
erikk71can some help me im trying to install a theme00:00
Stargazer989How do i close my topic on the forums ? :S00:00
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Icic. So you're trying to be on latest version of everything even although they may be not stable?  Firefox 3.5 came out.  Look at it.  There are a security vulnerabilities so it was forced to 3.5.1 when Firefox 3.0 would be sufficient.00:00
moymoy!askthebot | xcdfgkjhgcv00:00
ubottuxcdfgkjhgcv: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:00
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mobi-sheepMrPiracy: A better mindset would be waiting out a bit... Let the suckers experience all the problems.  Xbox360 have 7 versions or something like that (internally design and such). :)00:01
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jvmhi. i want my notebook to load my usual network configuration _before_ logging into my user account, so i entered the data into /etc/network/interfaces; yet, the static ipv4 configuration i entered is not shown with ifconfig after running '/etc/init.d/networking restart'. did i overlook something?00:02
ascheeljvm: you need to disable network-manager00:02
rzhow do i open up a device manager in linux00:02
jvmascheel, will i still be able to change my network configuration easily after user login, then?00:03
ascheeljvm, no00:03
jvmascheel, is there no other solution to apply a 'default profile', that's in effect even before login?00:03
ascheeljvm, as far as I know, you either handle them manually through the OS or you wait for gnome to boot and manage it with the network-manager.  I COULD be wrong, though.00:03
ascheeljvm, if there is I don't know it, but there very well could be.00:04
jvmhow would i disable the network-manager?00:04
ascheeljvm, System => Preferences => Startup Programs00:05
toniiwhat's a good Winamp clone for Gnome?00:05
mOrO^tonii: VLC, hands down00:05
jvmthank you ascheel.00:06
th0rtonii: audacious00:06
toniimOrO^: VLC is only good for video, in my opnion.00:06
toniith0r: I'll try that one00:06
Bob_DoleVLC plays everything.. including audio. But it's feature lacking.00:07
mobi-sheep!player | tonii00:07
ubottutonii: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:07
moymoytonii: mOrO^: and mplayer's even better than VLC at video.. so i don't know where vlc stands anymore00:07
etherealityWhere do I go to read about running processes in the background in the terminal by appending '&' to the command?00:07
mOrO^moymoy: it just plays everything I throw at it. Just my opinion.00:07
mobi-sheepethereality: At end of the command, eg firefox &00:07
toniithanks mobi-sheep00:08
etherealitymobi-sheep: after that the terminal spits out a number; what does that mean, etc? Is there a manual I can read?00:08
toniihm, for XMMS2 do I need the old xmms binaries?00:08
mobi-sheepethereality: What number?00:08
mb_again_etherreality : man bash-builtins has some stuff about job control00:08
mobi-sheeptonii: I like Banshee. FYI.00:09
moymoymOrO^: have you tried segment linked videos with ordered chapters? *shakes head* i've been waiting for them to meet the matroska standard.. but noooooo.. and it gets with distorted images and pixels when seeking00:09
th0rtonii: xmms2 is a completely different animal from xmms, the old xmms became audacious00:09
toniith0r: ahh00:09
etherealitymobi-sheep: it says "[1] 4444" and this time "[1] 4537"00:09
toniimobi-sheep: ok :)00:09
th0rtonii: take a look at gmusicbrowser...when xmms transformed I moved to gmusicbrowser00:10
etherealitythanks for the notice mb_again_00:10
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:10
mobi-sheepethereality: I think that's just process job numbers.  No need to read manual for that.  Install htop and run htop in the terminal. You'll see a list of processing tasks.  It come with colors too. :)00:10
toniith0r: I'll try audacious first. :)00:10
RobotCowis a newer kernel available through proprosed updates?00:11
etherealitymobi-sheep: Why htop? Is it wrong to use "top"?00:11
RobotCow2.6.29 perhaps?00:11
mobi-sheepethereality: There are no right or wrong.  Mostly people's preferences.00:11
danny7210Hello!, I am having sound problems on ubuntu 9.04, can you please help me. http://pastebin.com/m5acf924f00:11
Bob_DoleMatrox is still around? I have a few Matrox cards with 4MB RAM on them00:12
RobotCowethereality, yeah, the main issue is that you cant scroll to see all the processes. of course you can sort, but others have a nicer ui.00:12
RobotCowwith graphs to show usage00:13
ascheelethereality: just try 'htop'.  You'll never touch 'top' again.00:13
japanfredhey all, anyone using a TV (full hd) dvi->hdmi on linux and getting dodgey looking fonts:00:13
jvmascheel, system->preferences affects my own user, but only starting from the time ive logged in, or not?00:14
moymoyjapanfred: you can adjust how the fonts are rendered00:14
jvmit's a gnome thing.00:14
danny7210I am having sound problems on ubuntu 9.04, can you please help me.Here are my list of processes  http://pastebin.com/m5acf924f00:14
ascheeljvm, that's correct.  Only after you've logged in00:14
japanfredmoymoy, where abouts? sorry if im being really noobish, but on windows XP, it all renders fine at 1080p00:14
Apollo2366Yesterday I came in here with a sound problem. After the initial login screen, there was no sound whatsoever. I've recently discovered that reloading the alsa drivers with sudo alsa force-reload restores sound until I reboot. My question is, aside from reloading every time I boot, is there a way to fix this?00:14
happydanny7210: the list is pretty useless00:15
damienhas anyone installed firefox 3.5.1 using ubuntuzilla?00:15
erikk71can someone help me with installing new desktop theme00:15
MrPiracymobi-sheep: u still there?00:15
damieni have no idea where it is looking for plugins00:15
damienanyone know how i can find out?00:15
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Ya.  You left before I could tell you something. :o00:15
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Anyway, what's up?00:15
happydanny7210: more info would help though. Did the sound ever work?00:15
danny7210happy: Well ..... some people might think I have two soundcards .....00:15
jvmascheel, then how does deactivating network-manager there change anything about my "/etc/init.d/networking restart does not apply /etc/network/interfaces settings" problem?00:15
VCooliodamien: in opt/firefox/plugins ? (guess)00:16
danny7210happy: Sound works just goes on and off. And it only works for 1 process00:16
BUGhello all00:16
jvmi tried it before logging in.00:16
moymoyjapanfred: right click the desktop -> click `change background` -> when the window pops up, click `fonts` and there, you can choose how they're rendered.. you can even click details for more options00:16
ethereality'k, so I just append & and don't worry about the number?00:16
ascheeljvm: when you log in, it overwrites the changes you've made to /etc/network/interfaces00:16
MrPiracymobi-sheep: what was that u were going to say?00:16
mobi-sheepethereality: That's the idea. You can kill the processes by its name or its job numbers.  That's all it is useful for. :)00:16
happydanny7210: hm.. maybe pulse audio is having problems00:16
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Oh, to install irssi and learn about TTYs that way you can connect back to here if you lost your X screen.00:17
jvmascheel, i set up my static network config in a console terminal before logging into my user account.00:17
danny7210happy: Sorry I am quite new at linux, I am a windows guru. Also after this Ill ask for help, my laptop wont install it says an error00:17
jvmascheel, yet ifconfig didnt show the changes i expected.00:17
ascheeljvm, but when you logged into your account, the network-manager handles things its own way00:17
japanfredmoymoy, thanks! having a play with all the settings now :)00:18
erikk71can someone help00:18
johnzornis there a way of resetting the sound drivers, my sound stops working whenever I leave my computer for a while and come back. I always have to reboot...00:18
erikk71with installing new theme00:18
ascheeljvm, and if you haven't, try doing this:  /etc/init.d/networking restart00:18
VCoolioerikk71: what error do you get on installing what kind of theme?00:18
jvmascheel, i didnt login yet at the time i came here and started complaining ;)00:18
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erikk71im on xfce00:18
damienVCoolio: it's not in /opt/firefox/plugins00:18
jvmand i ran the init script.00:18
jvmafter changing the interfaces file00:19
damieni've tried ~/.mozilla/plugins too00:19
ascheeljvm, so you made changes to the interfaces file and the changes didn't take immediately?  Is that what you're saying?00:19
danny7210happy: have any idea?00:19
erikk71i just cant figure out how to add the theme00:19
MrPiracymobi-sheep: wasnt necessary, it works fine now .... even SL00:19
MrPiracymobi-sheep: now i can just jump to the next problem in the queue hehehe00:19
VCoolioerikk71: sorry, know nothing about xfce00:19
happydanny7210: sorry I left00:19
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: :(00:19
erikk71an xubuntu room is dead00:19
danny7210happy: its ok00:19
happydanny7210: have you tried the sound troubleshooting guide?00:20
MrPiracymobi-sheep: oh and btw, SL runs a lot faster in jaunty than on Win700:20
happy!sound | danny721000:20
ubottudanny7210: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:20
erikk71ill repeat in xubuntu till someone answers00:20
jvmascheel, i started up the computer, changed to a console, did _not_ log into gnome, modified the interfaces file with vim, ran '/etc/init.d/networking restart; ifconfig eth0' and the configuration i entered in the interfaces file was not applied yet.00:20
MrPiracymobi-sheep: do u know anything about sound?00:20
etherealitymobi-sheep: Cool! So do I type "kill 4444"?00:20
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: I never tried Win7.  Did you know that Microsoft opened a retail store next to Apple store?  Fail. :)00:20
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Err, just ask the real question.00:21
ascheeljvm, not sure.  Sorry man00:21
erikk71i guess everyone here uses gnome00:21
jvmascheel, thanks anyway.00:21
danny7210happy: My sound works it goes on and off and I have to turn my logitech z500 almost full volume to hear it00:21
pluxiimrpiracy: hahahahahahha lovely00:21
MrPiracymobi-sheep: Win7 is neat ... i got the final version leaked last week00:21
jvmgood night everyone.00:21
mobi-sheepethereality: I don't know.  I use htop to kill process number.  I'll look it up.00:21
MrPiracypluxii: ????00:21
foresterHi all, I have a machine that I would like to run ubuntu on but without a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. I would just like to connect to it using ssh -X or no-machine. But how can I configure it so that it can reboot without these peripherals (e.g., monitor)?00:22
mobi-sheepethereality: Also, "man kill" to get manual and read.00:22
pluxiiMrPiracy: about the windows store vs the apple store00:22
happydanny7210: I unforunatally do not know much about sound00:22
danny7210happy: Its ok, I will ask the forum00:22
ascheelforester: 2 ways.  Log in via ssh and issue a 'reboot' command, or you can handle it in the cron00:22
danny7210happy: I have another issue bigger than this one though, let me start up my laptop00:22
VCoolioethereality: kill <pidnr> or kill -9 <pidnr> to force quit; pkill <name>  or killall <appname> to kill all instances of an app00:22
foresterascheel, I've tried this but it hangs when it can't find a monitor.00:23
mobi-sheepethereality: Looks like it.  kill 444400:23
MrPiracymobi-sheep: ok, i got two sound cards here, one USB and the other one built in. I like my speakers connected to the USB one and the onboard front side plugs for communication software. Both of the cards were detected in ubuntu and i can even hear sound from the earphones, but the front jack mic isnt working.00:23
mobi-sheepethereality: Or use htop. :)00:23
ascheelforester: the only way I was able to handle that was to disable gdm (the GUI) and splash screens, etc.  Do you NEED to use the GUI (X-Windows, etc)?00:24
hawkiehey guys, i am having trouble with wine, in ubuntu 9.04, installed through wget sudo, installation was complete without error. When starting the wine config from menu, nothing happends and when starting winecfg in console it says /home/user/.wine is not a directory00:24
etherealityCool, thanks! :)00:24
MrPiracymobi-sheep: i installed skype and it is working fine, but when i try to set ALC mic, it freezes00:24
toniiaudacious was horrible :|00:24
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Don't USB speakers use it for power and there are separate audio cord for that?00:24
mOrO^tonii: hehehe00:24
foresterascheel, yes I'd like to see gnome when I use ssh -X or nomachine. Is that what you're asking?00:25
danny7210hawkie - Can I recommend adding wine from synaptic package manager00:25
mobi-sheeptonii: Now, Banshee? :)00:25
toniiI'll certainly try it :P00:25
mobi-sheep!sound | MrPiracy00:25
ubottuMrPiracy: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:25
MrPiracymobi-sheep: they're all listed in the drop down menu. audio out is working fine00:25
mOrO^tonii: ever tried Amarok?00:25
ascheelforester: sorry, then for that i can't help you.  It might be able to be done, but I don't know how.  I use mine as a purely headless and CLI machine only00:25
hawkiei tried that, same result.00:25
th0rtonii: now you know why I switched to gmusicbrowser00:25
Zabaddai just installed crunchbang on a HDD via my new ESATA HDD dock and on the install it let me choose the ESATA to install to and it all went fine, then i rebooted and my main HDD had the error 21 grub error, why would it do that if i didnt install to my main HDD?00:25
pepeehello ppl00:25
dmitrihey i'm a nea user of ubuntu and i don't know how to install tk-dev packages00:25
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Also, you can run the command --> alsamixer --> if that help.  Set all bars to high and if you see any gray/blue 'm' on it.  Press 'm' to unmute.00:25
moymoyforester: you won't be able to see gnome by using ssh -X .. but what that does is launch applications with the GUI displayed on your local X display00:25
danny7210hawkie - What version of wine did you install00:25
foresterascheel, thanks for your help.00:26
dmitricould you help me please00:26
MrPiracymobi-sheep: audio out is fine ... out of the box ;)00:26
toniith0r :D00:26
joejci need a super key sticker00:26
hawkiedanny7210 1.1.2500:26
joejcwhere can i get one00:26
pepeei've compiled and installed a driver for my wifi, and now i wanna go back to the one that came with ubuntu00:26
forestermoymoy, yes I see you're right. But with nomachine I would.00:26
pepeehow can i do that?00:26
danny7210Hawkie - Try this, I guarantee  it will work00:26
ubuntuovatopepee  buenas00:26
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: You even could toggle something for mic to be speaker or something.  I can't work with sounds.  Next. :300:26
pepeehola ubuntuovato00:26
toniimOrO^: yes, and I don't like it as it cannot use my usb-drive as "library"00:27
danny7210hawkie - go to System>Administrator>Software Sources00:27
MrPiracymobi-sheep: there's a trick in windows to get it working, after installing the proper drivers i have to go to settings and disable front jack detecion. i dont see this option in linux00:27
pepeethe driver i compiled is rt73usb00:27
danny7210hawkie- tell me when your there00:27
mOrO^tonii: did you say you did try VLC?00:27
VCooliodmitri: type "sudo apt-get install tk-dev" in terminal or open system > administration > synaptic and find tk-dev00:27
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Use alsamixer.  You can mute / toggle on certain things.00:27
hawkiedanny7210 i am there00:27
ubuntuovatopepee como puedo configurar amule para que vaya más rápdidop?00:27
danny7210hawkie - ok00:27
MrPiracymobi-sheep: ok, lemme try00:27
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: See if that helps.00:27
pepeeubuntuovato, preguntale a ellos xD00:27
toniimOrO^: I don't like VLC for Audio. the UI is not to my liking :)00:28
th0rtonii: gmb can use the usb drive, and will rescan and update every time it is plugged in00:28
pepeeubuntuovato, sos duro vos, eh?00:28
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:28
dmitrii'll try this00:28
danny7210hawkie - Go to Third Party > Add00:28
ubuntuovatopepee cuando sigo algo lo consigue00:28
mOrO^tonii: It has various skins..you could try00:28
ubuntuovatopepee no hablo inglés?00:28
danny7210hawkie - Once there enter this http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt00:28
toniimOrO^: no, I'll pass ;)00:28
happy!es | pepee00:28
ubottupepee: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:28
pepeeubuntuovato, tu conexion no va a ser mas rapida aunque sigas insistiendo00:28
mobi-sheepubuntuovato, pepee: English please.00:28
hawkiedanny7210 ok. should i remove the wine already installed?00:29
Gattohola !!!00:29
Al1_Hello i just bought a Targus cooling fan with USB plug and am trying to get it to work when i connect it to my laptop which is running Ubuntu Jaunty, when i plug it in the fan doesnt start. Can somoene help me?00:29
danny7210hawkie- yes00:29
Gattocomo entro a ubuntu-es ? por favor00:29
pepeehappy, thanks, i know it, but i know him and i'm telling that this is not the palce to talk00:29
Al1_power button00:29
mobi-sheep!es | Gatto00:29
ubottuGatto: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:29
VCoolioGatto: /join #ubuntu-es00:30
happypepee: sorry00:30
pepeecan someone help me?00:30
pepeei've compiled and installed a driver for my wifi, and now i wanna go back to the one that came with ubuntu00:30
danny7210hawkie - what version of ubuntu are you running00:30
happymobi-sheep:  Gatto was saying that to the others00:30
Gattogracias !!!00:30
mobi-sheephappy: I see. :)00:30
hawkiedanny7219 9.0400:30
th0rpepee: you should be able to uninstall the one you compiled with 'make uninstall', assuming you kept the folder after installing00:30
nsadminpepee: it's possible you overwrote it; not a problem, just reinstall the kernel again00:31
danny7210hawkie - are you still in software sources?00:31
pepeeok, thank you very much00:31
nsadminbut which driver is it?00:31
Mikauhi guys00:31
danny7210hawkie - if so go to Third Party>Add : deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt jaunty main #WineHQ - Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope"00:31
imperfect-Anyone know what I can to make SATA performance stop sucking?00:31
hawkiedanny7210 yeah i wont add the line00:31
pepeebut i think that is the solution00:31
mobi-sheeppepee: Have you see wireless documentation? I'll trigger it.00:31
mobi-sheep!wireless | pepee00:31
ubottupepee: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:31
danny7210hawkie - try that line i gave above00:31
dmitriVcoolio : when i type "sudo apt-get install tk-dev" he returns an error : unable to lock the administration directory ...00:32
th0rimperfect-: get her a real job?00:32
Mikaudoes anyone know "Satux"?00:32
pepeeto uninstall the current driver and reinstall the kernel00:32
hawkiedanny7210 its done00:32
nsadminpepee: ok so you have to find out where rt73usb came from00:32
imperfect-th0r: I'd get her a job if the sata performance didn't suck so horrible.00:32
pepeemobi-sheep, really, wasn't me ho did that what i'm telling00:32
VCooliodmitri: do you have synaptic also open?00:32
imperfect-It's really riduculous00:32
pepeei'm trying to help some other00:32
danny7210hawkie - ok00:32
nsadminmore often than not, it will probably be in the kernel... but it makes sense to find out for sure before taking action00:33
danny7210hawkie - right click this link : http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/Scott%20Ritchie.gpg [SAVE/AS]00:33
pepeewell, bye, and, again, thanks guys00:33
danny7210hawkie - right click save doesnt work in irc00:33
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:33
danny7210hawkie - go to this site : http://www.winehq.org/download/deb00:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aticonfig00:33
danny7210hawkie - then go down to the section Trusting the WineHQ APT Repository00:34
hawkiedanny7210 done. ive got the gpg file00:34
th0rimperfect-: found several ubuntu forum threads about improving sata performance00:34
dmitriVcoolio: i've tried to install from synaptic but after that i don't know what is the emplacement of the application00:34
dmitriwhere can it be located00:34
toniimobi-sheep: Banshee seems to be nice00:34
danny7210did you add it Authentication in Software Sources?00:34
danny7210hawkie - did you add it Authentication in Software Sources?00:35
hawkiedanny7210 ok ive added authentication00:35
mobi-sheeptonii: Oooo Did I win something? :)00:35
toniimobi-sheep: ehm, no. not really no.00:35
mobi-sheeptonii: You can toggle on/off the notifications in the settings too.00:35
danny7210hawkie- ok, now go to System>Administration> Synaptic Package Manager00:35
VCooliodmitri: what is it exactly? I don't know; the starter should be in /usr/bin or in the menus, but since it is a -dev package I'm not sure. You asked how to install; I don't know what to do with it :)00:35
UnderSampledDoes anyone here know much about ddrescue?00:35
danny7210hawkie - Once there click reload00:35
pluxiihow would i go about installing a .bin file?00:36
danny7210hawkie - then just search wine and install it00:36
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: Ask the real question.00:36
happypluxii: wht is it called?00:36
UnderSampledI just want to know if I am doing it right00:36
mobi-sheeppluxii: chmod +x SillyEgg.bin && sudo ./SillyEgg.bin00:36
hawkiedanny7210 ok its installing00:37
pluxiihappy it is PlaneShift-v0.4.03-x86.bin00:37
danny7210hawkie - good.00:37
happypluxii: do what mobi-sheep said00:38
mobi-sheeppluxii: Hold.00:38
hawkiedanny7210 got error: E: ttf-mscorefonts-installer: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 100:38
pluxiimobi-sheep: held00:38
dmitrivcoolio : you know firsltly i've tried to install amsn and i have a file that is  amsn.tar.bz2  and i don't know how to install it00:38
danny7210hawkie - I never heard that before. Hang on00:38
mobi-sheeppluxii: You want to look for deb or PPA first.  Installing from script generally leads to problems.00:39
schirpichI need some help, I'm running kde and when I try to connect to a samba share via dolphin it doesn't ever prompt me for the username and password.  does dolphin save its own passwords?  Of course this has been working perfectly fine up until this morning00:39
pluxiimobi-sheep: ok thanks00:39
dmitrivcoolio : and in the install file it is saying that i need to have packages installed like tk-dev00:39
mobi-sheeppluxii: Go ahead and install it.  You should be *OKAY*00:39
danny7210hawkie - Go to Applications>Accessories> Terminal00:39
UnderSampledI used ddrescue -b 2048 /media/cdrom cdimage ~/ddrescueLog00:39
VCooliodmitri: that's an archiving format; extract and probably compile; but check for a repository first00:40
danny7210hawkie - and type sudo defoma-reconfigure -f00:40
happyschirpich: it saves it ntil you logout as far as I can tell00:40
pluxiii know the source is good, the file is fine, it's the planeshift mmo00:40
VCooliodmitri: you have tk-dev now, so that's ok00:40
happyschirpich: It would never save it on the hdd without kwallet00:40
dmitrii don't find it :D00:40
dmitrivcoolio : i don't find it :D00:40
mobi-sheeppluxii: I know.  It's not that.  It's all about compiling and the flags in them.00:40
VCooliodmitri: so point is you want amsn? and a specific version or just amsn?00:40
hawkiedanny7210 i know what the problem is, just checked the installer box, its says "no space left on device"00:41
pluxiimobi-sheep: ah00:41
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: this was the suggested method for rescuing data off a scratched cd00:41
danny7210hawkie - did you try that code though00:41
dmitrivcoolio: it is just a version of amsn00:41
hawkiedanny7210 nope doing it now00:41
schirpichyea, I did the reboot thing, no help there. There are no entries in kwallet for anything but kopete.  The weird thing is, if I just use smbclient from cmd line I can connect.  For some reason its just dolphin that fails to ask for a login/pass00:41
happyhawkie: a full hdd explains your error00:41
VCooliodmitri: I have 0.97.2 in default repositories, isn't that good enough?00:42
dmitrivcoolio: i want to preserve all the contacts in msn of windows00:42
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: You see this yet?00:42
happyhawkie: most programs are not descriptive enogh when they fail due to lack of space00:42
mobi-sheep!undelete | UnderSampled00:42
ubottuUnderSampled: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel00:42
VCooliodmitri: well that's not a problem, you have an account in which contacts are stored; the client doesn't matter; you can use pidgin or whatever00:43
schirpichhappy: is there reason dolphin would think that it did not have to ask for authentication?00:43
happyschirpich: yes, if there is anything on the system that it is allowed to axx without a pass, it will not ask for one00:43
hawkiedanny7210 ok. done.00:44
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: yes. But the only information on recovering cds on that page is the same as the example in ddrescue's info file00:44
hawkiehappy thx. will remove something and try again00:44
danny7210hawkie: try reinstalling00:44
mobi-sheeppluxii: Things okay? ;o00:44
pagodashould i be able to install firefox 3.5 on hardy with apt-get?00:44
mobi-sheep!ff35 | pagoda00:45
ubottupagoda: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY00:45
dmitrivcoolio: :DDDDDDD i found ; i didn't see that i had this version in the default repertories00:45
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: I'll look into it.00:45
dmitrivcoolio: thank you very much00:45
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: which is what I had just writen above. Then it says to burn it to a disk without explaining how.00:45
dmitrivcoolio: ;)00:45
VCooliodmitri: no problem, good luck with it00:45
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: If I could, I would like to mount the file directly, because I don't really feel like burning a cd00:45
pagodamobi-sheep, thanks00:45
nerdy_kidi have port 29858 open in UFW but sudo nmap -f -p 0-65535 doesnt pick it up.  Am i doing any thing wrong?00:46
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: Under which contents in the link?00:46
happynerdy_kid: are you running a service on that port?00:46
nerdy_kidhappy no00:47
pagodawhere is a good guide for upgrading to karmic?00:47
danny7210hawkie - is it working?00:47
ascheelPagoda, that is a question for #ubuntu+100:47
mykas0hi everyone00:47
happynerdy_kid: try nc -l 29858 on the target computer00:47
schirpichhappy: however my the samba shares do require auth.  only dolphin can see the server and the shared folders, and when i click on the shared folder for the server it tries and tries for about 30 seconds give or take and then just says Access Denied.  Without prompting me for authentication.  Which leads me to believe just by its behavior that its got a bad login/pass stored somewhere.  I just dont know where00:47
mobi-sheep!upgrade | pagoda00:47
ubottupagoda: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:47
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery#line-15500:48
happynerdy_kid: nc will setup a dummy service which will allow you to test00:48
hawkiedanny7210 trying to remove wine first, add/remove stopped responding00:48
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: So you have an copied iso laying around, right?00:48
danny7210hawkie - ohh ok00:48
happyschirpich: try to connect to "smb:/user@host"00:48
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: of what?00:49
nerdy_kidhappy, done, nmap still doesnt pick it up00:49
happyyou kept nc running?00:49
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: ddrescue. You rescued it and now you have a file, right?00:49
nerdy_kidhappy, yes still running, but not as root00:50
happynerdy_kid: root is not needed00:50
mac9416Hello, I'm trying to set up opendns. I changed the nameserver lines in /etc/resolv.conf and that didn't work. Then I tried /etc/ppp/resolv.conf. I rebooted and the lines changed back to what they were before I inserted the opendns lines. Any idea how to keep it from switching back like that?00:50
happynerdy_kid: try to telnet to the port while nc is running00:50
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: its still going, but it sounds like it has a lot more errors than I thought it would00:50
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: What command do you use to ddrescue?00:50
happymac9416: resolv.conf s overridden by dhcp00:51
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: as I said above00:51
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: ddrescue -b 2048 /media/cdrom cdimage ~/ddrescueLog00:51
mac9416happy, nice nick ;-) Could you explain a little further?00:51
schirpichhappy: did that, shares show up, click on share to open, sits for 30 seconds, and "Access denied to smb://user@servername/sharefoldernamehere" below the split window.   No prompt for password00:51
happyschirpich: I am not sure what the problem is then... try to ask on #kubuntu00:52
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: Well, I think you're okay.  If you include -v (verbose) in that, you'd see activities on that.  As long as the command is still running and nothing is showing, it's a good thing.00:52
schirpichhappy: yea, its a weird one for sure.  I'll try that. thanks for trying00:53
nerdy_kidhappy i tryed with nc on then off, connection refused both times00:53
danny7210hawkie : working now ?00:53
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: Also, you may be able to mount iso when it's done.00:53
mobi-sheep!mountiso | UnderSampled00:53
ubottuUnderSampled: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:53
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: I think you can right-click on the file and mount it when it's done.00:53
mac9416happy, btw, I'm getting the net on mobile broadand, if that helps.00:53
happymac9416: did you follow these instructions?: https://www.opendns.com/start/device/ubuntu00:53
mac9416happy, yes.00:53
hawkiedanny7210 how do I kill a process from terminal, add/remove wont quit itself00:54
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: Is it actually an ISO, or just raw data that I will have to convert?00:54
happynerdy_kid: in that case there is something wrong with the firewall rules00:54
mac9416happy, I assumed the problem was that they were using dhcp on an ethernet connection, and I'm using ppp on broadbnd.00:54
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: Seems like an iso if they instruct you "to burn it"00:54
danny7210hawkie - http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/kill-process-in-linux-or-terminate-a-process-in-unix-or-linux-systems/00:54
nerdy_kidhappy i tryed disabling ufw, still didnt help, does Jaunty come with two firewalls?00:54
jazzycan someone help me figure out this problem? http://tinyurl.com/lqe7bq00:54
mac9416happy, not that I'm sure what all that means :-P00:55
nerdy_kidhappy would my router firewall interfere?00:55
memiuxHow can I organize my passwords?00:55
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: Linux necessarily don't need file extensions and they automatically knew what filetypes you use by reading inside firsthand.  Anyway, we like to use extensions for our benefits. :)00:55
happynerdy_kid: depends, are you connecting from outside the local network?00:55
tonii<3 gmusicbrowser00:56
nerdy_kidhappy no, i am trying to connect to my own pc via
mobi-sheep!ops | jazzy00:56
ubottujazzy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!00:56
codoI have few queries. I upgraded to ubuntu jackalope00:56
toniifast and minimal00:56
jpdsmobi-sheep: ?00:56
codoand my system is damn slow. why is it so /00:56
toniiBanshee took forever to change songs. >.<00:56
codois it problem with ubuntu ?00:57
mobi-sheepjpds: Porn Link.00:57
TallGrrlSuspect? You still here?00:57
happynerdy_kid: in that case it never leaves the system. (no router problems)00:57
FloodBot2jazzy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:57
morphiascodo - have you run the updates on your distro yet?00:57
danny7210Hey guys, I am trying to install ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and I get this error : modprobe:FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep : No such directory or file00:57
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: I was aware of that, I just don't know how to tell if it actually is an ISO00:57
nerdy_kidhappy does Jaunty come with two firewalls? i searched 'firewall' in synaptic, but only ufw was installed...00:58
codomorphias: let me try and get back to you.00:58
shaullxany GUI client for hamachi?00:58
shaullxi found one but it has problems00:58
codomorphias: I can use synaptic to to upgrae ?00:58
shaullxso anything like hamachi i dont know :/00:58
happynerdy_kid: I am not even sure what UFW is. I think it is a frontend for the real firewall iptables00:58
mac9416So, happy, you don't know how to stop this thing from resetting my dns? :-)00:59
happynerdy_kid: I gave you he wrong cmd00:59
morphiascodo - System -> Administration -> Update Manager .  see if it updates some stuff... my 9.04 didn't work right until i ran updates00:59
happynerdy_kid: nc -l -p PORTNUM00:59
pagodai just logged in and my titlebars were gone.  i couldn't drag my windows around.  then i rebooted and they came back.  i'm running hardy.  does anyone else have that problem?00:59
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: If you can't mount it, then it isn't iso.  And we're talking about ddrescue here too. :)01:00
happymac9416: they remove the instructions from opendns site that works everytime :-\01:00
codomorphias: it says system is upto date01:00
happymac9416: I found it01:00
codoeverything is damn slow.01:00
happymac9416: look at step 8 on the guide01:01
nerdy_kidhappy that did it, nmap picked it up. so the ports are blocked even if I allow them until an app needs them... thanks for your help!01:01
cehrhello :)  lately firefox has been giving me problems; it randomly segfaults while browsing and afterwards I can't open it or epiphany without it segfaulting until I reboot.  any ideas as to what's going on?01:01
happynerdy_kid: no problem. Sorry I gave you the wrong cmd XD01:01
mac9416happy, awesome, I missed that. Thanks a lot :-)01:01
morphiascodo - idk what to say then.01:01
happymac9416: np01:01
nerdy_kidhappy ok lol thanks again01:02
codoany ubuntu developers around here ?01:02
morphiascodo turn of compiz?01:02
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: so, now I ask why ddrescue is now reducing the errsize, but the number of errors is still increasing01:02
codomorphias: heh i use gnome, and no compiz01:02
dreamyis there any flash app for linux=01:02
dreamyfor programing01:02
dreamyapp to program in flash01:02
jpdsdreamy: I think gnash might have something, don't really know.01:02
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: In the terminal? Still copying from scratch disc?01:03
happydreamy: the simple answer is no01:03
codomorphias: i suspect faulty kernel integration. update is now installing something, lets see.01:03
happydreamy, it is one of the few things where there is absolutly nothing.01:04
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
jpdshappy, dreamy: http://my.opera.com/area42/blog/2007/01/04/flash-devolopment-with-linux01:04
danny7210Hey guys, I am trying to install ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and I get this error : modprobe:FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep : No such directory or file01:04
codomorphias: also it could be that xorg is broken in jaunty jackalope.01:05
codomorphias: do one favor, run top on your system and tell me how much cpu% it reports for xorg01:05
jpdsdreamy: http://tinyurl.com/lxvotw01:06
jpdsCoJaBo-Aztec: Err, no.01:07
happyjpds lmgtfy.com is better :-P01:08
jpdshappy: That too, but ...01:08
Aijsedanny7210, how are you installing 9.04? by an upgrade a live cd or a wubi install?01:08
cehrmy firefox is randomly segfaulting while browsing and afterwards I can't open it or epiphany without it segfaulting until I reboot.  any ideas as to what's going on?01:09
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: How long would you expect it to take?01:09
fjordlordhello anyone use Skypephone under Ubuntu?01:09
mobi-sheepUnderSampled: I don't know.01:09
fjordlordor know how to transfer files from it01:09
morphiascodo - x-session manager is using 6.9 MiB01:10
morphiaswhy, do you have a memory like maybe in your xorg ?01:10
mOrO^fjordlord: I use it.01:11
codook rebooting.01:12
fjordlordhow did u get it to work?01:12
fjordlordmOrO^, is there an app for it in ubuntu?01:13
fjordlordunder windows was only WP-S101:13
linuxviewerHello everyone.01:13
Polterge|sthey linuxcrypt01:13
fjordlordhello my friend01:13
Polterge|stoh wrong window01:13
mOrO^yes, but it does not work well, with Pulseaudio unless you install the svn01:13
fjordlordmOrO^, but can u atleast transfer images?01:14
linuxviewerI have an installation of ubuntu and I removed the dual nic network card that was in there and replaced with an identical model number.  However, now I cannot get my NIC up and said device not found.  I assume because of the MAC address change.  Can someone point me in the right direction of what file(s) to edit to put in new MAC address (I am running Ubuntu server mode)01:14
mOrO^fjordside: Im sure you can, I havent done that with it.01:14
ntemisi need some help01:14
ntemisi had latest nvidia drivers installed01:14
ntemisand after kernel update they where messed up01:15
w0tan_1is there any way that i can autodetect hardware in order to set up x-wiundows on ubuntu server?01:15
ntemisso i used the hardware drivers applet to use nvidia drivers01:15
ntemisnow i cannot use 3d effects01:15
ntemisso what i need to do01:15
ntemisrenmove custom installation?01:15
edbianw0tan_1: From my understanding,  X probes the hardware when the system is started automatically.01:15
ntemisre install latest drivers again?01:15
mobi-sheeplinuxviewer: Try #ubuntu-server01:16
ctmjrntemis, uninstall everything nvidia then reinstall01:16
VCooliontemis: isn't that known for manually installing drivers that they break on kernel update? stick with drivers in repos or reinstall latest01:16
BactaIs there an app I can use to stream movies to my Xbox 360?01:16
w0tan_1edbian: oh, i thought i was required to change the config manually. and i dont know what kind of hardware i've got in there01:16
fjordlordmOrO^, what is svn?01:16
ntemisi had freeze ups with nvidia drivers on ubuntu repos01:16
edbianw0tan_1: You don't need to.  Try installing the packages you need and starting X.01:17
MrPiracymobi-sheep: would you please send me a picture of ur xChat's config/color screen? thx01:17
mac94161happy, the instructions did not work, my nameserver lines continue to be reset.01:17
ntemisso i had to install the latest from ndiai01:17
masterchildis there a way to use my built in fingerprint reader in ubuntu?01:17
linuxguy2009Ok so i have been using Sound Juicer for CD ripping to FLAC and then Sound Converter to convert the lossless FLAC to lossy formats like MP3 and AAC, cause I have no clue as to where users are supposed to find the documentation on how to create a gstreamer pipeline for it to use custom bitrates. Does anyone know if there is a documenation package I can install from the repos or some kind of documentaion to decipher pipelines and how to m01:17
danny7210aijse - by live cd01:17
edbianw0tan_1: Then config file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf  In fact with the newest X servers you don't need that config file to be there at all.  That's how good X has gotten at probing hardware.01:17
danny7210Aijes - Actually a live usb01:17
mOrO^fjordlord: It is the "bleeding edge" program... but mediabuntu must be added to your repository,,,, let me get you an url that explains how to do it.01:17
ntemishow i remove the custom installation?01:18
danny7210Aijse - Actually I am install via a usb01:18
leaf-sheepMrPiracy: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/5513/200907171601141680x1050.png ?01:18
happymac9416: that has always worked for me :-\ I am not sure why it is not working01:18
fjordlordmOrO^, respect for your assistance, bless01:18
masterchildMy built in fingerprint reader works with my system's bios to require a fingerprint scan on startup, fprint doesn't support access to the fingerprint data stored inside the scanner chip01:18
hawkiedanny7210 i accidently removed the add/remove and synaptics software bla bla soo.. i am gonna go for the sudo wget option from winehw01:18
hawkiewinehq even01:18
edbianlinuxguy2009: Why are you converting from flac to mp3 anyway?  Why not just use ogg/vorbis?  Can you give me a bigger picture of what you're doing?01:18
linuxguy2009edbian: Using MP3 and AAC for iPod use mainly.01:19
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: no, i mean a new one with ur config/colors open01:19
linuxguy2009edbian: GtkPod to do the actual music to ipod transfers.01:19
hawkiedanny7210 if wine works now I say thx, and i am gonna reinstall ubuntu on a bigger partition01:19
danny7210hawkie - ok01:19
happylinuxcrypt: vlc has an ok interface fr conversion01:19
happylinuxguy2009: : vlc has an ok interface for conversion01:20
masterchildis there a program that can transfer music to my ipod touch and also restore it if it gets messed up?01:20
jribmasterchild: no, complain to apple01:20
akorehow can I get a toolbar type thing for the taskbar at the top of my screen for rhythmbox media player controls?01:20
edbianlinuxguy2009: Oh, ok.  Understandable then.  I think that you can set Sound Juicer to rip right to mp3 or AAC01:20
th0rmasterchild: I use gtkpod for my nano, don't know if it supports the touch or not01:20
akorelike the itunes toolbar for windows when you minimize it01:20
mOrO^fjordlord: I assume you understand english, this explains it all.............     http://sourceforge.net/scm/?type=svn&group_id=15914401:21
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: XChat Themes @ http://t0x.in/xchatthemes.html01:21
Aijsedanny7210, does the occur during installation or when you boot after installation? And have you tried burning another cd?01:21
linuxguy2009edbian: Yeah i know I can rip right to MP3 but I have no control over bitrate with Sound Juicer. Hence the reason i ask for gstreamer pipeline documentation. Without the documentation i have to do the extra flac->mp3 conversion with Sound Converter.01:22
danny7210aijse: when I try to install01:22
w0tan_1edbian: wow. the autodection is impressive, it just worked after i installed it. a lot has changed in the last 10 years. :)01:22
danny7210aijse: I burned a cd same problem01:22
Legendarioi installed jaunty and can't set the right screen resolution with my nvidia 5200 graphic card01:22
edbianw0tan_1: lol.  Yeah 10 years was 1999!  We didn't even have windows XP yet!01:22
UnderSampledLegendario: are you using the proprietary nvidia drives?01:23
w0tan_1edbian: and configuring X to run was an adventure in failure on most of my machines.01:23
LegendarioUnderSampled, yes01:23
edbianlinuxguy2009: You sound like a pretty serious audio buff!  I'm envious of your knowledge.  Have you seen this? http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/modules/gst-editor.html01:23
UnderSampledLegendario: are you using the nvidia control panel?01:23
edbianw0tan_1: Welcome to the new millennium01:24
w0tan_1edbian: thanks for the help mate01:24
edbianw0tan_1: NP01:24
UnderSamplednavid: Hello01:24
LegendarioUnderSampled, guess so...01:24
linuxviewerI have tried manually editing /etc/network/interfaces and putting hwaddress in there but that doesnt work.  Suggestions for editing MAC address because I think it gave it eth2/eth3 insted of eth0/eth1 like before01:25
UnderSampledLegendario: Does it change your resolution at all?01:25
linuxguy2009edbian: Hmm looks neat. Ill give it a whirl. Thank you!01:25
edbianlinuxguy2009: NP01:25
LegendarioUnderSampled, i am stuck with a dammed 640X480 resolution. I can't hardly read...01:26
Aijsedanny7210, I'd say somethin is damaged to the image you re using, so either the Ubuntu you downloaded might be damaged or the medium its on, time for bed now srry ... goodluck01:26
UnderSampledLegendario: so you can't change it at all.01:27
edbianlinuxviewer: I think what you're talking about is simply changing the alias.  Look at this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-creating-or-adding-new-network-alias-to-a-network-card-nic/01:27
danny7210aijse - thats impossible, because I have installed the same disk on my desktop no problem01:27
LegendarioUnderSample, yes. I am using the nvidia X server setting01:28
danny7210Hey guys, I am trying to install ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop and I get this error : modprobe:FATAL: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep : No such directory or file01:28
UnderSampledLegendario: so you are using nvidia-settings01:29
mobi-sheepLegendario: Only one and max resolution in nvidia-settings?01:30
UnderSampledLegendario: try running "sudo nvidia-settings" (without quotes). The one in the menu does not provide root access, which is required to save the X configuration01:30
bernardlychandoes anyone know how to start vnc on kde?01:32
UnderSampledbernardlychan: Server or client?01:32
LegendarioUnderSample, nvidia-settings only shows 640X480 as maximum resolution01:32
mobi-sheepbernardlychan: #kubuntu01:32
UnderSampledmobi-sheep: still on the topic of ddrescue, is there a way to enable verbose mode while it is still going?01:34
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mobi-sheepUnderSampled: Not unless you want to start the whole thing again from scratch.01:35
mobi-sheepLegendario: "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf > ~/Desktop/XORG.txt" and paste the XORG.txt on the Desktop.01:35
mobi-sheep!paste | Legendario01:35
ubottuLegendario: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:35
Aijsedanny7210, found this thread about it. Good luck now im sleeping01:37
Aijsedanny7210, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116544001:37
UnderSampledLegendario: Sorry, I didn't realize that you responded01:39
BlizzerandCan any one point me towards a game in ubuntu repository better that others01:41
UnderSampledLegendario: do what mobi-sheep said so that we can help you while looking at your configuration01:41
mobi-sheep!games | Blizzerand01:41
ubottuBlizzerand: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php01:41
UnderSampledBlizzerand: What kinds of games are you looking for?01:42
LegendarioUnderSampled, mobi-sheep: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d7c8efc9c01:42
BlizzerandUnderSampled : Nah I think I got what I came for01:42
fjordlordmOrO^, i insalled all but is there no graphical interface?01:42
mobi-sheepBlizzerand: Neverball reminds me a lot from Sega's Monkeyball.01:42
mOrO^fjordlord: hmmmm.01:43
fjordlordi dont know how to "get it up" in X01:43
mOrO^fjordlord: Give me the url I gave  you01:43
HowDoIare you guys good at help?01:44
mobi-sheepLegendario: "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-backup"01:44
Legendariomobi-sheep, ok01:45
Legendariomobi-sheep, done01:46
mOrO^fjordlord: Im going to PM you! OK?01:47
HowDoIWhen my system is under load, it stops refreshing the screen until I give it some kind of input.  Anybody know what might cause this?01:47
fjordlordok :)01:47
fjordlordmOrO^, kool01:47
mobi-sheepLegendario: "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:47
mobi-sheepLegendario: You'll see the same thing you paste in, right?01:48
=== anthony is now known as Guest73923
Legendariomobi-sheep, i am looking at it...01:48
mobi-sheepLegendario: Under Configured Monitor, add "HorizSync 31.5-48"  and under that, "VertRefresh 56 - 65"01:49
mobi-sheepLegendario: Tab it up.  Make it look nice and fit right in.01:50
vprmi have 500gb of disk, windows has 400gb, should i install ubuntu as a repartitiong or run Wubi.  any ideas??  thanx01:50
mobi-sheepvprm: Wubi is slower because it depends on Windows NTFS partition.  And Ubuntu is a linux OS, not a Window application.  Dual-boot. :)01:51
Techie anyone know what Intel® 82845G support is like?01:51
fjordlordmOrO^, ?01:51
vprmhow much disk space do i need for ubuntu??01:52
mobi-sheepvprm: Not much.  Depends on what you'll be using it for.01:52
Techievprm: way less than 100g01:52
sebsebsebvprm: yep good idea not to use Wubi, bad things can happen01:52
Legendariomobi-sheep, should i use the "s?01:52
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements vprm01:52
mobi-sheepLegendario: What do you mean?01:52
mobi-sheepLegendario: Oh no quotes.01:53
Legendariomobi-sheep, ok01:53
rzCan someone please help me or point me in a direction of getting an ATI 9200 card working with dual screems on unbuntu?01:53
sebsebseb!dualboot |  vprm01:53
ubottuvprm: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:53
buckythat makes me want to scream twice01:54
mobi-sheepLegendario: Save it.  Paste it again for confirmation if you want.01:54
Legendariomobi-sheep, done01:54
vprmso 30GB should be enough..01:54
UnderSampledrz: are you using proprietary or opensource drivers?01:54
mobi-sheepLegendario: "gksudo nvidia-settings"01:54
mobi-sheepvprm: Yup. It's more than enough.01:54
rzI downloaded them from the ati website, but its failing when I try running them01:55
=== anthony is now known as Guest80968
Legendariomobi-sheep: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d761814c01:55
vprmwhich version of ubuntu should i use??01:55
Legendariomobi-sheep: is it ok?01:55
Techievprm: depends on what you need01:55
sebsebsebvprm: or do like 12GB for / the operating system partition   and  resonably  big seperate home.  only thing with that is you would have to set up the partitions yourself,  because  the guided installs won't do such set ups01:55
sebsebsebvprm: 8.10 or 9.0401:56
Maddehello. does anyone know of a lxterminal configuration file?01:56
mobi-sheepLegendario: You see the number 24?  That's where those numbers should be.  Anyway, I think it's fine.  Try "gksudo nvidia-settings" and see if you can change it.01:57
UnderSampledvprm: are you asking about which release, or which windowing system (ie ubuntu vs kubuntu vs xubuntu01:57
adhI'm getting an error w/ remote desktop on 9.04 saying it can only  connect to localhost.01:57
ctmjrrz: when you install them you get errors? and are you using  ubuntu 9.0401:57
bluedalekHello everyone.  Having some serious sound problems.  Ubuntu 9.04. I only get sound when going through the sound setup, and running the 'test tone'.. and when playing video's through Totem. All other media players are silent.  On board is disabled, BIOS has been reset, total of three sound cards have been tested.01:57
rzya 9.0401:58
linuxguy2009edbian: I found what i needed with the package from the repos called "gstreamer-tools" theres a command line tool called "gst-inspect" it lists all codecs on the machine and all the options. I noticed in the default Sound Juicer pipelines there is a "!" character between a few of the settings and Im wondering is that character common in other linux command line uses? Ive never used it before in the terminal but I wasnt sure.01:58
adhI've looked around and I've seen a lot of reports of this but no solutions.  Any suggestions?01:58
erikk71hi all01:58
vprmi'm going to run UBUNTU-9.04  ( i think(?))...01:58
rzthis is what i get:   X Server: unable to detect Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install01:58
erikk71trying to find mac theme for gnome01:58
eNons3nsei've got a question.  why does the dvd/cd creator only support 4.4 gig blank dvds when my dvds are 4.7 gig?01:58
ThomasHC1does anyone know how to only allow one binary to be ran as root with no password in /etc/sudoers?01:59
ctmjrrz: what card do you have?01:59
mOrO^erikk71: Mac4Linux01:59
mobi-sheepvprm: I think you should start off with Ubuntu.  It's popular and people seems to love it.  KDE is a different flavors and would be great for mommies.  However, KDE is going through a phrase of rewriting applications to KDE4.  I'm using KDE4 at the moment.  XFCE is really lightweight and it's really great for old machines and lacks in visual effects.  I think you want Gnome first.  KDE second.01:59
rzradeon 920001:59
rzits kinda old01:59
buckyerikk71: i'll tell you where to find it if you promise not to come back here and ask how to install it01:59
adhFYI I have an nvidia card01:59
mobi-sheepvprm: Yup.  Go with Ubuntu 9.04. :)01:59
erikk71is it hard to install02:00
buckyerikk71:  google mac4lin02:00
Techierz: i used to have a dual head setup with a 9600XT but that was a long time ago... what i can say is that there is a way to do it using the command line tools that come with the catalyst02:00
UnderSampledrz: what did you download? exes don't natively work on linux, and the linux drives are generally hard to install02:00
mOrO^erikk71: http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-intrepid-into-mac-osx-leopard/2009/01/0802:00
buckyerikk71: don't ask02:00
MaddeAnyone uses LXPanel?02:00
ctmjrrz: ati dropped support for that card in linux so the new drivewrs from their website will not work02:00
sebsebsebvprm: 8.10 is better than 9.04 in certain ways,  just like in one or two ways 9.04 is better than 8.1002:00
rufuscureI'm running gnome on an old machine with all the effects turned off, would XFCE still run better than that?02:00
Techierz: may i pm you02:01
rzyes please02:01
Legendariomobi-sheep: no difference. should i restart X?02:01
ctmjrrz: and the old drivers will not work with the new Xserver02:01
mobi-sheepLegendario: Yes.  Do try.02:01
UnderSampledrz: Anyway, the easiest way to install official drives is to go into system->administration->hardware drives02:01
Legendariomobi-sheep.... ok. i'll be back if necessary...02:02
Legendariomobi-sheep.... thanks.02:02
rzI've tried that nothing shows up though02:02
mobi-sheepLegendario: I'd like to know the result too. :)02:02
nerdy_kidhey guys, what ever happened to apport? it used to pop up every time something crashed, I reinstalled and now it doesnt (9.04 Jaunty) I have apport, apport-gtk and python-apport installed, still nothing. ?02:02
adhAny suggestions on remote desktop breaking on 9.04 w/ nvidia card?02:02
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UnderSampledrz: choose the latest driver that fits, or the recommended one.02:02
sebsebsebvprm: 9.10  is the next one released at the end of  October,  and most current Ubuntu users should be clean installing that one really02:02
db1029hi, can anyone help me change the screen resolution inside virtualbox running on ubuntu 9.04?02:02
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chiquesHey room, I have a couple of wasted partitions on my drive I would like to add to my /HOME directory. I tried booting off the Jaunty live cd but I couldn't find a way to "merge" it with my /HOME partition. Here is what I see when I use gparted off the live boot. tp://img32.imageshack.us/i/screenshotdevsdagparted.png/ http://img194.imageshack.us/i/screenshotdevsdagparted.png/ Does anyone have any suggestions?02:03
=== Guest79068 is now known as poxdox
rzno prop. drivers found for this system when I run hardware drivers app02:03
bluedalekHello everyone.  Having some serious sound problems.  Ubuntu 9.04. I only get sound when going through the sound setup, and running the 'test tone'.. and when playing video's through Totem. All other media players are silent.  On board is disabled, BIOS has been reset, total of three sound cards have been tested.02:04
vprmdoes ubuntu-9.04 allow resizing my  500gb windows to allow 20gb for ubuntu??02:04
sebsebsebvprm: which version of Windows?02:04
vprmxo pro02:04
vprmxp pro02:04
UnderSampledrz: hmmm02:04
mobi-sheepnerdy_kid: apport are usually toggled on during testing phrases.  I take it you installed jaunty alpha or release candidate?02:04
adhNobody has seen this error?  Please?02:05
UnderSampleddb1029: does virtualbox automatically set the resolution to be the size of the window?02:05
sebsebsebvprm: 9.04  is a bit pointless really  unless  people are doing the optional  Ext4  file system,  and  that's not really  the best thing to recommend to new users  in 9.04 for various reasons.   And without 8.10 is really the better release,  just most users don't know that.02:05
nerdy_kidi did have a testing version installed, that mustve been it, thanks for the help02:06
DulakUnderSampled: if you install the virtualbox drivers into the virtual machine it does that02:06
poxdoxk9copy for ubuntu 9.4..will it do the job every time??? (backup dvd movies)02:06
nerdy_kidmobi-sheep i did have a testing version installed, that mustve been it, thanks for the help02:06
sebsebsebvprm: and yes you can use gparted on the Live CD to resize the Windows partition, that normalley works without a problem, but that slight chance of dataloss, so good to have your data backed up from XP first02:06
mobi-sheepnerdy_kid: You can still toggle it on to help developers.  I can't remember how. :X   Gotta google and find it somewhere.02:06
UnderSampledDulak: sorry, that was meant for db1029 who left just before I sent that02:07
nerdy_kidmobi-sheep will do thanks :)02:07
adhwhatever thanks for nothing.  You ppl are useless02:07
DulakUnderSampled; no my mistake, I thought you were asking for help02:07
HowDoIOn my freshly-installed Ubuntu Jaunty system, the screen stops refreshing after a few seconds of being left alone.  The screen instantly starts updating again if I give it any input from the mouse or keyboard.  I have encountered the problem with Jaunty 32bit and 64bit along with 64bit with kernel 2.6.30 installed from the Ubuntu mainline ppa.02:07
gartralok, how do I force eject a cdrom with software?02:08
UnderSampledgartral: run "eject cdrom02:08
vprmi've been trying to learn ubuntu on a small system, but i wantr to put it on one of my larger system (on a sailboat).02:08
gartralUnderSampled: its ignoreing it02:08
sebsebsebvprm: on  a sail boat?02:08
mobi-sheepgartral: eject02:09
UnderSampledgartral: and if you give it sudo?02:09
sebsebsebMrPiracy: def02:09
vprmsebsebseb-> yes i use windows for a nav package i been using for serval years.02:09
MrPiracyleaf-sheep: neat! ty very much02:09
looishow do I set gnome cpu govenors to start on performance and not on demand?02:10
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: For what? o.O02:10
sebsebsebvprm: I see you been using a Windows program for  navigating the boat?02:10
MrPiracymobi-sheep: the themes page ;)02:10
gartralUnderSampled: same thing.. just sits there, the light is on (which is normal if theres a disk in it) but there is no disk in it02:10
chiquesAny suggestions on  how I can merge my wondering partitions?02:10
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: Oh that. No problem.  Wow.  Long time ago. ;)02:10
MrPiracymobi-sheep: yeah, i had to break it cos my daughter wanted some instructions on how to hack into her step-father router ;)02:10
vprmsebsebseb-> no - i nav the boat the, package tell all the charts.. and i use AIRMAIL for e-mail offshore..02:11
mobi-sheepMrPiracy: >:}~02:11
Legendariomobi-sheep, the resolution is better, but i can't use the nvidia-settings. It gives me an error right when i open it02:11
sebsebsebvprm: ok  so you got Windows programs that you want to run inside Ubuntu?02:11
mobi-sheepLegendario: gksudo nvidia-settings ?  You used that?02:11
FrankQCIf you want to run a Windows program try using the Wine Windows Emulator. sudo apt-get install wine -y; sudo apt-get build-dep wine -y02:12
mobi-sheepLegendario: What error?02:12
sebsebsebFrankQC: the second part???02:12
FrankQCsebsebseb: the build-dep?02:12
mobi-sheepLegendario: You're running your native monitor resolution, right?02:12
Legendariomobi-sheep: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.02:12
sebsebsebvprm: there's a program called  Wine which can get  a lot of Windows programs working,  but a lot need configuring, also I have a feeling  you won't have much luck with whatever you want to run02:12
vprmsebsebseb-> no - i just want to learn more about linux..02:13
FrankQCsebsebseb: It builds the dependencies on the package -- in this case, Wine.02:13
fjordlordare you still in?02:13
nixiepixelHey guys, I'm compiling gpac from source and are having problems installing it. It appears that I'm able to compile it, but sudo checkinstall is failing. Can anyone help? ='(02:13
Legendariomobi-sheep, but i am using the nvidia driver. Yes, the monitor is ok...02:13
gartralUnderSampled: same thing.. just sits there, the light is on (which is normal if theres a disk in it) but there is no disk in it.. and the drive has no paperclip hole02:13
fjordlordi need help with a skypephone02:13
fjordlordi want to transfer photos from it02:13
fjordlordto my computer02:13
sebsebsebvprm: ok get it installed and here's a website for you http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com02:13
UnderSampled!eject | gartral02:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eject02:13
FrankQCsebsebseb: try "man apt-get", it's in it.02:14
Techie-MichealSuggestions for dumping memory on an ubuntu server? I've seen suggestions for dd'ing /proc/kcore, and they said it should be equal to the amount of RAM that I have, but that's not been the case for me at least.02:14
bujjivprm: before installing wine get the dependency packages02:14
sebsebsebFrankQC: I know how to intall Wine, and   I  would get it from their repo for Ubuntu :)02:14
vprmsebsebseb-> i have it , plus i bought the book.02:14
mobi-sheepLegendario: It pop up when you ran that or at bootup?02:14
mobi-sheepLegendario: Oh you need to reconfigure, I suppose.02:14
mobi-sheepLegendario: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"02:15
Legendariomobi-sheep, when i ran that...02:15
bujjiapt-cache depends wine02:15
sebsebsebvprm: learn Ubuntu there isn't really  much to learn, except the basic stuff,   unless your going to do something more advanced02:15
FrankQCsebsebseb: Yea so you install it via apt-get to get it from their repos ^_^02:15
sebsebsebFrankQC: I know,  I probably used Ubuntu longer then you in fact,  and bound to  have used it longer than most people in this channel right now02:15
sebsebsebFrankQC: second release in 200502:15
bujjivprm: to know more about linux in a short time please refer to thedigit mazine febraury 2009 addition02:16
Priceysebsebseb: this isn't a competition.02:16
FrankQCsebsebseb: Proves?02:16
sebsebsebPricey: tru02:16
gartralUnderSampled: anyway to force eject.. i mean tell the drive that it MUST eject?02:16
vprmsebsebseb-> i been running/work/compilinng/and fix cpu since the 1968..02:16
mobi-sheepvprm: You want to know how I learn to use linux? :)  I transfer everything over to linux and start using it no matter what.  Started watching my movies, animes, TV series, etc in linux and IM and etc.  Not just occasional usage and none of that "Oh if something went wrong, I'll just go back to Windows" stuffs.02:16
Legendariomobi-sheep, i am going to restart x again. BRB02:17
FrankQCvprm: :0 nice02:17
sebsebsebvprm: ok well  Ubuntu shoudn't be that big of a deal then02:17
mobi-sheepvprm: You'll learn and learn and eventually realized it's more fun to use than Windows. :)02:17
bujjivprm: if u want i can send u some basic stuff02:18
vprmit's been fun...  and there are more help in the this group than the WINXP one..02:18
Dulakvprm: if you have to have a fall back you can use virtualbox to install windows in a virtual machine so you can boot it and use windows for whatever you need, though it's crap for gaming02:18
sebsebsebvprm: well   there isn't really any proper  Windows community support, as far as I know02:18
UnderSampledgartral: Try looking at the man page for eject02:18
vprmi though bill gates is the help..02:19
mob_n e 1 wanna try x and intel 82830 gcc ?02:19
sebsebsebDulak: well Virtualbox 3.0  has better support for  Direct3D 8 and 9,  I haven't tested though02:19
Dulaksebsebseb: i have, it's choppy as hell02:19
Dulaksebsebseb: but it's improving, so I have high hopes for the future02:19
sebsebsebDulak: ,but yeah I heard stuff like that, a bit slow with some games,  and choppy as you say02:19
sebsebseb!intel  |  mob_02:20
ubottumob_: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.02:20
vprmthanx guys -- or people for all the help..02:20
sebsebsebvprm and mob_  np02:21
UnderSampledgartral: try eject -T02:22
UnderSampledMirsal: Hello02:22
bujjivprm; please see the orkut community fsmca@griet and swatantramay it will some what helpful to you02:22
gartralUnderSampled: did.. i tried every iteration of eject i could think of before asking here\02:22
bujjii am from hyderabad from swecha group02:22
nixiepixelDoes anyone know how to compile a program from source? =p02:23
UnderSampledgartral: then you would know more than me02:23
mobi-sheep!compile | nixiepixel02:23
ubottunixiepixel: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:23
UnderSampledgartral: sorry I can't help any02:23
bujjifirst configure ur fiile02:23
UnderSamplednixiepixel: it usually depends on the specific program02:23
bujjifollow these steps02:23
gb0atwindows is proooooo02:24
nixiepixelUnderSampled, Just trying to compile and install gpac and am having problems. ='(02:24
bujjiif it is from tar balls02:24
Kalmi_gartral, worst case scenario: there is a little hole on the cd drive insert a pin there and it will eject... (however I wouldn't do that while powered on)02:24
colloguywhat's the best way to share calendar data between osx's ical and linux on the same system (without resorting to an online service)?02:24
gb0atHow do i fix my windows? it keeps displaying the bsod screen02:24
gartralKalmi_: i already said this drive lacks said hole02:24
mirsalIs using HAL fdi files still the right way to configure an input device ?02:24
bujjitar xzf sourcefilename02:25
bujjicd <extractedsourcefile>02:25
gartralmirsal: yes02:25
wirechief_gb0at:  maybe someone on #windows can help you02:25
gb0atlol im kiddin >.<02:25
bujjimay u willl get some dependency problems02:25
gb0atwindows is lame02:25
bujjithat packages will be specified install them02:26
HowDoIAnybody know when Ubuntu will fix the intel graphics problem?02:26
mirsalgartral, okay :) I heard about HAL being dropped in favour of DeviceKit so I was a bit worried02:26
sebsebsebgb0at: if your getting the Blue Screen Of Death it means your hardware may be failing or you installed bad drivers02:26
bujjiwhen u find no errors or dependencies the next step is02:26
wirechief_HowDol with Karmic02:26
sebsebsebgb0at: and if your hardware is failing Ubuntu is going to go bad eventually as well02:26
bujjimake install02:26
gb0atlol sebsebseb.. i was kidding >.< you would not find me running windows on my computer02:26
gb0atwindows can suck on my cock02:26
nixiepixelbujji, I think I fixed the dependency problems, and make did not return an error.. but sudo checkinstall is failing.02:27
HowDoISo Ubuntu isn't going to fix Jaunty ever?02:27
gartral!language gb0at02:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about language gb0at02:27
gartral!language |gb0at02:27
ubottugb0at: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:27
bujjiyour sourcepackaged will be installed02:27
VCoolionixiepixel: what does checkinstall say?02:27
matyohi everybody02:27
bujjiis any one getting my messages02:27
mirsalhey matyo02:28
Kalmi_sebsebseb, gb0at: most of time BSODs on virus-ridden machines are not caused by hardware failure... bad drivers... having two antivirus... etc...02:28
bujjiany one of u give me a reply02:28
gb0at^^ kalmi_ you deserve a cookie02:28
VCooliobujji: yeah, try talking to persons by putting names in front02:28
sebsebseb!cookie |  Kalmi_02:28
ubottuKalmi_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:28
gartralKalmi_ UnderSampled DOI! xmms2 didnt release the device02:28
gb0atbut the real answer is02:28
bujjiok tq02:28
matyoi have a very good question :D02:28
gb0atwindows is made to display bsod from the start. Bill gates fails02:28
gb0atlike windows does02:29
nixiepixelVCoolio, http://pastebin.com/m539be160 - The last few lines before epic failure =(02:29
Kalmi_gb0at, actually they just want you buy new hw... :) opss... we have gone a bit offropic...02:29
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:29
matyoi add a partition with ubuntu partition manager after that im install windows xp but now i cant see my linux just windows work02:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:30
gb0atTo Solve BSOD: Boot Up Ubuntu -> Format Windows02:30
gb0atAm I a winrar?02:30
mobi-sheepmatyo: If you can, install Windows first.  Ubuntu second.02:30
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:30
bazhang!ot > gb0at02:30
ubottugb0at, please see my private message02:30
VCoolionixiepixel: maybe "sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib64" will help (first check if it really doesn't exist yet before it overwrites anything02:30
gartralgb0at: one more and its the ops for you02:31
matyoyeah i know this is the easy way but im work on ubuntu 6 months before install windows and now i must get my data02:31
UnderSampledgartral: that would do it. :)02:32
mobi-sheepmatyo: Tsk. Fix your grub before somebody snatch it away for dinner.02:32
mobi-sheep!grub | matyo02:32
ubottumatyo: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:32
nixiepixelmatyo, Here's my video on how to fix your problem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtBBl6HvdpM Good luck hon =)02:32
rzmatyo: try booting from CD, and select the OS to boot in GRUB02:32
nixiepixelVCoolio, Thanks, trying it now02:32
carmen276how can I get my Nvidia Card to work with Jaunty?02:33
mediatechhello.... when play video (movies, etc) when scenes change the video has a choppy horizontal line. dosn't do every sceen but enough to annoy02:33
matyoim in live cd at moment :D02:33
mobi-sheepcarmen276: Enable hardware drivers + install Nvidia 180.02:33
carmen276mobi-sheep: I have the Drivers install already02:33
=== jason is now known as Guest64795
mobi-sheepcarmen276: You're done.  Wanna configure stuffs?  "gksudo nvidia-settings"02:34
rzI bought a bad spindle of DVD-R's :(02:35
carmen276mobi-sheep: It says I have the drivers installed and enabled02:35
Roboto_Ubuntucan anyone tell me (new to ubuntu) how i can find out the latest updates (pulseaudio) cause after updates, I have no sound02:35
Roboto_Ubuntui want to remove the last pulse updates02:35
carmen276mobi-sheep: but my effects wont work02:35
Kalmi_RobotCow, switching to ALSA is easier02:35
mobi-sheepcarmen276: Have you enabled the effects? :o02:36
Kalmi_Roboto_Ubuntu, switching to ALSA is easier02:36
carmen276mobi-sheep: yes02:36
Kalmi_!sound | Roboto_Ubuntu02:36
ubottuRoboto_Ubuntu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:36
mobi-sheep!compiz | carmen27602:36
ubottucarmen276: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz02:36
mobi-sheepcarmen276: If you got effects to work, you should see wobbly windows and such.02:36
RobotCowKalmi_, i prefer pulseaudio, it rocks if you know how to use it02:36
Roboto_Ubuntuvol control device says alsa mixer02:37
carmen276mobi-sheep: ok thanks, I'll go to that channel02:37
nixiepixelCan anyone help troubleshoot my checkinstall problem pleease? http://pastebin.com/m3a4075a6 =(02:37
Interphasehi everyone, my laptop came with an infrared remote receiver for remote controls, any idea how ubuntu could recognize and use this?02:38
Kalmi_RobotCow, I have never seen anyone actually using pulseaudio's capabilites... :02:38
Horaciohello.. i have a question..02:38
Horaciocould i use the debian lenny dvd as source for apt?02:38
bazhangHoracio, no02:38
brandiI am trying to set up a postfix mail server.   Somewhere I mistyped something and now when i send an email it has the misspelled domain name?   Anyone know where this info comes from initially?  Kind of a noob02:38
Horaciook, why/02:38
Kalmi_Horacio, yes... but not for ubuntu :)02:39
Horaciolol, not even for vim? g++?02:39
bazhang!debian | Horacio02:39
ubottuHoracio: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!02:39
RobotCowKalmi_, the ubuntu community is mostly made up of users who have switched from windows, not linux from scratch users or slackware users who are tech savy.02:39
mediatechwhen play video when scenes change the video has a choppy horizontal line. dosn't do every sceen but enough to annoy02:40
edbianKalmi_: I went from windows xp to ubuntu to debian02:40
bazhangmediatech, compiz is enabled or not02:40
Horaciook.. got it, so relating to that, is there a python/ruby/bash script to get a couple hundred packages with apt in order to compile them in a dvd or do i have to make own?02:40
mediatechnot sure02:41
mobi-sheepInterphase: Err, maybe lirc.02:41
bazhangHoracio, what about aptoncd02:41
Horacioi am a regular debian user, the thing is, it doesn't work on my notebook! plus, i hate fedora02:41
Interphasemobi-sheep, yeah, I found that just now02:41
bazhang!aptoncd > Horacio02:41
ubottuHoracio, please see my private message02:41
Roboto_Ubuntui have been an rpm distro person, never debian, thought id try it out, kinda like it, but pulse is killing me02:42
bazhangmediatech, try with compiz off02:42
bazhangRoboto_Ubuntu, what about installing pavucontrol02:42
Horaciook tanks > ubottu02:42
Kalmi_Roboto_Ubuntu, why not switch to alsa?02:42
Roboto_Ubuntutell me how to switch to alsa and i will02:42
mediatechbazhang, ok. what command will do that?02:43
Roboto_Ubuntujust apt-get alsa ??02:43
RobotCowedbian, then you ought to make a virtual sound device and have your sound play on another machine through the network just for fun, like a movie throughout the an entire mansion and you can also control the sound of individual apps which i do often using pulseaudio. pulseaudio was really useful when my usb headset was working because i could easily switch the sound stream between my sound card and the usb headset without unplugging it and reboot02:43
RobotCowing and all that mess.02:43
bazhangmediatech, try alt f2 metacity --replace02:43
Roboto_Ubuntui had vlc setup for that so we could watch anything from the tvcard in parts of the house02:44
RobotCowRoboto_Ubuntu, no, you have to also blacklist oss modules02:44
HowDoIRobotCow: Do you know how to get sound/mic through a Bluetooth headset with Ubuntu/PulseAudio?02:44
mediatechbazhang, did that, screen flashed. but tried playing video and still has the same problem02:45
RobotCowHowDoI, ask in #pulseaudio or #alsa because i have never owned a bluetooth device except for my blackberry which i dont have the bluetooth headset to use with it so i have no experience with using bluetooth in linux02:45
bazhangmediatech, completely quit and restarted video?02:46
gzaпривет всем02:46
bazhanggza, #ubuntu-ru02:46
mediatechbazhang, ok, thanks... maybe back.02:46
gzai now02:47
Kalmi_Roboto_Ubuntu, read(!) this factoid:02:47
Kalmi_!sound | Roboto_Ubuntu02:47
ubottuRoboto_Ubuntu: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:47
ROCKY`cya all later :)02:47
ksc654Help!!! I installed the ATI binary driver and after I rebooted all I get is a garbled screen.02:47
ROCKY`I'm off to bed02:47
edbianksc654: garbled?02:48
skyeeewell that was interesting, i just installed ubuntu, yet it's not bringing up the bootloader at all on startup02:48
edbianskyeee: Are you booting to the correct HDD?02:49
ksc654Yes. Mostly black with a few pixels here and there. Some blink but most are solid.02:49
mobi-sheepI'm off to bed. Goodnight bazhang. :)02:49
skyeeeedbian, yes, i only OS's in stalled on one hdd02:49
bazhangmobi-sheep, bye :)02:50
edbianskyeee: What does the system do?  Bios post and then report: "No OS" ??02:50
gzaheadphones and columns work simultaneously, why? in ubuntu02:50
skyeeeedbian, just goes straight to windows02:50
quesoAnyone here have a large personal library?  I see two options for managing a library (maybe there are more), Alexandria and GCstar.  Anyone have any experience with these applications?  Which would you recommend for books only?02:50
edbianskyeee: I would pop in a live CD and look at the /boot/grub/menu.lst config file on your ubuntu install02:51
jander991skyeee:  How many hard drives do you have in your system?02:52
Piranahok im screwed just installed, cant boot to Vista or Ubuntu now. Im on a live cd. Any help would be greatfull02:52
ksc654How do I get to a command prompt to troubleshoot when the screen is all garbled?02:52
Piranahno errors on install of grub suring install02:52
bruenigksc654: ssh02:52
skyeeejander991, two, but only one of them has operating systems installed02:53
mediatechbazhang, well... i rebooted and tried it again. and got the same results. Now I have a Intel GMA X4500 graphics card. its a laptop.02:53
jander991skyeee:  Do you remember, when installing Ubuntu if you saw options for 'Grub'?  Its possible Grub loaded the bootloader on the wrong drive (your data drive not your OS drive).02:53
Piranahjannder991 how do ya check that ?02:54
Piranahi can see my linux install. The drive looks good all folders are there etc02:54
cjaeHi, Can I use ext4 with LVM?02:54
bazhangmediatech, sorry, I did not mean for you to reboot; I just meant to restart the media player? have you tried more than one? mplayer, vlc, etc?02:55
bruenig!lvm | cjae02:55
ubottucjae: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:55
Piranahand i can see my 3 windows drives02:55
ksc654bruenig: I have to access it from another machine? There's no way to get to a command prompt from the computer I'm have trouble with?02:55
gza headphones and columns work simultaneously, why? in ubuntu02:55
skyeeejander991, i don't recall seeing anything for grub, but there is a grub folder in my linux install (have it booted to live cd)02:55
bazhanggza, columns = speakers?02:55
bruenigksc654: I am saying that is one way.02:55
cjaebruenig, ya I read that stuff02:55
bruenigksc654: are you saying the framebuffer is messed up02:55
Piranahskyee we are both in the same boat atm02:55
Piranahim runnin off live as well atm02:55
mediatechbazhang, oh... lol yes Ive tried different players and tried changing the video output (x11, xv, etc)02:56
jander991Piranah: I'm actually not sure.  There are instructions somewhere that tells you how to manually install grub02:56
skyeeePiranah, you installed it but it just goes straight to windows?02:56
gzaheadphones and columns work simultaneously, why02:56
bazhangmediatech, what format of video? commercial dvd or something other02:56
Piranahskyee i wish it boots to grub error nothin else. It DID boot to winblows at one point ehhe02:56
Piranahjander991 ok off to google i go02:57
gza speakers02:57
bazhanggza, dont repeat so quickly, and they are called 'speakers', not columns02:57
ksc654bruenig: All I know is I installed the ATI binary driver from the package repository and when I rebooted I got the Ubuntu splash shortly followed by random pixel garbage.02:57
tyocthere exist an app that say me how many time I have used in the desktop for specific applications (the time in foreground, and the time I have used it via kb and mouse?)02:57
* skyeee tries reinstalling ubuntu, i've got time.02:57
jander991Piranah, skyeee:  Hope that gets you two in the right direction.02:57
bruenigksc654: have you tried tty?02:58
tyoclike a time tracking02:58
skyeeejander991, should i be looking somewhere to specify where to install grub during startup?02:58
mediatechbazhang, dose it with DVD, AVI, mkv. i'm on a laptop and I have a 22in external screen. when its at a lower resolution its not as noticeable but at full screen on my external it is.02:58
skyeeejander991, i mean, during install <<02:58
uqsHello, I would like to know what the smartest way to upgrade the Firefox version that came with Ubuntu 9.04 (ff 3.0 or something) to ff 3.502:59
bazhangmediatech, sounds like a video driver issue then02:59
ubuntu1241hello world!  my first successful IRC post!02:59
bazhang!ff35 | uqs02:59
ubottuuqs: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY02:59
jander991skyeee: Technically it should install on the first hd of the system.  Thats the default anyway.  Right before the final "Install" button, there should be a summary display of all the settings.02:59
bazhangjust install from repos uqs02:59
forcesis there a UNR image with .ISO format?02:59
skyeeealright, thanks jander991, i'm going to try a reinstall and take it from there03:00
mediatechbazhang, i was afraid of that. Do you know of any drivers for intel chipsets like they do for nivida and ATI03:00
uqsbazhang, ok, but will this upgrade my 3.0 ff or install 3.5 as a new program?03:00
jander991skyee: Good luck, you can use pidgin to come back while you're installing03:00
jing_hi, I heard that ext3 is slow, i am considering to switch my system to another FS, which one is the best one for ubuntu?03:00
skyeeejander991, i'm currently on here with my eee pc, so i won't be going anywhere :303:00
ksc654bruenig: How do I get to tty? Ubuntu goes straight into X and I can't see anything.03:01
jander991skyeee: ok, I am though, pizza time!03:01
pincyhi im looking for help with setting up wpa-psk when wext is crashing my system and atmel doesnt work03:01
morphiasjing_ ext3 works just fine... i wouldn't worry about what eveyrone says man03:01
bruenigksc654: control alt f103:01
icegliderksc654: ctrl+alt+ any F button03:01
forcesis there a UNR image with .ISO format?03:02
bazhangforces, dont see one, only the img; you can install unr from repos if you wish though03:02
bruenigiceglider: probably not over f703:02
forcesand UNR in text mode?03:02
bruenigunless ubuntu has started using a ton of agetty's recently03:02
forcesdoesn't care if it's .img03:02
icegliderbruenig: not some are already used, that's true03:02
SirStananyone run a dl380g4?03:02
iceglidernot = no ^^03:02
bazhangforces, minimal install and unr package, or the img03:02
bazhanghttp://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/  <--- forces03:03
gzawhen skype works that centranl'nyy processor of loawding 100%03:03
Interphasehas anyone set up a fingerprint scanner on ubuntu? I don't have a thinkpad03:03
uqsbazhang, I did as you advised and just installed FF 3.5 from Synaptic Package Manager (and Gnome support for it) but I can still only find and start up FF 3.003:04
bazhanguqs, its called shiretoko in your apps menu03:04
jing_morphias: firefox have problem with ext3:03:04
matyohi again :D03:04
matyoi cant fix this boot problem after install windows :D03:05
uqsbazhang, aah, I see. why is that? :)03:05
nsadmin!fix grub03:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fix grub03:05
bazhanghttp://is.gd/1reB3  <-- uqs03:05
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:05
uqsbazhang, thanks for that link. It cleared everything up :)03:06
nsadminmatyo: got that link?03:07
morphiasjing_ do you seriously read everything b4 trying it for urself?  im using ext3 on ubuntu and everything works well enough for my needs03:08
morphiasif i were you, id experiment a little aight man.03:09
matyoyou mean the links from ubottu03:09
matyoyeah but they dont help me :D03:09
jing_morphias: thanks for your tips, i'll do more research on this issue03:09
nsadminok, actually never mind... I'm headed out03:10
xim_is truecrypt supported on the ubuntu kernel?03:11
matyoim do realy ideotic work my linux boot partition is 25gb im parse it to 15 gb for windows and 10gb for linux boot after that partiton parse im try to install windows but i cant becouse the new 15gb partition is formated by ubuntu and i delete it and recreate with windows installer meneger now windows work perfect but linux boomed :D and when i try fdisk -l from live cd response is Cannot open /dev/sda03:12
cjaesorry never mnd long day03:12
iceglidermatyo have you checked that the partitions are still there? so that you formated them by accident with windows installer??03:14
losherjing_: that firefox/ext3 article was over a year old. Presumably it's long fixed by now. ext3 is a good, stable filesystem & first choice for beginners...03:14
matyoyeah they are there03:14
bamballmatyo: did u sudo with fdisk?03:15
matyono now they come :P :D03:15
=== Guest90219 is now known as holass__
jing_losher: how about ext4?03:16
matyook one more question now i can see the partitions boot partition os dev/sda1 how can i set dev/sda2 to boot partition _03:16
ksc654ctrl+alt+F? doesn't do anything. Any other ideas?03:16
losherjing_: ext4 on ubuntu is too new to be considered fully stable yet. Wait a couple of releases....03:16
bamballmatyo: i think u need to toggle the boot flag03:16
matyoyeah but with manager i cant see partitions when im boot with live cd03:18
icegliderksc654: if you've installed and started Ubuntu normally you should get a tty by using that? changed anything?03:18
loshermatyo: try gparted instead. Also, you may want to add a swap partition for linux...03:18
cwilluksc654, ctrl-alt-f1, not ctrl-alt-f03:19
iceglidermatyo: btw is it win xp?03:19
darkhamm_how can i build a gstreamer pipe for sound juicer?03:19
nixiepixelmatyo, Seriously.. you probably need to re-install your boot loader.03:20
ksc654cwillu: I tried all the F# keys.03:20
loshermorphias: nothing wrong with reading up on what you're doing before you jump in. I wish more people did it...03:20
cwilluksc654, you're just trying to get a vterm?  is x itself working?03:21
nixiepixelmatyo, Did you re-install grub so you can see Windows?03:21
ksc654iceglider: The only change I've made recently was installing the ATI binary driver from the repository. That's what got me into this mess.03:21
kometformatting solves all issues03:21
jander991skyeee: How is the install coming?03:21
jander991Piranah: Any luck?03:21
anonbadgerkomet: so true03:21
ksc654cwillu: X is all garbled from installing the ATI driver. I'm trying to drop to a command line so I can troubleshoot.03:22
skyeeejander991, got slightly distracted, and then went and cleared out those partitions, just booting up to the live cd again to intall it now03:22
cwilluksc654, boot up into the recovery mode kernel (just pick it off the list in grub when you boot)03:22
jander991skyeee: Too many shinies around? Oooh shiny...03:22
icegliderksc654: hmm ok and you are at the login screen or where are you when you are trying ctrl-alt-F1?03:22
cwilluksc654, the fail-safe xorg option that will show up there may be enough to get you going again, failing that, moving /etc/X11/xorg.conf out of the way may also work03:22
firepantsanyone else having cpu performance issues with flash in 9.04?03:22
skyeeejander991, you have no idea... (was also distracted telling my friend how the infected mushroom concert was last night)03:22
SirStan10k drives are peppy03:23
toldeif i wanted to create a .sh that uses a sudo command how does that work?03:23
SirStantolde: "your doing it wrong"03:23
buttons840i'm testing a tcp client, can anyone think of a port on my localhost I can connect to.   I just need to connect to any tcp, i wont actually be doing anything03:23
ksc654iceglider: Yes, I was at the login screen. I'm trying cwillu's suggestion right now.03:23
SirStanwhy on earth would you want a script to run a sudo script?03:23
SirStanbuttons: ssh/22 ?03:24
Guest65435Any suggestions or hardware compatiblility sites for a processor/MB combo that's happy with ubuntu?  What about 64 bits?  If i install a 64 bit ubuntu, will there be progams lacking in the desktop environment?  What do I really want?03:24
SirStanGuest65435: why would you want 64bit?03:24
toldei want macchanger to run on startup to change my mac address and it needs to do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down"03:24
buttons840SirStan, 22 is refused like all the rest03:24
xTheGoat121xSo, it seems that Firefox segfaults every time I try to start it. Trying to start it from terminal or safe mode provides no clues as to why.03:24
SirStanbuttons840t: is sshd running?03:24
buttons840i guess i can just connect to some random internet site over tcp03:24
ksc654The recovery menu is giving me a couple options. One is xfix to auto repair graphic problems. I guess it's worth a shot. What do you guys think?03:25
firepantslooking for help with cpu performance problems with Flash in a browser.03:25
Guest65435SirStan: Well all the new intel and AMD processors seem to be 64 bit.   It's a noob question I know03:25
th0rtolde: you might want to look at the NOPASSWD option in the sudoers file03:25
SirStanGuest65435: usually people dont care for 64bit unless they have a specific need.03:25
Cydellhas anyone tried to play world of warcraft in a vbox windows guest?03:26
darkhamm_how can i build a gstreamer pipe for sound juicer?03:26
skyeeeCydell,  can't WINE run WoW fine?03:26
Dulakcydell: it's better under wine than in vbox03:26
toldeth0r: alright. do u know the location of the sudoers file offhand?03:26
iceglider64bit on ubuntu can handle everything 32bit can and it also expands the memory limit03:26
Dulakcydell: vbox is still pretty choppy for 3d03:26
jander991skyeee: heh. Once you get to the point of almost having it install the system, there should be a way to view a summary of the installation. Let me know when you get there.03:26
darkhamm_someone can help me with Gstreamer's pipelines?03:26
CydellYeah wine runs it very well but I would like to play that and some other games03:27
th0rtolde: you need to edit it with visudo, best to research it a little as messing up that file can get you in real trouble03:27
skyeeealright jander991, choosing the hard drive i want to use now (largest continuous free space)03:27
losherbuttons840: a good secure installation shouldn't leave any tcp ports open unless it's serving something specific...03:27
CydellJust wanted to know what others had found out I don't like to dual boot03:27
shinigamisomeone can help me in skiputler plz03:27
buttons840losher, well that's what i have, because i can't find any tcp port to approach on my own system03:27
toldeth0r. alright man, ill look into it. thanks for the info03:27
hdonhow do i restart samba? /etc/init.d/samba doesn't exist!03:27
iMatterermac0, Firefox 3.0.11 in Ubuntu 9.04 doesn't download from alot of websites like i'll click download link and downloads will not pop up sometimes it'l give me a save file or open with window i click ok nothing ive even tried opening downloads window myself and apparently nothings downloading and since this happened i end up copying link and doing wget03:27
xTheGoat121xlosher, hey, good to see you. Got it working last night!  :D03:28
Guest65435SirStan some people want more than 4 gigs of memory for instance.   Do they even make 32 bit processors these days or do you mean I just get a new processor and install the i386 ubuntu anyway?03:28
iMattersorry ermac0 it auto did that03:28
jander99hdon: /etc/init.d/smbd I think.03:28
losherbuttons840: that's a good thing!03:28
buttons840losher, decided i would just connect to a webserver on 8003:28
hdonjander99: also tried!03:28
SirStanGuest21538: all intel cpus are 32bit03:28
shinigamii couldn't find how03:28
cwilluiMatter, sounds like you've updated firefox (via update manager or whatever), and haven't quit firefox completely and reopened it yet03:28
morphiaslosher, i dont mind reading things, hell i do that myself.  i just dont like people who read things and they get so scared they dont try nothing for themselves.03:28
losherxTheGoat121x: hi there. So did it work like we thought. A new install with /usr on the SD worked ok?03:28
th0rhdon: I have /etc/init.d/samba03:28
shinigamiskiputler work03:28
hdonth0r: what system are you on? i'm on jaunty03:29
skyeeealright jander991, i'm there, says it's only touching this one hdd too., there is a button for advanced option though03:29
morphiasof course then again, im a bit of a risk taker03:29
SirStanGuest21538: 64bit oses have more overhead .. so usually it doesnt make sense to run a 64bit os unless you (a) are stupid, (b) need to keep up with your (a) friends, or (c) need 16gb of ram on your database server.03:29
firepantsshould I downgrade to version 8 until the Flash cpu problem is resolved?03:29
xTheGoat121xlosher, yes, except now I'm having an issue with updating the kernel and getting Firefox to run. Do you know if there's a way to get verbose error messages on a Firefox start?03:29
th0rhdon: yup...jaunty....ls /etc/init.d/samba returns the file03:29
jander99skyeee: (On laptop.)  Does it say hd(0) ?03:29
buttons840SirStan, what if i want to use my 4 gigs of ram?03:29
hdonth0r: can you tell me what this command yields? "dpkg -S /etc/init.d/samba"03:29
loshermorphias: it's one of the problems of not having much experience, you can't fully evaluate risk...03:29
SirStanbuttons840: a 32bit os will work better for 4 gb ram than a 64bit os03:30
shinigamihello someone can help me on skiputler03:30
th0rhdon: working03:30
ksc654Ok, xfix didn't solve anything. I guess I'm dropping to a root shell prompt.03:30
buttons840SirStan, really?  i didn't think it could use more than about 3 gigs on a 32-bit system03:30
morphiaslosher, you cant have experience without first taking a risk.03:30
skyeeejander99 it says "SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sdb) "03:30
SirStanbuttons840: im not sure why you think that03:30
losherskyeee: just listened to their video. Like klezmer meets trance...03:30
th0rhdon: samba: /etc/init.d/samba03:30
DulakSirStan: I beg to differ with you, on my laptop 64 bit runs noticeably faster than 32 bit, same distro and version03:30
boss_mcSirStan: you are hugely mistaken on most of what you've said lately03:30
cwilluSirStan, 32bit app can't access 4gb of memory, a big chunk of it is reserved for the kernel, as well as any memory mappings the app may be using03:30
skyeee(it's not scsi btw, i think that's just how my mobo deals with ata and sata both hooked up to it)03:31
=== cee_immuddh is now known as cwo_drummer
loshermorphias: actually, you can e.g. by reading about it. But we're getting way off-topic...03:31
icegliderAll intel CPUs are not 32bit and the overhead for most systems are not really noticeable since most programs today are so memory hogging anyway03:31
