
kalamarnurhm, I am sure that there is a shortcut for alternating on the desktops. Any1 has the patience to tell me? :)00:07
wotan_hi, i was updating to kde 4.3rc, but the laptop ran out of battery in the middle of the process00:08
wotan_and with my xfs filesystem the installation is corrupt00:08
wotan_for instance, i can't create new accounts for kopete, and the K menu has no applications00:09
wotan_anyone knows what package i can reinstall to fix this?00:09
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BluesKajwotan, sudo dpkg-reconfigure kubuntu-desktop00:11
wotan_well, i managed to finish the reconfiguration of the packages after rebooting00:15
wotan_but i think some files vanished when the laptop turned off00:15
wotan_it happened to me more times, and i think it's because of xfs...00:16
wotan_ well, i can wait to the next kde4.3 release, and check if everything installs correctly :)00:18
DaskreeCHwotan_: Well... if youcan't wait... :-)00:21
BluesKajwotan_, why wait ?00:21
DaskreeCHavihay: I don't know what the problem is I've never heard of the actual letter keys disappaering and the rest working00:21
DaskreeCH KDE 4.0 shipped with a bug where 'e' vanished but that's the closest00:22
DaskreeCHkalamarnur: try Ctrl+Fn00:22
DaskreeCHwotan_: try sudo apt-get -f install00:22
wotan_because apt will hopefully update all kde packages and fix this mess00:23
wotan_yes, i did it and no errors00:23
avihaywell, everything from the keyboard that is roted to the application is totaly ignored DaskreeCH00:23
DaskreeCHavihay: What does that mean?00:23
DaskreeCHwotan_: sudo dpkg --configure -all00:24
DaskreeCHhope that wasn't from my suggestion00:24
BluesKajheh :P00:25
avihaykalamarnur: ctrl+desktop_number00:25
wotaneverything configured :)00:25
wotanbut the problem is still there00:25
DaskreeCHavihay: it'sF<desktopnumber>00:26
wotanbtw, almost all my .kde configuration files were reseted00:26
DaskreeCHwotan: I normally back those up before an upgrade00:26
DaskreeCHI likes my mail and RSS feeds00:26
avihaywoops, right00:26
wotanplasma, kopete, amarok... returned to default settings00:26
avihayDaskreeCH: most "normal" programs get most of the keypresses routed to them when they are "raised", except for shortcuts that are already registered(global shortcuts) and xkb's special keys00:28
avihaysome of my programs, I belive the ones that use the qt library, tend to sometimes ignore keybord input00:29
DaskreeCHavihay: Check in #kwin00:31
avihaythe computer is still useable, but the program itself is only useable with the mouse, untill I close the program. sometimes alt-tabing once or twice (works with the mouse too, I belive) will snap the program out of it, but if that didn't work after once or twice, the program is as good as gone00:31
avihayhumm, ok00:31
schirpichanyone have any idea why dolphin would stop asking for authentication to any samba shares causing it to fail to connect?  However I can successfully connect via smbclient in the console00:54
schirpichit can see the server, and the servers shares.  but when i try to access a share, it tries for about 30 seconds and then just gives an Access Denied error without ever prompting me for a login/pass00:55
=== ubuntu is now known as fritzisonline
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fritzisonlinehi all, i've made some changes on /etc/hosts file and now i can't login cos my disc gone completely full!, how should i recover that?01:08
avihayfritzisonline: if you have a live-cd lying around, you can delete some files for some space01:09
fritzisonlineyes i could that. i cleand up some spaces by live cd and midnight commander but when i try to log in, i can pass the login screen but suddenly drops me in login screen back01:10
fritzisonlinei also reset my hosts file with live cd session.01:11
avihayhumm, well, last time my HDD got full, all my settings got erased because of the way the system insists on managing the settings files01:11
fritzisonlineprobably the same problem01:11
fritzisonlineplease  excuse my grammer ..  is there anyway to recover ? or is it something fatal?01:13
DaskreeCHschirpich: Try closing dolphin and reopeneing it01:14
avihayI can suggest you rename your hidden .kde or .kde4 folder (that's where the relevent settings should be) let it boot01:14
DaskreeCHfritzisonline: are you sure it's a full disc causing the problems?01:15
avihayand start recovering your personal settings from your backup to the autocreated settings01:15
fritzisonlineyep, at least the problem occured after it01:15
fritzisonlinei noticed01:15
DaskreeCHavihay: ah yes you had a list of unraised issues?01:15
DaskreeCHfritzisonline: Then yes clean up some space I would suggest checking in /var/cache/apt/archives01:15
fritzisonlineok. last time i started recovery mode and i reinstalled almost all packages the system suggested to do, was that about /var/cache/apt/archives?01:18
fritzisonlinei think apt archive has been reset now then01:19
avihayDaskreeCH: were you being sarcastic? because I always use the gui tools insted of manualy editing01:20
fritzisonlinei mean when i restart  the system i can start with recovery mode and the first menu asks me if i like to choose to repair dpkg packages, so i did...01:22
fritzisonlinewell i 'll try the change .kde folder's name01:23
DaskreeCHavihay: no you said you had a list of issues with kubuntu I wanted to hear them01:25
avihaylist: 1)keyboard stops responding in qt apps 2) qt apps's edit boxes won't redraw properly 3)drawing bug in kate (qt too, I belive) 3)taskbar popups under easy to reproduce conditions redraw the wrong area of the screen, and uses the wrong z-order while doing so 4)firefox tends to have choppy sound after a (long) while of useing flash apps (using flashplugin-nonfree)(closeing FF and reopeining it solves it for a (long) while)01:25
DaskreeCHfritzisonline: try running sudo apt-get clean01:26
avihay5)KNetworkManager (nuff said) 6)wicd won't allow me to create an encripted ad-hock wierless network for some reason, I think I just need som packages other then wpasupplicent01:27
DaskreeCHavihay: other than the last one have you filed bugs on it ?01:27
DaskreeCHavihay: :-) Yeah knetworkmanager hasn't been released yet so that will get better after it's been released01:27
avihaythe knetworkmanager initial releases were #^%$^# for about three consecutive distributions now01:29
avihayI thought I had something wrong with my computer, and was utterly networkless for a week in the university01:29
DaskreeCHavihay: Knetworkmanager hasn't had a single release yet01:31
DaskreeCHWell the KDE4 one01:32
avihaythe plasomoid01:33
bernardlychanhey anyone know how to start vnc on kde?01:33
avihaywas released...01:33
bernardlychanhey anyone know how to start vnc on kde?01:34
avihayand there was a normal system trey knetwork manager of kde401:35
ZakinHello I need help to connect with my router01:36
DaskreeCHavihay: Nope it gets released with KDE 4.3 which still isn't out yet01:37
avihayso what is that plasmoid that got installed when I upgraded to 9.04?01:37
DaskreeCHavihay: That was KDE3 and it doesn't work with Network manager 0.7 which is of course a problem as that's what Ubuntu ships with01:38
avihaydidn't know plasmoids could work on kde301:38
DaskreeCHavihay: A backported unreleased Knetworkmanager01:38
DaskreeCHavihay: If it's in the system tray it's not aplasmoid01:38
DaskreeCHat least not currently. That will happen somewhere between KDe 4.3 and 4.401:38
avihayle's start with the plasmoid that came with 9.0401:39
avihaymaybe we should go offtopic01:39
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!01:40
Zakinalguien que hable español?01:41
Zakinnecesito ayuda01:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:41
bryanhello fellow kubuntu users!02:03
_dennisterhey guys, unusual situation, i install kubuntu on user's machine, (p4, integrated graphics) didn't have to change xorg.conf at all to watch dvds, user takes box home, and can't get xserver to load...just grey screen with x in middle...only things changed were monitor, keyboard and mouse...she can't even get livecd to load fully...any ideas what happened?02:10
_dennisterclue was that there xorg.conf did get re-written, but she wouldn't have done that or caused it to happen02:11
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kraigis there anybody out there02:20
wirechief_dennister you changed the monitor, you need to reconfigure the xorg.conf again02:20
DaskreeCH!hi | kraig02:26
ubottukraig: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:26
kraighey how it going02:26
DaskreeCHdennister: Monitor? maybe02:26
DaskreeCHNot bad02:26
kraigim new to this but i like it everything is free02:27
kometcheerio all02:56
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fritzisonlinehia all me back again :( .. i've been struggling for hours but the problem still goes on...03:05
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fritzisonlineeven i remove lots of packages my disc says still 0 B out of 14.GB space03:06
fritzisonlineand can't login03:06
fritzisonlinei've changed .kde folder name and didn't solve the login problem03:07
bazhangfritzisonline, what about in safe mode03:07
avihayfritzisonline: is your home folder on a different partition then your root?03:07
fritzisonline1- i've been on safe mode and done what i could ...03:08
kometdidnt even know linux had a decent safe mode o_o03:08
bazhangfritzisonline, you have never been able to log in?03:08
fritzisonlineand 2- no. my home folder is in first (boot) part.03:08
avihayit's just single user mode03:08
fritzisonlinei can login, but after passed the login screen it drop me in login screen back again03:09
walzmynhow can I see what my wireless card is?03:09
bazhangfritzisonline, regular install? dual boot? wubi install?03:09
avihaywalzmyn: lspci for pci cards, lsusb for usbcards or lshw|less for every bolt and nut03:10
walzmynavihay, thankyouverymuch03:10
avihayin a terminall that is03:10
bazhangsudo lshw03:10
* walzmyn nods03:10
fritzisonlineit was a regular one, and i've been using it for 1 year with a regular user without losing password or any other stupid wrong03:10
bazhangfritzisonline, when did this change? install a ppa, or something other03:11
fritzisonlinei only changed /etc/hosts file then my network manager started checking the last changes it took loooong time03:12
walzmynIf everybody had the problems with winders that I did, Linux and Mac would be all that's left03:12
avihayfritzisonline:  try runing $ cat /etc/fstab |grep /home03:13
avihaywithout the $03:13
avihayis it empty, or do you get a line?03:13
avihayerr, forgot, you have to run it in "safe mode" and not from a live-cd03:13
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fritzisonlineavihay: should i try cat... on live-cd session now?03:14
avihayno, won't help much03:15
fritzisonlineok so, i have to leave and restart it03:15
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fritzisonlinethanks for now. hope i won' need back in here03:15
avihayif you brows to your root folder (/ and not /root), you should see a home folder03:15
avihayI mean if you brows your hdd03:16
avihayyou should see a home folder03:16
avihayis that home folder empty or does it have your username in it?03:17
fritzisonlineok ..03:17
bjb1959_I have a problem with kde and firefox. i constantly get this error "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system." until I do a killall firefox why? doesn't happen in gnome03:18
walzmynbjb1959_, just use opera :)03:21
avihaywalzmyn: does opera give you the plugin diversity of FF?03:22
bjb1959_that is, of course one option that I may be forced to use or use gnome as my window manager just thought I'd see if someone knows how to fix it first03:23
walzmynbjb1959_, sorry, I don't know what causes that03:23
walzmynavihay, no, but it does provide a much smoother, nicer interface from the get go03:23
bjb1959_Also, since it happens in kde only I have a feeling the cause is kde related since it never happens in gnome03:24
walzmynavihay, I use 'em both03:24
DaskreeCHavihay: No03:25
DaskreeCHNo browser gives the plugin (By which I assume you mean Extensions) diversity of FF but Opera does have a LOT going for it03:26
DaskreeCHavihay: You can run it from a live CD03:27
DaskreeCHyou just have to mount the drive first03:28
avihayI have a DSL on a virtual machine, so I can have a looksee. maybe I will.03:29
avihayany decent tab grouping?03:29
DaskreeCHDepends on which WM you are using03:32
DaskreeCH ratpoison and openbox are good03:32
=== ubuntu is now known as fritzisonline
fritzisonlineok. i've tried cat /etc/fstab |grep /home... and i didn' get ANY LINE.03:33
fritzisonlineand yes, my username isin hoe folder03:33
fritzisonlineusername is in home folder03:34
avihayused to use kvm, untill the lack of features made me look in other places, only after that did I realize that pretty much "everyone" nowadays knows how to work the hardware virtualization03:34
DaskreeCHfritzisonline: that's strange03:36
fritzisonlinelittle bit more explenation... i can notice that main partition has 760 MB (%5) free space by Midnight Commander. but ican't login. and when i start live cd my main partiono (boot) looks out of space03:36
DaskreeCHtry grep <yourusername> /etc/fstab03:36
avihayfritzisonline: if that is the case then the problem is not what I think it is03:36
avihayall I can suggest that you install on the live-cd, one of a few programs that will help you find where you are looseing all thatspace, something like treesize03:37
DaskreeCHfritzisonline: try apt-get clean03:38
avihaythere's graphical disk map and there is KDirStat03:38
DaskreeCHdf -h should tell you how much space you ahve03:38
fritzisonlinecan i install kdirstat  on live cd and use it by?03:39
avihayyou should be able to, yes03:39
fritzisonlinewhoof! great03:39
DaskreeCHfritzisonline: You can install whatever you want on a live cd03:39
avihayit installs on the temporary ramdrive that the livecd creates, sho as long as you don't reboot, or run out of ram, you caninstall03:40
avihayk, the sun is nearly up, definetly time to go to sleep03:41
fritzisonlinethanks... trying.. as quick as i can03:41
fritzisonlinewhere are you from avihay03:41
fritzisonlineoh stay awake ! :)03:42
fritzisonlinei need ubuntu motu repository line03:45
fritzisonlinewould paste in here plz03:45
avihaydeb http://il.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty multiverse     replace the il withyour own code03:47
DaskreeCHnight avihay03:49
DaskreeCHfritzisonline: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and then find the first line that starts with deb and ends with universe and remove the # at the start of the line03:50
avihayforgot bout that....03:50
DaskreeCHdo the same for the line in thenext block that ends with multivers03:50
Mac42DOHi, when I start an application from my home-folder (like /home/user/bin/firefox/firefox) the startup-notification icon ist jumping a verry long time.03:50
DaskreeCHthen ctrl+X to close and type sudo apt-get update03:51
DaskreeCHMac42DO: Might be looking for libraries03:51
DaskreeCHWhy do you have firefox installed in your home directory ?03:51
Mac42DODaskree: Because kubuntu does not provide me with the latest firefox03:52
avihayand does it actually run in the end?03:52
Mac42DOavihay: yes03:52
Mac42DOWhen I start it from the terminal, there ist no problem03:53
DaskreeCHMac42DO: It doesn't?03:53
DaskreeCH!info firefox-3.503:53
ubottufirefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 907 kB, installed size 3524 kB03:53
DaskreeCHWeird. I could swear it did03:54
Mac42DOYes, but it is the beta03:54
avihaythere is usualy a day's delay, isn't there?03:54
Mac42DOIt doesn't even have the right icon03:55
Mac42DOJust a world without fox03:55
bryanDoes anyone know how to fix the messed up java sound problem?03:55
Mac42DOAnd it has some japanese name03:55
avihaycan you paste the name?03:57
