
* BUGabundo and with this I leave you .00:31
cabreyi keep getting permission denied if i try to copy/move something into the 'Ubuntu One' folder, is this a known issue?00:48
verterok_cabrey: you should put your files into ~/Ubuntu One/My Files00:49
cabreyyea that worked00:50
cabreyis it going to be changed?00:50
verterok_cabrey: yes, the big plan is to allow sync of arbritary folders00:51
cabreyjust thinking of the end users ;)00:51
dragon_how do i share a file with someone?06:42
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facundobatistaHola a todos!13:14
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joshuahooverhola facundobatista!14:11
=== JamalFanaian is now known as JamalFanaian|afk
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 88, Protocol Revno is 52 | Release 0.90.4
chadmillermy internet is broken because the cable tech (whom I called for unrelated reason) is incompetent.14:56
jblountPrecisely why I void communication with telcos, even when something is broken.14:57
dobeyyeah, i only call them if i really have to14:57
chadmilleryeah. I have a problem with the dvr.  I prove it is the dvr's ram or video card. first thing he does is go outside and start testing the cable.14:59
statikHi, everyone who is here for the ubuntu one developer standup, please say 'me'. The format for this meeting is to paste 3 lines: TODO, DONE, and BLOCKED. Then say the person that should go next - we can try going in 'me' order.15:01
chadmillerI imagine this internal monologue:  well, something I don't know about is broken, and I carried this tester all the way from the truck....15:01
statikvds, urbanape?15:02
statikDONE: Face duty and code reviews, discussions about moblin integration, lots of calls.15:02
statikTODO: Face duty and  code reviews. As time allows: publish desktop-contacts python module. Make an ubuntu package for lp:bindwood. Work with Rodrigo on Tomboy sync.15:02
statikBLCK: None. next, rodrigo_15:02
urbanapedo, me15:02
rodrigo_DONE: fought against weird error in server15:02
rodrigo_TODO: continue fighting. Do a new couchdb-glib release for REVU uploading15:03
rodrigo_BLOCKED: weird error in server15:03
rodrigo_teknico: go15:03
teknicoDONE: fixed the contacts web UI tests15:03
teknicoTODO: testing scripts in utilities/15:03
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:03
teknicoNEXT: chadmiller15:03
teknicourbanape, really? ;-D15:03
urbanapeDONE: Submitted two branches for new files UI. Second one continues failing on pqm merge, even though I've merged trunk back to it.15:03
urbanapeTODO: Enabling the Sharing button in new files UI.15:03
urbanapeBLOCK: Sanity check on my last branch submission.15:03
urbanapejblount: UR UP15:03
chadmillerdone: most of spawning in place.  todo: test. restart mail transactions.   blocked: none15:04
jblountDONE: javascript15:04
jblountTODO: more javascript15:04
jblountBLOCKED: pqm15:04
dobeywow teknico. you really screwed up the queue :)15:04
teknicoteknico, well, not technically ;-)15:04
dobeyDONE: Released 0.90.4 tarball, Fixed clientdefs install issue, Talked about possible Moblin UI integration points15:04
dobeyTODO: syncdaemon start-up error reporting (#378707), Fix UnknownLoginError silliness, UL/DL status notifications (#377526)15:04
dobeyBLCK: None.15:05
dobeyvds: andiamo15:05
vdsDONE: finished a branch to change some config in funambol_cared in sourcecode, code review15:05
vdsTODO: do some more test on the integration of cared with the development environment with mark15:05
vdsBLOCKED: no15:05
vdsI don't know who's left...15:05
urbanapeso, what's up with pqm?15:05
* urbanape is out of it15:05
dobeythere was a slight bit of parallellization going on15:05
statikjblount, urbanape: pqm was broken until late last night, if your branches fail this morning then we need to investigate15:06
urbanapeI'll remerge and submit15:06
jblountstatik: My branches fail this morning, investigating with 'make pqm-test' now15:06
statikrodrigo_, i want to help fix the crazy django errors you are getting! lets bring out the big debugger15:06
statikthanks everyone, MEETING ENDS15:06
rodrigo_statik: I've been googling for the error, but couldn't find anything wrong in the code15:07
rodrigo_statik: if I remove one {%url ...} line, it fails in the next one15:07
rodrigo_statik: you're on karmic and everything works for you, right?15:07
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statikyeah, karmic is fine for me15:13
dobeyi should upgrade my desktop to karmic one day15:20
dobeyand i still need to install jaunty server on my server15:20
statikyeah my server on slicehost is still back on intrepid i think15:23
urbanapeI think my slice is in an unholy state. I think I flubbed the upgrade from Dapper. Needs to get wiped and redone.15:25
NET||abusehey guys. just working with ubuntuone for the first time, can it be used as a way to share a url publicly like a screenshot or something? to others not on the ubuntuone platform?15:26
dobeynot currently, no15:27
NET||abusein plans?15:27
NET||abusewould be awsome to be able to drop a file into the ubuntuone directory on your machine, then right click the file and select "copy public url to clipboard" and be able to just throw that in an email/instant message/ irc room etc15:28
NET||abusehmm, the client app has no "settings" per say, i guess that's a benefit, no fidling required.15:30
NET||abuseright clicking in ubuntuone folder gives no contextual control over the files in there, would be good to be able to share with others from the folder and not rely on web interface.15:31
NET||abuseanyway, i'm sure this has all been said, i'll go investigate launchpad15:32
dobeyNET||abuse: we only support sharing of folders. if you right click in a blank area, or on a folder under Ubuntu One/My Files/ there is a "Share on Ubuntu One" item15:36
statikNET||abuse, yeah we do want to support the public url thing at some point15:41
NET||abuseok, the folder thing is only between email addresses.. that work for any email or just launchpad users?15:42
statikany email, although they will need to create a launchpad account in order to get signed in15:42
dobeyyou can specify either an e-mail address, or a user id if they've already got an ubuntuone account15:43
statiknot really a launchpad account, just an openid account on our openid server which happens to branded launchpad at the moment15:43
statikdobey, oh cool i didn;t realize that was hooked up15:44
dobeystatik: well, there is a regex to check if it's an e-mail address, and use the web api for that, or otherwise try to do the protocol method15:44
NET||abuseah well, can't share publicly with urls for now then, will have to stick to quick scp's to my webserver15:49
NET||abusea little more invasive and awkward usability wise, but i have suffered this long15:49
NET||abusearrrg, goddamn chromium, not opening from external links.15:50
dobeyNET||abuse: Nautilus supports scripts, so you can write a simple script and stick it in a folder, and you'll be able to right click on any file and scp it to your web server very easily15:51
NET||abusedobey, hmm, i guess i could look into that for now then,, just I like the idea of a supported service that does it, so i can go to my freedom hating mac using designery friends, and i get to go, look how cool ubuntu is that has this service all included and free, not like your stupid limited proprietary junk heaps.15:53
NET||abuseright, back to work with me :) thanks for the feedback.15:54
NET||abusegood idea on nautilus scripts15:54
=== JamalFanaian is now known as JamalFanaian|afk
sladenstatik: if you come across similar Ubuntu (Operating System) bug reports, it would be preferable to repoint these to "Ubuntu"/New rather than marking invalid, and they'll get handled by the normal Ubuntu triaging process18:03
sladenstatik: (this is a good example of why something named "Ubuntu One" really does create confusion18:03
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CardinalFangafk 20 min19:04
statiksladen, thanks for the tip, will do.19:30
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=== JamalFanaian is now known as JamalFanaian|afk

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