
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaasac, funny.. http://codereview.chromium.org/15555801:16
BUGabundolinux: add flash workarounds01:16
BUGabundothere goes QT and KDE01:16
BUGabundoThis adds a few workarounds for Flash bugs on linux, hooking gtk and X01:16
ftachromium uses gtk, not qt, so what?01:21
BUGabundonothing nothing01:21
ftareed_, http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/search?string=contentLoadURL  is it true or false by default?01:22
* BUGabundo stolen from @yofel: gn folks [mv /dev/awake /dev/bed]01:55
nikolamasac, hi10:36
nikolamWhy Seamonkey 1.1.17 is declined for Hardy/LTS?10:36
nikolamI made it yesterday from source found in Gnomefreak`s PPA and it works fine, now. Even got 64-bit enigmail done.10:37
gnomefreakmicahg: he hasnt pushed it to any repo yet10:38
micahghi gnomefreak10:38
gnomefreaknikolam: it hasnt been pushed and i have it built in PPA already for karmic iirc but its on his list to push10:38
gnomefreakmicahg: hi sorry for the ping ;)10:38
gnomefreaknikolam: i stay on top of seamonkey normally its packaged within a week of release. now sunbird is a diffferent story i try to stay on top of it but that doesnt happen alot of times they are the 2 main projects i maintain10:40
nikolamgreat. I am already using it, I compiled from source/patch you provided, looks fine on Hardy 64bit :)10:41
nikolamI some testing is needed..10:41
gnomefreaknikolam: enigmail is a mess it needs to be redone but we havent gotten to it10:41
gnomefreaknikolam: i have locale builds for all supported versions and testing atleast on 32bit has been sucessful10:42
nikolamI made enigmail, too, There is some manual on enigmail forum I followed. it works on 64-bit SM10:42
nikolam64-bit works here10:42
gnomefreaki can build it fine from .xpi however we really need to fix the whole package for repos10:42
nikolamCan I help testing releases of SM, etc,10:42
nikolamI can Use Vm`s also and native install of Karmic10:43
gnomefreaknikolam: sure i push them to PPA when im done with them. seamonkey2 is fairly old and that is due to problem with mozilla-devscripts once i get latest tarball i will fix the patching issue and start again on it10:44
gnomefreakinstalling SM2 should work from my PPA but i dont remember what versions i built for. it says failed but it should use last sucessful build10:44
nikolamgnomefreak, I just had some problems with 1.1.15 available in your ppa, i think, it wasn`t working with some extensions. After instaling from repos, it worked. i had to remove your ppa from repos list .10:45
nikolamI installed SM2 from ppa :)10:45
nikolamand it is working here on hardy/6410:45
gnomefreaknikolam: its better to not have my PPA in sources list since they are my main testing packages 1.1.17 should have fixed the extension issues10:46
nikolamI am now on 1.1.17 so I think it is safe to re-enable Ppa10:46
nikolamok man10:46
nikolamSo, can I help testing and how would be best?10:46
gnomefreaknikolam: i suggest just getting the .deb from PPA but most packages at this time should be safe10:47
gnomefreaki have 2-3 more bugs to work out in sunbird and i can finall be done with that :)10:48
nikolami use sunbird.10:48
nikolamso i should download sunbird from your PPA and give it a test?10:48
gnomefreakmaybe i can drop the whole convert part of rules10:49
gnomefreaknikolam: sunbird i fixed a few things already just working on icon bug and build-dep bug10:49
gnomefreaknikolam: sunbird is safe as it is10:49
nikolamI am capable producing .debs if I have .dsc and sources10:49
gnomefreakit will be getting updated when i get a chance10:49
nikolamso i can make it on fly for hardy for testing10:50
gnomefreakPPA's do it for you :)10:50
gnomefreakonce i get a chance to fix the rest of bugs i will push to PPA. monday i wont be here unless its for a few minutes and the full week of 27th i wont be here10:51
nikolamwhere do i post responces for testing and what to look for while testing10:52
* gnomefreak should really talk to mvo about this apt bug10:52
