
erikk71hi all00:14
erikk71trying to install new theme00:14
th0rerikk71: http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=install+theme+in+xfce&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&fp=KxYPMM6r3XA00:21
tuxedowhere is plymouth01:02
Techieanyone know what IntelĀ® 82845G support is like?01:49
crazygirtuxedo: plymouth what?02:31
tuxedoplymouth from fedora02:32
* crazygir shrugs02:40
tuxedoPlymouth on karmic koala02:42
dbdii407Where is g++ installed after you sudo apt-get install it?03:25
th0rdbdii407: /usr/bin03:26
dbdii407Oh! So close. Wrong folder. Thanks03:27
michael__Hi, i need some help setting up a static IP address, i've tried everything come to mind though it still won't work04:18
th0rmichael__: using network-manager?04:19
michael__yeah, or anything else. I've tried editing countless files but it seems to stuff it up further04:20
th0rmichael__: if you are using network manager you will probably not succeed. I haven't tried it myself, but have read that nm just doesn't like static ip. What I read said to disable nm and then the /etc/network/interfaces file will work04:21
michael__i gotta admit that i'm on MythBuntu but it uses xfce4 and is on Ubuntu, it's just stripped back a bit\04:21
th0rmichael__: if nm is running then the interfaces file is ignored...editing it won't help04:22
michael__ok... so how could i dsable Network manager?04:22
th0rmichael__: I think you can disable it in Sessions and Startup  on the autostart tab04:22
michael__this is great advice, i've been pulling my hair out for 3 days wondering what the hell is wrong with it. I set up ArchLinux static IP easier than this04:22
th0rmichael__: yeah.....as far as I am concerned gnome and its associated apps are more trouble than they are worth04:23
xyloxi have used static ip's with network manager, just disable dhcp04:23
th0rxylox: I will bow to experience...like I said I haven't tried it yet but have read some on the web about issues04:24
michael__ok well i've toasted NM04:24
th0rmichael__: then the interfaces file should work..as well as ifup and ifdown04:24
michael__...so should i get it back now or go for the manual editor? (i really don't mind doing it manually)04:25
th0rmichael__: might try both to see which works better <smile>04:25
michael__i'll fix interfaces first04:25
michael__can you just check this? (should i use pastebin?)04:27
michael__can i give you the output of ifconfig?04:27
th0rmichael__: yeah...pastebinit04:27
th0rlooks good so far...let me check something.04:30
michael__seems ok yeah?04:30
michael__i'm gunna change names04:31
michael__NICK/ BB*@04:31
=== michael__ is now known as BB82
plaircpaanyone know how to fix a banshee error trying to play last.fm music? I get "Gstreamer resource error: Not found" when run on a terminal.04:31
th0rBB82: I am not sure about that 'network' entry...but other than that it looks good. But in checking I again found several sites where people complained about the same problem you are having....and didn't see a consistent solution04:34
BB82th0r, this is crazy I really need a static IP so my MythTV backend can talk to my frontend properly04:35
BB82th0r, it seems like such a simple task, and in past versions it was. Thanks for your help, if you find anything i'll hang tight04:36
th0rBB82: this site talks about also editing rc.conf....http://www.itech7.com/Linux/ubuntu-904jaunty-jackalope-internet-configuration-for-static-ip04:36
th0rBB82: wish I had my home network up and running so I could try this stuff out....interesting problem04:39
xyloxin 8.04 dosn't exist this problem04:41
th0rxylox: yeah...they put it into jaunty for its entertainment value <smile>04:42
BB82xylox, yeah i've noticed. I don't know why 9 has this issue04:42
th0rxylox: the more I use jaunty the more I wish I had installed Hardy instead04:42
th0rxylox: had both cd's.....bad decision on my part04:43
BB82would it be the same for Xubuntu and Ubuntu?04:45
th0rBB82: unfortunately yes04:45
BB82xylox, if that site doesnm04:45
BB82xylox, if that site doesnt work i might try ubuntu forums04:45
th0rBB82: going to call it a night....good luck with the IP04:47
BB82many thanks04:49
BB82Hi I'm having issused getting a static IP in Jaunty06:27
Techieis there a way i can change it so when i push the power button it starts shutting down instead of opening a shutdown/reboot/logoff prompt?08:39
SiDiTechie, yes08:40
SiDiTechie, open gnome-power-preferences08:40
