
=== JontheEchidna is now known as jte|test
=== jte|test is now known as JontheEchidna
=== bullet_ is now known as Guest39034
SuspectZerohey there00:03
SuspectZerohow can i remove kde00:03
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal00:03
SuspectZeroon 8.1000:03
SuspectZeroah kk00:03
SuspectZerothis command works on kde3.5?00:04
=== Guest39034 is now known as bulletxt_quassel
EagleScreenin 3.5 replace kdelibs5 per kdelibs400:05
EagleScreenif you remove libqt3-mt you will remove all KDE3 applications also00:06
SuspectZerosee the thing is im not on kubuntu00:07
SuspectZeroi just figured this would be the best place to ask for this considering the kubuntu users use kde00:07
drbobbIt seems that the sis900 driver was written either by, or with the aid of, ppl from sis - and it still doesn't work correctly00:07
EagleScreenSuspectZero: which distro?00:07
SuspectZerobacktrack 400:07
EagleScreenis backtrack4 based on Debian?00:08
SuspectZerobased of ubuntu to be specific00:08
SuspectZerobut it has kde3.5 installed00:08
EagleScreenthen this steps are valid00:08
SuspectZeroright but apt is saying that those packages are not installed00:09
SuspectZerothus they are not removed00:09
ner0xGot my kubuntu cd in the mail today.00:10
* ner0x loves the cover.00:10
DTfor some odd reason wine refuses to acknowledge added programs00:23
DThow do i run an .exe file under wine manally?00:23
velezovandowine /path/exefile00:24
DTgave me a mixer error then nothing else00:25
velezovandosound issue, what program are you trying to run?00:26
DTi had it running before, used to right click, click run in wine00:26
DTbt it don't do that any more -_-00:26
velezovandommm search at winehq for a more detailed answer, but it is a sound configuration issue00:27
DTany way to force it?00:27
velezovandodunno, all i run in wine is Diablo 2 and starcraft =(00:27
DTok, thanks anyway, gotta go now00:28
=== william is now known as Guest38362
user__hola komo estan todos00:42
stefcchola user__00:43
user__tienes msn00:43
user__stefcc   us tiene msn00:44
stefccsorry bro, I can't speak spanish00:44
rmrfslashWhy did I get a laptop w/ ATI...... god forbid.00:45
user__mi name is carlos and you00:45
velezovandoto test your patience and possibly become a saint?00:45
ZoraelAre Activities completely disabled in Kubuntu?00:46
Dragnslcrrmrfslash- because you like a challenge?00:47
rmrfslashI like that answer. I'm sticking with that one.00:47
sharifwhat you need ?00:48
sharifrmrfslash, how can i help you ?00:49
phucsup guys00:50
=== phuc is now known as todescribe
rmrfslashsharif: you can't. ATI can though.00:51
rmrfslashsharif: The problem is that my computer does not wake up from suspend-to-ram with opengl compositing enabled.00:52
rmrfslashsharif: rather, it wakes up to a mostly black screen with specks of color here and there (mostly around where a panel might be) and the machine is hung. Can't switch to a virtual console or do anything but power it off forcefully. Sometimes I can move the mouse around though.00:53
rmrfslashsarif: I filed a bug w/ ATI and Kubuntu (launchpad). Someone was in contact w/ me from the fglrx development team and asked me to install some ppa of fglrx but it didn't work. He just said "darn" and I never heard from him again. Probbaly installed a rootkit.00:54
rmrfslashand he signed off.... see, no one wants to hear my problem.00:55
rmrfslashI don't blame them.00:55
velezovandormflash what chipset is your ati?00:56
walzmyni'm trying to use camorama. it's telling me it cannot connect to /dev/video0 - but another app is using that video fine.01:17
plaguehivdoes anyone know the command to see what prossecer and grafic card i have?01:18
plaguehivonly hwreport?01:20
EagleScreenit is hwinfo01:20
EagleScreeninstall hwinfo package for it01:20
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
pilif12pWould my Wireless card be compatable with kubuntu if it works in ubuntu?01:30
pilif12pi assume so?01:31
sultan_of_swingi just installed kubuntu, and the kde menu isnt working01:34
sultan_of_swingwhen i click it nothing happens01:35
sultan_of_swinganyone alive here?01:36
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jnewtcan't get mythtv running, the setup terminal gives X Error BadMatch.  any help?01:46
nitro2009    any idea  o f  how  to   locate  a  channel.-'??01:59
benny_how to install webcam in my kubuntu01:59
nitro2009cam is  easy01:59
sultan_of_swingnitro2009, some menu in your konversation app02:00
sultan_of_swingor /list02:00
nitro2009-   hardware  recognizion02:00
benny_how about in ubuntu?02:01
jnewtdoes anyone really know how to fix an xorg.conf file?02:10
benny_anyone pls help me how to install my webcam in my ubuntu?02:10
velezovandodelete it and restart? then Xorg -configure? that's what comes to mind02:11
=== jon is now known as Guest12641
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=== Luija is now known as Rofl
Roflsrry but if i wanna save a private conversation what i must do? (Mirc)02:31
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jnewtvelezovando: have done that, the x server starts, but mythtv fails due to x error.02:55
luis_ehmm srry i got 1 problem, i wanna be able to play runescape with mozilla firefox, see youtube videos and at the same time download java so i can install frostwire, can someone help me pls?02:55
luis_ehmm srry i got 1 problem, i wanna be able to play runescape with mozilla firefox, see youtube videos and at the same time download java so i can install frostwire, can someone help me pls?02:59
BluesKaj!medibuntu | luis_03:02
ubottuluis_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:02
luis_and how i cant install medibuntu?03:04
BluesKajread the tutorial and follow the instructions at http://www.medibuntu.org03:05
BluesKajluis, once you have the medibuntu repository in your sources.list then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree kubuntu-restricted-extras w32codecs ffmpeg03:06
luis__okay i already enabled the medibuntu repos, now what? (to install java)03:19
nickyhey guys i have a issue with ubuntu03:19
nickyI have a partition dedicated to store files between all my operating systems03:20
nickybut that partition keeps changing03:20
=== nicky is now known as Guest80356
Serpardumin a make file, not sure how old, I see this: @ccdv objcopy -g krnl krnl-s   what does ccdv mean?03:22
luis__okay i already enabled the medibuntu repos, now what? (to install java)03:22
Guest80356someone pro here?03:24
BluesKajGuest80356, nope just volunteers03:30
Guest80356can u help03:30
BluesKajluis, once you have the medibuntu repository in your sources.list then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree kubuntu-restricted-extras w32codecs ffmpeg03:30
Guest80356i have a small problem(s)03:30
Guest80356with ubuntu03:30
BluesKaj!enter | Guest8035603:31
BluesKaj!enter key | Guest8035603:31
Guest80356how do i mount a hard drive03:31
Guest80356!enter ky03:31
Guest80356!enter key03:31
FloodBotK2Guest80356: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:31
=== litdream is now known as rchung
ubottuGuest80356: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter key03:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter ky03:33
=== mike is now known as Guest4199
GSF1200Sanyone in here know when KDE 4 intends to add dual head support? Im using gnome because of this...03:44
Serpardumdual heads?  On a hard drive?  I would imagine a hard drive bios would emulate 1 head for older systems.03:46
JontheEchidnadual monitors03:46
JontheEchidnacurrently it supports things like xinerama fairly well, but support for two separate X servers is probably not coming until 4.403:46
GSF1200SThank you JontheEchidna03:59
jnewtmy "package install" window keeps freezing when downloading package files, for minutes now it is stuck at 99%.  should i let it keep going, or close out and manually add sources for apt to sources.list04:16
GSF1200Sjnewt- using adept?04:21
GSF1200Si would force close it04:21
GSF1200Sthen remove the lock file and manually add, but thats me04:22
GSF1200Sadept sucks04:22
jnewtyeah, closed it, added via sources.list, apt-get update, and good to go, that gui thing is crap.04:22
GSF1200Suse synaptic- just sucks because of all the deps04:22
jnewtwhats wrong with apt?04:22
GSF1200Sjnewt.. yeah04:24
jnewtis there a way to apt-cache search and show the repo it's reading from?04:25
beyondcrok i just switched to kde i have a few questions....04:25
jnewtor limit the search04:25
beyondcris there a easy way to get firefox???04:26
