
CIA-74Kubuntu: apachelogger * r3 kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/debian/copyright: Use latest revision for copyright's format spec00:03
JontheEchidnatoma: filing a bug is fine, or asking here. not a big deal really00:03
JontheEchidnawe're due for merging with debian anyways, now that they've got 4.3 packaged00:03
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apacheloggertoma: btw, in case you don't know yet, patches.ubuntu.com is the perfect place to check which patches we have floating around :)00:04
tomaJontheEchidna: found the wiki page, followed the instructions ;-)00:07
DaskreeCHSo what still uses KDE3 on the CD now?00:34
DaskreeCHWhat will be recommended KDe3?00:35
DaskreeCHK3b ?00:35
JontheEchidnaK3b is at its KDE4 version in 9.1000:35
JontheEchidnaI believe we're dragging libgtk2.0-0 in via OO.o tho :( Shouldn't be an issue once the KDE4 integration stuff hits00:35
JontheEchidnaI think shtylman said it'd come in time for alpha300:36
DaskreeCHWait so no gtk on the CD either?00:38
JontheEchidnaright, gtk is undesirable on the CD00:40
Monika|Kyeah, get rid of evil gnome footprints ;)00:46
DaskreeCHThey have big feet00:48
DaskreeCHSo anyone looked at how much space we have saved?00:49
ScottKJontheEchidna: shtylman better hurry then.01:45
JontheEchidnait's all upstream now01:46
ScottKOK.  So what's the hold up?01:47
DaskreeCHsun^WOracle ?01:48
ScottKDaskreeCH: No.  I'm reasonably certain the upstream in question is go-ooo and not snoracle.01:49
DaskreeCHRight so that's Novell?MicroNovell :)01:54
shtylmanScottK: I think the main integration points are done..I don't know if the debian packages have been created with the kde4 OO integration ... I do know there are a few bugs I need to look at03:24
DaskreeCHHow well is upstream KDe4 integration going ?03:24
shtylmanslowly :)03:26
DaskreeCHNot a great answer but is it going well?03:28
DaskreeCHSlowly and badly is just depressing03:28
shtylmanwell...the bulk of the work was done weeks/months ago03:29
shtylmanand I think they made debian packages from it03:29
shtylmancause there was a recent bug report against it03:29
shtylmanbut I don't know if ubuntu packages have been made03:30
DaskreeCHah so what's left after the imposing bulk has been packaged?03:33
shtylmanum...I think someone else was doing the kde address book integration03:33
shtylmanbut I don't know how that is going...03:33
ScottKshtylman: My vote would be to get it into the archive sooner rather that later.03:35
DaskreeCHWhere does OO use the addressbook?03:35
DaskreeCH Speaking of which Why doesn't KDE use the stupid address book?03:35
shtylmanDaskreeCH: no idea...but there was integration in there somewhere03:35
* ScottK guesses there is mail merge functionality03:36
DaskreeCHAh mebbe03:36
DaskreeCHBut back to why doesn't KDE use the address book it should really pull basically all personal details from there03:37
DaskreeCHOr keep them them there03:37
shtylmandunno...noone has gotten around to it03:38
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DaskreeCHbadly needs updating07:10
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Mamarokisn't 4.2.4 for jaunty in the backports?11:00
tsimpson!info kdelibs5 jaunty-backports11:12
ubottuPackage kdelibs5 does not exist in jaunty-backports11:12
tsimpson!info kdelibs5 kubuntu-updates11:14
ubottukdelibs5 (source: kde4libs): core libraries for all KDE 4 applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.4-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa2 (kubuntu-updates), package size 6625 kB, installed size 27336 kB11:14
tsimpsonit looks like it's only in the PPA11:15
Mamarokwell, I wold have expected it to end in the backports at least11:17
CIA-74Kubuntu: apachelogger * r4 kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/debian/ (changelog copyright): kubuntu-netbook-default-settings (9.10.0) UNRELEASED; urgency=low12:48
CIA-74Kubuntu: apachelogger * r5 kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc: Add plasma-desktop-appletsrc based on Tonio's proposal14:07
CIA-74Kubuntu: apachelogger * r6 kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/COPYING: Add COPYING file14:10
CIA-74Kubuntu: apachelogger * r7 kubuntu-netbook-default-settings/debian/changelog: releasing version 9.10.014:13
milianamarok-dbg from jaunty-backports/main does not contain dbg symbols for libamarok_collection-ipodcollection.so14:19
milianwho is responsible for that?14:21
miliani.e. whom should I nag about it to fix it ;-)14:21
apacheloggerbug #39620615:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396206 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] plasma-widget-bkodama" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39620615:29