avihayjust wondering03:57
Mac42DOok, I have to Install it again, just a moment03:57
DaskreeCH!info shiretoko03:57
ubottuPackage shiretoko does not exist in jaunty03:57
avihay!info firedox-3.503:59
ubottuPackage firedox-3.5 does not exist in jaunty03:59
avihay!info firefox-3.503:59
ubottufirefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 907 kB, installed size 3524 kB03:59
fritzisonlineok.. kdirstat scaning the disc now.. i noticed a file, named "adept_manager.kcrush" at root with 97%04:01
Mac42DOAnd no firefox icon04:02
Mac42DOjust a world without the fox04:02
avihaythe file is takeing 97% of your hdd?04:02
fritzisonlineit's 4.3 kb04:03
fritzisonlinei don know what the percantage refers04:03
fritzisonlinehome dir is 68%04:03
fritzisonlineand the second biggest folder is usr with 20 %04:04
fritzisonlinebut the file adept_mag.kcrash is 97%04:04
leaf-sheepMac42DO: Shiretoko is an awesome name and it contains a heart of the fox too.04:04
avihayMac, thry are giveing you the ability to install bouth versions of FF side by side untill FF3.5 becomes more mainstream04:04
Mac42DOleaf-sheep: that means?04:05
leaf-sheep!ff35 | Mac42DO04:05
ubottuMac42DO: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:05
dennisterhey guys, unusual situation, i install kubuntu on user's machine, (p4, integrated graphics) didn't have to change xorg.conf at all to watch dvds, user takes box home, and can't get xserver to load...just grey screen with x in middle...only things changed were monitor, keyboard and mouse...she can't even get livecd to load fully...any ideas what happened?04:05
dennisterclue was that there xorg.conf did get re-written, but she wouldn't have done that or caused it to happen04:05
leaf-sheepMac42DO: Sure it does not looks like one but it's a Firefox in disguise.04:05
Mac42DOI don't like it.04:05
Mac42DOI want Firefox and its logo.04:06
leaf-sheepMac42DO: It will be implemented in Karmic.  Firefox and its logo is not a security matter.  It's cosmetic you're crying wolf on.04:06
Mac42DOleaf-sheep: Yes, it is cosmetic. But I want it :-)04:07
Mac42DOI want the name, and I want the icon :-P04:07
leaf-sheepThey need to change Firefox UI.  Branding.  You're already using FF-3.5.1 when you install firefox-3.504:08
bazhangMac42DO, right click icon select properties, then click the icon and scroll down for the FF logo04:08
avihayfritzisonline: I don't know if that's wrong or that's how kdirstat shows it's data04:08
leaf-sheepMac42DO: Take it up in #ubuntu-mozillateam04:09
Mac42DObazhang, thanx :-)04:09
fritzisonlineok i understand it .. but..04:09
fritzisonlinehow can i grant the permissions of my boot disc folders, when i 'm on live-cd session?04:09
dennisteranyone know the conditions under which livecd just will not load completely?04:09
fritzisonlineso i can keep deleteing files04:09
bazhangMac42DO, it is still FF with that logo or not though (3.5.1)04:09
dennisteron a p4 machine with 512 mb ram04:09
avihayfritzisonline: I'm just being lazy and five my file manager root privleges04:10
Mac42DObazhang: yes, I understood that. But I like original-looking :-)04:10
avihay!info firefox-3.104:11
ubottufirefox-3.1 (source: firefox-3.5): dummy upgrade package for firefox-3.1 -> firefox-3.5. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 68 kB, installed size 124 kB04:11
avihayMac42DO: I think that if you install that one, it will upgrade your exsisting FF to 3.5 insted of the seperate version, but I don't know for sure04:12
avihayand there is also !info firefox-3.5-branding04:12
avihay!info firefox-3.5-branding04:13
ubottufirefox-3.5-branding (source: firefox-3.5): Package that ships the firefox branding. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 152 kB, installed size 284 kB04:13
=== Skylance03_ is now known as Skylance03
brianWebbis their going to be another versiion that will fix all the bugs in kubuntu04:14
bazhangbrianWebb, version of what04:14
fritzisonlineok lastly... can i reinstall kubuntu on to my current system?04:15
gDDhey is anyone find out that the default GTK theme in Kubuntu 9.04 very nice.04:15
avihaydid you meen a large ammount of update packages?04:15
brianWebbso you guys dont think kubuntu is really buggy04:16
* avihay raises his hand04:16
bazhangbrianWebb, better to specify, that is pretty vague04:16
avihayI do04:16
Mac42DOok, thanx folks, bye :-)04:16
gDDso i want to make that theme run in my ArchLinux's GTK04:17
brianWebbok wifi is hit or miss04:17
gDDbut not successfull04:17
bazhangbrianWebb, please clarify; which version of kde4, using the networkmanager or the plasmoid04:18
bazhangbrianWebb, which wifi chipset etc04:18
fritzisonlinecan i delete var/cache/apt/archives/* by hand ?04:18
brianWebbbazhang: broadcom04:18
bazhangfritzisonline, no need04:18
bazhangapt-get clean should do that04:19
david_Hello everyone, I need help for something easy.......I have an additional hard drive that I want to have it mounted automatically and access it from a folder in the home directory.....can someone help me?04:19
fritzisonlineok. can i delete old linux restricted modules by hand ?04:19
bazhangbrianWebb, and the rest of the info I asked above ^^04:19
bazhangfritzisonline, why? much better to use the package manager04:20
fritzisonlinebut there are 5 old modules listing04:20
brianWebbi cant remember it was a while ago i just reemember that it would crash freeze wifi wouldnt work, but im sure updates have been out sense i used it.04:21
fritzisonlineand i'm very good user, i always use adept manager not the konsole04:21
fritzisonlinewel anyway.04:21
bazhangbrianWebb, which version of kde4? the recent RC2? networkmanager or the plasmoid? there are workarounds to issues if you specify the problem04:22
bazhangfritzisonline, console is the package manager if you use apt-get04:22
brianWebbim downloading kubuntu again and im going to see if it works better with my computer04:23
bazhangfritzisonline, you need to know the name of the package though sudo apt-get remove <packagename>04:23
brianWebbdo you guys think kubuntu is thhe best kde distro04:23
bazhangbrianWebb, you on Ubuntu now?04:23
fritzisonlineyes kubuntu rocks04:23
bazhangjust install the kubuntu-deskstop package then and you have it, unless you want purekde04:24
brianWebbdo you think you guys can help me partition my hd so i can dual boot04:24
bazhangbrianWebb, then you can do the instructions in the /msg ubottu purekde04:24
brianWebbbazhang:  where do i find /msg ubottu purekde04:25
bazhangbrianWebb, you type it where you are typing now04:25
bazhangalways *very* useful to have a PM open with the bot04:26
brianWebbi dont wwant to del gnome packages though , thats why i want to dual boot or somthing like it04:27
bazhangbrianWebb, dual boot with Windows?04:27
bazhangbrianWebb, if you mean using gnome apps with kde then it is no problem, no need for dual boot04:28
brianWebbkubuntu and ubuntu, when i just installed kubuntu ontop of ubuntu the apps merged and it got cluittered04:28
bazhangor the reverse brianWebb04:28
bazhangie k3b with Ubuntu , etc04:29
bazhangbrianWebb, if you are short of disk space you can remove the packages you don't want, or simply use alacarte to clean up the menus04:30
bazhangie they are still there, but dont show up in the menus anymore04:30
dennisteranyone know the conditions under which livecd just will not load completely? p4 512 ram04:31
fritzisonlinewhat kind of bug could be to declare the disc is full when it's not actually. sh*t.04:31
bazhangfritzisonline, no cursing please04:31
brianWebbdo its the same as installed the kubuntu distro and just installing the kde4 package in synaptic04:31
dennistercould a monitor change just automatically rewrite the xorg.conf file?04:31
bazhangdennister, checked the md5 of the iso? burned at low speed and did the disk integrity check?04:32
brianWebbsorry if i download the kde4 package in synaptic then just pick what one to use in session window04:32
bazhangdennister, alternately you can try some !bootoptions , or use the alternate cd04:32
dennisterbazhang: yes, i did before I gave it to her with her machine, all worked fine here, i didn't touch/edit xorg.conf at all, she took box home, plugged in her mntior and now no x will load, and she can't even get livecd to finish loading04:33
bazhangbrianWebb, yes, and you can remove packages you dont want, or clean menus using alacarte  (kubuntu-desktop is the package name for Jaunty 9.04)04:33
DaskreeCHbrianWebb: there will be new versions of Kubuntu they will fix old bugs and start new bugs. That's how software works :)04:33
bazhangdennister, different video card/monitor?04:33
dennisteri don't have machine anymore, but she'll be calling tomorrow night, and i've never heard of this before04:34
dennisterbazhang: same integrated graphics as what worked here, only different monitor, keyboard, mouse04:34
DaskreeCHbrianWebb: Don't know if it's the best but if you want other distros there are certainly others give them a try and see which one works for you04:34
bazhangdennister, could be her monitor is asking for too high a res from the video card04:34
fritzisonlineok guys thank you very much, it was a proper helping .. now i 'm stepping back for a time...... and i'll handle it later, one day it's gonna be solved :) never leave strugglin.04:34
DaskreeCHbazhang: ah you can filter the menus in KDE I think04:35
dennisterbazhang: yes, so how do we fix that? recovery mode's 'fix xserver did nothing04:35
bazhangdennister, if she gets a message such as 'out of range' that would be an indicator04:35
DaskreeCHdennister: Maybe power issues? where does it stop working ?04:35
dennisterno messages...just grey/blackish screen with 'x' in middle04:35
bazhangDaskreeCH, kde4 equivalent to alacarte? or is that the only one04:35
DaskreeCHbazhang: Yeah04:35
bazhangcheers :)04:36
brianWebbso kde4 rc2 is the most recent one?04:36
bazhangnot sure if that is a PPA or backports04:36
dennisterDaskreeCH: does the x she see in the middle of the screen mean x is actually working?04:36
DaskreeCHdennister: So X is starting then She's not getting kdm04:37
DaskreeCHdennister: yes. She can try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg which should fix that04:37
ubuntuklwere do I go to find startup errors?04:37
dennisterDaskreeCH: when she left here there was only one xorg.conf, when she got home and turned machine on, calling me for tech support, there was an xorg.conf.xxxxxxxx, too, so somehow it had been rewritten04:38
DaskreeCHubuntukl: type dmesg04:38
bazhangubuntukl, remove the splash screen?04:38
DaskreeCHdennister: Ugh. Did you switch back to the old xorg ?04:39
dennisterDaskreeCH: we tried, didn't help04:39
dennisterin recovery mode, we also tried 'fix xserver' but that didn't help either, and isn't 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" the same thing as 'fix xserver' from recovery menu?04:40
dennisterand livecd wouldn't completely load....04:40
COm_BOYhow to change screen resolution in.. Kubuntu 8.0404:41
ubuntuklDaskreeCH: on live cd right now trying to figure out y   I cant log in keep getting some i915 driver error at startup04:41
brianWebbim having a hard time finding kde4 in synaptic04:41
bazhangbrianWebb, its called kubuntu-desktop04:41
DaskreeCHdennister: I think it might be I don't know04:42
DaskreeCHubuntukl: Ah that's different you'd have to mount your hard drive04:42
ubuntuklDaskreeCH: can i acces  those error mesages  from live cd?04:42
dennisterunder what conditions will livecd not load on a fairly modern desktop?04:42
DaskreeCHubuntukl: Yes it's under /var/log/dmesg04:43
dennistersorry, starts to load, but doesn't finish with panel on top and kicker on bottom?04:43
brianWebbkubuntu-desktop version 1.122 is that the new one04:43
DaskreeCHdennister: Funky Cd ?04:43
bazhangbrianWebb, the very newest RC2?04:43
bazhangubuntukl, no caps please04:44
DaskreeCHubuntukl: I just said where04:44
DaskreeCHThink that was an obvious mistake04:44
bazhangDaskreeCH, is the RC2 on a PPA or backports, would you know?04:44
ubuntuklDaskreeCH: sry dont kikll me I am legally blind geez!04:44
DaskreeCHbazhang: both04:45
DaskreeCHFor some unknown reason04:45
bazhangDaskreeCH, thanks04:45
brianWebbbazhang:  it doesnt say rc2 insynaptic it just say kubuntu desktop version 1.12204:46
bazhangbrianWebb, right, but that is the package version, not the version of kde404:46
brianWebbok sorry04:46
bazhangbrianWebb, once you install that you will need to enable backports and install the RC2 from there04:47
bazhangbrianWebb, keeping in mind that it is still pretty new, so some bugs will *definitely* exist :)04:47
brianWebbi  think i knpow but how to enable backports04:50
bazhangbrianWebb, you have them enabled, then be sure to update your sources.list04:51
bazhangeither via synaptic/adept et al, or sudo apt-get update04:51
brianWebbbazhang:  after i am running kde04:52
bazhangbrianWebb, certainly, you can do it then04:53
dennisterDaskreeCH: sorry, had to go 'way for a bit...no, i don't think it's a funky cd...it not loading fully (but starts ok) seems more analagous to user getting x in middle of her screen, but nothing else...and the only new item is her monitor04:53
brianWebbcool, but i would prefer if the kde and gnome apps didnt merge04:54
dennisterwhen i installed the kubuntu here, i didn't have her monitor, but a plug-and-play fairly good one04:54
brianWebbok im gboing to log out then change the session ill be back04:55
dennisterDaskreeCH: heck, user didn't have the opportunity to screw up new install since leaving here with box :-)04:56
DaskreeCHdennister: well yeah did you try the safe graphics mode ?04:58
dennisterDaskreeCH: yes, and it wouldn't fully load with panel on top and kicker on bottom04:59
dennister(gnome livecd)04:59
DaskreeCHdennister: ah right was trying to figure the panel at top thing04:59
DaskreeCHwell that means no Gnome since it enforces having at least one panel in code04:59
dennisterlots of time just copying xorg.conf from livecd onto mounted hard drive fixes things, but if livecd doesn't fully work...04:59
DaskreeCHdennister: Yeah I guess there needs to be a little reconfiguring there05:01
dennisterit is VERY rare when livecd doesn't fully load on p4 machine with 512 ram...and it's that fact that's really confusing me here05:01
dennisterand the only thing being different is the monitor...05:02
dennisteri've never seen this kind of problem before :(05:02
dennisterexcept once, when it was a blind user who had a verbal screen-reader/scanner hooked up and acting like a monitor05:03
NeroonHi. Could anybody maybe tell me where to deactivate the hotkey for mouse navigation in kde?05:04
ubuntuklhow do I get linux to see my grpx card at startup istead of automaticaly goinb to onboard?05:05
DaskreeCHubuntukl: If it's installed just change the driver in xorg.conf ]05:07
NeroonNoone got a clue?05:08
ubuntuklDaskreeCH: it is installed and using recomended driver but when I switch the monitor cable over it freezes05:10
ubuntuklDaskreeCH: only way I can log in is to go into bios switch to onboard and then im ok but when i try to use grpx cars it freezes05:12
Ulricwhy do you switch the cable?05:12
ubuntuklUlric: couse whole system freezes if I dont use onboard05:13
Ulrici take it you've had the GPU working before yeah?05:16
ubuntuklUlric: yup it has something to do  with linux recognizing my onboardgraphics first or something05:17
Ulrichow old is your M/B?05:20
Ulricquick question to anyone. Does anyone still have onboard graphics??05:33
=== Blendiac is now known as Bugsbane
zountou05hi every  one05:47
zountou05i have a prob05:47
zountou05is here some one how can help me05:48
DaskreeCHUlric: Yes most people in the world06:07
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
RktMan_kde4 roolz06:30
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
=== Vincent is now known as Vi_Vi
Vi_Viumm, hello?06:54
Vi_ViWho's all alive in here?06:55
DaskreeCHI am06:56
