
=== dyfet__ is now known as dyfet
lbtcan I get prelink for Ubuntu arm?13:49
lbthttp://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/prelink says not ... just wondering why?13:49
ograpackages.u.c is really no reliable source for ports architectures, rather use launchpad13:50
lbtogra: OK...14:04
ograbut looks like nobody bothered to make it available on armel, you might need to build it yourself14:04
lbtit should help chroot builds I think14:04
Stskeepslbt: afaik prelink doesn't work on arm :/ i had limited success with it14:25
suihkulokkiit does14:25
suihkulokkithe stock n8x0 images are all prelinked14:25
Stskeepshmm - i thought that was in the past14:26
lbtdo binaries need to be compiled/linked in any special way?14:32
lbtah, I read about -fPIC somewhere14:33
ograits used in the default settings everywhere, yes14:33
lbtOK - I'm currently building a version of prelink that automatically runs when installed14:34
Sarvattanyone interested in testing pixman compiled with neon and simd runtime detection support on karmic armel?14:42
Sarvattqemu-arm-eabi sure doesn't like rebuilding man-db pages :D14:44
ograbug 401782 might fix that14:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 401782 in qemu "please build a static version of qemu-arm 0.11.x in a separate binary deb" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40178214:45
ograhavent tested it yet14:45
Sarvattoh sweet14:45
ograbut the 0.11 upstream eabi additions might be more accurate than the patches i used14:45
Sarvatti need to do this same thing for PPC anyway, should look into just building it myself14:46
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Sarvattyeah pixman wont compile in neon runtime detection support unless your march cflag is armv6+15:10
Sarvattchecking whether to use ARM SIMD assembler... yes15:10
Sarvattchecking whether to use ARM NEON... no15:10
ograkarmic builds will sonn default to armv6+15:11
suihkulokkiSarvatt: if that is really runtime detection (as opposed to compile time) that should be fixed15:14
Sarvattupdated that pixman.txt with the config.log results15:24
Sarvatthmm maybe if i add -mfloat-abi=softfp15:26
Sarvattthat did it, needed -mfloat-abi=softfp added to CFLAGS15:35
Sarvattchecking whether to use ARM SIMD assembler... yes15:35
Sarvattchecking whether to use ARM NEON... yes15:35
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Sarvatthere's pixman http://sarvatt.com/downloads/armel/ will upload xserver there when its done building if anyone wants to test it out16:40
SarvattGet:78 http://ports.ubuntu.com karmic/main libgl1-mesa-dev 7.5~rc4-1ubuntu2 [27.1kB]16:40
Sarvatti see mesa didnt build yet again :(16:40
ograwe didnt find a fix for the slowness yet16:43
ograi'm just building it with reverted dpkg but it will likely still take a while until i get results16:44
ograif you used softfp in your build your pixman will likely run pretty slow, did you try vfp ?16:44
* Sarvatt cheers16:49
SarvattGet:1 http://ports.ubuntu.com karmic/main libgl1-mesa-dev 7.5-1ubuntu1 [27.5kB]16:49
ograoh ?16:50
ograindeed, http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ doesnt have it !16:51
Sarvattit used -mfpu=neon -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfloat-abi=softfp for the neon runtime detection stuff, -mcpu=arm1136j-s -mfloat-abi=softfp for the arm SIMD runtime detection support files16:56
Sarvattit was mfloat-abi using softfp, not like i coulda used mfloat-abi=hard there :D17:00
NCommanderogra, we still have an issue w/ qt4-x11 though17:02
NCommanderwant to haphazard a guess?17:03
ograthats the same issue upstart had17:03
NCommanderHow'd we fix upstart?17:03
ogralool did it ... i think he fiddled with CFLAGS17:04
ograSession terminated, killing shell...make[1]: *** wait: No child processesmake[2]: ***17:04
ogra"Don't build the testsuite with -fPIE on armel"17:05
NCommanderThat isn't going to fly for a shared library17:05
ograthats the change from upstart17:05
NCommanderogra, I thought you needed to build w/ PIE though when you build shared libraries in general17:07
NCommander(well, PIC, but its still position independent code)17:07
ograwell, it was only disabled for the testsuite which is an insane pile of really huge sourcefiles17:08
NCommanderogra, I think you just defined Qt :-)17:08
NCommanderogra, we're not going to be able to use the same fix unfortunately17:08
Sarvatt0ubuntu1 failed too, eww17:11
SarvattBuild log: buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.qt4-x11_4.5.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:11
SarvattFinished: 2009-07-15 (took 1 day, 4 hours, 45 minutes, 47.6 seconds)17:11
NCommanderSarvatt, that's an issue with gcc and -fPIC/-fPIE17:12
NCommander(upstart ran into that one)17:12
NCommanderSarvatt, I just kicked off a build on our porting box to see if it actually finishes given enough time, or if we need to do more indepth debugging to fix that one17:13
NCommandersorry about that, X chose a lovely time to ABEND17:15
loolNCommander: for libqtwebkit: reproduce the issue and see where CPU time is spent17:16
loolIs it using a lot of memory etc.17:16
loolThen try removing some opts17:16
