
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftaasac, didn't you commit the full screen flash crasher fix? it's still crashing here (3.6)00:25
fta"Well, this is embarrassing.00:36
ftaMinefield is having trouble recovering your windows and tabs. This is usually caused by a recently opened web page."00:36
* fta blames reed_ 00:36
eagles0513875who broke what now lol00:59
EruditeHermitfta, asac: hey03:47
gnomefreaki think i fixed my graphics problems finally :) seems power supply was too weak to run the 2 cards i got so i got 620003:54
gnomefreakfta2: after installing the nvidia 6200 (i should beable to use o3d with this card) it tells me i dont have plugin installed when i click on a demo. you are not here i know but let me know your thoughts04:02
EruditeHermitfta: hi, which version of nvidia cg do you include in your o3d plugin?05:36
EruditeHermitfta: I managed to get it to work with amd6406:01
EruditeHermitfta: the nvidia cg in the repositories is broken with ATI cards. You need version 2.2 to fix the bug06:01
mac_vasac> hi... when firefox updates in Jaunty, it doesnt prompt for a restart06:16
mac_vin ff3.506:17
EruditeHermithey is there a PPA with firefox 3.5.1 not nightly but the release?07:48
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
=== Paddy_NI_ is now known as Paddy_NI
om26erhello any tell me is there a way that i remove firefox 3.0 and just install firefox 3.5 on ubuntu???10:48
gnomefreakom26er: what version of ubuntu10:49
gnomefreakom26er: you should beable to remove 3.0 and install 3.5 from repos not sure if ubufox back pushed to jaunty (fixed version10:50
gnomefreakom26er: try to remove it but before you agree to it please pastebin the output10:50
om26erwhat output??10:51
gnomefreakom26er: and most extensions may not work10:51
om26eris there being any work on that10:51
gnomefreakom26er: open terminal than type sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.0 and paste the output to pastebin10:51
gnomefreakom26er: we can but i dont know about all but mine are set for 3.5 but they havent been pushed to repos10:52
om26erwhat is the pastebin address10:53
gnomefreakom26er: extensions i mean are from jaunty repos. most from addons.mozilla should work but depends on the one you want10:54
gnomefreakom26er: paste.ubuntu.com10:54
om26erbut firefox is removed10:54
om26erhow come i open the site10:54
gnomefreakom26er: that is your only browser?10:55
gnomefreakom26er: install epiphany10:55
gnomefreakom26er: install epiphany-browser10:55
om26erthese three items were removed10:57
om26erRemoving firefox ...10:57
om26erRemoving firefox-3.0 ...10:57
om26erRemoving firefox-3.0-branding10:57
gnomefreakom26er: than remove 3.0 and install 3.510:57
gnomefreakom26er: if you are on gnome its a good idea to install firefox-3.5-gnome-support (fixes some issues on kdeas well10:58
om26erwhen i do that it also install firefox 3.0 fireofox 3.0-branding10:58
gnomefreaks/kdeas/kde as10:58
gnomefreakom26er: ah then no you cant remove it10:58
om26erhow about a build from ppa10:59
gnomefreakom26er: just edit the menu and take 3.0 out of it10:59
gnomefreakom26er: you can try but not sure if anyone did that ffor PPA but should have10:59
gnomefreakom26er: you can try from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa11:01
gnomefreakno promises that it will help11:01
om26erit shud11:02
gnomefreakyes it should but i dont use security repo11:02
gnomefreakand im not on jaunty11:02
gnomefreaktesting on karmic atm11:03
gnomefreakit will take too many things that i use11:04
gnomefreakom26er: i dont recommend trying it since the security repo will remove other things11:04
gnomefreakasac: ubufox still wants to be removed with firefox-3.0 << thought this was fixed in 0.811:04