hdonth0r: ah, thanks. i guess i didn't have that package installed, even though i have an /etc/samba/smb.conf03:31
jander99skyeee: okay, sdb is technically the 2nd hard drive.  If that's how it installed last time there's the reason its not booting.03:31
SirStaniceglider: all intel cpus are 32bit.03:31
boss_mcSirStan: also onboard devices remove alaiable addressed memory space03:31
jander99Can you choose sda?03:31
firepants@sirstan...32bit systems can only use 4gb TOTAL ram including the swap.03:31
jander99sda should be the first drive03:31
cwillufirepants, ... per process03:31
morphiaslosher - <bump> moving on :)03:31
icegliderIntel® 64 architecture delivers 64-bit computing on server, workstation, desktop and mobile platforms when combined with supporting software.¹ Intel 64 architecture improves performance by allowing systems to address more than 4 GB of both virtual and physical memory." taken from Intels homepage03:31
Guest65435SriStan and you called me stupid.  You didn't even get my number right!03:31
ksc654I'm at a root prompt. Any idea how to troubleshoot X from here?03:31
skyeeejander99, i think it thinks my other hdd is the first one, which is my data one.. this hdd is ata, and the other one is sata)03:31
skyeeelosher, yeah, they were really awesome live, and all the songs were amped up a bit to get the crowd moving03:32
jander99Okay, so your primary drive is IDE? What does it say for "sda" ?03:32
SirStaniceglider: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=998&num=203:32
skyeeejander99, i opened advanced button, i think i've got what i need here03:32
cwilluksc654, the recovery x option didn't work?03:33
shinigamii've a topcom phone and i don't know how it work on ubuntu, can someone help me?03:33
SirStaniceglider: there is doom running 10% slower on a 32 bit os.03:33
skyeeejander99, it has a checkbox for install bootloader, and gives me choice of hdd's03:33
cwilluksc654, (should have been an option named something like that above the root prompt option)03:33
boss_mcSirStan: http://www.microdirect.co.uk/Home/Product/21806 for example is a 64bit processor from intel that's three years old...03:33
SirStanboss_mc: im sorry, but thats a 32 bit cpu.03:33
SirStanboss_mc: it has intels 64bit extensions03:33
skyeeejander99 choice of partitions to be mroe precise03:33
jander991skyeee: Okay, good.  You should be able to choose where to install grub.  Are there only two choices? (For the two drives you have)03:33
ksc654cwillu: Nope, it mentioned something about overwriting a custom config file. After it finished I tried booting again. No change.03:33
skyeeejander99 choice of partitions, so sda, sda5, sdb(ubuntu install here), sb1(xp install here) and sba503:34
icegliderSirStan: yes cause Doom uses so small resources that the overhead is more noticeable, also doom was written for 32 and not 64bit03:34
firepantsshould I downgrade to version 8 until the Flash cpu problem is resolved?03:34
Jeruvyfirepants: that could be many years03:35
losherfirepants: downgrading is a lot of work. Are you sure there isn't an easier workaround on google or some such?03:35
SirStaniceglider: I just want to be clear here -- do you have ANY evidence a 64bit linux kernel running x and standard apps is faster than a 32bit os? or are you just arguing with me because "64 MUST BE BETTER THAN 31 BITS!"03:35
jander99skyeee: Lemme think here. Its been a while since I had a system with both SATA and IDE drives.03:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:36
cwilluksc654, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf, look for a line that says driver "fglrx", and change it to driver "vesa".  That should get you up and running.  Then you can try setting it to "ati", and finally, using the hardware drivers app in the admin menu, reenable the proprietary driver03:36
firepantsi've been searching any forum i can think of for a solution03:36
cwillufirepants, please refrain from pm'ing people without asking in channel first03:36
jander99skyeee: Your IDE drive is the data drive?03:36
DulakSirStan: when I moved from 32bit to 64 bit on my laptop I noticed a big improvement, apps loading faster being the biggest thing I noticed03:36
Guest65435any ubuntu recomendation if I'm building a budget computer from scratch, like the $200 range for procesor and MB?  AMD or Intel?03:36
skyeeejander99 yeah, it seems silly to run my IDE as my boot drive and sata as my data drive, but i like to have dedicated data drives, and my sata is 1.5tb (and to your question, IDE is the OS drive)03:36
SirStanGuest21538: amd is usually cheaper at that price point -- but for $200? look used?03:36
boss_mcSirStan: As a matter of education, what is the difference?03:37
firepantswhy not pm? u made a comment, i replied. is there a problem?03:37
cwillufirepants, re: 32bit, "per process" means that the any given process can only use 4gb of address space, including the space reserved for the kernel.  On a machine with pae, you can still use more than 4gb memory, but any single program will still only be able to use ~3gb or so03:37
Guest65435just the MB and processor.03:37
firepantsah, kk. thx03:37
cwillufirepants, for one thing, pm's show up in a new tab at the end of a very long list of open channels here :p03:37
cwillufirepants, secondly, it prevents anyone else interested from seeing the replies :p03:38
losherfirepants: pm'ing without asking first is considered intrusive (i.e. rude). Why? It just is...03:38
icegliderSirStan: I never said it ran faster, I said that it could do the same thing, also a application written for 64 runs just as good on a 64bit as a app for 32bit does on 32bit systems03:38
boss_mc!pm | firepants03:38
ubottufirepants: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:38
SirStanboss_mc: All intel cpu's are still designed to be 32 bit .. they have added 64bit extensions to them.. but they are still at their core 32bit .. and ahve design constraints around that.  Compared to an old DEC/Compaq Alpha 64bit CPU that ran 64bit code faser than 32 bit code.03:38
jander99skyeee: not a problem.  So, sda=1.5tb sata, sdb=system drive.03:38
mytrueheroThis may not be the right place for this question, but I'm trying to figure out GPG. I generated a keypair, encrypted a file, decrypted it, was prompted for my passphrase and all was cool. THEN I tried it with another file, and I wasn't prompted for my passphrase this time. Is there any way to require the passphrase each time the private key is used?03:38
xTheGoat121x Shouldn't there only be one linux-image installed when upgrading a system?03:38
Guest65435pretty nice processors for 80 bucks or so.  Dual core and lots faster than the old athlon 2700 im running right now03:38
SirStanalso -- I have 8gb ram on my Ubuntu 32bit machine.  Suck it.03:38
boss_mcSirStan: so one of these http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itanium is 'real' 64bit? (and intel)03:38
skyeeejander99, exactly03:38
Jeruvymytruehero: yes, don't cache the keyphrase03:39
SirStanboss_mc: mhm.. though.. those are all but defunct now :)03:39
cwilluSirStan, that has absolutely nothing to do with an ubuntu 64bit install though03:39
SirStanboss_mc: real or not.. modern intels (most stuff after the 3ghz mark P4) has 64bit extensions..03:39
jander99skyeee: Okay. And the installer *wants* to install on sdb?  I see no reason why it shouldn't work.  What are the advanced options again?03:39
jing_losher:On Oct 11, 2008, the patches that mark ext4 as stable code were merged in the Linux 2.6.28 source code repositories,03:39
ksc654cwillu: xorg.conf is only 33 lines long. Most are comments. There's a "Device", "Monitor" and "Screen" section. "Device" has only one entry under it: Identifier "Configured Video Device"03:39
jing_morphias:On Oct 11, 2008, the patches that mark ext4 as stable code were merged in the Linux 2.6.28 source code repositories,03:39
firepantsi can respect what u say but i dare say i don't agree with it. but that's just me and my opinion.03:39
cwilluksc654, okay, in the device section, add a new line:  driver "vesa"03:39
cwilluksc654, which version of ubuntu are you on again?03:40
mytrueheroJeruvy: hmm, ok. I'll dig around for how to do that.03:40
Jeruvy!ot | firepants03:40
ubottufirepants: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:40
SirStanmy assertion was that UNLESS you need a single application to have access to over 3gb of ram (ie, database server) .. most people don't need a 64bit os.03:40
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mytrueheroJeruvy: Thanks :)03:40
SirStanand that 64bit, on edge cases, is slower than 32bit.03:40
ksc654cwillu: Is X case sensitive?03:40
losherxTheGoat121x: old kernels usually remain unless you explicitly remove them, in case you need/want to drop back to an earlier kernel03:40
skyeeejander99, it gives me a checkbox for install bootloader, and then a list of partitions to choose from: sda, sda5, sdb, sb1(xp here) and sdb503:40
SirStanMySQL on 32gb ram is clearly faster than MySQL on 3gb RAM.03:40
ksc654cwillu: 9.0403:40
cwilluksc654, I don't believe so03:40
firepantsdrop it, already. my comment was not off-topic.03:40
nsadminhow would I find the source package for postgresql-7.403:40
Jeruvymytruehero: the option is in system ->preferences _ encryption and passphrases03:41
SirStanFirefox on a 32bit kernel is faster than Firefox on a 64bit kernel.03:41
pedestrianentranI have an internet connection on my ubuntu machine i want to share with my roomates over a wireless network. What is a good way to do this, so I can setup an "account" for each person, and limit usage? Eg would running squid be a way of doing it?03:41
pan_ดก ดก ด กหดฟ ดกเเฟฦ03:41
losherjing_: no need to post twice, just put 2 names on the same line. Note that it takes more than simply declaring something stable to actually make it stable....03:41
firepantsanyone else having extreme cpu usage with flash?03:41
bazhangSirStan, take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please03:41
xTheGoat121xlosher, well, the main thing is that it's having issues upgrading the kernel, and I'm not quite sure what the issue is.03:41
BsimsI am using current jaunty I need to know if it will support AMD SB750 southbridge03:41
bamballSirStan: what kinda motherboard hv u got for 32gb ram?03:42
Jeruvy!english | pan_03:42
ubottupan_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:42
bazhangpan_, #ubuntu-cn03:42
SirStanbazhang: thanks! if I feel like chatting, I will go there.03:42
vprmi just install ubuntu 9.04 along side winxp.  but i forgot the id/password.  do i have to reinstall 9.04??03:42
jander99skyeee: I have a friend on the phone, asking him about your situation. Please hold tight.03:42
moymoy!requirements | Bsims03:42
ubottuBsims: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu03:42
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords03:42
skyeeelol wow, thanks jander9903:42
xTheGoat121xlosher, brb03:42
losherxTheGoat121x: when you say issues, what do you mean?03:42
SirStanbamball: Any modern server can take 32gb ram (my compaq DL380 sql server has 64gb ram @ work)03:42
bazhangSirStan, chatting about arch speeds if offtopic here03:42
xTheGoat121xlosher, explain in a minute03:42
skyeeejander99, i suppsoe i could just slide off the side panel, and disconnect the data drive for the install03:42
losherxTheGoat121x: no sweat...03:42
ksc654cwillu: Saved my changes and tried rebooting. Still scrambled. Anything else I can try?03:42
SirStanbazhang: a user asked if they would use 32 or 64bit.03:43
bamballSirStan: ah server board.. wish i have one of those at home03:43
moymoy!hardware | Bsims03:43
ubottuBsims: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:43
SirStanbamball: server board costs are eclipsed by the cost of 4gb dimm's :(.03:43
=== Lohan is now known as ElGee
bazhang!ot | SirStan bamball03:43
ubottuSirStan bamball: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:43
BsimsAn earlier revision didn't work with jaunty so I am asking if ya don't know no need to be a jerk about it03:43
Bob_DoleSo, I have an external DVD burner, on a USB interface. it never burns more than ~400MB before it fails...333MB files burn fine, 500MB files fail. Whats going on here?03:43
SirStanbazhang: thank you, again.03:43
SirStanBob_Dole: does the drive not support underwriting?03:44
salvadorflhello i need help when i open mozilla doesnt start my home page it get's all white  and the icons are disabled03:44
firepantswhen accessing flash-based websites, my cpu usage spikes and holds at nearly 100%. i've scoured all resources i can think of with no resolution03:44
SirStancwillu: <bamball> ZOMG OFFTOPCI!!!~~!@~!@03:44
salvadorflany idea ?03:44
Bob_DoleSirStan, It fails to burn 3GB and so too.. But I dunno what underwriting really is03:44
mirsalI need five minutes of a package maintainer's time for a little update about how to contribute a patch the right way. Anyone ?03:45
Bob_DoleSirStan, It fails to burn 3GB and so too.. But I dunno what underwriting really is03:45
cwillubazhang, sorry, didn't see the offtopic warning before :p03:45
th0rsalvadorfl: Edit-Preferences-Main tab...set a homepage03:45
Bob_Dolebazhang, you kicked him right as he was helping me! Dx03:45
SirStanBob_Dole: underwriting lets the drive continue burning if the data stream fails to fill the buffer.03:45
SirStanBob_Dole: most modern drives support it.03:46
firepantsi've tried every resource i can think of, including google, ubuntu forums. i even tried ask.com. :P03:46
SirStanwho posted the tuxradar link?03:46
cwilluI did03:46
Bob_DoleSirStan, ah. I don't really know. I think it's a fairly new drive. It's a sony, it's shiny, it supports dual layer.03:48
jander99skyeee: I would install Grub to sdb.  If it doesn't work, again. I would try sda.  I want to say Windows installs its bootloader on the drive it installs to (in this case sdb) and Grub needs to rewrite the windows boot sector.  I don't see why Windows would write its bootloader to sda.  I wish I could be of more help. :-\03:48
dbdii407For C++, are there any windows .h files that im able to install?03:48
mordocaiI'm confused... I can type in console 'echo $[5*5]' and it will print out 25. however, if i put this in a script and run it, it will print out $[5*5]03:48
SirStanBob_Dole: see if your burning app has a enable for underrun .. or .. whatever name it might have.03:48
firepantsthanks all. i'll take that as an "i don't have an answer." i'll try elsewhere. nite.03:48
skyeeejander99 sdb(hard drive name labeled here) or sb1 (where xp is) or sdb5 (nothing labeled here)03:49
ksc654cwillu: Still no change after adding the line to xorg.conf. Anything else you can think of?03:49
cwilluksc654, not offhand, but I _have_ been up for 22 hours :p03:49
ksc654cwillu: You too?03:50
=== mitch is now known as Guest38417
raziekielI had unallocated space on my drive, so I used a live boot to resize my /home partition form 10 to 30gigs, and now it shows it as 30 gigs, but 26gigs full already, I still have the same free space as before03:50
raziekielAny ideas?03:50
brian__anyone know of any good web sites to download new panel applets03:51
jander99skyeee: I want to say sdb.  I hope I'm not wrong cause you'll have to try again :-\  Do you know the boot order in your system's BIOS? Is that too technical?03:51
brian__i just want to look for new things to add to my panel03:51
Guest38417does anybody know of a free open source peer to peer client that works on ubuntu like frost wire, apparently the one i downloaded wat to old or something03:52
skyeeejander99  boot order is floppy, dvd, then sdb iirc (was just checking it this morning before booting up the ubuntu cd)03:52
=== ballzee is now known as Sinister
ksc654cwillu: Thanks for your help thus far.03:52
jander99skyeee: okay, so it should not be looking at your SATA drive at all for a bootloader.  I'd say install to "sdb" and let's see what happens.03:52
ksc654Anyone else have any ideas?03:52
skyeeejander99, i'll try sdb, and then if that fails, i'll try disconnecting the data drive and reinstalling, thanks for the help03:52
mordocaiSo, i made a -very- simple bash script that is supposed to multiply X by Y: http://pastebin.com/m41f6ef16. However, the final line (instead of being "X*Y = <value of X>*<value of Y> = <result of X * Y>") is: "X*Y = $X*$Y = $[X*Y]". This script is an example from the book i'm using to learn bash scripting. Any ideas why it doesn't work as planned?03:53
skyeeeinstalling now03:53
jander99skyeee: good luck!03:53
mordocais/final line/output03:53
icegliderSirStan: really curious here, could you please show some documentation that intel doesn't have 64bit cpus? cause I can't find anything saying that other than in reference to the fact that their own attempts to do a 64bit architecture failed and the now use AMDs 64bit arch. ?03:54
ksc654I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 on a laptop and I'm trying to either get the ATI binary drivers to work or else remove them and get the open source drivers working again.03:54
bazhangiceglider, please take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic03:55
Bob_DoleUh, ATI dropped support for -a lot- of cards in the recent drivers..and the old driver won't work with ubuntu 9.0403:55
vprmubottu-> i look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword , but i can't logon to ubuntu.. any ideas??03:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:55
=== Prodego is now known as SQLDb
bryanDoes anyone know how to fix the messed up java sound problem?03:56
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ksc654Bob_Dole: I'm starting to figure that out. Why is it even available in the package list if it doesn't work?03:56
leaf-sheep!ati | ksc65403:58
ubottuksc654: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:58
loshervprm: what happened when you tried the procedure on the web page?03:59
vprmi can not find 'root@something'  i'm lost.  (sorry)04:00
=== cee_immuddh is now known as cwo_drummer
loshervprm: so you weren't able to find & boot 'rescue mode' ? Were you able to get to a prompt at all?04:01
YesImaLinuxN00Bquestion i have today is can i create an ubuntu live cd with a custom compiled kernel in it?04:02
eyotechnologihehe its 5:00 o'clock in the morning :D04:02
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility04:02
losherYesImaLinuxN00B: see above on remastering....04:03
vprmlosher-> i got to the system sellection. i chose 'recuse mode' but couldn't stop ..04:03
YesImaLinuxN00Bok thanks all i will look into04:03
juanbondhey guys, just installing 9.04 on my new machine and was wondering if i should default to ext3 or ext4?04:04
loshervprm: couldn't stop? I'm not sure what you mean by that...04:04
richardcavellanyone know when Dasei will be on next?04:04
losherjuanbond: ext3. And frankly I'd use 8.04...04:04
juanbondwhy not 9.04?04:05
losherjuanbond: various problems...04:05
arandvprm: are you ate the recoevry root console at the moment?04:06
losherjuanbond: various problems, sound, flash, ext4, other annoying stuff...04:06
juanbondare there work arounds?04:06
YesImaLinuxN00Blosher: i use 9.04 and i have to say the only issue i had was the graphics issue so far04:06
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vprmlosher-> i get to the system (ubuntu, ubuntu recoovery mode,other os, ms xp). i seleted recovery mode.04:07
losherjuanbond: oh yeah, and graphics issues, thanks YesImaLinuxN00B04:07
ilmpk9.04 only thing that annoys me is AMD/ATI, and that's nothing I can blame Ubuntu for.  :-\04:07
thiebaudedoes anyone know what gnome remote desktop server does?04:07
nsadminhow would I go about permanently allowing root logins?04:07
losherjuanbond: yes, but you have to hunt for them, particularly sound, no one solution seems to fit all...04:08
YesImaLinuxN00Bnsadmin: i think u edit your sudoers file04:08
EnragedOstrichHey, How do I make myself Root?04:08
haroldsudo -i04:08
nsadmincan I do that permanently?04:09
YesImaLinuxN00Bor su04:09
haroldwhat do you mean "permanently"?04:09
ilmpkbeing root always is a bad idea04:09
nsadminthat is root would have a separate password, etc04:09
arandvprm: and do you get to the root console? (root@something)04:09
Pirate_Huntercan soemone explain what would be a good port for ssh other than the standard port 22?04:09
YesImaLinuxN00Bnsadmin: yes very bad04:09
nsadminilmpk: I've been doing this for 15 years :P04:09
jander99skyeee: Luck?04:09
raziekielI had unallocated space on my drive, so I used a live boot to resize my /home partition form 10 to 30gigs, and now it shows it as 30 gigs, but 26gigs full already, I still have the same free space as before. Any ideas?04:10
YesImaLinuxN00Bnsadmin: i learned from experience only be root when needed04:10
skyeeejander99, nice timing, it's loading grub right as you sent that04:10
nsadminand computers in general for 30... I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I am trying to get the information of how to do it04:10
jander99skyeee: So you're able to boot? Excellent.04:10
arandnsadmin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo has info on those matters I think...04:10
EnragedOstrichcan someone help me with this... http://sylvarwolflinux.wordpress.com/2007/11/15/installing-the-epsxe-playstation-1-emulator-in-ubuntu/04:10
bazhangnsadmin, root shell? sudo -i04:11
EnragedOstrichWhat does cd ~ mean?04:11
nsadminYesImaLinuxN00B: at first I was root constantly, for like 3 years straight...04:11
skyeeeit would seem that way jander99, thanks for the help! (grub is still loading)04:11
dennisteranyone know the conditions under which livecd just will not load completely? it's a p4 machine with 512 mb ram, integrated graphics04:11
Nameless_auraziekiel: are you using VLM?04:11
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skyeeethere it goes04:11
bazhangnsadmin, better leave the root password alone  /msg ubottu root04:11
haroldEnragedOstrich: ~ means home directory04:11
richardcavelleveryone, where can I find a log of my conversations in xchat?04:11
nsadminbazhang: thanks, I know that solution... I understand the warnings and I can handle whatever's needed04:11
bazhangEnragedOstrich, cd is change directory to that04:12
losherPirate_Hunter: any port in the upper ranges is fine. I use 2222...04:12
bazhangrichardcavell, in xchat preferences -->logging04:12
aranddennister: tried some kernel boot options? acpti=off is a common one...04:12
nsadminagain, not trying to offend, just trying to find out how to make the system the way I'm used to it04:12
aranddennister: (make that acpi=off)04:12
raziekielNameless_au: I'm not sure what that means :(04:12
bazhangrichardcavell, these channels are logged as well04:12
EnragedOstrichso should I just type everything EXACTLY like it is in http://sylvarwolflinux.wordpress.com/2007/11/15/installing-the-epsxe-playstation-1-emulator-in-ubuntu/  ???04:12
bazhang!1984 > richardcavell04:12
ubotturichardcavell, please see my private message04:12
dennisterunusual situation, i install kubuntu on user's machine, didn't have to change xorg.conf at all to watch dvds, user takes box home, and can't get xserver to load...just grey screen with x in middle...only things changed were monitor, keyboard and mouse...she can't even get livecd to load fully...any ideas what happened?04:12
Pirate_Hunterlosher, i see so it make no difference which port i choose (thought that ssh had to run on certain ports)04:12
jander99skyeee: Awesome. Glad I could help!04:13
arandnsadmin: was https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo not what you were looking for?04:13
nsadminarand: I want the option to not involve sudo in any way.04:13
dennisterarand: unfortunately, i don't have the machine here anymore...did some phone tech support this morning, and that's how I found livecd wouldn't fully load, and that xorg.conf had been rewritten automatically04:13
rainbowinfinitysomeone please help me turn off folding at home!!!  it's going to burn out my processor04:13
Nameless_auraziekiel: ok, you had to make partitions when installing ubuntu... did you make them automatically or manually? Also, are you dual booting with windows?04:13
losherPirate_Hunter: since you asked for an *explanation*, I should mention that choosing a random port that only you know makes it hard for hackers to find your server, because they have 65535 possible ports to try. That's why people do it...04:14
juanbondlosher: is 8.10 cool?04:14
skyeeeyeah, thanks again jander99, now off i go installing drivers and software. (haven't used linux for over 2 years now i think, i've missed it)04:14
vprmyeh - i fix my password problem, thanx for the help...   :-)04:14
juanbond8.04 is soo last year :P04:14
raziekielNameless_au: Manually, and yes, windows is on a second harddrive than linux, but I dual boot04:14
Nameless_aulol juanbond04:14
Pirate_Hunterlosher, ahh thanks that cleared a lot of things04:14
ilmpknsadmin: there is a section on the link arand posted showing how to remove the password prompt for sudo.  unless you are saying you don't want to have to type sudo/su at all to perform root actions?04:14
juanbondi mean is everyone having issues with 9.04 or certain sound cards/graphics/etc?04:15
dennisterarand: we also tried, in recovery mode, the fix xorg option, but that didn't do anything either,04:15
richardcavellokay thanks. I was having a PM session with Desai last night but we were configuring my router and I got cut off. Is there any way I can contact him?  Normally I can right-click on a user's name to get his username and domain name at least.04:15
EnragedOstrichcan someone tell me why this is happening?04:15
EnragedOstrichroot@KublaKhan:~# cd ~04:15
EnragedOstrichroot@KublaKhan:~# mkdir ePSXe_install04:15
EnragedOstrichroot@KublaKhan:~# cd mkdir ePSXe_install04:15
EnragedOstrich-bash: cd: mkdir: No such file or directory04:15
FloodBot2EnragedOstrich: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:15
Nameless_auraziekiel: ok, did u make just one big partition or did you make a /boot, swap and ext3 partition/s?04:15
losherjuanbond: 8.10 is ok, but 8.04 is on long term support, so you can keep it around for a while. Being 'last year' is for fashionistas. Real nerds prefer stable systems....04:15
moymoy!paste | EnragedOstrich04:15
ubottuEnragedOstrich: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic04:15
raziekielNameless_au: I have a boot, a swap, a root dir, and a /home partition04:15
urthmoverEnragedOstrich: that is a PSX emulator04:16
lwellsI just installed Epiphany, but it does not show up in the app menu, why not?04:16
YesImaLinuxN00Blwells: logout then back in04:16
bastidrazorEnragedOstrich, cd ePSXe_install .. don't include mkdir04:16
Nameless_auraziekiel: ok, did u install windows first or ubuntu?04:16
pagodai'm trying to upgrade from hardy to intrepid.  i started the update process, then hit cancel because i wans't ready to d/l all that stuff.  now i want to update and the update manager doesn't give me the option anymore.  what should i do?04:16
moymoyEnragedOstrich: and also you made the directory ePSXe_install, not mkdir .. so you can't cd into a dir that doesn't exist04:16
raziekielNameless_au: Windows I'm pretty sure04:16
losherEnragedOstrich: because it's 'cd ePSXe_install' not 'cd mkdir ePSXe_install'04:16
arandnsadmin: there is also instructions in that link on how to re-enable root login...04:17
Nameless_auraziekiel: pretty  sure? lol...04:17
EnragedOstrichI am just following this guide.. http://sylvarwolflinux.wordpress.com/2007/11/15/installing-the-epsxe-playstation-1-emulator-in-ubuntu/04:17
dennisterand since recovery mode's fix xserver option didn't work, I'm afraid xorg's 'dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' command won't help either04:17
usr13richardcavell: If the person's not here, not much we can do.04:17
moymoypagoda: try pressing ALT+F2 and type in `update-manager -d`04:17
pagodamoymoy, nope same thing.  the option to upgrade to 8.10 doesn't appear at the top04:17
nsadminoh there is? ok, so I'll read it in that case... the title didn't inspire me but if you say it's there...04:17
raziekielNameless_au: It's been a long time since I did a fresh install, but windows was first04:17
losherEnragedOstrich: it's a typo in the guide....04:18
rainbowinfinitymy computer sound like it's about to take off and fly away...can someone please help me turn off folding at home...i can't access it through the system monitor04:18
moymoypagoda: have you tried using apt-get instead? `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`04:18
arandnsadmin: look at the index ;)04:18
EnragedOstrichAnymore typos?04:18
YesImaLinuxN00Bpagoda: or go to system > software sources > updates and select nomal releases at the bottom04:18
iMattersince updating the Jaunty, which uses Ath5k i have midiocre download speeds compared to hardy which used madwifi-ng 25-30KB/s compared to 600-800KB/s04:18
iMatterand im in the same room with the router, so those speeds don't make sense04:18
iMatterAnd the only reason that could be was drivers04:18
iMatter18-Month old and Faster speeds compared to almost brand new and sucky speeds...i'd take the old one04:18
FloodBot2iMatter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:18
pagodaYesImaLinuxN00B, that's already selected04:18
dennistercould someone please help find some ways to help this user with x?04:18
losherEnragedOstrich: only one way to find out for sure....04:18
Techie-MichealSuggestions for dumping memory on an ubuntu server? I've seen suggestions for dd'ing /proc/kcore, and they said it should be equal to the amount of RAM that I have, but that's not been the case for me at least.04:19
juanbondwhen creating partitions, do most people just allocate their hd and set the mount point to / ?  or are there any recommendations?04:19
pagodamoymoy, that won't be the graphical update interface will it?04:19
iMatterjuanbond: do you plan on dual booting or doing separate homes?04:19
michael__juanbond, / is correct04:19
iMatterjuanbond: *separate home folder04:19
Nameless_auraziekiel: can you type 'df -h' and paste the output on http://pastebin.ca04:19
pagoda0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:19
EnragedOstrichooc well wget http://www.epsxe.com/files/epsxe160lin.zip doesn't work04:19
[Pwner]Johnubuntu almost finished installing on vbox04:19
losherjuanbond: the automatic partitioner generally makes reasonable choices. It's ok to trust it, unless you have special needs...04:20
AWuhi ~all04:20
pagodaapt-get didn't work04:20
raziekielNameless_au:  http://pastebin.ca/149899204:20
juanbondiMatter: yes, i suppose dual (multiple boot) would be ideal ... advantages to separate home directories?04:20
nsadminok thanks, that is what I needed04:21
pagodai got it.  i just had to click "check"04:21
iMatterjuanbond: when you need a fresh install, or something happens to your Ubuntu you just reinstall to the "/" partition04:21
juanbondiMatter, probably have a WindowsXP and Windows7 boot.  Then virtual machine everything else04:21
moymoypagoda: nope, it's not graphical04:21
EnragedOstrichoh wow, ePSXe's website is down04:21
moymoypagoda: apt-get is cli04:21
juanbondcould i just create a partition for /home?04:21
juanbondor, do it to what my username is going to be04:21
losherEnragedOstrich: not your night tonight, is it?04:21
iMatterjuanbond: yep, a partition for "/home"04:21
EnragedOstrichI know it04:21
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone04:22
juanbondhow much space is recommended then for /?04:22
iMatterjuanbond: meaning you can install new non-official upgrades to ubuntu or a new OS that supports /home entirely and not mess with your data in your /home making it pain free04:22
buttons840raziekiel, my ping to you is like 15000 ;)04:22
EnragedOstrichHasn't been my night for the last 10 nights04:22
Guest38417does anybody know of a free open source peer to peer client that works on ubuntu like frost wire, apparently the one i downloaded wat to old or something04:22
fuzzybunny69ydoes anyone know what the default Mac font settings are? I installed all the Mac fonts and am trying to use them with Ubuntu but am wondering what font/font size I should set for everything to use04:22
[Pwner]Johnwould these commands work for a mac because they are on the same source..?04:22
iMatterjuanbond: maybe 4-10GB04:22
raziekielhaha oh no man, thats no good ;)04:22
iMatterjuanbond:  a fresh Jaunty install is like 2-3GB itself04:23
tel0hi there, anybody can tell me how to save opened tabs in gnome-terminal every time i log in?04:23
juanbondiMatter, I have a 1TB drive so be conservative?04:23
EnragedOstrichGuest38417: I think it comes with one...04:23
tel0profiles don't operate with tabs04:23
nsadminjuanbond: depends what you're using the machine for, what other mounts there are and what you're trying to accomplish04:23
UbuntabCan someone tell me something? I'm new to Ubuntu and doing well so far but I am wondering if there's anyway to have a second clock. I googled it and the results on the Ubuntu forums are not very helpful :(04:23
EnragedOstrichI just opened a torrent file and I was up and running04:23
dewwGuest38417: did you check out frostwire's site?04:24
iMatterjuanbond: O.o, 10GB should be enough if not you can always resize it, also yes make partition for your Windows7 and Vista and XP04:24
juanbondthis machine is going to be my dev machine... lots of virtual machines, many development tools, apache/php, etc...04:24
UbuntabI would like to have a clock somewhere that will let me see a second timezone so I can always see the time where a friend lives.04:24
Nameless_auraziekiel: nothing looks wrong there04:24
iMatterjuanbond: maybe 15-20GB then04:24
juanbondiMatter: I'll make it 50GB :)04:24
juanbondthen I never have to worry about it :)04:24
nsadminjuanbond: so lots of server daemons running, lots of log files generated and you want to protect / from filling?04:25
[Pwner]John!Patience [Pwner]John04:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:25
juanbondthen the idea behind the /home/username is you keep all of your data there right?04:25
iMatterjuanbond: i highly doubt you'll use that much for "/" but ok :P04:25
raziekielNameless_au: Well, whe nI open up partition editor, my /hom is 29.9 gigs, not 9..04:25
tel0well... Please, anybody knows?..04:25
[Pwner]John!wait [Pwner]John04:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:25
debac1eUbuntab: you can add another location to the clock, then click the clock to see it in a dropdown, or change to that time, but it won't act like a widget to see *both* other than the dropdown04:25
losherjuanbond: 50GB is too big, you'll never use it all. Use 20G instead...04:25
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:25
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:25
juanbondiMatter: I guess in my case, disk space is cheap, so use whatever i can.....04:25
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:25
losherjuanbond: how much ram do you have?04:25
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:25
tel0I just want to open 4 tabs in my gnome-terminal every time i log in ubuntu. How to do that?04:25
Prodegoyou can never have too much04:25
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".04:25
juanbondlosher: 12GB04:25
[Pwner]Johnthats me04:25
iMatter!separate home | juanbond04:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about separate home04:25
iMatter!separatehome | juanbond04:26
[Pwner]John!search factoid04:26
Ubuntabdebacle: Appreciate the help, I think that will be good enough for now. It'll be nice to avoid the clutter anyway. Thanks so much! :)04:26
cha0n1xHi all, I'm running eeebuntu stanard on my eeepc 701, and I accidentally deleted the panel/group that held all the open applications icons (including my wireless network connections) How can I get this back?04:26
Nameless_auraziekiel: yes, because you're not looking at your actual /home partition, you're looking at the LVM that CONTAINS your logical /home partition.04:26
colloguy!separatehome | colloguy04:26
ubottucolloguy, please see my private message04:26
nsadminyou're also goign to want separate /tmp and /var at minimum... I'd also consider separate /boot and /usr04:26
juanbondI just built my i7 2.6ghz/12gb ram/1tb hd/9800 gt machine and about to install ubuntu on it :)04:26
Nameless_auraziekiel: if you could paste a screenshot of your partition manager i could confirm04:27
Nameless_auraziekiel: first what partition manager are you using?04:27
losherjuanbond: that's quite a powerhouse...  20GB root, 12GB swap, the rest /home. vmware or vbox?04:27
raziekielNameless_au: GParted 0.4.304:27
Nameless_auraziekiel: k04:28
juanbondlosher: vbox i've been told04:28
Nameless_auraziekiel: paste to http://imagebin.ca04:28
nowimprovedCan anyone tell me why flash sound is out of sync lately?04:28
debac1eUbuntab: np, you can surely get a different widget-like clock if you do want to show both, I just don't know of one and that would mean installing something else04:28
richardcavelljuanbond: Yes, a very powerful machine. You can afford to spend a bit more on root and swap.04:28
YesImaLinuxN00Bjuanbond: good choice, way better than vmware imo04:28
richardcavellnowimproved: There's a bug report about that for 64-bit Flash alpha player04:29
losherjuanbond: personally I prefer vmware, but either work well I'm told...04:29
Nameless_aunowimproved: there is a proven bug in mozilla while playing porn04:29
juanbondcool beans04:29
nowimprovedrichardcavell, i don't have a bug right now04:29
nowimprovedNameless_au, don't you ever get sick of making useless comments?04:29
juanbondso i still need a swap even though i have 12gb of ram?04:29
richardcavelljuanbond: What are you running within VBox?04:29
Ubuntabdebacle: If it became a worry later I guess but for now I think your solution is actually a hell of a lot better :D04:29
raziekielNameless_au: http://imagebin.ca/view/mkDOAvDx.html04:29
juanbondrichardcavell: basically all windows os's04:29
richardcavelljuanbond: Well, you don't NEED it04:29
HowDoIIs there any reason not to use Ubuntu Karmic right besides the usual "it's still Alpha" ?04:29
HowDoIRight now*04:29
Nameless_aunowimproved: relax guy i was only joking04:30
iMatterjuanbond: i doubt it but they'll tell you that you do need one just make it like 1GB04:30
juanbondrichardcavell: xp, vista, 7 .... 32bit and 64bit04:30
richardcavelljuanbond: Are you going to run them all at once???04:30
nowimprovedrichardcavell, richard, i don't have 64bit, I mean04:30
juanbondrichardcavell: not all at once, but probably 3-4 at most.04:30
juanbondrichardcavell: i'm a web developer so i need to test on many os/browser combinations :(04:31
debac1ejuanbond: no matter how much ram you have, swap allows you to offload little-used memory to make room for more fs cache04:31
richardcavellHowDoI: not really, plenty of people are using it, but if you stumble across bugs, don't act surprised04:31
richardcavellnowimproved: you said that your sound was out of sync. That's a bug. I'm saying it's a known bug with 64-bit flash player04:31
=== michael__ is now known as BB82
juanbonddebac1e: cool, thanks!  i'll just make my swap like 6gb04:31
juanbondi think a swap of 6gb is quite enough considering i have 12gb of ram04:31
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debac1ejuanbond: why are you trolling?04:31
richardcavelljuanbond: I understand. VBox will swap your VMs to virtual memory if it runs out04:32
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nowimprovedrichardcavell, i understand this, I'm just saying that I'm not using 64bit, I appreciate the tip, just seeing if you were capable of divulging further04:32
richardcavelljuanbond: I was running Win7 on Ubuntu with 3 Gig RAM and it swapped about 1 Gig to my swapfile04:32
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_Apple_Can anyone help an inexperienced lynux user?04:32
urthmoverI'm not hearing system sounds but I do hear sound when I play a movie in VLC  what should I look at first?04:32
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richardcavellnowimproved: Okay. Well I saw a bug report for 64-bit.  I don't know if it also exists in 32-bit.04:32
_Apple_why would you had at lynux?04:33
losherjuanbond: please do not make fun of the newbies...04:33
BB82_Apple_, yeah stop using MAC products04:33
juanbondlosher: i'm a newb myself :)04:33
_Apple_i dont use mac04:33
losherjuanbond: all the more reason...04:33
_Apple_is lynux a mac product?04:33
BB82_Apple_, what's the question Linux!04:33
juanbondlosher: good point :)04:33
HowDoIHaha, it looks like I answered my own question.  Ubuntu Karmic freezes immediately after boot.04:33
richardcavelljuanbond: your 12 Gig will get eaten up. The virtual machine will allocate all of the RAM that you give to each VM.04:33
_Apple_its my bfs comp04:33
FloodBot2_Apple_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:33
juanbondlosher, iMatter, richardcavell, debac1e, thank you for the help!04:34
_Apple_......... i dont.......04:34
richardcavellHowDoI: Seriously?  Fill out a bug report.04:34
BB82_Apple_, post the question04:34
losher_Apple_: ask your question. If we can help, we will...04:34
richardcavell_Apple_: You can use Linux on a Mac, but it's not produced by Mac04:34
richardcavellnot produced by Apple, I mean04:34
_Apple_oh. well i dont use mac04:34
iMatterjuanbond: your help04:34
iMatterjuanbond: err your welcome04:34
HowDoIJaunty did the same thing when I installed some brand-new Intel graphics drivers04:34
_Apple_my question is how do you do the double monitor thing?04:34
raziekielNameless_au: http://imagebin.ca/view/mkDOAvDx.html04:35
gartral!xrandr | _Apple_04:35
ubottu_Apple_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:35
richardcavellHowDoI: Intel graphics support sux big time on Ubuntu. It's a pity because it's a common laptop chipset04:35
_Apple_hes finally gotten it to where he has a separate desktop that shows up on the tv, but we cant get it to ..... i guess exchange applications from the actual computer moniter to the one on the tv04:35
HowDoIWell my main machine uses Intel graphics04:35
richardcavellHowDoI: Mine too04:36
HowDoIUpgrading the kernel to 2.6.30 solves some of the problems, but it creates others04:36
gartral_Apple_: ahh, you might have started the system in double seat mode, meaning youll have too assign a seperat keyboard+mouse too that monitor04:36
juanbondsorry.. another quick question... should all my partitions be primary?04:36
skyeeealright, i'm trying to enable dual monitors in my gfx settings (nvidia) and when i hit save to x it says that it's unable to create a back of xorg.conf so it doesn't save it04:37
nsadminjuanbond: you have a hell of a lot of choices there.04:37
richardcavelljuanbond: yes, if you can. You can only have four though. What are your partitions going to be?04:37
nsadminone choice is lvm04:37
gartral!language | nsadmin04:37
ubottunsadmin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:37
bastidrazorskyeee, in terminal type  gksudo nvidia-settings  ..that will allow you to save to xorg.conf04:37
richardcavellgartral: Do you object to the word h-ell?04:37
bastidrazorskyeee, then restart X after you've made the changes. all set04:37
skyeeebastidrazor thanks04:38
losherno, he's objecting to lvm surely...04:38
juanbondrichardcavell: swap = 12gb, / = 60gb, /home = 500gb  ..... then the rest of my drive, i will worry about later.. i have a 1tb drive if you didn't catch it.04:38
nsadminit's the first part to hello04:38
HowDoIWhy would the Karmic liveCD work but when I reboot after installing, it immediately crashes?04:38
skyeeebastidrazor, what's the command for that again? ctrl alt backspace seems to be disabled, and it's been a few years since using linux :/04:38
Nameless_aunsadmin: LOL04:38
richardcavelljuanbond: Make all of them primary partitions. Are you intending to install Windows natively at any point?04:38
[Pwner]Johnhow do we install flex?04:38
[Pwner]Johnapp-get install flex?04:38
bastidrazorskyeee, alt + sysrq + k04:38
bazhangHowDoI, #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion04:39
richardcavellHowDoI: File a bug report if you can figure out what the problem is04:39
bastidrazor!dontzap | skyeee04:39
ubottuskyeee: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.04:39
HowDoII would like to find out what the problem is, but the system locks up immedately04:39
[Pwner]Johnhow do i get flex04:39
juanbondrichardcavell: possibly... i will want to see how virtualization works first... i'm sure it's going to be fast enough, but just wonder if when i need to do windows development, if booting natively will be better....04:39
HowDoISo ok04:39
[Pwner]Johnit isnt installed04:39
bazhangHowDoI, karmic support in the other channel04:39
HowDoII understand04:39
richardcavelljuanbond: It'll definitely be faster but if you're checking compatibility the VM will be fine04:40
losherjuanbond: I would make 3 primaries plus an extended, for the simple reason that this will allow you to add more partitions later if you want...04:40
[Pwner]Johninstall flex..?04:40
juanbondlosher: extended?04:40
bazhang[Pwner]John, sudo apt-get install flex04:41
richardcavell[Pwner]John: You mean the lexical analyzer software?04:41
losherjuanbond: I can't speak for vbox, but vmware runs pretty fast, about 90% of native if you believe their hype...04:41
[Pwner]Johndoesnt vmware cost money?04:41
richardcavelljuanbond: I can run Windows 7 at about 70% of native speed on my Ubuntu box, but my computer runs out of RAM and swaps to hard disk.04:41
[Pwner]Johnits sudo04:41
[Pwner]Johnrt everyone04:42
Bob_DoleQemu seems to have terrible performance on OS X, while vbox is decent on OS X.04:42
losherjuanbond: partitions come in two flavors: primary & extended. Extended is a workaround for the fact that you can only have 4 primaries max...04:42
richardcavellBob_Dole: I reckon VBox works better on Linux host04:42
juanbondlosher: really, did not know there was a limit.04:42
richardcavellI have OS X and Linux and it just feels faster on Linux, probably because there's less overhead04:42
Bob_Doleqemu and vbox have kernel extensions on linux04:42
losher[Pwner]John: yes, I think vmware costs money04:42
richardcavellyes it does. VirtualBox does not.04:43
anom1Hi. I'm running a basic, pure-text version of Ubuntu 9.04 (netboot (not netbook) install).  I want to find a simple way of switching from 80-column text mode to 132 columns.  Is there a simpler way rather than "kernel boot video mode" or "VT100"?04:43
richardcavellVirtualBox's development is rocketing ahead. I'm really impressed by their changelogs. They're working feverishly on it.04:43
losherjuanbond: learn something new everyday. Why not start with vbox. You can always migrate later if for some reason you aren't happy with it04:43
juanbondlosher: very cool, thanks for the help!04:43
Bob_DoleVMware Player is free..but someone else has to make the VM for you.04:44
richardcavelljuanbond: Yes, use VBox. There's nothing wrong with it.04:44
ascheelcan someone take a look at this 'crontab -l' and 'auth.log' excerpt and tell me why cron has so many entries in auth.log?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/220903/04:44
skyeeealright, got dual monitor going now, but it has the wrong one thinking it's default, is there an easy way to fix this, or should i just swap the wires?04:44
skyeee(uhh, by default i mean, with the menu bars and everything)04:44
ascheelskyee, you using a laptop or desktop?04:45
[Pwner]Johnwhat is yacc?04:46
=== wolfy is now known as Guest58338
nsadminyacc is berkeley's compiler compiler04:47
nsadminYet Another Compiler Compiler04:48
nsadminbison is gnu's tribute to yacc04:48
nsadminand flex is gnu's tribute to lex04:48
MattPhilieAnyone out there that can help me?04:49
ascheel!ask | MattPhilie04:50
ubottuMattPhilie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:50
skyeeei guess i could just try swapping the cables if nobody has an idea how to make the taskbars etc be no the other monitor04:51
DustanHi guys, how do I reverse the chmod o+w example/foo/bar command04:51
Neroonmorning everyone04:51
ascheelDustan:  chmod o-w example/foo/bar04:51
NeroonAnyone got a clue what the hotkey for mouse navigation is in kde?04:52
MattPhilieOh.. sorry.. Well I just got Ubuntu and I downloaded a .deb and went to open it and got this message.  /tmp/cairo-dock_v2.0.8_i686-1.deb could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences.04:52
Ademanis tofrodos really the package containing dos2unix?... that's really wierd04:52
ascheelMattPhilie: dpkg -i filename.deb04:52
bazhangMattPhilie, downloaded a deb? why not install from the software repos?04:52
_Apple_gartral is there any way to take it out of double seat mode? and weve tried hooking up a new mouse but it didnt work. it was like fighting over control04:52
jefincNeroon: System -> Preferences -> keyboard shortcuts04:53
ascheelbazhang, sometimes (many times) the repos isn't at the latest version04:53
Neroonjefinc: Thanks, i know that, but the prob is it activates itself when i'm playing et and that messes up my movement04:53
MattPhilieWell. I have cairo dock.. it works.. but I want to add themes to it that i downloaded it. I dont see the folder for it in the home folder. i even did ctrl + h to show hidden files.. THen they said to get the package file for it04:53
bazhangascheel, latest is not tested against Ubuntu packages, not a good idea to go outside of the package manager for a slightly higher version number04:54
Apollo2366Hey, I'm considering Virtualbox-OSE as an alternative for WINE. Is this a good idea? And also, is there a guide to installing and configuring it? I'm still a little noobish, so any help here would be appreciated.04:54
Neroonjefinc: And I want to deactivate the hotkey, I somehow accicdently always activate04:54
ascheelbazhang: not always a good idea, but the joy of Ubuntu is we can do with it as we choose.  :)  Installing whatever we want and sometimes that requires a .deb download04:54
NeroonApollo2366: As much as I like Virtualbox, I hate the impossibility of moving snapshots.04:55
bazhangascheel, true, though finding something in backports would be wiser, or failing that, a trusted PPA -->I am assuming he just downloaded a random deb from a 3rd party website (the worst choice)04:55
Apollo2366Neroon, I'm not sure what a snapshot is.04:55
NeroonApollo2366: You can take a kind of a "picture" of your actual installs, changes etc of your windows or whatever system you're running in the Box04:56
jefincNeroon: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Mouse Keys04:56
ascheelbazhang, sometimes an application like Amarok 2.1.x isn't possible through the Ubuntu repositories due to the fact it's written for KDE.  However, people make .debs.  Due to some of the features this application is providing in the newer versions, backports are not a possibility.04:56
jefincApollo2366: it depends on what you plan on running04:57
bazhangascheel, kubuntu has PPA and backports :)04:57
ctmjranom1: was wondering that myself i found this but have not tried it yet http://fvue.nl/wiki/Linux:_Terminal_sizes_beyond_80_columns_x_24_rows04:57
Neroonjefinc: Can't find it in Hardy KDE04:57
Apollo2366jefinc, Games. That's pretty much it.04:57
ascheelunderstood, but the latest of all applications are not available on it all the time.  Either way, sometimes repositories don't have the answers04:57
losherApollo2366: they're not equivalent. wine lets you run *some* windows apps without installing windows. virtualbox requires a licensed copy of windows to be installed and pretty much emulates a complete pc04:57
MattPhilieSo how do I go about opening this? if I get /tmp/cairo-dock_v2.0.8_i686-1.deb could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences.04:57
jefincNeroon: running jaunty, sorry :\ #kubuntu ?04:57
Neroonjefinc: K, might try my luck there. Thanks anyway04:58
anom1ctmjr: thank you.04:58
Apollo2366Neroon, that's neat. Do I need to know anything really advanced about virtualization to be able to use Virtualbox?04:58
bazhangMattPhilie, why would you need that version?04:58
NeroonApollo2366: You dont want to play Windows Games in a Virtual Machine? You might be looking for wine maybe?04:58
bazhang!info cairo-dock | MattPhilie04:59
ubottuMattPhilie: cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs easily. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 312 kB, installed size 928 kB04:59
Apollo2366Neroon, Wine has been a complete nightmare for me.04:59
ascheelbazhang: that wasn't his question, bud.  he's trying to learn how to associate an application to the ubuntu repository files04:59
jefincApollo2366: the problem with games in a virtualbox is that it doesn't usually emulate the graphics adapter as well as it should, or atleast not in my experiences, there are alternatives to wine such as cedega, but I personally just dual boot to windows if I want to play a game that requires directX04:59
anom1ctmjr: yes, i was looking at it. i was hoping for a "mode con" (DOS command) equivalent in Linux that allows me to switch the text video mode whenever I want.04:59
NeroonApollo2366: You dont have 3d acceleration in a Virtual Environment like VirtualBox afaik04:59
MattPhiliebazhang: I have the application.. Cairo Dock.. It works.. But everyone said to add the theme I downloaded I have to go to the home folder and go to the .cairo dock folder and all that and do that.. But I dont see that folder. I even did ctrl h to show hidden files04:59
clouder`grrNeroon: that's what I was about to say :)04:59
bazhangascheel, let's try to encourage best practices please04:59
Neroonclouder`grr: :-)05:00
bazhangMattPhilie, which theme05:00
ascheelMattPhilie: you can create the folder with 'mkdir .cairo'05:00
jefincApollo2366: it seems as though everyone in here is pointed in the same direction, windows for games, linux for computing ;)05:00
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MattPhilieUmm I just got ubuntu I Know nothing but bazhang: its a mac osx one.. and ascheel: I Just create that in home and place it there and the theme will be in the theme manager?05:01
bazhangMattPhilie, you have a link to said theme? I will try it if so05:01
Apollo2366jefinc, well alright then, I was hoping I wouldn't have to keep windows around, but... oh well.05:01
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ascheelMattPhilie, create the folder in your home directory (shorthand for your home directory is just the tilde ~) and put your theme into there05:01
jefincApollo2366: we never want to keep it around, but it's like a virus, you can't quite get rid of it ;)05:02
MattPhiliebazhang: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Mac+OSX+Leopard+Cairo-Dock+theme?content=7208505:02
MattPhilieascheel: will try05:02
NeroonApollo2366: And so you go the path of every gamer, sadly ... I'd love to get rid of windows as well.05:02
ascheelMattPhilie: also, welcome to Ubuntu.  :)  Feel free to experiment with your operating system.  We'll gladly answer any questions you've got.05:02
anom1jefinc: it's like a drug, too addictive.05:02
MattPhilieascheel: Thanks.. SO far its tricky but I Love the look and feel05:03
pedestrianentranim having some graphics problems.... how can i find what graphics driver im using and then get a better driver?05:03
* Bob_Dole doesn't have to keep windows around, except to get 1 old computer working well....all the other 15 machines don't need anything but linux.05:03
MattPhilieascheel: mkdir .cairo like that? With the space?05:04
ascheelBob_Dole: sadly I still need a Windows PC to run World of Warcraft halfway decently.  :(05:04
ascheelcorrect, MattPhilie05:04
jefincpedestrianentran: there are some great guides on the ubuntu forums about setting up graphics drivers, what type of card are you running? Nvidia? ATI?05:04
Bob_Dolewell, a total of 3 of these many machines run windows...because the users like Windows Media Player 9.05:04
ascheelMattPhilie: mkdir is short for Make Directory.05:04
Apollo2366jefinc, Neroon, I've been curious about this for a while. What does make Linux software so different from Windows software. It must be pretty substantial for game-producers to not try and cash in on the Linux crowd.05:04
firevaii have an nec monitor it can do a max of 1024x768 but i cant seem to set it, in display settings.. says monitor unknown.. help please05:04
Neroonascheel: afaik WoW runs perfectly with wine05:04
richardcavellApollo2366: Linux doesn't have much market penetration05:04
pedestrianentranjefinc: i wish i knew. how do i find out? i think its built in05:05
richardcavellApollo2366: And even if it did, any Linux users who like games run the games on Windows05:05
ascheelNeroon: not on my linux PCs.  My Linux PCs are all underpowered boxes at the moment.  :(05:05
anom1woah!  a Linux-pro-and-con discussion.05:05
firevaii'm stuck on 800x600 and cant alter some apps.05:05
urthmoverascheel: I think Crossover is free too if WINE is too much for ya05:05
MattPhilieAHh sorry bout that.. I just closed the wrong thing05:05
richardcavellurthmover: CrossOver is NOT free05:05
richardcavellCrossOver is the commercial version of wine05:05
urthmoverthere was a Crossover free license a couple months back at least05:05
Bob_Dolethere WAS a free crossover05:05
jefincApollo2366: the problem is games have been so heavily based on directX for the past years to get away from it would be starting over, and windows will never hand directX over05:05
anom1Can I barbeque mashmallows here?05:05
Bob_DoleLame Duck promotion05:05
richardcavellurthmover: I think that was a special thing05:05
Apollo2366richardcavell, that's too bad.05:05
bazhang!ot > anom105:05
ubottuanom1, please see my private message05:05
NeroonApollo2366: They just dont think the market is big enought yet. And I guess they're right. Sad but true05:05
ascheelApollo2366: the executables in Windows are entirely different than those for Linux.  All programs CAN be written for Linux, but you're talking a MASSIVE number of man-hours to do it and that's simply not in some companies' budgets, unfortunately.05:06
Neroonascheel: Oh, and I though my pc was slow ...05:06
richardcavellApollo2366: Game makers would support OS X before they support Linux05:06
Nuke_So, I just shared a folder on another PC on my network, now how do I see the shared folder on this PC?05:06
Nuke_the other PC is Ubuntu 8.10 and this one is Linux Mint05:06
ascheelNeroon: haha...  my Linux PCs are Intel Atom CPUs and Mobos.  They're awesome file servers, but not much for gaming.  :)05:06
richardcavellApollo2366: It would be inherent in the design of the game to support OS X as well as Windows. For one thing, you'd have to use OpenGL and not Direct3D.05:06
MattPhilieascheel: I cannot find the theme in the application it self. It only shows the default one.. I made mkdir .cairo in the home folder and added the folder of the theme into it and had no luck..05:06
NeroonApollo2366: It would be better for Linux if they wouldnt use MS Direct X, but OpenGl05:06
Bob_DoleMy main PC is a 2.8ghz Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 3850..and it only has Ubuntu 9.04 installed05:07
firevaihelp with a monitor problem please... i cant switch to 1024x768.. says monitor unknown and i'm stuck in 800x60005:07
Neroonascheel: I see, but then you cant really complain anyway ;-)05:07
ascheelMattPhilie: I cannot help you with the theme itself.  I just knew how to help you get the directory created that the application was looking for.05:07
xtremeshredderhi everyone, i need help with my dell xps m1530 wireless on ubuntu 9.0405:07
urthmoveranyone get libnotify working with mutt?05:07
Apollo2366richardcavell, does MacOS support DirectX?05:07
richardcavellApollo2366: Hell no.05:07
ascheelNeroon: haha, wasn't complaining.  Was just stating why I keep my windows PC around.  I also do a lot of work at home for my company and it requires Winodws.05:07
Bob_DoleMac OS X does not support Direct X05:07
Bob_DoleApple's a OpenGL supporter!05:08
Nuke_Question: I just shared a folder on another PC on my network, now how do I see the shared folder on this PC?05:08
Neroonascheel: One small day .... :-)05:08
=== Nuke_ is now known as _NUKE_
Apollo2366I hate windows... so much05:08
richardcavellBob_Dole: Well, DirectX is Microsoft proprietary so Apple don't have the option of supporting DirectX.05:08
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:08
ascheelNeroon: lol  I'd GLADLY switch to Linux except...  .NET, as much as I hate it, is part of my work.05:08
Bob_Dolerichardcavell, they have the money to buy a license for it, I'm sure.05:08
ascheelcan someone take a look at this 'crontab -l' and 'auth.log' excerpt and tell me why cron has so many entries in auth.log?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/220903/05:09
Apollo2366bazhang, sorry :) Didn't mean to get off topic05:09
Bob_Doleascheel, well...there is mono..but not sure if it's quite what you need xD05:09
Neroonascheel: I just meant, one small day it wont matter what platform you use ...05:09
richardcavellBob_Dole: Who said it was available for licensing?  I think it would be very difficult to make Direct3D run on Linux or OS X anyway.05:09
MattPhilieCould anyone help me with Cairo Dock.. I can't get a theme to work that I downloaded..05:10
bazhangMattPhilie, the instructions say Extract to:~/.cairo-dock/themes/05:10
ascheelMattPhilie: there you go.  Create the directory .cairo-dock and put the theme in THERE.  Not going to tell you how to do it, just use what I told you last time.05:11
newkularI need some help with sharing folders05:11
Bob_Dolerichardcavell, money can make anything available.05:11
ascheelnewkular: ask the question, bud.05:11
MattPhiliebazhang: I cannot locate that.. Even with ctrl h to see hidden files. I was told to do that.. Like.. THey said to get the package file and it will make it05:11
MattPhilieBUt ok I will try that05:11
Kalmi_newkular, what is the problem?05:11
newkularWell, I shared one folder on another PC on my network. Now how do I see it on this PC?05:11
bazhangMattPhilie, have you run the cairo-dock yet?05:11
m1chaelhow can you play an mp3 or wav from the command line?05:12
zenlunaticnewkular, be less vague05:12
ascheelnewkular: is the PC you're on right now Ubuntu?05:12
MattPhilieBazhang: yes it works05:12
Kalmi_newkular, Places -> Network should show it...05:12
newkularIt's Linux Mint, which is similar to Ubuntu05:12
MattPhilieit's currently open too05:12
newkularIt doesn't show it05:12
newkulardid I set up the share thing incorrectly?05:12
xtremeshreddercan anybody help me. I can not connect wirelessly or via ethernet. I have a Dell XPS M1530 dual booting Vista and Ubuntu 9.04 (wubi). I have a Dell Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card. As for an ethernet controller, i have a Marvell Yukon 88E8040 Fast Ethernet Controller. I've tried ndiswrapper and ndisgtk, but to no avail. can anyone help me???05:13
newkularI'm a complete network newb here so cut me some slack. :D05:13
bazhangMattPhilie, and there is no .cairo-dock/themes/ folder?05:13
MattPhiliebazhang: Nope.. Which is why people said to download the package.. Since I am new.. I am lost and confused and feel very dumb05:13
richardcavellMattPhilie: Don't feel dumb :)05:14
bazhangMattPhilie, not sure what to tell you, using the repo version it works fine05:14
ascheelMattPhilie: type this:  mkdir .cairo-dock && mkdir .cairo-dock/themes05:14
ascheelMattPhilie: that will create both directories.  Put the theme into the themes directory05:14
newkularI followed the instructions for sharing from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-shares.html05:15
newkularNow how do I access the share on another Linux PC?05:15
iamslangowould anyone be willing to pastebin their /etc/apache2/envvars file (redacted, if necessary) for me?05:15
bonohow do i get wine to run apps/games?05:15
MattPhilieAlright ascheel05:16
iamslangoUbuntu just refuses to put mine back05:16
histonewkular: is it shared?05:16
ascheeliamslango: I can, stand by.05:16
histonewkular: just connect to the server05:16
bazhangbono, install wine and check the appdb to see how they run05:16
iamslangoascheel, thanks05:16
newkularhisto: how?05:16
bazhang!appdb | bono05:16
ubottubono: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:16
richardcavellHey, guys, looks like Firefox 3.5.1 just went into the repos05:16
histonewkular: places >05:16
bonoi did, the archive thingy has an error05:16
ascheeliamslango: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220911/05:17
histonewkular: places > network05:17
histonewkular: or you can mount the share to any folder05:17
bazhangbono, which archive thingy, please clarify05:17
Neroonrichardcavell: good news, everyone05:17
newkularhisto: OK, I went to places > network05:17
bonoAlso, how can i tell how many bits my proccessor is?05:17
newkularbut it's not there05:17
ascheelbono: what type of CPU is it?05:17
zenlunaticbono, maybe try cat /proc/cpuinfo05:18
bazhangbono, cat /proc/cpuinfo05:18
histonewkular: can you ping the computer that its on.05:18
newkularwhat happens if both my computers in this situation have the same name on the network?05:18
MattPhilieAhh. Still! No luck.. Man, I feel really unsmart.. Well is there any other good dock for ubuntu that someone could walk me through so I dont mess it up05:18
newkularthey're both "nick-desktop"05:18
WIGGMPkI am having trouble mounting my fakeRAID in a liveCD.. Can anyone help me?05:18
ascheelnewkular: could present issues.  Change the name of one of them OR access it by IP address and not name05:18
bonocat/cpu info?05:18
newkularhow do I change the name of one?05:18
zenlunaticbono, 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'05:19
zenlunaticyes cat05:19
ascheelbono: go to a terminal window and type what zenlunatic just said05:19
histonewkular: change the hostname on one of them.05:19
bonowhat i dont get it05:19
zenlunaticits a comand05:19
bazhangbono, no, --->   cat /proc/cpuinfo05:19
newkularhisto: how?05:19
histo!hostname | newkular05:19
ubottunewkular: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab05:19
newkularremember, I am a noob05:19
ascheelbazhang: he doesn't know about the terminal05:19
[Pwner]Johnhow do we install yacc?05:19
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ascheelbono: do you have Ubuntu installed, yet?05:19
bazhangbono, open a terminal05:20
bonok ino what to do05:20
ascheelok, bono.  Go to the terminal.  Type 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' and paste it into http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the URL05:20
richardcavellChangelog from Firefox 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 is here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?keywords_type=anywords&keywords=fixed1.9.1.1+verified1.9.1.105:20
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
newkularthere is no "networking" option under administration05:21
BB82Hi, i need help setting up a static IP05:21
bonoprocessor: 005:21
bonovendor_id: AuthenticAMD05:21
bonocpu family: 605:21
bonomodel: 1005:21
bonomodel name: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2500+05:21
FloodBot2bono: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:21
bonostepping: 005:21
kstalkerany linux based c++ compilers out there?05:22
zenlunaticBB82, sounds fun05:22
zenlunaticBB82, where are you stuck05:22
BB82bono, use pastebin05:22
ctmjrMattPhilie: where did you get cairo dock from it should have come with themes05:22
silverPanmy xfce is not all there: the panels (top and bottom) disappeared and now that its back, the plugins are missing from the top panel.... what happened, how do i fix this?05:22
Apollo2366kstalker, g++ is good05:22
BB82zenlunatic, everywhere i don't know why it's so difficult to do in ver 905:22
bazhangbono, please paste.ubuntu.com next time05:22
newkularum hello?05:23
newkularThere is no "networking" option under "administration"05:23
Apollo2366newkular, hello, do you have a question about Ubuntu?05:23
newkularI was told there was one05:23
newkularit's not there05:23
newkularI'm using 8.1005:23
Kalmi_newkular, no... it's just buggy for some reason... Auto-discovery doesn't work for a lot of people for some reason... Always worked fine for me... :S05:24
Kalmi_newkular, you could connect by using an ip address... can you find out the server's ip?05:24
BB82zenlunatic, honestly setting up a static IP in ArchLinux has been easier05:24
zenlunaticbono, try this lshw -class processor05:24
histonewkular: check under preferences05:24
Kalmi_histo, auto-discovery is not working...05:24
newkularNetwork configuration?05:24
newkularunder preferences?05:24
bazhangnewkular, places --> network05:24
Kalmi_newkular... um... this?05:25
histonewkular: what are you trying to do now i'm confused05:25
zenlunaticBB82, is the box online with dhcp now?05:25
newkularI'm trying to connect to a shared folder on another ubuntu machine05:25
bazhanghisto, share files between two linux pc's05:25
bazhangnewkular, are you on the MINT machine now or the Ubuntu one05:25
newkularI'm on the Mint machine05:26
bazhangno idea how MINT has it set up05:26
newkularIt's usually similar enough to Ubuntu to work just like it05:26
newkularin my experience05:26
newkularbesides the fact that the GUI looks different05:26
bazhangnewkular, then places --> network (Ubuntu)05:26
Kalmi_BB82, you can still use the /etc/network/interfaces file if you like... having an interface listed in that file will disable NetworkManager for that card05:26
[Pwner]Johnthe ubuntu start up songthing is weird05:27
newkularon my ubuntu machine, the one that is serving the share, I can see the share that way05:27
newkularbut not on this machine05:27
Kalmi_bazhang,  histo, Apollo2366 : newkular's problem is that samba's autodiscovery is not working... Both if his machines are set to the same hostname and that probably causes trouble for samba...05:27
[Pwner]Johni cant connect to the internet05:27
[Pwner]Johnusing virtualbox05:27
[Pwner]Johnanyone know why?05:27
Kalmi_bazhang,  histo, Apollo2366: *of05:28
newkularKalmi_: yes, and I was tryign to change my hostname earleir to test that theory05:28
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:28
newkularbut I don't know how05:28
bono....b4 my gpa kept trying to put windows vista on this computer for me but it wouldnt even boot after he installed it... so i installed ubuntu and it works but i want windows xp,,,, how can i tell what version of windows xp i need? *x32 bit? x64? x84?)05:28
Kalmi_newkular, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/internet/C/networking-changecompname.html05:28
zenlunaticbono, i told you the command05:29
Bob_DoleUm, there's 2 kinds of XPs. x86, and x86_6405:29
Bob_Dolethe x86_64 isn't all that well supported05:29
BB82zenlunatic, No, i changed it all and now it's not online at all05:29
newkularI'm telling you, there is no "network" option under "administration"05:29
masterchildhi, is there a linux program that can access built-in fingerprint scanner fingerprint banks?05:29
newkularI'm using 8.10. Did they change it?05:30
zenlunaticBB82, you changed the config files or did you use the GUI?05:30
Bob_Doleand x86 (32bit) runs on anything the 64bit varieties do.05:30
Kalmi_newkular, I suggest that you restart both of your machines after changing the hostname so that samba won't stay confused05:30
BB82Kalmi_, ive been told that NM needs to be disabled for all that to work properley. so i went ahead and tried without NM (disabling it from startup)05:30
newkularKalmi_: may I speak to you in PM to avoid the confusion of all the chatter here?05:30
BB82zenlunatic, ok i disabled Network Manager, then edited /etc/rc.conf  /etc/network/interfaces /etc/resolv.conf05:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easysources05:31
Kalmi_newkular, no... I'm about to go..05:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easysource05:31
bluedalekHello all!  Anyone here good at trouble shooting sound?05:31
newkularoh well05:31
=== joshua__ is now known as josh_c
zenlunaticcan you pastebin those files?05:31
MattPhilieHow do I run compiz??  I got this message05:31
MattPhilieWarning: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager.05:31
newkularKalmi_, there is no network option under administration05:31
bluedalekKalmi_ :  I tried resetting my BIOS.. no change05:32
newkularSo I *CAN'T* change my hostname05:32
j2daoshwhy cant you change your hostname?05:32
pedestrianentranany suggestions of a (cheapest) 3g capable mobile phone i could use as a modem with ubuntu? Im guessing there would be driver software needed to make it work05:32
newkularthe way everyone keeps telling me to do it won't work for me05:32
josh_cQuestion: Is there a clock utility I can slap on my desktop in Jaunty? I've had some issues with cairo-clock and the default time feature doesn't mesh with my design.05:32
j2daoshhold on05:33
j2daoshill help you with it05:33
bonoso either one (x64 or x32) should run on this computer>?05:33
j2daoshoh damn05:33
j2daoshim in windows05:33
FloodBot2j2daosh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
urthmoverI love mutt05:33
urthmoverand irssi05:33
j2daoshlet me reboot05:33
zenlunaticnewkular, just edit /etc/hostname05:33
NeroonMattPhilie: You got Fusion Icon installed? Nice way to switch between Compiz and your normal desktop05:33
newkularj2daosh: I can't change my hostname, because the option in the administration menu is not there on my PC for some strange reason05:33
urthmoverI'm loving gmail and thunderbird with lightening05:33
urthmoverI love screen05:33
ivanhhello everybody05:34
xtremeshredderQuestion: can anybody help me. I can't connect to the internet wirelessly or via ethernet. I have a Dell XPS M1530 dual booting Vista and Ubuntu 9.04 (wubi). I have a Dell Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card. As for an ethernet controller, i have a Marvell Yukon 88E8040 Fast Ethernet Controller. I've tried ndiswrapper and ndisgtk but to no avail. can anyone help me???05:34
urthmoverI love top05:34
bonoubuntu is sooo complicated!05:34
richardcavelljosh_c: I like dclock05:34
urthmoverI even kinda love lspci05:34
j2daoshnewkular: just do what zenlunatic said, thats what i was going to suggest05:34
BB82zenlunatic, what do you think? I'm rebooting now. It's really annoying because everything in ifconfig looks perfect, but i just can't surf the web05:34
j2daoshbono, its not complicated05:34
josh_crichardcavell: I'll check it out, thank you for the suggestion. :0)05:34
BB82bono, go back to your apple than05:34
bonoWill any version of windows run on this computer>? (x64 bit or x32 bit?)05:34
j2daoshbono, what computer05:35
bonoWindows is soooo much better!05:35
zenlunaticBB82, could be a lot of things05:35
Kalmi_bluedalek, no idea than... whole issue seems quite messed up... I have idea... sorry05:35
Neroongotta love questions without any information of hard or software ...05:35
j2daoshbono, windows is for people that are lazy and/or retarded05:35
Bob_Dolewindows is so much worse..in most situations05:35
Kalmi_BB82, that's not true. You could have used NM to set up a static ip. See: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-desktop-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/05:35
feynerquestions like my desktop dont work whats wrong05:35
bluedalekKalmi_ , any suggestions as to where to turn next?05:35
bonoI am proat windows!05:35
BB82zenlunatic, i've been told that if i had version 8 it would be fine, but something stuffed up when they made ver 9 and changed everything05:35
Kalmi_bono, Linux is simple. It just takes a genius to understand its simplicity. :)05:35
Kalmi_BB82, are your routes ok?05:36
j2daoshcourse you are, cept when it comes to the heavy lifting that you cant get to05:36
Bob_DoleNothing works out of the box like it does in linux. I have to use a slow and unreliable wireless connection on my iMac to download and burn all the driverpacks to a DVD to get stuff working :|05:36
BB82Kalmi_, do you know how many times i tried with the GUI?05:36
Bob_Doleon windows05:36
Kalmi_BB82, no :)05:36
skyeeeyay, now to figure out how to get my audigy2 setup05:36
chalcedonyBB82,  commandline :)05:37
Bob_Doleon linux.. I don't even install and most stuff is working already..then I install, and OMG, EVERYTHING WORKS!....never seen windows do that before.05:37
Kalmi_BB82, are you routes ok?05:37
j2daoshwhat is the sources list for the new ubuntu05:37
BonnoHello all, I have been followng the snort how-to on the ubuntu forums but I cant seem to exectute snort. When I try 'sudo /etc/init.d/snort restart' I get a 7 second delay and then it returns 'Snort failed to start ...'05:37
bonowill windows xp x32 bit or X64 bit run on this computer?!?!?!05:37
j2daoshwhat is the new ubuntu?05:37
Kalmi_BB82, *your05:37
Neroonis there any way to deactivate the join/left messages in konversation?05:37
j2daoshbono, this will be the second time i ask, what computer05:37
Bonnooh there is another bono here... sorry05:37
Bob_Dolebono, 32bit will run on everything from the Pentium MMX to the Core i705:37
=== Bonno is now known as geldoff
bonowhat do u meana what computer? what brand?05:37
jjjkI am having trouble with initial sign-on of phpldapadmin(doesn't accept password), just recently installed openldap on ubuntu... Any ideas?05:38
bonoi just got this computer and it doesnt say...05:38
richardcavellbono what computer do you have?05:38
Bob_Dolebono, you're on linux right? open up command line and type cat /proc/cpuinfo05:38
bonoand idk how to check05:38
j2daoshunless you have a new intel dual-core/quad-core, it will have to be 32 bit windows05:38
Kalmi_bono, just use 32 bit.... That will work no matter what05:38
BB82Kalmi_, hahaha that link is NOT for Jaunty05:38
bonoNo.... My friend has a pentium 4 with x64 bit....05:38
newkularI changed my hostname05:38
newkularnow I'll reboot and see if this works05:39
Kalmi_BB82, it's not really different05:39
j2daoshyeah, you can have 64 bit pentiums05:39
xtremeshredderQuestion: can anybody help me. I can't connect to the internet wirelessly or via ethernet. I have a Dell XPS M1530 dual booting Vista and Ubuntu 9.04 (wubi). I have a Dell Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card. As for an ethernet controller, i have a Marvell Yukon 88E8040 Fast Ethernet Controller. I've tried ndiswrapper and ndisgtk but to no avail. can anyone help me???05:39
kholerabbiJuly 17, Nelson Mandela's 91st birthday! Mods, please add to topic!05:39
j2daoshbut they are designed for 64 bit05:39
Bob_DoleI think bono is a troll.05:39
BB82chalcedony, the termianl is the way to go05:39
j2daoshjust get 32 bit05:39
bonoI think i am a troll, too....05:39
j2daoshand better yet, ##windows05:39
bonoidk though05:39
Kalmi_!troll | bono05:39
ubottubono: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel05:39
BB82Kalmi_, anyway i nuked Netowrk Manager off completely, i manually edited everything and now it works05:40
nsadminbono: ask bill gates and probably that woudl be good because no one is interested in windows here05:40
Neroonbono: Why the h... dou you ask that question on a Ubuntu-Linux chat?05:40
bonoWith windows I know how to pirate, crack, create crack/hacks/viruses, etc. But with this i can do noothing!05:40
j2daoshlol your a dumbass05:40
Neroonhe definetely is05:40
bonoBill gates only lives 45 min away from me...05:40
Bob_DoleYeah... bono, then by freenode guidelines we can't exactly help.05:40
bononot that i would actually be able to talk to him...05:41
j2daoshif you know how to "crack/hack" and you cant figure out linux, your cracks and virii must suck05:41
Geoffrey2bono, so basically with Windows you can be a complete menace to society05:41
Kalmi_!ot | bono05:41
ubottubono: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:41
quigihey all05:41
zenlunatic/ignore bono!*@*05:41
Neroonzenlunatic: already did that ;-)05:41
nsadminbono: I'll speak for myself: I'm definitely not interested in windows or pirating, find your corner (oh that's right, you're in a round room, sorry) and hope everyone looking for you finds what they're looking for...05:41
BB82Kalmi_,  all good after a restart05:41
nsadminany more questions?05:41
BB82bono, why don't you go ask him then?05:41
bonoFine heres a question thats ubuntu related....05:41
jjjkI am having trouble with initial sign-on of phpldapadmin(doesn't accept password), just recently installed openldap on ubuntu... Any ideas?  This seemed pretty easy, but where does the login id come from (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM_UQVVVtoY)05:41
Neroonjust ignore the windows troll bono05:41
Kalmi_BB82, btw I don't use NM.... :)05:42
FloodBot2bono: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:42
j2daoshbecause its the operator that sucks soo much05:42
Bob_Dolebono, why are you such an idiot?05:42
j2daoshnow, back to bidness05:42
Geoffrey2sounds like an Id10t error to me05:42
j2daoshgeo, you have to say, ID ten T error05:42
zenlunaticBob_Dole, lol i was thinking that05:42
nsadminBob_Dole: I thought you were smarter than that... oh that's right you're a republican...05:42
j2daoshthen make them write it down05:42
NeroonBob_Dole: absolutely05:42
Ademanthat was a pretty crappy troll05:42
Geoffrey2j2daosh, oops, my bad05:42
BB82Kalmi_, I'm using ArchLinux and to be honest getting a static IP on this was much easier than in Ubuntu because it's all commandline and i can read what's going on instead of a stupid incomplete GUI deciding it for me05:43
j2daosh:P its ok, i will forgive you this time05:43
Ademananyways, does anyone know of a *.doc output for LaTeX ?05:43
urthmoverbut arch is gay05:43
j2daoshBB82: you know ubuntu has a commandline too05:43
xtremeshredderQuestion: can anybody help me. I can't connect to the internet wirelessly or via ethernet. I have a Dell XPS M1530 dual booting Vista and Ubuntu 9.04 (wubi). I have a Dell Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card. As for an ethernet controller, i have a Marvell Yukon 88E8040 Fast Ethernet Controller. I've tried ndiswrapper and ndisgtk but to no avail. can anyone help me???05:43
grendal_primehey i get a warning about dcop server when i boot up ...everytime i boot up.05:43
Geoffrey2ok, just installed Jaunty 64bit, would it be a safe bet most of the software in the repository is also going to be 64bit?05:43
nsadminurthmover: and you know this how?05:43
j2daoshnsadmin probably because he has used it?05:44
urthmoverhaha cool my irssi script works  thanks nsadmin05:44
BB82j2daosh, yes but i wasn't told that everything i did in the command line would be useless unless i nuked Network Manager completely05:44
urthmoverjust tired man and foollin around arch is fine05:44
richardcavellGeoffrey2: yes, it is no problem05:44
j2daoshlol BB82 well that will teach you to trust us :P05:44
grendal_primenetwork manager blows for alot of stuff05:44
grendal_primelike openvpn client..you can only connect to one at a time...whats that all about?05:44
nsadminj2daosh: so he knows its sexual orientation because he used it? does that say anything about his orientation?05:45
j2daoshya know, i cant say as i have had a problem with network manager, i use the kde version and its nice05:45
colloguyis it okay to share a home folder between jaunty and intrepid?05:45
j2daoshnsadmin, beats me. i would say ask what his sexual pref is, but i know better :P05:45
richardcavellcolloguy: yeah, why wouldn't it be?05:45
nsadminj2daosh: supposedly so do I but I guess I got triggered by the other troll05:46
BB82j2daosh, that makes no sence at all. So every time a stupid GUI doesn't work i've got to go fishing for answers when i could have done it by a simple edit? Fuc|c you man05:46
masterchildcan ubuntu be updated from like jaunty to karmic without having to reinstall everything all over? I recently installed ubuntu to completely transition from windows.05:46
colloguyrichardcavell: jaunty-specific config settings may be incompatible with old version? (not sure)05:46
meglohaha, adobe still doesn't have flash for amd64 out yet? i have to download a crap-load of lib32* stuff -_-05:46
xtremeshredderQuestion: can anybody help me. I can't connect to the internet wirelessly or via ethernet. I have a Dell XPS M1530 dual booting Vista and Ubuntu 9.04 (wubi). I have a Dell Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-Card. As for an ethernet controller, i have a Marvell Yukon 88E8040 Fast Ethernet Controller. I've tried ndiswrapper and ndisgtk but to no avail. can anyone help me???05:47
richardcavellcolloguy: well, that's not Jaunty that's the problem. You're asking whether your config settings are compatible from one app to the other.05:47
zenlunaticj2daosh, wow you got burned05:47
j2daoshlol BB8, im just messing with you. i dont come in here much because my system is already set to go and i dont update so nothing breaks :P05:47
richardcavellone version of the app to the other05:47
Kalmi_masterchild, yes... but don't upgrade to karmic yet! karmic is not ready yet....05:47
Bob_DoleKarmic ships in october, yes?05:47
j2daoshbut on a lighter note, if you used the Knetwork manager, things would work much better :P05:47
nsadminxtremeshredder: what does dmesg say about your wired ethernet? what does lspci say about it? (you might have to pastebin it if it's a lot of data05:48
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:48
masterchildKalmi_, okay, I was just wondering since I don't want to have to clear out all my stuff once karmic is done05:48
richardcavellBob_Dole: Yes05:48
NickDeNegercan somebody test http://www.ownage4u.nl ?05:48
zenlunaticj2daosh, i'd like to see hm use a gui to modify a 1000 users at work or something :D05:48
colloguyrichardcavell: so then, for practical purposes, it is not a good idea to share a homedir between jaunty and intrepid?05:48
xtremeshredderi am not in linux now (since i have no internet) ill try to type the commands and come back05:48
j2daoshlol zenlunatic no thanks05:48
richardcavellcolloguy: People share a /home folder between OS X and Linux without issue05:48
j2daoshthats just asking for trouble :P05:49
zenlunaticyou can always just mount the other /home instead of sharing05:49
nsadmincolloguy: both running at the same time? not a good idea05:49
j2daoshand a bottle of excedrine05:49
colloguyI mean, running alternately :P05:49
megloI knew I should have stuck with i68605:49
zenlunaticj2daosh, i was thinkin of another bottle05:49
megloor maybe05:49
megloscrew flash05:49
j2daoshlol well the only other bottle i know is jack :P05:49
richardcavellcolloguy: I agree running at the same time is not a good idea, but I don't think you're trying to do that05:49
j2daoshbut thats too strong for some05:49
Kalmi_j2daosh, I couldn't get a modem(phone) working in KDE... worked fine in Gnome... YMMV as always :)05:49
NickDeNegersorry fixed firewall rule05:49
j2daoshKalmi_: well see the wonderful thing about kubuntu/ubuntu, the underpinning is the same05:50
colloguyrichardcavell: nope I'm not, just want to share settings :P05:50
Neroonhow do i access the xkb keymap to change anything?05:50
LLFoolJWhere can I find out information about my computer's hardware in Ubuntu?05:50
richardcavellcolloguy: I would have thought it's not a problem05:50
j2daoshso i just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and away i go05:50
LLFoolJi.e. what menu?  for some reason I cannot find it, even though I thought it was easy to find05:50
richardcavellLLFoolJ: Command line is best05:50
j2daoshusing both kde and gnome applications :D05:50
zenlunaticLLFoolJ, theres tons of stuff in /proc05:50
richardcavellNeroon: What do you want to do?05:50
colloguyIf I have a bootcamp gpt/mbr hybrid, is it okay to install jaunty on partition 5 (which appears on the gpt only)?05:51
Neroonrichardcavell: Getting rid of the Keaboard Gesture "feature"05:51
LLFoolJhow do I find out information from the /proc directory zen?  I'm not exactly a computer expert, sorry05:51
Neroonrichardcavell: *keyboard05:52
j2daoshnow, back to what i was asking before i was sidetracked by a M$ fanboi, where is the complete source list for the newest ubuntu?05:52
zenlunaticLLFoolJ, you can use commands like cat, head, tail05:52
newkularI'm back05:52
zountou05hi every one05:52
zountou05i need help plise05:52
j2daoshi just converted my girlfriend to linux and i want to make sure she gets the most out of it05:52
* sunwj slaps zenlunatic around a bit with a large trout05:52
newkularI can see my share now on this computer, but when I try to access it, it doesn't like my password05:52
Kalmi_j2daosh... well... wonderful... NM frontend works well for some things on KDE and for some things on gnome... wonderful...05:52
zenlunaticLLFoolJ, are you looking for something specific05:52
zountou05i need help05:52
Bob_Doleask. don't ask to ask05:53
LLFoolJno, I was just hoping for some kind of general menu or something with some basic hardware settings, since someone was asking me about it generally05:53
ZiberLLFoolJ: You could always get a phpsysinfo05:53
LLFoolJCPU, memory, hard drive space, graphics card, that kind of thing05:53
richardcavellNeroon: type xkbset q05:53
newkularSo I'm still having trouble with sharing folders05:53
Ziberhttp://alpha.ziber.org/sysinfo <-- like that.05:53
hellohellohow can i watch dvds on ubuntu?05:53
j2daoshKalmi_: thats why i have both installed and just load into KDE, i like the windows manager better with KDE but i like some of the gnome apps better, so it works out because i get my nice windows manager and all the neat little applications that work with gnome :D05:53
Neroonrichardcavell: thanks, but i need to install it first ...05:54
hellohelloHow can i watch dvds on ubuntu?05:54
j2daoshi would imagine you get a dvd player apllication and probably the w32codecs and your good then05:54
zountou05i wont to know what is my sound drive in this line ALC883/88805:54
zountou05  3stack-dig3-jack with SPDIF I/O05:54
zountou05  6stack-dig6-jack digital with SPDIF I/O05:54
zountou05  3stack-6ch    3-jack 6-channel05:54
zountou05  3stack-6ch-dig 3-jack 6-channel with SPDIF I/O05:54
FloodBot2zountou05: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:54
zountou05  6stack-dig-demo  6-jack digital for Intel demo board05:54
hellohellocan u tell me step by step how to do that plz?05:54
Kalmi_Does one still libcss (or something like that) for  DVD palyback?05:54
j2daoshload up a terminal, type in 'sudo apt-cache search dvd|grep player'05:55
Neroonrichardcavell: Hm ... XKB not supported for display :0.005:55
hellohelloIt said "searching for plugins".... no plugins found05:55
newkularI'm still having problems with sharing this folder05:55
hellohelloim having problems playing a dvd...05:55
zenlunaticLLFoolJ, theres really millions ways but you can use 'free' and 'df'05:55
richardcavellNeroon: did you get that when you typed xkbset q?05:55
j2daoshhellohello: you need to getthe 232codecs i bet05:55
hellohellois'nt their an app that lets u watch dvds?05:55
Neroonrichardcavell: yep. exactly what i got05:56
hellohellowhere can i get those codecs?05:56
richardcavellNeroon: Hmmmm.05:56
newkularHellohello: you have to install some library or something05:56
Kalmi_hellohello, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs05:56
j2daoshhellohello: if memory serves me correctly, you need to05:56
newkularhellohello: Google is your friend05:56
Incarushellohello, you need libdvdcss for dvd decryption and libdvdread05:56
j2daoshjust look at what he did05:56
j2daoshlol :P05:56
hellohelloeveryone i know with ubuntu says exactly the same!05:56
newkularI'm still having trouble getting this shared folder to work05:57
hellohelloalex hutnen05:57
masterchildis installing ubuntu on a PC with a windows sticker on it illegal?05:57
hellohellois anyone here named alex hutnun?05:57
zenlunaticmaybe if its not yours05:57
Kalmi_master_of_master, no... hell.. no!05:57
Neroonmasterchild: That was'n a real question, was it?05:57
j2daoshmasterchild: i hope not, my acer aspire one would get me arrested then :P05:57
Kalmi_hellohello, follow the instructions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs (we can help you if you get stuck)05:58
iamslangothe horizontal scrolling directions on my Mighty Mouse are reversed. Is there any way to fix that?05:58
j2daoshand if that wouldn't do it, the fact that i have XP Black as my windows partition on this system would05:58
richardcavellNeroon: I don't know what keyboard gestures are.05:58
zenlunaticwhats xp black?05:58
j2daoshlol wow, i looked at iamslangos sentence and saw my computer name there (Mighty Mouse)05:58
newkularI can see a shared folder from my other PC on the network, but when I attempt to access it and it asks for a password, it doesn't like my normal password. what's the deal?05:58
j2daoshxp black is the very hacked up version of windows05:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:59
Kalmi_newkular... dunno... try running smbpasswd on the server05:59
masterchildlinuxes are cool05:59
newkularKalmi_: What's that do?05:59
j2daoshyeah yeah, i get sidetracked for 2 minutes and people start whining about me getting off topic... i have adhd, what do you expect me to do? stay focused?06:00
Neroonrichardcavell: It just keeps buggin me, it somehow makes the keypad act like a mouse. And the thing is, it gets activated by pressing 2 keys (dont know which) on the keypad ...06:00
masterchildis there a way to use the directX functions on my video card in ubuntu without wine?06:00
xtremeshredderok im back06:00
Kalmi_newkular, changes your password for samba.... you shouldn't need it06:00
Pirate_Hunterhow do i update/upgrade svn?06:00
Neroonrichardcavell: And that's quite annyoing since I use the keypad for fps games06:00
newkularKalmi_: then what do I do?06:00
xtremeshredderi could not see any results in dmesg but here is what lspci says06:00
xtremeshredder09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 12)06:00
richardcavelloh you mean your keyboard controls the mouse pointer?06:01
Kalmi_newkular, you change the password and try again06:01
newkularI can't change the password06:01
newkularit asks for my original password and I didn't even know I had one06:01
Incarusi want to download and install an udeb kernel from packages.ubuntu.com and install it. will i have got a usable and bootable kernel then?06:01
j2daoshnewkular: i ran into this today06:02
j2daoshtype in on the commandline 'whoami'06:02
j2daoshwhat is your username06:02
newkularMy username is nick06:02
newkularon both machines06:02
richardcavellNeroon: That's called Mouse Keys06:02