Vi_Vi1 soul X)06:56
Vi_Vibasically i just got Linux going06:56
DaskreeCHok good for you06:56
Vi_ViAnd i'm so lost i may as well be blind and trying to use a computer06:56
DaskreeCHFunny you should mention that I'm setting up a computer for a blind person06:57
Vi_Vii call bull06:57
DaskreeCHBut if you need help here would be the place to ask questions06:57
Vi_ViOh man i hope so06:57
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: You can name your bull whatever you like :)06:57
Vi_Vii cant even get basics down06:57
Vi_ViI deserved that06:58
Vi_Vilol anyway.. we're talking almost a total newbie06:58
DaskreeCHWell again if you want to ask questions GO ahead06:58
Vi_Vistop pressuring me >_<06:58
Vi_ViJokes. ANyway my Vista OS is enjoying big piles of shiet so06:59
Vi_ViI did a secure erase and said damn the whole thing06:59
Vi_ViTrust me it was chaos for no reason, go figure Vita Ult x6406:59
Vi_ViI guess the first thing i need to learn is06:59
Vi_ViWell, how do i install things. I floundered with a few things and got them working but06:59
Vi_ViIm at a total loss otherwise. no firefox, no flash, no nvidia driver07:00
Vi_ViI have the uhhh packages i guess07:00
Vi_ViHold on lemme get dolphin up07:00
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:00
DaskreeCHTry the first link07:00
Vi_ViWell i followed the guide here http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html07:00
DaskreeCHWhich I should probably read myself :)07:00
Vi_Vimaaaaybe >_>07:01
Vi_ViWell i dunno, i have the tar.gz and tar.bz2 packages for stuff07:01
Vi_ViBut as i went along the steps nothing seemed to work07:01
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: For which programs ?07:01
Vi_ViKk ill be specific07:01
Vi_Vilets say...07:01
Vi_ViFlash. hold on07:01
DaskreeCHand firefox ?07:02
Vi_ViTell ya what07:02
Vi_ViLets start with FF first07:02
Vi_Viso i can do flash from there07:02
Vi_ViAnyway this is the package name firefox-3.5.1.tar.bz207:02
bazhangVi_Vi, no need for that07:03
bazhang!ff35 | Vi_Vi07:03
Vi_Viumm alrite07:03
ubottuVi_Vi: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY07:03
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: on your kmenu07:03
DaskreeCHYou should have a entry named kpackagekit07:03
Vi_ViYeah ive seen it07:03
DaskreeCHopen it07:03
Vi_Vifinding it in applications07:03
Vi_Viim in07:03
DaskreeCHok click on umm the third thing in the sidebar07:04
DaskreeCHHold on :)07:04
DaskreeCHEdit software sources07:04
Vi_Vikk im in07:05
DaskreeCHCheck universe and multivers07:05
Vi_Viumm.. uncheck?07:06
DaskreeCHOh Hmm ok good :)07:06
Vi_Viyeah all 5 of the little boxes are checked off07:06
DaskreeCHok close that back out and go to updates07:06
DaskreeCHSoftware updates07:06
Vi_Vi4 blocked updates07:06
DaskreeCHClick refresh07:06
Vi_Vithis part is weird07:07
Vi_ViI only ever see the 4 blcked updates07:07
DaskreeCHthen click software management07:07
Vi_ViBut the little cog thing on the bototm right says 807:07
Vi_ViIm in.07:07
DaskreeCHin the search box type firefox07:07
Vi_Vioh wow07:07
Vi_Via bunch of results07:07
DaskreeCHclick the little + beside firefox 3.5 branding07:08
DaskreeCHMight as well click firefox 3.5 as well07:08
Vi_Viall righty07:08
DaskreeCHCan't recall if they are tired together :)07:08
Vi_Vi3.5.1 and branding checked07:09
DaskreeCHOk clear the search box and type flash07:09
Vi_Vii see 2 already highlighted07:09
DaskreeCHYou want flashplugin-nonfree07:09
Vi_ViYep its already hilighted07:09
Vi_Vithat and Installer07:09
DaskreeCHOk Lets see07:09
DaskreeCHclear the search and type kubuntu-restricted07:10
DaskreeCHWell if you installed the 64 bit Kubuntu then yes07:10
Vi_Vi1 result07:10
Vi_ViI'm pretty sure this is 32-bit..07:10
Vi_Vihow would i double-check07:10
DaskreeCHUmm I guess ..07:11
DaskreeCHhold on :)07:11
Vi_Vinp ^^07:11
DaskreeCHI don't know a good gui way  I know how to do it on the console07:12
Vi_Vii can get there07:12
DaskreeCHOk open that and type uname -a07:12
divobtechsomeone use antivir on ubuntu?07:12
Vi_Viyep! 3207:12
DaskreeCHok good then no AMD64 :)07:13
DaskreeCHdivobtech: Somebody? yes07:13
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: is kubuntu-restricted installed?07:13
divobtech^das^: why there is no graphique interface07:14
Vi_Vino its grayed out07:14
DaskreeCHhmm ok07:14
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: install libxine1-ffmpeg07:14
Vi_Visearched for it like u said07:14
Vi_Vicomes up gray07:14
DaskreeCHdivobtech: Cause No one needs it?07:14
Vi_Viis that a konsole cmd07:14
DaskreeCH!av | divobtech07:14
ubottudivobtech: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:14
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: No in Kpackagekit07:15
Vi_Vioh um..07:15
divobtechok thanks07:15
Vi_Viid have to search for that 1st yeah?07:15
DaskreeCHsearch for libxine1-ff07:15
Vi_Vii did aaand07:15
Vi_Viits highlighted07:15
DaskreeCHOk then you should be fine what else were you installing ?07:16
Vi_Viadobe flash player 10, firefox, an nvidia driver update07:16
Vi_Vito start07:16
Vi_ViI tried reading guides to do the whole thing thru console but.. no go07:16
DaskreeCHok hit apply and all that should be installed07:16
Vi_Vioh thats handy07:16
Vi_ViThe 2 firefox packages are being downloaded07:17
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: When that's done then you can go to the kmenu -> applications -> system -> hardware drivers07:17
DaskreeCHIt will have the nvidia drivers07:18
Vi_ViOh wow thats convenient.07:18
DaskreeCHwelcome to Linux07:18
Vi_ViI was trying to do everything from the source and having a hard time with it07:18
Vi_Vimaybe once u understand it ^_-07:18
DaskreeCHreally convenient and really annoying07:18
Vi_ViLinux seems like it requires a Ph.D just to get going x_X Certaintly not a noob's OS07:18
DaskreeCHNeither is Windows07:18
DaskreeCHTrust me I've taught both07:19
supergear_use a BSD07:19
DaskreeCHWindows is easier to throw someone in but they won't swim unless determined07:19
DaskreeCHafter like a month on LInux you have a pretty good feeling of mastery over the computer07:19
Vi_ViIve had it too long to remember being new to it07:19
DaskreeCHThat would be the problem07:20
DaskreeCHbut ask questions where you need to and we can help07:20
supergear_I don't thik you become a master of linux using *buntu07:20
DaskreeCH!info bsdgames | supergear_ In the Game man!07:20
ubottusupergear_: bsdgames (source: bsdgames): a collection of classic textual unix games. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.17-16 (jaunty), package size 948 kB, installed size 2488 kB07:20
DaskreeCHsupergear_: I never said that I said you feel a mastery over the computer :)07:21
DaskreeCHmastering Linux is a fools quest07:21
supergear_didn't say go play bsdgames :P07:21
Vi_ViIts a quest i gotta take07:21
Vi_ViI'll be back restarting!07:21
supergear_do a Linux From Scratch07:21
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: restarting?07:21
DaskreeCHOh nvidia drivers07:21
DaskreeCHStupid Ubuntu07:22
DaskreeCHUlric: Yes most people in the world07:23
UlricYES!!! I got my Creative X-Fi working07:23
DaskreeCHThat's a good job07:24
UlricI know. last time I tried openSUSE and I couldn't get it going.07:24
UlricWhat was the " Yes most people..." thing about?07:25
DaskreeCHThe last question you asked07:25
DaskreeCHor the answer to it07:25
UlricThat was about onboard graphics hey07:27
kayessHow do change the maximum desktop extents under Jaunty? This used to be xorg.conf, but I guess there's nothing in there now07:28
fiendskull9Can someone help me setup dcop so i can use an irssi now playing script with amarok? I can't seem to get it working.07:30
DaskreeCHkayess: If you put it in xorg.conf then X will follow it07:33
DaskreeCHfiendskull9: KDE3 ?07:33
fiendskull9DaskreeCH: KDE407:34
DaskreeCHdcop doesnt work in KDE407:34
DaskreeCHyou want dbus07:35
fiendskull9hmmm, all the irssi scripts are written for dcop though07:35
fiendskull9does amarok communicate with dbus to your knowledge? Because i could hack together a perl script with what little knowledge i still retain07:36
DaskreeCHWell then you want to find out how to port them to DBus07:37
DaskreeCHYes it does07:38
DaskreeCHYou can pop into #amarok and if anyone is awake now (doubtful) they will help07:38
tsimpson(tip) use qdbus to like dcop, it'll let you view/call the methods from amarok (and other apps)07:40
=== Vincent is now known as Vi_Vi
tsimpsons/to //07:40
Vi_ViWheres that Linux Sage at07:40
fiendskull9thank you DaskreeCH and tsimpson07:40
Vi_ViThats him Dask07:41
fiendskull9Im a member of a music community and we all like to spam what we're playing07:41
* DaskreeCH picks up an axe07:41
DaskreeCHSpam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam! Spam!07:42
Vi_ViSPAM SPAM!07:42
Vi_ViFlash stuff still limited on my browser07:43
Vi_ViThis is where i need to get adobe flash player 10 workin07:44
DaskreeCHah well then hit up Adobe's site07:44
Vi_ViDas what i did my good sir07:45
Vi_ViThis is where i need to learn how to install from source07:45
Vi_ViOne second!07:45
DaskreeCHWell not source07:45
DaskreeCH there is no source for flash07:45
DaskreeCHWhich would be the problem :)07:45
Vi_Vithen what did i download just now07:46
Vi_Viwent to Get Flash Player07:46
Vi_Vichose the .tar.gz package07:46
Vi_Viand downloaded07:46
DaskreeCHYou want to use that one or do you want to get the Deb ?07:47
Vi_ViWhat :)07:47
tsimpsonthe .deb downloads the same .tar.gz07:47
Vi_Viwhy are they in 2 formats07:48
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: The deb is a more automatic way of installing07:48
Vi_Viif theyre the same?07:48
Vi_ViI like automatic :D07:48
Vi_Vion their site tho07:48
DaskreeCHWell grab the deb then07:48
Vi_Visays for ubuntu 8.04+ tho07:48
Vi_ViI is Kubuntu 9.04. same deal?07:49
Vi_Videb is got07:50
DaskreeCHok open konsole and cd to where you downloaded it07:50
Vi_Vithats where i get confused07:50
Vi_Vilemme get konsole up07:50
Vi_Vikk now what does it mean07:51
Vi_Vito "cd to" somewhere07:51
Vi_Vipoint it to the file's directory?07:51
DaskreeCHwhere did you Download them to?07:51
Vi_Viwell firefox doesnt drop them where Konqueror would but07:51
Vi_ViI placed it where they always go one sec IMs07:51
Vi_Viwell for flash player07:52
Vi_Vithe directory is /home/stephen/Documents07:52
DaskreeCHok then type cd Documents07:52
DaskreeCHcapital D is important07:53
DaskreeCHcd means change directory07:53
Vi_Vii got the $ in front of it now07:53
DaskreeCHtype ls07:53
DaskreeCHyou should see a list of files07:53
Vi_Viwhy didnt this work before...07:53
DaskreeCHIs the deb there ?07:54
Vi_Viwinrarlinx and flash plaer linux are shown07:54
DaskreeCHok sudo dpkg -i flashplayer_10etc.deb07:54
DaskreeCHIf you press tab it will autocomplete the name for ou07:54
Vi_Viis sudo dpkg -i  going to be a universal thing for any pakcage i might try to install?07:55
DaskreeCHany deb07:55
Captain_HaddockDaskreeCH: won't he just be able to navigate to it in Konqueror and install it via right click?07:55
Vi_ViDare to dream :P07:55
Captain_HaddockVi_Vi: I'm saying that you can already do that :)07:56
DaskreeCHCaptain_Haddock: yeah but he wants to master Linux might as well have two lessons at once :)07:56
Vi_Vimaster it enuf to get Steamd with Team Fortress 2 going..07:56
Vi_ViWhaddya mean he07:56
DaskreeCHassuming he07:56
Vi_Viassuming = death07:56
Vi_ViJus fuckin wichoo07:57
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.07:57
Vi_Vithis right-click business07:57
Vi_Vioh right right07:57
Vi_ViBut what was the right-click thing?07:57
Vi_Vichanging it to executable?07:57
Vi_Vithis is weird07:58
Vi_Vierror processing install_flash_player_10_linux.db07:58
Vi_Vipackage architecture (i386) does not match system07:58
Vi_Vidoesnt add up im an x86 linux OS07:59
tsimpsontry with sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture08:00
Vi_Vipackage name goes in after the -i and before the --  correct?08:00
DaskreeCHno after the whole thing08:00
Vi_Viyeha it asked if i wanted to install08:01
Vi_Vibut it only ever says Error08:01
Vi_Vianyway triyng to cmd now08:01
Vi_Vidependancy problems08:02
Vi_Vileaving unconfigured08:02
Vi_Vii get a vague feeling motherboard is involved with why this wont work08:02
Vi_Vii dunno i just vibe that. even if its totally inaccurate :P08:02
tsimpsonnow try "sudo apt-get -f install"08:02
DaskreeCHwhat does uname -r say ?08:02
Vi_Viends with generic08:03
tsimpsonit'll depend on the 32bit compatibility libs probably08:03
Vi_Viautoinstall wont play ball either. probably cuz of this.08:04
Vi_ViFeel like i could cry.08:08
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: Well you have the tar.gz ?08:08
Vi_ViI can get it?08:08
DaskreeCHI thought you downloaded it already08:08
Vi_Viweeell i gotta fish it from the trash08:09
DaskreeCHok do that08:09
Vi_Viach, closed konsole08:09
DaskreeCHYou shouldn't need the konsole08:09
DaskreeCHClick the trash and restore the file08:10
Vi_Vino i mean i closed it.08:10
Vi_Vion accident08:10
Vi_Vibut anyway i have the tarball back08:10
DaskreeCHyou called it a tarball ?08:10
Vi_Vii shouldnt?08:10
Vi_ViFiiiiiiine i have the .tar.gz back08:11
DaskreeCHJust surprised you learned that term already08:11
Vi_Vioh. alright =P08:11
DaskreeCHright click it and extract it here08:11
Vi_Vium here?08:11
DaskreeCHIt's a menu option08:11
DaskreeCHExtract here08:12
Vi_Viyeah yeah08:12
Vi_Vithis is where i stumbled yesterday08:12
DaskreeCHDid it make a subdir ?08:12
DaskreeCHok click that08:13
Vi_Viima rename it flash tho08:13
Vi_Vimake it easier08:13
Vi_Vikk im in the contents of it08:13
DaskreeCHpress F408:13
DaskreeCHshould pop up a little terminal at the bottom08:13
Vi_Vishould but08:14
Vi_Vii dont see one08:14
Vi_Vihow bout08:14
DaskreeCHDo you see the word terminal at the bottom of the panel ?08:14
Vi_Viif i just right-click the folder itself08:14
Vi_Viand do the open terminal action on it08:14
DaskreeCHHmm never tried that :)08:15
Vi_Vilets give that a go08:15
Vi_Vicuz i dunno what panel u mean :P08:15
=== zach is now known as Guest89803
DaskreeCHsh install<tab>08:15
Vi_Vish: can't open install08:16
Vi_Vimust mean the name of the installer08:16
Vi_Viso i went with that aaaaaaaaaamd08:17
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: Yeah pressin tab should autocomplete it for you08:17
Vi_Vimy architecture x86_64 is not supported08:17
DaskreeCHHow did you install Kubuntu ?08:17
Vi_ViBrother gave me a Kubuntu 9.04 disc08:17
Vi_Vione he made anyway08:17
DaskreeCHAh so you would have no idea if it was i386 or AMD64 disc08:18
Vi_ViIf i knew where he got the OS itself from to make it maybe08:18
Vi_ViBut no i wouldnt know otherwise08:18
Vi_ViHe SAYS its a 32-bit08:18
DaskreeCHok and uname -r seems to back that up08:18
Vi_Viwhat did u get from 2.6.28-11-generic ?08:20
Vi_ViWuzzat mean08:20
DaskreeCHwhat processor do you have ?08:21
Vi_ViIntel Core 2 Duo08:21
Vi_Vi2.53 ghz.08:22
DaskreeCHHmm Might flip on 64 Bit mode08:22
Vi_Vii think my parts work to best go with a 64-bit deal08:23
fiendskull9Hey i hacked together a dbus/amarok script :D08:23
Vi_Vibut im just guessin08:23
Vi_Vihow do u hack somethin together lol08:23
DaskreeCHfiendskull9: That works?08:23
Vi_Viu can hack stuff APART  i know that08:23
fiendskull9DaskreeCH: Yep :), found a dbus command to show metadata for the playing file08:23
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: nope in Computers you hack them together08:23
Vi_ViHow bizarre08:23
Vi_ViOkay so apparently im like08:24
Vi_ViIn limbo here08:24
Vi_Vistuck between x86 and x64 =P08:24
Vi_Vior some nonsense08:24
DaskreeCHYeah I'm going to treat ou as if you are x6408:24
Vi_ViMaybe that would work best.08:24
Vi_ViI want Steam and TF2 to work properly but id settle for haivng flash player working D_D08:24
Vi_Viand audio on the net would be just lovely lol08:24
Vi_Vione sec08:27
Vi_Viyeah i got nothin08:28