BUGabundoasac: come on!! nm0.8 doesn't pull modemmanager11:23
BUGabundoso I did a fresh install (got 0.7.1), 3g worked, set my sources.list, upgraded, lost 3G :(11:23
BUGabundohad to boot from liveusb, download the deb, chroot, install, reboot11:24
BUGabundoasac: fta: are there locolized versions of 3.5.1 ?12:49
BUGabundousers reporting lang packs from 3.5.0 are incompatible with it12:49
BUGabundoasac: I can't purge  flashplugin-installer15:45
BUGabundoasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/221207/15:46
ScottKasac: Around?16:13
BUGabundohey ScottK16:14
BUGabundodon't thinkg so16:14
BUGabundobeen trying to ping him all day16:14
ScottKBUGabundo: Thanks.16:14
* ScottK was looking for an ubuntu-mir person, so I guess I'll move one.16:17
ftaasac, http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/5dfbadda21300b37#18:19
ftaasac, http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/5bd9d185a45f81ba#18:20
BUGabundofta the flash grabing keyb bug is back :(18:22
ftanever disappeared for me18:22
BUGabundodid for me for 2 weeks18:25
ftahm, maybe. i'm not using flash very much18:30
BUGabundome neither18:32
BUGabundoand now on a fresh install18:32
BUGabundoflashinstaller was pulled in and won't go away :818:32
ftaasac, http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/aabc1472bf19b2f5#18:35
BUGabundofta did you had any trouble with your mini9 wifi and jaunty?19:03
ftano mini9 here, nc1019:03
BUGabundoI remember someone say they had one19:04
BUGabundonvm them19:04
ftaasac has one19:04
ftai wanted a mini10, but it arrived too late/limited/expensive19:05
mac_vfta>  hi... when firefox updates in Jaunty, it doesnt prompt for a restart19:11
mac_vfirefox3.5 that is19:11
BUGabundomac_v: browser restart or system restart?19:14
mac_vBUGabundo~ browser restart19:15
ftai see, it's looking for a process called firefox, which is obviously wrong for 3.5 at the moment19:22
ftaasac, ^^ that's one more for you19:22
BUGabundoyou need a ToDo list19:22
ftawell, i guess i can commit a fix19:22
BUGabundothe size of this19:23
BUGabundopoor asac19:23
ftamac_v, will be in the next upload19:44
mac_vfta~ nice... also the ff35 link hasnt been updated,19:47
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY19:47
mac_vfta~ the link doesnt mention about the firefox-3.5-gnome support package , which needs to be installed19:47
ftathat's asac's blog, I can't do anything about that19:48
mac_vfta~ had spoked to asac about this, he said he would look into it , maybe he forgot19:48
mac_vfta~ ok... or maybe the link could be pointed to the mozteam's wiki  , with the info ...19:50
BUGabundomac_v: htat '~' really messes my irc client :)19:52
BUGabundodo you really need it ?19:52
mac_vBUGabundo: better ;p19:53
mac_vBUGabundo: BTW , which irc client?19:54
BUGabundopidgin with an huge amount of plugins19:55
mac_voh.. ok19:55
fta-rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 116M 2009-07-13 18:10 chromium-browser_3.0.194.0~svn20090713r20481.orig.tar.gz21:22
fta-rw-r--r-- 1 fta fta 252M 2009-07-14 18:20 chromium-browser_3.0.195.0~svn20090714r20617.orig.tar.gz21:22
ftad'oh, +136 MB in one day21:22
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
ftagasp, 45k new files21:27
ftalol, mozilla 47989822:12
ubottuMozilla bug 479898 in Networking "support for WiFi access point scanning" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47989822:12
e-jatfta : http://paste.ubuntu.com/221427/22:34
e-jatff close suddenly if i opening .pdf22:35
ftatry to get a proper backtrace22:35
e-jatshiretoko closed unexpectedly while closing acroread22:36
e-jatowh ok ..22:36
BUGabundoe-jat: $ firefox-3.X -g22:36
