
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: probably it is only available for registered users?00:00
JontheEchidnadidn't say anything at all00:00
* neversfelde ignores jte|test00:00
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jte|testhullo there00:01
neversfeldeis not working00:01
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dtchenneversfelde: not sure if someone answered already regarding maintainer field, but now it's simply Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>00:41
neversfeldedtchen: thanks, I took Ubuntu Core Developers now, but will change it00:42
shtylmanRiddell: just pushed another revision which fixed (unrelated to your problem) a release label bug...but I tried the installer in a live cd environment and got through the install process...00:43
dtchenneversfelde: i doubt anyone will harm you if you leave it ubuntu core developers00:43
neversfeldedtchen: yes, will change it next time. Should the MOTU entr also be replaced with "Ubuntu Deveolpers" ?00:43
dtchenneversfelde: yep00:44
ELITE_xJontheEchidna: that quassel vs konver wiki is a bit outdated01:27
JontheEchidnaELITE_x: feel free to correct things, I just made that and I'm not a quassel user really01:27
ELITE_xCommand aliases (/media /audio, etc)01:27
JontheEchidnaall I see are /j and /back01:28
JontheEchidnausing git from yesterday01:28
ELITE_xthere is music spam and full sysinfo stuff also01:28
ELITE_xtry /exec mpris amarok01:29
ELITE_xor /exec inxi -G01:29
JontheEchidnausers will try /media or /music01:29
JontheEchidnaI'll put it yellow as "really hard to use"01:30
ELITE_xi will ask Sput :P01:30
ELITE_xmake it more "user" friendly01:30
macoyou mean you just want more aliases shipped by default?01:37
macothat shouldnt be too hard...01:37
JontheEchidna_Error 5: dependency not met: gawk not found in path01:38
JontheEchidna_it seems quassel needs a recommends on gawk01:39
macohrm i get that help not found problem with kblogger too. anyone know how to get the help stuff for it?02:05
JontheEchidnait's possible it doesn't have any. lots of third-party apps don't02:06
macohrm yeah looking at the website, they only have docs for the kde3 version02:07
macowhich is VERY different02:07
macowell lets see if i can figure this thing out well enough to write docs02:07
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ScottKJontheEchidna: We sent a list of stuff TODO for the Quassel devs to look at (see kubuntu-devel archives).  If you find something not on that list that you think is important, then be sure to bring it up.03:41
ScottKRiddell: I think for netbook we are in good shape for Alpha 3.  I tested out yesterday's ISO and it worked fine at least for live session.03:42
ScottKRiddell: The biggest ISO problem I know of is jockey-kde and policykit not playing nicely with each other.  Tonio said he would look into it.03:43
seeleScottK: i'm hoping to do a review of 0.5.0 tomorrow. my goal is to improve the first-time wizard, then maybe some primary ui tweaks04:15
ScottKseele: Cool.  Did you see the TODO list Riddell already sent to the Quasssel devs (kubuntu-devel)?04:17
ScottKI know Sput has that and is working on some stuff.04:17
ScottKRiddell: Looks like no Kleopatra in Main: Bug #26755504:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267555 in dirmngr "Main Inclusion Report for dirmngr" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26755504:31
* ScottK goes and unseeds it.04:31
ScottKLooks like Riddell got there first.04:36
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ScottKLooks like soprano is a sync now.05:54
SputScottK: did our (mine and EgS' replies) to Riddell's mail ever get onto the devel list?06:54
SputJontheEchidna: Quassel does split too long messages, even wordwraps :)06:55
macohey guys, kblogger appears to be fubar. it doesn't authenticate to the wordpress blog i'm trying it on, and i see someone else on twitter saying authentication is broken for them too. they say kblogger told them to try Bilbo (kblogger fork), but thats not in ubuntu06:56
freeflyingcan you guys copy anything from konsole with the latest upgrade in karmic?10:07
ScottKSput: I think it did, but I don't honestly recall.10:40
ScottKfreeflying: Yes (at least as of yesterday's updates - didn't update anything today).10:40
Riddellyes they both did10:40
freeflyingScottK: can't here, wired10:42
Riddelllive CD creation currently stuck10:43
