
binarymutantwhat does the tag story-0078 mean?05:17
binarymutanterr story-0079*05:18
litiushey Ubuntu crowd, is One only for Ubuntu users, or there are clients available for Macs, M$, etc.. ?06:28
tcoleat present, the only option for non-Ubuntu platforms is access via the web06:30
binarymutantwhat does the tag story-0079 mean?11:10
golden_fleeceWhere are I can get full list of dependenses without whith ubuntuone-client and ubuntuone-storage-protocol have not be install and work?11:14
golden_fleeceAnybody there?11:15
golden_fleeceAre maintainer there?11:16
golden_fleeceI can't install ubuntuone on other distro from source. Can anybody help me?11:27
BUGabundogolden_fleece: I can't help much11:30
BUGabundoI'm just an Ubuntu user and alpha tester11:30
BUGabundosome ppl calm me spammer too :)11:31
BUGabundomaybe one of the devs will read this and help...11:31
BUGabundopinging dobey11:31
BUGabundogolden_fleece: let me see if I can find the list of depends for you11:34
BUGabundomaybe you forgot one ?11:34
golden_fleeceAll dependenses is good11:35
golden_fleeceubuntuone-storage-protocol and ubuntuone-client is installed11:35
golden_fleecebut it not work11:36
golden_fleeceWhith proc i shoud run?11:38
golden_fleeceTraceback (most recent call last):11:38
golden_fleece  File "/usr/bin/u1sync", line 27, in <module>11:38
golden_fleece    from ubuntuone.u1sync.main import main11:38
golden_fleeceImportError: No module named u1sync.main11:38
golden_fleeceI don't know what is it11:39
golden_fleeceMay by I doing anythink wrong11:39
BUGabundomaybe python version?11:40
BUGabundodo you have 2.6 ?11:40
golden_fleecePython 2.6.211:40
golden_fleeceI think all dependenses is good, and it wrong installation proces or missing parameters11:43
golden_fleeceAny ideas?11:43
BUGabundonot my spertize11:43
BUGabundo$ apt-cache depends ubuntuone-client | pastebinit  http://paste.ubuntu.com/221065/11:44
BUGabundo$ apt-cache depends ubuntuone-client-gnome | pastebinit  http://paste.ubuntu.com/221066/11:44
golden_fleeceI can give list of instaled paths and files, but need person who know how it shoud be11:44
golden_fleecezlib not be installed11:50
BUGabundoworks now ?11:52
=== JamalFanaian|afk is now known as JamalFanaian
ckontrosIs there any way I can make my client autostart "disconnected"?20:27
ckontrosLooking at the man page shows nothing.20:28
verterokckontros: I don't think there is a way ATM, but if you file a bug it might be added faster than if there isn't a bug for the feature20:40
ckontrosverterok: Thanx. :)21:16
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo

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