DaskreeCHno errors?08:28
Vi_Vino i mean08:29
Vi_Vinada lol08:29
Vi_Vino go08:29
Vi_Vicopied the shell script08:29
Vi_Viclosed out konqueror08:29
FloodBotK1Vi_Vi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:29
Vi_Vipasted in konsole08:29
DaskreeCHha ha you don't need to do that08:29
DaskreeCHit's in Download ?08:29
DaskreeCHI mean Documents ?08:29
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DaskreeCHok in th console type sh then the script name08:30
DaskreeCHagain if you press tab it will auto complete what you are typing08:30
Vi_Vidownload off the shell script h/l08:30
DaskreeCHso you don't need to type in the whole name08:31
DaskreeCHor rather type out the whole name08:31
Vi_Vii dont see how tab helps08:31
Vi_Vii started typing the name of the script08:32
Vi_Viand hit tab08:32
Vi_Vino autocomplete08:32
DaskreeCHhit it again08:32
Vi_Vii mean i hit it like 50 times lol08:32
Vi_Viwoah what the08:32
DaskreeCHIt will show you what files have the same name you can type more letters till it's unique and it will auto complete08:32
Vi_Vitab only worked when i typed sh08:33
Vi_Viand then immediately hit it08:33
Vi_Vibut that sint what u mean08:33
DaskreeCHno that's autocomplete of the commands you can run08:33
Vi_Via/c doesnt work for me when we're talkin package names08:33
Vi_Viwell no matter i can just copy-paste when i need to08:33
Vi_Viwhat the08:34
Vi_Vicant open flash10_en.sh08:34
DaskreeCHtype sh<space>flash<tab>08:34
DaskreeCHthat's the only error ?08:34
DaskreeCHok press up and put sudo before sh08:34
Vi_Viasks for my sudo password08:35
Vi_Viit hink i rememebr this one08:35
Vi_Viits not my acct pw08:35
DaskreeCHThat's the password you used to login08:35
DaskreeCHNo it is08:35
Vi_Vithen this is odd08:35
DaskreeCHok what's odd about it?08:35
Vi_Viwell i guess its because the directory its pointed at08:36
Vi_Viis only..08:36
Vi_Vidoesnt say documents08:36
FloodBotK1Vi_Vi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:36
DaskreeCHit should I think08:36
DaskreeCHtype pwd08:36
Vi_ViRoight! must correct this08:36
DaskreeCHthat tells you where you are08:36
Vi_Viyeah im in my user08:36
DaskreeCHright so either cd Documents08:36
Vi_Vicd Documents08:36
DaskreeCHor you can sudo sh Documents/flash10_en.sh08:37
DaskreeCHeither should work08:37
Vi_ViDone = all good =P08:37
DaskreeCHpress up and try the command again :)08:37
Vi_Vigreat success sir08:37
DaskreeCHCheck out your flash08:37
Vi_Vichatango is not working... which it should was I ok08:38
DaskreeCHThat's a website ?08:38
Vi_Viyeah it needs the flash player08:39
Vi_Vito display friendlist and whatnot properly08:39
Vi_Vito allow connection08:39
Vi_ViDouble-checked by going to adobe.com08:39
Vi_Vitoo see if the movie would play08:39
Vi_ViAaaand no >_>08:39
Vi_ViNot sure why this is so08:39
DaskreeCHwhich browser?08:39
Vi_ViI got the script thru Konqueror tho08:40
Vi_Vidoes that matter08:40
Vi_Viat the very least firefox is displaying a lot more than Konqueror is08:41
Vi_ViBut yeah the flash chat and the adobe movie are not working08:41
Vi_ViLinking the libraries so that firefox can see them.08:42
Vi_ViDone :-)08:42
Vi_ViYou may re-start Firefox now08:42
Vi_Viseems like it worked08:42
Vi_Vididnt cyberciti say i had to check the plugins somehow08:42
DaskreeCHyou can type about:plugins in firefox08:43
Vi_ViIt sais Shockwave Flash and FutureSpalsh player are installed08:43
Vi_Vibut arent Shockwave and Flash 2 different items08:44
DaskreeCHyoutube doesn't work?08:44
DaskreeCHYeah I know08:44
DaskreeCHThat sounds strange08:44
Vi_Viyoutube no longer works08:44
Vi_ViWas before.08:44
Vi_Vii mean videos i could see08:44
Vi_ViI havent fixed the whole mute-net issue yet08:44
DaskreeCHgrr Flash being closed source is a pain08:45
Vi_ViId have to agree lol08:45
Vi_Viokay so oddly enuf i seem to have gone a step backward08:45
Vi_Vithis is an x86 os i dont understand08:46
Vi_Viwhy the x86 download off the site is no-go08:46
DaskreeCHwhat did you do to get it partly working before ?08:46
Vi_ViI dont rememebr is tumbled thru it08:47
Vi_Vialthough hold on08:47
DaskreeCH!info flashplugin-nonfree08:47
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)08:47
Vi_ViRemoving flashplugin-nonfree ...08:47
Vi_ViRemoving flashplugin-installer ...08:47
Vi_Viyeah it did remove those 2.. before proceeding08:47
DaskreeCHOK on the citi site the first few comments say how to remove it You can run thsoe commands08:49
Vi_ViIma cry brother08:49
DaskreeCHAdobe has a 64 bit installer08:51
Vi_Vidoes they?08:51
Vi_ViI mean all i did was go get flash08:51
Vi_Viand pick either deb or tar.gz08:51
Vi_ViWhy where is this 64-bit08:51
DaskreeCHit redirects to the same page08:53
Vi_Viyeah and i was reading the comments08:53
Vi_ViThe partial success i had on my own08:53
Vi_ViTHis other guy also can SEE videos08:53
Vi_Vibut has no audio on the web08:53
Vi_Vibut on my OS interface everything works08:53
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Vi_Vimusic, notify jingles, ect08:54
DaskreeCHah hmm ok08:54
DaskreeCHdid you run the uninstall rm commands?08:54
Vi_Vierr no was about to ask08:54
Vi_Vii dont see these cmd lines on the page08:54
Anish123Hi guys08:56
Anish123How's everyone?08:56
Vi_Vi(hugs Anish)08:56
Vi_Vimentally taxxed08:56
Anish123Hehe, why?08:56
Vi_ViEven with dask's sagely guidance08:56
Vi_ViCuz apparently i have a bastardized OS lol08:56
Vi_Vilike a hybdrid of x86 and 6408:56
Vi_Vior some nonsense08:56
Anish123Im totally irritated with making Jaunty bootable /sob08:56
Vi_Vii see the rm commands08:57
Anish123Stupid netbooks, they should have CD Drives atleast ...08:57
DaskreeCHAnish123: How hard is that?08:57
Anish123Pretty hard08:59
Vi_Viat least your flash works08:59
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:59
Anish123Coz I also need to get it to work on my laptop which has AMD 64 processor and turns out I have downloaded i386 version and  you have to go through a hell lot of nthing just to get it to work08:59
DaskreeCHno it should just work09:00
DaskreeCHYou just won't get 64 biit09:00
Vi_Viisnt that supposed to make my 32-bit flash work09:00
Vi_Vieven if im x64 for some reason09:00
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: something like that09:00
Vi_ViApparently not lol09:00
Vi_Viwell i ran each command 1 by 109:00
Vi_Viand hit Y when prompted so09:00
Vi_Vii guess its all clear09:00
DaskreeCHcd into flash09:01
Vi_Vithe flash folder itself?09:01
DaskreeCHtha you had made earlier09:01
DaskreeCHsudo sh flashplayer<tab>09:02
Vi_Viahh it worked09:02
Vi_Vithe tab =P09:02
Vi_Visudo sh flashplayer-installer09:03
Vi_Viand the response is09:03
Vi_ViERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the09:03
Vi_Vi       Adobe Flash Player installer.09:03
Vi_Visoo //wrists?09:03
FloodBotK1Vi_Vi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:03
DaskreeCHHmm and it specificall says that it is :)09:03
DaskreeCH is there a .so file there?09:03
DaskreeCHok type ls ~/.mozilla09:04
Vi_Viextensions        firefox <-- in purple09:04
Vi_ViI guess its ok =P09:06
DaskreeCHmkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins09:06
apparlecan I triple boot XP,Vista,kubuntu09:06
DaskreeCHapparle: yes09:06
Anish123But it'll be SLOWWWW09:06
Vi_ViOkay so i pasted in mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins]09:06
Vi_Viminus the end there09:06
Anish123Vista's a horriblee OS09:06
Vi_Viyes it is...09:07
Vi_Vieven if sp2 up09:07
DaskreeCHVi_Vi: then cp lib<tab> ~/.mozilla/plugins09:07
apparleI agree that vista is horrible but my bro uses it09:07
DaskreeCHapparle: But yes you can09:07
apparlebye bye09:07
Ulrici got vista aswell. Sucks09:07
Vi_Vinothing seems different but i did it09:07
Vi_Viyeah i trashed vista ult 6409:07
Vi_Viit was highly unstable09:07
DaskreeCHok open firefox and see what it says09:07
Vi_Vijust randomly happened. then again it was pirated09:08
Ulrictell me about it09:08
Vi_Vijust open it or09:08
Vi_Vigo check something out..?09:08
DaskreeCHgo check something out09:08
Vi_ViHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player so go elf yourself09:09
Vi_ViWhat a rude browser D_D09:09
Vi_Vilame joke. anyway thats what it said09:10
Vi_Viminus elf bit09:10
Vi_Vistill with me boss? =P09:12
Vi_ViIts finally happened O_o He caught the Newb Madness and died09:13
DaskreeCHsudo chmod 755 ~/.mozilla/plugins/lib<tab>09:14
Vi_Viits done. no change far as i can see09:15
DaskreeCHYou'd have to close firefox and reopen09:16
Vi_ViHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player.09:18
Vi_ViWhat was that cmd supposed to do09:18
shadeslayerhey i was wondering what is the command to copy a dvd to a iso...it was dd something09:19
Vi_ViGUI ftw ^^09:19
whattheaznwhy is kunbunut09:20
Vi_ViEvil? who knows09:20
shadeslayerVi_Vi: much easier for me to type a single command...09:20
dwidmann_shadeslayer: dd if=/dev/dvd of=~/dvd.iso bs=204809:20
shadeslayerwhats bs for??09:21
Vi_Viwell probably09:21
Vi_Vicuz you got your business down09:21
dwidmann_shadeslayer: blocksize09:21
whattheaznis there a diff between ubuntu and kunbtu09:21
Vi_ViDask is having the time of his life trying to help me get flash player going09:21
Vi_Vion a system that is apparently both 86 and 64 XD09:21
shadeslayerdwidmann_: is there a option to display progress09:21
dwidmann_whattheazn: different Desktop Environment,09:21
whattheaznis kunbuntu easie to use09:21
shadeslayerwhattheazn: yep09:21
dwidmann_shadeslayer: Umm, there's a way to check it manually, but nothing continuous09:22
shadeslayerdwidmann_: ok09:22
whattheazndoes it have aircrack and etc09:22
whattheaznspoonwep2 and spoonwpa09:22
dwidmann_whattheazn: it uses the same repositories as Ubuntu, so anything (yes, anything) you can have in Ubuntu you can have in Kubuntu also.09:22
whattheazncool i will tr it09:23
whattheaznwhat about nunbuntu09:23
whattheaznhave u try that09:23
Mamarokwhattheazn: please stay on topic09:23
dwidmann_Hmm, haven't heard about that09:23
whattheaznoh sorry09:24
Vi_Vibe nice09:24
Vi_ViDask caught Newb Madness :(09:24
MamarokVi_Vi: topic09:24
shadeslayerwhattheazn: ubuntu?? its basically kubuntu with GNOME instead of KDE09:24
whattheaznwhat gnome09:25
fiendskull9what are the latest alternatives to kde (besides gnome) since xfce appears to be dead since i left off.09:25
Captain_Haddockwhattheazn: google away09:25
Mamarokfiendskull9: xfce is not dead09:25
fiendskull9fiendskull9: judging by their website and svn not much is going on...09:25
Mamarok!gnome | whattheazn09:25
ubottuwhattheazn: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.09:25
Mamarokfiendskull9: you are talking to yourself :)09:26
fiendskull9Mamarok: what?09:26
avihayI think xfce is rather nice for it's "market share"09:26
Vi_ViSmall crowd im guessing09:26
avihaygood morning-afternoon btw09:26
fiendskull9I enjoyed it much as a lightweight GTK'ish enviroment.09:27
Mamarokplease, all, stay on topic, support only here, discussion is in #kubuntu-offtopic09:27
Vi_ViWell.. whats the topic?09:27
MamarokVi_Vi: support questions and answers09:27
fiendskull9Does asking for a good lightweight alternative desktop enviroment to KDE count as support?09:27
Mamarokdiscussion is *not* on topic here at all09:27
Vi_Vioh well, i'm on the ball then arent i.09:27
Vi_ViI'll just hush then :P09:27
Mamarokfiendskull9: you know the answer already, discussing the pros and cons is not support09:28
fiendskull9Mamarok: No I honestly do not know an answer. I stopped using linux about 3 years ago to embark on a tour. I'm very out of the loop.09:28
Vi_ViHow stern D_D09:29
Mamarokfiendskull9: xfce is a lightweight alternative, try xubuntu09:29
fiendskull9And KDE4 is freezing left and right.09:29
Mamarokfiendskull9: depends on the KDE4 version you have09:29
fiendskull9Could i apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop and apt-get install xubuntu-desktop safely?09:29
shadeslayerfiendskull9: why not?09:29
Mamarokfiendskull9: yep, should work, but the other way round, first install xubuntu, then remove kubuntu :)09:30
shadeslayerfiendskull9: just issue remove kubuntu-desktop from a tty09:30
Vi_ViHey Mamarok is it oppsible to have a system thats somewhere between x86 and 64?09:30
Vi_Vibecause apparently mine is like.. both09:30
MamarokVi_Vi: if you have a 64 bit system you can run 32 bit applications on it, the other way round doesn't work09:31
Vi_ViI hgave a 64-bit setup yes.. but09:31
Vi_ViWhen we tried to get 32-bit flash going09:31
fiendskull9Mamarok: As you said, it depends on my KDE4 version. How can I check my version, and what version is most stable as of right now?09:31
Vi_ViIt said Architecture x86_64 is not supported.09:31
MamarokVi_Vi: flash is available for 64 bit too09:31
Mamarokfiendskull9: what Kubuntu have you installed?09:32
Vi_ViIll let you handle fiend cuz maybe your thoughts can help us09:32
Vi_Vibut ill wait09:32
fiendskull9Mamarok: 9.0409:32
dwidmann_Vi_Vi: install the flashplayer-nonfree pakcage from the ubuntu repositories instead of the package from adobe's website.09:32
dwidmann_erm, flashplugin-nonfree09:32
Mamarokfiendskull9: you can open the help menu in any application and check the 'About KDE' option09:32
Vi_ViYeah I used that before but it only allowed some flash stuff to work09:32
Vi_ViFor some reason audio on videos and streaming audio is no go09:33
Vi_ViChatango is a flash-chat (no go)09:33
Vi_ViAnd omgpop's games do not connect09:33
fiendskull9Mamarok: KDE 4.2.2 it looks like09:33
Vi_ViBeen at this about 90 minutes09:33
dwidmann_Vi_Vi: in that case, if you think the one from Adobe's site will work better for whatever reason, use dpkg -i something.deb --force-architecture09:33
Mamarokfiendskull9: you should udate your system then, 4.2.4 is available since quite some time09:33
Vi_ViNo worries dwid, we went aaaaall through that09:33
Vi_ViThe .deb and tarball arent supproted09:34
Vi_Viby w/e an x*6_64 achitecture is09:34
Mamarokfiendskull9: but of course if you have less than 500MB ram, you should consider something else than KDE or Gnome09:34
Vi_ViSo we tried a 64-bit one09:34
Vi_Vithat SEEMED TO work09:34
phhMamarok: with compcache, 512MB is comfortable09:34
Vi_Viall it did was make the youtube vids a gray box.09:34
fiendskull9Mamarok: No worries on ram :) Is there a repo i should enable? KPackageIt is showing no updates.09:34
Mamarokphh: not if you want to run 3D effects, no09:34
Mamarokfiendskull9: see the topic :)09:35
phhMamarok: oh well09:35
fiendskull9Mamarok: thanks!09:35
Mamarokor check on http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.409:35
Mamarok(which is basically the same)09:35
fiendskull9Mamarok: Yeah thats the link in the topic09:36
Mamarokfiendskull9: and if you are comfortable with release candidates, there is 4.3 RC209:36
Mamarokand KDE 4.3 is due in a few days, too09:36
* shadeslayer is waiting for k3b to hit KDE409:37
fiendskull9Mamarok: Ooo :)09:37
fiendskull9shadeslayer: I've been using K3B fine :O09:37
Vi_Viumm mamarok09:37
shadeslayerfiendskull9: k3b in the repo is KDE 3 based09:37
Mamarokshadeslayer: ditto, works well here09:38
fiendskull9shadeslayer: I don't recall it installing any old kde3 libs or anything. Is there a compatibility layer or something?09:38
fiendskull9it just installed like 2mb of packages.09:38
shadeslayerMamarok: i want a k3b which uses kde4 libs and qt409:39
fiendskull9shadeslayer: Oh you purist :P09:39
Mamarokfiendskull9: it drags the dependencies automatically, ou might not have been aware it did09:39
fiendskull9Mamarok: Ah, I see.09:39
Mamarokshadeslayer: well then be patient or compile trunk ;) <- see the wink09:39
Vi_ViMan -_- Of course my OS would happen to be the black sheep x_X09:40
Vi_Vi32-bit Flash players are no good and the 64-bit attempt didn't prove effective. Whats left to try?09:40
MamarokVi_Vi: what version do you use?09:40
fiendskull9Vi_Vi: Install 68609:41
Vi_ViWhat was the command to double-check my OS architecture?09:41
fiendskull9Vi_Vi: uname -a09:41
