I accidentally deleted the acer recovery partition, not to worried about it, but I'm wondering how do I take the backed up windows and make it boot able though ubuntu in a Vbox?13:08
Spike1506is there a program who checks what application uses a lot of disk I/O?13:08
Spike1506my harddisk seems to get very hot and i want to know if there is a application doing a lot of read/writes13:08
legend2440xcess: which history? firefox?13:08
jduserReedMace: with du u should be able to show the files each wich using space, right?13:09
ShapeShifter499NOTE: this is all being done on the same netbook13:09
Boohbahaytekin: do you have another USB device to test with and compare? does the first USB device work on other computers? it seems the device is being detected by the kernel modules...13:09
xcesslegend2440, no, terminal history13:10
ShapeShifter499so anyone know I could do it?13:10
jduserReedMace: maybe u have some files and folders prefixed with "." aka hidden files in ur root folder. maybe nautilus is configured at ur machine not to show them.13:11
creslinux_hoping somebody may be able to help - my apt-get has got its knickers in a twist trrtying to install mysql-server. have tried apt-get remove mysql-server apt-get autoremove apt-get -f install apt-get --purge mysql-server-5.0 etc etc but when i install the package always fails to configure itself.13:11
Rolandany idea where tftpd puts it's logs?13:11
aytekinBoohbah; no i ve13:11
creslinux_did manage to install mysql 5.1 but then drupal complianed this was the wrong package an apt insisted on downgrading the whole time - which of course failed again13:11
ShapeShifter499 -.-13:12
mintuxI would like create my customize ubuntu with some programs , also some files or documentation how can I do that?? can it install on machine ?13:12
aytekinnone of them works13:12
legend2440xcess: open nautilus and browse to /home/yourusername press ctrl+h to show hidden files   is there a file called  .bash_history there?13:12
ReedMacejduser: thanks for replying. when I run dh specifically on the /root directory it also reports 4.0KB. But when run on / it reports /root as 13 GB. How do I find hidden files?13:13
xcesslegend2440, yes, there is a .bash_history file there13:13
aytekinBoohbah;is there any commands you know to detect usb ports13:14
ktminihello folks13:14
aytekinor any sofware to detect them13:14
legend2440xcess: right click that file choose properties>permissions  is it set to  read write and your user name in owner and gropup13:14
creslinux_ aytekin: lspci13:14
DeannaT3kalle23, http://www.debianhelp.org/node/14023 when this cam works with debian it should works with ubuntu *think* maybee you have to look for the drivers, but i dont know the commands http://www.debianhelp.org/node/1402313:14
ktminidoes s.o. know how to install an epson printer in jaunty thanks to gutenprint drivers?13:14
aytekinyes keep on please creslinux;13:15
=== bnmrrs_ is now known as bnmrrs
ktminiI've installed the driver but nothing happen when the printer is powered on..13:15
aytekinthx folks i ll try as you  said13:15
jduserReedMace: in private13:16
azloni am trying to add restricted drivers for my NVIDIA card but when I try to update through Hardware Drivers it fails... is there a cmd line way of getting the newest NVIDIA restricted drivers?13:16
DasEiktmini: preferes > printer r, then try to find your model ?!13:17
creslinux_anybody know how to completely clean mysql-server / client / common from an ubuntu host. whenever i tyr to install mysql-server the configuration fails desptie all efforts to purge  / autoremove / -f install beforehand -- really been ruond teh house with this - cannot get a clean install of the daemon,13:17
axelleil y a des gens qui parle francais ici je comprend rien13:17
xcesslegend2440, I just checked. it was not owned by me. So I changed the ownership of the file. Was this the only cause. If so then I can confirm this on next boot.13:18
NickDeNegerazlon: apt-get install nvidia-glx-18013:18
ktminiDasEi: thanks. No printer appears in that menu.. :(13:18
DasEi!fr | axelle13:18
ubottuaxelle: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:18
azlonNickDeNeger: awesome, thanks13:18
legend2440xcess: yes that probably was problem. make sure to enable read write also13:19
azlonNickDeNeger: i get this when i type it: nvidia-glx-180 is already the newest version.   that means they are already installed? do i just need to reboot?13:19
NickDeNegerhmm what error do you get when you try to change the driver by the restricted driver tool?13:20
xcesslegend2440, is this the default setting or the person who set up my machine did that deliberately?13:20
NickDeNegerazlon: hmm what error do you get when you try to change the driver by the restricted driver tool?13:20
azlonNickDeNeger: is the restricted driver tool the System > Preferences > Hardware Driver tool?13:20
NickDeNegerazlon: yeah sorry my bad13:21
legend2440xcess: not sure but that file should have your user name in the owner and group fields13:21
azlonNickDeNeger: it just sits there and says looking for new dirvers or something like that... with a progress bar bouncing back and forth13:21
xcesslegend2440, okay, thanks a lot for your help13:21
azlonNickDeNeger: my internet is really flaky here in Kuwait... stupid 3rd world countries13:22
NickDeNegerazlon: w8 some more13:22
legend2440xcess ok13:22
mcbaneI forgot how I can run a programm from a livecd like it was running in my installed linux on the harddrive. Can somebody tell me which command that is?13:22
tuntisI installed some updates and the WLAN on my Eee 1000HE (ralink rt2860) stopped functioning. How do I fix it?13:22
azlonNickDeNeger: when i just sit here and let it do its thing after about 5 minutes it says something failed... im going to try restarting and see if those drivers wok13:22
_UsUrPeR_billing: what did you want now?13:23
creslinux_anybody know how to completely clean mysql-server / client / common from an ubuntu host. whenever i tyr to install mysql-server the configuration fails desptie all efforts to purge  / autoremove / -f install beforehand -- really been ruond teh house with this - cannot get a clean install of the daemon,13:23
NickDeNegercreslinux_, apt-get remove mysql-common13:23
JorgeJorgessonMy scanner suddenly does not work anymore.  It quit yesterday after a month of working with no issues.  Any ideas why?13:23
craigbass1976http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-8.04-to-ubuntu-8.10-desktop-and-server   Is this still accurate?  Can I jump right to jaunty somehow from hardy?13:24
NickDeNegercreslinux_, apt-get remove mysql-server13:24
K-Zodrontuntis give up, it will never work, sell your computer and start playing soccer instead13:24
tuntisno tnx K-Zodron13:24
ShapeShifter499hi, I got a question, I had backed up my Acer Aspire One's Window partition with dd a while ago, well I accidentally deleted the acer recovery partition, not to worried about it, but I'm wondering how do I take the backed up windows and make it boot able though ubuntu in a Vbox?13:25
perlsyntaxdoes anyone know how to change your mac adderss with the maccanger-gtk?13:26
sarmisakperlsyntax: does it have to be through a gtk program?13:27
aytekinhello again13:27
sarmisakperlsyntax: sorry then.13:27
perlsyntaxsarmisak how do i do it in the term?13:27
aytekinif i try to install Linux kernel 2.3.1513:28
kyjahow do I import a db file into mysql ?13:28
aytekinit imght solve the usb port problems13:28
perlsyntaxdoes anyone13:28
sarmisakperlsyntax: ifconfig <interface> hw <class> <address>13:28
perlsyntaxso i don't need the mac changer program then13:29
aytekinhave you any idea whether i install Linux kernel 2.3.1513:29
oskar-perlsyntax:  macchanger helps, if you want random mac addresses13:29
azlonNickDeNeger: that worked... viewing in 1080p now... thanks13:29
perlsyntaxthat what itry to use13:29
NickDeNegerazlon: nice yw13:29
NickDeNegeroskar-: You can create your own 'random' mac address? Just button bash xD13:30
DeannaT3kalle23, ? are you there?13:30
azlonNickDeNeger: is there a way to scale the screen? like right now the top bar and taskbar at the bottom hang off of the screen... on my vista drive i can scale the screen to fit... is there a program that will allow me to do that on ubuntu?13:30
NickDeNegerazlon: you can change this on the monitor right?13:31
Ddayhow od i uninstall firefox?13:32
JorgeJorgessonAny ideas on why the scanner quit working?  Works under Vista so I know it is not a hardware issue.13:32
cudevazlon: try manually changing the monitor settings? The buttons on the monitor itself13:32
azlonNickDeNeger: no, im using a sony 46" lcd13:32
NickDeNegerazlon: else you can use System >> Administration >> Nvidia X Server Settings13:32
DdayAnd if i uninstall it will it delete my browsing history and passwords? I also want to keep my add ons13:32
GalbadoreDday: How did you install it?13:32
aytekini am wait for your options13:32
perlsyntaxoskar, i been try it and say can't change my mac adderess on my wireless card.13:32
NickDeNegerazlon: or you need to install it first: apt-get install nvidia-settings13:33
perlsyntaxvery odd13:33
oskar-perlsyntax:  you have to bring it down (with "ifconfig wlan0 down", for example), then change the mac address and bring it up again13:33
DdayGalbadore, it came with firefox13:33
craigbass1976kyja, did you get a mysql answer?13:34
azlonNickDeNeger: got it... sony calls it something stupid in their screen menu... thanks again13:34
GalbadoreDday: Using gnome or kde?13:34
oskar-perlsyntax:  i do not know, if it works with wireless cards. i have only used it with an wired ethernet card13:34
NickDeNegerazlon, yw13:34
aytekinmaybe i ve try to update my kernel version13:34
S0LIDUSWhat is the latest kernel release?13:34
aytekinbut i have no idea how to update the kernel13:35
creslinux__craigbass1976: do you know mysql deployments into ubuntu? I m having real problems installing with apt at the moment.13:35
creslinux__anybody know how to completely clean mysql-server / client / common from an ubuntu host. whenever i tyr to install mysql-server the configuration fails desptie all efforts to purge  / autoremove / -f install beforehand -- really been ruond teh house with this - cannot get a clean install of the daemon,13:35
xelentthe fucking net env that i must use thunder for downloading....13:35
Seeker`!language | xelent13:35
ubottuxelent: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:35
Hackwarhi guys, is there a way to create a 200 MB distro of ubuntu for a 8 cm CD?13:35
craigbass1976creslinux_, I'm fairly familiar.  You did an apt-get remove mysql-server obviously.  Did you go into /etc/ and get rid of all config files if there were any left?13:37
GalbadoreDday: Go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager; Quick search for firefox and right click and mark for removal, click APPLY13:37
Ddaywill it keep all my add ons galbadore?13:37
DdayBecause i want to reinstall the latest version of firefox13:37
DdayI'm on 3.0 atm13:37
monckyHackwar: you ccan get the minimal install image which is around 8meg then install everything you need after the base system is there13:37
creslinux__craigbass1976: yes13:37
craigbass1976creslinux_, btw, I'm about to embark on intrepid upgrade; I might lose you in the process....13:38
indussomeone asked me a question but i disconnected,13:38
creslinux__i've used find and locate and removed old data files also13:38
induswho was it13:38
creslinux__craigbass1976: no worries - good luck13:38
craigbass1976creslinux_, should be fine; it's not like I'm doing a windows update.  ;)13:39
GalbadoreDday: No, it's a seperate install. And some add-ons that work under 3.0 do not work under 3.5. I got burned on this also. I do not run 3.5 yet do to some addons lagging behind compatibility.13:39
Hackwarmoncky: that sounds great13:39
Hackwarthank you13:39
Ddayokay, i'll just keep 3.0 then13:39
craigbass1976creslinux_, It will be restarting, just don't know if it will ask me first.  Have you been here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=446085  ?13:40
GalbadoreDday: this is the release notes about 3.5:  Please note that installing Firefox 3.5 will overwrite your existing installation of Firefox. You won’t lose any of your bookmarks or browsing history, but some of your extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates for them are made available. You can reinstall an older version later if you wish to downgrade.13:41
ariimoodhi,l'm newer13:41
grawityGalbadore: Not in Ubuntu Jaunty.13:41
Galbadoregrawity: What not in Jaunty?13:41
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY13:42
grawityGalbadore: Read that link, http://is.gd/1reB313:42
perlsyntax_do i have to keep the macchanger-gtk open for my fake mac adderess to work?13:42
ariimoodlink about what?13:42
delicowaff3.5 is available for dowbnload at the ff website13:43
asfjiohello, how can i install ffmpeg with this option --enable-libmp3lame using apt-get install ?13:43
jribperlsyntax_: close it and check your mac address?13:44
perlsyntax_how do i do that?13:45
Boohbahasfjio: 'sudo apt-get source ffmpeg' https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware13:45
mazda01do you use mencoder or ffmpeg for video encoding from dvd to avi?13:45
asfjioBoohbah: so this downloads the source code? what should i do then?13:47
ariimooduse apt-get13:47
Boohbahasfjio: install any development library dependencies and then follow the steps in the help page.13:47
Boohbahasfjio: you will pass that --enable-libmp3lame to the configure script13:48
perlsyntax_jrib,i use this command to check my mac addess  ifconfig?13:48
jribperlsyntax_: yes13:48
Boohbahasfjio: so you will need liblame-dev to start13:49
perlsyntax_but i don't see a mac adderss13:49
perlsyntax_i see it now13:49
homebrewciderHi there, I'm hoping someone can help.13:51
homebrewciderI'm running Xubuntu 9.04, I have a Canon MP610 printer. It prints on paper and scans okay. As advised everywhere, I have set up a second printer to print to cd. The media is set as "cd", the source is the "cd tray", I'm using glabels with a cd template, and when I hit "print" the printer lights up, a notice appears in my task bar as saying the job is completed but nothing prints. Has anyone experienced this and what did they do to fix it?13:51
asfjioBoohbah: isn't there any way to pass this configure options to the apt-get install command without compileing the source?13:52
killer007wassup people?13:52
coz_homebrewcider,  I have not    but I dont have glabels installed and   I generally dont print  cd labes   however if   no one here can help you might want to try  #linux channel13:53
Boohbahasfjio: no13:53
jubilee000Hello, trying to setup a simple PPTP VPN server on Ubuntu Server 9.04 using pptpd.  I get connected and all appears to be well, but my clients can't access the internet when connected.  Does anyone know what conf file pptpd uses to setup the internet routing in a case like this?13:53
jubilee000My guess is I have just missed a step somewhere13:54
samekwould it be ok if i create tarball of current / on ubuntu machine and then unpack it on the identical machine and sure create mbr and all that stuff.. would it work?13:54
KingSteve032time i try to boot from a thumbdrive i get error after al ittle bit othe the boot screen13:54
Galbadore3.5 will be installed along side 3.013:55
Boohbahsamek: sure13:55
DekkoDoes anyone here know how to properly install this theme on Ubuntu? It doesn't want to work http://danrabbit.deviantart.com/art/eGTK-8310403313:56
KingSteve032every time i boot up from the usb drive i get a error after a mintue of the startup screen being there13:56
coz_Dekko,  hold on let me check that theme13:56
Dekkocoz_ thank you!13:56
asfjioBoohbah: thank you13:56
azlonim having some issues adding a key by cmd line... i think it might be expired or something. how can i find keys for a repository?13:56
anonbadgerHello #ubuntu . I am trying to share my wireless internet connection via LAN with another computer I installed Debian on13:57
anonbadgerWhen I plug in the Cat5 between my router and my computer, I lose my wireless connectivity.13:57
anonbadgerI do not understand why.13:57
oskar-jubilee000:  is forwarding activated and allowed with iptables?13:57
samekBoohbah: the only thing that's not clear to me.. where can i change hostname?13:57
Boohbahasfjio: btw, this is what gentoo is good at, conditional library support13:57
coz_Dekko,  ok you have to right click   that pacakge you downloaded and "Extract here"13:57
jubilee000oskar- that's it.. duh why didn't I think of that, thanks for reminding me.. I don't believe it is13:58
GalbadoreDday: I would read that page before continuing with FF3.5 and decide for yourself, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion13:58
coz_Dekko,   inside that new folder you will find the  eGTK.deb package13:58
Boohbahsamek: 'hostname', /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname13:58
bazhangDekko, dl the zip file, extract to where you downloaded it, then drag the tar.gz to the theme manager13:58
Ddayokay thanks Galbadore13:58
sameki'm coming from gentoo distro and there is all the configuration located in /etc/conf.d/ does ubuntu has something familiar?13:58
coz_Dekko,   open a terminal   cd to the location of that folder  if on the desktop  type    cd  Desktop13:58
michalski-bjhello, sudo by default doesnt show your password as you type, how do you configure it to do so13:59
Boohbahsamek: yes,  /etc/hostname13:59
samekok great13:59
coz_Dekko,   then cd into that folder13:59
Halitechmichalski-bj, you don't13:59
jubilee000oskar - Thanks, that was it.. Forgot to put forwading in there..13:59
coz_Dekko,   then   sudo dpkd -i eGTK.deb13:59
michalski-bjHalitech: ...13:59
samekare there any other stuff that i have to be carefull about this kind of installation Boohbah ?14:00
coz_Dekko,  sorry that was wrong    sudo dpkg -i eGTK.deb14:00
Halitechmichalski-bj, its a security feature to prvent some nosy people from looking over your shoulder and at least knowing how many letters are in your password14:00
Boohbahsamek: yes, be careful that you save filesystem attributes and permissions exactly14:00
Boohbahsamek: this is easy if you use tar14:00
Dekkocoz_ That far I got with installing it - but it does not show up under the themes selector in "Appearance"14:00
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:01
coz_Dekko,  the other way  is to open system/preferences/appearance  and drag the eGTK_0.9.9.14.tar.gz package onto that window14:01
michalski-bjHalitech: so sudo has 0 support for showing your password (*) as you type...14:01
Halitechmichalski-bj, correct14:01
anonbadgermichalski-bj: Why would you want it to?14:01
Dekkocoz: does it install for you? so you can use it??14:01
coz_Dekko,  ok  well I cant install it here  today  because I just installed kubuntu so     maybe someone on gnome can lend a hand with t his one14:01
Dekkocoz_ okay well big thanks for your assistance anyways.14:02
TriMehey anyone here use Cairo-Dock??? :: i am having problems with the latest version, i can only use the standard profile, and its shit,  and the web site is ghey its not even in english.14:02
michalski-bjanonbadger: many of the users here are windows users...also, as a security precaution everyone here is required to have a 14 charachter password...14:02
bazhangDekko, just drag the tar.gz14:02
samekBoohbah: aha ok, thanks for the info :)14:02
Dekkobazhang: But the theme still does not show up .....14:02
DekkoIn the theme selector.14:03
michalski-bjanonbadger: so it gets difficult to type :P14:03
bazhangDekko, it asked me if I wanted to enable it14:03
Dekkobazhang and did it work? ;-)14:03
bazhangDekko, yep14:03
DekkoWill try again then.14:03
bazhangDekko, not sure what the deb is for, will investigate , perhaps the readme has some clues :)14:04
anonbadgermichalski-bj: I see.14:04
Chiselhuk_Plus1I used synaptic package manager to install Epiphany 'n I can't find it in the menu's....tried running it from Alt F2, nothing.....HELP please! :)14:04
Dekkobazhang it does not work here for me.14:04
DekkoI drag it and then choose to switch to it but nothing happens.14:05
bazhangnope, just what coz_ and I were saying Dekko , one of those two options is it14:05
michalski-bjChiselhuk: try running it from gnome-terminal or the likes14:05
DekkoI am using 9.04 BTW14:05
DekkoJaunty Jackalope14:05
Dekkobrb going to be afk for a snack.14:05
xelent换 pidgin14:05
Dekkoafternoon tea :)14:06
joel__hi all14:06
HalitechChiselhuk_Plus1, did you install the browser? last time I looked there was epiphany and epiphany-browser14:06
michalski-bjChiselhuk: because in a alt-F2 environment, you cant start X applications, and it probably just missing from the menu, you'll need to open up the menu editor and add it14:06
Chiselhuk_Plus1Halitech: I selected the browser one...14:06
bazhangDekko, same thing here, dragging it and installing it and no change, then reverting to another and re-dragging (and getting an error) installed  it14:07
michalski-bjChiselhuk_Plus1: see my advice above, I mistyped your user name :P14:07
kangarooohow to know if video card driver is installed?14:07
HalitechChiselhuk_Plus1, okay, then probably just need to add it to the menu14:07
bazhangChiselhuk_Plus1, tried with what command14:07
Halitechmichalski-bj, alt-F2 just brings up the run window, not a virtual terminal14:08
bazhang!find epiphany14:08
ubottuFound: epiphany-browser, epiphany-browser-data, epiphany-browser-dbg, epiphany-browser-dev, epiphany-extensions (and 4 others)14:08
Chiselhuk_Plus1bazhang: I just typed ephiphany on the command line! I don't know much u know. :(14:08
bazhangChiselhuk_Plus1, try alt f2 epiphany-browser14:08
michalski-bjHalitech:..wierd, it doesnt on mine14:08
Chiselhuk_Plus1bazhang: Are you available for marriage? :)14:09
Halitechmichalski-bj, you doing alt or ctrl F2?14:09
grawityWhen you're in the GUI, you need to use Ctrl-Alt-Fx, not just Alt-Fx, to switch to virtual consoles.14:09
Kangaroooaaaw. accidently i quit irssi irc client. someone answered to my question but i didnt saw becouse of mis-quit. i was asking how to know if video card driver is installed?14:09
michalski-bjHalitech, alt thank you14:09
Chiselhuk_Plus1bazhang: It worked, thank you!!! :)14:10
Halitechmichalski-bj, wierd, works on all my machines14:10
werson shiretoko, the "Applications" word on the lower left of facebook doesnt come out. any idea why? :)14:10
bazhangChiselhuk_Plus1, is it showing in your menu?14:10
michalski-bjHalitech, but my system has been...enhanced with alot of additional security things, so we may have removed it14:10
joel__Kangaroo: lspci14:11
michalski-bjhave to go14:11
Kangarooohow to know if video card driver is installed?14:11
joel__i think14:15
cudevAnybody care to try and help me get my network interfaces to go up at boot time using ifup?14:16
cudevIt's not working as it should right now. And I had it working on 8.04 before upgrading14:16
balajintcudev.... you should be checking your /etc/interfaces file14:17
balajinttry making a manual entry for your wireless... with the SID and other details in it14:17
joel__cudev: /etc/network/interfaces14:17
monk /join #gentoo-chat14:18
cudevMy interfaces file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/219987/14:18
cudevBut only connect is up at boot14:18
balajintare you trying to get the wifi or ethernet.... ?14:19
cudevbalajint: they are all wired cards. no wireless14:19
cudevIf I do ifconfig, only connect and lo show up, but they appear using ifconfig -a14:21
cudevI also get a message repeatedly after boot stating "* Stopping NTP server ntpd " and then followed by " * Starting NTP server ntpd". I think it is related to ifup not working.14:25
bummplehi, I ran the xubuntu live cd without a problem on my Lenovo thinkpad T61... I just installed it... and now the touchpad doesn't work.14:30
bummpleAny ideas?14:30
dimanМеня видно?14:32
dimanПарни, меня видно?14:32
bnmrrsCan I sym link a script into init.d or does it have to be a copy?14:32
PanneqQuestion, what would offer advanced incremental backup software(software prunes, daily, weekly, monthly prunes/backups) except bacula?14:33
jribbnmrrs: symlink should work but why wouldn't you put it in /etc/init.d?14:33
mgolischPanneq: probably every commercial backup product14:33
jribPanneq: I like rsnapshot, don't know what you mean by "prunes"14:34
znagPanneq: backuppc14:34
dimanМеня видно?14:34
cudevbnmrrs: you should be putting all boot time scripts in init.d, and then symlinking to them from /etc/rc_.d/14:34
asfjioBoohbah: i compiled the ffmpeg with --enable-libmp3lame, i also do apt-get install liblame-dev, but i still got "Unknown codec 'libmp3lame'". do i need to install another libraries?14:34
anirbanHow can I install those php extensions ... http://download.techdarpan.com/download.php?ScreenShot003.jpg14:34
cudevExample, /etc/rc0.d/ stores all things that get run when halt is called14:35
bnmrrsjrib, The file is a script that daemonizes some php workers on startup.  I'd like to symlink it so that I can still manage it with svn14:35
jribbnmrrs: I see14:35
revygttamWhen I try to VNC into my 9.04 desktop i just get a black screen.  Any ideas?14:35
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PanneqThanks znag jrib mgolisch, jrib: prunes, I would like to backup daily, and at the end of the week remove every backup, and use the last one for a weekly backup.14:35
jribPanneq: yeah, that's how rsnapshot works then14:36
linduxedwhat could cause all my network interfaces to be gone?14:36
linduxedi have nothing but lo14:36
Panneqhow come you're on here then linduxed14:37
qwyethlinduxed:  What were you doing when you broke it?14:37
Panneqdid you install any weird software packages lately ?14:37
Boohbahlinduxed: /etc/init.d/networking restart ?14:37
cudevlinduxed: do they show up when you run "ifconfig -a"?14:37
BoohbahPanneq: some people have more than one computer :)14:38
linduxedcudev: nope14:38
Panneqtrue Boohbah, my bad ^^14:38
linduxedBoohbah: still nothing14:38
linduxedqwyeth: nothing14:39
linduxedqwyeth: only thing i changed in the system was..14:39
qwyethlinduxed: Please post the output of dmesg | grep eth and also the contents of /etc/network/interfaces14:39
linduxedqwyeth: w8 a minute...14:39
Panneqlinduxed, cat /etc/network/interfaces14:39
linduxedqwyeth: i updated the kernel!14:39
Dekkoback people :)14:39
qwyethOo.  You can boot into the old kernel with a grub option14:39
linduxedqwyeth: that would suck if the current kernel cant handle any network interfaces...14:40
Panneqfrom which kernel to which kernel14:40
Boohbahlinduxed: it should be able to, make sure the driver modules that support your NICs are loaded14:40
linduxedfrom 2.6.28-13 to -1414:40
Boohbahbut a minor version upgrade shouldn't break like that/14:40
linduxedwell it sure does14:40
linduxedim rebooting the comp now14:41
linduxedill see if that will help14:41
linduxedpicking the -13 now...14:41
=== Fatsas is now known as Eleinos
qwyethlinduxed:  I would boot into the old kernel and check out what module it was using for eth014:41
qwyeththen try to load the module with the new kernel14:42
linduxedqwyeth: if it works when it boots up then thats really bad14:42
linduxedit was an autoupdate14:42
qwyethlinduxed: yea, autoupdates that break networking are bad14:43
linduxedok false alarm14:43
linduxedits apparently my comp14:43
linduxedstupid hog14:43
kpkeerthiI compiled a kernel. how do I clean up the temp files (binary files) that were generated during the compilation process?14:43
qwyethlinduxed: that sounds almost like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/39978514:44
qwyethlinduxed:  Oh, sweet.14:45
GilJAre there any good programs out there that allow you to configer the usage of your batery? Like howmuch brightness when it is discharging, etc14:45
linduxedqwyeth: the only problem is that i still cant see it14:45
linduxedqwyeth: i have no net devices14:45
qwyethlinduxed: OK, so you rebooted into the old kernel and you still have no net devices?14:46
linduxeddamn can of a computer is most likely breaking up14:46
linduxedgot it back from repairs 5 days ago...14:47
qwyethdo lsmod to see what drivers your kernel is loading14:47
outoftimehowdy all - is there a way to view the wireless passwords i have stored? i use wicd manager14:48
qwyethlinduxed:  One thing you might try is to boot to a live CD and see if your device loads... if it doesn't you probably have a hardware problem.14:49
Kangarooohow to know if video card driver is installed?14:50
GilJAnyone here use Konversation and knows how to tell me how to disable all the "... has left the server/channel" etc messages? I fail finding how to _-14:51
revygttamSuddenly im getting a black screen when i try to make a VNC connection to my computer.  Any ideas?14:51
om26ercan any1 tell me plz how to change mount point of a partition from terminal14:52
LordMetroidI downloaded glassfish but how do I start it? http://dev.monkeyfactory.org/test.jsp does not process...14:52
revygttamom26er:  mount /current/location /new/mountpoint14:53
om26errevygttam: plz give a clear example14:54
HalitechKangarooo, what video card do you have?14:55
BooruA little piping trouble.  Any one around?14:59
morris1anybody know how i can prevent rhythmbox from removing a song from the play queue after it has been played?14:59
Halitechom26er, sudo mount /dev/sda3 /media/windows14:59
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asfjiohow can i join two flv files into one?15:02
Spad-XIIIi'm having networking trouble. wired and wireless have both worked at some point but they don't anymore. for wireless to work, i have to set my router to wpa-only (not wpa/wpa2 auto) which makes other devices not work anymore.. wired network has worked, but since yesterday, it doesn't anymore .. i'm using jaunty, networkmanager and installed linux-backports-modules-jaunty-generic. no changes to the default configuration other than the wireless-pas15:02
Halitechasfjio, avidemux *should* do it15:02
BooruIn order to output a command to a text file (after piping), what would I do?15:02
Boorucom1 | com2 > text.txt?15:03
mgolischthat will only redirect stdout though15:03
BooruPlease elaborate15:03
asfjioHalitech: thank you15:04
Halitechasfjio, welcome15:04
richardcavellCan anyone tell me - what is the practical advantage of an LTS release?  Is it really more secure or more bug-free than the current release?15:04
BooruRage.  Perl will help.15:05
Slartrichardcavell: less updating15:05
Halitechrichardcavell, more stable, longer support15:05
madrazrHi all, I am using Pidgin on Ubuntu-9.04, I am behind a proxy, I am able to connect to GTalk but not able to connect to IRC using Pidgin15:05
unoprichardcavell,  easier upgrading to the next LTS15:05
magnetronrichardcavell: it will be updated during a longer time, more support15:05
madrazrcan some one help please?15:05
Slartrichardcavell: if you have a server you want to use.. and just keep running.. you don't want it to update gnome versions or something like that.. you just want it to run15:05
richardcavellSlart: You mean because the bugs have been ironed out already?  Doesn't that apply to any old stable release? And is there any lack of support for Jaunty?15:06
GilJWhat would be the proper channel to ask bash scripting related questions?:)15:06
unopSlart, gnome on a server? :)15:06
PiciGilJ: #bash15:06
GilJPici: Thanks15:06
Slartunop: ok.. I'm sorry.. I'll go to bed without dessert tonight =)15:06
magnetronrichardcavell: other releases doesn't get more than 18 months old, LTS releases are supported longer than that15:06
Slartrichardcavell: not really.. but because they stick to one version for a longer time15:06
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Halitechrichardcavell, LTS is supported for 3 years on the desktop, 5 on the server so for those who are happy with the way their system works it means they don't have to upgrade every 18 months15:06
unopSlart, i was kidding, you'd use it on an LTSP (or similar) server15:06
yurikoles is there amd64 debs of kdevelop4?15:07
Slartrichardcavell: so you make sure your apps work with what the LTS version offers and then you know that the same app will keep working for the next 5 years.. that makes you sleep better at night =)15:07
richardcavellHalitech: I guess I understand that if-it-aint-broke-don't-fix-it for a mission critical application. But what about an ordinary user who closes their computer down every day15:07
Halitechrichardcavell, then update every 6 months :)15:08
richardcavellHalitech: It seems like a good idea. Newer versions of packages tend to fix bugs and become more compatible15:08
Halitechrichardcavell, but they can also break things that used to work15:09
M25I know how to use .bashrc, but I need the equivalent for plain sh, not bash.  where should this rc file be?15:09
SlartM25: .shrc? =) I've never used sh as an interactive shell.. I'm not sure what it does when it starts up15:10
unopM25, ~/.profile15:10
M25cool, thanks15:10
richardcavellHalitech: But is that also true for an LTS? The last LTS release of Ubuntu includes Firefox 3.0 beta 5.15:10
richardcavellFF3.0 beta 5 won't run several websites as well as 3.0.1115:10
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richardcavellit has bugs that 3.0.11 doesn't have15:10
coldboot|bbI upgraded to Ubuntu 9.04 and it's completely fucked my video drivers. To the point where I can get vesa, ati, radeon, or fglrx working on either kernel 2.6.27-14 or 2.6.28. They all hang when you start X. How do I fix this?15:11
Halitechrichardcavell, its usally not as much of an issue with the LTS releases, and beta is designed to break and should have had a stable version as well to install15:11
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Slartcoldboot|bb: language.. family friendly channel and so on15:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:12
Halitechcoldboot|bb, what ati video card?15:12
coldboot|bbI guarantee there are no "families" in an IRC channel about Linux.15:12
Slartcoldboot|bb: doesn't matter.. it's channel policy15:12
Halitechcoldboot|bb, you'd be wrong, my 9year old son is sitting next to me15:12
coldboot|bbhalitech: not sure, what would be an easy way to find out15:12
coldboot|bbslart: he knows bad words by now15:13
Halitechcoldboot|bb, lspci15:13
coldboot|bbATI RV610 (Radeon HD 2400 XT)15:13
Halitechcoldboot|bb, I assume that was meant for me and no he doesn't, he's autistic but can read and says what he reads (OT I know)15:13
Pici!guidelines > coldboot|bb15:13
ubottucoldboot|bb, please see my private message15:13
coldboot|bbif it was nvidia I bet I wouldn't be having this problem.15:14
LordMetroidHow do I get my hands on apxs2 _?15:14
=== FR34K is now known as thefr34k
coldboot|bbubuntu needs to stop upgrading kernels and drivers when you update. This video driver destruction happens all the time. It should be separate from upgrading all other software.15:15
thefr34kI am having a very tough time getting nvidia drivers installed15:15
Halitechcoldboot|bb, new catalyst drivers are here ... http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product= ... or you should be able to enable the drivers in hardware drivers15:15
trilliciao a tutti15:16
coldboot|bbso many times my video drivers are pulled from under me.15:16
Pici!it | trilli15:16
ubottutrilli: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:16
Spad-XIIIi'm having networking trouble. wired and wireless have both worked at some point but they don't anymore. for wireless to work, i have to set my router to wpa-only (not wpa/wpa2 auto) which makes other devices not work anymore.. wired network has worked, but since yesterday, it doesn't anymore .. i'm using jaunty, networkmanager and installed linux-backports-modules-jaunty-generic. no changes to the default configuration other than the wireless-pas15:16
lammerhi guys15:16
thefr34kI have tried using the system>hardware drivers with no luck15:16
thefr34kmodprobe nvidia shows module not found15:16
thefr34kcannot find nvidia.ko anywhere on my system15:17
Halitechthefr34k, what nvidia card?15:17
coldboot|bbhalitech: I'm running the latest 9.04 drivers, I'm talking to you on a blackberry and can't even get X up at all. Enabling hardware drivers, even if I had the gui, won't fix it. Could you give me a direct tiny url link to the latest driver?15:17
thefr34kGeforce Go 8000M (laptop)15:17
The_Warlockanybody uses mutt on ubuntu?15:17
mauriziogjoin #linux-it15:17
grawityThe_Warlock: I do15:17
thefr34kI have tried installing via nvidias driver but i cannot find appropriate kernel source files15:17
thefr34kfor 2.6.3015:17
Halitechcoldboot|bb, its a 90meg download ... https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-6-x86.x86_64.run15:17
thefr34kI tried the ppa but it complains about not being able to find /include/version.h15:18
coldboot|bbwhy would the system hang when running vesa drivers with X?15:18
Slart!info kernel-generic15:18
ubottuPackage kernel-generic does not exist in jaunty15:18
coldboot|bbhalitech, could you make it a tinyurl?15:18
Halitechcoldboot|bb, conflict with the ati driver being installed?15:18
Slart!info linux-image-generic15:18
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB15:18
The_Warlockgrawity, I am not able to set the date_format15:18
lammerthefr34k       try this to know exactly witch driver to get  in terminal   ---->   sudo lshw > my_machine.txt15:18
bazhangthefr34k, karmic?15:18
Slartthefr34k: are you running jaunty?15:18
Slartthefr34k: where did you get the new kernel from?15:19
bazhangthefr34k, that is not a jaunty kernel15:19
linduxedafter reboot, i have no network interfaces, any ideas on how to fix this?15:19
micahsup pussies15:19
coldboot|bbhalitech: vesa won't "conflict" with the ati driver, they're separate modules.15:19
richardcavellIf I go to Hardware Drivers, it says that there are none for my machine. Should I see that as reassuring?  I'm on a 2nd gen MacBook15:19
The_Warlockgrawity, it doesnt work...i still see the mails in my inbox onlu with the date...where as i set it to be date, month year and hour15:19
bazhangmicah, no need for that language15:19
Mikeleserver /ubuntu-it15:19
kennyyuhow can i change alternative of 'qmake' command?15:19
Mikeleserver /#ubuntu-it15:19
micahbitch i say whatever the fuck i want15:19
grawitymicah: not for long.15:19
Halitechbye micah15:20
thefr34k> system about : > Thank you for your interest in Ubuntu 9.04>                 - the JauntyJackalope - released in April 2009.15:20
coldboot|bbhalitech: can you go to tinyurl.com and give me that ati link again? I have to type it out manually...15:20
Halitechcoldboot|bb, http://tiny.cc/8iqRY15:20
icegliderAnyone have a idea why my SMB network dies on my Ubuntu 9.04 desktop when the screen shuts off when idle, it's just the screen but SMB still dies when streaming video to my Wii :(15:20
Slartthefr34k: have you setup any 3rd party repositories?15:20
thefr34kuname -r : 2.6.30-020630-generic15:20
Halitechcoldboot|bb, sorry, thought I had posted it but noticed I didn't15:20
bnmrrsI'm creating a custom init script to be run at default that uses the daemon utility to daemonize three php scripts.  Is the init info required in my script?15:20
thefr34kSlart: no 3rd party repo15:20
linduxedbasically i dont know what to do here15:20
linduxedive checked if its the new kernels fault15:20
linduxedits not15:20
Slartthefr34k: because that kernel is not in the official repositories15:21
thefr34kah 1 sec15:21
linduxedive got no network in neither -14 or -1315:21
grawityThe_Warlock: Yeah, it doesn't seem to work here either :(15:21
thefr34kgot it form there15:21
Slartthefr34k: you might have installed it manually or something like that15:21
thefr34kalong with the source15:21
Picithefr34k: PPAs are not official.15:21
linduxedworked in -13 an half an hour ago (until i rebooted)15:21
Slartthefr34k: then you need to look there for the source/headers15:21
thefr34ki have installed the kernel and the 2 packages headers-all and source-all15:22
deanypcmanfm, cant run other programs by double clicking files.  like jpg, its tries to open image viewer but just shows busy icon15:22
JoeKerri just installed ubuntu i need to know the root password to setup the network15:22
Slart!root | JoeKerr15:22
ubottuJoeKerr: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:22
yogeshhey anyone int in friendshp15:22
Pici!ot | yogesh15:22
ubottuyogesh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:22
peter__does anybody knows A HOWTO  for setting up lvm from the alternate cd ubuntu 9.04 ?15:22
yogeshoh i am so sorry15:23
coldboot|bbHalitech: did you post it? I only have 20 lines of buffer...15:23
grawitycoldboot|bb: this? http://tiny.cc/8iqRY15:23
ShishKabab!lvm | peter__15:23
ubottupeter__: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:23
grawitycoldboot|bb: oh, and why can't you set up a bigger buffer?15:23
DasEij #ubuntu-offtopic15:24
coldboot|bbgrawity: I'm on a blackberry and this program is crap.15:24
grawitycoldboot|bb: jmIrc? I use it too, and on normal phones it's quite good.15:24
terminhellive just done a fresh reinstall of jaunty and my previous /home partition has not been set as the default /home for the new install. What can i do?15:25
Spad-XIIIall of a sudden my wired network connection doesn't work anymore .. cable is fine, router is fine (this computer is connected through the same switch to the router) .. somehow it doesn't find the routers dhcp server ..15:25
grawitycoldboot|bb: And it allows you to have a lot more lines in scrollback.15:25
coldboot|bbgrawity: it's mediocre and has a bad interface, but I haven't upgraded in a while15:25
yogeshsomebody tell me which is the best media player for ubuntu15:25
leaf-sheep!best | yogesh (vlc)15:25
ubottuyogesh (vlc): Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:25
grawitycoldboot|bb: Well, don't expect a good interface from a Java app.15:25
bazhang!players > yogesh15:26
ubottuyogesh, please see my private message15:26
grawityyogesh: Most people prefer VLC or Totem.15:26
DasEi!mp3 | yogesh15:26
ubottuyogesh: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:26