micahggnomefreak: seems like asac forgot about bug 365965 when he released ff3.5.110:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365965 in ubufox "[MASTER] Firefox3.5 recommends ubufox but should suggest ubufox" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36596510:52
gnomefreaknikolam: you can post them to the mailing list (see topic) or you can email me10:52
nikolamgreat gnome10:53
gnomefreakmicahg: yeah i marked a bug invalid this morning because it was already filed. i will look at it if i am up in a bit10:53
micahgpeople keep commenting, I was thinking to clean up the description with one of those DO NOT POST UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO ADD type of thing10:54
micahgsorry for caps, but appropriate :)10:54
nikolamgnomefreak, it only bugs me asac marked rejected SM 1.1.17 for hardy/interpid?10:55
gnomefreaki will look at it and provide a diff on the bug10:55
gnomefreaknikolam: do you have a bug #10:55
micahgok, thanks :)10:55
micahgI guess I probably oculd do that too...10:55
gnomefreakmicahg: once i start it will take all of 3 minutes :)10:56
micahgok, then you do it :)10:57
micahgit'll take me more than that10:57
micahgI've got about 60 bugs waiting on responses from me...10:57
micahgand I still need sleep10:57
micahghow ya doin BTW...10:58
gnomefreakmaybe a bit longer. looking to see what he has done with this10:58
nikolamgnomefreak, 35627410:59
gnomefreakbug 35627411:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 356274 in seamonkey "[MASTER] Please update seamonkey to latest 1.1.17" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35627411:00
nikolamyup declined for hardy/interpid11:01
gnomefreaknikolam: ok if i see him i will remind him11:04
gnomefreakmicahg: Suggests: ubufox  in firefox-3.011:05
gnomefreakah 3.5 needs to be moved11:05
micahgyeah, I think he fixed 3.011:06
micahg3.0.12 seems to suggest now11:06
micahgno, 3.0.11 was also suggest11:06
gnomefreakok im grabbing 3.5 source atm so it will be a bit11:07
micahgI think asac's dream is to recommend11:07
micahgbut unless we can uncouple ubufox from all the gnome deps, we can't11:07
gnomefreakwe tried that and it caused problems so i will do it and see what he thinks11:07
micahgyeah, that can be for later11:08
micahgright now, if we just move from recommend to suggest, most of the people will stop complaining11:08
micahgand someone just opened anoth bug for it...11:10
gnomefreakmicahg: working on it and i should have debdiff in the next 2 or so hours. shit!!11:12
micahgI duped the bug11:15
gnomefreakok grabbed wrong version :( i think i know the icon bug in sunbird i hope11:18
gnomefreakmicahg: uploaded .debdiff to bug11:43
gnomefreakbug 33940011:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339400 in firefox-3.0 "FireFox crashed while running doing search in Stellarium (dup-of: 324176)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33940011:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324176 in kdebase-runtime "Oxygen widget style causes various KDE apps to crash on exit" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32417611:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 399400 in lightning-sunbird "Sunbird does not use highest resolution icon" [Undecided,In progress]12:00
gnomefreakoh damn12:00
gnomefreakeh should fix branch anyway12:03
* gnomefreak really should have taken the day off12:13
BUGabundohey gnomefreak12:14
gnomefreakhi BUGabundo12:14
gnomefreakok pushing sunbird for testing icon bug than i guess later this week fix my branch12:15
gnomefreakcheck email once more than im gone12:43
BUGabundofta: where do you have the docs for your PPA bots?13:02
ftaBUGabundo, why?13:57
BUGabundofta for #exaile guys to put a daily ppa13:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 401367 in nautilus "View mode always changes to Icons" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:59
BUGabundofound it here13:59
ftaBUGabundo, send them here if they need help15:01
e-jat!ping asac15:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ping asac15:24
e-jatBUGabundo: any idea with this bug 37189015:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371890 in adobe-flashplugin "package adobe-flashplugin failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37189015:35