Vi_Viwhats -r do?09:41
fiendskull9prints the kernel release09:42
Mamaroktells you the kernel release number09:42
Vi_Viwell this is the return i get09:42
Vi_Vi2.6.28-11-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 01:58:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:42
fiendskull9uname -m is actually more appropriate09:42
Vi_ViHow is it both 32 and 64 isnt it 1 or the other09:42
Mamarokonly for the hardware then09:42
Vi_ViWell yeah my brother says this OS is a 32-bit Kubuntu09:43
Vi_ViBut i also know my hardware is meant to support 64-bit09:43
MamarokVi_Vi: I see no mention of i38609:43
Vi_Vibtw Mamarok I'm also pretty clsoe to being a linux newbie09:43
MamarokVi_Vi: well, your kernel is a 64-bit version09:43
Mamarokread the line above09:43
Vi_ViThe bit about my kernel?09:43
Mamarokthe 32-bit kernel would tell you i386 GNU/Linux09:44
Vi_ViAnd it does not. ookay..09:44
avihay2.6.28-13-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 30 19:49:51 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux09:44
Mamarokyou have a 64-bit kernel, which would not work on a 32-bit system09:44
Vi_ViRight sooo..09:44
Vi_Vikernel is the hardware yes?09:44
MamarokVi_Vi: no, kernel is the basic Linux09:44
Vi_ViSo this Linux Kubuntu of mine is not 32-bit like my bother claimed09:45
Vi_Vibut 6409:45
Vi_ViWell this explains a lot. misinformation blows.09:45
Vi_ViSO where is the stable release of this 64-bit adobe flash player?09:45
Vi_ViIve sniffed around the site of adobe09:45
MamarokVi_Vi: to know your hardware information, try uname -m09:45
Vi_ViYeah i wasnt sure what x86_64 meant09:46
Vi_Vii just assumed it say x86 or x6409:46
Vi_Viit would say*09:46
MamarokVi_Vi: don't know if it's stable yet, but it's available09:46
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:46
Vi_ViThat would be the one yes?09:47
Vi_Viat the bottom09:47
MamarokVi_Vi: well, you simply shoudl install the flashplugin-nonfree package from the repositories09:48
Vi_ViThats what i had done before but that only allowed some flash things to happen and youtube videos to play09:48
Vi_ViFlash chat from chatango.com was no good, playing games on omgpop was no good09:48
Vi_ViAnd no audio in videos worked09:48
Vi_Vior on the browser as a whole really but im not sure if thats relevant09:49
Vi_Vii have sound anywhere else just not my browsers09:49
Mamarokthat might be a browser related problem, doesn't work in my firefox neither, works fine in konqueror09:49
Vi_ViDidnt even work in Konqueror sir09:49
Vi_Viokay well..09:50
Vi_Viill search the repository09:50
MamarokVi_Vi: an alternative could be the opera browser09:50
Vi_Viif im a 64-bit fellow09:50
Vi_Vihow come there's 4 amd64 updates blocked on my updater?09:51
Mamaroka blocked update means that there are dependencies not resolved yet09:51
Vi_ViW/e that means =P But ok09:51
Mamaroktry running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a konsole09:51
Vi_Viif dask was still alive he could explain whats wrong and what we had already done so much better than me09:51
Vi_Viso just search flashplugin-nonfree and get the package?09:52
MamarokVi_Vi: or do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree in a konsole09:53
Vi_Vii probably shoulda had my browsers closed while i installed this09:54
Vi_Vido it matter?09:54
Mamarokyes, close the browser :)09:54
Vi_Viah crud09:54
Vi_Vii already installed with both Kong and Fox open09:55
Mamarokyou will have to restart it anyway :)09:55
Mamarokno problem, just restart the browser09:55
Vi_Viit didnt prompt me to close either 1 or anything.. so i just installed.09:55
Vi_Vianyway lets see what that did on firefox09:55
Vi_Viand kong09:55
Vi_Viwell youtube is displaying09:56
Vi_ViChatango and Omgpop are bit wonky..09:56
Vi_ViThe available player09:56
Vi_Viis it flash9?09:56
FloodBotK1Vi_Vi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:56
MamarokVi_Vi: Vi_Vi nope, it's 1009:58
Mamaroksorry, typo :(09:58
MamarokVi_Vi: aptitude show flashplugin-nonfree tells you the version09:58
Vi_Viaptitude show..?10:00
Vi_ViKonsole command?10:00
Vi_ViThis package is a transitional package that can safely be removed after you10:01
Vi_Vi installed flashplugin-installer.10:01
Vi_Vithat improtant at all?10:01
Vi_Viwell you're right its clearly flash 10...10:02
Vi_ViSo why is it only youtube video shows10:02
Vi_Vibut other flash content doesnt work completely10:02
MamarokVi_Vi: well, not all flash is programmed correctly :)10:05
Vi_Vitell ya what10:05
Vi_ViCan you do me a favor?10:05
Mamarokgo on10:05
Vi_Vibasically flash movies seem to display.. but anything that lets me interact with others doesnt10:05
Vi_Vicould you go to www.omgpop.com and just hit the "Games" tab10:06
Vi_ViPick any game you want and hit the big Play Now button10:06
Vi_Vithe site'll handle the rest10:06
Vi_ViEverything else about the site works fine for except actually joining the games. which didnt used to happen/10:07
Vi_ViAnd the flash-baed chat i sometimes use doesnt correctly display but it does in fact work10:07
Mamarokworks here, but the network is extremly slow10:08
Vi_ViAssuming flash was installed. I have flash apparently, but for some reason no go.10:08
Mamarokthe games network I mean, not mine :)10:08
Vi_Viwell when u hit play now does it throw u into someoe's match?10:08
Vi_Vior does it hang at connecting to game network10:09
digmoreI think it is not working simply10:09
Mamarokit hangs at connection, but that's not a flash problem, it's more like their network is down10:09
MamarokVi_Vi: it clearly states their network can't connect you, not a flash problem10:10
Vi_ViWell, friend says she can in fact join games10:10
Vi_ViBut if it was purely a network issue why is it that chatango's flash chat is also not working.10:10
MamarokVi_Vi: why do you use a flash chat application if you have much better installed?10:11
Vi_ViI debated if it was even a flash issue but if it works for someone else and not us10:11
digmoreI actually install firefox(windows)10:11
Vi_ViMaybe Linux just hates flash-based people interaction? :P10:11
MamarokVi_Vi: nope, it's more likely their network still being beta it has serious flaws :)10:12
digmorethen flash works fine, but it may be slow10:12
MamarokVi_Vi: that's not about hate, just that flash is a pain and full of bugs, if everybody would learn to code correctly it would not be an issue10:12
Vi_ViI worded it silly10:12
Vi_ViBut what i mean is it just seems like any flash business that itneracts with other people10:13
Vi_ViSeems dysfunctional10:13
MamarokVi_Vi: seriously, you don't need a flash chat application if you have software installed for it10:13
=== divobtech is now known as Stanis
Vi_ViDo you mean my chat messenger?10:13
MamarokVi_Vi: then blame Adobe, flash is closed source, we can do absolutely nothing about10:13
Vi_ViDon't freak out on me =P10:14
Vi_ViI check the flash chat to see if its working properly10:14
Vi_ViI guess its jsut because of my OS then..10:14
shadeslayerbtw,does anyone have a bit of a lag with Xserver and KDM recently??10:14
Vi_ViI can believe that there's conflict.10:14
shadeslayerKDE 4.3 rc210:14
Vi_Viah man.10:15
Vi_Vi3 hours of wrestling and back to square 1 lol.10:15
Vi_ViBut you're right it is closed source so compatibility is probably the main issue here.10:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: I had two X crashes during chromium updates, so I blame chromium, not RC210:15
Vi_ViWell regardless of the end result thanks for the help Mamarok10:15
MamarokVi_Vi: as I said, blame Adobe, not your OS10:16
MamarokVi_Vi: yaw :)10:16
Vi_ViWell you know what i mean10:16
Vi_ViI know u love Linux i just meant it seems the relationship between my OS and Adobe isnt solid.10:16
Vi_ViWell since that's a lost cause..  any idea why i have sound but not on my browsers?10:16
shadeslayerMamarok: i dont have chromium,but what im asking is with the 2.6.28-14 kernel and xserver 1.6 , KDM and xserver start very slowly...like theres a gap of 2 secs10:17
Vi_ViSeems weird that both wouldnt work10:17
Vi_Vimamarok before i forget10:19
Vi_ViThere's 1 more wee thing :D10:19
shadeslayerVi_Vi: just ask :)10:21
Mamarokshadeslayer: no gap for me10:22
shadeslayerhmm...ill have a looksie at the logs10:22
Vi_ViActually yeah anyone can answer this10:23
Vi_Vioh wait..10:23
Vi_Vigonna need the 64-bit version. hold on10:23
Mamarokwe are waiting, indeed :)10:23
shadeslayerMamarok: http://pastebin.com/f5c7cac7810:23
Mamarokshadeslayer: why are you using gdm?10:24
shadeslayerMamarok: im not10:25
Vi_ViRight! so10:25
Vi_ViI want to install winrar here10:25
Vi_Viand  got the x64 linux version10:25
Mamarokshadeslayer: well, then you should remove it and it's configuration files10:25
shadeslayerVi_Vi: you dont need it..10:25
Vi_Viwhaddya mean10:25
Mamarokas it tries to write to the gdm log, read your paste10:25
Vi_Vii have a file in rar format that ARK cant open10:25
shadeslayerVi_Vi: kde has ark10:26
MamarokVi_Vi: what dou you want to do with winrar?10:26
Vi_ViExtract the contents of a rar file containing a band's discography10:26
shadeslayerMamarok: uh i dont have gdm installed...10:26
Mamarokthen the rar file is broken, ark can open that without problems, normally10:26
Vi_ViARK isnt up to that task10:26
Mamarokshadeslayer: as I said, read your paste, it tries to start gdm, it's not correctly removed I guess10:26
Vi_Vii will test with another rar file10:27
Vi_Vishould have 1 somewhere..10:27
shadeslayerMamarok: what if i tell you that i didnt even install gdm once?10:27
dwidmann_Vi_Vi: try using rar directly in konsole, if that doesn't work then the file is probably corrupt or incomplete10:27
MamarokVi_Vi: else you can try with mc (midnight commander, you will have to install it)10:27
Vi_Viyeah hold on, i have something else in rar on CD10:27
Vi_Vigonna yank that a sec10:27
Vi_Vimidnight commander? sounds like a racist joke XD10:28
Mamarokshadeslayer: well, you must have at some point, I never did and have no mention of gdm in my log file10:28
MamarokVi_Vi: ...10:28
Vi_ViSorry im in a dark space was tryin to10:28
Vi_Vinvm lol. strike it from the record10:28
MamarokVi_Vi: I don't make jokes in a support channel, unless I mark it as such10:28
Vi_Vio.o" Right-o10:28
shadeslayerMamarok: hmm...afaik ive never tried to install gnome or gdm...anyways how do i remove the config files?10:29
Mamarokshadeslayer: autoremove?10:29
Vi_ViIm not sure how I did it beofre but10:29
Vi_ViHow do i arrive at the contents of the CD i put in?10:30
Mamarokshadeslayer: then it's in the xorg config file I guess10:30
shadeslayerMamarok: i just ran a dpkg --reconfigure...10:30
Vi_Vinvm got it10:30
MamarokVi_Vi: open it, you should have a pop up for the CD10:30
Vi_Viyeah i didnt get a pop up but10:30
Vi_Vii managed by going into the cd burner function10:31
shadeslayerMamarok: http://pastebin.com/f5a00215910:31
MamarokVi_Vi: you should, it's in the panel, device notifier10:31
Vi_Vithe thing that normally says "nod evices plugged in"?10:31
Mamaroknew devices plugged in, yes10:32
Vi_Viyes.. well10:32
Vi_ViIt says no devices plugged in10:32
Vi_Vias usual10:32
shadeslayerbrb in 10 mins...pizza breakfast :10:32
MamarokVi_Vi: what KDE version do you have?10:33
Vi_Vithe what?10:33
Vi_Viwell its strange. on my CD everyyr ar became a zip10:33
Vi_Vibut the archive in question is a rar10:33
Vi_Viand ARK cant handle it10:33
Vi_Vievery rar*10:33
MamarokVi_Vi: it still is a rar, just the icon is a package icon10:34
saidThe application Plasma Workspace (plasma) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV).10:34
MamarokVi_Vi: that's why I asked, what KDE version do you have?10:34
saidPlease help us improve the software you use by filing a report at http://bugs.kde.org. Useful details include how to reproduce the error, documents that were loaded, etc.10:34
Vi_Viyou'd have to explain what the KDE is10:34
Vi_Viand how i would check its version10:34
Mamaroksaid: please, do not flood the channel with such messages, ask a question instead10:34
saidwhat dose it mean that message10:34
MamarokVi_Vi: KDE is the desktop if you have Kubuntu isntalled10:35
Vi_Viyes I have Kubuntu 9.0410:35
Mamaroksaid: it asks you to report the crash you just had10:35
saidhow i can do that10:36
MamarokVi_Vi: in Dolphin, please check in the Help menu, the about KDE option, it tells you the version10:36
Mamaroksaid: just follow the instructions of the window that just came up10:36
MamarokVi_Vi: you should update your version then, see the topic, there are bugfixes available10:37
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:37
Vi_ViSo.. i have to make a dvd with the 4.2.4 on it to make this upgrade?10:38
Vi_ViOr is there any easier way10:38
Mamarokno, not at all...10:38
Mamarokdid you read the section about 4.2.4 correctly?10:38
Vi_Viis it the shipit link?10:39
Vi_Vii was assuming sicne its next to the 4.2.4 tidbit that was the place10:39
Mamarokno, read again10:39
Vi_Vioh there it is10:39
Vi_Vihow cluttered =P10:39
Mamarokthere is a | sign delimiting the items i n the topic...10:39
Vi_Vibe nice its 5:40 AM10:39
Vi_Vibeen at this for 4 hours with a flu :P10:39
Vi_Viim at the page10:40
Vi_Videb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main10:40
MamarokVi_Vi: well, then read, no need to tell us every step10:40
Vi_Viwhere does that get entered?10:40
MamarokVi_Vi: in the sources list10:41
Vi_ViTrust me im really anal about my process. 2nd day on Linux10:41
Vi_ViReeaaally wanna make sure im creeping every inch correctly10:41
Vi_ViWe'll compromise :D10:41
Mamarokbut it should be in the backports repository by now, let me check10:41
MamarokVi_Vi: go to the system settings, add/remove new software10:41
Mamarokgo to the settings10:42
Mamarokthen 'Edit software sources?10:42
Vi_Viim in10:42
Mamarokthere you should have an entry for the backports repositor10:43
Vi_Viuhh this is in software sources?10:43
MamarokVi_Vi: please read what I said10:43
Vi_ViIndeed I did10:44
Vi_ViI was with you as far as getting into Editing the sources10:44
Vi_Vibut i dont see anything about a backports repository..10:44
Vi_ViWhat tab is this under10:44
Mamarokin the tab about ubuntu software10:44
Vi_ViKubuntu Software... nothing about backports.10:45
Vi_ViCanonical0support open source, community-maintained open source10:45
Vi_Viproprietary drivers10:45
Vi_Visoftware restricted...10:45
Mamarokoops, my bad, Updates tab10:45
Vi_Viand Source Code10:45
bazhangVi_Vi, what about paste.ubuntu.com with your sources.list10:45
Vi_Vi(cocks eyebrow)10:45
Vi_ViKubuntu updates....10:46
Mamarokbazhang: ...10:46
bazhangMamarok, yes?10:46
Mamarokit's only his second day, don't expect too much10:46
Vi_Vibeen doing alright tho :D10:46
Vi_ViRight well10:46
Vi_ViThere is nothing about backports in the Kubuntu Updates tab10:46
MamarokVi_Vi: the tab is named 'Updates10:46
Vi_ViSir is just my speech10:47
Mamarokit says unsupported updates (jaunty-backports)10:47
Vi_Vinot genderal =P10:47
Vi_Vioh well it says Unsupproted Updates10:47
Vi_ViDunno where yer gettin the jaunty bit from10:47
Vi_ViOkay well i checked it on10:47
Mamarokok, then close it and it should update your sources list10:48
Vi_Viit asked me to reload so i did and10:48
Vi_Viit updated something10:48
Mamarokit's updating the sources, then you go to the updates section, and tell him to update everything there10:49
Vi_ViIn the Updates tab check everything on?10:50
Mamarokthere should be a button to check all updates, no?10:51
Vi_ViNo if i want to enable all 410:51
Vi_Viig otta do it manually10:51
Vi_Viimprotant - reocmmended - pre-released - unsupproted10:51
Mamarokdo a refresh first then10:51
Vi_Vi(wind blows)10:53
Vi_ViI checked off all 4 update bits10:53
Vi_Vidid a reload when asked10:53
Vi_ViAnd i guess it installed an updated list10:53
Vi_Vithat good?10:53
shadeslayerMamarok: any other ideas?10:53
Mamarokshadeslayer: about what?10:53
shadeslayerMamarok: that GDM thing...10:54
Mamaroknot really no, except reinstalling the x server from a shell10:54