Dragnslcrbeyondcr- you can install it from KPackageKit04:26
beyondcrthat leads to my second question04:26
Dragnslcrbeyondcr- the package "firefox" is 3.0. There's also a firefox-3.5 package04:26
beyondcris there a way to view by catogorys in kpakagekit04:27
DragnslcrI don't think so04:27
DragnslcrYou can search by name or description though04:28
beyondcrim use to the snytopages in gnome so kde has nothing like that no?04:28
beyondcrok well i type "fire fox" "firefox" and "browser" and nothing came up04:29
DragnslcrAdept used to have a category view. Dunno if it'll get implemented in KPackageKit or not04:29
jnewtapt-cache search firefox04:29
DragnslcrCheck your sources list. It's definitely there04:29
DragnslcrSorry, KPackageKit does have a category select list04:31
DragnslcrFar right of the search row, default is "All Packages"04:31
beyondcrok it keeps crashing every time i hit reload in the settings04:31
DragnslcrWhat's the exact text of the button?04:32
beyondcr1 sec im going to do it once more04:32
DragnslcrThe only button in KPackageKit's settings is "Edit Software Sources"04:33
beyondcri clicked all on04:34
beyondcrbut the unsupported04:34
beyondcrstill cant find firefox04:34
DragnslcrGo to Software Updates and click Refresh04:35
beyondcri type it in the search and hit enter it dose a search then nothing comes up04:35
beyondcri did that04:35
DragnslcrCheck the filters, maybe you have one turned on, like only show installed packages04:36
beyondcrand got04:36
beyondcrCannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend.04:36
beyondcrPlease close any other legacy packaging tools that may be open.04:36
FloodBotK2beyondcr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:36
beyondcrCannot get the exclusive lock on the packaging backend.04:36
beyondcrPlease close any other legacy packaging tools that may be open.04:36
beyondcrctrl v is a bit touchy04:36
DragnslcrMake sure you don't have anything else running04:36
Dragnslcre.g. aptitude or synaptic04:36
DragnslcrIf you don't, do this04:37
DragnslcrDo what the bot says, when it finally wakes up04:37
beyondcris synaptic man in kde04:37
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:37
DragnslcrThere we go04:38
beyondcrok why is this not apart of the program04:39
beyondcrso if did not know to come here to ask questions or go to google and find the answer i would have never knew of this it should be done auto04:40
beyondcruser error thanks alot dragnslcr04:41
beyondcrthere was a really small gesture box open that was causing it to crash like that04:41
DragnslcrYou mean fixing apt if the database gets locked? In theory, it should never happen04:41
beyondcrbut if it ever did04:42
DragnslcrYou come here and ask the bot04:42
beyondcrit had to of happened to some one before if some one programed it into the bot04:42
DragnslcrDunno if rebooting releases the lock04:42
DragnslcrYeah, it happens often enough to have a factoid, but I don't think it happens to most users04:43
beyondcrbut any ways thanks alot there was a ok box open in the background04:43
DragnslcrHeh, it's always the simple stuff04:44
beyondcryhea i was like man it looks so much better then gnome but where the heck is everything at i was getting fustrated...04:44
DragnslcrYeah, sometimes it takes a little while to find stuff in a new environment04:45
beyondcri think i like it already04:49
beyondcrok now i typed firefox in and got about 20 difrent pakage04:57
beyondcrwhats a good torrent program05:00
Dragnslcrktorrent has worked well for me05:00
DragnslcrShould be installed by default05:00
beyondcrcant find it if it is05:02
SealVhello I am having problems getting amarok 2.1 to see my DAAP share.05:02
SealVhello I am having problems getting amarok 2.1 to see my DAAP share.05:03
SealVits strange because rhytmbox can see it fine05:03
Dragnslcr!info ktorrent05:04
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE 4 technology platform. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1+dfsg.1-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 1612 kB, installed size 4500 kB05:04
DragnslcrHm, thought it was installed by default05:04
beyondcris there a way i can turn off the requirment of a password everytime i make a change to the system05:04
DragnslcrProbably, but I'd suggest against it05:04
beyondcri typed ktorrent in the search and nothing came up05:04
beyondcrbut i found it in kpac05:05
beyondcrok ill leave it on untill it makes me mad05:05
SealVit is reeeeallly strange. amarok --debug is showing that it can see my daap, but the gui isn't showing anything05:05
leaf-sheepSealV: I googled. Try install nss-mdns05:06
dsmith_would anything happen badly if I clear out /tmp?05:07
leaf-sheepdsmith_: No. /tmp is for temporary files. Nothing important are stored there.05:08
dsmith_ok, it was eating up my drive space05:08
DragnslcrOld files in /tmp should be deleted automatically anyway05:09
SealV<leaf-sheep> its installed05:10
SealVthe package is like libnss-mdns05:11
SealVI even added the line to the /etc file05:11
tomdavidsonhello, im have troubles with packages being held back when I update. sources: http://pastebin.com/ma1f93d7 & apt-get upgrade:  http://pastebin.com/me0d3512 ... any insights?05:15
leaf-sheepSealV: I'm googling too.  You using Privoxy?  Na...?05:15
Dragnslcrtomdavidson- dunno why those packages would be kept back, but apt-get dist-upgrade should get whatever new dependencies are needed and upgrade them05:16
Dragnslcrtomdavidson- did you add a new repository or something?05:16
tomdavidsoneven if im not upgrading a distro? i will give it a go. i added the kubuntu backports when 4.3rc1 was available, but doesnt seem i get some of the updates out of it05:18
DragnslcrAh, yeah, something might have broken in the middle of the upgrade05:18
Dragnslcrdist-upgrade should fix it05:18
beyondcr_how do you add a shortcut to the desktop folder widget05:19
tomdavidsondragnslcr: sorry i wasnt clear... the up to 4.3rc1 worked fine... it is updates since then that are being held back. dist-upgrade is waht i needed. thank you very much05:20
tomdavidsonbeyondcr_ right click, new ?05:20
SealV<leaf-sheep>: nothing like that no, sorry for the delay in response05:21
leaf-sheepWhy isn't Amarok 2's DAAP working?  Anybody here know the reason?05:22
linuxguy2009Hello everyone I have been using Ubuntu for almost a year now and I am just now ready to give KDE a good learning. I just installed the Kubuntu meta package from the repos and I have to say WOW. It looks much different than what i remeber. Looks really nice.05:23
linuxguy2009How do I determine what version of KDE I am using?05:23
SealV<leaf-sheep> what is frustrating is this gimme a second I will dump amarok --debug05:24
leaf-sheepSealV: I don't use KDE myself.  Been experimenting with it.05:25
SealV<leaf-sheep> me too although in my case its more like a bad drug habit05:25
leaf-sheepI know KDE is porting all of their applications to QT4.05:26
linuxguy2009Is this plasma(sp?) stuff like compiz for gnome?05:26
SealVexcept on crack05:26
SealVplasma also does your panels and widgets05:27
linuxguy2009The GUI graphics are smooth.05:27
SealVthats the output of amarok --debug05:28
SealVof particular frustrating interesting line 7-1405:29
linuxguy2009Guys if I decide to use KDE along with Gnome and want to keep there apps seperate, can i just download the live CD of Kubuntu and will it see the Ubuntu install and just install right beside it?05:29
SealVyou dont even have to do that, provided that you have a net collection just do sude apt-get install kde05:30
SealV*sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:31
SealVthis will install kde and all its apps, you can use both kde and gnome in harmony05:31
linuxguy2009SealV: Yeah i totally did that. Thats how Im using KDE right now. I would just rather keep the apps seperate maybe thats why I ask05:32
linuxguy2009or maybe it aint that much of a biggy.05:32
linuxguy2009Where can I see what version of KDE im running?05:32
linuxguy2009NM I found it.05:34
SealVto clean up/keep them seperate.. you have to manually clean up each ones menus05:34
SealVdelete gnome entries from klauncher and viceversa05:35
linuxguy2009SealV: Could I simply install them in seperate partitions like I was saying? I mean I know about partitioning and all that.05:35
linuxguy2009NM Ill have to look for help in another room. Thanks.05:37
=== Dayla is now known as Dayla-bed
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
ribuhow to active  mobile broadband07:08
COm_BOYhow to remove a directory in linux07:38