apacheloggerbug #37657616:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376576 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ProjectM-Jack" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37657616:02
WanderingKnighthey there16:11
WanderingKnightI'm experiencing high Xorg usage with Kubuntu 9.04 using the Launchpad PPA repos for 4.3 rc216:11
WanderingKnightI just went into #kde-devel and thiago told me there were problems with high memory usage fixed last week16:12
ScottKIf you can get specifics, we can look into patching.16:13
MamarokScottK: check with thiago eventually?16:14
WanderingKnightyeah that was what I was thinking16:14
ScottKMamarok: I don't really have time to investigate today, but if someone can nail down what was changed, we can look into it.16:14
WanderingKnighteither way, it's a brand new machine with 4 GB of RAM and after a couple of days Xorg is taking over 600 MB16:15
WanderingKnightand I've got 400 MB of swap usage16:15
WanderingKnightI'll see if I can ask thiago around16:15
ScottKWanderingKnight: If it's xorg usage, it's probably not KDE specific, I wouldn't think.16:15
ScottKWanderingKnight: Intel graphics?16:15
* ScottK doesn't know about that.16:15
Mamarokwell, AFAICT, thiago was talking about trunk RC2 of last week16:15
WanderingKnightI can't know whether there were updates or not this week since I just installed this PC16:17
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MamarokWanderingKnight: there are memory problems with Xorg for some people, so not KDE related, as ScottK already mentionned16:18
WanderingKnightthis is on nvidia driver with Kubuntu 9.04 amd6416:19
Mamarokwnadyou should use htop (package is in the repos) and check what exactly is eating the memory16:19
Mamarokhtop is an improved top btw16:20
WanderingKnight/usr/bin/X is the one16:20
Mamarokwell, maybe ask in #ubuntu then, as this is more a problem of the underlying system16:21
MamarokWanderingKnight: and it's not triggered by some application?16:22
WanderingKnightI... wouldn't think so16:22
WanderingKnightI mean, this is on idle, even though applications are open... but there aren't apps making heavy usage of graphics16:23
WanderingKnightmainly kwin effects and the regular Qt usage16:23
mgraesslinScottK: the memory leak is fixed with rev 995379 and 99538016:34
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=995379&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 995379 | Delete the old tileset whenever a new one is created. That prevents that kwin eats more and more pixmaps.16:34
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ What do you think?16:34
Mamarokthe "report a bug.." option in the help menu in KDE apps doesn't work in Jaunty with 4.2.9616:44
ScottKSeems it's still using b.k.o instead of LP in Karmic too.16:47
* ScottK thought nixternal fixed that.16:47
MamarokScottK: it doesn't use bko neither, Dr. Konqi doesn't start, nor anything else16:48
ScottKOK.  So slightly less broken in Karmic then.16:49
* ScottK looks at nixternal for enlightenment (like that'll work).16:49
nixternalScottK: jaunty...I fixed it in Karmic17:13
nixternaloh, the reason it won't work in jaunty if it was backported, is because of apport-kde17:13
nixternalyou need to s/kde/qt for jaunty patch17:13
* nixternal heads out for a bit, will be back later for some hacking17:21
apacheloggerScottK: backport I suppose17:43
apachelogger!info choqok karmic17:44
ubottuchoqok (source: choqok): KDE Micro-Blogging Client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 295 kB, installed size 1272 kB17:45
ScottKapachelogger: If we can get some performance fixes backported, it seems reasonable to do, although it might make more sense to see about upstream doing it in
apacheloggerthat is for 4.4?17:46
apacheloggerif so it should indeed be considered upstream for 4.3.117:46
ScottKapachelogger: TLDR, so dunno.17:47
ScottKMaking assumptions due to overall business and lack of enough caring.17:47
apacheloggerScottK: it is a memleak17:48
apacheloggerso it should be fixed via SRU as well17:48
apacheloggerwhich reminds me, is anyone ever going to fix the python of update-notifier-kde?17:48
apacheloggerleaking like its gonna die any day17:49
apacheloggerNightrose: will amarok ever become usable again?17:52
ScottKapachelogger: Works here.17:52
apacheloggerworking != usable17:52
ScottKapachelogger: Also I misread which python foo*-kde you were referring to.17:52
* ScottK was thinking of the printer thingy. It came up on #debian-qt-kde earlier today.17:53