shadeslayerMamarok: what if i reinstall kdm?10:55
Mamarokwell, that's the only explanaition I have for that gap, somehow you must have installed gdm at some point on that machine, why else would it be there10:55
shadeslayerno idea..but i positively know i didnt install it10:55
Mamarokshadeslayer: I doubt it's the problem, your xorg is looking for a gdm log file, that's the gap10:55
Vi_ViNot to interrupt but i figured our itnerfaces were a bit different10:56
Vi_Vibut u wanted me to enable all 4 update checkboxes10:57
Vi_ViSo i did and im now being told i have 15 available updates10:57
MamarokVi_Vi: you only have 4 updates after a refresh?10:57
Vi_ViNono i have 15. i dont have a "check all" or whatever10:57
Vi_Vibut manually clicking all 4 boxes is the same10:57
Vi_Viso i did the reload and the update manager thing10:57
Vi_Viis saying i have 15 available, 6 blocked10:57
MamarokVi_Vi: on the bottom, you have a button 'Apply all updates', no need to choose those manually10:58
Vi_Viu meant apply all updates10:58
Mamarokfirst the refresh button, then that one10:58
Vi_Vitheres no button for that btw =P10:58
Vi_Vii thought u were referring to the10:58
Vi_Viyeaah we were talking about 2 diff things but im with ya now10:59
Vi_Vihowever, in the sources thing10:59
Vi_ViI did enable all 4 checkboxes10:59
Vi_ViIs this ok?10:59
Vi_Vifrom important to unsupported10:59
Mamarokyou should have about 100 for an upgrade to 4.2.4 normally...10:59
Vi_Vioh.. relleh11:00
Vi_ViI mean ive enabled everything11:00
Vi_Viimprotant, recommended, pre-release, unsupported11:00
MamarokVi_Vi: let me check that first11:00
Vi_Vitotal 15, 6 blocked11:00
MamarokVi_Vi: never mind, it doesn't seem to be in the backports then, my bad11:03
shadeslayerMamarok: if i install GDM and remove it will the problem be solved?11:04
Mamarokshadeslayer: don't do that, that would be probably worse11:04
Mamarokshadeslayer: it's a RC, that could well have some glitches, you are complaining about 2 seconds there11:05
shadeslayerMamarok: hmm...true,i am on the lookout for bugs11:05
Vi_ViI think ima call it quits for now11:08
Vi_Vi4 hours in the AM is too damn much to learn Linux XD11:08
Vi_ViThanks mama-san11:08
MamarokVi_Vi: indeed, have a good night of sleep :)11:08
Vi_Vioh man.. my eyes.11:08
Vi_ViOh wait11:08
Mamarokyou are welcome, Vi_Vi :)11:09
Vi_ViAhh one more thing dear fellow =D11:09
Vi_Viyou said there sohuld be a massive amount of updates11:09
Vi_Viwell that was true when i first installed. did some200+11:09
Vi_Vibut, with every update source checked off11:09
Vi_Vi15 is all i got11:09
Vi_ViIs this cause for concern?11:09
shadeslayerVi_Vi: that would be security updates...all new installs have those11:09
MamarokVi_Vi: well, there is not, as the 4.2.4 packages are not in the backports, my bad, as I said before11:09
MamarokVi_Vi: and no, this is not cause for concern, those packages are the new Amarok and a few others11:10
Mamarokshadeslayer: he talks about the new update from the backports11:10
Vi_Viyeah they are11:10
shadeslayerMamarok: oh11:10
MamarokVi_Vi: the amarok package is highly recommended, as the one you have now is totally outdated11:11
Vi_ViIll take all 15 then11:12
Vi_Vii guess we'll figure out the 4.2.4 thing another time11:12
Vi_ViBreak time now :D good night gents11:12
Vi_Viand.. lady?11:12
Vi_ViSomeone here is. anyway, auf widerlesen!11:12
shadeslayerive got a flight to catch,so i need to do some packing...bye for now11:13
Mamarokshadeslayer: have a nice trip then :)11:13
shadeslayerMamarok: thanks,ill have the usual jet lag,nothing serious though11:14
Mamaroklong flight?11:14
shadeslayerMamarok: UK to india11:14
Mamarokwow, yeah, that will be a jetlag indeed11:15
Mamarokhave a nice flight then :)11:15
shadeslayerMamarok: thanks...bye :)11:15
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djdarkmanhello, I'm using KDE 4.3 on jaunty, how can I make GTK apps look good in it?11:49
Peace-djdarkman: ytou have to install some packages11:49
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djdarkmanok what packages Peace-?11:50
Peace-djdarkman: then you have to set the stuff on systemsettings11:52
Peace-btw i am using only qt stuff...11:52
wizkoder_hy everybody11:58
wizkoder_which package contains "unless"?11:59
wizkoder_how can I find out?11:59
agatawizkoder_,  try apt-cache search unless12:00
agatain a terminal12:00
wizkoder_did that. but the result is not helping :-(12:01
tsimpsonuse the search at http://packages.ubuntu.com12:01
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scorpidhi everybody12:03
scorpidcan i ask a question12:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:04
scorpidi format my usb drive as swap12:04
scorpidand i wnat to use that as ram12:04
scorpidhow can i do that12:04
scorpidi have 512 mb ram12:05
scorpidand 1GB swap12:05
scorpidi want to disable that 1GB swap12:05
scorpidand want to use my usb as swap12:05
wizkoder_this idea seems strange to me...12:08
wizkoder_why don't you get rid of all the swap?12:08
tsimpsonit's a bad idea, USB speed is even slower than HDD12:09
what_ifI think Vista does this. Readyboost. Its doable12:11
tsimpsonit can work, but it'll be especially slow12:12
what_ifyou should mount the pendrive by UUID though in fstab to ensure the system can find it (in case the drive assignment changes in /dev/ )12:12
Blizzerandscorpid : The machine would be damn slow dude . Better not try it12:15
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farukmy sound problem is getting boring12:42
faruki've a great problem with last version of ubuntu12:42
farukcan somebody help me?12:42
bernardlychanhi does anyone know how to get a static ip address is you have wlan>12:50
what_ifset the interface address to static in /etc/network/interfaces12:53
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page13:01
edbhrm. is http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/install.html the main way people are using kde 3 on jaunty, or is there a repository that's13:02
edbmore generally "approved of"?13:02
JJ__i need help for reinstall my jaunty 9.0413:05
pavelovichwho is french13:08
edbfrench people, mostly13:09
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:09
Bauldrickanyone experiance in getting sky player to work? I've install moonlight 2.0 (preview)..13:11
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BluesKajHiyas all13:31
peabodyI installed the inetutils-ftpd package http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/net/inetutils-ftpd and there's absolutely no instructions as to how it is installed or used, but I found the changelog http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/i/inetutils/inetutils_1.6-1/changelog says that it uses inetutils-inetd script, however I have no such script installed on my system... does anyone use this ftpd or know how the package instal13:32
peabody I have to configure it from scratch just for user directories?13:32
tsimpsonpeabody: have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html13:36
peabodytsimpson: so don't use inetutils-ftpd is what you are saying?13:40
peabodyhonestly I don't care since it's not using a bunch of unnecessary libraries13:41
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JeRRiCowhats the topic14:08
bazhangJeRRiCo, type /topic14:09
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pesarkhobeeesorry my english lunguage is not good but i hav a question! how to add extra font in kubuntu14:13
JeRRiCono idea14:13
pesarkhobeeeits good14:14
pesarkhobeeeyes ! i find it!14:16
pesarkhobeeeinstall Additional Fonts in Kubuntu14:16
pesarkhobeee    * Collate all your fonts, Download if you want to and have it in one folder for easy access.14:16
pesarkhobeee    * Once your done. Copy all the fonts in that folder.14:16
pesarkhobeee    * Browse the folder /etc/fonts in Kubuntu (you must have admin access) and paste all the files.14:16
pesarkhobeee    * On the left side of Dolphin File Manager, you will see a link to install the fonts. Or simply double-click it. That?s it!14:16
FloodBotK1pesarkhobeee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:16
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pesarkhobeeetest is ok!14:52
alex___jojo, wollt dieses IRC nur mal ausprobieren is wohl sowas wie knuddels. okay, tschau leute, haut rein :-)14:52
_abbenormalhello all15:01
_abbenormalgot a ? for someone who may know15:02
_abbenormalim trying to setup xine with vdpau and was wondering if some has already done it and maybe may know an easier way15:02
_abbenormalim not sure but hearing i have to remocve the old xine first and not sure what all it will break15:03
Mamarok_abbenormal: I don't even know what vdpau is...15:06
Mamarokand you are taling about Xine, the video player?15:07
_abbenormalyes sir vdpau is used for playback of video content for hd stuff15:07
_abbenormalits a codec sort of15:08
Mamarok_abbenormal: why not use vlc?15:08
Mamaroknot sure if xine is still up to date15:08
_abbenormalwell i need xine for vdr to play from a source dvb cards15:09
_abbenormalill have to read some and see if vdr will run out vlc think it does just dont know how15:10
Mamarok!dvb | _abbenormal15:11
ubottu_abbenormal: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out15:11
Mamarokthis might help then15:11
_abbenormalyup ive been using or used half of them i normaly use a striped debian basic with less eye candy and no desktop lots of extra stuff not needed for a htpc setup15:13
_abbenormalthis is a test to see how it will work and im not use to the kubuntu way15:13
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Ratzehello all16:00
utimothyhi to all16:02
ubunturos!hi | utimothy16:03
ubottuutimothy: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:03
utimothylooking for new icons.........i am a newbee using ubuntu16:04
Mamarokutimothy: are you using Gnome or KDE?16:05
Mamarokutimothy: then you should ask in the #ubuntu channel, we are more doing KDE here :)16:06
utimothyok thank16:06
AntaranianMamarok: can I ask here how to change gnome to kde ?16:07
MamarokAntaranian: install the kubuntu-desktop packages, it will install the basic KDE, then add the other kde packages selecting in the package manager according to your needs16:08
Antaranianyou know, I've installed some kde applications16:09
Antaranianlike konversation16:09
Antaranianand so I've installed kde libs16:09
Antaraniannow I'm looking in synaptic package manager16:09
Antaranianthere is no kubuntu installation16:09
MamarokAntaranian: there is a package called kubuntu-desktop16:10
Antaraniani'm searching for kubuntu16:11
Antaranianno results :(16:11
MamarokAntaranian: you should search for kubuntu-desktop... third time *sigh*16:11
Mamarokand use the search button, not the search field16:11
Antaranianoh ok16:12
Mamarokthe search field is only to narrow down a search already made16:12
Antaranianthen can I easily switch between gnome and kde interface ?16:12
MamarokAntaranian: yes, just log out of one, and select another session in either gdm or kdm, depends on which you keep16:13
Antaranianok, thanks Mamarok16:14
MamarokAntaranian: yaw :)16:14
hungerWill qtcreator get upgraded to 1.2.1 in karmic?16:27
hungerSid has the debs already...16:28
ulysses__hello, there isn't xorg.conf in my karmic koala, what can i do?16:38
moonfluxis there an extra channel for kubuntu+kde 4.3?16:39
moonfluxam I the only one where the Report Bug feature doesn't work for the kde 4.3rc2 packages?16:40
Mamarokhunger: no idea, you might have to check the Kermic repos or ask in #ubuntu+116:41
Mamarokulysses__: ask in #ubuntu+1, please, we do only support for released versions16:41
Mamarokmoonflux: which one do you mean, Dr. Konqi?16:42
ulysses__Mamarok: ok thanks16:42
moonfluxMamarok: no, Help->Report Bug16:42
Mamarokor the report a bug option in the help menu?16:42
moonfluxthe latter16:42
Mamarokright, let me try16:42
Mamarokmoonflux: seems you hit a bug, doesn't work here neither16:43
moonfluxMamarok: thx for testing, I'll ask at #kde if thats a kubuntu or general bug16:43
Mamarokmoonflux: I already reported to the devs right now :)16:44
Peace-hey i have a problem here16:45
Peace-with a printer16:45
Peace-photosmart 776216:45
Peace-it just freeze itself16:45
Peace-i tried hp-lip16:45
MamarokPeace-: pease, don't make new line sfor evers two words, all in one line16:46
Mamaroklines for*16:46
Mamarokand please, of course :)16:46
Peace-Mamarok: ...it's 2 years i make support here16:46
moonfluxMamarok: on launchpad?16:46
MamarokPeace-: well, be aware of the FloodBot then :)16:46
Peace-i know i know16:46
Mamarokmoonflux: no, the dev channel16:46
moonfluxMamarok: I'll file a bug anyway so it doesn't get lost :)16:47
moonfluxseems like its not a general kde bug btw16:47
Mamarokmoonflux: they are aware of it, same bug in Karmic16:48
moonfluxMamarok: got a lp bug# to subscribe to?16:49
moonfluxseems like its intended and they tried to replace the kde bug reporter with apport: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicApport16:51
Mamarokmoonflux: somebody is working on it right now16:52
moonfluxMamarok: kthx16:54
moonfluxan rc without a working bug report feature doesn't make much sense ;)16:54
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QuantumKaosguys when copying something from a folder to another it says "could not change permission" how do i solve it up?17:19
_abbenormal1 2 317:28
Arv3nsorry, my colors aren't working right on quassel.17:28
Arv3nstupid dark themes! >: |17:28
Arv3ntest again17:29
Arv3nok now my name is white but my teext is black >: |17:29
Arv3nthere we go.17:30
Arv3nsweet. :D17:30
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foosinnhi, does someone know how to set a default monitor for new windows in kubuntu 9.04?17:33
Arv3nPerfect. :B17:33
pafnowfoosinn, for all the windows or just a selected application ?17:35
foosinnall windows17:35
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Guest75625how do you make konquall websights. like gmailer work with17:36
Guest75625how do you make konquer work with all website like gmail17:36
robin0800Guest75625, use firefox17:37
pafnowfoosinn, it's in the specific parameters for the windows/applications17:38
pafnowright clic in the title bar of a window17:39
pafnowadvanced/special parameters for window17:39
pafnowand here in the first tab (window) you can select the window class (put nothing here, select not important in the menu)17:40
foosinni think i need to change my xorg config17:40
pafnow(sorry for my english)17:40
pafnowi don't think so17:40
pafnowu have 2 monitors which work ?17:41
foosinnbut ist a bit strange17:41
pafnowwhy ?17:41
foosinnif i loot in configurete monitors theres only one big screen17:41
foosinn(sorry vor my english, too :))17:42
pafnowes it's the same for me17:42
pafnowin the tab multiple monitors in display in the configuration center of kde17:43
pafnowyou have a way to detect each monitor by displaying a 1 and a 217:44
pafnowafter that, xorg creates one default output which fits the two monitors17:44
pafnowhow no ?17:44
foosinni have just one big default in the middle ^^17:44
pafnowyes it's the default output17:45
pafnowbut in the left panel u must have other menu17:46
pafnowno ?17:46
foosinnin which panel?17:47
n8wis there any kind of application which would handle my 5+1 sound system?(subwoofer management etc)17:48
_abbenormalalsamixer should17:50
_abbenormalthink its also on the normal mixer built into kubuntu17:50
_abbenormalit has setting for the extra channels you can configure17:50
n8w_abbenormal: hmm the thing is that my sound engine is xine...ive got no alsa..at least its not listed under the sound engine tab17:52
_abbenormal dpkg -l alsa*17:53
_abbenormalshould list if you have it17:53
_abbenormalim working on xine and getting vdpau in it so can get playback thru vdpau have you done that yet17:56
foosinnpafnow, got it =D17:57
