
=== asac_ is now known as asac
dupondjeseb128: its still broken ?00:04
dupondjeargh, nvm00:04
seb128dupondje, should be fixed in 2.17.5-0ubuntu2 when it will be published on the mirrors00:05
seb128you can download the deb from launchpad too00:05
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
dtchenkirkland: which players (and backends)? the only issues i've had for my hardware and software are related to xine and reenabling glitch-free for testing.00:36
dtchenkirkland: please file a bug with that info, and i'll look00:36
kirklanddtchen: i'll get it for you00:37
dtchenjdstrand: not to appear daft, but have the speakers been replaced with headphones as another test?00:38
kirklandwow, gdm is in a bad way00:44
dtcheneven with gtk+2.0 2.17.5-0ubuntu2 bits installed?00:45
kirklanddtchen: hmm, i think so00:46
kirklanddtchen: specifically what packages?00:47
kirklandoh, wait00:47
kirklandi have a few on 0ubuntu100:47
kirklanddtchen: yeah, i'm on 2.17.5-0ubuntu100:49
YokoZarkees: Can you give any links ~https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine/+bug/401950  so I can file a good upstream bug telling them how to do it?00:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 401950 in wine "mmap_min_addr should be handled via CAP_SYS_RAWIO" [Medium,Triaged]00:51
keesYokoZar: well.... I can try.  Wine would be the first package to use filesystem capabilities, so it's kind of new territory.00:52
YokoZarkees:  Is it documented anywhere?  That might be enough.00:52
keesYokoZar: I'll go look, there are two halfs: fscaps itself, and the dropping of the capability after memory is allocated00:52
keesYokoZar: I will try to get pointers to both00:53
keesYokoZar: okay, added some examples with URLs01:05
YokoZarThanks kees01:05
keesnp, thanks for poking me to get those -- I couldn't find them earlier.  :)01:06
reedHas Ubuntu Moblin Remix actually been created yet?01:17
robert_ancellHas anyone here used PolicyKit before?01:58
robert_ancellkenvandine, ping if you are up02:22
jdstranddtchen: the speakers work-- I plugged my music player into them and listened on them all day :)03:01
=== Sarvatt_ is now known as Sarvatt
jmlslightly OT, but you might like to know that Launchpad is now open sourced. https://dev.launchpad.net/.05:37
ScottKjml: All of it or some of it?05:47
jmlScottK: all of it.05:48
ScottKjml: Welcome news.  Congratulations.05:48
jmlbut don't trust me! there's code to be looked at :)05:48
ScottKjml: It's nearly 1AM here and I have to be out the door for $WORK stuff by 6AM, so I'll trust you on the short version for now.05:49
jmlanyway, the party's on #launchpad-dev if you'd like to join us.05:50
* ScottK is already there.05:51
* ghindo is going.05:51
mneptokwait, Soyuz is open, too?05:56
=== durt_ is now known as durt
LaserJockmneptok: yep05:57
mneptoki can't wait to run it on my G1 phone.05:57
mneptok*bah dum tish*05:58
pittiGood morning06:27
ruslanrpitti: good morning :)06:32
emgentGOOD MORNING! http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Jul/0279.html06:58
cjwatsonemgent: OpenSSH upstream have no knowledge of the vulnerability; if you do, by all means share07:02
cjwatson(or at least they had no knowledge a few days ago when it last came up on openssh-unix-dev)07:03
emgenti think that anti-sec people mailed upstream07:03
cjwatsonupstream explicitly denied having any inside information, and I know them well enough to know they'd just keep quiet if they did07:04
emgentuhm ..07:04
cjwatsonanyway, got to go07:04
emgentcjwatson: kk07:04
cjwatsonthere's certainly nothing we can do about it right now07:04
emgent\sh: good morning.07:04
\shhey emgent...how's life? :)07:05
emgent\sh: real busy but all good :P07:05
emgentok i go to work, see you soon people.. i will mail about it quickly07:06
=== pitti changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Alpha-3 soft-freeze | DebianImportFreeze in effect | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
liwthe anti-sec people are out to destroy the full disclosure lists and the security industry, aren't they? why would they tell openssh upstream anything, it's much more effective for their goals to reveal a 0-day exploit without any prior warning07:09
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
pittiwell, right now I'm not sure whether to take this seriously, or whether it's just boasting07:25
=== al-maisan_ is now known as al-maisan
* pitti tends to the latter07:27
\shit's all about publicity07:29
brycepitti, heya, nice to see alpha-3 right around the corner, however it's caught me in the middle of a couple important merges - mesa 7.5 (released last night) and -intel 2.8.0 (unfortunately released minutes after your freeze announcement)07:32
pittibryce: please go ahead, we planned to have them in alpha-307:32
brycepitti, excellent thanks07:33
pittibryce: compared to xorg-edgers, the difference should be really small, shouldn't it?07:33
pittibryce: 2.8.0 final? nice \o/07:33
brycein fact there's very little difference between the git snapshots and the official release07:33
pittimesa | 7.5~rc4-1ubuntu3 |        karmic | source07:33
pittithat shouldn't be too bad07:33
pittibryce: I talked to the kernel guys last Friday on the release meeting, and it was decided to not update the kernel for alpha-307:34
brycealso debian packaged mesa 7.5 already so it's just a straightforward merge07:34
pittiso we have to live with the current one, but it should work just fine07:34
bryceoh okay, what rc are we at?07:34
pittibryce: nice; do we still have a large delta?07:34
pittibryce: rc307:34
pittibryce: I asked them to pull drm-intel-next, but that itself requires some bureaucracy; but it's just a couple of bug fixes AFAICS, nothing major07:35
keescjwatson, emgent: just to make sure you know, the "anti-sec email" to fd is a trojan that will attempt to erase your hard drive if you run it.  please be careful.07:35
pittibryce: I had hoped to get ATI KMS in alpha-3, but seems we need to wait for alpha-4 for that07:35
pittibryce: but I think with a modprobe.d file you can enable it, can't you?07:35
pittibryce: if that's easy, and you want test feedback, I'm happy to write a stanza into the tech overview07:36
bryceyeah Sarvatt says ati is still a bit jumbled at the moment but we're keeping an eye on it07:36
bryceor rather he's been keeping an eye on it, I've been hammering on -intel boogz :-)07:36
Sarvattare you guys really going to try to get it in alpha 4? would need to jump to mesa 7.6 to use it07:37
brycehmm, yeah we probably should solicit -ati testing feedback more firmly07:37
bryceSarvatt, well getting -ati with KMS is a big goal for Karmic, and the sooner we get it in the better... but what do you think?07:38
Sarvattwhen's the last time mesa could be upgraded before release? theres no way its going to get brought back into 7.5.x because it depends on radeon-rewrite07:39
LaserJockkees: the actual email is a trojan?07:40
bryceSarvatt, it depends on how major the update is07:41
keesLaserJock: the program they posted as "the exploit" is an obfuscated trojan.07:41
bryceSarvatt, if it is from a well-tested git snapshot that's within a reasonable number of changes, that is usually relatively safe.  But if it's a whole version, like 7.5.0 -> 7.6.0, that's probably not so wise07:41
Sarvattif its september you'd probably be looking at a pre rc1 git snapshot getting into karmic release if you want radeon KMS..07:41
LaserJockkees: ah, I see07:42
keesLaserJock: http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2009/Jul/0289.html linked in the pastebin there.07:42
Sarvatt7.4 - 7.5rc1 was 2 months and 7.5 just released 3 days ago07:43
keesLaserJock: we'll see if they actually release something real, but I'm currently assuming it's just FUD07:43
pittiSarvatt, bryce: in my own humble opinion, I'd rather like to see regular git snapshots being uploaded, and we keep instructions how to manually enable KMS and provide feedback07:45
pittikarmic is a crack release either way, and 10.04 is LTS, so better break it now07:46
pittiSarvatt: feature freeze is August 27th, so if ATI KMS isn't enabled by then, it's not going to make the release07:47
\shpitti: I thought the next LTS is not really set07:47
SarvattI like pitti's way of thinking :D07:47
pitti\sh: I think it's pretty firm, though07:47
pittiSarvatt: I think we can reasonably make mesa updates until October 8 (with feature freeze)07:48
pittiso, based on these dates, bryce and you are the best persons to judge07:48
Sarvattohh in that case its not so bad, i was just worried about the state it would be in by august 27th07:48
pittimeh, I downsized CDs last night, and today's image _grew_ by 2 MB?07:49
* pitti sighs07:49