COm_BOYi m using rmdir but it says that the Directory is not empty07:39
RurouniJonesrm -rf dirname07:42
RurouniJonesbe VERY careful with that command07:42
RurouniJonesIt basically says "Delete what I have just said to delete with no confirmation or asking again"07:42
rtsim problems to kubuntu  linux07:44
rtshelp me07:44
* frankS2 hleps rts07:46
rtswhat is command this kde install 4.3 RC ?07:48
rtscommand line07:48
rtsupgrade kde 4.2 to 4.3 RC07:49
seaHey, what's the shell command to drop everything but the first word? i.e. output of one command is <x> <y> <Z>, what do I pipe that through to end up with only <x> ?07:59
=== kolja is now known as Guest51910
lancerockecan anyone try helping me with what i posted here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7651128#post765112808:48
lancerockeive tried the ubuntu irc channel08:48
Mamaroklancerocke: there is an answwer in that thread08:51
jimmysparkhey im an ubuntu user, I've just added the deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main repo so i can try kde 4.3 RC2, what package should i apt get install?09:46
baron86Does anyone know hot to create an adhock wireless lan sharing internet connection via a wireless pci card. Its a tornado and i dont know if i got drivers09:47
=== matdoc is now known as matleh
ct529hi everybody. I have a problem with kubuntu 904 64 bit .... I have locked some packages so that they cannot be upgraded when I update + upgrade .... every time I run apt-get update + apt-get upgrade manually, they system tries to upgrade them all the same!!!!10:25
ct529If I upgrade using synaptic they show as properly locked .... if I update through the updater they are shown as not locked, but I can select whether to update or not10:27
MadMouse[w]how long does it take for a release e.g. Amarok 2.1.1 to appear in the PPA repositories?10:42
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=== ze is now known as Guest55447
=== VerliHub is now known as mushrOOm
SealVhello I am having problems getting amarok 2.1 to see my DAAP share.11:48
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ActionParsnipis kde 4.3 only for jaunty and karmic?12:38
DragnslcrI don't think it's being backported to anything before 9.0412:39
ActionParsnipok thanks :D12:39
DragnslcrI could be wrong though12:39
ActionParsnipits good enough ;)12:40
ActionParsnippeace out12:40
cypr1nushow can I find out where files of the package have been installed?12:47
ToreadorVampireHmm, can anyone recommend a good GUI SVN client apart from kdesvn?  I'm finding that kdesvn is crashing way too frequently for my liking and it's driving me mad12:52
SealVhello I am having problems getting amarok 2.1 to see my DAAP share.12:54
Dragnslcrcypr1nus- KPackageKit can show the file list for an installed package12:55
cypr1nusDragnslcr: ok, thanx12:55
DragnslcrI would assume that apt-get or apt-cache can show them, but I don't know the exact command offhand12:56
=== jono is now known as Guest99763
barbargrias gott13:03
barbarkann mir mal wer icq für linux n link besorgen pls13:04
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:04
ToreadorVampirebarbar: But - maybe the answer to your question is "Pidgin" (sorry, I don't speak German, I only recognise a little)13:05
=== mikekap` is now known as mikekap
=== anthony is now known as Guest55811
Guest55811whats the command for testing graphics card?13:24
Guest55811grep gxl or somrthing13:24
bazhangGuest55811, glxgears ?13:26
bazhangGuest55811, its not a test per se though13:26
=== eagles051387 is now known as eagles0513875
boroda_hi all13:36
|PaperTiger|Anyone know the channel for Tux Guitar?13:54
TheSilentWarriorhey, would anyone be kind enough to send me Purisa font? I am used to program with it, but i am forced to use windows on this pc atm. Thanks in advance13:58
TheSilentWarriorhey, would anyone be kind enough to send me Purisa font? I am used to program with it, but i am forced to use windows on this pc atm. Thanks in advance (/usr/share/fonts/truetype/thai/Purisa.ttf)14:08
bazhang!find purisa14:08
ubottuFile purisa found in thailatex14:08
bazhangTheSilentWarrior, seems to be in thailatex package14:09
TheSilentWarriorbazhang, not sure where it is :/14:10
alutzasorry to bother, very short thing i wanna ask14:10
bazhangTheSilentWarrior, packages.ubuntu.com14:10
TheSilentWarriorbut dont have access to a ubuntu box right now14:10
alutzai have ubuntu 8.04 but with kubuntu and xubuntu-desktop14:10
alutzaim in kubuntu right now, and i'm upgrating the distro14:10
alutzawill ubuntu and xubuntu be upgraded too?14:10
TheSilentWarriorbazhang, all i find is .deb packages, know where i can find the .ttf file for it?14:12
TheSilentWarrioralutza, i beleave so, because they all use the same core14:13
bazhangTheSilentWarrior, if it is proprietary font (MS for example) then no idea14:13
alutzathanks thesilentwarrior14:14
TheSilentWarriorbazhang, purisa.ttf is found on ubuntu distros, it looks like hand writing. I want it so i can program with a bit more pleasure on this windows box, its not windows-to-ubuntu, but ubuntu-to-windows. Hate that windows doesnt have it tho14:16
bazhangTheSilentWarrior, apt-cache search purisa returns nothing, so it seems to exist only in thailatex. sorry not to help you out14:17
TheSilentWarriorok, thanks anyway14:18
falktxhi there, this is my first time on IRC14:21
falktxi have a question14:21
falktxI modify some source code and uploaded to my PPA14:22
falktxit compiles fine for 32/64bit, and LPIA14:22
falktxbut I also wanted it to compile for PowerPC14:22
falktxfor PS3-ubuntu users14:22
falktxhow do I do this?14:22
=== Dayla is now known as Dayla-class
SealVyou should really ask that in #ubuntu which is much more active!14:23
falktxok, will try that14:24
=== anthony is now known as Guest30896
Guest30896cannot open Kmix any suggestions14:27
rmrfslashI think I might be having a problem with my laptop hardware. It seems like something is overheating because for a while I couldn't even boot the thing. It would say PXE ROM No media device found. Check cable.14:31
rmrfslashI waited a while, then I was able to boot into Kubuntu. So now that I'm on the machine, I want to monitor the hardware temperature.14:31
rmrfslashI found the temperature monitor plasmoid which is revealing 3 monitors.... but there's no indication about what they are. Doesn't seem like something is "overheating"14:32
rmrfslasheverything is hovering around 50 C14:32
rmrfslashRight before the machine began having these issues, I noticed it was locking up. Then, I said "ok, go to virtual console and reboot" so I did this but it was giving me d-bus errors14:34
jimmy_hey guys, in ubuntu to move between worspaces I hold crl+alt and then use the arrow keys, I can hold shift to take the focused window between desktops - how do i do that on KDE?14:34
jimmy_i can't find any way of easily switching workspaces without using the F keys14:34
Daviey09:51:51 -!- mode/#uupc [+o schwuk] by ChanServ14:34
phhjimmy_: ctrl-fX by default14:34
phhjimmy_: set it in systemsettings i think there is none by default14:35
rmrfslashI had to forcefully shut it down, which I did. Then when I booted it back up it was saying Broadcom .... PXE ROM ... no media device found ... check cable. Maybe someone can eliminate what was/is going awry.14:35
jimmy_phh: I don't want to have to specify the workspace - ideally i want to just use arrows to slide between my desktops14:35
=== testman is now known as testman_
phhthat seems really weird to me... but anyway the answer is in systemsettings.14:35
rmrfslashjimmy_i: you can set what keys you want to use to switch between virtual desktops.14:35
jimmy_system settings then what?14:36
jimmy_phh my reason is i don't like reaching up to the F keys especially not in a key combo14:36
jimmy_i prefer to keep my hands in the typing position and moving between workspaces14:36
phhhu ? your hands are on arrows in typing position ?14:36
phhthat's really weird14:36
rmrfslashjimmy_: go to system settings > Keyboad and Mouse > and look around "Standard" and "GLobal" Keyboard Shortcuts14:37
rmrfslashSo anyways... who wants to field my question. anyone?14:39
jimmy_phh: of course they aren't but its way easier to move there than left hand on CRL and then reach for an F key14:42
phhnot on my keyboard14:43
jimmy_okay i've got crl+alt+arrow to move workspace and crl+shift+alt+arrow to take active window14:43
jimmy_it works - not as nice effect as gnome - but it'll do!14:43
phhjimmy_: effects are configurable14:43