amadouamarok is the best15:26
peter__iḿ looking for specific info about sizes when using lvm, do i need to make it one big partition or do i have to make several partitions15:26
icegliderNo one knows why smb network might "die" when screen goes in "sleep mode" (not the comp, just the screen) rest works as before but smb network stops sending? any ideas?15:26
terminhellhow can i set a previous /home partition with data still in it as the new /home for a fresh install?15:26
leaf-sheeppeter__: LVM can be resized on the fly so you decide.15:27
Slartterminhell: I'm not entirely sure about this.. but can't you set it up in the installers advanced partitioning mode and make sure that it's set to "not format" it ?15:27
icegliderSlart: that works yes, that's what I usually do15:28
leaf-sheepterminhell: Do you know where your home partition is?15:28
terminhellSlart: hmm i didnt check...ugh dont wanna reinstall again lol15:28
Slartterminhell: I would make a backup before I try it for real though. Of course you could just install it as normal and then set it up later15:28
yogeshwhere i will get vlc player15:28
Slarticeglider: ah.. nice, thanks... wasn't sure if that option was still availabl15:28
Slartyogesh: sudo apt-get install vlc15:28
bazhangyogesh, from the software repositories via synaptic package manager or the command Slart gave you15:29
peter__LEAF-SHEEP im beginning a new installation and it asks me how big i want the size to be, should i make one lvm or just as normal make an swap, root and home partition15:29
terminhellso would it just be easier to go back thru the install proc and thru the advanced settings15:29
cudev Can someone please expand upon what "if-up.d/mountnfs [device__]: lock /var/run/network/mountnfs exist, not mounting" means?15:29
terminhelland choose not to format it15:29
leaf-sheeppeter__: Using alternative disc?  Do you need LVM?  Do you even know what LVM is?15:30
Slartterminhell: I would change it now, it's not that hard to do.. I would say a reinstall might take longer15:30
terminhellsounds like its trying to mount a network device cudev15:30
terminhellSlart:  how do i change it tho15:30
cudevterminhell: seeing as there are no network devices in /etc/fstab, and device is from a wired ethernet card, any idea how to fix that?15:31
cudevbecause the ethernet card is also not coming up at boot15:31
terminhellcudev: not really, sorry15:31
cudev*adds another tally*15:31
Slartterminhell: you change the placement in /etc/fstab then you make sure that all the files are in the right place.. and reboot (it might be enough just to log out and in but I would reboot)15:31
=== FR34K is now known as thefr34k
thefr34kthanks to whoever nudged me - installing the remaning header-i386 allowed me to compile nvidia.ko15:32
DasEicudev: so, first the nic, open a terminal ..15:32
thefr34keven though i had already installed headers-all15:33
DasEicudev: lspci | grep network15:33
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DasEicudev: nic found ?15:33
matt______hi everyone.  We've got a server that is off in wonderland doing an fsck on a terrabyte drive on boot.  Is it possible to skip that once its started?15:33
cudevDasEi: no results15:33
matt______it's been 210 since the last one apparently, and it's being very picky about running it15:33
Slartmatt______: I can do that on my laptop.. pressing a key doesn't do it? pressing escape?15:34
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matt______Slart: pressing escape just outputs an escape character on the screen15:34
DasEicudev: regular onboard or slot-nic ?15:34
matt______we're using a KVM over IP15:34
cudevDasEi, slot15:35
Slartmatt______: it's using an older version of ubuntu?15:35
thefr34kCtrl - C?15:35
thefr34k:P n1 graw15:35
matt______one back from the current release, 2.6.27-1415:35
cudevDasEi, hold on15:35
DasEicudev: then do lspci without filter, and look again15:35
matt______would a power down and power back up skip it the next time?15:36
cudevDasEi, lspci has results15:36
cudevfor Network, not network (d'oh)15:36
cudevnow what?15:36
DasEicudev: only nic on that box ?15:36
cudevThere is a 2 port onboard nic, and a 4 port slot nic15:37
cudevall 6 appear in lspci15:37
Supersaiyan_IVCould somebody try reproducing a bug for me? In compiz, enable the 'scale' plugin, then run a gedit instance, initiate the 'scale' window picker 'for all windows', then kill the gedit instance with mouse3 while in window picker. Tell me the results afterwards15:37
SinatraIs ubuntu 9.04 as solid as 8.04 was or should i wait to upgrade?15:37
DasEi!who | cudev15:38
ubottucudev: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:38
bazhangSupersaiyan_IV, jaunty or karmic15:38
Supersaiyan_IVbazhang, jaunty, latest nvidia drivers15:39
cudevDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220574/15:39
leaf-sheepSinatra: 8.04 is LTS.  Jaunty / Karmic isn't.15:39
DasEicudev: got you, then (trml): sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces15:39
Supersaiyan_IVbazhang, 64bit15:39
bazhangSupersaiyan_IV, the 185? the 180? which one15:39
Sinatraat that for a 15.4 inch laptop should i download the netbook version or the "desktop" version?15:39
Sinatranetbooks are the "mini" laptops right?15:39
Supersaiyan_IVbazhang, OpenGL version string: 3.0.0 NVIDIA 185.18.1415:39
bazhangSinatra, desktop15:39
cudevDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220576/15:40
bazhangSupersaiyan_IV, ah, I have the 180 on 32 bit sorry15:40
peter__LEAF-SHEEP i know what it is and its for a friend,  i have partitioning  knowledge, but when choosing lvm it asks me wehter to use the whole volume group or not15:40
enjI have a REALLY weird issue going on here15:40
Sinatraanybody got experience with installing it to a Toshiba laptop? the only problem i came up with last time i tried, was that my sound wouldn't work on skype15:40
cudevDasEi: connect comes up, the error occurs for sniff2-4, and sniff1 I don't see anything for15:40
cudevDasEi: the devices are there if I run 'ifconfig -a' though15:41
enjI use wmii as my window manager at work, I got a hardware upgrade and am on a new install of ubuntu15:41
Supersaiyan_IVbazhang, thanks anyways :)15:41
enjI installed wmii and dropped in my old config file and it does nothing, in fact, even the default config of wmii is broken, what happened?15:41
leaf-sheepSupersaiyan_IV: There are no nvidia-185 in the repo. You installed it using external source. BREAKAGE. :)15:41
Supersaiyan_IVleaf-sheep, not really, it occurs only when closing 'gedit' with mouse3, no other program15:42
Supersaiyan_IVleaf-sheep, it could be gedits closing sequence, could be compiz, or nvidia15:42
DasEicudev: your router doesnt offer dhcp ?15:43
leaf-sheeppeter__: If you need LVM, then you use it.  If your friend doesn't know what LVM is, you can avoid it and use the whole disk.  Either way, LVM or not, you want to use the whole disk.  Really, it's based on people's preferences.15:43
cudevDasEi: no15:43
hemanthhelp needed to fix  Creative Technology, Ltd Vista Plus cam [VF0090]15:43
hemanthon 9.0415:43
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete15:43
leaf-sheepSupersaiyan_IV: You are able to reproduce it though, right?15:43
Supersaiyan_IVleaf-sheep, every time15:43
thefr34kis it #ubuntu-offtopic?15:43
leaf-sheep!screencast | Supersaiyan_IV15:44
ubottuSupersaiyan_IV: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.15:44
Supersaiyan_IVleaf-sheep, should i screencast it?15:44
DasEicudev : hrm, connect and sniff , they usually are labeld etho, eth2 and so on15:44
hemanthneed to fix my webcam , any help is appreciated15:44
leaf-sheepSupersaiyan_IV: File the bug.  Record the evidence.  Make this place a better community.15:44
DasEicudev : like this, though static in your case http://paste.ubuntu.com/220576/15:45
Supersaiyan_IVleaf-sheep, will try15:45
ashwiniim having a very little problem with shell scripts : if the shell script is having "su" then how will I pass the password15:45
cudevDasEi: you sent me the same page back I think'15:45
DasEicudev : like this, though static in your case http://paste.ubuntu.com/220577/15:46
=== kb is now known as Guest42278
kennyyu"undefined reference to `QObjectPrivate::checkWindowRole()'" what does it mean ? how can i solve it?15:46
cudevDasEi: you think that renaming the devices is the problem? Because I have set them to be the proper name in /etc/udev/rules/70-persistent-net15:46
Kangarooohow to know if video card driver is installed?15:46
enjdoes anybody know what might have happened to so significantly alter the behaviour of my window manager since yesterday?15:47
cudevkennyyu: you probably want to hit a channel for whatever language that is15:47
The_Warlockgrawity, do you know how to run a filter on amutt mailbox when mutt is open?15:47
DasEicudev:yes, try eth0 instead of connect, then save intrfaces, restart network15:47
SykaKangarooo: System > Admin > Hardware drivers15:47
cudevkennyyu: chances are though, you declared a method and didn't define it, or are not linking correctly15:48
cudevDasEi: k, I will try...15:48
leaf-sheepashwini: Try #bash for your scripting needs.15:48
kennyyucudev: i built my own qt 4.6 and use it but has this. i'm asking #qt. not reply yet....15:48
DasEicudev : http://paste.ubuntu.com/220585/15:48
DasEicudev :after saving, closing nano : sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:49
Supersaiyan_IVleaf-sheep, back from crash15:50
leaf-sheepSupersaiyan_IV: :(15:50
cudevDasEi: I'm going to have the revise the /etc/udev/rules/70-persistent-net file as well though, no?15:50
Supersaiyan_IVleaf-sheep, compiz crashed, upon compiz --replace all of gdm committed suicide15:50
DasEicudev: what have you done in there ?15:51
cudevchanged the interface names so that they are refered to as in the interfaces file15:51
gorguthey folks. I'm having some troubles with something corrupting my video memory it seems. have there been any problems with recent upgrades to dbus/hal or the like?15:52
cudevDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220596/15:52
DasEicudev: looks fine, unless you have changed anything15:53
cudevDasEi: those were eth0..5, but I changed them to the interface names I want15:54
richardcavellgorgut: I'm not aware of any15:54
DasEicudev : why so ?15:54
AJC_Z0Using compiz with gtk-window-decorator how to I toggle window decorations on and off?15:55
DasEicudev: many (init) scripts rely on reliable indifiers, so don't mess for fun15:55
cudevDasEi: Because we need backwards compatibility with the flux capacitor in the du-widget15:55
cudevDasEi: anyway, I see then...15:56
cudevDasEi: I'll try it now with the old names15:56
ackbahrHi! I've tried to find proper documentation for the "mv" command, but haven't foung this : is there a way to exclude directories?15:56
silidan1is there an i686 kernel out for ubuntu 9.04?15:57
cudevDasEi: there error is still there15:57
FeasibilityStudyWhen is Firefox 3.5.1 going to hit the repos?  I still have not even updated to 3.5 -- was never prompted.15:57
DasEicudev: how can you paste if there is no net ?15:57
SykaFeasibilityStudy: Never will15:57
SykaFeasibilityStudy: They're keeping 3.0.11 til Ubuntu 9.1015:58
viseHow do i install the JRE? which package exactly?15:58
FeasibilityStudysyka: eh?15:58
FeasibilityStudySyka, why?15:58
bazhangSyka, that is not correct15:58
cudevDasEi: what?15:58
Sykabazhang: It isn't?15:58
oskar-ackbahr:  you could use "find" with "-type f" and "-exec"15:58
cudevDasEi: I am not logged onto IRC on the same box that I am trying to get working15:58
bazhang!ff35 | FeasibilityStudy Syka15:58
ubottuFeasibilityStudy Syka: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY15:58
Sykabazhang: The firefox meta package is still going to point to 3.0.1115:59
Sykabazhang: Parrantly15:59
FeasibilityStudySo all we get is the BETA still?15:59
bazhangSyka, no it wont15:59
FeasibilityStudyafter all this time?15:59
DasEicudev: you said you had no working network, but could deliver pasts from it's config, little wondering15:59
monckyFeasibilityStudy: If you download 3.5 i think FF will update itself15:59
SykaFeasibilityStudy: They're updating it later15:59
bazhangFeasibilityStudy, no it is final15:59
edgar_hey guys15:59
FeasibilityStudybazhang how come it does not prompt me for update?15:59
cudevDasEi: the connect port, the static one, comes up. Not even the other onboard port comes up15:59
Sykabazhang: Shiretoko is a OLD beta15:59
bazhangFeasibilityStudy, separate package16:00
PiciSyka: READ the message from ubottu16:00
viseHi!! which package for the sun java runtime environment?16:00
=== blues is now known as Guest39607
ackbahroskar-: Ok.... Well, actually it's just to avoid an error message in a script, so it's no big deal....16:00
bazhangSyka, that is simply not correct16:00
cudevDasEi: and the error is only reported for the ports on the slot nic16:00
DasEicudev : so ifconfig gives you a working line ?16:00
PiciFeasibilityStudy: What version of Ubuntu are you running?16:00
FeasibilityStudybazhang, im pretty sure SHiretoko is a BETA16:00
SykaPici: Then why when I upgraded last night it was Shiretoko beta?16:00
PiciFeasibilityStudy: Its not. Please READ the explanation in ubottu16:00
FeasibilityStudyPici, how come it does not prompt me to update automatically?16:00
cudevifconfig, now that I renamed the interfaces, gives back lo and eth016:01
cudevifconfig -a shows lo and eth0-516:01
leaf-sheepFeasibilityStudy, Syka: It is final.  What you see is not what you get.  It's all about branding.16:01
jonaskoelkerHi all.  When my laptop isn't plugged in, power-wise, cpu speed is capped at 800 MHz.  How do I lift this cap?  (it can run at up to 2133 MHz)16:01
edgar_helo cudev16:01
Sykaleaf-sheep: then what about http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2009/07/03/install-firefox-35-in-ubuntu-904/ ?16:01
PiciFeasibilityStudy: Because it is a new package, we are not changing the default browser of Jaunty mid-release.16:01
Syka"However, the universe repository in Ubuntu 9.04 includes a special firefox-3.5 package. At the time of writing this package contains an old beta release."16:01
cudevedgar_: hello16:01
edgar_hey syka16:01
oskar-FeasibilityStudy:  ubuntu has its own, superior update mechanism. the one from the mozilla products is therefore not used. it is intended for windows, as that os does not have a proper update mechanism16:01
edgar_wher ar u from16:02
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The_Warlockhow do i install the sidepatch for mutt16:02
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FeasibilityStudyoskar- No, no.  I am talking about the Ubuntu package manager is not prompting me for update16:02
cudevedgar_: Antarctica16:02
oskar-FeasibilityStudy:  ah, ok ;)16:02
bazhangFeasibilityStudy, it won't. please read the link16:02
PiciSyka: *At the time of writing* Read the rest of the page you linked to.16:03
moncky!patch | The_Warlock16:03
ubottuThe_Warlock: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.16:03
n0gearis there a easy way to start a script without the ./ at the fron?16:03
FeasibilityStudyWhat is wrong with updating Firefox?  I fail to see how this is a bad thing.  I think it should be done automatically16:03
edgar_hey cudev how can i find network manager icon16:03
Picin0gear: Place the script in your $PATH, which should include ~/bin by default.16:03
FeasibilityStudyI actually think it is irresponsible of Ubuntu NOT to update it.  There are security exploits out there16:03
SoulBladehow do i install a 32-bit version of libz so applications being compiled w/ -m32 using libz can link properly?16:03
monckyThe_Warlock: hmm not what I was expecting try man patch16:03
Slartn0gear: or put a symlink in /bin16:03
SykaPici: As of last night, the 3.5 package was still Shiretoko - the old 3.1 beta16:03
SykaPici: Unless my repo mirror is way out16:04
PiciSyka: Its branded shiretoko, but it is 3.5 final.16:04
leaf-sheepSyka: July 3rd.  It's old.  The last statement "Unfortunately, this package is still branded as Shiretoko (the codename for this Firefox release)." and "cp -r ~/.mozilla/firefox/ ~/firefox_profile_backup" puts it out of .mozilla directory.16:04
cudevedgar_: network manager icon? I've been doing it from the terminal. If you have a GUI, yo umay try System>Preferences or SYstem>Administration16:04
The_Warlockmoncky, tnx i think sudo apt-get install mutt-patched worked16:04
PiciSyka: http://is.gd/1reB316:04
FeasibilityStudyIs it standard practice of Ubuntu NOT to push an updated Firefox to all users?16:04
SykaPici: So why is it completely missing the firefox logo?16:04
cudevDasEi: ifconfig, now that I renamed the interfaces, gives back lo and eth0. ifconfig -a shows lo and eth0 through eth516:05
PiciSyka: Because that would include branding changes, as the page I just linked you to describes.16:05
SykaPici: As in, the About box does not have the FF logo16:05
oskar-FeasibilityStudy:  it is standard practice to not push an update to users without testing it for a defined while16:05
n0gearPici: wheres path?16:05
FeasibilityStudyoskar-: How long is a defined while?16:05
Picin0gear: $PATH is an environment variable.16:05
leaf-sheepSyka: Missing logo?  That's called branding.  They changed the code but they don't change the UI / branding.16:05
Sykaoskar-: Isn't, like, the months of 3.1 beta enough testing?16:05
PiciFeasibilityStudy: It is not standard practice to change the default browser mid release.16:06
FeasibilityStudySyka exactly16:06
Sykaleaf-sheep: So the 3.5 package has no logos, FF or Canonical?16:06
edgar_cudev do u know anything about hacking16:06
FeasibilityStudyPici: How is that changing the default browser?  It's only an update..Every other distro I have used will push Firefox updates almost immediately.16:06
cudevedgar_: Why do you ask such questions?16:06
PiciFeasibilityStudy: FF3.5 is a new package, it is not part of the FF3.0 branch16:07
n0gearPici: So do i just copy the script to /bin ?16:07
DulakFeasibilityStudy: 3.5 is not an update, it's a release16:07
edgar_cos i want to learn some techniqs16:07
Sykalemme just start up FF16:07
leaf-sheepSyka: Right.  It'll be branded in Karmic.  The reason for this is because looks / designs is not a security matter and the developers only works on and push security updates first.16:07
Picin0gear: Create ~/bin and copy it there16:07
FeasibilityStudyYes but it's still FIREFOX..It's not like it is a totally different browser.16:08
Sykaleaf-sheep: So then why did Synaptic install a Ubuntu-Branding package?16:08
FeasibilityStudyall settings will be saved, all bookmarks, etc.16:08
visionaryhello all :)16:08
Picin0gear: Assuming that you are only running it under your user of course. Otherwise check $PATH and put it somewhere else, like /usr/local/bin16:08
cudevedgar_: Well, first off, is a free box that people are allowed to practice on16:08
bazhangFeasibilityStudy, Syka you have been given links and explanations, please read them and move on16:08
leaf-sheepSyka: For Firefox-3.0.  You'll see that "firefox-3.0-branding" is installed.16:09
FeasibilityStudyI just think it's silly to have to wait on 9.10 in order to use an updated Firefox..16:09
edgar_ok then wat next16:09
HalitechFeasibilityStudy, then why not the new versions of Gnome par6t way through? or KDE4 when it was released?  because they (the devs) decide what goes in and when16:09
rtflhi there =)16:09
Sykaleaf-sheep: No16:09
PiciFeasibilityStudy: You don't need to wait, install the firefox-3.5 package.16:10
limpccant install miro? :)16:10
Sykaleaf-sheep: firefox-3.5-branding16:10
dmdrummondedgar: so is
oskar-FeasibilityStudy:  perhaps you are wrong at ubuntu 9.04 (?)16:10
n0gearPici: all i had to do was copy the script to /bin and rename zzz.sh to zzz16:10
visionarysimple community question: Does anyone now of a really full featured download manager for http/ftp/p2p with scheduling and a Web UI16:10
SykaFeasibilityStudy: Use this: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2009/07/15/install-firefox-35-in-ubuntu-904-using-ubuntuzilla/16:10
SykaFeasibilityStudy: 3.5 -with- Firefox branding16:10
edgar_so wat exactly are those route for16:10
FeasibilityStudyOk one last question.  Is FF 3.5.1 in the repos?16:11
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY16:11
grawityFeasibilityStudy: I would guess so, since it's a security fix.16:11
GaduHy all.. I have a problem. I downloaded a virtual HDD with ubuntu then mounted it with VirtualBox. Unfortunately, it didn't have KDE so I installed it too but the problem is that I can't get past the login screen. After I enter the login name and password, the screen goes blank for a few seconds then goes back to the login screen. I am kind of noob in this kind of problem. Can you help me fix it out?16:11
SykaFeasibilityStudy: No, my repo version is 3.516:11
grawitySyka: The official build has some problems with fonts (it uses fontconfig instead of GNOME settings) - but there's nothing ~/.fonts.conf couldn't fix.16:11
PiciFeasibilityStudy: I would expect it shortly. It was just released.16:11
limpcmiro requires  libtorrent-rasterbar2,  libtorrent-rasterbar2 requires removal  of python-libtorrent, but miro also requires python-libtorrent16:11
FeasibilityStudyok thanks16:11
* limpc scratches head16:11
grawityFeasibilityStudy: Use Ubuntuzilla16:11
Sykagrawity: My ubuntuzilla one is fine... detects my M$ partition fonts fine, it seems16:12
navatwowhats the default windows manager?16:12
monckyGadu: first place to have a look would be in /var/log/messages16:12
AllooshHi I got Micro POS and I need to test it, ubuntu is not recognizing it, and I cant find micro in add printer, any suggestions16:12
navatwocompiz is ticking me off.16:12
edgar_guys which version of ubuntu is the best, am using xubuntu16:12
bazhangnavatwo, in gnome?16:12
Pici!best| edgar_16:12
ubottuedgar_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:12
navatwoyes, ubuntu16:12
whileimhereHi. In GNOME on Ubuntu 9.04, when I go to PLACES > CONNECT TO SERVER and set up a FTP (with login) is there a way to get GNOME to remember this information ? When I rebooted it was all gone and I had to re-input it again.16:12
monckyGadu: you can get into a terminal by holding ctrl-alt and pressing F116:12
bazhangnautilus navatwo16:13
Sykaedgar_: The "vanilla" Ubuntu, with GNOME, I think16:13
grawitySyka: I meant the appearance settings such as antialiasing, hinting, and such.16:13
navatwobazhang: not what I meant :)16:13
bazhangnavatwo, whoops sorry metacity16:13
yogeshhow to install dvd player16:13
edgar_thanx ubottu16:13
Sykagrawity: Oh. there's an issue with that? Meh, I don;t change those settings so I wouldn't notice16:13
edgar_thanx ubottu16:13
Halitechedgar_, depends on your system, ubuntu work for most, some like kubuntu16:13
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grawitywhileimhere: It should ask you if you want it to remember the password ... Do you have "gnome-keyring-daemon" running?16:13
bazhangyogesh, the player or the codecs16:13
=== yaccv is now known as yacc
navatwoI still dont have my desktop icons back..16:14
Picinavatwo: Please mind your language here.16:14
navatwoSorry Pici16:14
grawitySyka: Anyway, it's just a simple edit to ~/.fonts.conf16:14
navatwoim really frustrated.16:14
whileimheregrawity thanks for the answer yes I do  have it installed and it is just me not paying attention. I forgot to check the box about bookmarking it. :)16:14
grawitynavatwo: Start Nautilus, it should bring them back.16:14
BadSectorHello--  I am trying to find out how to do "rmmod psmouse" automatically on boot up.    Which file do I add this command to? the init.d or the module in ETC? ...16:15
yogeshplease tell me someone how to install any software16:15
blackgrazhow do i loggin as a root user if im already logged into x16:15
grawitywhileimhere: Not that one, I think. When you click connect and it asks you for the password, _that_ window has a "Forget immediately/remember" selection.16:15
progre55javabot: soreau++16:15
Halitechyogesh, search synaptic or add/remove software16:15
bazhangblackgraz, dont login as root16:15
grawitywhileimhere: And the passwords are stored to gnome-keyring, which can be managed using seahorse.16:15
progre55dosnt the karma thing work here? )16:15
whileimheregrawity yes you are right.16:15
Piciprogre55: No.16:15
progre55too bad =)16:15
Allooshyogesh: system -> administration -> synaptic package manager16:16
navatwograwity: that did it.16:16
Halitech!root | blackgraz,16:16
ubottublackgraz,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:16
grawitynavatwo: Btw, what was that about Compiz?16:16
Gadu@ moncky : I went to /var/log/messages but I can't find anything useful there, just some things similar to this: Jul 15 07:45:07 ubuntu kernel: [ 0.00000] Normal 0x00001334 -> 0x00023116:16
soreauprogre55: Not sure, did you fix whatever it was you were trying to?16:16
whileimhereIm really starting to like this GNOME-Bluefish combo16:16
limpcsudo passwd <-- will let you change root password.16:16
blackgrazubottu: nevermind16:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nevermind16:16
grawitylimpc: Not a very good idea.16:17
blackgrazHalitech: uhh i worded my question wrong16:17
limpcwhy not?16:17
JoeKerrcan i connect ubuntu to a windows network?16:17
bazhanglimpc, please don't recommend that here16:17
HalitechJoeKerr, yes you can16:17
limpc.. theres nothing wrong with changing root password.16:17
bazhang!sudo > limpc16:17
ubottulimpc, please see my private message16:17
limpci know what sudo is, bazhang16:18
JoeKerrwhere do i set the network setting..i dont see it16:18
limpci also hate having to sudo 10-20 commands.16:18
Picilimpc: That is what sudo -i is for16:18
bazhanglimpc, no need for root, not needed in Ubuntu16:18
Halitechblackgraz, ok, what are you trying to do then?16:18
Picilimpc: We cannot support any repurcussions that might occur by having the root password set.16:18
Dulaklimpc: if you absolutely need a root shell just use "sudo -i"16:18
navatwo_okay, so I made a boo-boo. I ended a terminal which was running metacity16:18
navatwo_I have one open now, how would I start up compiz or metacity?16:19
bazhangnavatwo_, try altf2 metacity --replace16:19
grawitynavatwo: Just "compiz" or "metacity".16:19
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navatwo_im in altf216:19
grawitynavatwo: If that doesn't work, try with --replace16:19
limpcDulak: I just su -. everyone else seems to think root is taboo :)16:19
JoeKerrwhere do i setup the network in ubuntu?16:20
Dulaklimpc: it is, it leads to lazy sysadmins16:20
navatwo_bazhang: grawity uhm, I get an error about unable to open x16:20
grawityJoeKerr: There should be a NetworkManager icon next to the clock.16:20
navatwo_X Display&16:20
limpcwell lazy sysadmins shouldnt be using ubuntu for production machines? :P16:20
Dulaklimpc: why not?  ubuntu server is really nice in production16:20
grawitynavatwo: ...are you doing it from a virtual console?16:20
grawitynavatwo: You need to run the WM from the same X session.16:21
grawitynavatwo: You said you still have a terminal open there16:21
Dulaklimpc: the fact is using a root shell is a crutch, and in ubuntu if you have to have it, sudo -i gives it to you without havign to enable root16:21
JoeKerris that on Application, Places or System16:21
grawityJoeKerr: System -> Preferences.16:21
navatwo_grawity: sorry, im on a virtual :( my apologies. I'm still rather new with ubuntu16:22
grawitynavatwo_: You can still restart the entire GDM. (This will log you out from X though.) Run 'sudo service gdm restart'16:22
edgar_I have accidentaly removed network manager applet icon in the panel, how can i gei it back16:23
ClouseHello there all in ubuntu land16:23
JoeKerri only see network connection and network proxy16:23
limpcDulak: well im not a sheep. and im not a lazy admin.  i have a firewall, i use secure passwords, and keep up to date.  if people view themselves so lazy or bad an admin that they need to limit themselves, fine. but I dont think root should be taboo.  it makes people afraid and dumb security-wise.16:23
dax2112rushEvery once in a while I get that problem where I'm unable to interact with any part of the UI (shown apps and gnome-panel). I'm able to switch terminals (using CTRL-ALT-FX) and my music still works. Usually this will resume after a few minutes. Is there something I could do to help me find the faulty app?16:23
grawityJoeKerr: "Network connection".16:23
Dulaklimpc: so you enable root on ubuntu cuz you think it's cool, rather than leaving it disabled, and not even have to worry about it, and use the proper tool.  I get it.16:24
limpcdulak - not at all.16:24
edgar_plz guys help me16:24
Dulaklimpc: when you get about 10 more years of experience, let's have this conversation again.16:24
navatwo_grawity: so, it said there was an issue starting on :0 so it went on :1, big deal, or no?16:24
Dulaklimpc: till then, you've been told the stance, and I'm dropping it16:24
Halitechlimpc, if you want root then maybe you should look into running Debian or Redhat that allows it16:25
limpcHalitech: yeah i run redhat, slackware, bsd, and have a LFS box :)16:25
grawitynavatwo_: Isn't very bad, but try stopping it completely ("sudo service gdm stop") and starting again ("sudo service gdm start").16:25
JoeKerri have a wired network ...do i just do an add?16:25
navatwo_grawity: I have to restart my computer for something else, should that do the same?16:26
dax2112rushIs there any way to see if some process is not responding?16:26
Eisenhowerzdoes "sudo apt-get build-essential" not work in 9.04?16:26
gartralmorning all, anyone have any difivulty getting a memorex cdrw drive to read disks?16:26
grawitynavatwo_: Yes.16:26
limpcHalitech: I like Ubuntu because it works well with modern hardware without too much fuss, and I dont like Fedora.16:26
bazhangedgar_, right click panel add to choose applet then find the nm-applet16:26
navatwo_thanks grawity for all the help :)16:26
limpc(for the desktop i mean)16:26
PiciEisenhowerz: you're missing an argument there: sudo apt-get install build-essential16:26
EisenhowerzPici: thanks16:27
EisenhowerzPici: do i need anything else for compiling c++ ?16:27
Halitechlimpc, I like Debian but I installed sudo on it because I find it easier to deal with then logging in as root for a single command but to each their own16:27
gartralEisenhowerz: what are you building?16:27
PiciEisenhowerz: Other than -dev packages that could be build-dependencies for whatever you're compiling, no.16:28
bazhangedgar__, right click panel add to choose applet then find the nm-applet16:28
ForzaPalermohey guys is there a command in terminal to create a file that will give me a directory and file listing so i can print out?16:28
PerryArmstrongi installed klavaro and the entire language is in a local language...how can i get it to english16:28
grawityForzaPalermo: Something like this? ls > filelist.txt16:28
SlartForzaPalermo: ls > somefile.txt  might work16:28
limpcHalitech: yeah :) I've got nothing against sudo.  I would prefer regular users to use sudo on boxes.  Just dont think it should be treated as taboo and instilled into newbsa as "avoid unless no other choice" mentality.  it makes for a very "green" generation of linux people.16:29
EisenhowerzPici: awesome,   You have any idea of a tutorial for i guess equiv to linux in windows programing?  gtk programing?16:29
ForzaPalermograwity: Slart looks like the windows command16:29
edgar__thanx bazhang16:29
morris1anybody know how i can prevent rhythmbox from removing a song from the play queue after it has been played?16:29
bazhanglimpc, Halitech please continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic16:29
DulakHalitech: first thing I do on any distro is install sudo and disable root, the audit trail alone is worth the hassle16:29
SlartForzaPalermo: you use ls on your windows boxes? =)16:29
EisenhowerzPici: I guess i'm talking about gnome gui?16:29
ForzaPalermoSlart: lol16:29
ForzaPalermou know what i mean16:29
ForzaPalermols = dir16:29
grawitySlart: I do..16:29
PiciEisenhowerz: I don't, but ##c++ might.  You'll probably have to be registered to nickserv to join though.16:29
ForzaPalermocan you do it for the whol drive though?16:30
EisenhowerzPici: thnaks16:30
maccam94is it normal for a 2.5GHz core 2 duo with a 9800M GT to have laggy video playback in flash?16:30
ForzaPalermoand not a certain directory16:30
SlartForzaPalermo: yes.. pipes work the same in linux as in windows.. only better and bigger16:30
gartralmaccam94: useing flashplayer non-free or free?16:30
HalitechDulak, limpc bazhang over there now16:30
grawityForzaPalermo: For a recursive list of files, try: find / \! -type d16:30
gartralmorning all, anyone have any difivulty getting a memorex cdrw drive to read disks?16:30
JoeKerris there any easy way to connect ubuntu to a windows network?16:31
monckymaccam94: that would depend on the quality of your net connection16:31
maccam9410mbit fios16:31
limpcim done :P just looking for help with Miro :)16:31
Slart!samba | JoeKerr16:31
grawityForzaPalermo: Both bash on Linux and cmd.exe on Windows have the same basic redirection -- > to write a file, < to read, | for pipe.16:31
ubottuJoeKerr: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:31
maccam94sound keeps going, but the video keeps stopping, and then fast forwarding to catch up to the audio16:31
gartralmaccam94: are you using flashplayer non-free?16:31
maccam94sometimes causes the video to jump back to where it froze16:31
maccam94gartral: yes16:32
ForzaPalermograwity: what does that find command do for me?16:32
limpcMiro <-- wants libtorrent-rasterbar2 + python-libtorrent.  libtorrent-rasterbar2 <-- does not want python-libtorrent.  how to fix? :P16:32
gartralmaccam94: thats your problem, switch of for the the free one and see if it helps16:32
grawityForzaPalermo: Find all non-directories in /16:32
maccam94gartral: i thought gnash was incomplete?16:32
ForzaPalermodoes it write a file?16:32
ForzaPalermoa text file16:32
gartralmaccam94: not gnash, swfdec16:32
ForzaPalermoor do i need to add > text.txt16:32
ForzaPalermoor something16:32
grawityForzaPalermo: No, you still have to redirect it using "> filelist.txt"16:32
limpcoh and python-libtorrent <-- requires libtorrent-rasterbar4. :)16:32
moltenbobcatgartral: do you get better performance out of swfdec?16:33
ForzaPalermograwity: so that command will give me directoryhs and files in those subdirectories?16:33
moltenbobcatdoes it work on hulu?16:33
grawityForzaPalermo: Yes.16:33
maccam94i can play flash files in mplayer/vlc fine16:33
roothow do i type # on ubuntu?16:33
=== root is now known as Guest90433
gartralmoltenbobcat: I do, yes, and every system ive seen it running on is deffinatly better16:33
maccam94the browser plugin is the problem16:33
grawityGuest90433: Um, using the # key?16:33
ForzaPalermook i will give it a whirl16:33
ForzaPalermothank you16:33
monckymaccam94: are you streaming the movies to mplayer? or are they saved locally?16:33
moltenbobcatgartral: so does it embed into the browser the same way to handle like youtube and other flash video sites?16:34
limpclol. root is here.  go sic 'em Dulak :P16:34
gartralmaccam94: you have too uninstall the adobe one before installing a new one16:34
gartralmoltenbobcat: yes, with the sole exception that adds a large "Play" button where the video will be after you press it16:34
georgkeine Ahnung!16:34
Guest90433grawity: Well it wont work..16:34
=== Guest90433 is now known as Kwaa
gartralI cant get md5deep too read a cd..16:35
moltenbobcatgartral: hmm, but it goes away while the video is playing... i'll have to try it on my netbook because flash plays like a dog on it16:35
BlizzerandDoes adobe Flash Professional work properly on wine16:36
bazhangBlizzerand, check the appdb16:36
gartralmoltenbobcat: yes, it work fine after you hit the grey play button, the script runs and the videos play nicely... though, my system HATES youtube for some reason, no decoder seems too work for me16:36
limpcBlizzerand: I havent had much luck with flash stuff in Wine. (counting Flex Builder)16:36
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org Blizzerand16:37
limpcBlizzerand: even with Crossover.16:37
gartralthe system im on now, anywho16:37
Blizzerandbazhang , limpc : k16:37
sid_Hey does any one know about the bluetooth integration with pulseaudio thru google Soc?16:37
sid_How far is it along?16:37
sid_Just cant seem to fly in jaunty16:38
richardcavellHow does one use remote desktop to help a guy solve his computer problems?  Is it possible to view someone's desktop remotely over the Internet?16:38
limpcBlizzerand: you could use virtualbox16:38
Halitechrichardcavell, windows computer or linux?16:38
richardcavellHalitech: Both linux16:38
Blizzerandlimpc : Whats that16:38
cfmHi, how can I tell whether an installed machine is running a 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu?16:39
Halitechrichardcavell, you could try ssh -x IPaddress16:39
grawityHalitech: That won't forward an exsisting desktop.16:39
limpcBlizzerand: virtualization container. you can install a win32 flavor on it and launch/terminate it without rebooting16:39
richardcavellHalitech: that gets me a command-line, not a GUI, right?16:39
limpcBlizzerand: http://www.virtualbox.org/16:39
Halitechcfm, uname -a16:39
grawityrichardcavell: ssh -x enables "X forwarding" - but it won't give you the already-running applications.16:39
limpcBlizzerand: sudo apt-get install virtualbox16:39
Blizzerandlimpc : Ok . I'll try that16:39
Halitechgrawity, thought you could forward an existing x session over ssh?16:40
grawityrichardcavell: So it probably is not what you want.16:40
grawityHalitech: Nope16:40
richardcavellgrawity: I'm keen to see what it looks like.16:40
limpcBlizzerand: also if your hardware supports virtualization in the bios, enable it (mine does, i have a gigabyte MA770-UD3)16:40
DasEirichardcavell: you could by use of rdesktop, but compared to ssh it's not very secure, better mind Halit..16:40
Halitechgrawity, ok, never tried it so wasn't aware of that16:40
=== song is now known as Guest94782
th0rrichardcavell: you can set up vnc so you can control his desktop while he watches16:40
Lo_Pannx runs over ssh16:40
grawityDasEi: RDP is secure already.16:40
Lo_Panand will hand you new or used sessions16:40
gartralHalitech: if you want to rremotly veiw your already running apps, use xdmp16:40
cfmHalitech: Linux UIP-02 2.6.24-19-server #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 15:18:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux16:40
Blizzerandlimpc : Does it run on 32 bit16:40
leaf-sheeprichardcavell: VNC is laggy.  You could install scrot and send the picture your way.16:40
DasEigrawity: no more plain passes ?16:41
richardcavellGee, all these options16:41
Halitechcfm, you are running 32bit16:41
cfmHalitech: uname -m is machine architecture, not software isn't it?16:41
cfmAh - what gives it away?16:41
grawityrichardcavell: Okay, if you want to try it, connect using ssh -X (uppercase X), and then just run a n X application.16:41
moltenbobcatI think nx is the way to go if it's a linux server if your talking about a windows box well rdp is obvous16:41
Halitechcfm, -a gives you everything ... this does i686 GNU/Linux16:41
grawityDasEi: In the new RDP version, they're supposed to be encrypted.16:41
richardcavellgrawity: Okay16:41
DasEigrawity: thanks hint16:42
sid_I know this has been an old old issue but Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15  and am able to pair the device using blueman...16:42
richardcavellgrawity: Do you want to connect to my linux box just so I can see what it's like?  I trust you :)16:42
cfmHalitech: What should it say for a 64-bit install?16:42
sid_Any help appreciated...16:42
Lo_Panin general its not a bad idea to put stuff like rdp/vnc/etc behind a vpn or ssh if you want to access it over the net16:42
ForzaPalermograwity: hey thank you that did it.... my hard drive is dying and  i need to replace all my downloads, and there are swo many i would never remember what i would have to redownload16:42
ForzaPalermothanks again buddy16:42
Halitechcfm, on mine it says x86_64 GNU/Linux16:42
grawityrichardcavell: I could try, but you wouldn't see anything - if I started an application over SSH, it would be displayed on my desktop.16:42
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:43
cfmHalitech: I understand, many thanks for your help!16:43
Halitechcfm, np16:43
limpcHalitech: i downgraded from 64-bit yesterday16:44
StrangeCharmhow can i force a command to run at startup?16:44
grawityrichardcavell: That's how X11 forwarding works - an application runs on the ssh server, but it's displayed on the user's desktop as if it were a local one.16:44
Halitechlimpc, why?16:44
limpcHalitech: had issues with AIR apps. apparently Adobe offically only supports 32 bit16:44
gartralI cant get md5deep too read a cd..16:44
Halitechlimpc, ahh, don't use them myself16:44
azlonwhen both my eth1 and wlan0 are enabled, my internet (coming from wlan0) doesnt work... when i disable eth1 the internet starts working again... any ideas on how to fix this?16:44
limpcHalitech: you can get it working kinda by installing ia32 libs16:44
DasEiStrangeCharm: put it in rc.local16:45
limpcHalitech: however its very buggy and stuff "vanishes" from them.  I also had issues with a sluggish UI (im running an AMDx64, maybe its processor specific)16:45
StrangeCharmthanks DasEi16:45
gartralazlon: im assuming your connection too the wired network over eth1 is too the same router as wlan0?16:45
azlongartral: no, two different routers (both wifi though)16:45
JeZ-l-LeeI have ubuntu Linux 9.04 32bit but my two audio chips are not currently supported - Anyone know when the next release will be made available? I think what I have now was released in April 200916:46
Halitechlimpc, I have the ia32 libs installed (don't remember why now) and I have a AMD 5200+ with no issues16:46
gartralazlon: are these routers connected too each other *anywhere* "down the line"?16:46
richardcavellgrawity: if you were to ssh to my puter, would I have to create a new user account for you?16:46