mgraesslinapachelogger: the memleak in Oxygen has of course been backported for 4.3.017:53
ScottKOK.  Thanks to choqok kubuntunetbook is active on identil.ca too.17:59
ScottKThat should make fans of coercive licensing happy.18:00
Nightroseapachelogger: ?18:17
apacheloggerslow, really, slow incredibly awfully slow18:17
apacheloggerwith builtin mem eater18:17
* ScottK now has the 'configure won't go away' problem with microblogging widget.18:22
ScottKReally annoying.18:22
TscheesyScottK : i have to configure my user-Name mit a small [t] to get conneted - when i change my registred name afterwards to [T]scheesy i can see _my_ posts instead of the other people on's18:31
ScottKRiddell: If you're around, would you please promote kubuntu-netbook-default-settings.  MIR is approved.18:42
_abbenormalhello all19:04
ScottKHello _abbenormal19:06
_abbenormalis there any work being done to kubuntu and vdpau for extra support im trying to get xine setup for vdpau and not find any good info on it is there maybe a place ive not found yet19:07
_abbenormalhey ScottK19:08
ScottKNot that I know of.19:09
* ScottK suspects that is reasonably desktop agnostic and #mythbuntu might be a good place to take it up.19:09
_abbenormalim having an issue and worried about if i remove xine that ill corrupt kubuntu beyond my scope of experience19:11
_abbenormalwell would maybe be a place to ask but i dont use myth19:11
ScottKIf you remove the package, you'll get told what else gets removed.19:12
_abbenormalim a vdr user and not found anyone using vdr with kubuntu yet19:12
_abbenormalok i dont mind issue i know how to reload it lol19:13
_abbenormalfigured id ask before i went dumb and did something stupid but then i guess its nix fix it till it broken19:14
_abbenormalok thanks ill try19:15
* ScottK wonders if akonadi needs some splitting.19:37
* ScottK thinks something called akonadi-console in the development section should not be installed by default.19:37
ScottKseele: Is there some way we can get http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/AppsMenuReorganization to go away.  In my brief experience with the Internet piece of it, it is deeply confusing.19:40
ScottK... deeply confusing and a usability nightmare.19:40
CIA-74Kubuntu: apachelogger * r84 kdelibs/debian/ (3 files in 2 dirs):20:19
CIA-74Kubuntu: Add kubuntu_70_revert_submenus.diff to revert upstream revision 93045120:19
CIA-74Kubuntu: introducing subcategories for the internet category.20:19
CIA-74Kubuntu: Also see http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma/AppsMenuReorganization20:19
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=930451&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 930451 | bring order into toplevel menu, divide Internet category into 4 subcategories will return to the menu reorganization when ooo...20:19
seeleScottK: i'm not sure what you are asking.. you want the page to go away or you want to fix kickoff so the page goes away?20:21
apacheloggerseele: for now that the categories go away from KDE 4.320:23
apacheloggerthe change is only applied to internet20:23
apacheloggerwhich is super awkward20:23
apacheloggerand in extend the whole proposal should go away since it is missing point20:23
apacheloggerrationales with 3 browser20:23
apacheloggerwhat average user got 3 browsers installed anyway20:24
seelei'm still confused20:24
seeleso a flat list of apps?20:24
apacheloggerseele: yep20:25
apacheloggerhowever, much more important is: flat list in 4.320:25
apacheloggeras said, the whole reorganization is _only_ applied to Internet at this point20:25
seeleso... list 100 applications in the top level of teh Applications tab in kickoff?20:25
seeleor are you talking about the proposed submenu structure?20:26
seelebecause the proposed 3 level organization isn't adding anything20:26
JontheEchidnabasically they took the Network subfolder and arbitrarily subdivided it further20:33
apacheloggerseele: http://aplg.kollide.net/screencasts/kde-subcategories-43.ogv20:33
apacheloggerI think we have just enough apps in each category to fill the available list space without a scrollbar, the changes break it down into additional grouping that don't add any particular benefit IMHO20:35
apacheloggerI suppose the additional grouping largely depends on language aswell, in english you might expect app 'foobar' in subcategory "cat" but in french you might expect it in the 'barfoo' subcat20:36
macowhether miro should be sound/video or internet always throws me off20:37
macoits BOTH20:37
apacheloggerthe finer the grouping the more of such cases arise I would suspect20:37
apacheloggerit's the same with kontact20:37
apacheloggeris it internet or office20:37