n8w_abbenormal: hmmm ok,well it shows that ive got it...but, what kind of application shall i run in order to make some undjustments to my sound system?17:57
Mamarokn8w: alsa is installed by default, xine is only the phonon backend17:57
foosinni had to set it in the compiz config17:57
Mamarokn8w: which Kubuntu are we talking about?17:58
_abbenormaltry alsamixer in the terminal exit saves the settings17:58
n8wMamarok: 9.0417:58
Mamarok_abbenormal: xine is not the same as the phonon-xine-bckend for sound17:58
n8w_abbenormal: ive already done that17:58
n8w_abbenormal: there is nothin like bass management n so on17:58
_abbenormalah ok not worked with that yet Mamarok17:58
Mamarokn8w: you should have kmix by default where you can select the channels17:59
n8wMamarok: i cant kick it up...it wont run...ive tried that too17:59
Mamarokn8w: no loudspeaker symbol in the pager part of the panel?18:00
n8wMamarok: yep ive got that18:00
Mamarokn8w: that *is* kmix18:00
Mamarokright click on it18:00
Mamarokthen show mixer window18:00
n8wMamarok: oh ok..i thought that kmix is some sort of extension to it18:00
Mamarokn8w: also check if phonon sees your soundcard correctly, in systemsettings -> multimedia18:01
n8wMamarok: i think it does...18:02
pafnowscuse me foosinn i was on phone18:02
n8wMamarok: ye but the mixer has nothin related to a bass management18:02
_abbenormalMamarok, is there a special way to build xine in kubuntu so i can add the vdpau xine setup18:03
Mamarokn8w: all channels visible?18:03
n8wMamarok: yep18:03
Mamarok_abbenormal: don't know, I haven't used xine in ages18:03
pafnowso u found something foosinn ?18:03
n8wMamarok: another thing is that when i plug in my headphones the sound is bein played from speakes as well18:04
foosinnpafnow: yes, i set it up in compiz18:04
foosinnnow it works fine18:04
pafnowin compiz ?18:04
pafnowbut it works18:04
n8wMamarok: so the sound is comin from both...headphones+speakers18:04
Mamarokn8w: check the channel settings in the mixer window then, you might have to change the master channel18:05
n8wMamarok: change to what...i dont rly know what to change it to18:05
dwidmann_n8w: it should usually be master or pcm18:07
Mamarokn8w: well, I don't know either, you will have to try it out, unless you can find some docu about your soundcard online18:07
_abbenormalcan i post a url in the room18:11
dwidmann__abbenormal: if it's not to something that violates the CoC, then I should think so18:12
_abbenormalhum looking up coc18:12
_abbenormalno its related to the topic of sound control e8n is looking for18:13
dwidmann__abbenormal: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2Fconduct&ei=sQJiSrfLG4GasgO6ufhm&usg=AFQjCNHTDuUhqAx6yq9BLe2ibYOikMcTYw&sig2=62meBNDU0yUCLBgPJDL_lg18:13
_abbenormalthink he may need to setup midi type control to do treble and bass18:13
alex_who can help me?18:14
alex_i have a little problem18:14
_abbenormalno ne cause we dont know your issue18:14
_abbenormalne = one18:14
alex_the issue is this18:15
_abbenormaln8w, look thru these pages http://www.google.com/search?q=linux+sound+bass+control&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a18:15
alex_i can't write sone folders in www on sistem files18:15
n8w_abbenormal: thx m8 ill take a look at it18:15
alex_i've installed lamp18:16
alex_everyting it's ok18:16
_abbenormaln8w, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-desktop-adjust-sound-volume-control/ that my do the trick18:16
=== peterz` is now known as peterz
_abbenormalmy = may18:17
alex_and i want to see a site18:17
alex_and i can't put the files of a site in folder var/www18:17
alex_but i can create a file over there over the terminal18:18
alex_i tried to enter on root, but my OS i can't do this18:19
alex_can someone help me?18:19
Mamarokalex_: sorry, I fear I don't understand what you want to do, if you say you "can't see a site"18:24
n8w_abbenormal: ye i got it:)18:24
n8w_abbenormal: im tyrin to figure out how to mute speakers when i connect my headphones..damn, dunno what to do...in ubuntu,there is smth called Headphone Jack Sense, but not in kubuntu18:25
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alex_mamarok i've tried to copy a website files made by a friend of mine into folder www of the apache server18:29
alex_and i haven't the permision to do this18:29
vprmhow do i get/install the Realtek RTL8185 for ubuntu-9.04??can i use synaptic??18:29
Mamarokalex_: how did you copy it?18:29
pafnowalex_:  what do u mean saying my os i can't do this ?18:30
pafnowalex_: which os ?18:30
alex_drag and drop18:30
pafnowand with the terminal ?18:30
alex_op ctrl+c and ctrl+v18:30
Mamarokalex_: you should use wget18:30
alex_with the terminal it  works18:30
Mamarokwhat os are you talking about?18:30
alex_but just for the files with codes18:31
alex_like .php, .txt18:31
pafnowwhat is the owner of the folder /var/www ?18:31
alex_on my computer i have one user18:31
alex_that's me18:31
pafnowyes but18:31
alex_i cant log as root18:32
pafnowwhen u type ls -l in /var what do u have ?18:32
alex_if i write over the terminal su -root18:32
pafnowif u use ubuntu, the root access is desactivated18:32
pafnowu have to use sudo18:32
Mamarokalex_: Kubuntu doesn't use su, use sudo18:32
alex_and i write my password in pass field18:32
alex_i made update over kubuntu 9.0418:32
alex_or ubuntu18:33
alex_ubuntu,i'm pretty sure18:33
pafnowalex_: when u type ls -l in /var what do u have ?18:33
alex_at first install ihave kiwi18:33
Mamarokalex_: please answer the question18:33
alex_lets see18:33
pafnow# ls -l /Var18:33
pafnow# ls -l /var18:33
Mamarokpafnow: you are repeating yourself :)18:34
pafnowMamarok: i made a mistake with MAJ18:34
alex_ls: invalid option -- '/'18:34
alex_and it send me to see the help for comand ls18:35
pafnowbut repetition is mother of knoledge18:35
Mamarokalex_: are you in a terminal as user? the ls command is *always* valid18:35
alex_yes i'm a user18:35
pafnowwhat do u type exactyl ?18:35
Mamarokwell, then check you did type correctly18:35
alex_what u write over here18:35
alex_ls -l/var18:35
pafnow# ls -l /var ?18:35
alex_just this18:35
pafnowand the space ?18:35
Mamaroklexthere is a space before the /18:36
alex_oh, sorry18:36
pafnowbetween l and /18:36
alex_without #18:36
alex_i've typed ls -l/var18:36
Mamarokalex_: please type ls -l /var18:37
alex_without space between l and /var18:37
Mamarokand tell us if you have permission to use that folder18:37
pafnowi have to go18:37
pafnowgood luck18:37
Mamarokanyway, I have to run, cu all18:37
Mamarokoops, both of us?18:37
pafnowit seems18:37
pafnowi go to the theater18:37
Mamarokwell, Saturday evening here, that's why :)18:38
Mamarokpafnow: enjoy then :)18:38
pafnowgood evening18:38
alex_drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 2009-07-18 01:32 backups18:38
alex_drwxr-xr-x 20 root root  4096 2009-07-18 18:15 cache18:38
pafnowMamarok: u too18:38
alex_drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 2008-10-24 08:57 crash18:38
alex_drwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 2008-10-29 19:39 games18:38
alex_drwxr-xr-x 63 root root  4096 2009-07-18 18:15 lib18:38
FloodBotK1alex_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:38
alex_drwxrwsr-x  2 root staff 4096 2008-10-20 15:27 local18:38
_abbenormalhave fun be safe and thanks Mamarok18:38
Mamarokalexei: stop!18:38
pafnowjust the line with www ;)18:38
Mamarokalex_: please don't paste in the channel, you should only tell us if you have permissions or not, and you don't18:39
alex_drwxr-xr-x  4 root root  4096 2009-07-18 19:04 www18:39
Mamarokalex_: stop!18:39
alex_ok, man18:39
Mamarokalex_: we didn't ask you to post the output, only to see if you have permission18:39
Mamarokand you don't, so of course you can't write in that folder18:40
alex_ok, i understand18:40
alex_so what can i do18:40
alex_to have the permision18:40
alex_because if i haven't how i use the apache server?18:40
alex_just creating the files over the terminal?18:41
Mamarokalex_: well, are you sure you known how to dminister a webserver? maybe some documentation reading would be good before you start18:41
alex_before to use the ubuntu OS18:42
alex_i've used windows18:42
dwidmann_Linux isn't Windows18:43
alex_and over that i knew what to do18:43
alex_i know18:43
Mamarokalex_: well, there is documentation about lamp available:18:43
Mamarok!lamp | alex_18:43
ubottualex_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:43
Mamarokand you really should read before you do something18:43
Captain_HaddockThere's also #apache18:43
MamarokCaptain_Haddock: I don't think this is a good idea, they will send him to read the docu anyway18:43
alex_thanks alot18:43
Mamarokalex_: you are welcome18:43
alex_i understand18:44
alex_no problem18:44
Captain_HaddockMamarok: well, that's what he should be doing and where he should be asking18:44
Mamarokalex_: we are here to help you if the docu is not enough or if something doesn't work, but you will have to read things yourself18:44
alex_another thing18:45
alex_on virtual machine18:45
alex_how i do to see the shared folders over the OS18:45
Captain_Haddockalex_: Please try and type your question all in one line :)18:45
Captain_HaddockWhich virtual machine? Which OS?18:46
Mamarokalex_: also telling us which virtual OS you are talking about might help18:46
alex_in virtual machine how i do to see the shared folders over the OS ?18:46
alex_in my country many people work with this18:46
alex_and i steel keep windows for college18:47
alex_and i want to share the folders on the linux thru windows18:47
Captain_Haddockalex: Linux <-> Windows sharing _in Linux_ is usually accomplished using samba18:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:47
Mamarokalex_: well, not everybody needs windows18:47
alex_u're right18:48
alex_but tell this to my teachers18:48
_abbenormalhey magical18:49
_abbenormalhey marsel18:49
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_abbenormalhey sathish_18:56
=== sathish_ is now known as sathish
_abbenormalis there an easy way to remove xine from 9.0.418:57
_abbenormali need to rebuild it for vdpau support18:57
_abbenormalgoogle is not helping today18:57
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Brian__just installed kubuntu again. i hope my wifi works19:05
Brian__anyone talk in here19:07
Brian__ok ive running into a problem when i try to download new plasma widgets,  everytime it says installation failed-19:09
Brian__when i goto add widgets then install new widjets, then download new plasma widgets19:10
miglosince my upgrade to 9.04 the automatic dial in during the boot procedure does not work anymore19:35
migloI have used pppoeconf to recreate everthing but this also did not help19:36
migloI had no such problems after all the upgrades I did befor19:37
miglonow, I have to start the dial-in procedure each time after login manually :-(19:38
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CSS_Guruis Java one of the Linux programming languages?19:55
fritzisonlinehi bazhang and avihay, i solved the problem this morning.19:56
CSS_Gurufritz aka Adam?19:57
CSS_Gurumy real name is Rolf, im German too19:58
fritzisonlinei'm the jaunty jackal19:58
CSS_Guruim a jaunty Jackson 519:58
fritzisonlineif you enter lots of lines in hosts file manually, networkmanager tries to reformat the file ...19:58
fritzisonlineand makes huge sized debugging file which like never stops growing19:59
CSS_Guruwhat's the top programming language for linux?20:00
fritzisonlinewhenever i tried to login the debugging process keeps working20:00
fritzisonlineso i had to remove that 905Mb file manually and reset the hosts file again.20:00
yesitisjustmewhen i try to run googleearth the screen turns black anyone know what is wrong?20:01
fritzisonlineCSS_Guru: nice to meet you i'm from hasselt limburg20:02
fritzisonlinehave you been there20:02
CSS_Guruich bin berlina20:03
CSS_Guruneun und achtzig20:06
twoheadedboycould someone help me set up wireless in 9.04 on my laptop? I've looked at guides and tried both native and windows drivers and can't seem to get it to work. I've previously set up wireless on this laptop in linux before but not in this install20:06
navneeti want to run ultamatix on ubuntu ultimate20:09
navneetbut it stops working when tries for internet connection20:10
navneetanyone help plzzzz20:11
barbapaThe deposit "Neon project" is only for the last Amarok? No souci with (the perfect) KDE 4.3 RC2?20:26
barbapasure, I don't want to break my system :)20:27
barbapaso I ask before...20:27
twoheadedboycan anyone help me get wireless to work in 9.04? here's my lshw -C network output: http://www.pastey.net/11774820:29
vtorsaraivathis chat is for what?20:29
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=== Guest59238 is now known as bw-tech
bw-techhi I have both gnome and kde installed, but using gnome, it boots much faster, is there a way to speed up the boot time when using kde this is on jaunty.20:38
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darthanubisanyone elses plasmoids for temps reading F instead of C?20:41
pataroki have 4 blocked updates ? what can i do to "un"block them?21:08
CrOnOshi whats the topic now?21:09
Arcolinuxhey  i have a problem21:24
Arcolinuxwhen i tri to attacha file in gmail or yahoo and said attach file to choose one file suddenly the window closes21:25
Arcolinuxplease help me21:25
Arcolinuxin konsole the result is21:26
Arcolinux"segmentation fault"21:26
Arcolinuxany idea????21:26
Dragnslcrpatarok- you can install them from Konsole with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:26
darthanubisaccurate sensor plasmoid21:39
darthanubisanyone know of any?21:39
Arcolinuxhelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee21:39
darthanubisMine seem to be accurate but showing "F" instead of "C"21:39
darthanubisArcolinux: that is not how it works21:40
Arcolinuxi m so dessesperate with that problem21:40
darthanubisthat's fine but fon't become a troll21:40
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience21:40
Arcolinuxi think i m gonna give up with linux21:42
Arcolinuxback to windows again21:43
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
darthanubisArcolinux: take care21:48
sharifHow to know current Hostname of Ubuntu Machine21:48
Arcolinuxthe problem is that it doesnt let me do absuluttely nothing21:49
darthanubiscat /etc/hostname21:49
darthanubisArcolinux: Ok well boot into Windows7. You'll feel ess frustrated21:49
sharifThanks darthanubis21:50
barbaroshi , i could not install firefox kubuntu21:50
darthanubisbarbaros: I could21:50
Arcolinuxwindows 7 is better tahn linux21:50
darthanubisArcolinux: use it then21:51
Captain_HaddockArcolinux: please grow up and then come back.21:51
darthanubisno one here will be mad or notice your departure21:51
Arcolinuxhow old are you??? 13???? jajajajajajajaja fuck you21:51
darthanubistombstone him21:51
darthanubisArcolinux: goodbye:)21:52
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:52
darthanubiswe attract the worst of the worst users21:54
aaron_can somebody help me figure out why I get junk on my screen in jaunty? I'm using the intel driver with a g45 and even without compositing there are lots of graphical problem...22:01
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
compilerwriterIf one is get a .run file via ftp from the command line one needs to set the mode to binary doesn't one.  I haven't done and ftp from the command line in years.22:04
aaron_compilerwriter: you can check if it's executable by using ls -l. If there's an x in... I forget which slot, then you should be able to run it22:06
compilerwriterThanks aaron_ what I was getting at was does one need to set the ftp transfer mode to binary when one is making the transfer?  I did set it that way and so far the package is running nicely with /bin/sh we shall see I guess.22:08
aaron_compilerwriter: sorry, I don't know :-(22:08
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
