=== asac_ is now known as asac [00:12] * bcurtiswx waves to room [00:12] * micahg waves back [00:14] * BUGabundo leans over but gives up half the way, and goes back to naruto === BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo === kakemann_ is now known as kakemann [01:23] Hi! Can someone set bug #399617 and bug #398304 to wishlist? [01:23] Launchpad bug 399617 in audacious-plugins "Please merge audacious-plugins 2.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/399617 [01:23] Launchpad bug 398304 in audacious "please merge audacious 2.1-1(universe) from debian unstable(main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/398304 [01:29] kakemann: done [01:31] thanks [02:57] hello again. How should I deal with dist-upgrade bugs from one unsupported release to another unsupported release? Example bug #156192 [02:57] Launchpad bug 156192 in cupsys "Kubuntu upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 fail after error on cupsys package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156192 [02:58] jander99: evaluate the error specifically and see if it was already corrected in a later release === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh [03:18] * lajjr help [03:20] * lajjr says goodbye Be Safe All. [06:28] does one need debug symbols installed to allow apport retracer on LP to retrace? [06:34] ping bcurtiswx ^^^ [06:35] off topic, friend of mine and myself make the prediction Shuttleworth will name 10.10 Motley Mongoose. [06:36] * micahg is still wondering if 10.04 or 10.10 will be LTS [06:36] I think 10.10 is the safer bet considering Gnome 3 [06:36] nah, that wouldn't do it [06:37] it whether or not debian will work with ubuntu on the release [06:37] Gnome 3 might be in 10.04 anyways [06:37] Better start getting those patches upstream so they stop complaining Ubuntu doesn't give back. x.x [06:37] * micahg just triages at this point [06:39] Speaking of which, I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to deal with bugs during upgrade from one unsupported release to another unsupported release. You mentioned trying to figure out if it had been fixed, but I'm not really sure where to look or how to test. Sometimes one-off upgrade bugs happen and they get reported but at this point it would take so much effort to even attempt to reproduce it :( [06:39] look at the bug itself, not the fact that it was an upgrade [06:39] for example [06:40] the cupsys issue [06:40] look at the actual error and what caused it [06:40] and see if something was closed in the cupsys pacakge with that error [06:41] a lot of times these things show up during upgrades, but could show up as regular updates as well [06:44] Gotcha. Found another cupsys bug #243887 describing something similar, but with a different method. [06:44] Launchpad bug 243887 in cupsys "cupsys failure during do-release-upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/243887 [06:46] both bugs have a 'subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1' on cupsys_1.3.2-1ubuntu7-i386.deb [06:48] you have to look in the DpkgTerminal log to see the real cause of that [06:51] don't bother asking for one if it's not attached [06:52] there doesn't seem to be much infor for the cupsys bug as far as I can tell [06:54] Indeed. I keep reading through the long copy/paste and don't see really anything that jumps out. The only thing between the two bugs I've linked is the version of the cupsys package. [06:54] where's the original [06:55] bug 156192 [06:55] Launchpad bug 156192 in cupsys "Kubuntu upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 fail after error on cupsys package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156192 [06:56] ah, I found the dupe, bug 156634 [06:56] Launchpad bug 156634 in cupsys "cupsys error while upgrading to kubuntu 7.10" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156634 [06:57] mark the one you were working on a dupe of the fix released [06:57] use the text on the reponses page [06:57] *responses [06:57] ok. [06:59] And another out of my queue heh. [07:00] what? [07:00] you duped the wrong bug [07:00] you were supposed to mark it a dupe of 156634 [07:01] the one that the fix was released... [07:01] oh, sorry. I didn't see that. Let me change it. [07:01] 2am here :-\ [07:01] that's why I said I found the one to dupe above :) [07:01] it's 1AM for me [07:03] aw cant edit my comment. [07:03] nope [07:03] just change the dup # [07:03] i've done that on occasion [07:04] I did. 156634 should show 6 dupes now. [07:05] And my "queue" is all the "New / Undecided" bugs sorted by least recently changed. Maybe one day I'll even catch up! :-) [07:05] good [07:05] ok, if you like doing those [07:06] I figure they are good to learn on, and I can help tidy up at the same time. [07:06] ok [07:07] but we really could use