
igclifeless: well done!00:00
igclifeless: I'll review that other patch this morning00:01
igcmorning all00:01
jmlgood morning.00:01
faceprintI've got what is probably a dumb question, but I haven't been able to find an answer in any online docs or mailing list archives.  Is there a way to put a setting into branch.conf, commit it (or something to that effect) so it is shared?00:03
james_wthanks for releasing 1.17 jml00:04
lifelessfaceprint: not currently00:05
garyvdmfaceprint: you can push it some where that is shared though. What do you want to do exactly?00:10
faceprinti've written a plugin, and I want to put some settings for it into branch.conf so the entire team doesn't have to manually keep settings in sync00:12
garyvdmOk - Now I understand. Sorry - can00:13
garyvdm't help00:13
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
lifelessfaceprint: you could have your plugin read from the tree00:14
jmljames_w, my pleasure.00:21
pooliehi igc00:31
igchi poolie00:31
jmlcan I set a submit branch without editing locations.conf?00:31
pooliejml, i don't think so00:32
pooliesending mail for a new rm00:32
pooliethanks jml, it's been good00:34
Raimjml: bzr send --remember? but probably not what you were looking for...00:34
jmlRaim, it's pretty close actually, if I tack on a --no-bundle and -o-00:35
jmlhmm. I get a warning about masked values.00:36
* jml sets this problem aside00:37
=== edcrypt is now known as edcrypt_
pooliejml, our 4w schedule would have 2.0rc1 on 6 August and the final on the 13th00:40
poolieany comments on how that fits with lp rollout?00:41
* jml checks out the calendar00:42
mwhudsonlaunchpad isn't going to rollout in august most likely00:42
jmlNext roll-out after 2.2.7 is 2.2.9 on Sept 23rd. Someone's going to announce this properly on the blog soon.00:43
pooliemm i saw that00:43
pooliewell, let's say not 'rollout' in particular, but lp's development cycle in general00:43
jmlpoolie, a bzr upgrade is going to have to be special-cased no matter when it is.00:44
jmlpoolie, so, those dates are just fine.00:44
pooliek thanks00:44
poolieyou know some people at canonical would not have said the second sentence and would have just left me wondering :)00:45
jmlpoolie, well, in this case I was figuring it out as I went along. the idiosyncrasies of a synchronous medium, don't you know?00:46
=== Toksyury1l is now known as Toksyuryel
lifelesspoolie: ^01:24
lifelessI'm about to ring to double check this01:24
lifelessand talk about the other stuff you msged me01:24
poolieto ring me01:24
* poolie braces01:24
poolieok then01:24
=== faceprint1 is now known as faceprint
=== photon is now known as Guest82724
mwhudsonmore things that aren't thread safe in bzrlib!02:53
mwhudsonprogress bars02:54
* mwhudson attempts to phrase this more usefully02:55
mwhudsonbasically i think one wants a ui factory per thread02:56
mwhudsoni also don't know if the consequences of the unsafety are at all important02:57
* igc lunch03:04
mwhudsonseems likely it's pretty harmless03:05
pooliemwhudson: it's not clear to me what kind of threadsafety it ought to work03:21
mwhudsonpoolie: the03:22
mwhudson            warnings.warn("%r is not the active task %r"03:22
mwhudson                % (task, self._task_stack[-1]))03:22
mwhudsonwarning trips occasionally03:22
pooliethis uifactory assumes the code is singlethreaded03:23
poolieso the warning is saying, you need something else03:23
SamBGTK isn't threadsafe either03:23
pooliethe text mode progress bars will be unhappy if you run multiple threads there03:23
SamBit freaks out if you call the it from more than one thread03:23
poolieif this happens even when you have them off, as it probably does, it's a bug03:23
pooliethat i may fix sometime03:23
=== mlh_ is now known as mlh
pooliebut more seriously, lots of code in bzr has state that's unsafe to run concurrently03:24
lifelessthats ok, python can't do it anyway03:24
pooliethere's not really any contract that you're allowed to do it03:24
poolieor to do it under particular conditions03:24
SamBpoolie: just stop mutating stuff03:25
SamBthen you're fine!03:25
mwhudsonpoolie: this happens with SilentUIFactory too03:28
poolieok i agree that's a bug; probably not worth filing as i'll probably fix it next time i refactor there...03:29
mwhudsoni got a bit worried that it was screwing things up, but that was something else03:29
mwhudsonif it just produces a warning now and then (which i think is what it does) i don't really care03:29
poolieif you're keen you can change silentuifactory not to have that code03:30
mwhudsoni still owe you a patch to make TextProgressView more parameterizable i think03:31
mwhudsonhm, is merge --preview broken?03:35
lifelessmwhudson: details03:46
mwhudsonlifeless: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/40202203:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 402022 in bzr "merge --preview fails with TypeError: _do_preview() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)" [High,Confirmed]03:47
jfroy$ bzr log -r -1 lp:rivenx/trunk/0.804:00
jfroybzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ObjectNotLocked: _KnitGraphIndex(CombinedGraphIndex()) is not locked04:00
fullermdObjects just wanna be free.04:01
pooliemwhudson: looks like a qbzr problem, try updating that first?04:14
pooliehi jfroy, look for an existing bug, it sounds familiar and may be fixed04:15
jfroywell not in 1.17 :|04:15
jfroynot a huge deal04:15
mwhudsonpoolie: seems you are right04:16
mwhudsonsorry for the noise04:16
pooliemaybe apport should automatically google for the exception :)04:17
pooliejfroy: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/38941304:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 389413 in bzr "ObjectNotLocked: _KnitGraphIndex(CombinedGraphIndex()) is not locked running diff across hpss" [High,Confirmed]04:17
jfroySimilar, though my command was log04:18