richardcavellit can be disabled06:02
j2daoshwho setup the computer?06:02
masterchildhey, is it a good idea to use linux drivers from the hardware manufacturer's website06:03
Neroonrichardcavell: Mouse keys are activated via Alt F12 afaik06:03
Pirate_Hunterwhat is the command to use for upgrading an svn package?06:03
j2daoshnevermind, ignore that. doesn't matter, do you have root enabled and the password for it newkular ?06:03
sebsebsebmasterchild: what kind of drivers?06:03
masterchildit's an intel 945GM chipset driver06:03
newkularj2daosh: yes06:03
xtremeshredderlspci: 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 12)06:03
sebsebseb!intel |  masterchild06:04
ubottumasterchild: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.06:04
newkularwait....on which machine? The server?06:04
j2daoshso su into root, then 'passwd nicki'06:04
j2daoshand change your 'nick' password06:04
j2daoshthen your good to go06:04
richardcavellNeroon: Go to System->Preferences->Assistive Technologies->Keyboard Accessibility06:04
colloguyPirate_Hunter: I think it's 'svn update' to upgrade a working directory, if I understand what you're saying06:04
newkulardoes it have to be "nicki" or was that a typo?06:04
zenlunatichas to be any username06:04
newkularI fugred as much06:05
j2daoshsorry, my ex was named nicki06:05
sebsebsebmasterchild: chipset  so not graphics card drivers?06:05
j2daoshforce of habit06:05
newkularI'm familiar with the sensation. :P06:05
masterchildit's the graphics card06:05
=== john is now known as Guest67215
sebsebsebmasterchild: see the links the bot gave then06:05
newkularI calle dmy niece my GF's name the other day. *facepalm*06:05
Pirate_Huntercolloguy, ok just wanted to know since i installed a package from an svn, do i need to remove all previous files before upgrade?06:05
Neroonrichardcavell: hard to find in kde ... i know, ask in kubuntu, but there are about 200 guys there and no response to my question06:05
j2daoshreally pisses the new girl off when i let 'nicki' slip06:05
newkularLOL I imagine06:05
Neroonrichardcavell: especially since it is not kde related, but xkb06:06
xtremeshredderlspci: 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 12)06:06
j2daoshok i better !ot myself betfore someone else does06:06
richardcavellNeroon: Sorry I assumed you were in gnome06:06
richardcavellI don't know how to do it in kde06:06
j2daoshok, next question06:06
j2daoshman im on a roll06:06
rycaris there a magic gui way to edit fstab06:06
j2daoshrycar: yeah, emacs /etc/fstab06:06
rycari've reached level !ot706:06
masterchildi'm trying to get windows games running in wine but only games based on opengl seem to work best, while the directX games are horrible06:07
Neroonrichardcavell: It is not a kde problem as far as i can tell06:07
sebsebsebmasterchild: you need Windows for  Windows gaming really, at this time,  but programs that support  Directx  are getting there06:07
=== wet-chan is now known as wet
j2daoshsebsebseb: i hear good things about cedaga06:08
j2daoshbut i believe thats not free06:08
sebsebsebmasterchild: also  Linux has some good native games06:08
sebsebsebj2daosh: yep it's one of the commercial versions of Wine06:08
safruhanihi,can i burn a bootable iso via brasero ?06:08
newkularj2daosh: still not working06:08
richardcavellNeroon: I think it is06:08
rycarwhat is a good native linux game06:08
j2daoshnewkular: what are you trying to do06:08
newkularI changed my password and I still can't get into the shared folder06:08
sebsebsebsafruhani: of course06:08
defrysksafruhani, yes06:08
j2daoshpermission issue06:08
safruhanionly drag it to the burnt place is enough?06:09
newkularit doesn't like my password06:09
safruhanion brasero?06:09
j2daoshnewkular: 'ls -ltr /home'06:09
j2daoshwhat is the permissions  and group on the home directory?06:09
newkularj2daosh: What's that do?06:09
safruhanisebsebseb: defrysk, should i customize something, or only drag the iso file and then burn ?06:09
j2daoshdirectory listing06:09
defrysksafruhani, ususlly a right click of the iso and > burn to disk should do06:09
j2daosh-l = long06:09
ssmyI need help with configuring btnx with my mx revolution in 9.04. I can't get it to send buttons. Any ideas?06:10
safruhanithank you defrysk06:10
Neroonrichardcavell: I deactivated the mouse emulation and i cant find anything in accessibility either ... and i know for sure the popup once said Mouse Gestures06:10
xtremeshredderi can't get wireless to work on my dell xps m1530 help?????06:10
Neroonrichardcavell: Sorry, Keyboard Gestures06:10
newkularj2daosh: it says "drwxr-xr-x"06:10
nsadminxtremeshredder waht did you find out about the wired eth? let's start there06:10
j2daoshwow, i went 2 days without smoking and now im having one and im getting dizzy :P06:11
xtremeshredderlspci: 09:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 12)06:11
fuzzybunny69yDoes anyone know anything I could do to fix my sound for some reason it keeps cutting out eventually. Like I will be listening to music in Rhythmbox or watching a video in Totem and it will play a couple songs or play a video and then when i skip a few songs or just let it keep playing eventually it just freezes the program and my sound stops working.06:11
xtremeshredderthis is what lspci said06:11
j2daoshnewkular: what is the group06:11
newkularj2daosh: I don't know06:11
xtremeshredderas for dmesg, i didn't see anything about ethernet...06:11
j2daoshpaste the line for that directory06:11
nsadminxtremeshredder: ok, now we gotta find a driver06:11
newkularj2daosh: I can't. I'm using remote desktop to get to that PC06:12
nsadmindo you have another machien you can use to talk here?06:12
richardcavellNeroon: Mate, I don't know where to find it in kde06:12
newkularthe PC itself has no monitor06:12
xtremeshredderdo you know where i can find one? and a linux or a windows driver??06:12
Neroonrichardcavell: NP. Thanks anyway. But it isnt a kde prob :-)06:12
j2daoshhold on, we will take this convo private so as to not get distracted with the clutter06:12
sebsebsebrycar  linuxchild  there are good games out there for Linux, you can get some from Synaptic,  and you can do  google searches such as  42 of the best Linux games,  and get on to stuff06:12
nsadminlinux, maybe it's in say 2.6.29 or so06:12
newkularj2daosh:  good idea06:12
nsadmindo you have another machien you can use to talk here?06:12
xtremeshredderno :(06:13
colloguyusing subversion, is it possible to link a working directory to a repository via a relative path?06:13
nsadminhow do you get the xxxx:yyyy from lspci?06:13
nsadmindoes your machine have a card reader06:14
xtremeshredderlike an sd card reader, yeah06:14
nsadmingot a card for it?06:14
Neroonrycar: what kind of games are you looking for?06:14
xtremeshredderbut i can find one if you want06:15
nsadminoh, well, find one... it could be handy because you're going to be rebooting a lot to find info... but before you do it again now, let me google the lspci line06:15
xtremeshredderok be right back06:16
fillayy_Hello, I would like to know how to get the update for ubuntu to make i NBRt the06:16
megloHow do I find out my refresh rate? I'm using the nv driver on an agp 6600gt and don't want to install the nvidia driver. I can go up to 1280x1024 and down to a nice 1024x768, but white text is still looking like less than 70hz refresh...06:16
Neroonmeglo: Can't help actually, but why dont you want to install the nvidia driver?06:17
megloNeroon: because it breaks and I don't need 3d06:17
thiebaudesebsebseb, see you later,mate06:18
megloNeroon: I dislike the cludgy and non-working nvidia-xconfig thing too.06:18
Neroonmeglo: I see. Never heard of breaking, but well ...06:18
ascheelKalmi_: remember the network locking up?  Just dropped that second NIC I had.  Everything network related seems more responsive.  Because they were almost identical (almost, but not quite), I'm wondering if the drivers for each weren't interfering with each other?06:18
megloNeroon: It breaks on my specific system, but I'm just wondering where I can find out the refresh rate06:18
megloNeroon: xrandr shows nothing...06:19
defryskmeglo, prefs> apppearance > fonts > details06:19
Neroonmeglo: Havent been working with xrandr, sorry. I'm no help there06:19
fillayy_How can I install NBR by updating my Ubuntu 9.04?06:19
tawmMy roommate's having a bit of computer trouble, and I was wondering if I could get some help.. he can't log in. he puts in his username and password, and then the system hangs, instead of letting him on.06:19
meglo   1024x768        0.0*06:19
megloit should be 75.0* Or 85...06:19
ascheeltawm, are you able to get us the results of 'dmesg' ?06:19
ssmyI need help getting btnx to send keypress events from some of my mouse buttons.06:20
meglodefrysk: Errr, that doesn't seem to apply to anything I was asking. But thanks for that menu it does have some things I'd like to configure.06:20
Incarustawm, is mouse cursor movable?06:20
xtremeshreddernsadmin: ok i have one06:20
tawmascheel: possibly, would it be accesible via a live CD?06:20
Neroonmeglo: What does xorg.log say?06:20
tawmIncarus: Yes, the mouse and keyboard work fine06:21
ascheeltawn, dmesg would have to come from you while you're logged in.06:21
megloNeroon: let me take a look06:21
Incarustawm, and ctrl+alt+F1?06:21
tawmascheel: then no.06:21
ascheeltawn, it's all system messages (especially hardware and errors)06:21
tawmIncarus: he's trying it now.06:21
Incarustawm, k06:22
tawmOkay then. System is now unbootable. I think his harddrive might be failing.06:23
nsadminxtremeshredder take a look at...06:23
ascheeltawn, see if you can boot to a live CD and run some checks on it06:23
Supermanthe shortcut for lower the sound volume does the job twice in one hit, how can i fix this06:23
megloNeroon: when it loads up the VESA modes available for the card under the nv driver, it does state (II) VESA(0): 1024x768@75Hz which would be preferable. I can't find anything about it setting a resolution06:23
tawmascheel; doing that now, thx06:23
Neroonmeglo: hm06:24
ascheeltawn, or you can simply try booting to recovery mode, create a file called /force_fsck (I think that's the name) even if it's blank, then rebooting06:24
MattPhilieI downloaded Adobe Flash Player.. and if I go to a page with flash on it, FireFox closes down.. What do I do?06:24
Incarusmeglo, refresh rate settings are automatically06:24
ascheelMattPhilie: where did you get the plugin from?06:24
tawmascheel /force_fsck would be the full path to the file?06:24
nsadminjust the wired eth parts, that's not the machine you got06:24
megloNeroon: I think it is detecting my monitor's vsync and horizontal refresh correctly too06:24
Neroonmeglo: Only time it tells me what frequency it uses, is when it starts compiz here.06:24
MattPhilieascheel: I was on YouTube.. It said to download it.. Then do the manual install. I installed from Adobe's website06:25
ascheeltawn, there's no _.  It's just /forcefsck06:25
Neroonmeglo: But that is out of question with the nv driver, i guess06:25
xtremeshredderok, im looking at the ethernet part06:25
megloIncarus: I understand that. But the refresh rate set automatically hurts my eyes and I wonder how I can change it(Gnome's display control wont let me do anything but change the resolution).06:25
ascheelmattPhilie, it's recommended to do this:  sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree06:25
megloNeroon: I'm just using metacity(no compositioning)06:25
Neroonmeglo: Dumb question. Your monitor itself doesnt tell you somehow?06:25
nsadminif you end up having to build the driver, that's the kernel config06:25
Incarusmeglo, you can edit /etc/X11/xrog.conf06:25
ascheeltawm: sorry about that, I mistyped it the first time around06:26
Incarusmeglo, *xorg.conf06:26
xtremeshredderhow would i build it?06:26
MattPhilieascheel: OK.. How do I go about removing the current one.. so firefox won't close on me06:26
megloNeroon: I assume it has some EDD(???) chip info that outputs it to the graphics adapter06:26
ascheelMattPhilie: erm..  I honestly don't k now.06:26
Geoffrey2ok, any idea how to make ntpd actually update the system time?06:26
megloIncarus: Ok, well I thought that is what would happen in the end06:26
NeroonIncarus: He doesnt want to edit it, he wants to know it's actual frequency06:26
IncarusGeoffrey2, "sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com"06:26
megloNeroon: My monitor has documentation that does tell me, but otherwise that info is non-obvious06:26
steve1hello everyone. Can you offer help to a brand new ubuntu user?06:27
nomad77meglo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xorg-server maybe06:27
MattPhilieascheel: By the way.. I go this from the terminal running the sudo command thing ...  " sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree "06:27
geldoffHello all, I have been followng the snort how-to on the ubuntu forums but I cant seem to exectute snort. When I try 'sudo /etc/init.d/snort restart' I get a 7 second delay and then it returns 'Snort failed to start ...' in red writting. Was wondering if anyone knows whats going on here?06:27
IncarusNeroon, he want to edit it, because his actually refresh rate is bad06:27
megloNeroon: No, I do know the frequency, at least those numbers look correct from what I recall.06:27
richardcavellsteve1: yes, what's your problem?06:27
xtremeshreddernsadmin: how would i build the driver?06:27
MattPhilieOops ascheel06:27
MattPhilieOne sec06:27
nsadminwell one sec...06:27
meglonomad77: I'll seee...06:27
Incarusmeglo, its in xorgt.conf file06:27
steve1I just installed ubuntu and have no sound.06:27
Neroonmeglo: No, I meant some buttons on your monitor. I can press the menu button here and the first thing it tells me, is resolution and frequ06:27
MattPhilieAscheel: I ment to say I got this Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree06:27
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:28
megloit does06:28
fillayy_Does anyone know how to update Ubuntu to NBR?06:28
megloFH - 48 KHZ06:28
Neroonmeglo: So you just want to change it?06:28
megloFV - 60hz06:28
nsadminare you running amd64 or ix86 kernel?06:28
megloNeroon: Yeah, 75HZ or more06:28
xtremeshredderi386 x8606:28
sebsebsebsteve1: Did you have sound on the Live CD?06:28
ascheelSorry, MattPhilie it's:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:28
Geoffrey2Incarus, ok, thanks06:29
nsadminmaybe you could find a 2.6.29 kernel for your ubuntu06:29
steve1I downloaded the OS from the ubuntu website so I have no live CD06:29
nsadminwhat's your uname -r06:29
megloNeroon: I'll have to do it through dpkg-reconfigure or editing the xorg.conf myself probably, which is fine06:29
sebsebsebthere's a ppa for 2.6.3006:29
IncarusGeoffrey2, np06:29
ascheelsteve1: how did you install Ubuntu?06:29
fillayy_Does anyone know how to update Ubuntu to NBR?06:29
sebsebsebsteve1: sounds like you done a Wubi install, from inside Windows?06:29
Incarusfillayy_, NBR?06:29
steve1I downloaded the iso from the website, burned the image to a CD and installed it on the pc I'm currently using06:30
ascheelsteve1: that's a live CD06:30
sebsebsebsteve1: Did you boot the computer from the CD and then install?06:30
Neroonmeglo: I dont see the problem then ..06:30
steve1sorry, I'm new to linux terminology06:30
xtremeshreddernsadmin: username???06:30
sebsebsebascheel: the Live CD's also have Wubi on them06:30
ascheelsteve1: if you boot from that CD, it's called a live CD when you boot all the way into Ubuntu while it's running off of the CD06:30
MattPhilieascheel: It says within the message flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.06:30
MattPhilie.. SO I have it already? I tried youtube and it crashed on me06:30
steve1yes, booted from computer and installed06:30
ascheelsebsebseb: ah, gotcha.  My bad06:30
nsadminno, uname -r06:30
nsadmintht's different from a userhame06:30
nsadminit's your kernel name06:31
nomad77MattPhilie: did you close,restart firefox after?06:31
xtremeshredderhow do i find that out?06:31
steve1so then, no. I had no sound from the live CD06:31
nsadminuname -r06:31
sebsebsebsteve1: if you put the CD in Windows and then installed  Ubuntu, you used Wubi,   if  you  booted the computer off the CD and then installed Wubi you did a partitioend install06:31
xtremeshredderwould i have to into the terminal and type uname -r06:31
megloNeroon: I was wondering if there was an easy way to do it. I'm not totally sure of my monitor's capabilities, or how my graphics card can operate under the nv driver... the gnome-display configuration under system administration will not let me set the refresh rate so I'll have to go about it differently.06:31
sebsebsebsteve1: did you do the test Ubuntu without touching hard disk option, which is the default when the Live CD is booted?06:31
MattPhilienomad77: I closed it and opened it again06:32
nsadminyeah you would... I'm trying to find out if you already have .2906:32
sebsebsebnsadmin: there's a ppa for 2.6.3006:32
xtremeshredderill be back then, gotta boot into linux06:32
nsadminwaht's a ppa06:32
Incarusmeglo, the right nvidia drivers should work ;-)06:32
sebsebsebnsadmin: also why do you think you need a later kernel anyway?06:32
steve1I tested the disc, if that's what you mean. It passed, then I installed it to the hard drive06:32
mailmanhow do i install windows? ;)06:32
nsadminsebsebseb: marvell nic06:32
sebsebsebsteve1: did you try Ubuntu from the CD,  with the graphical user interface and other programs?06:32
megloIncarus: That is still an option.06:33
nsadminmailman: really?06:33
mailmanhaha no06:33
sebsebsebnsadmin: hardware issues don't just get fixed in later kernels,  well depends06:33
steve1sebsebseb: no, I just installed it06:33
Incarusmeglo, an xorg.conf06:33
sebsebsebsteve1: ok well the Live CD can be used to test hardware properly, before installing anything06:33
megloIncarus: I have to create one first it seems, with dpkg-reconfigure06:33
sebsebsebsteve1: ,but now you installed and have no sound hmm, is it a lap top?06:33
steve1sebsebseb: yes, it's a toshiba laptop06:34
megloHmm, on debian it was interactive06:34
MattPhilieHow do I get rid of all the things i downloaded for flash!??!?!? Everything i go to with flash in firefox crashes on me06:34
tawmfsck -f /dev/sda is reporting an error: "Error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda1"06:34
sebsebsebsteve1: that explains it,  lap tops that came with pre installed Windows,  can have right issues when Ubuntu goes on them,  normalley it's the wireless,  sometimes sound06:34
nsadminsebsebseb: it's this one (and it's for xtremeshredder)06:34
sebsebsebsteve1: ,becaue of how  the hardware manufactures don't all support Linux properly06:34
jigphello guys how to use virtualbox?i cannot get out into the box unless if i shutdown the os then i can use the mouse.how to use the mouse and get out the virtualbox wizard?06:35
nsadminEthernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8040 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (rev 12)06:35
Shamblerjigp: right ctrl06:35
steve1sebsebseb: I understand. What can I do about that?06:35
Incarusmeglo, k, i have to go,bye06:35
jigpShambler : i did that nothing happen06:35
nsadminhe's finding out his uname -r06:35
sebsebsebsteve1: sound isn't my area,  since it's a pain to do stuff with,  but  if your lucky someone else can help you get it working,  you will have to wait for someone,  also  I can give you the sound bot  stuff, but  it probably won't be that useful, and you probably won't understand it06:35
nsadminhe has to reboot every time06:35
sebsebseb!sound >  steve106:36
ubottusteve1, please see my private message06:36
Shamblerjigp: Then sorry, I dont have it installed to check something else06:36
nsadminsebsebseb: any idea the name of the module for that card?06:36
sebsebsebsteve1: sometimes  other distros work where Ubuntu didn't,  you can try another one for example Mandriva  from a Live CD/DVD if you want06:36
Shamblerjigp: Guess you changed the default key for it, maybe?06:37
sebsebsebsteve1: and if sound works there, but not in Ubuntu, then at least you know your issue is an Ubuntu issue, and not a Linux distro issue06:37
tawmfsck -f /dev/sda is reporting an error: "Error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda1" on my roommate's computer. What does this mean?06:37
jigpShambler : it works now. virtualbox is not supported usb?06:37
sebsebsebnsadmin: no not my area06:37
steve1Ok, thanks.  ubottu: I'll check the pm06:37
sebsebseb!thanks |  steve106:37
ubottusteve1: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:38
xtremeshreddernsadmin: its 2.6.28-11-generic06:38
sebsebseb!ppa > nsadmin06:38
ubottunsadmin, please see my private message06:38
Shamblerjigp: oh usb. it does work, but i'm sorry, i can't check it as i already said. Not installed on this machine06:38
sebsebsebnsadmin: ppa is a way to get later  stuff for Ubuntu, without  having to  wait for the next version06:38
megloWould anyone here happen to know the proper way of setting the refresh rate under the Screen section of the xorg.conf?>06:38
steve1OK, I'm feeling like an idiot. Where do I check for pm06:38
jigpShambler : to get out in right ctrl?06:39
sebsebsebsteve1: there should be a tab with ubottus name on it06:39
jigpShambler : how to get out in the virtualbox?06:39
megloWhat is it? RefreshRate "85.0hz"06:39
Shamblerjigp: the default key is the right ctrl key06:39
xtremeshreddernsadmin: its 2.6.28-11-generic06:39
jander99Nuke_ you'll need to install Samba.  Hold for a link.06:39
Shamblerjigp: to get it back, just click on the virtual machine window06:40
steve1found it. Thanks again. This is all new stuff to me. I work wonders on windows but...:P06:40
jander99Holy cow I didn't scroll down.06:40
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions06:40
zetheroos there a simple application for rotating video?06:40
Shamblerjigp: Did that help?06:41
ZiberWhy, if i sudo apt-get install traceroute, does it still say command not found?06:41
jigpShambler : yah thanks.but it cannot detech usb06:41
sebsebsebsteve1: only  a few people can help with sound in here I think,  plus there are loads of differnet sound issues,   http://www.ubuntuforums.org is also useful, if you know what sound card you have, you may be able to find a solution,  and you could start your own thread about your problem06:41
xtremeshreddernsadmin: its 2.6.28-11-generic06:42
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:42
callum_hey everyone everytime i open up opera the opera logo has pidgins logo behind it ?06:42
j2daosh!mount > newkular06:42
ubottunewkular, please see my private message06:42
Shamblerjigp: Ok. Sorry, cant help right now. Gotta get some breakfast. If you're still here in 20 mins, I might help and start the other pc06:42
callum_like its glitched together but pidgins next to it06:42
jander99Ziber: "locate traceroute" and see what it says.06:42
WIGGMPkI need help restoring my /boot partition from a LiveCD anyone up to it?06:42
steve1Thanks guys. I'm off to fiddle with this for a while. I appreciate everyone's help. Good night.06:43
jander99Ziber: Should give some /etc/alternatives, /usr/bin, /usr/share/man, /var/lib/dpkg06:43
fillayy_Can someone please tell me the command to update to NBR?06:43
homercyclesWhat's the best video card as far as Linux support goes, these days? ATI or NVIDIA?06:43
callum_does UBUNTU Have a restore  setup like windows system restore? can i make a copy of my setup and back it up ?06:44
ZiberWell, now I get a weird error.06:44
Ziber[ziber@alpha ~]$ traceroute omega.ziber.org06:44
Zibertraceroute: icmp socket: Operation not permitted06:44
sebsebseb!best  >  homercycles06:44
ubottuhomercycles, please see my private message06:44
fillayy_Can someone please tell me the command to update to NBR?06:44
callum_netbookremix is crap06:44
sebsebseb!ati >  homercycles06:44
callum_GLITCHY POS -06:44
fillayy_I can't get my Mobile Broadband and sound to work with regular ubuntu.06:44
homercycleshow do I see the private messages? I'm using xchat-gnome06:44
callum_stick with UBUNTU 9.04 -06:44
gzuhwhats the best way to forward localhost:8080 to ip:8181 or whatever?06:44
manhnhuplease tell me : how to add friend  in irc?06:45
sebsebsebhomercycles: ATI  can have issues,  but  tends to be ok I think depending on which card,  Nivida tend to have rather good support, but their driver is propritary,  also be sure to install it from  the repo for such a card,  rather than directly from them, or problems can happen06:45
homercyclessorry. had sidebar hidden. slightly non-elegant06:45
jander99Ziber: Can you run sudo traceroute ?06:45
fillayy_I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and can't get Mobile Broadband and sound to go.06:45
nomad77Ziber: try sudo06:45
xtremeshreddernsadmin: its 2.6.28-11-generic. are you here???06:45
manhnhuplease tell me : how to add friend  in irc?06:45
ZiberI can run it as sudo.06:45
homercyclesI tend to be happy with repo drivers. I'm not one of these "gotta have the latest X server" nuts :-) thanks for the recommendations06:45
Ziber:/ Why not as normal user?06:45
sebsebsebmanhnhu: I don't think you can as such06:45
homercyclesI just want one that will be good for Startcraft II (in XP) when it comes out. My ATI x300 is a tad old now06:46
sebsebsebmanhnhu: well it depends on your IRC client I suppouse06:46
sebsebseb!caps |  callum_06:46
ubottucallum_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:46
callum_>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOES UBUNTU HAVE A SYSTEM BACKUP FEATURE? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<06:46
tawmSuppose I have a computer dual booting ubuntu and win7. Win7 runs into a bluescreen very quickly (could be related) ubuntu hung when username/password were entered, tried running repair mode to fix things and at some point in repair mode, it said there was a hard drive failure (I wasn't around when that happened) and now when booting, the screen goes multicoloured, and the loading screen tiles itself across the top of the screen... rig06:46
tawmht now I'm running a liveCD, and just finished running fsck on the linux partition, which reported no problems... any suggestions?06:46
j2daosh!fstab > newkular06:46
ubottunewkular, please see my private message06:46
sebsebseb!backup >  callum_06:46
ubottucallum_, please see my private message06:46
homercyclescallum_ can't go past clonezilla IMHO06:46
jander99Ziber: Have a firewall?06:47
jander99Ziber: Can you also ping06:47
callum_homercycles what do you mean i am n00b06:47
sebsebsebtawm: sounds like your hardware is failing06:47
ZiberI can ping as non-root, just not traceroute.06:48
sebsebsebtawm:  and if it's the hard disk or some such, you will get problems in both OS's06:48
homercyclescallum_: we were all noobs at one stage. Just google "clonezilla". it's a linux distro that boots up and steps you through attaching to USB storage, network, etc, and then backing up entire HDDs or partitions06:48
xtremeshreddernsadmin: uname -r gave me the result 2.6.28-11-generic06:48
callum_whats the program i can use to make a back up06:48
tawmsebsebseb - that was my first thought, but the hard drive is only a year old06:48
sebsebsebtawm: well  blue screen of death in Windows is never good06:48
homercyclescallum_: as far as backing up just files, I use the rsync command to synchronise my /home folder with a directory on a removable USB hard disk06:49
sebsebsebtawm: hardware failing, bad drivers, or  malicious programs such as viruses can cause it06:49
callum_homercycles oh ok thanks :S so i just download that to use drive06:49
jander99Ziber: Can you "ls -l /etc/alternatives/traceroute" and tell me the ownership of the file?06:49
homercyclescallum_: download the ISO of clonezilla and burn that to a CD, then boot off it06:49
callum_homercycles i want to have like a system restore disk/usb drive - that i can use whenever incase06:49
sebsebsebtawm: also hard disks can fail after a year06:49
sebsebsebtawm: they just tend not to06:49
callum_homercycles ok thanks x06:49
Ziberjander99: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 2009-07-18 01:43 /etc/alternatives/traceroute -> /usr/bin/traceroute-nanog.genuine06:49
homercyclescallum_: clonezilla would be ideal, then. been a few months since I updated my clonezilla backups. better do that soon, I guess06:50
tawmsebsebseb - is there a way to run a more thorough check on it?06:50
sebsebsebtawm: join the ##hardware channel, they  can probably help06:50
jander99Ziber: I would assume you apt-get install traceroute-nanog instead of traceroute?06:50
WIGGMPkCan anyone tell me how to go about REINSTALLING my /boot partition from an Ubuntu LiveCD (9.04)06:50
gzuhno one can help port forwarding?06:50
xtremeshreddernsadmin: uname -r gave me the result 2.6.28-11-generic06:50
homercyclescallum_: clonezilla isn't as pretty as things like Acronis, but it has excellent hardware support and it's free06:50
tawmsebsebseb - k, will do. thanks for the assist.06:50
sebsebsebtawm: np06:50
callum_homercycles what one :( im confused http://clonezilla.org/download/sourceforge/06:51
ZiberHmm. I removed that and it works, thanks.06:51
disappearedngHey is 9.04 still buggy?06:51
disappearedngshould I upgrade to it now?06:51
homercyclescallum_: I always go with the stable one06:51
jander99Ziber: No problem.  I actually don't know what the -nanog variant does :P06:51
callum_9.04 on my asus eee pc 1000H is epic win06:51
disappearedngcause I am sick of my gnome terminal in 8.1006:51
homercyclescallum_: the iso/zip file06:51
richardcavellI use grsync, which is just a GUI for rsync. What's the advantage of clonezilla?06:51
callum_homercycles ok top one on table? stable06:52
richardcavelldisappearedng: 9.04 is not buggy06:52
callum_NETBOOKREMIX Is trash -06:52
callum_imo -06:52
homercyclescallum_: http://sourceforge.net/projects/clonezilla/files/clonezilla%20live%20testing/clonezilla-live-1.2.2-25.iso/download06:52
gzuhyeah netbook remix sucks06:52
disappearedngyeah how do I upgrade the gnome-terminal ?06:53
homercyclescallum_: actually, disregard that URL06:53
xtremeshreddernsadmin: uname -r gave me the result 2.6.28-11-generic06:53
homercyclescallum_: I fell for the testing version. not good. try this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/clonezilla/files/clonezilla%20live%20stable/clonezilla-live-1.2.2-14.iso/download06:53
callum_oh i started to download it homercycles06:53
callum_homercycles - its 101 mb downloading now what do i after? burn it to a cd-r06:54
homercyclescallum_: yes06:54
callum_homercycles, will it partition my drive and make a backup of my OS - Or burn a backup to another CD/DVD06:55
homercyclescallum_: then boot off it and follow the on-screen instructions. maybe read their documentation on the web site if you're not sure. I'm about to go so I won't be around to answer your questions06:55
callum_Oh Ok :(06:56
homercyclescallum_: it'll backup your hard drive to an external source: USB hard drive or over the network. not sure if it burns to disk06:56
callum_USB Thumb Drive?06:56
callum_Or HDD - External :( I don't have a USB HDD06:56
homercyclescallum_: I don't think clonezilla will do partitioning, that's not its purpose. possibly to USB thumb drive if you have enough space on it06:56
xtremeshreddernsadmin: uname -r gave me the result 2.6.28-11-generic06:57
callum_Ok cool thanks X06:57
homercyclescallum_: it should also be able to backup to an existing partition on the same hard drive, if that's what you tell it to do and you have pre-prepared such a partition for the backup to go onto06:57
callum_so if i ever need to restore i can just pop in the thumb drive and boot of it?06:57
homercyclescallum_: boot off the clonezilla CD then it refers to the thumb drive when it's ready to restore the backup06:57
megloWelp, Jockey wont allow me to install the Nvidia binary blob anymore. It should be on my system - I downloaded&Installed but then removed it... but trying to activate it via jockey-gtk is now working06:58
homercyclescallum_: good luck. cya06:58
callum_homercycles bye x06:58
callum_and thankls06:58
megloIs there a work-around for this, or should I do silly stuff like try and restart and do it again06:58
callum_So any BI-GAY Guys here?06:58
jumbersso i herd u leik mudkipz06:58
meglowhat the hell06:58
vileyFuck you06:58
bazhangviley, watch the language06:59
vileyya sorry dude06:59
jack_can anyone explain why the fonts in firefox are ugly and pixely?07:00
jumbersGood, they both left :|07:00
xtremeshreddernsadmin: uname -r gave me the result 2.6.28-11-generic07:00
Acediphaving problems with thunderbird, its not getting email and remains stuck at a position and nothing happens??07:04
callum_WHY IS UBUNTU FREE?07:04
callum_ooops sorry about caps07:04
bazhangcallum_, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic07:04
nsadminmcgreg; so, dns.07:04
xtremeshreddernsadmin: uname -r gave me the result 2.6.28-11-generic07:05
=== linux_user400354 is now known as nanomachine
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as Fluffles
j2daoshnewkular needs help mounting a samba share. it asks for his passowrd, he gives it but it doesn't work. he used the gui to set up the samba share07:11
j2daoshcan someone help him with the correct command?07:12
SandGorgonhey guys.. anybody check out the Penumbra Trilogy games for Linux - apparently they have a special this weekend for 5$ (http://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2009/07/are-you-afraid-you-will-be.html)07:12
Shamblercallum_ Cause they're trying to make money with support for the Server Edition iirc07:12
Dayofswordswhat does ubuntu use to create its iso?07:12
j2daoshi thought it was 'mount -t smb -o username=user,password=password \\ip\sharename \mount\point' but thats not working for him07:12
jengc0ilhi there07:12
jengc0ilj2daosh: :)07:12
jengc0ilany idea07:12
j2daoshi just got here07:13
j2daoshi have no idea what your talking about jengc0il and unless your a really hot chick, im going to bed so i cant help :P07:13
jengc0ilok j2daosh07:13
jengc0ilnext time07:13
j2daoshsomeone help newkular please07:14
newkularI need help07:14
nsadminj2daosh: then there was someone here earlier under the same nick you're using now07:14
xtremeshreddernsadmin: uname -r gave me the result 2.6.28-11-generic07:14
j2daoshi tried but failed and i cant see straight so someone else take over07:14
bazhangnewkular, with network file shares?07:14
j2daoshnsadmin: yeah that was me07:14
j2daoshwith the windows troll07:14
newkularbazhang: yes07:14
bazhangj2daosh, sorry what?07:15
j2daoshthank you for helping newkular bazhang07:15
j2daoshnight night all07:15
bazhangnewkular, did you read the links the bot gave you?07:15
nsadminxtremeshredder: ok, had anyone told you what driver for your marvell?07:15
newkularnight, j2daosh. Thanks for the help!07:15
DaniXTeamI have problem with Ubuntu on virtual machine07:15
newkularbazhang: I can't remember07:15
newkularwhich links?07:15
bazhangnewkular, just a second07:16
callum_bazhang i love you x07:16
slackerI'm considering reinstalling with i386-desktop. Jockey will NOT let me reinstall the nvidia blobs for my system. Elevating to root and activating them through jockey-gtk does absolutely nothing.07:16
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo newkular07:16
bazhangcallum_, stay on topic07:16
jander99DaniXTeam, what VM software?07:17
callum_what happens after i backup using clonezilla?07:17
newkularI'm done for tonight07:17
newkularthanks for all your help guys07:17
callum_how do i boot or restore from my backup07:17
DaniXTeamjander99:It's Sun xVM VirtualBox07:17
newkularI'll be back later07:17
jander99DaniXTeam, the new 3.0 or the one in the ubuntu repo?07:17
bazhanghttp://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live/doc/  <-- callum_ read the documentation07:17
ejvquestion, I have a box with 2 addresses assigned to it; I have eth0 and eth0:0. when I tunnel thru the box using eth0:0, my end IP appears to be that of eth0 and not eth0:0. I'm not good with IP routing and have been googling a while.07:18
bazhangcallum_, that is 3rd party software so you need to handle that on your own07:18
xtremeshreddernsadmin: no07:18
slackerScrew it. I'm just going to try nouveau07:18
DaniXTeamjander99:I have 3.01 version.07:18
jander99DaniXTeam, okay. And the problem is inside an Ubuntu VM?  What seems to be the issue?07:18
Flufflesslacker, Have you tried installing the nvidia drivers through the terminal?07:19
jander99DaniXTeam: And what are you using for host OS?07:19
DaniXTeamjander99:My host is Windows Vista Home Premium (without SP1).07:19
callum_LOL WINDOWS07:19
callum_Stay on topic danixteam07:19
jander99slacker: sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-18007:19
jander99callum_: be nice :-\07:20
slackerjander99, Fluffles, they are in my apt-cache and there seems to be dependency issues. i'm aware of that method but I thought jockey used nvidia-common to detect issues ahhh nm let me try this07:21
Dayofswordswhat does ubuntu use to create its iso, i need to create an iso07:23
xtremeshreddernsadmin: no07:24
jander99Dayofswords: How do you need to create the iso?  A bunch of files into an iso, or rip a CD into an iso?07:24
Dayofswordsi want ti make an iso for a thing i'm doing and be able to edit it, just wondering if theres a program out to do that07:25
sujiAny one know how to install anjutha in ubuntu 9.04?07:25
bazhangsuji, anjuta?07:26
adhytiaadhytia@adhytia-laptop:~$ uname -a07:26
bazhangsuji, sudo apt-get install anjuta07:26
adhytiaLinux adhytia-laptop 2.6.28-14-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 8 07:21:34 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux07:26
sujibazhang: ok07:27
megloHeck yeah Nouveau rocks.07:27
=== naruto is now known as Guest24996
h32Lghow can i completely remove apache from my local ubuntu system to reinstall it?07:27
h32Lgaptitute and synaptic shows me that it is not installed :/07:27
megloBetter than NV in that gnome-display-properties can actually configure it07:27
xtremeshreddernsadmin: no07:27
gMan_join #jam07:28
sujibazhang: Thankq:)07:28
gMan_i am new07:28
gMan_i do i join group07:28
bazhanggMan_, /join #channel07:29
xtremeshreddernsadmin: no07:31
yurikolesi have problems with sound07:32
nsadminxtremeshredder: try this... I think your driver name is sky2, so boot the machine and...07:32
latibaydo you know some good tutorial in compiling & installing the linux source code?07:32
nsadmintry modprobe sky2, then ifconfig eth007:32
latibayi mean ubuntu linux source code\07:32
McNeverok... good time for linux noob question?07:32
Shambleris there any way to deactivate the join/left messages?07:32
nsadminlatibay what kind of source07:32
xtremeshredderis the driver built into ubuntu, or do i have to download it?07:33
McNeverseems really simple but i have no idea if i have the right video drivers installed or not07:33
Anish123Heya guys07:33
nsadminShambler: yes you can ignore them, forgot how07:33
yurikolesthere is no sound from left speaker, if i connect it vice versa there is no sound from right07:33
bazhangShambler, which client07:33
h32LgShambler, maybe07:33
Shamblerbazhang: Konversation07:33
Anish123I got a little problem while booting Ubuntu Jaunty from USB07:33
latibaynsadmin: the source code of linux kernel.07:33
caffemistoShambler, mirc has an option07:33
EnragedOstrichIs Windows 98 free now?07:33
h32Lgnow we've to guess which client he is using ;)07:33
bazhangShambler, iirc it is in configure Konversation settings07:33
bazhangEnragedOstrich, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic07:34
Shamblerbazhang: Searched the hell out of it ... no success yet07:34
xtremeshreddernsadmin: ill be back...07:34
EnragedOstrichif it is I am gonna partition part of my drive to play Emulators on it07:34
EnragedOstrichThis is on topic07:34
bazhangShambler, perhaps a quick search of the Konversation docs, just a second07:34
Shamblercaffemisto: dont really want to install mirc, when there is already a workin client installed07:34
nsadminlatibay: basically the process is... configure the source, build it, install it (generic) OR configure the source, use make-kpkg to build it, install the resulting packages07:34
h32Lgsome suggestions how i can remove apache from my ubuntu system ?07:35
caffemistog4l question: how do i make g4l only create an image of actual used space, not every single bit on the drive?07:35
Shamblerbazhang: Would be nice, didnt find anything with the worlds most used search engine yet07:35
nsadminlatibay: the latter is preferred if you run debian or ubuntu07:35
latibaynsadmin: ok. do you know some good tutorial to follow it step by step?07:36
bazhangSettings -> Configure Konversation; in the left sidebar, Behavior -> Chat Window; Hide Join/Part/Nick  Shambler07:36
caffemistoanyway, i burned g4l to a cd so i could create an image of my ubuntu installation.07:36
Shamblerh32Lg: No, you dont have to guess, i just adressed it to bazhang07:36
Anish123It shows - Loading /ubnkern....................07:37
Anish123Loading /ubninit.................... ... ......ready.07:37
Anish123[ 0.548002] MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC07:37
Anish123[ 2.340013] ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)07:37
Anish123modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory07:37
Anish123modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory07:37
FloodBot2Anish123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:37
=== mitch is now known as Guest47217
nsadminlatibay: the internet is very full of information on how to do it, as well as the README file in the kernel source and the Documentation/ dir07:37
Shamblerbazhang: trying, just a sec07:37
caffemistostarted the whole process and it filled up my USB drive within seconds.  that's not normal.07:37
Anish123Oh ....07:37
Anish123Sorry :(07:37
bazhanglatibay, /msg ubottu compile07:37
Anish123Loading /ubnkern....................07:37
Anish123Loading /ubninit.................... ... ......ready.07:37
Anish123[ 0.548002] MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC07:37
Anish123[ 2.340013] ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)07:37
Anish123modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory07:37
Anish123modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory07:37
FloodBot2Anish123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:37
latibaynsadmin: ok. thanks. i'll google it anyway.07:38
nsadminif you expect mistakes the first few times, I'd recommend you make sure you haave a known working kernel to boot07:38
bazhangAnish123, dont paste here07:38
Shamblerbazhang: Thanks a lot, pal :-)07:38
Shamblerbazhang: Normally i can find such things very well on my own ..07:38
EnragedOstrichAnyone know if Windows 98 has been released for free yet? I remember hearing something about it07:38
bazhangShambler, no problem :) been a while since I used it07:38
Anish123Loading /ubnkern....................07:39
Anish123Loading /ubninit.................... ... ......ready.07:39
Anish123[ 0.548002] MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC07:39
Anish123[ 2.340013] ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)07:39
Anish123modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory07:39
Anish123modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory07:39
FloodBot2Anish123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:39
bazhangEnragedOstrich, ask in ##windows07:39
Shamblerbazhang: Got a better one? .-)07:39
Anish123I used Pastebin07:39
caffemistowhy win98, anyway?07:39
bazhangAnish123, stop pasting here07:39
Anish123But still it shows the info in 14 lines !!!07:39
bazhangAnish123, more than one line is paste.ubuntu.com07:40
Anish123Did that07:40
bazhangthen give us the url Anish12307:40
xtremeshreddernsadmin: after modprobe sky2- WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release07:40
caffemistoEnragedOstrich, i would rather have win2k for free than win98 :)07:40
EnragedOstrichMeh, I just wanted it for Emulator purposes07:41
xtremeshreddernsadmin: after ifconfig eth0-07:41
xtremeshredderLink encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:21:9b:f0:80:4607:41
bazhangShambler, there are a number, xchat, irssi weechat, and so on; apt-cache search irc for a list07:41
EnragedOstrichIt's the only thing that is killing me about Linux07:41
caffemistoEnragedOstrich, what kind of emus?07:42
Anish123I cant boot into Ubuntu through uSB, only through CD, but I need it on a netbook, so07:42
bazhangEnragedOstrich, emulate what07:42
xtremeshredderUP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:107:42
Anish123What should I do? I tried unetbootin to make it bootable, but shows the same message07:42
bazhangAnish123, which version of Ubuntu07:43
Anish123Also, I heard that AMD 64 processors have a problem with running Jaunty07:43
Shamblerbazhang: Thanks, but I didnt want to search one among a lot of other, just thought you had a nice suggestion :-)07:43
Anish123bazhang: Januty07:43
bazhangAnish123, you have Ubuntu installed yet?07:43
bazhangAnish123, then try usb-creator07:43
xtremeshredderRX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:007:43
xtremeshredder          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:007:43
xtremeshredder          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100007:43
xtremeshredder          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)07:43
xtremeshredder          Interrupt:1607:43
FloodBot2xtremeshredder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:43
Anish123On my HD yes, but I need to get it on USB to get it onto netbook07:43
jander99Anish123: Using AMD64 Jaunty here, no issues.07:43
Anish123Not working07:43
jander99bazhang: haven't used usb-creator, does it format the usb drive before copying the files?07:44
bazhangAnish123, please clarify 'not working'07:44
thefrustratedoptYes it does, but you have to have the CD too07:44
bazhangjander99, would have to07:44
caffemistoAnish123, the USB install is not working?07:44
Anish123It shows the same message07:44
Anish123I have it dual booting with Windows Vista Home Premiun 64 bit07:45
Anish123And also, I have Ubuntu installed via Wubi07:45
emanuxhello, how can install acroread?07:45
bazhangShambler, I use xchat, many use irssi (command line client, or with screen )07:45
Shamblerbazhang: I see. Thanks07:45
dhaval_I am having an issue with user privileges07:45
caffemistoAnish123, looks like something related to a storage device07:45
AscavasaionIs anyone else here having trouble logging into the MSN account with Pidgin?07:45
bazhangAnish123, you have wubi and a separate Ubuntu installed to partition?07:45
jander99Anish123: run scandisk in windows or fsck in Ubuntu on your USB drive07:46
thefrustratedoptWhy do you need a USB if you used Wubi?07:46
bazhangAscavasaion, which version of pidgin07:46
emanuxhello, how can i install acroread?07:46
dhaval_How do I give all permissions to a user?07:46
dhaval_I can07:46
bazhangemanux, from medibuntu iirc07:46
dhaval_I can't access the internet as root.07:46
emanuxok tnx07:46
thefrustratedoptemanux: open terminal, type sudo apt-get install acroread07:46
Ascavasaionbazhang, 2.5.207:46
richardcavelldhaval_: Why do you want to do that?07:46
Anish123thefrustratedopt: I need USB to make it boot on netbook - HP Mini. I need that as not a partition, but my primary OS07:46
bazhangmedibuntu.org emanux07:46
richardcavelldhaval_: You can give more permissions in Users and Groups07:47
dhaval_Because there are certain webpages that I'd like to look at while working as root07:47
bazhangdhaval_, use sudo, not root07:47
jander99emanux: enable partner in System -> Administration > Software Sources07:47
richardcavelldhaval_: sudo firefox from command line07:47
jander99emanux its under Third Party07:47
bazhangrichardcavell, gksudo, but a very bad suggestion07:47
richardcavelldhaval_: you don't want to be logged in as root while surfing07:47
emanuxokie i will see07:47
caffemistoAnish123, i would create a manual USB installation of Ubuntu with persistence07:47
caffemistoon the USB key07:47
richardcavellbazhang: well, I don't know why he wants to be root.  What would you suggest?07:48
dhaval_Oh I can use Firefox. But I can't connect using that little network icon as root. Now if I'm downloading a torrent or something,07:48
dhaval_I will need an internet connection as root07:48
bazhangrichardcavell, find out what his problem is I would imagine first07:48
jander99dhaval_ Is there a reason you're running as root in the first place?07:48
bazhangdhaval_, why07:48
thefrustratedoptdhaval, being root is very much frowned upon. Bad thigns happen.07:48
dhaval_And please, why do people ask my why i want to access internet as root? I want to because I might need to.07:48
dhaval_yes. Too little privileges as normal user.07:48
emanuxit seems there is no medibuntu.org07:48
dhaval_I edited the sudoers file07:48
bazhangdhaval_, because Ubuntu does not work that way07:48
dhaval_but still, I can't open /root07:49
caffemistoAnish123, ubuntuforums.org  ubuntu USB persistent07:49
thefrustratedoptdhaval, for good reason you can't.07:49
bazhangemanux, go to their site and get the instructions there07:49
jander99emanux: add this repository.   deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu jaunty partner07:49
dhaval_I know. But I own the PC. I should be able to do whatever I want with it.07:49
eth0-spam!ioos dhaval_ spam07:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:49
Ascavasaionbazhang, Pidgin 2.5.2... and it is not connecting to MSN... it tried, and then kicks out with "Connection error from Notification server: Writing error"  message.07:49
thefrustratedoptdhaval_, that's not what root is for07:49
bazhangdhaval_, just dont ask for help breaking it here07:49
eth0-spam!ops Ascavasaion spam07:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:50
bazhangAscavasaion, iirc #pidgin has that in their topic07:50
* dhaval_ facepalms07:50
bazhangeth0-spam, ??07:50
eth0-spam!help windows07:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help windows07:50
caffemistoquestion: i want to create a backup image of my laptop ubuntu install, tried to use g4l.  any other program I can use?07:50
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents07:50
dhaval_Ah, one more thing. How do I use wget to download open directories into a hierarchy?07:51
Anish123Persistent install07:51
bullgard4Ubuntu 9.04 in Evolution clicking Help > Contents: What file (name?) will this call?07:51
dhaval_just wget "parent directory"?07:51
bazhangAnish123, let me get you a link07:51
bazhang!usb | Anish12307:51
ubottuAnish123: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:51
caffemistothere you go! :D07:51
Qu4R0whow easily change my mac adress?07:51
emanuxokie installing acroread now07:52
emanuxtnx :)07:52
dhaval_Lot of Indians here. Good to see some people using Linux.07:52
Ascavasaionthank you bazhang Will go there now.07:52
dhaval_Or a computer for that matter.07:52
eth0-spaminit 6 to go to kde 4.207:52
emanuxtnx guys07:52
emanuxjaunty is fast wow!!!!!!!!!07:52
bazhangeth0-spam, can't understand you07:52
eth0-spamsudo rm -f /boot/grub/menu.lst07:52
bullgard4emanux: Please send such a message in #ubuntu-offtopic.07:53
dhaval_" Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?"07:53
dhaval_ahh see07:53
emanuxok :)07:53
bazhangdhaval_, use sudo07:53
dhaval_now this is why I think Ubuntu's user privileges are messed up.07:53
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)07:53
Anish123When I put my USB drive in, it shows me same options as CD-07:53
dhaval_yeah I am, I am. But still for a simple install, I shouldn' have to do this.07:54
EnragedOstrichstrange, my mouse is randomly jumping everytime something happenes07:54
jander99dhaval_ Its UNIX privs.  Windows was a different beast and the reason viruses exist.07:54
jander99dhavel_ I shared your 'disdain' for having to type all kinds of extra stuff in, but I got used to it.  No viruses or spyware for 4 years now.07:54
h32Lghow can i compile php5.3 for unbuntu? on repository is only 5.2.6 available07:55
dhaval_Ahhh good point.07:55
emanuxagain where is filezilla in jaunty?07:55
Anish123Oooh I got an awesome point here!07:55
h32Lgwhat should be the path to install php ? on ubuntu?07:55
h32Lgemanux, yes07:55
jander99dhaval_ And with every iteration of Ubuntu having to "sudo" stuff gets easier since they started using packagekit instead of gksu07:55
bazhangemanux, sudo apt-get install filezilla07:55
Anish123IT says, just do an install and select USB drive as the medium!07:55
dhaval_That is a very good point. My last ubuntu Wubi got fcked up for no reason (black screen of death)07:55
dhaval_The I got a virus in Windows, because I neglected to install an antivirus07:55
bazhangdhaval_, please watch the language07:56
dhaval_so i had to reinstall ubuntu07:56
dhaval_My question is: Why did I get the black screen of death?07:56
jason__What's a good TeX editor for linux?  (Preferably without requiring gnome-everything as dependencies)07:56
grawitydhaval_: My question is: At which point exactly?07:57
jander99dhaval_ Running as root, as others have said, is "a very bad thing."  not sure on the black screen of death07:57
dhaval_I don't know. One day I boot up. I try logging in and the pc freezes.07:57
jander99jason__: emacs?  never used TeX :-\07:57
dhaval_I stop gdm, login as root, restart and I get all blackness07:57
Anish123ok guys07:57
Anish123Rebooting NOW07:57
jander99dhaval_ Had you been regularly logging in as root?07:58
xtremeshreddernsadmin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/220957/plain/07:58
dhaval_Not really07:59
jason__I was hoping for something that helped out more - I suppose there might be a mode for emacs that does more for TeX editing than the default TeX mode.07:59
dhaval_I hadn't been regularily logging in!07:59
tawmHello, have a slight issue with X... I can boot through recovery mode, and drop to a root shell, and then run startx, but doing so results in a mostly blank screen with some random lines of color at the top of the screen.07:59
dhaval_But I may have messed up X, while playing with compiz07:59
jander99jason__ do you need TeX or LaTeX? Are they any different?07:59
dhaval_i THINK the problem was with compiz, but I tried uninstalling it, and ntohing07:59
jason__jander99, the differences are minimal for what I'll be doing.08:00
jander99jason__: There's a vim-latexsuite package in the repos if you prefer vi08:00
jander99jason__ or were you looking for something with a better gui?08:01
nsadminxtremeshredder: ok, that looks like your wired net driver...08:01
dhaval_Hey jander, is there a nice pdf viewer that lets you put bookmarks?08:02
jason__The level of gui-ness isn't much concern - but, for example, a table for "What's the code for that darn symbol?!" was a nice feature of an editor I used in windows.  But I'll try the emacs and vim TeX modes.  Worst case, I can use TeXnic center, which I think has a linux version available.08:02
dhaval_maybe something Foxit?08:02
nsadminxtremeshredder: what is your router?08:03
jander99jason__: there's an openoffice writer to latex converter too  I dunno much about TeX though, good luck!08:03
xtremeshreddera linksys WRT54G08:03
jander99dhaval_ Not sure about bookmarks, but I've not had issue with Evince, and Acrobad Reader is available too08:04
dhaval_yeah, I'm downloading Acrobat08:04
jason__Gah, I can't imagine trying to get OO running on this computer.08:04
dhaval_But I'm not really a fan of it.08:04
Brando753hey how do you open a bin file08:04
nsadminxtremeshredder: ok, is it doing dhcp over the wire?08:04
tawmI have a slight issue with X... I can boot through recovery mode, and drop to a root shell, and then run startx, but doing so results in a mostly blank screen with some random lines of color at the top of the screen.08:04
nsadmindoes it hand you addresses?08:05
xtremeshreddernsadmin: i don't understand what you're asking, sorry08:05
dhaval_Hey yeah, what do I do if I want to backup a specific application08:05
defryskBrando753, ./blah.bin or sh blah.bin08:05
xtremeshredderjust to let you know i am not connected to my router right now08:05
nsadminxtremeshredder: did you have to configure your windows for a specific IP address? or did  you say "get IP address automatically"?08:06
nsadminwhat are you connected to?08:06
dhaval_For example if i want to back up VLC because I might be reinstalling Ubuntu. what do I do? Do I have to back up the whole /usr folder?08:06
xtremeshredderget ip automatically08:06
Anish123Heya guys08:06
xtremeshredderwi-fi in windows08:06
Anish123Im currently booting Ubuntu 9.04 Live CD08:06
Anish123Now, how do I make a Live USB?08:06
nsadminoh, you're doing wifi right now?08:06
jander99dhaval_ no that isn't wise.  If you reinstall/upgrade you might be dealing with other packages with different versions.08:06
xtremeshredderyes, on vista08:06
jander99dhaval_ Google for "backup list of installed packages ubuntu" and look around. Google really is your best friend.08:07
nsadminyou should have a text editor called nano on your ubuntu08:07
dhaval_thanks jander, You've been too much help.08:07
Gnea!usb | Anish12308:07
ubottuAnish123: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:07
jander99dhavel_ basically there's a way (don't know it by heart) that you can backup what packages you've installed, then have ubuntu install it automagically after you've reinstalled the base.08:07
nsadminso what you're going to do as root, is edit the file /etc/network/interfaces08:08
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:08
nsadminand add this to it:08:08
nsadminauto eth008:08
nsadminiface eth0 inet dhcp08:08
nsadminsave the file08:08
bullgard4Ubuntu 9.04 in Evolution clicking Help > Contents: What file (name?) will this call?08:08
jander99Thanks bazhang08:08
nsadminand try rebooting08:08
nsadminoh, one thing08:09
nsadmindon;'t leave yet08:09
nsadminedit /etc/modules and add a line reading sky208:10
marsvoltaoh man08:10
marsvoltai need to masturbate so badly but tomorroy have exam08:10
nsadminonce you edit those two files try rebooting, then log in and ping yahoo.com08:10
marsvoltai need to masturbate so badly but tomorroy have exam08:10
xtremeshredderbe back08:10
Ascavasaionmarsvolta, So... why not wank?08:10
jander99nsadmin: i've used "ping yahoo" so long I can't reteach myself "ping google.com"08:11
marsvoltabut my life fucking suck bc alot of masturbation and porn, and i need energy for my examn tomorroy08:11
Voidme voy08:11
nsadminjander99: just anything on the net is good08:11
marsvoltate vas void08:11
Ascavasaionmarsvolta, that in inappropriate for this channel.08:11
marsvoltade donde eres08:11
marsvoltawho cares its fucking 3am08:11
jander99it isn't 3am everywhere.08:12
sebsebseb!ops |  marsvolta08:12
ubottumarsvolta: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:12
h32Lgif i install php everywhere on my system08:15
h32Lghow can i update apache's config to say where php is now running ?08:15
Ascavasaionbazhang, I upgraded to Pidgin 2.5.8 and it never helped.08:15
bazhangAscavasaion, just a second08:15
Ascavasaionbazhang, Sure.08:15
ravindu_how to reinstall nvida with glx in ubuntu jaunty 9.0408:16
bazhangAscavasaion, I'm in #pidgin right now08:17
Ascavasaionbazhang, Me too.08:17
C-S-Bis there a bin2iso package or is it better to use bchunk?08:18
p1oooophello everybody08:19
p1oooopI took an extended vacation from here :D08:19
p1oooopsinbox: hey there08:19
ravindu_how to reinstall nvida with glx in ubuntu jaunty 9.0408:20
dhaval_I would like to drop my status as a n00b | newbie08:20
dhaval_i would like it to be revoked!08:20
dhaval_What do you say, jander?08:20
ravindu_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1212846   please refer this problem08:20
p1oooopravindu_: uhh.... not too sure... sudo apt-get reinstall (package)08:20
ravindu_no glx found why?08:21
nsadmindhaval_: start reading, trying things you read, thinking about what happens when you do, repeating08:21
p1oooopperhaps you didn't install GLX08:21
dhaval_I'm doing it08:21
dhaval_God I am such a dork!08:22
nsadmindhaval_: then you'll be a noob in recovery :)08:22
dhaval_and I love it!08:22
ravindu_I install glx but it's not there08:22
newbiedhaval_: ïîùëè âû âñå íàõ08:22
nsadminthat's not to say you shouldn't go outside and talk to the first hot chick you see...08:23
bazhangnewbie, #ubuntu-ru08:23
nsadminbreathe oxygen, walk beaches and forests, etc etc08:23
dhaval_uh yeah... And when I see a hot chick I'll talk to her.08:23
dhaval_WHEN I see her :( Because my circumstances have put me between severly ugly people08:23
papulhi. i have dropped to init 1.08:23
dhaval_and I mean these people are Losers of the highest order08:24
nsadmindhaval_: if you don't... she'll just think: there goes another one... too bad for him...08:24
dhaval_Uneducated little f***s08:24
papulhow do start firefox in init 1?08:24
losherdhaval_: you're starting to sound like quite the charmer yourself....08:24
dhaval_Well. Yeah,08:25
dhaval_I would hope so, since I am... The Charming boy08:25
sebsebsebbazhang: you might want to sort out dhaval_ as well08:25
dhaval_uh... What?08:26
losherdhaval_: let's just say you're straying off topic...08:26
bazhanglets stay on topic here08:26
sebsebseb!langauge |  dhaval_08:26
ubottudhaval_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:26
nsadmindhaval_: but back to gaining ability... read think try think repeat08:26
sebsebseb!ot |  dhaval_08:26
ubottudhaval_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:26
dhaval_But I can't keep bugging you guys with silly questions, can I?08:27
dhaval_Can I?08:27
dhaval_Well thank you.08:27
nsadmindhaval_: why not... but you'll look better if you are asking questions that show you're learning something08:28
nsadminand if you're learning something, you change08:28
dhaval_I know, but I just thought you guys had better things to do than to answer *silly* questions08:28
losherdhaval_: I much rather answer silly ubuntu questions than listen to your ranting about losers, uglies & the uneducated.08:28
Shamblerlosher: True08:29
sebsebseblosher: indeed at that08:29
tyler_ddhaval_: I have nothing better to do whilst watching packages install on servers :s08:29
nsadmindhaval_: believe me, if you do the read think try think repeat often enough, they will stop being silly if they actually are now08:29
dhaval_Yeah I guess.08:29
dhaval_Hey I just had an idea. To use internet as root, should I use ifconfig?08:29
whattheazni download unbutu 8.12 and burn 4x using poweriso. The problem is that it won't boot in my computer? can anyone help me how to make it boot08:30
whattheaznthank you08:30
Lartza_dhaval_: What do you mean?08:30
sebsebseb!noroot |  dhaval_08:30
ubottudhaval_: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.08:30
Lartza_dhaval_: dhclient for dhcp works too08:30
dhaval_dhclient? OK i'll try that.08:30
nsadminbecause you don't see it right now... could that be because you're not sure you want to go that route?08:30
tyler_dwhattheazn: so you have burned the iso to a disk08:31
xtremeshreddernsadmin: it did not work, however, i did find when i did ifconfig again, i found an entry for eth0:avahi08:31
losherwhattheazn: the iso has to be burnt in 'image' mode. You did that, right?08:31
tyler_dwhattheazn: did it try to boot from the cd rom when you restarted?08:31
Lartza_sebsebseb: He obiviously already had root...08:31
nsadminxtremeshredder: hmm. when you did ifconfig by itself, did it say anything about wlan0?08:32
dhaval_What other important packages should I install?08:32
toniidoes the 2.29.6 kernel have write support for NTFS?08:32
xtremeshreddernsadmin: no08:32
dhaval_I'm going to get dpkg-repack08:32
sebsebsebtonii: Ubuntu has had read and write NTFS support since 7.1008:32
nsadminok, so it doesn't look like the wireless driver is there.08:32
sebsebseb!7.10 |  tonii08:32
ubottutonii: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.08:32
sebsebsebtonii: Windows must shut down the NTFS partition  properly, or  Ubuntu will have an issue mounting it08:33
toniisebsebseb: oh :D I've been away a long time then08:33
nsadminthere's not a machine you could borrow from someone?08:33
xtremeshredderi tried to install it via ndiswrapper and ndisgtk, but it has a .conf error or something08:33
xtremeshreddernsadmin: no08:33
xtremeshredderthis is the only laptop i have08:33
toniisebsebseb: is the rw support 100% safe?08:33
sebsebsebtonii: yes08:33
nsadminthat sucks... means you have to reboot over and over until you find the problem08:33
toniisebsebseb: nice, thanks for the quick answer :)08:33
EnragedOstrichWhy are my joysticks fubar?08:33
sebsebsebtonii: only thing is sometimes if you do it to Windows and then boot up, it might want to run check disk, but other then that08:34
sebsebsebtonii: no problem08:34
om26erplz any1 tell me which filesystem is fastest08:34
nsadminbut the modprobe went without problem?08:34
toniisebsebseb: ok, good to know.08:34
=== max is now known as Guest75740
sebsebsebom26er: Ext4,  but  best to wait untill 9.10 realy for that one, when it becomes default08:34
tyler_dom26er: to what extent? read/write? page faults? raid configuration...?08:34
xtremeshredderwhenever i say to modprobe, it has that error again, so i do not know if it works or not08:34
xtremeshredderthe .conf ndiswrapper error08:35
sebsebsebom26er: and there are other file systems that are fast etc, that can't just be used in Ubuntu08:35
valanom26er depends on how the fs will be used, no fs is overall fastest08:35
nsadminoh, so there was a problem when you did the modprobe08:35
papuli am currently in init 1 and using irssi. how do i get the08:35
tyler_dom26er: ext3 has been very stable and quick for me on a software raid 5 using mdadm08:35
nsadminwhat was the gist of the error?08:35
papuli am currently in init 1 and using irssi. how do i get the $ prompt back????08:35
om26ertyler_d: read and write08:35
xtremeshredderhold on ill get the error08:35
om26erfastest in read and write08:36
xtremeshredderWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.08:36
nsadmina warning usually means it's not fatal08:37
tyler_dom26er: google would indicate that ext3 is up there08:37
valanpapul try running 'bash --login'08:37
whattheaznyes, i try it but it didn't boot08:37
whattheazni use poweriso to burn iso08:37
nsadminso anyway I want you to do these:08:38
h32Lgi get the following error while trying to configure php5.3: configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under08:38
pinPointI just tried this command on a 250GB drive.08:38
h32Lgwhich mysql says: /usr/bin/mysql08:38
pinPointmount /dev/hda1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=022208:38
pinPointbut my drive is now limited to 200MB of storage, what gives?08:38
=== AndorinKato is now known as Andorin
tyler_dom26er: you may want to check this out...although not done on ubuntu still good info... http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/38808:38
h32Lgi try configuring like this: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php53 --with-pdo-mysql --with-mysql-dir=/usr/bin/mysql --with-pspell --with-regex --with-openssl --with-ldap --with-xmlrpc --with-zlib08:38
nsadmin - reboot into ubuntu, look at dmesg and ifconfig, note whether either says anything about wlan0, ethernet or eth008:39
papulcan anyone help me with VT?08:39
nsadmin - run lsmod, see if sky2 is there08:39
nsadmin - modprobe sky2, look again at lsmod, is it there now?08:40
xtremeshredderallright, be right back08:40
nsadmin - dmesg, look at the end, does it say anything different, especially about sky2 or eth008:40
nsadminthere's more...08:40
xtremeshreddero ok08:40
pinPointdoes anyone know why I am limited to 200MB of my 250GB after forcing ntfs-3g on the drive?08:41
infidel2show do you zip a directory?08:42
nsadmin - run ifup eth0, look at output of ifconfig and route -n, do they show anything that looks like you're connected to familiar IP addresses?08:42
nsadminthat's it08:42
h32Lgman zip08:42
pinPointnvm, i changed /dev/sdb1 to sdb208:43
nsadminoh, and if ifup eth0 says "already configured", then ifdown eth0 ; ifup eth008:43
xtremeshredderok brb08:43
h32Lgwow, over 1200 people and noone can help me ?08:44
nsadminbeen trying to help the guy all day... /me murfed... it's not his fault he has to reboot a lot at the moment08:44
bazhangh32Lg, what was the question08:44
h32Lgi try configure php5.308:44
nsadminh32Lg: help you do what?08:44
papulcan i start firefox in init 1?08:44
h32Lgi get the following error:08:45
papuland how do i check the condition of my et0?08:45
h32Lgconfigure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under08:45
h32Lgwhich mysql says: /usr/bin/mysql08:45
h32Lgi try configuring like this: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php53 --with-pdo-mysql --with-mysql-dir=/usr/bin/mysql --with-pspell --with-regex --with-openssl --with-ldap --with-xmlrpc --with-zlib08:45
Frogzoohard to start firefox without X08:45
bazhangh32Lg, that is compiling php5?08:45
tyler_dFrogzoo: links08:46
bazhangh32Lg, any reason not to use the package manager?08:46
h32Lgbecause ubuntu repository hasn't stored php5.2.608:46
nsadminthat's just the configure step, he has missing headers which are probably in -dev packages08:46
=== MadMax is now known as Guest86727
valanpapul why are you trying to use firefox in single user mode?08:46
h32Lgrepositories has only 5.2.6 i mean ;)08:46
sinboxvery hard indeed Frogzoo :)08:47
JBauerHi, I'm running Ubtuntu 9.10. I've played with some servers: SSH, FTP, HTTP. I would really want to know if I still run those08:47
valanand yes, one can in fact start firefox in init 108:47
papulvalan: how?08:47
bazhangh32Lg, I understand, but apart from the higher number, what is the advantage08:47
h32Lgthere are namespace support08:47
valanpapul why are you in init 1?08:47
h32Lgand i need this for developing08:47
papulvalan: all my other terminals are frozen08:47
bazhangJBauer, #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion08:47
valanoh you mean vt 1 not init 108:48
papulvalan: i am learning init 1 ;)08:48
valanhave you tried rebooting?08:48
JBauerI want to stop the SSH server from starting up when i login08:48
Nameless_auhow do i stop eth0 from starting at boot?08:48
nsadminJBauer it doesn't start up when you log in08:48
bazhangJBauer, in karmic?08:49
JBauerbut if i type etc/init.d/ssh it stoppes08:49
bazhangJBauer, what version of Ubuntu08:49
h32Lgbazhang, mysql and apache are currently installed and also php 5.2.608:49
Harryyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7635063 <-- help would be nice if you have time :)08:49
tomz_znhi there all08:49
JBauerbahzang, 9.1008:49
bazhangJBauer, wrong channel08:49
bazhangJBauer, #ubuntu+108:50
amijaiI am running eeebuntu on an asus eee pc 1000he08:50
amijaiis it a good idea to install kde-desktop?08:50
dhaval_I have to admit. openSUSE is better.08:50
nsadminrun what works for you08:50
h32Lgi've also tried compiling apache2 by myself but i thought php5.3 is enought08:50
bazhangamijai, kubuntu-desktop, up to you if you like kde08:50
dhaval_Yeah, I will08:50
dhaval_I downloaded mandriva08:51
dhaval_let's see how that works out.08:51
nsadminneither of those are on the discussion floor here tho :)08:51
dhaval_yeah... I know08:51
sinboxAntiquity qyestion: I have a box with 7.10 I want to upgrade to 8.04lts, I've read there are several problem involved when doing this. I happen to have an empty 30Gb drive, could I install 8.04 on this and then point it to my home from 7.10? And what sort of mess might this make to my home folder if it happens not to work and I need to revert to 7.10? or should I install 8.04 on the empty drive and then copy my 7.10 home on it instead for sa08:51
nsadmindhaval_ and in all cases, the read think try think repeat model will show you things08:52
unkmarI have a laptop with wireless internet. and a desktop that only supports wired but no internet.08:52
unkmarHow would I share the internet from the laptop to the desktop?08:52
dhaval_It is. it is my friend. I'm reading Linux All in one Desk Reference for dummies.08:53
dhaval_hopefully by the end of that book i'll be very good with linux.08:53
nsadminunkmar: get a usb dongle for the desktop08:53
pagodai just upgraded from hardy to intrepid, and am about to upgrade to jaunty.  it says, "This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. No version of this driver is available that works with your hardware in Ubuntu 9.04."  is this a problem for anyone, or did you get graphics effects (mainly compiz) to work in jaunty?08:53
valanreading a book won't make you good with linux08:53
valango hack on slackware for a few months and you might get somewhere though08:53
nsadminbut reading, and thinking, and trying things, and thinking, will.08:54
unkmarI already have dhcp working.08:54
mohammed510E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:55
mohammed510What do I have to do ??08:55
jaimanirunning a video under compiz causes the system to crash can someone please help08:55
valancompiz is buggy and unstable08:56
jaimanianything else08:56
dhaval_Yeah, and it messes up your PC08:56
amijaibazhang, will it run well?08:56
valandon't use it08:56
mohammed510I have an error here while trying to use apt-get install08:56
valanthat's the only solution08:56
mohammed510E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:56
mohammed510What is the soltion please ??08:56
papulhow do i start firefox in init 1?08:56
amijaiwhat do I have to do post install?08:56
h32Lgno suggestions ? ...08:56
valanpapul why have you not rebooted if everything's frozen?08:57
richardcavelleveryone, I was playing in Compiz Config Settings Manager and I disabled a couple of xmodmap commands I had running. My xmodmap commands produced mouse pointer clicks when a key on the keyboard was pressed.  What have I done?08:57
papulvalan: after i log in to one terminal others all freeez08:57
bazhangamijai, sure, provided you have a nice enough graphics card08:57
papulvalan: they give the loginn prompt but i cant do anything08:58
darkangelhey does anyone know a good program to compress iso files08:58
valanthen you need to figure out wtf your problem is instead of trying to run firefox08:58
mohammed510E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:58
mohammed510What is the soltion please ??08:58
papul!language | valan08:58
ubottuvalan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:58
valanand what was that for?08:58
Ascavasaionbazhang, No idea what to do.  thanks for trying to help... bye.08:59
valanam i not allowed to use an acronym?08:59
jaimanipapul : can u help me wid compiz issue08:59
papuljaimani: wait a min08:59
bazhangvalan, please dont08:59
grodyis wth acceptable?08:59
nsadminyeah. wow.08:59
amijaianyone know of a specif guide?08:59
valanwhat is so wring with wtf anyway?08:59
bazhangamijai, for kubuntu ?09:00
papuljaimani: no09:00
darkangelanyone know a good program to compress iso files09:00
nsadminso I can't say fsck either, right?09:00
valanit's not my fault if you all have vulgar minds09:00
grodyvalan, because of that the f stands for09:00
amijaiI could not find anything in eeeuser or eeebuntu foroms09:00
grodyso fubar is out too :(09:00
phase_shift314wtf is wrong with wtf, sorry couldn't help myself09:00
valanwhat does the f stand for?09:00
grodywhat about lmfao?09:00
amijaia guide for installing ubuntu on an asus eee pc 1000he netbook09:00
bazhangplease stop it now09:00
jaimanii just can run a video in compiz widout crashing it09:01
dhaval_I agree with phase_shift and valan "wt*" is pretty common these days09:01
PSPUbuntuwhat the hell is minefield browser!!09:01
jaimanican sm1 please point me to a resource or smthin09:01
masterchildHi, can anyone reccomend good games for linux?09:01
grodya dictionary, maybe?09:01
richardcavellmasterchild: solarwolf09:01
phase_shift314what kind of games u like??09:01
PSPUbuntui like racing like gran turismo 5 and gta IV09:02
nsadminbazhang: perhaps you need to review. not all instances of f stand for some four-letter word that looks like fsck.09:02
bazhangkeep it family friendly here. no debates please09:02
grodyerm, torcs is A racing game09:02
grodybut it's not /that/ great09:02
phase_shift314masterchild: what kind of games?09:02
nsadminyou're bordering very very closely on thought police09:02
phase_shift314track mania runs in wine!!09:02
bazhang!games | masterchild09:02
ubottumasterchild: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:02
yaris123456789is there an irc client that runs on terminal ?09:02
nsadminand I will complain formally and maintain that complaint if it continues.09:02
grodyor apt-cache search racing games09:03
bazhangnsadmin, please join #ubuntu-ops09:03
JBauerAnyone can suggest me a CD/DVD catalog software for linux? or Multiplatform?09:03
masterchildphase_shift314, first person shooters, realtime strategy games09:03
PSPUbuntuwhat is minefield browser!!09:03
wizzo50Minefield is an alpha release09:03
phase_shift314alien arena is a good first person shooter multiplayer09:03
richardcavellphase_shift314: agreed09:03
PSPUbuntualpha of whaT09:03
phase_shift314warzone 2100 is c&c like09:04
nsadminyou haven't continued the thoughtpoliceness yet; when you do, I will.09:04
xtremeshreddernsadmin: it did not work but it will take a while to explain what i did09:04
jaimaniisnt there anyone in da room that can help me wid compiz09:04
wizzo50so it's likely to still be buggy09:04
nsadminxtremeshredder: ok09:04
JBauerAnyone can suggest me a CD/DVD catalog software for linux? or Multiplatform?09:04
sinboxjaimani > patience09:04
xtremeshreddernsadmin: dmesg sensed sky2 and eth009:04
ascheelda and wid are not words, Jaimani.  Please speak English as this is the English channel.09:05
xtremeshreddersky 2 eth0 enabling interface09:05
nsadminxtremeshredder: ok, that sounds promising...09:05
xtremeshreddereth0 link not ready09:05
EEEBulljaimani: what are you looking for about compiz?09:05
jaimanihi pawan09:05
phase_shift314well hello there09:05
Frogzoowould you have to be insane to buy a lappie without VT?09:05
papulpawan: hi09:05
nsadmindoes it ever become ready?09:05
pawanhow to install wine and its applications09:05
xtremeshredderthat's all it really said about it, nothing else09:05
ascheelsudo apt-get install wine09:05
richardcavellMy Computer Janitor suggests I uninstall the skype package but of course I want to keep it. Can I flag it in some way so that computer janitor / apt-get autoremove does not find it?09:05
Anish123How do I format a USB drive using ubuntu?09:06
grodyascheel, is wine automatically inserted into apt-get these days?09:06
xtremeshredderi did lsmod, and it just said that sky 2 was used by 009:06
ascheelgrody, I installed it from the repos09:06
nsadminxtremeshredder: have you ever used the wired eth under windows?09:06
xtremeshredderit works09:06
phase_shift314pawan: are u asking how to install wine09:06
grodyAnish123, find it's /dev/sd* allocations & mkfs.ext2 (or whatever) /dev/sd* (where * is the letter & number)09:06
amijaimy netbook has an Intel Mobile 945GZ VGA adapter and 2G RAM09:07
jaimanihey whats the name for the compiz irc channel09:07
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:07
amijaiwill it be OK to install KDE?09:07
tomz_znhi guys09:07
tomz_zni am new to linux09:07
Frogzooamijai: no, a black hole will open & swallow the universe09:07
tomz_zni have just installed ubuntu09:07
phase_shift314pawan: first i would add the repository09:07
xtremeshredderwhen i did modprobe again, it displayed the warning again09:07
bazhangamijai, sure09:07
nsadminwhen you ifup eth0, does that change anything about the readiness of the link?09:07
Anish123What did you say again?09:07
tomz_zni am trying to get that fancy cube desktop effect09:07
Anish123Find its /dev/sd?09:07
Anish123Its /dev/sd109:07
tomz_znhow do i get that ?09:08
xtremeshredderwhen i did ifup eth0, it said at the end09:08
tomz_zni have the wobbly windows etc already09:08
Anish123And I need to format USB to FAT3209:08
jaimanitomz-zn >09:08
grodyAnish123, when you insert the USB drive, dmesg will tell you where it resides in the /dev/ folder, for example, /dev/sdb109:08
amijaisorry - I am just not sure if all the resolutions will work09:08
jaimanitomz-zn > did u install compiz09:08
xtremeshredderno DHCPOFFERS recieved09:08
bazhangtomz_zn, for more effects install ccsm, and visit #compiz09:08
amijaiit's a 1024x600 screen (10")09:08
bazhang!ccsm | tomz_zn09:08
ubottutomz_zn: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:08
tomz_zni cant see it in synaptic09:08
GneaAnish123: it can't be, /dev/sd1 doesn't make any sense... but you can find it via the dmesg command09:08
xtremeshredderno working leases in persistent database - sleeping09:08
jaimaniaahh #compiz09:08
grodyAnish123, when you learn of where it is, you simply 'sudo mkfs /dev/sdb1' where sbd1 is the /dev/ address of the USB device09:08
phase_shift314pawan: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb <--- this should help09:09
Anish123Then it will format it to FAT32?09:09
tomz_znthanks chaps09:09
xtremeshreddergrep: /etc/resolv.conf: No such file or directory09:09
sinboxAntiquity question: I have a box with 7.10 I want to upgrade to 8.04lts, I've read there are several problem involved when doing this. I happen to have an empty 30Gb drive, could I install 8.04 on this do a "sudo dpkg --get-selections" on 7.10  and then point it to my home from 7.10? And what sort of mess might this make to my home folder if it happens not to work and I need to revert to 7.10? or should I install 8.04 on the empty drive and09:09
sinboxthen copy my 7.10 home on it instead for safety??09:09
nsadminalso let me make sure of the order... you did the modprobe sky2, and then later did the ifup?09:09
JBauerI want to copy/install my ubuntu on a USB stick, and to have the same things. Like a clone. Is that possible?09:09
grodyAnish123, for FAT32, do a 'mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1'09:09
nsadminok, so it tried to use the link09:09
Gneagrody: that won't do FAT32, he'll need to add an argument to the mkfs.vfat09:09
nsadminso the cable is ok, and the devices are ok09:10
JBauerI want to copy/install my ubuntu on a USB stick, and to have the same things. Like a clone. Is that possible?09:10
wizzo50Help! When you save a transcript on this ubuntu server, where does it save it at so I can bring it back up on my screen?09:10
grodyGnea, oh yea.. im used to freebsd :)09:10
amijaithanks - I'll research it. I would like KDE 3.5 - not the version that comes with ubuntu 9.0409:10
bazhangJBauer, persistent or not09:10
Gnea!usb | JBauer09:10
ubottuJBauer: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:10
grodyAnish123, make it an 'mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb1'09:10
johnhi there09:10
johnhow do i change my name ?09:11
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Gneagrody: and you're trying to help ubuntu users how? :)09:11
JBauerubottu, thansk09:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thansk09:11
grodyi use ubuntu everyday for desktop09:11
bazhangjohn  /nick newnick09:11
masterchildjohn, /nick <name>09:11
grodyGnea, ^09:11
whattheazni burn nubuntu 8.12 as image using nero it still not boot? does anyone know why09:11
Gneagrody: hehe, figured as much09:11
phase_shift314pawan: as for the apps you should be able to run the install like you would in windows09:11
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grodyGnea, lol easy to get mixed up when i work with fbsd & home use ubuntu :P09:11
pawani am unable to install apps09:11
Slartwhattheazn: the nubuntu people might know.. we don't support nubuntu here, afaik09:11
phase_shift314pawan: do u own a copy of windows?09:12
Gneagrody: it's understandable, believe it or not09:12
=== bruno is now known as Guest85786
whattheaznoh okay09:12
grodyGnea, can be funny issuing some commands :D09:12
phase_shift314pawan: you can also install it using virtual box09:12
pawani want to install winamp and windows media player09:12
wizzo50Help! When you save a transcript on this ubuntu serverwith a discussion on it, where does it save it at so I can bring it back up on my screen?09:12
pawannot the whole windows09:12
nsadminxtremeshredder can you get files from windows to the ubuntu in any way?09:13
Slartwhattheazn: there seems to be a #nubuntu channel you can try09:13
grodypawan, i can see why you'd want winamp, but why windows media player?09:13
xtremeshredderfrom /host09:13
nsadminoh, ok...09:13
jcmarinimy Brother multifunction scanner does not seem to want to show up on hardware detection ; model dcp150 any clues please, where can I look?09:13
EvRideewww no one wants WMP09:13
Gneawizzo50: it depends on which client you're using09:13
pawanjust to transfer some mp3 to my ipod using sync funtion09:13
grodymplayer > WMP09:13
phase_shift314pawan: winamp works ok for me, except i have no internet radio in wine09:13
EvRidejust use Songbird09:13
grodyahh, pawan... yea ^^ songbird09:14
EvRidesongbird is the best music player on Linux09:14
valanbest is relative09:14
valanand heavily opinionated09:14
Gneaphase_shift314: that rather counter-productive... audacity or songbird can do internet radio09:14
grodythere is also rythmbox, but yeww09:14
wizzo50Gnea: Same as this one as I know of09:14
nsadminand hyperbole09:14
EvRidealtho it does have it's problems at times, quite similar to winamp09:14
Shambleri really got used to Amarok and really like it now09:14
grodyi miss the old xmms09:14
phase_shift314audacity can do internet radio?09:14
sinboxsoftware without problems is not real software09:14
grodyvlc for internet radio <309:15
Gneaphase_shift314: my mistake, I meant audacious, not audacity09:15
EvRidevalan, tell me another linux media player that has all the features songbird does and looks as good09:15
EvRideya vlc is amazing09:15
grodyyea adacious is nice09:15
Gneawizzo50: when I say 'client', I'm talking about the application that you're using to type on irc with09:15
phase_shift314yeah i don't recommend winamp in linux, there is no point09:15
phase_shift314i agree with you09:15
valani can't say such EvRide as it would be comparing my opinion with yours09:15
grodymeh, phase_shift314 it's fun for nostaligia09:16
* Gnea misses xmms as well09:16
nsadminok, so let's see... I wonder if we can get you a 2.6.3009:16
whattheazndoes unbuntu support spoonwep 2 and spoonwpa09:16
grodynostalgia* and even more so if you can get milkdrop working ;)09:16
grodyubuntu supports both WEP & WPA09:16
EvRidewell coming from a WMP, winamp, or itunes backround, Songbird will be best for you09:16
phase_shift314oh i miss xmms too09:16
phase_shift314that was a great player09:16
grodywether thats what you mean idk09:16
ShamblerEvRide: Can Songbird save lyrics inside the mp3 file, so i can take it somewhere else and still read the lyrics from it?09:16
wizzo50Gnea: Ubuntu09:16
EvRidelet me check09:16
grodyyea phase_shift314, sadly xmms2 took over and killed the GUI09:16
nsadminwhich version of ubuntu did you install?09:17
wizzo50Gnea: Xchat-Gnome IRC Chat09:17
Gneawizzo50: Ubuntu is your OS. You launched an application in order to type here. What is the name of that application?09:17
Slartwhattheazn: they are not available from the repos.. so I guess no09:17
phase_shift314i know i was devastated, but i'm getting over it, slowly09:17
ascheelIf I rmmod the module for my network adapter, will it disconnect me?  I'm going to upgrade the drivers remotely if possible.09:17
sinboxgrody isn't there some build of xmms still available though? there was for 8.04 and 8.1009:17
grodyGnea, /ctcp user VERSION :P09:17
nsadminwhat's the k one?09:17
grodyprobably sinbox09:17
Gneagrody: and he's gonna learn how? :P09:17
nsadminoh, that's +109:17
grodylol Gnea, naivity is difficult to school09:18
grodyjust get 'em to /sv09:18
nsadminmaybe we can try one of each09:18
wizzo50 Gnea: Xchat-Gnome IRC Chat09:18
EvRideshambler, no as far as i can tell, they do have a comment section that you can add the lyrics data to tho I understand that is probably not ideal09:18
nsadmina .29 and a .3009:18
Gneagrody: so's trying to ski down a diamond mountain with cross-country skiis ;)09:18
grodyascheel, fail.. your console is over there <<<09:18
grodylol Gnea09:19
ShamblerEvRide: Nah, that doesnt help. Well amarok doesnt have it itself, but the little plugins you can install additionally ...09:19
grodyamarok is a disaster09:19
EvRideo ya, songbird has a lot of plugins and skins you can add09:19
EvRidei'll look through that09:19
ShamblerEvRide: And since i stored a lot of lyrics already, i dont want to miss that feature09:19
wizzo50Gnea: Xchat-Gnome IRC Chat09:19
plazmacrowI'm trying to get my eGalax Inc. touchscreen working. The cursor moves, but only within an 10px-horizontal stripe. Any ideas how to fix that?09:19
Gneawizzo50: okay, there should be a manual that comes with it, if you click on the Help menu, you should be able to get to it09:19
grodyyou can get itunes working on some installs via wine09:20
aamirhello friend09:20
grodythough, i've failed miserably with it09:20
Gneawizzo50: and that should explain how to turn the logging feature on and where the files are kept09:20
wizzo50Gnea: I downloaded this09:20
aamirhello sir i am new in Ubuntu x-chat09:20
aamirare real people or computer prog09:21
grodyaamir, xchat is an almost universal client, are you knew to ubuntu, xchat or both?09:21
Gneaonly ubottu is an AI09:21
Shambleraamir: No, we are all just programs ;-)09:21
phase_shift314we are all robots09:21
grodywhat's a real people?09:21
GneaShambler: lol09:21
nsadmindomo arigoto mister uboto09:21
aamir(Grody) Sir both is new for me.09:21
sinboxI'm not a robot I am a number!09:21
Shamblersinbox: Even better :-)09:21
wizzo50Gnea: logging feature?09:22
grodyaamir, can we be of assistance?09:22
jcmarinidont tease aamir can programs tease09:22
EvRideshambler, I think this would be very helpful http://addons.songbirdnest.com/addon/123009:22
Gneawizzo50: yes, logging is what is commonly known as saving a chat session09:22
aamirsir how i install SQL in ubuntu.09:22
grodyor being a bloody spy09:22
phase_shift314i have a teasing protocol09:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:22
aamirhow to install sql in ubuntu ?09:23
Gneaubottu doesn't like it when the teasing protocol gets abused :)09:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:23
EvRideaamir, mysql?09:23
grodyaamir, what SQL would you like.. the two common ones are MySQL and PostgreSQL09:23
wizzo50Gnea: Yea, but where does it save it when I click on Save Transcript under Discussion at the top title bar?09:23
ShamblerEvRide: Might be the thing, but I'm actually too lazy right now, to test if it would read the stuff i already typed. But thanks for the link09:23
EvRideit says it does shambler09:23
Gnea!mysql | aamir09:23
ubottuaamir: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:23
Shambleraamir: For the love of god, stop the 'Sir' thing, please09:23
aamirsir i am studdent , i am working in windows in ORACLE 9i09:23
nsadminwith postgresql being the standard for performance and stability09:23
EvRideand if you hadn't added the song lyrics, it will retrieve it for you from a lyrics site09:23
Gneawizzo50: that's what the help manual should tell you09:24
grodyhow would LAMP help him?09:24
phase_shift314don't forget to get the mysql administrator and query browser09:24
jmlLinux Apache Many-languages-beginning-with-P Postgresql09:24
aamirokay brother09:24
nsadminaamir: oracle? you're not going to like mysql then09:24
Gneagrody: it has a section dedicated to installing SQL09:24
grodyahhh i see09:24
grodybeating about the bush a bit, but meh09:24
ShamblerEvRide: It just says metadata. And I dont actually know, if it would read at the same 'place' as the amarok plugin wrote09:25
whattheazni have a hawking usb wifi hwug1, is there a support for unbuntu09:25
grodyrtfm ftw!09:25
grodywhattheazn, what happens when you plug it in?09:25
jcmarinixsane tells me it cannot detect my brother multifunction scanner copier.. copy print ok... scanner not09:25
bazhanggrody, please dont say that here09:25
xtremeshreddernsadmin: how would i upgrade to .29 or .30?09:25
grodypants, sorry... f..09:25
=== haley is now known as Guest25060
grodythats gonna be a toughy to avoid09:26
Gneagrody: we try to point people in the right direction here and try to keep hand-holding to a minimum09:26
grodyoh wells, i likes a challenge09:26
aamirThanks for helping brother,09:26
Slartjcmarini: have you looked at the xsane/sane website? they have a list of compatible scanners09:26
EvRidethat's what it's talking about shambler, the metadata is like a standard, so if it's saved in one you should be able to read it from another player09:26
aamircatch you later , bye sir09:26
ShamblerEvRide: Maybe I give it a try later. On my old pc. Thanks for searching09:26
EvRideya np09:27
jcmariniwill do thanks  by the way  how do we spot the bot09:27
grodyGnea, im used to obtaining information before i point.. not quite used to this etiquette09:27
Gneaspot the bot?09:27
Slartjcmarini: spot the bot? you mean ubottu?09:27
EvRideis anyone else's firefox updated to 3.5?09:27
sinboxjcmarini, http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-BROTHER09:27
grodyyes & ff 3.5 is still pants09:28
grodyit's an I/O lah09:28
Gneagrody: it's required, especially for new people who are not used to the people who tend to lack manners ;)09:28
EvRidei have the firefox from the repos09:28
EvRideit's 3.0.11 still09:29
jcmariniwow you are slick sinbox cherrs hava good one09:29
Gneagrody: or rather, they're not used to people who interact better with computers than they do other people09:29
SlartEvRide: yes.. and afaik it will stay that way09:29
nsadminwhat are the available official kernels for jaunty09:29
grodylol Gnea, i get that problem all too often09:29
SlartEvRide: it will be updated to 3.5 in karmic though.. not before then according to what I've read about it09:29
grodyi can talk to computers better than people :P09:29
disappearednganyone here familiar with how I can use a google's service for searching through my own script/methods?09:29
EvRideis there a test repo i can use?09:29
sinboxjcmarini, if yours is not supported ask google, I had to do quite a bit of digging to find the drivers for my canon all in one09:30
Slart!ff35 | EvRide09:30
ubottuEvRide: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY09:30
grodydisappearedng, with what purpose, exactly?09:30
xtremeshredderit says that jaunty is based on