brycepitti, just remember I'm probably going to be gone most of september07:49
brycebut I can set -ati as a priority for when I'm back.07:50
pittibryce: well, do you think it's a realistic target?07:52
pittibryce: if it's too brittle, then describing how to install a modprobe.d file would work as well07:53
bryceyes I do, as long as it gets sufficient attention and folks keep an eye out for bugs and are able to put in patches in september, I don't see it as a showstopper07:53
Sarvattpitti: you still need libdrm-radeon1 on top of mesa 7.6 as well as the ddx compiled against libdrm-radeon1 for kms support, the modprobe.d method wont work unless the people are using edgers07:55
pittiSarvatt: ah, ok07:56
Sarvatti've heard nothing but good things about radeon KMS though in #radeon from people using edgers on karmic, its nowhere near as bad off as intel was at this point a month after 2.6.29-rc1 where KMS got added07:59
Sarvattjust some suspend/resume problems and performance could be better08:02
bryceI've always been impressed at the ATI team's attention to stability, they're more conservative about merging development branches into their main08:02
Sarvattand its not working on big-endian platforms yet, go figure my only ati machine to test it on is PPC :D it works but the colors are wrong08:02
bryceI do have to say, the intel team is better at processing bugs; I've got a ton of stale upstreamed -ati bug reports08:03
Sarvatthelps they are sticking to EXA, most of the intel KMS problems for awhile there were UXA specific08:04
brycein fact, I'd been enabling EXA for -ati in ubuntu long before they enabled it upstream08:05
Sarvattati seems mostly a 2-3 man show and the main guy works for redhat so probably pays more attention to bugs there :D08:08
bryceit could be ;-)08:09
bryceSarvatt, probably would be a good idea for us to start noting bugs fixed in the radeon-rewrite branch (ala #273329)08:16
StevenKpitti: I uploaded opal before your freeze, can I accept it out of NEW? :-008:17
StevenKpitti: (Binary NEW)08:18
pittiStevenK: sure08:18
pittithe soft freeze doesn't mean "stop doing things", just "stop doing things that introduce breakage"08:18
pittiStevenK: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt wants to bring hildon back, for cheese; do we still need that in cheese?08:32
pittiStevenK: hm, you have isdnutils in UNR ship seed?08:34
pittithat seems a little strange08:34
seb128slangasek, hey, apparently samba 4.4 broke gvfs smb in some way ... ;-)08:41
seb1283.4 rather08:41
slangasekseb128: make the uploader fix it? :)08:41
seb128slangasek, good idea ;-)08:42
slangasekI haven't touched samba 3.408:42
* smb moans about more samba discussions08:44
highvoltagesmb: heh08:45
ograhmm, was there a gtk upload ?08:45
* ogra wonders why totem ftbfs on armel ... 08:45
seb128ogra, since ubuntu was created there was several of those08:45
seb128ogra, the question was really clear you have to admit...08:45
ograah, i see gtk was uploaded shortly after totem08:45
ogralikely still building on arm when totem was attempted ...08:46
* ogra gives back 08:46
seb128ogra, right, seems to be a transitional issue08:47
* ogra wishes compiz wouldnt depend on kde stuff, it breaks the world on armel :/08:47
* \sh wishes that the world wouldn't need compiz08:55
directhex\sh, as opposed to...?08:55
\shdirecthex: it would make things easier ;)08:56
liwthe world doesn't need compiz. the world wants compiz the way it wants sugar in all food -- it satisfied simplified, self-destructive impulses that are remnants of an evolutional era when sweetness was good, but rare08:59
pittiScottK: hm, your new upstream release of libcompress-raw-zlib-perl made libio-compress-zlib-perl and libio-compress-zlib-perl uninstallable; I guess they need new versions as well?09:00
* \sh doesn't like sugar in chili09:00
directhex\sh, gotta add HFCS to everything!09:00
\shdirecthex: whatever HFCS is ...09:01
liw\sh, I don't like sugar in chili, bread, meat, or ketchup, either09:01
\shdirecthex: too sweet ... /me only uses http://aimas-farms.com/Portals/0/AFRICAN-CHILI-or-scotch-bon.gif <- nasty, hot, strong, excellent, even good for making good sauces09:05
liwhigh fructose corn syrup counts as sugar in my book :P09:05
directhexliw, then you have low standards!09:05
liwi.e., as long as my doctor will hate me if I eat it, it's sugar09:06
directhexwould your doctor hate you for eating ping-pong balls?09:07
liwnope, unless they have an effect on my diabetes09:07
* LaserJock sits down to a 1am snack of candy bars and licorice09:08
pittilinux-headers-2.6.31-3-server | 2.6.31-3.19 |        karmic | amd6409:34
pittiwhere did the i386 build go?09:34
directhexyou decided to drop support for obsolete architectures!09:35
pittihm, it seems that there's no i386 -server kernel at all any more?09:36
pittiamitk, smb: ^09:36
pittilinux-headers-virtual and linux-backports-modules-karmic-virtual depend on them, and thus are uninstallable09:37
pitti(on i386)09:37
smbpitti, (apw) it is gone09:37
apwpitti that sounds wrong09:37
apwi'll look into it09:38
pittiapw: thanks09:38
* pitti is looking forward to replying to the "But LP isn't open source" with ".. but it is!" :-)09:40
* ogra wonders why heise hasnt picked it up at all09:40
ograslackers ...09:41
apwpitti, is there a bug for that?09:42
brycepitti, "But it must not be 100% opensource.  You b@stards are hiding something I know it."09:42
pittiapw: no, I just spotted it on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/karmic_probs.html and wondered how it's meant to look like09:42
brycepitti, btw both mesa 7.5 and -intel 2.8.0 are now in.09:43
pittibryce: I saw, thanks!09:43
ograexcept on arm :P09:43
pittiI'll wait until mesa, intel, pidgin have built and my NBS/ix components run got published, then rebuild CDs09:43
ograeeek, there was a fresh upload of mesa09:43
ograah, but infinity turned down the timeout at least so it will fail after 3h and not block the buildd for 10h09:44
* bryce hates mesa builds09:45
* ogra hates lzma -dbg packages09:45
ograits not mesa itself ... its the compressing of the lzma stuff that doesnt work right on armel atm09:46
apwpitti, its a bug in the rename of the i386 server ... will sort it ... i'll make a bug on it09:47
ograwe raised the buildd timeout to 10h and mesa still failed09:47
ograsame goes for all of KDE09:47
bryceogra, is it something we could conditionalize for arm in our rules file?09:47
bryceor just a general problem arm needs to sort out?09:47
ograwe could, but i think it would be cleaner to do it more centralized09:48
ograinstead of touching each and every package09:48
ograthere are 40 (or so) KDE packages09:48
smbpitti, does this workaround ring a bell to you (bug 387161)?09:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387161 in linux "Koala: External SATA->USB Drive no longer being identified properly" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38716109:49
amitkpitti: I've got nautilus segfaulting all over the place. Is this a known problem?09:50
pittiamitk: still with very latest ubuntuone-client from yesterday night? that should have fixed it09:50
* amitk wonders why apport isn't being triggered09:50
pittiamitk: apport just got reenabled by default last night, too09:51
amitkok, I missed the changes from last night. upgrading now...09:52
pittismb: just a bell in the sense that I saw another report with the same symptom09:52
ograis it supposed to fix sftp in nautilus as well ?09:52
pittismb: I asked that guy for a devkit-disks debug output, but didn't get a response yet09:53
pittismb: I'll ask for that on this bug as well09:53
smbpitti, Well I saw others that were affected by the change to read md-meta-data at the end of a full block device. But those usually got "no sense [current]" errors09:53
smbpitti, Ok, sounds good to me09:54
pittismb: apparently dk-disks does something with resets the device09:55
pittiand perhaps the log says where it crashes09:55
pittiif the log doesn't help, I'll ask for an strace09:55
slytherinpitti: FYI ... nautilus-sendto-universe (upstream nautilus-sendto) fails to build against latest empathy. Even 1.1.5 version fails. I have already logged a bug upstream http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58830209:55
ubottuGnome bug 588302 in general "1.1.5 fails to build with latest empathy (2.27.x)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]09:55
pittislytherin: yeah, I saw; I just quickly tried to render it non-uninstallable09:55
pittislytherin: however, ideally this package would disappear at all, and being merged into nautilus-sendto, now that we have empathy in main09:56