jfroyAdded a comment to say so.04:19
spivjfroy: I think jml or mwhudson filed one about log recently04:29
jmlI did.04:30
spivPossibly the same bug, possibly not.04:30
jmlIt's probably a dupe.04:30
jmlmissing doesn't take a -d parameter. woe. :(04:32
SamBgrr ... latest bzr nightly seems to make the bzr-fastimport tests fail04:45
SamBigc: did you notice that bzr-fastimport breaks w/ the latest nightly PPA bzr?04:59
igcsamB: no, but I half expected it05:00
lifelessbad deltas?05:00
igcsamB: please raise a bug and I'll look at it soon05:01
igclifeless: I'd expect so05:01
fullermdIs the expected half the fast or the import?   O:-)05:01
igcfullermd: the import05:01
igcfullermd: it will be *real* fast I expect05:02
fullermdShucks.  Oh well, at least it's still fast.05:02
lifelessigc: I'd hope not05:02
igcfullermd: it will exit quickly I suspect :-)05:02
igcfullermd: it just won't work as such05:03
SamBigc: I also discovered that bug #401249 is worse than I thought05:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401249 in bzr-fastimport ""tag from <refname>" gives KeyError" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40124905:03
SamBwell, that might also be better, though05:03
SamBsince it means I definately don't have to untangle anything from the head-tracking code ;-)05:04
SamBigc: what format would you like the test results pasted in?05:05
igcsamB: not sure I understand the question05:05
SamBjust regular, or subunit, or?05:06
igcSamB: regular is fine05:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 402041 in bzr-fastimport "selftest breaks with bzr 1.17~rc1+4554+118" [Undecided,New]05:16
SamBubottu: that's not an ubuntu bug!05:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:17
SamBI sure don't!05:17
lifelessSamB: wheee, fun05:34
SamBlifeless: the selftest errors?05:34
lifelessEOD For me06:39
lifelesssee youall tomorrow06:39
lifelesshttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/bug-367632/+merge/8928 still needs review06:39
lifelessjml: any chance you'll review my subunit branch this avo?06:48
jmllifeless, a reasonably strong one actually.06:48
lifelessI'm going to do another patch tonight to output time:06:49
lifelesswould you enjoy a subunit talk @ slug?06:49
jmlI haven't been to slug since 200706:50
jmllifeless, but it sounds like a good idea.06:50
poolielifeless, all the cool kids go to fp-syd now :)07:49
poolieit's just about functional too :)07:49
lifelesspoolie: sadly, fp-syd is on thursdays07:50
lifelesspoolie: ?07:57
pooliethe release07:57
pooliethat's great07:57
jmlwhich release?08:00
bob257408   .bzr/repository08:01
bob2174084  backup.bzr/repository08:01
bob2^ good work08:01
lifelesswelcome to bzr 208:01
bialixigc: helllo08:17
igchi bialix! How are you?08:18
bialixI'm still trying to enter work-mode08:18
bialixsorry for delay with tarballs08:18
bialixI'll upload them now08:19
igcbialix: yes, it took me several days last week to get going again - well after the 900 emails in my inbox were triaged :-)08:19
bialixthe same here08:19
igcbialix: the tarball is done, the Windows installer is not08:19
bialixwill do08:20
bialixlast night I've realized there is hidden bug in my check of bzr version08:21
bialixigc: so what revno I should package to installer? rev 191 tagged as release-0.5, but there is also rev 19208:23
igcbialix: 19208:23
bialixI'll update the tag08:24
igcI tried to move the tag using qtag but it may not have pushed correctly08:24
bialixpush --overwrite should do. I've pushed updated tag. please, check it08:25
bialixigc: there is two test package now?08:28
bialixone in the root and other in lib08:28
garyvdmHi bialix/igc08:31
bialixhi garyvdm08:32
bialixigc: installer has been uploaded08:35
igcbialix: thanks08:35
igchi garyvdm!08:35
=== poolie changed the topic of #bzr to: Launchpad's source released today! | Bazaar version control system | 1.17 released 20th July, 2009 | http://bazaar-vcs.org | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
bialixgaryvdm: I'd like to have buttons Refresh and Diff swapped in qcommit08:49
pooliehi bialix, garyvdm08:50
bialixhi poolie08:50
bialixgaryvdm: btw, your error dialog is very nice, but I wonder if we should suggest to users file bugs against qbzr and not bzr itself?08:53
LarstiQbialix: can you detect which part the bug lies?09:06
bialixwell, I mean errors in GUI very often occurs because of internal qbzr error09:07
bialixanyway we can reassign bug later09:07
* LarstiQ nods09:08
LarstiQbialix: it sounds good to me.09:08
LarstiQbialix: but detecting where the problem lies would be cool. Even better if you can detect why, next step is automatically fixing it! ;)09:08
bialixby recompiling python bytecode!09:08
bialixlike in Chrome browser09:09
LarstiQchanging running programs I sometimes really miss09:09
* igc dinner09:22
* bialix bbl09:24
LarstiQlifeless: can you upload bzr 1.17 to Debian, or should someone else do that?12:01
lifelessLarstiQ: someone  else should :)12:01
lifelesslittle busy atm12:01
* LarstiQ will see if he can prepare that12:01
jelmerLarstiQ: I've got it prepared here, just need to find my gpg key12:03
LarstiQjelmer: sweet!12:03
jelmerbzr: ERROR: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel/.bzr/repository/packs/c0ae45a26df55c3bfbb79c0523c4de78.pack is redirected to https://launchpad.net12:04
LarstiQjelmer: does anyone over there know anything about openpgp cards with non-sha1 yet?12:04
LarstiQjelmer: could you try again? some admin fiddling was going on12:05
* jelmer tries again12:06
lifelessjelmer: we had a server issue12:09
lifelessjelmer: its resolved-for-now, but the root cause requires code changes. mwhudson is working on those.12:10
jelmerlifeless: ah, thanks12:10
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gnomefreakis there another way to push to a branch other than lp:~? its stalling at 43%12:42
TheJoshHi all13:07
