
micahgOT, yofel, I did some confirmed bugs for the bugday so it wasn't all white :)00:00
hggdhLaibsch: Scott's nick is keybuk00:00
yofelmicahg: yes, I saw that today :D00:00
jander99I've come across a new type of bug I haven't come in contact yet, with these old bugs.  One where its linked to two packages, one with a Fix Released, the other with New status.  Could someone look at bug 51591 and determine whether I just need to set Fix Released for sysvinit?00:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 51591 in acpid "acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5159100:01
bcurtiswxjander99: looks fixed released to me00:03
bcurtiswxi gotta read further next time00:03
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jander99It shows in my New search, coming up under sysvinit. I think it might have been mistakenly filed under sysvinit, so "Invalid"?00:04
hggdhyofel: this is certainly *not* a needs-packaging00:07
yofelhggdh: I removed the tag and changed the description, any specific location I should assign it to?00:09
jander991re: bug 120534 report states problem is fixed in a newer version, but Dapper uses the affected package.  How would I label this bug? Confirmed?00:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 120534 in backup-manager "Files in repository not matching name convention will be deleted during clean-up" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12053400:29
bcurtiswxisn't Dapper reaching EOL?00:30
jander991Not for server00:31
jander991desktop reached it last month.00:31
bcurtiswxah, ok00:31
jander991backup-manager is a CLI program, so I figured it could be still be trouble for -server variants.00:31
hggdhdarn! I *am* trying to leave xchat, but this is getting to be difficult :-(00:33
hggdhyofel, I am not sure about what else to do there00:33
hggdhwell, this is Friday, and I will have to go away before sundown. Sorry, folks. *this* time, *this* time, I must00:34
jander99hggdh: Enjoy the weekend.00:34
hggdhjander99, I wish I would be able to keep the whole weekend out of Ubuntu ;-)00:35
micahgyeah hggdh, I have to head home myself00:35
hggdhmicahg, yes... Enjoy00:35
bcurtiswxhggdh and micahg, enjoy the weekend :D00:36
micahgjander991: check the list of programs that will continue to receive updates for dapper00:36
micahgthanks bcurtiswx00:36
hggdhbcurtiswx, same to you00:36
bcurtiswxthanks, i will be here during the weekend.. im just that kinda guy00:37
hggdhwell... I will try to stay away... but... je me sens un peu faible, so there ;-)00:38
jander99micahg: where can I find this list?00:38
hggdhgo good night, and good Saturday to all00:38
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* bcurtiswx kicks gnome bugzilla03:37
jander99you tell 'em!03:49
bcurtiswxanyone know here is only bug-control can make private bugs public?.. i think so, but idk04:48
andresmujicayeap only bug control04:48
andresmujicaand the reporter itself if i'm not wrong...04:49
hggdhand not all bugs; an apport bug, for example, initially is accessible only by apport (backoffice)04:50
bcurtiswxwell im talking to the empathy people, how can they keep involved in their LP bugs?04:50
bcurtiswxim adopting empathy04:51
bcurtiswxid like to, idk if theres somethign i have to do to make it official04:51
andresmujicanevermind...   i don't think an official something is needed. i suppose just triaging empathy bugs is enough..04:56
bcurtiswxthe "burden" you could say, is that i think ill have to keep track of the telepathy managers too04:57
andresmujicaalso as empathy is targeted as default app for Karmic its bugs would be solved faster...04:57
andresmujicayeap.. sure!04:58
andresmujicaan apport hook exists for empathy, or is too soon for one?04:58
bcurtiswxi would love for an apport hook04:58
bcurtiswxidk of one existing yet04:58
andresmujicatalking about it, hggdh do you now if there's a list of apport hooks being developed?05:00
bcurtiswxhow do i make sure i get "subscribed" to all the empathy reported bugs?05:00
bcurtiswxim guessing thats something i should probably do05:00
andresmujicaempathy source page at launchpad05:00
bcurtiswxi may need to set up a gmail filter for these05:03
bcurtiswxive added a debugging empathy thing in the debugging procedures page05:04
bcurtiswxits straight from the live.gnome.org site... but since we are making it default.. i figured it may come in handy05:05
andresmujicaprobably you should subscribe to their mailing lists too...  i'd supposed they're discussing a lot about it05:05
andresmujicanice :)05:05
bcurtiswxhggdh: do you still play with empathy 2.27.4 ?05:25
jander99I busted through over 100 old bugs today. /flex06:38
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bcurtiswxgood day all16:08
BUGabundohey bcurtiswx16:09