limpcHalitech: no idea then :) didnt have alot of time to troubleshoot so just plugged in my netinstall USB thumb and rebooted hehe16:46
richardcavellJeZ-l-Lee: Next release is in October 200916:46
sid_Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15 in jaunty and am able to pair the device using blueman... But cant see the sound stream in Pulse..16:46
grawityrichardcavell: Probably. I cannot ssh without knowing an existing username/password.16:47
uefgihi, using ubuntu netbook remix with maximus, whenever i maximize a java window, it turns grey. when i unmaximize it again, the content returns. how to fix this?16:47
Halitechlimpc, I also use debian lenny with XFCE, I find too much bloat in most of the newer releases of Ubuntu16:47
praetIs there a simple way to remove the extra config/services/etc files when you uninstall a package?16:47
* arthurL is away: I may or may not actually be away...16:47
limpcHalitech: yep, xfce rocks. faster than gnome too.16:47
gartralrichardcavell: your putter runs an OS? that must be a nice golfing enhancer!16:47
elli222WOOT! i just compiled 0 A.D!16:47
praetfor example: if i uninstall amavis, there still remains an amavis init script16:47
azlongartral: no, the one on my eth1 is only connected to this computer and two other windows based computers (which have no other connections). the one on the wlan0 is going straight to the internet, nothing else on my other router16:48
leaf-sheeppraet: Use purge option instead of remove. However, you'll have to remove the folder manually in your $HOME directory.  Really, you have rooms. Don't bother, I suppose.16:48
elli222Now, on a side note, please stop changing the names of libraries. it breaks things.16:48
Halitechlimpc, only thing I don't like is the lack of networking support like nautilus has16:48
limpcHalitech: admittedly, i was using gnome at the time.  however im directly comparing gnome on 32 and 64 bit kernels. just ran very slow on 64 compared to 32.  was a fresh install and i wasnt using compiz so was definitely something somewhere in the default install16:48
Pici!away > arthurL16:48
ubottuarthurL, please see my private message16:48
praetthanks leaf-sheep16:48
loserHello, I have a noob question. I somehow lost my Shutdown button, in the QUIT window. How do i get it back?16:48
Halitechlimpc, something running extra causing issues for you16:49
limpcHalitech: xfce includes gnome apps. you can run nautilus16:49
grawitylimpc: One thing I hate about Xfce is its thunar-volman. I have my ~/.gnupg on an USB drive (symlinked). On GNOME, I can specify the default umask for gnome-volume-manager. On Xfce I can't, and thunar-volman mounts my flashdrive with umask 000 - so all files have perms 0777, and GnuPG breaks.16:49
gartralazlon: mmmk... im not sure how, but you need too specify that the Internet is only reachable over wlan0... by default the system will try and use an ethX connection over a wlanX connection16:49
grawitylimpc: So I'm now using GNOME with Xfwm4 :)16:49
zenlunaticloser, right click on the panel and add, then user switcher16:50
limpcgrawity: :) im still waiting for xfce to allow drag-and-drop of app menu items to the panels :P16:50
azlongartral: hrmm... i will google some more... let me know if you think of anything16:50
sid_Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15 in jaunty and am able to pair the device using blueman... But cant see the sound stream in Pulse..16:50
loserI aprecciate that16:50
Halitechlimpc, I know I can run gnome (or kde) apps but I don't want to add a bunch of gnome dependencies and 90percent of the time I don't have any computers to connect to so I just use thumb drives to transfer files16:50
=== Eisenhowerz is now known as Eisenhower
redzenbonjour à tous16:50
grawitylimpc: Ever tried using gnome panels instead?16:51
bazhangredzen, #ubuntu-fr pour francais16:51
limpcgrawity: nope, didnt know you could.16:51
mun24how to configure wpa-psk on the wifi card16:51
grawitylimpc: I don't know that either. (Probably not.)16:51
DasEirichardcavell: http://stebalien.com/2009/05/grdc-very-good-graphical-vnc-viewer-for.html16:51
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 mun2416:51
limpcgrawity: would make sense that you cant, considering the panels are an extension of the windowmanager, not separate apps16:52
grawitylimpc: But then, why does GNOME (along with its panels) work with Xfwm4, Xfce's window manager?16:52
uefgihi, using ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 with maximus, whenever i maximize a java window, it turns grey. when i unmaximize it again, the content returns. is there a way to fix this?16:53
limpcgrawity: no idea lol. i havent used xfwm4 actually.  im checking it out now tho ;)16:53
DasEirichardcavell: what do you think of it ?16:53
richardcavellDasEi: I guess it looks good, but I'm keen to keep things simple16:54
sid_Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15 in jaunty and am able to pair the device using blueman... But cant see the sound stream in Pulse..16:54
th0rgrawity: the desktop and the wm are two different things, you can run xfwm4 in gnome and get all the gnome functions, but you can't run all gnome items in xfce416:54
DasEirichardcavell: that seems very simple to me16:54
richardcavellDasEi: Perhaps. I still need to learn how to do all this16:55
coldbootI upgraded to 9.04, and X just hangs: http://superuser.com/questions/7206/upgrading-ubuntu-to-9-04-breaks-ati-video-card-driver-vesa-and-ati-radeon-driv16:55
coldbootDoes anyone know how to get X working in Jaunty with an ATI card?16:55
ThreetimesHi, I have 2 different-sized screens. 1440*900 and 1024*768. How do I use both at the highest resolution?16:55
ThreetimesOh, and I use compiz.16:56
dnielsencoldboot: you install it, you boot it up and voila16:56
gartralcoldboot: not a whole lot of info there, like, what card specifically?16:56
DasEirichardcavell: I'd like to try that, so if you want, open a pm and lets try to connect16:56
coldbootgartral: http://superuser.com/questions/7206/upgrading-ubuntu-to-9-04-breaks-ati-video-card-driver-vesa-and-ati-radeon-driv16:56
Threetimescoldboot: download and install the latest drivers from ati16:57
coldbootalready did16:57
Threetimeswhat version?16:57
coldbootdoesnt hang, but shows blank screen16:57
Threetimesand what card?16:57
gartralcoldboot: what card... please answer my question16:57
cfmcoldboot: "This site is currently in private beta testing"16:57
coldbootlook at the link16:57
ThreetimesI use 9.4 with a HD 2600XT16:57
coldbootah crap16:57
Trek222could any of yall help me set up my sixaxis controller for xubuntu on my ps316:58
gartralcoldboot: the link isnt working, please, just answer my question16:58
Trek222tried like 3 guides16:58
coldboothd 2400 xt16:58
Threetimescoldboot: you might try this: http://peter-server.homelinux.net/fxglrx/16:58
Threetimesthat's exactly what i'm using atm.16:58
ThreetimesHi, I have 2 different-sized screens. 1440*900 and 1024*768. How do I use both at the highest resolution? I use compiz.16:58
coldbootthreetimes why that version? what version of ubuntu?16:59
coldbootsorry guys im typing on a stupid netbook, its impossible to type on this16:59
gartralcoldboot: the easy way would be to back up your ./home dir and do a clean install16:59
TetracommLawd, poor coldboot.16:59
=== Tetracomm is now known as fuzzyboot
coldbootmy card is an rv610 radeon hd 1400 xt17:00
JoeKerris it normal for ubuntu to be so hard to connect to a network?17:00
coldbootubutnu needs to test the fglrx driver with new kernels before forcing upgrades, this is absurd17:00
fragalotcoldboot: you're absurd.17:00
fragalotThat is all *retreats back to his cave*17:01
coldbootfor several years, after ubuntu updates, my fglrx driver breaks17:01
coldbootalmost every single time17:01
=== gorgut_at_lunch is now known as gorgut
[Behemoth]SDKHi everyone! I am a total newbie to Linux, will install ubuntu and wanna know what the most important issues are for running smooth and avoiding just sitting gazing at the screen with no idea how to fix it :)17:01
[Behemoth]SDKAlthough I´ve used debian before, didn´t work out well17:01
Halitechcoldboot, no one forces you to upgrade17:01
gartralcoldboot: file a bug report/go raise point in #ubuntu-dev.. but keep in mind, the ATI drivers are inherently broken for all linux oses17:02
Halitech[Behemoth]SDK, have a second system around so you can google things17:02
[Behemoth]SDKHalitech: for example one XP partition and one ubuntu?17:02
coldbootI can17:03
[Behemoth]SDKHalitech: Do I have to code a few lines or so when I use ubuntu?17:03
coldbootI cant even get vesa, ati, or radeon to work, they all hang the system17:03
coldbootthey all hang when i start x17:03
coldbootis there any way to downgrade back to 8.10?17:03
grawity[Behemoth]SDK: Ubuntu is a Linux OS, so you will need to type a few commands to the Terminal once in a while, but that shouldn't happen often. It isn't programming either.17:04
Halitech[Behemoth]SDK, thats an option although I find having a second system you can use while having the non-working system up to be better ... and no, no coing required but might need to use the terminal to fix a few issues17:04
FeasibilityStudyOK I installed FF 3.5.1 via Ubuntuzilla.  However, Flash is not being recognized.  Do I need to put the Flash binary in a different location?  It's currently in ~.mozilla/plugins17:05
lavidahave someone alfa awus 036H to work nice with ubuntu driver?17:05
lavidawireless card17:05
lavidaanyone use alfa wireless card?17:05
brueniglavida: calm down17:05
gartralcoldboot: also, the hd cards have toruble lately because ATI refuses to impliment the hdmi controller for the linux drivers.. but this is OT here17:05
nhooeyI'm also coldboot17:05
rmoraleshi can someone help me with ubuntu stududio qsynth is not working17:05
nhooeyGot irssi working on my machine now. Can type properly finally.17:05
mun24how to use wpa_supplicant ?17:05
bruenig!ot | nhooey17:06
ubottunhooey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:06
nhooeyYeah I actually used to work on the ATI Linux driver team when I was in university.17:06
nhooeyTheir driver was crap then, and it's just as crap now.17:06
bruenig!wpa | mun2417:06
ubottumun24: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:06
nhooeyTheir linux support will always be awful, because they don't really care.17:06
what_ifcan anyone recommend an http server that I can start standalone (no inetd) and run as user on unprivilaged port? On with No CGI support and directory listing? Apache and others are overkill. I'm sharing a dozen files on a lan.17:06
nhooeyI'm at work, though, and they bought crappy dell machines with ATI cards in them.17:06
[Behemoth]SDKGraviton & Halitech: Oh ok, I found a swedish book on ubuntu on a swedish site, would it be worth to put like 35 bucks in 250 pages before using ubuntu? What language is the code in the terminal?17:06
sid_Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15 in jaunty and am able to pair the device using blueman... But cant see the sound stream in Pulse..17:06
sagredoholler #ubuntu17:06
bruenigwhat_if: lighttpd is probably the best for what you are looking for17:06
gartralwhat_if: dir2html17:06
grawitywhat_if: How about thttpd?17:07
gartral!info dir2html | what_if17:07
ubottuwhat_if: Package dir2html does not exist in jaunty17:07
what_iflol, ty. Will look at those 317:07
what_ifhmmm... those 217:07
* grawity wouldn't call lighttpd "light", tbh17:07
grawitywhat_if: There's also nginx17:07
Halitech[Behemoth]SDK, depends on what you set your default locale to17:08
archmanis there a gftp irc channel?17:08
[Behemoth]SDKHalitech: whats the "default locale"? Sorry if I ask stupid questions :(17:08
ackbahrWhat's the syntax if I have a file containing a list of packages and for each of them I want the result of apt-cache search?17:08
gartralwhat_if: lighttpd requires privleged port, IIRC17:08
sid_Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15 in jaunty and am able to pair the device using blueman... But cant see the sound stream in Pulse. any help appreciated guys17:08
what_ifgardar: ty.... thats one of the main issues17:09
Halitech[Behemoth]SDK, the default locale is where you tell the installer you live and its sets the language, etc17:09
grawitygartral, what_if: lighttpd, like any other webserver, can bind to any port you want. I have it on :808017:09
sagredocan someone help me fsck my usb harddrive that is formated "HPFS/NTFS"17:09
sagredoaka /dev/sdb117:09
FeasibilityStudyAnyone else had trouble with Flash on FF 3.5.1?17:10
stewart_whats the best way to stop a process from running at startup?17:10
sagredoI umount'd it, and now when I cycle the usb connection the icon/drive is not recognized by ubuntu17:10
grawitysagredo: It's probably NTFS (as HPFS is not used anymore), so you'll need either a) Windows, or b) ntfsprogs package.17:10
gartralstewart_: blacklist17:10
sagredograwity: what is ntfsprogs?17:10
stewart_gartral:  is that a command?17:10
nhooeygartral: What do you think might be wrong if Xorg is hanging whenever I use vesa or ati/radeon?17:10
grawitysagredo: It's an Ubuntu package that contains various NTFS utilities, including (I think) fsck.ntfs17:11
nhooeyIs there any way you can downgrade Ubuntu from 9.04 to 8.10?17:11
grawitysagredo: Install it from the terminal (apt-get install ntfsprogs) or Synaptic.17:11
Picinhooey: No, that is not supported.17:11
gartralnhooey: again, your BEST shot at repairing the system is to !clean install17:11
sagredograwity: thanks my friend17:12
grooveriderAnyone here running ubuntu on a macbook?17:12
blackgraznhooey: just reinstall 8.10 and dont format your / partition17:12
grooveriderJust wondering how the suspend on lid shut performs in comparison to OS X17:12
sid_Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15 in jaunty and am able to pair the device using blueman... But cant see the sound stream in Pulse. any help appreciated guys17:12
gartralgrooverider: ive had a bit of experience with installing Ubuntu (and slack) onto macs, whats your prob?17:12
ThreetimesHi, I have 2 different-sized screens. 1440*900 and 1024*768. How do I use both at the highest resolution? I use compiz.17:13
=== K-Zodron| is now known as K-Zodron
gartralblackgraz nhooey WOAW! BAD idea!17:13
grooveridergartral: No problem really, just thinking about dumping OS X entirely. But want to make sure the suspend stuff works as well as OS X.17:14
blackgrazwouldnt hurt anything more17:14
sagredograwity: any idea what to do with this package now?17:14
sagredograwity: I'm running through the mans but no bright ideas17:14
gartralgrooverider: is it an NVidia pwered mac?17:14
stewart_how do i blacklist a process from starting at boot?17:15
grooveridergartral: I think it's got the intel video chipset- it's a white macbook 2,1.17:15
gartralgrooverider: in mac go too Apple menu>About This mac.. if its an NVidia based mac, it will show there..17:16
grooveriderIt's not nvidia based17:16
linduxedafter reboot, i have no network interfaces17:16
linduxedi've tried checking if it has something to do with the kernel, but the problem persists on both the kernel that worked an hour ago and on the current one17:16
=== monika is now known as Guest76550
gartralgrooverider: your all good, when you go too install, hold option+C at boot with the Ubuntu disk in the drive too have the system start from the cd17:17
=== Odin is now known as Guest9575
lavidadoes anyone have problem to use alfa wireless card with ubuntu driver17:17
lavidadoes anyone have problem with ubuntu rtl driver17:18
linduxedif it is of any help it happened the reboot after an update that wanted me to reboot17:18
linduxedprobably because of the kernel17:18
linduxedheaders and stuff17:18
gartrallavida: i cant find anything specific too that manufactuer, can you run lspci | grep wireless17:18
=== Guest9575 is now known as th0r
rufensisAnyone have time for a bizarre audio problem on an HP dv 7 running 8.04?  The sound on occasion and for no easily identifiable reason suddenly starts to sound distorted, choppy, and almost slowed down.  It does this on all video, audio, mp3, flash, avi.17:19
ThreetimesHi, I have 2 different-sized screens. 1440*900 and 1024*768. How do I use both at the highest resolution? I use compiz.17:19
gartralrufensis: that sounds like ALSA not having a high enough prioity, either go about finding how to elevate its priority on boot, or simply install OSS17:20
gartralThreetimes: what kind of gfx card?17:20
rufensisgatral: what is oss?17:20
gartral!oss | rufensis17:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oss17:20
gartral!info oss | rufensis17:20
ubotturufensis: Package oss does not exist in jaunty17:20
gartralwho removed the OSS factoid?!?17:21
branohi there. I have a problem with write permissions. When I create directory with php function mkdir('dirpath', 0777); , that folder is NOT world writable as it should be, even the rights are set to 777 when creating the directory. The directory is only writable if I run $ sudo chmod -R 777 directory. Any ideas how can I solve this problem? How can I make wordl writable directory with php?17:21
leaf-sheepgartral: You sure you had a right commend?17:22
gartralrufensis: OSS is the Open Sound System, supposedly depreciated by pulse, but i feel pulse is the *most* buggy sound server availible, oss seems too have the lowest overhead on proccessing and at least in my system, is the only sound system that plays real time17:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about OSS17:22
gartralleaf-sheep: yep17:22
rufensisgartal: thanks.  i agree with your pulse comments.  i think i'll try to elevate alsa and then check out oss17:23
BromaxSuxbrano: this is more of a php question but i belive the problem is that the php/apache user hasnt got the permission to write?17:23
J_LitewskiHow would I execute a shell script ONLY in the terminal?17:24
gartralrufensis: dont get me wrong, on many systems, pulse is great, if a bit bloated, but there are better ways... (JACK + OSS/ALSA/ESD can do the same things pulse can)17:25
stewart_how do i stop programs from loading at startup ubuntu17:25
branoBromaxSux: but I do not understand why it's not world writable, because I run xampp with root privileges... I think this is problem with ubuntu ... I am using xampp and in archlinux everything worked well...17:26
rufensisgartral: are other linux distros using pulse yet?17:26
toniiMandriva is17:27
fragalotGentoo can be. if you set it up that way17:27
gartralrufensis: i dont know, im pretty sure mandriva is, and i think fedora is, but im not certain17:27
eirikbHello. Is there some way to select workspace with my mouse more easily? (Like onOSX 10.5 you can move your mouse down to a corner and get a simple GUI for selecting workspace).17:27
awakehow can i delete a shortcut i made in /usr/share/applications17:28
negledabsif desktop effects are enabled, the scrollwheel will change back and forth17:28
awakeit says permission denied17:28
J_LitewskiI made a shell script that only works corectly if it's run in the terminal. How would I force it to always run in a terminal if you double click it?17:28
gartraleirikb: with compiz your scroll wheel on the desktop will flip workspaces17:28
eirikbgartral: I don't use compiz17:28
eirikbgartral: Oh it works without compiz also17:29
gartraleirikb: your SOL AFAIK.. :/17:29
gartraleirikb: ohh, goody! :P17:29
eirikbgartral: Although, with my 9 workspaces it's not a optimal solution17:29
eirikbI've heard there should be something mac-lookalike, but I haven't found17:29
gartraleirikb: 9!?! why does ANYONE need 9 workspaces?17:29
revygttameirikb, cant you just use the workplace switcher on the panel?17:30
awakenvm i found out17:30
etrcapi can see my real name when i right click it (in xchat) ! how do  i change this?17:30
branoeirikb: screenlets does have nice workspace switcher also if you do not like workspace switcher in gnome panel17:30
eirikbgartral: Oh you know, one for terminal remote, one for firefox, one for NetBeans, one for Textfiles(docs), one for Terminal local, one for music, one for pgadmin and other tools, and two to go :D17:30
BromaxSuxbrano: instead of the php function mkdir(), try to shell execute with `mkdir()` and see if this yields the desired result17:31
gartraleirikb: really... i mean, in BeOS/Haiku it can be considered usefull cause you can run each workspace at different res/bit depths and such.. but 9 in Gnome is.. just a waste17:31
soreauetrcap: XChat>Network List17:31
branoBromaxSux: i'll try it17:31
eirikbgartral: Why? I think it works nice17:31
petxhi all... I try to install flash player on firefox...17:31
soreauetrcap: There in the Real Name field17:31
gartraleirikb: look at your RAM...17:31
petxhi all... I try to install flash player on firefox...any idea??17:31
etrcapsoreau what about my ip do i need a proxy?17:31
eirikbgartral: It's either 4 or 9. My 16 gig of ram don't care ;)17:32
gartral!flash | petx17:32
ubottupetx: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:32
soreauetrcap: Not if you don't have a proxy and it's already working17:32
branoi have also 9 workspaces and i don't find them as a waste17:32
gartraleirikb: ok.. well.. on aa workstation like your maybe...17:32
etrcapsoreau: i dont have a proxy; everyone can see my ip. how do i change  this?17:32
soreauetrcap: I have no idea17:33
eirikbgartral: I would probably have 9 on a less powerfull one too. As I said, it's 9 or 4, I'll go with 917:33
eirikbbrano: How does it work?17:34
eirikbbrano: The point is that I want to change workspace with my mouse, without having to do precision work on my gnome panel17:35
Halitecheirikb, putting my mouse in an empty space and moving the scroll wheel changes mine17:35
eirikbHalitech: Empty space?17:36
eirikbAh inside the "workspace"-box?17:36
Halitecheirikb, someplace that isnt covered by an application on the desktop17:36
revygttamHalitech, isnt that compoiz that lets you do that?17:36
eirikbIt seems I can't do that17:36
Halitechrevygttam, I don't use compiz17:36
Halitechmaybe its an XFCE thing17:37
branoeirikb: so you can install compiz fusion and use expose if you'd like to see all workspaces when you move cursor to the corner... or you can install screenlets (from repositories) and have a workspace switcher of size that you want... that widget is called pager17:37
revygttamHalitech, i know i can do the thing. Im just thought that was part of compiz. eirikb, check desktop effects in appearance17:37
Halitechrevygttam, it might be on gnome17:38
eirikbrevygttam: I'm not using compiz no17:38
eirikbbrano: So using compiz is the best way?17:38
uefgihi, using ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 with maximus, whenever i maximize a java window, it turns grey. when i unmaximize it again, the content returns. is there a way to fix this?17:38
eirikbbrano: I had a look at pager, it's not very helpful17:39
hendracengalajoin java17:39
Halitechuefgi, dont maximize?17:39
uefgiHalitech: that's not a solution.17:40
grickhello everybody, a simple question: firefox will be officially upgraded ( one day ) to 3.5.x version or i have to manually do it?17:40
Invitado05somebody help me17:40
branoyes, using compiz is the best way how to switch workspaces with mouse.. even i don't have compiz installed... I preffer switching workspaces with keyboard17:40
Halitechuefgi, if it stops the window from going grey it is, just not the solution you were looking for17:41
eirikbbrano: Yeah me too, but sometimes I'm on my mouse, and I rememeber those days of Leopard :P17:41
goldbondis anyone around with Tomcat experience? we are experienceing some troubles with the default policies with the ubuntu packaged tomcat.17:41
Invitado05I cant find out how to configure server at evolution17:41
eirikbWell thanks for help. Bye17:41
Invitado05I have hotmail acount17:41
branoeirikb: :D I see... expose is a nice function :D in kubuntu you can use that function also without compiz... (: but not in gnome... :-(17:42
zortecmorning ubuntu, I have ubuntu and windows installed right now but I want to format the xp partition and reinstall, is that going to create any problems with ubuntu?17:42
grawityIt shouldn't.17:42
rakudavegrick: will probably not happen. they didn't update openoffice3 last time...17:42
Halitechzortec, you'll need to reinstall grub17:43
grawity!ff35 | grick17:43
ubottugrick: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY17:43
zortecgrawity: It is a dual boot system, so both windows and ubuntu would be residing on that main partition I believe...17:43
Invitado05somebody know the route at server name for hotmail account?17:43
zortecThat is why I would like to be careful.17:43
zortecHalitech: I just don't want to lose all my ubuntu files17:43
grawityzortec: Two OSes on a single partition is a quite rare thing. Try the command "sudo fdisk -l" and see what it prints.17:44
gnubieInvitado05; http://www.linuxcompatible.org/getting_hotmail_with_evolution_mail_t31060.html17:44
richardcavellDesai, where'd you go?  My Net dropped out, sorry.17:44
Halitechzortec, as long as you pick the right partition you should be fine but backup Backup BACKUP before you do anything17:44
zortec/dev/sda - NTFS and /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda3 - Linux17:45
zorteccan I format within ubuntu my windows partition before I reinstall? have never done that before17:45
grickgrawity, rakudave: thanks, but i'm using 8.10 yet, i will manually upgrade it then17:46
cdw32hello! Could anyone tell me a good music dl program to use with ubuntu?17:46
grawitygrick: Get the Ubuntuzilla tool.17:46
grawityzortec: sure, just backup all your files from the NTFS partition.17:46
Fougnercdw32, dl program? torrent?17:46
DasEizortec: install ntfsprograms, then gparted will17:46
grawityzortec: I guess you'll need ntfsprogs and gparted17:46
sid_Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15 in jaunty and am able to pair the device using blueman... But cant see the sound stream in Pulse. any help appreciated guys17:46
grawityDasEi: progs*17:46
DasEizortec: install ntfsprogs , corrrect packagename, thanks grawity17:48
kjartan_anyone here using uBuntu 9.04?17:48
Fougnerkjartan_, yep17:48
grawitykjartan_: Most of us are.17:48
kjartan_have you noticed the new volume and network indicator, it is also used in Mint 717:48
chris0I'm on Windows Vista and I hate Ubuntu but I'm on here anyway :D17:48
zortecDasEi: I just installed it through aptitude17:48
kjartan_it's black with a white stripe17:49
cdw32im still using heron, i cant upgrade to jaunty17:49
Fougnerchris0, that's rude =(17:49
zortecDasEi: Is there a guide on how to do this? First time17:49
kjartan_and it is displayed when changing the volume and pops up in the right top corner17:49
DasEizortec: same with gparted, if not done, then can format17:49
chris0Fougner: sry...trying to be funny...failed attempt17:49
Fougnerchris0, tell us some windows jokes instead17:49
HalitechFougner, windows is a joke all on its own17:50
DasEizortec: you can handle windows diskmanagement ? gparted is very intuitive, too17:50
zortecDasEi: Can you also use fdisk to wipe a partition17:50
FougnerHalitech, good one17:50
erxini cant change my VNC port in ubuntu, i tried from gconf-editor and restart my pc but no effect17:50
grawityHalitech: Micros~117:50
Fougnerlinux = beautiful17:50
StupidWeaselheh heh yea it can be =317:51
chris0Fougner: amen17:51
dgoldsteinhi, i'm having trouble with a cli-powerpc install of ubuntu i can start it up with yaboot fine but it will not let me log in17:51
cdw32i forgot oabout the torrent program17:51
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viseThough i seriously think it's time for a new os where everything is by a single group from scratch...17:51
cdw32does anyone know of a good torrent site17:51
grawitycdw32: http://www.google.com/17:51
kjartan_anyone know how to get the old volume indicator?17:52
visecdw32, www.torrentz.com17:52
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cdw32many thanks17:52
visekjartan_, Right click panel, add to panel and find it17:52
DasEizortec: format or wipe ? fsik-linux is for doing partition, mkfs is what you (wanted) use gparted17:52
Halitech!ot > cdw3217:52
ubottucdw32, please see my private message17:52
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zortecDasEi: I want to wipe what is on my ntfs partition and reinstall the OS17:53
zortecDasEi: hopefully that makes more sense17:53
kjartan_no, I am not trying to change the icon in the corner17:53
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grawityzortec: Do you want it to be a Windows or Linux partition?17:53
visekjartan_, Then?17:54
DasEizortec: then wipe is your candiate, man wipe in trml17:54
cdw32is it worth upgrading from hardy to jaunty?17:54
zortecgrawity: I want it to be a Windows partition alongside the Linux partition for a dual boot system again, so really I just want a clean partition to install Windows17:54
zortecgrawity, DasEi: Sorry if I'm confusing you guys17:54
visecdw32, yes17:54
=== Odin is now known as Guest30143
kjartan_when I change the volume on my computer, there is an black boks with a white line, its kinda like an volume indicator17:54
cdw32umm how excatyl do i go about that vise17:55
DasEizortec: I'm so by default, nvm17:55
grawityzortec: Actually, the Windows installer can already do it -- but from Linux, the best option is to use gparted17:55
visecdw32, Your native update manager? i am not sure if it's possible.. so any one?17:55
visekjartan_, Try changing your theme17:55
zortecgrawity: Would it be better to do it from the Windows installer or Linux? I thought since I was booted into Linux, could just handle the job here17:56
marc1I've done my first ubuntu installation, every thing is ok except the sound, my acer 6920g laptop does not produce any sound.17:56
Halitechcdw32, you would need to go to interpid first then to jaunty17:56
cdw32Halitech, thanks. would you be able to point me in the right direction on how to start that process17:57
grawityzortec: It's probably the same.17:57
Halitechcdw32, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1214774&highlight=upgrade+hardy17:58
zortecgrawity: Ok, how do I go about reinstalling GRUB since that will be the next step?17:58
marc1i'm coming from windoze do i don't know where i can find the drivers' list17:58
kjartan_that is link to the new version17:58
cdw32thanks halitech17:58
kjartan_called Jaunty Jackalope17:58
Halitechcdw32, look at post 8 by bodhi17:58
grawityzortec: That I don't know :( I installed Windows first.17:58
DasEi!grub | zortec17:58
ubottuzortec: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:58
kjartan_and its most notiseble change is the notifcation system17:58
kjartan_but i quite like the old notification system17:59
StupendoussteveAh yes, libnotify17:59
kjartan_any ideas how to get the old one?17:59
marc1i'm under jaunty17:59
StupendoussteveMakes it a lot like growl in os x, except no configuration17:59
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cdw32Many thanks halitech..i really have no idea how to get around linux17:59
DasEizortec: or google super-grub-disk, if grub was installed before17:59
grawityHow come I don't have that on Ubuntu :/17:59
grawityProbably removed too much that time.17:59
Stupendousstevekjartan_: There are howtos on the forum17:59
michael__Hi guys - having issues getting pam_krb5 to work under jaunty, is this the right place to get some help?18:00
studentzI want to buy a Laptop DELL XPS M1330 U.S with Ubuntu installed. But the only color they have for Ubuntu is pink! I want to support Ubuntu But pink is not my color suggestions?18:00
Halitechcdw32, np, we all started at the same place18:00
Stupendousstevestudentz: The hardware should be the same on other colors. If you have a blank CD you can download ubuntu18:00
stefgmichael__: you might want ask in #ubuntu-server (too)18:01
grawitymichael__: What is the problem?18:01
studentzStupendoussteve  the other colors comes with windows :(18:01
armadaI instaled xubuntu in safe graphic mode and now I can't get out of it18:01
armadaany help ?18:01
armadaplease I'm stuck with a little screen :(18:02
zortecI think I have all the information I need.  Thanks guys, one last thing... what do you suggest for backup solutions? I don't want to keep all the data as most programs I'll just redownload18:02
Halitecharmada, what kind of laptop and what type of video card?18:02
pehdenctrl-F1 :Ctrl-C18:02
michael__I can get tickets fine with kinit but when I try to log in (locally) I get a ticket issued (i.e. I get the "your password will expire in X days" msg) but then authentication failed.18:02
stefgarmada: what does lspci | grep VGA tell you about your video hardware?18:02
Stupendousstevezortec: Offsite or same drive?18:02
Stupendousstevezortec: For offsite, SpiderOak is reasonable and works on ubuntu18:02
armadaits a compaq armada with a intel video card Halitech18:02
armadacompaq armada 11018:03
michael__auth.log gives "Server not found in kerberos db"18:03
studentzStupendoussteve Dell is not being nice with Ubuntu...18:03
zortecStupendoussteve: I'm thinking offsite or maybe just copy the files over to a CD-RW18:03
wildc4rdafternoon all18:03
pehdeninstall ubuntu-desktop then remove gnome18:03
armadastefg,  didn't understand u :(18:03
grawitymichael__: Does it have a host principal in the Kerberos server?18:04
cdw32halitech, i do not think it worked18:04
Stupendousstevezortec: For the same drive, backintime is a nice gui, http://backintime.le-web.org/18:04
Stupendoussteve(or different drive same system)18:04
stefgarmada: open a terminal and enter 'lspci | grep VGA' . That will tell you what graphic chip you have18:04
StupendoussteveFor CD/DVD the normal burning software can work18:04
Halitecharmada, I hope you have more then the base amount of ram, 64meg won't cut it18:04
michael__grawity: it does not, I was assuming since I was getting tickets this wasn't the issue18:04
Halitechcdw32, what didn't work?18:05
armadaHalitech,  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade i1 (rev 6a)18:05
grawitymichael__: I'm not very experienced with Kerberos... so this is just a random suggestion.18:05
grawitymichael__: Also, does the system have proper reverse DNS? (Random suggestion too.)18:05
Halitecharmada, gonna need to really mess around with xorg.conf, let me see if I can find what you need18:06
daishadarhow do i set unattended-upgrades to automatically upgrade *all* packages, not just those from the security or updates repos?18:06
cdw32halitech, the update manager, i am trying another approch tho18:06
armadaty Halitech18:06
Halitechcdw32, it should take a while to run18:06
armadai would really aprecciate it Halitech18:07
michael__grawity: have not checked on reverse DNS, why would this be important?18:07
Halitecharmada, not the thread I was thinking of but this should have it, look at post 2 ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1199881&highlight=cyberblade18:07
stefgarmada: while you wait you could run 'free -m' and tell us how much RAM you have18:07
unkohey guys i accidentaly ran this command: gconftool-2 --type=list --list-type=string --set /desktop/gnome/session/required_components_list '[windowmanager,filemanager]'  how do i reinstall the panel?18:08
cdw32halitech, i ran the update manager like the forum said, but not avail....nothing happened18:08
grawitymichael__: Kerberos sometimes requires the reverse DNS.18:08
Halitechcdw32, did you do it as sudo?18:08
armada  total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached18:08
armadaMem:           363        340         22          0         10        15718:08
armada-/+ buffers/cache:        173        19018:08
armadaSwap:          454          3        45118:08
FloodBot2armada: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
cdw32in terminal18:08
armadathat Halitech18:08
KingSteve032mt screen keep giving me random colers18:08
armadasorry :$18:09
Halitecharmada, looks like you only have 1meg going to the video card18:09
Halitechcdw32, in the terminal or alt F218:09
michael__grawity: hmm, will look into it18:10
armadaHalitech,  how do I change that?18:10
cdw32yeah, the update manager opened, ran, but nothing happened....how do i check my current version?18:10
Halitecharmada, thats not the post I thought it was, give me a second18:10
armadaoki Halitech18:10
KingSteve032can i disable my video card at the boot18:10
KingSteve032my video card is crap18:10
KingSteve032ans i think it is keeping ubuntu from ooting18:11
cdw32halitech, maybe i have it the updated verson, and i just do not know it...?18:11
Halitechcdw32, possible18:12
armadaHalitech,  do u think that normal ubuntu fix the problem?18:12
diddy Is there a way to keep the table headers when using a pager? For instance the output of lsof | less is so long that it scrolls off the screen and I forget which column means what.18:12
oskar-KingSteve032:  do you want to use it, once the system has booted? if not, i would suggest to remove it physically ;)18:12
Halitecharmada, what do you mean by normal ubuntu?18:12
armadai'm running xubuntu18:12
armadathe Ubuntu18:12
KingSteve032i cant remove it physically because it is intagrated18:12
cdw32halitech, is there a way to check what version i am currently running?18:13
elad`Flash performance and compatibility is quite abysmal for me, on a very strong computer, with the default 9.04 installation. Is there anything proprietary I might go for?18:13
sagredois there a program in linux for chkdsk18:13
Halitecharmada, with a P3 850 and 384meg of ram, I wouldn't go ubuntu ... look here for a copy of my xorg.conf file http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7091258&postcount=1318:13
sagredoI tried using ntfsfix in the ntfsprogs package but it told me to run chkdsk18:13
stefgarmada: the base system is the same, so another desktop environment won't change anything18:13
MrPiracyi can't get back into ubuntu after i ran this command: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx18:13
MrPiracywould anyone help me please?18:14
oskar-KingSteve032:  then there probably is a bios setup option to disable it (?)18:14
Halitechcdw32, there is but I cant think of the top of my head ....  should be something under system ?? about this computer/ubuntu18:14
gartral!helpme | MrPiracy18:14
ubottuMrPiracy: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:14
richardcavellhow do I get a message to appear with little arrows like above #ubuntu:[freenode-info]?18:14
cdw32halitech: 8.04, i found it...18:14
gartralMrPiracy: flgrx seems rather broken in linux... all linux oses suffer from dismal problems18:15
Halitechcdw32, then you should be able to upgrade to 8.10 and then 9.04 if you want so not sure why its not working ... do you have an intel video card?18:15
KingSteve032i dont see a bios set up18:15
cdw32halitech, i am not sure...18:15
FougnerMrPiracy, ctrl+alt+F418:16
Fougnerand you'll see a shell, hopefully18:16
MrPiracygartral, i was just thinking .... maybe i would just try to remove it from xorg.conf?18:16
KingSteve032fro disableing hardware18:16
Halitechcdw32, open a terminal and post the output of lspci | grep video18:16
qwyethKingSteve032: Do you have an add-on video card, or do you want to run the system headless? On most systems with integrated video, the onboard will be automatically disabled if there is an addon card detected18:16
FougnerMrPiracy, look after a backup of xorg.conf in the /etc/X11 dir18:16
KingSteve032its a laptop18:16
KingSteve032ibm thinkpad r4018:16
gartralMrPiracy: that might work.. I rund nvidia... so theres a different set of issues, and i cant really feild your problems well18:16
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MrPiracyFougner, gartral, ok, gonna try that, brb18:17
armadahow do I edit the file?18:17
lwellsHow do I install 32 bit software on Ubuntu 64?18:17
armadaHalitech, how do I edit the file?18:17
jriblwells: like?18:17
Fougnerarmada, use a texteditor? =)18:17
qwyethKingSteve032: I don't understand exactly what you want to disable...  The LCD?  Or the vga-out?18:18
KingSteve032the actualy video card18:18
lwellsI am trying to install the sdk for WebOS?18:18
Halitecharmada, gksudo mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:18
lwellsjrib: It is the sdk for the new palm os18:18
michael__grawity: I think I'm ok on the DNS front, have a fully qualified DNS name etc. I wonder if kinit doesn't bother with host principal checks whereas pam_krb5 does this by default and i need to tell it not to.18:18
Halitecharmada, I almost told you gedit but you have Xubuntu and gedit doesn't get installed18:19
qwyethKingSteve032: You mean the ATI Radeon Mobility 7500, right?18:19
KingSteve032pretty sure that is right18:19
cdw321Halitech: sorry about that...i am not sure what video card i have.18:19
gartralwhat is unattended-upgrade? theres no help file or man page18:20
qwyethKingSteve032: If you disable that you will have no video at all.  Are you sure that's what you want?  I wouldn't be surprised if there is no option for that in the BIOS because that would make the system unusable for most common purposes18:20
jriblwells: good luck.  Some libraries are in ia32-libs.  But I have no idea how the palm sdk works.  Worst case scenario, use chroot or virtualized system18:20
KingSteve032i dont care i have the video card disableed in windows18:20
gartralcdw321: lspci | grep VGA will tell you18:20
KingSteve032it works18:20
qwyethKingSteve032: Then what you disabled is the video acceleration software in Windows, but you're still using the card with a generic VGA driver18:21
cdw321gartral: i have no clue ehat that is... total noob18:21
lwellsjrib: Can you do --force architecture?18:21
Halitechcdw321, open a terminal and type in the command that gartral give you18:21
jriblwells: sure, you can try.  I would ask for support from palm though18:21
Halitechcdw321, then post the info back here18:21
gartralcdw321: its ok, we were all there once, open a terminal via Applications>accessories>Terminal and typ in lspci | grep VGA18:21
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.518:22