SiDiGo to the third tab08:41
SiDiAnd in the first line, you can change the behaviour of the shutdown button08:41
SiDiFrom "Ask me" to "Shutdown"08:41
=== awway is now known as lukinfore
om26erany1 tell me is there a way to make xubuntu like netbook remix without downloading the whole NBR14:54
igsenAnyone know where I can get the wallpaper shown here http://www.xubuntu.org/ ?15:06
SiDiigsen, http://packages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-artwork15:27
BB82I'm having a hell of a lot of trouble getting a static IP address in Jaunty, what the hell is wrong with the GUI?16:14
th0rBB82: still working on that?16:14
BB82yeah, sorry you're in #Ubuntu too16:23
metatagghello gyus! my X is acting wierd! it refuses to set 1024x768 as my default resolution, and it hangs from time to time so I gotta restart and go recovery mode > xfix... any suggestions?16:32
SiDimetatagg, you likely have GPU drivers problems17:00
metataggSiDi: yes, I think so too after a bit of googling.. :(17:00
SiDiWhat graphic card do you have ? If it's an ATi or Nvidia, try the drivers listed in Apps -> System -> Hardware drivers17:01
metataggSiDi: i've got an intel integrated one.. :(17:01
SiDiAnd Xubuntu 9.04 ?17:02
SiDiMost of Intel drivers have problems with this version of X.org that is in Xubuntu 9.0417:02
metataggso I have noticed.. :(17:02
SiDiAccording to rumours it'll be better in Karmic17:02
metataggi'd be better off installing 8.04.. right?17:03
SiDiBy the meanwhile i think the best for you is to stay on Intrepid and to use some PPAs for getting recent apps17:03
metatagggood point. :(17:03
SiDihttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa this PPA for firefox17:04
metataggor dig out an old ati RAGE card.. :)17:04
SiDiThis one for XFCE17:04
SiDiaha, ati rage :D17:04
metataggty SiDi :)17:04
SiDiAny app for which you need a recent version ?17:04
metataggnah, I'll be fine:)17:05
SiDihttps://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa openoffice :p17:05
metatagghaha :D17:05
metataggit's a bit heavy i think ;)17:05
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metataggSiDi: I found a workaround! I added a PPA, upgraded, and voila! It works! :)18:35
SiDioh great18:36
SiDisome intel drivers PPA ? :O18:36
SiDi(there was a blog post on the planet recommanding against testing them ^.^)18:36
SiDimetatagg, can you give me this PPA please ?18:37
SiDiand your exact Intel chipset please too18:37
metataggi'm not sure;) about the divers.. hang on a sec :)18:39
metataggthere it is.. :O18:39
metatagghttp://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main18:40
metataggsays: "Use preview of 2.8 driver" as header ;(18:40
metataggmy chipset....18:40
metataggthat's lspci | grep VGA18:41
metataggin that case...18:42
metatagg00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)18:42
hhh2how can update from xubuntu hardy to intrepid and then to jaunty?18:52
hhh2in safe mode18:52
SiDihhh2, you can upgrade from hardy to intrepid and then from intrepid to jaunty, yes18:52
SiDiOpen the update-manager18:53
SiDigo to Properties, then go to18:53
SiDiThird tab : 'Updates'18:54
SiDiAnd at the bottom, set 'Display new versions' to 'Normal versions'18:54
SiDiand then the update manager will propose you to upgrade18:54
hhh2to 9.0418:55
hhh2I think I will keep it at least till the next LTS arrives18:59
yesitisjustmewhen i try to run googleearth the screen turns black anyone know what is wrong?20:07
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SiDiyesitisjustme, your graphic card drivers are not installed, or they dont manage OpenGL20:21
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SiDiCheck if you have any recommanded driver not activated in Apps -> Params -> Hardware drivers20:22
SiDiApps -> System -> sorry20:22
yesitisjustmeit says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system20:24
SiDithen either your card is too old / weak to have the opengl functions needed for Google Earth, or you lack drivers20:29
SiDitype glxinfo | grep render20:30
SiDiIn a console20:30
yesitisjustmedirect rendering: Yes20:33
yesitisjustmeOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R200 20060602 AGP 4x x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE TCL20:33
yesitisjustmemy video card is ati radeon 9200se 128mb20:34
lukinforedoes anyone know how exactly mouse sleep mode works20:37
lukinforeand is it configurable?20:37