slytherinpitti: Right. Even in that case we will need to first solve the error. It should be fixable by modifying configure script. I just haven't got any time to try it.09:57
slytherinpitti: My analysis is added in upstream bug.09:57
pittislytherin: many thanks09:57
seb128slytherin, gnome bug #58471609:58
seb128slytherin, it's fixed in git09:58
slytherinpitti: One more thing. The package ships a upnp plugin as well and hence it can not just disappear.09:58
slytherinseb128: let me check. I will port the change tonight.09:58
seb128slytherin, ideally upstream would roll a tarball, I will try to get that09:59
ubottuGnome bug 584716 in general "Use the new Empathy file transfer API" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58471610:01
pittislytherin: and we don't want that in nautilus-sendto proper?10:02
slytherinpitti: the dependencies are not in main10:02
slytherinseb128: In my opinion, it will still fail to build. empathy CFLAGS are not being set by configure script. Please correct me if I am wrong.10:02
* ogra sighs, gdm got so annoying10:03
fokaAnyone experienced problems with RTL8111D LAN chip?10:04
seb128slytherin, I'm busy on other things right now, I can have a look later if you want or try a git build10:06
slytherinseb128: I will try git build and let you know.10:06
liwhmm... spatial nautilus on karmic seems to forget size/position of folders10:10
liwseb128, do you know if spatial nautilus on karmic forget size/position of folder windows is a known bug?10:11
liwforgetting if I log out and back in10:11
seb128liw, should be fixed with the gvfs update from yesterday10:12
seb128if that's still an issue after session restart that's not known no10:12
liwmaybe my mirror is slow, I'll see what happens tomorrow10:13
seb128liw, what version do you have?10:13
ograis there any way in new gdm to switch off the annoying userlist feature ?10:13
seb128ogra, is there any way you could write clear questions? ;-)10:14
liwseb128, nautilus 1:2.27.4-0ubuntu2, gvfs 1.3.2-0ubuntu410:14
seb128ogra, what annoying userlist?10:14
ograseb128, i would like to a) not have to wait 15 seconds until something is shown in the userlist and b) not have to touch my mouse to log in10:14
seb128liw, and you restarted your session since the upgrade?10:14
liwseb128, I rebooted, even10:15
seb128ogra, a) is a ck-list-sessions issue10:15
seb128liw, ok so not known bug10:15
ograseb128, i.e. u would like to have just a "username" field by default as it was in old gdm, something that doesnt force me to click10:15
liwseb128, filing a bug, then10:15
seb128ogra, b) just hit enter?10:15
liwseb128, should I file it against gvfs or nautilus?10:15
seb128liw, nautilus we can reassign later if required10:16
ograseb128, well, that indeed only works if the user list is up10:16
ograi'll wait for a) to be fixed and see if that works for me :)10:16
james_wit's not easy to fix10:18
ograseb128, just to confirm, sftp in nautilus works fine again with todays upgrade10:20
seb128ogra, good10:20
pittimvo_: do you know why dpkg's "Reading database" sometimes takes two minutes, and sometimes just half a second? in jaunty and earlier, it would consistently take some 3 seconds10:22
seb128pitti, mvo_: I noticed that too on both my laptop and desktop configs10:24
james_wjust uploaded a logrotate file for ck, which should at least keep the time to the userlist bounded10:25
james_wstill large though10:25
lifelesspitti: I've noticed it too; been on my list to strace10:26
ogranotify-osd crashing with latest updates is known i assume ? (given a new version is just building)10:26
seb128ogra, works there10:27
ograwell, i had apport coming up after reboot10:27
seb128ogra, the new version has no crash fix described in the changes10:27
seb128use apport to send the bug?10:27
seb128or wait for the update rather before10:27
ograhmm, funnily brightness and volume keys bring it up fine10:27
ograyeah, i'll wait for the update first10:28
mvo_pitti: no, I need to have a look to figure that out10:29
pittimvo_: ah, so it's not a magical new "dpkg using xapian now" or so10:29
mvo_pitti: not that I know of at least :) speaking of xapian, that is much faster when updating now10:31
Adlai`oh man, if dpkg starts using xapian for searching, I'll be so relieved10:31
Adlai`a while back, I wrote a python script to search it, but I don't know much xapian so it isn't very smart10:32
pittitkamppeter: we currently have a "Apps -> System Tools -> HPLJ 10xx Replaced Paper" entry in the main menu; can we please hide this?10:32
Adlai`it sometimes comes up with interesting things but isn't very reliable10:32
mvo_Adlai`: xapian is on the list of things to use more, there is some integration work being done with g-a-i and apt-xapian-index10:35
ScottKpitti: re  libcompress-raw-zlib-perl, lool already pinged me on it and I'm working on it.  Unfortunately upstream combined 4 modules into one package in the new version so it's a non-trivial update.10:42
pittiah, but perhaps easier upgrades in the future10:42
tkamppeterpitti, I thought already about removing it, it comes from upstream foo2zjs. I wanted to do it today, but then there was your mail about the Alpha 3 freeze.10:42
pittitkamppeter: that's fine, adding a NoDisplay to a .desktop file is not intrusive10:43
pittilifeless: hm, why does current bzr still default to pack-0.92?10:43
tkamppeterpitti, OK, will do it this way.10:44
pittitkamppeter: thanks; just some desktop polish :)10:44
lifelesspitti: changing the default forces an upgrade without warning on everyone making new projects10:44
lifelesspitti: we are cautious about changing it; the next change is scheduled for 2.010:44
pittilifeless: ah, I was just curious; I wondered by I still have to use --1.9 for bzr init, etc.10:45
lifelesspitti: if you want the best format, use --2a, note that its a one-way upgrade from 1.9 to 2a10:45
lifelesspitti: you might like to read the upgrading docs in trunk10:45
pittilifeless: does LP already get along with 2a?10:45
lifelessLP's code is in 2a format10:47
pittiweird, a bzr upgrade --2a doesn't do anything here10:48
pitti$ diff -Nur backup.bzr/ .bzr10:49
pitti-Bazaar Working Tree Format 4 (bzr 0.15)10:49
pitti+Bazaar Working Tree Format 6 (bzr 1.14)10:49
pittithat's it10:49
pittilifeless: ^10:49
lifelesspitti: you're in a shared repo I suspect10:49
lifelesscd ..10:49
lifelessbzr reconcile10:49
lifelessbzr upgrade --2a10:50
lifeless(and again, note that its a one-way conversion :))10:50
pittioh, indeed, that was from ages ago; thanks10:50
apwpitti is there any way to validate a control file once its changed, to ask what it means to dpkg/apt ?10:54
pittiapw: validate for what in particular?10:54
pittidpgk -I .deb will show the resulting record for a .deb10:54
apwi am changing a Depends: and there seem to be some subtlies in how i might encode my new form and wondered if there was a way of saying "tell me what this means now i've written it"10:55
apwin this case i have different deps for different arches10:55
apwthe docs imply that the [i386] syntax is not valid for Depends: so i am assuming i want to use an | on the two packages10:56
apwbut it would be nice to be able to tell in advance of uploading it, if it means what i think it means10:56
apw(this is the virtual uninstallable thing)10:56
pittiright, [i386] only works for build deps10:56
pittiapw: lintian is pretty good in spotting such things10:57
apwahh will give that a spin10:57
pittiRiddell, lool, cjwatson: anything from the KDE/mobile/platform front worth mentioning for alpha-3 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/TechnicalOverview ?11:08
pittis/platform/foundations/ *blush*11:09
Riddellfrom kubuntu: netbook and social from the start11:13
RiddellI can add stuff in a minute11:13
pittiRiddell: thanks (not urgent)11:14
ograhrm, i cant find where in the dpkg code the default value for -z is defined :/11:15
apwpitti, i assume that this -virtual missmatch is not a blocker for the alpha-3 release11:15
pittiapw: no, it's not; but I spotted it while reviewing the list11:16
ograah, i guess its "  if(compression == NULL) compression= "9";" in lib/compression.c11:16
apwpitti, thanks, will get it fixed for the next upload11:17
pittiapw: so i386 is really meant to have a server kernel then?11:17
apwno its been renamed to generic-pae, and virtual is meant to be made from that11:18
apwso i need to dep on either -server or -generic-pae in meta11:18
apwi assume that that will do the right thing11:18
pittiyes, should11:18
pittiI just wonder why it was renamed in the first place?11:19
apwits not a server oriented kernel any more, its big memory oriented11:19
apwits generic with pae enabled, rather than with pae enabled, the tick reduced, and the uo schedulers changed11:20
