
bcurtiswxhi all, what type of debugging information would you like for apps that don't play as expected with notify-osd?04:31
mac_vSiDi> busy?14:14
SiDimac_v, whats up ?14:15
mac_vdoes thunar have a side pane by default?14:15
mac_vSiDi> ^14:16
SiDii think its activated by default14:16
SiDiwhy's that ?14:16
mac_vis that the default setup? or has the user removed the side pane?14:17
mac_vSiDi> ^14:19
SiDiIt's not the default :|14:19
mac_vSiDi> the image link or the side pane?14:20
SiDi?? :/14:20
SiDiWhat do you mean the image link ?14:20
SiDithat's more or less what default looks like14:21
SiDiif i'm not wrong14:21
mac_vok... thanx14:21
SiDiActually ^ mac_v 14:21
mac_vSiDi> oh nice...but i cant see the cat ;p ... are the emblems available from the side pane?14:23
SiDiyou have a bookmark view too14:25
SiDiyou know, once you set emblems up, its not needed to change them ..14:25
mac_vI know , but dont understand what the obsession with emblems for users is !14:26
SiDimac_v, heres the cat14:43
mac_vSiDi> was that the kitten you kept mentioning or is this just a downloaded wallpaper?14:45
SiDiits a wallpaper14:45
SiDimy kitten was younger14:45
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