=== techknowlust|awa is now known as techknowlust
Frostwarri0rHey, i need help with the compatibility of xubuntu22:12
Frostwarri0ranyonw knows how xubuntu works on a tulip eth card?22:12
nikolamFrostwarri0r, same as other Ubuntu distros22:33
armadahi all23:35
armadais it possible to connect xubuntu to a windows network23:35
armadaacessing windows pc and so?23:36
th0rarmada: yes, there is an app for that...gigolo....available out of the repos23:36
armadabut does it reaallyu work?23:37
armadaI tried and it seems really really hard :(23:37
th0rarmada: really hard? I just installed it...no config necessary. As to if it works I don't know. I am on a marina wifi and don't know if there are any computers out there to access23:38
armadano no23:38
armadanot that23:38
armadawhat I want is to connect to shared folderes23:38
armadaI can acess internet easily23:39
armadabut i need to acess office database, in a win pc23:39
th0rarmada: yeah....shared folders are on other computers on the network....and that is what gigolo is supposed to do23:39
armadai could do it?23:39
armadajusta like that?23:39
th0rI don't think it should be necessary to plead my case. Try it or don't...up to you23:40
armadai tried didn't work23:40
armadabut i'm kind of a noob23:41
armadawith gnome was pretty easy..23:41
armadath0r i didn't meant to be rude... sorry if it look like that :$23:42
th0rno problem. I haven't had much need for it, so can't guarantee it works....but it looks like it does, and it is suppose to do what you want....access windows shares23:44
xyloxseems that gigolo isn't available for 8.0423:46
th0rxylox: you could always download the source from the xfce page and compile it. And to be honest, I wish I had 8.04 and that problem23:47
xyloxth0r, yeah, i went the hard way to access my shares, but once it's done, it works great using thunar23:48
armadaxylox but for a noob like me...23:48
th0rxylox: I used fusesmb with thunar for years, but I couldn't get that to work in jaunty. Just one of many things I can't get right in jaunty23:49
armadai guess i was expecting it out-of-the-box like in standard ubuntu23:49
xyloxhopefully xfce will someday offer that function like gnome does23:50
armadafor noobs like me it would be great23:50
th0rxylox: have you used fusesmb? I really like it a lot more than the gnome setup23:50
armadai even followed a tutorial to congigure thunsar w/ fuse23:51
armadabut no result :(23:51
th0rxylox: I have a folder ~/Network...and all the computers in the network just show up there...just a part of the directory tree...really transparent23:51
th0rarmada: are you using jaunty? (9.04)23:51
armadajust format my pc trying to install ubuntu23:52
th0rarmada: well, then don't feel bad. I couldn't get fuse to work with thunar either...think there is a problem in jaunty (more than one actually)23:52
armadabut if i knew for sure I could have network i would go back23:52
xyloxth0r, yeah, i got the same, but was a little tricky to accomplish23:52
armadaso in what version o xubuntu does it work better?23:53
th0rxylox: there were some 'undocumented steps' that I had to work to figure out...but it was worth it23:53
th0rarmada: my opinion....hardy...8.04. I am thinking about reformatting and installling hardy...or might try suse23:53
armadado you think i can do share with hardy?23:54
armadaand will it work on a 256ram pc?23:54
th0rarmada: well, xylox says he has it working...get his address and phone number <smile>23:54
xyloxarmada, here's the link if you feel brave to try it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30413123:54
xyloxbut that is with 8.0423:55
armadaI've been there23:55
xyloxdon't know about newer versions23:55
armada<-- hard noob23:55
armadabut can i download older versions?23:55
xyloxsure you can23:56
armadaso what version do u recomend?23:57
th0rxylox: wish you hadn't done that...now I have to go and try fuse all over again <smile>23:57
xyloxth0r, no man, don't bother what is working23:57
xyloxdon't fix what is not broken23:58
th0rxylox: it isn't working...that's what I mean. I wasn't able to get fusesmb working in jaunty...but this is another howto that I hadn't seen before23:59
xyloxi experienced that this week at work with a win 2000 server, after installing patches at windows update i got a bsod next day :S23:59
th0rjeez....see....just found it (I think)....the group for the mount point is wrong23:59

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