help with the recent ones as well [07:07] so that fixes can get into karmic [07:07] it's up to you [07:09] Well I'd like to make sure I "know the ropes" as it were before helping out with the more important ones. Call these old bugs a proving ground until I get a good rhythm going. === micahg1 is now known as micahg === yofel_ is now known as yofel === ogra_ is now known as ogra [11:29] Hi all. I have a problem with an encrypted usb device. On ubuntu 8.04 i can mount it using 'sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdf crypti'. On ubuntu 9.04 this gives: Command failed: cannot acces device. I could file a bugreport on this, but it would simply be: it does not work. Not very helpful. Is there a way to get cryptsetup to give a more verbose output? [14:46] Can anyone help me understand the following screen corruption when running xxdiff on a hardy host, forwarded over ssh to a Karmic laptop? http://picpaste.com/xxdiff-corrupted.png Is this likely a bug in libqt3-mt? [14:51] Hi all. I have a problem with an encrypted usb device. On ubuntu 8.04 i can mount it using 'sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdf crypti'. On ubuntu 9.04 this gives: Command failed: cannot acces device. I could file a bugreport on this, but it would simply be: it does not work. Not very helpful. Is there a way to get cryptsetup to give a more verbose output? === pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu [15:02] Trijntje: I suspect that /dev/sdf is no longer where your usb device ends up, have you confirmed this is the assigned location? [15:03] james_w: yes, I checked with dmesg |grep sd. And luksDump works fine on the device, so i'm sure i have the right one [15:05] is it not /dev/sdf1 you want? [15:06] the next thing I would do is strace the process [15:07] james_w:on my laptop with 8.04, it works fine with /dev/sdf [15:08] I will see what i can find out using strace, once i've read the manual. I've never used it before. Thanks for your help [15:16] Trijntje: "sudo strace -o /tmp/strace.txt cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdf crypti" [15:17] then look at the end parts of /tmp/strace.txt for some idea of what it is doing when it hits the error [15:20] Boo [15:23] james_w: it magically works now, i can open the device. [15:23] it works under strace but not without [15:23] or it just started working? [15:24] james_w: Ill keep using strace to open it a while to see if i can capture the failure. It works now both with and without strace [16:00] * Laibsch is looking for help in triaging bug 401776 [16:00] Launchpad bug 401776 in xxdiff "screen corruption" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/401776 [16:01] I don't even know what package that bug is likely in === WelshDragon is now known as Fluffles [16:12] james_w: It stoped working again, so i now have a strace file [16:12] it looks like when it fails, i thinks the device is busy: open("/dev/sdf", O_RDONLY|O_EXCL|O_SYNC|O_DIRECT|O_LARGEFILE) = -1 EBUSY (Device or resource busy) [16:13] it's opening it with O_EXCL, so it just means something else has opened it [16:13] presumably some service on the system [16:13] lsof [16:14] or fuser I expect [16:15] Trijntje: when you have a failure "sudo fuser /dev/sdf" [16:16] and "sudo fuser -m /dev/sdf" [16:16] and see if you can catch anything with the device open [16:18] james_w: Those two command give no output [16:22] ok [16:23] james_w: so that means the usb drive is in use correct? [16:23] the EBUSY suggests that it is [16:23] fuser is supposed to tell you what is using it [16:23] but it may just be a very short-lived process or something [16:24] very shord lived. I've done sudo fuser; cryptsetup; fuser and still no output [17:28] Hi all, please can someone triage https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poppler/+bug/394266 [17:28] Launchpad bug 394266 in poppler "Very bad quality from evince printing pages which have been printed to pdf using firefox" [Undecided,New] [17:31] or take a look at least [17:33] bug #394266 [17:33] Launchpad bug 394266 in poppler "Very bad quality from evince printing pages which have been printed to pdf using firefox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/394266 [17:33] no bot for bugs? [17:33] Le-Chuck_ITA, i'm looking into it now [17:34] Le-Chuck_ITA, no need to repeat the same again though [17:45] Le-Chuck_ITA, confirmed, got the same with poppler version from git master, will send that upstream [17:46] I did not want to repeat pedro, wanted the bot to pop up :) [17:47] pedro_: thank you [17:47] Le-Chuck_ITA, np, thanks for following up ;-) [19:47] I have a question, I saw a report that say about a synaptic problem in feisty and I can't reproduced in Jaunty. Actually is marked like confirmed (like two years ago) so what can I do, what status have