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rmrfslashjimmy_: do you have compositing enabled?14:47
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BluesKajHey all15:01
tdn_I am using Kopete with Jabber and Messenger profiles. How do I start a webcam session?15:09
bazhang!cn | beatles15:14
ubottubeatles: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:14
bazhangbeatles, --> /join #ubuntu-cn <----15:15
bazhangbeatles, here is English15:15
TheDatahi @all15:33
epimethcan I get some help reducing mouse sensitivity?15:34
epimethif possible, just for external mice, not the touchpad...15:34
TheDataepimeth: you can control that in the kde system settings center15:34
epimethTheData: I only saw acceleration there, not sensitivity....15:35
TheDatahmmmm ...  ok...15:35
tuanphamhi all15:36
epimethhi tuanpham15:36
tuanphami have a trouble with my keyboard on kde 4.3rc115:36
tuanphami have a trouble with my keyboard on kde 4.3rc215:36
tuanphami can not type anything :(15:36
tuanphamdoes anyone have the same problem ?15:36
epimethTheData: so I did some googling and it seems like it can only be done through xorg in the "mouse" section, but i don't have one... plus I'd rather not change the sensitivity of the touchpad, just the usb mouse :-)15:37
TheDatatuanpham: that's strange... I guess it is hardware failiure...  Have you test it with a knoppix live cd?15:37
TheDatatuanpham: or an other os?15:37
tuanphami have no cd :(15:37
TheDatatuanpham: netbook?15:38
epimethtuanpham: I'm surprised.... are you sure the keyboard isn't broken?15:38
tuanphami update the kde 4.3rc1 in internet15:38
tuanphami use both gnom and kde new15:38
TheDatayes i'am working with the latest kde 4.3 too... no problems there15:38
epimethoh... wow... it stopped working after an update?15:38
tuanpham:( it very stranger15:38
tuanphamyep !15:38
tuanphamwhen i change back to gnom it is ok15:39
epimethhave you tried plugging in an external keyboard?15:39
nellyhey I'm trying to enable my graphics driver, so I go to "Hardware Drivers", I select the driver, click "Activate", but nothing happends....what is going on?15:39
epimethoh... its *just* kde???15:39
TheDatahmm... probaply it is the xserver....15:39
tuanphami remmeber that fist time i login15:39
TheDatanelly: try: jockey-gtk15:39
tuanphamit has a small gadget name keyboard shortcut15:39
tuanphamit tiny in my desk15:40
tuanphamso i closed it15:40
tuanphamthen it is happend15:40
tuanphamnow i can not do anything with my keboard15:41
tuanphami have no extended keyboard to try15:41
TheDatatuanpham: ok..... that's strange... I would suggest: Look into the xorg.conf and reinstall your xserver-xorg package15:41
tuanphamhow comes TheData15:41
TheDatatuanpham: what do you mean?15:41
tuanphamwhere xorg.conf15:41
TheDatatuanpham: ahh ok.. it is in /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:42
beyondcrok i had a problem last night that stoped me from using ubuntu several times... i ran envyng to install video drivers and i guess it crashed apon install... anyways i was left with a system that video crashed right befor the desktop came up the only way i could fix it was to reinstall.... is there a way to fix this problem if i ever encounter it agin?15:42
nellyTheData: thx...that seemed to work...now the "Downloading" dialog appears, but it doesn't seem to start downloading..its stuck at 0%15:43
epimethbeyondcr: yea, before you run *anything* you backup your xorg.conf file.  then, if anything fails, you can replace it with the old xorg15:43
tuanphamdoes it include the keyboard selection  TheData ?15:43
tuanphami see no infomation about the keboard here15:44
TheDatatuanpham: if nothing helps you can restart the pc and go into login screen of kde and selest terminal session. Try if the keyboard works int the terminal.15:44
TheDatatuanpham: What do you mean with "does it include the keyboard selection  TheData ?"15:44
epimethbeyondcr: so instead of going in through one of the window managers (KDE / gnome/ whathaveyou) you can hit ctrl+f1 and log in through the command line15:44
tuanphamok i am trying15:44
TheDatatuanpham: stop15:45
TheDatatuanpham: a moment15:45
TheDatatuanpham: are you still here?15:45
beyondcrok thanks alot15:45
epimethbeyondcr: lol... or what TheData just told tuanpham about selecting "terminal session"15:45
nellyTheData: can I just download the driver I need through the console (or something), since it wouldn't work through the "Hardware Drivers"?15:46
epimethbeyondcr: then you can replace the broken xorg with the backed up one15:46
epimethbeyondcr: no worries :-)15:46
TheDatanelly: yes you can you just have to pick the right one15:47
epimethnelly: yea but you have to change your xorg.conf, too... are you *sure* nothing is happening?  maybe it worked and you just have to restart X now?15:47
nellyTheData: actually...i just now clicked "activate" once more, and seemeted to have gone through with the download15:47
nellylook like I have to restart now...however15:47
epimethnelly: not restart15:47
epimethjust restart X15:47
TheDatayou are welcome15:48
nellyhow do you restart just x?15:48
TheDatanelly: Press Alt+ Druck+k15:48
TheDatanelly: Press Alt+Print+k15:48
TheDatanelly: Print is the Print Screen key15:49
epimethTheData: really?  I thought it was ctrl+alt+backspace15:49
TheDataepimeth: notz any more...15:50
wsaleshi all15:50
TheDataepimeth: backspace was deactivated...15:50
epimethheh... good to know :-)15:50
epimethso now its alt+print+k?  Thats silly15:50
epimethwsales: hi15:51
phhhu non15:51
TheDataepimeth: yes... The Backspace you could remember better... but... now it is deacticated in ubuntu15:51
wsalessomeone here knows a problem when receives random double-click mouses instead a single-click?15:51
phhalt+print+k is a way to kill X, but it's more likely you'll kill many other things at the same time ....15:51
phh(it will kill everything reading the keyboard)15:51
wsalesi do a single click and in a lot of times I got a double click....15:51
wsalesi changed my mouse, mouse buttons... i'm on 9.0415:52
phhTheData: they haven't used the double ctrl+alt+backspace patch yet ?15:52
TheDataphh: It kills the xserver. Do you know an othetr way?15:52
tuanphamic :(15:52
tuanphamwith safe teminal15:52
tuanphammy keyboard is work15:52
epimethTheData: yea... log out, then in KDM menu click on "restart X" :-)15:52
tuanphamonly kubuntu-desktop :(15:52
phhTheData: configuring xorg.conf to reactivate it15:52
phhor killall -9 Xorg15:52
tuanphamno i mean that when from login window15:53
tuanphami select soem safe mode15:53
tuanphambut on kde15:53
TheDatayeah.. ok.15:53
TheDataI meant:15:53
TheDataphh: sudo killall -9 Xorg15:53
tuanphamdon not use any button on my keyboar :(15:53
phhTheData: yeah yeah i got it15:54
wsalesi searched in goofle about the problem and post a message on kubuntu users list, but no answers15:54
tuanphamit's look nice, but how can i use it with mouse only :)15:54
TheDatatuanpham: did you try to go into the terminal?15:54
tuanphamyep (ANY APP)15:54
TheDatatuanpham: the mouse is no use in the terminal... so .... you couldn't do anything?15:55
tuanphamno keyboard, event my soft menu of play back or volume up/down15:55
tuanphammouse can use in teminal15:55
TheDatatuanpham: ok..... my only suggestion you update your xserver...15:55
tuanphambut kebooawrd not15:55
TheDatatuanpham: ahhhhh15:55
tuanphamhow can i do ? i try upgrade15:56
tuanphamand it fully updated15:56
TheDatatuanpham: privte message15:56
TheDatatuanpham: I send you a message15:56
beyondcrok last night i had kubuntu installed im coming from ubuntu and all i had was kpackageman but after it crashed and i reinstalled now i have the noraml pakage manager that i rember from gnome.... what did i do diffrent15:59
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wsalesthat's really make me annoying! only to all: I changed my mouse now ( using my laptop's mini mouse ) and works!16:05
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EagleScreenbeyondcr: use synaptic package manager in kubuntu, isntall it running this command: "sudo aptitude -R install synaptic"16:06
eps1lonI have a problem. I find KDE 4(.1/2/3) to be terribly..bad. Slow and whatnot. Anyhow, I found the kde 3.5 remix of jaunty, and thought I was going to try that one.16:13
eps1lonThing is, knetworkmanager doesn't work, and he warns people for that on the download site.16:13
eps1lonBut I can't connect in any other way than my wireless, and that doesn't work. How can I install another network manager?16:13
beyondcrok I freaking love linux this virutalbox makes it sooooo much better16:14