TheJoshdoes a bzr+ssh server require regular ssh accounts on the server (i.e. user accounts)13:09
bob2it is over ssh, after all ;)13:13
TheJoshso is there a way to tell sshd to only accept bzr connections, but not shell connections? I would prefer if my various users were not able to have shell access to my server13:15
awilkinsTheJosh: Make the default shell for their user /bin/false13:18
garyvdmgnomefreak: I think you can push to lp using sftp.13:28
LarstiQbob2, TheJosh: you can also use a custom ssh server13:28
garyvdmgnomefreak: try changing the the bzr+ssh://bazaar.lau... address to sftp://bazaar.lau...13:29
garyvdmgnomefreak: It will probably be much slower.13:29
gnomefreakgaryvdm: as long as it doesnt stall im happy. ill try now13:31
TheJoshNow I'm getting "bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions" when I try to checkout. I thought I read something about that somewhere, but I cannot remember where13:32
gnomefreakgaryvdm: this command? bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.netgnomefreak/firefox/firefox.dev13:32
gnomefreakgaryvdm: thanks13:33
gnomefreakim getting permission denied and i know my ssh key passphrase is right13:34
LarstiQgnomefreak: you're missing a slash there13:35
LarstiQand a ~13:35
gnomefreakbzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "/gnomefreak/firefox/firefox.dev": [Errno 13] mkdir failed13:35
LarstiQgnomefreak: ~gnomefreak/13:35
gnomefreakLarstiQ: i fixed the slash13:35
gnomefreakah thanks LarstiQ13:35
LarstiQTheJosh: does it mention a public key?13:35
TheJoshNope. What I pasted is the entire error message13:36
gnomefreakLarstiQ: thats working ill let you know if it stalls too13:36
garyvdmgnomefreak: I suspect that launchpad may be slow today due to a rush to download the launchpad code.13:36
* garyvdm checks if it's on slashdot yet.13:36
garyvdmNope not on slashdot yet.13:37
LarstiQgaryvdm: this would be an opportune moment to make use of the decentralized nature of bzr13:37
LarstiQTheJosh: could you pastebin the complete transcript from the point where you enter the command used?13:38
garyvdmlarstiq: But of course people will want to get it from the _canonical_ location...13:39
* awilkins beats garyvdm with the punstick13:39
LarstiQfwiw I have a copy I could seed13:39
awilkinsI've already decided to grab the LP sources _later_13:40
awilkinsNot least because the dependancies are huge and my ISP will throttle my connection unless I download them after 210013:40
LarstiQTheJosh: k, you could try and see if adding -Derror enlightens more, but at this point I would try and see if `ssh TheJosh@chaoticrage.com` works13:40
awilkinsFrom #launchpad : < wgrant> Currently downloading Launchpad at 0KB/s13:41
TheJoshIt connects, and then dies instantly - because I set the shell to /bin/false13:41
awilkinsMethinks LP is doomed to be rather slow for quite a few hours13:41
garyvdmHi bialix13:42
bialixhi Gary13:42
garyvdmbialix: Can't reproduce bug 402103, and I have no idea what it could be.13:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402103 in qbzr "qcommit: refresh producing traceback" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40210313:44
garyvdmCan you try a minimal test case:13:45
garyvdmcb = QtGui.QCheckbox()13:45
bialixyou want me to check it in python shell?13:46
garyvdmyes please13:46
bialixit will be not fair experiment13:46
bialixbecause I'm running bzr.exe13:46
LarstiQTheJosh: can you ssh in?13:48
TheJoshI can SSH in13:48
TheJoshLarstiQ, I can SSH in, but the shell exits straight away because I set the shell to be /bin/false13:48
bialixgaryvdm: QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QPaintDevice13:49
bialixI have segfault13:49
LarstiQTheJosh: ah, that may be it.13:49
LarstiQTheJosh: have a look at contrib/bzr_access instead13:50
bialix(Pdb) cb.setCheckState(0) *** TypeError: argument 1 of QCheckBox.setCheckState() has an invalid type13:50
garyvdmbialix:  Please can you try:13:52
TheJoshLarstiQ, How does that help my problem?13:52
LarstiQTheJosh: instead of setting to /bin/false, which I'm rather sure is what is denying you to login13:52
LarstiQor well13:52
LarstiQrun bzr over ssh13:53
garyvdmbialix: I suspect that if you upgrade to PyQt4.4 it will be fixed.13:53
bialixgaryvdm: I'm already running PyQt 4.4.313:53
TheJoshLarstiQ, isn't that what i'm trying to do, run bzr over ssh (i.e. bzr+ssh://)13:53
LarstiQTheJosh: yes, but you can't, because your shell is /bin/false13:53
LarstiQTheJosh: I might be wrong, but that is how I analyze the situation13:54
bialixgaryvdm: as discussed we stopped to support 4.3, and I've switched to latest available13:54
awilkinsLarstiQ: That might be my fault... I was of the opinion that it would prevent shell logins.. .but not running bzr13:54
TheJoshor I just run through sftp://13:54
bialixawilkins: hi, can you explain what's wrong with qconflicts so you don;t use it?13:55
awilkinsbialix: Didn't know it was there!13:55
awilkinsbialix: Ooh, shiny13:55
awilkinsbialix: IT was absent when I first started using qbzr13:55
bialixgaryvdm: cb.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) is worked13:55
bialixawilkins: it was added many months agop13:56
gnomefreakusing sftp im getting Connection to bazaar.launchpad.net closed by remote host.d 1211/129513:56
LarstiQTheJosh: sure, that is an option, though slower13:56
* garyvdm wonders how many other cool qbzr feature there are that people are not aware of.13:57
bialixbtw vila broke qpush13:57
gnomefreaklist them in bzr --help?13:57
* awilkins awilkins runs `bzr help commands | grep q`13:57
TheJoshSo why does bzr not have any decent access controls, thus preventing me from using the bzr:// smart-server directly. Argh so annoying!13:57
bialixand vila away on vacation, rats, I have no person to poke13:58
garyvdmawilkins: Not just commands.13:58