apwit was deemed necessary to change the name as people kept saying 'but its not a server i shouldn't have to run a server kernel'11:21
apwpitti, how is that uninstallable report generated?11:28
pittiapw: some magic scripts which check satisfyability of dependencies of all packages in main11:28
loolpitti: No, not really: no new UNR, and ARM stuff is still in flux11:29
apwso the best way to test is to try and install the packages in a chroot11:29
apwas presumably they fail to install11:29
pittilool: ah, thanks11:30
pittiapw: probably some dependency which is either missing or in universe, or a Conflicts:11:31
AnAntHello, regarding bug LP 401816, which is the better path ? apply the patch that Debian applied in the new upstream ? or merge with Debian's package for new upstream release ?11:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401816 in guile-1.8 "Conflicting types for 'jmp_buf' " [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40181611:42
Companywhat's the right channel to poke the Ubuntu X crew?12:11
seb128Company, #ubuntu-x12:13
AnAntguile-1.8 is in main, right ?12:19
LaneyAnAnt: LP knows12:20
Laneyand I'd merge the new release at this point unless there's a reason not to12:20
AnAntwell, I don't know a reason not to12:21
AnAntexcept maybe, that there could be many apps depending on guile, so I dunno if upgrading to new upstream would break lots of apps12:22
AnAntah, it's in main12:22
directhexwhat uses guile?12:26
directhexi was reading some stuff into its history...12:27
Laneyyou've got gall, you've got guile12:30
Laneyto step to me, i'm a rapophile12:30
* directhex mails Laney to yankland to fill in for MCA with the beastie boys12:31
LaneyI think I'd fit like hand in glove12:31
directhexyay, mdz made it into an itwire hit piece. i wonder if there's a club12:41
Laneyyou should make a launchpad group12:41
Laneyyou could have a mailing list and everything12:42
directhexi wonder if i could get joss to join it12:42
mdzdirecthex, misspelled even12:43
directhexLaney, it looks like a team is the correct format12:44
directhexLaney, judging by the we-love-pitti team12:44
Laneyfor sure12:47
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maxbSo, there's just been a 'fix' to LP 391190 uploaded...12:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391190 in notify-osd "Font size is too large by default" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39119012:49
maxbWhat should I do now, reopen it and retitle it "Font size is too small by default" ?12:49
directhexmdz, i wouldn't let it get you down. now you're as famous as me, these kinds of articles are inevitable12:50
\shwhat is "helios"?12:53
\shit eats more of my cpu time then X which is strange ;)12:54
Keybuk\sh: screensaver?12:55
ograits a screensaver12:55
\shoh god12:55
ograbah, Keybuk beats me12:55
\shok killed.12:56
\shand now I wonder what hammers on my HD at least 2 times per second12:56
AnAntKeybuk: is there KMS support for NVIDIA yet ?12:56
slytherinAnAnt: Not yet. Onlt intel and ati.12:57
slytherinAnAnt: The support is supposedly planned foe kernel version post
AnAntah, not in karmic then12:58
slytherinAnAnt: you can use Debian unstable to get latest of everything. :-)12:59
AnAntslytherin: I won't get the kernel from thre !13:00
AnAntI wont dare13:00
slytherinAnAnt: Why not?13:00
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AnAntslytherin: because  I won't dare, besides, I don't think Ubuntu syncs/merges kernel packaging with Debian13:01
slytherinAnAnt: I mean run Debian unstable on your machine, not pick up kernel from Debian unstable.13:02
AnAntslytherin: just to try KMS ?13:03
ograslytherin, oh debian already has a kernel newer than .31 ? wow :P13:03
slytherinogra: No. They don't have it. But they will have earlier than Ubuntu is my guess.13:03
slytherinOr rather my hope13:04
ograheh, that i doubt very much13:04
ograslytherin, you know that the kernel team maintains a PPA that tracks upstream ?13:05
slytherinogra: I know. I am going to try .31-rc3 ib jaunty tonight. :-)13:05
slytherinThese days actually Debian 'experimental' is new Debian 'unstable'.13:06
Laneyhow do I get KMS then if I have ATI?13:06
slytherinLaney: karmic is supposed to have KMS for ATI as well. :-) The kernel support is already there. I am not sure about X stuff.13:07
Laneydo I have to do anything to enable it though?13:07
Sarvattyou can use KMS on nvidia right now in karmic, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau :)13:07
AnAntslytherin: btw, did you mean the free NVIDIA or non-free ?13:07
* Laney is using -ati though13:08
slytherinAnAnt: I am not having any hope with non-free.13:08
AnAntslytherin: why's that ?13:08
AnAntslytherin: I use non-free, because the colors looked better than the free nv module13:08
slytherinLaney: I believe not. But it is better to ask kernel developers.13:08
Sarvattyou need alot of userspace for it Laney, cant use it in karmic now13:08
Laneymaybe when I'm back and actually on my Ubuntu machine...13:08
Sarvattit needs libdrm-radeon1 plus mesa 7.6 and a newer ati ddx than karmic's13:09
slytherinAnAnt: Because you are at the mercy of nvidia.13:09
AnAntslytherin: ok, you're right about this, that's problem with non-free generally13:10
AnAntoh, nouveau is something different than nv !13:11
AnAntthat deserves a try indeed !13:11
Sarvattyep, and its got KMS13:11
Sarvattbut no 3D to speak of :)13:12
AnAntSarvatt: 3D as in compiz stuff ?13:12
Sarvattno DRI at all13:12
AnAnterm, what's DRI ?13:12
ogradirect rendering interface13:12
AnAntis that the thing that compiz needs ?13:13
AnAntI don't use compiz anyways13:13
Sarvattyeah compiz is 3D only, you can use metacity compositing fine though since its xrender based13:14
Sarvattto use KMS with the nouveau package in karmic you'll need to add options nouveau modeset=1 to /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf13:15
AnAntI should try that in Alpha313:16
Sarvatttheres "some" 3d support if you compile mesa yourself and enable gallium, doesnt run anything more than glxgears and glxinfo here though :D13:18
directhexmdz, did you intentionally bump the timestamp on your old backlash blog post? it's a the top of planet again13:18
mdzdirecthex, no, not intentionally.  I had to twiddle the comment flag to link to Sam's article13:19
mdzdirecthex, I've also had that happen when I add a category to an old post.  do you know any way to fix or avoid it?13:19
directhexmdz, no, sorry. of course, i have access to the mysql backing the blog, so i can hax it if need be in my own case13:20
mdzmy apologies to planet, then. :-/13:21
AnAntdirecthex: I dunno how many packages uses guile,13:22
directhexmdz, doesn't bug me, i was just curious13:22
directhexmdz, this ain't #debian-devel, no angry rebukes on the horizon13:22
mdzdirecthex, thanks for letting me know.  I've added a post to ask if anyone knows how to avoid the problem in the future13:24
maxbWhat is the criteria for being unmoderated on ubuntu-devel@ ? Must you be a MOTU at minimum or can an ordinary user like me request to be considered for unmoderated access after posting responsibly to the list for a while?13:26
AnAntdirecthex: in jaunty, I see about 40 packages depending on guile-1.8-libs13:27
directhexAnAnt, fewer than tcl. interesting.13:28
AnAntdirecthex: including autogen13:28
directhexAnAnt, that doesn't surprise me13:29
AnAntso, what do you think, merge with Debian's new upstream or just apply the patch ?13:29
mdzmaxb, anyone can be whitelisted if they consistently post on-topic13:31
maxbShould I just be patient and someone will notice eventually, or should I ask someone to whitelist me?13:32
pittiAnAnt: if you test the new upstream, a merge would still be better at this point IMHO (just dn't break alpha-3, or postpone the upload after a3)13:32
AnAntI'll wait till next week then13:33
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subzerohi at all13:43
loolHow does one dump the macros cpp expands by default?13:44
subzeroi don't know13:46
looltouch foo.h; cpp -dM foo.h13:46
loolWas in man gcc not cpp13:46
ograyay for well placed documentaion13:47
loolactually it's in man cpp too13:47
slytherinCurrently jaunty doesn't identify full HD mode on my external monitor (LCD TV actually). Is KMS expected to resolve that problem in some way?13:50
pittislytherin: give the live CD a try?13:51
pittislytherin: (supposed, yes; no idea whether it's working on your machine)13:52
slytherinpitti: I can't. Its a powerpc machine. :-)13:52
directhexslytherin, what resolution is the TV?13:52
ograit didnt work on my external monitor, but its over a week ago that i tried last13:53
slytherindirecthex: you mean size? 32"13:53