Fougnerpehden, anser from me with 8000ms delay18:22
armadaHalitech, now I just have to put that file like yours?18:22
qwyethKingSteve032: So are you unable to boot linux because of a suspected video card problem?  Why do you think it's the video card?18:22
Halitecharmada, that should work, yes and reboot18:22
pehdenthat seems to high18:22
cdw321Gartral: Halitech: ok one second18:22
Fougnerpehden, nope ;D18:22
KingSteve032well what happens is i can see the boot screen fine then when it getts to the log in screen i get random lines18:22
gartralKingSteve032: are you sure Ubuntu isn't just trying to use the onboard video card?18:22
qwyethgartral:  It's a laptop.  The 'onboard' is all there is.18:23
StupendousstevePING reply from pehden: 0.749 seconds, that's quick18:23
HalitechKingSteve032, that sounds more like just a driver issue18:23
gartralKingSteve032: what kind of gfx card? i get that once in a blue moon from my NVidia XFX GeForce 620018:23
KingSteve032the video card is crap i did some test on it and it failed 2 out of 3 test18:23
armadaHalitech,  i copy pasted it... is that ok?18:24
Halitecharmada, should be18:24
pehdeni have n620018:24
gartralqwyeth: ahh.. well. he *coud* be using one of this pcmcia cards, or a usb video card18:24
armadai'll reebot now, and then i'll tell u, many many thanks Halitech18:24
cdw321Gartral Halitech: it says command not found18:25
Halitecharmada, good luck and hopefully it works18:25
pehdenusb vidcard/Why would you want to use that?18:25
gartralcdw321: LSPCI in lower case :)18:25
qwyethKingSteve032: Check out this page... you may want to try the xorg.conf settings about two-thirds down the page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/ThinkpadR40-268118:25
gartralpehden: they are useful if you *need* 3 or more monitors18:25
og_having some trouble, trying to mount a software raid array made in XP. got mdadm, please see the following output http://pastebin.com/d2c57c60c I dunno whats using these devices, their not mounted, how can i find out?18:26
pehdenok, yea i see that point18:26
pehdenwho makes usb type though, ive never seen any18:26
og_also im not sure on the chunk size....18:27
gartralpehden: hold on, ill find an example18:27
Drakonichhi - why return remove driver network wi-fi18:27
GeorgeAScott1i'm looking for a ubuntu networking configuring guru..18:27
jrib!ask | GeorgeAScott118:27
ubottuGeorgeAScott1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:27
cdw321Gartral Halitech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220689/18:27
skellingtonhey guys. giving ubuntu another shot and i was wondering. where would my wireless driver be on my windows partition. im trying to configure ndis.18:27
Fougnerskellington, what wifi card?18:28
skellingtonatheros 570018:28
jrib!wifi | skellington18:28
ubottuskellington: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:28
Drakonichwith ndis driver trendnet no working18:28
Fougnerskellington, you should use latest ath5k18:28
jribskellington: check the wifi documentation first, it's unlikely you need ndiswrapper18:28
gartralpehden: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=USB+video+card&x=0&y=0 <- of course, im not sure if ANY work with ubuntu18:28
examancerthere is a replacement menu available that gets rid of the sperate "Applications Places System" menus and puts them all under a single menu18:28
GeorgeAScott1fine... do i need rsync-hal to fix my broken tethering setup?  i saw in the network tool a place for mobile broadband, but cant get it to work18:28
examancerI've installed it before but forgot what it was called18:28
examanceranyone know?18:29
Fougnerskellington, I've got atheros myself, pain in the ...18:29
og_how can i find out what is using a block device, the device is not mounted but mdadm is refusing to use the devices on the basis that they're 'busy'18:29
Fougnerexamancer, gnomenu?18:29
Halitechcdw321, lovely intel card18:29
Drakonichku ku18:29
Drakonichhelp plz18:29
cdw321halitech, that means what?18:29
revygttamI cant ping my server by hostname but can by IP.  How can i fix this?18:30
Halitechcdw321, seeing alot of issues with 9.04 and intel cards on the forum18:30
skellingtonfougner: agreed.18:30
Fougnerskellington, look here18:30
cdw321halitech: i see. so i should just wait for another LTS version to be released18:30
Fougnerskellington, http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download18:31
MrPiracygartral, it didn't work18:31
MrPiracygartral xorg.conf wasn't even touched18:31
Fougnerif you got kernel >= 2.6.27  download the stable package there18:31
Fougnerthen unpack, make, make install18:31
Drakonichwhy return, remove driver wi-fi rtl8180.ko18:31
gartralcdw321: i see alot of issues with that particular card cdw321 Halitech18:31
Fougneryou know what I mean?18:31
cdw321gartral: what kind of issues. bad ?18:32
gartralMrPiracy: looks like you ned too back up your ./home and reinstall18:32
joannethraxHey again.  I'm still not able to get sound to work on my new laptop.  Could someone please assist?18:32
skellingtonthanks fougner18:32
Fougnertell me if it works or not18:32
gartralcdw321: yea, but dont give up, ill keep looking18:32
KingSteve032i cant even look at the screen all it is is black with some random lines going through it18:32
MrPiracygartral, damn ... 4th time in one week :(18:32
FougnerMrPiracy, what are you doin with that computer anyway? ;)18:32
Halitechcdw321, I would wait and stay with whats working18:32
MrPiracygartral, i'll just try to remove that package from the command prompt18:32
FougnerMrPiracy, you have a ATI card?18:33
gartralMrPiracy: when i installed 8.10 on my desktop, i had to reinstall 8 times in a day!18:33
cdw321gartral: with my particular card, or the model in general18:33
pehdenpehden: test18:33
Halitechcdw321, intels in general right now18:33
MrPiracyFougner, i was trying to get secondlife running18:33
gartralcdw321: your card's model in general is just poorly supported18:33
cdw321Hlitech:: i think that is what i am going to do. i already had to send the computer back for repairs once...18:33
FougnerMrPiracy, do you know about envy?18:33
cdw321gartral: i see thanks18:34
Halitech!envy | Fougner18:34
ubottuFougner: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver18:34
MrPiracyFougner nope18:34
FougnerMrPiracy, Halitech just helped you then =)18:34
Fougneryou can run it from the shell18:34
hs1Hi, are there any repository with mono-2.4 for Jaunty?18:34
Fougnerand reinstall drivers and then run aticonfig18:34
examancerFougner: turns out its already installed. its called "Main Menu" and can be added to the panel, then you simply remove the "Menu Bar" which takes up more space18:34
examancerthanks anyways18:35
MrPiracyFougner, neat ... but i got to get into ubuntu first18:35
Fougnerexamancer, ok18:35
cdw321halitech: one more question. sometimes when i see the code, what is the line18:35
pehdeni got ubunutu runing icewm18:35
KingSteve032qwyeth i just need to disable the video card18:35
Fougnerwell, how long into boot do you go?18:35
Halitechcdw321, what code and what line?18:35
thomcI've put an rsync backup script in /etc/cron.daily; the script runs and new files are copied across, but for some reason the --delete option doesn't appear to work and deleted files are not removed from the backup. Any ideas?18:35
FougnerMrPiracy, is it a black screen where the login normally is?18:35
pehdenno got to figureout how to customize ice18:35
MrPiracyFougner, exactly18:35
MrPiracyFougner, and it's NVIDIA 8600gt, no ATI18:36
skellingtonhow do i get completely rid of an app without breaking gnome. im talking about evolution here.18:36
FougnerMrPiracy, aha18:36
cdw321halitech: like this: lspci | grep VGA  what is the line between ispci and grep18:36
Halitechcdw321, its called a "pipe" and should be just over your enter key18:37
FougnerMrPiracy, anyway, able to ctrl+alt+F4 when the black screen appears?18:37
qwyethKingSteve032: I'm not trying to be a dick, but you're wrong.  You probably can't disable the video card hardware, and if you could it wouldn't accomplish what you want.  When you "disable" it in Windows what you're actually doing is using a different driver, and that is probably the same thing you want to do in Linux.18:37
pehdenyou cant at least i couldnt get rid of evo18:37
resnoWhat is the best way to use webalizer to extract stats?18:37
KingSteve032thats what i want to do then18:37
gartralskellington: you cant, evolution is the main program your calender and mail core runs out of, you remove that, and you remove gnome, calender, mail, and todo listing capabilities18:37
cdw321halitech: io feel like an idiot....18:37
pehdenhow do i install a deb with out adding gnome stuff18:37
azlonis there any way to adjust the power of my wireless card?18:37
Halitechcdw321, don't, I had no idea what it was before I started using linux18:37
MrPiracyFougner, i tried to ctrl+alt+f4 from the command prompt i was at ... everything went black for a couple of minutes, so i rebooted and came back into XP18:38
qwyethKingSteve032: Are you working from a Live CD or an installed system?18:38
KingSteve032its on a usb18:38
cdw321halitech: does it have a funtion18:38
qwyethKingSteve032: Did you try the "Safe Graphics Mode" option on the boot menu?18:38
KingSteve032i used unetbootin18:38
Halitechcdw321, it tells the first command to do the second before giving you the output18:38
FougnerMrPiracy, you where at a command prompt?18:38
skellingtongartral: what a drag18:38
stefgazlon: man iwconfig18:38
gartralcdw321: yes, your pipe key is useful in many ways, just not in windows18:38
pupi happened to enter tty once, how do i get out of it back to the gnome gui? tried startx, din't work.18:39
MrPiracyFougner, yes, the recovery console18:39
gartralskellington: why does it matter, its only 30 some megs18:39
KingSteve032to install it18:39
Fougnerwell, did you try to install envy and run it?18:39
cdw321gartral; thanks, i will get the hang of this eventually!18:40
pehdenwhats a proccess manager the isnt gnome or kde or xfce18:40
qwyethKingSteve032: You should have a "Failsafe" mode on the GRUB boot menu.  Have you tried that?18:40
skellingtongartral: im a software snob. i only want what i explicitly installed to be on my computer18:40
KingSteve032how do i get to the grub menu18:40
DeannaT2pheden you can take xubuntu, its without gnome *think*18:40
pupi think i had pressed alt-ctrl-f418:40
stefg!info htop | pehden18:40
ubottupehden: htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.1-4ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 54 kB, installed size 196 kB18:40
roffehow do I edit xorg without doing it manually?18:40
MrPiracyFougner, can i install it from the console?18:41
qwyethKingSteve032: It's the menu where you pick whether you're booting to Ubuntu or Windows18:41
gartralskellington: and why dont you like evolution (other than its poor implimentation of GTK+)?18:41
qwyethKingSteve032: You may need to press Esc to access it18:41
MrPiracyFougner, i was thinking of deinstalling fglrx drivers18:41
pehdenhtop... is that in synaptic18:41
FougnerMrPiracy, yep, apt-get install envyng-core18:41
pehdenyep it is18:41
roffeI read xorg was possible to edit without opening xorg.conf in jaunty18:41
cdw321halitech and Gartral: Thanks for your time!!18:42
stefgpehden: yes, but it's a console app... similar to mc, but for processes18:42
gartralpehden: yes, alternativly, you can install it with sudo apt-get install htop for a terminal18:42
FougnerMrPiracy, okay, you could try, but it probably won't work18:42
MrPiracyFougner, so i'll be able to get back in business at least18:42
gartralcdw321: n problem, im sorry we couldnt resolve your issues18:42
MrPiracyFougner, why not? the xorg.conf file wasn't touched18:42
FougnerMrPiracy, hopefully. try install envyng and run it from the console.. isntall your prop drivers for nVidia graphics18:42
skellingtongartral: i dont dislike it. i just have no need for it.18:42
MrPiracyFougner, ok gonna try that, brb18:43
gorgutany ideas as to what might cause video card memory corruption and freezing?18:43
skellingtonalso, movie player. can i get rid of that?18:43
gartralskellington: ah well, I dont like apt- but i cant remove it18:43
roffeis it possible to edit xorg without opening up xorg.conf in gedit?18:43
majikmanwhy in the world do the people that packaged apache httpd deviate so far from apache's standard?!?!18:43
Flannelmajikman: What do you mean?18:43
skellingtongartral: lol but its useful.18:43
Halitechpehden, here's a good howto on configging icewm on the debian forum ... http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5450&hilit=icewm18:44
majikmanFlannel, for instance, using this as the user... User ${APACHE_RUN_USER}18:44
gartralskellington: aptitude is more-so18:44
majikmani can't run a syntax check on my conf files anymore because that isn't valid18:44
Halitechroffe, yes18:44
majikmanand then naming httpd apache2.... do they not realize that the project is named httpd? NOT apache? the foundation sponsoring httpd is called apache18:45
skellingtongartral: to each his own18:45
majikmanugh... so many things.18:45
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oskar-majikman:  perhaps you can syntax-check the output of the preprocessor used for the file, if there is one?18:45
roffeHalitech: how ?18:45
pehdenwhats funny is im running ubuntu with icewm and it says its debian18:45
gartralwhat is unattended-upgrade?!? theres no help documentation what-so-ever on it18:45
=== Mud|bnc is now known as Mud
Halitechroffe, nano, vi, vim, mousepad, leafpad18:45
rmoralesdoes eanyone can help a newby with ubuntu studio qsynth  raw midi failure18:45
Fougnerpehden, well ubuntu is debian actually ;D18:45
majikmanoskar-, i might be able to... but why should i have to? why not just stick to the standard that the apache foundation releases?18:45
pehdenyea i know18:45
majikmanthis seriously makes sys administration an uber pain in the ass18:46
roffeHalitech: but i read it was a new feature in jaunty18:46
majikmani have to relearn all this stuff18:46
pehdenbut its funny that i stripped it down18:46
Halitechroffe, maybe, I'm not using jaunty so not sure18:46
majikmanoh... and server-info is serving the contents of my fiels. this is awesome18:46
Fougnerroffe, swedish?18:46
roffeFougner: Ja18:47
pehdenim on jaunty with icewm lamp barebones18:47
gartralFougner pehden i want to point out that Ubuntu is only VERY distantly related too debian, debian code is NOT binary compatible with Ubuntu kernals, and if you try too install a non-Ubuntu .deb into Ubuntu, you WILL break something with drastic consiquences18:47
jribmajikman: do you have a support question?18:47
Fougnerroffe, kika under System->Inställningar->skärm... kan va den dem menar18:47
majikmanjrib, my question was... why does ubuntu deviate so much from the standard18:47
pehdeni know18:47
Pici!sv | Fougner roffe18:47
ubottuFougner roffe: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du på #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se18:47
jribmajikman: this isn't really the place to discuss debian/ubuntu packaging policy18:47
pehdeni only get deb with ubunt18:47
majikmanthen where is the appropriate place?18:48
roffeFougner: Ok, tack :)18:48
FougnerPici, sorry, just one sentence in swedish18:48
Halitechroffe, #ubuntu-offtopic18:48
pehdendamn i using 4% cpu and 89mb ram on jaunty18:48
majikmanok... here's a support question. why is my /server-info serving the contents of my scripts? major security issue here...18:48
pehdenare you runing php518:49
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:49
KingSteve032it does nothing when i push esc18:49
x_I tried to install my tablet with wizardpen, and not only it doesn't work but it also forces my screen to go into safe mode18:49
pehdeni couldnt figure out to do that18:49
x_can anyone please help me?18:49
Halitech!ask | x_18:49
ubottux_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:49
Halitecharmada, how did you make out?18:50
majikmani edited my status.conf file in the apache modules and i want it to display server-info bu ti can't seem to... here's what i have for server-info http://pastebin.com/m57df66e918:50
armadaHalitech,  \o/ you did it :D18:50
armadaThanks thanks thanks18:50
thiebaudesebsebseb: hi18:50
Halitecharmada, glad to hear it worked for you :)18:50
=== x__ is now known as Megabyte
pehdenif its showing the script you may need to reinstall the php5 or asp18:51
Megabytehello everyone18:51
armadaHalitech,  new question? how do I cnnect to windows networks? In Ubuntu is so easy but in xubuntu i can't seem to make it :(18:51
majikmanreinstall php5? why? it displays my php files correctly18:51
gartral!samba | armada18:51
ubottuarmada: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:51
MegabyteI tried to install by tablet with wizardpen drivers and not only the driver does not load at all, but now my screen is going into safe mode18:51
skellingtongeneral question to any that will answer: whats the point of a /boot partition?18:51
MegabyteCan anyone please help me?18:51
Halitecharmada, that is the bain of my existance, thunar sucks when it comes to network support but there was a thread I found somewhere that works for Xubuntu, give me a second18:52
Fougnerskellington, google? =)18:52
betterhalfoneAnyone know how to install synergy in 8.04 x6418:52
jribskellington: well you could have several distros share it18:52
examancerany ideas why UbuntuRestrictdExtras is showing as unpopular in the add/remove programs app. Is that just inaccurate? That is still the package to install things like MP3 and Divx support, right?18:52
Fougnerjrib, touché18:52
=== Mud is now known as Mud|shower
majikmanalso, i can't get the ?auto thing to work with /server-status if anyone can help with that18:52
Megabytehere is my config file18:52
skellingtonjrib: but if im only using one distro then theres no point. right?18:52
Fougnerskellington, linux isn't built for one type of person18:53
jribmajikman: you should try #apache for help with apache configuration18:53
Halitecharmada, check here ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131&highlight=xubuntu18:53
x_so "ubuntu servers is an alias to freenode...18:53
jribskellington: I don't see one18:53
Fougnerit's built for flexibility, servers and all kinds of systems18:53
skellingtonthanks jrib.18:53
MrPiracyFougner: nice, it worked, but now i lost compiz18:53
MegabyteI didn't notice that18:53
Halitechskellington, I had to use a /boot partition on my old system (P4 1.8) with a 160gig hard drive or it wouldn't boot, gave me grub errors18:53
skellingtonfougner: i know linux isnt built for one type of person. but im the type of person that likes to ask questions.18:54
MegabyteFougner, Hello... this channel is quite big and I am lost here.18:54
pehdenmajikman : reinstall php5 or asp you must have a bad conf18:54
Fougnerskellington, good, but don't bother if you already know the answer? =)18:54
FougnerMegabyte, just ask, and hold you breath ;)18:54
majikmanpehden, reinstalling php5 won't fix my conf file18:54
FougnerMrPiracy, what happens when you try to activate compiz then?18:54
tmaFougner: hehehe, and i just lost my previous xchat window too .... it minimized to nowhere18:55
skellingtonfougner: but i didnt know the answer. thats why i asked.18:55
pehdenthen reinstall apache218:55
MegabyteFougner, I'm sorry. I'm desperate to get my tablet working...18:55
majikmanwtf? reinstalling is the solution? am i in #windows?!18:55
tmaFougner: i am MrPiracy ;)18:55
Pici!who | pehden18:55
ubottupehden: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:55
Fougnerskellington, ah, okay.18:55
majikmanmaybe i should reinstall ubuntu18:55
tmaFougner: ok, activate compiz, let me try18:55
pehdenapache doesnt take long to remove and install18:56
tmaFougner: says xgl not present18:56
Fougnertma, weird things happens sometimes, when you (de)activate compiz when running apps18:56
Halitechmajikman, pehden reinstalling won't work unless you purge as it doesn't delete config files18:56
jribpehden: reinstalling will rarely accomplish anything.  And in this case I believe majikman is trying to configure a feature that isn't available by default so reinstalling is unlikely to help18:56
FougnerI've got no experience when it comes to nVidia graphics18:56
tmaFougner:  alt+tab ain't working18:57
Fougnerctrl+alt+left/right button then? =)18:57
pehdenjrib i read that there script was sowing source18:57
Fougnercompiz is deactivated18:57
jribpehden: ok, but he said his php scripts were working18:58
Picipehden: And that doesn't require a reinstall either.18:58
tmaFougner: it will just let me swap the desktop18:58
Fougnerah, yeah18:58
Fougneryou have to get xgl drivers then.. envy did work.. but now the prop drivers aren't installed..18:58
tmaFougner: ook i got this extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".18:58
tmaFougner: on glxinfo | grep direct18:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glx18:59
zortecHow do you burn a CD with Brasero? I don't think my cdrom is working in ubuntu18:59
pehden!who | pehden18:59
ubottupehden, please see my private message18:59
Fougnertma, try nvidia's homepage, and download their drivers?19:00
tmahmmm, i can reinstall nvidia drivers19:00
=== joannethrax is now known as JoAnneThrax
tmaFougner:  u think that will do it? will i go back to "normal"?19:01
Fougnertma, I'm just guessing here19:01
pehden!tab pehden19:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tab pehden19:01
Fougnerfor me, with ATI, most things will work out just fine after a reinstall with the prop drivers19:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pehdne19:01
tmaFougner: what's so good about envy anyway? does it install unofficial improved drivers?19:01
Pici!msgthebot | pehden19:01
ubottupehden: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:01
tmaFougner: when i installed it, it offered me a bunch of options, should i try again with another driver version?19:02
Halitech!envy | tma19:02
ubottutma: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver19:02
pehdenpici : how do i get ti to remeber the person i was t6alken to19:02
CrocoJetExt4 made one big mess in my harddisk .. hell19:02
Sh3r1ffpehden: tab completion?19:03
tmaHalitech, Fougner: ok, just installed the front end19:03
pehdensh3r1ff it shows you typed to me and its red and my system beeped19:03
porter1Can anyone else join any rooms on irc.mozilla.org? The darn server only will connect once and then acts up...19:03
Fougnertma, you can always play around and watch what happens.. if anything goes wrong, you should be able to run "safe mode" and install from shell again19:04
zortecAnyone done CD burning in Brasero for Gnome before?19:04
Sh3r1ffpehden: that's the idea ;)19:04
CrocoJetzortec, I did, why ?19:04
Fougnerzortec, some yeah19:04
tmaFougner: ok, doing that now19:04
pehdensh3r1ff how did you do that19:04
Halitechzortec, I prefer k3b myself19:04
zortecCrocoJet: I get an error when trying to burn, it doesn't seem to detect my cdrom burner19:04
Sh3r1ffpehden: i typed your name ;) when you type my name it beeps here too ;) welcome to the world of irc :p19:05
CrocoJetzortec, is dvd-rw ?19:05
pehdensh3r1ff : then in that case19:05
=== jduser1 is now known as jduser
zortecCrocoJet: yeah, this is the error: Session error : unknown (brasero_burn_record burn.c:2602)19:05
puphow do i exit a tty session? to come back to the gnome gui?19:05
Fougnerzortec, more important, what are you trying to burn?19:05
zortecpup: type "exit"19:05
pehdensh3r1ff : i have to type there name at lweast once dont i19:05
=== xomas is now known as xomas_
Sh3r1ffpup: ctrl + alt + f719:06
=== xomas_ is now known as xomas
syracushi...is there a chance to test an early beta of gnome 3 with ubuntu 9,04 ?19:06
CrocoJetzortec, try blank before burn19:06
zortecFougner: I want to burn a data disc19:06
pupzortec: exit wasn't working, startx was also not working.19:06
pehdenwhats the apt-get for virtualbox19:06
zortecDo I need to mount the cdrom burner or something? This is the first time doing any burning in ubuntu19:06
Sh3r1ffpehden: yup, and you best do it at the beginning of the line, to show you are adressign your text to them19:06
Fougnerzortec, I like terminal more.. GUi's are evil =)19:06
=== catharcyst is now known as seeds
zortecpup: Try like CTRL+7 I can't remember the shortcut19:06
Sh3r1ffpehden: apt-get virtualbox ;)19:06
zortecpup: F719:06
Leoneofi use ubuntu under Vista by using VMware, however, i downloaded nVidia driver, how to install it?19:06
CrocoJetzortec, TOOL/ERASE19:07
Picipehden: virtualbox-ose19:07
Sh3r1ffpehden: with an install between apt-get and virtualbox ;)19:07
HalitechSh3r1ff, pehden sudo apt-get install virtualbox19:07
CrocoJetzorrolero, fast blanking19:07
pupalright. thanks zortec, Sh2r1ff19:07
armadaHalitech,  i cant find fusesmb on synaptics... can u help?19:07
pehdensh3r1ff : i think i tried that and it said notfound19:07
zortecCrocoJet: Is there a way to check that it recognizes the cdrom burner?19:07
pupalright. thanks zortec, Sh3r1ff19:07
Halitecharmada, try a search for just fuse19:07
zortecCrocoJet: I know you typically have to mount devices...19:07
Sh3r1ffpehden: do what Pici said, it is the open source edition that is in the repo's19:07
CrocoJetzortec, here always works when these buggys happen19:07
pehdensh3r1ff : ok19:08
richardcavellthey've done a really good job of maintaining VBox19:08
richardcavellrapidly fixing bugs etc19:08
zortecCrocoJet: TOOL/ERASE?19:08
Leoneofi downloaded nVidia driver, how to install it?19:08
CrocoJetzortec, menu pulldown19:08
zortecIt's not showing an available disc.19:08
zortecI have one in the drive though...19:08
pehdenpici is that one version 319:08
Halitechpehden, if you want/need usb support, follow the instructions here http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads19:08
CrocoJetdo you have cd-r recorder desktop ?19:09
Picipehden: No.19:09
CrocoJettry to erase dvd-rw19:09
CrocoJetI think dvd-rw .. are problems19:09
pehdenpici: i have the deb package for ersion 3 and i cant seem to install it19:09
Picipehden: Ask in #vbox then19:10
Halitechpehden, if you have gdebi installed you can double click it19:10
Halitechpehden, if not, follow the info on the link I sent you earlier19:10
Sh3r1ffpehden: in terminal do gksudo nautilus and then double click the deb19:10
zortecHow do I find my cdrom drive?19:10
majikmananyone here running ubuntu 9.04/apache that can get this to work? http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_status.html#machinereadable19:10
armadaHalitech, nothing... should I add some repositories?19:10
pehdenis there one other then gnome19:10
Halitech!patience | Leoneof19:10
ubottuLeoneof: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.19:10
evonhello does anyone know how to convert a swf file to mp3 linux?19:11
Halitecharmada, yes,  you need the multiverse repo enabled19:11
=== fuzzyboot is now known as fuzzypotato
deanyevon, ffmpeg -i file.swf -ab 128k file.mp319:12
CrocoJetzortec,  try in terminal19:12
HalitechLeoneof, check post 2 here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121563119:12
CrocoJetzortec, cd /media/cdrom19:12
Fougnerzortec, wodim --devices19:12
evondeany: thanks i will try it now19:12
Halitecharmada, sorry, the universe repo19:13
zortecFougner: Cannot open SCSI driver19:13
veckI have to blacklist the intel_agp and agp gart to boot into ubuntu with my graphics card installed is this normal?19:13
Halitechveck, 9.04 with an intel card?19:14
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zortecCrocoJet: It's not showing up in Computer either19:14
deanyevon, not setting a bitrate ( - ab ) defaults to 64kbit thats why I set one.19:14
Fougnerzortec, that's weird19:14
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deanyevon, depends what the source is really as to what you set19:14
CrocoJetzortec, is your cdrom working (hardware) ?19:14
zortecCrocoJet: Yeah, it's working fine19:14
zortecUbuntu is just not picking it up19:14
Fougnerzortec, what computer/cd-rom are you using?19:14
evondeany: it says that it cannot find the codec parameters19:14
veckHalitech: no my grfx card is nvidea19:14
=== izaak is now known as izaak-
Halitechveck, not sure unless you have an onboard intel card that its seeing for some reason19:15
deanyevon,  what version of ubuntu19:15
armadaHalitech,  do I have to add any url?19:15
deanytry -ab 12800019:15
evondeany: jaunty19:16
gartralwhat is unattended-upgrade?!? theres no help documentation what-so-ever on it???19:16
deanyevon, ffmpeg from repo or compiled.  mine is compiled new.19:16
evondeany: ok19:16
evondeany: repo19:16
zortecFougner: It's a SATA cdrom drive19:16
deanyevon, send me the file and i`ll check against my version.19:16
Halitecharmada, yes but not sure, in synaptic you should have a tab for repos, just make sure universe is checked19:16
evondeany: i installed winff19:16
CrocoJetwell mine is IDE here19:16
evondeany: how do i send you a file?19:16
veckHalitech: yeah spent 2 days trying to boot ubuntu and the only way is to edit blacklist weird! It wont hurt to blacklist my intel_agp will it?19:16
deanyevon, send it to somewhere like megaupload19:17
Halitechveck, I can't see why19:17
deanyand gimme the link19:17
CrocoJetzortec, but I have other computer cd-rom sata and works pretty well19:17
evondeany: what file do you want? i installed ffmpeg through apt19:17
deanythe swf19:17
zortecCrocoJet: It worked fine in Windows, not sure why Ubuntu is not detecting the drive... I'm stumped19:17
CrocoJetzortec, did you make install ubuntu via cd-rom ?19:18
majikmanany anyone that has apache running on their box try running this command and tell me if they get HTML output or not? curl "http://localhost/server-status?auto"19:18
veckHalitech: Its my sons computer and took me forever to figure out the problem just wasnt sure if this remedy was ok?19:18
deanyevon, either a parameter is wrong (winff sometimes has different parameters)19:19
veckHalitech: boots up fine now though19:19
Halitechveck, if everything else is working then I would say yes19:19
zortec2.292025] ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)19:19
zortec[    2.612024] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 30    2.932024] ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 319:19
zortecCrocoJet: I found that in dmesg19:19
unitxtI am on 9.04. I need to know of the program that allowed me to right click within a folder and select "open terminal here" from the menu. It's on a lot of distros, maybe even on earlier Ubuntu. Anyone know of it's name?19:19
evondeany: ok i'm signing up to mega upload now19:20
CosmicChaoshowto make "echo 1 | sudo tee ..." as a starter in the panel?19:20
bashcaError connecting to IMAP server: localhost 111 : Connection refused19:20
CrocoJetzortec, paste in private19:20
bashcacan u help me  fix  this ???19:20
Sh3r1ffCosmicChaos: add a new starter and put that as a command? ;)19:20
deanyevon, dont need to sign up.. just send19:20
Halitechmajikman, http://paste.ubuntu.com/220725/19:20
majikmanthanks Halitech. what version of ubuntu are you running?19:21
CosmicChaosSh3r1ff: doesnt work requires password on shell, but no terminal opened, i tried gksudo doesnt work, thats my problem, pleas hhelp19:21
CosmicChaoshowto make "echo 1 | sudo tee ..." as a starter in the panel?19:21
Halitechmajikman, Debian Lenny :)19:21
okcis it possible to modify the GRUB boot screen?19:21
evondeany:  i don't know how to19:21
majikmanoh dang. i should probably mention ubuntu 9.0419:21
Halitechmajikman, gives you a baseline on what debian does though19:22
=== [1]Sergeant_Pony is now known as Sergeant_Pony
q0_0pi installed yakuake and it installed a bunch of kde .  114mg; after apt-get autoremove yakuake it only take out 6 mgs?19:22
evondeany: ok there I think i did it19:22
majikmanHalitech, other versions of ubnutu seem to work but i have two 9.04 boxes that both don't work so i don't know if its just me or something else19:22
armadaHalitech, how do i do this step?19:22
armada3) Edit /etc/modules and add the word 'fuse' to the modules list to be loaded (without quotes), and save the file.19:22
markw_ok, why would my network connection slow to a crawl, I restart networking, and it works for a few minutes and then slows to a crawl again.  This is all on the local network.19:22
Halitechq0_0p, add --purge and that should get rid of the rest *I think*19:23
Halitecharmada, open synaptic and go to Settings - Repositories19:23
piccaanyone here remember WindowMaker19:24
armadaHalitech,  i already installed fusesmb19:24
jullypicca: yup19:24
armadajust don't know how to open the file to edit19:24
Halitecharmada, ok, where are you at in the steps then?19:24
jullynot in any great detail, was pretty new to linux [debian] at the time19:24
CosmicChaosSh3r1ff: any idea?19:24
piccai have not used it in ages jully, sorted of tempted to give it a try - really loved that window manager19:24
pehdenanyone: i am trying to make my sytem after i login load virtualbox as soon as the desktop would appear19:24
armada3 one rigth after install19:24
jullypicca: it was efficient19:25
Sh3r1ffCosmicChaos: try selectin application in terminal as type and set the terminal to remain open after command finished?19:25
Halitecharmada, gksudo mousepad /etc/modules19:25
piccajully: it is a shame development slowed down on it .. had a really clean interface and very efficient as you say19:25
theTroyhow to block a certain user from full internet access? os that you cant even ping?19:26
jullytheTroy: it sounds so simple, but now that i think about it....19:27
jullynot so simple19:27
zortecIs it not possible to install cd rom driver packages in ubuntu? I don't want to reinstall ubuntu for the 4th time... *sigh*19:27
Sh3r1fftheTroy: you deny him access to the programs that could access the internet19:27
zortecI used a minimal install cd and now have no cdrom19:27
Anish123Heya guys!19:27
theTroyI need user to be able to normally work on the computer19:27
theTroybut not able to access internet19:28
jullypicca: it's true, but in the end we all demand a bit more than that these days19:28
pehden****: i am trying to make my sytem after i login load virtualbox as soon as the desktop would appear19:28
Sh3r1fftheTroy: you'll have to set up a domain controller and add the pc to that domain19:28
piccajully: you are right ... just feeling a bit nostalgic19:28
Pici!session | pehden19:29
ubottupehden: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:29
jullypicca: kinda like swings and training wheels? :)19:29
theTroySh4r1ff I would rather hear about iptables solution19:29
veckHalitech: how can I figure out which gpg key this is? http://pastebin.com/m37f0b78d19:29
pehdenpici thanks19:29
theTroySh3r1ff *19:29
Halitechveck, its for launchpad19:30
Sh3r1fftheTroy: ?19:30
Sh3r1fftheTroy: iptables doesn't work on a high enough level to control user management19:31
theTroywell, I managed to do it this way iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner no-internet -j DROP19:31
theTroybut I still can ping19:31
Sh3r1fftheTroy: with iptables it is everyone access or nobody at all19:31
veckHalitech: would you know were to get the key or how to fix the error?19:31
theTroyyou are wrong Sh3r1ff19:31
Piciveck: and if you are running Karmic you should be asking questions in #ubuntu+119:31
Anish123Im trying to get Ubuntu on USB... but USB creator tells me that it cannot find kernel19:32
Halitechveck, sorry, no I don't19:32
Anish123What is Karmic- Ubuntu next edition19:32
Anish123Oh yeah19:32
jullytheTroy: if that works, you should be able to add protocol specific iptables rules that block ICMP19:32
Pici!karmic | Anish12319:32
ubottuAnish123: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:32
jullyuser specific19:32
Anish123Oh, Im using Jaunty19:32
theTroybasically I just tought 2 users how to answer my question19:32
theTroyno thanks here19:32
Anish123Got that19:32
Anish123Im trying to get Ubuntu on USB... but USB creator tells me that it cannot find kernel19:33
Sinatrais there anyway to use a webcam on aim/yahoo with ubuntu?19:35
Xpistos|workHey can someone help me change the screen that loads after grub and before I sign in in gnome. The one that says ubuntu with the status bar filling up from left to right?19:35
Xpistos|workI am not sure how it is called19:35
HalitechSinatra, yes, kopete19:35
Pici!usplash > Xpistos|work19:36
ubottuXpistos|work, please see my private message19:36
HalitechXpistos|work, usplash, check gnome-look19:36
Sinatrais kopete glitchy at all?19:36
porter1Anyone know how to get on the mozilla irc server?19:36
HalitechSinatra, no idea, don't use it19:36
Xpistos|workPici & Halitech: Thanks for the help fellas. I was going a little crazy. The Ultimate edition screen is really hard to see its progress so again, Thanks!19:37
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skywalkerjoin #amnesya19:38
zortecIf I want to remove all the files on a partition, do I just delete the partition in GParted and then format it again to the filesystem I want?19:38
jack-desktopcan anyone walk me through how to enable bitmap fonts in 9.04?19:38
=== skywalker is now known as SkyWalker
|ntegra|my mp3s are in the wrong order, how can I rearrange them?19:40
Halitechzortec, yes19:40
Sh3r1ff|ntegra|: put the track number before the track name? ;)19:41
|ntegra|ls shows them just fine, but ls -f shows the 'real' picture, and I'm cp'ing them onto my mp3player all jumbled up19:42
Zabaddai just installed crunchbang on a HDD via my new ESATA HDD dock and on the install it let me choose the ESATA to install to and it all went fine, then i rebooted and my main HDD had the error 21 grub error, why would it do that if i didnt install to my main HDD?19:42
leaf-sheep|ntegra|: the -f parameter stands for "do not sort, enable -aU, disable -ls --color"19:43
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|ntegra|leaf-sheep: yupyup19:43
zortecOk, someone help... I deleted the partition and now I want to create an 80GB partition and format it to ntfs using gparted19:44
zortecCan I set the exact size?19:45
vigoHello. Is there an Ubuntu Manual?19:46
Fougnervigo, lots of them19:46
Fougnervigo, look at help.ubuntu.com19:47
vigoThank you.19:47
Sinatrareal fucking cute, whoa whoever nuked me is such a big shot, i'm just a fucking newb who needs some damn help19:47
TimbrWu|fI'm having problems keeping ubuntu 9.04 running (tried both 64 & 32bit versions) it runs fine and works great for a few hours and ends up reduced to about a 1/4 of the screen at the top in a bunch of lines of garbage19:48
PiciSinatra: Mind your language here.19:48
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:48
grawityzortec: There usually is no such thing as "exact size", as a small part of the partition will be eaten by the "system" things (file list, etc).19:48
Jethrocan anyone help me with sleep/hibernate problems, i am pretty new to linux19:48
Sinatrasorry, but i'm still annoyed at whoever nuked me, now i got to burn the cd and i have to ask for all the help someone gave me in the other channel19:49
grawityWhat do you mean by "nuked", anyway?19:49
PiciSinatra: We don't even know what you're talking about. If you ask a real question we may be able to help.19:49
DasEiSinatra: nuked ?19:49
TimbrWu|fthink he means someone is DOS attacking him19:49
vigoTimbrWu|f: What architecture is your box?19:49
zortecgrawity: What is a good size for XP to get along with ubuntu or does it matter? I have it at 80GB right now19:49
=== fragalot is now known as saba_b
Jethrocan anyone help me out? im having problems getting my laptop to hibernate. does anyone know anything about uswsusp19:50
Sh3r1ffzortec: minimal sys req for xp is like 4 GB or something like that19:50
zortecI'm kind of going overboard... heh19:50
TimbrWu|fit's a Gateway M series laptop 3 gig ram, 220gig hd, ati radeon x1270, realtek wireless/network card19:50
ubuntucan any one help me restore my grub19:51
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grawityzortec: How much unallocated space do you have?19:51
qwyethubuntu: www.supergrubdisk.org19:51
qwyethzortec:  What are you using the windows for?19:51
ubuntui have tried that...19:51
vigoTimbru|f: sounds like a gamer box, is it 64 bit?19:52
zortecqwyeth: I keep the Windows around to play newer games like Aion and for a few Windows apps that are not available on Linux19:52
markw_ok, exactly 5 minutes after bringing the network up, it slows to a crawl.19:52
Incaruswhy got ubuntu (jaunty) old gnome and kde packages?19:52
TimbrWu|fDoes the samething with the 32bit version ubuntu installed, it came with vista home premium 32bit pre-installed19:52
MattPhilieHow do I open the terminal? Sorry.. I just got Ubuntu...19:53
magnetronIncarus: what do you mean by "old"?19:53
=== cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow
TimbrWu|fafter a few hours it does that, I have to delete the partition, and reinstall ubuntu19:53
Incarusmagnetron, latest gnome version is 2.26, latest in ubuntu is 2.2219:53
qwyethzortec:  If you are planning on installing "newer games" on windows, you probably need lots of space.  I think 80gb is not unreasonable, and depending on how many games and which ones, it may not be enough19:53
Sh3r1ffMattPhilie: applications > accesoires > terminal19:53
qwyethzortec:  Some windows games take over 20GB19:53
ShawncWhy can't I "make" stuff? no matter what program I dl and try to run, I get errors, and yes I have build essentials.19:53
Jethroi am having problems with the suspend and hibernate functions. can someone that will try to help me out send me a PM????19:53
ShawncThat's an example of an error I get.19:53
MattPhilieThankyou Sh3r1ff19:53
TimbrWu|fthe last time I even had ubuntu download the ati driver package and install it hoping that would stop it, as I ass/u/me it's a video problem, but that didn't stop it either19:54
vigoTimbrWu|f: Let me look at some some documents, I think it is a a 32bit machine, still looking...19:54
zortecqwyeth: I just want an optimal windows install and not slow down the system...19:54
=== tonii_ is now known as tonii
