
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY06:15
savvas0hi :) I started making up the SVG artwork that don't appear to be included for several 16x16 icons: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/human-icon-theme/+bug/149047 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~medigeek/+junk/human-scalable-icons - But before I go on, is there anyone that knows if the SVG of the icons exist in someone's hard drive and weren't uploaded? The list of missing svg icons is at comment #2509:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 149047 in human-icon-theme "Various icons don't have 48x48 nor scalable version" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:18
FLOZzhi \o_11:01
SiDihi ¬o¬11:06
mac_vckontros> ;p17:19
mac_vckontros> the system search icon looks too similar to the zoom icons, how about adding a paper behind it?17:24
SiDimac_v, https://launchpad.net/notify-historical like this one ? :D17:34
mac_vyeah... something like that17:35
mac_vSiDi> BTW , is the notify-history done? will it be in the Karmic universe ?17:36
SiDiI need to patch n-o, but i'm working on exaile for now17:36
SiDii'll probably finish this in the very beginning of August17:36
mac_vSiDi> i think you need to *inhale* first ;p17:37
SiDiThat was the most epic pun i ever heard about Exaile.17:37
SiDiIn fact it was the only one.17:37
ckontrosmichote: I'm adding you to our "AUTHORS" file for Breathe and I'd like to know what name you would like to use?18:51
SiDihe wants to use SiDi18:53
* SiDi hides18:53
michoteckontros: real name?18:53
ckontrosIf you're comfortable with that.18:53
ckontrosSame question for mac_v. ^^^18:54
michoteckontros: would be ok for me, what did the others?18:54
ckontrosmichote: Everyone so far has real names.18:54
ckontros(in the file)18:54
savvasDoes anyone know if someone has the SVG artwork of many Human 16x16 icons backed up somewhere deep in their 2006-ish hard drives? :P bug #14904718:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 149047 in human-icon-theme "Various icons don't have 48x48 nor scalable version" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14904718:56
ckontrossavvas: For stuff like that its good to grab an old ISO image or the .deb from a old release and unpack it.18:56
ckontros*IF* they even exist. (the 16px icons that is)18:57
savvaseh? they're not in the repository18:57
savvas16x16 icons exist, their respective scalable svg versions don't18:57
ckontrossavvas: Ok. Then I'm unsure why anyone else would have them. :) Besides the firm (IconFactory I think) that made them originally.18:58
savvasthat's a wonderful tip!!18:59
ckontrosThat kwwii shoulda mentioned in the bug. :P18:59
savvasI haven't noticed it, I've sent him an email about some clarification regarding this matter through launchpad, I guess he's busy :)19:00
savvasoh well, in the end we'll have my ugly version vs theirs :P19:01
michoteckontros: you can add me with real name and my googlemail-address than19:03
mac_vckontros> i think we should also add SiDi to the credits ;p19:05
ckontrosmichote: I can't find your real name anywhere. :)19:05
michoteckontros: Micha Reischuck19:06
ckontrosmichote: Don't use: micha (aT) reischucks.de?19:06
michoteckontros: I did, I changed all my mailinglist/wiki stuff to reischuck.micha (aT) googlemail.com some days ago, but seems that I didn't sended to the list since I changed it ;)19:10
ckontrosmichote: Gotcha19:10
michoteckontros: ;P19:11
savvasckontros: iconfactory.com right?19:12
ckontrossavvas: Yes. But, best to talk to kwwii about this.19:12
ckontrosAFAIK even Canonical didn't get the sources to alot of things.19:12
savvasah crap19:13
ckontrosI actually redrew the SVG for the "computer" icon in Human.19:13
SiDimac_v, i didnt contribute to Breathe at all ;)19:13
* mac_v thinks SiDi did in spirit ;p19:13
savvasyou breathe don't you?19:14
savvashehe :)19:14
mac_vsavvas~ hehe..today SiDi has been getting a lot of puns19:14
savvasdamn, I always come second19:15
* SiDi commits suicide and pushes to his graveyard branch19:17
* ckontros tries desperately not to make a sexual joke.19:17
SiDiKeep trying ckontros PLEASE !19:17
mac_vckontros~ bzr pull will update this new rev? just asking since you mention something about merge19:29
mac_vupdate my local to this rev^19:29
ckontrosmac_v: Correct19:29
ckontrosmac_v: Note that while CD'ed into your BZR dir, runnin': "bzr-buildpackage --native" will create a up-to-date .deb for you to install.19:34
ckontrosmac_v: You'll need a package called "bzr-builddeb" installed. (or something like that) As well as cdbs I think.19:35
mac_voh.. ok19:35
* mac_v will have to take a bazaar tour some day19:36
SiDickontros, bzr buildpackage only works with branches containing a proper debian directory, right ?19:48
ckontrosSiDi: Correct.19:49
* SiDi wants tools that will take a tarball and make a deb package out of it without anything to do19:49
savvasthey're called binary debian packages :)19:53
savvascheckinstall ?19:53
ckontrossavvas: bzr buildpackage is basically checkinstall IIRC.19:54
zniavre_SiDi,  http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Make+DEB+Package?content=79785  ? (i never tried this script)19:54
savvasckontros: true :)19:56
savvasI prefer creating a debian source package with debhelper 7 though19:56
savvashttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~surl/surl/trunk/files :P19:57
SiDizniavre_, according to the script's author its broken xD19:57
zniavre_ooops sorry19:57
FLOZzho hi zniavre_ _o/20:03
savvasSiDi: which program?20:11
SiDisavvas, huh ?20:11
savvaswhich program do you want to package? :P20:12
SiDisavvas, many20:12
savvasyou can file bugs with needs-packaging tag in launchpad :P20:12
SiDihehe :)20:12
SiDiI just ask our packaging gurus in Xubuntu20:12
savvasthere was a tool for packaging debs like checkinstall, but with gui20:13
savvasI can't remember the name though20:13
savvaswell, laters!20:14
mac_vhei ... doe anyone know where the gnome-pane separator pixmap is?21:23
mac_vit is the same as the nautilus separator21:26
FLOZzbye _o/22:20

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