BUGabundoME ME ME15:37
BUGabundoI can't remove mine15:37
BUGabundowait that15:37
e-jatu also cant remove?15:38
BUGabundoand I'm on karmic15:40
e-jatme too15:45
BUGabundoThe following partially installed packages will be configured:15:46
BUGabundo  flashplugin-installer15:46
BUGabundo0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.15:46
BUGabundoNeed to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.15:46
BUGabundoSetting up flashplugin-installer ( ...15:46
BUGabundocd: 143: can't cd to /var/cache/flashplugin-installer15:46
BUGabundodpkg: error processing flashplugin-installer (--configure):15:46
BUGabundo subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 215:46
BUGabundoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:46
BUGabundoA package failed to install.  Trying to recover:15:46
e-jathope there will someone to look at it .. or else .. im stuck with any other package..15:47
BUGabundonot here15:48
BUGabundoe-jat: $ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade15:48
e-jatBUGabundo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/221982/15:50
e-jatis it ok ?15:50
e-jatBUGabundo: thanks a lot :)15:51
BUGabundoyeah that's what I get15:51
e-jatmy flash work15:52
BUGabundoyou don't have much holding on it15:52
BUGabundoyou are fine15:52
e-jatagain ..15:52
e-jat1 not fully installed or removed. <-- its ok .. ill try to ignore before it going to be fix15:53
BUGabundobeen doing that for 2 daus15:54
e-jatgoing out for a while .. see ya in a few hour ..15:54
BUGabundodarn asac when on vacation :(15:54
e-jatowh .. no wonder ..15:54
e-jatasac: is on vacation ..15:55
e-jatwe will raise to him when he coming back from vacation :)15:55
e-jatgtg ... c ya in a short while ..15:55
fta!info adobe-flashplugin15:58
ubottuPackage adobe-flashplugin does not exist in jaunty15:58
fta!info adobe-flashplugin karmic15:58
fta!info adobe-flashplugin karmicccc15:58
ubottuPackage adobe-flashplugin does not exist in karmic15:58
ubottu'karmicccc' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner15:58
fta!info adobe-flashplugin partner15:58
ubottuadobe-flashplugin (source: adobe-flashplugin): Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10. In component main, is optional. Version (partner), package size 3870 kB, installed size 9976 kB (Only available for i386 lpia)15:58
BUGabundofta ahahahahahaha15:59
ftapartner, so adobe broke it15:59
BUGabundoI guess so15:59
fta-2intrepid1? lol15:59
ftaOnly available for i386 lpia, pfff16:00
BUGabundofta darn17:54
BUGabundoI can't get some food, and get ahead of me ?!17:55
micahgping asac18:36
BUGabundonot here18:38
BUGabundoMIA all weekeng18:38
BUGabundoI think he went on vacations and forgot to let us know18:38
micahgI was afraid of that, ok it'll wait till tomorrow18:38
fta[Fri 17 21:32] <asac> habve to run (friday night)18:44
BUGabundofta he must be reaching grece by now, if he is still running :)18:45
micahgyeah, I was here then :)18:45
* fta turning the TV on to see if asac is in the news..18:47
FirstSgtis it possible to get FF 3.5 for ubuntu (64)19:06
micahgFirstSgt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion19:08
BUGabundoFirstSgt: I'm running it19:08
BUGabundoeven running FF 3.619:08
FirstSgtcool, i have firefox-3.619:09
BUGabundoFirstSgt: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa19:10
FirstSgti've just totally 100% ditched Microsoft in all ways shapes and forms on all of the office computers.19:10
micahgBUGabundo: we're not pushing that if people want stable19:10
BUGabundobetter micahg?19:11
micahgmozilla-security ppa if they're willing to take a little risk and get the updates first19:11
micahga little19:11
BUGabundoit was what I had on hand !19:11
micahgthere's still some risk involved19:11
micahgthat has to be explain19:11
micahgcool FirstSgt19:11
FirstSgtnice.  I think this should work.19:12
FirstSgtI was very concerned about the FF 3.5 exploit found on milworm.  does that shell code apply to linux versions as well?19:12
micahgidk, but 3.5.1 is already in the repos19:13
FirstSgthopefully fixed19:13
micahgyes, indeed19:13
FirstSgtvery scary someone can write javascript that can overflow the browser and create user accounts.19:14