BUGabundohey chrisccoulson16:09
chrisccoulsonhi BUGabundo16:09
bcurtiswxhey BUGabundo16:09
BUGabundohey guys16:10
bcurtiswxanyone here think my bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-sounds/+bug/400485 is fairly important?16:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 400485 in ubuntu-sounds "Empathy sounds not in default ubuntu theme" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:13
bcurtiswxi may just be biased so i will shutup if necessary :P16:13
hggdhwell, if Empathy will be the preferred thingy on 9.10, it probably should be there17:12
* hggdh is still virtually here17:12
hggdhbcurtiswx, ^^17:12
chrisccoulsonhello hggdh17:13
BUGabundohey hggdh. tas bom17:13
chrisccoulsonBUGabundo - did you say you were having issues dragging applets on your panel?17:14
BUGabundochrisccoulson: I did17:14
chrisccoulson(a few days ago)17:14
BUGabundoand I filed a bug17:14
chrisccoulsondid you get it sorted?17:14
chrisccoulsonhyperair had a similar thing yesterday i think17:14
BUGabundostill sufering from it on a fresh install17:14
hggdhchrisccoulson, hi17:58
BUGabundoslow starday hggdh?17:59
hggdhBUGabundo, very, I am quite busy arranjing for a trip tomorrow, on a contract18:01
BUGabundowait a min. you work on sundays?18:02
hggdhheh. No, usually nobody really works on Sundays in the US. But I have to travel on Sunday to be there on Monday 083018:03
BUGabundoso I guess its far way from home?18:03
BUGabundohope you nail it!18:03
hggdhthis time, amazingly, it is not -- just about 3/4 hours by car (or ~30 min by plane) -- it is in Austin, TX, and I live in the DFW area (Dallas Forth Worth)18:04
hggdhand it is nailed :-)18:05
BUGabundooh good18:06
BUGabundobut you know I have very limit knowledge of USA locations18:07
* BUGabundo like most usa ppl have of the rest of the world :)18:07
hggdhoh, no, do you mean we do not know, say, where Portugal is? You are wrong! It is common knowledge that Portugal is a province of Spain, and you speak a very weird dialect of Spanish18:10
* BUGabundo slaps hggdh so hard, he can see the moon walking way18:11
BUGabundoe vou fazer keixinhas aos teus Pais!18:12
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campbellI am trying to get started helping with bugs, I am still a little confused about launchpad and the procedures of the BugSquad... would someone be willing to help me deal with this random "bug" that was just reported #401148... I think it is invalid19:48
BUGabundohi campbell19:49
BUGabundobug 40114819:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 401148 in ubuntu-docs "I make video in Jaunty" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40114819:49
BUGabundofor starters its on the wrong plave19:50
BUGabundoshould be in ubuntu and not on launchpad bts19:50
BUGabundook that's has already been fixed19:50
BUGabundocampbell: if you can, avoid multiple entries! it generates more bug mail, and may offend the bug reporter19:51
BUGabundobut from the look of it, give it 24 and mark is as invalid19:52
campbellthanks for your help, I will keep my eye on it19:52
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundoAHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh wth is new ajax on LP edge for Status!?!22:35
BUGabundonow I can't add a reply with the change :(22:35
AmpelbeinBUGabundo: you can still click on the package to open the oldstyle interface22:36
Ampelbeinon the edit link of the package that is22:36
BUGabundolet me see22:37
BUGabundooh right22:38
BUGabundoless UI ?22:38
AmpelbeinBUGabundo: less UI? what do you mean?22:41
BUGabundoAmpelbein: I mean that this new UI is harder to understand22:43
AmpelbeinBUGabundo: i like it.22:44
BUGabundoeheh I bet22:44
BUGabundoyou help doing it :)22:44
AmpelbeinBUGabundo: ? no... i'm not a lp-developer, not even a canonical employee ;-)22:45
BUGabundosince I just saw your reply on #lp22:45
AmpelbeinBUGabundo: well, if it's something i know or at least think i know, i help people... ;-)22:46
BUGabundoyou and me both22:46
Nicolasi have a shutdown problem/bug with ubuntu 9.0.4 32bit22:51
Nicolascould someone help me out?22:51
Nicolaswhen i shutdown ubuntu, in the last step, many lines of exceptions appears and the machine stays there and doesn't shutdown22:53
BUGabundohi Nicolas22:54
BUGabundoyou are in the wrong channel22:54
BUGabundothis channel is to help bug triaging22:54
Nicolascan u tell me wich is the right one?22:54
BUGabundoplease go to #ubuntu22:55
BUGabundofor jaunty or before22:55
BUGabundoand #ubuntu+1 for karmic22:55
BUGabundoNicolas: np22:55
BUGabundoNicolas: btw do you get apport fireing on that crash or some files in /var/crash?22:55
BUGabundothat seems related to GPU drivers and kernel22:56

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