compilerwriterI only very vaguely remember things like uuencode and command line ftp stuff.22:08
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
aaron_compilerwriter: it has to be on the command line? KDE has an ftp protocol you can use from konqueror or dolphin, I believe22:09
compilerwriterit does if KDE is working for you aaron_; but sometimes, when that is the problem one is trying to fix, one must do things the old fashioned way.22:11
compilerwriterCome to think of it an old fashioned would be quite refreshing about now.  I have been pulling out what is left of my hair for an hour now.22:12
compilerwriteraaron_ every once in a while you have to go old school.  Tow truck drivers actually have to sling badly damaged cars once in a while.22:14
aaron_compilerwriter: good luck :-)22:15
zenioralguien habla español22:16
=== mushrOOm is now known as VerliHub
compilerwriter!es zenior22:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es zenior22:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:18
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
compilerwriterforgot the blasted pipe.22:19
compilerwriter!es | zenior22:19
ubottuzenior: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:19
compilerwriterThanks aaron_22:20
sharifHow to restart apache and php5 and mysql from terminal22:20
compilerwriterabout to do a restart now. We shall see how it turns out.22:20
aaron_no problem22:20
aaron_sharif: I'm not sure but I think you can do with /etc/init.d/apache restart22:20
aaron_or something similar...22:20
sharifThanks, how about mysql and php22:21
aaron_it should be a similar line for each22:22
aaron_/etc/init.d/mysql restart22:22
aaron_I'm not sure where you get the actual names from22:22
chatmanphp doesn't need to be restarted - apache restart does it22:22
compilerwritersharif: you might find it useful to do an /etc/init.d/whatever stop and then do an /etc/init.d/whatever start.  That way you are certain things did indeed get fresh instantiations.22:23
sharifmust write sudo first22:23
compilerwriterthat or do all three after a sudo su sharif22:23
sharifsudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart22:24
sharifthat works :) thanks :)22:24
compilerwriterI have thus far successfully struck the F1 key to continue.  The machine has not blown up yet.22:25
sharifbut for apache22:25
sharifsudo /etc/init.d/apache restart22:25
sharifsudo: /etc/init.d/apache: command not found22:25
aaron_try /etc/init.d/apache2 restart22:25
aaron_with sudo :-)22:25
* compilerwriter hopes that he might be pouring a snifter of napoleon and lighting a cuban robust soon.22:25
* compilerwriter notices the progress bar is progressing nicely; thinks perhaps he may well have got it this time.22:26
* compilerwriter casts his eyes up to the heavens and crosses himself.22:27
sharifdo you know how to protect PHP script ?22:28
sharifwith ubuntu ?22:28
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tahirhhello everyone22:28
* compilerwriter mutters curses, oaths, and epithets sotto voce. Wrong damned driver version loaded.22:29
tahirhhello sharif22:29
compilerwriterhello tahirh22:30
tahirhdoes anyone know know the main logs that should be checked for system administration of a linux machine?22:31
bernardlychananyone know how to have just the dektop on one screen (i have laptop and monitor). it was fine with gnu before but cant do it with kde.22:31
tahirhhello compilerwriter22:31
bernardlychananyone know how to have just the dektop on one screen (i have laptop and monitor). it was fine with gnu before but cant do it with kde.22:32
* compilerwriter curses once again22:32
aaron_tahirh: /var/log/syslog seems to have lots of stuff in it...22:32
llutztahirh: auth.log, syslog, messages, daemon.log22:33
aaron_can somebody help me figure out why I get junk on my screen in jaunty? I'm using the intel driver with a g45 and even without compositing there are lots of graphical problems22:34
tahirhbut what does each set of logs show? I am just looking for the main ones for sys admininstration.22:35
tahirhThey all seem to be located in /var/log/22:37
llutztahirh: they are, that's the place logs have to be22:38
tahirhIf my computer crashes and I have to power it down and then restart it. Which log shows the reason for the shutdown (the cause) after the restart?22:39
tahirhllutz are all logs always kept in /var/log ??22:40
llutztahirh: systemwide logs should be there, yes22:40
tahirhso application logs though could be somewhere else?22:41
compilerwritertahirh they can be kept wherever you want them to be kept in most instances.  You may have to tweak the settings of the individual programs a bit though.22:42
compilerwritertahirh: I personally would want my system logs and application logs kept in at least two distinct folders though.22:43
tahirhthanks for that22:44
tahirhbut which log shows why a system is forced to shut down? or are there more than one set of logs to be checked for that?22:45
compilerwritertahirh: often the default for a program that has logs is to keep it in the programs directory22:45
tahirhi have read that everything in linux is a file. But what about a process, a daemon, that is not a file is it?? I am confused by that.22:47
tahirhIs a daemon a file too?22:47
zorael_tahirh: numerical directories in /proc correspond to your running processes22:50
=== zorael_ is now known as Zorael
compilerwritertahirh: a daemon is not a file22:51
compilerwritera daemon is usually a process22:51
compilerwriter!daemon | compilerwriter22:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about daemon22:51
tahirhso not everything in linux is a file?22:51
tahirhdaemons are not files.22:52
Zoraelthere's a UNIX ideal to have everything be represented as a file, but not everything is.22:52
compilerwritertahirh your monitor is a file, your printer is a file, your scanner is a file, your keyboard and mouse are files, but running programs are not files.22:53
tahirhOkay so in Linux there are processes and files.22:53
brihi all im really new to kubntu and am just maessing about trying to get the hand of things but every time i try to change screen saver it says Directory does not exist: "/usr/share/backgrounds"22:54
tahirhJust those two things.22:54
briany ideas on how to resolve it please22:54
compilerwritertahirh: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_(computer_software) will explain daemons to you.22:54
compilerwriterDaemons handle things like printer ques and disk management etc.22:56
aaron_does anybody know if there will be an updated intel driver in karmic? One that might fix the graphics problems I'm having?22:57
tahirhThanks compilerwriter22:58
compilerwritertahirh: I hope that has proven helpful.22:59
tahirhIt has but I have more questions .... can there be more than one root user on a machine? like root1 and root2?23:00
tahirhso you can log what root1 has done and root2 has done separately if you see what I mean.23:00
compilerwritertahirh: Yes there can be more than one person who is allowed to have root powers.  In *buntu flavors though one rarely is actually root.  One borrows root powers via sudo to do most things.  Every once in a while when I have a lot of root user tasks I will sudo su which in essence logs me in as root.23:01
compilerwritertahirh: that saves me the trouble of typing sudo in front of everything I do.  and then typing a password.23:02
tahirhbut can you create a root2 account with the same powers and privileges as root?23:03
compilerwriterYes one can, tahirh, but one really should not.23:03
tahirhand with a different password. Is that a good thing to do when you have two sysadmins using the one machine?23:03
tahirhbut what about when you have two sysadmins. And you want to log what each one does on the one machine??23:04
compilerwriterit becomes a security hole to have one root account much less two.  There probably is a way to see which sudoer did what, but that is something I have never ventured into.23:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoer23:05
tahirhthanks compilewriter!23:07
llutztahirh: read "man sudoers", specially the part with "logname". configure sudo and use logging to see what every "root" did23:07
llutztahirh: and btw, "root" is just a name, UID 0 has the power :)23:08
tahirhllutz: that would log the time and what root did But not what each person did. So that does not give an audit trail of what each user did.23:08
tahirhi.e as what each person did23:09
tahirhtherefore can't connect the person to the commands that they ran.23:09
compilerwriterKind of ironic that the big 0 has the power llutz23:10
llutzcompilerwriter: it's like real-life :(23:11
llutztahirh: you're looking for stuff like "whowatch"23:12
Arv3ndoes the enemy territory quake wars demo have multiplayer?23:13
Arv3ni wanna test it before i buy it. =/23:13
tahirhllutz: thanks that helps a bit23:15
tahirhAnother question, people talk about "attack vectors" . Do people view ssh as an attack vector on Linux?23:17
Dragnslcrtahirh- mostly only if you have obvious usernames and weak passwords23:18
Dragnslcrfail2ban is a real handy utility to take care of brute-force attacks23:19
tahirhis a dictionary attack a type of brute force attack?23:19
Dragnslcrtahirh- yeah, usually an attacker would use a dictionary to try to go for the more likely passwords first23:22
tahirhwhy does brute force or a dictionary attack work when normally a system would stop the attacker after 3 password attempt and lock them out?23:24
DragnslcrBecause you need something else to do the lock out23:24
tahirhHow can a program try thousands of names and words - why does the lock out then not work after a few attempts?23:25
Dragnslcrsshd won't do that by itself, and obviously there are enough servers out there that don't have a lock-out policy to make brute force attacks worth the attempt23:25
tahirhso it is because the sysadmins are careless and do not implement a lock out policy on their machines?23:26
tahirhthat is stupid.23:27
DragnslcrPretty much, yeah23:27
DragnslcrEspecially since there are good utilities (fail2ban is probably the most popular) to do it for you23:28
tahirhso Dragnslcr you just install fail2ban on a server and let it take care of things for you?23:29
DragnslcrYou have to configure it a bit, but yeah23:30
tahirhhow can an attacker gain root status if he can only ssh in as a normal user?23:31
llutztahirh: take an ubuntu-system: no root, 1.user-passwd == root-passwd23:32
DragnslcrPlenty of ways. Could use some local privilege elevation exploit23:33
tahirhllutz: so it is best practice to set up a root account as well as a normal account. But I think that is standard in Ubuntu hence sudo for privileged status?23:34
DragnslcrNo, you don't usually need a root password23:34
tahirhDragnslcr: if the system is patched then is the privilege escalation unlikely?23:34
DragnslcrYou should always use normal accounts and sudo23:35
tahirhDragnslcr: you don't need a root passwd because the user passwd=root-passwd?23:35
DragnslcrI would say it's best to assume that a determined attacker can find a local exploit to use if they get access, so you should do everything you can to prevent unauthorized access23:36
DragnslcrNot quite. sudo uses the user's password. There is no root password at all23:36
tahirhCan I disable sudo and just use su?23:37
llutztahirh: you can23:37
tahirhllutz: is that good practice?23:37
llutztahirh: i think it's not recommended here, but standard in all other linux/bsd/unices23:38
tahirhBut then how can I momentarily run something as root and then go back to normal user? "su passwd && command" would that work?23:38
llutz"man su"23:39
=== derrick__ is now known as d-master
moz44all:hello guys, I need help with the error: dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2). It occurs with anything i try to install via apt-get23:39
tahirh"su -c" i think from the manpage23:40
Dragnslcrtahirh- sudo has become standard practice in most *nix systems23:40
Dragnslcrtahirh- you run a command just by putting sudo in front of the command, e.g. "sudo nano /etc/somefile.conf"23:41
llutzDragnslcr: sudo is common but not as root-replacement23:41
DragnslcrFor a desktop, always use kdesudo for KDE GUI programs23:41
tahirhDragnslcr: there are machines I log onto which don't take sudo. I have to su over ssh which is not good I think.23:41
Dragnslcrtahirh- depends entirely on how the server is set up23:42
Dragnslcrllutz- yeah, the root account is usually still enabled, but from my experience, using it is generally discouraged in favor of sudo23:42
tahirhI would like to use su command like sudo command i.e briefly to run the command and then go back to being the normal user again.23:43
DragnslcrObviously not everyone has switched to sudo, but I think it's a fairly steady migration23:43
moz44hello guys, I need help with the error: dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2). Any ideas?23:43
Dragnslcrtahirh- you just use sudo to run commands. You don't have to worry about going back to your normal user account afterwards23:44
Gerlofhi all23:44
Gerlofhow can i install flash mixrosuck silverlight  ?23:44
Gerlof- sudo apt-get  ..23:45
Dragnslcr!info flashplugin-installer | Gerlof23:45
ubottuGerlof: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 176 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)23:45
Gerlofok thx23:45
tahirhDragnslcr: I can't on some machines cos it says "I am not in the sudoers file"23:45
llutzDragnslcr: i see something like "ALL=(ALL) ALL" in sudoers as a securityhole. sudo is usefull to grant limited access to _some_ commands for a smal group of users, but imho not made for general admin-usage23:46
pafnowGerlof: http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight23:46
Dragnslcrtahirh- then you need some other way to get root access to add yourself to the sudoers file23:46
tahirhso I have to "su" to get access i.e become root23:46
pafnowGerlof: http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/23:46
Gerlofsudo is good23:46
Gerlofthen ask for pass  >  ok23:47
pafnowGerlof: i suceeded with these two links23:47
Dragnslcrllutz- if you're in a company, though, you can use sudo to give people root access without having to give them the root password, which makes things easier when people leave the company23:47
llutzDragnslcr: that's what sudo was made for23:48
DragnslcrAs with everything else, there really isn't a "X is always best"23:49
Arv3nwho else is using kde 4.3?23:50
pafnowArv3n: me23:50
DragnslcrI would recommend using sudo all the time just because it's usually better, so it's a good habit to get into. If someone that knows what they're doing doesn't want to use it, though, I'll trust them to know what's best for their specific situation23:50
tahirhThanks guys. How can I enable sudo for people without giving away root passwd?23:50
Dragnslcrtahirh- you use visudo to edit the sudoers file23:50
tahirhvisudo /etc/sudoers. And then I add the "user" to ALL=(ALL) ALL23:51
DragnslcrJust "visudo"23:52
DragnslcrOr "sudo visudo" if you aren't already root23:52
Arv3ncheck out my dark desktop: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k117/xArv3nx/snapshot2-3.jpg23:52
Arv3nits funny, it only took a few minutes to come up with23:53
Arv3ntheming is not gnomes strong point :<23:53
tahirhI did sudo visudo but got "not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."23:53
tahirhI think I have to be su23:54
tahirhBut is not a risk giving users sudo powers?23:55
llutzsure it is23:55
tahirhSo it is a no no then really :)23:56
tahirhtoo risky23:56
=== pafnow_ is now known as pafnow
llutztahirh: give only those rights, people really need to have and only to those who need23:57
tahirhwhat if they need them but can't have them because it is too risky as they could potentially wipe everything out as there are crossmounts everywhere?23:58
tahirhwhat would you do in that situation?23:58

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