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slangasekjpds: eglibc/amd64 in accepted00:09
slangasekcjwatson: your alsa-plugins ppa upload conflicts with a same-versioned upload in karmic00:19
jpdsslangasek: All installed, how do I check that what ever was broken is fixed?00:19
slangasekjpds: well, flash+pulseaudio is one; if you can play sound through the 32-bit sound plugin when other pulseaudio apps already have the sink open, then that's fixed00:20
slangasekthat's the one I'm interested in personally; but presumably if you're an ia32-libs user, you have other things you can do to regression test?00:20
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slangasekcjwatson: the new ia32-libs doesn't seem to contain /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so AFAICS01:58
StevenKcjwatson: Yup, that was the plan, for UNR to be in main.02:47
ashbringerIs this the right channel to ask questions about configuring debian-installer? I'd like to add packages to be installed by default on the alternate CD, and I've followed the tutorial on the wiki to generate a repository I've tested and know to be installable-from, but for some reason the pgksel/include lines in the preseed file aren't being adhered to or something. What exactly do I need to do to get extra packages installed?04:42
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as Fluffles
hilehmmh noticed that on karmic ca-certificates-java fails, if you have additional internal certs in ca-certificates.conf, or maybe it does not like the key format?07:18
hilekeytool error: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: SHA384withECDSA Signature not available error adding07:18
hilenevermind already reported, bug 39210407:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392104 in ca-certificates-java "[Karmic] Update to ca-certificates 20090624 prevents ca-certificates-java from installing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39210407:20
hileexcept the report claims it's fixed in 20090629 but I saw the bug today in this version07:23
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alex-weejcan we add something to launchpad t09:35
cjwatsonslangasek: ok, I'll rev alsa-plugins09:35
alex-weej*that detects if a user is marking a bug incomplete with that stupid stock message "we were wondering..." and punches them in the face09:35
cjwatsonslangasek: IMO lib32asound2-plugins ought to ship /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so, surely?09:35
slangasekcjwatson: it's built from pulseaudio source, not alsa-lib source09:36
cjwatsonlibasound2-plugins: /usr/lib/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so09:36
alex-weejabout 3 years ago i went round reporting /lots/ of minor bugs that have never been fixed09:36
alex-weejand idiots keep making me reconfirm them every release09:36
cjwatson... not here?09:36
slangasekcjwatson: oh.09:36
slangasekcjwatson: then... building it from alsa-lib source would make a circular build-dep, but I guess that's ok09:37
cjwatsonalsa-plugins actually09:38
cjwatsonoh, I think the problem is that pulseaudio doesn't have a biarch build, so alsa-plugins can't build that module09:39
cjwatsonso, um ... should I arrange to copy just *some* files from libasound2-plugins into ia32-libs, but not others?09:39
cjwatsonStevenK: ok, added to component-mismatches, we'll see what happens10:06
ograwow, did anyone try to listen to mp3's in karmic yet ?11:00
ogramine play at double speed and are pretty jumpy here11:01
Laneywhat media player?11:03
ograi tested all gstreamer based up to now, RB, banshee, totem ...11:03
ograsame with mplayer11:04
ograsounds like a CD with a crack11:04
Laneyno problems here :(11:05
ograhmm, intresting, xine has no output at all11:05
Laneytried killing pa?11:09
Laneykillall pulseaudio, I mean11:09
ograah, upgrading and reboot helped11:09
ogranah, i wouldnt be that evil to my soundserver :)11:09
Laneyflash demands I do it quite often11:10
ograworks fine here11:10
Laneybetter so far in karmic than it was in jaunty, but I still have to do it every now and again11:10
ograhmm, i wonder if there is a way to make gnome-terminal pick up the shell prompt while i'm in a chroot11:20
ograit always only shows the last dir i'm in ... given that all my chroots are in the same dir the terminals all have the same title11:21
ograKeybuk, shouldnt dbus pick up if i'm running it in a chroot (like hal does) and not try to start ?11:31
ograAdding new user `messagebus' (UID 103) with group `messagebus' ...11:31
ograNot creating home directory `/var/run/dbus'.11:31
ograinvoke-rc.d: initscript dbus, action "start" failed.11:31
ogrameh... indeed i didnt have proc mounted, ignore me11:33
scizzo-hello, I was wondering..I am going through some of my old bug reports and was wondering about a 1 year old bug I commited. There is none assigned to it but is confirmed. What would actually be the best way to ask for confirmation from the various systems of that bug report? That is (hardy, gutsy, jaunty and karmic etc)?13:29
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Ampelbeinscizzo-: can you tell us the bug number? maybe it's an upstream bug and needs to be reported to the developers of the software.13:51
scizzo-Ampelbein: one second13:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 181843 in apt "[hardy] apt-get doenst ask confirmation" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:56
scizzo-Ampelbein: thank you13:56
Ampelbeinscizzo-: the last comment on that bug requests confirmation if the issue still exists. that is the correct way. Additionally, the report should be set to "Incomplete" while waiting for confirmations.14:01