SlartEvRide: it will not replace your ordinary firefox though.. links clicked and so on might still open in the old firefox09:30
Gneaxtremeshredder: this is true.09:30
EvRidek thank you09:30
bazhangEvRide, ff3.5.1 is official09:30
disappearednggrody: like if someone enters "cat" then I just want to return the searh results of "cat" from google09:31
bazhangEvRide, it is named shiretoko until next release though09:31
bazhangerr I mean final09:31
sinboxAntiquity question: I have a box with 7.10 I want to upgrade to 8.04lts, I've read there are several problem involved when doing this. I happen to have an empty 30Gb drive, could I install 8.04 on this do a "sudo dpkg --get-selections" on 7.10  and then point it to my home from 7.10 or should I install 8.04 on the empty drive and then copy my 7.10 home on it instead for safety??09:31
grodydisappearedng,  doesn't google analytics do something like that?09:31
bazhangsinbox, you want to back up home?09:32
Gneasinbox: how much space is free on the current system?09:32
Slartsinbox: I would do the second thing.. new install, move /home over .. and of course any other files you might want to keep09:32
disappearedngok i will look into that09:32
grodydisappearedng, or could be google site search09:32
grodydisappearedng, be better off learning ajax though09:33
sinboxGnea not sure how much space is left but I'd rather leave it as is in case of major disaster, I must also say I have lots of home built packages as I need to stream mp3s, I'll probably follow Slart's advice install on second drive and copy home there09:34
Gneasinbox: if you open a terminal and type this:  df -Th   it will tell you09:34
dima-simfer1Can anybody help me with qbittorrent?09:35
grodyother than don't use it?09:35
Gnea!anybody | dima-simfer109:35
ubottudima-simfer1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:35
EvRidewhats the problem?09:36
sinboxGnea Hda1 has 11G left out of 1809:36
=== djakl is now known as jrendil
EvRideim glad we have bots like that09:36
grodysinbox, more than enough room to shake a cat by it's tale :P09:36
Gneasinbox: I'd say that it'd be a safe bet to upgrade to 8.04... just make sure you have all of your regular updates installed before taking the plunge09:36
* space_pony clipclops in sleepily09:37
grodydamn homophones09:37
fn][whats the command to see all network adapters?09:37
wizzo50 Help! When you save a transcript on this ubuntu server using Xchat-Gnome IRC Chat, where does it save it at so I can bring it back up on my screen?09:37
phase_shift314oh god, i just realized i'm board, what should i do?09:37
Gneafn][: ip l09:37
bazhang!ot > phase_shift31409:37
ubottuphase_shift314, please see my private message09:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:37
fn][gnea thx09:37
grodyfn][, IneterFaceCONFIG09:38
grodywait for it...09:38
sinboxGnea well, 7.10 repos are long gone and not sure I had all the latest upgrades done before that happen09:38
EvRidephase_shift314 I would suggest learning how to spell the word bored09:38
grodyand me interface09:38
dima-simfer1Qbittorrent removes the .torrent files from the default download folder to his own. How to turn it off?09:38
Gneasinbox: just 'check' with the update manager and as long as there aren't any updates, it's safe to upgrade09:38
fn][ifconfig got it thx09:39
phase_shift314lol ok09:39
grodydima-simfer1, have you read the manual and help pages in the help menu?09:39
jaimanihey how can i check if fglrx is workin correctly09:40
wizzo50 Help! When you save a transcript on this ubuntu server using Xchat-Gnome IRC Chat, where does it save it at so I can bring it back up on my screen?09:40
grodyjaimani, run a 3d program09:40
jaimanilike compiz09:40
grodyglxgears will do09:40
Gneajaimani: glxgears09:40
jaimaniok thanks09:40
EvRideand once you're done with that phase_shift314, spending a couple hours on wikipedia is quite fun09:40
phase_shift314i'm still board09:41
dima-simfer1Yes, i readmanuals to qbittorrent, but there is no such info09:41
EvRide!help } qizzo5009:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help } qizzo5009:41
grodysurely you mean bored?09:41
grodyboard is like a surf board09:41
EvRidelol messed that up09:41
bazhangEvRide, phase_shift314 please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic grody you too09:41
Gneagrody: you know, motorola makes those09:41
wizzo50Help! When you save a transcript using Xchat-Gnome IRC Chat, where does it save it at so I can bring it back up on my screen?09:41
EvRidelol im done09:41
phase_shift314lol looks like i need to go back to the drawing bored09:41
sinboxGnea, as I was saying the repositories for 7.10 are gone so update manager can not check if there was any updates I needed. I'm not sure when they went offline and whether I was totally up to date by then09:41
EvRide!help | wizzo5009:41
ubottuwizzo50: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:41
EvRideand stop spamming09:42
Gneasinbox: I'd just go ahead and do the upgrade then09:42
Gnea!upgrade | sinbox09:42
ubottusinbox: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:42
whattheaznhow do i install aicrack suit in unbuntu live cd09:42
bazhangEvRide, that is not necessary09:42
bazhangwhattheazn, /join #aircrack09:42
wizzo50ubottu: They haven't yet. Do you know the answer?09:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:42
jaimanican someone give me a link to Glxgears09:43
NickDeNeger!google glxgears09:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google glxgears09:43
grodyjaimani, it should already be installed on your system09:43
bazhangwizzo50, you can check the logs via this channels log records09:43
grodyjaimani, just type glxgears on your console09:43
sinboxwizzo50, go to: Settings > Preferences in the windw click on: logging > click on: open data folder09:43
xtremeshreddernsadmin: if you are still here, i have to go, but ill be back tomorrow09:43
Gneajaimani: should be part of the mesa-utils package09:44
EvRidewell im tired, laterz dudez09:44
jaimanii got is09:44
jaimanii got it09:44
grodyyeww, i only get 180fps on my intel gfx :(09:44
jaimaniGnea: they work fine09:44
jaimaniglxgears is doing somthin like a benchmark in the background09:45
zetheroosince updating VLC I get a lot of super loud white noise with playing videos ... especially FLV and AVI files09:45
Gneayup, completely normal09:45
grodyjaimani, it basically measure BASIC 3d performance of your card09:45
Gneashould have a decent fps09:45
bazhangzetheroo, the PPA?09:45
grodymore fps the better09:46
jaimanignea : Will it end automatically09:46
grodyjaimani,  no, hit the X or ctrl c in the terminal09:46
zetheroobazhang: I don't think so09:46
bazhangzetheroo, what version09:46
jaimanignea : well what are my fps09:47
zetheroobazhang: 0.9.8a09:47
bazhangzetheroo, with compiz enabled or not09:47
jaimanignea : it has given me a lot of numbres09:47
zetheroobazhang: yes enabled ...09:47
zetheroobazhang: this is Hardy09:47
grody!fps | jaimani09:47
ubottujaimani: To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal.09:47
bazhangzetheroo, disable compiz09:47
jcmarinisinbox there must be something else wrong with the brother scanner because the brother download site recommends brscan2 which is supposed to be supported by my jaunty and i have run out of places to hunt for answers09:47
grodyomg.. that so didn't answer the question09:47
zetheroobazhang: its always been working fine ... until I installed a more updated version of VLC09:47
Gneajaimani: it's what they tell you it is09:47
bazhangzetheroo, try disabling compiz nonetheless09:48
zetheroobazhang: so in order for VLC to work I have to disable compiz ?09:48
grodythe numbers preceeding the FPS09:48
Gnea6703 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1340.533 FPS09:48
grodyzetheroo, shouldn't do09:48
jaimanignea : it works fine under compiz but when i run a vid it crashes09:48
sinboxjcmarini what model do you have?09:48
grodyi have vlc working fine with compiz09:48
Gneajaimani: using what? vlc?09:49
zetheroogrody: yes ... I have always had it working fine too ... :( ....09:49
bazhangzetheroo, where did you get that version? from the repos, or 3rd party website09:49
jaimanino totem09:49
Gneatry vlc :)09:49
zetheroobazhang: from VLC website09:49
wizzo50Any help?09:49
jcmarinisinbox dcp150c multifunction scanner copier fax09:49
jaimanidnea : totem09:49
grodyzetheroo, compiz does introduce all kinds of problems though, disabling it is always a good way to 'check' stuff out09:49
zetheroogrody: you running Hardy?09:49
bazhangzetheroo, install fusion-icon and one click enable / disable compiz09:50
zetheroobazhang: yeah , I have that already :)09:50
os1riscan someone help me with a quick question. I am currently sshed into a box right now. Now how would I from the cli copy some files to my local computer here09:50
grodyzetheroo, nah in jaunty09:50
bazhangzetheroo, apart from that you may wish to ask in #compiz09:51
Gneaos1ris: utilizing the scp command09:51
jaimaniGena :installing vlc now this could take some time .....09:51
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Gneajaimani: you're on dialup?09:51
os1risso would i just scp files /localdir?09:51
os1rissince im already in the system?09:51
sinboxjcmarini could it be this > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xsane/+bug/209293 ?09:52
Gneaos1ris: it's just cp, but done over the network using ssh protocols09:52
jaimanignea : the speed is only 256 kbps09:52
jcmarinisinbox thanks just havin a look09:52
Gneajaimani: that's pretty decent09:52
os1risso if im in the dir.      scp %filenames %mylocal dir?09:53
jaimanignea : it will take about 12 min09:53
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RalphSpencerWhen I try to compile FahMon as instructed, I get (on ./configure) :  configure: error:     Could not find a valid libCURL installation on your system.09:53
wizzo50Where you find your saved transcripts on here09:54
RalphSpencerWhen I try to compile FahMon as instructed, I get (on ./configure) :  configure: error:     Could not find a valid libCURL installation on your system. **09:54
bazhang!logs | wizzo5009:54
ubottuwizzo50: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/09:54
SlartRalphSpencer: why not install libcurl then?09:54
grawitywizzo50: I think Xchat stores its logs in ~/.xchat/ somewhere09:54
albechis there a way to use cp so directories will made if they do not exist?09:54
RalphSpencerIts installed.09:55
grawityalbech: cp -r?09:55
grawityRalphSpencer: You probably need the -dev package too.09:55
bazhangwizzo50, this is xchat or xchat-gnome09:55
RalphSpencerHow to get it09:55
nsadminalbech: you mean you want to copy dirs?09:55
albechgrawity: that will just copy recursively09:55
grawityRalphSpencer: apt-get/synaptic/aptitude, as usual.09:55
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nsadminor you want to copy some files to a specific dir that doesn't exist yet?09:55
Gneajaimani: you could always ctrl-c it and try again, maybe you'll get a faster mirror09:56
bazhangwizzo50, please keep on this channel, not in PM09:56
zetheroobazhang: ok well its happening with compiz off09:56
albechi mean if i do cp <filename> <destination>/<filename> - if the directory doesnt exist it will be made09:56
Gneawizzo50: perhaps #xchat can help you a bit better09:56
nsadminalbech: mkdir -p <destination> first09:56
bazhangzetheroo, is it the video? does it play well on other players, and only badly on vlc?09:56
Shambler1I'm using Karmic on my Asus EEE PC 1000HE. I have two sound applets now that both seem to be disconnected from the sound controls of GNOME's keyboard sound controls. Is there a way to solve this?09:57
bazhangShambler1, #ubuntu+1 for karmic09:57
RalphSpencergrawity: Can I please have to complete command?09:57
sinboxhavce you tried this wizzo50, go to: Settings > Preferences in the windw click on: logging > click on: open data folder09:57
grawityRalphSpencer: apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev, probably.09:58
albechnsadmin: not really viable in my situation.. it is for a shell script.. might look at a redesign then ;)09:58
zetheroobazhang: yes ... the videos all play fine in Movie Player09:58
bazhangzetheroo, so it is an issue with the vlc with Hardy then (outside the package manager)09:59
zetheroobazhang: yes09:59
bazhangzetheroo, not sure if vlc has a channel on freenode or not10:00
zetheroooh ok10:00
wizzo50sinbox: Where is the Settings tab you are talking about on here?10:00
mike_shi...i want to connect my acer aspire 1694wlmi (ubuntu 9.04, ati mobility x700) via s-video to my tv...to watch dvds or videos! i have installed "atitvout" ...but it detects nothing??10:00
bazhangzetheroo, its #videolan10:00
tgrinakerHi all, am very new to ubuntu and am having major issues with some suggested file manager uploads which seem to have killed my hard drive space, and now NOTHING works? Can anyone help or suggest advice? (I have a Dell Mini 9)10:00
zetheroobazhang: ok ... I was thinking that maybe I should use the latest version in the PPA ...10:01
bazhangtgrinaker, which file upload manager10:01
magnetronhi, how do i use uniq to strip out all the repeated lines from a file? there are several empty lines i'd like to remove10:01
sinboxSetting menu at the top of x-chat wizzo5010:01
bazhangzetheroo, dont know if they have a hardy build for 1.0 but you can certainly check10:01
tgrinakerIt's the automated one in the top right hand part of the screne10:01
bazhangtgrinaker, does it have a name?10:02
Slartmagnetron: cat file.txt > uniq > newfile.txt ?10:02
tgrinakerPackage upgrades10:02
zetheroobazhang: ok right10:02
jcmarinisinbox thankyou astounding how you found that answer ...may I ask how you did it10:02
magnetronSlart: i obviously already tried that, i also tried with uniq -u10:03
bazhangtgrinaker, what error are you getting specifically10:03
Slartmagnetron: if you just want to remove empty lines you might be able to do that with sed or something instead10:03
tgrinakerBazhang: can't remember exactly, my hard drive space is full10:03
sinboxjcmarini, I googled it ;-)10:03
wizzo50sinbox: I am talking about in Xchat-Gnome, not X-Chat10:03
magnetronSlart: i'm just asking how to remove duplicate lines with uniq10:04
bazhangtgrinaker, it says it is full but it is not?10:04
losherSlart: magnetron: cat file.txt | sort | uniq > newfile.txt10:04
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magnetronlosher: that doesn't remove the duplicate empty lines10:04
jcmariniwhat can I say  but a big smile10:05
sinboxoh sorry, I don't have x-chat gnome, but the folder is probably the same chekc in your home folder for .xchat-gnome (make sure you have hidden files enabled)10:05
sinboxto wizzo50 ^^10:05
Slartmagnetron: sorry.. got the pipes mixed up.. cat file1 | uniq > newfile   works on my system10:05
tgrinakerBazhang: I can't run skype, if I try open the internet browser I have to logon to each website again (before it remembered it all) and I have to log on to the wireless eachtime, again before it remember it automatically. Also in the ubuntu menu there is no longer an application menu10:05
mike_smaybe it has something to do with "atitvout" + radeon driver ...because ati mobility x700 + ubuntu 9.04--->does not work with the fglrx driver??10:05
tgrinakerBazhang: Can't run youtube either10:05
magnetronSlart: and that removes *empty* lines as well?10:05
Slartmagnetron: but it will only remove adjacent duplicate lines.. sort can be used to take care of that but it will leave the file sorted10:06
bazhangtgrinaker, did these ever work? what version of Ubuntu10:06
FirefisheIf 9.04 won't work, 8.10 might10:06
magnetronoh they need to be *adjacent* too?10:06
Slartmagnetron: empty duplicate lines, sure10:06
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wizzo50sinbox: What?10:07
jaimanignea : same thing in vlc as well10:07
Slartmagnetron: yes.. that's what uniq does.. removes duplicate adjacent lines.. it says so in the man page10:07
loshermagnetron: yes, the lines need to be adjacent to strip duplicates out. That's why you sort before uniq....10:07
tgrinakerBazhang: Ubuntu 8.04 I think10:08
sinboxoh sorry, I don't have x-chat gnome, but the folder is probably the same chekc in your home folder for the .xchat-gnome folder and there should be an xchatlogs folder in there with all your logs (make sure you have hidden files enabled) wizzo5010:08
tgrinakerBazhang: Is there anyway to confirm, by checking on my system?10:08
bazhangtgrinaker, pre-installed? you installed it? did it ever work at all?  lsb_release -a for version in the terminal10:08
tgrinakerBazhang: Yes it is 8.04+ LTS10:08
wizzo50sinbox: It was a private chat with some instructions in it and I don't see it in there where your talking about.10:09
tgrinakerBazhang: Pre-installed by Dell with my mini 9, all worked fine until this week when I ran the package upgrade10:09
wizzo50sinbox: I see a bunch of other ones10:09
bazhangtgrinaker, so the error is; the drive is full, when in fact it is not?10:10
mike_sno one who has experience with a laptop connection via s-video? :-(10:10
sinboxwizzo50, how did you save the private chat?10:10
wizzo50sinbox: I clicked on Discussion, then Save Transcript10:11
bazhangwizzo50, if you have enabled logging they will be in the location that sinbox gave you10:11
sinboxare you sure it is not in there? it would be called "network-name-nick-of-person"10:12
insomen4ohelp needed; I open games in fullscreen but after 10 min or so they would get to window mode. Any way to fix this?10:12
bazhanginsomen4o, what games? linux native, via wine, and if via wine which exact games10:13
tgrinakerBazhang: potentially that is correct, as I seem to be able to run most apps, but if I try open OPENOFFICE this error message comes up: "Openoffice.org could not save important internal information due to insufficient free disk space at the following location: /home/tarryn/.openoffice.org2/user/backup You will not be able to continue working with OPenOffice.org without allocating more free disk space at that location. Press the 10:13
insomen4olinux native, like wormux supertux and so10:13
wizzo50bazhang: I looked and see a bunch of others that I don't know where they came from but not the one I want so, I'll just ask the person again later on what he told me10:13
AnishHeya guys10:13
bazhanginsomen4o, do you have some powersaver settings on? is this a laptop or a desktop10:14
sinboxare you sure it is not in there? it would be called "network-name-nick-of-person" wizzo5010:14
bazhangtgrinaker, what is hdd size in that mini?10:14
bullgard4Evolution: Clicking Help > Contents: What file (name?) will this call?10:14
insomen4oa HP 6730s laptop, i haven't changed anything in to power options10:15
nalbyuiteshi all! I need some help with wireless using wpa_supplicant10:15
bazhanginsomen4o, is the screensaver set to come on after 10 minutes or something?10:15
insomen4oyes. is this a problem?10:15
bazhanginsomen4o, and you have a problem after 10 minutes?10:15
wizzo50sinbox: this is what I see:  http://img529.imageshack.us/content.php?page=done&l=img529/8499/screenshotzhr.png10:16
AnishI was wondering, can you change the screensaver of Ubuntu to a picture?10:16
AnishLike a photograph or scenery/10:16
fn][I need help turning off icmp send_redirects and accept_redirects - anyone know how to do this?10:16
insomen4oyes, games would get windowed after 10 minutes. Should i turn off the scrsaver?10:16
bazhanginsomen4o, I have had that issue as well, would be worth a try in my opinion10:17
insomen4o10x :)10:17
wizzo50sinbox: So xchat and xchat-Gnome is the same thing?10:17
tgrinakerBazhang: tiny 4gb Sold State10:17
wizzo50sinbox: I am just new to this stuff10:17
bazhangtgrinaker, I have that issue with my eeepc 4GB ssd as well10:18
tgrinakerBazhang: Memory : 2048MB (1*2048) 533MHz DDR2 Dual Channel10:18
tgrinakerInspiron Mini 9 : N-Series Atom N270 (1.6GHz,533MHz,512KB)10:18
tgrinakerBazhang: Yeh it can't handle much, but I just use it for skype and internet (lastfm, gmail, facebook, youtube) and now it can't even run skype or youtube!10:19
sinboxwizzo50, xchat-gnome is based on xchat, it looks like you don't have logging enabled in your preferences as it only has server logs in there, unfortunately I have no idea where xchat-gnome might have saved that conversation, you probably want to ask on the ubuntu forum for an answer if no one here knows10:19
bazhangtgrinaker, one thing to consider would be to have a persistent usb drive, and run off that, or use a usb stick to access movies/music etc and leave hdd relatively empty10:19
bazhangtgrinaker, right, because it cant cache the needed space for that10:19
wizzo50_sinbox, ok10:20
tgrinakerBazhang: is there anyway i can clear out the hdd? some of these programs I will never use but don't want to kill anything! ON windows you would be able to do some kind of defrag?10:20
wizzo50_sinbox, Thanks10:20
bazhangtgrinaker, simpy sudo apt-remove <packagename> on them10:20
bazhangerr simply10:20
bazhangtgrinaker, ignore that last10:21
bazhangtgrinaker, sudo apt-get remove <packagename>10:21
masterchildis there a way to backup a partition containing ubuntu and then put it back on the hard disc?10:22
richardcavellI mapped my Super_R key to right mouse button using xmodmap -e "keysym Super_R = Pointer_Button3". I was playing with Compiz Config and now my xmodmap doesn't work. What have I done wrong?10:22
bazhangmasterchild, home?10:22
kholbymasterchild:  absolutely10:22
richardcavellmasterchild: of course10:22
richardcavellmasterchild: If you want a block-level image, clonezilla.  If you want a file-level image, grsync10:23
kholbyPing in good, too, IMHO.10:23
tgrinakerBazhang: sorry simple terms please, female new ubuntu user here! :)10:23
kholbyA System Update I did recently applied a feature that causes the mouse wheel to scroll trough desktops.  How do I turn this off?10:24
nsadminunapply the update?10:24
kholbyWell, I'm sure it added some other good stuff too.  I don't want to undo all of it.  I'll look at what it did, though.10:25
richardcavellkholby: do you have compiz config manager installed?10:25
Blizzerandnsadmin : How do you unapply an already installed update ( or so) .10:26
kholbydon't think so.  Possible.10:26
bazhangtgrinaker, iirc dell has some special repositories for software to make things like wireless work for that machine, and the install probably leaves you with a bit more than a GB of free space; if you kept your various, movies and music on a separate usb stick and left the home folder relatively empty , then it would likely eliminate some of your issues regarding space10:27
grawitykholby: Install compizconfig-settings-manager, run it, and check the settings of "Viewport Switch" plugin.10:27
bazhangBlizzerand, you dont10:27
kholbywill do, thanks10:27
Blizzerandbazhang : But nsadmin said that its possible10:28
grawityI doubt it.10:28
tgrinakerbazhang: thanks, will get a bigger USB stick to help with that, and will try clear out anything I have! Thanks10:28
bazhangnsadmin, you dont unapply an update10:28
bazhangtgrinaker, you're welcome10:28
bazhangkholby, try disabling the rotate cube function in ccsm10:32
Blizzerandlol I wish I could use compiz but mine uses an old version of intel chip that doesn't support these features no the animations10:35
navidhi 2 all10:41
bullgard4Evolution: Clicking Help > Contents: What file (name?) will this call?10:41
CraigGBhi, i was thinking of trying ubuntu however i was wondering if anyone shares a /home partition between debian and ubuntu and how safe this would be?, as they are very similar i was wondering if it would work fine :)10:41
kikokosI don't know how to check which ports I have open....10:43
kikokosis any simple phrase which I can put in to terminal?10:43
kikokosI found something like this netstat -an | grep "LISTEN "10:44
kikokosis ok?10:44
manhnhuchaunumber1 a;p10:44
kikokosrkpisanu, I suppose when it show me that tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN10:45
rkpisanuyes the port listen is 222410:45
kikokosport 2224 is open? Caouse there is no "open" description, but I suppose if it show any ports they are open, yes?10:45
rkpisanuopen for who ?10:46
kikokosrkpisanu, I want to use soulseek/nicotine and I need to open port, for incomming and outcomming transfers10:47
lillisHi. I'm trying to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix using a USB Stick. I've downloaded the jaunty img, used flashnul on the USB stick successfully and changed the boot order to go for the USB device first. However when it boots up and the USB installer should load, it's just a black screen with a white underline blinking, and the disks are all still etc. This is using one of the earlier Asus EEE PC10:47
lillisIs there another (windows based) usb-installation-maker program that I should try?10:47
bazhangunetbootin lillis10:48
lillisthanks, will check that out. :)10:48
speedhunt3rhi, can anyone help me? I try to copy anything into my storage partition, which is ext2, and in ubuntu I get an error saying disk is full and it says 0 bytes free, but I know for a fact that I have 11gb left cause in windows 7 it shows, and i can copy and paste in windows 7..how do i fix this?10:48
=== Blizzerand_ is now known as Blizzerand
kholbyK, I do not have CCSM installed, but the scroll wheel switches workspaces.  I want to disable this feature, but without installing CCSM.  Can it be done?10:48
bazhangspeedhunt3r, this is a wubi install, or a dual boot install10:48
kikokosrkpisanu, "listen" means "open" ?10:48
awakecan someone help me.. i couldn't mount my dvd and dvdrw drive, so i ended up typing 'sudo mount /media/cdrom' and that seemed to work, but it gave some error like mounting in read only10:49
rkpisanutelnet ip port to verify if a port is open10:49
speedhunt3rbazhang, dual boot.. and i can read from the partition just can't copy stuff into it10:49
rkpisanulisten not means open10:49
awakeits a vcd, and i can open it fine in smplayer, but i cant open it in vlc10:49
glass_mornning all10:49
masterchildhas anyone here ever played Nexuiz?10:49
bazhangkholby, sure, just set visual effects to none in appearances (tab)10:49
awakeand now im having problems with ejecting it... i press eject on the cdrom drive (real life) but ubuntu pops up an error saying i can't unmount10:49
awakewhat the heck is with that10:49
masterchildpressing the button tells the OS to eject?10:50
kholbybut I like the other visual effects...10:50
CodeWari m using a simple user account with no special privileges. I use su defaultubuntu_acct then do a sudo from this account in the shell. If I close the shell and try su defaultubuntu it asks for the password again which is good but from inside this if i did sudo it doesnt.10:50
CodeWaris my password getting cached someplace, or is this safe enough10:50
rkpisanusudo ufw allow 30842/tcp to open a port, kikokos10:50
awakeit says Unable to eject CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Drive10:50
Blizzerandmasterchild : Its totally cool10:50
bazhangkholby, then you would need to install ccsm10:50
glass_any one  I cant get the WIFI in Ubuntu remix to work.....any help?10:50
kikokosrkpisanu, ah, ok I see, so "telnet IP port" is a commend ,but is my machine should I change Ip for my ip or another way?10:50
bazhangkholby, expert help in #compiz (in case I am wrong)10:51
kholbyk thank yoiu10:51
kikokosrkpisanu, thank you I see that I can 30842 change for this port which I need?10:51
bullgard4Evolution: Clicking Help > Contents: What file (name?) will this call?10:52
speedhunt3ris there a way to change the file system of an existing parition without formatting it?10:52
grawityspeedhunt3r: No.10:53
awakeokay i managed to eject the cd after typing sudo umount /media/cdrom, now i am trying to mount it properly10:53
awakein computer, i double click the drive but it says 'unable to mount file'10:53
awakehowever, i can play the vcd from smplayer10:53
kikokosOK, and this phrase for check that ports are open "telenet IP port" IP should I change for my external IP, or my IP from router or for what?10:53
Blizzerandawake : Can't you unmount via terminal10:54
jcmarinisinbox  are you still there10:54
awakeyep i already did that10:54
awakenow im trying to find a proper way to mount it10:54
HalabundWhat do those little heart icons mean in Add/Remove Programs?10:55
Blizzerandglass_: Try this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=753590210:55
speedhunt3rok I right click my partition in nautilius, go to properties it says 0 bytes free...when I run gparted it says 11.2gb free which is correct. How can i fix the disk space problem? anyway I can schedule a disk check on restart?10:55
awakedouble clicking the drive in computer, it says 'Unable to mount location, Can't mount file'10:55
grawityHalabund: Popularity?10:55
lillisbazhang: unetbootin solved my problem. thanks :)10:55
glass_any help on geting the WiFI to work on ubuntu remix10:55
Blizzerandglass_ : Or just google it10:55
glass_tryed not much out ther10:55
Halabundgrawity: I mean, in the description of the programs.  There are heart icons, foot icons and "seal" icons.10:56
Blizzerandglass_ : Have a look at the message I posted above10:56
richardcavellFolks, is there any way that I can tell whether Mouse Keys are turned on by default in Ubuntu?10:56
grawityHalabund: Hmm... The foot is the logo of DNOME Desktop, which Ubuntu uses. (Kubuntu uses KDE)10:56
grawityHalabund: er, GNOME10:56
rkpisanuglass_, http://rkpisanu.altervista.org/doku.php?id=ubuntu_post_installazione and search wifi10:57
glass_ty I will try both10:57
Halabundgrawity: Yeah, that was the only obvious one :)  I've no idea about the other two though10:57
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* Dekko requires some assistance: I've been trying to install the Elementary OS theme in 9.04 without success. The theme doesn't show up in the theme selector regardless of if I drag and drop or use the .deb file provided.... very strange.10:58
BlizzerandDekko : Could you provide a link to that theme10:59
DekkoBlizzerand: Of course. I am sorry wait one second.10:59
DekkoBlizzerand: http://www.elementary-project.com/downloads.html11:00
DekkoAlso, ubuntu doesn't say anything about missing dependencies or otherwise, it just does not work.11:00
DekkoAlso there are all these different theme engines which I don't get... Emerald, Aurora, GTK .... whatnot....11:01
bazhangDekko, the egtk one?11:02
Dekkobazhang yes thats the one11:03
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bazhangDekko, I got it from gnome-look iirc, it works fine11:03
TwitteryBut its in .zip format . Shouldn't it be converted to .tar.gz or something11:04
bazhangDekko, took two tries to install though11:04
DekkoI install, and it puts the files on the system fine, but nothing shows up in theme selector....11:04
KeifferAnyone here uses maltego?11:04
TwitteryDekko : Did you convert it into tar.gz11:04
bazhangDekko, unzip, grab tar.gz to theme manager, it will ask if you want to install choose yes11:04
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Dekkobazhang: thats exactly how I did it.11:04
bazhangDekko, I got a no install the first time, clicked another theme, then tried again, and it gave an error but worked (oddly enough)11:05
Dekkoand my Ubuntu 9.04 is a relatively new install ....11:05
bazhangvery nice theme btw11:06
BlizzerandDekko : May be it has some errors, I guess11:06
Dekkobazhang is there anything ELSE that needs to be installed for the GTK themes to work??11:06
DekkoBlizzerand: is there any way to fix this? I really want to run the complete elementary set of visuals :)11:07
bazhangDekko, it worked for me, but I had to drag it twice for some odd reason11:07
DekkoWill try that now.11:07
bazhanggot an error of cannot overwrite same directory11:07
BlizzerandDekko : I didn't have errors and its quite nice11:08
DekkoBlizzerand: I just don't get what the problem is.11:09
DekkoNow when I drag-and-drop install it gives me a "Can't move directory over directory" error11:09
grawityThey're stored in ~/.themes, try copying manually11:10
lianimatorhi, I've just installed kubuntu-desktop, but when I change the session to KDE, I'm still back at gnome11:10
BlizzerandDekko : Go to Appearance--> Customize. From the 1st tab of the dialogue box select eGTK and also from window border tab take eGTK and name that theme whatever you like11:11
Dekkobazhang: Now here's a weird thing - I install the theme, it doesn't show up in the theme selector BUT when i go customize I can select the individual bits and pieces with no problem.... but as a custom theme not as a "theme" selectable in the selector .... what is missing???11:11
fragalotDekko: Probably the theme.11:12
bazhangDekko, seems it is oddly written theme, but all the bits and pieces are fairly nice11:12
Dekkobazhang: If you have a suggestion for something even more slick than this - let me know.11:12
BlizzerandI think I'll jump back to old breathe theme11:13
DekkoI think with Elementary it looks VERY nice.11:13
Dekkobreathe theme??11:13
bazhangDekko, gnome-look.org highest rated has the most11:13
DekkoBazhang: Yep that looks NICE indeed (Breathe theme)....11:14
itdhi, I've got a problem with gnome desktop on newly installed Ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix. Login screen appears fine but desktop has no icons or panels on it, and any windows I do manage to open have none of the close/minimize stuff on them11:14
jun_when i mount a hard drive using sudo mount why is it only modifiable by root?11:15
itdsaw some stuff last night about not being able to detect size / number of desktops but can't replicate that this morning11:15
Blizzerandjun_ : Because root is the only superuser11:16
Jassijoin# ubuntu-de11:17
Jassijoin #ubuntu-de11:17
nsadminJassi /join #ubuntu-de11:17
itdis there a way of resetting desktop back to defaults?11:17
DekkoBlizzerand: Do you know if there is a software to edit the components of the theme? I would like to add another 'horizontal line' under the menus of windows .... only bad thing about this theme I think.11:17
Dekko-- over the menus I meant11:18
DekkoIf you open up "Computer" for example then under the window title "Computer - File Browser" I think there should be another line to separate the menus from the window title....11:18
BlizzerandDekko : sorry , you manually would have to edit the theme files I guess or you can easily customize with different bits ( you know what I mean)11:19
kikokoshmm I asked some time ago, but I still cannot open port, iptables show me that is no rules for this port11:20
kikokosany other ideas how to open some ports?11:20
kikokosI tried sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6881 -j ACCEPT and ufw allow ,but it doesnt work11:21
Blizzeranditd : Everything on the desktop is customizable, so what went wrong11:21
DekkoBlizzerand yes but hmmm I'll have to look at it :)11:21
DekkoAlso looked at Breathe, but all I get is an emerald file, how to install that??11:21
itdBlizzerand: last couple of things I did were to start the Dropbox daemon and to switch to the traditional desktop from the netbook one11:22
madpingerAny one else getting system freeze with the recent pulse update on jaunty ?11:23
BlizzerandDekko : You have to install emerald 1st .11:23
madpingerwith skype +11:23
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Aijseis this chat logged somewhere?11:24
grawity!logs | Aijse11:24
ubottuAijse: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/11:24
Blizzerandmadpinger : Everyone is having complains with pulse updates11:24
grawityDekko: I think Emerald is not being developed anymore...11:24
madpingerBlizzerand, lol, figures11:24
BlizzerandDekko : Try the breathe icon theme . https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet?action=AttachFile&amp;do=get&amp;target=Breathe-0.43.tar.gz11:24
Blizzerandgrawity : But the themes are ice catchy though11:25
Blizzerandeye catchy*11:26
itdBlizzerand: any idea on how to diagnose further?11:27
ubuntistas12any option from changing the default look of firefox? iam un jaunty11:27
grawityubuntistas12: https://addons.mozilla.org/11:27
Frogzooubuntistas12: options -> themes11:28
=== badrock is now known as jhonzz
Blizzeranditd : I may not come in handy ... but there may be more experienced people here who could help you or try the ubuntu forums11:28
grawityubuntistas12: And Tools -> Addons -> Themes.11:28
itdBlizzerand: ok, thanks, I'll try around later + forums.11:30
Blizzerandk . Time for me to run11:30
=== cynthia_ is now known as lughod
Kraganyone know how to set up wireless connection to adsl hub from a acer laptop?11:36
Kragusing ubuntu 9.04 jaunty11:36
=== natschil is now known as natschil_
=== natschil_ is now known as natschil
richardcavelleveryone, if someone port scans a default ubuntu installation, what should the result be?11:37
grawityrichardcavell: My guess is "no open ports"11:37
fragalotlarge in numbers?11:38
grawityBut since my installation is far from default, I can't check :/11:38
richardcavellgrawity: I'm guessing so too.11:38
richardcavellgrawity: Remember yesterday when we were trying to ssh to my box?  I think I've set up port 22 to be open but port scan of my box doesn't show anything open11:38
grawityDid you scan it from inside, using the local IP?11:39
pefu61ciao rispondete11:39
richardcavellgrawity: no. I can't because I only have one box11:39
fragalot631/tcp open  ipp     CUPS 1.3.911:39
Kraghow do i scan the ports? first time using ubuntu11:39
richardcavellKrag:  Google for Shields up11:40
grawityReal hackers use nmap.11:40
grawityfragalot: Yeah.11:40
th0rgrawity: or now zenmap11:40
richardcavellgrawity: Can I do that from my own box?11:40
fragalotth0r: zenmap is just a  GUI for nmap isn't it?11:40
oratoskalispera sas11:40
* fragalot afk11:41
th0rfragalot: yup....comes in 5.0 but you have to compile the source to get it11:41
skypilotinteresting, i seem to get nasty video tearing...just on my 2nd monitor11:41
kikokoshmm has anybody idea how to open a port in ubuntu? pls :)11:41
grawityrichardcavell: You could, but that would show more ports that are actually accessible from outside -- some programs use localhost-only connections.11:41
david_alguien en español?11:41
david_alguien en español? please11:41
richardcavellgrawity: Well I only have one box so I can't port scan from an external box unless one of you do it through my modem11:42
th0rkikokos: you don't open a port, you put something on it. It isn't that all the ports are closed by default, there just isn't anything listening on them11:42
david_alguien en español? please11:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:43
kikokosth0r, ah, so do you think that port 2234 will be open for incoming and outcoming transfers when I'll be using it?11:43
skypilotAny ideas why i would just get nasty video tearing on my 2nd monitor but not the first? (different res?)11:44
th0rin ubuntu, yes. But that doesn't mean it is open on your wifi router...or your isp11:44
richardcavellth0r: I have sshd running11:44
grawityrichardcavell: Can you do 'sudo netstat -lptn'?11:45
th0rrichardcavell: then port 22 should be monitored.11:45
kikokosth0r, so I need open port for nicotine/soulseek but it doesnt work so I guess that the port is closed....11:45
richardcavellgrawity: port 22 isn't on the list11:45
grawityrichardcavell: 'ps ax | grep ssh'11:46
richardcavell/usr/sbin/sshd is running11:46
richardcavellgrawity: actually I know what happened11:46
richardcavellgrawity: last night Desai and I changed my sshd to run on port 8011:46
Pirate_Hunteranyone care to help expain how to setup a dyndns hostname in ubuntu or as i would prefer in ispconfig?11:47
jribPirate_Hunter: apt-cache search dyndns.  I have used ddclient without issues in the past11:49
NickDeNegeri followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ProFTPD but whenever I enable MySQL loggin support my server comes online but it won't allow you to connect, when you open a connection it closes right away, without even asking your username or password, anyone know how you can find out what's going wrong?11:49
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering in my fire starter I have 4 network devices and I know etho and wlan and pan0 but what the heck is wmaste??????11:49
digiforI just installed lxde. using slim as a login. in the Xsession errors I get ""wmaker" not found11:49
Joe_is there anything like GPU-Z for Ubuntu?11:50
Pirate_Hunterjrib, oh the client actually exists for ubuntu that is surprising well will do that and try to use it with ispconfig once i learn how to use it11:50
DeannaT2hello. after last kernelupdate my ff is not working on the yahoo-games-site. i can logg in, then is finsihed. he got a cpu from 100% an then i can only kill the pid. what can i do? yahoo-mail works fine, and the yahoo-games with opera is also ok. but i want to play with firefox.11:50
digiforxrdb command not found also11:51
jribdigifor: umm, is x11-server-utils installed?11:52
richardcavellI have run zenmap on my own IP address ( on my router). It says that port 80 is open. Is that scanning from inside out or from outside in?  (Does that make sense)?11:52
rkpisanuwhat is the best game for ubuntu ?11:52
xim_is there a way to use cp where it only verbalizes errors?11:53
DeannaT2rkpisanu,  what genre?11:53
rkpisanusome tips ?11:53
jribDeannaT2: pastebin: apt-cache policy wmaker x11-server-utils11:53
DeannaT2rkpisanu, thin we have to go to offtopic-channel?11:53
AnishI seem to have a problem installing Ubuntu 9.04 i386 on a AMD 64 bit processor11:54
skypilotAny ideas why i would just get nasty video tearing on my 2nd monitor but not the first? (different res?)11:54
jribxim_: isn't that what it does by default?  What other output are you getting?11:54
DeannaT2jrib, thank you, i will do, moment please11:54
AnishIs the error it shows11:54
jribdigifor: pastebin: apt-cache policy wmaker x11-server-utils11:54
zer010on install, what mount point do i use to mount 2nd HDD upon boot?11:54
jribDeannaT2: sorry, ignore me.  That was a tab-completion error11:54
AnishAfter showing the boot screen with the flashing bar11:54
DeannaT2ah ok11:54
xim_jrib: my bad i was using the verbose argument unknowingly11:54
jribzer010: whatever you want.  Something inside /media or /mnt/ is customary11:55
jrib!fstab > zer01011:55
ubottuzer010, please see my private message11:55
richardcavell!fstab > richardcavell11:55
ubotturichardcavell, please see my private message11:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:55
Anish!Loading /ubnkern...................11:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:55
DeannaT2rkpisanu, /join #ubuntu-offtopic11:56
Anish!modprobe: FATAL:11:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe11:56
AnishCan someone please help me ?11:56
bobsaccamanohi..my arrow keys are not working in vi editor in ubuntu intrepid..any idea what might be wrong?11:56
jpdsAnish: Please stop that.11:56
digiforx11-xserver-utils are install11:56
grawitybobsaccamano: vi doesn't support arrow keys - you need vim11:56
AnishI get this error before the boot screen - Lines 1,2,3,4,5 and after the flashing bar I get the entire message11:57
jribbobsaccamano: eww, you don't use arrow keys in vi.  You probably want to install vim-gnome though as by default ubuntu ships with vim-tiny11:57
AnishThe message is situated on -11:57
grawitybobsaccamano: Or try adding this line to your .vomrc: set nocompatible11:57
jribdigifor: can you pastebin the result of the command I asked about please?11:57
grawityjrib: Why the "eww"?11:57
jribgrawity: arrow keys in vi11:57
grawitybobsaccamano: err, I mean .vimrc11:57
bobsaccamanothanks grawity jrib11:58
LordMetroidIs it insanity to run a website server on an atom?11:58
digiforwmaker is missing11:58
grawityLordMetroid: What's that?11:59
jrib!pastebin | digifor11:59
ubottudigifor: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:59
LordMetroidgrawity, Intel atom processor11:59
LordMetroidI go to ubuntu-offtopic, this isn't really about ubuntu per say11:59
AnishThis is only when booting from USB12:00
digiforI know pastebin. but the eeepc has no gui12:00
AijseAnish, yesterday evening someone else had similar problem. Also there are some threads about on ubuntuforums, I believe there is some work around with unplugging your usb while booting :S check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116261912:00
AnishUnplugging USB when?12:01
abhilash1is there any video tool for playing videos in terminal like moc??12:01
fjordlordanyone use Skypephone (swedish isp 3) on ubuntu?12:01
fjordlord(connected via usb)12:02
om26erplz tell me how to copy a directory from terminal12:02
Blizzerandabhilash1 : is it possible to run videos in terminal12:02
AijseAnish, I have no experience with this but people report it works. this is link to some 1 who explains  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116571512:02
om26erBlizzerand: that would b from terminal12:02
jrib!cli > om26er12:03
ubottuom26er, please see my private message12:03
jribom26er: cp -a12:03
Blizzerandom26er : heh12:03
abhilash1 Blizzerand yes haven't u tried moc audio??12:03
fjordlordor in other words, anyone know how to transfer files from a phone connected with USB?12:03
jribdigifor: you may use pastebinit to pastebin from the command line12:03
Blizzerandabhilash1 : Nah12:03
grawityfjordlord: Does it show up as a storage device?12:03
fjordlordgrawity, in X?12:04
abhilash1 Blizzerand oh its cool and superfast!!just show directory and it'll play12:04
fjordlordgrawity, i unfortunately know nothing about terminal stuff12:04
jribabhilash1: what do you mean exactly?  You just want to start a video player from the terminal?  Like "mplayer"?12:04
abhilash1i wanted a video player like that......12:04
grawityfjordlord: Anywhere. (GNOME will automount it if it does)12:04
Blizzerandabhilash1 : k let me try12:04
richardcavellI have run zenmap on my local IP address and ports 80 and 31416 are open.  Do I want 31416 open?12:04
fjordlordgrawity, it doesnt show up in ://computer12:04
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.512:05
abhilash1jrib i want a player like moc, i know we can use vlc/mplayer from terminal, not that12:05
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY12:05
=== jopeli is now known as Crsim
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moc12:05
digiforjrib, aptitude install wmaker solved it. lxde is working now. Your clue about wmaker helped. Thanks12:05
ThreetimesHi, I have 2 monitors. Can I have 2 taskbars, one for each monitor?12:05
abhilash1sudo apt get install moc12:05
papulwow is firefox 3.5 really available?????????12:05
abhilash1then launch mocp12:05
grawityfjordlord: um, you mean compiuter:// ?12:05
fjordlordgrawity, yes it simply doesnt show up12:06
grawityfjordlord: er, computer://12:06
grawitypapul: For a long time.12:06
fjordlordgrawity, its plugged in now but nothing shows up12:06
papulgrawity: in ubuntu?12:06
jribabhilash1: like "moc" as in manage your playlist with curses?  vlc has a curses interface12:06
grawityfjordlord: Can you unplug it, type "tail -f /var/log/syslog" on the terminal, plug it in, and pastebin what it says?12:06
mike_shi...i want to connect my acer aspire 1694wlmi (ubuntu 9.04, ati mobility x700) via s-video to my tv...to watch dvds or videos! i have installed "atitvout" ...but it detects nothing??12:06
AnishOK guys12:08
AnishTrying out your methods12:08
AnishWish me luck :P12:08
irvani want to use a headphone and a mic wit my pingin and kopete12:08
papul`/whois Anish12:08
fjordlordgrawity, http://pastebin.com/m6757439012:08
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY12:09
Aijsemike_s, got somethin like  Option          "TVStandard" "PAL"12:09
Aijse        Option          "monitor-S-video" "TV-monitor12:09
Aijse in your xorg?12:09
Aijseunder Device section12:09
papulwill apt-get install firefox-3.5 work????12:09
mike_sno i havent ajusted my xorg.conf??12:09
grawityfjordlord: And that's it?12:09
fjordlordgrawity, yes12:09
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:10
fjordlordgrawity, now happened something12:10
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome12:10
fjordlordJul 18 13:10:01 johan-laptop /USR/SBIN/CRON[15521]: (root) CMD ([ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/dev/null)12:10
fjordlordgrawity, Jul 18 13:10:01 johan-laptop /USR/SBIN/CRON[15521]: (root) CMD ([ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/dev/null)12:10
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info12:10
grawityfjordlord: You can safely ignore these cron messages12:10
grawity!bot > papul12:10
ubottupapul, please see my private message12:10
mike_sAijse: do i have to adjust my xorg.conf to use s-video?12:11
papulgrawity: ?????????????12:11
fjordlordgrawity, maybe there is just a way to mount the phone?12:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grawity12:11
grawityfjordlord: If it doesn't show up as a storage device or such, no.12:11
grawitypapul: Stop that.12:11
papulgrawity: ok sorry :)12:11
digiforlxde is great on the eee. small but easy enough for my non-geek missus to use.12:12
fjordlordgrawity, so theres no way to get it working? its not supported by linux or what?12:12
jun_what's the command to start openoffice calc from the terminal?12:13
Slartjun_: ooffice -calc  according to the menu option12:13
ThreetimesHi, I have 2 monitors. Can I have 2 taskbars, one for each monitor?12:14
fjordlordgrawity, what do you think?12:14
duryhi there channel :)12:14
fjordlordhi dury12:14
Guest64688does anyone know the new features in 9.10 ? or does anyone have a link ?12:14
SlartGuest64688: ask in #ubuntu+112:15
papulhow do i install firefox 3.5 in ubuntu?12:15
Slart!karmic | Guest6468812:15
ubottuGuest64688: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:15
Slart!ff35 | papul12:15
ubottupapul: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY12:15
Guest64688ok cheers12:15
SlartGuest64688: you're welcome12:15
irvani want to use a headphone and a mic wit my pingin and kopete12:15
papulSlart, how?12:15
BlizzerandGuest64688 : Try google12:15
Blizzerand!hello| vegas_12:16
ubottuvegas_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:16
SlartBlizzerand: rtfm, just google it and so on are not really encouraged in this channel12:16
duryfjordlord: hi there.... keeping all right?12:16
SlartBlizzerand: at least suggest the ubuntu site or something a bit more useful12:16
bullgard4Evolution: Clicking Help > Contents: What file (name?) will this call?12:16
Slartpapul: install the package firefox-3.5, as ubottu told you12:16
duryfjordlord: would you please answer me a question about k3b?12:17
diablo22how can i activate a proxy in a console  ? I have a proxy server with AUTH. I know i can use #Export http_proxy. However i dont want to include my password there. Is there a way that the console ask for it interactively.12:18
mike_sAijse: do you have a working s-video config? :-)12:18
grawitydiablo22: No.12:18
vegas_humm plz i want to compile a *.c file (z0ne.c v1.1) but it's doesn't work. i have correctly installed build-essential pasket...plz a z0ne userr here?12:18
jrib!compile > vegas_12:18
ubottuvegas_, please see my private message12:18
Slartvegas_: "doesn't work" doesn't really give us a lot to work with.. do you get any error messages?12:18
richardcavellwhat service runs on port 31416?  It's open on my machine and I want to stop whatever's responding on that port if I can12:18
AnishOK guys12:19
fjordlorddury, hi12:19
AnishI tried out the method of removing and putting back USB12:19
AnishBut I just got the "Black screen of death"12:19
DeannaT2rkpisanu, rkpisanu, i only found it in german: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Spiele/OpenTTD here are the links and what to do with cat12:19
vegas_so the error messsage is so long for ctrl+v here ><12:19
Blizzerandvegas_ : Did you install g++ to begin with12:19
Aijsemike_s, yes, but it's not for the same card you have and it is for my media pc so that one doesnt have to use a "normal" screen aswell12:19
grawity!pastebin | vegas_12:19
ubottuvegas_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:19
fjordlorddury, what has k3b to do with my usb phone?12:19
AnishIt said that GNOME could not recognize power settings12:19
AnishAnd then just became black12:19
AnishBut I could shut down12:20
Slartrichardcavell: you can google for "port 31416", there are several sites that offer port listings with info on daemons and such12:20
Slartrichardcavell: http://www.dshield.org/port.html?port=31416  this is one12:20
AnishThis time however, no modprobe-fatal-could not find message12:20
mike_sAijse: i have heard its pretty difficult to get that connection with an ati card! :-(12:20
DeannaT2rkpisanu, ah, found it in english: http://wiki.openttd.org/Installation_FAQ#What_files_do_I_need_from_TTD.3F12:20
richardcavellokay, it's the BOINC manager12:20
rkpisanuok DeannaT212:21
duryI got 23 MB to put it in a cd..... after burnning 23 MB in a cd..... is there a choice add more megabytes in that CD12:21
AnishIm trying without taking out and removing USB but it shows the same error12:21
Anishdury: It must be a CD-R12:22
Slartdury: there is usually an option to "leave cd open" or similar..12:22
Aijsemike_s, yes it took me quite some time to figure out, was some time ago but I believe this line in xorg.conf was important.  Option "monitor-S-video" "TV-monitor"12:22
AnishOnce burned lost forever12:22
Slartdury: there's another phrase used for it too.. but I can't remember it atm.. something like "finish cd"12:22
SuugakuI forget what program I have to install to send the sound to my headphone...12:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:22
duryfjordlord: has k3b a option to leave it open12:23
mike_sAijse: ok ill try to figure it out! thanks :-)12:23
Aijsemike_s, and I also had to specify the resolution12:23
duryfjordlord: sorry I misunderstand your question12:23
AnishCan anyone help meee/12:24
Aijsemike_s, under monitor something like Option  "PreferredMode"  "800x600", or whatever your tv res is12:24
iceroot!ask | Anish12:24
ubottuAnish: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:24
jun_can someone please tell me what the command to show all the attached storage devices is please?12:24
Slartvegas_: ok, for starters.... don't use root to compile.. it's just needed when you want to install something.. so lose the sudo12:25
bullgard4Evolution: Clicking Help > Contents: What file (name?) will this call?12:25
Slartvegas_: second..  when you get a lot of "implicit declaration of bla bla bla" it might be a good idea to see if you've missed one of the dependencies12:26
DeannaT2rkpisanu, with synaptic then install openttd (multiverse12:26
Slartvegas_: the program you're trying to compile might need something else to be installed before you can compile it.. usually it's available in a blabla-dev package12:26
rkpisanuDeannaT2, how ^12:26
william56hey, anyone know how to get more specific colors than just the names with fbsetroot?12:27
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:27
Slartvegas_: this information should be listed in the documentation of the program.. it's usually in a file called README or INSTALL12:27
mike_sAijse: no12:27
lillisSo I'm running ubuntu netbook remix and just after installing it everything works fine. I then run the ~100 updates that the update manager tells me to, and then I reboot the system after this is finished. WHen I get back, my Desktop doesn't work as intended (?). If I browse the file system (using a terminal or a file manager or whatever) I can see all the stuff that's in the the ~/Desktop folder, but it doesn't display on the Desktop12:27
lillisdid something break or is this change intentional?12:28
Slartvegas_: if none of those files exist you should look at the website where you found the source12:28
Aijsemike_s, here is my device section http://paste.ubuntu.com/221096/12:28
lillisnote that I am running "gnome classic" desktop view, not the netbook remix one12:28
* arthurL is away: 12:28
william56like, i want to put in colors like '0xff00ff' instead of 'purple' with fbsetroot12:28
DeannaT2rkpisanu, system - system-- systemadministration -- synapticpaketverwaltung -- then you klick in this windows with all the prgramms and type openttd12:28
jrib!away > arthurL12:28
ubottuarthurL, please see my private message12:28
AnishI tried using he method suggested by you guys, remove the USB and reinsert quickly. However, it said "GNOME cannot recognize the power plan ...." and showed me the black screen of death (The message was a yellow popup on the upper right hand side of the screen). I tried booting without removing usb, but it shows me the same message - www.pastebin.ubuntu.com/22109712:28
jriblillis: is nautilus running now?  It takes care of your desktop12:28
rkpisanuis the same with command line sudo apt-get install openttd, but dont work12:29
mike_sAijse: here is mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/221099/12:29
EMKO1i setup Int12:29
lillisjrib: it wasnt, i started it and now the stuff is displayed on my desktop. i'll try and reboot again to see if it autostarts, because it should right?12:29
jriblillis: right12:29
lillisjrib: thank you for the help :)12:29
EMKO1i setup internet shareing for my other computer it works fine but i have to type sudo ifconfig eth0 everytime i turn on the computer that is shareing the internet is there a way to get this to load up automaticly?12:31
SlartEMKO1: what version of ubuntu?12:31
SlartEMKO1: server or desktop, I mean12:31
what_ifEMKO1: set the IP static in /etc/network/interfaces12:31
Aijsemike_s, if you want to use S video you have to add line 7,8 and 9 from my xorg, the problem will be though that then your normal screen is not configured any more, you'd have to do some investigation how to get both screens to work12:31
nsadminEMKO1: so you don't have your interfaces set up12:32
EMKO1its a desktop minimal version so i can only type commands to it12:32
SlartEMKO1: then go with what_if's advice12:32
Aijsemike_s make sure you add them in the Device section12:32
what_ifEMKO1: look at 'man interfaces' it will tell you the syntax for static IP :)12:33
EMKO1i try to edit the interface but it would always say filed to get et0 up or something like that but if i type that command it works12:33
what_ifEMKO1: hmmm.... can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file ?12:34
nsadminEMKO1: "something like that" is too fuzzy, can you be more specific?12:34
AnishI tried using he method suggested by you guys, remove the USB and reinsert quickly. However, it said "GNOME cannot recognize the power plan ...." and showed me the black screen of death (The message was a yellow popup on the upper right hand side of the screen). I tried booting without removing usb, but it shows me the same message - www.pastebin.ubuntu.com/221097. I am using Jaunty and I have an AMD 64 bit processor and the image on the USB is i 386. Can 12:35
EMKO1i setup my wireless fine with static ip but the eth0 when i try always fails12:35
oratosKalispera sas12:35
nsadminEMKO1: sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:36
Agat0nHey lads.12:36
AnishAND lasses BTW12:36
nsadminthen pastebinit < /etc/network/interfaces12:36
Agat0nI have a annoyin problem. I've removed the bar that's at the bottom of the screen.. and I can't find where to get it back12:36
jribAgat0n: right click on an existing panel -> add new panel12:36
Agat0nOh, so simple..12:37
johnliuIs there anyone could plese tell me how to use it?12:38
jribjohnliu: how to use what?12:38
johnliuubuntu server12:38
jribjohnliu: you mean how to install it or?12:38
johnliuchatting online12:38
EMKO1http://pastebin.com/m65b79263 thats my interfaces12:38
nsadminjohnliu: as you might imagine, that's a very large question12:38
jribjohnliu: what is it that you want to do *exactly*?12:39
laegA more permanent way is to disable the loading of the PC speaker kernel module. Add 'blacklist pcspkr'  to your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file, to blacklist and stop the module for loading at boot - this file does not exist, is it meant to be blacklist.conf? i'd just create it but the ubuntu docs do say *add*...12:39
Slartlaeg: blacklist.conf sounds correct12:39
what_ifEMKO1: your gateway is invalid for ETH0 given your netmask... is unreachable on interface12:39
johnliuBut I think my English is very poor12:39
nsadminOK... your eth0 address is not within the network youspecifiied12:40
jribjohnliu: your english seems good, just try to explain what you want to do12:40
laegSlart: ty12:40
mike_sAijse: ok i will try..have to leave now...thanks! :-)12:40
Slartlaeg: you're welcome12:40
lazarusi think ubuntu tweak should be added to official repos12:40
EMKO1sorry i dont understand what the means12:40
jrib!packaging > lazarus12:41
ubottulazarus, please see my private message12:41
nsadminplus you have gateways on both interfaces12:41
nsadminwhich one is the internal?12:41
nsadminwhich represents "the rest of the internet"?12:42
EMKO1the eth0 is for to share the ath0 connection12:42
bernardlychanhey does anyone know how to get a static ip address with wlan0?12:42
bernardlychan(not eth0)12:42
AnishI tried using he method suggested by you guys, remove the USB and reinsert quickly. However, it said "GNOME cannot recognize the power plan ...." and showed me the black screen of death (The message was a yellow popup on the upper right hand side of the screen). I tried booting without removing usb, but it shows me the same message - www.pastebin.ubuntu.com/221097. I am using Jaunty and I have an AMD 64 bit processor and the image on the USB is i 386. Can 12:42
AnishI tried using he method suggested by you guys, remove the USB and reinsert quickly. However, it said "GNOME cannot recognize the power plan ...." and showed me the black screen of death (The message was a yellow popup on the upper right hand side of the screen). I tried booting without removing usb, but it shows me the same message - www.pastebin.ubuntu.com/221097. I am using Jaunty and I have an AMD 64 bit processor and the image on the USB is i 386. Can 12:42
richardcavellbernardlychan: Yes. Turn off DHCP and select manual12:42
FloodBot2Anish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:42
nsadminso your internet is coming in on ath012:42
what_ifEMKO1: in the file you posted the address is, but the network is so the address cannot be used...12:42
bernardlychanrichardcavell, how?12:43
richardcavellbernardlychan: System->Preferences->Network Connections12:43
Zabaddahas anyone installed a distro to an external ESATA HDD?12:43
nsadminwhat_if: notice he copy/pasted from the other interface12:43
nsadminin order to straighten this out we have to know what he intends12:43
EMKO1arg this is soo confusing sorry im that soo good with this stuff12:43
richardcavellbernardlychan: find the connection you want, then go to edit at the right hand side, then IPv4 settings, then change from DHCP to manual12:43
MonsieurBonafter the newest updates my xserver won't start anymore. I reinstalled the NVIDIA drivers but still nothing. any help here?12:44
bernardlychanthanks richardcavell12:44
nsadminEMKO1: we have to know exactly how you want this to work first12:44
bernardlychanrichardcavell: would u know how to do this using kde?12:45
nsadminone thing I'm not understanding12:45
EMKO1what im doing is making my ath0 internet connection share it to the eth0 so when i plug in my cable to my laptop it gets internet12:45
Agat0njrib, before program lay themselfs in the bottom panel.. but they don't know.. how do i modify that back?12:45
richardcavellbernardlychan: lol.  No.12:45
bernardlychankk. no worries. thanks.12:45
EMKO1it works fine but i have to type that ifconig command everytime i turn on the computer12:45
nsadminis why do you not have a real IP?12:45
lillisOkay, it seems Nautilus doesn't launch when my Ubuntu (Jaunty netbook remix) starts, so the desktop etc doesn't display icons. I cant find any settings in nautilus for starting it with Gnome, so I wonder what I should do. Is there an easy auto-start solution?12:45
grawitynsadmin: Those _are_ "real" IPs too.12:45
nsadminno, they're unroutable12:45
jribAgat0n: right click -> add to panel -> window list12:46
nsadminso, I'm not understanding why12:46
nztalare there some easy to use photo scanner software for ubuntu ? i had tried to use ose one at one some time ago but it didn't appear too easy to use12:46
AijseIs it possible to create several Screen entries in the Serverlayout section of your xorg.conf, to get for example a tv and a normal screen working?12:46
nsadminand that's equivalent to understanding what he wants12:46
Agat0njrib, thanks alot for helpin me.. I've only been usin linux for three months and I enjoy every second of it.12:46
Aijsenztal, I use Xsane, prety straight forward12:47
Agat0nbrb systemreboot12:47
what_ifEMKO1: then remove everything after the "address" line and try it. That much should work then12:47
nsadminEMKO1: so your inside net is the wired net?12:47
EMKO1whats a inside net?12:47
nsadminyou're trying to share the internet right?12:48
EMKO1ath0 is my internet its wireless12:48
nsadminand you're getting the internet from wireless12:48
rainbowinfinityi need to installl the qcad-doc... i have the qcad installed, but no manual12:48
nsadminand so that leaves the eth0, the wired.12:48
nsadminwhat do you want to do with that?12:49
Aijses it possible to create several Screen entries in the Serverlayout section of your xorg.conf, to get for example a tv and a normal screen working?12:49
EMKO1mostyl connect my laptop so i can grap files faster12:49
diddyHow can I tell Ubuntu to always use Firefox to open html files that I double-click?12:49
nsadminso all the computers getting the shared internet connect with wires, yes?12:50
jrib!defaultapp | diddy12:50
ubottudiddy: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.12:50
EMKO1the computer is a htpc has all my media on it and the wireless is to slow transfer files12:50
jribAijse: what card do you have?12:50
what_ifEMKO1: bottom line... if you typing' ifconfig eth0 address ' causes it to work then that is the only info that needs to be in the interfaces file... delete everything after the "address" line in the file and it should work just fine. the extra options are confusing the system12:50
nsadminso you want faster transfer inside your house12:50
Aijsejrib, ati radeon 9250 and ati radeon 955012:50
thewizordHI EVERYONE!12:50
diddyjrib: Thank you!12:51
thewizordHOW GOES IT ?!12:51
badipodNOT TI12:51
nsadminyour caps lock seems to be stuck...12:51
badipodTOO BAD12:51
jrib!tvout | Aijse12:51
ubottuAijse: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)12:51
=== Steve_ is now known as Itty
badipodYES. THEY DO.12:51
EMKO1not really i sometimes want some files to tranfster to my laptop to take to work much faster then waiting for the wireless speeds12:51
jribAijse: try that12:51
thewizordSOMEONE BROKED IT OFF :(12:51
Aijsejrib, thnx12:51
badipodO RLY12:51
Ittyhi guys, was wondering if someone could help me with pureftpd12:51
Capt_Planetbleh My ubuntu IS broken...AnD Caps locktoo12:51
jribthewizord: stop12:52
badipodYEAH thewizord12:52
rainbowinfinitycan anyone help fix my installation of qcad...it have no manual docs12:52
jribbadipod, thewizord: I'm going to ban both of you in a second12:52
* grawity waits.12:53
=== ben is now known as Guest4789
EMKO1what_if i just tryed that it didnt work12:53
Ittypure ftpd anyone? need some help12:53
EMKO1if-up.d/mountnfs[ath0]: waiting for interface eth0 before doing NFS mounts12:53
EMKO1Don't seem to be have all the variables for eth0/inet.12:53
EMKO1Failed to bring up eth0.12:53
EMKO1i got that12:53
FloodBot2EMKO1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:54
Capt_PlanetFloodBot2: fail12:54
nsadminEMKO1 ok, edit the file12:54
nsadminand you're changing the network line to read:12:55
rainbowinfinitydoes anyone know qcad???12:55
nsadminrainbowinfinity: I could probably cover it on piano if you hum a few bars...12:56
richardcavellnsadmin: boom boom12:56
rainbowinfinitynsadmin..lol..i have it installed, but it has not doc manual12:56
nsadminEMKO1: and the broadcast line should read:12:56
IttyI have a vm running ubuntu server 9.04, and installled pureftpd on it.  it worked fine until I added two new users. I can still log in as the original admin user but not as the new ones.  Anything special I need to d?12:57
nsadminand get rid of the gateway line12:57
igsenrainbow, try to search for qcad-doc in synaptic12:57
richardcavellItty: you mean you can still log into pureftpd as the original user?12:57
Capt_Planet25.063 kiloseconds12:57
nsadminsave the file, exit, ifdown eth0, ifup eth012:57
richardcavellbut you can't log in to pureftpd from the other usernames12:57
fogobogoit's 57.38 ks12:57
Capt_Planetlo siento12:58
richardcavellItty: Add the new users to the pureftpd group using sudo12:58
nsadminthen see if it works12:58
rainbowinfinityigsen..i'm still really new at ubuntu...i just add apps from the add/remove app tab on the bottom of my applications dropdown12:58
EMKO1same thing Failed to bring up eth0.12:59
richardcavellItty: Or better, use the GUI under System -> Administration -> Users and Groups12:59
vprmgrubconf has retired. there is a Gnome System Tool, includes a grub configuration utility . how  do i use it???12:59
vprmwhere is it??12:59
igsenrainbow, you can't find synaptic?12:59
richardcavellsomeone wants to get banned12:59
IttyI am at command line only (server edition) and there isnt a pureftpd or anything similar to that group in /etc/group13:00
rainbowinfinitysorry..brainfart..couldn't remember where it was13:00
madpingerand they try to call linux users fanbois :p13:00
EvelinaI have installed python-feedparser from the recipitories but how do I run it? I tried >>>import feedparser as the manual says, but I only get an error because of invalid token >. How do I run python-feedparser?13:00
freeqstyleri installed python-gnome2-extras on my intrepid, synaptic installed and upgraded some dependiences, but now i see only black screen and busy cursor instead of gdm13:00
EMKO1nsadmin i think it worked let me try thanks for the help13:00
Capt_Planetso many trollers ;D13:01
Ittyfunny thing is its working fine on a server with from what I can tell an identical setup13:01
richardcavellItty: there has to be a group for your ftp thing13:01
igsenrainbow, App>>system>>Synaptic Package Manager (I'm in Xubuntu)13:02
abdul45i need help can anyone help me on cam issues ?13:02
richardcavellItty: you just need to find it13:02
abdul45Please help me13:02
rainbowinfinityigsen..i found it, i just had a brain fart13:02
abdul45anyone who know anything about ubuntu13:02
Capt_Planetwho uses sudo? ....not secure...SU -C13:02
Nehyxabdul45: ask question :)13:03
larkinhey guys ..13:03
igsenrainbow, goodluck then!13:03
Ittyrichardcavell: is there a command that shows what groups a user is in instead of looking in /etc/group13:03
abdul45Nehyk i want to be able to view web cams from yahoo and aim all the window ones how can i do it???13:03
larkincould anyone kindly help me on the sound card problem ?13:03
richardcavellItty: id13:03
nsadminItty groups13:04
richardcavelljrib: Why'd you ban Capt_Planet?13:04
richardcavellnsadmin: Yeah, that too13:04
Emeryis their an Xorg -autoconfigure or something ...13:04
callanrichardcavell: not a fan of gen y television13:04
larkinno one.............13:05
richardcavellcallan: I'm just a little intrigued as to why.13:05
callanwell it was a preachy show13:05
mOrO^larkin: sound is tricky :)13:05
nsadminlarkin: not much info yet, except the problem has something to do with sound13:06
Ittyon my other VM I tried the same thing and it seems to work13:06
=== Venom is now known as muhe
IttyI can log in with the other users and they are chrooted where they should be13:07
abdul45so do u know anything that can help me?13:07
PPP_is it possible to use microphone in pidgin like yahoo messenger ?13:07
NehyxPPP_: I think so13:07
lvlefistoPPP_: not yet13:07
fornixPPP_: no13:07
PPP_Nehyx: how can i call in pidgin ?13:07
fornixPPP_: u can't13:07
PPP_fornix: yes i agree too13:08
Nehyx!caps | abdul4513:08
ubottuabdul45: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:08
diyqiaoclient quit13:08
abdul45i am sorry13:08
PPP_Nehyx: it's not possible13:08
NehyxPPP_: ok sorry :P13:08
Emeryis their an Xorg -autoconfigure or something ...13:08
PPP_how can i call in linux  ?13:08
PPP_how can i call in linux using microphone ?13:09
NehyxPPP_: install wine, and then install win programm with wine13:09
fornixPPP_: skype13:09
lvlefistoPPP_: try kopete, emesene, amsn13:09
Nehyxor that13:09
IttyPPP_ use skype works13:09
Ittyfor voip13:09
mOrO^larkin: post the url in here to nsadmin13:09
PPP_fornix: Itty thanks13:09
abdul45so i am guessing i am just out of luck?13:09
Agat0nis it possible to change the name of "this" computer?13:10
slowbuntuhello people13:10
mOrO^nsadmin: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/77362  <-------here is hisproblem, I coulnt help him13:10
Jethrocan anyone tell me why the font looks so bad on wikipedia when i am using firefox? is there a way to change the font?13:11
EvelinaAnyone know why python-feedparser can't be run from Terminal by: >>> import feedparser13:11
what_ifthe name is set in the /etc/hostname file13:11
EvelinaDo I have to install something or why dowsn't the Terminal understand three > as python command?13:11
lvlefistohow can i change gnome-do's weather docklet to match my city?13:12
Jethroright click the applet?13:12
nsadminlarkin: I have a similar chip (an hda-intel) and I had to give the driver a "model=something"13:12
lvlefistoJethro: it hasn't an option for configure it when i right click it.13:12
Jethrodonno then man. im new myself and i couldn't get gnome do to do what i wanted it to13:13
Jethroi like awn better13:13
geirhaEvelina: Start a python shell by typing "python" in the terminal, then run "import feedparser" when you see the python-prompt ">>>"13:13
Ittyrichardcavell: are you still there13:13
what_ifEvelina: the import command must be called from inside the python interpreter... linux won't recognize >>> as calling python as that is just the propt of the interpreter13:14
larkinnsadmin: would you be detail ? i don't understand "model=something"13:14
what_ifpropt = prompt :/13:14
richardcavellItty: yep13:14
=== Samba is now known as Guest20608
IttyI am getting the message 421 service not available, remote server has closed connection | No control connection for command: Permission denied13:14
Ittywhen I log in using one of those users13:14
Jethrois there a way to make the font on wikipedia in firefox look better? is that the default font for firefox?13:15
nsadminlarkin: the snd-hda-intel driver accepts a parameter, that looks like this: model=<name> where you replace <name> with the name of the specific flavor of the chipset13:15
Ittyit indicates the user isnt authorized to make the connection but I dont see a ftp group on either of my VMs and one of them works13:15
Evelinagiaco: Ok, thanks.13:16
geirha!imagebin | Jethro13:16
ubottuJethro: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.13:16
giacono problem, I use to solve problems without any word13:16
nsadminI happen to know this only because I have a similar situation... and without supplying the model name, the card emitted a squeal13:16
Evelinawhat_if: Thank you, I thought Linux automatically started python when I wrote >>>, thank you telling me how it really works.13:16
Agat0nwhat_if, I've located the file you were talkin about but It says I can't save.. how do i open it as root?13:16
richardcavellItty: Are you sure that the user who can use the software and the users who can't are members of the same groups?13:16
defryskalt-[PrtScr] makes a screeny of the active app13:16
Agat0ni mean I can open it as root with sudo /etc13:17
Agat0nbut how do i edit it13:17
what_ifAgat0n: sudo nano /etc/hostname13:17
amikropWhich tool can I use for as a simple task as, "crop an mp3 to end before its normal time"? I want it easy and straightforward. Thanks. :-)13:17
Ittyrichardcavell: no they are all members of their own user group, 1000 1001 100213:17
Jethrodoes it put the screen shot in my clip board or automatically save the screenshot?13:17
richardcavellItty: but all other groups?13:17
larkinnsadmin: so what do you think i should replace by ?13:17
geirhaJethro: Pops up with a dialog that asks you where you want to save it13:17
nsadminso you have to find out what particular flavor your hda-intel is, and feed that information to the driver13:17
richardcavelllike, whatever you get when you type groups, the other users get the same groups too?13:17
ross_i have a question regarding sound13:17
Ittythe two new ones have no other group associations13:18
nsadminthat's the bad part, you have to find out13:18
Ittythe original has a couple admin and service? associations13:18
Ittybut like I said it looks that way on both VMs and one works fine13:18
ross_i just installed the latest version of ubuntu13:18
ross_and it seems that the audio is not working13:18
DigitalKiwiamikrop: audacity?13:18
bernardlychanhey, does anyone know how to customize the boot splash screen? i downloaded a so called theme for it, and it's in a tar.gz file13:18
nsadminwhat is the hardware exactly? is it on a motherboard or on a separate card?13:19
richardcavellItty: well, don't you want the other users to have the same groups?13:19
ross_can someone people help me?13:19
amikropDigitalKiwi: ok, thanks13:19
DigitalKiwi     Audacity is a program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms13:19
larkinon motherboard13:19
SuugakuI want to send the sound stream to my headphone, I know there is a program to do this, which one ?13:19
Ittyrichardcavell: I may delete them and create pureftpd virtual ftp only users13:19
richardcavellItty: The user who is able to log in to pureftpd, what does it get when you type group?13:19
leaf-sheep!sound | ross_13:19
ubottuross_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:19
Suugaku(I also know I have to install it)13:19
bernardlychanhey, does anyone know how to customize the boot splash screen? i downloaded a so called theme for it, and it's in a tar.gz file13:19
larkini have no idea how to find out the flavor.....13:19
kostiaПривет всем! Есть кто русскоговорящий?))13:19
HossI know that ext3 partitions dont "need" defragging, but if one would want to do it, is there an app for it?13:19
nsadminok, what is the exact brand and model and revision of that motherboard?13:19
richardcavellHoss: no13:20
jpds!ru | kostia13:20
ubottukostia: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:20
lvlefistoi found it. Thanks anyway.13:20
geirha!usplash | bernardlychan13:20
ubottubernardlychan: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork13:20
bernardlychanthanks geirha13:20
elad`How do I check how much memory firefox is using?13:20
leaf-sheepross_: Run "alsamixer" in the terminal.  Set all bars to high and if you see any blue/gray "m", press M to unmute.13:20
Jethrohttp://i32.tinypic.com/2qrzkvn.jpg  that is the screenshot for my problem even though you cant tell much from the screenshot13:21
larkincan use any cmd to list the detail ?13:21
Ittyuid=1000(steve) gid=1000(steve) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),115(lpadmin),116(sambashare),117(admin),1000(steve)13:21
ross_leaf_sheep: how do i run the alsamixer13:21
geirhaelad`: Try running "top" in a terminal13:21
ross_leaf_sheep: what is the command?13:21
Jethrothe font is small and blocky and some parts of the letters are bolder than the others and some letters are lower than the others. is that the default font for firefox?13:21
elad`Nothing more fine-grained?13:21
leaf-sheepross_: You will soon learn that terminal is your best friend.  It's in Application.13:21
richardcavellItty: I don't know which one of those makes the difference.  Why don't you just add them all to the new users and see if it makes the difference?13:22
ross_leaf_sheep: yes but what is the command to run alsamixer?13:22
leaf-sheepJethro: No. The SS looks ugly.  It's not what I have for sure.  Did you check Fonts under Appearances?13:22
Jethrowhat is ss?13:22
leaf-sheepross_: The command "alsamixer"13:22
geirhaelad`: Fine grained? The VIRT column shows you how much virtual memory it uses in total (real+swap)13:22
Ittyrichardcavell: I will add them one by one and test after each, that way I will know what one fixes it if one does13:23
leaf-sheepJethro: Screenshot.13:23
Jethroand what font would you suggest13:23
irvanhi all13:23
richardcavellItty: I was going to suggest add them all and then subtract them one at a time13:23
Hossis ext4 availible on 8.10?13:23
irvani want to use a headphone and a mic wit my pingin and kopete13:23
leaf-sheepJethro: I'll paste my font SS ands ee if you have same thing.13:23
Ittyoh ok13:23
Jethrook good13:23
leaf-sheepJethro: s/ee/see.13:23
elad`I'm being told 0.8/2.0 gigabytes of memory are being used, but when I look at the processes, I can't see more than 10% of the memory being used.13:23
ross_leaf_sheep: ok13:23
larkinnsadmin: i have provided more info. in the end in that web ...you see them ?13:23
ross_leaf_sheep: i see it but how do i know that it's working or not13:23
nsadminis there any way to get a list of snd-hda-intel model names supported by the module?13:24
* defrysk uses liberation sans and liberation mono for fixed width13:24
Hossrichardcavell: does 8.10 offer ext4?13:24
richardcavellGiven how much memory modern operating systems use, I'm surprised that we were even able to boot back when 64 Meg was standard13:24
leaf-sheepHoss: No. They added it in 9.0413:24
richardcavellHoss: not in the default installation13:24
Hossrichardcavell:  So with the alternative cd then?13:25
richardcavellHoss: you need to upgrade the kernel among other things to get ext4 working13:25
geirhaJethro: In firefox, Edit -> Preferences -> [Content] pane. What font does it say it uses? (Mine has serif, which looks good)13:25
leaf-sheepJethro: http://tinyurl.com/mj7psk13:25
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richardcavellHoss: I don't understand what you mean.13:25
ross_leaf_sheep: ok i figure it out lol13:25
nsadminlarkin: the last one said what alsa version you have13:25
elad`I'm being told 0.8/2.0 gigabytes of memory are being used, but when I look at the processes, I can't see more than 10% of the memory being used. What can this mean?13:25
leaf-sheepross_: Problem solved? :o13:26
Ittyrichardcavell: I added all the groups to one of the users and get the same error when connecting with ftp localhost13:26
krull_any 1 help config ogl for quake wars?13:26
Jethroleaf-sheep we have the same. does wikipedia look bad for you?13:26
richardcavellItty: can you connect if you sudo from that user account?13:27
Jethroits not JUST wikipedia, but that one is the worst13:27
fn][Im missing the "host" command. how do I install this? i ts not in the synaptic repository13:27
larkinnsadmin: i don't understand why the version of driver is 1.0.18rc313:27
larkinwhile others are 1.0.2013:27
leaf-sheepJethro: No. It looks beautiful.  Check your Firefox settings.  Default & Colors should be Serif + 16.13:27
Ittyrichardcavell: nope13:27
leaf-sheepItty: You installed openssh-server?13:28
richardcavellItty: is your ftp daemon only accepting connections from certain users?13:28
Jethrooh ok. i changed it to liberation sans in firefox and it looks great now.13:28
Jethrosorry for the newbish queson.ti13:28
Ittyas far as I know it should be accepting from all users with UID > 10013:29
iwohey, does anyone know how i can change what app gets launched when i insert a blank cd or dvd?13:29
grawityJethro: Do you have font smoothing enabled?13:29
Ittyexcept anonymous13:29
geirhaelad`: If by 10% you mean the %MEM column, that shows % of total memory, including swap13:29
Jethronot sure, where do i enable that?13:29
iwoat the moment, the 'CD/DVD Creator' is launched (must have chosen this at some point)13:29
defryskJethro, liberation fonts are pretty good :)13:29
richardcavellItty: I can't help you further, man.  Good luck with it.13:29
iwobut i want to launch Brasero instead13:29
Ittyok thanks for trying13:29
grawityJethro: If it's in GNOME, go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Fonts.13:29
nsadminthe driver can be compiled separately from the kernel, but that's harder (you have to do some setup work for that). so, mostly the alsa drivers come in particular kernels13:29
iwoTried System > Preferences > Preferred Applications, but it's not in there :(13:30
elad`geirha, oh, that explains it. So how do I see what's taking up so much of my physical memory?13:30
leaf-sheepItty: How do you install for FTP access? openssh-server?13:30
grawityJethro: Also, what version of Firefox do you have and how did you install it? (Updating it with Ubuntuzilla tends to mess up fonts.)13:30
Ittyleaf-sheep: I am using pureftpd13:30
Jethroi have 3.0 i cant figure out how to install 3.513:30
Ittynot using SCP13:30
leaf-sheepItty: Ahh I se.13:31
leaf-sheepJethro: firefox-3.5 is in the repo as a separate package from firefox-3.0.13:32
Jethrowhat is the apt-get command for 3.5?13:32
grawityJethro: You can install 3.5 by either a) using the Ubuntuzilla tool (will always get the latest one, but needs some font configuration), or b) installing the firefox-3.5 package from official repositories - this will NOT overwrite 3.013:32
larkinnsdmin: you mean i have to compile the kernel ?13:32
grawityJethro: The Ubuntu package is firefox-3.5.13:33
Jethrook thank you13:33
grawityJethro: But like I just said, it will install as a separate program and will not overwrite the current 3.013:33
geirhaelad`: No wait, the %MEM is indeed ammount of physical memory in use. But you only see the ones that use the most13:33
irvanhas does pingin  got voice funtion like using microphone13:34
grawityirvan: Pidgin does not support voice or video.13:34
geirhaelad`: ps, with the right option, can give you a list of all13:34
peabodyI installed the inetutils-ftpd package http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/net/inetutils-ftpd and there's absolutely no instructions as to how it is installed or used, but I found the changelog http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/i/inetutils/inetutils_1.6-1/changelog says that it uses inetutils-inetd script, however I have no such script installed on my system... does anyone use this ftpd or know how the package install13:34
elad`geirha, I'm looking at all those taking up more than ~0.0%, and it doesn't add up.13:34
zleapwhat is the content management system similar to drupal called13:34
nsadminlarkin: I hope not... but still want to know your exact chipset... since your sound chipset is on your mobo, need to know your exact motherboard brand, model and revision13:34
grawityzleap: Joomla?13:34
zleapi am sorting out the dclug wiki site,  so i will add that13:34
Jethro"the command apt-get install firefox-3.5" returned "could not find package"13:35
irvanso which application do u think i can use kpete13:35
vprmhow do i use gnome to change the 'boot order'??13:35
grawityJethro: What version of Ubuntu are you using?13:35
leaf-sheepgrawity: firefox-3.5 is firefox-3.5.1 -- People don't believe it and goes off using Ubuntuzilla tool. :(13:35
grawityleaf-sheep: huh?13:35
vegombreii bought a new compaq presario cq40 .. it came with windows vista basic ... i wanna install the 64 bit ubuntu on this but forums there say many have tried this on a similar laptop .. apparently installation is successfull but there's no sound ... 3 people in the forum have this issue and have been unable to fix this .. does anyone have any suggestions? i hate windows and i need ubuntu on that pc but i need sound .. is there a work around this?13:35
elad`I have 2gb of physical memory, and top claims they're fully used. All I'm running is firefox, totem and compiz. How can this be?13:35
ernetas`dGood morning.13:35
grawityleaf-sheep: ah, right... security update13:35
Jethrograwity 8.1013:36
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY13:36
peabodyelad`: which application does it say is using all that memory?13:36
leaf-sheepgrawity: Yeah. Security update, not UI update.  People complains about non-FF logo and UI all times. :D13:36
larkinnsadmin: how to get that info. ? lspci -v   ?13:36
elad`peabody, it doesn't:13:36
elad`Mem:   2033680k total,  2020016k used,    13664k free,    11744k buffers13:36
elad`Swap:  5952040k total,   131928k used,  5820112k free,  1442456k cached13:36
nsadmindid you build this computer?13:36
vegombreibazhang: hello?13:36
K99Brainelad`, most of the mem it's used as a buffer, it's normal13:36
elad`Buffer for...?13:37
leaf-sheepvegombrei: What link?13:37
elad`No particular process?13:37
Jethrois firefox 3.5 not available for 8.10????13:37
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grawityJethro: See the link ubottu gave you.13:37
K99Brainelad`, uhm, no, it's reallt used13:37
grawityleaf-sheep: I just use Ubuntuzilla :) (The only problem - font settings - got fixed in ~10 minutes.)13:38
geirhaelad`: rsz is physical mem, vsz is virtual: ps -e -o rsz,vsz,comm --sort rsz13:38
peabodyelad`: in top press F to make sure your appropriate fields are displayed13:38
=== WelshDragon is now known as Fluffles
elad`Thanks. BRB.13:38
peabodysorry f to make sure the right fields are displayed then F to sort them13:38
peabodyyou can sort by memory usage, R reverses teh roder13:39
peabodyI installed the inetutils-ftpd package http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/net/inetutils-ftpd and there's absolutely no instructions as to how it is installed or used, but I found the changelog http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/i/inetutils/inetutils_1.6-1/changelog says that it uses inetutils-inetd script, however I have no such script installed on my system... does anyone use this ftpd or know how the package install13:39
vegombreileaf-sheep: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-in@lists.ubuntu.com/msg05641.html13:39
vprmaanyone knows 'gnome'??13:39
Jethrooh well that is kind of a bummer i cant use firefox 3.513:39
vegombreileaf-sheep: thats one guy .. if you google theres more with the same issue .. sound ... everything else works perfectly13:39
grawityJethro: You can13:39
leaf-sheepvegombrei: I'm sure that is same for everybody with same hardware specs. :)13:40
Nehyxvprm: yes, it's ubuntu desktop "system"13:40
nsadminlarkin: how did you get this computer? is it a name brand? or s custom build?13:40
K99Brainelad`, 1442456k cached13:40
Nehyxvprm: in kubuntu is kde, and xubuntu xfce13:40
richardcavellJethro: You can, just install it manually13:40
Jethrooh ok13:40
grawityJethro: The second way of updating, Ubuntuzilla, seems to work for Intrepid too - http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/13:40
Jethrowell thats the thing i dont know how to install it manually13:40
leaf-sheepvegombrei: Try this --> sudo alsactl init13:40
larkincustom build ,,can find in handbook ?13:41
richardcavellJethro: Go to mozilla.com and download it13:41
vegombreileaf-sheep: yeah bro ... however i think i have the 64 bit system ... its abit different from theirs but i think the sound card must be same therefore i might get the same error13:41
grawityJethro: But have you configured the font smoothing in GNOME?13:41
richardcavellI am having difficulties opening port 22 on a Netgear modem. What's the best #channel for me to talk about that in13:41
ReedMaceUpdate Manager hangs whenever I click "Check" or "Install Updates". Didn't used to after first installed. Any help?13:41
Jethrograwity yes i fix the font smoothing. it looks good now13:42
vprmNehyx-> i can't find the config utility??13:42
grawityJethro: Okay, can you tell me what exact settings you use? Because the official Firefox version needs them to be configured elsewhere...13:42
Jethrorichardcavell i dont know how to install an app from a .gz file13:42
richardcavellJethro: easy peasy13:42
richardcavellJethro: have you downloaded it to your desktop?13:42
Nehyxvprm: home/user/.gnome2/*13:42
larkinnsadmin: ga ep45 ds3l13:42
vegombreileaf-sheep: dude i havent installed ubuntu 64v on it as yet ... i just bought the computer ... came home checked out forums and they say there's a sound issue13:43
Jethrorichardcavell not yet one second13:43
richardcavellJethro: you're downloading the correct version?13:43
Jethrograwity i have all my fonts as liberation sans13:43
grawityJethro: I meant the smoothing settings13:43
Jethrorichardcavell i will be downloading from the firefox website13:43
vegombreileaf-sheep: i need ubuntu on that notebook but i need to know if i can get the sound to work or it will all go in vain13:44
leaf-sheepvegombrei: I'm looking....13:44
gajo_phello, i'm having some trouble with the ubuntu livecd, it can't seem to enter X properly, i think it simply freezes (it ends on a black screen)13:44
richardcavellJethro: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html13:44
raboofhi. i'd like to burn an iso, but brasero reports 'no available disk'.13:44
gajo_pi'm using the 9.04 ubuntu livecd version (32 bit), and i could get into X with knoppix livecd13:45
raboofi inserted an empty disk, and nothing appears in dmesg, /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog13:45
raboofi am in the 'cdrom' group13:45
K99Brainvegombrei, try the live cd, first13:45
larkinnsadmin: it's realtek alc88813:45
larkinwhat more info. need ?13:45
grawityrichardcavell: Does that .tar.bz2 contain an installer, or is it just binaries?13:45
vegombreiK99Brain: downloading ....13:45
Jethrograwity i have 96dpi sub pixel smothing and it looks pretty good13:45
richardcavellgrawity: Mate, I dunno13:46
grawityJethro: ...the exact settings, please?13:46
gajo_pis there any way to get some sort of reason why X freezes on the livecd?13:46
vegombreileaf-sheep: i wonder why nobody ever responds to forums when their problem is fixed?13:47
grawitygajo_p: Does the rest freeze too? Can you open a virtual console? (Ctrl-Alt-F1)13:47
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richardcavellvegombrei: I always do, to put the answer into the logs13:47
richardcavellvegombrei: so the next person who searches for it will find the answer13:47
gajo_pgrawity: nah, i tried, tried even killing X with ctrl alt backspace (not sure if that's enabled though)13:47
vegombreirichardcavell: exactly ... so people know what you did to fix it right13:47
richardcavellvegombrei: of course13:47