gnomefreaki dont get it sunbird pushed fine but firefox branch wont push13:59
awilkinsTheJosh: The only access you can control in a DVCS is to transports, so it doesn't make sense for bzr to implement access controls when there are so many nice implementations on existing transports13:59
luksawilkins: the first version of qconflicts was actually written for you exclusively, because you were complaining how that's the only thing you use bzr-gtk for :P13:59
bialixhi luks13:59
* awilkins blsuhes14:00
garyvdmgnomefreak: I suspect that this is a hosting issue. Maybe they will be able to help you at #launchpad14:00
garyvdmHi luks14:00
gnomefreakgaryvdm: thanks ill ask14:00
garyvdmbialix: How is qpush broken?14:01
awilkinsqbzr and external merge apps ; does it permit selection on patterns?14:01
awilkinsAnd does the definition permit formats?14:02
bialixgaryvdm: push complains when wt is not clean, me working with lightweight checkout, but qpush is started in the root of the master branch that has out-of-date tree14:02
bialixso now we have to "fix" qpush, thanks to vila14:02
LarstiQbialix: --no-strict?14:03
bialixmaybe, but anyway it's not there right now14:03
luksawilkins: I'm not sure I understand the question, but it uses the same format as extmerge14:04
awilkinsluks: I patched bzr-gtk for my own use to accept a python format-string because the way it built args didn't work too well on windows14:05
awilkinsluks: Looking at the implementation in qbzr it looks similar only it uses replace instead of format14:06
garyvdmluks: I also use a patched version of extmerge. And I could not get conflicts to do what I wanted - I should just fix it my self but I've not had time.14:11
garyvdmI want it to run meld bar.py.THIS bar.py bar.py.OTHER14:12
luks"meld %t %r %o" doesn't work?14:14
bialixbtw, qconflicts does not support winmerge14:18
TheJoshawilkins, surely a 'smart' server, which provides its own transport, should be able to proved basic authentication14:18
LarstiQTheJosh: very little people run bzr://14:20
LarstiQhmm, that came out wrong14:20
TheJoshLarstiQ, perhaps because it doesn't have authentication14:21
LarstiQTheJosh: rather, because we alread have ssh I think14:21
TheJoshyeah, but then I am opening up everyone to my entire VPS.14:21
LarstiQTheJosh: but have a look at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ClueBzrServer/0.214:22
garyvdmbialix: please will you see if lp:~garyvdm/qbzr/bug402103 works14:25
bialixgaryvdm: it works, but strange14:29
garyvdmbialix: Your PyQt is more fussy than mine.14:29
bialixif I have tree w/o changes and then change file and refresh there appears additional columns: date/size etc14:30
garyvdmbialix: TreeWidget never shows the size.14:30
garyvdmIs this is qcommit?14:31
bialixgaryvdm: it seems like PyQt4.4.x Windows build is much worse than 4.3.114:31
bialixin qcommit, yes14:31
garyvdmbialix: That's surprising. Please will you imagebin a screenshot.14:32
bialixmay be I need file a bug?14:33
garyvdmbialix: ok14:34
bialixgaryvdm: http://imagebin.ca/view/5nu7sR.html14:34
garyvdmbialix: it should be easy to change qpush to change subprocess starting dir, instead of using -d14:35
garyvdmbialix: that is a bug.14:36
bialixI'll file it14:36
luksspeaking of qci, would somebody object if I get rid of the help text in the Branch group (when committing to a checkout)?14:37
bialixgaryvdm: any ideas about bug 402100?14:37
luksI don't think it belongs there and it takes space14:37
garyvdmbialix: looking at that screen shot, I realized that Bug 40210014:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402100 in qbzr "qcommit: filename is not fully visible and column is not resizable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40210014:37
garyvdmis due to your pyqt version14:37
garyvdmI'll boot into windows just now to fix it.14:38
bialixluks: it was idea of Mark Hammond, I never was big fan of big texts there14:38
awilkinsWhat do you dudes use to make the UI? QtCreator?14:38
luksI'd rather write a manual than have that text in UI14:38
garyvdmaqilkins: some times14:38
bialixsome dialogs hand written14:39
garyvdm^^^ most of the time.14:39
bialixDesigner is very good to mock UI14:39
bialixgaryvdm: btw about your cool idea to show revision message in qdiff: may be we need to do it all the time when qdiff running as qdiff -cN ?14:41
luksyeah, I'd like that too14:42
garyvdmI personally don't use that very often. I normally go into qlog - then dbl click on a rev.14:43
bialixIIRC gitk shows diff right in the log window when user selects revision14:44
garyvdmand vis shows it in a tab14:44
bialixgaryvdm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr/+bug/40221814:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Confirmed]14:45
garyvdmbialix: thanks14:45
luksgitk can do that, because git is fast enough :)14:45
lukseven getting the revision delta is slow in bzr14:46
CaMasonhi guys. I took a branch, and I've made a number of commits to it. I've now made a change to a single file, and I'd like to merge that single change into the parent branch. Is this possible?14:46
awilkinsCaMason: Yes, for given values of yes14:47
garyvdmluks: meld %t %r %o - gives me "Error while running merge tool (code 0)"14:47
CaMasonwould you mind explaining the process at all?14:47
awilkinsCaMason: You can i) Cherrypick that revision into parent, ii) start a new branch off parent, make the change there and merge it into both branches14:47
CaMasonbrilliant, thanks I'll look that up14:47
CaMasonwith option2, should I uncommit from my branch before merging it in from the new new branch?14:50
garyvdmbialix: I can't reproduce  bug 402218.15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40221815:05
garyvdmI tried in a lw checkout15:05
garyvdmWhere the wt tip is older than the master branch tip15:06
bialixbug 402218 is not related to lt checkout I guess15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40221815:07