directhexslytherin, most 32" sets i'm aware of have a resolution of 1366x768, and invalid EDID data preventing proper automatic modesetting. and IME most sets smaller than 37" can only do 1080i, not 1080p13:54
ograyour info is quite outdated :)13:55
ogramost 32" ones nowadays can do 1080p13:55
slytherinThe TV specification says it has 1080p support.13:55
directhexi'm gettnig old, then :(13:55
ograno its moving very fast :)13:56
directhexslytherin, support doesn't neccessarily mean "without some scaling, cough"13:56
directhexogra, i spent £650 on my 26" set!13:56
ograwhen ?13:56
directhexogra, about 3 years ago i think13:56
directhexi could do with something a bit bigger. the furniture has room for a 37-42" depending on the size of the bezel13:57
ograyeah, my 37" set i just gave to my sister costed about €1000 four years ago13:57
directhexand lord knows i enjoy gaming on a big HD telly13:57
ograthe 42" one i got recently and is aeons better only was €69913:57
slytherindirecthex: Dell sells 24" monitors that support 1080p. So I suppose 32" should have no problem.13:57
highvoltageI can't see very far so my brain upscales everything quite nicely, I don't need HD :p13:58
directhexslytherin, oh, monitors have done it for YEARS. i had housemates with 1600x1200 on laptops in 200213:58
slytherindidn't know that.13:59
highvoltagedirecthex: but 1080p is 1920x1080, so 1600x1200 wouldn't be able to display full HD.14:01
slytherinanyway, currently nothing higher than 1024x768 is detected. I hope that improves in karmic. As I am going to turn my PC into media center and permanently attach it to the TV.14:01
directhexhighvoltage, this is pre-widescreen days.14:01
highvoltagedirecthex: oh wow, ok.14:01
directhexslytherin, is it connected via VGA?14:01
directhexslytherin, 1024x768 on an lcd tv sounds EXACTLY like bad EDID to me14:02
slytherindirecthex: yes. And bad EDID is what came to my mind as well.14:03
directhexslytherin, which driver?14:03
slytherindirecthex: ati (free one), card 9200.14:04
blackxoredhello everybody? anyone from cuba here?14:04
directhexslytherin, very recent nvidia-glx appears to contain workarounds for bad EDID - i updated from intrepid to jaunty, and i got 1366x768 via VGA despite the bad EDID14:04
directhexslytherin, alternatively, one can hax it with a custom modeline14:05
blackxoredI'm not silly, I'm just gpg-coordinating anyone14:05
directhexblackxored, unless the internets got a hell of a lot faster & cheaper in the past 2 years, i doubt it14:05
blackxoreddirecthex, sad to hear, in #debian-devel is no one either, seems like I'm the only god damn cuban who wants to become a debian/ubuntu devel14:06
blackxoreda technical question, yeah I know RTFM, but for ubuntu applying as a dev is necessary to pgp sign as in debian?14:06
directhexblackxored, you're the only god damn cuban i've ever encountered on the internets at large, so i admit to not being totally surprised14:06
blackxoreddirecthex, ;)14:07
directhexblackxored, no, a signed gpg key is not needed for ubuntu - merely a key with 0 or more sigs14:07
slytherindirecthex: my ibook has jaunty already.14:07
* directhex wonders where blackxored is based14:07
directhexslytherin, oh, it's a laptop? that complicates matters14:07
blackxoreddirecthex, so I can apply for ubuntu-motu??14:08
directhexslytherin, basically, it's broken info burnt into the tv, and only workarounds can fix it14:08
directhexblackxored, if you have a demonstrable log of contribution, you can apply for ubuntu-motu14:08
blackxoredI've packaged swt-gtk for debian (is in testing now), and I'm working in azureus, any clues?14:08
directhexblackxored, and if you don't have a demonstrable log of contribution, then just contribute some more, and you WILL have14:09
blackxoreddirecthex, fine then14:09
slytherindirecthex: hmm. I have tried modelines in past for a friend. I can try that again my my TV. Sadly the TV specification is non-existent in regards to what the refresh rates should be for different resolutions.14:10
directhexblackxored, sounds like the java team would be a good place for you to be?14:10
directhexslytherin, a model of TV would be useful14:10
blackxoreddirecthex, probably since I develop in java, but I also do it in python and ruby, so nevermind, I'm interested in both projects as a whole, I use ubuntu on my workstations and debian in our servers (I'm leeking info here...) :D14:11
blackxoredI've actually try to do my best to see an updated eclipse in debian, since it's orphaned by now14:11
slytherindirecthex: http://www.videoconworld.com/products/lcd/index.php First one in the list14:11
directhexblackxored, that's a big project. i'd suggest talking to someone javaish..... now if only slytherin were here...14:12
blackxoredblackxored, no, I've just to contribute to it, not maintain man, eclipse is *huge*14:13
slytherinblackxored: you can try fixing current eclipse package in karmic. :-)14:14
slytherinanyway, eclipse is in universe. So move to #ubuntu-motu for further discussion. :-)14:14
blackxoredslytherin, I'm working in azureus by now14:14
directhexslytherin, do you have access to a machine connected to that TV right now? or should we re-discuss this evening?14:14
slytherindirecthex: We should discuss it later.14:15
slytherinblackxored: ahh, I didn't recognize you.14:15
directhexslytherin, i've spent far too much time on mythtv issues, so i have experience with this crap14:15
blackxoredslytherin, "eclipse is in universe" => apt-cache policy eclipse => 3.2.2-5ubuntu314:15
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blackxoredslytherin, current upstream: 3.514:16
slytherinblackxored: Ubuntu karmic has 3.4. But it needs lot of cleaning.14:16
slytherinOnce we are done with cleaning it, it should not be very hard to update it.14:16
blackxoredslytherin, ok, there's so any chance I could provide some help when I finish with azureus?14:17
slytherinblackxored: I will let you know.14:18
blackxoredslytherin, ok sorry about the retrospective , but what you meant with "I didn't recognized you"?14:20
slytherinblackxored: As in I didn't first know that you were 'Adrian Perez'. I already know that you are working on swt-gtk, azereus and will probably work on eclipse.14:21
blackxoredslytherin, ah right, you know a lot about me ;) anyways, thanks for your time, I has been useful talking this bit, back to work14:22
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blackxoredpeople BTW I've used a pbuilder setup for package building for a long time, there's any way I could turn it into a schroot env and test some X apps with it, any clues?14:41
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Sarvattblackxored: you can use your current xserver to run x apps in there with a ton of screwing around, but you cant run x in a chroot directly as far as I know right now14:52
Sarvattjust set up virtualbox or something if you want that :)14:53
blackxoredSarvatt, I got some guidance in #debian-devel thanks a lot15:09
RiddellAmpelbein: what's going on with mjpegtools and bug 351017 ?15:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351017 in mjpegtools "[SRU] mpeg2enc crashes with SIGILL on non-p4 architectures." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35101715:16
Riddellpitti set it to verification-failed last week, there's now an update waiting in the jaunty unapproved queue but I don't see any comment or new patch on the bug15:17
arandHello, I'm trying to push for an SRU of gnumeric (libgoffice) as described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnumeric/+bug/316502 Are there more (easy) steps that should be done there?15:34
ubott2Ubuntu bug 316502 in gnumeric "cannot release a graph in gnumeric after click and drag" [Medium,Fix released]15:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 316502 in gnumeric "cannot release a graph in gnumeric after click and drag" [Medium,Fix released]15:34
liwhmm. debdelta requires exact original file to exist, but it that is lost, we _could_ use dpkg-repack to reconstruct something close to the original, then use zsync to update to the exact original, then use debdelta to update that to the new version of the pacakge... slightly complicated, but doable15:34
Riddellarand: create a debdiff if you know how, else poke someone on the ubuntu desktop team to do it15:36
arandRiddell: No not completely sure on that, so that would be #ubuntu-desktop then?15:38
Riddellarand: yes15:38
Keybukmvo_: is there a way to have a command run after packages are installed?15:44
pittiKeybuk: in the user session or as root?15:46
pitti(user -> interactive upgrade hook; root -> package trigger?)15:46
Keybukroot is fine15:46
Keybukafter any package is installed15:46
* pitti defers to mvo then, sorry15:47
