[02:56] * niko count nhandler join :) [02:56] yes i'm boring [03:21] nalioth: pling [03:21] MT-: clong [03:22] nalioth: did you get my message earlier? [03:23] MT-: what message? please resend [03:24] nalioth: Just that I think I'm going to start running my own bot again. I have a few mare channels entirely outside of the ubuntu namespace it'll need to be in too [03:32] MT-: your factoid was added long ago [03:32] !-notdrupal-#ubuntu-drupal [03:32] notdrupal-#ubuntu-drupal has no aliases - added by Pici on 2009-07-09 18:28:45 [03:33] Pici: just now - 21:32 < ubot3> Factoid notdrupal not found [03:33] Then that bot is not synced. [03:33] has your bot updated itself, MT- ? [03:33] my own? it's synced with the ubottu db [03:34] but how often? [03:35] mine is whenever I choose, it's not on a cron because when I do it I need readd my own factoids. When I finish that work, it'll probably be every other day [03:41] nalioth: It's not just the factoid part either. I'd like to have some extra functions. I just figure if I'm running my own bot for two channels, there's no harm in having it run in the other two as well [03:45] enjoy :) [04:29] nalioth: is the bot not going to be removed? [04:32] MT-: which bot? [04:32] * nalioth has slept since then . . [04:32] nalioth: lol - ubot3 [04:33] where? [04:33] #ubuntu-drupal and #ubuntu-us-sd [04:34] thanks :) === McPeter_ is now known as McPeter [19:25] !bye [19:25] Au revoir! === DJones_ is now known as DJones [21:47] fyi someone register #ubuntu-novatos [21:48] * erUSUL feels a light bulb turning on above his head... [21:50] in #ubuntu-es --> 18:39 < LoOp_Jr> #ubuntu-novatos [21:50] ... sound like a good candidate for #ubuntu-ops [21:50] :) [21:53] i really dunno if that guy registered the channel... he just mentioned it tongue in cheek (or so i thought) XD [21:54] 2009/07/19 22:46:45 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Information on #ubuntu-novatos: [21:54] 2009/07/19 22:46:45 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Founder : LoOp_jr [21:54] he register it [21:54] 2009/07/19 22:46:45 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Registered : Jul 19 16:40:57 2009 (4 hours, 5 minutes, 57 seconds ago) [21:54] niko: so report to irc council you say ? [22:00] i think [22:02] loop_jr is relative new, maybe you can ask him to drop it [22:05] err, relatively new* [22:17] oh look, there's the english counterpart, #ubuntu-noobs, but with a spanish topic :p it was registered a year ago though