FirstSgtthen use cross-site-scripting exploits on thousands of other sites to implement it19:14
FirstSgtsince our company uses a lot of open source (we donate a lot too :)), I check the exploit sites every day.  I found it a lot safer than running MS based products like sharepoint (the cost to update is insane so small businesses stay at the lower (exploitable) versions).19:16
FirstSgtbut thanks for your help guys.19:16
ftadamn, i've posted chromium twice19:48
BUGabundofta where?19:53
ftaBUGabundo, https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/19:57
* BUGabundo presses cancel button20:00
FirstSgtokay, so now that i've updated no pages show up.  it says firefox is in offline mode20:51
FirstSgthow can i change this?20:51
bluekujaasac, hello20:51
micahgFile menu?20:51
BUGabundoFirstSgt: File> Offline21:03
BUGabundobluekuja: asac is MIA21:03
bluekujaBUGabundo, since when?21:03
BUGabundosince Friday21:03
bluekujahe left his house then for the weekend21:03
micahg1FirstSgt: I didn't see the second post on slashdot22:23
=== micahg1 is now known as icahg
=== icahg is now known as micahg
reed_it's all garbage22:31
reed_it's a non-exploitable DoS22:31
reed_nobody actually took the time to ask Mozilla about it22:31
micahgah, ok22:31
reed_we're posting a blog post soon22:32
micahgreed_: are you the official mozilla guy here?22:32
reed_mozilla bug 50434222:32
ubottuMozilla bug 504342 in Layout: Text "Investigate milw0rm 9158 "unicode stack overflow"" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50434222:32
reed_I am one Mozilla guy here.22:32
BUGabundomicahg: he is22:32
reed_there are others22:32
micahgwell, I'm opening a bug in our tracker as well22:32
reed_ok, you can link it to the bug I posted above22:33
micahgyep, thanks :)22:33
micahgso would this be low importance?22:35
reed_it's just a DoS22:39
BUGabundoeheh _just_ lol22:40
micahgreed_: what about this one: http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2009-247822:43
micahgwas that already fixed in 3.5.1?22:44
reed_not fixed yet... it's just a DoS, too22:46
micahgok, so I'll open an issue for that too22:46
micahgis the private bug, the one in progress?22:46
micahgand the one I should link to?22:46
reed_CVE-2009-2478 maps to mozilla bug 50264822:47
ubottuError: Error getting Mozilla bug #502648: NotPermitted22:47
reed_micahg: ^22:50
micahgI just read it22:51
micahgand I just posted the other CVE to ff 3,522:55
ftaasac, http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/deps/third_party/ffmpeg/README.chromium :(23:25
ftathat part: "The following flags are used for Google Chrome, which also include non-free decoders (H.264, AAC and MP3)"23:26
BUGabundofta do you really think asac log will be all that big ?? eheh23:30
ftahe often reads the logs directly posted to him, so maybe. so far, it still fits in my scrollbar (oldest entry is Fri 15:33)23:32
reed_fta: re your question -- did you get an answer?23:36
reed_or do I need to ask?23:36
BUGabundofta so what's app with chromium codecs?23:37
ftareed_, hm, which question?23:37
ftaBUGabundo, what's app? can't parse that23:37
reed_[17:22:40] <fta> reed_, http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/search?string=contentLoadURL  is it true or false by default?23:37
ftareed_, i guessed it's enabled by default but the link gives a confusing result23:38
BUGabundo fta: so that's it, Google Chrome and Chromium will diverge /wrt the list of audio/video codecs.. :( http://is.gd/1Eyi1  *sigh*23:38
ftaBUGabundo, what's your question?23:38
ftaBUGabundo, Chromium has ogg, vorbis and theora, Google Chrome has that + H.264, AAC and MP3 which are non-free23:40
BUGabundoahh right23:41
BUGabundothough so23:41
BUGabundobut distros already have that right?23:41
BUGabundoI'll be able to play mp3 and h264 on it?23:41
ftanope, not until i change something23:42
ftai can make chromium depend on chromium-codecs | chromium-codecs-nonfree with the latter in multiverse or something like that (but ppa and multiverse; no idea...)23:47
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo

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