
=== doctormo_ is now known as DoctorMO
DoctorMOpleia2: ping12:28
pleia2DoctorMO: pong16:24
DoctorMOpleia2: hey, I wanted you to give me some feedback on my 23rd revision to the foss guide I posted to today's blog post16:26
Severity1oh! hi pleia2 and DoctorMO16:27
pleia2DoctorMO: sure, I'll take a look (might have to wait until this afternoon though, I'm a bit swamped at work)16:29
pleia2g'day Severity116:29
DoctorMOpleia2: no problem16:30
pleia2oh yeah, we have a meeting in ~5 hours20:51
pleia2I won't be able to make it, have a work obligation that has me a bit overwhelmed so I need to play some catch-up this evening20:52

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