apacheloggeris it both?20:37
seeleapachelogger: i'm going to have to find headphones, my laptop speakers aren't loud enough for me to hear you20:40
dtchenmaco: i'd venture it's more useful in the latter20:50
macodtchen, thats my thinking as well since it needs to get online to download anything. they call it "internet tv" ... but its in the sound/video category20:51
macowhats interesting is you can also use it as your bittorrent client20:52
dtchenrgreening: i seem to be able to trigger massive awkwardness using pulse and Xine-based clients (all karmic) that i can't reproduce using pulse and any GSt-based clients. my test cases continue to be amarok and banshee for audio, kaffeine and totem for video+audio20:54
valgaavI'm with apachelogger on this ... I mean I hate the sub cathegories in 'Games' ... I think most users have just like 5-6 favorite games ... Splitting it to subcategories is something I have to manually get rid off20:55
dtchenrgreening: there are many potential focal points: GSt in karmic has undergone a complete ringbuffer rewrite for the pulse backend, which makes it _much_ better20:55
rgreeningremind me again why pulse  + xine/GStreamer is necessary under KDE (I'm just curious and forgetful)20:56
dtchenrgreening: unfortunately, GSt is still quite lacking for DVD nav20:56
valgaavgenerally It would be great if there was some global kickoff setting "turn off subcategories"20:56
dtchenrgreening: i doubt GSt will be able to replace Xine for karmic20:57
dtchenrgreening: so the piecemeal approach to getting the audio stack aligned is a package that sets phonon's preferences to pulseaudio as primary20:58
rgreeningthat's my thinking as well...20:58
dtchenthat'll be going into the ubuntu-audio-developer ppa20:58
macooh right that reminds me20:58
rgreeningsend me the PPA and I can test it out20:58
dtcheni suspect there will be much breakage reporting, since i personally can reproduce it on a fairly wide range of audio hardware (usb, hda, ac'97, firewire)20:59
macowhy is "default" not an option for phonon's output device?20:59
dtchenmaco: it is the default option; read the source code20:59
macoyou have firewire audio?20:59
dtchenthe actual string reported by the notification is arguably wrong20:59
maco:-/ systemsettings -> multimedia only offers alc883 analog, alc883 digital, pulseaudio21:00
ScottKseele: I meant what apachelogger said.  The whole subdividing thing is silly and awkward.  I've been using it for ~a week and a half and I still don't know what subdivision stuff is in.21:00
dtchenthe xine backend opens default followed by plug:iec95821:00
ScottKseele: To the extent I know it's because I've gradually memorized the menu, not because it's inherently sensible.21:00
seeleScottK: i dont see what value it adds.. i dont think it offsets the cost of having to scroll enough to be a benefit21:01
dtchenit unfortunately still opens things according to index first, which is wrong; it should use the human strings and fall back to indices21:01
milianis there a ppa for qt 4.5.2 ?21:01
ScottKseele: I find it very confusing.  I'd appreciate it if you'd put on your KDE usability hat and go beat the relevant parties.21:01
milianI just encountered a bug in qt 4.50 which got fixed in later releases21:01
dtcheni'll rant a bit in a blog on why plug:hw:0 is bad and plug:hw:"NVidia" is good21:02
milianand the bug crashed plasma21:03
milianRiddell: you told me only critical updates get done, is that "critical" ?21:03
ScottKRiddell: If you can find a patch that just fixes the crash, yet.21:03
ScottKerr milian^^21:04
seeleScottK: is this from upstream? from the looks of the wiki page i thought people didn't like it21:04
ScottKFor "update all of Qt" it'd have to be earthshattering, not just a crash.21:04
ScottKseele: It is from upstream.21:04
ScottKseele: Agreed.  The wiki page says no one like it.  Didn't stop implementation.  FOSS is fun.21:05
miliando all distributions do it that way? or is there one which gives you these kind of updated libs right away?21:05
ScottKAll binary distributions do it that way.21:05
ScottKIf you want updated right away you can run our development release.21:06
ScottKUpdated right away has it's good and bad points.21:06
milianI want bugfix updates right away...21:06
miliannot neccessarily feature updates21:06
seeleargh.. i hate kickoff to start with, especially since it is maintained by plasma21:06
seelegetting any changes made in plasma is such a nightmare21:06
* ScottK goes back to being away.21:06
apacheloggerseele: +121:07
firephotomilian: there's 4.5.2 in a ppa. been running it since it was out. no issues. jaunty.21:07