eps1lonI have Ubuntu running right now, so if there's any debian packages I can download and use later that'd work.16:14
alutzai need a little help, i've just upgraded to kubuntu 9.04 and i miss the quick access button for local hard drives, how do i get one16:17
qwertyasdf[biabia]: my sound randomly stopped working http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=36ec78a4a5fff5031b4f3ffbc1605beea469875d16:20
=== nicky is now known as Guest64243
Guest64243hi can someone help me16:20
Guest64243how do I mount a hard drive16:20
Guest64243*how do i mount a partition16:20
alutzai need a little help, i've just upgraded to kubuntu 9.04 and i miss the quick access button for local hard drives, how do i get one16:24
=== _rysiek|pl_ is now known as rysiek|pl
alutza i need a little help, i've just upgraded to kubuntu 9.04 and i miss the quick access button for local hard drives, how do i get one16:33
alutzabtw is anyone here?16:33
Captain_Haddockalutza: it should be in the widget list somewhere16:33
ubott2Sorry, I don't know anything about widget16:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about widget16:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plasmoid16:34
ubott2Sorry, I don't know anything about plasmoid16:34
Captain_Haddockalutza: right click on the panel and look for add widgets16:34
alutzai found that16:34
alutzabut how do i set it to show local hard drives16:35
alutzalike it did in KDE 3.516:35
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
MamarokCaptain_Haddock: FWIW, the kicker menu has a "Computer" section at the botton, that shows all the mounted partitions on the system, no need for a widget17:00
petsoundshello, i am now watching dvd with VLC and i can't hear 5.1 surround sound from my 5.1 ch speakers (every channel are flat). how to fix this? thank you.17:02
alutzagonna try my luck again : How do i obtain a sort of nautilus places thingy where i can see my mounted devices. Some sort of widget i can put next to the Kickoff17:07
alutzabasicly a QuickAccess that looks for Computer:///17:08
Mamarokalutza: the KDE menu ath the left of your panel has a "Computer section (button at the bottom), that shows you all the mountd partitions of your system17:09
alutzamamarok : weird mine doesnt17:10
Mamarokthe kicker menu to be precise17:10
alutzamaybe its because its the first time im in kubuntu17:10
alutzajust upgraded17:10
Mamarokalutza: so you are using KDE 4.2.2 I guess17:10
alutzagood point i see the "Places" tab where it should be17:10
alutzai dont really know.. i suppose when i upgraded the distro it installed KDE 4.2.217:11
alutzahence all the eye candy17:11
Mamarokalutza: if you upgrade to Kubuntu 9.04 that's what happened indeed17:11
alutzaim gonna try rebooting17:11
Mamarokalutza: you don't have to reboot, so why would you?17:12
alutzawell... its the first time the system started since the update17:12
alutzamaybe the kicker didn't "notice" the mounted partitions17:12
Mamarokwell, no need to reboot at all, if you make changes and updates else than the kernel, no need ot reboot17:13
Mamarokalutza: you mean you can't see the mounted partions in the kicker menu?17:13
alutzai can17:13
Mamarokyou can't, ok17:13
Mamarokand your system is up to date now or do you still have some KDE packages to install?17:14
jithinehi guys. Is any one using kubuntu karmic and firefox 3.5.1 facing firefox freezes?17:14
Mamarokjithine: you should ask in #ubuntu+1, Karmic questions are answered there17:14
alutzatheoreticly no more packages to install.. the rest shows perfectly17:15
jithineMamarok: ok thanks.17:15
Mamarokalutza: if you open Dolphin (the file manager), can you see all the partitions there?17:15
Mamarokjithine: yaw :)17:15
Mamarokalutza: then those should indeed show up in the kicker menu17:16
Mamarokalutza: still no need to reboot, just log out of KDE and log in again17:16
alutzai did17:16
alutza3 times17:16
shivekhow can I check whether my website works ?17:18
llutzshivek: open it in a browser of your choice17:19
alutzawell... i need to go, thanks for the help17:20
shivekllutz: when I open it in my browser it redirects to my router setup page17:21
rysiek|plshivek: probably something messed up with your router settings?17:23
rysiek|plshivek: opther websites work?17:23
shivekopther = ?17:23
shivekI just wanna check whether my website is working.17:24
rysiek|plshivek: and something like: http://jsdgajhgaskdkjdhakjsdhkajhdskjahd.com17:24
rysiek|plshivek: does *this* redirect you to your router ettings?17:24
shivekUnknown host jsdgajhgaskdkjdhakjsdhkajhdskjahd.com17:24
rysiek|plshivek: what's the address of your website17:25
rysiek|plshivek: seems to work; but why the heck does it redirect you to your router17:25
rysiek|plshivek: can you fire-up a konsole17:26
rysiek|plshivek: and type in: nslookup shivekkhurana.servebbs.com17:26
shivekrysiek|pl : Are you able to see the design and all17:26
rysiek|pland paste (in a pastebin!) what you get in return?17:26
rysiek|plshivek: I have no idea what the design is meant to be, so I am unable to tell you that17:27
shivekNon-authoritative answer:17:27
FloodBotK2shivek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:27
rysiek|plshivek: I told you, in a pastebin17:27
rysiek|plshivek: and are you able to access: http://servebbs.com/17:28
shivekrysiek|pl : yes17:29
shivekBut that isn't mine17:29
rysiek|plshivek: please paste me what you get from: cat /etc/hosts17:29
konrad_If I play music in amarok and then the system (or any other program) makes a sound amarok is muted and I have to stop and start the playback to get sound again. How can I fix this?17:34
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Guest55237does anyon eknow an alternative to kiba-dock17:35
SealV Hello all, I am having some issues with getting amarok 2.1 to see my daap share17:43
SealVah I am using kubuntu with kde 4.3 rc; take a look at my amarok --debug dump: http://pastebin.com/m2f124ade17:43
SealVthis seems to be kubuntu specific17:44
Captain_HaddockMamarok: oh, you mean inside the K-menu? I guess that works as well.17:45
nikitisDoes ubuntu support nvidia's ion gpu?17:50
rysiek|plnikitis: ask google if the nvidia's ion gpu supports ubuntu17:52
rysiek|plnikitis: it's really that other way around, as ubuntu has no way of supporting something, that the manufacturer does not give any specs of17:52
rysiek|plnikitis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104338017:53
nikitisrysiek|pl: i can't even see where nvidia drivers are for the ion gpu on their site for any platform17:54
rysiek|plnikitis: I suppose they're in the standard driver pack per platform?17:54
nikitisrysiek|pl: i'm lookin to buy a low powered server mini-itx board17:55
nikitisfor home use17:55
nikitisand running ubuntu on it17:55
nikitisor kubuntu17:56
nikitiswanted to know if anyone knew if it supported nvidia's new ion gpu is all17:56
rysiek|plnikitis: if it's supposed to be a media-centre kind of machine, I would strongly suggest MythBuntu ;)17:56
rysiek|plnikitis: besides - have a look at the link I gave you17:56
rysiek|plnikitis: as far as I can see it's a standard x86 platform (Intel Atom is an x86 CPU), so there shouldn't be any problems running *buntu on it17:57
rysiek|plnikitis: full support of all the features of the GPU is another matter, though17:58
rysiek|plnikitis: but you don't need drivers for the ION, as far as I can see, as it's only a motherboard/platform; you need drivers for the GPU17:59
h0d3nt3uf3largh... how is the german channel named ^^;18:05
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:05
ubott2In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:05
DaskreeCHubott2: Imposter!18:05
ubott2Sorry, I don't know anything about Imposter!18:05
h0d3nt3uf3lthanks alot18:05
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ubott2netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:37
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:37
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.18:38
ubott2Sorry, I don't know anything about yahoo18:38
=== DrGonzo is now known as TUM
Tbstewai couldnt get help in the other channel but i am havint problems installing ubuntu 9.04 on my pc i tried to load from disc on pc startup but there was no option then when i tried to install the option from the disc to allow me to load from disc it gave me an error telling me acdcess is denied. i was on an administrator account when trying to do the installation too18:49
DaskreeCHTbstewa: There was no option?18:49