Keybukthough it's ok if it's just if any package is installed via apt15:47
Keybukbasically want to catch upgrades15:47
james_w"trigger /" ?15:47
liwKeybuk, what is the actual problem you're solving?15:47
pittiinstall a trigger with interest on /usr? :-)15:47
pittijames_w: hah15:47
Keybukliw: wiping the old sreadahead pack on an upgrade so it's regenerated15:47
liwI believe apt has some hooks you could install into /etc/apt15:48
liwhmm, Apt::Post-Invoke or something perhaps15:49
liwer, Dpkg::Post-Invoke15:50
liwI can never remember apt config syntax15:50
liwthere's no Dpkg::Post-Install-Pkgs though15:51
mat_tjamesh: ping15:53
Riddellgeser: you uploaded a bunch of zope packages to karmic?  they don't seem to have the ZPL included15:53
Riddellgeser: I'll accept them because they're already in debian but it would be best to get that fixed15:53
geserRiddell: you mean in the .orig.tar.gz?15:56
Riddellgeser: yes15:56
geserRiddell: did it change in Debian in the last time? because that's the next package which is missing a license in the .orig.tar.gz in Debian15:57
pittiif they are already in Debian, why not just sync instead?15:57
geserpitti: I'd have done it, if it didn't need patching to build with python 2.615:57
geserbut I already got also a synced package from Debian rejected because the license text was missing in .orig.tar.gz15:58
Riddellgeser: nothing has changed in debian that I can see15:58
mvo_Keybuk: you can use "DPkg::Post-Invoke"  and hook commands into that, see update-notifier as a example (it touches a file :)15:59
geserdoesn't Debian have that license text requirement in .orig.tar.gz? or aren't they as strict as Debian?15:59
Riddellgeser: they should but as with us it probably depends on the archive admin of the day and what sort of a mood he's in16:00
mvo_Keybuk: registering a handler here should be a short action though, the UI waits without proper progress to the user during the post-invoke handler16:00
Keybukmvo_: in this case, it's rm'ing a file16:01
mvo_that should be fine I guess16:01
geserRiddell: it just curious that I stumbled upon this twice in the last few syncs/uploads. I'll contact the Debian maintainer about it.16:01
mvo_(unless the file is huge?)16:01
liwmvo_, does DPkg::Post-Invoke get run after each invocation of dpkg?16:01
Keybukmvo_: not especially16:02
mvo_liw: no, the name is misleading - just when its finished (or errored out)16:02
Keybukmvo_: its maximum size is probably 7MB16:02
liwmvo, ok; then some documentation should probably say that :)16:02
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Artur25Did somebody compile alsa kernel recently?16:29
Riddellttx: how is netty-3.1.0.CR1.jar built?16:32
ttxRiddell: using debian/build.xml16:32
ttxRiddell: compiles files, excludes a few optional features, JARs them all.16:33
Riddellttx: why is the binary jar included in the sources then?16:33
ttxRiddell: the binary jar is not used. The source tarball is pristine from upstream.16:34
Riddellttx: ok thanks, I'll accept16:34
ttxRiddell: thanks. More coming :)16:35
* ttx thinks java developers should learn that a source package is not their binary distribution with an added "src" directory.16:38
macopitti: question about the sudo package. i see the --with-secure-path= set in debian/OPTIONS but then twice again in debian/rules. is the one in debian/OPTIONS ignored?16:45
directhexcan ubuntu-archive unsubscribe from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono-tools/+bug/402152  plz? it completely slipped my mind that it needs xsp (universe) to build, so needs merging rather than syncing16:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 402152 in mono-tools "Sync mono-tools 2.4.2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:48
ubott2Ubuntu bug 402152 in mono-tools "Sync mono-tools 2.4.2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:48
StevenKdirecthex: Done16:49
directhexStevenK, ta. i'll work on the merge this evening16:49
ograinfinity, did you do anything to the armel builders ?16:51
ograinfinity, i dont get http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29325128/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.mesa_7.5-1ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz ...16:57
ograinfinity, why did it build now ?16:57
infinityogra: I did nothing...16:58
ograinfinity, though http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29325326/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-armel.qt4-x11_4.5.2-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:05
ogra(we're just discussing in #ubuntu-arm)17:06
bdmurraypitti: Is calibre working for you?  bug 40204017:07
ubott2Launchpad bug 402040 in calibre "calibre crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40204017:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402040 in calibre "calibre crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40204017:07
ubott2Ubuntu bug 402040 in calibre "calibre crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 402040 in calibre "calibre crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:07
ubott2Launchpad bug 402040 in calibre "calibre crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40204017:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402040 in calibre "calibre crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40204017:07
StevenKArgh, here too17:07
infinityogra: Hrm.  This throws everything off a bit, though.  People claimed this was "an lzma issue", but that build log is just a massive C++ link.17:08
infinityogra: Probably just a memory churn issue...17:08
ograinfinity, yeah, we had probs before with upstart that looked similar17:08
ograupstart has a testsuite where one file is really really huge17:09
ograit had the same error (with gcc, not g++ though)17:09
infinityWell, hard to call it the "same error", since there isn't an error.17:10
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ograwell, same output :)17:10
infinity(or lack thereof)17:11
infinitysbuild isn't all that smart on how it does this.  It just watches the log.  150 minutes with nothing to stdout, it kills everything.17:11
infinitySo, yeah.  PROBABLY just massive memory churn on that C++ link (and maybe the old 600 minute timeout would have helped for this), but maybe it's actually hanging.17:12
ograogra@osiris:~/Devel/packages/upstart-0.6.1$ ls -lh nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_output_proxy_standard.c17:13
ogra-rw-r--r-- 1 ogra ogra 115K 2009-07-02 18:22 nih-dbus-tool/tests/expected/test_output_proxy_standard.c17:13
ograthat was the test the upstart build died on17:13
infinityI'm just wary of saying "Oh, it's just slow hardware"...17:14
ogracan we throw more swap in to help here ?17:14
infinitySince I'm sure that QT wasn't borderline 145 minutes to link in previous versions, and "just got a bit worse recently", y'know?17:14
ograand bump swappiness up17:14
infinitySo, there's probably some underlying issue here.17:14
KeybukI think it's a compiler issue17:15
ograsince we always only saw it dying in dpkg-deb the suspicion was that the newer dpkg brought it in17:15
ograi'm just doing a mesa build locally (since 5h) with rolled back dpkg17:16
ograto see how long dpkg-deb actually takes17:16
ograbut now seeing g++ hang is somewhat pointing to a system issue17:16
ogramore than a SW issue17:17
infinityWell, technically that line would be calling binutils, not gcc...17:17
infinityI think.17:17
infinityUnless I just need morning caffiene.17:17
Keybukdunno, in the Upstart case it seems that gcc is what hangs around17:18
Keybukcompiling godot.c or something17:18
ograi think it was test_output_proxy_standard.c17:18
infinityCould wait a while for that one.17:18
Keybukogra: those files aren't compield17:18
ograthey were17:18
ograat least in the log i saw17:19
Keybukogra: bet you $ 1,000,000 ?17:19
ogranah, ho am i to argue with upstream :P17:19
Keybukit was stalling on nih-dbus-tool/tests/test_node.c before17:20
ograoh, right17:20
ograbut there it died reproducable on the buildd17:20
ograi gave it back and got exactly the same in the second round17:20
* infinity fears a hunch...17:21
infinityOh, phew.  No, hunch averted.17:22
Keybukwhat was your hunch?17:22
infinityKeybuk: The base system on two of the armel machines is still Debian/lenny.  Was mildly concerned that might be an issue.17:22
infinityKeybuk: But, the recently (and mysteriously) successful mesa build was on a lenny machine.17:23
mat_tArneGoetje: ping17:23
ograwe should really run jaunty there :P17:24
ArneGoetjemat_t: pong17:24
infinityogra: All the other armel machines were sidegraded to jaunty, just two never got done.17:24