garyvdmAh - bialix: If you scroll to the right, do you see the status column15:07
garyvdmI think that all columns are visible15:07
garyvdmI originally thought that it was because it had a RevisionTree, and not a WorkingTree.15:08
bialixgaryvdm: yes, the status column here15:08
bialixI've used small window size to reduce screenshot15:09
bialixgaryvdm: additional columns appears only if you start qci in clean tree (without any changes)15:10
* GaryvdM reading the comments in http://news.slashdot.org/story/09/07/21/1224259/Canonical-Fully-Open-Sources-the-Launchpad-Code while I wait for bzr to pull lp:qbzr very slowly...15:52
bialixGaryvdM: another problem with qci: when I have pending merge and many many renamed files in subfolder then scrolling wt view does not repaint it until I click mouse on some item16:35
GaryvdMbialix: Ok - please will you try get a screenshot16:36
bialixI'm not sure16:37
bialixit's need to see in action16:37
GaryvdMbialix: ok - Please log a bug.16:38
GaryvdMI just managed to fix one of the column bugs. - Looking up the bug number.16:39
GaryvdMbialix: Bug 402218 fixed :-)16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40221816:44
ubott2Launchpad bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40221816:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40221816:45
ubott2Ubuntu bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Fix released]16:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Fix released]16:45
ubott2Launchpad bug 402218 in qbzr "qcommit: after refresh there is additional columns in file view" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40221816:45
bialixubottu fight with ubott216:45
GaryvdMThese bots need to chill!16:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:45
beunoI don't have op access to remove him  :/16:49
GaryvdMHi beuno16:53
beunohi GaryvdM!16:53
GaryvdMMust be an exciting day for everyone at Canonical!16:54
beunoit is  :)16:56
beunowe're very happy about the release16:56
beunoyou don't drop a few million lines of code into the world every day16:56
bialixinteresting, why codehosting is open sourced in the end?17:01
beunobialix, Mark decided to release everything. That's about as much as any of us know  :)17:02
luksmarketing is usually the reason for such decisions :)17:03
beunoluks, not in Canonical  ;)17:03
luksI don't believe that17:04
beunoyou should work for us for a while then17:04
GaryvdMbialix: bug 402100 seems to be a qt bug with using ResizeToContents and having check boxes.17:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402100 in qbzr "qcommit: filename is not fully visible and column is not resizable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40210017:10
ubott2Launchpad bug 402100 in qbzr "qcommit: filename is not fully visible and column is not resizable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40210017:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 402100 in qbzr "qcommit: filename is not fully visible and column is not resizable" [High,Confirmed]17:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402100 in qbzr "qcommit: filename is not fully visible and column is not resizable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40210017:10
ubott2Ubuntu bug 402100 in qbzr "qcommit: filename is not fully visible and column is not resizable" [High,Confirmed]17:10
ubott2Launchpad bug 402100 in qbzr "qcommit: filename is not fully visible and column is not resizable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40210017:10
bialixany chance on workaround?17:10
GaryvdMOne solution would be to Stretch the filename and ResizeToContents of the status.17:11
GaryvdMThat did not work to well with qbrowse - cause the status is then to far away from the filename17:11
bialixGaryvdM: maybe just to not use ResizeToContents in qci?17:13
bialixGaryvdM: btw, many thanks to qlog branch1 branch2 --> it's fantastic for doing complex repeated merge of 2 diverged branches!17:16
bialixI mean refresh17:16
=== abentley is now known as abentley-lunch
igcnight all17:24
* bialix waves17:30
KhaZHrmm, weird problem I'm having.  I'm running bzr under cygwin.  I've got a ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf with an alias set up for bzr st.  If I use the bzr that ships with cygwin, the alias gets triggered on bzr st.  If I use the win32 native bzr, the alias doesn't trigger.18:03
KhaZDoes the native and the cygwin binaries have different locations for $HOME?18:03
KhaZOh, just read online about %APPDATA%... Damn.18:03
luksyou can put your config to %APPDATA% and make a symlink to that from cygwin's home18:04
KhaZI thought symlinks don't work properly in cygwin - aren't they just copies?18:04
luksI don't know actually18:04
luksI just expected them to work18:04
KhaZYeah; me too. :(18:04
KhaZThat said, it would work.  The only irritation is that I version control my home directory, so now I have to install something outside of my home directory to make this work.18:05
KhaZI wonder why the difference between Windows an Unix versions?  It would be so convenient to always have it in $HOME, at least in (my) theory. ;)18:05
luksnative applications on windows don't put their data directly in the home directory18:06
lukswhile native applications on unix do that18:06
KhaZRight.  So is it just a matter of following the default policy on the platform you're on?18:06
luksI guess so18:06
KhaZAs in, bzr has no requirement to use $APPDATA except for conforming to the OS it's on?18:06
KhaZ(Just curious here.)18:07
luksyou can set $BZR_HOME if you want18:07
KhaZOh.  That sounbds awesomer.18:07
KhaZHuh.  Setting BZR_HOME yields a No handlers could be found for logger "bzr" error.18:09
KhaZ"bzr: ERROR: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '/cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/eparker/bazaar'"18:10