ScottKArora has a new upstream release?10:43
* ScottK waves to Riddell.10:43
ScottKRiddell: I'll be offline most of today, but around tomorrow to help with ISO testing.10:44
Riddellyes it does, we should get it in but I see we're frozen10:44
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Archive: Alpha-3 soft-freeze | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts | bug 391763 is somewhat important and up for an SRU
* ScottK runs off.10:45
shtylmanRiddell: mind giving the installer another go?12:08
shtylmanI have no idea why you were seeing that problem12:09
Riddellshtylman: trouble is I don't have a working karmic install currently12:11
Riddellon one machine X crashes when I start KDE.  on another it doesn't show windows in the boot loader and that makes laptop owner grumpy12:12
shtylmanRiddell: oh...very nice :)12:12
shtylmanI am not without my own problems... I am still on the -30 kernel like cause none of the -31 ones boot for me :)12:13
RiddellI seem to have got daily CDs build now though so time for another shot12:14
neversfeldeI can test a CD, too. A special one or just i386 desktop?12:16
Riddelljust that12:21
Riddellmeh, same problem on today's CD, I have no clue how to debug it12:51
* ryanakca scratches his head at the '+'/'-' in KPackageKit12:52
yao_ziyuanalthough i use suse, i suggest this desktop for your next release: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/?content=10874312:52
ryanakcaRiddell: Same problem being X crashes?12:53
Riddellryanakca: yes12:53
ryanakcaRiddell: Nothing in ~/.xsession-errors ?12:54
Riddellryanakca: "kdeinit4: Fatal IO error: client killed"12:55
Riddellwhich google suggests is some issue between Qt and X12:55
* ryanakca pulls down today's liveCD and tests in virtualbox12:56
JontheEchidnaSput: I got kicked off with a too long message using git from the 19th12:56
Riddellit works ok on the other computer I have so it'll just be an issue with the obscure video card in here12:56
JontheEchidnait all seemed to be in one message too12:57
JontheEchidnano splitting, warning or anything12:57
ryanakcaRiddell: what video card?12:58
neversfeldevirtualbox is not working in karmic atm12:58
* ryanakca grins at work's ``327.25M 48% 11.20MB/s 0:00:31''12:58
Riddellhum, actually it's just as broken on the other computer :(12:59
Riddellryanakca: S3 UniChrome Pro12:59
ryanakcaRiddell: X works, see http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/plasma-overlap.png13:04
Riddellhmm, plasma's default setup is not great13:06
ryanakcaThe new header for the website, did we want it a solid blue, or did we want a gradient / pattern thingy13:08
Riddellryanakca: what's in the new header?13:25
ryanakcaRiddell: The one we discussed at UDS, similar to www.xubuntu.org, with Get Kubuntu, Get Help, Get Involved13:26
* ryanakca is trying to at least get a sensible shape for it, but my inkscape skills are rather poor13:26
JontheEchidnawhoa, soyuz got open sourced. wasn't expecting that13:29
ryanakcargreening: Hi, I'm still working on plasma-widget-facebook, it appears to be the first python plasmoid to be packaged. Manually copying the files to the appropriate locations results in plasma not being able to find the files, trying to use plasmapkg to install it results in a "Can't find X server" type error during build.13:35
Riddellryanakca: oh aye, well the current box and background should be ok no?  just change the content13:37
ryanakcaOK, no need to get the logo inset into it?13:38
Riddellryanakca: I don't think it has to be, of course you can come up with some designs and we can debate them endlessly :)13:39
Riddellphew CD seems to sucessfully boot on second try13:39
Riddellubiquity seems to have disappeared from the desktop though13:39
ryanakcaRiddell: I'll skip the designing and the debates, if the current masthead background is fine, I'm willing to stick to it13:41
Riddellwaa, ubiquity broke13:48
Riddellshtylman: any quick thoughts on this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/223530/13:49
ryanakcaHow would the KTorrent icon be for the download icon? (/usr/share/icons/default.kde4/128x128/apps/ktorrent.png13:52
JontheEchidnaI started this last month or so: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha3/Kubuntu13:53
ryanakca /usr/share/icons/default.kde4/128x128/apps/system-users.png for get help13:53
JontheEchidnapics needed13:53