cs02rm0has anyone seen an issue when ssh'd over a vpnc connection where commands don't seem to terminate? i.e. i run ls, which prints out everything but then there's no prompt to type in again.19:54
IncarusTimbrWu|f, whats the problem?19:54
TimbrWu|fI'm running windows 7rc ultimate 64 bit on the same machine with np's19:54
qwyethzortec:  Once upon a time, your partitioning scheme impacted your disk performance.  In these modern days of 7200+ RPM hard drives, not so much.  You will not notice a performance differenc.19:55
=== Paddy_NI_ is now known as Paddy_NI
TimbrWu|fincarus: <TimbrWu|f> I'm having problems keeping ubuntu 9.04 running (tried both 64 & 32bit versions) it runs fine and works great for a few hours and ends up reduced to about a 1/4 of the screen at the top in a bunch of lines of garbage19:55
Sh3r1ffShawnc: the no such file or directory should be a hint ;)19:55
ShawncNo matter when program I dl19:55
ShawncIt does that19:55
zortecqwyeth: I'm thinking it's a good idea to see how much the games take up in space19:56
FougnerShawnc, you do the ./configure too?19:56
SinatraWhat is the best way to burn the Ubuntu 9.04 iso to a CD in Windows XP?19:56
ShawncYes Fougner .19:56
Jethrowhen i try to use the suspend function my system freezes and i have to do a hard reboot, does anyone know why this would happen???19:56
FougnerSinatra, use a burning app? ;D19:56
TimbrWu|fSinatra : use infraburner19:56
Sinatrais infraburner freewware?19:56
Fougnerinfrarecorder? :P19:56
TimbrWu|fyes it's open source19:56
TimbrWu|finfra something :)19:57
qwyethzortec:  It sounds very much like you don't really know what games you're going to install in total, so you may end up using more space than you thought.  Resizing partitions is sketchy.  Also, for optimal performance, you should NEVER EVER let your windows system fill up to less than 2GB free space19:57
Sinatrathank you for your help.19:57
buckyShawnc: did you run ./configure first ?19:57
sid_Can any one tell me how to move the stream from my Intel Snd card to Bluetooth headset... I have installed Blueman and Pulse audio 0.9.15 in jaunty and am able to pair the device using blueman... But cant see the sound stream in Pulse. any help appreciated guys19:57
Jethrowhen i try to return from suspend my system locks up and wont allow me to do anything and i have to reboot to return to ubuntu does anyone know why this might happen?19:58
ShawncYes bucky, I already answered that question.19:58
Sinatrai already downloaded infrarecorder19:58
zortecqwyeth: I set it for 80GB19:58
IncarusTimbrWu|f, are you running latest driver?19:58
qwyethzortec:  That's probably plenty.19:58
TimbrWu|fSinatra: run it, and open the .iso in it and burn it19:58
buckyShawnc: well you don't have libreadline5-dev which contains tilde.h and should have been warned when you did run configure19:58
ShuzerHello, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 with a TV Tuner card inside. Whats a good TV App to try? tvtime? My TV? Mythubuntu?19:59
frostbite7Good Afternoon. Does anyone know how to use wine? If you do, could you tell me how?19:59
Fougnerbucky, nice one there ;D19:59
Fougnerfrostbite7, google? =)19:59
Fougnerfrostbite7, what do you want to know?19:59
frostbite7i did. lol19:59
Shuzerthank you19:59
ubuntuhello i want to remaster jaunty.....can i?19:59
zortecqweyth: In gparted, it's at the front of the partition with linux and swap at the end... but unless I can figure out the problem with my cdrom I might have to install ubuntu for the 4th time... it's really annoying19:59
DasEi1!info tvtime | Shuzer19:59
|Aria|anyone know a good guide for installing ATI Radeon HD4670 on ubunty 9.04?19:59
ubottuShuzer: tvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1 (jaunty), package size 677 kB, installed size 1952 kB19:59
frostbite7how to run a windows based software through wine19:59
TimbrWu|fIncarus: it's a Gateway M series laptop 3 gig ram, 220gig hd, ati radeon x1270, realtek wireless/network card I even had Ubuntu dl and install the latest Ati driver package about 45 mins before it died this last time and it still ended up in the same horrid death19:59
zortecqwyeth: I had to use a minimal install cd because of my onboard video and now I don't have a cdrom20:00
DasEi1!ati | |Aria|20:00
ubottu|Aria|: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:00
Sh3r1ffShawnc: looks like you do not have libreadline dev installed20:00
Jethromy system freezes when i try to return from suspend mode, can someone please help me fix this?20:00
Fougnerfrostbite7, well, you download the exe.. then execute it through wine?20:00
IncarusTimbrWu|f, pls paste "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log"20:00
Fougnerfrostbite7, is there a specifik app you're trying to install?20:00
DasEi1|Aria| : did you check system > hardwaredrivers for that card ?20:00
pehdeni need a non gnome text editor with gui20:00
vigoSinatra: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto  <<that explains it very well.20:00
Fougnerpehden, lots of them20:01
frostbite7no just wanted to know for general software use.20:01
TimbrWu|fI cant, Ubuntu is nothing but a bunch of colored garbage lines at the top of the screen, that's what it always ends up as after a couple hours20:01
Fougnerpehden, jeany20:01
|Aria|DasEi1: how do I check yhat?20:01
Fougnerpehden, np20:01
Jethrowill someone please help me???20:01
Shawncthanks bucky .20:01
|Aria|pretty much Ultimate Noobie ;)20:01
MattPhilieThis is very confusing.. I just got Ubuntu.. How the heck do I download this CairoDock? I cannot find the download link or how to get this to work.. Sorry.. I just got Ubuntu..20:01
ShawncI got it now :P20:01
DasEi1|Aria| : look in your main menu > system > hardwaredrivers20:02
IncarusJethro, which ubunter version?20:02
frostbite7thanks fougner... i appreciate your time....20:02
Fougnerfrostbite7, anytime20:02
IncarusJethro, update to latest ubuntu (9.04) should work20:02
Sh3r1ffShawnc: reading the error will most likely guide you to the problem ;)20:02
ph8hi all, during the upgrade from intrepid -> jaunty my encrypted swap stopped mounting on boot - to get around this I can do alt+ sysrq + RSE during boot, tacky but it seems to skip the stuck 'waiting for encrypted source device prompt' and boots me up without swap20:02
ph8any idea how to fix it?20:02
Jethrothat version doesnt support my video card20:02
th0rMattPhilie: look for it in Synaptic20:02
schiller83window +120:03
zortecAnyone have ideas on how I can enable cdrom in ubuntu? It doesn't seem to be detected by the kernel in dmesg20:03
grawityMattPhilie: Usually, in Ubuntu, software can be installed from "repositories" using either the "Add/Remove Programs" item in Applications, or the Synaptic package manager, or the "apt-get" command in Terminal.20:03
MattPhilieHMm.. I Just got this error Failed to check for installed and available applications20:03
MattPhilieThis is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'.20:03
vigoTimbrWu|f: Have you tried 8.04 and or have you tried without proprietary Drivers?20:03
IncarusJethro, what gra.ca. do you have?20:03
buckyMattPhilie: use synaptic to instal cairo-dock or sudo apt-get install cairo-dock20:03
MattPhilieI opened Add or Remove programs and got that20:03
MattPhilieSYnaptic..? Where do I find that20:03
Jethroincarus, when i try to upgrade, the upgrader tells me that the driver for my video card is not supported.20:03
zortecI was told that I would have to reinstall ubuntu, but if I can I would like to just install the packages needed to make the cdrom work20:04
grawityMattPhilie: Hmm. Open a terminal (Accessories -> Terminal), and try the commands "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install -f"20:04
grawityMattPhilie: As for Synaptic, it's in System -> Administration.20:04
IncarusJethro, yeah, but which graphic card you got?20:04
buckyMattPhilie: in the System=>Administration menu20:04
Jethroits an intigrated ATI20:04
TimbrWu|fvigo: It does it with the default drivers also doesn't seem to matter20:04
Jethroi am not sure how to look it up specifically in ubuntu20:04
DasEi1 zortec: does lshw find it ?20:05
IncarusJethro, k20:05
|Aria|hardware drivers are installed... Isn't there something about xorg.conf driver should be ATI or fglrx?20:05
twig11Where can I download a .deb package to install unshield? I need to extract a windows driver file from a .exe executable in order to get a wireless card set up with ndiswrapper and I don't have a connection until wireless is running. Thanks!20:05
IncarusJethro, pls paste "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log"20:06
zortecDasEil: No it doesn't20:06
TimbrWu|fwonder if there is a way to use the live cd to get back into my install partition and fix the problem without having to delete the partition and reinstall again20:06
DasEi1|Aria| : there is sth showing up and it says enabled ?20:06
ubuntui have found it ... the ubuntu jaunty remastering post...20:07
MattPhilieI opened Synaptic PAckage Manager and got this.. E: Type 'b' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list20:07
MattPhilieE: The list of sources could not be read.20:07
MattPhilieGo to the repository dialog to correct the problem.20:07
MattPhilieE: _cache->open() failed, please report.20:07
FloodBot2MattPhilie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
buckytwig11: unshield in in universe20:07
vigoTimbrWu|f: I had a like issue , reverted ti FGLRX and then some xorg.conf tweaking, the non proprietary worked, the ATI did not. But each system is kinda different, this is homebuilt I am on.20:07
Jethroincarus what am i looking for?20:07
twig11bucky: I'm not sure how to find that. do you have a link?20:07
IncarusJethro, just enter in terminal and paste result20:07
qwyethMattPhilie:  Would you please put the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list in a pastebin?20:07
Jethroits a huge result.20:07
buckytwig11: learn to use the package manager20:07
Sinatrawhat is the best way to reformat my laptop harddrive before i install Ubuntu?20:08
DasEi1|Aria| : so the open source driver already is installed; if you want to use the pritary one, can go to ati website and d/l a sh-file, though I don't know for your card exactly if the xorg of jaunty works with that20:08
zortecDo I need to reinstall ubuntu for the 5th time? I can't use the main iso because it doesn't recognize my onboard and so  a user in here told me to use the minimal install20:08
IncarusJethro, jeah, thats normal20:08
th0rSinatra: how large a drive?20:08
phenotypeanyone tell me what this app is called? Heres a screenshot >>>20:08
phenotypeHeres a screenshot >>> http://omploader.org/vMXpydw20:08
TimbrWu|fvigo: so far and I'm fixing to do my 3rd reinstall it hasn't mattered if I use the standard that 9.04 installs, or I have it download the ati driver package, it eventually ends up as dead20:08
JWI want to download Ubuntu with KDE. If I go here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu there is a link that says "Download now - Download the Ubuntu, Edubuntu or Kubuntu CD installer to your computer now." but when I click it - there is only one download, and it says nothing about KDE/Kubuntu. Where do I find it? Or is there only one CD now?20:09
Sinatraprobably a couple hundread gigs20:09
phenotypeis it part of gnome or stand alone?20:09
StupendousstevePart of gnome20:09
zortecJW: Download Kubuntu20:09
buckyzortec: doesn't recognize your onboard what20:09
StupendoussteveThing it's the sound Preferences20:09
twig11bucky: please don't answer until you have read the question. Once again, the machine running Ubuntu IS NOT ONLINE!20:09
MattPhilieqwyeth I got Software Sources when I opened it.. What do I do?20:09
th0rSinatra: choose custom partitioning, set up the first partition at 15GB with a mount point of /. How much ram?20:09
TimbrWu|fwonder if Kbuntu will do the samething as ubuntu does20:09
JWzortec: but you don't understand. I clicked the link that says "download20:09
phenotypeStupendoussteve: know of a stand alone gui sound app?20:10
JWzortec: but you don't understand. I clicked the link that says "download Kubuntu . . . and then on the next page there's no option for Kubuntu"20:10
IncarusJW, http://www.kubuntu.org/20:10
vigoTimbrWu|f: That box have Integrated as well as a PCI ?20:10
zortecbucky: It doesn't recognize my onboard video geforce 7300 nforce graphics, and I was in the irc room for 2 days trying to figure it out so I had to use a cli interface and manually download all the packages and now I don't have a working cdrom20:10
phenotypelike the one in picture?20:10
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:10
MattPhilieqwyeth Scratch that.. I found it.. Let me put it to pastebin20:10
DasEi1|Aria| : do you have issues with your graphics ?20:10
zortecit's frustrating since I've had to install ubuntu multiple times now for different reasons20:10
qwyethMattPhilie: OK ^_^20:10
|Aria|yes WoW is totally tearing... can't even see the login prompt...20:11
th0rSinatra: how much memory in the computer?20:11
MattPhilieqwyeth http://paste.ubuntu.com/220748/20:11
Incaruszortec, which ubuntu version are u using at the moment?20:11
|Aria|zaicoace: hejsa...20:11
qwyethMattPhilie:  Those two characters at the beginning shouldn't be there20:12
zortecIncarus: 9.0420:12
qwyethMattPhilie: Delete the b and the space20:12
Incaruszortec, freh installation or upgrade?20:12
Andycasis there a patch equivalent for windows too? I have a several source files that need to be patched under windows20:12
MattPhilieAlright qwyeth20:12
qwyethMattPhilie: You will need root permissions to edit the file20:12
TimbrWu|fvigo: it's a gateway m-series laptop there is no pci :)20:12
Incaruszortec, *fresh20:12
zaicoaceohh hey there20:12
MattPhilieHow do I do that qwyeth20:12
zaicoacesorry i'm a bit slow20:12
zortecIncarus: it was fresh, but like I said I had to go through a cli interface on a minimal install cd and download packages20:12
qwyethMattPhilie: hit Alt + F2 and run the command 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'20:13
zaicoacehej arial20:13
twig11Where can I download an up-to-date .deb package of unshield to install on a computer that isn't online?20:13
grawitytwig11: http://packages.ubuntu.com/20:13
Incaruszortec, yeah, next ubuntu versions and next kernel versions (3.0) should be better20:13
zortecMattPhilie: sudo is the command for root privileges20:13
MattPhilieqwyeth: Thanks.. I'm saving the file now20:13
twig11grawity: thanks.20:13
zortecIncarus: so how do I get cdrom working in this version of ubuntu or I just don't get a cdrom?20:14
Incaruszortec, is the cd not working?20:14
zaicoacehey have any of you guys had a problem with the changing of mouse cursor on 9.04?20:14
zortecIncarus: The hardware is working, ubuntu doesn't pick it up in dmesg or lspci or lshw20:15
buckytwig11: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=unshield&searchon=names&suite=jaunty&section=all   you'll need libunshield0 also20:15
Sergiocan anyone help me with an  unrecognized usb20:15
Jethrocan anyone tell me if the new version of ubuntu will support my gfx card??20:15
zortecIncarus: It's like the cdrom doesn't exist20:15
twig11bucky: thanks, that should be what I need.20:15
zaicoaceoh and do anyone have a fix for it?20:15
qwyethMattPhilie: np20:15
Incaruszortec, the cd drive or a special cd?20:16
zortecIncarus the cd drive/dvd burner/all of it20:16
kpkeerthiI compiled custom kernel (with this method http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu). The size of the resulting deb file is like 250MB. Is that normal?20:16
t3Nk4zaicoace:  i had little problems changing cursor set.. you have to restart gdm when you change it and it starts function20:16
Incaruszortec, maybe a driver problem20:16
zortecIncarus it's not detected in ubuntu in computer or any cd burning apps like brasero or gnomebake20:16
Incaruszortec, upgrading to the latest kernel is sometimes working20:17
MattPhilieqwyeth: Works like a charm! Everything works.. Now how did everyone say to go about downloading the cario dock?20:17
zortecIncarus how would I even begin to troubleshoot that?20:17
Incaruszortec, 1. other dirstri or 2. newer kernel20:17
Sergioanyone know how to fix this problem i get is dsmeg "device descriptor read/64, error -110"20:17
zortecIncarus: how do I go about upgrading the kernel right now then?20:17
zaicoacet3Nk4: so your saying i have to change it and restart gdm then i should get it? becouse the other times i've restarted i havent gotten a new cursor20:18
qwyethMattPhilie: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+cario+dock+install&l=120:18
Pici!google | qwyeth20:18
ubottuqwyeth: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:18
cak054_Results for | qwyeth on Google:20:18
Picicak054_: Please disable that script in this channel.20:18
qwyethubottu:  I didn't tell him to google it.  I showed him how!20:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:19
qwyethEr, Pici ;)20:19
buckyzortec: does dmesg |grep CD  give you any info on it?20:19
Piciqwyeth: Its still not an answer acceptable for this channel.20:19
zortecbucky: nothing comes up20:19
IncarusPici, and some users dont like google ;-)20:20
MattPhilieqwyeth: I open sources.list and add gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list or the deb with the links? Sorry I just got Ubuntu20:20
brandoncan some one help with getting my 6th and 7th mouse button working? they work fine on the live cd but do nothing when ubuntu is installed20:20
buckyzortec: how about dmesg |grep DVD20:20
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zortecbucky: nope20:20
=== Guest98631 is now known as Harpoon-
PiciMattPhilie: Just open a terminal and do: sudo apt-get install cairo-dock20:20
zortecbucky: it's like the kernel didn't even load a cd/dvd drive20:20
=== Mr_Caboose is now known as Mysterytrain
t3Nk4zaicoace:  yes i do it whenever i change cursors.. change appearance, then restart gdm.. also try to logout/login20:20
MattPhiliePici: Thanks20:20
buckyzortec: it's not even seeing it in the bios20:21
buckyzortec: if it's not in dmesg somewhere20:21
zaicoacet3Nk4: ok thank you i'll try that :D20:21
zortecbucky: it does see it in my computer bios and it was working with no problems in windows, just when I booted into ubuntu there is no drive20:21
MattPhiliePici: I got this.. E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)20:22
MattPhilieE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?20:22
buckyzortec: can you just run dmesg and find a reference to it20:22
PiciMattPhilie: You have another package manager open, like add/remove or synaptic.20:22
MattPhiliePIci: Ahh.. I see.. Thanks.20:22
zortecbucky: I can't find any references20:22
buckyno idea20:23
zortecIs there not a way to just install the cdrom packages?20:23
MattPhiliePici: I did it and then got this.   Reading package lists... Done20:23
MattPhilieBuilding dependency tree20:23
MattPhilieReading state information... Done20:23
MattPhilieE: Couldn't find package cairo-dock20:23
FloodBot2MattPhilie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:23
buckyzortec: is it usb or something?20:23
Incaruszortec, drivers are always in kernel20:23
zortecbucky: It's a sata cd drive I believe, let me check20:23
Incaruszortec, *often20:23
PiciMattPhilie: What version of Ubuntu are you running?20:23
vigoTimbrWu|f: MX6### series?20:24
zortecbucky, Incarus: Lite-On DH-20A4P-04 SuperAllwrite OEM DVD Burner - 20x DVD±R Burn, 16x DVD±R Read, 8x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-RW, 8x DVD±R DL, 12x DVD-RAM, 48x32x CD-R/RW, PATA, Black20:24
zortecThat is my drive... it's actually PATA, hmm20:25
ubuntuis there any roo;s of infoe;qtics20:25
pasteeatermany packages have a number at the end of the version: 0.4.4-0.3ubuntu4.  What is the "4" in "ubuntu4"?20:25
MattPhiliePici: 9.0420:25
Picipasteeater: That is the fourth ubuntu revision of that package, i.e, from patches, etc.20:25
buckyzortec: does sudo lshw -C disk show it?20:26
Spad-XIIIcan someone explain to my why my laptop's wired network connection works and then it doesn't? the only change is the position of the laptop (moved like 10cm)20:26
pasteeaterPici: thanks20:26
=== alex1_ is now known as alex1
zortecbucky: That is showing my sata 320GB hd20:27
SocahI got a question. Do I need linux-image AND linux-image-generic? Or just one of them?20:27
nejodezortec: there are some problems with the later kernels and some Marvel IDE controllers20:28
=== alex1 is now known as alex1_
kpkeerthiI compiled custom kernel (with this method http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu). The size of the resulting deb file is like 250MB. Is that normal?20:28
pasteeaterPici: what about the "-0.3"?20:28
zortecnejode: Is there any way to get my cdrom working in ubuntu?20:28
buckyzortec: it sounds like this problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-850397.html20:28
funkjaDoes anyone use "Back in Time" to manage their backsup?20:28
PiciMattPhilie: Can you open System>Administration>Software sources and confirm that you have the Community-Maintained (universe) one checked?20:29
=== alex1_ is now known as alex1
zortecnejode: I used an alternate cd now that I remember, it wasn't a minimal cd and it was text install, had to install xrssi to talk in chat and ubuntu-desktop package for GNOME20:29
buckykpkeerthi: yup20:29
meteor``how can i disable system beep in jaunty?20:29
BalkrahI have sexified Ubuntu beyond belief20:29
Incaruszortec: http://www.liteonit.com/DOWNLOADS/ODD/DH-20A4P/firmware/9P59.rar20:29
Picipasteeater: I believe that is the debian revision, although the folks in #ubuntu-motu would be able to clarify further.20:29
Socahmeteor``, preferences->sounds20:29
Incaruszortec, its the firmware of your cd drive, but could be for windows, dont know20:29
MattPhiliePici: That wasn't checked off.. Shall I check it off?20:29
PiciMattPhilie: Please.20:30
meteor``cant find anything like system beep thr.20:30
tjelvarhelp needed with broken dpkg on 8.04LTS,20:30
zortecIncarus: how do I even install that in linux?20:30
zortecIncarus: I wonder if it's only windows...20:30
=== alex1 is now known as alex1_
pasteeaterPici: thanks again.20:30
tjelvarse post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=121576020:30
Socahmeteor``, it's in your sound theme, you can turn it off20:30
kansan___so is there any way of getting flash to work with firefox 3.5 and ubuntu hardy?  all i see is blank white areas.20:30
MattPhiliePici: I checked it off20:30
nejodezortec: dual boot?20:30
=== alex1_ is now known as alex1
Incaruszortec, no way20:30
zortecnejode: yeah that is what I'm running currently20:31
Incaruszortec, but driver is normally preinstalled in the kernel20:31
zortecIncarus: It didn't install with the kernel, so something is wrontg...20:31
Socahmeteor``, if you talk about... beeping from your built-in speaker inside computer, go into alsamixer, and mute channel with beep20:31
PiciMattPhilie: click close/okay and it should say that it needs to update your sources, thats okay, then do sudo apt-get install cairo-dock in a terminal.20:31
zortecIncarus: wrong... I just don't want to have to keep reinstalling ubuntu over and over because of hardware issues and driver problems20:31
buckyIncarus: so what's the driver for a  Lite-On DH-20A4P-04 SuperAllwrite OEM DVD Burner20:31
MattPhiliePici: WIll do.. thanks20:31
meteor``i removed the check from alert sounds and its fine now.20:31
zortecIncarus: I reinstalled ubuntu 3 times already for a good partitioning and another time because my video wasn't recognized20:32
Incarusbucky, i dont know20:32
vigotjelvar: Did the update/upgrade ?20:32
Incaruszortec, yes, and my solution was: newer kernel20:32
nejodezortec: if you boot with a live cd you still have the problem?20:32
Incaruszortec, drivers could be added in later version20:32
SinatraI'm running Memtest86+ right now.  Am I wasting my time, or doing the right thing?20:32
zortecnejode: I can't get a live CD to work which is why I had to use alternate cd because of my onboard graphics20:32
zortecnejode: apparently it's a known bug with nvidia geforce 7300/nforce series20:33
=== alex1 is now known as alex1_
tjelvarvigo, did include medibuntu to sources.list, tried to install ffmpeg (as in post), after apt-get update (no upgrade - afraid of breakage), no luck20:33
tjelvarvigo, server is in production - (sucks... :-( )20:33
=== alex1_ is now known as alex1
nejodezortec: with jaunty?20:34
=== alex1 is now known as alex1_
vigotjelvar: Ran any dh 's on it?20:34
tjelvarwhat's dh? (thank you for u'r help!)20:34
zortecnejode: yeah20:35
MattPhiliePici: Works great.. In the terminal it is currently Setting up cairo - dock - data20:35
kijacan anyone please help?? How to switch off bluetooth in sony vaio?20:35
deanytjelvar, compile your own then.20:35
TniffocHow can I search through all the contents of all the files in a folder for a string?20:35
deanytjelvar, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 super duper easy.20:35
vigotjelvar: dh_ scripts are Deb Helper scripts, here:> https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/appendix-debhelper.html20:36
zortecThere has got to be something I can do, I mean that is a bummer if I can't use ubuntu because my dvd/cdrom is not recognized in the kernel20:36
deanytjelvar, installs to usr/local so no package breakage20:36
Incaruskija, isnt there a toggle or button for it?20:36
salmonis there anything that can be done about "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on dev sata6..."20:36
TniffocHow can I search through all the contents of all the files in a folder for a string?20:36
tjelvarthanks everyone, don't need ffmeg really any more, i'll look around...20:37
grawityTniffoc: grep -r string folder20:37
nejodezortec: have you tried adding "ide_disk" and "ide_cd" to /etc/modules?20:37
Incaruszortec, kernel upgrade XD20:37
kijaIncarus: i cannot find an option to trun off bluetooth20:37
zortecIncarus: how do you kernel upgrade? I've never done that before20:37
vigotjelvar: update/upgrade just updates and builds the sources stuff, it does not really alter anything unless you permit it or request it to.20:37
=== eric__ is now known as talntid
zortecnejode: haven't tried that20:38
Incaruszortec, thats difficult, wait for never ubuntu version ;-)20:38
grawityvigo: update does that -- and upgdare actually installs the new packages.20:38
salmonis there anything that can be done about "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on dev sata6..."20:38
vigogrwaity: with confirmation, I thought.....?20:38
Incaruskija, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9762/20:38
zortecnejode: once I add ide_cd and ide_disk, do I need to reboot ubuntu?20:39
moymoycan anyone offer me some support in this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1213686 .. barely any threads get a hit in this forum before you'20:39
Incaruskija, and http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-120403.html20:39
moymoybefore they're pushed to the third page20:39
DasEi1salmon: open aterminal ..20:39
talntidif I am trying to mount a filesystem on another server, and now it just does connection timed out... where should I look first?20:39
tjelvarvigo, I may be wrong but i belive that upon adding medibuntu the sources was changed, and when removing medibuntu later on, sources didn't 'roll back'? Right??20:39
DasEi1salmon: sudo apt-get install pastebinit20:39
DasEi1salmon: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit20:40
nejodezortec: once I had to do something like that but through a BusyBox prompt at boot time to load the modules20:40
vigotjelvar: That sounds correct, an edit of the lists may be required to "roll it back" ...20:40
=== alex1_ is now known as alex1
zortecnejode: so I need to restart to make the changes?20:40
DasEi1salmon:give url from last cmd here20:40
zortecnejode: or can I run a command to reload the modules?20:40
tjelvarvigo, so how to roll-back? dh does the trick??20:40
salmonDasEi1: will do20:41
nejodezortec: try rebooting20:41
mdgeorge1is there a way to tell what config files I've modified from a package?20:41
zortecnejode: ok, back in a sec20:41
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mdgeorge1in particular, I've changed my tomcat config, but I don't remember how20:41
tjelvarvigo: medibuntu was removed, and apt-get update, and i suspect still no rollback...20:41
pehdenthe startup app doesnt do what i was talking about, is there a way i can make start up script20:41
vigotjelvar: They can help, but I use or would use Nano, Vim or whatever text editor you are happy with and do them correctly.20:41
nejodezortec: sudo modprobe ide_disk20:41
mdgeorge1I was wondering if there was a command to easily diff it with the default version20:42
rootx_Hello everyone, I've just installed ubuntu, and i was looking to get some themes, but when i try to extract them i get a error saying im not a admin, their is only one account on the laptop could someone help me please, via pm if possible??20:42
Sergio>anyone know how to fix this problem i get in dsmeg "device descriptor read/64, error -110"20:42
nejodezortec: sudo modprobe ide_cd20:42
IncarusDasEi1, why you dont kick you "ghost"?20:42
buttons840anyone know how I can finger my localhost port 1079 to test an app?20:42
tjelvarvigo: sources.list just eb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted universe20:42
tjelvardeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates main restricted universe20:42
DasEi1Incarus: its a another machine on my subnet, alright so, thanks20:42
moymoyanyone willing to offer their support in this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-120403.html20:42
rootx_can someone help me?20:42
nejodezortec: the thing is that if the modules are not loaded at boot time20:43
IncarusDasEi1, ok20:43
nejode...you wont have the cd either20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about finger20:43
rootx_Hello everyone, I've just installed ubuntu, and i was looking to get some themes, but when i try to extract them i get a error saying im not a admin, their is only one account on the laptop could someone help me please, via pm if possible??20:43
talntid!repeat rootx_20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat rootx_20:43
DasEi1!sudo | rootx_20:44
ubotturootx_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:44
tjelvarvigo, I'll give debhelper a shot, thanks, cu.20:44
Picirootx_: No need to manually extract the themes. Just drag them onto the theme window found in System>Preferences>appearance20:44
Incarusbuttons840, finger use tcp port 7920:44
MattPhilieI downloaded a theme for the Cairo Dock.. Where do I put the files so I can use it as a theme20:44
rootx_pici: ok thanks, i'll try that aswell as looking at the site.20:44
buttons840Incarus, that's the the specs say sure, but i have a finger app running on 1079 that i want to test20:44
grawitybuttons840: 'finger' always uses port 79. Try using 'nc localhost 1079'20:45
kansan___so is there any way of getting flash to work with firefox 3.5 and ubuntu hardy?  all i see is blank white areas.20:45
nejoderootx: drag and drop the .tar.gz file into the appearance dialog20:45
buttons840what is nc?20:45
DasEi1salmon: ?20:45
grawitybuttons840: netcat20:45
vigotjelvar: Also try mc and stuff, better to do that in or on a Text Editor before making or applying any changes to the system.20:45
zortecnejode: back, still don't see the cdrom20:45
grawitybuttons840: run 'nc -vv localhost 1079', then type the username, and press Enter.20:45
vigoI like vim20:45
mdgeorge1<3 vim20:46
Incarusbuttons840, hm, the command is "finger username@hostname", right? maybe "finger username@localhost:1079" is working, test it20:46
Incarusgrawity, k20:46
Picipehden: I am not a channel.20:46
rootx_Thank's for your help people, it's worked this time!!!20:46
nejodezortec: what does it say if you run sudo modprobe ide_cd fron the cli?20:46
elad`How do I stop the top of the window becoming partially transparent when the window's not selected?20:46
salmonDasEi1: i pastebined what it said20:46
pehdenwhat the privat messge rthing lol20:46
zortecnejode: Module ide_cd not found20:47
moymoyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1213686 anyone? please?20:47
DasEi1salmon: o, I missed it (nick?!), paste it again ?20:47
Picipehden: Just ask in the channel.20:47
nejodezortec: dmesg | grep marvell20:47
zortecnejode: nothing20:48
zortecnejode: same thing20:48
DasEi1!who | salmon:20:48
ubottusalmon:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:48
=== mirc is now known as The_M
nejodezortec: dmesg | grep ata20:49
DasEi1salmon: k, wrong synatx in command -l is small L20:49
DasEi1salmon: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit20:49
tjelvarsolved: se post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7632101#post763210120:49
zortecnejode: ok, have quite a bit here on ata20:49
pehdenPici: i have set it up so that when startx is typed it loads into a terminal screen at a highres, this is sort of what i wanted but i want it to load into the virtualbox program20:49
pehdenpici any idea20:49
DasEi1salmon: you can copy n paste cmd's from messenger n trml20:50
salmonDaSei1: yeah20:50
DasEi1salmon: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit20:50
Picipehden: I don't understand what you mean. We don't even use startx to start the graphical environment by default on Ubuntu.20:50
zortecnejode: http://www.pastebin.org/274020:50
pehdeni removed all desktops on purpose so i have startx20:51
zortecpehden: ?20:51
IncarusPici, startx is sometimes working when X or Xorg isnt working20:51
salmonDasEi1: http://pastebin.com/f135bbb37  is that what you need?20:51
DasEi1salmon: yes20:51
salmonDasEi1: sorry bout that20:52
zortecnejode: I'm worried about ata2, ata3, and ata4 link being down.20:52
Picipehden: If you're asking how to start vbox as a daemon/service then I'm afraid I do not know how to do that. The folks in #vbox should be able to help though.20:52
vigomoymoy: Look at this one, and note each line: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24988920:52
=== FrozenFire[alt] is now known as FrozenFire
MattPhilieI downloaded a theme from Google for Cairo Dock.. Where do I put the folder? How do I get it to be a theme in Cairo so I can switch to it20:52
DasEi1salmon: np, we're no bots :-[, which partiton you want to mount ?20:52
salmonDasEi1: dev sata 620:53
Picipehden: /join #vbox20:53
pehdeni knew i was missing something lmao20:53
IncarusMattPhilie, extract to:~/.cairo-dock/themes/20:54
DasEi1salmon: look at http://pastebin.com/f135bbb37 , you mean /dev/sda6  ?20:54
moymoyvigo: i'm not having NFS problems, rather, i'm having problems with the bootup and shutdown scripts because i tried using the workaround in the Ubuntu NFS documentation20:54
salmonDesEi1: yes20:54
zortecnejode: I'm going to try something, back shortly20:54
DasEi1salmon: sudo mkdir /media/sda620:55
DasEi1salmon: sudo mount /dev/sda6  /media/sda620:55
DasEi1salmon: cd /media/sda620:55
DasEi1salmon: ls20:55
malvdoes ubuntu netbook remix support home encryption?20:56
DasEi1salmon: can se files of that partiton there ?20:56
salmonDasEi1: uuh tried it and got "mount point /media/sda6 does not exist"20:57
deanymalv, its just ubuntu with a more optimised gui for small screens.20:57
DasEi1salmon: sudo mkdir /media/sda620:57
vigomoymoy: Ah, ok, see the scripts here? they discuss that, sorta. the /restart and a few others, done in a text editor are rather important.20:58
DasEi1salmon: sudo mount /dev/sda6  /media/sda620:58
darkangelhey wondering if there is a program to shrink .iso files20:58
darkangelor change the filetype20:58
salmonDasEi1: did all that. no dice20:58
Incarusdeany, and limited driver support(ß)20:58
DasEi1salmon: cd /media/sda620:58
conny_hola, soy nueva en esto.20:58
DasEi1salmon: directory exists ?20:58
Incarusdeany, *(?)20:58
* zortec is going crazy.20:59
Incaruslol, zortec20:59
Incaruszortec, no panic20:59
zortecI can't figure out how to get ubuntu to recognize my cdrom20:59
darkangelanyone know how to or have a program to shrink .iso files or change the filetype20:59
salmonDasei1: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda6,20:59
salmon       missing codepage or helper program, or other error20:59
salmon       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try20:59
salmon       dmesg | tail  or so20:59
FloodBot2salmon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:59
deanyIncarus, dont need a lot of drivers for a netbook really.20:59
Incarusdeany, yeah21:00
DasEi1salmon: mount | pastebinit21:00
DasEi1salmon: pastebinit /etc/fstab21:01
DasEi1salmon: dmesg | pastebinit21:01
salmonDasEi1: http://pastebin.com/f1dc7a8d6            http://pastebin.com/f2784755121:02
moymoyvigo: where in the thread do they talk about them? the thread is HUGE!21:03
MattPhilieIncarus .. eh I cannot seem to locate /.cairo-dock/themes  .. Sorry I just got it today..21:03
losherdarkangel: start further back. Where did this iso come from, and what do you want to ultimately do with it...21:03
vigomoymoy: One sec....21:04
darkangelthis .iso came from a dvd and im just trying to shrink them to save room21:04
juanbondHey guys, quick question... VirtualBox or VMWare Server?21:04
DasEi1salmon : could you cd to /media/sda6 (can also look it it's existance up under places)21:04
sebsebsebjuanbond: Virtualbox21:04
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
zortecso am I just out of luck for my cdrom drive?21:04
DasEi1salmon: aa, you got a hd error concerning your journal ..21:04
salmonDasEi1: ??21:04
DasEi1zortec: did hwinfo find it ?21:05
zortecjuanbond: VBox21:05
sebsebsebjuanbond: and get it directly from their site for Linux hosts  http://www.virtualbox.org21:05
DasEi1salmon : do you have a live cd ?21:05
zortecDasEil: Is that ran at the cli?21:05
darkangellosher eventually maybe re burn to create back up dvds but mainly to make the file size smaler21:05
salmonDasEi1: as a matter of fact i do21:05
juanbondsebsebseb: perfect, thank you!21:05
vigomoymoy: Is an Auto mount and reverse script?21:05
sebsebsebjuanbond: so you have USB and networking21:05
sebsebsebjuanbond: np21:05
DasEi1zortec: sudo apt-get install hwinfo && hwinfo21:06
DasEi1salmon : you are on live now ?21:06
nedaI want to mount a long path to a short new path and want to have this mount permanently. anybody helps please?21:06
losherdarkangel: there are a lot of options. Mostly it depends how much shrinkage (we call it compression) you need e.g less than 4G, and where you plan to watch the compressed dvd e.g on your PC, or on a regular dvd player?21:06
sebsebsebjuanbond: opensource version lacks USB21:06
DasEi1!fstab | neda21:06
ubottuneda: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:06
juanbondsebsebseb: it's for personal use anyways.21:06
revygttamneda, what do you mean long path to short path? Like create an alias?21:06
moymoyvigo: nope, nothing of that sort, i had a problem shutting down the computer with NFS shares, but i followed a workaround in the ubuntu documentation and i may have problems with my shutdown/bootup scripts nwo21:07
sebsebsebjuanbond: what you going to VM?21:07
darkangelif i could compress the files to less that 4 gb that would be amazing, most are coming out about 7 to 7.8 gb per file21:07
MidnightDevilyo :)21:07
salmonDasEi1: no, my comp has two hard drives, OS on one, everything else on the other. thats the issue im having it mounting the other one :[  should i be on the live cd21:07
jduserneda: why not using symlinks21:07
MidnightDevili seem to have a small problem, some icons on the gnome menu wont work21:07
MidnightDevilany way to rebuild it?21:07
darkangeland watching them would be on either or pc or a dvd player21:07
nedamoymoy: yes...21:07
DasEi1salmon : I see, is the 20 gig ubuntu, too ?21:08
MattPhilieI cannot locate where to extract a theme for cairo dock.. Can anyone specify the location of where to extract the theme I downloaded..?21:08
newuser007can anybody give me a link where is exmples of ddos atacks?21:08
juanbondsebsebseb: using it for testing browsers/operating systems...  i'm a web developer21:08
salmonDasEi1: yes21:08
vigomoymoy: Ok, that helps , using Vim or nano or whatever?21:08
sebsebsebjuanbond: oh ok21:08
juanbondsebsebseb: it will also load vmware images right?21:08
sebsebsebjuanbond: yep21:08
zortecDasEil: It found this:  modalias = "pci:v000010DEd000007CDsv00001462sd00007518bc05sc00i00"21:08
zortecCan write CD-R:21:08
zortecCan write CD-RW:21:08
moymoyvigo: nope.. the method i used is in the thread i linked earlier21:08
DasEi1salmon : thats fine, no live needed, let me look at your mount again..21:08
moymoyvigo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24988921:08
zortecDasEil: I don't know what to make of that21:08
salmonDasEi1: ok21:08
randall_I just changed my password with usermod -p password username and now i cant log in to my server with the new or the old password21:09
DasEi1salmon : e2fsck -p /dev/sda521:09
zortecDasEil: It detected something but doesn't seem to exist21:09
losherdarkangel: standard size for a shop bought dvd is around 8G. Most common compressed size is 4G (so you can burn it onto a blank DVD) or 700M (so you can burn it onto a blank CD). Obviously, the more you compress, the worse the quality gets & the longer it takes,21:09
DasEi1salmon : sudo  e2fsck -p /dev/sda5         ,*21:09
sebsebsebrandall_: odd command  it's   passwd username to reset the user password if you only got a root shell or   otherwise  sudo passwd username,  well that's the desktkop version,  I assume this applys also for the server21:10
dhaval_I can't understand how to use wget21:10
juanbondsebsebseb: 64bit os's too right?21:10
nedaI want to create an alias for a long path and want to have this mount permanently. anybody helps please?21:10
nandonachi_any chat room which has network programming discussion for beginners?21:10
dhaval_How do I say download all songs starting with afro21:10
darkangeli understand the more compressed it gets the worse it gets, im looking to compress these files though, do you have a program to do that21:10
