[09:19] partman-md: cjwatson * r938 auto-setup/ (73 files in 5 dirs): merge from trunk === dpm_ is now known as dpm [11:45] partman-md: cjwatson * r939 ubuntu/debian/control: update Maintainer for Ubuntu [11:48] partman-crypto: cjwatson * r684 ubuntu/ (5 files in 3 dirs): merge auto-setup branch [11:52] partman-crypto: cjwatson * r685 ubuntu/debian/po/ (66 files): debconf-updatepo [12:00] partman-lvm: cjwatson * r1225 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 66ubuntu2 [12:01] partman-md: cjwatson * r940 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 46ubuntu1 [12:01] partman-crypto: cjwatson * r686 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 37ubuntu2 [13:11] Hi, I have a debian installer preseed with an expert partition recipe which is already sucessfully used in a pxe boot installer. I'm trying to run the same d-i + preseed from a usb stick, but partman outputs an error (partman-auto: Expert recipe too large (18646 > 8); skipping). I'm pretty sure this is related to the USB media being inserted. Is there any way to workaround this? I mean, can I tell partman to ignore (for example) external storage? [13:11] thanks [13:23] at least for regular autopartitioning (e.g. not RAID or whatever) partman-auto only ever considers a single disk [13:24] can we see your preseed file (with passwords removed), /var/log/syslog from the running installer, and /var/log/partman from the running installer? [13:24] you can use "save debug logs" from the main menu to extract the logs [13:24] sure, one second [13:25] http://pastebin.com/m364a1836 <- syslog [13:26] http://pastebin.com/m5d048ec5 <- preseed.cfg [13:26] http://pastebin.com/m73d06025 <- partman [13:27] any particular reason you're using biggest_free? [13:27] which means "only use the free space on the disk" [13:27] free as in unpartitioner [13:27] unpartitioned [13:28] yes, we include an aditional script that deletes any non-{fat, ntfs} partition in order to preserve other OS's installations [13:29] well, apparently that isn't working ... [13:29] It's not working from the USB installer [13:29] the error you're getting is basically "you told me to use only the unpartitioned space, but there's only 8MB of that available" [13:29] yes [13:29] right. but the bug, as far as I can see, is in your script, not in partman? [13:30] that's because it's trying to install in sdb (the usb stick) instead of sda (th hd) [13:31] no, you told partman to use the largest available free space [13:31] as it stands, the largest available free space happens to be on sdb [13:31] but even if you didn't do that, there's no free space on sda, so it wouldn't help [13:31] you need to arrange to delete those partitions before partman starts, surely [13:32] this is the script that works when installing with PXE: [13:32] http://pastebin.com/ma12b907 <- script [13:33] I sure need to check it for this special case [13:34] it's obviously not running here - there's no mention of DELETE_PARTITION anywhere in http://pastebin.com/m73d06025 [13:35] how are you getting that script into the installer? btw, you need '#! /bin/sh' and '. /lib/partman/lib/base.sh' at the top [13:35] and an extra 'done' at the end [13:35] sorry, I just pasted the "core" of the script [13:35] it includes the shebang and so [13:36] # [13:36] Jul 20 12:02:16 log-output: chmod: /lib/partman/init.d/85dual: No such file or directory [13:36] from your syslog [13:36] The script is downloaded to /lib/partman/init.d fro the preseed [13:36] h, f*ck... [13:37] except that in your installation method the network is not available at the point when preseeded commands are run ... [13:37] not from the preseed, sorry, from the early_command.sh script [13:37] which in your case (initrd preseeding) is run before even localechooser, let alone netcfg [13:37] It seems I have to work a little more on this :) [13:37] far too early [13:38] I think you also want set -e in your early_commands.sh so that you find out about this sort of thing :) [13:38] hehe, sure [13:38] if it were me, I'd probably just embed the whole thing in the initrd if I were editing it anyway, rather than messing around with downloading stuff [13:39] or you're on jaunty, you could use partman/early_command [13:39] I will. It wasn't done before because we didn't touch the initrd [13:40] but I do touch it now, so embeding it would be not problem [13:40] well, thanks a lot cjwatson, I'll let you know if I get something useful :) [13:40] partman/early_command runs late enough that you have networking [13:41] and also after parted_server has started [13:41] so that might be convenient for this case [13:42] sure it is. This preseed has been adapted from an old feisty d-i [13:42] Gotta go, Thanks again for helping [13:44] no problem [14:32] ubiquity: mterry * r3326 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog gui/glade/ubiquity.glade): set use_underline for gtk buttons [19:08] Bug 401321 has a patch but might be about casper [19:08] Launchpad bug 401321 in ubiquity "[Karmic] Incorrectly sets AutomaticLogin to 'ubuntu'" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/401321 [19:12] yes, casper [19:15] reassigned and committed [19:16] casper: cjwatson * r655 trunk/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/15autologin): Set AutomaticLogin=$USERNAME, not =ubuntu (thanks, arky; LP: #401321). === nxvl_ is now known as nxvl [21:04] cjwatson: is the pc name meant to be static? [21:16] davmor2: not sure I quite understand the question? [21:17] On ubiquity when you typed in your username the pc name would change automatically it now seem to be static on ubuntu. I wondered if this was deliberate or a bug? [21:19] sounds like a bug [21:20] Okay I'll file it :) [23:34] casper: superm1 * r656 casper/ (bin/casper-new-uuid debian/changelog): Add support for lzma type archives to casper-new-uuid. [23:38] casper: superm1 * r657 casper/debian/changelog: releasing casper 1.182 into karmic