gajo_pgrawity: it just freezes when it finishes loading up ubuntu13:48
grawitygajo_p: I think Ctrl-Alt-Backspace is now disabled due to "accidients"13:48
leaf-sheepvegombrei: Too many people post that "Help!" on Ubuntu forums.  IRC -- You get better support.  Interactive and all that.  Forums are rather slow but it is useful for googling and find the solution.13:48
vegombreirichardcavell: all i see is a problem ... people posting many solutions .. and the guy with the problem never replies with which solution fixed the problem13:48
Jethrograwity http://imagebin.org/5632813:48
Jethrograwity that is my font settings window13:48
vprmNehyx-> i can't find it...13:49
gajo_pgrawity: oh wait, here it goes, i put the options with noacpi, acpi=off and similar stuff, all expect for that edd thing and "free software only", i can now see the mouse13:49
vegombreileaf-sheep: you think i should take a chance and just install ... once installed ill get on irssi and mebbe you guys can help me then13:49
gajo_pgrawity: and i think it just might load :P13:49
Jethrorichardcavell i have the newest version of firefox downloaded to my desktop how do i instlal it from the gz file?13:49
grawityJethro: Thanks. Since the official Firefox doesn't seem to be using GNOME settings, so to get the same appearance you might need to download this file: http://sprunge.us/jdSV13:49
richardcavellFrom the desktop just double click on it and see if you can expand it from there13:50
grawityrichardcavell: It seems to have no installer, only the application itself.13:50
richardcavellgrawity: Okay13:50
richardcavellgrawity: Well, what choice does he have?  If he's on an old distro, he can't use the repos13:50
grawityrichardcavell: Ubuntuzilla?13:51
gajo_pgrawity: can i assume that by choosing those options while booting the livecd, they will be automatically copied to grub's menu.lst when it's installed?13:51
Jethrorichardcavell it opened with archive manager and is only a folder called firefox13:51
richardcavellJethro: Do you know how to manually install it13:52
grawityJethro: http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/13:52
leaf-sheepvegombrei: LiveCD.  Run it and maybe we can help you getting your sound without the need to reboot.13:52
leaf-sheepvegombrei: It's up to you.  I personally love linux more than Windows. :)13:52
vegombreileaf-sheep: how? does the live cd have irssi?13:52
richardcavellJethro: go to that link and see what you find. It might be safer, since you're a newbie13:53
ReedMaceUpdate Manager hangs whenever I click "Check" or "Install Updates". Didn't used to after first installed. Any help?13:53
grawityvegombrei: It has Xchat, IIRC.13:53
leaf-sheepvegombrei: No. Probably not.  You can still install it on LiveCD though and connect with us.13:53
Jethrook thanks13:53
grawityvegombrei: And I'm sure it has Pidgin (which isn't the best for IRC, but usable)13:53
vegombreithanks guys13:54
gajo_pgrawity: i'm afraid it doesn't have xchat13:54
gajo_pwell, at least i can't seem to find it :P13:54
d3faz0rhi guys13:54
grawitygajo_p: It still should have Pidgin.13:54
irvandoes kopete support microphone13:54
fumblesyou can install whatever you want on the livecd...13:54
grawitygajo_p: And you can install your packages too13:54
d3faz0rspeaking from backtrack pre release13:54
gajo_pgrawity: yeh, i know, just saying13:55
d3faz0rdoes anyone here use backtrack?13:55
nsadminlarkin: it's starting to look like you need to download drivers from realtek13:56
irvandoes kopete support microphone13:56
leaf-sheepd3faz0r: This is not the right place to talk about backtrack. ;)13:56
irvandoes kopete support microphone13:56
irvandoes kopete support microphone13:57
nsadminI have to leave, but take a look at this...13:57
d3faz0rsorry leaf13:57
d3faz0rcould you tell me where then?13:57
leaf-sheepd3faz0r: #remote-exploit13:57
d3faz0ri'm kinda lost to find a right place to talk about it13:57
d3faz0ris this a channel?13:58
leaf-sheepd3faz0r: Yes.13:58
nsadminno, it's an elephant!13:58
vegombreileaf-sheep: dude there's one guy out there who successfully installed ubuntu on the same notebook .... only thing he says its 8.04 and not 9.1013:58
larkinnsadmin: can use realtek driver directly ?13:58
d3faz0rhold his nose then13:58
raboofk3b seems to work13:58
leaf-sheepvegombrei: 8.04 LTS is very stable.  If that works, that mean you can get it to work in 9.04 (if you prefer living on cutting edge)13:58
vegombreileaf-sheep: i prefer living on the edge bro hehehe13:59
zetheroowhat's that command is to run a .deb from terminal?14:00
grawityzetheroo: you don't run a .deb, you install it: sudo dpkg -i file.deb14:00
Dulakzetheroo: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb14:00
K99Brainzetheroo, sudo dpkg -i file.deb14:00
nsadminrun? you can install, unpack, configure, remove, purge and get info on a .deb14:00
nsadmindpkg --help14:00
K99Brain4 answers in 15 seconds, lol14:01
jemblongbuntu jomblomu14:02
zetheroocan someone tell me whats wrong here http://pastebin.com/m720f113314:02
ohir35°C uuuphh14:03
ohiropps, wrong chan14:03
gajo_pohir: it's hot here as well14:03
ReedMaceNo answers in 25 mins. Last time of asking for now. Update Manager hangs whenever I click "Check" or "Install Updates". Didn't used to after first installed. Any help?14:04
Rosterbig problem14:05
Rosterwhen I try to apt-get install unzip14:05
Rosterroot@roster:~# apt-get install unzip14:05
RosterE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)14:05
RosterE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:05
bazhangRoster, did you try with sudo14:06
zetherooRoster: sudo14:06
zetherooRoster: as in sudo apt-get install14:06
Rosterroot@roster:~# sudo apt-get install unzip14:06
Rostersudo: unable to resolve host roster14:06
RosterE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)14:06
RosterE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?14:06
FloodBot2Roster: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:06
K99BrainRoster, close synaptic14:07
jefincReedMace: you could try updating using sudo apt-get update14:07
bazhangRoster, close other instances of apt such as add/remove synaptic etc14:07
zetherooReedMace: internet connectivity issue?14:07
zetherooReedMace: maybe something to do with the hardware drivers for your Ethernet or Wireless hardware14:08
ReedMacejefinc: can do it via apt-get. Just wondering why Update Manager hangs.14:08
Rosterok, done14:08
bazhangReedMace, try closing synaptic add/remove and sudo apt-get update via terminal14:08
Rosterthank you14:08
Rostersee you14:08
ReedMaceZetheroo: not a connectivity issue - everything else works fine14:08
kiwicant install 9.04 from usb stick. wrote the iso to the stick using unetbootin and changed the boot order on my t61 laptop. what i get is "Boot error". what now?14:08
zetherooReedMace: have you opened Synaptic and refreshed the sources ?14:09
K99BrainReedMace, try to update in terminal14:09
K99BrainReedMace, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:09
kiwi9.04 is not installable from usb stick?14:09
ReedMacezetheroo: do I have to update sources in Synaptic Mnager?14:09
zetherooReedMace its a good idea to14:10
scizzo-How do I bind Volume up and Volume down to another device in Gnome?14:10
zetherooReedMace: or you can do it in the terminal like K99Brain said14:10
scizzo-At the moment thoose are set to Internal Audio but I want it to be bound to the other device14:10
The_JagHi all14:10
The_Jagany advice for a good photo manager instead of f-spot? I have just bought a Nikon D9014:11
ReedMacezetheroo/k99Brain: that's what I have been doing. Just that Update Manager keeps coming up on screen to prompt for updates, but won't14:11
erUSULThe_Jag: gthumb14:11
zetherooReedMace: ignore Update manager14:11
zetherooReedMace: open Synaptic Package Manager and hit the Reload button14:12
zetherooReedMace: by the way ... is this a fresh install ?...14:12
ReedMacezetheroo: can't open synaptic manager - starts opening then closes iself14:12
zetherooReedMace: is this a fresh install?14:13
ReedMacezetheroo: not a fresh install - its 9.04 installed when it came out14:13
brodymcdquestion - how can it be that I install 9.04, wireless works great... then there are upgrades, it stops working - so I do another fresh install, it isn't working?14:13
=== Arancaytar_ is now known as Arancaytar
zetherooReedMace: open Terminal14:14
bidossessihi all14:14
zetherooReedMace: sudo apt-get update14:14
bidossessii need help with this recurrent problem http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-bidossessi___.png14:14
ReedMacezetheroo: ok14:14
zetheroobrodymcd: yes that sucks big time ...  :-/   I have stuck with Ubuntu Hardy LTS for those reasons ..14:15
ThreetimesA lot of themes have window borders of just 1 pixel. If you want to grab these borders to resize a window, you have to grab that single pixel. Can I change this?14:15
gangilcan somebody tell me how can I add a path to the environment variable?14:16
nyaahello, anyone know what permissions you need to give mpd so that I can run it without just giving it root?  (media playing daemon or whatnat) =)14:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about PATH14:16
ricdangerwhat kind of software do you use to manage updates on multiple servers?14:17
grawityThreetimes: No, but you can try this: Hold Alt, then right-click and drag the mouse.14:17
Threetimesbidossessi: do you use ipppd?14:17
bidossessiThreetimes, it was a mistake install that doesn't want to go away14:17
irvandoes kopete support microphone14:17
irvandoes kopete support microphone14:17
irvandoes kopete support microphone14:17
irvandoes kopete support microphone14:17
FloodBot2irvan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:17
brodymcdzetheroo: I have the dreaded broadcom 4312, but SOMEHOW it has worked before... is there a special place/people/resource beyond the forums? I'm so in over my head and desperate14:17
Threetimestry sudo apt-get remove ipppd14:17
ReedMacezetheroo: done update and upgrade with apt-get, restart required.14:18
zetheroobrodymcd: I don't know but i can have a quick look ....14:18
zetherooReedMace: good14:18
zetherooReedMace: reboot14:19
nyaaDoes anyone here have a fair amount of experience configuring mpd? trying to figure out a way not to run it as root =)14:19
Agat0nI've opened hostname (cd /etc) - sudo nano hostname14:19
Agat0nand it says .. ^0 to save14:19
Threetimesgrawity: when I reght-click I see a menu with minimize, restore, etc...14:19
zetheroobrodymcd: can you see wireless networks?14:20
ArancaytarI am looking for a portable media player that plays Ogg Vorbis and syncs well with Rhythmbox/plays nice with Ubuntu in general. Any suggestions? Trying to avoid Apple and iTunes completely...14:20
grawityThreetimes: Hm, try middle-click then. (I always get them confused)14:20
brodymcdzetheroo: yes, just can't connect.... spins forever then gives up14:20
gangil can somebody tell me how can I add a path to the environment variable $PATH?14:20
Threetimesgrawity: that's it, thanks!14:20
grawityThreetimes: You can also move with the left button.14:21
bidossessiThreetimes, i get the same error14:21
zetheroobrodymcd: ok and any encyption?14:21
* Threetimes changes window borders to something better looking again14:21
brodymcdzetheroo: no14:21
Threetimesbidossessi: try that with the --purge option14:21
Threetimestry sudo apt-get --purge remove ipppd14:21
grawitygangil: For a temporary addition, use: export PATH="$PATH:/new/directory"14:22
nyaaArancaytar a lot of people suggest banshee, may want to try it out.  I'm working on getting mpd to work which is a pain but is supposed to be really awesome14:22
zetheroobrodymcd: so its an unsecure network ...14:22
grawitygangil: To make it permanent, add that command to your ~/.bashrc14:22
brodymcdzetheroo:> yes, unsecured14:22
scizzo-How do I bind Volume up and Volume down to another device in Gnome (using pulseaudio)?14:22
Dio_Hi all ^^14:22
skypilotnyaa : have a look at the 'user' param. in /etc/mpd.conf14:22
israel1Whats a good program that plays my music, that can get the CD information (artist, song name)?14:22
bidossessiThreetimes, same error14:22
Arancaytarnyaa: Thanks very much, I'll take a look14:23
zetheroobrodymcd: laptop?14:23
Dio_rhythmbox obviosly or exaile14:23
SlurpeeWhenever I receive DHCP, my computer is not auto setting up the name server.  I always have to manually edit /etc/resolv.conf with a working nameserver.  it is really really annoying.14:23
Slurpeeany ideas?14:23
gangilThanks grawity :)14:24
Threetimesbidossessi: search for makedev using synaptic, and install that. Then again try to remove ipppd.14:24
brodymcdzetheroo: dell inspiron 1526 lap14:24
grawitySlurpee: Open System -> Administration -> Network connections, choose your connection, and in the IPv4 tab select "DHCP (IP address only)". Then enter the DNS address you want.14:24
Agat0nIs there anyway to "always" root a commando? I don't want to have to write sudo when i use the -f in ping..14:24
arandAgat0n: you could make an alias in .bashrc14:25
grawityAgat0n: How about not using such a small interval instead?14:25
Arancaytarnyaa: Actually I'm looking for a hardware device (ie. an iPod alternative), not software, though. Are you saying banshee can sync with most of these devices, so it doesn't matter what I buy?14:25
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zetheroobrodymcd: your sure that the hardware switch is on and that wireless is not disable in BIOS ? -- also are you running dual boot with Windows?14:25
Agat0ngrawity, Naw, it's fun.14:25
grawityAgat0n: either "ping -fi 200", or alias ping="sudo ping"14:26
Agat0narand, I'll try to make an alias, thanks for the help14:26
ThreetimesAgat0n: add alias ping='sudo ping' to .bashrc14:26
Arancaytarnyaa: I was considering a Cowon model due to their Ogg Vorbis support, but haven't yet researched beyond the Wikipedia "Comparison of portable players" page.14:26
arandgrawity: I don't think making an alias for ping might be such a good idea, rather "sping" for sudo ping or something,, Agat0n14:27
FloodBot2Breakz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:27
brodymcdzetheroo: yes on, yes dual - baby needs fed... got to go - dangit!14:27
Agat0narand, why wouldn't that be such a good idea?14:27
zetheroobrodymcd: ok14:27
grawityarand: Other than the -f option, I see nothing bad there.14:28
israel1How do I make exaile get the track names of the CD I'm currently listening to?14:28
arandAgat0n: Well, if you'd want to use the "original" ping at any point...14:28
Agat0narand, this removes the ability to use normal ping?14:28
nyaaArancaytar thats not what I'm saying exactly, I don't know much in that area.  I've got an old thing called a MuVo that was fantastic, but I think only did mp3's. It's harder to find things for "unconventional" formats =(14:29
arandAgat0n: well, everytime you write ping it will be interpreted as the alias command instead, so in a way, yes.14:29
Agat0ngrawity, I just paste to anywhere in the bash.bashrc? ping='sudo ping' to .bashrc14:29
usr13has anyone tried to play Wizard 101 in linux? (via wine)?14:29
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michealb22linuxgood morn..14:30
arandAgat0n: Hence I usually come up with new names for aliases, so I can still use the original command for the original application...14:30
nyaaArancaytar you could probably change the formats of things you have to mp3 if necessary =(14:30
happyusr, check out the winedb on winehq.org14:31
happyusr13 ^14:31
Agat0narand: But if I add ping='sudo ping' I don't change any names do I?14:31
Agat0nI just remove the "sudo" part14:31
Arancaytarnyaa: Well, there are plenty of models that do support ogg, and mp3/ogg pretty much covers my library. :)14:31
nyaaArancaytar check this out http://handbrake.fr/?article=details14:31
happyAgat0n: you can put an alias anywhere in .bashrc. alias ping='sudo ping'14:31
yellabshello all14:32
linxehwhy not put them in .bash_aliases ?14:32
michealb22linuxhello yellabs14:33
nyaaArancaytar it sounds like you know what you want much more than I do, I couldn't give a solid recommendation on an ogg player14:33
yellabsso i have this themed gnome , but when i add an new user it defaults to the "normal" human theme, is there any way to set it that it uses my theme as system default?14:33
Arancaytarnyaa: Well, thanks for your tips; the transcoder looks very interesting!14:33
arandAgat0n: if you put down: alias ping='sudo ping' you will not be able to use ping _without_ sudo any longer, I guess...14:34
mzzyellabs: it'd probably involve messing around in /etc/skel/14:34
nyaaSkypilot I've looked at that, and I have commented it out to run as root, which works.. still I'd rather have it run without being root if able =/14:34
mzzyellabs: or possibly in /etc/gconf actually, although don't do that by hand14:34
Agat0narand, I think I've been misunderstood, what I wanted to do was.. basicly I don't want to login as sudo when using the -f in ping14:35
ReedMacezetheroo: back again, but still can't run synaptic package manager. Is it just the same as apt-get update?14:35
yellabshm, wich one? gconfig.xml.defaults?14:35
arandAgat0n: ah... hmm14:35
zetherooReedMace: so in the terminal the update command works?14:36
ReedMacezetheroo: yes14:36
Agat0narand, so ping='sudo ping' wouldn't do the trick?14:37
zetherooReedMace: ok in the Terminal do gksudo synaptic14:37
ReedMacezetheroo: it's started up!14:38
arandAgat0n: no, that would just mean that everytime you write "ping" bash would execute "sudo ping" and always ask for password, even if you did *normal ping*14:38
zetherooReedMace: is it staying open?14:38
ReedMacezetheroo: yes14:39
Agat0nOh, that would be so annoying.14:39
zetherooReedMace: ok ... now hit the reload button14:39
quatar-ithi all. i have a font in my system whose name is "serif", so some applications (such as chrome and firefox) think it's the default serif font for my desktop. How can i uninstall it or rename it? I don't know where to look to understand if it's installed for the os or for the single user.14:39
grawityAgat0n: Just edit sudoers to make mping a "NOPASSWD" command.14:39
grawityquatar-it: /usr/share/fonts and ~/.fonts14:39
quatar-itcorrige: it's for all user14:39
grawityAgat0n: er, ping.14:39
quatar-itok thanks14:39
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ReedMacezetheroo: worked and reloaded successfully14:39
arandAgat0n: what you'd need is some way to excempt that specific command from needing password to execute... Dunno how to do that exactly... ah, there's your answer14:39
Agat0nI think grawity came with a good solution14:40
zetherooReedMace: ok  ... I guess you can close it adn try to open it from the menu14:40
ReedMacezetheroo: still won't open from menu14:41
zetherooReedMace: very od ... maybe a bad command in the menu14:41
ReedMacezetheroo: starts opening administrative application, then closes14:41
zetherooReedMace: are there updates to be had?14:42
ReedMacezetheroo: no. all done.14:42
arandAgat0n: grawity: So add "mping" as an alias in your .bashrc: "alias mping='ping -f'" and then add the no password to your sudoers file using command "visudo" (That's what you had in mind grawity?)14:42
quatar-itgrawity: i delete it and then? should i refresh something?14:42
dewdudeI've got an issue....I just installed Jaunty on some random system and as soon as Ubuntu boots, it locks up. It doesn't mater if it's in gnome, xterm-failsafe or even straight terminal mode....any ideas what would cause this?14:42
zetherooReedMace: you can right-clcik on the Gnome menu and click on Edit menus14:42
grawityquatar-it: It refreshes automatically14:43
grawityarand: Just 'ping', not 'mping'14:43
ReedMacezetheroo: done14:43
zetherooReedMace: then find the menu entry for Synaptic Package Manager and right click on it and click on properties14:43
grawityAgat0n: Here would be the sudoers line for this - add using visudo: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL, NOPASSWD: /bin/ping14:43
zetherooReedMace: tell me what the command is14:44
nyaareedmace, whats the exact issue here, can you click on synaptic and it doesn't open up, or is there no icon?14:44
zetheroonyaa: its not opening from the menu14:44
Agat0nHow come you guys are so helpful without whining? It's really approciated but not so common14:44
ReedMacezetheroo: gksu --description /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop /usr/sbin/synaptic14:44
zetheroonyaa: opens fine from the terminal14:44
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ReedMacenyaa: click on icon, starts opening, then stops. same for simple backup Config14:45
zetherooReedMace: I would just change that to gksu synaptic14:45
Bixanowhere can i get torrents or rapidshare links for ebooks?14:45
zetherooReedMace: worked from the Terminal so it should work from here14:45
grawityBixano: http://google.com/14:45
Bixanoim looking for Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-down Approach E. Angel14:45
nyaareedmace what mine has as a startup command (the icon when I move it to a panel to check) is:     gksu --description /usr/share/applications/synaptic.desktop /usr/sbin/synaptic14:46
zetherooReedMace: unless gksu and gksudo are different in some way ...14:46
richardcavell_zetheroo: they are but almost identical14:46
Agat0nsudo visudo sudoers and it replies usage visudo...14:46
zetheroorichardcavell: so it should be fine right?14:46
grawityBixano: It is not allowed to discuss pirated software, ebooks and other illegal downloads here.14:46
grawityAgat0n: Just "sudo visudo"14:46
zetherooReedMace: how are you going?14:47
ReedMacezetheroo: same thing again - started but didn't finish loading then closed14:47
zetherooReedMace: anther way you can test out commands quickly is to press Alt + F2 and enter a command in the dialog ...14:47
* dewdude runs memtest86 to see if it's memory locking up14:47
zetherooReedMace: ok .. try opening Alt + F214:48
ReedMacezetheroo: ok14:48
zetherooReedMace: and then try in there gksu synaptic14:48
zetherooReedMace: and click Run14:48
ReedMacezetheroo: same result14:49
zetherooReedMace: ok ... and now try gksudo synaptic and clcik Run14:49
Agat0ngrawity, that worked just fine. Is it possible to remove the "sudo" infront of ping when using -f?14:49
Agat0nBtw, I really approciate your help14:49
grawityAgat0n: Other than making an alias or a function, no.14:49
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ReedMacezetheroo: same14:49
grawityAgat0n: But I don't see a problem with having   alias ping="sudo ping"14:50
zetherooReedMace: if that does not work go back to the Terminal and try to start it again from there ... gksudo synaptic14:50
Agat0nohh rite i forgot bout that14:50
ReedMacezetheroo: ok that's worked14:50
zetherooReedMace: in the terminal it worked?14:51
ReedMacezetheroo: yes14:51
zetherooReedMace: wow ... ha ... this is very strange14:51
zetheroobazhang: have any suggestions?14:52
Jethrohow can i move applets in my panel to the "system tray" like area on the left???14:52
pluffsyI'm running an ubuntu server and I'm quite sure I've set it up to automatically run security updates. But for the paranoid, is there a simple way to check if all security updates have been installed?14:52
diablo22Jethro: Right click on it. and Click Move14:52
rskipluffsy: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade14:52
bazhangReedMace, how were you using synaptic before? did you use the root account?14:52
nyaaJethro best bet is to check out system > preferences > main menu14:52
zetherooReedMace: I am a but stumped to be honest ... :-/14:52
bazhangzetheroo, seems his permissions are messed up14:53
ReedMacezetheroo: at least you got the synaptic manager up - and for that I am very grateful. Thanks14:53
pluffsyrski: and it will be obvious by the output what is security updates instead of other patches?14:53
zetheroobazhang: why would it launch with the same command in Terminal but not through Alt+F2?14:53
bazhangReedMace, enabled root account? or did sudo synaptic?14:53
rskipluffsy: no14:53
richardcavell_where can I go for networking info?14:54
rskirichardcavell_: what info?14:54
zetherooReedMace: no worries14:54
ReedMacebazhang: did gksudo synaptic from Alt+F2 and Termical14:54
richardcavell_rski: trying to allow someone to ssh to me over the Internet but it's not working14:54
Agat0nWorks like a charm.. thanks alot guys !14:54
bazhangReedMace, right, but prior to that did you sudo synaptic or log in via root/enable root account?14:54
pluffsyrski: in that case that doesn't really help me, right? maybe I could find some config file somewhere that could tell me if auto security updates is enabled?14:54
zetherooReedMace: bazhang: as well as gksu14:55
UnderSampledIs ddrescue supposed to give up?14:55
BlastuRhello! i have installed nvidia display drivers, and now the desktop is "larger" than my screen .. i can move the mouse "outside" the view, .. how can I make it desktop size to my screen size?14:55
tomz_znhi there all14:55
richardcavell_I have run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start and the daemon is running. I've run nmap on myself and port 22 is open. I've run nmap on my modem and port 22 is open, among others. I can use the Internet just fine, as well as XChat etc.  But a guy is trying to ssh to me and it's not working14:55
tomz_zndoes any1 have experience with installing nvidia drivers ? i have a 9600 gt btw14:56
om26eris there a way to make ubuntu look like netbook remix14:56
ReedMacebazhang: previously ran sudo apt-get14:56
Agat0ngrawity, thanks alot for your help.. everything works great now14:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook14:56
tomz_znimages in firefox seem grainy so i assume its something with my graphics drivers14:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nbr14:56
nomasteryodaBlastuR, look for nvidia settings under system, preferences14:56
Jethrohow can i move applets to my notification area?14:56
leaf-sheeprichardcavell_: Set up a port forwarding from your router to your machine.14:56
bazhangReedMace, okay, and ever enable the root account?14:56
ReedMacebazhang: not sure how to do that14:56
richardcavell_leaf-sheep: Actually, I just went and plugged my computer directly into the modem in order to remove it from the equation!14:56
richardcavell_so I know it's not the router14:57
leaf-sheeprichardcavell_: Heh. You gave him your direct IP address?14:57
bazhangReedMace, and gksudo synaptic works from alt f2 and terminal?14:57
nomasteryodabazhang, do you really need root? as the first user has sudo14:57
richardcavell_leaf-sheep: yep14:57
om26erhow to make ubuntu look exactly like netbook remix without downloading the whole NBR14:57
ReedMacebazhang: no, nothing works from alt+F214:57
leaf-sheeprichardcavell_: Try ping your own IP address.14:57
bazhangnomasteryoda, no , just want to be sure ReedMace did not enable it and use synaptic with it14:57
richardcavell_I just port scanned myself using the shields up website and port 22 is not open14:57
richardcavell_leaf-sheep: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.928 ms14:58
diablo22How can i set a proxy globally14:58
diablo22for all User14:58
nomasteryodabazhang, ReedMace could also type 'sudo -s' then type synaptic then exit the terminal after he's done14:58
bazhangReedMace, hang on a second let me check something; in the meantime are there any upgrades? try sudo apt-get upgrade (and if so make sure to say Y)14:58
leaf-sheeprichardcavell_: ... Shouldn't paste that in here.  Oh well. :<14:59
Agat0nWhat programs do you guys use wine for? I only use it for Spotify14:59
richardcavell_leaf-sheep: Mate, I WANT someone on here to log in to my box14:59
tomz_znany1 ?14:59
ReedMacebazhang: no more upgrades to do - all done14:59
tomz_znnvidia drivers help pls14:59
richardcavell_It's dynamic, anyway, it'll be gone tomorrow14:59
nomasteryodaAgat0n, i use it for extracting portableapps onto usb sticks for my windows users ... and lego digital designer and much more15:00
leaf-sheeprichardcavell_: Username?15:00
dewdudei've got this system that I've had memtest86 running on for 13 minutes thus far with no errors...but when i attempt to log in to ubuntu in any way/shape/form, it locks up15:00
nomasteryodaAgat0n, running IE is possible too even15:00
grawityAgat0n: I used it for Notepad2, for IrfanView, for KeePass v1, for cmd.exe...15:00
nomasteryodaand some say firefox win32 is faster in wine than native linux version, but i would stay away from that if i could15:01
Josh1981Does anyone have an idea why I can't get Ubuntu to install on a clean, brand new 1 TB hdd? I keep getting an I/O error (same as I got when trying to install it on my old 250 GB hdd, and I thought it was the drive....15:01
Agat0nwrite "whatis microsoft" in the terminal, that's funny =)15:01
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Agat0nWhy do you use notepad2?15:01
grawitygrawity@theory ~$ whatis microsoft15:02
grawitymicrosoft: nothing appropriate.15:02
ReedMacenomasteryoda: typing sudo -s, then synaptic in the terminal runs the program ok15:02
Josh1981I keep re-downloading the installer, but the hashes never match up, so I am completely lost15:02
grawityNothing funny :/15:02
dewdudeAgat0n, you get the same response for any invalid program name15:02
nomasteryodai just wish ubuntu came with the full vim installed by default as its much nicer and color codes everything15:02
dewdudeit's nothing special15:02
Fougneris there a way to get a truly portable grub/device.map config? let's say (hd0) is the same on every computer15:02
rskihoeq: try to use bittorrent instead15:02
rskier Josh1981 .15:02
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grawitynomasteryoda: Ubuntu is mostly for mortals - which prefer simpler things such as nano or gedit.15:02
nomasteryodaReedMace, good ... i know sudo su - will not let it run as it does not work with X permissions15:02
homyIn openoffice impress 3.1, how can I set the default font and font size for text boxes?15:02
Agat0ndewrude, I know... but its still funny ain't it?15:02
grawityAgat0n: Micros~115:03
linxehgrawity: its for peopel that want it to "work" - I know plenty of real hardcore unix admins and compsci researchers that use it because it just lets them get on with what they want15:03
nomasteryodagrawity, lol but a good install of vim, which is much easier to use would make sense ... unless you needed the space on the live cd i suppose15:03
ReedMacenomasteryoda: so how do I get it to run from the menu?15:03
linxehso I wouldnt call them "mortals"15:03
Josh1981rski: So if I use BT I may get a better copy of the file?15:03
rskiJosh1981: no but it makes sure the file is good15:04
grawitynomasteryoda: For beginners, simple modeless text editors such as nano are much simpler. (Esc :wq isn't that obvious compared to nano's Ctrl-X, which is always displayed on screen.)15:04
nomasteryodaReedMace, do you not get the authentication box after selecting in the menu?15:04
Josh1981oh ok15:04
rskiJosh1981: why would you want to dcc chat with me?15:05
Josh1981And I am on an AMD 64 X2, should I bother with the 64 bit file or stick to i38615:05
rskidepends i guess15:05
dewdudei went 64-bit just to go 64-bit15:05
NickDeNegerif you want to use FileZilla use 32bit version :+15:05
rskidewdude: make's sense15:05
nomasteryodagrawity, i know... just voicing my own desires for ubuntu ... simple is good for the new user, and Ubuntu has loads of 'em.15:05
ReedMacenomasteryoda: no - panel button appears saying starting administrative application, stays there for ~5 secs then vanishes.15:06
dewdudelike, i bought a CPU for this laptop just to run 64-bit15:06
* dewdude goes back to trying to figure out why his new ubuntu install freezes every boot15:06
Trijntjejosh1981: when you have more than ~3G memory, use 64-bit15:06
nomasteryodaReedMace, weird... so you are the primary or first user15:06
gnubieJosh1981;   if you have more than 3gb of memory you might use 64bit15:06
nyaaThere used to be a lot of issues I would run into with flash on 64 bit.. minor things like that, but while I'm not all that technical, those seem to have mostly faded away.15:06
nomasteryodaReedMace, can you open the Users and Groups app from Administration section?15:06
grawityThe best is 32-bit OS on 64-bit CPU :]15:07
Josh1981I think I only have 2 GB of DDR115:07
nomasteryodaReedMace, then click the unlock button .. let us know what happens15:07
dewdudethat's what i've got15:07
dewdudethere's no real reason to turn 64-bit other than to run it15:07
arandnomasteryoda: if you do install full vim on ubu it's huge, I mean 28.6 MB!? I can see why the don't want it on the livecd.15:07
nyaadon't you need 64 bit to address ram past ~3 gigs?15:07
lillisAnybody else had the same problem using Skype under Ubuntu: Skype starts fine, I can log in but I can't connect any calls or for example search for new people. I can't even call the echo123 user15:07
ReedMacenomasteryoda: dialog opens asking for password15:07
lillisIt just calls and calls and then says "can't find user"15:08
tomz_znany1 - i need help - images in firefox are grainy15:08
dio_ubuntu work fin under 8.0415:08
tomz_znis it graphics card realted ? help with troubleshooting pls15:08
grawitynyaa: If the hardware supports PAE, it can access all RAM you have - and most 32-bit OSes of today support that too.15:08
nomasteryodaarand, i agree with that ... but adding to the update list would be good once the system has a network connection and starts updates... just a thought15:08
danbhfivelillis: is it a sound issue?  Have you tested sound in the options?15:09
legend2440dewdude: have you tried bootchart? it may give a clue as to where its hanging during boot15:09
nyaagrawity I'd find pae or not in the bios right?15:09
eduedixhey, i was wondering how i could set up my wireless connection in a terminal, im not going to be using gnome or kde or xfce. so is there a useful documentation, maybe you could help too ? :)15:09
nomasteryodaReedMace, that is a good sign... meaning your permissions are still working right.15:09
Josh1981So if I am not on BT, but BitLord, will it still check the file?15:09
grawitynyaa: I doubt it15:09
dio_did someone has expiriance with virtual box15:09
lillisdanbhfive: testing sound in the options entails calling the Echo123 service, which I can't :/ But the mic works15:09
lillisif its a sound problem i get another error message15:09
nomasteryodaReedMace, what if you add the synaptic icon to the desktop from the menu item?15:09
dewdudelegend2440, it boots to a login prompt....but after that, nada15:09
danbhfivelillis: no, in the options15:09
nomasteryodaReedMace, then open it from the desktop icon?15:10
lillisdanbhfive: "Make a test sound"? That works15:10
UnderSampledDoes anyone know much about ddrescue?15:10
dewdudei just attempted to log in by bypassing gdm and using term....i got the usual junk pop up...no prompt15:10
dewdudecursor is just blinking15:10
nyaagrawity never that simple heh, I'll look it up later then so I can add the extra  gig of ram that I won't even manage to use as cache =)15:10
rootcutHi, I have a laptop with a built-in web camera. I want to buy a better webcam and shoot time lapse videos with 'streamer'. How can I be sure that streamer will access the webcam on dev/video1. not video0 ?15:10
dewdudei can't even install stuff15:10
danbhfivelillis: ah well, i dunno then15:10
lillisdanbhfive :) thanks for trying15:10
rskiarooni: specify it?15:10
grawitynyaa: It might be in the output of dmesg15:10
dewdudei'm just gonna trash the entire box15:11
dewdudemeaning i've gotta go find a spare15:11
dio_i have sound problem when i using virtual box for ubuntu15:11
dewdudedio: last i checked, so did everyone else.15:12
nyaagrawity pae doesn't show up at all when I grep it, and address doesn't show anything that makes sense, so I guess its a no go for me =)15:12
dewdudewhat could ubuntu be doing different that windows isn't...because this box had windows running just fine on it15:12
gnubielillis;  did you install skype from the medibuntu repo?15:13
dio_aha but work whit the xp not whit Windows 7, i run all at the same time15:13
ReedMacenomasteryoda: same thing - panel icon followed by nothing!15:13
grawitynyaa: grep -i 'physical address extension'15:13
dewdudebut i can't even manage to log in with ubuntu for any length of time15:13
nomasteryodaReedMace, ok ...15:13
danbhfivelillis: I just tested skype, so it works on 9.04.  If you think there might be some sort of sound issue, I would google for PulseAudio perfect setup15:13
bazhangReedMace, what about simply typing synaptic in the terminal15:13
dewdudedio: 7 is more resource intensive and does sound differently. Win2k gave me sound issues.15:13
leaf-sheepdewdude: What could you be doing for your Ubuntu? ... Because Ubuntu is running just fine without you. :)15:13
nyaagrawity, nothing at all for that one15:13
dewdudedude, not funny15:13
dewduderight now i have no file server, meaning all my media is trapped in a useless box15:14
Testuoocan I install programs on an external harddisk, how can I even chose the installation path in ubuntu???15:14
gnubielillis;  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html15:14
UnderSampledwhat is the /dev directory for?15:14
dio_thanks dewdude15:14
rootcutHi, I have a laptop with a built-in web camera. I want to buy a better webcam and shoot time lapse videos with 'streamer'. How can I be sure that streamer will access the webcam on dev/video1. not video0 ?15:14
eduedixhow can i set up my wireless connection through terminal .?15:14
ReedMacebazghang: that opens the manager, but not with administrative privileges15:14
Agat0nFarewell lads, cya tonight or tomorrow15:14
lillisgnubie: thank you, will check15:15
bazhangReedMace, no errors at all?15:15
gnubielillis;  worked for me15:15
UnderSampledrootcut: most likely there is a input choice in one of the menus15:15
ReedMacebazhang: right15:15
grawityUnderSampled: /dev contains device nodes - for example, /dev/fd0 points to the floppy disk drive, and /dev/hda is the hard disk.15:15
nyaagrawity, I found a better way, grep flags /proc/cpuinfo shows a pae flag15:16
grawitynyaa: And is it on?15:16
lillisgnubie: did you have the same skype issue?15:16
grawitynyaa: Ah, wait. D'oh15:16
UnderSampledgrawity: so then the /media directory is for automatically mounted drives, while the /dev directory is for all devices, regardless of whether or not they are being used/mounted?15:16
nyaagrawity lol yeah its just a flag, I'm seeing if there's anything more indicative though in there15:17
grawityUnderSampled: /dev is for devices. If you opened /dev/sda1 you could read the raw bytes from the first partition of sda.15:17
BlastuRnomasteryoda, hmm, regardless of what resolution I pick, it seems like the desktop is too large for my screen15:17
grawityUnderSampled: /media is for mounted filesystems.15:17
nyaagrawity but I guess it means it has to support it15:17
BlastuRmy screen is a 1080p LCD tv, and ubuntu correctly detects this oevr HDMI15:17
gnubielillis;  somewhat the same.  I install skype from the medibuntu repo, seems to be a safe way to go.15:18
bazhangReedMace, that is exceedingly odd; your permissions seem fine, and it does run updates and upgrades, could be you are experiencing a bug with synaptic15:18
twig111I need help with ndiswrapper and wireless on Jaunty. I've set up a D-link usb wireless card with ndiswrapper according to instructions I found here http://dsandler.org/wp/archives/2007/06/27/ubuntu-dwl-g120 and I can get online with it when I'm finished. Thereafter, however, if I reboot with the card plugged in, it hangs at the ubuntu splash screen and I'm forced to unplug the card and hold the power button to shut down. If I 15:18
nomasteryodaReedMace, bazhang lets try a radical approach ... switch to tty1 - ctl-alt-F1 ... login as user then remove the ~/.Xauthority and ~/.ICEauthority files then type 'sudo -s' followed by /etc/init.d/gdm restart15:18
nomasteryodaReedMace, then login normally15:19
dio_if you try to mount hard drive that have windows on it and you cant mount it,it would give you mesage that it can be mount becouse windows was not shut down you need to ge the drive and put it back on the machine started windows boot up wait to start  and shut it down,that you mount on linux bow as a second drive15:19
bazhangReedMace, do you have all the repos enabled? could we take a look at your sources.list15:19
bazhangnomasteryoda, perhaps, but I spotted a potential in synaptic that he may have15:19
nomasteryodabazhang, ok...15:19
UnderSampledgrawity: is there a way to determine which files are corrupt?15:19
nomasteryodaBlastuR, what resolution is your monitor?15:20
drazterhello, im having some difficulties with my sound on HP 6735s laptop, im using ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty15:20
grawityUnderSampled: What do you mean by that?15:20
Trijntje"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdf crypty" gives: "Command failed: Can not access device" on ubuntu9.04. Works fine on 8.04, what is causing this?15:20
bazhangReedMace, cat /etc/apt/sources.list  ---> paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url15:21
drazteri added options snd-hda-intel model=laptop and sound works perfectly on speakers / headphones, but whenever i connect the headphones.. the sound from the speakers doesnt stop.15:21
nyaareedmace do you have another package manager open, like add/remove programs, or somehow apt-get whatever from the terminal?15:21
richardcavellNetworking gurus, please look at http://imagebin.ca/view/6dD_10FU.html and tell me what's wrong with my port forwarding.15:21
UnderSampledgrawity: I have a badly scratched cd that I am trying to recover, I would like to try it in a different cd drive, but I don't know which files to look for to see if they a readable on that different drive15:21
drazterany idea how to make the sound from the speakers stop whenever i connect my headphones?15:21
nomasteryodadrazter, you may have to manually mute the speaker output from the pulseaudio volume manager15:22
nomasteryodadrazter, or disable simultaneous output option15:22
nyaadrazter if thats the case in many laptops etc the main volume is labelled "front", so you can mute that and the headset still works15:22
dio_undersample buy skipdoctor scrach repair device15:24
tehbautI installed 9.04 but I no longer have support for the native resolution15:25
tehbauthow can I get that back?15:25
ReedMacenomasteryoda: I got lost there - how do I get back from tty? just had to reboot15:25
jbk`you should have a few resolutions there15:25
nomasteryodadio_, there is also an app for that... well for recovery of cd data that did not even write complete15:25
jbk`like "1024x768" "800x600"15:25
jbk`so put a "yourresolution"15:25
bazhangjbk`, X11 not x1115:25
tehbautah, ok15:25
grawityReedMace: Ctrl-Alt-F7 brings you abck to X.15:25
jbk`then X11, sorry15:25
nomasteryodaReedMace, sorry about that ... ctrl-alt-F715:25
nomasteryodaReedMace, did you try synaptic from menu now?15:26
Trijntjegrawity: nice reflex ;)15:26
elsahow do I change my display name in pidgin (I run jabber/xmpp) ? I can't seem to find it15:26
dio_i had star wars game cd only think was to use skip doctor ,15:27
ReedMacenomasteryoda: what do I need to do again in tty? I didn't realise I would lose the windows and didn't make a not of commands etc15:27
grawityTrijntje: ever tried usin gSSH over dialup?15:27
jbk`download irssi15:27
jbk`it's a text-only irc client15:27
jbk`and you can run it even in tty15:27
FloodBot2jbk`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
jbk`so it might work for you, since you can use f1-f615:27
anttiany ideas as to why jaunty suddenly lost ethernet card? happened after reboot since yesterday, can't remember certanly if autoupdate did anything then15:27
nomasteryodaReedMace, did you try the synaptic even after just rebooting? ...15:27
BlastuRnomasteryoda, it's 1920x108015:27
nomasteryodaBlastuR, nvidia setting should have that one I'd think15:28
vlt_Hello. Can I use Ubuntu with an Intel Wireless 2200 wifi card? I found out that there's an ipw2200 driver project. How easy is it to install/activate this?15:28
twig111Where should I begin to get sound to work on a dell dimension c521 with jaunty? I've changed the options in the volume control to all sorts of configurations in hopes of stumbling on the answer, but I'm not getting anywhere.15:28
ReedMacenomasteryoda: doesn't load either from desktop icon or menu15:29
nomasteryodaReedMace, you can do from inside the gui in a terminal, but outside is my preferred method... once logged in ... remove ~/.Xauthority and ~/.ICEauthority ...15:29
Trijntje"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdf crypty" gives: "Command failed: Can not access device" on ubuntu9.04. Works fine on 8.04, what is causing this? dm-crypt is loaded15:29
gnubietwig111;  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html15:29
dio_i`m back15:29
th0rfwbuilder is just short of a disaster. I am about to try firestarter, but would appreciate any suggestions others might have regarding this or another alternative.15:29
kiwicant boot image made with usb-creator. no way installing 9.04 from usb-stick?15:29
nomasteryodaReedMace, its a longshot, but might make it work .. .once you do that then restart the gdm ... /etc/init.d/gdm restart ... that is if you are using Ubuntu instead of Kubuntu15:30
dio_i have also trablet pc but touch creen won`t work any ideas?15:30
nomasteryodaReedMace, bazhang i'll return in about 10 minutes... drink break15:30
ReedMacenomasteryoda: are those directories or files? is the command "remove"? Am in ubuntu15:31
nmvictori need to repair my usb LG flashdisk.it appears in nautilus as usb drive and thats all, i cant mount it,neither can i access whatever it is.any command to get me smiling again?15:31
=== ToXBoT_ is now known as ToXBoT
nomasteryodaReedMace, 'rm file' ... the ~/ means your home directory15:31
ReedMacenomasteryoda: ok15:31
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:31
bazhangReedMace, wait for him to proceed, do it the wrong way would be bad15:32
UnderSampledgrawity: Any idea how to do that?15:32
* Dekko says hi and wonders if anyone knows how to modify a GTK theme?15:32
ReedMacebazhang: ok15:32
DekkoAnd with modify I mean add an extra horizontal line under the window name (above the menu)15:32
elsaanyone know if it even is possible to change the display name in pidgin (using jabber)?15:32
grawityelsa: It is possible - try Accounts -> (your XMPP account) -> Edit vCard15:33
grawityelsa: I'm not sure if it's there though.15:33
elsagrawity: I tried filling out the vCard (including the "nickname" field) but it didn't change a thing, both me and my contact is named after our JID's15:34
UnderSampledelsa: change the "local alias" of the person you are trying to change. there is also a "local alias" option for your user accounts in their options15:35
nomasteryodaReedMace, ok back quicker than i thought ... what you want to do is switch to the tty1 .... get logged in ... check that you are in /home/reedmace (or whatever you named the user you use) ... type 'rm .Xauthority' then rm '.ICEauthority' ... its ok if the .ICEauthority does not exisit ... then type 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'   ... to get the desktop back ...15:35
dio_i want to have ubuntu on touch screen laptop(tablet),did any of you have tablet  that work?15:35
elsaUnderSampled: ok, so the contact can't change their name so I can see it? I have to set an alias for them?15:36
soliumi am brasilian15:36
bazhang!br | solium15:36
ubottusolium: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:36
grawityelsa: Hmm, wait a minute while I open Pidgin.....15:36
ReedMacenomasteryoda: OK. See you later if I'm still alive!15:36
soliumthank you15:36
rootlinuxusrShould I be worried about "serious" events from firestarter on Windows share ports(137-139 445) from a computer authenticated on my network?15:37
UnderSampledelsa: I think username registration is based upon your user with the service, but I could be wrong15:37
grawityUnderSampled: But there's a display name too15:37
jethro85why does transmission tell me there is no data available?15:38
lillisgnubie: did you have a problem with launching the padevchooser applet?15:39
bazhangdio_, what is that15:39
grawityjethro85: Maybe because there isn't? In BitTorrent, you don't download from a central server - you download from other users.15:39
elsagrawity, UnderSampled: ok, so it's not like on msn then? you know, each contact set their own display name and everyone else can see it?15:39
=== ToXBoT_ is now known as ToXBoT
bazhangdio_, please dont paste links here unconnected to support issues15:39
jethro85i know grawati but there are like 60 seeders15:40
gnubietwig111;  no,  I worked though all the info and it worked for me15:40
dio_i found it help full for ubuntu15:40
jduderanyone got a few mins to help me via private msg with fixing my config? (ubuntu as a router)15:40
crashanddieHey guys, I've got a BlackBerry Pearl 8900, though I'm having issues mounting the micro SD card, any had problems where you would see /dev/sdc (for example), but no partitions (/dev/sdc1) ?15:40
dio_i bought the book15:40
jilberthi. can i install linux server inside vbox?15:40
rootlinuxusrjethro85: Either that or maybe a firewall is blocking access to the torrent trackers?15:40
sambagirlhow can i fix this error?15:40
jethro85well.... maybe it is trying to  download now15:40
sambagirl'E:Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1), E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.15:40
grawityjilbert: yes.15:40
UnderSampledelsa: I have never tried to change my display name on any IMing service, so you probably should go by what I say15:40
bazhangdio_, this is support only; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:40
rootlinuxusrjilbert: yes you can.15:40
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox15:40
elsaUnderSampled: ok, thanks15:40
jilbertgrawity: thanks. ill download the server version later.. ^^15:40
danbhfivesambagirl: have you tried sudo apt-get updatE?15:40
gnubietwig111;  the chooser is what aloud me to use pulseaudio well15:41
jilbertrootlinuxusr: thanks too15:41
sambagirlnone of it has not worked for months now15:41
jethro85is there a better torrent program for ubuntu than transmission15:41
jduderjethro85, vuze15:41
danbhfivejethro85: deluge15:41
elli222Hi, how do i change a GTK1 theme? the X3 start panel looks fugly considering its such a great game...15:41
jduderdeluge is good too15:41
Matichi guys: am trying to install ubuntu-7.10, but along the way I get the error; file///cdrom/pool/main/n/ncurses/libncurses5_5.6+20070716-iubuntu3_i386.deb was corrupt. What might cause this error? please help15:41
twig111gnubie: padevchooser?15:41
crashanddiejethro85, uTorrent15:41
jethro85utorrent is for windows isnt it?15:42
crashanddieMatic, bad CD burn, write the disc again15:42
crashanddieMatic, that or download15:42
gnubietwig111;  yep  it puts an icon up bu the time on the task bar15:42
sambagirlReading package lists... Error!15:42
sambagirlE: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1)15:42
sambagirlE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.15:42
jduderbbl, coffffffeeeeee15:42
FloodBot2sambagirl: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
sambagirljust will not work15:42
thiebaudeMatic, or use Unetbootin15:42
Maticcrashanddie, thanks, I burnt again but still the error occurs15:43
Maticthiebaude, thanks, what is Unetbootin15:43
honkyusais www.netbeans.org down for anybody else ?15:43
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:43
sambagirlthey said to report this against the update manager15:43
lillisMatic: it allows you to install from a USB stick instead of a CD15:43
sambagirlE:Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1), E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'15:43
lillisi used it earlier today for a netbook install, worked perfectly :)15:43
thiebaudeMatBoy, did you burn at a slow speed?15:43
crashanddiesambagirl, stop spamming your error message, we got it15:44
leaf-sheephonkyusa: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/www.netbeans.org15:44
sambagirldont tell me to stop spamming i am not spamming i am reporting as i was instructed to do by the authorities15:44
honkyusaleaf-sheep you're an ass.15:44
crashanddielmao authorities15:44
KoolDwhen i rightclick->open folder my downloads in firefox and transmission it opens up a find file window instead of my file manager how do i solve it???15:44
danbhfivesambagirl: please use a single line to describe your problem15:44
leaf-sheephonkyusa: What? It's down.15:45
crashanddie!language | honkyusa15:45
ubottuhonkyusa: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:45
bazhangsambagirl, does it ask you to dpkg-configure -a ?15:45
sambagirlbazhang no15:45
sambagirlbazhang that is all it says15:45
bazhanghonkyusa, no need for that15:45
honkyusasorry about the language15:45
rootlinuxusrsambagirl is it possible that somebody or yourself is using synaptic or similar to install packages?15:45
rootlinuxusror is it updating?15:45
crashanddiehonkyusa, it was a valid answer, at least now you'll know of a means to check for yourself instead of asking other people15:46
rootlinuxusr- - possible causes.15:46
twig111Do I need anything special to get sound to work on an AMD64 system with Jaunty?15:46
sambagirli was rootlinuxusr15:46
gnubietwig111;  I added padevchooser to my startup aplications15:46
sambagirlbut that wont run now15:46
sambagirlit says it could not initiliize the package15:46
rskitwig111: speaker/headphones/cable/computer/electrity you know the standard stuff15:46
sambagirlsorry for the poor spelling15:46
leaf-sheep!sound > twig11115:47
ubottutwig111, please see my private message15:47
sambagirlif someone could point me out to delete something i will15:47
leaf-sheeptwig111: Also, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sound-solutions-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html15:47
sambagirli cant upgrade or nothing15:47
sambagirlit seems like it is something about unmet dependencies15:48
UnderSampledwhen using ddrecue, what do ipos and opos stant for?15:48
bazhangsambagirl, what were you trying to install, and what version of Ubuntu15:48
sambagirli am trying to update i have not updated for months now15:49
sambagirljaunty i think15:49
cheeriocan someone help me access a webdisk on ubuntu desktop?15:49
bazhangsambagirl, what does lsb_release -a in the terminal show as the version15:49
sambagirli dunno now like i said i have not fooled with it now for  a month or so due to other issues. this is on one of my thinkpads btw.15:49
UnderSampledalso, is there any performance decrease when you have a device mounted and are also reading strait from /dev?15:49
sambagirli hate to start from scratch but i suppose i have no choice. what a bummer.15:50
bazhangsambagirl, the version?15:50
sambagirlhave to go grocery shopping bbl chao15:50
danbhfivesambagirl: try this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+question/5649915:50
cheeriocan someone help me access a webdisk.15:50
=== ToXBoT is now known as ToXBoT_n0tAb0T
sambagirlbazhang how do i tell i forget :)15:51
abyrne55cheerio: What kind of web disk15:51
UnderSampledcheerio: sure, if you will tell me what a webdisk is15:51
bazhangsambagirl, scroll up a few lines15:51
* abyrne55 says hi to everyone15:51
cheeriodidnt know there were many types15:51
naturisteon peu parler français ici ?15:52
* UnderSampled says hi back to abyrne5515:52
bazhangnaturiste, #ubuntu-fr pour francais15:52
abyrne55cheerio: yes. thers ftp, webdav, http15:52
cheeriothe http://hostnamecom:2077/ kind15:52
sambagirlintrepid....i never updated this laptop.15:52
sambagirli thought i had upadted this but i guess not15:53
cheeriohttp i suppose15:53
=== ToXBoT_n0tAb0T is now known as ToXBoT
bazhangsambagirl, any suspect repos in there? 3rd party stuff?15:53
abyrne55cheerio: o. well. did you try to use the CONNECT TO SERVER dialog15:53
cheerioi am completely new to ubuntu, i had it for 5 min15:54
ReedMace1nomasteryoda: back again and still alive! desktop icon and menu command still not working - same as before15:54
cheeriowhere is that located abyrne55?15:54
* abyrne55 welcomes cheerio to ubuntu15:54
abyrne55in the place menu15:54
cheerioty :)15:55
quincyhey all15:55
abyrne55np :)15:55
eric__new world15:55
quincyi used to have a web radio on windows using WINAMP and SHOUTCAST,is there a good replacer for linux si that i can broadcast my webstation again?15:56
sambagirli have a problem with no audio it stopped months ago15:56
erUSUL!find shoutcast15:56
sambagirli will just start from scratch15:56
=== papapep is now known as papapep-afk
sambagirlbbl thanks for your assistance i appreciate it.15:56
erUSUL!away > papapep-afk15:57
quincyerUSUL ShoutCast is windows isnt it?15:57
ubottuFile shoutcast found in amarok, amarok-common, ampache, elisa-plugins-ugly, emacspeak (and 9 others)15:57
ubottupapapep-afk, please see my private message15:57
erUSUL!info icecast15:57
leaf-sheep!shoutcast | quincy15:57
ubottuPackage icecast does not exist in jaunty15:57
thiebaudequincy, shoutcast is also used in songbird15:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shoutcast15:57
sambagirlnothing on that page helped btw thanks tho.15:57
leaf-sheepUH? o.O15:57
* abyrne55 is trying to learn how to use IRC commands15:57
alteregoai know anything about shoutcast15:58
erUSUL!info icecast-server | quincy15:58
ubottuquincy: icecast-server (source: icecast-server): MPEG Layer III Streaming Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.3.12-21 (jaunty), package size 184 kB, installed size 712 kB15:58
sambagirlE: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1)15:58
quincy<thiebaude> whats songbird?15:58
sambagirlwhat does that mean?15:58
alteregoau git a strange ussue the module md doesn't load automaticly15:58
eth01!info wireshark15:58
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 608 kB, installed size 1524 kB15:58
alteregoai have to modprobe md15:58
legend2440sambagirl: browse to /var/lib/dpkg  and check permissions of file named     status15:58
quincythiebaude: whats songbird?15:58
thiebaudequincy, music player15:58
bazhangsambagirl, please let us see your sources.list15:58
Dustananyone know an easy way to mass mass forward a gmail account?15:58
alteregoais there a modules.conf somewhere to add the module md in this config?15:58
quincyso with "Songbird" i can broadcast my radiostation?15:58
sambagirlbazhang just a sec15:59
nedahi , I have installed the 32 bit deb package of opera on my amd64 ubuntu using dpkg --fore-architecture. the installation proceeded well and finished. now when i run opera nothing comes out...15:59
tomz_znhi again guys15:59
J2daoshhey, cant get my wired connection to work. what do i need to do?15:59
bazhangsambagirl, in pastebin please15:59
RidpojkenQuestion: How do I install ubuntu from a Live-cd without loading up GNOME?15:59
tomz_zni am back to try to get some help15:59
bazhang!paste | sambagirl15:59
ubottusambagirl: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:59
sambagirlquincy use rivendell instead15:59
J2daoshim rebooting, give me a sec15:59
sambagirlok i bazhang15:59
tomz_zni am having a problem with grainy images in firefox15:59
leaf-sheepRidpojken: Use minimal disc?15:59
bullgard4What does mean "bump" in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=354847 entry #2?15:59
thiebaudequincy, im not sure15:59
tomz_zni have installed the latest version but ia m still having this problem16:00
bazhangRidpojken, minimal or alternative, server if you wish a server install16:00
bazhangerr alternate16:00
tomz_znhow do  i check if its graphics driver related?16:00
nedahi , I have installed the 32 bit deb package of opera on my amd64 ubuntu using dpkg --fore-architecture. the installation proceeded well and finished. now when i run opera nothing comes out...16:00
sambagirli have to run i will be back sorry chao.16:00
tomz_znhelp please some one16:01
sambagirlquincy yes salemradiolabs put it out it is awesome. chao16:01
zenlunaticbullgard4, its a crude way to bump a thread to the top of the queue16:01
UnderSampledbullgard4: it is common forum usage to say 'bump' when a very old thread was moved to the top of the list by virtue of adding a new post16:01
alteregoainstall the 64 it package neda16:01
Ridpojkenbazhang: I'm using a USB-stick at the moment using the unetbootin, but I pressed help before it booted up and now i'm i some kind of terminal mode =)16:01
eth01zunlunactic: crude isn't the word16:02
alteregoathere is a 64bit package for opera16:02
bullgard4zenlunatic: You are trying to explain a word (bump) with just this same word. This does not help. Particularly as my native language is not English.16:02
bazhangRidpojken, not sure if unetbootin allows for the minimal 9MB iso16:02
J2daoshi need to get my wired connection working so i can update ubuntu from 7.10 to 9.0416:03
alteregoajust watch16:03
bullgard4UnderSampled: Thank you very much for explaining.16:03
J2daoshhow do i get it to work?16:03
bazhangbullgard4, its offtopic here; come to #ubuntu-offtopic for an explanation16:03
Ridpojkenbazhang: But can't i install it thru the terminal in some way?16:03
kora-chanhi im trying to get my external screen and my notebook screen to work in dual head mode. im using 9.04 and have an intel gma965. external screen is 1680x1050 and nb screen is 1440x1050. when i do a "xrandr --output VGA --left-of LVDS" it says that my resolution can not be larger than 1680x1680 and my desired resolution would be 3120x1050 (which would be correct for dual head).16:03
bazhangRidpojken, a netboot? sure16:03
KyenteiCant get skype installed on backtrack 4. Could someone help/16:04
Ridpojkenbazhang: What is a netboot anyway? I'm new to linux =)16:04
BrixSathaving a pc with 2 nic's how do i port forward from wan to lan the 1980 port to ip
ReedMace1nomasteryoda: are you there? back again and still alive! desktop icon and menu command still not working - same as before16:04
Ridpojkenbazhang: I'm the windows guy =)16:04
KnirghKyentei: This is the ubuntu channel, not Backtrack. And BT4 is not yet final.16:04
bazhangRidpojken, let me get you a link on all the ways one can install, including netboot etc16:05
nomasteryodaReedMace, ok... can you do 'sudo apt-get purge synaptic' ? ... then sudo apt-get install synaptic16:05
J2daoshcorrection, 8.10 to 9.0416:05
bazhang!install | Ridpojken read this please16:05
ubottuRidpojken read this please: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:05
twig111Why might a wireless usb card work after setting it up with the command line, then plugging it in, but cause the computer to hang on reboot while plugged in? It happens with the D-link DWL-g120 on two different machines.16:05
ReedMace1nomasteryoda: OK16:05
dhaval_Hey uh, I wanted to ask, how does dpkg-repack work?16:06
KyenteiBut i still should be able to install skype the way I do on ubuntu right?16:06
J2daoshi managed to get the wired working now (not sure how), but when i do a apt-get dist-upgrade, nothing happens16:06
J2daosham i supposed to add new repos for it to know there is a distribution upgrade?16:06
bazhangJ2daosh, upgrade to which version?16:06
dhaval_i type fakeroot -u dpkg-repack dpkg --get-selection | grep install | cut f116:06
tomz_znany1 willing to help me pls ?16:06
nomasteryodaJ2daosh, try update-manager instead16:07
dhaval_So what is grep?16:07
boberthey is there some way to download the ubuntu repositories on a Win computer, as all I can get on my linux netbook is slow wi-fi?16:07
Knirghtomz_zn: with what?16:07
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:07
bazhangtomz_zn, ask your question, all on one line, and if people know they will answer, the more specific the higher probability of getting a fast response16:07
lillisif i want to run ubuntu but with a default desktop  that i setup myself (manually install X11 and fluxbox), which installation should I use, server or alternate?16:07
dhaval_I mean what does .... | grep install mean?16:07
lillisdoes it even matter much?16:07
tomz_zni have insatlled ubuntu16:07
leaf-sheepdhaval_: "man grep" and "grep --help" can explain.16:07
nomasteryodadhaval_, means to search16:07
jrib!offline | bobert16:07
ubottubobert: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD16:07
bazhangtomz_zn, one line16:07
tomz_zneverything is working fine but images in firefox are grainy16:08
dhaval_yeah, but I can't really Understand man pages.16:08
J2daoshgoing from 8.10 to 9.04 is going to break my compiz install wont it?16:08
dhaval_nevermind, I'll try google first16:08
thiebaudelillis, i installed ubuntu and then addded openbox16:08
jribdhaval_: grep (1)             - print lines matching a pattern16:08
bazhangJ2daosh, no why would it? are you using intel?16:08
th0rdhaval_: whatever the command that preceded | grep install, grep will search the output from that command for the word install16:08
bobertubottu: thanks so much. Don't know why I haven't checked the synaptic menus before. :P16:09
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:09
utimothyhi to all16:09
th0rdhaval_: the pipe '|' takes the output of the first command and sends it to the second16:09
J2daoshyeah im using intel16:09
ReedMace1nomasteryoda: done. still won't start, but same thing happens for other progs in Administration, eg Simple Backup Config16:09
utimothylooking for new icon.........i am a newbee16:09
bazhangJ2daosh, which intel16:09
dhaval_so that's what "grep  searches  the  named  input FILEs (or standard input if no files are named, or if a single hyphen-minus (-) is given as file name) for lines       containing a match to the given PATTERN.  By default, grep prints the matching lines."16:09
J2daoshcore 2 dou16:09
twig111I need a wireless card guru to advise me on a D-link DWL-g120 usb wireless card that makes my system hang. I'm stumped.16:09
dhaval_Thaks man16:10
bazhangutimothy, check gnome-look.org for themes and icons16:10
bazhangJ2daosh, sorry I meant intel video card16:10
elexodusHelp, my menus at the top left of the screen have disappeared!!!16:10
pw_^Sorry for asking here; but are there any main chat support channels etc.?16:10
th0rdhaval_: check the linux documentation project (tldp.org) there are some good books and tutorials on bash and command line there16:10
J2daoshyeah but im not sure which one off the top of my head16:10
bazhangelexodus, right click add to panel add them back16:10
utimothythanks bazhang16:11
bazhangJ2daosh, lspci in the terminal16:11
nomasteryodaReedMace1, something permissions wise is hosed... can you open the "users and groups' option and unlock ... make a new user and give it admin rights... then login as that user ... see if it works then16:11
abyrne55pw_^: Umm. you can google "IRC help"16:11
pw_^I mean chat* channels on this network.16:11
bazhangpw_^, which client16:11
legend2440!ati > me16:11
ubottulegend2440, please see my private message16:11
J2daosh945GME Express Integrated graphics16:12
pw_^what do you mean which client?16:12
bazhangpw_^, aha #ubuntu-offtopic for one16:12
DFarmer_How can I either underclock my CPU or increase my fan speed in Ubuntu? My BIOS setup does not have these options and my computer is suffering from frequent thermal shutdowns.16:12
andyLis thee anything wrong with running 32 bit ubuntu on a athlonx  system with 2GB ram16:12
bazhangandyL, no16:12
andyLok cool16:12
abyrne55DFarmer_: What type of system do you have16:13
J2daoshdoes 9.04 have better support for wpa2 wireless connections (with the network manager i mean)?16:13
xelentram < 4GB,nothing wrong16:13
jophishDFarmer_ try looking at CPU frequency scaling16:13
CyberAspieI know this is a n00b question but how do you shutdown a Ubuntu Server16:13
nyaaandyL the 64 bit on guy in starbucks will look at you as if you were less than a person16:13
BB82Hey. o16:13
elexodusbazhang: not those menues: I'm missing the "Applications", "places", and "System" menues at the top lefthand side of the screen. I am also missing the ubuntu logo in that extreme corner.16:13
bazhangJ2daosh, you may wish to try the livecd before upgrading16:13
tomz_zn>bazhang - i have very grainy graphics/flash video  firefox16:13
leaf-sheepCyberAspie: ssh in and "sudo shutdown -h now"16:13
J2daoshand where is the sources list for 9.04? 8.10 used to have something in here like easysources or something16:13
CyberAspieleaf-sheep, ah ha16:13
DFarmer_abyrne55: On old Packard Bell iXtreme desktop, single core Celeron16:13
CyberAspiethank you16:13
J2daoshnah, i dont care enough about compiz to not upgrade16:14
BB82I'm having a hell of a lot of trouble getting a static IP address in Jaunty, what the hell is wrong with the GUI?16:14
abyrne55CyberAspire: type sudo shutdown now16:14
DFarmer_jophish: How do I do that?16:14
TheStarLionelexodus: use alt+F1 and it opens a menu with each of those16:14
J2daoshi need better support for my hardware16:14
legend2440ReedMace1: sudo not working correctly for Admin apps?16:14
nyaaweren't people running compiz on 32 meg graphics cards?16:14
bazhangelexodus, the gnome menu? that is in there16:14
abyrne55DFarmer_: Ehh. I think you just need to buy a better fan16:14
TheStarLionelexodus: alternatively, add 'Main Menu' to the panel16:14
FougnerBB82, hard to say, you could edit it manually16:14
J2daoshnyaa: i was :P16:14
jophishDFarmer_,  http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ubuntu+cpu+frequency+scaling&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-GB:unofficial&client=firefox-a16:14
DFarmer_abyrne55: Ah, okay16:14
DFarmer_jophish: Cheers :d16:15
DFarmer_* :D16:15
BB82Fougner, i've done that several times and it always stuffs up16:15
gajo__pBB82: ubuntu was always retardedly complex about setting up static IP16:15
FougnerBB82, stuffs up?16:15
BB82Fougner, doesn't work16:15
jophishDFarmer_, right click on a desktop panel, and click add to panel16:15
Fougneruhm, that's really weird.. how do you do?16:15
jophishthen select the cpu scaling applet16:15
th0rBB82: if you are going to edit the interfaces file I think you have to disable network-manager16:15
dhaval_uh where's info located?16:15
dhaval_i mean16:15
dhaval_uh... wait16:16
bobertHey, what's the best window manager. I like gnome, but it's way too slow.16:16
gajo__pwhat th0r said, it's like you can't use GUI to set up a static ip16:16
TheStarLionbobert: try lxde, xfce or even blackbox or it's derivatives open/flux box16:16
leaf-sheepbobert: There are no such thing as best.16:16
BB82th0r, yeah, actually remember me from before? i tried that then edited everything manually16:16
th0rBB82: yeah....we were working on this yesterday, right?16:16
elexodusTheStarLion: That did it. Hoiw do I reallign it the way it was?16:17
BB82didn't work though, it just stuffed NM beyond repair and i needed to reinstall16:17
zenlunatici was also helping him yesterday16:17
bobertTheStarLion: XFCE's nice, but not much faster in my experience. Haven't heard of lxde before, though. I'll that. Thannks16:17
TheStarLionelexodus: right click on it, and select move, then whenever you move the mouse, it'll move with it, just click again to stop moving it16:17
BB82gajo__p, do you have a static IP up?16:17
th0rBB82: well, if you are going to need a static ip you might as well uninstall  nm....it won't work with static ip16:17
Ridpojkenbazhang: I read that, but since i don't have any computer running ubuntu, how will I manage to do that?16:17
gajo__pBB82: sorry, the PCs i have it set up on are using a different distro, just using dynamic ip on ubuntu16:18
elexodusTheStarLion: Awesome, Thanks16:18
th0rBB82: and did you edit that rc file as well...the last link I sent you yesterday mentioned having to do that also16:18
bazhangRidpojken, no cd drive in that computer? usb the only option?16:18
greghey all16:18
nacrotekI am using Ubuntu 9.0.4 and I have enabled the 'suspend' option under the screensaver. However, whenever I try to start my machine back up from 'suspend' all I get is the desktop background and the mouse. No other icons or menus so I have to hard-reset it. Any ideas on how to make this work correctly? Thanks!16:18
gajo__pBB82: i do remember that googling gave me decent results, though i had to read several guides and get a bit of information from each16:18
BB82th0r, yeah i did that once too the problem is that when i got rid of NM completely i couldn't connect again16:18
gregshould keytouch be working on (k)ubuntu 9.04 ?16:18
TheStarLionnacrotek: using a laptop?16:18
BB82and then couldn't install anything that could get the PC working again16:19
nacrotekTheStarLion: No, desktop16:19
Ridpojkenbazhang: I've got one, but since i tested it with fedora earlier, it was sooo slow with the cd, usb was much more faster16:19
TheStarLionnacrotek: I think it might be a power issue then, or possibly the bios16:19
TheStarLionnacrotek: don't hold me to that though16:19
th0rBB82: yeah, I had all sorts of problems with ubuntu and static ip. Finally gave up, will use suse if I need static in the future16:19
Ridpojkenbazhang: But i can burn something if it's neccesary16:19
bazhangRidpojken, okay, and the unetbootin is not working? or you just wish to avoid gnome16:19
nacrotekTheStarLion: Okay, I think I recall I had to disable some ACPI option when I installed, perhaps that's the cause.16:19
BB82gajo__p, getting it up on Arch was easy, now on Ubuntu it's really hard, it's been 3 days going on 4 now16:20
gregi downloaded the nvidia linux driver from the nvidia page, installed it and now when i boot it says no screens found16:20
gajo__pBB82: well, yes, arch has pretty much the best config there is as far as linux distros are concerned, though it sorta lacks support in certain areas16:20
BB82th0r, wow is it that bad? I heard several versions ago it was working fine, now they've runied it16:20
gregi had the nvidia-glx before, which didnt seem to support 3D hardware acceleration16:20
Pirate_Hunteranyone care to help me, i can't ssh into my box even knowing host.allow on the box has the ip address?16:21
ahzIs there any problem with 'rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*' ?16:21
Ridpojkenbazhang: the problem is, when i'm booting up on the cd i get the desktop enviroment and everything, but when i click the "Install" button nothing happens. The same happens with Fedora!16:21
r3l1chi everyone16:21
th0rBB82: when they went to network-mangler it screwed it all up....up to that point ubuntu was no harder than suse16:21
BB82gajo__p, well kinda, the Wikis are very well written most the time so i found that just folowing those did most of the work, sometimes i'd read other peoples posts and get all i needed16:21
Khelbensmtp and google mail, what is the best app for handling this situation esmtp or msmtp or postfix or something else?16:21
FougnerRidpojken, you want to boot from a live cd?16:21
RidpojkenFougner: I can do that, but it just won't install to my HDD16:22
wapkohowcome my mute button doesnt work ? the notifier shows up. but no cake :)16:22
legend2440ahz: sudo apt-get clean does same thing16:22
bazhangRidpojken, that is odd, not much of an unetbootin expert here; if you tried with an iso I would be much more of help16:22
wapkomute button on my keyboard that is16:22
BB82th0r, is there a way to file a bug for it?16:22
gajo__pdid they also break the GUI update manager in the newest ubuntu? it's clogging up all the resources and simply won't shut down/upgrade stuff16:22
r3l1cwhat is the unetbootin question?16:22
FougnerRidpojken, tried the "install ubuntu" option from the live cd? not "try ubuntu ..."16:22
ahzlegend2440: If it is identical, then I prefer to use the equivalent of 'rm' because I am deleting files from an external program and want to count the size16:22
nyaaB882 are you still at the troubleshooting phase of the whole static ip thing or do you want some quick help from a guy with the qualifications of 5 people that are all 1/6 as good as me16:23
th0rBB82: I am sure there is over at ubuntu.com, but I haven't done any16:23
bazhangr3l1c, wont install once it reaches desktop Ridpojken has this issue16:23
WIGGMPkI need help =/, I had to reinstall both my /boot and / partitions.. I kept the existing /home partition and now am having trouble accessing my data because I used ecryptfs previously. Can anyone help??16:23
Ridpojkenbazhang: since i've tried the same with fedora, i don't think that will work16:23
RidpojkenFougner: No, is there any way to load up that from a usb stick?16:23
FougnerRidpojken, sure, what OS do you have accessible at the moment?16:24
RidpojkenA crached windows =)16:24
alle1Time for ubuntu noob kwerstion?16:24
FougnerRidpojken, accessible or not?16:24
RidpojkenFougner: So, none =)16:24
BB82th0r, it's very upsetting that a Linux distro can be bad at any form of networking it's embarrassing actually16:24
legend2440ahz: problem with that rm command is it will remove the  lock file and the dir called partial. not sure if that will cause problems or they will be recreated16:24
RidpojkenFougner: Not, thats why i'm changing to linux16:24
th0rBB82:I agree, but what are you gonna do? They went to nm because too many ubuntu users can't edit the interfaces file16:25
SandGorgonis anybody using nvidia driver 180.55 in jaunty ? anybody know how to gwt it ?16:25
MikeonTV3I'm on Ubuntu Netbook Remix. (Actually Jolicloud) and I am trying to find the .mozilla folder to edit the profiles.ini file16:25
FougnerRidpojken, you have a ubuntu live-cd right?16:25
bazhangSandGorgon, the one from hardware drivers?16:25
gajo__pth0r: at least they should make the nm as usable as the windows xp one... it shouldn't be that hard16:25
RidpojkenFougner: Jupp16:25
ahzlegend2440: OK, I can not delete if the lock file exists16:25
FougnerRidpojken, you checked the cd from errors and so on?16:25
r3l1cMikeonTV3:  its not in /home/username ?16:26
RidpojkenFougner: Yes..16:26
th0rgajo__p: agreed...nm still isn't ready for prime time, but you can't convince the gods of that16:26
FougnerRidpojken, and you have tried with the "install ubuntu" option?16:26
r3l1cnot all of the unetbootin systems are installable...16:26
RidpojkenFougner: No16:26
SandGorgonbazhang, i have stock 180.44 - it is the .55 variant that i am interested in  - u can check the exact version in system - Admin - ncvidia x server settings16:26
RidpojkenFougner: Maybe i should burn out a cd16:26
r3l1cbut you can still boot into the live cd and burn a cd16:27
FougnerRidpojken, a new one? =)16:27
sonismBB82: can't you just set /etc/network/interfaces to use static ip?16:27
r3l1cyou can unetbootin to an internal hd as well16:27
greghow to check if the graphic driver is installed correctly?16:27
FougnerRidpojken, try the "install ubuntu" option.16:27
RidpojkenFougner: I haven't got one earlier, i've tried to do it over usb. Save the enviroment you know =)16:27
* Ridpojken is getting a CD-r disc16:28
alle1Ubuntu n00b, 8.04, can't LOWER resolution, stuck at 1280x102416:28
r3l1calle1:  have you found displays?16:28
alle1refresh rate out of sync when lowered...16:29
MikeonTV3r3l1c: It is now (odd) Thanks!16:29
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:29
BB82sonism, no, it's much more retarded than that16:29
WIGGMPkI need help accessing my encrypted /home directory from a reinstalled system.. I have a ton of data I need to backup asap.16:29
ReedMacenomasteryoda: ok. tried that. created new user with Admin privileges, logged in as new user, run synaptic manager from menu - exactly same thing as previously - starts then closes16:29
r3l1cMikeonTV3:  yeah ls -a16:29
TheStarLionalright, little issue for you to solve. brother an I have the same (old) laptop, dell latitude c400 with no cd drive. he upgraded his from intrepid to jaunty, and wireless stopped working. I want to upgrade mine, but I also don't want to lose wireless, since both usb port and ethernet port are dead, and if wireless stops... its effectively an elaborate paperweight16:30
r3l1c.mozilla i think16:30
alle1went to system/preferences/screen resolution detects gateway 200 18"16:30
Guest016Hey, im looking to put a already coded php paypal order form into the sidebar of my html page. Is any one up for the job (paid position should be a super quick fix for any one who has php knowledge)16:31
Pirate_Hunteranyone care to help me, i can't ssh into my box even knowing host.allow on the box has the ip address?16:31
=== SickPsyc^ is now known as SickPsyc
sonismBB82: can you explain why?16:31
leaf-sheepGuest016: Not here. Try #ubuntu-offtopic16:32
alle1Ubuntu n00b, 8.04, can't LOWER resolution, stuck at 1280x1024, refresh rate out of sync when lowered...went to system/preferences/screen resolution detects gateway 200 18"16:32
* Ridpojken has started the burning16:33
ubottuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository16:33
BoltClocki just purchased and installed an ati radeon hd4850 card, and now ubuntu is shoved into low gfx mode. system>admin>hardware drivers finds nothing. lspci | grep VGA shows that ubuntu sees the card. how do i install the necessary drivers?16:33
ahzHow can I tell if apt is locked?  It seems /var/lib/dpkg/lock always exists16:34
legend2440ReedMace1: sudo not working correctly for Admin apps?16:34
leaf-sheep!ati | BoltClock16:34
ubottuBoltClock: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:34
TheStarLionahz: try using any command that involves it like sudo apt-get update, and if it works, it's not locked16:34
rz Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price)   whats that mean? only as in price?16:34
TheStarLionrz: you don't have to pay, but the source isn't available16:34
ahzTheStarLion: I need to do it programatically16:34
ttbs_412hello everbody16:35
rzooo ok16:35
Trijntje"sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdf crypty" gives: "Command failed: Can not access device" on ubuntu9.04. Works fine on 8.04, what could be the cause of this? I could find nothing on this online, and i have loaded dm-crypt module16:35
ReedMacelegend2440: sudo works from terminal for Admin apps, just several of them don't work from menu16:35
ahz/var/cache/apt/archives/lock also exists when APT is not running16:35
TheStarLionahz: then start synaptic or adept, and try reloading software repos through that16:35
BoltClockleaf-sheep: does fglrx work with my type of card?16:35
ttbs_412how to install DNS server on ubuntu?16:36
r3l1crz:  right now I am downloading the source for ubuntu 8.04 - now thats free16:36
legend2440ReedMace: can i pm?16:36
richardcavellr3l1c: why?  Are you going to compile it yourself?16:36
leaf-sheepBoltClock: I do not know as I have nvidia.  If you can see the display, then the card is working.  Gotta configure it first, I suppose.16:36
gajo__phow do you enable that keymap change widget in ubuntu/gnome? was a while since i did that16:36
ReedMacelegend2440: yes, but nomasteryoda was helping also16:36
r3l1crichardcavell:  Curiosity, and maybe I will.16:36
richardcavellr3l1c: It might take you a week to compile all of it16:37
gajo__prichardcavell: huh? i doubt it...16:37
rootlinuxusris there a firestarter IRC?16:37
r3l1crichardcavell:  yeah if not longer. if I can do it at all.. but this is more a conversation for the general chat.16:37
quidnuncWhere can I get a list of installed packages available on the Ubuntu live DVD?16:37
rootlinuxusrttbs_412 search synaptic for dns?16:38
alle1Ubuntu n00b, 8.04, can't LOWER resolution, stuck at 1280x1024, refresh rate out of sync when lowered...went to system/preferences/screen resolution detects gateway 200 18"16:38
ttbs_412rootlinuxusr: thanks you, i will do it16:38
richardcavellquidnunc: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ubuntu-desktop16:38
r3l1calle1:  you can change the sync level from Screen resolution. Also google auto reconfigure xorg16:39
TrijntjeAre there known issues with luks on ubuntu 9.04?16:39
riochhi, I've installed linux and I'm about to install window so its dual-boot. However, I'm certain that the grub menu will not show up afterwards because windows will overwrite the mbr, so how can I get it back after?16:39
rootlinuxusrttbs_412: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23609316:39
alle1ok, I will google that...16:40
quidnuncrichardcavell: The live DVD contains all those packages?16:40
richardcavellquidnunc: it fits on a CD, so it's really a live CD16:40
TheStarLionrioch: reinstall grub from cd afterwards16:40
richardcavellquidnunc: and yes it odes16:40
r3l1crioch:  google has tons of information available .... consider running windows from virtualbox in seemless mode16:40
quidnuncrichardcavell: There is a live DVD. I want the list of packages on the live DVD.16:40
alle1But, the refresh rate is stuck at 75, res at 1280/102416:41
richardcavellone that's more than 700 megs?16:41
quidnuncrichardcavell: Yes16:41
alle1no change allowed...16:41
BB82sonism, if you haven't tried in 9.01 then give it a go and see how easy it is16:41
alle1googling other option16:41
r3l1calle1:  hmmm..16:41
TheStarLionquidnunc: the live dvd is more used for alternate languages16:41
nyaaquestion: in terms of say ifconfig, whats the difference between a network and a gateway?16:41
quidnuncTheStarLion: Does it have valgrind and GCC?16:41
r3l1cgateway I believe is your path to the internet16:42
triniumabout virtual maquine with virtualbox, download the virtualbox of the web site, recomend version 3.0216:42
richardcavellquidnunc: is this it? http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ubuntu-standard16:42
r3l1cnetwork would be behind the internet... home work local16:42
TheStarLionquidnunc: not sure on valgrind, but GCC I've always had to download via apt after any install16:42
Ganymede i'm having a bit trouble understanding the output of ip6tables-save -c on my router: i see the line: :OUTPUT ACCEPT [97038005:104874122202] does that mean my router has sent out about 100 gigs of IPv6 traffic? or is that the total of my clients? and also, does that count only openened TCP6/UDP6 connections or also lower level stuff like ICMP6? because if it's really been outputting 100 gigs of IPv6, that's a red flag16:42
ttbs_412rootlinuxusr, my ISP DNS server is slowly, so i want to install a dns server. Is it better for me? :P16:42
FrankQCtrinium: Why not just 'sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose'16:42
triniumgateway is is the port of enlace16:42
FrankQCtrinium: Easier imo16:42
lilliswhere can i access the default gateway service under ubuntu?16:42
lillisassuming there is one16:43
r3l1cttbs_412:  try open dns16:43
lillisthe default firewall service ven16:43
quidnuncTheStarLion: You mean GCC wasn't part of the default packages selected for install or it wasn't available on the DVD?16:43
pkkmI have Gigabyte (http://gigabyte.com.tw) EP45-DS3L motherboard with integrated Intel High Definition Audio (HDA) CA0106 audio chip. I can't find sound drivers for Ubuntu. On Windows everything worked well bacause I received a CD with Windows drivers. Can you help me?16:43
triniumthe virtualbox-ose have limits, i use virtualbox 3.0216:43
wbcHow may I FULLY delete a program, including all configuration files?16:43
rootlinuxusrttbs_412 Iunno Just know how to install and configure it. It might?16:43
wbcVia. apt16:43
FrankQCwbc: Which program16:43
r3l1c<---virtualbox 3.0216:43
quidnuncrichardcavell: I don't know. I'm the one asking.16:43
wbcFrankQC: emesene16:44
TheStarLionquidnunc: not part of the default install, to my knowledge. It *might* be on the dvd, all I know is that the dvd holds all the alternate languages, I'm not certain if that's the only difference16:44
richardcavelldepends if it's called ubuntu standard16:44
FrankQCwbc: sudo apt-get remove emesene -y; sudo apt-get autoremove -y16:44
TheStarLionquidnunc: in any case, why do you need them installed by default, is there a problem of using apt post install to get them?16:44
r3l1capt-get --purge  = I think16:44
wbcFrankQC: Does that removes the conf files too?16:44
triniumvirtualbox 3.02 install is easy with install.deb double click :D16:44
richardcavellthere's ubuntu minimal, ubuntu mid, ubuntu netbook remix, and others16:44
sonismBB82: ahhh.... i see. luckily i didn't yet.... thank you for that precious information, then :D16:44
erUSULwbc: system wide conf files yes; the ones in your home folder you have to remove by hand16:45
FrankQCwbc: That's what autoremove does. It removes all the config files and the 'left overs' of removed programs16:45
quidnuncTheStarLion: Yes. I don't have a partition or extra drive to install it on. I need to run from the live CD.16:45
BoltClockanyone here using an ati radeon hd4850 with their ubuntu hardy?16:45
richardcavellquidnunc: So I'm assuming that your DVD is ubuntu-standard16:45
greghey all16:45
ttbs_412rootlinuxusr, now i think that open dns is better :D16:45
r3l1cFrankQC:  I didn't know it did that for removed I thought it was for extra installation files.. neat16:45
FrankQCwbc: Go in your home folder and type like... "ls -a", then look for ".emesene" (or equiv), then "rm -Rf .emesene -y"16:45
gregcan someone help me setting up/correcting the nvidia (X) driver?16:45
TheStarLionquidnunc: I think you might want to try a USB install that you can install extra packages from, if your computer supports USB booting16:45
quidnuncrichardcavell: Dunno. Are there different ones?16:45
andryhelp led wireless aspire one zg516:45
r3l1cFrankQC:  what is the f and -y for?16:46
quidnuncTheStarLion: The installed packages will persist?16:46
r3l1cf folders16:46
FrankQCr3l1c: -y = yes if it prompts you "are you sure you want to do this?"16:46
wbcFrankQC: May I just use Nautilus and search?16:46
bruenigr3l1c: f is force16:46
triniumandry aspire one is best machine?? i am buy one, recomend please16:46
r3l1coh cool16:46
bruenigFrankQC: -y is not common to all commands just so you know. It really doesn't make any sense for rm -rf16:46
TheStarLionquidnunc: they should do, they did when I had to use a USB install16:46
triniumandry: aspire one is best machine?? i am buy one, recomend please16:46
FrankQCbruenig: I just put it just in case16:46
richardcavellquidnunc: There are many different metapackages (ie remixes)16:46
riochhow do I install just grub from the live cd?16:47
bruenigFrankQC: read also, it literally wont work for rm16:47
richardcavellquidnunc: I don't know which one you have. Presumably you have ubuntu-standard16:47
bruenigFrankQC: you will get an error16:47
FrankQCbruenig: cool16:47
wbcFrankQC: It didn't delete conf files16:47
r3l1crioch:  I will look for you open a PM16:47
alle1R3, could you suggest a linux equivalent of Belarc advisor, so I can get hardware specifics?  This seems like a video driver problem, no? stuck in 1280/1024 75Hz16:47
erUSUL!grub | rioch16:47
ubotturioch: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:47
quidnuncrichardcavell: Many metapackages distributed by Canonical?16:47
wbcFrankQC: It still automatically logs into my accout which means it have my account details saved16:47
richardcavellquidnunc: yes16:47
FrankQCwbc: To delete conf file go in your /home, then do ctrl + h (I think that's the hotkey), then find the .emesene or whatever, delete that folder. Whichever folder with a period and 'emesene' in it.16:48
wbcFrankQC; there is no such thing16:48
FrankQCwbc: There has to be one associated to Emesene16:48
wbcFrankQC: How may I find out what the file is named?16:48
bruenigwbc: it might be in .config where all such folders should actually be16:48
FrankQCwbc: Like if you had Pidgin installed it would be like... .pidgin or .purple16:48
grawityMaybe it saves account settings to gnome-keyring?16:48
quidnuncrichardcavell: Is a list available somewhere of the different variations?16:48
loloi have proplem in apt16:49
loloi have proplem in apt16:49
lolohow i can fix it16:49
gregI'm on Kubuntu 9.04 and have a geforce 9500GTs, when running the Settings>NVIDIA X Server Settings it says "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver, please run nvidia-xconfig as root and restart X" when i do this and restart X server an error comes up "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module[...]Screens found, but none with usable configuration"16:49
wbcFrankQC: When I do search on "emesene" at the home folder I dont get any results16:49
triniumlolo what is your problem with apt?16:49
TheStarLionlolo: what exactly is the problem? We're not psychics16:49
triniumlolo :  what is yout problem with apt?16:49
lolowhen i sudo apt-get install xxxxxxxxxxx16:50
richardcavellquidnunc: at that link I gave you, right hand side at the bottom16:50
quidnuncrichardcavell: Thank you16:50
lolono arsiv16:50
r3l1cyou still out there alle116:50
triniumlolo: ok, runing apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:50
lolono arsiv E: Couldn't find package upgrade16:51
Batou_I have a problem with my squid, its woking but no caching16:51
Batou_who can help me please?16:52
ActionParsnipyo yo yo16:52
ArneyIf I unplug my hard drive (with Ubuntu in it) and plug it into another comp. what will happen if I start up in it on another comp?16:52
ortsvorsteher!details | Batou_16:52
ubottuBatou_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:52
gregI'm on Kubuntu 9.04 and have a geforce 9500GTs, when running the Settings>NVIDIA X Server Settings it says "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver, please run nvidia-xconfig as root and restart X" when i do this and restart X server an error comes up "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module[...]Screens found, but none with usable configuration"16:52
ActionParsnipArney: sure, you may have to restore xorg to defaults but yes it will boot16:52
ActionParsnipgreg: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18016:53
loloi have proplem in apt16:53
loloplz help16:53
gregit is installed, but i'll try reinstall16:53
nyaain networking when you set ip addresses, whats the difference between a network and a gateway?16:53
TheStarLionlolo: you need to be more specific16:53
Batou_ok sorry i have problem with squid and i work with jaunty16:53
grawitynyaa: A gateway is a single computer in that network.16:53
lolo<TheStarLion> when i try to use apt to install aney program i cant16:54
gregright i tried dpkg-reconfigure reboot now16:54
ActionParsnipgreg: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18016:54
Batou_it is working now, but the cache dir empty. the log don't show errors16:54
triniumlolo: not use terminal with synaptic simultaneamente16:54
nyaagrawity so when you are assigning them, how do you give an ip address to a network?