NCommanderlool, how do I do that per say?17:16
loolit's doing a link and using -Wl,-O1; perhaps we need to drop that17:16
NCommanderoh right17:16
NCommanderlool, I don't get warm feeling from changin qt's config flags, and we don't want to loose -O117:17
loologra: upstream moved the gnome-keyring bug to NEEDINFO now; could you please update them?17:17
ograyes, i have backported packages around17:18
ograbut still no jaunty anywhere17:18
loologra: Get another SD card, install jaunty on it with rootstock?  :)17:20
ogranah, i'll use a jaunty live image and will quickly also test amitk's .31 kernel on my B117:21
loolUpstream requested access17:21
loolThat will be hard with a live image17:21
ograaccess ?17:21
ograthat will be very hard with my network setup :/17:22
loolOffer to debug then17:22
ograi'm also sure it is fixed in the karmic version17:22
ograjust didnt have the time to verify17:23
ogra(on jaunty that is)17:23
loolYeah please do take it17:24
amitkogra: I think USB should be fixed now, let me know if it works for you17:28
Sarvattlibqt4-webkit-dbg_4.5.1-1ubuntu6_armel.deb  (55.3 MiB)  wow thats lzma compressed too18:07
ograyeah, they are tiny :P18:08
NCommanderlool, I might be able to give upstream access. I've requested my superattention powercycle my apartment (:-))18:19
NCommanderlool, assuming my powermac isn't completely fried, it should auto-restart once power reapplied, and I can remote in and give access18:19
ograsuperattending superintended ?18:21
ograboo, why dont we have a redboot-imx for i386 b18:22
* ogra grabs the armel binary and copies the bits in place18:22
NCommanderogra, :-P18:36
NCommanderogra, the only issue is the machine in question has a karmic base OS, but I think I can do some chroot foo to fix that ...18:37
NCommander(I hope)18:37
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ograbeyossi, hey ...20:16
ograbeyossi, http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu has instructions for running ubuntu on beagle20:16
ograhmm, that was a short visit20:17
beyossisorry.. disconnected20:22
ograwell, i said http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu has instructions for running ubuntu on beagle20:22
ogranot sure you catched that before being disconnected20:22
beyossiactually i was following the link http://gebaar.blogspot.com/2009/06/ubuntu-on-beagleboard.html but then when booting it stucks after " * Starting GNOME Display Manager...       [OK] "20:23
beyossiit sucked after " * Starting GNOME Display Manager...       [OK]", i could see the desktop but couldn't login as it didn't recognize neither the mic nor the keyboard20:24
beyossisorry I meant mice and not mic20:25
ograyeah, use the ubuntu kernels, that howto uses a debian lenny one20:25
ograhttp://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu is definately the best resource20:26
ograyou can keep your rootfs, just replace kernel and uboot setup20:26
beyossii will give a try, thanks20:27
beyossijust making sure, shall I keep the rootfs i built using the lxde meta-package?20:27
ograit shouldnt be a rootfs issue at all20:28
ograits pretty sure the kernel20:28
beyossiOgra, I just noted that the link you gave me includes the note: "Note: For USB WIFI adapters, add package "linux-firmware" to the --seed ". This means that I need to rebuild the entire rootfs with those packages, isn't it?20:44
lbtwhen I run prelink I get : Using /lib/ld-linux.so.3, not /lib/ld-linux.so.2 as dynamic linker21:12
lbtand -u says "does not have .gnu.prelink_undo section"21:12
lbtthis suggests that it may not be working... ?21:13
Sarvattthere we go -- http://sarvatt.com/downloads/armel/21:19
Sarvattogra: if it helps any -- https://edge.launchpad.net/~sarvatt/+archive/bugs/21:58
Sarvattno patch needed21:59
ograSarvatt, great to hear that22:06
ogradoes it still produce man-db errors ?22:06
Sarvattknow a package off the top of your head that'd generate them?22:07
ograbeyossi, just install linux-firmware22:07
ograSarvatt, hmm, apt-get build-dep mesa i think22:07
Sarvattroot@ubuntu-9:/# dpkg-reconfigure man-db22:08
SarvattUpdating database of manual pages ...22:08
Sarvattgetting mesa build-deps now to see22:08
ogradpkg-reconfigure man-db doesnt fail here22:09
ograits rather the packages adding manpages22:10
Sarvattno errors :)22:10
Sarvattack i take that back22:10
SarvattProcessing triggers for man-db ...22:11
Sarvattqemu: uncaught target signal 13 (Broken pipe) - exiting22:11
ograand in the end it segfaults22:12
* ogra is off again, 11pm 22:13
Sarvattit segfaults for you? i havent had it segfault yet22:17
Sarvatttrying to find a simple little benchmark to run to see if its any faster/slower22:19
Sarvattlooks like the segfaults are locale specific? never had that problem with en_US.UTF-822:23
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=== Stskeep is now known as Stskeeps
* NCommander sighs22:42
NCommanderI think I ejected my SD card on my Babbage1 back home22:42
NCommanderand forgot to reinsert it22:42
NCommander<- *prays the B1 doesn't need a reboot between now and three weeks from now*22:43
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