infinityogra: And by the time iwas getting around to doing them, people were telling me I was throwing that hardware away in favour of qemu, or newer v7 kit, so...17:24
mat_tArneGoetje: I'm trying to get hold of jamesh regarding the font installer, but no luck so far... is he around at all?17:25
ograinfinity, newer v7 kit shoul be there soon17:28
ograbut that will need testing etc17:28
ograso we still need somehow fix the issue17:28
ograor identify ...17:28
infinityYeah.  I'm all for fixing it, it's the indentify part...17:28
cody-somervillepitti, I'm not going to patch gdm to launch x-window-manager instead of metacity for now because of an unrelated xfwm4 issue but I'm doing a test build with the other changes and will push ASAP17:30
pitticody-somerville: so you'll keep metacity for now? or do without a WM?17:31
cody-somervillepitti, do without a WM. It seems to work fine.17:31
pitticody-somerville: it somewhat does work without any WM, just looks weird if yo invoke the a11y menu (no window decorations, etc)17:31
* cody-somerville nods.17:31
pitticody-somerville: but for a3 that's certainly good enough17:31
cody-somervillepitti, Steve accepted this issue for a217:32
pitticody-somerville: right, but since that's released, I moved it to a317:32
cody-somervilleI misread the schedule17:33
cody-somervilleI thought alpha-2 was upcoming17:33
pittiit's that late already :)17:33
ArneGoetjemat_t: I don't know17:36
=== ember_ is now known as ember
macopitti: the a11y stuff will work without window decorations?17:50
pittimaco: I'm not sure, I didn't actually try the a11y functionality17:50
macoit cant find any windows by name if i use a tiling wm. i assumed because it doesnt have titlebars17:50
pittiright, that would be an issue17:51
macoby the way, you werent around when i asked before, but you're all over the changelog... in sudo, the --with-secure-path, does that need to be set in debian/rules twice (ldap and build-simple) aside from debian/OPTIONS to make it affect the sudo binary?17:52
pittimaco: I don't know right now, I'd need to have an intense look at the package (sorry, I'm in a meeting right now)17:59
=== BenSee is now known as BenC
pittibryce: what do you think would make more sense for users, nouveau by default, or KMSified nouveau as opt-in?18:28
pittibryce: (given that nv by default is pretty much the worst option)18:28
brycepitti, my thinking is that KMSified nouveau as opt in makes the most sense, since it enables users wishing to use it the option of using it but we don't force it on them in case it is unstable18:29
bryceunfortunately I've learned there are still many cards not supported by -nouveau which are supported by -nv18:30
bryceeven aside from KMS (which is also even more limited in the range of cards it supports)18:30
pittibryce: well, FSVO "supported" :)18:35
bryceFSVO == For Some Version Of ?18:36
billybigriggeris anyone else's appearance broken?18:53
billybigriggeri can't seem to switch gtk themes18:53
billybigriggeri can switch them in system/appearance, and the preview in appearance works, but then when i close it, gtk is not updated18:53
=== Znova_ is now known as Snova_
directhexthere are times when update-maintainer feels silly19:02
directhexmaintainer: ubuntu core developers. WRONG! THAT IS A LIE!19:02
macoi thought it was supposed to say Ubuntu Developers19:02
directhexmeh, whatever the script changes it to19:02
directhexpoint is, sometimes the original-maintainer is more true19:03
macoscottk said if he's the debian maintainer, he just leaves it in19:04
directhexi wonder what would happen if dh_installxsp were moved to cli-common-dev19:05
directhexit would save the need for damn merges19:05
directhexman, it's ages since i did a merge bug19:16
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
smbSomeone around who might help me with a question on v4l in Jaunty?19:39
smbBasically its about someone having problems with a gspca driven webcam and cheese, camorama ... because gspca in Jaunty is v4l2 and the apps are v4l1. Now I thought those would get shipped with the compat lib linked in...19:55
smbbug 35276519:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 352765 in linux "Logitech webcam doesn't work (v4l2 support needed)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35276519:55
veritosIs it planned to attempt to push the new notification system upstream?20:01
bjfI'm running Karmic, updated from a Jaunty install. When installing "makedumpfile" it got to "Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin"20:04
bjfand then it just sits. After about an hour I aborted and tried to install another package. Now I get "E: dpkg was interrupted,20:04
bjfyou must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." When I run it, it "hangs" at the same point.20:04
bjfHow do I fix this mess up?20:04
cody-somervillepitti, updated branch20:05
pitticody-somerville: thanks! what was the name again?20:08
billybigriggersmb, i have the same problem20:08
cody-somervillepaste error20:09
cody-somervillepitti, lp:~cody-somerville/gdm/depend-on-minimal-gnome-session20:09
billybigriggersmb, but the thing is my cam used to work on .30 kernel20:09
billybigriggersince .31 it hasn't20:09
superm1cody-somerville, how do you set the default session to come up as !gnome-session after that patch is in gdm?20:11
smbbillybigrigger, Then you would also be able to use your cam with the v4lcompat library preloaded?20:11
billybigriggerwhich lib is this?20:11
cody-somervillesuperm1, it'll occur automatically20:12
smbIf you look into the bug I posted, there is a description on it20:12
cody-somervillesuperm1, or maybe it won't20:12
superm1cody-somerville, well what session will be picked though?  does it need to be set in dmrc now?20:12
superm1or does gdm-cdd.conf still do it?20:12
cody-somervilledefault session can only be set via dmrc20:12
cody-somervilleas of now20:12
superm1ugh, that feels, sounds, and smells hacky20:13
cody-somervilleoh it is20:13
cody-somervilleI'm not going to do anything with drmc just yet20:13
cody-somervilleI'm going to petition upstream to allow us to set it in the gdm config again20:13
=== infinity_ is now known as infinity
bjfdpkg --configure -a is hanging how can I work around it?20:16
superm1cody-somerville, so what about in the interim for a3 though?20:17
mrecHi, is there still some development/bugfixing going on with Ubuntu 8.10?20:18
pitticody-somerville: we need to keep the gnome-session dependency; what would be an appropriate xubuntu alternative?20:18
cody-somervillepitti, why do you need to keep the gnome-session dependency? Its incorrect.20:18
mrecthis USB bug affects ubuntu intrepid20:18
mreclets the system run out of memory after a while with some applications20:18
pitticody-somerville: for at-spi integration, gnome-seetings-daemon configuration, and such stuff20:19
ograbjf, take a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/makedumpfile.postinst20:19
cody-somervillepitti, at-spi should be a suggest like the other suggests I added20:19
pittiah, xfce-session20:19
cody-somervillepitti, gnomne-settings-daemon should be a recommend like I had20:20
pittiand above all, we need /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop20:20
bjforgra, file doesn't exist20:20
pittibut /etc/xdg/autostart/at-spi-registryd-wrapper.desktop and /etc/X11/Xsession.d/55gnome-session_gnomerc as well20:20
cody-somervilleThis isn't how debian packaging is suppose to work. You don't add things as a depends because its convenient.20:21
ograbjf, then try sudo dpkg -r makedumpfile and try dpkg --configure -a again20:21
pitticody-somerville: ah, wait, we need to seed that anyway20:22
cody-somervilleIMHO you should be able to install gdm and not pull in anything but whats absolutely necessary for gdm to run20:22
cody-somervilleso things like at-spi integration should be suggests and seeded by ubuntu-meta (IMHO)20:23
pitticody-somerville: well, but gdm _is_ a gnome session itself20:23
bjfogra, same problem "dpkg --configure -a" stops after printing: Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin"20:23
cody-somervillepitti, not necessarily20:23
ograbjf, but the removal of mkdumpfile worked ?20:23
cody-somervillepitti, It could very well be all xfce if I wrote my a chooser that didn't integrate so heavily with gnome stuff20:23
pitticody-somerville: anyway, it looks fair enough right now, so let's upload that to have good dailies tomorrow morning20:23
cody-somervillepitti, thanks20:24
pitticody-somerville: that fixes bug 400901, right?20:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400901 in gdm "GDM depends on gnome-session in karmic" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40090120:24