alle1Yes...still here.16:55
ActionParsniplolo: can you please give us a pastebin of: sudo apt-get update16:55
TheStarLionlolo: firstly, make sure you have a working internet connection, then open a terminal (Accessories -> Terminal) and type 'sudo apt-get update' then try installing again16:55
ReedMacelegend2440: brilliant - its fixed, simple as that! Other Admin apps also now working. Thanks very much16:55
ActionParsnip!paste | lolo16:55
ubottulolo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic16:55
legend2440ReedMace: your welcome16:55
loloi try apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:55
ActionParsniplolo: make sure you do not have any other package apps open (like synaptic)16:55
TheStarLionlolo:what was the result from doing that?16:55
ActionParsniplolo: you will need sudo for those16:56
loloE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock16:56
alle1Haven't used IRC in ten years or so...16:56
ActionParsniplolo: do you have synaptic running?16:56
alle1Just trying to keep up...16:56
quidnuncsudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:56
dualWhat tools should I use for automatic backup?16:56
quidnunclolo: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:56
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:56
quidnunclolo: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade16:56
TheStarLionlolo: try rebooting your computer and trying again16:56
Batou_i have check the user for squid and test the standart config, nothing like change the problem16:56
loloi try reboot16:56
ActionParsniplolo: you need sudo to use apt-get, add it to each command16:56
loloim root16:56
ActionParsnip!fixapt | lolo16:57
ubottulolo: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:57
lolowhy use sudo16:57
triniumlolo: sudo bash16:57
quidnunclolo: Are you sure? whoami16:57
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:57
ubottuUsing !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)16:57
ActionParsniplolo: i hope only sudo -i   and not logged in as root and running an irc client16:57
loloyes im sure16:57
Batou_and i have rewrite the cache. i can do anything but the cache is empty16:57
alle1Suggestion on Belarc Advisor/Aida32 equivalent in linux?16:57
ActionParsniplolo: run: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo dpkg --configure -a16:57
erUSUL!info sysinfo16:57
loloi face this proplem when im augrade frome 8.4 to 9.416:58
Pirate_Huntersomeone help me identify why i cant log into my box through ssh?16:58
Batou_who have a idea16:58
ubottusysinfo (source: sysinfo): display computer and system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7-1ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 107 kB, installed size 392 kB16:58
grawityPirate_Hunter:  sudo tail -f /var/log/{auth.log,syslog}   and try reconnecting.16:58
grkblood13im having issues with google.com its not bringing back any results it just reload with the normal google screen16:58
triniumlolo: install jaunty, upgrade of distrubution is a the problem16:59
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: tried sudo apt-get --purge remove openssh-server; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install openssh-server16:59
lolojaunty ??????16:59
alle1ubottu, if that's to me, ty...I will try to identify exact vid card16:59
triniumlolo: jaunty = ubuntu 9.0416:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:59
loloim on it16:59
Batou_nobody like help me :(17:00
ActionParsnipBatou_: whats wrong. i havent seen you state any question17:00
kk_jauntihello, can some one guide me to some pointers on creating a demon for ubuntu.  I want to make that demon auto start at system boot and the it should run under a dedicated user.17:00
puphow do i change the initial ubuntu loading screen and the brown loading-bar?17:00
pupi'm using hardy...17:00
ActionParsnip!theme | pup17:00
ubottupup: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:00
lolo<ActionParsnip> lolo: run: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo dpkg --configure -a17:01
lolosame proplem17:01
alle1Thank you bot.17:01
triniumlolo: run comand tons17:01
Batou_i have write there ActionParsnip17:01
alle1sysinfo wasn't installed...17:01
ActionParsniplolo: try running the commands as you instead of root, ubuntu is designed to be used as users running stuff as sudo17:01
sonismpup: sudo apt-get install startupmanager17:01
rzso google earth crashes my system :*(17:01
triniumlolo: sudo dpkg --configure -a17:01
endeavormacok, i have a toshiba laptop with two ports for external monitors, along with a nvidia graphics card. I'm trying to get Ubuntu to allow me to use both external monitors, but the nvidia X Server Settings tool only sees one. Any ideas? I can do this in windows, but this laptop was my only windows machine and I can't take anymore of it.17:01
alle1installed via terminal and convenient prompt to do so when sysinfo failed...17:01
loloi will reboot17:01
rzcheap video card, with no drivers supported17:01
ActionParsnipBatou_: ok, which cache?17:02
gajo__pwell this is a first, two of my PCs are connected to a switch, they can both reach the internet, but can't seem to ping themselves locally17:02
loloand login as user17:02
lolonot root17:02
ArneyActionParsnip: xorg? how do I reset it. Do I have to reset it before unplugging the HD or after?17:02
Batou_on the harddrive ActionParsnip17:02
triniumlolo: root17:02
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip, i dont want to remove it i want to find out why the box aint allowing ssh, it shouldnt block connection ive removed thing from hosts.deny17:02
^cheekyhi, might sound tarded, but is there a way to type in terminal . and what ever i type will come out through my speakers17:02
rzany ideas for getting this ati 9200 card working correctly? or should i pop it out and run onboard (intel)?17:02
ActionParsnipBatou_: so you mean the hard drive 2mb cache for data transfer?17:02
triniumlolo: sudo bash && sudo dpkg --configure -a17:02
ActionParsniptrinium: sudo -i   is advised17:03
Batou_more ActionParsnip17:03
mvatkiIn bash what is the best way to unzip the contents of a zip to a destination folder?17:03
Fougner^cheeky, what do you mean? a text-to-speech function ?17:03
andryany video chat for ubuntu remix ?17:03
ActionParsnipBatou_: can you give me a concise definition of your issue. i am lost17:03
ActionParsnip^cheeky: espeak17:03
^cheekyFougner, yeah .. like i type hello and my computer will say hello via speakers17:03
triniumActuionParsnip:  sudo -i, is easy with sudo bash17:04
ActionParsnip^cheeky: sure it can, espeak will say anything you want. it can also read out text files for you17:04
ActionParsnip^cheeky: sudo apt-get install espeak17:04
legend2440rz: i had to buy nvidia card because amd stopped support for my ati radeon 9600 and i couldnt get tv out to work with the open source radeon drivers. so good luck17:04
Fougner^cheeky, there is no "default" app in linux for that, but you could google for a text to speech app.. google.com/linux17:04
^cheekyActionParsnip, can i hav a sexy voice read my mails and tell me the eather :P and  look hott17:04
WIGGMPkI need help accessing my encrypted /home directory from a reinstalled system.. I have a ton of data I need to backup asap.17:04
ActionParsnip^cheeky: you need to learn to search your repos before the web if you are talking about installing stuff17:04
mirakhi, I have an issue with alsa, my optical out only works for passtrough ac3, it doesn't work for normal pcm sound. I don't know what's wrong17:04
ActionParsnip^cheeky: my girlfriend is busy ;)17:05
timo1Any one know how i can check if im running 64 bit17:05
alle1sysinfo reports back only "vga compatible controller"17:05
ActionParsniptimo1: uname -a17:05
triniumActionParsnip: sudo bash = sudo -i  :S17:05
=== ring1 is now known as ring0
ActionParsniptimo1: i686 = 32bit. x86_64 = 64bit17:05
andryany video chat for ubuntu remix ?17:05
triniumgood bye, to work17:05
timo1ok 64 bit then17:06
Batou_ActionParsnip ok, the squid don't write data to /var/spool/squid. I have rewrite the cache, change user, change dir, change chmod. ich can do anythink but the squid don't like to write data to cache. And the best joke is all logs and debug don't show an error17:06
doorsmanIs that possible to get from Ubuntu 9.10 to KUbuntu 9.10 (via an upgrade) so it'll remove all the gnome appz and make it only KDE appz ?17:06
^cheekyActionParsnip, strange, i already have it :S17:06
ActionParsnipBatou_: ok, what username is quid running as?17:06
ActionParsnip^cheeky: then off you go17:07
Batou_ActionParsnip is runn as proxy17:07
ActionParsnip^cheeky:   try      espeak "this is a test"17:07
ActionParsnipBatou_: i know what it is, but what username is running the app, try:  ps -ef | grep quid17:07
ActionParsnipBatou_: you will see a username, or user id number17:08
^cheekyActionParsnip, ewwwww, she definitely needs a better voice :P default !good :P17:08
ActionParsnip^cheeky: check the man page, you can tweak it as you like17:08
^cheekyActionParsnip, thank u thank u :)17:09
Josh1981My Ubuntu installer always freezes at 68%, known ssue??17:10
dAnonis it even possible to get flash to work without lagging?17:10
nztalanyone use a modem with fax capability along with a scanner & xsane so you can send faxes, from a scanner/xsane ?17:10
ActionParsnipJosh1981: did you md5 check the iso, did you verify the cd once booted to?17:10
Josh1981I kep re-downloading it, but the md5 NEVER matches17:12
Batou_sorry ActionParsnip17:12
ActionParsnipnztal: there may be a fax appp that uses the x=sane stuff and wil allow you to fax17:12
torrentow\join #ubuntu-pl17:12
^cheekylol, i tried reading a pdf ,,,think its reading 000 and 6  32 .. lol17:12
alle1allen: sysinfo now installed, only reports "vga compatible controller", my issue is stuck at 1280/1024 75Hz refresh rate...allows me to change res, but when it does, it goes crazy vert/horiz,17:12
ActionParsnip^cheeky: i dont think its that smart17:12
Josh1981I have tried d/l ing the i386 ver as well as the 64 bit. i am tryig to install to an amd athlong 64 x217:13
TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?17:13
ActionParsnipalle1: what does lspci | grep -i vga say17:13
ActionParsnipJosh1981: if the md5 doesnt match, you must redownload17:13
Batou_ActionParsnip i have two users for squid17:13
nztalActionParsnip, is that done through a fax modem do you know ?  i've no idea what fax modem might work on a modern day desktop.  i would however like fax capability on my ubuntu box, and i was just given a working scanner17:14
ActionParsnipBatou_: we just need the username the app is running as17:14
ActionParsnipnztal: not sure. i'm sure one will exist somewhere17:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fax17:14
Josh1981I am installing to a blank 1 TB hdd brand new17:14
johnliuhello,good boy and girl,could I please ask you how can I broadcast my DVD under ubuntu sistym?17:14
dAnonis it even possible to get flash to work without lagging?17:15
Batou_ActionParsnip i think it runn as proxy17:15
ActionParsnipnztal: apt-cache search fax | less    will get you started17:15
ActionParsnipBatou_: then that user name must have write access to the log folder, either by owning the folder or being in the group owner, either will be fine as long as that thing (owner or group) has full access17:16
=== SickPsyc^ is now known as SickPsyc
ActionParsnipJosh1981: it could be fresh out of the factory, it doesnt matter17:16
m0smithhi all17:16
ActionParsnipJosh1981: if the installation media is bad then the install will be bad17:16
Josh1981IS it easier to d/l via their page or on bittorrent17:17
TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?17:17
m0smithI am trying to do a usb install on a 16gb drive but i doesn't seem to work.  is there a size limit?17:17
Batou_ActionParsnip the user proxy have access, squid write to logs17:17
ActionParsnipJosh1981: both are equally easy, you click download then wait. the torrent protool has error checking extra to TCP so can be beneficial17:17
johnliuIs there anyone chinese?17:17
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:17
pupstartup manager seems to be unstable. is it ok to use?17:17
ActionParsnipTheStarLion: if you have to compile drivers for the wifi you will need to grab that before upgrading. jumping up a release will mean you get a new kernel which will need  a new driver module17:19
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TheStarLionActionParsnip: No, I have the drivers, though I have to use ndiswrapper to use them17:19
c3oany body know the emulator17:19
c3oon ubuntu17:19
c3oalse wine17:19
c3oalse wine17:20
ActionParsnipTheStarLion: then get the windows driver files ready on your disk somewhere, just incase17:20
c3oany body know the emulator for ubuntu ? else wine17:20
ActionParsnipc3o: you can use wine, it is not an emulator (hence its name)17:20
Batou_ActionParsnip with witch tool can i see all users and there config?17:20
ActionParsnipc3o: websearch for   wine reop  and use the wine from the wine repository17:20
sergec3o: VirtualBox17:20
TheStarLionActionParsnip: I tried that for my brother's laptop when he wanted it upgraded from intrepid to jaunty, ndiswrapper on his jaunty says it can't see the hardware after being given the drivers, and cannot connect by wireless, he's using the same wirelss pci card as me17:21
ActionParsnipc3o: if you use virtualbox you will need a windows license as well as the install media to install a full blown windows OS.17:22
Josh1981and does the md5sum file have to be from them, or any will do?17:22
nsahoowhere can I get some dual monitor wallpapers with ubuntu theme?17:22
c3owhat mean17:22
sergec3o: http://www.virtualbox.org/17:22
ActionParsnipJosh1981: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes17:22
c3oare' if am used a virtualbox am can play windows game17:23
c3oam love ubuntu17:23
c3obut am hate ubuntu17:23
c3obecause am can't play game17:23
ActionParsnipc3o: virtualbox will allow yuo to run an OS inside a host OS, like vm ware. You will need a valid OS to install which my include licensing if you use proprietary one17:23
c3oany body can help me17:23
sergec3o: for games use wine17:23
ActionParsnipc3o: what game?17:23
Josh1981those hashes are current? hose are thones I have been using17:23
c3oam need plya resident evil17:24
Batou_ActionParsnip witch command can i see all users ?17:24
ActionParsnipc3o: which resident evil? there are many17:24
dAnonis it even possible to get flash to work without lagging?17:25
ActionParsnipBatou_: I sugest you head into user config17:25
ActionParsnipc3o: resident evil bihevor doesnt even show up in google17:25
ActionParsnipdAnon: if you run 64bit ubuntu, try the 64bit flash17:26
ActionParsnipdAnon: flash is quite cpu intensive17:26
c3ooke actionparsnip17:26
c3othis the link of the game17:27
dAnonActionParsnip I am running 32 bit ubuntu on a 64bit athlon x217:27
FloodBot3c3o: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:27
c3ooke sori17:27
andrykopete in aspire one ubuntu remix working ?17:27
ActionParsnipc3o: is it 4 or 517:27
dAnonis that much of a problem?17:27
ActionParsnipc3o: why didnt you just say that when i asked17:28
ActionParsnipdAnon: should be fine17:28
WIGGMPkI need help accessing my encrypted /home directory from a reinstalled system.. I have a ton of data I need to backup asap.17:28
ActionParsnipc3o: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=464017:28
c3oam will try to open it actionparsnip17:29
ActionParsnipc3o: it runs great, you just gotta play with wine a bit to get it going17:29
dAnonActionParsnip I tried both nonfree flash and the official adobe one17:29
c3obut am a new user for ubuntu / linux17:29
c3ob 4 am used wind**s17:29
KelenHow to get detail info the usb driver.17:29
smuggis it possible to install ubuntus bootloader on a raid0 drive?17:29
ActionParsnipc3o: everyone says that dude. i hear it daily. you will learn as you play17:29
dAnonActionParsnip official adobe flash plugin seems to work better, but still laggy17:29
c3othanks borhter...17:30
ActionParsnipdAnon: give it a lower nice value17:30
ActionParsnipdAnon: like -517:30
jdudeanyone familiar with ubuntu as a router? bridging interfaces specifically17:30
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:30
c3ohow i install adobe raider on ubuntu17:31
jdudei have it setup, but i still can't get inet through the bridge17:31
c3ohow i install adobe photoshop on ubuntu17:31
jdudethe dhcp server is functioning properly i believe17:31
dAnonActionParsnip what value do you mean?17:31
c3ohow i install all codex on ubuntu17:31
c3othanks b 417:31
dAnonc3o doesn't ubuntu come with most of the codecs out of the box?17:32
Dulak!medibuntu | c3o17:32
ubottuc3o: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org17:32
jdudedAnon, what kind of codecs?17:32
ActionParsnipdAnon: look into nice values, lower nice value = more cpu. 0 is default, lowest is -20 (not advised as it will starve the remaining system) and the highest is +20 where it gets nearly ignored by the scheduler)17:32
c3omy ubuntu allway restart if am used until 4 menit for look picture17:33
jdudeanyone familiar with bridging network interfaces?17:33
Kelenc3o: it's counldn't installed on ubuntu. it's all only can be installed on windows and OS. i guess.17:33
c3oany solustion for it17:33
ActionParsnipdAnon: no, most are restricted so for legal reasons cannot be on the install disk17:33
jdudec3o, vmware?17:33
Kelenc3o: you can use wine with them..17:33
r3l1cI install the packages audio workstations under taskel, how can I remove all those packages? Jack audio never worked17:34
sergesudo apt-get remove --purge package_name17:34
r3l1cserge there are like fifty programs17:34
r3l1ctaskel installed them all in one shot. I would like for taskel to remove them in one shot17:35
sergedpkg -l package_name will show you all installed pakages17:35
sergethen just remove them17:35
Dulakr3l1c: you can use aptitude to tag them all for purge and have it do it in one shot17:35
erUSULc3o: install ubuntu-resticted-extras17:35
OttifantSirHas anyone used the ebox platform? My question is: Do I need to install Ubuntu 8.04 Server before installing ebox?17:35
c3ofor what erUSUL17:36
erUSULc3o: 18:31 < c3o> how i install all codex on ubuntu <<<<<17:36
c3othanks brother...17:36
r3l1cso there isn't a way to do it in synaptic even though synaptic installed them --- I know how remove packages from CLI, I am just wondering17:36
c3oc3o@c3o-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-resticted-extras17:37
c3o[sudo] password for c3o:17:37
c3oReading package lists... Done17:37
c3oBuilding dependency tree17:37
c3oReading state information... Done17:37
FloodBot3c3o: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:37
raulhola como estan17:37
raultengo un problema con ubuntu17:37
raulno se psi  pueden ayudarme17:37
raulse trata17:38
erUSUL!es | raul17:38
ubotturaul: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:38
c3oenglish spk plese for raul17:38
raulde uqe no puedo en contrar17:38
owen1how to login from console instead of gdm? is the only way is uninstall gdm?17:38
ActionParsnip!info ubuntu-resticted-extras17:38
ubottuPackage ubuntu-resticted-extras does not exist in jaunty17:38
raulla secion17:38
r3l1cthe complete package is called ubuntustudio-data17:38
TheStarLion!info ubuntu-restricted-extras17:38
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 31 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB17:38
Dulakowen1: ctrl-alt-f1 should get you to the console17:39
jdudesomeone has to know about bridging network interfaces17:39
Batou_ActionParsnip i can't find a failure on the user proxy17:39
c3oany body know how to make proxy17:39
suppermannowen1, press ctrl+alt+[1-7]17:39
TheStarLionBatou_: ActionParsnip just left17:39
owen1suppermann: Dulak: but after reboot it shows gdm17:39
c3oand any body know how to make webserver local, but am can accest it from internet any whare17:39
Batou_ok thanks TheStartLion17:39
Dulakowen1: if you don't want gdm you can disable it from starting at boot17:39
owen1Dulak: can u eraborate?17:40
Batou_and who can help me TheStartLion17:40
r3l1cc3o sudo apt-get install apache2 - then you have to port forward your router17:40
jdudec3o, use squid for proxy17:40
Dulakowen1: install the program sysvconfig: sudo apt-get install sysvconfig  then run: sudo sysvconfig and it will let you disable gdm at boot17:40
TheStarLionBatou_ I'm not sure, anyone who can follow your problem17:40
c3ocan you tell step by step brother...17:40
c3obecause am new for linux17:41
owen1Dulak: awesome. thank you!17:41
suppermannwhen i start this computer with ubuntu 7.04, it doesn't automatically connect to the wired network. As i'm going to use this box without head and trhu network, i really want it to connect automatically. What to do?17:41
Batou_TheStartLion OK :(17:41
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:42
suppermannjdude, that's not what i want17:42
wbcI just perm deleted my Documents folder, is it possible to rescue the files?17:43
suppermannhow do I make my computer automatically connect to the wired network?17:45
jdudesuppermann, that was for me, dude17:45
suppermannjdude, sorry.17:45
jdudei'm trying to fix my bridged interfaces and needed the link again17:45
jdudewhat are you trying to do?17:46
hhh2hi i need a repository for ubuntu hardy17:46
jdudedo you have a DHCP server on your network?17:46
TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?17:46
jdudeit should all autoconf17:46
hhh2hi i need a repository for ubuntu hardy for audacios 2.117:46
neutrinomassHi. With older versions of Ubuntu my laptop's onboard sound card's middle port was recognised as a line out and worked as such. Now it shows as a line in. I have unfortunately rendered my headphone jack useless and I would like to revert back to the old behaviour. Any ideas on how this can be done? Thanks in advance17:46
jdudeTheStarLion, try to fix the wireless, figure out what chipset it is and see if it's supported or if there's a driver... google17:47
suppermannjdude, yes. It works fine, but every time i login i have to click "connect to wired network"17:47
c3ohow to play obably - it's a default)17:47
c3ohow to shronghold17:47
c3oon ubuntu?17:47
TheStarLionjdude: the only driver I've found for it is the windows one, I use ndiswrapper for that. It worked in intrepid without any issues, but in jaunty it says it can't see the hardware, and cant connect to any wireless except unsecured, of which there aren't any I use17:47
Agat0nHey y'all17:48
hhh2 i need a repository for xubuntu hardy for audacios 2.117:48
Agat0nHow "dangerous" is it to remove the sudo and always run as root?17:48
jdudesuppermann, maybe have a login script that forces it up? ifconfig17:48
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jdudeAgat0n, advisable only if you're a smart admin17:49
suppermannjdude, how do i do that?17:49
hhh2 i need a repository for xubuntu hardy for audacios 2.1 ,or tell me where find a .deb package17:49
nyaasuppermann this is in jaunty right?17:49
suppermannnyaa, it's 7.0417:49
Agat0njdude, aight thx17:49
jdudesuppermann, maybe try /etc/profile ? a zillion ways17:50
Agat0nWhat irc client do you lot recomend for ubuntu?17:50
jdudesuppermann, using ifconfig, you might be able to force it on with a dhcp query or something17:50
arandAgat0n: Well, that's pretty much all of ubuntu's security stripped away, only thing you have left is the "no one hacks linux"-safety, which is rather flaky...)17:50
jdudeAgat0n, i use xchat i guess mostly17:50
jdudearand, why i'd only recommend it to a pro17:50
th0rAgat0n: xchat....not xchat-gnome17:50
nadjavoxhi all....i have an ongoing problem with my screen flashing sometimes to the point that the computer isn't usable.17:50
nyaasuppermann oh my... still in the network connections icon in the upper right there should be a way to edit connections.  From there you should have a way to examine the wired connection, and a check box or something for it to connect automatically, right?17:50
jdudeyeah, regular xchat17:51
hhh2What  music player and modules player do you lot reccomend for ubuntu?17:51
OttifantSirAgat0n: Not even hardened Linux "geeks" run as root all the time, simply because you might do something wrong ONCE, and it MIGHT crash your entire system.17:51
Agat0nth0r, i'll try that17:51
jdudehhh2, vlc17:51
Agat0nLostIRC is so ugly.17:51
jdudeOttifantSir, you're correct... better know what you're doing!17:51
jdudei have gotta fix this bridging ics shiz, i'll bbl17:51
suppermannnyaa, no, there's only a checkbox that says enable roaming mode which does not work17:51
hhh2 i need a repository for xubuntu hardy for audacios 2.1 ,or tell me where find a .deb package17:52
th0rhhh2: have you tried packages.ubuntu.com17:52
arandOttifantSir: a lot prbably does, also, some distros do, take systemrescuecd or puppy linux for example...17:52
TheStarLionhhh2: if there isn't one, you might be able to use an intrepid .deb for it, but you might also run into issues17:52
CrazyguyOttifantSir, and it will because it assumes you know what you're doing17:53
hhh2th0r, yes17:53
MindLesshi there guys17:54
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TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?17:54
gbear14275I recently was trying to get xen working on my laptop and ran into some nvidia driver xorg issues.  In trying to resolve these I uninstalled and then reinstalled all my nvidia packages.  I noticed withing the "hardware drivers" control panel though that there are no longer any nvidia drivers listed.  Is there a way to repopulate this list?  or did I miss a package to re-install?17:54
OttifantSirarand: systemrescuecd I can understand running as root. And still, my statement stays correct for it: You don't run it as an all-time OS, so you don't run as root all the time. I know nothing of puppy linux, except that it's supposed to be small.17:54
x88xAnyone tried the new version of wine yet?17:55
KebaI am using geany, and I have successfully programmed an avr microcontroller with avrdude, using a hex file I compiled with geany. Is there a way to automatically program the avr so I don't need to write the command in terminal?17:55
OttifantSirCrazyguy: I don't understand your statement there. Will the system run as root if you set it to do it? Of course. Does that mean that you know what you're doing? Not necessarily.17:56
neutrinomassHi. With newer versions of Ubuntu my line out is recognised as a line in. Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks.17:56
x88xanyone tried Wine 1.1.26?17:56
CrazyguyOttifantSir, I meant that if you do something "wrong", it _will_ break the system17:57
MindLesscan anyone help me about beep , i cant get any sound from bee command :(17:57
hermanobig linux???17:57
hermanochanel big linux?17:58
TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?17:58
OttifantSirCrazyguy: OK, a little slow today, but I think I know where you were going with it.17:58
nyaasuppermann I'm dumbfounded.  Have you tried just making a new eth0 connection in network manager, and naming it AUTO eth0 (if thats possible?  grasping for straws =/)17:58
hermanoqual canal do big linux?17:58
OttifantSirHas anyone used the ebox platform? My question is: Do I need to install Ubuntu 8.04 Server before installing ebox?17:58
x88xAnyone know if it is possible to upgrade to the latest version of wine while staying within the confines of the package manager?  (Ubuntu 8.04 | wine 1.1.26)17:59
ScottG490How can I check to see if something is mounted? (for a script)17:59
nyaax88x the package manager will only go up so far, they won't do an untested version, you have to go outside of the package manager to do this.  However you can still download a .deb and use something like gdebi to install it without any hassle if that is your goal18:00
x88xOr, would it be prudent to do incrimental upgrades to 9.04?  And then if I were to do that, would I have access to wine 1.1.26?18:00
th0rScottG490: mount18:00
ScottG490th0r: How can I use that to check though?18:00
x88xnyaa: Well, yes, would like to try it out.18:01
TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?18:01
th0rScottG490: if you are looking to do it all automatically in a script...try #bash18:01
nyaax88x if you're using ubuntu I'd definitely recommend downloading a .deb of the newer version and installing it with gdebi, it makes it fairly easy18:01
x88xnyaa: I'm interested in getting wizard101 on this PC for my grandkids - when they come over.18:01
nyaaaaah  =)18:02
x88xnyaa: Sould I uninstall the current wine-0.9.59  first?18:02
nyaax88x probably so, you could install over it but its just a bad habit overall from my experience18:03
x88xnyaa: Or just go ahead and use gdebi to install 1.1.26...?18:03
nyaax88x I'd uninstall the package version you have now to be safe18:03
x88xnyaa: Ok, that's what I thought, I'll just uninstall wine first.18:03
nyaaalso though18:03
nyaax88x have you tried wizard101 in your current wine?18:03
x88xnyaa: Ok, sounds like good advice.18:04
nyaax88x it doesn't say it won't work, it just says its as yet untested18:04
x88xnyaa: No, I haven't tried it yet.18:04
x88xnyaa: I suppose I should try it first.../?18:04
nyaax88x its your call, but thats what I would do18:04
nadjavoxcan anyone help troubleshoot a video problem?18:04
TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?18:04
nyaax88x I would try it, then if it has a failing point, uninstall and use gdebi on the .deb of the newer version18:05
x88xnyaa: You'd try running wizard101 with current version of wine first?18:05
nyaax88x yes, I wouldn't really be surprised it it works.18:05
maxagazcould someone help me to get the file xc3028-v27.fw.tar.bz2 at http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?s=8e33f4eeddd7ae466b2f1e1562d9d915&attachmentid=82736&d=1219665844, i registered, but the access is still refused to me for some reason18:05
x88xnyaa: Ok, sounds like a plan.18:05
x88xnyaa:  I've heard it does work18:05
Keba I am using geany, and I have successfully programmed an avr microcontroller with avrdude, using a hex file I compiled with geany. Is there a way to automatically program the avr so I don't need to write the command in terminal?18:06
behappyHi ,  is it possible to see the symblic link file content (not target content) ?18:06
DekkoIs there any tool out there to visually edit GTK2.0 themes?18:06
OttifantSirx88x: If you want Synaptic to get the latest version for you, go to this site: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb and follow the instructions. This adds the Wine-repository to Synaptic, and will get the latest version. It is not a supported repository, though, so do what you feel is best.18:06
nyaax88x I once had an issue with a newer wine beyond the repos (really I had gone into experimental repos)  that ended up maknig a game I played at the time close in a C++ error every time, so while wine has been very good overall, I find it better to be safe18:07
suppermannhow do i add e1000 to /etc/modules?18:07
x88xnyaa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXIIQQyS36018:07
nyaasuppermann what exactly is e1000?  is it a completed file?18:07
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:08
x88xOttifantSir: Ok, thanks for info.18:08
suppermannnyaa, i dont know, actually. it's a suggestion i saw on a site to solve my network problems18:08
ruhaanhow do i set vlc as the default player in ubuntu?18:08
rzcan anyone recommend a good low profile video card that works excellent with ubuntu18:08
rzany video I run crashes my pc18:08
oldude67suppermann, e1000 is intels ethernet connect it also has e100 as well.18:09
TheStarLionruhaan: go into the properties for a file you want to be opened by default with vlc, and on one of the tabs it'll allow you to select the default app18:09
nyaasuppermann I would first find out what it is.  if its something to be added to an existing file in /etc/modules, thats one thing, but if its an actual module, then you have to download that module from somewhere, or find it18:09
ruhaanTheStarLion: isnt there a way to set it for all media?18:09
TheStarLionruhaan: there might be, but that's the only way I know of so far18:09
oldude67suppermann, i use to have to blacklist it to get my e100 to work.18:09
suppermannoldude67, i really dont know what i am doing18:10
jethro85how can i get the correct flash player for amd64?18:10
dAnonjethro85 I am having exact same problem, are you experiencing sloppy performance of flash?18:11
jethro85i cant get flash to install18:11
dAnonjethro85 it's easy18:11
nyaasuppermann there's a file that has things that are blacklisted, if you can find it, you can just tell it to blacklist the thing thats blocking it from working18:12
jethro85the one from flash website wont install it says its for x8618:12
oldude67suppermann, dmesg and see if it says which eth0 you are using18:12
Ardinso, quick question. last time i installed 9.04b, and the closed source drivers from ATI wouldnt work. anyone running them and can confirm they're working?18:12
jethro85they still wont work ardin18:12
shaullxi installed ubuntu jaunty with wubi and i want to reformat my windows7 RC1to 7600 will it remove my ubuntu? (its in a dif drive)18:12
jethro85im stuck in 8.1018:13
nyaasuppermann usually the blacklist files are in /etc/modprobe.d     somewhere18:13
jethro85is there a 64 bit version of flash player in the repositories?18:13
dAnonjethro85 just download a tar.gz package then extract it somewhere, then copy it to your /usr/lib/opera/plugins or firefox or whatever you use18:13
Ardinjethro85: thanks. guess ati hasnt rewrote them for the new xorg? gay.18:13
suppermannoldude67, it prints: [   71.418354] eth0: RealTek RTL-8029 found at 0x2040, IRQ 11, 00:80:AD:41:BC:A9.... and also no ipv6 routers present a couple of times18:14
jethro85ardin i read something about a fix but i didnt understand it because i am very new to linux18:14
jethro85thank you danon i am going to try that right now18:14
Ardinjethro85: i'm not, however, i dont want to futz around with it for hours like last time.18:14
oldude67suppermann,then you are using a realtec ethernet card not a e1000 or e10018:14
dAnonjethro85 32bit version should work fine I believe18:15
TheStarLionshaullx: if ubuntu is installed on the same drive, you'll lose it, best to make a backup of your data in it first18:15
KebaUsing geany and avr-gcc, I have managed to compile a hex file, that I have manually programmed onto my microcontroller using avrdude in the terminal. I would like to have geany program my microcontroller with the push of a button, so I don't have to use the terminal, how can this be done?18:15
suppermannoldude67, ok. My problem is that this computer does not automatically connect to the wired network.18:15
dAnonjethro85 I myself use 32bit ubuntu on 64bit athlon x218:15
shaullxTheStarLion i already said ubuntu is in a dif drive18:15
jethro85i am using 64 bit on athlon 6418:15
shaullxbut i installed with wubi18:16
shaullxso its like part of windows18:16
TheStarLionshaullx: then you'll need to make a note of the entry in the boot record that allows you to boot into Ubuntu when you start up, and then after you reinstall, re-add it to the boot record again18:16
shaullxok tnx18:16
dAnonjethro85 did you try some games and stuff? how is the performance?18:16
Gattobusco enlace a ubuntu.es18:17
nyaasuppermann is this an ethernet connection, or a usb connection?18:17
suppermannnyaa, ethernet18:17
jethro85i found an install for 64 bit i am trying it now18:18
Gattohola !!!18:19
oldude67!hi | gatto18:20
ubottugatto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:20
Gattoalguien me pasa el enlace a ubuntu.es18:20
oldude67!es | gatto18:20
ubottugatto: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:20
Gattogracias !!!!!!!!!!!18:20
nyaasuppermann you still there/in the middle of trying something?18:21
TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?18:21
GilJIf I have a portable HDD connected, how do I safely disconect it? When I do "unmount" from the right click menu they ask me to "Remove the trash" or something...18:22
[R]GilJ: "or something"?18:23
[R]GilJ: you can disconnect it once you've fully unmounted it18:23
nyaaGilJ try opening it then doing ctrl h to see hidden files18:23
GilJ[R]: Don't bother, already found what it was :/ had something that I deleted and I needed to remove it from my trashbin before I could unmount it18:24
GilJ[R], nyaa Thanks for helping:)18:24
dAnonadobe are bastards, how can you ignore amd6418:25
nyaaI guess suppermann headed out =/18:25
TheStarLionlittle problem I'm having... every time I've updated from intrepid to jaunty, the wireless stops working. I want to upgrade my laptop to jaunty, but with a dead ethernet and usb port, I don't want to lose wireless either. Anyone know a way that's sure to work?18:25
[R]dAnon: huh?18:26
nyaaTheStarLion what wireless card do you have?18:26
TheStarLionnyaa: it's a netgear wg511, using the wg511v2 windows drivers via ndiswrapper18:26
nyaathestarlion is that usb?18:27
TheStarLionnyaa: no, it's a pci card18:27
[R]TheStarLion: at what point does it stop working?18:27
TheStarLionnyaa: it works fine in intrepid, but in Jaunty, ndiswrapper says it can't see the hardware, and won't connect to any secured network18:27
TheStarLion[R]: as said to nyaa, it's fine until after an upgrade to Jaunty18:28
[R]and you are stting up ndiswrapper exactly the same?18:28
TheStarLion[R]: yes, using the same driver and everything18:28
[R]well ndiswrapper is crap... so no clue18:29
c3owho i can install font18:29
alec868i have 4 ubuntu computers at home and im trying to figure out the best/easiest/fastest way to share files among them all. can any one help18:29
c3oon my ubuntu18:29
TheStarLion[R]: I thought it was a problem with ndiswrapper, so reverted the the Intrepid one, which solved the 'unable to see if hardware is present' but didn't solve the problem with connecting to secure wireless networks18:29
c3oam have download all font from www.dafont.com18:29
c3ocan help me for install it step by step18:30
[R]alec868: nfs18:30
nyaaTheStarLion, beginning of second page or end of first page has a solution that may work for you sir  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=664380&page=218:30
TheStarLionc3o: copy them to the .fonts folder in your home folder, restart, and they'll be available18:30
vikbHow to Samba to Ubuntu systems?18:30
TheStarLionnyaa: thanks, I'll have a read18:30
c3owhat command on terminal18:30
[R]vikb: is it really that hard to type 'ubuntu samba' into google?18:31
vprmhow do i get/install the Realtek RTL8185 for ubuntu-9.04??can i use synaptic??18:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:31
TheStarLionc3o: no command, just open the .fonts folder that's in your home folder, and copy and paste them in18:31
vikbI have a laptop and a desktop ...both  running ubuntu .... How do I share files ?18:31
[R]vprm: what is the driver called?18:31
vikbI followed the samba file sharing video from youtube for Jaunty18:31
outbackwifi!info sshfs18:31
c3oam have copy paste it18:31
c3oso what next18:31
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-1 (jaunty), package size 39 kB, installed size 148 kB18:32
TheStarLionc30: restart the computer, and after that they'll be available for use18:32
[R]vikb: if both computers are linux... you shodu'nt be using samba18:32
gastonlagafhello. Is there a specialist of cryptsetup and lvm here?18:32
outbackwifi!info sshfs | vikb18:32
ubottuvikb: sshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1-1 (jaunty), package size 39 kB, installed size 148 kB18:32
SmackTalkmindless is your ubuntu machine local or are you remoting into it?18:32
TemptempHow does one uninstall Ubuntu and replace it with xbunubtu?18:32
[R]Temptemp: you don't... yo just install xubuntu ontop of it18:32
* outbackwifi wonders whats xbunubtu18:32
alazyworkaholicI want to try out netbooting to install linux on a machine. How do I get started? What software do I need on the server, which is a vanilla ubuntu install right now?18:32
vikbOh sorry I thought samba was the common file sharing18:32
vprm[R]-> i think it call rtl8185_linux_26.1030.0625.2009.release.18:32
[R]vprm: you think?18:33
outbackwifi!netboot | alazyworkaholic18:33
ubottualazyworkaholic: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:33
TheWheathey guys i'm running Ubuntu netbook remix on my acer aspire one. anybody know how to force resolution to 1024x768 with panning options?18:33
Entelinwhat is the first script that is run after a successful login from gdm?  what I would like to do is delete everything in the users home dir, and then decompress a tar backup into it.  in that way all changes a user makes while logged in will be erased.18:34
outbackwifiTheWheat: if it isnt in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution it aint possible18:34
syvahey, im trying to add a new bootable partition to grub, is there a command to display the hd(x,y) stuff for drives/partitions18:34
outbackwifiEntelin: .bashrc18:34
[R]syva: display the stuff?18:35
syvaso i know i have got the correct values18:35
|thunderIs there a way to force an oss application to use alsa ? I can only use one sound app at a time with /dev/oss18:35
Entelinill try it, are you sure bash gets run at gdm login?18:35
vikbI installed sshfs... How do I communicate with my other Ubuntu PC18:35
[R]syva: when you are booting in grub, hit c and then you can get to the grub command line and use tab completion to figure out what you want18:35
OttifantSirHas anyone used the ebox platform? My question is: Do I need to install Ubuntu 8.04 Server before installing ebox?18:35
Entelinill brb i'll go try it with bashrc18:35
syva[R], okay ill give that a go18:35
syvabut its not possible from within ubuntu itself18:35
[R]vikb: well you could try making an effort and read the documenation18:36
TheWheatoutbackwifi: even with xorg.conf edits it's not possible? i know with external monitors i had to do some xrandr configuration and xorg.conf editing to show 1280x1024 when System > Pref > Screen resolution only showed 1024x768 as max18:36
syvafor example each of the partitions is already mounted in /media. is there no command to show the mapping18:36
oldude67syva try fdisk -l\18:36
outbackwifiEntelin: cant say18:36
[R]syva: well you can run grub from the command line18:36
[R]syva: but sometimes it doesnt retunr the same results18:36
vprm[R]-> that what i have on my win xp . but how do use with with  synaptic??18:36
outbackwifiTheWheat: do you mean a virtual screen? yes you could18:36
schristiedoes anyone know how to configure the touchpad on a dell mini 10?18:36
[R]vprm: 1, stop putting ->... it screw up my nick detection... 2... what?18:37
outbackwifivikb: you can add it in places18:37
[R]schristie: gsynaptics?18:37
KebaUsing geany and avr-gcc, I have managed to compile a hex file, that I have manually programmed onto my microcontroller using avrdude in the terminal. I would like to have geany program my microcontroller with the push of a button, so I don't have to use the terminal, how can this be done?18:37
TheWheatoutbackwifi: yeah virtual screen. that would work with just the single display too right?18:38
outbackwifivikb: you can add it in Places - Connect to Server --> Select SSH18:38
outbackwifiTheWheat: yes it would but i havent seen it in Ubuntu for a long time though. It comes up when I add an external monitor to my laptop18:38
schristie[R], I can try that again, but last time I couldn't convince it that I had enabled SHMConfig. Are there any alternatives?18:38
[R]schristie: you're using 9.04? i never had to do anything special18:39
schristie[R], you mean installing from the package just worked?18:39
TheWheatoutbackwifi: thanks. will give it a go =)18:39
outbackwifiTheWheat: yw let us know if it worked ;)18:40
[R]schristie: yup18:40
Entelinoutbackwifi, .bashrc is not run at gdm login18:40
vprm[R]: 1) is this better?? 2) can i use synaptic to find and install realtek rtl8185 into my ubuntu 9.04 or do i have to load,unzip , make ....18:40
outbackwifiEntelin: i stand corrected18:40
Vonoffby any chance any of the globalmenu devs around?18:40
felixsullaAnyone know of a guide to install VNC (Client) on Ubuntu?18:40
schristie[R], interesting. I had originally tried that on 9.04, and it didn't work. I've since upgraded to karmic alpha 2 for stability reasons18:40
[R]vprm: first of all... it doesn't "just work"? there is nothing listed under the "hardware drivers" menu?18:40
schristienever would have thought that an alpha would be *more* stable than a release, but it is18:41
[R]vprm: and waht versino of ubuntu do you have installed?18:41
hDyya sudo apt-get install xtightvncviewer18:41
outbackwififelixsulla: its already there by default18:42
hDyor just use vinagre18:42
felixsullaoutbackwifi: I can't select "VNC" under the TErminal Server Client?18:42
vprm[R]: i'm running Ubuntu-9.04 desktop i386...18:42
outbackwififelixsulla: in Internet-->Remote Desktop Viewer18:42
rzcan anyone recommend a good low profile video card that works excellent with ubuntu18:43
[R]rz: pretty much anything will work18:43
rzyea but my current card doesnt18:43
[R]what is your current card?18:43
outbackwifi!hcl | rz18:43
ubotturz: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:43
progre55hi people! I have apt-get installed compiz, but when I switch to the panel system>pref>apprearance>visualeffects, it says compiz is not istalled. can someone help me out please, cause the #compiz guys are all sleeping :)18:44
nztaldoes anyone know if a bluetooth 1.1 is adequate for apple wireless aluminum keyboard ?  i keep losing the pairing after every reboot in jaunty18:44
Vonoffdoes anyone know how i can manually import a gconf scheme when i hav the scheme file?18:44
felixsullaoutbackwifi: I can't select VNC under protocl, is there a package I need to install?18:45
rzsee my ATI card shows up on that list.....18:45
rzits an ATI 920018:45
[R]rz: well what do you mean it "doesnt work"18:45
outbackwififelixsulla: vino is the viewer18:45
outbackwififelixsulla: i also have VNC in the terminal server client protocol dropdown18:46
rzI cant run dual video (expanded), video seems to make the entire PC crash, google earth crashes once the earth starts to rotate18:46
felixsullaI do to, but I cant select it :/18:47
rzplus im not getting my full resolution18:47
[R]rz: sounds like a config issue18:47
[R]rz: but you'll probably have better luck with an nvidia18:47
Arneywhats the fastest way to install a keyboard layoit on ubuntu?18:47
wildc4rdevenin' all18:48
outbackwififelixsulla: strange; sudo apt-get install vinagre should help you18:48
outbackwifi!info vinagre | felixsulla18:48
ubottufelixsulla: vinagre (source: vinagre): VNC client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 987 kB, installed size 3780 kB18:48
KebaI need a vnc viewer with a GUI. What should I choose? My vnc server is a windows machine.18:48
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:48
thiebaudeanyway to fix this  E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) ?18:48
[R]Arney: install? don't you just goto the keyboard settings and select the one you want?18:48
[R]thiebaude: that tells us nothing18:49
[R]thiebaude: that is ALL the output you have?18:49
thiebaudelet me check18:49
Arney[R]: i have a custum X11 layoit18:50
[R]Arney: ?18:50
ArneyDDvorak... custumized18:50
renagadexI need help using the hard ware driver manager, under System>Administration, to install a Proprietary Driver18:50
thiebaudeits says ,problems prevent configuration of vlc:18:51
Arneyits a pain to type on normal when ive trained my self to type on DDvorak dvorak. the same cant be said for querty18:51
outbackwifiKeba: sudo apt-get install vinagre18:52
Kebathx =) will try it18:52
Arneywhats the fastest way to install a keyboard layoit on ubuntu?18:52
outbackwifiArney: System->Preferences->Keyboard click on layout and add18:53
Arney... lol, i said unstall a new layoit18:53
Arneysorry, its hard to type on this layout.18:54
big---benhey guys18:55
outbackwifi!hi | big---ben18:55
ubottubig---ben: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:55
big---bencan one of you tell me how to install the proprietry nvidia drivers for a geforce?18:55
Arneygood question18:55
TheLinuxMoroni have a game that has .run at the end of it. and ive forgotten the command to start it. is it sh something?18:55
outbackwifi!nvidia | big---ben18:55
ubottubig---ben: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:55
big---bensuper, thx a lot18:55
outbackwifiTheLinuxMoron: sh yourgame.run18:56
giikergot an error when listing keys in gpg, while configuring fwknop, this is the error: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file18:56
TheLinuxMoronoutbackwifi: thx18:56
MattPhilieHey guys,, I had installed a flash player that firefox made me get to watch a youtube video and then firefox crashed. Any site with flash crashed. I tried all the answers on the Internet.. and got nothing... Now I have a new fresh install of ubuntu and how do I download flash without firefox crashing?18:56
outbackwifiMattPhilie: visit the adobe site. itll let you select the correct version18:56
MattPhilieoutbackwifi: ALright. I will try that. thanks18:57
scottcan someone tell me how many bits this is? http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4535425/Windows_XP_Professional_SP3_-_Activated18:57
haagarMattPhilie, did it crash on any video or just going full screen? and what version of firefox?18:57
scottI own windows xp but the disk is scratched18:57
TheLinuxMoronoutbackwifi: it said failed permisson to install.. do I need sudo sh game.run18:57
HippyEwanHey guys. We're trying to boot/install Ubuntu on an eeepc, using an external cd-rom drive, but it's just ignoring it and booting from the HD. Any ideas?18:58
scotthow many bits is that?18:58
MattPhiliehaagar: I got on to ubuntu.. after installing it.. OPened the already installed firefox.. went to youtube used that download link and any page with flash crashed firefox18:58
unopscott, multiply Bytes * 818:58
scottCan someone just tell me how muchit is?18:59
outbackwifiTheLinuxMoron: i suppose so18:59
haagarMattPhilie, ok, I would just use the installer from adobe. If you are on firefox 3.5+ there can be issues with fullscreen crashes if you have an ati or nvidia card18:59
outbackwifiHippyEwan: can you select boot devices on startup?18:59
scottWindows xp proffessional edition sp3 but it doesnt say how many bits18:59
Supersaiyan_IVscott, no links like that here18:59
Arneywhats the best Web based linux, or PE linux or live linux18:59
MattPhilieoutbackwifi: How do I know which version?? YUM for linux? .tar.gz ? .rpm? .deb? I have Ubuntu 9.04.. Sorry IM a new user18:59
mzzHippyEwan: I'd try hitting interesting keys during bootup (tab, esc, various function keys) to attempt to get to the bios or a boot menu18:59
big---benubottu: the problem is there is nothing listed in my hardware drivers window18:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:59
haagarMattPhilie, the .deb19:00
big---benubottu: it's completely empty19:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:00
scottI own windows xp though so its legal to download....19:00
mzzHippyEwan: or find the manual for the hardware telling you what key to hit19:00
felixyz_trying to connect to a silc channel with pidgin. lost. anyone have some advice?19:00
quidnuncnm-connection editor was asking to get permission to read passwords. I denied it. How can I re-allow access? Is this apparmor?19:00
Supersaiyan_IVscott, if it has something to do with ubuntu then stay, or go to offtopic19:00
unopscott, you're offtopic. /j ##windows or similar19:00
big---bendoes anyone know how to get a geforec 9400 running in linux?19:00
big---benin kubuntu i mean19:00
MattPhiliehaagar: OK.. trying it now19:00
big---benmy hardware drivers window is empty19:01
[R]quidnunc: under applications -> accessories is a menu item for passwords19:01
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, do you mean the proprietary drivers?19:01
mzzdoes someone happen to know the best place to ask stupid questions about sbuild and the like (getting started with creating my own debs)? Is this it?19:01
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: yes19:01
HippyEwanmzz: We have the BIOS set up fine - the CD-ROM is before the hard drive. But it just gets ignored.19:01
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:01
subzero2000scott: You're off topic and wrong. Having a licensed copy of Windows XP Home doesn't entitle you to download Windows XP Professional.19:01
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: right now i have 800x600 resolution19:01
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, sudo apt-get install envyng19:01
Arneyhelp me too bug ben19:01
mzzHippyEwan: same disk boots in a different system? Different disk boots in the eeepc?19:01
Arneyi have the same problem, but im on live cd19:02
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: couldn't find package19:02
quidnunc[R]: What is the entry called exactly?19:02
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, sudo apt-get install envyng-core19:02
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, wrote wrong :P19:02
[R]quidnunc: passwords and encryption keys19:02
HippyEwanYeah, it's the standard Ubuntu CD - got it sent to us. It works fine on other pcs. And we've booted Slax on the eeepc.19:02
quidnunc[R]: Thanks19:02
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, now, afer installing run envyng by typing 'envyng -t'19:03
alazyworkaholic1st netboot install. I read the community localnet install docs to part 3, about the "wrapper". What's that, & how should I use that code?19:03
outbackwifiHippyEwan: you need to select the USB drive as boot device or set it in the bios19:03
alteregoadist upgrade?19:03
quidnunc[R]: That application (seahorse) doesn't seem to control access to the passwords.19:03
mzzHippyEwan: how odd. Afraid you'll have to wait for someone familiar with an eeepc to show up then.19:03
alteregoa!help dist-upgrade19:03
ArneyE: Couldn't find package envyng-core19:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:03
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, you'll arrive at a textual interface where you will simply choose your vendor, then you'll pick the recommended driver19:03
stjepanhow to make caps lock an additional shift?19:03
HippyEwanoutbackwifi: It is set in the BIOS. and okay mzz, thanks though19:04
alteregoawhat file should i edit for a dist upgrade?19:04
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: thx a lot. but i still can't find the package19:04
vikbI am able to connect to server from my PC which has a wireless modem attached to my laptop running on Ubuntu19:04
vikbBut the reverse process is not happening19:04
ArneyI cant find the packet either19:04
mzzstjepan: did you look under "Layout options" in system -> preferences -> keyboard?19:04
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, interesting, go to system → administration → synaptic , search there for 'envy'19:05
big---benapt-cache search envy finds nothing19:05
stjepanmzz: yes, no option for that19:05
outbackwifivikb: if you're behind a router it wont happen19:05
Arneymzz: i have to install a new layout or make it, any ideas?19:05
big---bendo i need to add a repository?19:05
mzzstjepan: drat. Don't know then, sorry.19:05
dAnonhow can I make files from ntfs partitions writable?19:05
big---beni'm quite new to ubuntu and this is a fresh install on a new machine19:05
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, interesting, go to system → administration → software sources, check f you have restricted & multiverse enabled19:06
Aloneso. chua19:06
Arneyyou know what would be fun19:06
mzzArney: I haven't customized xkb beyond what's already available, so I'm no help here.19:06
AloneCUI_BAP_DAI_SU so chua hehehehe19:06
outbackwifidAnon: set it in the /etc/exports file19:06
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: i have kubuntu19:06
[R]quidnunc: it most certainly does...i t lists my network manager password in it19:06
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, ah 1 sec then19:06
mzzArney, stjepan: http://www.charvolant.org/~doug/xkb/html/index.html may be worth reading if you want to mess with xkb19:07
vikboutbackwifi: is there any alternative to access my PC behind a router19:07
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: i can edit the sources.list file myself ...19:07
big---beni'm a ubuntu n00b, but not a linux n00b :)19:07
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, /etc/apt/sources.list19:07
dAnonoutbackwifi I don't know how19:07
CUI_BAP_DAI_SUcan you chat with me by vietnamese...i don't speak english19:07
outbackwifivikb: yes port forwarding on your router19:07
HippyEwanAnyone here know about eeepcs and Ubuntu?19:07
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, ah :)19:07
ubottuĐể được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ19:07
outbackwifiHippyEwan: am on a asus eeepc 1000h19:07
=== JohnGalt is now known as flately
=== flately is now known as flatley
dumbhello, can u help me, where i can set shortcut to select between keyboard language?19:08
flatleyok..so after connecting a kvm switch, i cannot get back to my native resolution 1280x1024. when i try running xfix from recovery, it only sets up the keyboard. please help me19:08
HippyEwanwe need help for a 701sd19:08
outbackwifiHippyEwan: have one of those too :)19:08
Arneycreatung a word cloud of this channel. anayways i have a bad kb layout and a 800*600 resolution on live CD19:08
HippyEwandid you use an external CD-ROM to install Ubuntu?19:08
CUI_BAP_DAI_SUsome body is vietnamese????19:08
Arneythis is not fun19:08
outbackwifiHippyEwan: nope; always used an SD card19:08
dAnonoutbackwifi please say something more, because I still don't know how to do it19:08
[R]dumb: gnome has a keyboard layout applet19:08
flatleydai su tsing bang cui?19:08
outbackwifi!vn | CUI_BAP_DAI_SU19:09
ubottuCUI_BAP_DAI_SU: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ19:09
HippyEwanoh? how do you do that?19:09
* mzz is on an asus laptop, but it's not an eee :)19:09
dumbi have kde19:09
HippyEwannever heard of anyone doing it with an SD card19:09
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, after doing that you can install the driver through envyng, more info here http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html19:09
flatleyok..so after connecting a kvm switch, i cannot get back to my native resolution 1280x1024. when i try running xfix from recovery, it only sets up the keyboard. please help me19:09
outbackwifiHippyEwan: in System->Administration->Create USB startup disk point it to your netbook remix iso and target as your SD card19:10
dumbi found, thank19:10
scottburning program?19:10
Arneyenvy doesn't work on my versuon of ubuntu19:10
CUI_BAP_DAI_SUplz...... speak vietnamese19:10
scottwhats a good iso burning progrmam?19:10
dumbscott k3b19:11
[R]scott: brasero works pretty good19:11
dAnonoutbackwifi how do I write into ntfs partition19:11
Arneynero linux19:11
outbackwifiHippyEwan: this might also help --> http://wiki.eeeuser.com/ubuntu:eeexubuntu:sd19:11
juanbondhey guys, in Ubuntu, is there a way to remember window locations and sizes?19:11
HippyEwanoutbackwifi: thanks19:11
outbackwifidAnon: you need the ntfs-3g package19:11
flatleyok..so after connecting a kvm switch, i cannot get back to my native resolution 1280x1024. when i try running xfix from recovery, it only sets up the keyboard. please help me19:11
flatleyok..so after connecting a kvm switch, i cannot get back to my native resolution 1280x1024. when i try running xfix from recovery, it only sets up the keyboard. please help me. im 19 year old blonde female.19:12
anurag89is conky difficult to use ??19:12
=== ubuntu_ is now known as dmb
[R]anurag89: yes... exgtremely19:13
outbackwififlatley: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:13
edbiananurag89: It is a little convoluted to config.  Using it just entails looking at it basically.19:13
=== dmb is now known as Guest59621
flatleyoutbackwifi: tried it...no joy19:13
anurag89[R]: why19:13
anurag89 ?19:13
* outbackwifi thinks pretending to be 19 yo blonde female wont get any attention here :)19:13
[R]anurag89: ask a stupid question...19:13
nyaaanurag89 it seems to be hard to set up, and then to figure out what exactly you want to put on it19:13
anurag89nyaa: ok19:14
flatleyoutbackwifi: it gives me a bunch of choices...even high resolutions...just not the right one. i am blonde pretty girl plz help19:14
edbiananurag89: It has it's own config file language that is kinda strange.  It's not impossible to use.  There is a thread on the ubuntu forums that is just people posting their conky screen shot with their config file.  You could get ideas from them or copy one of their's if you like the way it looks.19:14
edbianflatley: I like brunettes but I'll help anyway.19:14
WIGGMPkI just reinstalled /boot and / on my laptop and now I cant access my encrypted /home directory.. Can anyone PLEASE help I have a lot of important information that needs to be recovered...19:15
edbianflatley: That is if oubackwifi: is having trouble19:15
alteregoado i need to sudo update-manager -d?19:15
CUI_BAP_DAI_SUo day ko co viet nam19:15
outbackwififlatley: select the res  closest to your monitor+card and then once youre in, use System->Preferences-> Screen Resolution19:15
outbackwifiedbian: fire away mate ;)19:15
flatleyoutbackwifi: ok done19:16
edbianflatley: What exactly is the issue?  Are you trying to get a resolution higher than the ones offered in the GUI?19:16
heiko_hi. anyone with karmic/amd64 and grub2 in here?19:16
flatleyedbian: yes. before the kvm i had 1280 by 1024.19:16
anurag89edbian: ok ... thank you. Is some screen flickering problem also involved with it !19:16
flatleyedbian: and it seems configuring xorg only sets up my keyboard19:17
f7ee_Usb-creator with 'extra space' option causes BusyBox at booting process which offers some strange 'initramfs:' for hardy and jaubty distributions. Can it be problem with comuter?19:17
GeneralCodyflatley, you must define it in Xorg.19:17
edbianflatley: Try "xrandr --fb 1280x1024"19:17
mentor1hy all19:17
mentor1how to install xmms on ubuntu19:17
edbiananurag89: There is an option to fix that.  To see a full list of the options for the config file look at "man conky"19:18
flatleygeneralcody: im not sure what to to do. i know my video chipset and moniotr, but its not my xorgconf and i dont know what to add19:18
rskimentor1: http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~knuta/xmms/19:18
outbackwifimentor1: select it in Applications --> Add/Remove19:18
GeneralCodythe gnome/kde resolution thing just uses framebuffer, but after you install a decent driver it is up to Xorg.19:18
flatleyedbian: that made my wallpaper bigger, thats it19:18
edbianflatley: Also, I learned a little trick.  Make sure your KVM is set to your monitor when you boot your system.  If the kvm is set to a different monitor than X11 will see that monitor when probing.19:18
flatleyedbian: yes ive done that19:19
zortecgood afternoon19:19
kraighey can somebody help me desktop is messed up everthing is in the folder but nothing shows on the desktop it self19:19
juanbondhey guys, in terminal, how could i append to my sources.list whatevers in my clipboard?19:19
GeneralCodyflatley, read up on it. thats the way it works19:20
zorteckraig: you might have the icons on the desktop hidden19:20
outbackwifijuanbond: can you use  vi?19:20
juanbondoutbackwifi, yes, i can, just wondering19:20
edbianflatley: Try running Xorg -configure19:20
outbackwifijuanbond: shift+insert does a paste19:20
kraigok so how would i make them visible ...yes im a newbie to ubuntu19:20
flatleygeneralcody: ive been googling for days and i cant find a workable solution. not just the kvm prob...but the fact that my xorg is empty.19:20
flatleyedbian: ive already done that19:21
GeneralCodyIf one does not have time and/or interest for learning, they should not use Linux19:21
=== keanu is now known as [keanu]
GeneralCodyor a computer19:21
flatleygeeralcody: ive leraned a lot using linux...im here as a last resort19:21
mentor1outbackwifi thanks19:21
edbianflatley: Xorg is so advanced now that you don't have to have an xorg.conf at all.  If you don't have one than X simply looks at the info it probed from your hardware.19:21
outbackwifiGeneralCody: remember that "Jim" is a pretty blonde too19:21
edbianflatley: If you add things to xorg.conf though it will pay attention to them over the probing info.19:21
zorteckraig: Hit Alt+F2, type in gconf-editor, and check if volumes visible is checked19:22
edbianflatley: Could you pastebin your xorg.conf file for me?19:22
kraigok thanks19:22
edbianflatley: Or just say if it is blank19:22
pkkmI have Gigabyte (http://gigabyte.com.tw) EP45-DS3L motherboard with integrated Intel High Definition Audio (HDA) CA0106 audio chip. I can't find sound drivers for Ubuntu. On Windows everything worked well bacause I received a CD with Windows drivers. Can you help me?19:22
GeneralCodyflatley, have you read the documentation from the GPU vendor regarding the Linux drivers if so exists?19:22
flatleygeneralcody: onboard intel video....included in kernel19:22
mzzpkkm: hda stuff tends to just work with a generic driver19:22
GeneralCodyIntel HD Audio is supported in the kernel by default19:23
pkkmwhich kernel?19:23
flatleyedbian: http://pastebin.com/f5de7b68319:23
zortecpkkm: supported in the latest kernel19:24
mzzpkkm: snd-hda-intel (or snd_hda_intel) in lsmod and friends, supported in the normal "generic" kernels19:24
pkkmI have19:24
outbackwififlatley: youre using  the FBdev; just comment it out19:24
pkkmLinux PAWEL-UBUNTU 2.6.28-14-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 8 07:41:18 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:24
MattPhilieWhy is it that my USB AUDIO speakers work for under System -> Preferences -> Sound when I click 'Test'.. I hear the sound.. THen I go to youtube and see the video with NO sound at all....19:24
GeneralCodyflatley, I was referring to the HD Audio question19:24
edbianflatley: Ok good.  That is a typical one.  It hold basically no information but it is a skeleton to add configurations to.  Take a look at this: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/x-config.html19:24
flatleyoutbackwifi: what is that?19:24
BuFFwhen using vnc remotely to connect to lan with ap, should ap be configured static or dinamic ?19:24
flatleyoutbackwifi: is that my problem?19:25
outbackwififlatley: the framebuffer19:25
pkkmmzz: Do I need to upgrade my kernel?19:25
outbackwififlatley: i would think so19:25
zortecMattPhilie: Try installing the medibuntu package.19:25
mzzpkkm: are you sure the problem is lack of drivers? What's in /proc/asound/cards?19:25
GeneralCodypkkm, try doing: sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel19:25
MattPhiliezortec: How.. sorry.. new ubuntu user.19:25
flatleyok..ill comment it out and reboot. ill be back. if it works you can see my boobies.19:25
edbianflatley: ha ha ha19:26
outbackwififlatley: you dont need to reboot; just a ctl+alt+backspace19:26
zortecMattPhilie: also let me know if you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed too... you can check in synaptic19:26
ascheelMattPhilie: I'll give you credit.  You're certainly brute forcing your way through the issues you're having.  :)  Hats off to you.19:26
pkkmmzz: this:19:26
pkkm 0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel19:26
pkkm                      HDA Intel at 0xea200000 irq 2219:26
pkkm 1 [CA0106         ]: CA0106 - CA010619:26
pkkm                      Live! 7.1 24bit [SB0410] at 0xd000 irq 2019:26
FloodBot3pkkm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:26
luposolitariobuona sera19:26
edbianoutbackwifi: flatley really knows how to motivate a bunch of linux nerds on an IRC channel.19:26
mzzpkkm: ok, so the driver's loaded. What's the actual problem?19:26
outbackwifi!pastebin| pkkm19:26
ubottupkkm: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:26
zortecedbian: he sure does, but that is how the guy rolls... lol19:26
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: thanks a million19:26
outbackwifiedbian: yeah; hes a guy alright19:27
MattPhilieascheel: Thanks     zortec: Checking now19:27
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: just got it to work19:27
big---benSupersaiyan_IV: so awesom19:27
GeneralCodyOh those noobs... gotta start somewhere19:27
edbianzortec: outbackwifi: I figuered19:27
edbianzortec: outbackwifi: No girl understands guys that well.19:27
zortecoutbackwifi: I figured he was a guy or just trying to get a date ;)19:27
pkkmmzz: the actual problem is that sound does not work.19:27
outbackwifihis whois says "Jim taggart"19:27
mzzpkkm: determined how?19:27
GeneralCodysudo modprobe pretty_girls19:28
JohnGaltstill no dice. the highest i get is 1280 80019:28
edbianoutbackwifi: HOT19:28
JohnGaltwhich is ws19:28
=== JohnGalt is now known as flately
zortecoutbackwifi: never trust internet identities, you know how many people claim to be michael jackson :P19:28
mzzpkkm: try the "test" button in system -> preferences -> sound for example.19:28
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents19:28
flatelyoutbackwifi: no joy19:28
zortecoutbackwifi: I know that was a bad example, but still makes a point19:28
WIGGMPkI just reinstalled /boot and / on my laptop and now I cant access my encrypted /home directory.. Can anyone PLEASE help I have a lot of important information that needs to be recovered... I have tried "ecryptfs-mount-private" but it displays "ERROR: Encrypted Private is not setup properly"19:28
GeneralCodygoing back to ##C for a while...19:28
anurag89WIGGMPk: sorry i dont think it can be done19:29
outbackwififlately: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0 ?19:29
flatelysure one sex outbackwifi19:29
pkkmmzz: I am sure that sound card and speakers are working because when I launcked Windows, everything worked well.19:29
edbianflately: Do you see the desired resolution in the output of "xrandr -q" ??19:29
WIGGMPkanurag89: why not?19:29
zortecflately: you got to watch those typos man19:29
MattPhiliezortec: I don't see medibuntu in Synaptic.19:29
zortecMattPhilie: Did you find the restricted package?19:29
edbianMattPhilie: zortec: medibuntu is a repo not a package correct?19:30
flatelyoutbakcwifi: @ed-desktop:~$ pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.019:30
flatelyUnable to read from: /var/log/Xorg.019:30
zortecMattPhilie: It's not a package, it has its own set of instructions to install19:30
haagarMattPhilie, have you added the repositories? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu19:30
=== ThomasG3L is now known as ThomasG33K
Qu4R0wi nid reinstall my windows but i worry about lost my ubuntu(i install xp then ubuntu)please tell me how19:30
outbackwififlately: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0log ?19:30
anurag89WIGGMPk: encrypted drive has keys which gets lost while reinstalling ,thats why19:30
flatelyedbian: no, i do not see it in "xrandr -q"19:30
skypilothey, i'm having trouble getting sound out of my rear speakers (audigy 2 soundcard connected to 5.1 surround sound) any ideas?19:31
outbackwififlately: /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:31
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:31
WIGGMPkanurag89: the key is stored on the /home directory.. how would it get lost?19:31
ascheelQu4R0w: boot with an Ubuntu live CD and check the drive.19:31
brittneyHi! is anyone available to talk about an install problem?19:31
LogicFanhrm, i don't understand ubuntu's release schedule.  why do they not update major app versions until a new version of the OS?19:31
ascheel!ask | brittney19:31
ubottubrittney: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:31
zortec!medibuntu | MattPhilie19:31
Qu4R0wmake sure all partition is ok?19:31
ubottuMattPhilie: please see above19:31
edbianflately: Look at this: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/x-config.html  See the code box about half way down that starts with "Section "Screen" " ??19:31
ascheelQu4R0w: that's my suggestion, yes.  You can also view the data19:31
zortecbrittney: Please ask your question and someone will help if they can. :)19:32
MattPhiliezortec: haagar:  Sorry.. I have no idea what your saying.. Haha.. I went to the link.. and I do what? Sorry. I have no clue at all..19:32
flatelyoutbackwifif: http://pastebin.com/f3db171c919:32
Kangaroooi need to cut big folder and paste in other place but half of it is already copyd so if file size is the same then skip..19:32
jribKangarooo: use rsync19:32
Qu4R0wthen,i no nid to install ubuntu?19:32
brittneymy installation failed my computer will not detect my HD or CD drive now- any ideas?19:32
zortecMattPhilie: Let me get you a simple guide19:32
ascheel!rsync | Kangaroo19:32
ubottuKangaroo: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync19:32
MattPhiliezortec: Ok. thanks so much19:32
mzzLogicFan: it's probably explained in more detail somewhere, but I'd guess a combination of risk of regressions, made worse by a ripple effect where dependencies are involved19:32
pkkmmzz: I pressed 'test' button for all the devices, and I only heard a sound on 'HDA Intel ALC888 Analog (OSS)' and 'OSS - Open Sound System'19:33
anurag89WIGGMPk: have you searched google for a possible solution .19:33
zortecMattPhilie: Type this from the terminal: sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/jaunty.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list19:33
edbianbrittney: You cannot boot to a CD?19:33
zortecMattPhilie: next: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update19:33
mzzpkkm: if I had to guess your problem is with pulseaudio, not the actual drivers. But I suck at debugging pulseaudio, so ask the channel.19:33
WIGGMPkanurag89: yes.. I found 1 other on the forums that had the same problem and eventually his PC just died.. I have tried the methods on the help page19:34
zortecMattPhilie: That will add update your software sources and add the repository.19:34
brittneyedbian: no, i can't. my comp boots only to the insydeH20 manager, which says that i do not have a hard drive or optical drive19:34
Qu4R0whow to reinstall my Windows without giving effect to my ubuntu(i wont reinstall ubuntu)19:34
zortecQu4R0w: what do you mean giving effect?19:34
jribQu4R0w: install windows, then reinstall just grub19:34
jrib!grub > Qu4R0w19:34
ubottuQu4R0w, please see my private message19:34
edbianbrittney: What the hell is a "insydeH20 manager" ??19:34
Flare183!language | edbian19:35
ubottuedbian: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:35
brittneyi had never seen it either- usually i just get my toshiba boot screen19:35
Qu4R0whow to reinstall??i nid insert live cd right?19:35
zortecI didn't know that you could not say "hell"19:35
pkkmmzz: how to set OSS default sound device and remove others (I installed oss, pulseaudio and esd when I was trying to solve the problem a week ago)19:35
jribQu4R0w: ubottu gave you detailed instructions19:35
edbianbrittney: Can you access your bios?19:35
Tniffocver irc.rizon.net19:35
mzzpkkm: I strongly recommend you use at least alsa and possibly try to fix pulseaudio19:35
anurag89WIGGMPk: i have never experienced such a prob so it would be better you ask it from edbian19:35
brittneyi can't. nothing.19:35
MattPhiliezortec: After doing a lot of lines. the last few lines in the terminal was W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278319:35
MattPhilieE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)19:35
MattPhilieE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:35
mzzpkkm: oss is on the way out19:35
skypilothey, i'm having trouble getting sound out of my rear speakers (audigy 2 soundcard connected to 5.1 surround sound) any ideas?19:35
edbianWIGGMPk: What's the issue?19:36
flatelyoutbackwifif: http://pastebin.com/f3db171c9 anything look messed up?19:36
zortecMattPhilie: Did you do just the two lines that I said?19:36
pkkmmzz: alsa does not work with my hardware.19:36
edbiananurag89: Why am I being advertised? :)19:36
WIGGMPkI just reinstalled /boot and / on my laptop and now I cant access my encrypted /home directory.. Can anyone PLEASE help I have a lot of important information that needs to be recovered... I have tried "ecryptfs-mount-private" but it displays "ERROR: Encrypted Private is not setup properly" > edbian19:36
zortecMattPhilie: I don't know what lines you put in, can you pastebin what you have typed?19:36
pkkmmzz: I think oss is the only solution.19:36
mzzpkkm: sure it does, your hardware's listed in /proc/asound/cards. oss output is going via alsa's oss emulation.19:36
outbackwififlately: thats not the complete file19:36
flatelyi used pastebinit...19:36
Colo2Does anyone know if Kiba-dock is in the repos?19:36
anurag89edbian: now you are not. I just thought you could help him out .19:36
mzzpkkm: if I had to guess I'd say the reason the alsa options in the sound preferences applet don't work is you're getting the also -> pulseaudio plugin, which is very confusing and I don't know how to debug.19:36
edbiananurag89: Hopefully :)19:36
outbackwififlately: can you grab the last 20-30 lines?19:36
LogicFanmzz, thanks19:37
Colo2Does anyone know if Kiba-dock is in the repos?19:37
=== kazza_ is now known as jom
MattPhiliezortec: http://pastebin.com/m3d2f09d319:37
Flare183Colo2: yes19:37
zortecanurag89: yeah, some of us might be better at helping out with different issues but we don't want to be the only "guy" that helps out :)19:37
Colo2Thanks :)19:37
Flare183!info kiba-dock | Colo219:37
edbianWIGGMPk: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure ecryptfs-mount-private19:37
ubottuColo2: Package kiba-dock does not exist in jaunty19:37
outbackwifiColo2: you could also if you did a sudo apt-cache search kiba19:37
lucaxfor some reason ubuntu is showing my disk free space wrong.... ive tried to access single mode to root console and it asks me to enter the root password, but it doesnt let me log in as root to access the console... i dont know what im doing wrong19:37
yesitisjustmewhen i try to run googleearth the screen turns black anyone know whats wrong?19:37
Supersaiyan_IVbig---ben, ;) np19:38
outbackwifi!root| lucax19:38
ubottulucax: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:38
WIGGMPkedbian: no package named "ecryptfs-mount-private" installed on the machine19:38
haagarMattPhilie,  was synaptic open when you ran the commands?19:38
outbackwifiyesitisjustme: its night sky??19:38
WIGGMPkedbian: the package for ecryptfs is acctually ecryptfs-utils19:38
flatelyoutbackwifif: it really is the whole file19:38
edbianWIGGMPk: try to reconfigure that then.19:38
MattPhiliehaagar: Nope19:38
zortecMattPhilie: You need to close synaptic19:38
Flare183Colo2: I've had it installed before, but it may have been in another repo19:38
pkkmmzz: ok, I'll click 'test' with alsa device and connect the speakers to all of my sound card's outputs, and I'll apt-get purge pulseaudio.19:38
mzzpkkm: that may break more than it fixes. Please ask the channel.19:39
anurag89zortec: i understand19:39
yesitisjustmeya i think well i see the world spinning and then it gets black19:39
MattPhiliezortec: I'll try again. but it was closed.. but ill give it another try19:39
outbackwififlately: one of the ways to write peoples nicks is to press tab after the first few letters of their name19:39
Colo2 Flare183: thanks :) But I have jaunty, and the tutorial I followed to install it failed, other people using Jaunty have the same problem19:39
Qu4R0wi not understand.im bad in english..have gui?19:39
lucaxoutbackwifi: mmmmm thats not the issue but thanks...19:39
mzzpkkm: I know very little about ubuntu's pulseaudio setup, so I'm not the right person to help debug it, and I don't know what removing it will break19:39
flatelyoutbackwifi: thank you, haha19:39
lucaxi cant log in as root in single user mode!! any ideas?19:39
flatelyoutbackwifi: but really, that's the whole file19:39
yesitisjustmeafter the world is spinning it turns black19:40
WIGGMPkedbian: executes and returns nothing.. ecryptfs-mount-private still shows ERROR Encypted Private is not setup properly19:40
MattPhiliezortec: OK it is done now. It worked. Now what? How do I get the sound to work19:40
pkkmmzz: It wasn't originally installed in my Ubuntu, I just apt-get installed it19:40
pkkmI think I won't break anything19:40
flatelyoutbackwifi: the last line is: (II) intel(0): I2C device "CRTDDC_A:ddc2" removed.19:40
edbianWIGGMPk: Such a vague error.19:40
mzzpkkm: (there's a confusing thing where applications using libalsa for output actually end up talking to pulse via a libalsa plugin, which in turn talks to the sound card using libalsa (again) and the kernel's alsa interface. I don't know how to debug that setup properly)19:40
etherealityIs it good to "shutdown -r" in terminal to reboot the computer? Or should I instead do it the clicking-way?19:40
zortecMattPhilie: Close any open browsers and try to go a multimedia site like youtube and see if it fixed the problem19:40
MattPhiliezortec: alright19:41
ascheelQu4R0w: what is your native language?19:41
mzzpkkm: pulseaudio is most definitely installed out of the box in jaunty, iirc also in intrepid, I don't know about older versions.19:41
edbianWIGGMPk: What is the command you're using?  What are you trying to do?  View the files?19:41
WIGGMPkedbian: tell me about it.. I know my passphrase and I thought by leaving the home directory untouched and just declaring it /home when I reinstalled I could just save my data.. but appartently its there but encrpyted19:41
zortecMattPhilie: have you also checked if ubuntu-restricted-extras was installed in synaptic?19:41
mzzethereality: depends! Are you currently logged in graphically?19:41
ascheelmzz: it was in Hardy when I made my foray into ubuntu19:41
etherealitymzz: yes19:41
ascheel!malaysia | Qu4R0w19:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about malaysia19:41
outbackwififlately: hmm i was looking for lines which result from setting the modes19:41
mzzethereality: then I'd just click the gui reboot button/menu/whatever19:41
MattPhiliezortec: It's alled ubuntu-restricted? I'll check.. uhh one sec19:41
dhaval_dude how do I get rid of Compiz?19:41
zortecmalaysia, lol... sorry that was funny19:41
ascheelsorry, Qu4R0w.  Doesn't seem to be a channel for malaysia.  I tried.19:42
WIGGMPkedbian: im trying to actually 'mount' my user's home directory.. via "ecryptfs-mount-private"19:42
pkkmmzz: I don't konw about jaunty because I installed it in intrepid and dist-upgraded to Jaunty after it.19:42
dhaval_i did sudo apt-get remove compiz19:42
etherealitymzz: but I'd like to "shutdown -r" if it's faster.19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bahasa19:42
mzzethereality: that should give any running gui apps a chance to offer you to save your work and the like19:42
zortecoutbackwifi: what are you trying to do?19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about malay19:42
edbianWIGGMPk: try using the typical mount command: sudo mount -t ecryptfs19:42
etherealitymzz: what if i've already closed programs that need saving?19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about compton19:42
dhaval_And, how do i backup a particular program?19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paris19:42
zortec!compiz | dhaval_19:42
ubottudhaval_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz19:42
mzzethereality: I'd still use the gui option, although I dout running shutdown in a term would break anything.19:42
edbianWIGGMPk: sudo mount -t ecryptfs /dev/<homepartition>19:42
flately!no midgets19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about no midgets19:42
outbackwifidhaval_: why do you need to backup programs?19:42
ascheel!fr | flately19:42
ubottuflately: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:43
Qu4R0wmust i just insert windows disc and start install windows??how about ubuntu??i wont format ubuntu partition19:43
dhaval_Because I'll be removing Ubuntu for a while.19:43
dhaval_Or I might want to transfer specific programs.19:43
dhaval_Whatever the reason.19:43
flately!no damn missing cookies, woman19:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:43
zortecQu4R0w: It's much easier to install ubuntu after windows is already installed19:43
dhaval_How do i back up specific programs?19:43
zortecQu4R0w: you want windows at the front of your disk generally speaking19:43
flately!no damn missing cookies19:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:43
ascheelflately, please keep it family friendly19:43
outbackwifidhaval_: programs can be reinstalled; its generally data that gets backed up but you could still use conduit19:43
MattPhiliezortec: I see it but it's not installed19:43
ascheel!language | flately19:43
dhaval_I know they can.19:43
flately!no dam missing cookies woman19:43
ubottuflately: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:44
zortecMattPhilie: ok go ahead and install it19:44
dhaval_But I'll have to download everything everytime19:44
flately!no darn missing cookies woman19:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:44
etherealitysomeone's breaking the bot19:44
ascheel!op | flately19:44
ubottuflately: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:44
edbianflately: What are you doing?19:44
ascheelOMG Ignore that!  That was supposed to be !ot!19:44
* outbackwifi somebody gonna get hurt19:44
zortec!offtopic | flately19:44
ubottuflately: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:44
flatelyim just upset without resolution19:44
ascheelI meant to type !ot, not !op.  I apologize19:44
noobehi guys ... anyone knows how to add a app   that shows trafic in the taskbar of ubuntu server 90419:44
MattPhiliezortec: ok doing so now19:44
mzzascheel: heh, I was wondering why you were that triggerhappy19:44
AciDI used partimage to backup a 40GB partition, and got a 5GB file (which is normal since there is only 5GB occupied space on that one). Now I tried to restore the partition on a 10GB one, and partimage complains about it to be too small. I read on the web that it was normal. What tool can I use to do that ?19:44
dhaval_And how do I run multiple sessions?19:45
outbackwifi!info conduit| dhaval_19:45
ubottu'dhaval_' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner19:45
edbianflately: Do you have the mode 1280 x 1024 in your xorg.conf under the screen section?19:45
bluedalekHello everyone!  Anyone here good at troubleshooting sound problems?  I only get sound when playing media through Totem.19:45
flatelyedbian: how do i add it?19:45
Qu4R0wi just nid to let windows know that i have another OS19:45
WIGGMPkedbian: it goes throught he motions by asking a passphrase and selecting a cipher but no dice on the data19:45
zortecoutbackwifi: you might want to check out the irc bot's page to see what topics are available or send a priv msg to yourself19:45
edbianflately: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/x-config.html look about 1/2 way down the page in the code box that begins: "Section "Screen" "19:46
ascheelQu4R0w: you can't let Windows know you have another OS.  Windows does not give you that option unless you handle it manually.  My recommendation is to boot to a live CD and see if the data is still intact19:46
flatelyedbian: ok19:46
outbackwifizortec: ok tx19:46
edbianWIGGMPk: IDK!  Do you have a faulty fstab entry for your /home?19:46
Qu4R0wboot with ubuntu cd?19:46
flatelyedbian: i see it19:46
mzzQu4R0w: I usually end up with windows overwriting grub, then reboot off a livecd or the like and reinstall grub, letting it know about windows19:46
ascheelQu4R0w: that's right.19:46
MattPhiliezortec: OK that finished.. now what?19:46
mzzQu4R0w: yep, the ubuntu cd works for thi19:46
mzzthis, even19:46
WIGGMPkedbian: i dont think so.. the installer set everything up I made no changes to it19:47
pkkmmzz: ohh, looks like I forgot to remove old sound card...19:47
EvelinaI have installed the feed aggregator Planet on Ubuntu Sever but where do I find the software? I have found the conf file, but how do I run it? It's a python file, do I have to run it inside oython?19:47
dhaval_People on....19:47
edbianflately: If you are confused about an option such as "Device    "Card0"  "  Just leave that option out.19:47
Qu4R0winsert linux cd then see partiton right?19:47
zortecMattPhilie: now try a site like youtube and see if you have found19:47
