[02:08] that link posted earlier for the background is awesome :D [03:18] * lajjr help [03:20] * lajjr says goodbye Be Safe All. [08:43] hi \o_ [11:21] kwwii: where is the pixmap for the separators ,VLINE located? [11:21] huh? [11:22] kwwii: the panel separators and nautilus one are the same right? [11:24] i'm not able to find the image which is used for these separators, all the themes use the same separator image except new wave. [11:24] erm, yes I would guess so [11:24] so look in new wave [11:25] kwwii: i have found the new wave separator , but i want to change the separator for the rest of the themes, universally [11:25] I would guess that is in the theme engine [11:25] thought you might have some info about the location [11:26] or in gnome itself [11:26] it might not be a pixmap [11:26] oh! [11:26] to be honest, I am deep in some other last minute work, sorry [11:26] np... thanx anyway [16:40] mat_t: hi... are you working on the new gdm design? [16:41] mac_v: yes we are [16:41] ie for Karmic [16:41] mat_t: any link where the discussions are going on or is it in house? [16:41] mac_v: hi [16:42] * mac_v wakes to ruslanr [16:42] waves! [16:42] :) [16:43] mac_v: we've really only just started, and we're open to suggestions! [16:44] mac_v: I've started drafting a spec here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Karmic/LoginExperience [16:45] mac_v: I guess the most interesting part is the bg image. In general, the transition from boot to gdm and then to desktop should be nice and smooth [16:45] mat_t: nice... atm the language, keyboard & session are shown separately , they neednt be, as they are rarely used , are you guys planning on moving them all to a complete "options" menu? [16:45] mac_v: exactly right [16:46] oh... ok... that was my main concern , since right now it looks too much like fedora ! :( [16:47] yes, it's early days though :) [16:48] :) [16:51] mat_t: bug #400383 , not sure if removing the separator is ideal, date and the name will just flow as a single line, a tiny separator is better.dont you think? [16:51] Launchpad bug 400383 in hundredpapercuts "Panel separator between clock and FUSA is not meaningful" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/400383 [16:51] or let's use the icons as the default [16:52] with no separator [17:59] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2009-July/011134.html [17:59] * SiDi feels sad [18:01] :( [18:06] SiDi: you should see him on papercuts [19:18] SiDi: he's one of my personal heroes, a shining beacon of light, showing us the path through darkness [19:24] the chosen one :) === mac__v is now known as mac_v === FLOZz is now known as FLOZz_ === FLOZz_ is now known as FLOZz === ryanprior_ is now known as ryanprior