
linuxviewerI have an installation of ubuntu and I removed the dual nic network card that was in there and replaced with an identical model number.  However, now I cannot get my NIC up and said device not found.  I assume because of the MAC address change.  Can someone point me in the right direction of what file(s) to edit to put in new MAC address (I am running Ubuntu server mode)01:18
funkyHatlinuxviewer: the new nic has probably been assigned /dev/eth2 and /dev/eth3, as eth0 and eth1 belonged to the old card01:32
cblackGreetings ubuntites!01:38
cblackI am having trouble getting a new ubuntu server to respond to external web requests... telnet to port 80 doesn't even work. I have not installed ufw or modified apache configs...01:39
cblackI fear the problem might be that this server does not have a good/valid reverse dns entry for itself, but I can't fix that bc I'm not the dns admin for this network01:40
cblackattempts to connect to the server do not show in the logs either, localhost connections using lynx do work however01:40
cblackI can verify that ufw is not active (ufw status)01:42
linuxviewerfunkyHat - You are absolutely right.  However, I need them to be eth0 and eth1.  I can see the only place where MAC address I can find is /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.  However, I have edited it accordingly (changing MAC of eth0 and eth1) and delting eth2 and eth3, and then did a network restart and it still didnt work.01:47
linuxviewerI then did a reboot, and that 70-persistent-net.rules was the same just as if I never changed it AFTER a reboot.01:47
pmatulislinuxviewer: try removing that file completely, then a reboot01:49
linuxviewerI have stopped udev as well and it seems as though that may have fixed it.01:51
pmatulislinuxviewer: did you remove the file?01:54
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tod1hello room.  I am looking for help with cups.  I keep getting the "403 Forbidden" error when trying to connect via Firefox from another machine.  Thank you.04:25
rosskoukHi i'm in the process of setting up kerberos for nfs4 shares, it all seems to be working but I can't get the ticket lifetime to go any higher than 24 hours, i've modified the user and krbtgt principals and kdc.conf - can anyone point me in the right direction?04:55
bdelin88is it possible to create a Terminal Server on an ubuntu machine that can all windows clients to use Remote Desktop to access computers connected to the Terminal Server.  I would like to set it up so that a computer on the internet could connect to a windows client connected to the terminal server05:46
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qiyongdoes ubuntu have mplayer?08:44
shivekHi everyone ^^D09:30
shivekI've installed apache2 on my pc. I've also configured the dyndns thing. My website is http://shivekkhurana.servebbs.com/ . When I type this using my computer, Firefox redirects to index.html located at /var/www. But when I type it using some other computer, it asks password and username(of my router)09:34
shivekAlso I'm not able to edit index.html09:34
shivekPlease Help ^^|09:35
BilgeOf God I lol'd09:53
RoyKlol http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/07/17/2138213/Amazon-Pulls-Purchased-E-Book-Copies-of-1984-and-Animal-Farm10:08
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shivekHi everyone ^^D16:03
BrixSati have a pc with 2 nic's one connected to a modem (eth0) , the other one to my internal network (eth1), the pc (ubuntu server 9.04) gives dhcp to all network. Question: how can i port forwward from wan the port 13000 to
shivekIs there anyway by which I can restore my computer to its default settings?16:37
leaf-sheepServer fellows, do one know the problem explained by Richard Cavell in http://tinyurl.com/m6m5s6 ?  This involves port forwarding 22 and IP address.16:40
embrikI find it difficult to set up my ubuntu server to let all users to have roaming profiles (this is a windows term, don't know what to call it in linux terms). I want all users at school to be able to log on on every workstations and get their own desktop, home-folder and so on. I have read some howtos, but they are a bit too technical. Does anybody know a step by step on this topic?17:22
dinger1986does anyone use hylafax?17:29
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rgreeningLooking for some assistance with getting an init.d script up to snuff for a package I am working on. I am using the init.d lsb template script from dh_make. It's for the tac_plus package (4.5b4-5). The daemon runs forgrounded and you have to explicitly '&' it. I can't seem to get the script correct in any case (tried --background).21:02
GilJGuys I was wondering why it says "Permission denied, please try again." when I connect to my Ubuntu SSH Server. I created an account, set the password and put the user in the AllowUsers list in /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:57
pmatulisGilJ: maybe pastebin your sshd_config file22:03
GilJpmatulis: What's the pastebin package again? Don't have it installed yet and it's a non-graphical client22:04
KillMeNow[A]pastebin is a online website22:05
ScottKThere is the pastebinit package.22:06
KillMeNow[A]cool, didn't know they put out a package for it22:06
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* KillMeNow is no longer away : Gone for 1 day 1 hour 21 minutes 50 seconds22:06
pmatulisGilJ: doublecheck the username and password you're connecting with22:10
GilJpmatulis: Already did that, tried it a few times. It should be correct.22:11
KillMeNowuser group?22:11
GilJKillMeNow: None set22:11
KillMeNowdoes it have a home directory?22:12
GilJKillMeNow: The user I created? Yes22:12
KillMeNowand it has the proper permissions?22:13
pmatulisGilJ: restart the ssh daemon, attempt to connect, check your logs (auth.log)22:14
KillMeNowcheck the auth....  you beat me to it pmatulis22:14
GilJauth.log says I try to connect with logname=22:17
GilJso no logname22:17
GilJOk I found what the program was. I had a typing error in the username on the server >_<22:23
KillMeNowthat would do it22:23
embrikwow, this is irc - linux - freeware -  helping each other - right23:57

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