zortecMattPhilie: um, sound19:47
skypilothey, i'm having trouble getting sound out of my rear speakers (audigy 2 soundcard connected to 5.1 surround sound) any ideas?19:47
pkkmmzz: I'll remove it and brb in 15 min19:47
edbianWIGGMPk: Paste bin it.  I am suspicious especially since your re-arranged your partitions19:47
flatelyedbian: ok. ill do it and restart x. if this works, its boobie town for you, buddy!19:47
edbianflately: Hooray!19:47
ascheelQu4R0w: the Ubuntu CD will let you boot all the way to an Ubuntu desktop.  You can then see if your data is still intact on the hard drive.19:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audigy19:48
bluedalekHello everyone!  Anyone here good at troubleshooting sound problems?  I only get sound when playing media through Totem. I have tried different cards, different versions of Linux, reset my bios, disabled the onboard sound..19:48
EvelinaI installed Planet feed aggragator from Ubuntu recipitories, but how do I run it?19:48
zortecQu4R0w: the live CD can be used to test your hardware and make sure everything is running without a hitch before you install19:48
mzzbluedalek: as opposed to what?19:48
mzzbluedalek: I mean totem plays, what doesn't?19:48
MattPhiliezortec: nope nothing.. maybe does it need drivers>? or something.. sorry im a noob19:48
edbianEvelina: Is it not in the gnome menu?19:48
Qu4R0wsure..i dun touch that drive..before this,i resinstall windows then,it cant see linux(cant open linux)19:48
zortecEvelina: look through your gnome menu and find where it was put, possibly in the internet category19:49
ascheelzortec: if I remember right, his problem is Windows took a dive, but his Ubuntu installation may still be on there and he doesn't want to destroy the data on it19:49
WIGGMPkedbian: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d5ef0e8e319:49
Qu4R0wit make me to reinstall linux also19:49
bluedalekmzz, no sound through Firefox, Amarok, Moovida, system sounds (startup, ect)19:49
mzzbluedalek: does the "Test" button in system -> preferences -> sound work?19:49
ascheelQu4R0w: you HAVE to install Windows first and THEN Linux.  Windows hates competition.19:49
zortecMattPhilie: let me see if I have this right, you have sound on your desktop but not when you go to any sites?19:49
dhaval_I want root privs19:49
dhaval_and access the itnernet19:49
zortecdhaval_: use sudo19:50
bluedalekmzz: yes19:50
ascheeldhaval_: root access:  sudo19:50
Qu4R0wthen i insert linux cd,n what i do next?19:50
mzzbluedalek: do the playback buttons on the "Sounds" tab of that same applet work?19:50
ascheelQu4R0w: boot to the CD.19:50
dhaval_Can't everytime. I tried installing Foxit pdf creater, and it told me that I didn't have the permission to.19:50
edbianWIGGMPk: This is one hell of a system!  I didn't know we were working on a raid array.19:50
MattPhiliezortec: I set my speakers to the default for sound playback.. and I hit test and I hear the noise. When I go to youtube or something there is no sound19:50
dhaval_even with sudo wine [that software] it game me the same error19:50
Qu4R0wchoose install ubuntu?19:50
ascheeldhaval_: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb (if it's a .deb)19:50
zortecascheel: he can just reinstall windows, might have to reinstall GRUB but when I did a fresh install last night didn't have to19:50
WIGGMPkedbian: yea I failed to mention that.. didnt pay it any mind at the time19:50
ascheelQu4R0w: no, choose the option to go to the desktop19:51
dhaval_No its not .deb, its a windows app i'm running using wine.19:51
jribdhaval_: you aren't supposed to sudo things like wine or firefox19:51
ascheelzortec: yeah, that's true.19:51
Qu4R0wtry ubuntu right?19:51
ascheelyes, Qu4R0w19:51
edbianWIGGMPk: Unfortunately the only option you have set is "relatime" which you should def. have by the way.  I don't know why you can't access your encrypted partition :(.  Ask around I guess :(19:51
zortecum, why would you sudo firefox?19:51
jribdhaval_: it's probably because you have run sudo in the past that you now have permissions issues19:51
ascheeldhaval_: gotcha.  Then do: gksudo19:51
dhaval_but It did give me an error saying I don't have permissions to /home/dhaval/.wine19:51
mzzdon't sudo firefox19:51
dhaval_had to use chmod, don't know why.19:51
Evelinaedbian: I use Ubuntu Server so I haven't got a menu at all.19:51
jribdhaval_: see my last statement19:51
bluedalekmzz, no they do not19:52
Qu4R0wthen edit sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst19:52
ascheeldhaval_: I don't either, but make sure you're the owner of the directory and you have rwx to all directories19:52
Qu4R0wis it?19:52
edbiandhaval_: If you do have to sudo something graphical use gksu.19:52
WIGGMPkedbian: well... I appreciate the help. THanks19:52
techbwhi all, was just wondering if someone can help me with a hibernation problem. on resume wireless network fails to connect to any wireless, even after restarting network. this is on ubuntu 9.0419:52
dhaval_Right! i'll try that.19:52
mzzbluedalek: curious. Let me try to find out what those play back through...19:52
Evelinazortec: I don't have a menu, I only have the command line interface.19:52
bluedalekmzz: thanks.19:52
ascheelQu4R0w: do you still see your data when you go to 'Places'?19:52
edbianEvelina: Then just type the name of the program in the terminal!  For example to start nano you would just type "nano"19:52
zortecEvelina: did you do a text install?19:52
zortecEvelina: minimal/alternate install CD19:52
Qu4R0wi think yes coz i not touch another partition19:53
mzzbluedalek: oh, you could try running gnome-sound-properties from a term, then trying those failing playback buttons again, just in case there's debug spew19:53
Qu4R0wi only format local disk C19:53
edbianzortec: She is just trying to start an app she installed.19:53
bluedalekmzz: one moment19:53
dhaval_und nothing.19:53
mzztechbw: does it happen to be an asus laptop?19:53
dhaval_I'm going to SUSE or Mandriva19:53
dhaval_Ubuntu is for newbies19:53
zortecMattPhilie: ah make sure you are in the directory with the exe and just type the name of the app19:53
MattPhilieAh. this is driving me insane19:54
zortecMattPhilie: sorry, wrong person19:54
techbwmzz:nope a sahara laptop19:54
ascheelQu4R0w: make sure, but if you do have the data, it's safe to install Windows over that formatted partition and then you will have to reinstall Grub.19:54
ascheel!grub | Qu4R0w19:54
ubottuQu4R0w: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:54
zortecedbian: ah make sure you are in the directory with the exe and just type the name of the app19:54
edbianzortec: wrong again ;)19:54
mzztechbw: drat, then I guess it's not the same thing I hit: a bug in the asus-specific rfkill button, fixed in a newer kernel19:54
skypilothey, i'm having trouble getting sound out of my rear speakers (audigy 2 soundcard connected to 5.1 surround sound) any idea how to get my audio upmixed to go out my rear speakers too?19:54
bluedalekmzz: the buttons are not clickable19:55
zortecEvelina: open up the terminal, find out where the app is using locate and type the name to run the program19:55
dhaval_Ah one thing19:55
edbianzortec: She's on a server install.19:55
dhaval_Using wget19:55
mzzbluedalek: they don't look clickable, but they are19:55
techbwmzz:my pc resumes fine from the hibernation, it's only the wifi that does not reconnect to networks.19:55
Qu4R0wthen i not really understand with that URL..i not really understand english..my poor english19:55
dhaval_How do I store the songs in particular dirs19:55
bluedalekmzz: nothing happens.. no responce19:55
dhaval_just cd [to dir] and then wget [url] ?19:55
mzztechbw: recommend you google for your laptop, and also try to rmmod the relevant driver before suspending and re-modprobe it after resuming (there's a way to automate that if it helps, sec...)19:55
jribdhaval_: that or read about -P in its man page19:55
Qu4R0wcan u tell me step and step.maybe i can figure it coz i already read mant tutorial before19:56
zortecedbian: Hmm.  That is different.19:56
mzztechbw: SUSPEND_MODULES="$SUSPEND_MODULES ath9k" (replace ath9k with your actual driver) in /etc/pm/config.d/50wireless19:56
edbianzortec: server install?  What's so odd about that?19:56
bluedalekmzz: I have three entries for my sound card listed.. all identical19:56
zortecMattPhilie: I guess it's odd because I haven't done server installs before, except when running RedHat/Fedora back in the day19:57
dhaval_I'll download an open dir later.19:57
zortecMattPhilie: I have to stop doing that, lol19:57
zortecedbian: I guess it's odd because I haven't done server installs before, except when running RedHat/Fedora back in the day19:57
edbianzortec: I think that was meant for me.  You just can't get it straight today!19:57
edbianzortec: lol19:57
mzzbluedalek: hmm. I'm afraid I'm not really familiar with the other failing stuff you listed. Random thoughts include: weird canberra backend in /usr/lib/libcanberra-0.11, weird pulseaudio device getting picked up19:57
techbwmzz:thx will do a little searching on that19:57
zortecedbian: No I can't.  I'm all over the place!19:57
contraceptive_ah cool19:57
MattPhiliezortec: ahah, you got a lot going on I can tell19:57
contraceptive_hey veryone19:57
edbianzortec: I don't like ubuntu server.  Not stable enough in my opinion.19:58
mzzedbian: what kind of "Stable" is it lacking in?19:58
Evelinazortec: It's a python program and I can't find it using whereis planet, only the configuration file.19:58
objecktime travel anyone?19:58
zortecEvelina: Can you do a system wide grep?19:58
objeckjust $10...19:58
bluedalekmzz:  is there any way to strip it down to the basic's?19:58
edbianmzz: I tried to install NFS-kernel-server (64bit) and the install dpkg script errored out caused all sorts of havoc trying to get NFS to work.19:58
dhaval_hey if I download wget [parent directory], it'll download it into specific directories right?19:59
edbianmzz: I guess that doesn't really fall under stability though19:59
dhaval_if the parent directories has like 6 folders and 7 fiels19:59
mzzbluedalek: sorry, I suck at debugging the pulseaudio layer. The alsa and gstreamer side of things seems to be working if totem and that "test" button work.19:59
zortecEvelina: cd / - grep "file" * something like that?19:59
dhaval_it will organize it properly right?19:59
jetsend me in the direction of the newbie channel19:59
[criipt]How do i give a user access to a program that has only root permission?20:00
bluedalekmzz: anyway to pitch pulse and just stick to alsa & gstreamer?20:00
mzzbluedalek: I don't know if you can do that sanely, sorry.20:00
s0101I need help to connect a third computer to dd-wrt, it wont connect to internet but it does get an ip adress20:00
zortecjet: there is an absolute beginner's forum but you are in the main ubuntu channel.  I don't know if there is a newbie ubuntu channel though20:00
bluedalekmzz: would an older version of Ubuntu be better?20:00
mzzbluedalek: I'm still pretty new to ubuntu.20:00
jetalright thanks20:00
jetyou da man20:00
bluedalekmzz: I've been using for a couple years.. but this is the first time something like this has come up.. lol  sound is not my strong point20:00
s0101is there a irc  channel for dd-wrt?20:01
mzzjet: there's #ubuntu-beginners, I think, but I don't know if it is populated.20:01
jeti used to go on that one bfore20:02
zortecjet: might be faster to ask here and have someone help you out20:02
mzzbluedalek: I can usually debug alsa and gstreamer but am still pretty new to pulse and libcanberra (system sounds) and don't use any of the kde stuff (amarok)20:02
s0101#dd-wrt ?20:02
jetawesome. i was just basically wanting to get the chat to load up when i nd it again i got it figured20:02
sebsebsebjet: so you installed Ubuntu, and your not sure what to do with it yet?20:03
jetill go search the forums for a bit20:03
jetben using it for a few months im getting bored of doing nothing with it20:03
bluedalekmzz:  thanks for your help :_20:03
dhaval_wget -x [parent directory] will download all files and all directories and the files in them right?20:03
bluedalekmzz : :)20:03
sebsebsebjet: did you browse Synaptic properly and find out what kind of programs you can install?20:03
mattalexxFor brevity, I'm thinking of serving sites out of /www or /w. Is it horribly bad practice to create directories in /20:03
jeta little bit but i didnt really put anything on besides xchat20:04
edbianmattalexx: I think it matters more the permissions on the file20:04
sebsebsebjet: well that's what I did when I  was  new to  Ubuntu  in 2005, the second release20:04
mzzmattalexx: I'd put them in /srv or somewhere below /var, but I don't think anything will blow up if you put them directly below / either.20:04
sebsebsebjet: I had a right look through synaptic, the games secitons and so on20:04
jetanything nessassary i should install from there to run zune software?20:04
sebsebsebjet: oh you got a Zune,  I think Banshee might be able to work with it20:05
jribdhaval_: no...20:05
dhaval_then how do i do that?20:05
techbwmzz:it seemed to be the alternate atheros drivers I enabled, resume workked 100% now20:05
sebsebsebjet: when you know what to install it's actsaully easier and quicker to  use the terminal.   system > preferences > terminal    and then for example  sudo apt-get install banshee20:05
dhaval_wget -rxc [url]?20:05
jribdhaval_: did you look at the examples in the man page?20:05
techbwmzz: thx20:05
dhaval_yeah, didn't get much20:06
jetgimmie a second ill brb20:06
dhaval_I'm looking at the man page20:06
jribdhaval_: well read the descripts for each of those switches then, that should tell you if they do what you want or not20:06
dhaval_OK, but what does recursive mena?20:07
sebsebsebjet: ok20:07
jribdhaval_: to understand recursion you must understand recursion20:07
jribdhaval_: (it's the option you want)20:08
Evelinazortec: No I don't really know how to do a system wide grep.20:08
techbwanyone know of free computer virtualisation similar to M$ virtual PC?20:08
jrib!virtualizer | techbw20:08
ubottutechbw: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications20:08
dhaval_I understand recrusive functions, but I don't get it here.20:08
sebsebsebtechbw: Virtualbox and if you want USB support   get  it directly from http://www.virtualbox.org for Linux hosts20:08
jribdhaval_: it means it keeps going once it gets inside a directory.  not the default depth though20:09
chiquesHow do I get rid of all of those boot options in my GRUB menu?20:09
sebsebsebtechbw: sadly  the open source version  lacks  the feature, but the freeware version has it20:09
chiquesCan I uninstall them somehow?20:09
dhaval_I think I get it20:09
dhaval_I basically means download it all. Right?20:09
mzztechbw: I like virtualbox (I use the ose version myself) but the others are useful too20:10
jribdhaval_: basicaly but see my last statement20:10
techbwsebsebseb:thanks will try that first20:10
dhaval_So it downloads till the end, and keeps going until it reaches the deepest directory right?20:10
jetwhats terminals shortcut?20:10
jribdhaval_: no.  See my warning about the default depth20:10
Gattohola !!!20:11
sebsebsebtechbw: it's pretty straight forward,  but  this is something you should know about.  make sure you do the default dynamicaly expanding vm, when it comes to making your hard disk,  and that's just the size the  vm OS thinks it has,  and of course the  vm file takes up some space on  your pysical hard disk as well.  so for Windows  do like 60GB20:11
techbwmzz: just looking for a way to move away from running windows, and vmware costs $$ or at least that is what I heard20:11
dhaval_There's such a thing as default depth huh?20:11
twoheadedboycould someone help me set up wireless in 9.04 on my laptop? I've looked at guides and tried both native and windows drivers and can't seem to get it to work. I've previously set up wireless on this laptop in linux before but not in this install20:11
jribdhaval_: man page right under -r20:11
Cancerousanybody have or know where to get FiSH v0.98 for xchat?20:11
mzztechbw: with things like virtualbox you'll still run windows, just inside a vm (at the same time as ubuntu, without having to reboot)20:11
sebsebsebtechbw: the other option  does a psyical vm file as big as you said,  so you end up wasting hard disk space20:11
mzztechbw: wine lets you run windows apps without actually running windows20:12
themiddlemanI installed a program (numpty physics) from a deb file and I cant uninstall it, sudo aptitude remove -f numptyphysics doesnt work20:12
alteregoahardy hardon20:12
Seveas!doesn't work | themiddleman20:12
ubottuthemiddleman: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.20:12
sebsebsebmzz  I think he already knows since he asked for an alternative to VirtualPC20:12
jrib!doesn't work | themiddleman20:12
zortecsebsebseb: I would like to second that, dynamically expanding disk is the best option but you do take a very small performance hit... hardly noticeable20:12
alteregoaor gutsy bonobo?20:12
techbwmzz: got that installed already, have photoshop installed on wine, as well as dreamweaver. seems to run ok20:12
dhaval_-l? ok...20:12
dhaval_I'll try it later20:12
dhaval_Thanks a lot dude :)20:12
sebsebsebzortec: a performance hit what?20:12
techbwmzz: just fonts suck in wine20:12
themiddlemanfuck you20:12
sebsebseb!langauge |  themiddleman20:13
ubottuthemiddleman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:13
jribthemiddleman: please don't act like that.  Stay family-friendly if you wish to remain here20:13
mzztechbw: virtualbox is great for things wine can't handle as well as for thoroughly isolating windows apps from your ubuntu system, as long as they don't need great graphical performance.20:13
zortecsebsebseb: That should have been to techbw20:13
themiddlemanYeah, well i described it really well and you flame me20:13
sebsebsebzortec: ah ok20:13
zortecsebsebseb: I'm hitting all ground balls today :P20:13
Seveasthemiddleman, you did not. You say 'xxxx didn't work'. That is *not* a good description of a problem20:14
sebsebsebzortec: I didn't understand what you meant20:14
techbwmzz:that is what I thought, if anything happens on virtual machine then replace with a backup of the file20:14
Cancerousnobody knows anything about Fish in xchat....20:14
jribthemiddleman: I'm not sure what kind of help you expect from "doesn't work".  It probably gives you some output which you should share.  No one "flamed" you.  We asked for more details20:14
=== mike is now known as Guest63896
Gattoenlace para ubuntu-es20:14
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:14
zortecsebsebseb: I meant when you told him to choose the dynamically expanding disk option in the vm, that you take a slight performance hit20:14
techbwmzz: you have to think like that with windows.20:14
mzztechbw: also with a vm you get snapshots, which are really awesome.20:14
jeti cant find terminal under system preferences?20:14
themiddlemanI installed a program (numpty physics) from a deb file and I cant uninstall it, sudo aptitude remove -f numptyphysics doesnt uninstall it20:14
sebsebsebzortec: ah ok20:14
dhaval_Went to wikipedia...20:14
zortecsebsebseb: because the disk is growing20:15
mzzthemiddleman: so what *does* that aptitude command do?20:15
dhaval_Couldn't you just tell me to use gwget?20:15
edbianthemiddleman: What does that command do?20:15
jrib!termianl | jet20:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about termianl20:15
sebsebsebjet: or maybe I told you to look in the wrong place   applications > assessories20:15
Seveasjet, applications -> accessories20:15
jrib!terminal | jet20:15
ubottujet: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:15
Seveassebsebseb, damn you :P20:15
mzzthemiddleman: (pastebin its output?)20:15
jetah right what is the cmd to get it quick?20:15
dr3mrousing mail gives me send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory20:15
dr3mroCan't send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 7520:15
jetf2 or something?20:15
=== Ghoti_ is now known as DopeGhoti
zortecjet: alt+f220:15
jribjet: there isn't one by default20:16
mzzjet: perhaps you mean alt-f2 gnome-terminal?20:16
techbwmzz: sebsebseb: what's the diffirence between virtualbox ose and standard version20:16
zortecjet: if that is what you want20:16
mzztechbw: there's a list of differences on the wiki20:16
edbianjet: alt + F2 lets you run things.  A terminal is one thing you could run.20:16
sebsebsebjet  sorry my bad  whoops simple mistake,  and  seveas  no one is perfect20:16
mzztechbw: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Editions20:16
Seveasjet, you can set a shortcut in system -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts20:16
themiddlemanmzz, edbian http://pastebin.com/d7683b8ad20:16
diddyHow can one  access the help docu in /usr/share/doc ???20:16
zortecjet: you can also use gnomedock and there is even launchy on linux, just some alternatives20:16
twoheadedboyanyone, rather20:16
jribdiddy: with less would be one way20:16
mzzdiddy: I usually use "less", but many things work (a lot of the stuff there is plain text)20:16
Seveassebsebseb, (the damn you refered to you beating me to the correct answer by one line of chat :))20:17
techbwmzz: i see there is a page for reading up on diffirences :-) lol20:17
=== yoni is now known as CrAzYoNi
edbianthemiddleman: I think you just got the name of the package wrong.20:17
dr3mrowhen i use mail command i get send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory20:17
dr3mroCan't send mail: sendmail process failed with error code 7520:17
sebsebsebSeveas: hmm?20:17
zortecSeveas: I didn't know we were getting timed :P20:17
diddyjrib, mzz: Thx20:17
sebsebsebSeveas: well learn to touch type if you don't know how already, and you might be able to beat me  sometime :D20:17
mzzedbian: are you sure? It looks like its uninstall script fails20:17
mzzedbian: "subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status"20:18
DopeGhotiCan anyone think of a reason that only part of my .XCompose file seems to work?20:18
Seveassebsebseb, I actually had to look up where it lived, I have it bound to [flag key] + T so I never use the menu to find it :)20:18
sebsebsebSeveas: you can get a few programs for that from the Ubuntu repo by the way20:18
themiddlemanedbian: nope, it is correct20:18
mzzsebsebseb: heh20:18
jetsebsebseb im installing banshee right now20:19
edbianmzz: themiddleman: I stand corrected.  (I didn't read very carefully).  That is definitely the case :).  Run sudo dpkg-reconfigure numptyphysics20:19
jetany tips? whats it do?20:19
skypiloti've got speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav playing all channels, but when i play music i can't get it to play out the rear speakers (pulse audio and audigy2)20:19
mzzjet: iirc it plays music and may also sync your zune20:19
themiddlemanedbian:  /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: numptyphysics is broken or not fully installed20:19
edbianthemiddleman: or is it: "sudo apt-get install -f"  I can't remember20:19
sebsebsebjet: it might work if your lucky,  but I got a feeling it won't be as simple as just using Banshee,  because it's a Microsoft Zune, and  Microsoft  don't exactly like opensource/freesoftware,  in  fact  it's there only real  proper competitor,  it even scares them at times20:19
edbianthemiddleman: try "sudo apt-get install -f"20:19
mzzskypilot: I think I saw the pulseaudio wiki mention that, but I don't know if it applies to ubuntu.20:19
edbianthe -f is "fix"20:19
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:20
sebsebsebjet: well and Google is there big competition as well,  and they use opensource/freesoftware here and there20:20
jetmzz thanks20:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about deeveedee20:20
themiddlemanedbian: http://pastebin.com/d40a768f220:20
mzzskypilot: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/FAQ#IhaveasurroundsoundcardbutPulseAudiousesjustthefrontspeakers but you should definitely ask for a second opinion, I'm not familiar with ubuntu's pulse setup20:20
jeti have to get th zune software running somewhere like it would in doze20:21
nonewmsgsmy ubuntu is giving me the silent treatment.  i upgraded my mobo and the first time i booted it up, it played sound but at a low volume.  now i get no sound at all.  i did asoundconf set Intel (it was the only one on my asoundconf -list).  my soundcard is azailia (http://usa.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=3&l2=11&l3=563&l4=0&model=2068&modelmenu=1)20:21
jetfor softwar updates and whatnot20:21
skypilotmzz, thanks, also, i just got it to work with OSS, should i just settle for that, or is there a real benefit for getting pulseaudio working?20:21
mzzthemiddleman: it's also possible the uninstall script is just broken, but I don't know how to sanely recover from that20:21
sebsebsebjet:   how much RAM do you have?20:21
mzzskypilot: I'm not sure anymore.20:21
jet2 gig20:21
GilJGuys, in http://www.binonabiso.com/en/Ubuntu-miniRAM-HOWTO.html they speak of a "custom" install, is that still possible? I was never asked to press enter20:21
edbianthemiddleman: try installing the app completely: sudo aptitude install numptyphysics20:21
edbianthemiddleman: Then remove it20:21
skypilotmzz, lol thanks20:21
sebsebsebjet: ok good I think you can virtual machine  Windows inside Ubuntu for your Zume20:21
sebsebsebjet: there is also bound to be a way to get them working with  Linux, but  it's probably tricky20:22
edbianthemiddleman: It is odd that there error is that the icon cache file DOES exist20:22
mzzskypilot: it may be a bit of a hassle to get rid of it completely on an ubuntu system (it integrates in a couple of places afaik).20:22
themiddlemanedbian: its not in the repo but I will install it20:22
mzzskypilot: and in some cases it may actually be useful, especially if you're on a laptop with multiple outputs or ever want to output over the network.20:22
edbianthemiddleman: ok20:22
jeti think i tried that once before..... if banshee isnt the answer ill work with  the virtual machine20:22
tzolkini have a problem, when i delete a folder from /opt, the space that this folder take does not return, what can i do?? is this a bug??20:22
lianimatorHi, I installed kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu to test it out. now, how do I remove the extra packages?20:22
edbianthemiddleman: You have a .deb package downloaded?  Is this correct?20:22
skypilotmzz, thanks for the link, i actually made that edit from help i found elsewhere, but hadn't restarted pulseaudio, gonna try that now20:23
sebsebseb!puregnome |  lianimator20:23
ubottulianimator: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal20:23
mzztzolkin: if the files you deleted are still opened by some process they won't actually be deleted until that process closes the file or exits20:23
themiddlemanedbian: yes20:23
edbianthemiddleman: Unfortuantely I have to go now :(20:23
ctmjrthemiddleman:  how did you install it with gdebi or dpkg20:23
mzztzolkin: (I have a silly hack to check for that, but there's probably some sane command I don't know about to do that too)20:23
jetbanshee (Y)20:23
themiddlemanctmjr: gdebi20:23
sebsebsebjet: it worked?20:24
themiddlemanedbian: thanks for the help20:24
tzolkinit will be ok when i restart?20:24
edbianthemiddleman: Sorry I couldn't help more! Good luck!  I suspect it's a poorly written package.  After you install and try to remove again I would try deleting that file that is creating the error. The font cache thingy20:24
mzztzolkin: that's a possibility, depending on what you deleted.20:24
jetfroze i clicked on a shared file20:24
edbianthemiddleman: If it still didn't remove that is.20:24
=== jikuty is now known as sirajm
tzolkinI delete a VMware virture machine file20:25
diddyI noticed that there are various languages in /usr/share/man. Is it possible to call a man page in a different language if it exists there?20:25
=== sirajm is now known as jikuty
ctmjrthemiddleman: try sudo dpkg -r "name"20:26
schristiehow does one change the login screen in karmic?20:26
=== stephen is now known as Guest37543
skypilotmzz, W: alsa-util.c: Device hw:0 doesn't support 6 channels, changed to 2.20:26
schristiethe normal config apps seem to be missing20:26
sebsebseb!karmic |  schristie20:26
ubottuschristie: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:26
jetproblem is, the zune is not recognized through the usb?20:26
jribdiddy: try prefixing your command with LANG=whatvere20:26
=== jon is now known as Guest98960
themiddlemanctmjr: http://pastebin.com/d33d27ed920:26
sebsebsebjet: I think your best bet is the virtual machine,  with  the  freeware/closedsource  version of Virtualbox  that you can get directly from http://www.virtualbox.org for Linux hosts,  The open source version sadly lacks USB support :(20:27
MattPhiliezortec: can you pm me again sorry that closed20:27
tzolkinlast time when delete the matlab7 folder, it also like this time...20:27
sebsebsebjet: your on an install now or the Live CD?20:28
jetim on the install20:28
sebsebsebjet: obviously you don't virtual machine on a  Live CD, but install sure go for it20:28
Guest98960does anybody know what plingins i need to have on a ubuntu linux os so i can look at tv shows @ nbc.com and cbs.com and soon plese help me out20:28
freestyley need help to install my wireless card20:28
sebsebsebjet: maybe do a little Google for zune on Linux as well20:28
ctmjrthemiddleman: go into the dir where the deb is and do sudo -i "name" it might reinstall it so you can remove it20:28
twoheadedboycan anyone help me get wireless to work in 9.04? here's my lshw -C network output: http://www.pastey.net/11774820:28
jeti actually did have it working a few months back on a virtual machine running xp20:28
jeti had to us closed sourc20:29
zortecGuest98960: ubuntu-restricted-extras should take care of that20:29
jetalright thanks for the help20:29
sebsebsebjet: ok well that's the way to do it then, and np20:29
Qu4R0whow about this?=http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11433220:29
mzzskypilot: huh, odd. Do you have multiple devices?20:29
themiddlemanctmjr: whats the command?20:29
mzzskypilot: iirc "aplay -l" may be interesting.20:30
ctmjrthemiddleman: oops sorry sudo dpkg -i "package name"20:30
mzzskypilot: been a while though.20:30
mattalexxDON'T SHOUT AT US20:30
themiddlemanctmjr: http://pastebin.com/d2d291f9620:30
Guest98960I NEED TO BE PM20:31
Allooshbig problem here, when I try to boot my laptop the hard drive makes sound as if its cracking, and it never starts, so I used live cd, and its going fine, and I can even reach the hard drive and all of its content20:31
sebsebseb!caps |  Guest9896020:31
ubottuGuest98960: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:31
erUSULtwoheadedboy: does an "wlan0" appear when you do "iwconfig" ?20:31
mzzah, I was looking for that factoid20:31
klb_Hey there, does anybody know how to install thew gui for virtualbox 3.0.220:31
Allooshis my hd broken or what?20:31
adboliveTenho um sistema rodando windows e linux gerenciando o boot pelo grub. Devido a alguns problemas terei que reinstalar o windows. Como faco para restaurar o grub sem modificar meu linux?20:31
Allooshhow to check what is going on?20:31
sebsebsebklb_: of course20:31
erUSUL!grub | adbolive20:31
ubottuadbolive: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:31
erUSUL!pt | adbolive20:31
ubottuadbolive: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:31
twoheadedboyerUSUL: no, just lo, eth0, and pan020:31
Guest98960help me out plese20:32
klb_sebsebseb, as far as I can see its not in the virtualbox repo?20:32
erUSULtwoheadedboy: did you installed b43-fwcutter ? « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter »20:32
=== redsoxking|afk is now known as redsoxking
sebsebsebklb_: first of all if you want USB  support get the closedsource freeware  version from http://www.virtualbox.org if you don't want that feature the open source version which is in the repo will do it20:32
DopeGhotiCan anyone think of a reason that only part of my .XCompose file seems to work?20:32
skypilotmzz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/221355/20:32
twoheadedboyerUSUL: yes20:32
adboliveOk sorry!20:33
erUSULDopeGhoti: some syntax error makes part that of the file not be evaluated ?20:33
skiwithpetehey dudes20:33
klb_sebsebseb, I dont need usb support but I need the qt/gtk gui20:33
Guest98960hello i need some help here20:33
Guest98960\pm me20:33
sebsebseb!virtualbox |  klb_20:33
ubottuklb_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox20:33
qe2eqeGuest98960, !ask20:33
qe2eqe!ask > Guest9896020:33
ubottuGuest98960, please see my private message20:33
twoheadedboyerUSUL: I tried the command again just for kicks and all it tries to do is remove mesa-utils20:34
skiwithpetehere's the situation: started gparted to resize a 750gig partition to 500gigs, close the laptop lid and walked away.20:34
erUSULGuest98960: just ask your question no caps and if somebody knows the answer they will reply20:34
skiwithpetenow, when I've opened the lid, no screeen appears20:34
skiwithpeteits just black.20:34
ctmjrthemiddleman: one more try sudo dpkg -P "name" if it does not work am out of ideas you can find and delete the  files by hand20:34
Rookie-88hello pp's!20:34
mattalexx Alloosh, go ask the guys in #hardware20:34
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: I thought of that, but some lines later in the file are working, and some earlier than working lines, aren't.  example:  I can <compose> ( KP5 KP0 ) for ㊿, but <compose> ( 5 0 ) does not work, though it's defined earlier in the file.20:34
sebsebsebklb_: that bot factoid is a bit unclear,  since they mean free as in freedom, not price20:34
skiwithpetethe drive seems intermitently busy...20:34
Gattopasen enlace a ubuntu-es20:34
Rookie-88i need help regarding my desktop20:34
skiwithpetebut I don't know what to do now20:34
sebsebseb!details |  Rookie-8820:34
ubottuRookie-88: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:34
erUSUL!es | Gatto20:34
ubottuGatto: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:34
qe2eqeRAID question here: if I have hardware raid enabled, but I see both sda and sdb, those are the two drives that are supposed to be 1 ld --- is that healthy?20:34
skiwithpetehow long does resizing take?20:35
GattoGracias !!!20:35
skiwithpeteany ideas?20:35
Rookie-88ok, sec20:35
zortecskiwithpete: it depends on the size of the drive20:35
themiddlemanctmjr: thanks anyway20:35
erUSUL!fakeraid | qe2eqe20:35
ubottuqe2eqe: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:35
klb_sebsebseb, when I use the repo form virtualbox.org it installs the virtualbox but the the gui frontend as the 2.1.4 in the ubuntu main repo20:35
EvelinaHow do I do a system wide grep to find a file?20:35
sebsebsebklb_: no20:35
Guest98960is there any real people in here20:36
sebsebsebklb_: kvm has a seperate gui sure, but Virtualbox no, the GUI is part of both versions20:36
ctmjrthemiddleman: the last one did not work either?20:36
Rookie-88i was trying to get a screensaver as backround and now i cant see any of my desktop icons and i cant use screensavers as backround20:36
erUSULtwoheadedboy: if the firmware is installed i do not know why it odes not work...20:36
th0rGuest98960: no20:36
sebsebsebGuest98960: are you?20:36
jethelp. i installed virtualbox and i cant find it......20:36
zortecEvelina: cd / to get back to the root directory and type grep "search pattern" *20:36
DopeGhotiEvelina: 'locate'?20:36
eoeasfind / | grep xyz20:36
themiddlemanctmjr: nope same  Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.20:36
skiwithpetezortec, its a USB 1TB, resizing a 750gb partitiion to a 500gig one20:36
sebsebsebjet: this sometimes happens,  you install a program and it does not add itself to the menu just like that20:36
Guest98960can any body plese help me out20:36
sebsebsebjet: if you re install the package or log out of your account and back in again, it should be in the menu20:36
sebsebsebjet: if it's not already it will be under applications > system tools20:37
skiwithpetemy keyboard is still responsive (caps lock works) and the drive seems to be doing something...20:37
skiwithpetehow long do I wait?20:37
twoheadedboyerUSUL: me neither, that's why I'm here! wireless is enabled in the task bar, but the tab is grayed out on the actual settings20:37
erUSULGuest98960: you have to ask something to get an answer...20:37
zortecskiwithpete: it will take a couple mins20:37
skiwithpetewhat is the best procedure to get out of this20:37
diddyjrib, you mean: man lang=eswhatis ???20:38
=== jon is now known as Guest65074
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: breaking out of a repartition operation is probably a Bad Idea.20:38
skiwithpetezortec, its taken a lot longer than that... but shrinking a drive from the start, that is fulled with data surely takes longer than if it was empty20:38
jetsebsebseb: bingo20:38
erUSULEvelina: you want to find a file by its contents or by its name ?20:38
skiwithpeteDopeGhoti, how long should I wait?20:38
skiwithpetehow do I know when its done?20:38
zortecskiwithpete: what program are you using?20:38
ctmjrthemiddleman: try to use gdebi to reinstall it use the gui and go into the dir where it is and right click it should be an option for gdebi20:38
sebsebsebjet: you logged out and back in again?20:38
klb_sebsebseb, looks like you just need to reboot to get the icon i the gnome menu, and the command is with VirtualBox doooh sorry20:39
themiddlemanctmjr: already tried20:39
sebsebsebjet: well a reinstall of the package would have sorted it probably20:39
zortecskiwithpete: I know with my 320GB it only took like 20 secs20:39
sebsebsebklb_: dooh sorry?20:39
erUSULskiwithpete: is the drve empty or wioth data ?20:39
skiwithpetewell I'm shrinking this one from the front, not the back, so I imagine it has to move the 250gb on it before resizing20:39
sebsebsebklb_ jet rebooting does not need to be done with Linux, except for major updates, for example a new kernel20:39
zortecskiwithpete: you might cancel the operation and try it again, make sure that the drive is empty as that will speed up the process20:40
skiwithpeteerUSUL, with data20:40
Guest65074hello my name is jon .and i need to know what i need to have as far  as plung-ins so i can look at tvshows that are on website's .like cbs.com and nbc.com and also hulu.com.plese somebody help me out .i may need one on one help20:40
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: If the drive is non-empty, it can take A Long Time, particularly over USB, even more so if it's USB 1.1.20:40
th0rskiwithpete: I wouldn't interrupt it while there is drive activity...you will be asking for trouble20:40
erUSULskiwithpete: well the more data the program has to move around to do the resize the longer it takes20:40
sebsebsebGuest65074: well you need Flash installed that's for sure20:40
skiwithpeteanyone wanna guess how long it will take?20:41
erUSULskiwithpete: and as th0r says do not interrupt it.20:41
zortecis pulseaudio only available with built in sound cards?20:41
Guest65074how do i get it20:41
skiwithpeteok, but because my screen has gone black, I'll have to do something sooner or later20:41
DopeGhotiGuest65074: the main one you will need is flashplugin-installer.  to install it, at a terminal, type: 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer'20:41
erUSULGuest65074: you need to install the flash plugin. Go to aplications>Add remove20:41
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: Were you using a GUI or terminal partition editor?20:41
noobeguys for those who use jaunty server with gnome,  ---->   utility to count network trafic   --->    apt-get install  netspeed20:41
erUSULGuest65074: there search for ubuntu-restricted-extras package and install it20:42
sebsebsebGuest65074: to get the terminal,   applications > assesories terminal20:42
skiwithpeteI was in gnome.20:42
Guest65074can you walk me throw plese just pm me20:42
noobeand then go to the taskbar and the applet is there20:42
skiwithpetedunno if gnome is still working because screen is black20:42
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: you could try pressing ctrl-alt-f1, logging in on the VT, and using 'top' to see if the partitioner is still working.20:42
sebsebseberUSUL  Guest65074   I was thinking  that  one as well, but  that will also put on other propritary stuff  that isn't needed20:42
adboliveubottu: Thank you!20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Thank you!20:43
sebsebseb!thanks |  adbolive20:43
ubottuadbolive: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:43
erUSULsebsebseb: judging the type of user from my experience here i bet that i'm saving him many other questions here20:43
skiwithpetewith the screen black, and I press ctrl+alt+f1 should that bring the screen back and what's VT?20:43
sebsebseberUSUL: that's true20:43
=== j0nr_ is now known as j0nr
sebsebsebGuest65074: ok open the  terminal you got it open?  and install what  erUSUL said20:44
skypilotmzz, ohwow, just put on a flash vid and it's coming out the rear speakers too!20:44
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: C-A-F1 should ybring you to a textmode login proimpt.  a VT is a virtual terminal.20:44
skypilotmzz, hmm, music's working too now, sounds like i've got it for now.20:44
skiwithpeteok, did ctrl+Alt+F1, and terminal has appeared.20:45
skiwithpetenow what?20:45
ubottuError: You are not identified20:45
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: log in, and run 'top'. That will show you a list of what you have running, in order of CPU usage.20:45
EvelinaerUSUL: I want to find a file by it's name.20:45
DopeGhotiskypilot: Could you well me what you did? I also don't have rear audio working, and I missed the first half of your conversation :)20:45
noobeyou have a utility in gnome        ntop         ---->  sudo  apt-get install  ntop20:46
skiwithpeteDopeGhoti, ok, I see resizefs is still working20:46
zortecEvelina: Did grep not work for you?20:46
Evelinazortec:  Ok, the system wide grep didn't gave me the right answer. I'm sure the program is installed.20:46
j0nrHi all.... can anyone help get an Edimax usb wireless dongle working please? I bought on the assumption it would 'just work' but its not unfortunately20:46
erUSULEvelina: sudo updatedb && locate filename20:46
zortecEvelina: Do you know anything about the program?20:46
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: okay, that means that it's still doing its job.  It's hard to say how much longer you'll have to wait though20:46
skypilotDopeGhoti, i did this: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/FAQ#IhaveasurroundsoundcardbutPulseAudiousesjustthefrontspeakers  then restarted pulseaudio. It gave me an error, but seems to be working anyway.. i also did some stuff from this thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=770028  (the 6th post)20:47
DopeGhotiskypilot: thanks!20:47
skypilotDopeGhoti, let me know how it goes20:48
skiwithpeteDopeGhoti, is there a way to close this now and try to get Gnome GUI back?20:48
sebsebseberUSUL: did you see  Guest65074 's  acstaul issue?   he pm'd me  said he did restricted extras, but stuff still won't work.  maybe he needs to install the mplayer plugin or something20:48
Evelinazortec: Well, I installed planet from Ubuntu's reciptories. It's a feed generator and I have red that it will be run by: python planet.py path_yo_conf_file, but it won't work and I can't find the planet file either.20:48
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: to close top, hit 'q' for 'Quit'. log out of the terminal ('exit' or 'logout'), and to get back to the GUI, it'll be C-A-F720:48
erUSULsebsebseb: well from what he said its a flash issue. hulu adn most of the sites he mentioned use flash video players20:49
torrothI have a question: I just installed ubuntu. Booted it up and I'm at teh grub command prompt. How do I get the main program to start? Do I need to tell it where to goas it is not on my main drive.20:49
zortecEvelina: Do you have the python libraries installed?20:49
zortecEvelina: That is probably the first thing you need to do before you find the find and run it20:49
sebsebsebGuest65074: does Flash work now, try Youtbue for example20:50
Guest65074hay i need a person to help me out20:50
Guest65074no it did not work20:50
sebsebsebGuest65074: that's what  erUSUL and me are trying to do20:50
neotullikhow do i set a screensaver as wallpaper ?20:50
skiwithpeteDopeGhoti, did ctrl+alt+f7 and it brought me back to a black screen (this time with a cursor on it, but the cursor won't move)20:51
=== Idl3r is now known as Guest47570
wvmacis ushare availble and does it work correctly in 9.0420:51
Guest65074spmeone needs to help me out '20:51
Guest65074some one20:51
rski!info ushare20:51
ubottuushare (source: ushare): lightweight UPnP A/V Media Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1a-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 51 kB, installed size 236 kB20:51
erUSULGuest65074: type "about:pluigns" on the url bar in firefox. does it mentions flash/shockwave ??20:52
diddyDoes anybody know what the group plugdev is for?20:52
jetwhn creating a virtual machine should i also create a new harddisk?20:52
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: hmm, and you have nothing else onscreen?  Try alt-tab?20:52
sebsebsebjet: yes20:52
[R]diddy: hal automount stuff20:52
Guest65074i dont know mna20:52
sebsebsebjet: ,but hang on a sec20:52
sebsebsebjet: which Windows are you installing?20:52
skiwithpeteDopeGhoti, nothing20:52
diddy[R], thx20:52
wvmacrski: thanks20:52
calwigI have a Login question20:52
TrijntjeProblem with cryptsetup on ubuntu 9.04. When I do "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdf crypty" I get the error: "Command failed: Can not access device". Works fine on 8.04, what could be the cause of this? I could find nothing on this online, and i have loaded dm-crypt module20:52
erUSULGuest65074: about:plugins <<< sorry for the typo20:52
DopeGhoti!ask | calwig20:52
ubottucalwig: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:52
sebsebsebjet: and make sure your  hard disk is dynamically expanding, so loads of psyical  hard disk space isn't wasted. so put like 60GB for Windows20:53
calwigDopeGhoti: yep, maybe you can help20:53
Evelinazortec: I used python before. I run Feedparser using pyrhon without any problem.20:53
sebsebsebjet: this is the size the VM think it has,  and the virtual hard disk can go up to that size,  as long as you have enough pysical hard disk space for it20:53
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: hmm, let me think..  if you press alt+F2, do you get anything?20:53
zortecEvelina: Have you tried using "locate" as was suggested?20:53
sebsebsebGuest65074: I don't want to pm,  out of the two,  erUSUL is probably your best bet20:53
jetalright since the primary use of it is for zune only should 10 gig be enough?20:54
skiwithpeteno completely unresponsive20:54
jetwith updates and whatnot?20:54
skiwithpetecursor won't move, no nothing happening.20:54
sebsebsebjet: you can put 2TB if you want,  even though you don't have  that amount of psyical hard disk space20:54
zortecjet: 10GB for zune? that is a small mp3 collection20:54
Guest65074hay you people need to plese help me out20:54
skiwithpeteScreen is on, because its a litblack... but that's it20:54
sebsebsebjet: it's just the size the VM thinks it has, when you do dynamically expanding20:54
th0rskiwithpete: closing the lid might have started the laptop trying to suspend....but half way through a resize it probably couldn't20:54
jetsebsebseb: your right haha20:54
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: Well, I don't want to have you kill X or anything, because I don't want to make you klobber your hard drive.  I'd go back to watching top for your resizer to be done, and then reboot the system from there.20:55
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: it sounds like something is wrong with X20:55
sebsebsebjet: when you do fixed storage,   then  it does  the acstaul virtual hard disk, the pysical file,  in the size you said, hence doing dymaically  expanding instead20:55
sebsebsebjet: ,because then a default  XP will be like well  if it's SP3  about 5GB for your virtual hard disk, and it can  become bigger if nessarey20:55
skiwithpeteDopeGhoti, thanks for your help20:55
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: My pleasure!20:55
jetsebsebseb: cool i set it at 100gig dynamic. i hav a half full 80gig zune20:56
skiwithpeteits guys like you that make Ubuntu awesome20:56
zortecEvelina: Any progress?20:56
jethro85ok i am having a problem with suspending my computer. when i have my graphics card drivers activated, the system freezes when i return from suspend. and when i have the drivers disabled suspend runs fine but my screen gets all snowy.20:56
Guest65074I NEED HELP PLESE20:56
mzzskypilot: hmm, sounds like you somehow need "Device 3" instead of the first one20:56
sebsebsebjet: sure 100GB  dynamic  that will do it20:56
torrothwish I could get mine to run20:56
mzz!caps | Guest6507420:56
ubottuGuest65074: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:56
DopeGhotiGuest65074: with?20:56
skypilotmzz, maybe, but it seems to be working on all the speakers now :320:56
TrijntjeGuest65074: Ask you question. There are 1300 people here, if the all say hi things get a bit messy. If someon can help you they will respond20:56
Guest65074well someone needs to he;lp me out20:56
sebsebsebGuest65074: ask your question again20:56
jetsebsebseb: im ready to install from the live cd, how do i get that up again? i have to boot it up?20:56
j0nranyone able to help with the wireless USB dongle20:57
sebsebsebjet: the Live CD????20:57
zortecUbuntu should get the vote for the #1 distro, imo.20:57
sebsebsebjet: I thought you were on an Ubuntu install?20:57
jetits a windows xp VLK20:57
calwigDopeGhoti: I connect to an ubuntu box remotely20:57
zortecIt's the only one with a huge community and great support behind their software.20:57
DopeGhotizortec: each distro has its perks :)20:57
zortecDopeGhoti: Yeah, but my heart goes out to Ubuntu :)20:57
sebsebsebzortec: I  can think of a few bad things about Ubuntu 9.0420:57
zortecDopeGhoti: But I also like the vision of Mark Shuttleworth, so to each their own20:57
DopeGhotizortec: I waffle between *buntu and Gentoo20:57
jethro85ok i am having a problem with suspending my computer. when i have my graphics card drivers activated, the system freezes when i return from suspend. and when i have the drivers disabled suspend runs fine but my screen gets all snowy.20:58
jetsebsebseb: my bad i meant live wondows cd lol20:58
[R]jethro85: nvidia?20:58
DopeGhoticalwig: what are you needing assistance with?20:58
calwigDopeGhoti: for example, i have a network where one computer connects wirelessly, and then i share that internet connection, thru a router, and other computers connect to it. So when i turn on the Main Laptop that connects wirelessly, I would just like to turn it on20:58
sebsebsebjet: Live CD  is  a  Linux and such thing,    your Windows CD  is just well a bootable CD that you install Windows form20:58
Guest65074does anybody know what plung ins i need to have so i can look at tv shows on cbs.com and hulu.cim.i have ubuntu linux 9.0420:58
Evelinazortec: I have tried locate whitout any success.20:58
jethro85r its an ATI card20:58
[R]jethro85: crappy closed source proprietary drivers will do that20:58
calwigDopeGhoti: however it goes onto the login screen and i must log in. otherwise it will not connect to the network manager20:58
sebsebsebjet: so you called your VM like Windows XP? and said to do Windows and XP?   and left the base memory as the default?  like your meant to?20:58
[R]Guest65074: flash20:59
jethro85r is it possible to find a better driver for my graphics card?20:59
zortecDopeGhoti: I've never been able to get Gentoo installed.  But for the major tech guy, Gentoo is perfect.20:59
sebsebsebjet: and made your  virtual hard disk, and now ready to  install?20:59
jetsebsebseb: i gave it 256mb of base memory20:59
Guest65074i will use  caps if no one will pm me20:59
jetsebsebseb: sure am20:59
DopeGhoticalwig: you can set it to autologin, or, more securely, you can work on setting up some commmandline scripts to run and to put them into /etc/rc.local20:59
zortecDopeGhoti: It does allow for extreme optimization and customization, which I understand is the biggest perk.20:59
Evelinazortec: The problem is that all tutorials mantion the downloaded package and so on, but I installed through the recipitories and I donät know where to find the file.20:59
sebsebsebjet: the base memory should be the default really20:59
ctmjr!flash | Guest6507420:59
ubottuGuest65074: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:59
sebsebsebjet: what kind of XP CD do you have?20:59
jethro85r is it possible to find a better driver for my graphics card?20:59
jetits a VLK from a computer shop20:59
DopeGhotizortec: that and its fansastic package management, which is as good as apt, and in some respects, better20:59
TrijntjeGuest65074: you have no right on our help, be kind and we will help you gladly21:00
sebsebsebjet: what does VLK mean?21:00
jetvolume licence key21:00
zortecEvelina: I thought you were trying to locate the file, you have several commands that you can use: find, locate, whereis, grep, one of those should be able to track the file down21:00
erUSULjethro85: which graphic card ?21:00
sebsebsebjet: ok I guess it will work, some versions  won't work21:00
[R]jethro85: there is only the open source one or the crappy closed source one... and if you are going to bother attemping to say my nick... please say the whole thing so i can actually notice it21:00
torrothI just installed ubuntu and after reboot I'm at a grub command line. Do I need to tell it where to boot from as it is not on my main drive?21:00
jethro85erUSUL its an ATI is there a way to check the model number?21:00
sebsebsebjet: put it in  and start the vm, and do the first run wizard and install21:00
sebsebsebjet: it's pretty impressive how fast XP   can install in a virtual machine21:01
jetsebsebseb: i mount the cd rom driv to it first right?21:01
zortecDopeGhoti: I prefer aptitude, though I know most people go with apt-get because it is easier to type21:01
erUSULjethro85: system>adminstration>hardware drivers21:01
DopeGhotitorroth: it should pass through GRUB automagically; did you press anything when the GRUB screen came up?21:01
sebsebsebjet: yep you can do that in the settings or  on the first run wizard21:01
Guest65074is flash free21:01
erUSULtorroth: did grub21:01
torrothFirst few times yea but I let it set for like 2 min and nothing21:01
DopeGhotizortec: I was mainly talking about the whole apt subsystem itself, whether the interface be dpkg, apt-get, aptitude, or Synaptic :)21:01
sebsebsebGuest65074: free as in price,  but free as in freedom no21:01
erUSULtorroth: did grub emit any error message ?21:01
UnderSampledhello. How do I display in-body images in evolution?21:01
torrothno messages. it just sat at teh command prompt21:02
jetsebsebseb: awesome! i have an install screen21:02
calwigDopeGhoti: i set it on autologin, and it does log in21:02
jethro85erUSUL it says ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver21:02
Guest65074then what will i need to have that is free21:02
erUSULtorroth: very weird...21:02
sebsebsebjet: NTFS and   NTFS  quick rather than standard yep21:02
erUSULjethro85: did you enabled it ?21:02
jetsebsebseb: alright21:02
jethro85erUSUL it is enabled but it causes my system to freeze when i return from suspend21:03
=== jason is now known as Guest79404
TrijntjeGuest65074: gnash is a free as in freedom alternative to flash21:03
Evelinazortec: Yes, I know, but I still can't find the file. Strange.21:03
erUSULtorroth: maybe you presed some key to get into the command promt ? can you press esc to get to the manu again or something ?21:03
jethro85erUSUL i was wondering if there is a fix or a different driver i could use21:03
sebsebseb!freedom |  Guest6507421:03
ubottuGuest65074: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing21:03
zortecEvelina: I'm really surprised you haven't located the file yet... are you sure it exists?21:03
DopeGhoticalwig: Please put everything you are saying on one line; it's a lot easier to parse that way.21:03
torrothNo. esc takes me to a screen with a list of find commands21:04
rafanethelp config ati all in wonder 9600 please21:04
DopeGhoti!ati | rafanet21:04
ubotturafanet: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:04
jethro85[R] how do i get the other driver for my graphics card that you metnioned21:04
erUSULjethro85: you can aalways try envyng... but that has its own issues...21:04
_Space_Case_can anybody help getting kaffeine to watch digital tv i have a hauppauge 950q usb tv tuner but cant get any channels to show up in kaffeine..21:04
erUSULjethro85: maybe the suspen hang can be avoided in some other way... let me check21:04
kinks#ubuntu has 137921:04
kinkswrong channel :(21:05
zorteckinks: what are you, a spy?21:05
jetsebsebseb: it installs reall fast21:05
[R]jethro85: under the hardware drivers option you had to have activated the proprietary driver in the first place... just do the same thign in reverse21:05
calwigDopeGhoti: ok you got a bit of my drift so ill explain again, when i turn on the main computer, i would like for it to log in automatically, so autologin, but the login requires a password ( i believe ) so the privileges to log in come into effect. And I have to wait for the login screen, and then log in manually,21:05
sebsebsebjet: indeed :)21:05
kinksnot quite, someone just wanted an example of a huge freenode channel21:05
jetsebsebseb: 80%21:05
zorteckinks: ah ok :)21:05
Guest65074ok I found gnashnow will it work and play the tv shows that i want to look at on hulu.com and cbs.com nbc .com21:05
zorteckinks: I thought you were going to list all the users off in the chan21:05
calwigDopeGhoti: so i would like for the login to take effect automatically as if i was login in with my normal username, and password21:05
[R]Guest65074: you pretty much usually need adobe flash21:06
ctmjr_Space_Case_: are you using kaffiene in gnome or kde?21:06
kinksthat wouldn't be useful or interesting in the slightest.21:06
jethro85[R] when i have it disabled it causes my screen to go all snowy sometimes21:06
zorteckinks: agreed, it would be more interesting to see if you can touch the top of your head with your elbow ;)21:06
calwigDopeGhoti: I already know how to add the autologin, but is there a spot to put a password or something?  I used root user once and that didnt log things in properly21:06
jetsebsebseb: how do you make it autocapture?21:06
Guest65074yall need to help me out.i need a real free plung in21:06
[R]jethro85: huh?21:06
dellySo............ how restarting x in a terminal? :P21:07
sebsebsebjet: in the settings I guess21:07
Trijntjecalwig: system->administration->login->security 'auto login'. Does that work?21:07
DopeGhoticalwig: that's because you don't/shouldn't log in directly as root.21:07
calwigTrijntje: will try again21:07
TrijntjeGuest65074: have you tried gnash?21:07
calwigDopeGhoti: right i thought so21:07
kinkszortec: ..or any part of your head21:07
jethro85[R] the when i dont have the proprietary driver activated my screen gets all snowy and staticy21:07
Guest65074will gnash work21:07
Guest65074for what i want21:08
sebsebsebTriijntje     Guest65074   is  a newbie obviously and it's not helpful to confuse him with Gnash,   and  Adobe Flash is better than Gnash and Swfdec  for Flash support21:08
[R]jethro85: well then i guess you have to make a deicsion if you want the thing thats not working now and remove the drivers... olr keep the drivers and don't get the thing you want21:08
Guest65074yes i am a newbiie21:08
sebsebsebGuest65074: you need to get Adobe Flash working, recently some people have had issues with doing this21:08
DopeGhoticalwig: What precisely is it that you do on login that gets your laptop routing?21:08
jethro85[R] the thing that i want to work is the suspend function and i really need that to work because this is a laptop21:08
jetwell im out for a bit. i have alot to do to bring the VM up to snuff21:08
sebsebseb!flash |  Guest6507421:08
ubottuGuest65074: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:08
jetsebsebseb: thanks21:09
sebsebsebjet: by the way #vbox21:09
Trijntjesebsebseb: I thougt he didnt want to use flash because its not free as in freedom, I told him to use flash first ofcource21:09
jethro85is there an alternative suspend mode or power management software?21:09
[R]jethro85: well you can try googling about suspend with your laptop... maybe there is a hardware specific quirk you need to enable21:09
sebsebsebTrijntje: no he is newbie, so he dosan't even know what that means I expect21:09
erUSULjethro85: edit /etc/default/acpi-support and add fglrx (the ati module) to the MODULES list (line 86 in my version) for example it should look like MODULES="fglrx"21:09
calwigDopeGhoti: absolutely nothing because the nm-applet has the wifi credentials so as soon as i log in the nm authenticates and its online, but on root (or in this case autologin with my username) it doesnt work, or perhaps i just need to try again, I just thought that unless a password is typed manually, a username wont do the trick for the keyring (or authentication)21:10
ctmjr_Space_Case_: the reason i asked is kaffeine will not scan channels in gnome for some reason, it is a pain to get it right as kaffeine uses a different channels conf file than what is put out by scan try using me-tv21:10
alteregoa!module libpam021:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about module libpam021:10
dellySo............ how to restarting x(grapics) in a terminal when running a desktop enviroment and xorg?? :P21:10
alteregoa!module libpam21:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about module libpam21:10
Brando753is there a way to delete all system logs on ubuntu21:11
_Space_Case_me-tv in the universe?21:11
[R]Brando753: rm the fiels in /var/log21:11
_Space_Case_can i use mplayer?21:11
Evelinazortec: No, I'm not sure, becuse I didn't download the file from the Net. I used Ubuntu reciptories and all places I have seen anything about the file name is at different kind of tutorials.21:11
Trijntjedelly: Ctrl+alt+backspace should do it21:11
dellyBrando753: sudo rm -r /var/log21:11
Brando753is that all the logs? unlike windows which has a lot of hidden info21:11
[R]_Space_Case_: use?21:11
dellyTrijntje, you know.... there is a reason i ask <.<21:11
DopeGhoticalwig: it sounds like what you really need to do is script your wifi connection and put it in rc.local21:11
Evelinazortec: I'm sure I have installed it though, because I do find the configuration file.21:11
_Space_Case_mplayer to watch digital tv21:12
zortecEvelina: FYI, since you keep calling it reciptories, it's repositories.  I'm not sure if you knew that.21:12
ctmjr_Space_Case_: yes you can use mplayer but you need a channels conf file in mplayers .conf dir21:12
dellyTrijntje, i got dontzap disabled along with the lines in xorg... a game crashed killed my x proper display21:12
calwigDopeGhoti: yeah thru wpa_supplicant and all that?21:12
[R]_Space_Case_: you'll have to check the mplayer documenation if you want to know what it is capable of21:12
j0nrcan anyone help and see why i am getting errors when trying to compile a driver: http://pastebin.com/m260a05d421:12
jethro85erUSUL there are several lines that say modules, which one should i edit?21:12
zortecEvelina: Does the config file point to anything?21:12
hcsup niggahs21:13
rootcutHi, my laptop's cd-writer, doesn't actually burn the CDs, in Ubuntu Intrepid. Tried in Gnome burner and Brasero, and others. According to the burning software, the process apparently goes as planned and finished successfully, but actually, the CD isn't burned at all, and still figures as a blank CD, Help?!21:13
sebsebseb!ops |  hc21:13
ubottuhc: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!21:13
zortecDopeGhoti: Sorry I closed the priv window, can you start another one and retype what you had?21:13
dellyTrijntje i have experiences this a few times running games in full screen, and i want something to get around <.<21:13
jpdshc: Please stop.21:13
hcmake me21:13
DopeGhoticalwig: try putting this in /etc/rc.local:   http://pastebin.org/291921:13
DopeGhotizortec: done :)21:14
ctmjrnow that was funny (sorry)21:14
kunjiHey everyone I could use some help with an issue that could be a driver issue, plugin issue, or just a hardware problem.  The trouble is that flash either doesn't load (ex. Pandora), or shows a still of every few minutes and is super slow (ex. youtube).21:14
dellykunji: flash is a pain outside windows21:14
Paddy_NIkunji: which browser are you using?21:15
learninghi all21:15
Trijntjedelly: You want to stop the game from crashing or do you want to get back in X without rebooting?21:15
j0nrcan anyone help and see why i am getting errors when trying to compile a driver: http://pastebin.com/m260a05d421:15
rootcutHi, my laptop's cd-writer, doesn't actually burn the CDs, in Ubuntu Intrepid. Tried in Gnome burner and Brasero, and others. According to the burning software, the process apparently goes as planned and finished successfully, but actually, the CD isn't burned at all, and still figures as a blank CD, Help?!21:15
mr_frosteewindows is a pain21:15
calwigDopeGhoti: let me have a look21:15
Paddy_NIkunji: how did you install flash?21:15
learningi installed ubuntu 9.04 in raid with the alternate cd, when i rebooted it sayd "no operating system installed"21:15
pkkmmzz: I solved the problem - When I removed old sound card, ALSA automatically made onboard one default. Now my sound works! Thank you very much for help21:15
learningis this a grub problem?21:15
learningwhat can i do?21:15
kunjiI installed the first plugin on the list that firefox recommended.21:15
RidpojkenQUESTION: If I've already installed ubuntu with gnome, can i change the desktop enviroment to Xfce later on?21:15
kunjiOr rather the packet manager.21:15
Paddy_NIkunji: yes okay21:15
TrijntjeRidpojken: yes21:16
learningyes Ridpojken21:16
dellyTrijntje: i used ctrl+alt+F10 to get into the underling shell, logged on myself in a shell there, killed the app, and resumed to xorg which lead to my display fucked(reboot fixes it,  but i want a easier fix in case it happens again).21:16
DopeGhotiRidpojken: yes, there is a kubuntu-desktop package for KDE, and xubuntu-desktop package for XFCE21:16
calwigDopeGhoti: ok sure, and when it is wpa2 credentials with username and password is it also possible?21:16
learningWho can help me with grub?21:16
Paddy_NIkunji: let me have a search about to see if anyone is experiencing the same problem21:16
EvelinazozoI use the reciptories, there are more programs there than in the old repositories. ;) No, I'm sorry, I am not speaking english, I meant the repositories.21:16
DopeGhoticalwig: I believe so.21:16
Evelinazortec: That was meant for you.21:16
sebsebseblearning: sounds like it hasn't partitioned properly21:16
zortecEvelina: Ah. :)21:17
Trijntjedelly: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Restart_X21:17
zortecEvelina: Where are you from if you don't mind me asking?21:17
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: I can't find it in synaptic!21:17
learningi made 2 partitions ext4 and then i configured raid021:17
calwigDopeGhoti: Ill google then21:17
Daniel_copenhageneed a script that is able to show me information regarding my movies recorded by sony videocamera: recorded date, resolution etc - anyone???21:17
sebsebseblearning: Ext4 on RAID as well hmm21:17
Evelinazortec: No, the config file only points to the templat and output directory, and I cand fins any planet.py file there. The documentation found using Google is very poor.21:17
sebsebseblearning: Ext4 can be a little dodgy in  9.04 depends21:17
learningi also tried ext3 but it was the same21:18
zortecDaniel_copenhage: You would have better luck I would think for writing scripts on the forums than in an irc room, just a thought21:18
learningalways getting no operating system installed21:18
DopeGhotiRidpojken: try at the commandline, apt-cache search xubuntu-desktop.  Does it find it?21:18
sebsebseblearning: could be a bad RAID21:18
kunjiPaddy_NI: Well then I was having this problem so I also tried the adobe one.  I think what I have is integrated graphics Intel 82855.21:18
learningsebsebseb: is there a good manual? i'll try again21:18
_Space_Case_what is the difference between ext3 and ext4 format?21:18
sebsebseb!install | learning21:18
ubottulearning: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:18
sebsebseb!intel |  kunji21:18
ubottukunji: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:18
calwigDopeGhoti: Ill google for the autologin i mean, I'll try the "Enable Automatic Login" and then set the nm-applet once it automatically logs in, then reboot, allow it again to autologin, see results, and see what can be done21:19
[R]_Space_Case_: there are tons of websites that explain whats new in ext421:19
Paddy_NIkunji: okay so I think you would need to remove the first plugin it recommended and try using just the adobe flash 10 plugin21:19
dellyyupp, that did the trick. Not exactly what i wanted, but meh it worked.21:19
Daniel_copenhagezortec, I know but problem is I know the video information has a special word - cannot remember what ist called21:19
JoAnneThraxanyone here recommend a good xmms frontend similar in appearance/function to winamp?21:19
DopeGhoticalwig: good luck!21:19
Entelinanyone know how to remove the "change session" and "change language" options from gdm (the login screen)21:19
sebsebseb_Space_Case_: Ext4  has much faster boot up than Ext3, and it's better with bigger files.  However it's not 100% stable  or whatever in Ubuntu 9.04, because they don't have at least 2.6.30 kernel21:19
zortecDaniel_copenhage: special word?21:19
kunjiPaddy_NI:How do I remove the first plugin?21:20
dellySo............ how do i just kill x and keep the apps running then?21:20
sebsebseb_Space_Case_: Ext4 will be the default file system in the next Ubuntu though,  and people need to clean install Ubuntu for full support21:20
Evelinazortec: This is strange too, on planetplanet homepage it says that Planet only need python-bdb, but aotitude can't find any package named python-bdb. Is it the python istelf?21:20
Daniel_copenhagezonum, the info you recieve from the movies are called something21:20
DopeGhotiDaniel_copenhage: I think the word is 'metadata'?21:20
sebsebseb_Space_Case_: since the Ext3 to Ext4 conversion isn't that good21:20
Daniel_copenhageOhhh Yes thats it thanks :-)21:20
Paddy_NIkunji: well I am having difficulty in identifying what its name is.. just a moment.21:20
Evelinazortec: "Planet requires Python 2.2 or greater installed on your system. It requires only python-bdb, everythingelse is included in the Planet distribution. "21:20
DopeGhotiDaniel_copenhage: cheers :)21:20
calwigDopeGhoti: that i will need :) going to try it now, and be right back21:20
anttiany ideas as to why jaunty suddenly lost all evidence of having ethernet card?21:21
Paddy_NIkunji: type "about:plugins" into the firefox address bar without the quotes21:21
rskiantti: i suspect a crime21:21
[R]antti: define "suddently"21:21
Daniel_copenhageDopeGhoti, thanks - you saved me a lot of time :-)21:21
zortecEvelina: Search on google for that package name and see if you can find out anything.21:21
dellyantti: happend on update to 9.04 or some random time after?21:21
DopeGhotiDaniel_copenhage: my pleasure21:21
utimothya very good day to the room21:21
Paddy_NIkunji: tell me what is written under "Shockwave Flash".21:21
antti[R]: Happened suddenly a in after a reboot earlier today. I can't recall if there was any autoupdates before that21:22
utimothyhow can i install a tar.gz file21:22
[R]antti: and so it doesnt show up in ifconfig -a?21:22
kunjiPaddy_NI: I think this is the offendor: application/futuresplash21:22
anttiearlier all was workign fine, after reboot, no NIC discovered by Jaunty21:22
zortecutimothy: tar -xvzf "file"21:22
[R]utimothy: you extract it and the nfollow the directions21:22
rskiutimothy: you don't you unpack it21:23
zortecutimothy: from the cli :)21:23
GilJWhat's the command to find my IP?21:23
rskiGilJ: ifconfig21:23
Paddy_NIutimothy: that is a compressed archive you need to extract it and look for a read me or install instructions21:23
=== _Apple_ is now known as _Mrs
kunjiPaddy_NI:  there is that and the adobe plugin.21:23
anttiand nope, doesn't show up in ifconfign anymore21:23
rskilukas57: ??21:23
anttionly lo and wlan021:23
Paddy_NIkunji: no futureflash is okay21:23
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: I found i there21:23
[R]antti: ifconfig -a?21:23
zortecGilJ: http://www.whatismyip.com21:23
=== _Mrs is now known as _MrsApple_
zortecGilJ: if you are behind a router, it will show that IP though21:23
GilJrski: Cool, I need to check on eth0, inet addr?21:23
Paddy_NIkunji: what is the other one called21:23
utimothythanks room21:24
ctmjrRidpojken: try this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xfce21:24
kunjiPaddy_NI: The only other thing is: application/x-shockwave-flash21:24
anttino sing of sustem having NIC even then [R]21:24
[R]antti: sounds like the kernel module isn't being loaded21:24
Paddy_NIkunji: this might sound basic but have you tried logging out and back in after you installed it?21:24
kunjiYep, tried a full reboot too, though linux doesn't usually need it.21:24
Paddy_NIkunji: no normally it does not21:25
Evelinazortec: I have found it!21:25
Ridpojkenctmjr: But i can't find it in synaptic!!!21:25
anttiit could be, I wish I had paid more close attention to autoupdates. There was some networking related stuff lately, since nothing else has changed on system in few days21:25
Paddy_NIkunji: ah you are using intel graphics arent you?21:25
Paddy_NI!intel | kunji21:25
ubottukunji: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.21:25
gbear142751I don't seem to be able to populate my "hardware drivers" list.  I have an Nvidia quadro 140m in my t61 and I have uninstalled and reinstalled the nvidia packages.  Any help would be appreciated21:25
Evelinazortec: It was called planetplanet, not planet.py as a lot of blogs on the Net were calling the file.21:25
anttino hardware fault anyway, as on other OS's the NIC is discovered/works fine21:26
Evelinazortec: Ubuntu manpages (ubuntu.com) gave ma the right name of the file.21:26
zenwrylyI've been wondering if it might be possible to use debootstrap or something similar to run a sort of partial ubunutu system in my home directory on systems where I just have a user account.  Anyone know of anything like that?21:26
Evelinazortec: Thanks for all help anyway.21:26
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: Any ideas why i cant find it in synaptic?21:27
kunjiPaddy_NI:  Yeah, no choice, old laptop.  I'm trying to read those pages, it could take me a little while.  I'll ask again if I can't figure it out, thanks.21:27
DopeGhotiRidpojken: I'm not sure; let me see if it's in my Synaptic21:28
Paddy_NIkunji: no problem mate.. good luck21:28
anttihmmhmm, I do have older kernel still available on system, gotta try booting into it21:28
DopeGhotiRidpojken: do you have the 'universe' repos listed in Synaptic?21:28
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: hhmm, not sure, i'll have a look21:29
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: Don't think so21:30
DopeGhotiRidpojken: that might explain it. :)21:30
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: I'm a noob at this, i'm a win geek =)21:30
xim_what are the consequences of unplugging a mounted truecrypt volume without unmounting it?21:31
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: How do i install it then? =)21:31
torrothJust tried another reboot and didn't touch it for 5min and I'm still at the grub command prompt21:31
DopeGhotiRidpojken: we'll Enlighten you yet :)  If you wish to get the package installed from the command-line, use the command:  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop21:31
Arcolinuxhelp me21:31
DopeGhoti!ask | Arcolinux21:32
ubottuArcolinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:32
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RidpojkenDopeGhoti: Hate terminals, thats why i use windows =)21:32
Ridpojkenbut i'll do it21:32
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twoheadedboyany wireless experts around?21:33
DopeGhotiRidpojken: I prefer them, so I generally don't use synaptic :)21:33
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: But why wouldn't it show up i synaptic?21:33
RidpojkenDopeGhoti: *in21:34
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Guest80677any javascript user here? i need some help21:34
DopeGhotiThat, I'm not sure of.  It's there in my Synaptic..  Check Settings -> Repositories and make sure that everything on the first tab is checked?21:34
Guest97644What is the line I have to add to fstab in order to permanently mound sda3 as  /home ?21:35
jdudeanyone here familiar with setting ubuntu up as a router?21:35
calwigDopeGhoti: when the session is login in a popup saying nm-applet is asking for the password (my login password )to access the local keyring because its locked. and if its not typed nm-applet wont be able to get the credentials for the wifi to authenticate. Password must be typed always21:36
calwigDopeGhoti: So maybe i need to go to the passwords and somehow set the password on the nm-applet ?21:36
dellyGuest97644: if you do not like to edit fstab using a text editor you could install pydsm21:37
dellysudo apt-get install pydsm21:37
dellyif i got the package name correct <.<21:37
DopeGhoticalwig: I don't think it's possible to automate that, for security reasons.  You best best is to make it happen pre-login, though /etc/rc.local.21:38
dellyGuest97644: sudo apt-get install PySDM21:38
detrate_anyone know the name of the 'appearance' window for gtk in ubuntu?21:39
roddhi, I'm trying to install lighttpd on ubuntu but am getting a message saying 'zlib-headers were not found' althought i have already installed zlib, any ideas?21:39
calwigDopeGhoti: thats what I thought, sounds like nm-applet could be somehow automated, but ill google some more21:39
Arcolinuxhelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee21:39
torrothGuess I'll give up on ubuntu21:39
tritiumArcolinux: none of that, please21:39
dellyrodd: zlib-dev?21:39
mattalexxWhen I set "Update automatically" when installing the server edition, what exactly gets set? A Cronjob?21:39
jessica_torroth: huh why ?21:39
* Nielsen helps Arcolinux 21:39
rodddelly,  yes21:40
Arcolinuxi m dessesperate with that problem21:40
sebsebsebtorroth: what do you want help with?21:40
torrothI boot it up and get stuck at a grub command line and I don't touch anything21:40
NielsenArcolinux, which problem?21:40
rodddelly,  zlib1g-dev21:40
torrothit just sits there21:40
jessica_on grub ?21:40
_MrsApple_anybody have good suggestions for laptops that work well with linux? I need one for school and i like linux better than windows.21:40
dellyrodd: is the problem ./bootstrap or what is it in the compile procces?21:40
Nielsen_MrsApple_, would an Eee do?21:41
torrothyeah. I'm told it's suppose to boot up after that but nothing happens21:41
rodd./configure --with-zlib21:41
_MrsApple_Nielsen whats an Eee?21:41
jdude_MrsApple_: i like my dell mini 9 with UNR 9.0421:41
_MrsApple_im computer illiterate21:41
jessica_hmmm, so you have booted the live cd > installed > rebooted > grub21:41
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: http://www.dell.com/ubuntu   http://www.zareason.com and if in USA or Canada  http://www.system76.com21:41
jessica_and sits there ?21:41
dellyrodd: very well.......... open the file in ex leafpad and se if there is a obscure mess of commands at the bottom line21:41
dellyrodd: ./configure that is21:42
jessica_hmmm edit the boot config from grub21:42
jessica_press e on the ubuntu entry21:42
mattalexx_MrsApple_, http://www.google.com/search?q=eee21:42
jessica_go to grub21:42
jessica_press e21:42
jdudeyou could also try booting with the alt disc and choosing "rescue my system" and then use that to fix grub21:42
jessica_on the ubuntu entry21:42
jessica_then edit the first line on it21:42
jessica_change which partition and hdd it looks at21:42
jessica_its probabaly missconfigured it21:42
jessica_i don't understand why21:42
FloodBot3jessica_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:42
jessica_but you can change it once you have booted into ubuntu21:43
_MrsApple_mattalexx would it be under eeeuser.com?21:43
jdude_MrsApple_: he/she is referring to an EEEPC21:43
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: I would suggest an Ubuntu Dell21:43
jdudethat's an asus netbook21:43
torrothprobl;em is I can't boot into ubuntu. how do i tell it what drive it's on?21:43
jdudei too suggest a Ubuntu Dell, i have a mini 9 running ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix and it runs great21:43
Nielsen_MrsApple_, http://eeepc.asus.com21:44
_MrsApple_sebsebseb ive had bad experiences with dell. and their support team has been really rude to me before.21:44
sebsebsebNielsen: I woudn't recommend  asus that much anymore,  after the stuff about  them saying Windows is better on the EEPC's now.21:44
jdude_MrsApple_: if you're going to run linux, you shouldn't have to deal with them ;)21:44
jessica_torroth: trial and error ?21:44
anttihmm, I managed to wake up ethernet card that dissapeared from system with: sudo modprobe r816921:44
anttinow how to make that persistant21:44
jessica_torroth: or boot a ubuntu live cd go to terminal and do fdisk -l21:44
jessica_you want it to boot the one with the boot flag on it21:44
th0rantti: add that module (r8169) to /etc/modules21:45
sebsebsebNielsen: some kind of deal with Microsoft I guess21:45
_MrsApple_jdude oh ok lol thats good to know.21:45
torrothIt be nice if there was a newbie guide. Is there?21:45
GeorgeAScottadobe flash player can't find webcam in any browser...(ubuntu jaunty, cam works with ekiga and xawtv and cheese... logitech quickcam express)21:45
_MrsApple_for a first time user, would linux be the easiest to use?21:45
jdudetorroth: there are a zillion noob guides21:45
jessica_torroth: doesn't often happen on ubuntu installs21:45
th0rtorroth: check tldp.org21:45
sebsebsebtorroth: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com21:45
jdudeGeorgeAScott: i don't think the flash player for linux supports the webcam interface yet21:45
jessica_torroth: the ubuntu forums and this irc is quite good though :)21:46
jdudeubuntu pocket guide is pretty good21:46
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: depends on the user, and what they want to do on a computer,  and maybe to some extent how old they are21:46
TrijntjeHi all, I have a problem with cryptsetup on ubuntu 9.04. When I do "sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdf crypty" I get the error: "Command failed: Can not access device". Works fine on 8.04, what could be the cause of this? I could find nothing on this online, and i have loaded dm-crypt module21:46
skiwithpeteok, another question.21:46
jdudeHAH, i've been trying to get people in here to help me fix my routing issues for days jessica_21:46
joel_how do i update graphics card21:46
jdudedepends on the issue...21:46
GeorgeAScottjdude... that would explain it.. grrr21:46
jdudejoel_: what graphics card21:46
joel_ihave ubuntu 8.1021:46
jessica_jdude: whats the issue maybe i can help21:46
jdudeGeorgeAScott: i could be wrong, but i'm about 99.9% sure21:46
bruenigjdude: fix it yourself21:46
anttith0r: ok, should be fine now I hope. I'm still puzzled over sudden change still, didn't expect jauntu to decide stop loading that module on boot21:46
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: The Ubuntu Dells are rather good21:46
jessica_bruenig: not helpful21:47
jdudebruenig: easy for you to say, maybe you can help!21:47
anttiall I can think of some recent security update blacklisted it somehow..21:47
th0rantti: true...if it was working it should still be working21:47
skiwithpeteOne of my comps on 9.04 opens menus and scrolls really slowly in Firefox21:47
bruenigdon't complain that someone else isn't doing something for you for free21:47
jessica_jdude whats the problem21:47
jdudejessica_: i'm setting this box up as a router, both wired and wireless21:47
bruenigdidn't realize there was paid contractual support on here21:47
joel_is anyone using backtrack 421:47
bruenigI need to get in on that21:47
skiwithpetelast time I was here someone said I should switch to the DRI drivers.21:47
jessica_ah ok21:47
sebsebsebjoel_: that's off topic in here21:47
th0rantti: I have several modules listed in that file, but none worked before and then quit21:47
sebsebseb!ot |  joel_21:47
ubottujoel_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:47
skiwithpeteanyone know how to do that?21:47
jdudebruenig: i contribute, do you?21:47
RidpojkenHow do you turn of auto logon for a user?21:47
jessica_jdude i can help if you have any issue's i did it with netbsd it can't be that much harder in ubuntu (if not eaiser)21:48
bruenigI certainly don't get any help, so my contribution to leech ratio leads to division by zero21:48
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: Ubuntu isn't that difficult, of course a little learning curve  like  most OS's21:48
joel_anyone help me?21:48
TrijntjeRidpojken: system->administration->login->security 'auto login'. Does that work?21:48
jdudeRidpojken: you use the login manager, system-administration-login window21:48
orsonjMy computer crashes whenever I fills the ram. Any ideas?21:48
jessica_sebsebseb: ubuntu can be difficult it depends what your trying to do21:48
orsonj1 Gig21:48
anttith0r: that ethernet card module never was in modules file before. So earlier that module was loaded up otherwise21:48
Ridpojkenthere it was! tnx!21:49
joel_how doi update graphics driver for ubuntu 8.1021:49
logicguys how can i upgrade my libgtk on gnome 8.10? i have to use winff and it only works with an most up to date version of the libgtk that i own.. what can i do??21:49
KavanSI have a png file that I want to use as an icon, can someone tell me how to get this in usable format for ubuntu?21:49
Trijntjeorsonj: run memcheck in the grub menu21:49
th0rorsonj: make sure there is enough swap space and that swap is enabled21:49
sebsebsebjoel_: why?  just use one from the repo?21:49
dellyjoel_: how ya installed them?21:49
brueniglogic: compile it21:49
KavanSit looks as if ubuntu only uses svgs for icons :(21:49
skiwithpetecan someone help me switch video drivers, I'd liek to enable the DRI driver instead of the ATI driver that's currently being used21:49
anttiwell, good chance it'll work again I'd assume21:49
geysserHi guys!What are your recommendations on programming under Ubuntu?Which language? Which IDE? ( I'm an old fashioned VB, GUI guy)21:49
FrankQCPeople say Ubuntu is easy, but that's not that true. I mean, I use the terminal a lot, doesn't make it easy. Of course if you're dependent on the GUI, it'll be easier in any Linux distribution you use21:49
orsonjth0r: it slows to a halt when it starts using swap.21:49
brueniglogic: be careful not to clobber the existing gtk21:49
dellyjoel_: or have you installed drivers at all?21:50
KavanScan someone tell me how to convert a picture to a usable ubuntu icon?21:50
th0rantti: there was a new kernel pushed out the other day .. 28-14...it caused me some problems and might be the cause of your issue as well. Might take that module out of /etc/modules for a bit and boot into an earlier kernel and see if it loads automatically21:50
duvnellhmm.. having trouble with TV out on a via chipset on WinXP (presently).. wondering where I could ask about such a thing21:50
sebsebsebFrankQC: depends on the user how easy it is or not,   and what kind of help they are getting21:50
skiwithpetedoes anyone know of a website where I can find info about switching the DRI driver on?21:50
mattalexx_MrsApple_, http://eeepc.asus.com/global/index.html21:50
logicbruenig: ok, nevermind:)21:50
th0rorsonj: well, if you don't have any swap file and you fill the ram, the system will probably crash21:50