ryanakca /usr/share/icons/default.kde4/128x128/categories/system-help.png might work too13:54
ryanakca.. and say /usr/share/icons/oxygen/128x128/categories/applications-development.png for get involved13:57
ryanakcaI'll assume everybody loves them if I don't hear any complaints on the suggestions :)13:58
Riddellryanakca: ktorrent.png is good, system-help.png too and ack on applications-development.png too14:01
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Riddellanything I should include in the canonical desktop meeting kubuntu update today?15:09
JontheEchidnaRiddell: this probably isn't meeting material, but I would like to throw out a friendly reminder for http://paste.ubuntu.com/223587/ + bumping to main + removing plasma-widget-network-manager15:12
Riddelloh aye, good point15:12
JontheEchidna:) bbiab15:12
seeledoes kickoff in 4.3 have the other changes we repeatedly submit upstream, such as descriptions on by default and alignment fixes? or are we repatching that as well?15:14
Riddellseele: we still patch those in15:15
seeledo they just silently reject the patch or have they escalated to "why the hell are you *still* sending us this patch?" yet?15:16
Quintasanargh, this is driving me crazy >_<15:18
Riddellseele: I seem to remember when I submitted it the response was "we've discussed this lots, you can argue either way, we've gone with the other way"15:19
RiddellI'm paraphrasing of course15:19
seelethe reasoning is so stupid.. in one application aaron complains there are too many clicks, in another application he essentially *requires* the user to use the mouse to read15:21
* seele shakes her fists in frustration15:21
seelei'd say submit the patch again, just to be annoying15:22
seelewe've already done it 2, 3 releases now?15:22
QuintasanCan anyone running karmic do apt-file search bookmarksrunner.cpp and tell me wheter is throws something out or not?15:24
ryanakcaQuintasan: nadda, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=bookmarksrunner.cpp&mode=exactfilename&suite=karmic&arch=any15:25
Riddellit's in the kdebase-workspace source package though15:26
QuintasanRiddell: How come? I downloaded it several times and it was not there :/15:27
RiddellJontheEchidna: what happens to the plasma-widget-network-manager package?15:28
JontheEchidnaRiddell: should be removed from karmic15:28
RiddellJontheEchidna: no dummy package or replaces or anything?15:28
JontheEchidnathat debdiff I handed you for networkmanagement fixes the dummy package :P15:29
JontheEchidnaotherwise we would have caught this earlier since there would be a universe package trying to get on the CD15:29
RiddellJontheEchidna: it has a dummy package for plasmoid-widget-network-manager15:29
Riddellbut not plasma-widget-network-manager15:29
JontheEchidnaright, oops15:30
JontheEchidnathat's what the debdiff fixes15:30
Riddellaah, right15:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: this should probably wait until after the freeze though15:31
JontheEchidnaI'll look into making a bzr branch so that we don't lose this15:31
Riddellupstream are working on a non-plasma applet anyway15:33
Quintasansrsly, Chromium is lot faster than Arora, Konq and Opera :/15:53
EagleScreenArora crash flash videos very often16:04
QuintasanRiddell: Thanks, the file was there as you said :P16:04
Riddellmeh, another RC release on its way16:21
nixternalI NEED A JOB!!! HELP ME!!! I will package like a mad man :p17:21
nixternalScottK: dude, the USN will not budge on my orders, so I told them it is off unless they get me on a ship or over to Iraq/Afghanistan17:22
DaskreeCHnixternal: Poke Canonical and tell them you'll allow them to pay you to be a boot up wherever they need a boot18:03
SputJontheEchidna: huh. Freenode (or any ircd) doesn't usually kick you off with a too long message, it's just cut off18:04
Sput(and the split isn't shown locally, but others will get multiple messages)18:04
DaskreeCHJontheEchidna: Ping18:06
seelehow do i change the available display size in virtual box? i can't get anything besides 800x60018:24
Riddelldavmor2: know your virtual box stuff?18:26
macoseele: did you install vbox extensions?18:26
macoin the guest OS?18:26
seelemaco: i guess not because i dont know what that is :)18:26
macook then. there's an iso that you have to put as the cd drive on your guest, then tell the guest to access the cd drive and install the package thats in the iso. it gives the host OS support for the virtual hardware so it can have higher resolutions and do that nifty seamless mode18:28