juanbondmeaning, i can create images and install a 64bit OS on it?21:10
sebsebsebrandall_: if you already got a root shell  passwd username otherwise sudo passwd username21:10
dhaval_like wget afro*21:10
DasEi1randall_: boot in recovery mode, use passwd to re-set (and don't forget XD)21:10
randall_sebsebseb so what did usermod do?21:10
salmonDasEi1: /dev/sda5: clean, 38/65952 files, 19749/263048 blocks21:10
Sinatradoes Ubuntu 9.04 still have that problem with installing flash? or is it automatically installed now?21:10
dhaval_I didn't understand the man or the help page21:10
zortecThis chat room is getting a lot of questions, is there a place I can go to get help on my cdrom without holding everyone up?21:10
DasEi1salmon : sudo  e2fsck -p /dev/sda621:11
randall_DasEil, how do i boot in recovery mode on ubuntu server?21:11
sebsebsebjuanbond: yes, but on a 64bit host you might have to turn  hardware virtualization on if your computer has it, before 64bit guets will work21:11
stewrandall_: you ran "usermod -p password username" where "password" was the actual password you were intending to set?21:11
randall_stew correct21:11
juanbondsebsebseb: building my new intel i7 today, so i think we're good :)21:11
stewrandall_: usermod -p doesn't take a password as an argument, it takes a password hash21:11
sebsebsebjuanbond: if you have it,  it will be a feature in your bios,  for security reasons  computers tend not to have this feature enabled by default21:11
juanbondon a asus p6t deluxe motherboard :)21:11
cratelis there a way to know whether or not I am running 32 bit or 64 bit os from cli?21:12
DasEi1randall_: at boot up, when grub says loading, press <Esc>,  choose recovery-kernel; are you on jaunty ?21:12
stewrandall_: (which you could generate with something like "mkpasswd -H MD5"21:12
MattPhilieSorry to repost.. but I was disconnected accidental.. I cannot locate where to extract a theme for cairo dock.. Can anyone specify the location of where to extract the theme I downloaded..?21:12
losherdarkangel: there are several: dvdrip, k9copy, handbrake, wine+dvdshrink, mencoder, transcode. k9copy is probably a good one to start with....21:12
salmonDasEi1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220768/21:12
randall_DasEil the server is remote21:12
zortecMattPhilie: Just use the themes manager21:12
DasEi1randall_: oo21:12
darkangeli've used k9copy before and it didnt work very well for me21:12
randall_stew what would it do if i just typed in a ascii password instead of a hash?21:13
MidnightDevili seem to have a small problem, some icons on the gnome menu wont work, any way to rebuild it?21:13
randall_this is very bad21:13
stewrandall_: it would put the ascii password into /etc/shadow where a hash should have gone, which, since it is not a vaild hash, would disable the account21:13
zortecI have been in the chat room 3 hours trying to get help on my problem... this is going to take a while21:13
MattPhiliezortec: I downloaded a theme off of Google and don't know where to extract the files.. Meaning I cannot use the theme manager21:13
randall_stew its my superuser account21:14
randall_stew can i still log in as "root"?21:14
losherdarkangel: I've never used it myself. Personally I prefer wine+dvdshrink. I hear good things about handbrake. I've also used dvdrip...21:14
DasEi1zortec: if you don't follow up hints and respond, you'll go more crazy21:15
stewrandall_: uh, I don't know if you can,  you tell me21:15
randall_stew soooooo im toast now21:15
traehttp://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=571579  This bug going to be fixed anytime soon in 9.04?21:15
sebsebseb!root |  randall_21:15
DasEi1salmon : looks like a corrupted, maybe dead partiton; first question : older harddrive/ important data on it ?21:15
ubotturandall_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:15
zortecDasEil: I've already followed up and responded, but my question is being lost in the mix21:15
sebsebseb!sudo |  randall_21:16
ubotturandall_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:16
nedaI want to create an alias for a long path and want to have this mount permanently. anybody helps please?21:16
stewrandall_: it sounds like perhaps you will need someone to boot into single user mode or with recovery media21:16
darkangeldvdshrink is not free though correct??21:16
DasEi1partition, damn21:16
Kreg-Workdoes ubuntu have something for intel macbooks?  ubuntu seems to recognize all my hardwaer21:16
Kreg-Workwhere other distros mostly do not.21:16
randall_sebsebseb, so if i can log in as another user i can still use sudo?21:16
losherdarkangel: you talking to me?21:16
Kreg-Workseems gpt friendly too21:16
DasEi1zortec: nick is DasEi1; so hwinfo found cd ?21:16
sebsebsebrandall_: as long as your user has admin rights, you should be able to use sudo yes21:16
coherentlighthow does one adjust the fan speed so that it' not always on high (on my laptop) ?21:17
salmonDasEi1: yeah there is some important stuff on there.. nothing i can do?21:17
thibautya til francais21:17
Kreg-Workguess my question is, does ubuntu focus any effort on macbooks or does it just happen to work.21:17
sebsebseb!fr |  thibaut21:17
ubottuthibaut: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:17
zortecDasEil: It found a device, but nothing there21:17
losherdarkangel: then you need to use my name, or I'll miss it in this busy channel...21:17
darkangellosher my bad21:17
randall_sebsebseb, im guessing a user must be explicitly granted admin status?21:17
zortecDasEi: Is there an l on your name?21:17
zortecDasEi: Tab completion is not working too well21:17
sebsebsebKreg-Work: install  Ubuntu is a bit differnet on a Mac book,  to do with the boot loader or something,  I don't have one personally21:18
darkangellosher: i dont know all the commands and shit in here just figuring it out21:18
tmaFougner: are u still there?21:18
jduserKreg-Work: are u trolling?21:18
sebsebseb!mac |  Kreg-Work21:18
ubottuKreg-Work: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:18
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:18
DasEi1salmon: no well, there are more agressive methods then preen on datarecovery, but the risk to increase the damage is there, so then one would first try to get a backup of current situation, for case things go worse21:18
sebsebseb!dualboot |  Kreg-Work21:18
ubottuKreg-Work: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:18
vigomoymoy: That method I linked looked correct, it was 2008, but still looks correct.21:18
thiebaudeKreg-Work: you using boot camp?21:18
Kreg-Worki've got a multi boot working fine on a macbook.  of the several Linux distros i have installed on it, ubuntu just happens to have alot of hardware setup out of the can21:18
zortecWhat is the username of DasEi with a ; or an l?21:19
zortecI can't seem to get the message directed to the right person21:19
sebsebsebthiebaude  Kreg-Work   bootcamp is for Windows not Ubuntu21:19
Kreg-WorkrEFIt with grub21:19
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:19
DasEi1 zortec: it's a one21:19
randall_DasEi1 lol21:19
salmonDasEi1: ok well i don't currently have a drive large enough to back it up, so thank you for your time...21:19
zortecDasEi: When you do tab, it just does DasEi21:19
zortecThat is why I didn't even know there was a 1, it is really weird21:19
Kreg-Worki use rEFIt to boot osx, windows, and one linux.    then grub under that linux to boot /dev/sda5 and up.21:20
nedais there a way to tell the os to reload the fstab file w.o restarting?21:20
jduserzortec: use Dase... [TAB]21:20
zortecDase... That is all it does for [TAB] is Dasei21:20
DasEi1k, gonna kick DasEi21:20
sebsebseb!language |  darkangel21:20
ubottudarkangel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:20
zortecIt's like... I don't know what it's doing but that is not right21:20
MattPhilieIt says to extract in ~/.config/cairo-dock/themes .... I cannot find it... WHere is it?!21:20
deanyneda, sudo mount -a21:21
Zxcvbis it possible to use a swap partition larger than 2GB?21:21
nedadeany: thx21:21
zortecDasEi1: hwinfo found a device, but doesn't seem to exist21:21
randall_sebsebseb, i hooked up a screen to the server and rebooted but i didnt get a recovery mode option21:21
dotblankHas anyone gotten pulse and jack to work?21:21
sixdrawI want to set up my pc to use two different screens. Problem is I have only one pci express slot being used for my current graphics card. I have another pci express card. Would my best option be to upgrade my motherboard or buy a pci graphics card, which aren't so common these days?21:21
losherdarkangel: windows dvdshrink is free, but diffiicult to find, and no longer maintained. For the really difficult copy protected dvds, I have to rip them using anydvd then compress using nero. Linux compression is years behind windows, unfortunately...21:21
zortecDasEi1:  modalias = "pci:v000010DEd000007CDsv00001462sd00007518bc05sc00i00"21:21
zortecCan write CD-R:21:21
zortecCan write CD-RW:21:21
sebsebsebZxcvb: of course, but  depending on how much RAM you have,  you may not need a SWAP in the first place21:21
zortecDasEi1: Now the [TAB] is working21:21
Zxcvbsebsebseb: wasn't there a limit of 2gb per swap partition though?21:22
sebsebsebZxcvb:  SWAP is needed for hibernation/sleep/suspend21:22
vigoZxcvb: Yes it is possible, look at the grub how to.21:22
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info21:22
FougnerMrPiracy, hey21:22
=== jcdury is now known as dury
Kreg-Workthought SWAP was only used for hibernate21:22
Kreg-Workas far as power down modes go21:22
DasEi1zortec: open a trml21:22
intxanyone played with linpus lite on an aspire one21:22
intxjust wondering how it mounts the /home dir.. does it use a ramdisk?21:22
sebsebsebKreg-Work: yep maybe only for hibernate21:22
DasEi1zortec: sudo apt-get install pastebinit21:23
Zxcvbso when did the 2GB swap partition limit get overcome?21:23
duryhi there channel :)21:23
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:23
sixdrawHi, I want to set up my pc to use two different screens. Problem is I have only one pci express slot being used for my current graphics card. I have another pci express card. Would my best option be to upgrade my motherboard or buy a pci graphics card, which aren't so common these days?21:23
dasgoob"alias eth0 skge" where do i put this?21:23
sebsebsebZxcvb: how much RAM do you have?   and  8GB  swap is  rather big21:23
deanyZxcvb, when we got bigger hd`s?21:23
zortecDasEi1: ok done21:23
DasEi1zortec: pastebinit /etc/fstab21:23
thiebaudeZxcvb: you can manually edit swap21:23
sebsebsebZxcvb:  one idea is to double the RAM,  ,but when you got 4GB RAM hmm21:23
Zxcvbso I was looking at around 5-6GB swap (enough to hibernate and still have 1-2GB of swap left)21:24
randall_My only admin account on my ubuntu server is locked and there is no recovery mode to boot into. any ideas other than reinstalling?21:24
sebsebsebZxcvb: also with  4GB RAM you don't need swap, also your going to  try and hibernate the computer21:24
zortecDasEi1: http://pastebin.com/f3e29ce0221:24
Zxcvbbut I thought you couldn't have more than 2GB of swap per swap partition21:24
duryI would appreciate it if someone could drive me to update my firefox to 3.521:24
leaf-sheep!ff35 | dury21:24
ubottudury: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY21:24
sebsebsebZxcvb: you can have 8GB SWAP, you can  have 20GB swap if you like,  which is also way to much21:24
DasEi1sixdraw: hasn't the pcie two connectors ?21:25
Omar87I just tried to install an ISO image on my USB stick using UNetBootin, but it didn't boot. And now I'm trying to delete the files on it, but somehow the system tells it's a read-only device. What would the problem be?21:25
DasEi1!xinerama | sixdraw21:25
ubottusixdraw: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead21:25
davroZxcvb: double the ram then i would need 24gig of swap, not really a scalable gauge ?21:25
sixdrawDasEi1 I've only one slot on the mother board. Thre's a vga out and dvi out and svideo21:26
sixdrawbut i need two vga outs21:26
sebsebsebdavro  zxvb   24GB  SWAP is way to much21:26
thiebaudesebsebseb: i agree21:26
MrPiracyhow can i install a 32bits debian package in a 64bit system?21:26
zortecDasEi1: Did you get the contents of /etc/fstab?21:26
sebsebsebZxcvb: shoudn't really make SWAP any bigger than 8GB21:26
DasEi1sixdraw: you can use vga and dvi parrallel21:27
sixdrawwhat do you mean?21:27
Omar87I just tried to install an ISO image on my USB stick using UNetBootin, but it didn't boot. And now I'm trying to delete the files on it, but somehow the system tells it's a read-only device. What would the problem be?21:27
dury mine it's Distributor ID:Ubuntu21:27
duryDescription:Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS21:27
FloodBot2dury: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:27
DasEi1zortec : yup, and : gksudo gedit /etc/fstab21:27
MrPiracysebsebseb: shouldn't the swap area be the same as the physical RAM memory?21:27
sixdrawdo you mean get a converter?21:27
sebsebsebMrPiracy: not with large amounts of RAM21:27
sebsebsebMrPiracy: if you have 512MB RAM,  you  do 1GB SWAP21:27
zortecDasEi1: ok /etc/fstab is open21:28
DasEi1zortec : add a line /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       021:28
durysorry FloodBot2.... really sorry21:28
MrPiracysebsebseb: i have 8gb of ram here and created a 8gb swap, did i do wrong?21:28
coherentlighthow does one adjust the fan speed so that it' not always on high (on my laptop) ?21:28
sebsebsebMrPiracy: if you have 1GB RAM, you can do 2GB SWAP, if you have  4GB RAM you can do  8GB  SWAP, altough not needed  with 4GB RAM really.   in fact personally I have no use for SWAP  with only 1GB RAM :)21:28
thiebaudeMrPiracy: i have 512mb and i do 1.5gb21:28
sebsebsebMrPiracy: 8GB RAM and 8GB SWAP should be ok21:28
DasEi1sixdraw: your displays connect both on vga ? yeah, then get adaptor for the dvi one21:28
Omar87I just tried to install an ISO image on my USB stick using UNetBootin, but it didn't boot. And now I'm trying to delete the files on it, but somehow the system tells it's a read-only device. What would the problem be?21:29
andrewfreeI have a mac book pro so I have two graphic cards, how do I swtich what one im using on ubuntu21:29
sebsebsebMrPiracy: however you only need  SWAP space if your going to hibernate21:29
DasEi1!who | sixdraw21:29
ubottusixdraw: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:29
zortecDasEi1: Ok once that line is added, what did you want me to do?21:29
deanyOmar87, sudo apt-get install gparted21:29
MrPiracysebsebseb: ohhh, then i can just delete it?21:29
moymoyvigo: this was the only thing you linked me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24988921:29
randall_Can anyone help me recover a locked admin account on ubuntu server?21:29
sebsebsebMrPiracy: yep21:29
mmarc__2hi, anybody knows a chan to discuss kino (kinodv) app?21:29
duryso there is not a choice to update firefox 3.5 under hardy21:29
sixdraw<DasEi1> cheers21:29
MrPiracysebsebseb: cool, hehe21:30
sebsebsebMrPiracy: and I think it maybe also gets useed for suspend/sleep21:30
MrPiracysebsebseb: i dont use these features21:30
sebsebsebMrPiracy: SWAP is  really for  computers with not that much RAM21:30
sebsebseb!swap |  MrPiracy21:30
ubottuMrPiracy: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info21:30
juju2143hi, anybody knows how to solve my problem of suspend to ram/filesystem problem?21:30
DasEizortec: save fstab, close gedit21:30
zortecDasEi: Ok already done21:31
DasEizortec: sudo mount -a21:31
andrewfreemy computer has two graphic cards how do I swtich what one im using on osx21:31
MrPiracysebsebseb: heheheh, old habits ... i'll just delete it, i believe 8gb is enough for jaunty21:31
sebsebsebMrPiracy: 8GB RAM is  more than enough for jaunty21:31
sebsebsebMrPiracy: you can probably run quite a few virtual machines   inside  Ubuntu with that as well21:31
sebsebsebMrPiracy: in fact I wonder how many21:31
zortecDasEi: ok21:32
deany8gb, hell, I`m still on 1gb and I run jaunty and xp/ubuntu server in vm`s and still dont use swap21:32
MrPiracysebsebseb: my processor is kinda old, it doesnt have virtualization21:32
Zxcvbso, no idea when the 2GB swap partition limit went away? (you could have multiple swap partitions, but each one could only be 2GB, so if you wanted 8GB of swap you would have to make 4 seperate swap partitions of 2GB each)21:32
vigomoymoy: Right, this is another one, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=b9207af169a8d521b7f855ab4e553abd&t=637258&highlight=boot+shutdown+scripts21:32
zortecdeany: I also have a 1GB swap, you really don't need 2GB for a swap file21:32
sebsebsebMrPiracy: mine either and we don't need hardware virtualization21:32
MrPiracysebsebseb: core2duo 1.7  ... one of the first models21:32
deanyzortec, 1gb ram, 2gb swap :)21:32
LiraNunahow safe is it to backport a package on a production server?21:32
zortecdeany: I have 3GB ram, 1GB swap21:32
DasEizortec: we forgot sth : sudo mkdir /media/cdrom021:32
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sebsebsebZxcvb: 2GB SWAP limit is long gone21:33
LiraNunaI know it's bad practice, but my team really needs git 1.6.x21:33
sebsebsebZxcvb: I didn't know there was one21:33
zortecDasEi: Ok made the directory and ran sudo mount -a21:33
deanymine barely touches swap space, but its there, for the small piece it does use on extremes21:33
sebsebsebzortec: you don't need swap unless your going to hibernate21:33
MrPiracydeany: large amounts of ram is needed by archaic OS'es ... like ... hmmm ... windows21:33
DasEizortec: so put in a cd and try to access it21:34
zortecsebsebseb: True I just use standby on mine which works great21:34
deanyi turn mine off..21:34
zortecDasEi: Where should the cd show up?21:34
zortecDasEi: I just put in a cd21:34
DasEizortec: places or /media/cdrom021:35
Zxcvbany idea why the installer is claiming that 4GB for / is not enough?21:35
sebsebsebZxcvb: ,because it isn't21:35
MrPiracyso, does any of u guys know how i could get SecondLife running on a x64 jaunty? I have NVIDIA 8600 gt (more than enough for SL) and i still can't get it running21:35
sebsebsebZxcvb: do you even know what / is ?21:35
vigomoymoy: And this Official Doc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo21:35
duryok guys have to run be back other day..... cheers channel :)21:35
MidnightDevilperhaps it takes a lottle more than the cd itself, its uncompressed n stuff21:35
zortecDasEi: nothing showing in places or /media/cdrom021:36
Zxcvbyeah, but I usually use a smaller / and a larger /usr21:36
moymoyvigo: the official docs are what caused the problem =\ but thanks for linking me to this thread21:36
vigomoymoy: Here is the launchpad /bug report https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipsec-tools/+bug/3753621:37
hdonhi all. i have confirmed that the "Fixed" font from Etch is provided by the package "xfonts-base." this font appears in gtk/gnome font selection dialog windows under Debian Etch. I have also confirmed with md5sum that the "xfonts-base" package is identical in Debian Etch as it is in Ubuntu Jaunty. my problem is: in Ubuntu Jaunty, none of the font selection dialog windows show my favorite font! what am i to do?21:37
FLJoh1Guys there is a fellow that was here last night and his name was sea something does anyone know what his whole name is?21:37
zortecFLJoh1:  Check the chat logs to see if you recognize his name21:37
Zxcvbso what makes *ubuntu need more than 4GB on / even if /usr is over 30GB?21:37
FLJoh1zortec:thank you21:38
sebsebsebZxcvb: do like 8GB for /  sincey ou got your /usr21:38
sebsebsebZxcvb: or  is it just  recommending you don't have less than 4GB?21:38
zortecDasEi: Is it just not possible to get my cdrom working? I didn't really think I would be spending almost 4 hours in the ubuntu irc room troubleshooting21:38
JuJuBeeI need a new dvd burner.  Any models/brands that are better with ubuntu?21:38
Wizi1400 people, wow!21:38
vigomoymoy: I am happy if I helped at all, I have no idea what a NFS shared memory widget is,21:38
DasEizortec: dmesg | pastebinit21:39
hdonactually Wizi, it was 1394 people, which is even better than 1400 because of Firewire ;)21:39
hdonoh he's gone21:39
edbianJuJuBee: I have yet to see a CD drive (or DVD drive) that doesn't work perfectly with ubuntu.21:39
* rootpt is away: Estou ocupado21:39
JuJuBeeMe either, but thought I'd ask...21:39
zortecedbian: That is not comforting...21:39
pehdenhow to install sound with term, with blackbox21:40
edbianJuJuBee: Typically it is a great idea to scope the hardware market for linux support before buying. :)21:40
zortecDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f4836799321:40
edbianzortec: You've seen a CD drive that ubuntu didn't recognize?21:40
zortecedbian: Yeah, mine :)21:40
zortecedbian: I've been trying to get it working for the last 4 hours in ubuntu21:41
jacobuI know compiling custom kernels isn't supported, but after doing so, the linux-headers package I built doesn't seem to install asm/types.h (and several others).  Is there a special link I need to make after installing a custom kernel header package?21:41
edbianzortec: Really?  Is it usb-external or something?21:41
zortecedbian: Lite-On DH-20A4P-04 SuperAllwrite OEM DVD Burner - 20x DVD±R Burn, 16x DVD±R Read, 8x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-RW, 8x DVD±R DL, 12x DVD-RAM, 48x32x CD-R/RW, PATA, Black (L12-1142 OEM)  21:41
zortecedbian: That is the drive we are trying to get recognized in ubuntu21:41
pehdenalso i need some help setting up a connection manager for lan21:41
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Sinatraokay i'm getting ready to install linux ... for good ... can someone reassure me everything will be fine??21:42
nialljSinatra: has been for me so far :)21:42
thiebaudeSinatra: you'll have fun with ubuntu21:42
MidnightDevillol Sinatra21:42
qwyethWhat directory is most likely to contain launchers that run when I log in to gnome?21:43
Sinatrawell i have been dual booting for a while, i'm now ready to make the full switch21:43
MidnightDevilmake sure you have backed up all your data before something goes wrong in the partitions phase :)21:43
MidnightDevilif you do it right, i doubt it messes up21:43
zortecSinatra: Just follow the installation process carefully and watch what options you select :)21:43
MidnightDevilbut if something goes wrong, even on the user side, at least you have backed up :)21:43
teposeim 12 and what is this?21:43
MidnightDevilshit happens and we know it :P21:43
Sinatrawell i'm doing it to my laptop ... and i backed up everything i could and put it on my desktop21:43
zortecedbian: You have seen that drive before?21:44
davroSinatra: Just click your heals three times while singing there's no place like home, everything will be just fine :)21:44
edbianzortec: No.  Sounds like a typical drive though.21:44
MattPhilieUmm.. where do I extract a theme that I downloaded for Cairo Dock?21:44
edbianzortec: You probably could've figuered that out from my previous statement though, "I've never seen a CD drive that didn't work with ubuntu"21:44
edbianzortec: :p21:44
zortecedbian Yeah :P21:44
Nehyx!paste | Nehyx21:45
ubottuNehyx, please see my private message21:45
edbianzortec: Good luck with it!21:45
Nehyxthanks very much21:45
cl0shey is there a simple way to lets say have ebox-unified-communication on one virtual host and ebox-office on another but have them both share the same users/groups?21:45
qwyethI recently installed awn, and while configuring it, it said "a startup directory does not yet exist for this user account" and I told it to create one.  I want to look at that directory that awn created.  Where might it be?21:45
cl0svirtual server*21:45
ragscan we have multiple SA for the same ipsec tunnel??21:45
teposeim 12 and what is this?????21:45
zortecedbian: I'm not ready to give up yet, but it's exhausting being in a chat room for 4 hours for one problem :)21:45
ragsthat is spdadd statement in ipsec-tools conf?21:45
zortecedbian: In my linux experience, I've never had a problem with cdrom drives21:45
itswhatevqwyeth: have you tried docky?21:45
coherentlighthow does one adjust the fan speed so that it' not always on high (on my laptop) ?21:46
MrPiracyI am receiving this error message when running a program: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:46
edbianzortec: Besides this one?  Have you tried the drive on a different machine to rule out hardware error?21:46
teposeenyone elses high?21:46
MrPiracyhow can i fix that?21:46
edbianzortec: Can you boot a live CD from it?21:46
th0rMrPiracy: you need to install libGL21:46
zortecedbian: I have tried it on Windows and it works fine and I can't boot a Live CD because of my onboard graphics21:46
MrPiracyth0r: how do i do that?21:46
edbianzortec: You're just in linux hardware hell aren't you?21:47
th0rMrPiracy: via synaptic I would assume, although if you had installed the program via synaptic it would have installed the lib also21:47
qwyethitswhatev:  No, haven't tried docky yet.21:47
qwyethFound it.  It's ~/.config/autostart/21:47
itswhatevqwyeth: i'm a convert21:47
ragsany ipsec gurus here?21:47
=== morpheus is now known as morphias
zortecedbian: Yeah I really am... it's a bummer but I'm hoping through the community that we can at least work out my cdrom issue21:48
MrPiracyth0r: i believe the lib is installed .... fglxinfo and direct render are fine21:48
zortecI thought it would be as simple as installing cdrom drivers, but that didn't go over too well21:48
MrPiracyth0r: this program is barking about my system being 64bits and i need 32bits packages installed21:48
th0rMrPiracy: right...that can be a problem21:49
anavarrothere is any tool to measure the traffic a tomcat session in bytes?21:49
zortecDasEi: Have you come up with anything?21:49
MrPiracyth0r: fixable?21:49
th0rMrPiracy: that is why I installed the 32bit jaunty even though I have a 64bit cpu21:49
leaf-sheep!chroot | MrPiracy21:49
ubottuMrPiracy: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)21:49
DasEizortec: no relevant info found, still seeking21:49
zortecI wish I could get the linux developers in here, heh21:50
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ArtissimoI just installed Xsane but I can't find it! :-O where are GUI applications installed in ubuntu ?21:51
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: What package, btw?21:51
zortecArtissimo: You can open synaptic and see what packages are installed21:51
Artissimozortec: is synaptic the package manager?21:52
deanyArtissimo, Xsane is usually under "graphics"21:52
zortecArtissimo: yes21:52
deanyArtissimo, main menu21:52
leaf-sheepArtissimo: killall gnome-panel (refresh your panels).21:52
syslq78leaf-sheep, does that work if you killed your panes by accident'21:53
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: iḿ just trying to run SecondLife21:53
leaf-sheepsyslq78: No. You can't kill panels.  Only can hide the last panel.21:53
MrPiracyit's barking about ia32-libs21:53
syslq78That's a relief21:54
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: the webpage u sent me looks kinda scaring .... i just want to run a game21:54
h00kI freshly installed Jaunty today, coming back from Karmic Koala (leaving my /home untouched) and I don't have autocomplete with apt-get in my terminal and I forget how to re-enable it/21:54
nshwhat's the easiest (and quickest) way to transfer a large file from one ubuntu box to another, over a wireless network?21:55
DasEizortec:pastebinit /var/log/syslog21:55
qwyethnsh: scp21:55
MrPiracywhat's the best irc client for jaunty?21:56
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:56
h00kMrPiracy: try a bunch, xchat, kvirc, irssi,21:56
h00kMrPiracy: pidgin,21:56
zortecDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f727b6c2b21:57
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: I'd say irssi but that's overkill for somebody new like you.  Use xchat instead.21:57
intxcan someone explain what these options mean? a result from mount: none on /mnt/home type aufs (rw,si=cb2f1e80,xino=/home/user/.aufs.xino,create=mfs,dirs=/home/user=rw)21:57
DasEiMrPiracy: and xchat and kopete for the most common21:57
jander991Hello all.21:58
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: i am very familiar with irc programs/network ... was just assuming there was something better than xchat ... it sux21:58
h00k!hi | jander99121:58
ubottujander991: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:58
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: What is it that you're looking for in your IRC client? :)21:58
jander991I'm looking for some direction.  I'd like to help with cleaning up the "New / Undecided" bugs.  Doing a quick search, sorted by "Least Recently Changed," displays bug reports from over 2 years ago.  How should I proceed with these bugs? Most are from Fiesty/Edgy and I'm sure they have just been abandoned.21:58
jander991I've asked this question in #ubuntu-bugs, with no response.21:59
MouseI like xchat21:59
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: a way to fine tune it would be a good start21:59
h00kI freshly installed Jaunty today, coming back from Karmic Koala (leaving my /home untouched) and I don't have autocomplete with apt-get in my terminal and I forget how to re-enable it.21:59
zenlunaticMrException, there are powerful cli ones21:59
sixdrawDasEi1 : One other question. Can you run xinerama with just one graphics card?21:59
jander991h00k, try reinstalling bash-completion21:59
twig11What utility does Ubuntu provide for extracting .rar archives21:59
zenlunaticMrPiracy, there are powerful cli ones21:59
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: for example .. this chat room is so full of messages, i'd light to highlight the lines with my nickname on it22:00
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: as well as my own lines22:00
IceWindtwig11,  unrar?22:00
DasEisixdraw: yes, if the card itself is dualhead-able22:00
MouseMrPiracy, you can do that in xchat22:00
h00kjander991: bash itself autocompletes, just not with apt-get things22:00
MrPiracyMouse: how? highlight box in config is not working22:00
h00kMrPiracy: xchat can do that22:00
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: It should automatically highlight the lines with your nicknames. I think you need to finetune it first. I never use anything default. :)22:00
sixdrawDasEi1 : by dual headable you mean having a vga connector and a dvi?22:00
jander991h00k: silly question, does aptitude autocomplete?22:01
MouseMrPiracy, it's in the options let me look exactly where22:01
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: i usually do that too, but ubuntu is giving me so many problems22:01
DasEizortec:hwinfo | pastebinit                ; it's strange, I don't find any cd in the logs, though it seems to be connected (accordind hwinfo )22:01
MouseMrPiracy, it's under alerts in prefernces22:01
twig11IceWind: it doesn't look like that's included in the default installation.22:01
h00kjander991: actually, it appears that sudo 'apt+tab' won't even give the option for apt-get or aptitude22:02
nshok, scp isn't particularly fast...22:02
twig11IceWind: is unrar on the Jaunty Desktop CD?22:02
MrPiracyMouse: what's ur version? 0.26.1 here22:02
nsh200KB/s over wireless, is that normal?22:02
DasEisixdraw: use !tab for nick ; can be both, vga or dvi, depends on cards archtitecture, but most cards with two connectors support it22:02
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: Hey.22:02
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: You're using xchat-gnome, not xchat.  That's different packages.22:02
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh22:03
Mouseleaf-sheep, yeah22:03
jander991h00k: single-tab or double-tab? there are alot of apt-* binaries22:03
MrPiracyok, hold on22:03
MouseMrPiracy, yeah22:03
Mouseyou need xhcat22:03
h00kjander991: either22:03
FloodBot2Mouse: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:03
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: Purge that son of bitches.22:03
zortecDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f727d450d22:03
IceWindtwig11,  is is not use "sudo apt-get install unrar", after file-roller will be able to deal with rar files22:03
SlartI have a problem with transferring files to an external USB stick (64bit jaunty)... speeds start out ok but then just drops down to almost nothing.. transferring a big file (>2GB) literally just halts after a minute or two.. has anyone else experienced the same symptoms?22:03
sebsebseb!language |  leaf-sheep22:03
ubottuleaf-sheep: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:03
sixdrawDasEi, thanks22:03
h00kjander991: pressing it once should go alphabetically through the options available (apt-get, then aptitude)22:04
MrPiracyMouse, leaf-sheep: hehehe, ok ok22:04
MrPiracyMouse, leaf-sheep: much better22:04
MouseMrPiracy, see22:04
MouseI love xchat22:04
MrPiracyMouse, well, i can relate to that .... but now with that piece of crap i was using 2 mins ago22:04
intxhmm.. how do I delay writing to a certain directory, so it's only written in 30 second intervals?22:04
leaf-sheepSlart: I did experienced it few times in the past when I firstly switched over in Intrepid.22:04
jander991h00k: pastbin your ~/.bashrc file please.22:05
twig11IceWind: the machine isn't online, so I'd have to install it manually. is that the only way then?22:05
MouseMrPiracy, i did that too22:05
jander991h00k: pastebin*22:05
leaf-sheepSlart: Seems like a bug in kernel or such.  Not quite sure why.22:05
Slartleaf-sheep: oh.. it got better? or you changed something?22:05
Mousebut luckily xchat-gnome didn't work for me22:05
zortecDasEi: http://pastebin.com/f727d450d22:05
zortecDasEi: I can't remember if I already pasted it22:05
leaf-sheepSlart: I tried what I can.  Filezilla, Nautilus, SCP.  Does not help.22:05
MrPiracyMouse, lucky you22:05
jerknextdoori need a way to get the restricted drivers onto my 9.04 laptop with no internet connection.  any help?22:05
TTxTanyone knows how to create a deb with diferent cflags and cxxflags?22:05
leaf-sheepSlart: Eventually it disappeared.  I don't know.  Could be because I'm using Jaunty, but... really.  It was weird and it happens for some people.22:06
h00kjander991: I didn't have one, its blank with a custom alias I had set22:06
MrPiracyleaf-sheep, can we get back to the lib32 problem? you were saying ....22:06
h00kjander991: I believe it blanked itself after installing karmic22:06
h00kjander991: I don't have a template to go by, just my one alias.22:06
Slartleaf-sheep: hmm.. well.. let's hope for karmic =) thanks22:06
jander991h00k: hmm, I"m not entirely sure how to regenerate it, but .bashrc controls bash completion.22:06
jander991Does anyone know how to regenerate a ~/.bashrc file?22:07
leaf-sheepSlart: Np. :)22:07
h00kjander991: let me try a dpkg-reconfigure bash22:07
jander991h00k: okay, delete your old bashrc though22:07
Slartjander991: isn't there a default one somewhere that gets copied to new users?22:07
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: My XChat --> http://tinyurl.com/nxty9b22:07
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: You need to finetune your XChat first to your likings.22:07
vvvvI am booting the ubuntu installer from a usb flashdrive with grub, now i want to use a repository on the usb disk to do the installation (not a cdrom image) how to do this?22:08
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h00kjander991: yeah, it didn't recreate it.22:08
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: Anyway, as for 32bit-in-64bit, I never have the needs to do that.  So I don't know nor did I try them.22:08
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: Check for debs first. ;)22:08
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Second+Life22:08
DasEizortec:nah, hwinfo also has to cd /dvd, that info was wrong, to me it looks like a loose cable (the data one) or a broken drive22:09
IceWindtwig11,  yes. get the deb file manually and then use dpkg to list any needed depencie that may not be installed22:09
MrPiracyleaf-sheep, tu likings, me likings dude .... awesome customization22:09
etherealityHow do I configure terminal profiles such that a terminal window will open in a specified working directory?22:09
TTxTanyone knows how to create a customized deb?22:09
MrPiracyleaf-sheep, done that, i got their package, but it won't install saying wrong architecture22:09
nshoops. anyway. i set iwconfig wlan0 rate 54MB/s and the speed shot up from 200KB/s to 6MB/s22:09
DasEizortec:another place to check would be disabled in bios; if you boot a live cd, can you see it then ?22:09
nshstrange that networkmanager doesn't automatically achieve the highest possible rate though22:10
h00kjander991: I did22:10
h00kjander991: I did cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/.bashrc22:10
zortecDasEi: Yeah it works in the bios because I was just running a Windows XP disc22:10
jander991h00k: Fix it?22:10
zortecDasEi: It seems to be ubuntu specific or possibly linux related22:10
h00kjander991: Yep.22:10
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: Running 64bit?22:10
DasEizortec: hmm , your other hardware is't so exotic, ever tried a live-boot ?22:11
MrPiracyleaf-sheep, what's the whole point of 64bits then .... just to make "a few" application launch 0.0000000001 secs faster?22:11
h00kjander991: sometimes it takes talking with someone and bouncing ideas to get my brane working22:11
StargazerHey guys, i am having a bit of trouble with an external harddrive i have. 1: files are totally transfering to it when i transfer through ubuntu and 2: vista is saying that the folder(in which i have transfered files into) is corrupt or inacessible. any ideas?22:11
zortecDasEi: What do you mean a live-boot?22:11
lufisanyone know when compiz will work again with my intel graphics? It used to work great, but compiz isn't even enable-able anymore22:11
jander991h00k: Nice.  I was about to send you a link to my bashrc heh. Good to know /etc/skel exists.22:11
MrPiracyleaf-sheep, yes, 64 bits22:11
DasEi!live | zortec22:11
ubottuzortec: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.22:11
h00kStargazer: how do you have the external formatted?22:11
h00kStargazer: if its fat32, try checking using gparted, if its NTFS, do a checkdsk on it from Vista22:12
DasEi zortec: have you got a ubuntu-desktop cd ?22:12
=== mubu is now known as dudu
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: I'm getting you a link for explanation.  Anyway, if you prefer 32, you can.  I'm using 64bit myself.  Also, if you really want stable linux, use LTS release.  I don't know but it sounds like you're having hard time in linux.  New user?  Rushing things too fast?  No idea.22:12
DasEizortec: anyway, how did you install ?22:13
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/32bit_and_64bit22:13
mattalexxHi, I have just installed Ubuntu Ibex on my server. I have no need for gnome (it's headless), and I'd like to not load it everytime I restart the comp. Anyway to remove it or disable it so that I just get a command prompt?22:13
StargazerH00k, i will try that. bbl22:13
zortecDasEi: I used an alternate text cd and installed xrssi for irc and then ubuntu-desktop for GNOME22:13
Fougnermattalexx, why not install the server edition?22:13
Kalmi_Stargazer, um... you could reformat it and than it will probably work...22:13
h00kStargazer: good luck22:13
duduHey guys. Is it normal for a usb or esata hdd to have really slow write speeds when it is encrypted with truecrypt and mounted with ubuntu? If so, is there any way to fix it? When I mount a truecrypt drive in ubuntu 9.04 the write speed maxs out at 5.0 MB/s whether i connect it through usb 2.0 or esata... Thanks22:13
zortecDasEi: I could not use any of the other methods because of my onboard graphics22:13
h00kKalmi_: probably not an option if there is already data on it22:14
TallGrrlgreetings! ubuntu newbie with a question here...22:14
th0rmattalexx: uninstall gdm22:14
mattalexxFougner, Oh I thought server had Gnome too. Because it's the same size.22:14
arejayanyreason tar dosnt follow symlinks, i did some goolging and apparently tar cfh home.tar home/ should follow all symlinks, but it dosnt22:14
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebootstrapChroot (You read this too?)22:14
th0rmattalexx: or just disable it so it doesn't start22:14
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: i'm not that new, but i have never used linux on a daily basis .... everytime i want to make it my default OS, i face so many problems i end up giving up22:14
h00kheading out, Peace all.22:14
CrippleHey, guys, how do you know which version of Ubuntu you have?22:14
Fougnermattalexx, nope, the server is a little bit different =)22:14
FougnerTallGrrl, speak up!22:14
DasEizortec: and can you d/l and burn in windows ?22:14
defrysklufis,  http://beranger.org/v3/wordpress/2009/05/04/jaunty-kernel-2630-fixes-the-intel-video/22:14
TallGrrlthanks Fougner!22:14
mattalexxI don'22:14
lufisCripple: System > about ubuntu22:14
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: yes, i did ... kinda scary, one of those things that may get a whole lot of other thigns stop functioning22:15
CrippleThank you, lufis22:15
deanythe new intel driver also fixes it, afaik22:15
TallGrrli just got this book called ubuntu for non geeks (i'm a sort of geek but not fully...yet) and i've loaded ubuntu into my computer for dual booting with windows22:15
FougnerTallGrrl, yep22:15
Fougnergo on ;D22:15
lufisdefrysk: that doesn't seem to help. I'm running Karmic and my graphics card has apparently been blacklisted.22:15
th0rTallGrrl: you should check out tldp.org too22:16
sekyourboxany good webcam/security software for ubuntu??22:16
defryskthe later kernel supports gem boosting intel big time22:16
TallGrrlwhen i rebooted, i saw ubuntu loading, i think, then i got this screen that said something about a Busybox22:16