FrankQCsebsebseb: So if Ubuntu was very easy, no help would be required.21:50
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: netbooks are good for travlling and that's about it21:50
jessica_ugh stupid irc client21:50
NielsenKavanS, i use convert from the imagemagick package21:50
DopeGhotiAll the folks talking about how "easy" linux isn't are forgetting about how many people are also wailing for assistance in Windowsland.21:51
KavanSNielsen, to what format?21:51
rootlinuxusr_Kanvans: As far as I know It should be in *.svg format? and stored in /usr/share/pixmaps21:51
KavanSNielsen, I can't seem to find any formats other than svg...21:51
ashii_hi - is someone using ehcp? i have difficulties, i have registered domain that points too forwards too my server, but the control panel is showing when i visit the http://myhomepage.com .. why isn't it showing custum index?21:51
jessica_linux != ubuntu21:51
dellyKavanS: make it in .pgn21:51
logicoh guys, do we have a sort of windows media maker clone here on ubuntu?21:51
jessica_linux == kernel21:51
sebsebsebFrankQC: well that's a bit like saying,  if  Windows was easy and good,  most users would know how to keep their installs secure enough, and most don't21:51
dellyKavanS: then you can use it as a icon21:51
KavanSdelly, it's already in png format...21:51
anttith0r: I tried rolling kernel back a bit already, but that changed nothing. Actually I'm in little older kernel at the moment21:51
dellyKavanS: O.o21:51
th0rantti: was just a thought21:51
Bob_Doleth0r, I did that once.. filled the RAM with no swap on.. Acronis hosed the swap partition's UUID...didn't notice until it was too late21:51
NielsenKavanS, png or xpm...21:51
skiwithpeteis there an easy GUI way to switch to the DRI video driver?21:51
th0rantti: I try to avoid them but every now and then one sneaks in21:52
KavanSyeah I already have a png file...21:52
orsonjth0r: it behaves the same whether or not I have swap enabled. The system stops responding and the disk just sits there and thrashes.21:52
KavanStried to manually select it and it could not locate it21:52
FrankQCsebsebseb: Meh, I have no troubles with Vista. People always complain about Vista and I haven't had a problem with it.. Maybe it's just me being good at problem solving and searching things on the Internet21:52
sebsebseblogic: yep  can't remember what it's called, but you can find  out on   http://www.osalt.com and http://www.linuxeq.com as well I think21:52
dellyKavanS: then we have a major problem, hit *.* in file selection thingy maybe?21:52
anttith0r: yeps, was logical thing to try that. Even if this now works again, I'm still curious to find out what broke in first place :)21:52
th0rorsonj: sounds like the swap partition might be trashed21:52
DevcoderHi, Im having a wierd problem when i try to install tor by the instructions given from their site.21:52
sebsebsebFrankQC: yeah I haven't had   any proper problems with Vista either,   and I also haven't booted up my install since some time last year :)21:52
mattalexxWhen I set "Update automatically" when installing the server edition, what exactly gets set? A Cronjob?21:53
th0rantti: I would check the logs (messages, dmesg, kernel.log, etc)...but not sure if it would show anything21:53
RidpojkenHow do i turn Xfce to my standard desktop?21:53
DopeGhotimattalexx: probably.21:53
FrankQCsebsebseb: Mm.. being good w/ computers saves a lot of time.21:53
TrijntjeDevcoder: what is your problem?21:53
th0rRidpojken: do you have xfce installed?21:53
logicsebsebseb: have you ever used one of those programs? avidemux, cinelerra, virtual dub, kino..?21:53
AciDI used partimage to backup a 40GB partition, and got a 5GB file (which is normal since there is only 5GB occupied space on that one). Now I tried to restore the partition on a 10GB one, and partimage complains about it to be too small. I read on the web that it was normal. What tool can I use to do that ?21:53
Ridpojkenth0r: yes21:53
KavanSdelly, NICE, thanks...now I can have an xp icon for my virtual box "go" icon :)21:53
DevcoderIm supposed to use the command "gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 94C09C7F"21:53
dellyVista, vista, vista. Big chance i will have to boot into it next week <.< i have spent 2 months without using the bloat crap with hidden buttons21:53
sebsebsebjessica_: you have used kino?21:53
DWonderlyI have a question... anyone here use a BlackBerry with linux?21:53
GilJGuys I was wondering why it says "Permission denied, please try again." when I connect to my Ubuntu SSH Server. I created an account, set the password and put the user in the AllowUsers list in /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:53
dellyKavanS: Just nice to help :D21:53
sebsebsebFrankQC: indeed and  we are off topic21:53
jessica_sebastien: yes21:54
th0rRidpojken: then at the login screen choose Session and pick xfce. When it asks, make xfce your default21:54
jessica_* sebsebseb21:54
MionRidpojken: edit your DM or ~/.xinitrc21:54
sebsebsebjessica_: help logic I guess21:54
FrankQCsebsebseb: lol, at least we're talking about computers21:54
jdudeGilJ: any firewall running?21:54
anttith0r: besides, IRC connections still act strange under ubuntu for me, and not on any other OS. So need to poke around more any way21:54
MindVirusGlipper is acting weirdly.21:54
_MrsApple_sebsebseb do you own a laptop?21:54
GilJjdude: On my Server? I don't think so, I just freshly installed it.21:54
MindVirusWhen I log in, it tells me that the applet couldn't be started.21:54
Ridpojkenth0r: The thing is, it didn't ask!21:54
_MrsApple_what about you mattalexx?21:54
MindVirusThen I kill gnome-panel (it restarts) and it appears all well.21:54
MindVirusAny suggestions?21:54
DevcoderTrijntje but i get an error saying that its unsure on who owns the gpg.conf file21:54
th0rRidpojken: it didn't ask to make it the default?21:55
jessica_sebsebseb: i didn't say i used it a lot21:55
Ridpojkenth0r: no..21:55
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: only a very old one,  and if I was to buy one,   I would  get a  Macbook Pro I think,  even though  much more expensive than PC lap tops,  and  I am not  exactly an  OS X fan,  because of limited usage and so on21:55
skiwithpeteDopeGhoti, btw, using top, looks like X has had a lot of actvity, so you must be right that that is what crashed to cause my black screen21:55
th0rRidpojken: you are using gdm? gnome?21:55
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: ,but that's some fine hardware, to run Linux on as well21:55
mattalexx_MrsApple_, I have two at the moment. They are both in a million pieces ;-)21:56
DopeGhotiskiwithpete: I thought it might be something like that.  The resizer still going?21:56
mattalexx_MrsApple_, Laptops, not Eees21:56
skiwithpeteyeah resizer is still going21:56
Ridpojkenth0r: i was21:56
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: EEPC's and other netbooks are good for travlling and that's about it really21:56
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: you will probably want a more standard sized lap top really21:56
skiwithpeteDopeGhoti, yeah resizer is still going, assume it will take ages21:56
Bob_DoleI can play my favorite videogame on my netbook.21:57
Ridpojkenth0r: NP, it worked out21:57
xray7224sorry my irc client keeps crashing21:57
xray7224jdude: can you pm me again21:57
Bob_DoleThe trackpad sucks, but I use a mouse with it anyways21:57
xray7224im jessica_lilly btw21:57
xray7224or jessica_21:57
xray7224or w/e my nick was21:57
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: you might have had bad expereince with the Windows Dell's, but the Ubuntu ones are good21:57
jdudexray7224: sure21:57
skiwithpeteI need help trying to change my video driver21:57
DevcoderTrijntje any idéa m8?21:57
skiwithpeteanyone know how?21:57
Mionskiwithpete: edit xorg.conf21:58
Bob_DoleI got a Dell Mini10v, shipped with ubuntu 8.04 LTS, using Dell's personal repos.21:58
Mionand make sure the driver you want to use is installed21:58
skiwithpetemy xorg.conf is empty21:58
Bob_DoleI put 9.04 UNR on it :D21:58
DWonderlyAnyone use the netbook version of 9.04 yet?21:58
GilJjdude: It also says Permission Denied when I connect from on the machine with ssh localhost21:58
Bob_DoleDWonderly, yeah, it's nice21:58
TwoToneSpiritIf I'm SSH'd into my computer, is there a way I can make a popup appear in the GUI?21:58
Jufisa nice monospaced font?21:58
jdudeGilJ: how did you set it up? via apt? or a .deb pkg or what?21:58
TrijntjeDevcoder:That is strange, which version of ubuntu are you using?21:58
DevcoderTrijntje latest stable21:59
Devcoder9.4 i think21:59
calwigAnyone else know about autologin :)21:59
GilJjdude: apt-get install openssh-server21:59
DWonderlyBob_Dole I just got an Acer AspireOne... also, has anyone had any luck with blackberry on Ubuntu?21:59
skiwithpeteMion, can you post a sample xorg.conf using the DRI driver?21:59
Bob_DoleDWonderly, Not sure if AspireOne is compatible. Nor do I own such a fancy device as the blackberry.21:59
TrijntjeDevcoder: can you be precise on what you did and what error you get?21:59
scaineWhat do you mean, "Blackberry on Ubuntu"?21:59
jdudeGilJ: did it generate a key and all?22:00
Mionskiwithpete: there is no DRI driver22:00
JufisCould someone tell me a nice monospaced font?22:00
RidpojkenQUESTION: Why isn't averything in Xfce swedish? At the top; "Applications" and "Places" are still there22:00
DevcoderTrijntje im PMing you the lin22:00
istanzajoin #ubuntu.it22:00
GilJjdude: When I connect to it via the ssh command? Yep, and I accepted it22:00
scaineI've fitted out various AAO machines with Ubuntu 9.04. Works well.22:00
th0rRidpojken: I thought I recognized pojken22:00
DevcoderTrijntje and after i tried it several times i used an sudo chmod 777.22:00
sebsebsebRidpojken: du vill ha I svenska :)  you want in Swedish :)22:00
dellycalwig: if you are still running gnome, its hidden somewhere in its menus.22:00
skiwithpeteMion, what am i confusing it with?  I have an ATI Mobility and the driver that is currently being used sucks, and I need to change it22:00
DWonderlyScaine Syncing my bb22:01
skiwithpeteMion, it was working great under 8.0422:01
jdudeGilJ: and you're sure there's nothing running like ufw?22:01
calwigdelly: all good sentences, you said22:01
Mionskiwithpete: exactly what card do you have?22:01
Ridpojkenthor; sebseb: haha22:01
ashii_is someone savy on nameservers and managing a domain & webserver? im trying too use ehcp22:01
donguestesting from leafychat22:01
sebsebsebRidpojken:  when you install  you  should have selected  Swedish as the langauge, but you can change later,  also really  the only true computer language is  English really22:01
skiwithpeteMion, remind me of the comand to find out22:01
scaine@Dwonderly: Right, syncing.  No, never tried that, I'm afraid.  Our blackberry (at work) sync over the air22:01
odonatais there any good way to separate sshd logins/attempts for syslog?22:01
scaineWe use BES, so syncing with the PC, never an issue.22:02
GilJjdude Leme check trough "top"22:02
DopeGhotisebsebseb: there are those who would say that the only true computer language is binary :)22:02
Ridpojkensebsebseb: Hey, my mother is going to be the user of this computer u know =)22:02
jdudeGilJ: k22:02
th0rsebsebseb: duck!22:02
Bob_DoleATI dropped a lot of support for cards in the only driver/s that work on ubuntu 9.04.22:02
Bob_DoleEven fairly recent cards like the Radeon X160022:02
mzzBob_Dole: fortunately newer versions of the open driver are pretty good22:02
ashii_i'm trying too forward my ns1.<address> too my ip, but it doesn't make sence for me :(22:03
GilJjdude :$ How do I scroll down in top =/ never needed it xD22:03
skiwithpeteMion, ATI Radeon Mobility M6 LY22:03
dellyBob_Dole: i think the legacy drivers are starting to work22:03
mzzBob_Dole: I don't know how large the range of cards is that really doesn't work well with the open driver and is no longer supported by the closed one22:03
Mionskiwithpete: use the free ati driver22:03
DWonderlyScaine righto.... okay off to DL and install 9.04 on my netbook22:03
sebsebsebRidpojken: join #ubuntu-se22:03
sebsebsebRidpojken: you can ask there and so on22:03
skiwithpeteBob_Dole, not sure what you mean22:03
jdudeGilJ: just use system monitor22:03
skiwithpeteMion, I think that's what I am using, and it's really slow and laggy22:03
jdudeGilJ: forget about top for now22:03
GilJjdude: It's non graphical :D22:04
scaineDwonderly, you should try the custom kernel for the AAO once you're fully installed.22:04
jdudeGilJ: lol i was typing "unless all you have is CL"22:04
scaineWill get the link.22:04
Mionskiwithpete: well, the card is slow when it comes to anything 3d22:04
Bob_DoleSkiwithpete A lot of ATI Cards just don't work with the closed source driver after the switch to ubuntu 9.04, and the old driver/s aren't compatible with the new Xorg version.22:04
skiwithpeteBob_Dole, is there a solution?22:04
GilJ!pastebin > GilJ22:05
ubottuGilJ, please see my private message22:05
Bob_Doleskiwithpete, the open source driver, which is getting better, but isn't great with every card that dropped support. You can also stick with 8.0422:05
Ridpojkensebsebseb: Yeah, I know, but since this is a much bigger channel, it's easier to get answers. I don't think this is a problem that always happens to swedish users, it might be the same for italiens and germans =)22:05
skiwithpeteMion, I'm saying its slow just on the Gnome interface, and skippy playing youtube vids, let along 3d22:05
dellyjdude: htop, htop htop!22:05
Mionskiwithpete: glxinfo22:05
Mionand check the xorg log22:05
sebsebsebRidpojken: yeah I know, but I could of had some fun talking to you in Swedish in there :)22:05
Mionsounds like you are using vesa22:05
jdudethere you go22:05
Bob_Dolethe Flash Plugin and linux have issues. The flash plugin runs -much- slower on every ubuntu system I've tried (4 now) than it does on windows.22:06
skiwithpeteMion, sorry, you'll need to be more explicit22:06
Ridpojkensebsebseb: haha, you are an easy one to entertain =)22:06
skiwithpeteI'm a noob22:06
rootlinuxusr_What suggestions would you give for securing Ubuntu? Samba? SSH? network in general?22:06
jdudeBob_Dole: known issue, for sure...22:06
dellyjdude, we are talking 10-20x more resource useage on flash under non-windows systems22:06
Mionskiwithpete: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:06
jdudedelly: i know this?22:06
skiwithpeteBob_Dole, even opening menus is slow22:07
Mionsee what driver it's trying to use22:07
Bob_Dolejdude, he mentioned ubuntu being skippy. Not videocard, but the flash plugin sucking22:07
xray7224skiwithpete:  tis a command in linux22:07
jdudenever said anything about a video card!22:07
delly*Bob_Dole, we are talking 10-20x more resource useage on flash under non-windows systems                                                            ---- sorry jdude, copypaste is a bit defect at the moment over here <.<22:07
rufuscureAre there plans to fix the flash in the next upgrade?22:08
Bob_Dolerufuscure, it isn't up to ubuntu, but Adobe22:08
dellyAdobe are working on fixing it.22:08
GilJjdude: Ah there's a htop package that allows you to scroll, I should get that :D22:08
rufuscureoh i see22:08
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dellySince it affects any non-windows system22:08
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rufuscureI hope they do because it's like the only thing keeping me from using ubuntu on my main22:08
jdudeyes!!!! GilJ22:08
mzzwe get the feeling this isn't much of a priority over at adobe.22:08
=== root is now known as Guest20063
sebsebsebRidpojken: I like to practice my  Swedish writing/typing and reading which isn't that good, unlike my speaking which is nearly as good as my English.   So yeah it's ashame when I am meant to be fluent.   And as I said in the Swedish channel,  I don't know how you would change Xubuntu from English into Swedish,  I know it can be done with Gnome though.22:08
Guest20063Hi. I just set a new /home directory , & I want to know how to set it with chmod and chown so that a normal user can have his own directory22:09
GilJjdude: No thing called 'ufw' running22:09
Guest20063and also , I can only use the command line22:09
Bob_DoleMac and linux combined make about ~10% Market share last I was looking22:09
skiwithpetejust to confirm, it takes ages for anything to draw on that comp22:09
gruntIs there a way to use wlan0 and wlan1 interfaces separately for downloading stuff? Someone once suggested using iptables  but that's complicated, is there an easier way?22:09
jdudeGilJ: ok, that means the default firewall isn't running22:09
jdudeGilJ: pastebin the entire session from when you try to ssh connect to when it rejects, let me see what it says22:09
dellymzz: it is for adobe, since the amount of non-windows user are getting more by the day. And if flash is dropped, they will lose heck of alot money, along with the fact that htlm 5 with the video tag is coming to town22:10
jdudeyeah but html5 i thought was having issues of its own...22:10
jdudeespecially related to the video stuff...22:10
dellyit has some problems around codec22:11
mzzjdude: there's a lengthy discussion-bordering-on-flamewar about the lack of having any codecs mentioned in the spec22:11
dellythere is a big chance that buildt inn ogg thera support will be shipped either way22:11
skiwithpeteok, typed in less comman Mion what am i looking for?22:11
supybot`Title: Slashdot Technology Story | Browser Vendors Force W3C To Scrap HTML 5 Codecs (at tech.slashdot.org)22:11
sjlkghi, i'm about to delete the recovery-partition from my notebook, what do i have to do after deleting the partition and maybe resizing the windows and ubuntu partitions?22:11
sjlkgi'm guessing i'll have to do something with grub in order to get it to boot again?22:11
Mionskiwithpete: it should say what driver it's trying to use22:12
mattalexxIbex server boot time: 1:20 New Jaunty server install: 1:05. Nice!22:12
Mionsupybot`: ping22:12
GilJjdude: http://pastebin.com/m2074aa3822:12
supybot`Title: pastebin - collaborative debugging tool (at pastebin.com)22:12
mzzsjlkg: depends on if the partitions get renumbered in the process. If they do make sure to adjust /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst to match, then reinstall grub (I forgot the proper ubuntu way to do that)22:12
Mionsupybot`: join ##lol22:12
supybot`Mion: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.22:12
felixsullaDoes anyone know of a good symbolic link tutorial?22:13
dellyGilJ: are you logging into your own account?22:13
Trijntjesjlkg: if all goes well you don't have to edit grub after resizing you partitions. But please back up all your data first22:13
jdudeGilJ: is that from a remote machine, or local22:13
ArancaytarHi, I just got a portable media player which cannot hotplug on jaunty. Getting an error message saying "Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library."22:13
erUSULfelixsulla: man ln ?22:13
dellyGilJ: and do you have multi-instances for an account enabled?22:13
skiwithpeteno, Mion what would it look like22:13
mzzsjlkg: make sure you have a way to boot and mount partitions (livecd) in case something goes wrong with grub or fstab.22:13
sjlkgTrijntje, mzz: i'm going to delete a partition, so i guess the others will get renumbered ?22:13
GilJdelly: I'm logging in into my account on a different computer, testing my SSH server22:13
brueniguh oh22:14
GilJjdude: Another computer in my network is server yes22:14
ArancaytarI'm perfectly willing to rebuild ntfs-3g, if someone can give me some instructions.22:14
felixsullaDoes a symbolic link mean you can just run the file from any location?22:14
mzzsjlkg: maybe, maybe not. Iirc it depends on whether it's a primary or logical partition you're killing.22:14
dellyGilJ: then it got to be that that multi instante is not abled i think22:14
mzzsjlkg: the primary ones can have holes.22:14
Mionskiwithpete: it should say somethign like (II) LoadModule: "vesa"  or "ati" or whatever22:14
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FrankQCfelixsulla: man ln22:14
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:14
jdudeGilJ: delly might be right22:14
erUSULfelixsulla: a simbolic link is just a file that points to another one. so when anything acces that file it is redirected to the other one22:15
quincyis there a "Sam Broadcaster" replacement for linux?22:15
sjlkgmzz: it's the notebooks recovery partition, it's (hd0,0) in menu.lst22:15
skiwithpeteMion, loadmodule: "Radeon"22:15
kunjiHey, so I tried the stuff here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582   and things are pretty much the same.22:15
kunjiI just took a look at the system monitor though and the cpu runs up to 100% and stays there as long as I'm trying to run video, also it never seems to drop below 27%, so this could possibly by cpu related as well.22:15
erUSULquincy: what does "Sam Broadcaster" exactly does ?22:15
roddhi, does anyone knows what's the equivalent of /etc/sysconfig in ubuntu ?22:15
mzzsjlkg: then it depends on what the rest of your partition table looks like22:15
GilJjdude: delly How do I check?22:15
sjlkgi guess ubuntu should still boot because grub is using the uuids in it's menu.lst22:15
bernardlychan_anyone know how to display the desktop on just one screen (i have laptop and monitor). before it was fine with gnu now i cant change it with kde. it.22:16
quincyerUSUL,it broadcasts to a webserver(radio) and allowss mixing and playing of songs(2 decks) and sends song names to the server aswel22:16
Guest17041i need some help with themes. i just intalled ubuntu on a new laptop. so i figured id go and get dust since i liked it on my last one. well it doesnt look right. when i open a windows the bar that usually says "file edit etc" doesnt change to the theme.22:16
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erUSULquincy: icecast ?22:16
dellyGilJ: i know for one that its default in a Ubuntu desktop account, but for a server account there is big chances its disabled by default for security reason. So..... jdude help him if you know howto22:16
erUSUL!info icecast-server | quincy22:16
ubottuquincy: icecast-server (source: icecast-server): MPEG Layer III Streaming Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.3.12-21 (jaunty), package size 184 kB, installed size 712 kB22:16
bernardlychan_anyone know how to display the desktop on just one screen (i have laptop and monitor). before it was fine with gnu now i cant change it with kde. it.22:17
skiwithpeteMion, can I change that driver?  Bob_Dole did you have one to suggest?22:17
Krstnsni tried installing dust extras but "dust border fails to install"22:17
jdudedelly, not that skilled in the ssh config22:17
dellyGilJ: the other way is to add another account to use for the ssh22:17
quincyerUSUL,does icecast allows playing songs and mixing from 2 decks?(MP# files22:17
dellyjdude: do not worry, ssh does not work hard :P22:17
bernardlychan_anyone know how to display the desktop on just one screen (i have laptop and monitor). before it was fine with gnu now i cant change it with kde. it.22:17
dellyjdude: just a pipe to another computer22:17
jdudei think it's going to be this22:17
erUSULquincy: i dunno just the only one that ringed a bell for me... just google around for a while22:17
=== lamdk` is now known as lamdk
GilJdelly: Ok. I'll find it, I just asked in ubuntu-server. Thanks for helping delly and jdude22:18
jdudeyou want to edit that config file, it should have the parameter you're looking for22:18
buckyKrstnsn: apt-cache search theme |grep gnome and see what's available to install for theme22:18
bernardlychan_anyone know how to display the desktop on just one screen (i have laptop and monitor). before it was fine with gnu now i cant change it with kde. it.22:18
dellyGilJ: just nice22:18
jdudeGilJ: i'll be on for a while if you still can't find it, trying to fix my net problems now22:18
ArancaytarHi, I just got a portable media player which cannot hotplug on jaunty. Getting an error message saying "Unprivileged user can not mount NTFS block devices using the external FUSE library." I'm willing to rebuild ntfs-3g, but have no idea where to start.22:18
skiwithpetemy two helpers have disappeared22:18
bernardlychan_anyone know how to display the desktop on just one screen (i have laptop and monitor). before it was fine with gnu now i cant change it with kde. it.22:18
Trijntjewhat is the safe way to move your pgp private key's to another pc?22:19
MionTrijntje: usb stick or similar22:19
buckyKrstnsn: then go into System => Preferences => Appearance  and click on the tabs of that dialog box and make selections22:19
rootlinuxusr_Arcancaytar: Try running the previous command with root priveledges or sudo22:19
bernardlychan_anyone know how to display the desktop on just one screen (i have laptop and monitor). before it was fine with gnu now i cant change it with kde. it.22:19
MionTrijntje: if it's over network, use ssh or a similar encrypted transfer protocol22:19
MionTrijntje: if you are paranoid, encrypt it22:20
skiwithpeteMion, what should I do next?22:20
Arancaytarrootlinuxusr_: It works with sudo - but that doesn't work with hotplug. I'm going to be unplugging it fairly often and can't open a terminal every single time...22:20
bernardlychan_anyone know how to display the desktop on just one screen (i have laptop and monitor). before it was fine with gnu now i cant change it with kde. it.22:21
Krstnsnbucky. i know how to change themes.. its just not changing everything to that theme22:21
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TrijntjeMion: But the private key should already be encrypted on disk right? But i dont know how to get that file, just copy the whole .seahorse dir from my home?22:21
rootlinuxusr_Create an icon that runs the command?22:21
bernardlychan_anyone know how to change the ubuntu loaders at startup and shutdown?22:22
rski!info usplash22:22
ubottuusplash (source: usplash): Userspace bootsplash utility. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.31 (jaunty), package size 30 kB, installed size 200 kB (Only available for amd64 armel i386 lpia powerpc sparc)22:22
rodddoes anyone knows what's the equivalent of /etc/sysconfig in ubuntu ?22:23
GilJdelly, jdude: Ok I found what the program was. I had a typing error in the username on the server >_<22:23
bernardlychan_rski: how do i get themes for usplash and how do i use them?22:23
unoprodd, /etc/ itself22:23
dellyskiwithpete: install ssh in synaptic, run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart22:23
jdudeGilJ: lol, well glad you got it sorted out!!!22:24
_Space_Case_can anybody help me figureout how to watch digital tv on my ubuntu? i have the hauppaug 950q usb ,, i seem to be having trouble getting anything to work...22:24
dellyskiwithpete: then install ex putty under the other computer and hit the IP of theo ther computer, and log inn22:24
NikonHey does anyone know where "terminal.c" is stored on Ubuntu 9.04?22:24
GilJjdude: Had to /facepalm myself irl22:24
dellyGilJ: we all do :P22:24
bernardlychan_how do i get themes for usplash and how do i use them?22:25
GilJdelly: Haha22:25
buckyKrstnsn: did you click on the Customize button after selecting the theme?22:25
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork22:25
buckyKrstnsn: or Install button22:25
Krstnsnbucky, ya. i did all that...22:26
NikonDoes anyone know where "terminal.c" is stored? The filepath that is.22:26
bernardlychan_why does everyone put a ! in !usplash?22:26
buckyKrstnsn: i guess you're just screwed22:26
dellyskiwithpete: aka: ssh install --->  using the /etc/init.d/ssh restart to get it up running --->running ex ifconfig to get the ip ---> install putty on another computer ---> use the ip to connect22:26
Krstnsnwow. youre productive22:26
Xodiac13i need help on getting my fglrx drivers working i dont want to mess anything up so i came to the chat room22:26
Xodiac13i have looked in the forums and i just want to make sure i do it right22:26
dellyXodiac13: welcome, what grapic card you have, and what ubuntu version you got? :P22:27
Xodiac13delly: i have ubuntu 8.10 and radeon xpress 20022:27
unopNikon, use find to find it.   find / -iname "*terminal.c"22:27
erUSULXodiac13: System<Administration>Hardware Drivers22:27
ctmjr_Space_Case_: what kind of problems with your card?22:27
dellyXodiac13: then install the restricted out to do it, if you ever get the popup then your autosaved22:27
Xodiac13erUSUL: k22:28
buckyKrstnsn: my themes work great.. that's how productive i am22:28
* Dekko wonders if someone here could assist in hacking a GTK2.0 theme? I need to add a horizontal rule (provided with an image file in the theme itself) above the menu bar - been looking at the source file, but I do not get it very much.22:28
dellyXodiac13: no need to fetch it of some site, there is a driver in the package manager22:28
=== bernardlychan_ is now known as bernardlychan
Xodiac13delly: okay so activate it22:28
skiwithpete_delly, what are you talking about22:29
skiwithpete_are you trying to help me with a new driver?22:29
Nikonunop: It didn't return anything22:29
Xodiac13delly: how do i test my fglrx when i activate the driver22:29
unopNikon, then the file does not exist on the filesystem.22:29
Paddy_NIhey sorry kunji I was just having a bite to eat :)22:29
dellyXodiac13: then restart the grapics in some manner, ex running a cryptic termianl commando22:30
dellyskiwithpete_: more like the ssh and remote part22:30
dhaval_YOU RETARDS!22:30
Paddy_NIkunji: What is the spec of that laptop?22:30
Xodiac13delly: sorry you lost me22:30
unopNikon, try browsing http://packages.ubuntu.com for packages that might contain this file.22:30
Xodiac13delly: im kind of a newb with linux22:30
dellyXodiac13: log in and out22:30
dhaval_Volume for all songs should be levelled don't you think?22:30
Xodiac13delly: so restart my computer22:30
dellythat works too22:30
dhaval_In a COMPUTER, it should have Auto Volume leveling.22:30
Trijntjewhen you export your key with seahorse, is that you private key in plaintext??22:30
skiwithpete_ssh? Remote? are you sure you were tlaking to me, I am after video help22:30
dhaval_In Windows, it does.22:30
unopdhaval_, yes, no, it's a personal preference.22:30
dellyskiwithpete_: big chance i missed then <.<22:31
dhaval_Why in God's name, does ubuntu not have that?22:31
kunjiPaddy_NI: Old, I thought the cpu was a 2 Ghz Celeron (maybe slower), 512 M of ram.22:31
=== Socah is now known as Socah|Afk
erUSUL!away > Socah|Afk22:31
ubottuSocah|Afk, please see my private message22:31
dellyskiwithpete_: copypaste is a little defence over here so <.<22:31
dhaval_No I mean, if one song has somehow a lesser volume and another has more22:31
Paddy_NIkunji: well flash is a real performance hog22:31
DekkoIs there anyone in here that knows how to accomplish this in a theme - OR if there is something like a Visual Editor for themes?22:31
dhaval_why does the previous one play softer?22:31
DekkoWhere you can tweak these things.....22:31
Paddy_NIkunji: I still think maybe you should be able to run flash though22:31
dhaval_Does that make sense to you? Does it make sense that like a cell phone, I have to adjust my volume for individual songs?22:32
Paddy_NIkunji: have you tried using a lighter desktop environment such as xfce?22:32
kunjiPaddy_NI: I would think so, unless the plugin is really poor under linux, I've also been running windows 7 on here and that handles the flash stuff just fine.22:32
a_is there a way to start a dual boot system with out starting out with gnu?22:32
ectospasmanyone here use screen, specifically the Ubuntu profiles for it?  My profile shows "18!!" in red and I don't know what it means, and I can't find any documentation on it anywhere...22:32
Paddy_NIkunji: well then it should run22:32
erUSULdhaval_: this is a channel to get help not to rant. also there is no need to insult anyone here22:33
Trijntjewhat is the best way to encrypt a single small file?22:33
dhaval_Help, please22:33
Xodiac13delly: how do i test my fglrx now22:33
erUSULTrijntje: gpg22:33
Paddy_NIkunji: flash is sooo annoying to debug..22:33
dhaval_How the hell do i set an common loudness for all songs?22:33
ctmjrdhaval_: you came in here earlier and said ubuntu is for noobs and now you cal us retards and you want help?22:33
unopectospasm, by screen, you mean gnu screen, the terminal multiplexer?22:33
a_strip out your flash  and reinstall the commercial version.  worked for me.22:33
erUSULdhaval_: those kind of things depends on the individual player you use22:33
Bob_DoleI keep trying to pronounce fglrx, and sound like a 3 year old everytime.22:33
dhaval_I use totem.22:34
kunjiPaddy_NI:  I agree, I'm dual booting right now, so I'll just keep using the windows 7 for that since I don't feel like figuring this out.22:34
dellyXodiac13: running something in 3D22:34
TrijntjeerUSUL: thanks, ill use that22:34
bernardlychananyone know how to have their name as an icon on a panel on kde?22:34
dhaval_i just don't understand, why this happenes.22:34
dellyXodiac13: ex a game22:34
Bob_Doleglxgears is a "is 3D accel on?" thing22:34
Xodiac13delly: well cant i use a command like fglrxgears22:34
arleslieI need some help with the GRUB booting, I just dualbooted windows and ubuntu netbook and I cant boot into windows22:34
Xodiac13delly: but it dont work22:34
erUSULTrijntje: «gpg -c file» it will ask for a passphrase22:34
dhaval_I'm a total n00b alright? I cna't find my start menu, happy?22:34
dellyXodiac13: sudo apt-get install nexuiz22:34
a_I need help with dual boot also.22:35
Xodiac13delly: thats a good game22:35
Bob_DoleThere is no start menu. there is an applications menu, however22:35
_Space_Case_i cant seem to get digital tv working not sure what to do i installed me-tv for gnome and get Failed to scan: scanning is only supported for DVB-T and DVB-C devices,22:35
dhaval_just tell me, why does this issue even exist? Shouldn't there be auto volume leveling?22:35
dellyXodiac13: yupp, and i got a appetite for accelerated 3D cards :P22:35
dhaval_or something?22:35
Bob_DoleI havn't even seen WMP do auto-volume levelling22:35
triniuma_: what type for help need you22:35
a_How do I auto boot into windows?22:35
Xodiac13delly: me to i want to get a radeon 4780 hd22:35
skiwithpete_Bob_Dole, did you have a suggestion with what to do about my video drivers?22:35
Xodiac13delly: something like that22:35
_Space_Case_acording to the linuxtv wiki the card i have is suported22:36
Xodiac13delly: but i would have to get ubuntu 9.0422:36
unopdhaval_, no, because most people don't like it. if you want it, you can always configure your player or auto-level your music collection22:36
ectospasma_: set default appropriately in /boot/grub/menu.lst22:36
Bob_Doleskiwithpete, nope22:36
buckydhaval_: it's called normalization... apt-cache show xmms2-plugin-normalize22:36
shiretokocan't get sound to work in backtrack 4 based on ubuntu22:36
buckydhaval_: it adusts a parameter in the sound file itself22:36
triniuma_: donwload adminitrator for runing and setting defauld boot win222:36
a_I have a duel boot system windows xp and ubutu, how do I auto boot into windows?22:36
dellyXodiac13: it will, only the radeon 2xxx and older was dropped in drivers for supporting the improved new xorg22:36
ectospasmanyone here use screen, specifically the Ubuntu profiles for it?  My profile shows "18!!" in red and I don't know what it means, and I can't find any documentation on it anywhere...22:37
dellyXodiac13: HUZZAH!22:37
erUSULa_: change the default in the grub configuration22:37
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:37
arleslieUbuntu didn't assing the GRUB boot list correctly and Windows XP isn't booting, I've tried the default grub config22:37
ctmjr_Space_Case_: are you sure it is a dvb card and not just analog?22:37
dhaval_Thank you,22:37
Xodiac13delly: thank you so much22:37
dhaval_Thank you veyr much!22:37
Xodiac13delly: the ati catalyst works22:37
dellyXodiac13: just nice to help :P22:37
Xodiac13delly: this is like a revlotion22:37
dhaval_My tv called it AVL(auto volume leveling)22:37
diddyWhy isn't echo $PAGER displaying anything. How does man know what to use?22:37
ThreetimesHi, I have a dual-monitor setup. Once I'm logged in, everything works fine. When usplash shows the loading bar, my smaller monitor says "Out of range". The login screen appears in the resolution of the smallest screen on both screens.22:38
_Space_Case_ntsc/atsc/qam hd tv receiver22:38
Xodiac13delly: dang this is awesome thank you again and thank you for helping please help all who dont like windows and will come to linux for an experience only the ones that know about linux to use22:38
erUSULdiddy: it sure has defaults to use in case PAGER is not defined22:38
Xodiac13delly: have a good one take care22:38
erUSUL!caps | FrankQC22:38
ubottuFrankQC: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:38
diddyerUSUL, where?22:38
a_how do I change the default in grub?22:39
arleslieUbuntu didn't assign the GRUB boot list correctly and Windows XP isn't booting, I've tried the default grub configuration.22:39
erUSULdiddy: in your bashrc ?22:39
Bob_DolePeanut Butter And Jelly With A baseball bat..22:39
a_no wait, I need grub not to come up at all.22:39
erUSULa_: so how you will boot ubuntu ?22:39
erUSULdiddy: in ~/.bashrc22:40
erUSULarleslie: what error you get when you try ro boot windows ?22:40
arleslieerUSUL: Its just staying at. Starting up ....22:40
diddyerUSUL, nothing thre22:40
erUSULdiddy: just define it yourself add a line saying «PAGER=less»22:41
=== op is now known as treetop
a_no idea... I may not.  I must have xp on the internet for work.. and since I loaded ubutu, I can't get my nic card working.  very strange.  reloaded drivers, spent 1.5  hours on line with att today.22:41
erUSULa_: well if it gets to that point it is not grub's fault afaics22:42
diddyerUSUL, but then I still don't know where man knew to use less.22:42
dhaval_By the way, I'm sorry about my behavior earlier22:42
dhaval_I shouldn't have lost my temper at you guys22:42
diddyDoes anybody know where the config page for the program man is stored?22:43
a_I was told that there was an occasional problem with ubutu creating a conflict with nic cards and windows xp, but I can't find any explication.  system worked very well before ubutu, and ubutu now will get on the net, but I can boot into windows and get on the net.   can anyone help me?22:43
arleslieGRUB default config not starting windows xp, stuck at Starting up...22:44
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:44
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:44
arlesliethanks unop22:44
a_any pros here?  really need help22:45
fwaokdaI have an installation of windows 7 on my main hdd and then I installed ubuntu on a secondary hdd I had... how can I setup a grub or something so I can select between the two? ATM I just boot directly into windows 7.22:47
erUSULa_: as i said if windows got to the point of printing the Starting Up message whatever problem it has its not ubuntu/grub fault... or do you have a weird disk layout? is windows on the first partiton of the first disk ?22:47
coz_ok guys this is nuts   when jaunty was just released I had this issue and then it was fixed  ...../usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth - tcp vt7 nolisten is taking from 20% to 70% cpu power and this stopped for some time eve with compiz running  now its back22:47
erUSUL!grub > fwaokda22:47
ubottufwaokda, please see my private message22:47
a_no idea, how do I check.  I just installed ubutu the normal way.22:47
a_this is an ubutu problem.22:47
pelmena_: nope. It's your problem. read manuals22:48
erUSULa_: tried to boot windows in failsafe mode ? (press f8 when it is booting up) ? but you should troubleshot windows XP on ##windows22:48
a_no its is an ubutu problem.  system worked fine before ubutu.  I am on the net with they system now, when I go to windows xp it says the cable is unplugged.22:49
coz_erUSUL,  are you dual booting xp and linux?22:49
erUSULpelmen: if you have something usefull to say go ahead. we do not tolerate RTFM types of response22:49
erUSULcoz_: i have XP installed yes. but only my sister boots it from time to time  ;P22:50
coz_erUSUL,  sorry I have to read more carefully :)  it is  a_   not you22:50
a_I got ubutu because I want to suppor the linux community, but I need xp to make a living.22:50
coz_a_,   did you install xp first and then ubuntu?22:50
pelmenerUSUL: I am always eager to help. But cannot go past the attitude of "It's Ubuntu problem - FIX IT"22:50
a_yes coz22:50
a_xp was on the system for about a year22:50
coz_a_,   and what is the issue  ...sorry I wasnt here earlier22:50
eldiohi there ,22:51
a_system worked fine before I installed ubutu.22:51
CHeCHoVplease i need help with samba22:51
coz_a_,  ok and is this on a single drive with partitions or two separate hard drives22:51
a_one hard drive22:51
erUSUL!details | CHeCHoV22:51
ubottuCHeCHoV: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:51
eldioi'm new in ubuntu22:51
erUSUL!hi | eldio22:51
ubottueldio: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:51
coz_a_,  ok did you defrag xp before installing ubuntu?22:51
CHeCHoVhello erSUL22:52
coz_a_,  mm   that be an issue22:52
CHeCHoVi have installed ubuntu 9.04 with samba22:52
ectospasmaha!  Ars Technica answerd my question:  use screen-profiles... that "18!!" means I have 18 updates to install...22:52
coz_a_,   a complete defrag of windows is the first step22:52
a_ok, explain the problem.  how is this going to make a nic card work22:52
coz_a_,  that way you can be pretty assured that no windows files will be deleted  if they are way down on the drive or on the partitioni section for linux22:52
coz_a_,  oh22:53
coz_a_,  ok I didnt see that part22:53
coz_a_,   is it working in windows?22:53
eldioi,ve got many question ,i dont even know where to start from22:53
coz_eldio,  first one that comes to mind would be good :)22:53
CHeCHoVthe problem is when i don´t login in my ubuntu the other pcs cant conect with my ubuntu22:53
erUSUL!docs | eldio22:53
ubottueldio: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:53
dhaval__How do i back up particular apps using dpkg-repack?22:53
dhaval__what the? two underscores?22:54
sinaisixhow join a different IRC chat in pidgin?22:55
CHeCHoVand when i login my ubuntu the conection its ok and i dont have problems with my network22:55
Nicolasi have a shutdown problem/bug with ubuntu 9.0.4 32bit22:55
khelvanIs there a linux mint IRC channel?22:55
Nicolas could someone help me out?22:55
Nicolas when i shutdown ubuntu, in the last step, many lines of exceptions appears and the machine stays there and doesn't shutdown22:56
sinaisixwhat's your problem?22:56
ThreetimesHi, I have a dual-monitor setup. Once I'm logged in, everything works fine. When usplash shows the loading bar, my smaller monitor says "Out of range". The login screen appears in the resolution of the smallest screen on both screens.22:56
=== Mud is now known as Mud|bnc
ugliefrogHow do you install a new screensaver..I downloaded one from gnome-looks but I do not know where to put it22:56
erUSULNicolas: what exceptions? did they get on the logs ?22:56
erUSUL!mint | khelvan22:56
ubottukhelvan: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)22:56
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org22:57
erUSUL!mintsupport | khelvan22:57
ubottukhelvan: please see above22:57
Nicolasmany exceptions22:57
Nicolasseems like blue screen :-)22:58
arleslieDefault GRUB list doesn't load windows, Windows was loaded before ubuntu, the GRUB FAQ doesn't help me22:58
bj0is anyone aware of an image viewer (not gimp) that supports the clipboard??22:58
ThreetimesHi, I have a dual-monitor setup. Once I'm logged in, everything works fine. When usplash shows the loading bar, my smaller monitor says "Out of range".22:58
eldioi installed ponostarr under wine on vista,when i try to play a station it is asking me  to install windows media player .. do i need to intall windows media player on wine?22:58
CHeCHoVhelp me help me!!!22:58
ugliefrogHow do you install a new screensaver..I downloaded one from gnome-looks but I do not know where to put it22:59
arleslieDefault GRUB list doesn't load windows, Windows was loaded before ubuntu, the GRUB FAQ doesn't help me22:59
eldioi installed ponostarr under wine on vista,when i try to play a station it is asking me  to install windows media player .. do i need to intall windows media player on wine?23:00
khelvanugliefrog - I suggest /usr/share/backgrounds/23:00
ugliefrogkhevlan: alright I'll try tha23:01
ThreetimesHi, I have a dual-monitor setup. Once I'm logged in, everything works fine. When usplash shows the loading bar, my smaller monitor says "Out of range".23:01
arleslieDefault GRUB list doesn't load windows, Windows was loaded before ubuntu, the GRUB FAQ doesn't help me, Starting Up... Nothing happens23:01
bernardlychanhey guys i'm getting an error when i try to extract so.bz2. it is a usplash screen file zipped u23:02
buckyThreetimes: set the resolution lower for the smaller monitor23:03
user01histo, does someone know a (good) semantic web bibliography available in an infamous format?23:03
Threetimeshow do i do that?23:03
dpuppim about to install windows XP after installing ubuntu two weeks ago but i know that XP will kill grub... On the 9.04 release, has it been made easier to recover grub?23:03
khelvanugliefrog - let me know if you have any problems...also, you can use TAB to fill in my username so that there are no misspellings (and it is quicker), that way I see your text show up highlighted :)23:03
user01hi @everyone (not histo, sorry!), does someone know a (good) semantic web bibliography available in an infamous format?23:03
Threetimesbucky: how do i do that?23:03
bernardlychanhey guys i'm getting an error when i try to extract so.bz2. it is a usplash screen file zipped up23:04
arleslieDefault GRUB config doesn't load windows, Windows was loaded before ubuntu, the GRUB FAQ doesn't help me, Starting Up... Nothing happens23:04
boss_mc!repeat | bernardlychan & user01 & arleslie23:04
ubottubernardlychan & user01 & arleslie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:04
nonewmsgsdpupp, yes.  get a supergrub disc and it ought to help23:04
Threetimesbucky: it's only a problem in usplash23:04
bj0i mean seriously, clipboard support is not that hard, but none of the image viewers seem to do it!23:04
boss_mc!grub | dpupp23:04
ubottudpupp: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:04
ugliefrogkhelvan, thats just the backgrounds there isnt any screensavers in that folder. Thanks fot the tab tip i didnt know u could do that :023:04
bernardlychan hey guys i'm getting an error when i try to extract so.bz2. it is a usplash screen file zipped up23:05
danilohola tengo problema con mi conexion a internet23:05
boss_mc!es | danilo23:05
ubottudanilo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:05
CHeCHoVhelp me help me!!!23:05
CHeCHoVhelp me help me!!!23:05
CHeCHoVplease i need help with samba23:05
FloodBot3CHeCHoV: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:06
CHeCHoVi have installed ubuntu 9.04 with samba23:06
khelvanugliefrog - Oops, sorry, did you say screensaver?23:06
boss_mc!ask | CHeCHoV23:06
ubottuCHeCHoV: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:06
ugliefrogkhelvan, yes sir. any ideas23:06
Threetimesbucky: it's only a problem in usplash23:07
ThreetimesHi, I have a dual-monitor setup. Once I'm logged in, everything works fine. When usplash shows the loading bar, my smaller monitor says "Out of range".23:07
eldiohow to intall virtual xp on my ubuntu 9.04?23:07
owen1how to kill x from the tty?23:07
erUSUL!virtualizers | eldio23:07
ubottueldio: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications23:07
UnderSampleddoes anyone know where to find the default firefox theme? either on a computer with firefox installed, or on the internet?23:07
erUSULowen1: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:07
owen1erUSUL: thanks23:08
khelvanugliefrog - did you download it as a package?23:08
erUSUL!nvidia | owen123:08
ubottuowen1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:08
khelvanugliefrog - or as a source tarball?23:08
mahDoes it exist a package or something to install bash 4.0 and readline 6.0 on ubuntu 9.04? I tried to compile and install from source, but bash wasn't being very friendly afterwards and I could not figure out why not..23:08
sh33pHey everyone, could I get some help?23:08
sh33pCan you install Ubuntu 9.0.4. on a Macbook using bootcamp?23:08
ugliefrogkhelvan, as a tar.gz file23:08
Threetimes!ask | sh33p23:08
ubottush33p: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:08
sh33pRight :D23:09
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about attention23:09
khelvanugliefrog - in that case you should probably have found directions along with it, but you can always try the following:  extract it, change to its directory, "./configure" , "make" , "sudo make install"23:10
bernardlychananyone know how to extract .rar with 7zip?23:10
UnderSampled!ubottu | ubottu23:10
nonewmsgsmy sound works fine for playing music but a program i often use cannot seem to make a sound23:10
ubottuUnderSampled: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:10
bernardlychandoes anyone know how to extract file with 7zip?23:11
ugliefrogkhelvan, I redownloaded and it has a readmefile in this one.....its usually somethin simple i must have overlooked it23:11
CrOnOsbernardlychan why don you just install the unrar package23:11
=== Mud|bnc is now known as Mud
erUSULbernardlychan: 7z x file.7z23:11
bernardlychanCrOnOs: how?23:11
erUSULbernardlychan: or right click on the file and choose extract here ?23:12
moz44hi guys, I need to open 7z files. However 8.10 hasnt native support for the format. I tried: sudo apt-get install p7zip but get the error: dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)23:12
bernardlychanerSUL: it comes up with an error when i do that23:12
ThreetimesHi, I have a dual-monitor setup. Once I'm logged in, everything works fine. When usplash shows the loading bar, my smaller monitor says "Out of range".23:12
erUSULwhich error ?23:12
UnderSampledmoz44: good timing23:12
CHeCHoVhow i can access to my pc with samba without login in ubuntu??23:12
khelvanugliefrog - ok, well have fun :)23:13
bernardlychanerSUL: failred to open23:13
bernardlychanfailed to open23:13
ugliefrogkhelvan, Thanks !! I will :)23:13
scainechechov, I think you need to set samba to use "share" instead of "user" schema.23:13
moz44UnderSampled: you have any idea how to open z files?23:13
moz44UnderSampled: you have any idea how to open 7z files?23:13
scaineActually, you don't have to, but that's probably the easiest way.23:13
mahHave anybody here installed Bash 4.0 yet? I'm dying to get those fixes to vi-mode that comes with Readline 6.0.23:14
CHeCHoVbut if i dont login ubuntu the pcs with windows cant access23:14
UnderSampledunfortunatly, no. I was just referring to the fact that bernardlychan is trying to get 7zip to work also23:14
Trijntjein seahorse you can export your private key without being asked for your password. It then exports a plain asci file. Is this file your unencrypted private key?23:14
erUSULmoz44: do « sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install p7zip-full»23:14
moz44erUSUL: that cleans the apt cache?23:15
erUSULmoz44: yep23:15
moz44erSUL: anyhow the issue persists: Fetched 1195kB in 23s (50.3kB/s)23:15
moz44dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file23:15
moz44E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)23:15
CHeCHoVhow i can access to my pc with samba without login in ubuntu??23:16
MrHappyhi can anyone help me i am having trouble booting/installing 9.04 from livecd or install23:16
moz44erSUL: it seems I need to set up a group 'postdrop'?23:16
stickboyi'm trying to use gnomad2 to use my old dell pocket dj on 64 bit 8.10 but whenver i start it doesn't see the dk in the usb bus...any ideas?23:17
skellingtonhey guys. i've got a sorta ubuntu related question: how can i access my ext3 partitions from windows?23:17
Cry__Babyhow can I update Acroread to latest version?23:17
erUSULmoz44: those that error come up when installing any package or with all of them ?23:17
scaineskellington, you can search for freeware on windows that lets you see ext3 drives.  Just drivers really.23:17
Cry__BabyMrHappy: grab the ALTERNATIVE CD and install that23:18
CHeCHoVskellington... use samba to share this!23:18
skellingtonok thanks guys23:18
Cry__BabyMrHappy: I also have trouble install ubuntu from the LiveCD.. SO I use the Alternative version instead and it installs perfectly23:18
CHeCHoVhow activate my usb drives in virtual box!!!23:19
Cry__BabyMrHappy: you there?LOL23:19
Cry__BabyCHeCHoV: why you want it?23:19
Trijntjein seahorse you can export your private key without being asked for your password. It then exports a plain asci file. Is this file your unencrypted private key? Because that would be rather bad news right?23:19
Cry__BabyCHeCHoV: go to #vbox23:19
MrHappyCry_Baby: ok will try that.  my issue seems to be with starting bluetooth device with process "hid2hci" but i dont have a bluetooth device on the system23:19
Cry__BabyCHeCHoV: I use C: to copy files to and from23:19
moz44erSUL: I see your point. I'll try to install something light and notice if the problem persists...23:19
MrHappyCry_Baby: btw, problem exists with other flavours too, like linux mint 723:20
Cry__BabyMrHappy: what exactlyt happens?23:20
Cry__BabyMrHappy: disable all bluetooth devices as you install Ubuntu23:20
MrHappyCry_Baby: just hangs during boot. after a while verbose mode kicks in and i get an error as described above23:21
kyjacan I make my account have full access to www-data without autherization? a user haveing matched privs of another user without passwords?23:21
CHeCHoVhow i can access to my pc with samba without login in ubuntu??23:21
erUSULTrijntje: afaics what Seahorse exports is the public key23:21
MrHappyCry_Baby: "starting bluetooth...  INFO : task hid2hci:4175 blocked for more than 120 seconds..."23:21
erUSULTrijntje: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----23:22
erUSULVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)23:22
Cry__BabyCHeCHoV: use something like this: sudo mount -t vboxsf Shared /media/cdrive23:22
bernardlychanOMG! i can't get this extract this .rar file!!!23:22
eldiothanks guys, i will try another day...night23:22
bernardlychanso annoying..23:22
TrijntjeerUSUL: via the 'properties' menu you can go to details, and there you can select "export complete key"23:22
Cry__BabyMrHappy: no idea sorry about that23:22
sebsebsebbernardlychan: sudo apt-get install unrar-free23:22
sebsebsebbernardlychan: RAR's are annoying yes23:22
arleslieI can't get GRUB to boot window,  I've tried the default config and all I get is Starting up... and it hangs23:22
MrHappyno worries. will try alternative23:22
Cry__BabyCHeCHoV: create a folder there first23:22
bernardlychani've got unrar, is that ok? if so, how do i use it?23:23
Cry__BabyMrHappy: Alternative works in many cases when LiveCD wont23:23
sebsebsebbernardlychan: just try and open the file normalley I think23:23
sebsebsebbernardlychan: once you have it installed23:23
bernardlychandoesn't work sebsebseb. how do i install it?23:23
sebsebseb!rar |  bernardlychan23:23
ubottubernardlychan: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:23
kyjayou cant right click and select extract?? I unrar and untar and unzip that way23:23
CHeCHoVhow i can access to my network without login my pc with ubuntu?? samba only works when i loguin in my ubuntu23:23
moz44erSUL: I was messing around with groups and users last month. I remember I couldnt log in into ubuntu until I used the recovery and made some changes to the group file. However, I am not sure if that has something to do with APT-GET. what do you think?23:23
Cry__Babyarleslie: grab a boot cd called "SuperGrub"23:24
MrHappyCry_Baby: what is the difference with the alternative version?23:24
linuxguy2009MrHappy: If you have any trouble with a regular release running, you can always try the tried and true stable LTS release. 8.04.3 was just released BTW.23:24
Cry__BabyMrHappy:  alternative allows you to use text menu to install and allows you to encrypt your partition etc.23:24
sebsebsebarleslie: maybe that's a good thing really for various reasons :) :D   anyway you can  add  Windows to  menu.lst   gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst23:24
erUSULTrijntje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/26940323:24
MrHappylinuxguy2009: i currently have 8.10 installed and running fine23:25
Cry__Babyarleslie: grab a boot cd called "SuperGrub", then install Grub again using the Boot CD and it will fix it23:25
mattalexxI'm going to serve websites from /srv/www/example.com . The only user on the machine is "matt". What should the permissions be? I was thinking somethying like this: srv belongs to root, www belongs to root, and example.com belongs to matt. If there are ever any other users on the machine, their site dirs will belong to them. Sound about right?23:25
Cry__Baby!question > MOUD23:25
ubottuMOUD, please see my private message23:25
Cry__BabyMrHappy: you seem like a happy person ;)23:25
arleslieCry__Baby: is there a way I can run it on a USB as Im on a netbook23:25
MrHappyoh i am, most of the time :)23:25
dpuppis there a way i can disable the graphical ubuntu boot screen? i rather see everything verbose happening. can i do that?23:25
linuxguy2009Being happy is off topic. Careful.23:26
Cry__BabyMrHappy: hehe, wish I was.. Im a very negative person 99% of the time LO23:26
Cry__Babylinuxguy2009: lol23:26
magalyalgun canal en español, please?23:26
MrHappybeing happy is a frame of mind neither on or off topic. but there goes23:26
arleslieCry__Baby: is there a way I can run it on a USB as Im on a netbook23:26
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat23:26
erUSULdpupp: editing the grub config file. remove the quiet and splash keywords from kernel options23:26
MOUDI am going to install ubuntu but I have some questions before installing since I had some problems before.23:26
Cry__Babyarleslie: its a boot CD23:26
Cry__Babyarleslie: no CD?23:27
erUSUL!es | magaly23:27
ubottumagaly: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:27
moz44erSUL: you are right. It happens with anything i try to install. Any idea?23:27
linuxguy2009Hola ubottu23:27
arleslieCry__Baby: I don't have a cd drive23:27
bernardlychanhow do i extract a .rar file with unrar-free? do i just open with unrar-frree?23:27
kyjacan I make my account have full access to www-data without autherization? a user haveing matched privs of another user without passwords?23:27
gautadaI was upgrading a server from 8.10 to 9.04 and the "my.cnf" had a conflict.  I choose the 'Z' option to background and check out the issue.  I made a backup of the file.  How do I get back to the upgrade?23:27
Cry__Babyarleslie: netbooks dont have a CD/DVD drive?23:27
erUSULkyja: add yourself to the www-data group ?23:27
MrHappylinuxguy2009: i am trying to install linux mint and getting the same hang (i dont know whether it is the bluetooth task but i assumed since mint is ubuntu based)23:27
linuxguy2009bernardlychan: I believe file roller will open a rar after you get the unrar free.23:27
arleslieCry__Baby: No, thats what makes them ultra portable23:27
CHeCHoVhow i can access to my network without login my pc with ubuntu?? samba only works when i loguin in my ubuntu23:27
Cry__Babyarleslie: so you cant play movies etc?23:27
erUSULTrijntje: read the bug report and conclusion ??23:27
sebsebseb!mint |  MrHappy#23:28
ubottuMrHappy#: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)23:28
erUSUL!samba | CHeCHoV23:28
ubottuCHeCHoV: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:28
arleslieCry__Baby: I can if I make a copy of the movie to my usb23:28
Cry__Babyarleslie: go to supergrub website and see23:28
dpupp<erUSUL>, thanks.23:28
sebsebseb!mint | MrHappy23:28
linuxguy2009mrhappy: hmm sorry man, no bluetooth experience to speak of.23:28
ubottuMrHappy: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)23:28
erUSULdpupp: no problem23:28
TrijntjeerUSUL: Thank you for that link, I see in the comments that the file that is exported is still encrypted. But strange that it is still ascii after encryption23:28
MrHappyubotto... thanks, but the problem IS and UBUNTU borne one23:28
Cry__BabyMrHappy: I think you are trying to talk to a bot :)23:28
sebsebseb!thanks |  MrHappy23:28
ubottuMrHappy: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:28
MrHappyyeh just realised hat lol23:29
erUSULTrijntje: note the asc extension ;) i sunno if there is an option to export binary and not armored ascii23:29
moz44guys, I need help with: dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2). It comes up with anything i tried to apt-get23:29
arleslieCry__Baby: ok, there is a USB verison thanks23:29
MOUDI have a D-Link Access point connected via network cable to my laptop. After setting up my static ip on my network I try to access the Access Point page but it doesn't work. It looks like the Network is somehow "turned off". How is that?23:29
Cry__BabyMrHappy: I like you, you funny ;)23:29
MrHappyah cheers23:29
MrHappydo we get in trouble for going off topic here?....23:29
Colo2happily ever after?23:29
Cry__Babyarleslie: ahh cool, I didnt know supergrub had a usb version. try it, it saved me many times23:29
Cry__BabyMrHappy: define trouble ;)  and yes23:29
sebsebsebMrHappy: yeah you get banned from the channel for a week, if you go slightly offtopic :D23:29
TrijntjeerUSUL: so .asc means its encrypted and after that converted to ascii?23:29
linuxguy2009MrHappy: I have been yelled at for little stuff. Yeah it happens.23:30
Cry__Babysebsebseb: lol23:30
MrHappyno harm in a bit of lighthearted... problem solving23:30
Colo2is ubottu a bot? :O23:30
Cry__Babyarleslie: I been banned a few times for going off topic and then told to go to #ubuntu-offtopic :)23:30
sebsebsebMrHappy: only if you do a lot of off topic,  you might get banned or kicked out23:30
erUSULTrijntje: no it means just ascii. gpg exports that for easy emailing23:30
Cry__BabyMrHappy: its tought for Sanguine like you ;)23:30
sebsebseb!ot |  MrHappy23:30
erUSULTrijntje: sse the gpg man page the export-secret-key option23:30
ubottuMrHappy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:30
sebsebsebMrHappy: and the above23:31
sebsebseb!bot |  Colo223:31
ubottuColo2: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:31
Colo2WHy thank you ubottu, :)23:31
gautadaNever mind typing "exit" resumes the install...23:31
sebsebseb!thanks |  Colo223:31
Cry__Babyis it safe to run apt-get autoremove ?23:31
ubottuColo2: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:31
moz44guys, I need help with the error: dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2). It occurs with anything i try to install via apt-get23:31
linuxguy2009MrHappy: If you help people with 1 on 1 help instead of the main room you get seriously yeleld at. Happened to me a while back.23:32
a_hello, how can I get a list of hardware in my system?  running ubutu23:32
losherMrHappy: actually, having seen the ramblings on most of irc, I'm glad we're strict about it here. There's always #ubuntu-offtopic23:32
TrijntjeerUSUL: I will do that, thanks a lot for your help. I was quite worried when i saw ascii23:32
teeheehow come my jaunty cant detect my ipd23:32
MrHappyALL: righto. does anyone have a sensible suggestion as to how i might get around the problem i am having with the current release (9.04) of Ubuntu whereby I can't boot/install/run livecd??23:32
Colo2!thanks | Colo223:32
ubottuColo2, please see my private message23:32
b0whello everyone, i have ubuntu 9.04 with a HD 120 GB i want to make a partition where i can install Windows, how can i do this and how much GB would be good?23:32
dpuppwhats the easiest way to make room for XP?  I have a 300gb drive, and i want XP to have only 60. The rest ubuntu, but as it is, ubuntu has it all. I've booted into live disk and have run gparted... but im not sure how to properly resize it without killing it.23:32
sebsebsebCry__Baby: yes, but  I would  just  do  sudo apt-get purge  "the stuff it wants to remove"  to remove the config files as well23:32
Cry__Babyare these commands safe?  apt-get autoremove  apt-get clean apt-get autoclean23:32
MrHappyALL: as in, where next do i go for help??23:32
a_how do I get a list of hardware form my system?  I have ubutu23:32
sebsebsebCry__Baby: they are safe or the  terminal in Ubuntu woudn't suggest  doing them23:32
dpupp<a_> LSPCI23:32
linuxguy2009 teehee: Does your ipod boot up and play music on its own first? What model do you have?23:32
sebsebseb!anyone |  MOUD23:33
ubottuMOUD: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:33
dpuppin a terminal, type lspci23:33
losherMrHappy: you've checked the md5sum on the CD ? !md5sum23:33
teeheei have a 6g 80gb classic23:33
MOUDI have a D-Link Access point connected via network cable to my laptop. After setting up my static ip on my network I try to access the Access Point page but it doesn't work. It looks like the Network is somehow "turned off". How is that?23:33
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more23:33
a_What is lspci?  should I paint those letters on my wall?23:33
CHeCHoVhow i can access to my network without login my pc with ubuntu?? samba only works when i loguin in my ubuntu23:33
linuxguy2009 teehee: You plug it in and it doesnt mount? Did you check in Places menu?23:33
teeheewhat so u mean boot up on its own23:33
sebsebseb!patience  |  CHeCHoV23:33
ubottuCHeCHoV: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:33
teeheenothing happens at all23:33
MrHappyloscher:  yes i hav and i have used the install cd elsewhere no probs23:33
=== messed is now known as armada
Cry__Babyit it safe to run... apt-get autoremove ?23:34
a_How do I get a list of hardware in my system?  I am running ubutu23:34
linuxguy2009 teehee: Does the apple os boot up on the ipod?23:34
moz44all:hello guys, I need help with the error: dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2). It occurs with anything i try to install via apt-get23:34
sebsebsebCry__Baby: yes and I already told you something similar you can do which is better23:34
losherMrHappy: and the machine is configured to boot off cd?23:34
linuxguy2009 teehee: Or firmware I should say.23:34
Cry__Babysebsebseb: i misseed it, was dc23:34
Cry__Babysebsebseb: whats better than apt-get autoremove?23:34
teeheeyeah i can play songs right away when i turn it on23:34
b0whello everyone, i have ubuntu 9.04 with a HD 120 GB i want to make a partition where i can install Windows, how can i do this and how much GB would be good?23:34
a_how do I get a list of hardware on my system?  I am using ubutu.23:34
linuxguy2009 teehee: Ok did you plug it in and then check the places menu to see if its mounted?23:34
teeheeyeah not there23:35
MrHappyloscher:  yes, i can enter the boot menu to boot from post23:35
Cry__Babyb0w: install windows first, then Ubuntu23:35
linuxguy2009 teehee: Do you have any other USB devices that you have tested? flashdrives etc?23:35
b0wnooo thats not an option23:35
Cry__Babysebsebseb: ??23:35
teeheehold on it froze when i plugged it in23:35
losherMrHappy: so how far does the install actually get. Do you get to the initial language selection menu?23:35
kyle__b0w: if u install windows after ubuntu your going to have to reinstall the grub bootloader23:35
=== MidsummerDawn is now known as Bawksy
erUSULa_: lshw23:35
b0wi have a lot of info on my ubuntu now23:35
a_how do i get a list of hardware?  i am using ubutu23:35
Cry__Babyb0w: then you cant do it unless you experienced23:35
sebsebseb <sebsebseb> Cry__Baby: yes, but  I would  just  do  sudo apt-get purge  "the stuff it wants to remove"  to remove the config files as well23:35
a_what is lshw?23:35
kyle__actually u can restore grub from an ubuntu livecd23:36
Cry__Babykyle__: SuperGrub will do that23:36
MrHappyloscher:  no i dont think i do, it stalls just while loading up its own system23:36
linuxguy2009lshw = list hardware23:36
Cry__Babysebsebseb: so I type sudo apt-get purge ?23:36
linuxguy2009type it in a terminal window23:36
teeheenvm i got it working just resetted it23:36
loshera_: ilshw is a cli command. So it lspci. Open a terminal, then type sudo lshw23:36
kyle__supergrub never worked on thw windows 7 bootloader for me :(23:36
sebsebsebCry__Baby: yep and then copy and paste in what it wants to remove23:36
linuxguy2009 teehee: good job23:36
b0wso the best thing i can do is to save all my info and then install windows then linux?23:36
a_I am using ubututhanks losher23:36
loshera_: I'm talking about Ubuntu....23:37
williantem alguem ae23:37
losher!pr | willian23:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr23:37
linuxguy2009 teehee: Sounds like you might need to check for a firmeware update if its freezing on ya.23:37
losher!pt | willian23:37
Cry__Babysebsebseb: I typed what you said, and it says 'Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.23:37
ubottuwillian: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:37
sebsebsebCry__Baby: sudo apt-get  purge  list of programs23:37
b0wCry__Baby: if i save my /home directory and after installing ubuntu again i replace /home with my saved /home would that keep all my config files?23:37
kyle__oh and b0w i recommend 30GB if your going to have big programs such as video editing suites and such but if your storing big media files i suggest going higher23:37
willianeu sou do Brasil....23:38
Cry__Babybow sorry i dnt understand23:38
=== Cube|sleep is now known as Cube
sebsebsebwillian: /join  #ubuntu-br23:38
b0w30 gbs ok thanks kyle__23:38
MOUDwillian, escreve:    /j  ubuntu-br23:38
{fd}Hi guys, I am trying to use the Embedded Terminal plugin for gedit and it is coming up blank.  I've googled the problem,  but only found a report of problems with white-on-white terminal colours (which I don't have set).  Do you know where else I could go to find out if a problem like this has been reported before?23:38
wapkois there a record of when updates were installed anywhere ?23:38
kyle__i use only 20GB for my windows xp partition and 30GB for windows 7 on my other pc23:38
losherMrHappy: it's a bad sign. It suggests your hardware is incompatible with ubuntu. Make & model of your pc?23:38
Jiq!thanks | acke23:39
ubottuacke: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about imgbin23:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:39
willianninguem fala minha língua aqui23:39
sebsebsebkyle__: as far as I know supergrub is for Grub and not Windows 7 boot loader23:39
wfiuewfewHi! Does anyone know what the acpi critical temp is23:39
dpuppwhat is MiB?23:39
losher!br | willian23:39
ubottuwillian: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:39
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.23:39
kfizzAnyone else have a problem with gtk-gnutella not realizing the listening port is open? I've forwarded the port to my laptop on my router and even installed Firestarter and allowed the port in the policies. nmap -p#### localhost shows the port as being open, but www.canyouseeme.org can't see service on the port. Any tips?23:39
MrHappyloscher:  shuttle SN45Gv323:40
b0wok guys i have a question, since i had been told thats its easier to install windows first and the linux, if i rite now backup my /home folder when i get linux again if i put this backedup /home again, would i keep all the config files for my programs?23:40
linuxguy2009wfiuewfew: I think those are read from the BIOS if im not mistaken.23:40
kyle__what i mean is when i booted supergrub from the windows 7 bootloader it didnt load it gave ab error23:40
MrHappyloscher:  AMD Sempron23:40
sebsebsebb0w: maybe, maybe not, but if you make a new partition23:40
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin . Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output. Simple usage: command-name | pastebinit23:40
dpupp"Free space preceding MiB: 0 " can someone define MiB ? ...23:40
losherMrHappy: google it to see if there are known incompatibilities....23:40
kyle__it should work fine with vista/xp bootloaders tho23:40
MrHappyloscher:  i don't know much more detail than that at the mo23:40
Jiq!thanks | ubottu23:40
ubottuJiq: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)23:40
sebsebseb!home |  b0w23:40
ubottub0w: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome23:40
Kangarooodpupp, MiB is Men in Black thats a movie comedy23:40
VCoolioin bash, how to refer to variable from cli? Like I run "sh script.sh something" how to refer to "something"?  Or is this going to be complex?23:41
SamuelMy Wi-Fi connection keeps failing to work whilst I'm trying to get this PC to download files using Bittorrent. Can someone suggest how I can go about solving this really annoying problem?23:41
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:41
Samueljonna: There's no need to say hello here.23:41
MrHappyloscher:  i will try. thanks. why would it become a problem when upgrading from 8.10? kernel prob??23:41
Jiq!wifi | Samuel23:41
ubottuSamuel: please see above23:41
dpuppKangarooo, its sci-fi comedy. Good movie. but still, no really...23:41
sebsebseb!hi  |  jonna23:41
ubottujonna: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:41
dpupp"Free space preceding MiB: 0 " can someone define MiB ? ...23:41
linuxguy2009Samuel:  Maybe get a wired connection, its probably more reliable with Ubuntu.23:41
Samueljigp: ?23:41
erUSULVCoolio: $1 is the first command line option $2 is the second one an so on23:41
Samuellinuxguy2009: That's not practical in my situation.23:42
erUSULVCoolio: $0 is the entire comman line option23:42
VCoolioerUSUL: great, will try that, thanx23:42
Samuellinuxguy2009: I must use Wi-Fi.23:42
erUSUL!info absg23:42
wapkodpupp: its a mebibyte. its 1048k23:42
ubottuPackage absg does not exist in jaunty23:42
linuxguy2009Samuel: How is your signal strength?23:42
Samuellinuxguy2009: It's fine.23:42
dpuppok thanks.23:42
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:42
willian!br |23:42
ubottu: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:42
Samuellinuxguy2009: I think the problem might be with a dodgy driver or something.23:42
linuxguy2009Samuel: Do you only havew trouble with torrents?23:42
ubottuJaunty can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ubuntu-9.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your archieecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).23:42
williancomo eu uso isso?23:42
Samuellinuxguy2009: No. Other intensive tasks such as transfering large files with Samba seems to cause the problem too.23:43
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:43
sebsebsebSamuel: that wasn't a very nice welcome for jonna that you gave23:43
linuxguy2009Jiq: Thanks for stating the obviouse.23:43
Samuellinuxguy2009: Although online gaming seems fine.23:43
Jiqlinuxguy: any time23:43
wfiuewfewHi! Any ideas about the critical temp on ubuntu for acpi23:43
linuxguy2009Samuel: Maybe you might try a different torrent client?23:43
Samuelsebsebseb: Sorry. I was just trying to teach IRC etiquette.23:43
losherMrHappy: I can only guess. 9.04 isn't an important upgrade. If you have to drop back to 8.10 you're not missing much, if anything...23:43
Samuellinuxguy2009: I tried that.23:43
kyle__i hate jauntys new intel driver23:44
Jiqintel what?23:44
sebsebsebSamuel: yeah well  it's nice to give the newbies (I assume they were) a  friendly  channel23:44
Jiqgraphics? or audio?23:44
Samuellinuxguy2009: network manager reports than I'm still connected but I cant use the internet any more and I cant reconnect.23:44
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linuxguy2009Samuel: Yeah its probably just what your gonna get with Ubuntu at this time. Not sure if the mojority of wireless is troublesome on Ubuntu or not.23:44
mattalexxI'm going to serve websites from /srv/www/example.com . The only user on the machine is "matt". What should the permissions be? I was thinking somethying like this: srv belongs to root, www belongs to root, and example.com belongs to matt. If there are ever any other users on the machine, their site dirs will belong to them. Sound about right?23:44
kyle__i cant wait for the new UXA or EXA  or whatever becuz compiz just doesnt work23:44
Samuellinuxguy2009: Wireless works fine on Jaunty on my other PC.23:44
greengiantuex????? exa????23:44
MrHappyloscher:  that's fair. i guess i will have to stick. shame tho cos i wanted to try other flavours like Linux Mint..23:44
Samuellinuxguy2009: I think it might be a Jaunty issue on my specific Wi-Fi card.23:45
VCoolioerUSUL: success! thx again (about the $1 etc)23:45
linuxguy2009Samuel: Maybe the next kernel update in 9.10 will support it better.23:45
Samuellinuxguy2009: But it's a really annoying problem as I'm unable to use my bittorrent PC for torrenting.23:45
erUSULVCoolio: no problem23:45
losherMrHappy: have you tried to boot mint? If all else fails, you can try them in vbox or vmware....23:45
Samuellinuxguy2009: I'd rather not wait 4 months to find out.23:45
greengiantMint is great, if ur a windows user, plus it has all the stuff u need pre installed like java and flash plus the codec support is great. ubuntu has a better irc helping comunity though mints is pritty shit. although its ubuntu anyway so fuck it lol23:45
kyle__uxa or exa (whatever its called) are graphic compisitings23:46
sebsebsebSamuel  linuxguy2009   a later kernel can be installed now, but I don't think it will just fix wireless issue23:46
kyle__they control your graphic card23:46
linuxguy2009Samuel: Well cant just whip it outta mu butt either. hehe It is what it is.23:46
Samuelsebsebseb: Then what do you suggest trying?23:46
sebsebseb!language |  greengiant23:46
ubottugreengiant: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:46
MrHappyloscher:  i have tried to boot & install mint with no success - same stalling prob23:46
sebsebsebgreengiant: and it's rather green, which  by the looks of your name is another reason you like it23:46
sebsebsebSamuel: Mandriva Live CD/DVD   if it works there, you will know your issue is just an Ubuntu issue, and not a Linux issue23:47
linuxguy2009#ubuntu is rated G23:47
Samuelsebsebseb: I know it's not a Linux issue.23:47
JiqG for great?23:47
Samuelsebsebseb: It works fine on other OSes.23:47
sebsebsebSamuel: have you tried other distros?23:47
efuI've compiled and installed the Aurora gtk engine as instructed, and I see it in /usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines. However no Aurora themes find the engine. Any tips on what could be wrong?23:47
Samuelsebsebseb: Yes.23:47
kyle__i think ill stick with ubuntu thers already too many linuxes already23:47
greengiantsebsebseb: yer it does look nice, so does the new ubuntu look, they make such suttle changes :P23:47
kyle__i mean linux distros23:47
linuxguy2009G as in there are 4 year olds here.23:47
losherMrHappy: well, at least it's consistent. As I say, you can run them in vbox or vmware and play with them there...23:48
JiqAre there? I didn't know 4 year olds could type23:48
Samuelsebsebseb: Or it could be that I damaged the Wi-Fi card at about the same time as I installed Jaunty.23:48
mattalexxlinuxguy2009, Really23:48
sebsebseb!wireless |  Samuel23:48
ubottuSamuel: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:48
greengiantmints menu system and tools bars are a bit shit by default. but the live cd runs better than ubuntus i think, even lets you write to all dirs, i dont think u can on the new ubuntu live cd by default. so there are alot of helpfull tweeks23:48
Samuelsebsebseb: I know the antenna isn't in as great shape as before.23:48
Samuelsebsebseb: Thanks./23:48
kyle__who thinks chrome os is a joke23:48
linuxguy2009Well ubottu thinks we may upset the children.Language.23:48
mattalexxgreengiant, Dude, turn down the swearing.23:48
sebsebseb!ot  |  greengiant23:49
ubottugreengiant: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:49
Samuelkyle__: Me.23:49
sebsebsebkyle__: no it's not :)  it's a Linux distro,  that will hopefuly mean more netbooks running Linux :)23:49
Samuelkyle__: But I think that about almost any OS.23:49
kyle__i mean just fricken install chrome on ubuntu!23:49
MrHappyloscher:  ok will do. or wait until 9.10? i have a failed attempt at booting fedora11, that hangs too. strange23:49
kyle__i thot moblin would be running all the netbooks of the future23:49
KangaroooHello. So theres a good programm i like Pastebinit that auto uploads and gives link of output of command. But is there a programm that uploads screenshot and gives link?23:49
sebsebsebkyle__: origianly they were made for Linx, but then computer ignorant people wanted Windows on them as well23:49
Samuelsebsebseb: Too right.23:50
kyle__google needs to make a REAL os not linux kernel and chrome23:50
linuxguy2009God bless the computer ignorant people.23:50
kyle__gahh microsoft and the windows xp sale for netbooks23:50
sebsebsebkyle__: that's all that is needed  basic Linux distro and a browser,  once cloud computing hits off a lot more23:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:50
losherMrHappy: it's a bad sign. Supposing it's something in the new kernels? You may never be able to upgrade past 8.10 in that case....23:50
linuxguy2009sebsebseb: Hey Windows is offtopic. Please discuss Windows in offtopic.23:50
ascheelcan anybody tell me why I have a 'pan0' interface or perhaps show me how to track down what it is?23:50
Samuelsebsebseb: There's no troubleshooting information on this webpage.23:50
kyle__moblin  needs to overcome windows 7 as i dont think people will ever want chrome os23:51
CHeCHoVhow init the samba service before login screen ubuntu?23:51
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.23:51
boss_mcCHeCHoV: it is set to start running on boot23:51
losherKangarooo: see above23:51
MrHappyloscher:  that would be a bummer. i HAVE just managed to install Mandriva 2009:1, which i believe runs the same kernel as Mint 7, or am i wrong?23:51
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sebsebseblinuxguy2009:   I  didn't start the off topic, I just joined into it a little bit,   and I don't want to join the other channel right now23:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:51
CHeCHoVhow init the samba service automatically before login screen ubuntu?23:51
kyle__what is gwibber talking about copying my facebook friend feed ive looked everywhere and cant find this feed url for gwibber23:52
Samuelsebsebseb: NVM23:52
linuxguy2009sebsebseb: Im just razzing ya. hehe23:52
kyle__not to mention gwibber wont work with my twitter either!23:52
losherMrHappy: dunno, you're straining the limits of my knowledge at this point. Be grateful *something* boots...23:52
ascheelAnybody know where a 'pan0' interface would come from?  It's NOT my working internet connection and I have no BlueTooth adapters in the PC.  I should only have lo0 and eth0, correct?23:52
kyle__i want a core i723:53
linuxguy2009Must not be many mods here cause there would be stuff flying for mentioning some of the "competition" distros.23:53
kyle__core i7!!23:53
htnscan you recommend an application to help learn to type with a greek layout? (ktouch doesn't have greek lecture)23:53
xim_im trying to figure out the proper arguments to give the unrar command to make it extract the rar into a new folder with the name of the rar file, i want to do this in a for loop for multiple rar files, but i cant figure out the new folders thing.  Does anyone know the syntax?23:53
CHeCHoVhow init the samba service automatically before login screen ubuntu?23:53
losherlinuxguy2009: it varies. there's a command to summon them if things get really out of hand...23:53
ascheelxim_: you might want to write a quick 3 liner script.23:53
linuxguy2009xim_:  You do know that once you install the unrar-free you can open the rar with file roller right?23:53
kyle__i have question23:54
MrHappyloscher:  lol you're absolutely right! im fairly new to linux and so im eager to try all these new things. im a windows user :S23:54
ascheel!ask | kyle__23:54
ubottukyle__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:54
xim_ascheel: ive done this before but maybe you are right, i could use the practice anyway23:54
linuxguy2009losher: Magic words to summon the mods. Its magic.23:54
xim_linuxguy2009: what is a file roller?23:54
kyle__y when i summon nautilus from the terminal it starts pcmanfm?23:54
boss_mcCHeCHoV: look in /etc/rc.2/ for a file called something like S30samba23:54
MrHappy(is mentioning Windows and instant ban??  :-)  )23:54
kyle__but sudo nautilus works!23:55
sebsebsebMrHappy: of course not23:55
ascheelCHeCHoV: update-rc.d add samba23:55
linuxguy2009losher: file roller is the ubuntu default archive manager app. Its like WinZip or others.23:55
vizo1hello people!23:55
linuxguy2009Ok do i get flammed for saying WinZip?23:55
MrHappyoh yes linuxguy23:55
skiwithpetehey guys23:55
ascheelCHeCHoV: get rid of 'add'.  I think it's: update-rc.d samba23:55
losherlinuxguy2009: you just have to know their secret name...23:55
kyle__oh bloody hell23:55
SamuelHow do I find out what wireless driver I'm using with my Prism 2.5 card?23:55
arleslieWhats the command to run gpart23:55
kyle__buh-bye my friends23:55
[R]Samuel: dmesg or lspci23:55
Samuelarleslie: gparted23:56
MrHappyloscher:  i am v.grateful for your help too. thanks23:56
losherxim_: see above linuxguy2009 answered your question but put my name on it by mistake23:56
vizo1trying to get my ati driver to take a mode line. I seems to be ignoring it in my xorg.conf23:56
linuxguy2009losher: Ill bet a really fast way to guess the magic word, is to recite as many four letter words in once sentence as you can. hehe23:56
xim_losher: oh lol thanks23:56
linuxguy2009my bad sorry23:56
losherMrHappy: for the 3rd and final time, if you run vbox or vmware, you can experiment with any number of distros, without having hardware issues...23:56
ascheellinuxguy2009: I think the word '!ops' could do the trick, but use at your own risk!23:57
Samuellinuxguy2009 sebsebseb: What do you think of this? http://pastebin.com/m2592da2923:57
MOUDhow can I change the mac address of my Ethernet card?23:57
xim_linuxguy2009: the point is to extract archives in batch, can file roller do that?23:57
losherlinuxguy2009: stick around. Someone will need banning sooner or later....23:57
skiwithpeteI was in here earlier, saying that I had started a disk resize with gparted when I lost my screen (just went black -with light on) anyways, I used ctrl+alt+f1 and saw that resize command was busy.  When the resize command ended, there was a *chk file that was running, and that too has ended....  Righ not there's a gpartedbin still running and using about 7-10% of my cpu.  Can I restart now or is gpartedbin doing something?23:57
linuxguy2009xim: highlight as many archives as you want and select extract here,23:57
linuxguy2009Theres your batch functionality.23:58
MrHappyloscher: *experiment*. no need to get shirty...23:58
Samuelsebsebseb linuxguy2009: I think this is the same problem as mine: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1153238.html23:58
ascheelskiwithpete: press Ctrl-Alt-F2 through F12 and find your working console23:58
xim_linuxguy2009: haha duhh ok thanks.  im all writing shell scripts here23:58
Kangarooolosher, !imagebin ? but i was asking about programm who can auto make screnshot and upload and give link.. like pastebinit does to pastebin23:59
=== cap is now known as capeone
linuxguy2009xim_: That work for ya?23:59
ctmjrascheel: pan0 comes from bluetooth it will set it up even if no adapters installed if you want to get rid of it remove all bluetooth stuff23:59
losherMrHappy: just annoyed at having to repeat myself to get an acknowledgement...23:59
juan_can someone help me, I need to install an Epxon Tx300f multifunction23:59
ascheelctmjr: thank you.  :)23:59
Kangarooolosher, so dont need to open FF23:59
xim_linuxguy2009: yessir23:59
linuxguy2009xim_: Right on brotha!23:59
skiwithpeteascheel, you've missed my question, what I'm asking is gpartedbin doing anything to the disk?  or is that just the window that on my desktop that I can't see23:59
tuxozalguien que hable español :D primera vez en xchat y ya 2 semanas en ubuntu migracion23:59

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