milianfirephoto: can you give me the ppa? I couldn't find it21:08
macomilian, rolling release distros like Arch may not.... they often use whatever's in version control upstream21:08
firephotomilian: right now i'm using the one out of the debfx ppa21:08
milianI might want to check that out then... well I think I'll wait for another chakra release before though21:08
milianfirephoto: can you just give me the line from your sources.list please?21:09
milianor is it that one: https://launchpad.net/~debfx/+archive/ppa ?21:09
firephotomilian:  hold on, it might not be in that archive anymore looking.21:09
milianyeah, can't find qt in those packages21:10
firephotoi was running the version from the arora ppa but that one had phonon built and some things were acting slow from that build.21:10
firephotohttps://launchpad.net/~debfx/+archive/qt that's what i'm running.21:10
milianah great, thanks21:11
seeleScottK: put it in a list for the next Kubuntu meeting.. we'll have to discuss some of the divergences we are maintaining because of stuff like this21:11
firephotonp. i'm with you on the need for updates more so. big patches seem to make more problems than just following upstream from my point of view. ;)21:12
seelei think there are still a few UI patches we maintain for kickoff too21:12
* seele doesn't understand how in one condition aseigo wants to be efficient and reduce mouse movement, and then in the other wants to reduce visual noise and increase mouse movement21:12
rgreeningseele: simple, he has a splitr personality which is participating in a virtual tug-of-war.21:32
rgreeningit's the "tastes great" ... "less filling" mentality :P21:33
rgreeningPersonally, I'd rather move the wheel to scroll down a list than physically move the mouse ove the arrow, click and then possibly repeat more than once.21:34
rgreeningdeeply nested menus are a PITA21:34
rgreeninginvariably, I end up using krunner to launch apps, as the menu doesn't really help in quickly locating apps21:35
* JontheEchidna too21:37
JontheEchidnaor sometimes I open kickoff and use it like krunner21:38
rgreeningJontheEchidna: any good with writing init.d scripts :) or debugging them :)21:44
* rgreening has a brain fart happening atm21:44
dtchenrgreening: shoot21:47
rgreeningdtchen: hehe... I'm working on a package for tacacs+.. can't get the init script to work correctly.21:48
rgreeningIt's in my lp21:48
dtcheni also tend to use the search feature in the menu, but if i don't position the cursor just right, it executes a search for whatever i've typed :/21:48
rgreeningdtchen: https://launchpad.net/~roderick-greening/+archive/ppa/21:48
dtcheni hate menus21:48
* rgreening wants better voice recognition sw, so he can say launch *21:49
dtchenok, will look in a couple hours; need to finish errands now. bug me later if necessary.21:51
rgreeningkk. ty dtchen21:54
* apachelogger opens up a bottle of bubbly21:57
* apachelogger loves how bottle fits bubbly :D21:57
rgreeningyou rebel you apachelogger21:58
* apachelogger hands rgreening a glass21:58
rgreeningwhy ty apachelogger21:58
* rgreening sips21:58
apacheloggerthis tingly feeling in ze belly...21:59
macoi dont use the applications tab of the menu because i dont understand it22:33
macowell i mean, i guess i understand it...kinda...but the extra submenus confuse me...sometimes its not clear which one something will be in. it's easier to search22:33
macomight make it easier to find out what menu it's in if after searching it showed the results with headings like Internet -> Browsers: Firefox and Games -> Arcade: Frets on Fire if i search for "fire" (for example..dunno if FoF is in a sub-category or not)22:34
maco:-/ dtchen i find there's a lag when i hit the volume keys on my keyboard now. i press a few times and nothing happens, so i press some more...2 or 3 seconds later, it responds and overshoots what i wanted since that lack of immediate feedback made me press too much22:41
rgreeningdtchen: I got the init script working... some creative debuging and copious "echo $SOMEVAR"22:42
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apacheloggermaco: I suppose the delayed feedback is to app startup?23:20
macoapachelogger, app startup?23:24
apacheloggermaco: I think the notification is handled through a seperate app23:26
apacheloggerwhich might be the reason for the delay23:26
maconot just the notification though, the sound doesnt change for a few seconds either23:29
macoand its a rather recent thing....23:29
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vorianI have an app here that the new fancy ayatana stuff did not work for23:44

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