to be marked? [19:48] What bug number is it Kamusin? [19:48] jander99, bug number is 84423 [19:55] You tried to reproduce this step by step and synaptic was able to gracefully reload the sources.list file in Jaunty? [19:57] bug 84423 [19:57] Launchpad bug 84423 in synaptic "[feisty] Synaptic closes when changing sources.list manually while synapitc is runing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84423 [19:58] jander99, that is correct sir, without any problems (and another friend too) [19:59] can't reproduce it in karmic either [20:01] Kamusin: should I close the bug or will you do it? [20:01] I went one step further and proved edit, reload also updates Synaptics repository list under Setting > Repositories [20:02] yofel, I don't have superpowers for do it hehe [20:02] I'd say close with Fix Released, correct yofel? [20:02] I'll do it, mom [20:02] shall you yofel , :) [20:03] Kamusin: Note: you *can* edit the bug status by clicking on the arrow beside the package name ;) [20:03] yofel: I'm new here, would that be the proper response in this situation? Confirm the bug doesn't exist and mark Fix Released after leaving a comment stating said bug doesnt exist in current stable release? [20:08] yofel, yep and in the other hand is good know what status have to be marked for those reports ;) [20:08] jander99: actually I would rather use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Old%20untouched%20bugs in a newer bug. In *this* bug I think closing it would be better since feisty was EOLed and we have multiple people that can't reproduce the bug [20:09] yeah, fix released is only if we know a new ubuntu package was released to fix it [20:11] jander99: Kamusin: If you're new here, you should check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/KnowledgeBase [20:12] I found it really helpful [20:16] Thanks yofel. As micahg knows I've been going through old new bugs, and each one seems different [20:16] yofel, ;) [20:16] jander99: it took me 200-300 bugs to be comfortable and I still have questions on occasion === paul_ is now known as Elbrus [20:30] micahg, Hi! I was browsing over some thunderbird bugs today, and saw your name in a couple, and I think I found an upstream bug for them. Can you take a look at them? [20:31] maybe in a little bit [20:31] you can leave them here and I'll look a little later [20:32] sure, i'll just paste them here [20:32] * micahg is working right now... [20:32] bug 320057 upstream https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=450134 [20:32] Launchpad bug 320057 in thunderbird "Thunderbird hangs for 10secs when auto-completing address" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/320057 [20:32] Mozilla bug 450134 in Address Book "Investigate possible performance improvement for autocomplete by using the directory search facilities" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [20:33] bug 322256 upstream https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79130 [20:33] Mozilla bug 79130 in Networking: NNTP "Threads with an expired (or cancelled) message will show the unread thread indicator, even when all are read, and expired/cancelled message causes incorrect unread count of newsgroup" [Normal,Assigned] [20:33] Launchpad bug 322256 in thunderbird "uncorrect unread count for news folders" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/322256 [20:33] thanks kakemann [20:33] np :) [20:39] anybody an idea what's going on with apports retracer? All karmic crashes I reported are tagged 'apport-failed-retrace' :/ just like bug 401882 [20:39] Launchpad bug 401882 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/401882 [21:13] yofel: I've seen some succeed [21:13] maybe not [21:23] Looking at bug 159100, hibernate doesnt conflict with acpi-support according to its Conflicts dependencies. [21:23] Launchpad bug 159100 in hibernate "Remove from archive / Conflict with "acpi-support"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159100 [21:25] right, that's the question jander99 [21:26] booting up my VM to see what happens when I install it [21:26] jander99: this is more of a question for the package maintainer [21:26] you can find them and ping them if you want [21:27] Maintainer is listed as MOTU [21:27] Should I head over to #-motu and see what they think? [21:27] yes [21:27] but you can also see who does most of hte uplaods for the packages [21:28] all the maintainers should be set to motu [21:28] *most [21:29] looking at the version history in launchpad as well, for any clues [21:45] micahg: Here's another question your way. What to do with a bug related to a now-unsupported architecture (PowerPC) [22:15] jander99: powerpc is community supported === BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo === BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo