
jmljames_w, hello00:02
* jml afk00:02
james_wI assume that it doesn't verify the key matches, essentially allowing spoofing of a consumer, but given that it allows any consumer anyway, that's not too much of an issue00:02
james_whey jml00:02
james_wit just can't change the way it responds based on consumer, which given the consumer secret often won't be secret isn't something you would want to do anyway00:03
wgrantjames_w: Why isn't the consumer secret secret?00:04
james_wwell, that depends on the consumer00:05
james_wfor a desktop app you would have to distribute the "secret" to all users00:05
james_wLP and another hosted service could decide to agree on a specific consumer name an secret to check00:05
james_wif they wanted different behaviour00:06
wgrantWhy would you distribute the secret to all users? The users create the secret when they authorize the application to use their Launchpad account.00:06
james_wno, the consumer secret00:06
Ampelbeinwgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/223111/ - no apparent failure to see00:06
wgrantNote that the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret are not the same thing.00:06
james_wthe app could generate this on first use, but then you can't check the consumer key against the consumer secret anyway00:07
wgrantThe Key is the nameish thing which the example gives as 'just testing'00:07
wgrantIt isn't secret.00:07
james_wthere's no change to the security properties of the protocol as far as I can see, you just can't identify particular consumers reliably00:08
wgrantjames_w: You mean you can't identify a particular piece of software? You can identify the user reliably.00:09
james_wyeah, consumer as distinct from user00:09
james_wOAuth has 3 parties, with the user and consumer distinct00:09
wgrantIt's a bit strange, because in the docs the consumer is generally a web service.00:10
wgrantWhereas in LP's case it generally isn't.00:10
james_wif the consumer is able to keep it's secret secret then the service provide can reliably identify them and modify its behaviour00:10
wgrantAmpelbein: Sure you didn't omit something there? There's no addMember request.00:10
james_wyeah, OAuth is designed for the web, and they state that it doesn't work very well here for the desktop case00:11
wgrantjames_w: Keep its *key* secret?00:11
wgrantThe key is not a secret.00:11
james_wno, secret00:11
james_wsecret secret00:11
james_wConsumer Key:00:11
james_w    A value used by the Consumer to identify itself to the Service Provider.00:11
james_wConsumer Secret:00:11
james_w    A secret used by the Consumer to establish ownership of the Consumer Key.00:11
wgrantThe key is the name identifying the consumer.00:11
james_weveryone can know "flickr" is called flickr00:11
james_wbut we can't know their "secret"00:11
Ampelbeinwgrant: the addmember request comes directly before the "send: 'GET /beta/~ubuntu-my...."00:11
james_wit's conflicting with the usual definition of "key" as "secret part of the knowledge"00:12
wgrantAmpelbein: Oh, you removed it? That's the one I needed to see - just drop the oauth_* parameters from the URL.00:12
wgrantjames_w: Right, it's rather confusing.00:12
wgrantjames_w: Why would LP want to change its behaviour based on the consumer key?00:13
james_wit might not, but the OAuth spec states that it is something that you can do if you trust the consumer00:13
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
james_wI originally asked before thinking it all through, so I thought that having conflicting consumer secrets for a particular key would have implications beyond what I now think it does00:14
Ampelbeinwgrant: that is all: http://paste.ubuntu.com/223114/00:15
Ampelbeini just removed the oauth_ parts00:15
james_winteresting diversion though, thanks00:15
wgrantAmpelbein: There was no line with ws.op=addMember?00:16
Ampelbeinno, none. for the record, myfenris has the issue, i've been msging with him for quite some time to get the job done.00:17
myfenristhanks to Ampelbein00:18
myfenrishelping me up for hours..00:18
wgrantAmpelbein: Ah, now I see why I was confused.00:19
wgrantAmpelbein: Now wadllib checks the parameters client-side.00:20
wgrantAs of a week ago.00:20
wgrantBut my wadllib checkout is from two weeks ago, so when I grepped for that error it only appeared in the server-side code.00:20
myfenrishttp://paste.ubuntu.com/223119/ <-- all error00:21
Ampelbeinmyfenris: i told you not to do that! there is private information there.00:21
myfenrisAmpelbein, my bad.. :(00:21
wgrantIt's not too dangerous - those signatures are only good for issuing those particular requests.00:22
wgrantWhich are all read-only.00:22
wgrantBut still not a good idea.00:22
myfenrissorry for that ..00:22
Ampelbeinwgrant: the complete script I wanted myfenris to use is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/223124/ - it's a simple script and I don't really know why it's failing.00:29
wgrantAmpelbein: Well, I can't get a recent version of launchpadlib to work at all. I'd suggest filing a bug against launchpadlib.00:43
wgrantIt's certainly not your fault.00:43
wgrantAnd it might be some version incompatibility.00:44
Ampelbeinwgrant: ok, will do that. thanks for help.00:44
wgrantbeuno: Re. bug #394542: I see project group icons have returned, but not distribution ones.01:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394542 in launchpad-registry "Project group and distribution links lack custom icons" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39454201:15
wgrantOr is the revision missing from edge?01:15
beunowgrant, hrm01:15
* beuno looks01:15
wgrant(https://edge.launchpad.net/ lacks the Ubuntu icon)01:16
beunoyou're right01:16
beunowgrant, thanks01:18
wgrantbeuno: You can't slip this in with that other trivial sprite fix?01:21
beunowgrant, I can try, yes01:21
pygihey folks01:39
pygiI am trying to use LP OpenID stuff to login into one of my apps01:39
pygiand I get only my username from it01:39
pygiam I doing something wrong or can it indeed send only username?01:40
wgrantpygi: Consumers have to be whitelisted to get other details.01:40
pygiwgrant, how does one do that?01:40
pygiis it a global LP stuff, or per-account?01:40
wgrantpygi: Not sure. I'd try asking at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion01:40
pygiwgrant, will do. Thank your sir! :)01:41
wgrantIt's global.01:41
pygiok, so I don't have to ask now :P01:42
wgrantWhy not?01:43
pygiwgrant, well, you just said its global :)01:44
pygiand since the service is not ready yet... :)01:44
pygiwgrant, thanks for the help :)01:47
dashhi, any known issues with loggerhead at the moment? i'm getting "Internal Server Error" when trying to view files02:14
dashfor example: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~washort/ecru/trunk/annotate/head%3A/pysrc/ecru/nodes.py02:14
jmlspm, ^^02:16
spmgah. looking.02:16
* dash tries to not feel too smug about someone _else's_ server breaking02:17
spmdash: cool. nothing wrong with the server. /me suspects something else. mwhudson? ^^ <<02:17
spmdash: heh02:17
* jml tries a thing.02:18
jmlit doesn't appear to be a problem with the branch itself.02:19
spmcool. so if you start here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~washort/ecru/trunk/files/head%3A/pysrc/ecru/ and select node.py - internal error. sweet.02:19
dashyeah this was working earlier today02:19
dash~6hours ago02:20
spmhrm. so codebrowse *was* restarted about 4 hours ago.... codebrowse update. hrm. mwhudson?02:22
mwhudsondash: it's a bzr bug02:34
mwhudsonerm, maybe02:34
* mwhudson tries some tings02:34
mwhudsonoh hm, maybe not02:35
mwhudsondash: it's this bug http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~washort/ecru/trunk/annotate/head%3A/pysrc/ecru/nodes.py02:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 382765 in loggerhead "history.py uses deprecated (and deleted) ProgressBarStack" [Critical,Triaged]02:37
mwhudson^ this one02:37
mwhudsonbut i've never been able to reproduce it before02:38
dashwell i get that when I run loggerhead _here_02:38
dashso I did vaguely wonder how you guys were getting loggerhead to work :)02:38
mwhudsonso it's your fault!02:38
dashsorry, didn't mean to collapse the waveform02:39
mwhudsononce you've noticed the problem, quantum tunnelling means loggerhead breaks everywhere02:39
mwhudsonwow ./serve-branches http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~washort/ecru/trunk isn't very performant02:44
mwhudson(to no surprise at all(02:44
dashi think i patched this once then made the mistake of installing a new loggerhead deb02:45
mwhudsonwell, now i can reproduce it, i'll fix the bug i guess02:49
mwhudsoni'm a little worried because the comment in the code about bzrlib's progress bar code not being thread safe looks to still be true02:49
* mwhudson tries some things02:50
compengi`do you have server issues on bazaar.launchpad.net?03:13
mwhudsoncompengi`: not that i know about, what are you seeing?03:14
compengi`Internal Server Error03:14
mwhudsoncompengi`: at which url?03:14
mwhudsoncompengi`: hmm03:15
mwhudsoncompengi`: yes, there is a problem here03:15
mwhudsoncompengi`: i'm fixing it now :)03:15
compengi`okay :)03:15
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beunowgrant, still around?04:25
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=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
spivOh hey, look at that.05:30
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meoblast001i was told that several parts of Launchpad will not be freed06:16
meoblast001i was told this is the automatic packager and some other part06:16
beunomeoblast001, it's all been opened06:16
meoblast001is this true?06:16
meoblast001every last bit has been freed?06:17
beunowell, it's true that it's been opened06:17
beunonothing has been left back06:17
beunonot even the history06:17
spivmeoblast001: the source control repository (bzr, naturally) has been released, not just a tarball of the current code.06:18
meoblast001what about that automatic packager06:18
meoblast001i heard it was "Canonical's secret sauce" and there was no plan to free it06:18
spivIf it's part of Launchpad, it's been released.06:18
spivThat includes soyuz.06:18
spivGrab the code and see for yourself! :)06:19
meoblast001i want to make sure everything running on the official Canonical Launchpad server can be downloaded, modified, redistributed, etc06:19
beunomeoblast001, the decision to not open has been reverted06:19
mwhudsonmeoblast001: the only thing you can't download is the config files06:19
beunoso *everything* is open source now06:19
meoblast001so i can remove the text at the bottom of this page then http://mysticgalaxies.com/amethyst/code.html06:20
mwhudsonmeoblast001: if not knowing the name of our database servers causes you a severe problem...06:20
beunomeoblast001, yes, you can remove the threatening text  :)06:21
meoblast001it's not threatening :P06:21
meoblast001people were getting angry at me for using Launchpad06:21
meoblast001that specific program i write is written to make a free alternative to the flash format, ticked people off that they had to use nonfree software just to get to it06:21
meoblast001but i'll let them know06:22
meoblast001and put a note that Launchpad is being freed on that page (after i verify it myself online)06:22
meoblast001this is amazing news :D thank you everyone06:23
mwhudsonfeel free to blog/tweet/dent about it :)06:23
meoblast001:) i'm not angry at Canonical anymore06:23
rockstarShoot, I just yelled it.  That's kinda like tweeting it, right?06:23
beunorockstar, short-range tweet06:24
meoblast001who here works at Canonical?06:25
* meoblast001 gets curious of these things06:25
beunomeoblast001, like half of us  :)06:25
meoblast001beuno: you do?06:25
mwhudsonmeoblast001: me06:25
meoblast001i see06:26
beunomwhudson, yes. And rockstar, and kfogel, and jml, and thumper, and sinzui, and....06:26
meoblast001ok, i hope you guys don't hate me, i'm one of those guys who corrects people when they say "Linux" referring to a complete system06:26
meoblast001but thank you all on the decision06:27
kfogelmeoblast001: hey, we're glad too :-).  You're welcome.06:28
kfogelmeoblast001: for the record: that was Mark Shuttleworth's call.06:29
mwhudsonmeoblast001: we're all pretty happy about it too :)06:29
meoblast001tell him i said thanks :)06:29
meoblast001took me a few minutes to remember what site i wanted to go to... brainstorm.ubuntu.com was it06:30
micahgyay on the LP release07:02
micahgbut, I'm wondering why there's no deb package?07:02
beunomicahg, it's really not that type of application  :)07:02
* sharkbait imagines doing sudo apt-get install launchpad :)07:04
micahgwhy not?07:04
micahgit should be like any other?07:04
micahgIf I want to install mantis or bugzilla I get pacakges07:04
mwhudsonthere's no pleasing some people!07:05
* micahg is very happy :)07:05
sharkbaitoh, there's a mediawiki package?07:05
micahgjust asking why07:05
micahgI thought there was07:05
sharkbaitthat would have saved me lots of time :)07:05
mwhudsonmicahg: anyway, i guess there's no real reason07:06
sharkbaitlots easier than configuring apache :)07:06
micahgI'm backporting bzr so I can install for myself :)07:06
mwhudsonbut we don't deploy launchpad using a deb, so there's no packaging for it07:06
micahgshould I file a bug?07:06
sharkbaitit would be a massive package07:06
micahghow big is it?07:06
micahgI just reread the blog post07:07
sharkbaitI don't know, I'm not there yet07:07
micahgit seems like it's more for people to develop than to run...07:07
sharkbaitbut the dependencies are 281mb07:07
beunomicahg, ~100mb IIRC07:07
mwhudsonmicahg: yes, it is07:07
micahgthat's not so bad07:07
micahgcan I file a request for a deb package?07:08
* micahg wants to install this at work :)07:08
elmomicahg: as mwhudson said, we don't deploy it as a deb, there's very little incentive for us to produce or maintain packages for it07:09
elmomicahg: OTOH, it's open source, so if you want to do that, you could always provide patches07:09
micahgwell, wouldn't it be nice to offer it as a package on ubuntu-server07:10
sharkbaitsomeone will eventually provide unofficial debs, just like with chromium :)07:10
micahgI guess I should file a needs packaging in ubuntu then :)07:10
stubYou really don't want to run 'your own Launchpad' except for development. You end up with an overly complicated system - you are better off using tools designed for single project or small groups of projects.07:10
micahgno, I do want my own launchpad07:10
micahgI need a private instance07:10
micahgstub: what tools compare to launchpad in functionality?07:11
micahgoh, what license is it under?07:11
sharkbaitI personally want to install lp to contribute by fixing a bug I filed ~1 year ago :)07:12
elmomicahg: https://dev.launchpad.net/LaunchpadLicense07:12
micahgok, bug 40207307:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402073 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] launchpad" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40207307:17
micahglet ubuntu do it :)07:17
micahgno need for you guys to bother with it07:18
lifelessmicahg: you may not be aware, but launchpad can host private projects too - after all, it hosted launchpads development for a long time :)07:18
micahgyes, but for work, we can't stuff hosted07:18
micahgthat's cool that it hosts its own development though07:19
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pooliejml, everyone, way to go!07:46
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
jmlpoolie, thanks :)07:47
pooliei turn my back for a bit and... :)07:47
kfogelnoodles775: :-)07:53
=== henninge is now known as henninge-brb
micahgis LP postgres only?07:55
dashyou want to run it on oracle? :)07:56
micahgmysql :)07:56
mwhudsonit's pretty much postgres only yes07:56
micahgis there a reason why postgres was chosen over mysql?07:57
noodles775stub: ^^^07:58
noodles775(you might know some of the background there?)07:59
=== henninge-brb is now known as henninge
jmarsdenCongratulations to all involved on the open sourcing of LaunchPad!  I noticed that all 3 links under Tools on the front page of the wiki https://dev.launchpad.net are not readable by mere mortals (non-Canonical employees?), even when I am logged in to the LaunchPad wiki... is that intentional?  Perhaps a comment that these are "for Canonical staff only" (or whatever the restriction is) would be helpful to newcomers?08:02
* jml looks08:02
stubmicahg: PostgreSQL supported most of the features we thought we would need and MySQL did not. The other contender was Oracle, and for a while we made sure we would be able to switch to Oracle if necessary but PG has worked great.08:02
stubThis was about 200408:02
jmljmarsden, I'll fix those up. I think at least one is now obsolete.08:02
jmarsdenjml: Thanks :)08:03
micahgstub: how integrated is the DB in the code?08:05
jmljmarsden, I don't have permission to fix the front page, it seems!08:07
stubHighly. We make use of PostgreSQL specific features, such as some of the SQL language extensions, PL/pgSQL and Python stored procedures, triggers, functional indexes, automatic load balancing over the replicas is Slony-I specific ...08:08
micahgah, ok, so bascially to change DB engines is a total rewrite08:08
jmarsdenjml: OK... thanks for trying :)08:08
stubtransactional DDL, tsearch2 full text search, database permissions...08:09
* micahg is a web developer08:09
jmlkfogel, spm, can you give me permissions to edit the dev.lp.net front page?08:09
jmljmarsden, I haven't finished trying yet :)08:09
jmarsdenSo I see...08:09
kfogeljmarsden: you don't have them?08:10
kfogeljmarsden: sorry08:10
kfogeljmarsden: bad completion of "jml" :-)08:10
kfogeljml: you don't have perms?08:10
kfogellet me see08:10
jmarsdenNo problem...08:10
jmlkfogel, apparently not!08:10
kfogeljml: asking over in canonical irc, this is an admin question08:12
jmljmarsden, fixed.08:15
jmarsdenjml: Thanks08:15
pkernhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel/annotate/head%3A/lib/canonical/buildd/README gives me Internal Server Error.08:17
mwhudsonpkern: me too08:19
mwhudsonspm: if you've not gone to sleep yet...08:19
pkernWhere's the Soyuz code in there?08:20
mwhudsonpkern: soyuz is mostly in lib/lp/soyuz08:20
mwhudsonpkern: and lib/lp/otherthings08:21
al-maisangrep is your friend ;)08:21
al-maisanfind/grep even08:21
pkernI did just use loggerhead.08:21
pkernal-maisan: Oh hi (:08:22
al-maisanhello pkern :)08:22
compengi`mwhudson, good morning again. it looks like it's a nasty issue with the server... ?08:25
mwhudsoncompengi`: it affects annotating certain files, it's not that bad, but it's a bit ugly08:32
mwhudsoncompengi`: the fix will get rolled out automatically in ~12 hours, it would be nice to find a sysadmin to blat it into place earlier08:32
compengi`mwhudson, is it caused by my files?08:35
carloscongratulations for the release!09:05
bigjoolshey carlos!09:10
mwhudsoncompengi`: no09:16
pkernThe bzr branching takes ages...09:18
carlospkern: just released, huge branch....09:21
james_wwoo. Thanks all, and congratulations.09:23
carlosdid you split out lazr from launchpad so it can be used to develop other web applications or there is still something left to reach that point? (I know some lazr libraries where already released)09:24
carlosbut I'm more interested on the whole framework09:25
bigjoolscarlos: yeah it was split out a while ago09:25
carlosbigjools: and is there any documentation about how to put all that together? or is just a matter of getting Zope and start adding such libraries on top of it?09:26
S-i-Awe need review https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/wordpress/2.8/+imports anyone can her accept that?09:26
S-i-Aimported file is downloaded from launchpad self, also don't send a strings error to me :)09:27
bigjoolscarlos: I've no idea, sorry.09:27
carlosbigjools: ok, thanks09:28
pkernHow big is the repo approx.?09:31
bigjools150M approx09:31
spivThe Getting page probably should mention that.  I'll edit it now.09:32
pkernWell, it looks like bzr slowness also contributes to the download time a lot.09:32
pkernOr the servers can't do more than 40kB/s but I doubt that.09:33
LarstiQbzr itself is much faster than 40kB/s09:35
dpmCongratulations for the release Launchpad people! Happy open-sourcing day ;) !09:35
pkernHah, MemoryError and a crash.09:36
lifelessLarstiQ: we'rehaving folk pull from http, which will add some overhead09:37
pkernbzr on my server did this, OpenVZ for the blame.  But it ate 900M on my laptop already.09:37
lifelessLarstiQ: and there is some chance we're getting dos:P09:37
LarstiQlifeless: yes, and everyone at it at the same time09:37
LarstiQpkern: which version of bzr?09:37
pkernIt's HTTP of course that's being a reason for slowness.  But seriously, fetching shouldn't load "everything" into memory.09:37
pkernIs it possible to continue pulls?09:38
lifelesspkern: it doesn't load everything into memory09:38
pkernLarstiQ: 1.17 on my laptop, 1.16 on the server.09:38
pkernlifeless: That's why I quoted it.09:38
pkernpkern    18650 31.0 55.0 933572 837628 pts/4   S+   10:10   8:43 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/bzr branch lp:launchpad09:38
pkern55% of my memory is currently in bzr...09:38
pkern[#########|          ] 112129KB   103KB/s | Fetching revisions:Inserting stream09:38
LarstiQpkern: resuming is possible, might need some shuffling around depending on how you started09:38
lifelesswe're definitely seeing interest :)09:39
lifelesspkern: thats certainly higher than I'd have expected09:40
pkernWell it's late and huge though.  It's probably a pain to set up.09:40
lifelesspkern: I'd let it finish09:41
lifelesspkern: you've pulled ~2/3rds of it now09:41
pkernI life non-linear progress bars... not.09:41
LarstiQpkern: are you at Debconf?09:42
bigjoolslifeless: last time I pulled a branch that size, bzr got to 900M resident09:42
bigjoolswith 1.17rc-something09:42
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pkernLarstiQ: I am.09:43
balorAre there any launchpad .debs? I can't seem to see them on dev.launchpad.net09:46
lifelesspkern: its a bug09:47
bigjoolsit's not packaged09:47
lifelessboth the slowness, and probably the speed09:47
lifelessI'm filing it now09:47
bigjoolslifeless: 900M resident is a bug for sure :)09:47
pkernX stopped responding for a while.09:50
lifelessbigjools: a) always file bus when that happens, please.09:53
lifelessbigjools: can't fix what we don't know about09:53
lifelessbigjools: b) was that over http or bzr09:54
bigjoolslifeless: a) yes, I told kfogel and thought he was handling it, but my bad.  b) http09:55
bigjoolsit was part of the pull testing we did before going open09:55
pkernI mean you must have noticed such issues earlier? ;-)09:55
lifelesspkern: first I heard of it; and am a bzr dev09:56
lifelessbigjools: well future ref - make sure a bzr dev knows, please:)09:56
MaWaLeis the only way to have LP is to use bzr? there isn't a packaged LP? (.deb or .tar.gz or else)09:56
lifelessMaWaLe: bzr only09:56
MaWaLethx lifeless : the purpose is to hold a classroom for our LoCo on it. And this way, we have to give them a little intro to the use of bzr :)09:57
MaWaLelifeless :  is it planned to add it like an available package with Ubuntu?09:58
lifelessMaWaLe: LP is complex to get up and running, even if someone did they'd need to rebrand it (see the announcement and wiki pages for details)09:59
bigjoolsthere are no plans to package it09:59
LarstiQis there a FAQ this question could be added to? It's the third time in a couple of hours it gets asked now.09:59
MaWaLenot even a PPA?10:00
bigjoolsyes, I'll sort it10:00
lifelessMaWaLe: certainly we don't have any plans to package it - we don't deploy it via packages10:00
MaWaLethx all for your answers10:00
lifelessbigjools: kfogel's text was pretty good, I thought10:01
lifelessbigjools: in one of the announcement thingies10:02
bigjoolslifeless: I missed that then, I'll look again10:02
lifelessit wasn't precisely on packaging10:02
LarstiQbigjools: elmo gave I think a reasonable concise answer in here10:03
lifelessbut rather about the icons etc aspect, which is connected10:03
bigjoolsok, I'll see if I can copy & paste that bit10:04
elmowe should probably add stub's bit about postgres dependency too10:04
elmoI suspect that'll become a FAQ too10:05
LarstiQelmo: oh right10:05
bigjoolsstub: can you give me a paste of what you said, I can slot it into the wiki.10:08
elmobigjools: http://paste.ubuntu.com/223374/10:10
pkernAlready pulling for an hour, oh well.10:11
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lifelesspkern: lots of folk are downloading it it seems ;)10:20
lifelessI've filed bug 402114 about the performance10:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402114 in bzr "too many http requests with 2a fetches" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40211410:20
bigjoolslifeless: does that cover the huge memory usage or should I file another?10:22
lifelessbigjools: please file another; I suspect they are linked though, so perhaps mention 40211410:23
lifelessbranching tip *should* be 'read 14 packs, churn CPU while checking they are compressed well. Done.'10:24
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lifelessbut its doing lots of little reads; this could be data specific10:24
lifelessor a bug10:24
lifelessand if its data specific we may be creating that ourselves (bug in the writer), or working badly with whats on disk (bug in the reader)10:25
pkernProbably you should tar up a current checkout and offer that for download and later pulling.10:30
pkernMemory usage doesn't grow anymore but...10:31
pkern[#########-          ] 198662KB     0KB/s | Fetching revisions:Inserting stream10:31
pkernAfter 1,5h10:31
lifelesspkern: you'll note I marked the bug critical :)10:31
pkernlifeless: Right.  I was also bothered by having to upgrade bzr on jaunty.  I already had Ubuntu to be able to branch stuff...  and now the latest release isn't sufficient.10:32
lifelesspkern: launchpad is a very big project with lots of history10:33
lifelesspkern: as you may know bzr has had some scaling problems, which the 2a format, that launchpad's branches are in, fixes.10:34
lifelesspkern: in 1.9 format launchpads code base was about 500MB10:34
bigjoolslifeless: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/40213910:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 402139 in bzr "Branching a large branch eats memory like crazy" [Undecided,New]10:34
pkernlifeless: Ok10:34
pkernbzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel/.bzr/repository/packs/c0ae45a26df55c3bfbb79c0523c4de78.pack: Unable to handle http code 504: Gateway Time-out10:39
AdysHiya all. Is it possible to change the assigned launchpad email address?10:40
pkernbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/pkern/launchpad/.bzr/branch/".10:40
pkernCrap.  How do I continue?10:40
lifelesspkern: :<10:40
pkernOrganizers broke the net.10:40
lifelesspkern: at your end?10:40
bigjoolsand the story isn't even on slashdot yet :/10:40
lifelesspkern: to do an incremental pull, do this:10:40
pkernlifeless: Can you tell me if I can continue that or not?10:40
lifelessbzr branch  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/db-devel newbranch -r 110:41
lifelesscd newbranch10:41
lifelessbzr pull -r 1000 [or pick some number]10:41
lifelessbzr pull -r 2000 [or pick some number]10:41
pkernThe point is, how do I continue what I already pulled?10:41
pkernNot at all?10:41
lifelessyou can't, bzr will have rolled the transaction back10:41
pkernpkern@asterix:~/launchpad$ du -hs .10:42
pkernOh yayes.  I'll give up for today then.10:42
lifeless(sorry). We'd like to make large pulls automatically incremental, but its not as simple as one might think.10:42
pkernlifeless: thanks anyway10:42
lifelessI'll note that none of the major DVCS's (except _maybe_ darcs) do that10:42
j^hi, randomly browsing through code on bazaar.launchpad.net i get an Internal Server Error,10:52
j^i.e. at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~entertainer-releases/entertainer/trunk/annotate/head%3A/entertainerlib/decorators.py10:52
mwhudsonj^: yes, will be fixed in the next automatic rollout :/10:54
mwhudson(in about 10 hours now i guess)10:54
joaopintohello, is there a problem with bzr right now ? It is taking ages to do a small checkout11:11
lifelesslaunchpad just got open sourced11:11
lifelessand we're getting rather more traffic than normal :)11:13
joaopintoah ok, tks :)11:13
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MaWaLebzr seems to be down :(11:37
MaWaLethe download is frozen since 15 minutes now11:38
LarstiQlifeless: fwiw, against http: $HOME/bin/bzr branch lp:launchpad  933.91s user 7.68s system 35% cpu 44:13.54 total11:40
lifelessLarstiQ: you're logged in right?11:41
lifelessLarstiQ: if so, well its good that it worked - what 15 minutes?11:41
lifelessbut we're pointing folk at http to manage the load11:42
lifelessMaWaLe: frozen? bzr should be updating the spinner and bytes downloaded11:42
LarstiQlifeless: I'm not logged in11:43
MaWaLelifeless :  i'm speaking about the progress bar :)11:43
lifelessMaWaLe: if its sitting in the middle, thats normal11:44
MaWaLeokay : so it's okay11:44
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: bazaar.launchpad.net slow - being looked into | https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
MaWaLethx lifeless11:47
lifelessMaWaLe: there may be something wrong, I'm alerting a sysadmin currently11:47
MaWaLelifeless :  suddenly the process stopped and when i restart it again i have an error message11:49
MaWaLei'm doing that on a Karmic Laptop11:49
MaWaLedo you think that i would try on a Jaunty one?11:50
MaWaLeactually i'm asked to do a partial upgrade :(11:51
LarstiQbigjools: is the bzr required for 2a sufficiently pointed out, ppas and such?11:51
LarstiQMaWaLe: no, that should be ok11:51
bigjoolsLarstiQ: it is mentioned, but the PPA location is not, I'll add it to the dev wiki, thanks.11:58
lifelessMaWaLe: see if its better now12:03
MaWaLelifeless :  i have to wait for the partial upgrade :(12:06
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
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MaWaLelifeless :  thx, it's a little bit better12:14
MaWaLei fixed the broken stopped-update and now i'm trying again12:15
sumanahcongrats on opening the source!12:39
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MaWaLesomeone can tell me the size of the LP branch !!!!12:51
bigjoolsMaWaLe: it tells you on the page with the instructions on how to get it, but to save you a page load it's about 150M12:52
MaWaLesorry bigjools i didn't pay attention on it :( thx anyway ;)12:54
bigjoolsMaWaLe: no prob :)12:54
sumanahhi leonardr13:40
wgrantloggerhead doesn't like viewing files at the moment.13:48
bigjoolsI'm trying to get hold of someone who might be able to fix this and the slowness13:49
wgrantIf only this DVCS were not so C.13:50
bigjoolswgrant: it's working fine here13:53
wgrantbigjools: I've tried several branches, and on not one of them can I annotate a file.13:55
wgrant(some of these have almost no history, and the 500 is faster than a timeout)13:55
bigjoolsright, yeah that bit doesn't work.  I have a suspicion that it's a bug that was recently fixed13:57
bigjoolstoday's release might sort it13:57
* gnomefreak can push sunbird branch just fine but for some reason firefox branch will not push using sftp or bzr+ssh, i was asked to try in here from #bzr they thinks its a hosting issue14:01
gnomefreakoh maybe not just me?14:02
Ursinhabigjools, I thought the release would be tomorrow?14:02
bigjoolsUrsinha: urgh, yes, brain fart14:02
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ryanakcaIs there anything planned for bug 401723 ?14:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401723 in kubuntu-website "keyserver port number is non standard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40172314:12
jithinehi sorry if its already asked , I am always getting time out error when reporting bugs14:23
jithineits been like this the entire day14:24
gnomefreakwhy hasnt PPA been upgraded to use GCC-4.4 its checking for 4.2 for karmic builds14:26
wgrantgnomefreak: What are you talking about? PPA builds are not special like that.14:26
gnomefreakchecking whether the C compiler (gcc-4.2  -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions) works... no14:27
gnomefreakconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables14:27
wgrantThat's your package.14:27
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gnomefreakwgrant: i found this issue something i over looked thanks14:36
sladenso July 21st it was after all14:59
wgrantsladen: Yes. And they did release the whole lot after all. With history. A nice surprise.14:59
gnomefreakmy poush to branch is stalling out at [###############\    ] Copying content texts:Copied record 1211/1295   no matter usin ssh+bzr or sftp any ideas?15:04
wgrantgnomefreak: Well, there is a bit of Slashdotting in progress.15:05
gnomefreakok just didnt understand why sunbird push was fine and ff push isnt15:05
gnomefreakAskHL: as for tbird-2 patches they are all there and also all there in sunbird. ill work on tbird-2 fix for that bug in a bit. just need to see if ff will push15:08
gnomefreakignore that15:08
sladenwhat's the simplist bzr pull command to fetch the source without the rocketfuel crap?15:19
wgrantsladen: bzr get lp:launchpad. But that won't get you anywhere near running it.15:19
wgrantAnd will take ages.15:19
sladenwgrant: am I right in thinking that /running/ LP has a hard dependency upon Jaunty (via Python2.4) and yet Jaunty only ships Bzr 1.13 (which is not sufficient to check it out)15:23
wgrantsladen: It seems so.15:24
bigjoolssladen: please read https://dev.launchpad.net/FAQ15:24
sladenbigjools: I have, and unless I'm blind, it doesn't address it.15:25
beunosladen, you need bzr 1.16.1 or newer15:25
wgrantThe dependency on the new bzr makes sense.15:25
beunobecause Launchpad is in the 2a format15:25
wgrantAs it needs 2a.15:25
sladenbeuno: ...which is not in Jaunty?15:25
wgrantAnd 2a is awesome.15:25
beunosladen, correct15:25
bigjoolswhy does it need to be in Jaunty?15:25
wgrantLots of Lp's deps aren't in any release.15:26
sladenbeuno: so that you can download and then run lp on the same install...15:26
wgrantPPAs solve that problem quite effectively.15:26
bigjoolsah you want to *run* it now then?15:26
sinzuisladen: python and bzr development is happening quicker that Ubuntu development and LTS, so Launchpad gets uses Ubuntu + PPA + eggs to keep everything current.15:27
bigjoolsI thought you wanted to gets the source without the "rocketfuel crap"15:27
sladenbigjools: but that question was 5 minutes earlier :)15:27
bigjoolssladen: I updated the FAQ15:29
sladenbigjools: bargin, ta!15:29
dD0THello. Can anyone help me figureing out why my branch import failed? The error message doesn't tell me anything https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mumble/master . THanks15:32
noodles775rockstar: ^^^15:33
noodles775dD0T: for what it's worth, there seem to have been a number of import issues over the past 24 hrs (at least that I've seen), so it may be a more general issue.15:34
dD0Tnoodles775: I guess then I'll have to wait for it to be resolved and just retry later?15:34
noodles775dD0T: or hopefully we'll hear from one of the code guys (I'm keen to know too)15:35
dD0TAlso it is possible to delete existing branches? We switched from svn to git.15:38
noodles775dD0T: yes, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+faq/57115:41
noodles775dD0T: so if you get a chance, create a question to have the old one deleted.15:42
sladenwgrant: have you managed to get the full 150MB yet?15:44
wgrantsladen: Just passed the 250MB mark...15:44
dD0Tnoodles775: I see. Thanks15:45
sladenwgrant: crivvens.15:46
sladenbigjools: could you tweak the FAQ to note that it's a 250MB+ checkout 9or the full size if you know it off-hand)15:47
bigjoolsI don't, depends on how crap bazaar is :/15:47
wgrantI'll give a number once I have it.15:47
wgrantThe overhead is much lower now.15:47
sladen"Internal Server Error15:49
sladenwgrant: I suspect the answer is to put up an lzma'd tarball15:55
wgrantsladen: bz2'd one is up already.15:55
sladenherb: what's the difference between those two sets?15:56
sladenherb: the .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 both being 231MB is very strange...15:57
herbsladen: both contain the bzr tree, and it doesn't compress very well.15:57
herbsladen: so that accounts for the bulk of the size.15:58
wgrantOooh. Almost done.15:59
sladenherb: okay.  and what's the difference between  launchpad.tar.* and bzr-1.17.tar.*15:59
wgrant280ish MB15:59
wgrantsladen: One is bzr, one is LP?16:00
herbsladen: bzr is the bzr source tree16:00
herbwgrant: bingo16:00
wgrantBuilding tree!16:00
wgrant280MB it is.16:00
kikonoodles775, if you look at the log you'll see this:16:02
* beuno waits for wgrant to realize that it's actually a joke, and he's building Microsoft Visio instead16:02
kikoNotImplementedError: <function import_git_submodule at 0x2352230>16:02
kikoI think it's lack of support for nested trees16:02
kikoin the git importer16:02
kikojelmer, would you know?16:02
wgrantbeuno: Hey, can't complain if Visio goes open source...16:02
james_wyeah, it can't support them properly until bzr has nested tree support16:02
kikojames_w, gotcha16:04
kikodD0T, so that's the issue. wonder if there's a bug reported about this16:04
wgrantThere is at least a bug reported about the error being unobvious.16:04
jelmerkiko: git submodules aren't supported at the moment because we can't map them to anthing in Bazaar at the moment.16:07
kikojelmer, yeah, I understand16:07
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beunoBjornT, gmb, any idea how you *dont* track something in the series bugtask?16:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 402238 in quickly/trunk "Project description is too Ubuntu specific" [Medium,Invalid]16:15
ubott2Ubuntu bug 402238 in quickly/trunk "Project description is too Ubuntu specific" [Medium,Invalid]16:15
beunointellectronica, ^16:16
* gmb looks16:17
BjornTbeuno: setting it to Won't Fix should do it16:17
beunoBjornT, thanks. Is there any rationale behind that?16:18
BjornTbeuno: i can't remember why invalid doesn't work the same...16:20
* beuno ponders filing a bug16:20
wgrantInvalid means not a bug, Won't Fix means not to be fixed in that series. What's strange about that?16:21
wgrant(apart from the lack of docs)16:21
beunolack of intruitiveness16:21
beuno"I didn't mean to target that, how do I get out of here"16:21
BjornTbeuno: well, that's because there is no way to reject an approved nomination. we have a bug for that already16:22
beunoBjornT, argh, less karma for me16:22
falktxhi there16:53
falktxi need some help related to my PPA16:54
falktxon how to enable PPC builds16:54
geserfalktx: AFAIK you can't, as PPC doesn't support virtualization (Xen) yet16:56
falktxthat sucks16:56
falktxis there any workaround16:56
falktxi've seen PPC builds of some ubuntu software in launchpad16:57
wgrantThe primary Ubuntu archives are trusted people, so they may build on unvirtualised architectures.16:57
wgrants/are trusted/are managed by trusted/16:57
falktxi see16:58
sladenwgrant: now got my copy via bzr.  Minus the .bzr dir, the source code zips down to 22MB17:02
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olavggIm adding a download file to launchpad, and there is an input field which says I can also upload a gpg signature, but how do I create one?17:09
olavggoh never mind, I think I figured it out17:11
jenredHi, i'm trying to merge a feature branch into the main development branch and not lose author info and commit notes. Can't seem to figure out how to do this.17:14
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jenredi'm pulling down both branches and then doing a merge and then a commit back up to lp17:15
jenredand then I show up as the author17:15
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rockstarjenred, where do you see that you show up as the author?17:27
jenredrockstar on launchpad17:30
jenredI'm experiencing a little bit of git to bzr confusion17:31
dashjenred: Oh?17:31
jenredmerges with bzr are confusing me a little -- I think I'm missing something17:31
jenredI have a main branch and just want to merge in a feature -- just acting as a release manager so I want all the author/comment info to be maintained17:32
kikojenred, sure, just bzr merge the feature branch into the main branch, and commit17:33
jenredmaybe there is some doc someone could point me to for lp?  I've read the bzr handbook...17:33
bigjoolsjenred: cd <main branch>; bzr merge <path to other branch containing feature>; bzr commit17:33
jenredkiko and bigjools I did this and lp isn't showing the right history17:34
jenredi'm probably doing something wrong17:34
bigjoolsjenred: that's fine, it's just that the other branch's history is a level "down"17:34
bigjoolscan you point me to the LP branch?17:34
kikojenred, bzr log -v | less17:34
jenredbigjools https://code.launchpad.net/~systers/systers/development17:35
rockstarjenred, so, you are, indeed, the author of the merge.17:35
bigjoolsjenred: which revno has the merge in question?17:35
rockstarThe revisions that you merge will still keep the original author.  Your revision says "I'm a merge revision, so I'm bringing in all these revisions from this other branch"17:36
bigjoolsrockstar: can loggerhead show that?17:36
exarkunCan I attach multiple files to a ticket at once?17:36
rockstarjenred, so if you do `bzr log -r 69` you'll see your revision, and all the revisions that revision merged in.17:37
rockstarexarkun, not through the web ui.17:37
jenredright rockstar see it17:37
exarkunrockstar: Ah, ok.17:37
exarkunrockstar: Thanks17:37
rockstarjenred, so, since it was you who merged it, you're the "author" of that revision.17:38
jenredok part of this is it's our GSoC students code I'm pulling in for testing and it would be nice if they were listed on lp as the "author" of the revision17:38
rockstarbigjools, I don't believe loggerhead picks up on that just yet.17:38
bigjoolsrockstar: right, thought I was going mad for a moment.17:38
jenredI don't necessary want them doing merges into the main branches yet17:38
rockstarjenred, but it wasn't them who authored that specific revision.  It was you who did the merge.17:38
jenredrockstar I understand17:38
wgrantLoggerhead will show you the merged revisions.17:39