ftastart ff with -g once you have the -dbg packages installed (both ff and xul)22:37
e-jatic .22:37
e-jathow to get the output file22:39
e-jatmanually cNp ?22:39
e-jatmanually copy n paste ?22:40
ftathe instructions are on the wiki, don't remember the url, i'm not much into bugs myself22:40
ftahm, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ seems dead22:43
BUGabundoworked this after noon22:44
BUGabundobut some devs now compaling LP is dead22:44
BUGabundoat least brz22:44
BUGabundoso I guess its Data Center probs *again*?22:44
e-jatdoes we need to install all dbg package?22:46
BUGabundoe-jat: its *just* something like 300MiBs of packages :)22:47
e-jatReading state information... Done22:47
e-jatThe following NEW packages will be installed:22:47
e-jat  firefox-3.5-dbg libc6-dbg libcairo2-dbg libgtk2.0-0-dbg libnspr4-0d-dbg22:47
e-jat  libnss3-1d-dbg libpango1.0-0-dbg xulrunner-1.9.1-dbg22:47
ftaat least xul and ff, depending of where you crashes is, you may need to add more22:48
e-jat0 upgraded, 8 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.22:48
e-jatNeed to get 91.6MB of archives.22:48
BUGabundosudo apt-get install firefox-3.5-dbg \      xulrunner-1.9.1-dbg \      libgtk2.0-0-dbg \      libnss3-1d-dbg \      libnspr4-0d-dbg \      libpango1.0-0-dbg \      libcairo2-dbg \      libc6-dbg22:48
e-jatdo i need all that ?22:48
e-jatok .. im installingall that ..22:48
BUGabundothere really should be a metapackage for each version of FF22:49
BUGabundoasac: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^22:49
BUGabundodon't you agree fta?22:49
BUGabundomaking it much easier to install debug packages22:49
ftaBUGabundo, we discussed that a couple of times with asac, but it's still undone22:52
BUGabundofta I know! I've been in at least two of them22:54
LLStarkswhere the hell is asac?23:01
LLStarkshe messes with fontconfig and then skips town.23:01
BUGabundoLLStarks: true23:06
BUGabundohaven't seen all day23:06
BUGabundo(11:06:56 PM) update@identi.ca: [Identi.ca] asac: ♺ @fta: Dell on Google's Chrome OS and More: http://is.gd/1CkNQ23:07
BUGabundolast dent23:07
LLStarkshow you do that?23:08
BUGabundodo what?23:09
BUGabundoI type : last asac23:09
BUGabundoon xmpp23:09
BUGabundoand it fetchs his last dent23:10
BUGabundosee help for more, err help23:10
BUGabundoLLStarks: you on identica too?23:10
BUGabundolast llstarks23:11
BUGabundo(11:10:55 PM) update@identi.ca: [Identi.ca] No such user.23:11
LLStarkslast asac23:11
BUGabundoLLStarks: http://identi.ca23:11
BUGabundoits a FLOSS µblog and Social Network23:11
BUGabundoLLStarks: I said XMPP... not IRC23:11
LLStarksjeez, i'm a 22yo child of the internet yet i don't know these things23:12
BUGabundoyou too young23:14
BUGabundobeen here since I was 15 yo23:14
BUGabundoalmost 14 y ago23:14
BUGabundonow I feel old.... thanks LLStarks23:14
BUGabundoLLStarks: how are you liking it ?23:19
BUGabundoLLStarks: identica23:19
LLStarkslooks nice23:19
BUGabundowhat were we talking about !?23:19
BUGabundowe all are there23:19
LLStarksa poor man's twitter at first glance23:19
BUGabundoso feel free to look for us23:19
BUGabundopoor man????23:20
* BUGabundo slaps LLStarks23:20
BUGabundoits supeior in almost every way23:20
LLStarksenlighten me23:20
BUGabundoits FLOSS, Federated, has groups, admins23:20
BUGabundoactive developed and with public BTS23:20
BUGabundohas several XMPP gateways23:20
BUGabundofile embed23:21
BUGabundoand will support OEmbed soon23:21
BUGabundoalso OAuth to come on 0.923:21
BUGabundoneed more LLStarks ?23:21
BUGabundowho's the poor man now?23:21
LLStarksthat's quite impressive stuff under the hood23:22
BUGabundoforgot one new: themable23:23

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