KhaZexport BZR_HOME="$HOME" should work, no?18:10
luksyou can't access that path from native windows18:10
KhaZOh.  Duh18:11
KhaZIt's using the native binary but it doesn't know WTH /cygdrive is.18:11
KhaZMy bad.18:11
KhaZAck.  $BZR_HOME doesn't set the root of where the config files.  I still need to duplicate my configs.  I'm reading the ConfiguringBzr page and there doesn't seem to be an env-var for 'this is the root of bazaar\'s configs variable'.  Any chance you know of one, luks?18:17
KhaZ(Right now I've got ~/.bazaar/[my config files] and ~/.bazaar/bazaar/2.0/[my config files], which is rather uggo.18:17
lukscan't you just set BZR_HOME differently on windows and cygwin?18:18
luksmake it point to %APPDATA%/bazaar/2.0 on windows18:19
luksand ~/.bazaar on cygwin18:19
KhaZI can, but it looks like on windows/cygwin they append the directory bazaar/2.0/ to whatever BZR_HOME is.  On Linux they just append .bazaar to it.18:19
luksoh, hm18:19
KhaZHence my problem.  I need two directories to version my config files.18:19
KhaZI suppose I could read the source to figure it out if need be.18:20
KhaZIt seems like a strange behaviour to have an env var for a partial path.18:20
luksthat sucks, there doesn't seem to be a way around it18:21
KhaZThat does suck.  Maybe I'll write a ticket about it; see if the devs think it's a good idea.  Definitely would help me.18:22
lukschanging the behavior of BZR_HOME is most likely not an option18:22
luksbut a new variable could be added18:22
KhaZThat's what I'm thinking.  I hate to suggest yet another env var, but that would probably hurt the least people.18:23
KhaZAh; looks like there's already a bug for it.18:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 348640 in bzr "Want a variable to override location of ~/.bazaar etc" [Low,Confirmed]18:24
ubott2Ubuntu bug 348640 in bzr "Want a variable to override location of ~/.bazaar etc" [Low,Confirmed]18:24
luksthis is trivial to fix18:26
luksbut there is no way I'm sending a patch to bzr again :)18:27
KhaZHah; why's that luks ? :)18:28
lukslet's not discuss that :)18:30
luksif you want you can take this, add a test and submit it18:30
KhaZOh, hot.  Easiest fix I never had to write. ;)18:31
KhaZI'll monkey with that and see.  I wonder if my last patch ever got taken... I never did follow up on it.18:31
=== hsn__ is now known as hsn_
nickoeHow do I update to a specific revision?18:37
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luksnickoe: you can't update a checkout to a specific revision18:42
luksnickoe: what exactly do you want to do?18:42
nickoerevert a file18:42
luksthen "bzr revert -rX FILE"18:43
nickoeluks: $  bzr revert -rX main.c18:46
nickoebzr: ERROR: No namespace registered for string: u'X'18:46
luksreplace X is the revision you want18:47
luksor use "bzr revert main.c" if you want the last committed revision18:47
lukser, s/is/with/18:47
nickoe$  bzr revert -r1 main.c18:49
nickoebzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/some/silly path to my file/main.c/".18:49
nickoei am exec in /some/silly path to my file/18:49
nickoeluks, what is wrong?18:50
luks/some/silly path to my file/ is probably not a branch18:50
nickoeluks, does it have to be?18:50
luksyou normally want to rever a versioned file18:51
luksand such a file must be in a branch18:51
nickoeohh, ofc, I am in the woring project, :P18:52
KinnisonAnyone know how harmful messages like this are: inconsistent details in skipped record: ('michael.hudson@canonical.com-20070704120851-qih0ajr8ie2csj6m',) ('97295 243 0 276', ((('michael.hudson@canonical.com-20070704120556-wd7z1ffquvavt3so',),),)) ('781826 243 0 276', ([('michael.hudson@canonical.com-20070704120556-wd7z1ffquvavt3so',)],))18:54
nickoeluks, thank you, bye19:00
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j^why does  bzr branch lp:launchpad need like 500mb ram?20:25
j^looks like its even still growing20:27
j^this is with Bazaar (bzr) 1.16.120:28
j^912m 708m 1592 S   44 36.3   3:07.53 bzr20:29
=== djahandarie_ is now known as djahandarie
LarstiQj^: is that over http or ssh?20:33
j^LarstiQ, i think http, i have an account on lp though and it usually uses ssh if i do bzr lp:something20:34
j^upgrading now to 1.17 and will try again20:34
LarstiQj^: I think the relevant bug might be https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/40265720:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 402657 in bzr "2a fetch over dumb transport reads one group at a time" [Medium,Triaged]20:35
LarstiQj^: hmm, or maybe a related one20:36
j^[#########/          ]   3792KB    46KB/s | Fetching revisions:Inserting stream20:37
LarstiQj^: does ~/.bzr.log illuminate?20:37
j^that looks like http20:38
j^159.916  25 bytes left on the HTTP socket20:38
LarstiQj^: right20:38
LarstiQj^: what does `bzr launchpad-login` report?20:38
LarstiQhmm, why doesn't it pick ssh then20:39
j^1.17 still uses all my ram20:40
* LarstiQ nods20:40
LarstiQj^: you can do it in bits and pieces20:40
LarstiQj^: were you using a shared repository to branch into?20:41
j^bzr branch lp:launchpad/edge  launchpad uses ssh20:41
j^LarstiQ, i was not using a shared repository was just trying bzr branch lp:launchpad20:42
LarstiQj^: right20:42
LarstiQthen it is slightly trickier to do it in batches20:42
LarstiQj^: bzr branch -r 1 lp:launchpad launchpad; cd launchpad; bzr pull -r 1000; bzr pull -r 2000; etc20:43
j^i am happy to get it in a shared repos if that helps20:43
j^how would i use a shared repos?20:44
LarstiQj^: if you plan to do development on launchpad that would be the recommendation20:44
j^for now i wanted to read the code20:44
j^since the webinterface does not list the files20:44
j^it lists them but does not show the contents20:44
LarstiQj^: `bzr init-repo --2a ~/src/launchpad; bzr branch lp:launchpad ~/src/launchpad/trunk` for instance20:44
LarstiQj^: or you could use the trick I just showed you20:45