scizzo-Ampelbein: yes I added a comment to it to try and get confirmation if this issue still exists14:02
scizzo-since I myself am not having the issue anymore however someone else might have come across it14:02
Ampelbeinscizzo-: so you have done the right thing. If there is no more confirmation for ~4 weeks you can safely close the report.14:03
scizzo-Ampelbein: sounds good14:05
scizzo-Ampelbein: thanks again14:05
Ampelbeinscizzo-: you're welcome.14:05
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ogramumble, was rsyslog seeded buut not promoted yet?16:11
ogradamned and i was this >< close to have armel ltsp client setups working16:13
ograhmm, oh, ok, -meta was only uploaded this morning16:15
ograthen i wonder why debootstrap isntally the minimal deps differently16:17
WanderingKnighthey there16:22
WanderingKnightI think I'm seeing a leak in X16:22
ograput a bucket under it :)16:22
WanderingKnighton Kubuntu 9.04 amd64, using nvidia driver16:23
WanderingKnightwith kwin effects on16:24
WanderingKnighton idle, after a couple of days, /usr/bin/X is taking up over 600 MB of RAM16:24
WanderingKnightand swap usage is of 400 MB16:24
ograwell, best is to file a bug, though if its in the binary nvidia driver itself its quite unlikely someone apart from nvidia could fix it16:26
WanderingKnightyeah :/16:26
jpdsWanderingKnight: Have you tried using the nouveau drivers by any chance?16:27
WanderingKnightnope, I need 3D16:27
ScottKNo one NEEDS 3d.16:29
ogra3D graphics designers do :)16:30
ograand probably game developers ...16:31
chrisccoulsonyou'll need 3d when we eventually have to run gnome-shell (unless someone decides that it would be sensible to have a fallback)16:32
chrisccoulson(of course, if you're running gnome)16:33
* ScottK isn't.16:33
ScottKlool: Around?16:33
* chrisccoulson wishes git wasn't so hard to use16:41
ogradont use it ;) LP can import git trees16:43
chrisccoulsonogra - i could try that i suppose. but sometimes if you write big patches in gnome, they prefer to review the work in a git branch16:44
ScottKogra: Also (last I heard) only head, not branches which is very limiting.16:48
* ScottK would love to import pkg-clamav git, but it's the packaging branch I care about ....16:48
c_kornsetup.py usually installs libraries of packages to /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ but then the application cannot find it. what is going wrong here?17:01
hilefor reasons I don't understand the python uses dist-packages, site-packages is not on path17:03
c_kornhile: ok, thanks17:05
hilebetter look for the guides and reasoning behind this change so that you do things right with it (something to do preventing package updates messing up with manually installed ones)17:07
hilemaybe it was to allow compiling a python version manually, which would use dist-packages as usual, and the packaged one could exist same time, something like that?17:08
hileanyway, there are good reasons, I guess you can find the docs by googling 'dist-packages python' or similar17:09
c_kornseems to be fixed in karmic: lp 'dist-packages python'17:13
c_kornlp 36257017:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 362570 in python2.6 "Python distutils installs into 'site-packages' instead of 'dist-packages' when a prefix is set" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36257017:13
ogracjwatson, dont we need to drop Priority: important from sysklogd and klogd ?17:24
ograwohoo !!! stgraber, i just built my first armel thin client !!19:04
* ogra commits the code changes to ltsp19:08
ScottKogra: ltsp is going to need changes for rsyslog if they aren't done already.19:10
ograwhy should it need any changes19:10
ScottKogra: I don't recall the details, but there were some ltsp specific changes in or ksyslogd package.19:11
ograthere was a special case in the initscript to override /etc/default/syslogd19:11
ogragiven /etc/default/syslogd vanishes with syslogd users should simply use the /etc/default file of rsyslog so we dont have anything non-standardish again19:12
ograits more a documentation issue than a code change19:13
* ScottK nods.19:13
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stgraberogra: yeah !!! you can boot them as thin client now ? you still don't have PXE equivalent right ?19:39
ograno, but the imx51 boards have redboot in flash19:40
ograi will need o work out the right runes for tftp'ing kernel and initramfs, then it will just work19:41
stgraberogra: nice19:44
ograi really didnt expect the changes to be that trivial, was really nice to discover that19:45
ograand i found an upstart induced bug :)19:45
Xodiac13026i am trying to get ubuntu to install on my desktop for some reason it wont read it or read it here and there when i load up xp it has no problem loading it how can i install ubuntu20:25
Xodiac13026can anyone please help me20:27
SimiraXodiac13026: this is not a support-channel. Try #ubuntu-help our your community channel20:30
Xodiac13026well all the other support channels wont help me so if you could take to them that would be appreciated20:30
Xodiac13026theres only like 7 people in it and im on my laptop with windows xp20:31
Xodiac13026trying to install to my desktop20:31
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ScottKSimira: The support channel is #ubuntu, not #ubuntu-help.21:02
SimiraScottK: oh, sorry. I thought they were redirected because of the workload...21:03
ebroderAny backporters around that could ACK bug #216761? I promise I'll leave people alone about this one once it gets backported :)21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216761 in xen-3.3 "[hardy-backports] errors in xendomains init script" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21676121:09
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