davmor2seele: you can get it as an iso from virtualbox site18:28
macovirtualbox-ose-guest-utils will get the iso18:28
davmor2seele: it has a bunch of useful stuff on it that helps modify various bits of the system18:29
davmor2Riddell: I mostly use kvm and virt-machine-manager18:30
seelemaco: where does that download to?18:30
davmor2seele: /home iirc or the folder that contains the vms18:31
JontheEchidnaDaskreeCH: pong18:31
macooh hmm or maybe you just install that package in the guest and it does auto-magic18:32
macolooking at the file list for the deb, its got an init script...18:32
DaskreeCHJontheEchidna: DId I ask you about the kopete yahoo backport already?18:33
DaskreeCHI've forgotten18:33
* JontheEchidna points to the topic18:33
JontheEchidnanobody seems to care enough18:33
DaskreeCHdavmor2: Never played with kVM how is it?18:33
Riddellwhat is the kopete yahoo backport?18:34
davmor2sound at least for me any way18:34
DaskreeCHwe have a topic?18:34
ubott2Sorry, I don't know anything about yahoo18:34
macoany of you know how the sudo package works? i'm trying to ask bdale in #debian-devel so i can fix bug 191264, but if any of you know...18:34
ubott2Launchpad bug 191264 in kdesudo-kde4 "KDE4: sudo removes /usr/lib/kde4/bin from PATH: e.g. "sudo kate" fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19126418:34
seeleuhm.. hmm.. i got the iso through apt but i can't find it anywhere18:34
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191264 in kdesudo-kde4 "KDE4: sudo removes /usr/lib/kde4/bin from PATH: e.g. "sudo kate" fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19126418:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 191264 in kdesudo-kde4 "KDE4: sudo removes /usr/lib/kde4/bin from PATH: e.g. "sudo kate" fails" [Medium,Confirmed]18:35
ubott2Ubuntu bug 191264 in kdesudo-kde4 "KDE4: sudo removes /usr/lib/kde4/bin from PATH: e.g. "sudo kate" fails" [Medium,Confirmed]18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191264 in kdesudo-kde4 "KDE4: sudo removes /usr/lib/kde4/bin from PATH: e.g. "sudo kate" fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19126418:35
ubott2Launchpad bug 191264 in kdesudo-kde4 "KDE4: sudo removes /usr/lib/kde4/bin from PATH: e.g. "sudo kate" fails" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19126418:35
DaskreeCHbug 39176318:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391763 in kdenetwork "Kopete won't login yahoo" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39176318:35
ubott2Launchpad bug 391763 in kdenetwork "Kopete won't login yahoo" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39176318:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 391763 in kdenetwork "Kopete won't login yahoo" [Unknown,Fix released]18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391763 in kdenetwork "Kopete won't login yahoo" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39176318:35
ubott2Ubuntu bug 391763 in kdenetwork "Kopete won't login yahoo" [Unknown,Fix released]18:35
JontheEchidnarecursive bot fail^18:35
ubott2Launchpad bug 391763 in kdenetwork "Kopete won't login yahoo" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39176318:35
DaskreeCHhead hurts18:35
DaskreeCHWhy are there two of them? Did ubottu have an illegitimate child ?18:36
DaskreeCHin any case Riddell Yahoo can't login18:36
seeledavmor2: i dont see the iso listed on the virtualbox site18:37
RiddellDaskreeCH: but there's a fix that we need somewhere?  isn't it in KDE 4.3 branch?18:37
DaskreeCHit works in KDE 4.3 RC2 AFAIK18:38
DaskreeCHfor those not running that pretty much It's either install pidgin or use meebo18:38
Riddelloh but 9.04 and older will need a fix18:39
DaskreeCHhence the bug with the number I dare not mention18:39
* DaskreeCH glances sideways at the bots listening in18:39
Riddellseems someone has it in a PPA http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=197104#c3518:41
ubott2KDE bug 197104 in Yahoo Plugin "Kopete does not connect to yahoo Remains in "Connecting "" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]18:41
davmor2seele: you don't need to now apparently http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/virtualbox-guest-addons.html18:42