Tbstewai couldnt load from disc then when i clicked after starting windows the disc tried to install something but i got access denied error message18:50
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DaskreeCHOk start over. Did you reboot with the disc in the Drive or just put it in and let windows auto run?18:52
Tbstewai did reboot with the disc in the drive but the disc would not auto run from there...18:53
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rysiek|plTbstewa: you might need to modify your BIOS settings19:00
rysiek|plTbstewa: so that the CD-ROM gets seeked for boot medium before the HD does19:01
Tbstewamy bios are already set to load from cd rom before hd... is there a way to load from command prompt?19:01
rysiek|plTbstewa: nope, the BIOS needs to do it first. Does it say something like "Checking CD for boot data" during boot up?19:03
DaskreeCHTbstewa: or does your computer have a Quick boot menu?19:04
DaskreeCHNormally F11 or F12 when booting up19:04
Tbstewano, it goes directly into select partitin to load from19:04
rysiek|plTbstewa: maybe the CD is messed up?19:05
Tbstewanero 9 and a super-multi dvd-rw drive19:10
Captain_HaddockTbstewa: are other bootable CDs working booting?19:11
rysiek|plTbstewa: check the md5sum, that will be the fastest19:11
Tbstewayes they are...19:12
Tbstewaall the others work fine just cannot get this one to work19:12
Captain_HaddockTbstewa: any of them burned recently?19:12
Tbstewayes my windows XP19:13
Captain_HaddockI'd do a checksum as rysiek|pl said.. and if that goes through, burn another CD to try.19:13
Captain_Haddockperhaps at a lower speed.19:14
rysiek|plTbstewa: checkusm both the ISO file *and* the burnt CD19:14
Tbstewaalright, i will do that as soon as i return to that pc thanks19:15
* rysiek|pl hopes he got the command right19:22
eps1lonHm, okay.19:22
eps1lonUh.. Sorry, I'm very green at this. I pressed ctrl-alt-f2 to get into a bash session, I don't know how to get back to the one with kdm running..19:24
rysiek|pleps1lon: Alt+F719:24
eps1lonOh, okay.19:24
eps1lonThat did work.19:24
rysiek|plif that won't work, just try Alt+F<number>19:24
eps1lonWell, stupid question again, probably, but where do I type that command..?19:25
eps1lonThe one you gave me earlier19:25
rysiek|plin bash19:25
rysiek|pllogin on the other VT19:25
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rysiek|pland there try the commands I give you19:25
eps1lonI don't know how to scroll up in irssi, can you repeat the command? (I know I'm being very annoying now..)19:26
eps1lonwops, nevermind, figured it out19:26
rysiek|pleps1lon: don't worry about that, really; gimme a sec, I need to check if the command was correct19:26
eps1lonOh, all right19:26
rysiek|pleps1lon: export DISPLAY=:019:27
rysiek|pleps1lon: and then:19:27
rysiek|pleps1lon: plasma-desktop19:27
rysiek|pleps1lon: wait a sec to see if it doesn't fail with some error19:27
rysiek|pland switch to DE19:27
eps1lonso.. I switch and type "export DISPLAY=:0", then "plasma-desktop"?19:28
eps1lonI did that, it didn't do anything.19:28
rysiek|plexport(...) shouldn't write anything at all19:29
rysiek|plplasma-desktop - maybe some errors19:29
eps1lonplasma-desktop said command not found. Oh, I'm such an idiot.19:29
rysiek|pleps1lon: what about the KDE VT19:29
eps1lonWell, it's the same.19:29
rysiek|plare you sure you have spelled it correctly19:29
rysiek|plthat's weird19:29
rysiek|plok, try this:19:30
eps1lonI suppose upgrading somehow got effed up, and plasma is gone?19:30
rysiek|plsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade19:30
eps1lonAll right19:30
rysiek|pleps1lon: yeah, probably; we'll try to fix that19:30
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=== epsilon_ is now known as eps1lon
eps1lonI updated, when I rebooted I faced a recovery menu, couldn't resume normal boot. Rebooted again, and for some reason I could choose between multiple kernels.19:40
eps1lonI picked the one with the highest version number. Kernel panic. Reboot. Picked the older one. It booted, and I have kde 4.319:40
rysiek|pleps1lon: kernels also get updated, so that's not an issue19:40
rysiek|pleps1lon: ok, so it works?19:40
eps1lonWell. Define works.19:41
eps1lonIt looks very fucked up.19:41
rysiek|pleps1lon: plasma, desktop, applications19:41
Picieps1lon: Please mind your language here.19:41
rysiek|pleps1lon: well, somebody must've fscked-up the KDE4.3RC2 in the repo, then19:41
eps1lonYeah, everything _works_, but it looks very weird. Want a screenshot?19:41
rysiek|plnah, thanks ;)19:41
eps1lonBah. Are you using it?19:42
rysiek|pleps1lon: in that case, I would do another sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade19:42
rysiek|pleps1lon: not as my main DE - I'm still a KDE 3.5.x guy19:42
eps1lonOkay. What about the new kernel version that I can't use?19:42
rysiek|pleps1lon: but I do have it as an option; in fact, I'm upgrading it now19:42
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eps1lonYeah, I've been thinking about trying kde 3.5. 4.x hasn't been a good experience.19:42
rysiek|pleps1lon: no idea. do another upgrade, and then I would do: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade19:43
eps1lonHm, okay.19:43
rysiek|pleps1lon: when you are positive you have the most recent versions of everthing, we'll see19:43
rysiek|pleps1lon: if it gives any errors whatsoever -> pastebin please ;)19:43
eps1lonWhen trying to update it only said that kdeplasma-addons had been kept back.19:44
eps1lonNo need for a pastebin, I assume.19:44
eps1lonShall I try dist-upgrade?19:44
rysiek|pleps1lon: yup19:44
eps1lonRight, it's updating now.19:45
eps1lonUpgrading, rather.19:45
eps1lonGee, I really want to like kde 4, it looks so good, and the idea is good, but it just never works for me.19:46
rysiek|pleps1lon: it need *much* more love19:46
rysiek|pleps1lon: there are some really great ideas there, but many a time the implementation is really shitty19:47
eps1lonOkay, it's done now19:47
rysiek|pleps1lon: but hey, it's a total re-write after all19:47
eps1lonHeh, yeah. Rebooting, brb.19:47
DarkriftXwhast the command to kill my internal speaker?19:48
DarkriftXi never remember it, but the beeping on auto complete is loud as hell19:48
phhsudo rmmod pcspkr19:48
DarkriftXouch, no19:49
rysiek|plphh, DarkriftX: use modprobe -r19:49
phhrysiek|pl: what does that change ?19:49
DarkriftXstill doing the loud beep when I use tab to auto complete19:49
rysiek|plphh: rmmod just yanks the module out of the kernel19:49
DarkriftXthis beep is 2x louder than the loudest I can get a movie to play on this thing19:49
rysiek|plphh: modprobe -r removes the module and the modules that depend on it19:49
phhDarkriftX: it comes from your sound card or from the buzzer ?19:50
DarkriftXits a laptop19:50
DarkriftXthe sound is muted, but it still beeps19:50
phhrysiek|pl: it won't change a thing for pcspkr ...19:50
DarkriftXits the same speaker for both, but someone gave me a command before that disabled it19:50
rysiek|plphh: probably. but Good Practice is Good Practice19:50
DarkriftXdoesnt work after reboot though19:50
rysiek|plphh: somebody might take the rmmod command and use it for something else, by simple analogy19:51
rysiek|plDarkriftX: sorry, I have no idea; check in KMix if there's a PC Speaker setting19:51
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eps1lonAll right. Still can't boot the new kernel. Everything still looks messed up.19:51
rysiek|pleps1lon: well, it's RC after all ;) either downgrade or check if you can mangle with the settings to get it right19:52
rysiek|pleps1lon: I'm afraid I dunno how to help you beyond that - try asking in #kde19:52
eps1lonHaha, guess so.. Actually, I think I'm just going to install 9.04 kde 3.5 remix. It seems stable.19:53
rysiek|plgo for it19:53
eps1lonWell, back in 45 mins or so I guess.19:54
rysiek|pleps1lon: you *might* be able to install just the packages19:54
rysiek|plah, well19:54
hocuspocusok how can i use a lexmark 2500 series printer while using ubuntu?19:55
rysiek|plhocuspocus: I have not the slightest idea. try googling, there should be something on the forums or the wiki19:56
tdnHow do I add short cuts to folders in the panel?19:57
Okaymy exaile player is not launching. help!?20:02
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hocuspocuscan anyone tell me how to install my printer from the installation cd to ubuntu?20:23
tdnktorrent just crashed. I see this in dmesg: [17608.122274] ktorrent[14023]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000000000 sp 00007fff65650948 error 14 in ktorrent[400000+be000]20:27