lufisdefrysk: It says "Desktop effects could not be enabled" after it "Searches for drivers"22:16
Fougnerah, error =)22:16
defrysklufis, what model card do you have ?22:16
ubun00bsekyourbox: I knew one, just a minute, it had an Egyptian name...22:16
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: What kind of problem?  What machine btw?22:16
JoeKerrhow do i connect ubuntu 9.04 to a network22:16
TallGrrland there was something that looked like inframs\22:16
lufisdefrysk: intel gm96522:17
TallGrrland it was asking for a command.22:17
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: If that helps, I have a test machine running KDE. I can test-install and see if it goes well for me and Second Life too.22:17
Bob_DoleJoeKerr, it should automatically22:17
FougnerTallGrrl, probably something went wrong at the boot22:17
zortecDasEi: I could before I wiped windows with gparted... heh22:17
FougnerTallGrrl, what hardware do you work with?22:17
JoeKerrfresh install and no options to configure tcp/ip22:17
Stargazer989H00k, what was that command to do on windows?22:17
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: SL is one of them ... before that i had a hard hard time to get my TV tunner working properly, openoffice wont open password protected excel files22:17
shazzrIs it only with Matrox graphics card that the resolution in gnome gets totally fucked up (on a desktop computer) if you don't turn on the screen at once?22:17
TallGrrlpc, windows xp22:17
Bob_DoleJoeKerr, just plug in an ethernet cable, and it ought to just connect.22:17
TallGrrldo i need to reinstall?22:17
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: amoung many other little issues that requires hours of searching22:17
Fougnerwell, a little bit more specific? =)22:17
CrippleHey, I22:17
shazzrI've had that experience...and the solution is simply to put the screen on before you power on the computer.22:17
TallGrrli'm sorry...what do you need to know?22:18
defrysklufis, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.422:18
FougnerTallGrrl, just some specs22:18
jerknextdoorany help getting wireless to work on a clean install of 9.0422:18
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: is ur test machine running 64bits jaunty?22:18
Fougneranyway, maybe you see an error somewhere?22:18
lufisdefrysk: thanks22:18
mattalexxFougner, So the server edition doesn't include Gnome at all?22:18
JoeKerrwas an xp machine connected to a home network..didnt change anything ...but ubuntu won't connect22:18
CrippleI'm back. Wondering about getting WineHQ to work so I can run Dwarf Fortress. I don22:18
DasEizortec: so ubuntu somehow recognized the cd, then.. first try would be a desktop live cd, next knoppix to check fstab and find out the right driver for your cd/dvd; also hardy desktop could work to get the right modul-name22:18
Fougnermattalexx, shouldn't do nope.. it's made for headless servers22:18
CrippleI don't have a system sources thing in my menu.22:18
defrysklufis, you will revert to an older version, but preformance is much better22:18
TallGrrli'm trying to install the desktop version from a copy of the disk that's in the book.22:19
Bob_DoleJoeKerr, there is the occasional ethernet card that isn't supported.22:19
Fougnermattalexx, I'm running my server headless.. administration via ssh is just fine..22:19
FougnerTallGrrl, ah, well, have you managed to finish the install?22:19
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: Well, when you're committing to a new OS, it require commitment and time before you get to hanging of it. After a while, you start to get smart.  (ie, write down notes of your issues and the solutions) for future references.22:19
zortecDasEi: That is a lot of steps - I won't even remember all of that and I'm kind of exhausted in this hot weather trying to figure out what is wrong with my cdrom22:19
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: Yes. 64 Jaunty.22:19
DasEizortec: a case for dr. seldom if you could boot from it, but then drive doesn't show up anywhere22:19
TallGrrlinstall finished, disk kicked out of my cd/dvd22:19
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: heheheh, that's exactly what i am doing right now22:19
ubun00bsekyourbox: I have no idea where I got that Egyptian name from, but it's called motion - http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome22:20
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: and i love new OS's, i got a bunch of them installed here22:20
TallGrrli got as far as the ubuntu setup window that says "reboot now"22:20
CrippleI'm running Hardy Heron, and I'm wondering how I find System Sources if it's not a tab in my menu.22:20
FougnerTallGrrl, aha, and now when you boot it up, you see the busybox ?22:20
Bob_DoleCripple, Xubuntu, Ubuntu, Kubuntu?22:20
DasEizortec: k, take a paper, write down jaunty desktop, knoppix, hardy desktop, have a pinacolada, d/l those and try it later22:20
sekyourboxubun00b, thanks a bunch22:20
CrippleUbuntu, Bob_Dole22:20
photobug13Hey guys....where does the casper-rw file go in the live usb ubuntu?22:20
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: I have "Notes.txt" and "Packages.txt" -- Notes and What Packages to remove/purge.   Also, separate $HOME for easier life.22:21
TallGrrli get to choose windows or ubuntu. i choose ubuntu and then i get that Busybox screen22:21
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: what's the video card u have in ur test machine?22:21
DasEizortec: google will give you the links22:21
FougnerTallGrrl, do you see any error messages when in busybox?22:21
TallGrrlBTW, the disk is for Hardy Heron22:21
Bob_Dolelemme fire-up xvnc on my server(which oddly, runs the desktop version, though I basically only do SSH administration >.>)22:21
JoeKerrwhat is the learning curve for ubuntu for a windows user?22:21
ubun00bsekyourbox: no problem, learn & educate instead of fear & incriminate :)22:21
duduHey guys. Is it normal for a usb or esata hdd to have really slow write speeds when it is encrypted with truecrypt and mounted with ubuntu? If so, is there any way to fix it? When I mount a truecrypt drive in ubuntu 9.04 the write speed maxs out at 5.0 MB/s whether i connect it through usb 2.0 or esata... Thanks22:21
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: a separate $home is a good tip ... i should have done that too22:21
FougnerJoeKerr, depends ;)22:21
TallGrrlno error messages, just the inframs\ and it says type "help" for a list of commands.22:21
zortecDasEi: Should I first reinstall windows?22:21
Orange_v_BlueMy computer has been acting up lately, I'm not sure why... seems to be related to processor or memory. It worked just fine for quite a while on Jaunty, however recently it has been "clogging up" - I do simple things and if pseudo-freezes. Seemingly related is a random blip when I play music. Both of these get fixed when I close out a few processes, nothing in particular though. Any ideas?22:21
Kalmi_TallGrrl, no lockups? no nothing?22:22
TallGrrland it gives me a list of commands that i don't know...22:22
=== Socah|Afk is now known as Socah
TallGrrlno lock ups.22:22
JoeKerri can work networks with windows but i feel like an idiot with ubuntu22:22
DasEizortec:if one of them boots and shows your cd, can come here (even from live) again to extract the right mods22:22
TallGrrli don't know what command to give it22:22
SuspectZeroJoeKerr, its fairly easy as all the graphics and what not are very similar but it all depends on how indepth u want to go with it22:22
TallGrrland there's nothing in the book about if this happens.22:22
zortecI got an ubuntu live cd but my onboard graphics, is that going to prevent me from booting?22:22
FougnerTallGrrl, busybox is a "swiss army knife" of commands, "included" in the kernel afaik22:22
DasEizortec: why reinstall windows ?22:22
JoeKerri can't even do the basics with the file system22:22
SuspectZeroTallGrrl, i know the solution22:22
ubun00bDoes anyone here have experience with pendrivelinux? I'm trying to create a casper-rw file but I'm failing hard - http://www.pendrivelinux.com/how-to-create-a-larger-casper-rw-loop-file/22:22
zortecDasEi: For burning a CD...22:22
Kalmi_TallGrrl, well... it's not supposed to happen... :)22:23
SuspectZerodid u just install it TallGrrl ?22:23
Kalmi_TallGrrl, external cd reader?22:23
SuspectZeroor is it when u pop in the live cd?22:23
TallGrrljust installed. external cd reader/dvd player/burner22:23
DasEizortec: you don't dualboot ?22:23
Kalmi_TallGrrl, external hdd too?22:23
Fougnerubun00b, what is the install on? portable HDD or something?22:23
TallGrrli have an external hard drive, but it's unplugged.22:23
zortecDasEi: Yeah I was dual booting, but not sure if you remember I wanted to do a clean install of windows so I deleted the partition and created a new one of 80GB22:24
SuspectZeroTallGrrl, ok what is the ubuntu part say22:24
zortecDasEi: I don't have anything on that partition now22:24
TallGrrli'm trying to load ubuntu onto my c drive22:24
SuspectZeroin ur grub menu.lst?22:24
TallGrrlwhat does the ubuntu part say?22:24
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Talk here. I22:24
ubun00bFougner: USB flashdrive, I tried the 1024 filesize, but when trying a 2048 filesize I got an error saying no space left (I'll copypaste my terminal results in a moment)22:24
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I'll try in a bit.22:24
SuspectZeroit should say something like "kernal /boot/vmlinuz_2.26.9 something somethingsomething"22:24
FougnerTallGrrl, try write "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" in the busybox terminal22:24
TallGrrlnothing. i saw the spash screen for a quick second and it looked like it was trying to open or load...then busy box came in22:24
DasEizortec: yes, oo; other question : is your sys updated/graded ?22:25
Bob_DoleOk, too hot. My AC is fail, I'm dripping sweat... so I'm going to find someplace cool.22:25
ubun00bubuntu@ubuntu:~$ dd if=/dev/zero of=casper-rw bs=1M count=204822:25
ubun00bdd: writing `casper-rw': No space left on device22:25
zortecDasEi: upgraded/graded how?22:25
TallGrrlwhat should that do?22:25
Fougnerubun00b, that's quite a "hard way" to do it.. at least for me ;D22:25
SuspectZeroTallGrrl, type in "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst"22:25
SuspectZerothat willl print your menu.lst22:25
DasEizortec: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:26
ubun00bFougner: I will bow to you if you have an easier way :P22:26
SuspectZerowhich is the screen u get on boot up tht asks whether u want to load up ubuntu or soemthign else22:26
Fougnerubun00b, to get things straight. you want an install of ubuntu on a flash drive, no?22:26
MrPiracymobi-sheep: ok, thx22:26
TallGrrlwait...is that Lst or 1st?22:26
SuspectZeroell ess tee22:26
TallGrrlah! thanks!22:26
Fougnershort for "list"22:26
Fougnerminus the "i"22:26
Kalmi_SuspectZero, what do you suspect the problem is?22:27
Bob_Dolel1 have the same character for a lot of fonts, it drives me mad22:27
SuspectZeroFougner, tht would have been the smarter way of saying it22:27
sekyourboxI keep my webcam in the new box and hook it up.  No one would suspect22:27
TallGrrlthought so!22:27
SuspectZeroKalmi_, the root=/ is pointing to the wrong partition22:27
ubun00bFougner: I have the persistent install already on my flashdrive, but not enough room (my casper-rw file atm is around 800mb, and I want one to have 2048mb)22:27
sekyourboxjust put holes in the package for the wire22:27
TallGrrlso what should be on this list i'm telling it to give me?22:27
SuspectZeroits an argument in the kernal section22:27
Kalmi_SuspectZero, Ubuntu is using GUIDs... hwo could that happen?22:27
sekyourboxpeople have been taking stuff from my room, ill catchem now22:27
Fougnerah, so you're trying to create one with different size22:27
SuspectZeroKalmi_, no idea. ive just found that getting rid of the guids and using a root=/ does the trick22:28
zortecDasEi: I thought there was an icon to upgrade/update your system?22:28
ubun00bFougner: that's entirely correct :)22:28
jduGUID or UUID?22:28
photobug13ubun00b, hey, where does that casper-rw file go? :)22:28
SuspectZerojdu, uuid22:28
DasEizortec: if you used it, it does the same22:28
TallGrrlafter i get this menu list printed...then what?22:28
Bob_DoleI kinda hate uuids.22:28
Fougnerubun00b, you don't want to boot the live-cd and boot/setup ubuntu on the flashdrive that way?22:28
ubun00bphotobug13: in your root directory of your flashdrive if IIRC22:28
SuspectZeroTallGrrl, look for a line that starts with kernal22:29
SuspectZerocopy and paste that line here22:29
Bob_DoleMostly because when acronis resizes partitions to fit on a 30MB smaller driver, it just obliterates them.22:29
nightrid3ri'm trying to write  cd image to a disk, i only have a dvd-r dl available, braero can't find the media and k3b refuses to write a cd image to dvd-r dl any suggestions?22:29
photobug13Oh nice...thanks! Hmm I wonder why mine never recognizes... I'll keep trying thanks!22:29
ubun00bphotobug13: no prob :)22:29
jduSuspectZero,  that's what I thought.  you can use the vol_id command to find out whether the uuid listed is correct for the drive you want to be /22:29
DasEizortec: little craziness is a side effect of study, so don't get mad and let the cd check for you22:29
SuspectZeronightrid3r, i think k3b requires extra plugins for that, but i could be wrong22:29
TallGrrli'm going to have to get out of windows, restart my computer and try and reboot in ubuntu and find this line and bring it back here?22:30
vigonightride3r: Yes,,one moment22:30
SuspectZerojdu, oh i didnt know that.22:30
nightrid3rSuspectZero: k i'll check that22:30
* Bob_Dole still sweating. can't think of anyplace cooler to go that doesn't require a lot of physical effort..no car and such..22:30
Kalmi_SuspectZero, jdu.... sorry... guid is the M$ word for uuid... "g" stands for global... "u" stands for universally... duh...22:30
SuspectZeroTallGrrl, can we take this to pm22:30
SuspectZeroit would be easier22:30
zortecDasEi: Try a Live CD of ubuntu first?22:30
ubun00bFougner: I'm already on the liveCD (ubuntu liveCD 9.04), and I'm trying to create a casper-rw file that way (as it's described on http://www.pendrivelinux.com/how-to-create-a-larger-casper-rw-loop-file/)22:30
nsadminTallGrrl: at the moment I'm not seeing another way...22:30
SuspectZeroi'll take this one guys22:30
Fougnerubun00b, what fs do you use on the usb drive?22:30
zortecDasEi: What if I have that onboard graphics issue?22:30
nsadminTallGrrl do you have another machine?22:30
exnihiloany xmodmap/keyboard mapping gurus around?22:30
jduKalmi_, ok. :)  on linux, the g often refers to group22:31
DasEizortec : as told above, again , really strange behaviour if you installed from a cd, and then the rom neither appears in logs, hardinfo or dmesg22:31
ubun00bFougner: fdisk -l shows me it's FAT32 (/dev/sdb1)22:31
zortecDasEi: maybe ubuntu doesn't have support for my cdrom?22:31
ubun00band it's a 4GB flashdrive22:32
zortecDasEi: I know that is strange, but it's one thought22:32
jdu... but in this case it is universal which is of course the same as global...22:32
Bob_DoleSo, everyone has All-In-Ones these days.. they finally caught on to the awesome design apple had for years Dx22:32
Fougnerubun00b, ah, well, and where is the "error" ?22:32
vigonightrid3r: Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements22:32
jduDasEi, is there a device in /dev22:32
jduDasEi, eg  /dev/scd022:33
DasEizortec : saw jdu ?22:33
nsadminTallGrrl do you have another machine?22:33
vigonightrid3r: That also shows alot of other stuff, but it shows what is suggested to use.22:33
zortecDasEi: nope22:33
jduDasEi, oh sorry; was I speaking to wrong person :/22:33
SuspectZerodoes ubuntu 8.04 come with an irc client?22:33
ubun00bFougner: the error occurs when I try to do the dd command, and using 2048mb instead of the 1024mb listed on the example of the pendrivelinux website (I'll upload my log, just a moment)22:33
Fougnerzortec, try to write /dev/cd in the terminal, and then press the "tab"-button twive22:33
sixdrawsuch a great chat room, no wonder ubuntu is such a succesful distro22:33
mrwesSuspectZero, yes, pidgin or you can install Xchat22:34
Orange_v_BlueMy computer has been acting up lately, I'm not sure why... seems to be related to processor or memory. It worked just fine for quite a while on Jaunty, however recently it has been "clogging up" - I do simple things and if pseudo-freezes. Seemingly related is a random blip when I play music. Both of these get fixed when I close out a few processes, nothing in particular though. Any ideas?22:34
zortecFougner: What should happen?22:34
Bob_Dolesuspect: Pidgin supports it, and it ships by default, but you can install xchat, and several others22:34
perlmonkey*sigh* I think I've hosed my server. I did apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and now I'm unmet dependencies for gcc-4.2 and libraries22:34
Fougnerzortec, it should auto-complete or list a few alternates22:34
ascheelI have a network issue that I"m hoping someone knows something about.  When I transfer huges amounts of data over my network (rsync approx 1 TB of data over thousands of files, music, movies, etc) on gigabit network, it ocassionally locks up and all network activity stops.  IRC, SSH, rsync, FTP, everything.  It clears up about 1 or 2 minutes later, but until then it's stopped entirely22:34
zortecFougner: It doesn't list anything...22:34
ubun00bFougner: here it is http://pastebin.ca/149872622:34
mrwesactually Empathy is coming in as default in the next release22:34
jduzortec, depending on the cdrom drive it might also start with  sr  sc  etc22:34
zortecjdu: I don't know what those are...22:34
Fougnerzortec, this way22:35
zortecjdu Sorry I'm also tired.  I have been working on this issue since about 10am22:35
jduzortec, in linux, there are device files in /dev that represent you hardware22:35
Fougnerls /dev | grep cdrw22:35
zortecIt's 2:30pm now22:35
Fougnerzortec, execute that cmd22:35
nightrid3rvigo: i just need to get the image written, the install box is a new quad core so it meets all the specs22:35
jduzortec, if they do not exist, it means the hardware is probably not recognized22:35
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, what RAM and processor do you have?22:35
zortecFougner: Nothing22:35
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: 2 GB ram, 1.46 processor. I only wonder because this is a recent issue, and nothing dramatic seems to have changed. is there something I can clean out, maybe?22:36
DasEijdu: he said he installed with the textinstaller, and rom neither shows up in syslog, dmesg or hwinfo, so pobly a missing module in jaunty, though on the installer cd, that's why trying live jaunty-hardy knoppix22:36
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: 1.46ghz, sorry22:36
vigonightri3r: here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GettingUbuntu22:36
Fougnerzortec, try to tab with /dev/s then22:36
zortecThere is a "pktcdvd" when I grep for cd in /dev22:36
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, is the processor dual core or just pentium 3?22:36
hunterm10I'm having a problem in Ubuntu 9.04, can anyone help me?22:36
Fougnerzortec, your cd is a SATA-unit?22:36
DasEi!ask | hunterm1022:36
ubottuhunterm10: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:36
zortecFougner: PATA is all I know22:37
vigonightri3dr: and here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:37
zortecFougner: I guess pata is a form of sata22:37
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: just pentium 3... or at least not dualcore22:37
Fougnerzortec, no, not really22:37
Bob_DoleI like P3s.. I want more of them, in the 1ghz range.22:37
midian_hi all22:37
happyhunterm10: no one can help you if you do not ask a question22:37
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Linux is fun.  I'm learning as I install debootstrap for no reason other than helping you. :)22:37
zortecFougner: When I tab with /dev/s I get sda1/sda2/sda322:38
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, Well it sounds like you may be running software that's too graphics intensive for you processor such as compiz?22:38
DasEizortec: is it connected with a flat ide cable or a slim sata cable (often red or yellow)22:38
MrPiracymobi-sheep: learning what?22:38
korocan someone try something out so I know the bug that i seem to have found is reproduced in other systems?22:38
zortecDasEi: I connected it with a red cable I believe, but let me check again22:38
fantazamhi is it possible to install new firefox 3.5.1 to hardy 8.04.3?22:38
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: How to chroot 32bit in 64bit apps.22:38
histoDasEi: or black22:38
Fougnerzortec, those are your partitions on the HDD.. I'd say22:38
jduzortec,  it is really strange for it not to work; i volunteer at a place where we put ubuntu on lots of computers and the drives only don't work if they are (1) extremely old inwhich case the install won't work even or (2) dead22:38
Kalmi_!fx-3.5 | fantazam22:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fx-3.522:38
histoDasEi: you can get them in any color22:38
MrPiracymobi-sheep: did u try to run SL first?22:38
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, have you enabled desktop effects etc.?22:39
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: don't have it. This happens with supposedly low-intense stuff going on---printing to pdf from a webpage, listening to music22:39
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: From the getdeb?22:39
Fougnerfantazam, try getfirefox.com? :P22:39
ubun00bfantazam: I believe it's possible but not recommended for it's a really new version and probably buggy therefor22:39
ascheelI have a network issue that I"m hoping someone knows something about.  When I transfer huges amounts of data over my network (rsync approx 1 TB of data over thousands of files, music, movies, etc) on gigabit network, it ocassionally locks up and all network activity stops.  IRC, SSH, rsync, FTP, everything.  It clears up about 1 or 2 minutes later, but until then it's stopped entirely22:39
zortechmm, it seems to be connected with an ide cable22:39
vigonightrd3r: I gave the first as a sorta guide, the second is HowToBurn Iso, I hope that helped.22:39
MrPiracymobi-sheep: both ... www.secondlife.com and getdeb22:39
zortecmy 320gb hard drive is connected with a red sata cable22:39
photobug13hey, quick questin.. How do you know when your casper-rw file is working? Does it show roughly 4GB free when it is set up right?22:39
fantazamyea but theres no .deb packages22:39
fantazamfor new firefox22:39
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: no, they're all off. i have a crappy graphics card, so I try and avoid that issue in the first place22:39
DasEihisto: I'll order one in grey with a red stripe on one side ;-)22:39
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i believe they're not gonna work22:39
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Going to getdeb now..22:39
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, fair enough, strange though22:39
photobug13ubun00b, did you know you need 7zip to unzip the 4GB casper file from pendrivelinux.com?22:39
koroIn ubuntu 9.04, with both expo and cube activated, if you try to "rotate cube" (e.g. press the key binding to rotate left) while expo is open, compiz segfaults (it doesn't crash X, just compiz dies)22:39
korocan someone confirm this?22:40
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, usually that's what causes those problems22:40
jduzortec, plugged in, etc, I hope too22:40
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Btw, getdeb is always a good source to get your apps.22:40
Bob_DoleMy 320GB Sata drive is connected with a translucent sky-blue sata  cable :D22:40
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: I know..... something's taking up lots of processor or ram, but I'm not even sure what.22:40
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i believe getdeb is more complete, it will come with some extra packages needed for it to run22:40
photobug13The others can be unzipped with the regular archive manager except the 4GB one if I remember right22:40
zortecjdu: Yeah it's plugged in, hardware is working, but for some damn reason it just does not get recognized in ubuntu22:40
Kalmi_ascheel, did it happen in the last few minutes?22:40
MrPiracymobi-sheep: yes, i noticed that22:40
hunterm10I'm using ubuntu, in wubi, and I keep trying to download packages, but it will stop downloading 2 packages until the finish, it's having problems with getting progrms that have translating in the name...22:40
histozortec: is the cdrom known working?22:40
zortecjdu: I mean, haven't had this issue with windows and linux mint I think recognized the cdrom but I can't remember22:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fx-3.522:40
ubun00bphotobug13: it looks like a normal file, and if you implement it right (i.e.: copy+paste it to your root of your pendrive), all your settings will still be there and will have persistency :)22:40
ascheelKalmi_: I can reproduce it any time I need just by running rsync or FTP and start pushing very large files22:40
histozortec: check the master slave settings on your cdrom.22:40
zortechisto: yeah, cdrom drive is working without any glitch22:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tremulous22:41
Rosterhow do I open a port on my machine?22:41
Kalmi_fantazam, there is a ppa repo for firefox dev builds....22:41
Rosterand how do I see what ports are already opened22:41
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: the processes I usually kill to make things work better (because I know vaguely what's unneccessary) are pulseaudio (i usually use alsa), bluetooth (don't have it, why does it keep loading?), things like that...22:41
DasEi!ff3.5 | fantazam22:41
ubottufantazam: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY22:41
zortechisto: what am I checking for?22:41
jduzortec, have you googled the make to see if people have problems with it?  If it worked in mint, it should be fine with ubuntu though.22:41
histozortec: you just said you had this issue with windows22:41
photobug13Oh nice... Ok thanks ubun00b thanks.. was just wondering if it would show freespace of 4GB and then get filled with whatever you put but I'll try that...this stuff confuses me haha22:41
zortecjdu: I can't find anyone who has a similar problem with this particular drive22:41
bluedalekHello everyone..  have a sound problem.  running 9.04 and ONLY get sound with Totem and when testing, I get the 'test tone'... been through the 'comprehensive sound guide' on the Ubuntu forums.. no luck22:41
fantazamtnx i will go to last link for ffx 3.522:41
Rosterhow do I open a port on my machine? and how do I see what ports are already opened?22:41
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: I told ubuntu not to load bluetooth, but for some reason it always does anyway. not sure what that is, but that's a whole 'nother problem.22:41
ubun00bFougner: it wasn't my intention to get a casper-rw file from pendrivelinux.com (that will lose my current settings), it was my intention to make a new (larger) one while booting into liveCD from ubuntu22:41
histozortec: on the back of the cdrom there is a jumper for master/slave/cable select    make sure its set appropriately.22:41
* Bob_Dole has already changed the default executable for tremulous. using TJW's backport rather than the original executable. Runs great, and "your client is old!" warning.)22:41
zortecjdu: however, on the site where I got the drive the question was asked "does the drive work with ubuntu" and no answer was posted22:42
histozortec: you can only have 1 master and 1 slave on a ide cable22:42
zortecjdu: I'm not 100% sure if it works or not22:42
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: getdeb's SecondLife's deb worked.22:42
Fougnerubun00b, but apparently you don't have the space22:42
histozortec: ahh who makes it?22:42
MrPiracymobi-sheep: how?????????22:42
Fougnerubun00b, how much free space is it?22:42
fantazamkalmi_: do you have installed 3.5.1?22:42
zorteclite-on, let me get you the full make (got it from tigerdirect)22:42
histozortec: it should work22:42
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I install the deb from getdeb.  Are you sure you got the right deb? o.O22:42
zortecLite-On DH-20A4P-04 SuperAllwrite OEM DVD Burner - 20x DVD±R Burn, 16x DVD±R Read, 8x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-RW, 8x DVD±R DL, 12x DVD-RAM, 48x32x CD-R/RW, PATA, Black (L12-1142 OEM)  22:43
zortecthat is the full make and model of the drive22:43
MrPiracymobi-sheep: whatś ur video card?22:43
hunterm10can anyone help!?22:43
histozortec: as long as its not defective. Do you have anything else on the cable that is running to the cdrom like another cdrom or harddrive22:43
hunterm10my question is: I'm using ubuntu, in wubi, and I keep trying to download packages, but it will stop downloading 2 packages until the finish, it's having problems with getting progrms that have translating in the name...22:43
Kalmi_fantazam, no... i am using the official repos.... but there is an offical ppa22:43
histozortec: there should be no problem with that.22:43
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Try this.22:43
MrPiracymobi-sheep: right deb? there was only one deb22:43
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: No... There are like 5.22:43
ubun00bFougner: that's what it's telling me indeed, but how can I free some space in order to make this file? (I have 4GB ddr3 RAM on my laptop currently)22:43
DasEizortec: I'll gfy, but that's not at all exotic22:43
bluedalekanyone here who can help with sound problems?22:43
MrPiracymobi-sheep: wow, i saw only one22:43
zortechisto: but what I can't explain is the drive works 100% in windows, it's just when I boot into ubuntu the kernel doesn't even seem to notice I have a cdrom22:43
MrPiracymobi-sheep:  let me go back to the site22:43
Kalmi_ascheel, ok... do it... and after it happens have  a look at the output of "dmesg | tail" and post anything suspicios that you see here22:43
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: http://www.getdeb.net/download/4351/022:44
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Or you find it yourself. :o22:44
jduhunterm10, that it really strange.  But if it is related to wubi, probably few people have experienced it here.22:44
histozortec: Is anything else on the same cable?22:44
zortecDasEi: I don't know if it's a problem with a dual boot system or really what the issue is here22:44
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, I presume you've checked system-?preferences-?startup applications22:44
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Seems like PEBKAC.  Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair. :)22:44
Fougnerubun00b, you're on the live cd now right?22:44
ascheelKalmi_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220796/22:44
ubun00bphotobug13: also these pages have some nifty info - http://www.pendrivelinux.com/category/tools/22:44
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, oops replace ? with >22:44
MrPiracymobi-sheep: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh22:44
MrPiracymy bad22:44
koroIn ubuntu 9.04, with both expo and cube activated, if you try to "rotate cube" (e.g. press the key binding to rotate left) while expo is open, compiz segfaults (it doesn't crash X, just compiz dies).22:44
MrPiracyi see them now22:44
ubun00bFougner: yes that's correct22:44
koroCan someone please try to reproduce that?22:44
histozortec: Anything else on the same ide cable?22:45
Kalmi_ascheel, wth...22:45
photobug13Ohhh thanks ubun00b ! I could use that22:45
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: yea, that's where I'm turning it off. still keeps coming up for some reason. It's bluetooth capable, but doesn't actually have it installed (ya know, a big open space inside, but nothing's there)22:45
zortechisto: nothing else connected to that cable22:45
zortechisto: it runs from the drive into the motherboard22:45
Fougnerubun00b, what you try to do, according to the log you posted, is to create a 1GB file in the RAM fs22:45
Kalmi_ascheel, post the full output of dmesg....22:45
TTxTanyone knows how to create a deb with diferent cflags and cxxflags?22:45
MrPiracymobi-sheep: geez, i'm stupid22:45
ascheelKalmi_: lol, my thoughts exactly.22:45
Fougnerubun00b, what you WANT to do, is to create a casper-rw on the usb22:45
hunterm10@jdu well the thing is it will try to download everything and almost all of it will not download, those ones that dont download, all they do is just say failed22:45
ascheelKalmi_: standby22:45
h32Lgdoes anyone know, why i cant install php5.3 on my local machine as apache2 module ?22:45
histozortec: Set it as master on the jumper. Maybe there is an issue witht eh bios and cable select that windows is okay with but nix isn't.22:45
histozortec: i've seen stranger things happen.22:46
Fougnerubun00b, so..if you cd /to/the/place/ where your usb is "mounted" then you can create with the same command, and of=usb22:46
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Heh. It's okay.  Let me know if it works for you.  Meanwhile, I'm installing 32-bit Jaunty minimal base in debchroot at the moment. :)22:46
ascheelKalmi_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220797/22:46
zortechisto: I haven't done that before, how does that work?22:46
nightrid3rvigo: i must be realy stupid today, my writer doesn't support dvd-r dl disks :)22:46
Fougnerubun00b, you're with me? =)22:46
DasEizortec: yes, supported http://www.bioticaindia.com/lite-on-20x-pata-dvdrw-dh20a4p-04.html22:46
h32Lgi got the following error: apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so into server: /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:46
jduhunterm10, is the installation new?22:46
MrPiracymobi-sheep: ok, i'll be right back22:46
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Most of time, people don't need to use chroot for that.  I'm sure you won't.  I myself haven't neeed to.  Alrigh.22:46
histozortec: on the back of the drive usually between were the power and ide connections are there should be a vertical jumper.22:46
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, trry this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117362922:46
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Let me know if it works for you. :)22:46
jeremy_c_I've installed sun-jdk and then went to run apt-get install ant and it wants to install gcj. How do I make ant realize I want to use sun's java? I already used update-java-alternatives -s sun-6-jdk and typing java -version at the prompt proves it calls sun's java (the only one installed).22:46
hunterm10@jdu absloutly, just installed hour ago22:46
histozortec: youc an change its position for either master / slave / cable select22:46
zortecDasEi: what is that link you just gave me? I see it's supported by xp/vista, but not linux22:47
Fougnerubun00b, when you have the live cd, and you pop in the usb, it should auto-mount and you can see an icon on the dekstop, no?22:47
ubun00bFougner: I see, so I replace the target dir (in this case ubuntu) into teh mnt dir of the flashdrive?22:47
=== P is now known as Guest15832
jduhunterm10,   run:  sudo apt-get update     and see if that helps.22:47
Fougnerubun00b, of = output file or something22:47
ubun00bFougner: I did a manual mount because it failed an automount, but theoretically yeah ;p22:47
DasEizortec: read last line22:47
hunterm10@jdu ok just wait a sec22:47
Fougnerso you have to change directory22:47
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, if you have a Dell or perhaps other laptops wupport it, then you can try disabling the option in your bios22:47
jduhunterm10, that may not do anything22:47
Fougneror , make the command of=/mnt/usb/casper-rw something like that22:47
duduHey guys how can i restart the calendar app in ubuntu 9.04 it sort of got stuck so i cant minimize it. thanks22:48
histozortec: it will work in nix something else is going on.22:48
zortecDasEi: I noticed it said some drivers22:48
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw, it's a really old (~4 years) acer22:48
zortechisto: Can I do this while the computer is on or I need to turn it off?22:48
histozortec: turn the machine off change the jumper then power up22:48
histozortec: the jumper from the factory is most liekly set for cable select. Change it to master and turn the computer on.22:49
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, Edit /etc/default/bluetooth and change the line "BLUETOOTH_ENABLED=1" to "BLUETOOTH_ENABLED=0"22:49
ubun00bFougner: so in other words, my command would look something like: dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/nano casper-rw bs=1M count=204822:49
zortechisto: I can't see the jumper right now22:49
jack_can anyone help me setup grub22:49
nsadminjumpers? someone has jumpers? oh, on the mobo22:49
Fougnerubun00b, if the usb is mounted in /mnt/ yes22:49
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, that seems like the best way to me22:49
nsadminjack_: no, not just anyone22:49
hunterm10@jdu its frozen at 98% Waiting For Headers22:49
Fougnerubun00b, in ubuntu, things often get mount under /media/... but that's just when it's installed on the HDD maybe. I don't know22:49
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i will22:49
histozortec: you might have to pull the drive. There should be a sticker on the drive that will explain the setting. Also some text on the back explaining.22:49
ubun00bFougner: is there a chance that it will overwrite my original casper-rw file, hence deleting all my persistent settings that I have atm ?22:49
Fougnerubun00b, is there an icon on the desktop?22:49
edbiandudu: What's the name of the app?22:50
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: while I've got someone who knows what they're talking about, have you tried the system janitor? Might that help the mystery processor/ram clogs?22:50
nsadminjack_ what have you done so far22:50
zortechisto: Yeah I see a diagram that I can follow, let me set it to master and I will be back22:50
Fougnerubun00b, yes, if the file is named casper-rw, it will be overwritten22:50
edbiandudu: Are you talking about the calendar that's part of the clock in gnome panel?22:50
Kalmi_ascheel, did it work ok somewhen in the past?22:50
duduedbian, i dont know, its just the main calendar/time app22:50
duduedbian yeah22:50
ascheelKalmi_: not that I know of, no.22:50
edbiandudu: You could kill and restart the panel22:50
ubun00bFougner: nope, but it's mounted under /mnt/nano22:50
edbiandudu: open a terminal22:50
duduedbian, ok, how?22:50
ShawncWhy do I get these errors? http://pastebin.com/m1af7d10d22:50
histozortec: what is it set to now?22:50
bluedalekAnyone here good at trouble shooting sound problems?22:50
Fougnerubun00b, however, google for "resize casper rw" if you really had a hard time configuring it22:50
edbiandudu: type "killall gnome-panel"22:50
Kalmi_!sound | bluedalek22:50
ubottubluedalek: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:50
Fougnerubun00b, ok22:50
zortecDasEi: I also ran sudo apt-get upgrade & apt-get update22:50
ascheelKalmi_: I don't know if it makes a difference, but I also have a second NIC in that PC, also gigabit, very similar chipset.22:51
jduhunterm10, hmm.  It sometimes takes a little bit.  If it really can't complete, it may be that there is a repository it can't access or some other network problem.22:51
jack_nsadmin, i have two harddrives. one has vista and then i unplugged that harddrive and installed linux on the other. now even if i try to boot into the other harddrive it takes me to grub which doesnt' have vista. it used to work and i've done that a few times already22:51
Kalmi_ascheel, which works fine?22:51
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, I'm really not sure about that. haven't tried janitor yet but i suppose its worth a try. The guy on that post actually said sudo /usr/lib/hal/hal-system-smbios --bt 0 is the best way to stop bluetooth22:51
sixdrawso try that22:51
ubun00bFougner: I think I'll do that since I really want to maintain my settings there22:51
ascheelKalmi_: and I think when I get home, I'm yanking it from the PC.  Actually no, it only connects at 100 mbit.  /shrug22:51
h32Lgno suggestions ?22:51
edbiandudu: You can use The system monitor if you prefer GUI (or to learn the names of processes if you get stuck like this again :) )22:51
zortechisto: I'm thinking slave or master22:51
hunterm10@jdu its download some packages now :D22:51
zortechisto: But I can't tell for sure22:51
duduedbian, thanks. the calendar got out of the way, but i cant see the time... doesnt matter ill just reboot eventually i guess. thanks again22:52
ascheeledbian: htop > system monitor (IMO anyhow)22:52
ShawncWhy do I get these errors? http://pastebin.com/m1af7d10d22:52
jduhunterm10, good.  all of them?22:52
MidnightDevilcan someone tell me how to rebuild de gnome menu list? most shortcuts wont work :s22:52
Kalmi_ascheel, both pci?22:52
nsadminjack_ um ar you there?22:52
ubun00bFougner: I really appreciate all the help you gave me :)22:52
ascheelKalmi_: one is on-board, other is PCI22:52
edbiandudu: see what ascheel said? ^22:52
ascheelKalmi_: on-board one is the one currently in use.22:52
Fougnerubun00b, np22:52
jduMidnightDevil, update-grub22:52
edbiandudu: If a restart doesn't fix it let me know!  I'd love to help more :)22:52
MrPiracymobi-sheep: hmmm nope, it is not running ... it installed though22:52
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, try asking the board again, maybe someone can help you with the slow system problems22:52
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: I'll try both, since I already did the first one22:53
Fougnerubun00b, try this22:53