macoseele: on the GHNS thing, i know the gold star needs to be there, and for the text is the standard going to be "Get [Object]" or is there supposed to be another word?18:45
maco(i'm looking at Amarok right now, it has the gold star)18:46
seeleGet [whatever it is you are getting]...18:46
seeleor did I say Get New [object]..?18:46
macosee, you're confused too18:46
seeledavmor2: when i do that, it says it can't find the VBGuestAdditions.iso file18:47
seelei just dont remember what i said when i was thinking about it18:47
* seele is doing three things at once atm18:47
seeledavmor2: oh oh, nevermind. i'm really slow today. it will download it for me18:48
* seele should probably break for lunch18:48
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by KDE: timed out (http://bugs.kde.org/xml.cgi?id=197104)18:50
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by KDE: timed out (http://bugs.kde.org/xml.cgi?id=197104)18:50
Artemis_Fowlmaco: alone or are you aided by someone else too?19:11
macoArtemis_Fowl: jpwhiting is mentoring me19:12
macobecause i know nothing about qt19:12
macoand the total of c++ knowledge is that its like java without garbage collection and with ::19:13
Artemis_Fowlmaco: ok nice. how will it be implemented? using a KPushButton subclass or a KStandardGuiItem?19:15
macoArtemis_Fowl: kdelibs/knewstuff/knewstuff2/ui/knewstuffbutton i think19:16
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Artemis_Fowlmaco: is there any mockup for the button's final state? or any other document describing its capabilities?20:01
macoArtemis_Fowl: thats really old code that he worked on then dropped and now its being pulled out to fix the inconsistencies between apps20:02
macoall i know is that the final version will show the gold star, "Get New %1..." where %1 is a string passed to setbuttontext()20:03
macosome currently say "get more" or "get" or dont have the star or dont have the ...20:03
Artemis_Fowlyes, I noticed it's old code. have you implemented anything new?20:04
macoArtemis_Fowl: jp is explaining in #kde-devel20:04
macono im just looking now20:04
ryanakcaWhat's the equivalent of 'bzr bd-do' for svn-buildpackage ?20:16
macough i totally do not understand what the *four* ics's in korganizer are20:33
macopart of it is because why the heck did evolution make TWO ics's of the same name with my different hostnames appended? just because i move the ics from old comp to new comp doesnt mean i want a new one grr20:33
Quintasanlibxklavier12-dev is a Virtual package in karmic, on what I should depend? libx11-dev?21:08
nixternaloh, head ache and rain on its way, and a bike ride is supposed to kick off in 2 hours21:20
neversfeldemy karmic is totally unusable :(21:27
nixternalmy karmic is rocking :p21:31
neversfeldemhh, I cannot even open a konsole21:32
quassel208Why is Kubuntu 9.04 so unstable, I sometimes lose control over the pc and forced to reset it21:45
Quintasanquassel208: general question go to #kubutu. I sugges you to try using htop and iotop for monitoring disk,cpu and RAM usage21:48
quassel208And bug that?21:49
Quintasanquassel208: huh? You want to file a bug cause 9.04 is slow? That's not a good idea21:49
quassel208its not slow, but just unstable, its like I am editing whole time pictures and suddely kwin effects get turned off and pc because really unstable, like its hard to get control back, and most time I am forced to reset the pc21:51
Quintasanquassel208: Then something's hogging up your resources, try htop or KDE's System Guard21:54
* Quintasan notes his KDE is slow even without doing anything :/21:54
quassel208I dont see something that hogging up my resources, but showfoto uses sometime more the 500 mb21:55
Quintasanquassel208: Well, that's hogging up, it shouldn't use 500mb of RAM, should it?21:55
quassel208dont know, I have 2 gb off ram, and in total the pc just uses 1, but gues ur right, so should I monitor the program?21:56
neversfeldea Plasma problem, killing the *rcs helps21:58
quassel208*rcs like rc ?21:59
Quintasanquassel208: if you have 2gb of RAM, try using --graphicssystem raster when you launch apps22:01
Quintasanquassel208: like   konsole --graphicssystem raster22:01
QuintasanLOL - when I press my multimedia keys, whole desktop lags for 5 seconds and then the keypress is sent :D22:03
quassel208lol really, u using also intel grapics ?22:04
quassel208neverfelde what does this --graphicssystems22:05
macoQuintasan: me too!22:05