tdnShould I report this?20:27
Captain_Hadd0cktdn: sure.. if it's a dupe, it'll be marked as such (or bugtraq might tell you so)20:31
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Captain_Haddocktdn: as for folder shortcuts, there's a folder widget that you can add.. or you can create a menu item for the folder and drag it to the panel.20:33
Captain_Haddock!info exaile20:33
ubottuexaile (source: exaile): flexible audio player, similar to Amarok, but written in GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.14-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 1054 kB, installed size 4264 kB20:33
Havoc][does anyone here have graphic performance problems with kde 4(.3) and NVIdia?20:38
noaXessstrange.. i have two stations with newest kubuntu release and both won't automatically check for updates.. any idea?20:40
tdnCaptain_Haddock, ok. But shouldnt I have a trace or something to report it? Right now I do not have other info than the line from dmesg?20:40
noaXesswhere are the settings for auto check for updates, inknow in kpackagekit, but there it is enabled.. where is the config file for this?20:41
Captain_Haddocktdn: it wasn't there with the error message pop-up?20:42
Captain_Haddockperhaps you should see if it happens again and take it from there ..20:43
Captain_HaddocknoaXess: probably in cron20:43
noaXessCaptain_Haddock: ? should ther be a cron job for my, my user?20:43
Captain_HaddocknoaXess: not sure.. it's probably a system-wide setting20:44
Captain_HaddockI think there's a GUI for cron as well20:44
* Captain_Haddock checks.20:44
noaXessCaptain_Haddock: sudo crontab -l is empty20:44
noaXessand my crontab -l, there is only one job, my backup job20:44
noaXessCaptain_Haddock: you mean "System Settings / Advanced / Task Scheduler"?20:45
Captain_HaddocknoaXess: yep, I'm trying to figure out why it's missing in my install :S20:47
noaXessCaptain_Haddock: is it missing to in your system, also no auto update check?20:47
Captain_Haddockthe task scheduler is missing.. My autoupdate works fine.. it didn't in another PC for Gutsy; but that install is RIP atm20:48
EagleScreenplease some help with kernel-package20:51
Captain_HaddocknoaXess: it should be in /etc/cron.daily/apt20:53
Captain_Haddocktask scheduler has an entry for it under system.20:53
noaXessCaptain_Haddock: there is /etc/cron.daily/apt but.. why doesn't it work?20:54
noaXessCaptain_Haddock: look at this.. ps ax | grep update20:59
noaXess 4584 ?        SNl    3:34 python /usr/bin/update-notifier-kde20:59
noaXessseams that update-notifier-kde is running..20:59
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noaXessCaptain_Haddock: hm.. i found that im my /etc/apt/sources.list was an old source from intrepid.. i changed it, and look whats happend :)21:02
noaXessso it's time for me.. bye all21:03
Captain_HaddocknoaXess: good job :)21:08
snarkstersomething really strange is going on. when i play a video media file it hard locks the system using any player21:09
snarksteranother thing my wireless device just does not show up21:10
tdnCaptain_Haddock, no.21:21
tdnCaptain_Haddock, all I have is this line.21:21
jonathan__how can i list all devices that are mountable?21:24
jonathan__i would like to mout my windows partition but it isn't listed in the device notifier21:24
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alutzai have a problem, i just upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 and under the Computer tab in Kickoff, my mounted drives dont show22:11
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jhutchins_wkalutza: How do you know they're mounted?22:20
alutzathey are22:21
alutzai can access them through \media\22:21
alutzajhutchins_wk : KDE seems to be very "user-windowslike-friendly" and i cant find a registry thing like in gnome (gconf)22:22
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Quintasanalutza: All config files are in ~/.kde directory22:30
Quintasanalutza: I think there is no equivivalent to gconf and it's not needed22:31
alutzacant really find the one for kickoff22:31
Quintasanalutza: What do you need to change in Kickoff?22:32
alutzathe fact that "computer" tab doesnt shot the media part22:33
alutzai cant see my mounted drives22:33
alutzain kickoff22:33
alutzaand its annoying because its the fastest way to get it22:33
Quintasanalutza: Hmm, tried using Lancelot?22:33
QuintasanI didn't like Kickoff but I love Lancelot22:34
alutzawell.. i dont want to use alternatives but i want to check if it works22:34
alutzaill be right back22:34
alutzaok lancelot sees it perfectly22:35
alutzakickoff doesnt22:35
alutzafrustration >900022:35
QuintasanWell, then Lancelot == 9001 :P22:35
alutzaso i should replace the K launcher with Lancelot?22:35
alutzai probably will, but this seems like a microsoft solution....22:36
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QuintasanIf you want.22:36
alutzai still want to know how to conf kickoff22:36
QuintasanIMO Lancelot is better.22:36
alutzai trust that22:36
alutzalooks nice22:36
Quintasanalutza: I think that is a problem within Kickoff source.22:37
QuintasanI'll look into it22:37
alutzainstalled 9.04 4 hours ago22:37
alutzaim still checking the new things out22:37
alutza8.04 until today22:37
damjan_I haw 9.04 and there is lots of graphic issues22:38
Quintasandamjan_: intel card?22:38
damjan_For example Konversation irc client is not in main theme22:39
Quintasandamjan_: I think Konversation in repos is still KDE 3 version22:39
damjan_that my be the problem22:40
damjan_what client do you recomend22:40
Quintasandamjan_: You don't like Quassel?22:41
Dragnslcrdamjan_- the KDE4 version of Konversation is in one of the PPA repositories22:42
damjan_I actualy new to kde , how to add repos in kde 422:43
Quintasandamjan_: ALT + F2   type  kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list and paste the lines22:44
Kalmi_Is it normal that Ctrl-Alt-Left/Right is not set by default in KDE4? Every other desktop environment have it set up this way...22:46
QuintasanKalmi_: And for what you need it?22:47
Kalmi_Quintasan, switching desktops...22:47
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damjan_Is there solution for problem with different graphics theme on different application22:48
QuintasanKalmi_: Go to System Setting -> Desktop -> Effects -> All Effects -> Desktop Cube -> Perferences  and set your bindings22:49
Quintasandamjan_: What application?22:49
damjan_for example some times even kate is run with non theme window22:50
Kalmi_Quintasan, Desktop Cube is not even enabled by default...22:51
Quintasandamjan_: You launched it with kdesudo, that means it launched as root, and root has default configuration, try ALT+F2  type kdesudo systemsettings and then change it.22:51
QuintasanKalmi_: Why you are telling me it? Enable it and set up.22:52
Kalmi_Quintasan, but I don't want no cube :) I only want simple plain dewsktop switching with the keybindings I am used to...22:53
zuzHI AGAIN22:55
zuzits me22:55
zuzwget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/community/bootstrap.cgi | bash22:55
FloodBotK1zuz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
zuzi type that on terminal console and now i cant do apt-get22:55
QuintasanKalmi_: System Setting -> Mouse and keyboard -> Global key shortcuts -> Select KWin from dropdown menu and look for Swith one desktop up (or something similar, I'm translatig from Polish :P)22:55
Quintasanzuz: What do you want to do?22:56
Kalmi_Quintasan, and I'm translating it to Hungarian :)22:56
zuzhey, i just want to fix it22:56
zuzi get this now wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/community/bootstrap.cgi | bash22:56
zuzooops hold on,  let me copy it right22:56
Quintasanzuz: Who told you to do something like that?22:56
zuzE: Type 'wget' is not known on line 55 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list22:56
Quintasanzuz: Dont' paste it third time22:56
zuzim sorry im used with the crt + c to copy it and i thought i had it copied but didnt22:57
QuintasanSo you messed with sources.list22:57
daniel_sanyeah generally dont go copy and pasting random commands, i think everyones learned that the heard way though22:57
Quintasanzuz: ctrl + c in console stops current application running22:57
zuzgood to know, see i need to do a bios upgrade on this laptop22:58
Quintasanzuz: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list and paste me line 55 to query22:58
