
=== ryanprior_ is now known as ryanprior
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
mac_vbeuno: hi... this bug's milestone needs to be changed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/+bug/1549505:45
mac_vits marked incomplete and is in the first milestone05:45
beunomac_v, right, maybe...  milestone 8?05:46
mac_vbeuno: maybe even later,10. since it is suggested, it needs user testing05:47
beuno9?  :)05:48
djsiegelI don't think you need to move the bug05:48
mac_vsure... :)05:48
djsiegelleave it in its milestone, it was just missed05:49
djsiegelthe 10 milestones are more of a guideline for the design team's involvement05:49
mac_vdjsiegel: beuno also... the context menu is now changed in Karmic to "Compress"05:49
djsiegelideally, all paper cuts could get random-access attention05:49
djsiegelmac_v: are you serious?05:49
djsiegelit got changed05:49
djsiegelivanka will be psyched05:50
djsiegelok I need to sleep05:50
djsiegelnight buys05:50
mac_vhi... any channel ops around?08:26
mac_vbeuno: ^08:27
MacSlowhyperair, I've just pushed your wnck fix to notify-osd trunk (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/notify-osd/+bug/401809/comments/1). Thanks!11:50
MacSlowhyperair, but in the rush I forgot to add you to the Contributor: section in the file-header11:50
hyperairMacSlow: ah you did eh, thanks. =)11:51
hyperairMacSlow: take your time for that11:51
MacSlowhyperair, just fixing that now11:51
hyperaircool =)11:52
MacSlowhyperair, what's your email?11:55
MacSlowI mean11:55
hyperairhyperair, gmail11:55
hyperairMacSlow: are you going to be releasing soon, or shall i bring the patch forward to ubuntu's notify-osd package?11:59
MacSlowhyperair, I just did a tarball-release of notify-osd yesterday and only today pushed your patch12:00
MacSlowunlucky timing12:01
MacSlowhyperair, but the next tarball release is due in about two weeks, so your patch will certainly be in karmic12:01
hyperairoh okay then. good to hear. =)12:02
MacSlowhyperair, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~notify-osd-developers/notify-osd/main/revision/35012:07
hyperairthanks. =)12:08
* MacSlow -> lunch13:01
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowDBO, ping14:40
DBOMacSlow, pong17:03
MacSlowDBO, hey there17:03
MacSlowDBO, was my first patch any good?17:03
DBOto be honest I have not had time to review it17:04
DBObeen working on canonical stuff like a mad man17:05
MacSlowDBO, no worries... just wondering17:05
MacSlowit's not work-related anyway17:06
MacSlowjust some minor spit-and-polish for Docky17:06
DBOyeah, there is always spit polishing to do =)17:08
DanRabbit1DBO: ping-a-ling18:16
=== smerp is now known as sm[tab]
=== sm[tab] is now known as smerp
veritosIs it planned to attempt to push the new notification system upstream?20:01
beunoveritos, where is upstream?20:02
veritosbeuno, libnotify maintainers or whoever dealt with the old balloon-style messages20:03
beunoveritos, this is a whole new system from scratch20:03
tedgbeuno: Apparently you offended him :)20:11
beunoof course20:11
beunohe wanted to fight20:11
tedgHe was totally unwilling once he realized you're from Argentina.  Everyone knows they raise amazing IRC battlers there :)20:12
ryanpriorsome folks love to rail on any Ubuntu project about their upstream policies20:45
ryanprioreven when they aren't exactly sure what that means in a given scenario20:45

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