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Installed.... and you ran the SecondLife button?22:53
jack_nsadmin, yes. I just typed a long reply lol22:53
MidnightDevilisnt grub exactly jdu, its the gnome menu22:53
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: thanks a bunch22:53
Kalmi_ascheel, (i hate realtek :) let's have a look at the output of "cat /proc/interrupts"22:53
MrPiracymobi-sheep: from the menu, yes22:53
jduMidnightDevil, oh.  I saw menu.lst22:53
bluedalekKalmi_:  I have already done all those steps.  My sound works fine in Totem, but not in any other app such as VLC, Moovida, Amarok.. ect..22:53
zortechisto: It's set as slave22:53
ascheelKalmi_: you got it!  Standby22:53
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: I would like to mention that ubuntu has far, far, better support than anything else I've ever used on a computer.22:53
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Any error messages or such?22:53
Fougnerubun00b, you caaan do it this way.. dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=500 >> casper-rw22:53
MrPiracymobi-sheep: nothing happened ... i tried to run secondlife from the terminal and it showed me the same messages22:53
Fougner>> = append22:53
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: no stupid phone menus or anything :)22:53
Fougner> = overwrite22:53
MrPiracymobi-sheep: no errors, just nothing happening22:54
jduMidnightDevil, not really what you typed.  You can edit it with the menu editor and that is all I know22:54
MrPiracymobi-sheep: maybe i screwd my system too much22:54
sixdrawOrange_v_Blue, no problem, yeah I know it does, I've been using it since the first distro and haven't turned back22:54
zortecshould a cdrom drive be running as a slave?22:54
jduzortec, not if there is more than one22:54
apersonis there a image viewer available that will only pop up the image, no window borders or anything?22:54
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Hmmm. You think you did?  Either way it should work because you installed it recently.22:54
zortecjdu: there is only one cdrom22:54
Kalmi_bluedalek, have it ever worked ok before?22:54
jduzortec, I mean not unless there is more than one22:54
Orange_v_Bluesixdraw: only thing that worries me is now that this one works so well, It's physically falling apart, and I need a new one.... that works with ubuntu. That part's slightly annoying, but worth it22:54
ubun00bFougner: thanks, but won't that let me create a 500mb casper file? (I really need a 1GB+ one)22:54
ascheelKalmi_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220798/22:54
jduzortec,  then it should be cable select or master22:55
MidnightDevilok tks22:55
MrPiracymobi-sheep: let me reboot and see if it works22:55
zortecI'm going to change it to master and see what happens22:55
MrPiracymobi-sheep: brb22:55
nsadminok jack_ so you have grub on the drive, you just need to add the boot stanza for the other os to your /boot/grub/menu.lst22:55
h32Lgno suggestions ?22:55
Fougnerubun00b, you _append_ on the exisiting casper-rw file22:55
Orange_v_BlueAnyone have experience with computer janitor or solving system slowdowns (unrelated to video)? Wondering if one would help the other22:55
epicreviewsBecause of recent events, for my own personal sanity, I'd like to get a linux Anti-Virus. What would you recommend for Ubuntu? ClamAV?22:55
Fougnerubun00b, then you should run the command "resize2fs casper-rw"22:55
mneptokOrange_v_Blue: "this one" what? computer?22:55
jack_nsadmin, i'm not sure where grub is (im assuming my 2nd harddrive since the first one was disabled) and i'm not use how to add the other os22:55
DasEizortec:so it's pata, are you sure to have master/slave jumper setted correctly ?22:55
Fougnerepicreviews, if you have the 32bit verison you could try AVG ;D22:56
epicreviewsI have 64 bit22:56
knastois anyone familiar with glipper? how does the nopaste function work?22:56
burkmatAttempting to play videos on my Eee, but the CPU isn't powerful enough to handle it - I happen to have an Ubuntu Server idling in the building and I'm looking for a way to have the server help my Eee with the decoding and playback of videos... Does anyone have any suggestions?22:56
ShawncWhy do I get these errors? http://pastebin.com/m1af7d10d22:56
Orange_v_Bluemneptok: oh, yea my current laptop is glued together. but that's a whole 'nother issue too <grin>22:56
nsadminjack_: the thing is I dunno how to boot vista either... so, we need more information22:56
mneptokepicreviews: a virus scanner is really not necessary22:56
Fougnerepicreviews, then clam would be my first option22:56
ubun00bfougner: thanks very much, I'll try that one :)22:56
ascheelburkmat: 1.6 GHz Atom CPU?22:56
=== prez is now known as PreZ
jack_nsadmin, are you asking me for information or are you telling me that you don't know how to help?22:57
burkmatascheel, 900 MHz iirc.22:57
Orange_v_BlueAnyone have experience with computer janitor or solving system slowdowns (unrelated to video)? Wondering if one would help the other.22:57
bpascal123not sure22:57
Fougnerburkmat, maybe convert the videos to a lower rate?22:57
DasEiepicreviews: also you can get antivir to work on cmd-line22:57
knastolike when i select nopaste in glipper, absolutely nothing happens. does anyone know how to fix this?22:57
epicreviewsis there a graphical frontend for clamav?22:57
ascheelburkmat: don't bother trying.  You are simply not going to be watching anything higher than low-end video.  I'm on a 1.6 GHz and I can barely even watch Youtube22:57
Fougnerubun00b, don't forget to backup the casper-rw file :O22:57
arandepicreviews: depends on what you aim to use the AV for, I'd say that if you want proper real-time scanning I'd guess you'd have to go proprietary...22:57
burkmatFougner, well... I want the higher rate, playing it on a 40" LCD so quality is appreciated.22:57
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:57
Kalmi_ascheel, the 220 IRQ looks very odd... I have no idea what that means...22:57
Fougnerburkmat, then I don't know =)22:58
ubun00bFougner: definitely, I won't forget you or what you've said :)22:58
mastercactapushi, ive been having a problem shutting down, if i watch a console i see it fails to unmount / cuz its busy and it says will now restart and just hangs, i always just did ctrl+alt+del but eventually corruption catches up with me (that and root keeps needing to be rechecked)22:58
ubun00bFougner: thanks very much again!22:58
burkmatascheel, but since I have a 3 GHz AMD idling in the house... shouldn't it be able to help in some way? even if it ends up being the server playing the movie and just streaming to my Eee in some way?22:58
knastocan someone please help me fix glipper?22:59
ascheelburkmat: even if the video streams it, your eee has to decode it no matter what.  Only thing that other PC can do is downsample it.22:59
ascheelKalmi_: I agree.22:59
denndaDid somebody manage to get Moonlight working with the Feynman lectures?22:59
dennda(in firefox)22:59
Fougnerubun00b, I've got a 4GB usb too.. no use for now.. what did you first do?22:59
Kalmi_Could someone have a look at this /proc/interrupts file and tell me what that 220 means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/220798/ (it's for ascheel)22:59
burkmatascheel, Hm... Alright, guess I better just try to get the AMD plugged into the TV.22:59
ascheelburkmat: that's my advice23:00
MrPiracymobi-sheep: didn't work .... if i run from the terminal i get this http://pastebin.com/m529348c323:00
Orange_v_BlueAnyone have experience with the computer janitor?23:00
knastoanyone ave experience with glipper the gnome paste application?23:01
ubun00bFougner: make liveUSB from ubuntu liveCD - system > administration > startup disk creator23:01
Fougnerubun00b, ofc.. thx23:01
ascheelKalmi_: that *IS* the NIC using the connection, too23:01
Shawncrofl, anyway i can revert back like an hour ago?23:01
ShawncI rlly fucked up23:01
ascheel!language | Shawnc23:01
ubottuShawnc: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:01
ubun00bFougner: no prob, again thanking you for your support, I'll see you some other time!23:01
samekany chance to convince sabayon into working under ubuntu?23:02
SuspectZeroShawnc, are u on a live cd?23:02
ShawncSorry, but i really badly did :P23:02
ubun00ball the best!23:02
Shawncnope dual booted comp23:02
Fougnerubun00b, I look forward to it =)23:02
SuspectZeroShawnc, wht did u do?23:02
h32Lgno suggestions ?23:02
sameksabayon app crashes when i click edit profile23:02
knastosomeone help me with glipper23:02
h32Lgno suggestions ?23:02
Shawnci tried to mess around with my wireless card23:02
korocould someone run a quick test to see if my bug is really a bug so i can report it?23:02
Kalmi_ascheel, yeah... but why is IRQ 220 assigned to it... and what does such a high IRQ means at all...23:02
Shawncnow I can't use it anymore23:02
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:02
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: You're trying to run a BETA version?23:02
koroturn on expo and cube in compiz, go to expo, and press one of the "rotate left/right" keys <-- causes compiz to segfault23:02
ascheelKalmi_: I'm looking at some other examples around the web, and it doens't seem out of place.23:02
Shawncso, again, anyway to revert back like an hour ago?23:03
SuspectZeroShawnc, wht were u doing23:03
ascheelKalmi_: this isn't mine, but look at this example.  Plenty of IRQs in the 200+ range:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91015723:03
SuspectZeroShawnc, pm me23:03
mastercactapuscan anyone point me in the right direction?? (wont unmount / at shutdown)23:03
SuspectZeroi'll help u there23:03
ShawncSuspectZero: does it matter what I was doing?23:03
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Did you try those packages?23:03
stroyanShawnc:  The line "dpkg: status database area is locked by another process" looks like another dpkg or apt-get is running at the same time.  If none is running you may need to remove /var/lib/dpkg/lock to release the lock.23:03
knastodoes anyone here use glipper the clipboard manager. if yes, can someone help me get it to work?23:03
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i got the package for jaunty 64bits23:03
Shawncstroyan: i don't need help with that anymore, i just need to revert back an hour please.23:04
SuspectZeroShawnc, no but the more info u give me the better i can help u23:04
ShawncHow do I do that?23:04
FougnerShawnc, there is no such thing as a time machine in linux23:04
Kalmi_ascheel, hmm... PCI-MSI-edge....23:04
SuspectZeroShawnc, tell me whht u were doing wht commands u typed, etc23:04
stroyanShawnc:  You could reinstall and slowly run the clock forward to get to one hour ago.23:04
SuspectZerothts the only way we can revert it. by undoing those commands23:04
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Wait.23:05
FougnerSuspectZero, could you help me undo the rm -rf / then? =)23:05
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Did you uninstall the old debs before you tried the right getdeb deb?23:05
edbianShawnc: You could maybe describe what your system is like now and what you want it to be like in specific detail and we could help you get it that way.23:05
bpascal123any ubuntu expert here?23:05
Fougnerbpascal123, probably not =)23:05
SuspectZeroFougner, recovery software ftw23:05
ascheelKalmi_: I'm wondering what that means too and I haven't found any solid answers23:05
edbianbpascal123: What's your question (I am not claiming to be an expert)23:05
bpascal123ok edbian23:06
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i didnt get the other deb installed, but i downloaded and umpacked the one from secondlife.com ... it's not a installer, just a script23:06
nsadminjack_: telling you I only know part of how to help. the booting vista part is what I don't know, but once we do know, I do know what to put in the menu.lst23:06
bpascal123Ubuntu desktop - there are no miniatures on workspaces23:06
nsadminbut your grub is set up now except for that part23:06
Kalmi_ascheel, ok... high IRQ still seem magic too me... whatever... You could try googlig "NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0 (r8169): transmit timed out"... There are a lot of hots with different suggestions... :) First thing i would try is the noapic option...23:06
edbianbpascal123: Like the little mini windows that show up in the switcher applet?23:06
Kalmi_ascheel, *hots23:06
bpascal123i had it23:07
knastocan anyone help me?23:07
bpascal123i lost it23:07
ascheelKalmi_: noapic or noacpi?23:07
Kalmi_ascheel, *hits23:07
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I see.23:07
Kalmi_ascheel, noapic23:07
Kalmi_err... sorry...23:07
nsadminhow can jack_ boot vista using grub?23:07
ascheelKalmi_: where did you find "NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0 (r8169): transmit timed out" from?23:07
edbianbpascal123: It is possible that there are there but the window color is the same as the background color.  Have you been messing with your theme?  What did you do that changed it?23:07
edbianthat they are there*23:07
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i just opened synaptics and completely removed, am downloading to try again23:07
mastercactapusif i remount the root partition as readonly (ctrl alt sysreq r) would it be safe to shutdown? or would it still be [unclean]23:08
Kalmi_ascheel... your dmesg... there is quite a nice kernel opss at the end of it...23:08
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository23:08
ascheelKalmi_: now I see that.  Thank you!23:08
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows23:08
bpascal123current theme is based on new wave ... ubuntu 9.0423:08
rwturnerany one know if the jaunty dvd images are too big for a dvd-rw23:08
nsadmin!boot vista23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about boot vista23:08
Kalmi_ascheel, yw... I'm glad I could get you started in finding the cause :)23:08
bpascal123minor changes23:08
bpascal123but not about colors23:08
SuspectZero!vista nsadmin23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vista nsadmin23:09
Fougnerrwturner, they shouldn't be :O23:09
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows23:09
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:09
hoontekehas anyone else been having graphics problems since installing updates in the past 24 hours?23:09
edbianbpascal123: Mmm.  Odd.  Have you tried killing / restarting the panel?23:09
hoontekespecifically with the nvidia driver?23:09
markw_argh, this is killing me.  I can stop/start networking and almost exactly 5 minutes later my network speed drops to 1/10th.23:09
MrPiracymobi-sheep: same :(23:09
rwturnerFougner, i have one downloaded and every program i have tried to burn with says the image is too big, some even fail after attempting23:09
nsadminSuspectZero: that has how to boot from grub?23:09
knastooff to the mint channel for me....23:09
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: :(23:09
Fougnerrwturner, you're on a windows machine?23:10
darkhamm_hey people, where i can find documentation to know how can i make by myself gstreamer's pipelines for sound juicer?23:10
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Well I don't know.  All I did was snag the getdeb deb and install it.  Ran SecondLife and it worked. >_>23:10
MrPiracymobi-sheep: how about the error message about a library that couldnt be loaded? maybe i have to locate it?23:10
Fougnerrwturner, link to the image you downloaded, pls23:10
rwturnerFougner, one sec, will do23:10
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: You can run "locate firefox" and it'll show you paths.23:10
SuspectZeronsadmin, no, try this23:10
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:10
SuspectZerothere u go23:10
Kalmi_hoonteke, there were no graphics releated updates in the last 24 hours...23:11
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i ran "locate libGL.so.1" and it found two files in /usr/lib23:12
MrPiracymobi-sheep: should i copy it somewhere else?23:12
bluedalekAnyone able to trouble shoot sound?  I only get sound when using Totem.. all other apps such as VLC, moovida & Amarok are silent.  I have tried three different sound boards too.. the on-board C-Media chipset, a VIA ICE 1724 w/ optical out, and currently using an SB Live! card.  Same results with all.  The onboard is currently disabled23:12
MrPiracymobi-sheep: why cant SL find them?23:12
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Err, to where?23:12
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I'm trying this on the amd64 laptop.  If it worked... then I think you b0rk something with script or such.23:13
mitkokHey, guys. I have laptop connected with external monitor. Does anyone know how to make my laptop display the main ?23:13
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Fougnerbluedalek, have you tried to adjust things in alsamixer and stuff? =)23:13
bluedalekFougner, yes I have.23:13
Fougnermitkok, dualhead is a pain in the ... when it comes to linux =/23:13
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I'm trying this on the amd64 laptop.  If it worked... then I think you b0rk something with script or such.23:13
MrPiracymobi-sheep: type "locate libGL.so.1" in ur laptop. where are these files?23:13
mitkokFougner: why, it works perfect for me23:14
bluedalekI've been through almost all 150+ pages of the Ubuntu forums 'comprehensive sound guide'23:14
mitkokFougner: The problem is that the external display becomes default23:14
mitkoki.e main screen23:14
Kalmi_bluedalek, have it ever worked before one that machine?23:14
Fougnerdude.. what's your setup?23:14
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: http://pastebin.com/f12fa9a23:14
Fougnerwell post your xorg.conf =)23:14
ZPEgood evening all23:15
bluedalekKalmi, yes it did.  Until I installed the VIA ICE 1724 card.. then I only had sound through Totem.  I removed.. continued w/ no sound. followed instructions on the ubuntu site.. no change.. installed Mint 7.. same thing.. re-installed Ubuntu.. same..23:15
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Mkay.  It worked on my laptop upon installation.  You b0rked something.23:16
MrPiracymobi-sheep: you see? urs are in lib32 too23:16
mitkokFougner: http://gist.github.com/14931123:16
nsadminwell so jack_ could use easyBCD23:16
MrPiracymobi-sheep: and mine aren't23:16
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: That script did something. >_>23:16
MrPiracymobi-sheep:  how do i copy those files?23:16
bpascal123_edbian : i did : killall gnome-panel23:17
Fougnermitkok, what about system->settings->screen or something?23:17
rebelI did a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04 a couple days ago. I changed a bios setting that had to do with my hard disk's and then rebooted and I got error 2: bad file or directory on boot. I then began to change the bios setting back and I still get that error after grub 1.5 loads. Here is the kicker. I get to the grub menu list and hit the kernal recovery mode then I choose (boot normal) from the recovery screen and it boots fine.. Anyone know what my 23:17
mobi-sheepcp /lib/file1 /home/Desktop <--- example.23:17
Fougnermithraic, there should be a good GUI for such setups23:17
edbianbpascal123: The panel came back but it didn't fix the problem?  Or do you mean that nothing happened at all?23:17
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: See ^^23:17
ascheelKalmi_: I see a potential solution, the one you just specified.  adding noapic to my menu.lst.  I guess we try it...  :)  No physical access to that PC yet, but we'll see here in a minute if it works on reboot23:17
MrPiracymobi-sheep: ok, now it changed the error message "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64"23:18
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: sudo cp /oldPath/fileName1 /newPath/23:18
bpascal123_the panel went back but workspaces (all 4) still show blank windows23:18
mitkokFougner: When i plug the external display I can setup the position and the resolution for both of the monitors, but I cannot choose twhich one to be the main23:18
bpascal123_i really don't know what happened23:18
bpascal123_i had nice little miniatures at first 9.04 install23:18
Fougnermitkok, you're on a ati or nvidia card?23:19
bpascal123_after the third reinstall, it's still not showing23:19
mitkokFougner: Intel 94523:19
edbianbpascal123:  I think there is a software bug.  Can't say for sure.  BUT, is it possible.... that you have 8 workspaces and you're applet is showing the 4 on the second row?23:19
mitkokFougner: Works like charm23:19
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Shouldn't install stuffs from websites.  The ideal is to check in repos first.  Nothing?  Check for debs or PPA.  Oooh, maybe it's in PPA.23:19
Fougnermitkok, good for you. sadly enough I don't have any experience with them =/23:19
bpascal123_i have 1 row and 4 columns23:20
bpascal123_so it should be a total of 423:20
mitkokFougner: ok, thanks anyway )23:20
edbianbpascal123: Then I don't know :(23:20
edbianbpascal123: Sorry bud!23:20
Kalmi_bluedalek... this might not not seem like a good idea... but you could try resetting the bios... your problem is quite odd...23:21
rebelI did a fresh install of ubuntu 8.04 a couple days ago. I changed a bios setting that had to do with my hard disk's and then rebooted and I got error 2: bad file or directory on boot. I then began to change the bios setting back and I still get that error after grub 1.5 loads. Here is the kicker. I get to the grub menu list and hit the kernal recovery mode then I choose (boot normal) from the recovery screen and it boots fine.. Anyone know what my 23:21
rwturnerFougner, never mind, case of the noobs, i downloaded karmic23:22
bluedalekKalmi_ :  tell me about it.. I've been pulling my hair out for over a week about this.. will give it a try and report back23:22
rwturnerthanks for the help though23:22
toobpartsI get the same..23:22
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I think that script did something.  Because I installed both on computer and laptop.  They both ran beautifully.  I'm seeing a chef robot passing out foods or something like that.23:22
MrPiracymobi-sheep: hahahha23:23
ascheelKalmi_: change made.  We'll see if it fixes it.  rsync going now.23:23
toobpartshow do you set up the keyboard and mouse?. or connect all the boxes23:23
MrPiracymobi-sheep: why do u have xlibmesa and i dont?23:23
MrPiracymobi-sheep: what did u install?23:23
Fougnerrwturner, ok. just wanted to know if you were on a windows system or not =)23:23
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i also dont have that nvidia subfolder under /usr/lib23:23
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I have Nvidia Graphic Card.23:24
MrPiracymobi-sheep: so do i23:24
rwturnerlol, just dumped vista!, currently installing a vmware image for the things i have to do for work23:24
toobpartsand that's easier than double clicking on install icon?23:24
MrPiracymobi-sheep: installed the official drivers from nvidia.com ... version 185.1823:24
MrPiracymobi-sheep: and urs is version 18023:24
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Do you use ATI? I installed lot of softwares on my computer.  You enabled the card?  Computer -- Running fresh KDE for Test and I'm using my laptop as main system.  Both ran fine.23:24
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Why do you keep installing stuffs not in your repo?  180 is fine.23:25
parasite-kingCan Ubuntu be installed on a Palm Treo 750??23:25
toobparts sure :P.. computerquip, you can do that with debian way faster.. than gentoo23:25
zortecyes, thank you!23:25
MrPiracymobi-sheep: it didnt work for me, if i install it, i get lots of problems23:25
MrPiracymobi-sheep: not even compiz will run23:25
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: That is how Windows get viruses all times.  People installing stuffs they don't know in first place from untrusted websites.23:25
zorteconce I changed the jumper from slave to master, the cdrom is recognized in ubuntu23:25
zortechisto: that was it :)23:25
toobparts NO!..23:25
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: What graphic card?  SLI?23:26
plbI've got dual monitors setup and am wondering how can I get screensaver to kick in on only one monitor as I use the larger monitor for watching movies23:26
toobpartsand urs is version 18023:26
MrPiracymobi-sheep: hey, not untrusted ... it's nvidia.com and secondlife.com both the official websites23:26
MrPiracymobi-sheep: GeForce 8600-gt23:26
MrPiracymobi-sheep: 512 ddr223:26
zortechisto, jdu, DasEi: Thanks for keeping at it with me23:27
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Trusted but source codes meant to be compiled by linux enthusiasts.23:27
kennardHow do I really get audio to work with skype on ubuntu (gnome)?  I've found lots of different solutions all over the web, but none seem to work.  Preferably a solution that does not remove pulse, since the gnome version of ubuntu seems to require it.23:27
toobpartsI didn't notice vdpau on that page23:27
DasEi!yay |zortec, 20 seconds after you left, I had the forum, lol23:27
ubottuzortec, 20 seconds after you left, I had the forum, lol: Glad you made it! :-)23:28
MrPiracymobi-sheep: anyway, version 180 didnt work here23:28
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: You don't want to compile anything.  Just look for compiled binaries which usually can be found in repos or getdeb. :O23:28
zortecDasEi: yeah, I never thought to change the jumper23:28
edbianzortec: Is the drive working?23:28
zortecDasEi: Do I still need that /etc/fstab entry. It's picking it up as /dev/cdrom23:28
MrPiracymobi-sheep: what then? should i try 180 again? see if i can get it to work?23:28
zortecedbian: The drive is working perfectly now23:29
DasEizortec: yes, need it fstab, change it accordingly to correct devicename and existing mountpoint23:29
edbianzortec: Was it the jumpers?23:29
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I'm afraid to ask you what else you installed from external websites. >_>  You could try using 180 but I doubt it'll work.  Go ahead anyway.23:29
zortecedbian: Indeed, it was23:29
Nobody77J'ai battu jamel debouze au bas de fer !!!23:29
zortecedbian: It was set to slave and I changed the jumper to master23:29
toobpartsjust reminds me of excalibur from Soul Eater..23:29
toobpartsright found some triad release23:29
zortecedbian: Apparently windows didn't mind that it was set as a slave23:29
toobpartsMise000005 Maybe..23:29
zortecedbian: Ubuntu does...23:29
edbianzortec: I'd like to re-post my previous statement: "I've never seen a CD drive that didn't work with ubuntu"23:29
edbianzortec: Mmm. It's the little things that get you everytime!23:30
toobpartsIt was set to slave and I changed the jumper to master.. Apparently windows didn't mind that it was set as a slave.. Ubuntu does...23:30
zortecDasEi: how do I get the info to change it to the correct devicename and existing mountpoint?23:30
th0redbian: I have one....hasn't worked since I let the smoke out of it23:30
toobpartsthere are some elements in the primaries for the sake of math is awesome.. and occasionally i have a link to a place under my home directory..23:30
edbianth0r: lol23:30
DasEizortec: cd /dev23:30
DasEizortec: ls23:30
toobpartsheto, http://techdigger.wordpress.com/2008/05/21/mp4-hd-video-codec-review-coreavc-ffmpeg/..23:31
zortecDasEi: manufacturer = "Linux 2.6.28-13-generic ohci_hcd"23:31
toobpartsHahaha.. Seven hours later, and people are still debating console-mode text editing..23:31
kennardI wish sound would work consistently out of the box like it does in XP.  It's kind of embarassing.  Is it too much to ask for sound to work?23:31
DasEizortec: or look up /var/log/syslog, hwinfo23:31
zortecDasEi I'm in /dev23:31
DasEizortec: ls23:31
toobpartslovetron.. tobmalf.. bot.. works great thanks.. on tomorrow.. Clinton vs obama in the primaries for the white house has a chance to works great thanks.. on tomorrow.. Clinton vs obama in the primaries for the white house has a chance to works great thanks?..23:31
Fougnercongratz zortec  ;)23:31
zortecDasEi: Are those actual text files?23:31
zortecDasEi: I didn't think I can edit those23:31
edbiankennard: It's the fault of the hardware manufacturers.  They make a windows XP driver only.23:31
toobpartsi use acronis..23:31
ohir!fr | Nobody7723:32
ubottuNobody77: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:32
zortecFougner: thanks23:32
toobpartsgeneric, lol.. thats awsome..23:32
DasEizortec: scd0 there ?23:32
edbiankennard: In order for hardware to work there must be a driver.  If they producing company doesn't make one then it's up to the community :)23:32
zortecDasEi: yes23:32
zortecDasEi: so is cdrom23:32
toobpartsi am i am.. but do i need to uninstall mplayer23:32
DasEizortec : so correct device is /dev/scd023:32
toobpartsand she walks to those gallows23:32
zortecDasEi: how did you figure that out? lol23:32
DasEizortec : cd23:32
zortecDasEi: I thought it was mounted to /dev/cdrom23:33
DasEizortec : cd /media23:33
toobpartsAny of you tried creating a basic install using the original Linux Kernel23:33
toobparts "64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.430 ms".. really.. its fast enough..23:33
zortecDasEi: cdrom023:33
DasEizortec : is there a dir cdrom or cdrom023:33
toobpartspicture editing benfits from it23:33
DasEizortec : gksudo gedit /etc/fstab23:33
toobpartshow did you figure that out? lol23:33
ascheelKalmi_: Maybe I'm wrong, but network performance even seems to have improved.23:34
nsadminis fdisk doing that?23:34
StrangeCharm_can netstat -c be told to update less than once per second, say once every ten or hundered seconds?23:34
zortecDasEi: I'm in /etc/fstab now23:34
toobpartsI said that line...23:34
DasEizortec : /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0   ... keep the rest as is23:34
toobpartsa lot of shit from archive.ubuntu.com..23:34
zortecStrangeCharm_: You might try to combine it with the "at" command23:34
ascheel!language | toobparts23:34
ubottutoobparts: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:34
toobpartsMaybe I'm wrong, but network performance even seems to have improved.23:34
StrangeCharm_zortec-  at?23:34
ctmjr!enter | toobparts23:34
ubottutoobparts: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:34
zortecDasEi that is already the mount entry in etc/fstab23:35
toobpartswould try IE8 though, as the hit window in DDR and ITG for a marvellous/fantastic is a paper..23:35
toobpartstopic ##religion Open discussion on religion, and helping people become people again. Used with http://webulite.com/freenode - you can also type !help at any time23:35
toobpartsdid.. But, it's ok to disable virtual memory?..23:35
toobpartshave been able to upgrade anyways..23:35
iplaythisgameI need to find an instance of the word "taylorserve" in a config file on my system. Can I search inside all files in a directory for the word from command line?23:35
toobpartsthe least horrible of the ricer thing..23:35
zortecStrangeCharm_: From the term, type man "at"23:35
toobpartsdon't need to have a recent enough nvidia card myself, but I suppose it would be evince is perfect..23:35
ascheeltoobparts, drop it man.23:35
ascheeltoobparts, that that to another channel23:36
toobpartsand sees him self it was really cool.. how they did it23:36
ctmjrtoobparts, your a troll can you stop please23:36
zortecDasEi: Is the fstab entry already done? It's /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 with the rest as I did earlier23:36
Kalmi_ascheel, :) cool... can you post your interrupts file now?23:36
toobpartsyeah.. unless your dealing with 0.. i can have blistering performance..23:36
madsDoes anybody knows when chrome will be available for ubuntu?23:36
majikmanfound what appears to be a bug in ubuntu 9.04, where do i report to?23:36
zortecmads: it's already available on ubuntu23:37
toobpartstoobparts: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:37
toobpartssaid (sudo)?. make install should detect and remove it!..23:37
DasEizortec:so you're fine; as I said, I asked for jumper when you just left, by the way it's a pata, that info was missing (sata doesn't equire it)23:37
Kalmi_!bugs | majikman23:37
ubottumajikman: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:37
toobparts that is a bit of an improvement.. toobparts, what country are you from?. odd... maybe I didn't get that right.. wonder if that is what I think it is23:37
madszortec, it is? I'll have to check their site again23:37
majikmank thanks23:37
ascheelCan an OP take care of toobparts, please.  He's just regurgitating what others are saying, line for line.23:37
zortecDasEi: without too much info, what is the diff in pata and sata? I have to leave quickly23:38
toobpartsIs the fstab entry already done? It's /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 with the rest as I did earlier23:38
madsIsn't chrome just for windows so far? When I enter google.com/c23:38
zortecWhy does toobparts repeat what everyone said in the chan?23:38
ctmjr!ops | toobparts,23:38
ubottutoobparts,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:38
StrangeCharm_zortec-  at doesn't allow for repeated actions :(23:38
nsadminit is not a channel emergency :P23:38
zortecStrangeCharm_: I know but it allows you to set up commands at intervals23:39
zortecStrangeCharm_: I thought that is what you were looking to do23:39
toobpartswish sound would work consistently out of Egypt, until the beginning installation of Vodafone Connection manager on WinXP after plugging a USB 3G modem in?..23:39
toobpartssee your three-sided football match and raise you two more teams.. B-rat.. GAM.. MAL..23:39
ascheelKalmi_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220815/23:40
StrangeCharm_zortec-  nah, i want to tell a command that refreshes evers second to refresh slower23:40
DasEizortec: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA23:40
Kalmi_ascheel, same... ok..23:40
ascheelKalmi_: looks the same, but it's not locking up.23:40
DasEizortec: sata is the up to date standard, much bigger bandwith23:40
zortecStrangeCharm_: You could use a cron job23:40
zortecDasEi: so I should get a sata cdrom instead of a pata?23:40
StrangeCharm_zortec-  i think that's overkill, also, i want it to give its output to the terminal23:41
zortecStrangeCharm - Hmm. write a bash script?23:41
DasEizortec: depends on your habits, for hd's it's important, also depends on connectors on your board23:41
zortecDasEi: yeah my 320GB drive is sata, my cdrom is pata... didn't know it matters too much23:42
jvmhi. i want my notebook to load my usual network configuration _before_ logging into my user account, so i entered the data into /etc/network/interfaces; yet, the static ipv4 configuration i entered is not shown with ifconfig after running '/etc/init.d/networking restart'. did i overlook something?23:42
ascheelzortec: easier to work with sata than pata.  For a CDROM it doesn't matter except for how 'clean' it keeps the case.23:42
MrPiracymobi-sheep: ok, i remember now .... when i install nvidia, it prompts if i want to install 32bits compatibiliy packs23:42
MrPiracymobi-sheep: but if i do, i lose my X screen23:42
zortecascheel: but my cdrom is connected by an ide cable, so does pata use IDE? I guess I'm a bit confused on the technology23:43
mobi-sheepOh noes.23:43
DasEizortec: sataII handles up to 300gb/s while fastest ata is 133MB/s23:43
ascheelpata = ide23:43
ascheelpata is the interface, ide is the cable23:43
ascheelor vice versa, but you get the idea.23:43
DasEizortec: pata uses ide port, right23:43
zortecah that is clear now23:43
zortecDasEi: yeah23:44
Rob235hello people23:44
Rob235i could use some help23:44
ascheel!ask | Rob23523:44
ubottuRob235: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:44
zortecI will say that my cdrom sounds like a 747 taking off when it's performing read operations23:44
zortecis that normal... lol23:44
zortec52x read speed23:44
sebsebseb!details |  Rob23523:44
DasEizortec: yes23:44
ubottuRob235: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:44
Bob_Dolezortec, not too uncommon.23:44
sekyourboxhello, I cant get my webcam to work on ubuntu.  I read that you need to install the UVC drivers, but aren't they already there?23:45
zortecit zips right along, but damn it's loud... you could hear it outside I bet23:45
DasEizortec:if you want luxury, gotto pay for it (silent), also could reduce speed23:45
Rob235im trying to install grub2 but first when i do and restart i get error 11 because i have to change root in the modified menu.lst to uuid, then when i do that I get error 15 which im pretty sure isnt grub itself23:45
Rob235the problem is the location of the boot sector right?23:45
zortecso the next cdrom I buy will be sata and with noise reduction23:46
sebsebsebRob235: why are you doing Grub2?23:46
Rob235why not23:46
nsadminwhat's error 15?23:46
Rob235i dont know23:46
Rob235doesnt say23:46
Rob235i dont think at least, let me google again23:46
zortecI have to get off to band practice.  I play keys, appreciate all the help very much23:46
sebsebsebRob235: you have to tell it to install Grub223:46
DasEizortec: ide rom is k, if only few sata are there, so keep them for hd23:46
sebsebsebRob235: and there isn't a need in 9.0423:46
sebsebsebRob235: and I think this is even correct really with the optional  Ext4 file systems23:46
DasEizortec: good takeoff !23:47
sebsebsebRob235: Grub legacy the one it comes with should be fine for now23:47
Rob235i know theres not a need, i just liked it better (i tried karmic but video drivers didnt install)23:47
Rob235ehh alright23:47
sebsebsebRob235: ok well  Ext4 default file system and  Grub2  by default, when Karmic is released23:47
Rob235i know23:48
sebsebsebRob235: need to clean install for the full Ext4 support though23:48
Rob235yea, i only do clean installs23:48
sebsebsebRob235: also since Karmic is in development, yep bugs23:48
Rob235when upgrades like that come out23:48
sekyourbox041e:4057  Creative Live! Cam Optia  Creative Labs  <<device works23:48
sekyourboxhow do I find out if UVC is installed?23:49
Rob235ok well i guess i'll just reinstall jaunty to fix the grub problem, im sure i can do it manually but id rather keep it fresh23:49
hdonare there any known bugs in vim's support for tag files in Jaunty? when i execute :tag someCertainFunction it just eats one of my CPU cores indefinitely!23:49
hdonactually.. it seems to be any tag, suddenly23:50
hdonoh, but sometimes it does return23:50
DasEisekyourbox:watch the output of apt when trying to install23:50
hdonmaybe it's just LUDICROUSLY SLOW for some reason?23:50
Rob235be back in half an hour23:50
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:50
ascheelKalmi_: I was wrong.  Locked up.23:50
sekyourboxDasEi, there is no repo for it23:51
sekyourboxanyone here have a webcam?23:51
MrPiracymobi-sheep: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy it works now ;)23:51
DasEisekyourbox: so you don't know if you compiled it ?23:51
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: So... it was the 185 driver? :)23:51
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i reinstalled nvidia drivers WITH the 32 bit support ... for some reasons it wasn't working bfore23:52
sekyourboxWindows sucks, but at least its no longer plug and prey23:52
MrPiracymobi-sheep: yes, 18523:52
sekyourboxLinux 2.6.26 and newer includes the Linux UVC driver natively. You will not need to download the driver sources manually unless you want to test a newer version or help with development.23:52
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Heh. Linux is fun. ^^23:52
Kalmi_ascheel, :(23:52
mobi-sheepWell, enjoy your game.  Take notes too. :)23:52
ascheelKalmi_: oh well.  :)  I'll get it worked out.23:53
bpascal123_edbian : okay : workspaces miniatures not showing is now solved ::: i had to resize the panel to a higher value so it can display miniatures on the workspace switcher...23:53
edbianbpascal123_: Was that all?23:53
edbianbpascal123_: What is the threshold?23:53
bpascal123_for (eeepc user  : 2323:54
MrPiracymobi-sheep: now i dont even know how to reproduce this install ... if i need to reinstall my system iĺl be lost23:54
Kalmi_ascheel, or won't... :) well... good luck... :)23:54
ascheellol thanks.  :)23:54
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Well, right off the bat.  What was wrong with 180?23:54
miguelhola a todos23:55
=== miguel is now known as Guest65707
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i dont remember ... i tried so many things23:56
jefinc!spanish Guest6570723:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:56
jefinc!spanish | Guest6570723:56
ubottuGuest65707: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:56
nivekc1I installed firefox 3.5 following the directions here http://gaarai.com/2009/07/01/upgrade-to-firefox-3-5-on-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty-jackalope/ and i can't figure out how to update it to 3.5.1 any suggestions?23:57
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Upon the installation of N180, what did you see that made you go to N185?23:57
Guest65707join #ubuntu-es23:57
gartralok all, anyone know why my system cant lock a camera device?23:57
Stargazer989How do i close my topic on the forums ? :S23:57
erikk71hi all23:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:58
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i installed 185 first23:58
xcdfgkjhgcvIs there an IRC channel specifically for the UNR version of Ubuntu?23:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unr23:59
xcdfgkjhgcv!netbook remix23:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook remix23:59
xcdfgkjhgcv!ubuntu netbook remix23:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:59
xcdfgkjhgcvubottu: You're useless.23:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about You're useless.23:59

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