macowell actually....the whole desktop doesnt lag, but the multimedia's sure do22:06
Quintasanmaco: I always thought it's just my comp being shitty :P22:06
quassel208One thing I always said, in begin Windows feels faster then Linux22:06
Quintasanquassel208: It changes window rendering system to raster,using it gives much improvment in terms of speed.22:07
quassel208why is that not default ?22:08
macono thats been happening to me since i fresh-installed karmic a week ago22:08
Quintasanquassel208: increased usage of RAM22:08
quassel208I have enough ram, If I see only 1 is used22:09
Quintasanmaco: I'm raging at my computer since, hmm, let's say last year's January :P22:09
quassel208but this --graphicssystem raster works only on kde apps?22:10
Quintasanquassel208: Qt apps22:10
Quintasanquassel208: so basically on all KDE apps22:10
quassel208okay so on everthing exspect firefox22:11
Quintasanlol firefox22:11
quassel208yes I know I shouldnt use it :P22:11
QuintasanI'm disguster with Opera, Konq, Arora and Firefox - launch time is about 7 seconds22:12
QuintasanChromium launches within second :/22:12
QuintasanHeard of Google Chrome?22:13
quassel208oh so its finally there22:13
QuintasanOpen source version of it22:13
QuintasanStill alpha tho.22:14
quassel208ow doesnt mather so much22:14
Quintasanquassel208: if you want a stable browser then -> kthxbai22:15
quassel208thats not a browser, but some geek word22:16
QuintasanThere's something wrong with my computer, switching windows takes 4 fcking seconds22:16
Quintasanquassel208: Chromium? It's a web browser22:16
quassel208kthxbai not22:17
QuintasanI mean it's not stable and if you want crash-free experience then look for something else22:18
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seeleso.. another stupid virtualbox question23:29
seelei installed the addons and rebooted the vm, but i dont know where the options are23:29
seelei dont see a utility on the guest os and nothing in the vb config23:29
shtylmanRiddell: no idea on that problem... I also don't know why it doesn't work for you but ran fine for me...23:32
macowith kde using cmake, does that mean packaging is different from how non-cmake packages work?23:34
Quintasanmaco: Hmm. Maybe tell us what are you trying to do first :P23:35
macopackage bilbo23:35
Quintasanmaco: Add pkg-kde-tools to build-deps23:35
macoit appears to be a kblogger fork and on twitter someone with the same kblogger-wont-auth issue as me said the kblogger maintainer recommended it, but its not packaged23:36
macoQuintasan: that's it?23:36
Quintasanmaco: nah23:36
JontheEchidnabilbo is in revu iirc23:36
Quintasanmaco: add it and wait a second :P23:36
macohehe ok23:36
macoim trying to figure out the not-dh_make way to use debhelper...but i dont know it23:36
macoand it occured to me that with cmake, this might vary23:36
Quintasanmaco: I suppose you are doing it for learning, if it's in REVU then you are propably wasting time :P23:37
Quintasanmaco: to compile kde apps we should use pkg-kde-tools, you add it to build deps23:38
JontheEchidnayou'll need cdbs too, btw23:38
macooh...it is in revu23:38
macoi wanted to *use* it23:38
macobut didnt want to compile and throw bins all over my system23:39
Quintasanmaco: to get the package you need to compile it23:40
Quintasanmaco: You are using pbuilder I suppose23:40
macohmm maybe debhelper lesson will be held off23:40
macoill just try neversfelde's package23:41
Quintasanmaco: grab the source and check how he made it if you want to know :P23:43
* Quintasan loves using KDE 4 without plasma-desktop23:50
QuintasanJontheEchidna: got a second?23:50
QuintasanI'm working on plasma-netbook23:51
Quintasanand it requires patching kdebase-workspace and kdeplasma-addons23:51
JontheEchidnayeah, I noticed that23:52
QuintasanBoth still in RC phase, for now ScottK said he will put those in PPA but I don't know how we will deal with it later23:52
Quintasanalso RC3 is being tagged so I will have to do it second time :/23:53
seeleemail sent regarding kickoff organization23:57
* seele checks that item off the list23:57
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: can't we just put the patches in the packaging?23:57
JontheEchidna(the kdebase/kdeplasma packaging)23:58
JontheEchidnaI'm not sure I understand the problem23:59
* Quintasan stops thinking for few seconds23:59

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