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Quintasanzuz: bios update? lol22:58
zuzand dell's page which is this one http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Tech/libsmbios_dellBiosUpdate22:59
damjan_another question, how to change the icon color22:59
damjan_I know where but I dont know how22:59
Quintasandamjan_: icon color?23:00
zuzyeah this laptop needs a bios upgrade, it gives errors about the battery when it starts and i want to fix it, really annoying and its all about updating the bios23:00
damjan_If it is posible23:00
Quintasandamjan_: Dunno if you can do this, I like Oxygen icons :P23:00
zuzwget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/community/bootstrap.cgi | bash   thats whats on line 5523:01
Quintasanzuz: remove it, you dont need it23:01
zuzi was trying to find out how to do it23:01
zuzjust remove it and save it?23:01
Kalmi_Quintasan, thanks... found it... I will never get used to KDE's settings...23:01
QuintasanKalmi_: You will :P23:01
zuzif i want to add the dell repository, how can i do that?23:01
Quintasanzuz: humm there is no Dell repository, is there?23:02
zuzhttp://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Repository/firmware   im still trying to figure whether there is or not23:02
zuzthats dells linux support link23:03
zuzi was really surprised that dell has any kind of support for anything23:03
zuzim  assuming this site has something to do with a dell firmware repository  http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/   but i have no clue how to add it23:05
QuintasanOh my23:05
Quintasanzuz: you type it in console directly23:05
Quintasanzuz: not into /etc/apt/sources.list23:05
zuzthat was the first thing i tried23:05
Quintasanzuz: You followed instruction after doing it?23:06
zuzi got errors23:07
zuzdo i type "sudo"  before the wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/bootstrap.cgi | bash23:07
zuzEither there was a problem downloading the key,23:08
zuz   or you do not have sufficient permissions to import the key.23:08
Quintasanzuz: I will send you a command, just paste it into konsole :P23:08
phhQuintasan: you're sure you don't need to do sudo bash ?23:08
Quintasanphh: not sure if it will work, last time I tried it, it threw some permission denied and hung :P23:09
zuzi installed kubuntu for the first time about a week ago and then i went all over, edited everything i could, changed everything so i could try to learn a bit, then formatted, made the partitions and started from scratch knowing alot more then i did just because i did that23:10
zuzbut i still dont know alot, the wget -q -0 commandds i have no clue, i did learn about sudo and being root23:10
Quintasanzuz: wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/bootstrap.cgi && chmod +x bootstrap.cgi && ./bootstrap.cgi && sudo aptitude install firmware-addon-dell && sudo aptitude install $(bootstrap_firmware -a) && sudo update_firmware23:10
Quintasanlong eh,23:11
zuzjust paste the whole thing in konsole?23:11
Quintasanzuz: yup23:11
Quintasanzuz: that sould do the trick23:12
zuzawesome, now a bunch of things appeared23:12
zuzbut the last line said chmod: cannot access `bootstrap.cgi': No such file or directory23:12
Quintasanzuz: does dir commands shows you bootstrap.cgi?23:14
zuzlet me see23:15
Quintasanzuz: screw it23:16
zuzit worked23:16
Quintasanzuz: lol23:16
zuzi wont screw it cuz i didnt need to screw anything lol23:16
Quintasanzuz: Are you sure it works?23:17
zuzi didnt need to unscrew23:17
zuzno im not sure23:17
Quintasanzuz: lol23:17
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zuzwell after that i went to the next step, and the stuff that was supposed to install, installed23:17
Quintasanzuz: what's the last message you got?23:17
zuzRemoving linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic ...23:17
zuzRemoving linux-headers-2.6.28-11 ...23:17
zuz0 packages upgraded, 3 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.23:18
zuzthose 2 were removed23:18
Quintasanso it was removed23:19
Quintasanwhat does sudo update_firmware shows?23:19
zuzthats where i am now23:21
Quintasanzuz: Well I'm intrested it's doing something or you get errors or what23:21
snarksteris there a problem with kpackagekit? I keep getting errors about to much time has passed on the backend23:21
Quintasanurgh KPackagKit :/23:22
zuzsudo: update_firmware: command not found23:22
Quintasanzuz: So it's not working23:22
zuzthen i just type update_firmware and told me this...23:22
zuzThe program 'update_firmware' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:23:22
zuzsudo apt-get install firmware-tools23:22
JontheEchidnathat's more of a packagekit issue itself, which has been fixed in packagekit 0.423:23
JontheEchidna(the backend timeout error)23:23
Quintasanzuz: So do it.23:23
snarksterwhere do i get the new version?23:25
Quintasanzuz: Urgh, it's going to do a BIOS upgrade, focus on what are you doing because you can break you computer23:25
zuzSearching storage directory for available BIOS updates...23:25
zuzChecking System BIOS for Inspiron 1501 - 2.4.123:25
zuz        Did not find a newer package to install that meets all installation checks.23:25
zuzThis system does not appear to have any updates available.23:25
zuzNo action necessary.23:25
FloodBotK1zuz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
Quintasanzuz: Don't paste output here23:25
Quintasanzuz: Let's do it once again23:25
Quintasanzuz: I will give you commands and you tell me if you done it or you recived a error23:26
zuzsee where it says 2.4.1?  my bios is supposed to be 2.4.2 now23:26
Quintasanzuz: That's what I'm trying to figure23:26
Quintasanzuz: wget http://linux.dell.com/repo/firmware/bootstrap.cgi23:26
Quintasanzuz: chmod +x bootstrap.cgi23:27
MushroomKingdomHey can I reinstall GRUB off a liveCD if I put windows on a second partition and windows writes over the loader?23:27
Quintasanzuz: ./bootstrap.cgi23:27
QuintasanMushroomKingdom: Sure23:27
MushroomKingdomHow do I do it? Just recovery mode?23:27
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damjan_yes recovery mode23:30
damjan_and there is option for installing grub boot loader23:31
MushroomKingdomAh, thank you. I want to put XP on my second partition because Vista sucks :)23:31
damjan_yes wista sucks , that is why you are here23:32
alutzacan anyone help me with a simple thing and has 9.04 kubuntu23:33
bernardlychani have kde, but am a n00b23:34
alutzadont worry23:34
damjan_what is the problem23:34
alutzacheck if you see in the Kickoff (start menu) on the computer tab, your hard drives23:34
bernardlychani do23:34
alutzai dont and still cant figure out why23:35
alutzabeen googleing it for hours23:35
bernardlychanu mean its not there?23:35
snarksteri have 0.4 kpackagekit installed..23:37
alutzabut the hard drives are mounted23:37
alutzaits a bug in kickoff23:37
snarksternvm ill get synaptic23:37
damjan_I have same problem23:38
damjan_you can over run it by putting short cut on yout desktop23:39
bernardlychanalutza: maybe uve accidebtally hidden it?23:39
alutzaive upgraded from 8.04 so it might be pre-hidden23:39
alutzabut i dont know where the "hide" is23:39
bernardlychantry right click then view hidden folders?23:41
kaddiheya, I want to automount my ntfs partitions, but I'm not entirely sure how to proceed with the fs_mntops. I want the partitions to be mounted with read&write options and I don't want to force mount, I guess those are default. Are there any other options I should use?23:44
kaddiSo far I always mounted the partition with mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /media/data, so without any optoins. But I guess this might be different with automout?23:45
Xnet0jFrame frame = new JFrame;23:58
starcraftmanhello, need an expert with the audio subsystems. I'm a convert to KDE4 and I like it, my major problem is that when I play flash, I get no audio at all though video plays without issue. I know the flashplayer is working, I get crackling on the speakers indicating it's trying to ouput sound. I've looked around, and I think my problem is simply that Pulse isn't working for some reason in Kubuntu (though Ubuntu on the same machine supp23:58
starcraftman pulse without issue). I fixed the issue with local media on the disk by going to sound and forcing all content to output via alsa/HDA. Flash seems to continue using pulse. How can I either fix pulse or router flash to ALSA.23:58
starcraftmanI'm fairly experienced, just not with KDE. Any help much appreciated.23:59

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