j^will try the shared repos first, i might start hacking on it20:46
LarstiQj^: there, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/402139 might be the bug I was looking for20:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 402139 in bzr "Branching a large branch eats memory like crazy" [Undecided,New]20:46
KinnisonAnyone have any idea why bar is giving me annoying messages like 'SHA1KnitCorrupt' when I try and pull the dulwich repo?20:52
LarstiQKinnison: I do not, jelmer might20:53
KinnisonAre there any bzr people at debconf this year?20:54
LarstiQKinnison: Jelmer is20:55
* LarstiQ sadly is not :(20:55
LarstiQKinnison: are you there?20:56
KinnisonI am, sorry, was re-reading bits of soyuz and reminiscing21:12
Kinnisonjelmer: I should prod you about this dulwich problem, but perhaps tomorrow?21:12
jelmerKinnison: yeah, I should be around tomorrow21:21
* Kinnison decides to head to the lobby with some cards21:21
* LarstiQ really needs to find some Debian people geographically close soon21:22
|malibu|I had a commit hang on me.  I broke out of it and now I have a remote lock21:32
|malibu|Anyone know how I clear this out and redo the commit?21:32
beuno|malibu|, and bzr break-lock REMOTE_URL doesn't work?21:33
|malibu|didn't know about that one21:36
|malibu|ok seems to have worked..21:37
LarstiQ|malibu|: break-lock should be suggested to you if you try any operation on a locked branch?21:37
|malibu|commit again should catch everything?21:37
LarstiQ|malibu|: yeah21:37
|malibu|ok cool, thanks21:38
|malibu|I did bzr -h but didn't see break-lock in there21:38
LarstiQ|malibu|: `bzr help commands` lists it21:38
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HillshumHow do I clone a cvs repo?21:53
LeonidasHillshum: CVS repos don't get cloned, they get checked out22:19
Leonidasuhm, bzr 1.17 depends on zlib for building, why is that so?22:20
HillshumLeonidas, Yeah, I think I have it now, so "bzr checkout http://some.box.com/trunk" ?22:22
senderCan anyone help me get started to contribute translations for bzr plugins?22:22
LeonidasHillshum: CVS does not use HTTP22:22
HillshumLeonidas, what protocol then?22:23
LeonidasHillshum: most of the time it is 'pserver'22:23
LeonidasHillshum: what do you want to do in the first place?22:24
senderE.g. how do I add a new translation to bzr-explorer (https://translations.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/trunk) ?22:24
HillshumStart woking on a antiquated cvs repos22:24
Hillshumhillshum@ibook:~$ bzr checkout pserver://parliament.cvs.sourceforge.net/cvsroot/parliament22:25
Hillshumbzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "pserver://parliament.cvs.sourceforge.net/cvsroot/parliament"22:25
Leonidasbzr does not support cvs directly22:30
amanicasender, I think you may need to join the team22:30
LeonidasHillshum: let launchpad import the project, then clone it.22:30
amanicaalso it may automatically show your language if launchpad knows it22:30
amanicasender: i.e if you added your language to your launchpad preferences22:30
senderamanica: thanks, you are right. I notified LP of my language and now I can select it.. :)22:31
amanicasender: I'm just guessing22:31
senderamanica: do you know if I can use a local app to translate instead of the LP interface?22:31
amanicayes you can22:31
senderamanica: and how can I test bzr-explorer with the translation?22:31
amanicaI have not used it yet though22:32
senderamanica: I've got poedit here, but do not have a clue how to start off22:32
amanicasender: mmm.. maybe bialix or ianc can help you there22:32
LarstiQLeonidas: because bzr uses zlib and the C extension needs to include headers/build against it22:33
amanicasender: maybe ask this on the mailinglist22:33
amanicaI'm sure you'd get a responce22:33
senderamanica: will do, thanx :)22:34
LeonidasLarstiQ: this seems to be a new feature, right?22:35
LarstiQLeonidas: yes. I can look up which exact bzr version introduced it if you want.22:38
DaffyDuck_Let's say we are two working on a project. A shared repository is located on a dedicated server. My friend makes changes, and "bzr push":es changes. Then I make changes and push changes. This causes a conflict. How is this handled? Do I merge from the server, and then push the merged changes?22:49
LeonidasLarstiQ: thanks, don't bother. I just saw it today because the usual easy_install -U bzr failed and somewhere inside of the _terribly helpful_ messages of GCC was a missing header error.22:52
awilkinsDaffyDuck_: are you working in a branch, or a checkout?22:55
awilkinsDaffyDuck_: But yes, you can merge, and push the changes. Then your friend will have to pull your changes (or merge later after he commits some more)22:56
lifelessDaffyDuck_: if youre pushing to the same branch, I suggest using a checkout22:59
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DaffyDuck_awilkins: Um.. What's the difference between a branch and a checkout? I always do "bzr branch ...", but I assume I can do a "bzr checkout ..."?23:03
DaffyDuck_Ah, so a checkout is simply set of working files?23:05
awilkinsDaffyDuck_: Checkout is "bound" to the master branch so all commits are also comitted there23:06
awilkinsUnless they changed it already so that checkouts are all lightweight ones (no local repository branch)23:06
awilkinsIf you've used SVN, a lightweight checkout is like an SVN working copy23:07
lifelessDaffyDuck_: a checkout provides the cvs/svn style centralised workflow23:07
DaffyDuck_Ah, ok. That makes sense.23:07
lifelesswhere commits to a common object are serialised and the left hand history is preserved23:07
lifelessat an implementation level the default checkout is a 'bound branch'23:07
lifelessbut you can also create one with no history attached, if you pass --lightweight. This is not a good idea from a performance angle if you're working over anythin other than a LAN23:08