rockstarThe revisions they commit will show them as author.17:39
wgrantIt's just impossible to find.17:39
rockstarwgrant, yea, and it doesn't show them conveniently like bzr log does.17:39
wgrantIf you go into the merge revision, there's a link to the newest subrevision, at the top.17:39
wgrantThat will let you into the deeper history.17:39
jenredok it sounds like I'm trying to do something that can't be done ;> -- I'll just reflect the "author" in the commit comments for now17:40
beunojenred, you can commit --author17:41
bigjoolsjenred: here ya go: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~systers/systers/development/revision/68.1.117:41
jenredbeuno ahha! I think that is what I was looking for17:42
* jenred gives it a go17:42
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dD0Tjelmer: But why does import fail then instead of ignoreing the submodules?17:47
wgrantI'd much prefer that an import fail that be lossy.17:48
jenredbeuno it worked!17:52
jenredthank you very much to everyone who helped17:52
jenredi'm a lot less confused about where to find merge info etc17:52
jenredon lp17:52
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=== EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: EdwinGrubbs | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel
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sinzuimatsubara: Ursinha: can either of test " Inline editing of the programming languages field for projects" with IE 8 on https://dev.launchpad.net/RegistryTeam/RegistryTestPlans/2.2.7?18:10
matsubarasinzui, not right now. I'm helping with some U1 oops-tools setup18:10
Ursinhasinzui, I can do that18:11
sinzuithanks Ursinha18:11
Azaglaunchpad have a git?18:17
beunoAzag, git imports, yes18:18
AzagI can host a project with git, and upload it with git beuno?18:19
beunoAzag, no, you can import a git branch, and use bzr18:20
Azagthnx beuno18:21
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jelmerwgrant: imports from git can't be lossy, we have to be able to reproduce the original git revision20:06
jelmerwgrant: since the git smtart server will send deltas against the original git revision20:07
RichWI get a "Internal Server Error" at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~richies/hypernucleus-server/trunk/annotate/head%3A/hypernucleusserver/config/environment.py20:21
RichWWhats gone wrong? :)20:21
rockstarRichW, it's possible that loggerhead is having some problems.20:30
RichWDid they already know about it?20:30
rockstarRichW, the errors are being logged, so we'll take a look at those errors.20:31
rockstarRichW, it seems that there's a problem actually displaying the file, since I can walk into it through the files view.20:33
RichWAhh, so it is loggerhead?20:33
rockstarRichW, yeah, to some degree, although I'll need to look at the logs.20:36
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savvas0what's the maximum size of a file in the +downloads of a project? :)21:23
savvas0just wondering if an iso of "extra" packages from the ubuntu repository could be available as iso images: https://launchpad.net/offline-extras21:26
savvas0er.. rephrased: just wondering if I could provide an iso image with some "extra" packages from the ubuntu repository21:27
beunosavvas0, I don't think you can upload 650mb, no21:28
beunoI don't know what the hard limit is21:28
beunobut I suspect uploading anything over 20mb over POST is not going to wek very well21:28
savvas0ok thanks :)21:29
savvas0beuno:  do you happen to know if there's a problem with loggerhead? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~medigeek/offline-extras/trunk/annotate/head%3A/tools/compare.pl I get "Internal server error"21:34
beunosavvas0, the server is under a bit of load currently, due to Launchpad's open sourcing, so it's likely due to some timeouts21:35
savvas0oh, right :P21:35
savvas0I've been meaning to ask about affero license. What someone *can't* do when compared to GPL-3 ?21:36
LarstiQsavvas0: pull a Google21:36
savvas0ah it's a bit clearer in the wikipedia21:40
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MattJ"0 Error retrieving series data." <-- I just received this alert(), clicking on my project's "Make Announcement" link22:38
thumperMattJ: file a bug :)22:56
MattJok :)22:57
mwhudsonalert() as an error reporting strategy? hmm22:58
thumpersounds suspect to me22:58
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MattJthumper: mwhudson: Seems it's this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/39244923:05
mwhudsonMattJ: yes it does23:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 392449 in launchpad-registry "Project timeline graph pops up a dialog when navigating away from the incompletely-loaded page" [Low,Fix committed]23:10
MT-It happened!!23:16
MT- :D :D23:16
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UrsinhaMT-, :)23:22
MT-Ursinha: Is it all of it that's open sourced or are the two pieces still private?23:23
sinzuiThat bug is cause by the internals of firefox. It looks like a JS alert. I suppose it is, but it comes from deep inside firefox23:23
thumperMT-: all of it23:23
UrsinhaMT-, all of it :)23:23
MT-pretty excited23:23
MT-what kinda of requirements does it have?23:24
UrsinhaMT-, you should join us at #launchpad-dev :)23:24
EruditeHermitis it possible to host a git repository on launchpad?23:25
UrsinhaEruditeHermit, nope, but you can import a git branch on launchpad and use it with bazaar23:26
EruditeHermithow much space does one get?23:27
UrsinhaEruditeHermit, not sure what you meant :)23:27
EruditeHermithow much storage space do you get?23:28
EruditeHermitlike 1GB?23:28
EruditeHermitfor a project23:28
mwhudsonfor branches?23:28
Ursinhaah, I see23:28
mwhudsonwe don't enforce any quotas at the moment23:28
EruditeHermitwell I'll never reach that much anyhow23:28
EruditeHermitor so23:28
spmonly on ppa's and will happily increase if you need more23:29
ftaare we supposed to have all releases on https://edge.launchpad.net/firefox/+series ??23:32

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