DaffyDuck_checkout = centralized, branch = decentralized (but push/pull can make it semi-centralized).23:08
awilkinsOr if you ever use your laptop on the train :-)23:08
DaffyDuck_awilkins: I use my laptop on the train almost every day. :)23:09
lifelessDaffyDuck_: a normal checkout will work fine on the train, you just can't commit23:09
lifelessDaffyDuck_: the way I do this is I have a couple of branches for projects with shared mainlines23:10
DaffyDuck_lifeless: Yeah, but it's commit I want. :)23:10
lifelessone that is a checkout23:10
lifelessand one that is a normal branch23:10
lifelesswhen I'm offline, or doing speculative stuff, I use the normal branch23:10
lifelessonce its reviewed and ready to land, I merge it to the checkout and commit23:10
lifelesswhich simultaneously pushes it and enforces the mainline23:10
awilkinsYou can commit to Â"heavy" checkouts, there are just extra steps (nd parameters)23:10
DaffyDuck_lifeless: Thanks for the tip. That feels like a very natural way to work, so I just may adopt it.23:11
awilkinsI tend to have a local no-trees repository and take lightweight checkouts from it, branch as I wish locally, and merge and push my changes when required23:11
lifelessawilkins: oh, I have these branches in a shared repo; but the key thing is checkout+regular branches ;)23:12
awilkinsI'll commit my patches, switch my working tree back to the mainline, merge from the local branch, and then push23:12
DaffyDuck_So both of you have something like proxy checkouts. Hmm..23:12
awilkinsWe do the same thing we just use different infrastructure23:13
|malibu|Does bazaar have commit hooks on the server side?23:13
|malibu|awesome, tks23:13
awilkinsI'm really still interested in seeing a version of pipeline that supports parallel pipes23:13
awilkinsOr just a straight port of Mercurial pbranches23:14
awilkins(which I was tempted to do after I saw it was just one source file)23:14
|malibu|BTW.. bzr with light checkout makes an awesome dropbox-type thing23:14
|malibu|I'd really like to get it to do a commit every time I write a file.. but even with a batched up commit it works great23:16
DaffyDuck_Is "init-repo" (shared repository) merely a way of collecting several branches of a project in a single entity on a server?23:20
fullermdNo, it doesn't make a single entity of anything.  It's a way of sharing storage among branches with common history.23:20
DaffyDuck_fullermd: So, if I have a dev, and a stable. I merge dev to stable, then stable actuallty uses the storage of dev (if I do no changes)?23:21
fullermdWell...    yes, I guess, but that's a confusing way of looking at it.23:22
fullermdBetter is "if I have a dev and a stable, they both store their history in one common place"23:22
fullermd(and thus any common history, which is probably most of it, is only stored once rather than twice)23:23
fullermdEvery branch always has a repository, because that's where revisions are stored.  init-repo is used to create shared repos, so that multiple branches can use the same repository.23:24
DaffyDuck_fullermd: Ah, ok. From the init-repo example, it looked like they smiply created two different branches inside a "init-repo" directory, and I was wondering if the branches can simply be moved out of that init-repo directory and be used individually, but I guess there's more to it than that.23:25
DaffyDuck_Hmm... It seems like init-repo is what I want to do. I need to experiment with it a little.23:26
fullermdYes, if you move them out of the shared repo, they can't find it anymore.  That would be Bad(tm).23:26
fullermdYou can move them around all you want underneath it though.23:27
DaffyDuck_Oh. Hmm... I find that cool, yet confusing.23:27
fullermd(of course, if you 'bzr init' two branches inside a repo, they don't have any shared history, so there's no real win)23:27
DaffyDuck_fullermd: Yeah, I figured. You init one "branch", and then "branch" the others to get full usage?23:28
fullermdWell, most of the time, you'd "branch" an existing branch of the project, then "branch" from that (or from other existing branches)23:29
fullermdBut 'init' creates a branch ab ovo.  There's no history [yet], and any future history is thus divorced from the history of any existing branch, or any separately init'd branch.23:30
DaffyDuck_fullermd: Ah. So - technically - bzr will check if it is inside a?shared repo when a "branch" is created?23:32
lifelessDaffyDuck_: if you're starting new stuff in bzr, I encourage you to pass --2a to your init-repo command23:32
lifelessDaffyDuck_: this is the format that will be default in 2.023:32
fullermdDaffyDuck_: Yes, an existing repo will be used if it's found, otherwise we'll create a new (unshared) one specifically for that branch.23:33
lifelessjam: around?23:33
DaffyDuck_lifeless: Ok. The description doesn't tell me anything, but I'll take you advise.23:33
DaffyDuck_fullermd: Excellent. The puzzle is coming together.23:34
fullermdDaffyDuck_: So, if you have a repo at /repo, and you go to /repo and run "bzr branch http://some/project/ a", the branch 'a' will use the repo.23:34
fullermdDaffyDuck_: And if you run "bzr branch http://some/project/ b" after that, b will also use the repo, so it will finish very quickly since it already has all the revisions in the repo from when it branch'd into 'a'.23:34
lifelessDaffyDuck_: we're hopinh to make it the default in about a month23:34
DaffyDuck_I'll start experimenting (best way of learning) with shared repos tomorrow. Thanks for the information, all of you.23:35
DaffyDuck_I can't believe we stuck with subversion this long. :(23:35
DaffyDuck_Expect more questions tomorrow. :)23:35
lifelessDaffyDuck_: the only caveat is you need bzr 1.16.1 or newer23:35
lifelessDaffyDuck_: but you want that anyway :)23:36
DaffyDuck_lifeless: It appears I have

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