cody-somervillepitti, if gdm no longer depends on gnome-session but gnome-session-bin, yes.20:24
* pitti adds bug to changelog20:25
pittithat's the last (ATM) alpha-3 blocker20:25
seb128pitti, what change do you upload?20:25
pittiseb128: r62 in gdm bzr20:27
bjfogra, yes, the removal worked20:27
seb128pitti, hum, k20:27
ograhmm, then your problem is not coming from that package at all20:27
pitti@all, daily desktop/alternate Ubuntu images up for testing20:28
smbogra, bjf The message looks like something produced by update-grub20:28
bjfsmb, ogra, the full message: Setting up initramfs-tools (0.92bubuntu38) ...20:28
bjfupdate-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)20:28
bjfSetting up kexec-tools (20090000-2.0.0ubuntu10) ...20:28
bjfSearching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub20:28
bjfSearching for default file ... found: /boot/grub/default20:28
bjfTesting for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst20:28
bjfSearching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...20:28
bjfFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-3-generic20:28
bjfFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-14-generic20:29
bjfFound kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic20:29
bjfFound kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin20:29
ograkexec-tools ....20:29
* ogra wont say a thing about that 20:29
ograi had my say last release20:29
bjfogra, I'll just wait til A3 is available and redo my install, thanks for the help20:31
ograbjf, remove kexec-tools20:31
* smb missed that say from ogra. I assume kexec-tools wan't to add something there and get stuck20:33
ograsmb, kexec-tools was fine until the merge from debian got overridden and someone decided to do a brandnew package instead of merging ... have a look at the version number20:34
bjfogra, that cleared it20:34
seb128cody-somerville, pitti: those gdm suggests should be recommends20:38
cody-somervilleseb128, no they shouldn't be20:39
cody-somervilleseb128, If you want them in Ubuntu, seed them20:39
seb128cody-somerville, no20:39
seb128cody-somerville, as said the other day apt-get install gdm should give a full functional gdm version20:39
seb128cody-somerville, yeah, that behaviour is very useful ...20:40
cody-somervilleseb128, Thats not the Debian way of doing things.20:40
seb128cody-somerville, I'm going to change it to a recommends, want to play change and upload game now?20:40
cody-somervilleseb128, I'm at a great disadvantage when it comes to that game20:40
seb128so you should try some try to argue in a convincing way20:41
cody-somervilleseb128, I intend to, one sec20:42
mterrypitti, So let's say I wanted to push a new ubiquity (to fix an issue that makes oem-config unusable), how do I do that in a freeze-friendly way?20:42
seb128recommends are things which should be installed by default when you want a complete experience of the software20:42
seb128and gdm lacks power management without gpm for example20:42
seb128same without the other tools you get no accessibility20:43
cody-somervilleseb128, "Suggests is used to declare that one package may be more useful with one or more others. Using this field tells the packaging system and the user that the listed packages are related to this one and can perhaps enhance its usefulness, but that installing this one without them is perfectly reasonable. "20:43
seb128which means an user installing gdm will get no power manager nor a11y working20:43
seb128it's not perfectly reasonable to have no accessibility and power management by default20:43
cody-somervilleseb128, yes it is20:43
seb128you say that because you don't need accessiblity for example20:43
seb128you don't do a favor to your users though20:44
cody-somervilleseb128, Its reasonable to find an installation without those things20:44
cody-somervilleseb128, Which is why they should be a suggests20:44
cody-somervilleseb128, and then they should be seeded by the ubuntu seeds20:44
seb128right, which is why you can remove recommends20:44
cody-somervilleseb128, yes but I can't remove recommends via seeds20:44
seb128well that's orthogonal20:44
cody-somervillenot at all20:44
seb128add | xubuntu depends if you want20:44
cody-somervilleNo, thats not correct20:45
seb128but don't break the gdm recommends only to please derivatives20:45
seb128well find a better way20:45
seb128but you are not going to break gdm recommends20:45
cody-somervilleThis is the correct way20:45
seb128I will upload a fixed version tomorrow20:45
seb128no it's not20:45
seb128read the debian policy about recommends20:45
cody-somervilleseb128, I have20:46
seb128cody-somerville, well then you argue than power manager and accessibility are important to our users20:46
cody-somervilleseb128, I agree they're important20:46
cody-somervilleseb128, Which is why they should be seeded20:46
seb128no you don't20:46
seb128if they are important they should be recommends20:47
seb128seed is an ubuntu concept not a debian one20:47
seb128the policy doesn't take those in consideration20:47
seb128recommends are what a luser should get installed when doing an apt-get on a base install20:47
seb128ie what you would expect from a standard experiencez20:47
cody-somervilleseb128, gpm, at-spi are extras20:47
seb128accessibility is not extra20:48
cody-somervilleseb128, gdm just happens to ship with a default set of desktop files that launch those20:48
seb128without it you have a class of users who can't use your system at all20:48
cody-somervilleseb128, They're not a dependency in any such way for gdm to run20:48
seb128they are for it to be usuable for a class of users20:48
seb128and recommends are not meant to be depends20:48
seb128but to describe things you likely want when you don't know what you are doing20:49
cody-somervilleseb128, They're suppose to indicate a strong but not absolute dependency20:49
cody-somervilleseb128, Thats incorrect20:49
seb128ok, let's stop that and say we disagree20:49
cody-somervilleseb128, Recommends declare "a strong, but not absolute, dependency.20:49
seb128no luck for you don't have upload rights to do your changes20:49
seb128and having accessibility is a strong recommendation by default20:50
seb128and having a way to suspend your computer too20:50
seb128want to try suggesting dropping those from the default install if they are of no use?20:50
seb128recommends are the equivalent of the seed, ie things we recommend installing by default20:51
cody-somervilleseb128, You're clearly being difficult on purpose. This change will only help Xubuntu and not affect Ubuntu in anyway since you seed the packages anyway.20:51
seb128if you get those unseeded I'm fine having them not recommended20:51
cody-somervilles/Xubuntu/<insert other gtk derivative here>/20:51
seb128well that's not because we have seeds that we should randomly misuse and break recommends and depends20:51
cody-somervilleseb128, No, you're the only thats misusing the relationship fields20:52
seb128that's not a misuse20:52
seb128recommends are things that an apt-get install should install as said before20:53
seb128ie what lusers should get installed to have every feature working20:53
seb128and that power user can uninstall because they are not hard depends20:53
seb128that's how they are meant to be used and how they are used for years20:53
cody-somervilleShipping an autostart desktop file for an application does not mean that application's package should be a recommend, sorry... I just don't buy it.20:54
seb128the idea is that a lambda user should not have to know that gnome-power-manager need to be installed to have suspend working20:54
seb128but that if you don't care about it you can uninstall it20:54
seb128it's not because it has an autostart20:55
seb128it's because an useful feature which has a button in the UI relies on it20:55
cody-somervilleseb128, no, an application that gdm launches depends on it20:56
seb128did you use gdm at all?20:56
cody-somervilleyes, I have20:56
cody-somervilleand there is an autostart file for the chooser20:56
cody-somervilleand the chooser is just a gtk application20:56
seb128the user list has 3 buttons by default20:56
cody-somervilleseb128, right-o20:57
cody-somervilleseb128, Okay, I can buy gpm being a recommend20:57
seb128"suspend hibernate restart"20:57
seb128and the first 2 don't work without gnome-power-manager20:57
cody-somervillefine, I can agree to g-p-m being moved to recommends20:57
cody-somervillebut the other stuff should be suggests, agreed?20:58
seb128I will have TheMuso or somebody testing if the banner is accessible without the other tools20:58
seb128cody-somerville, if that makes the login screen not accessible no20:58
seb128cody-somerville, you just make impossible for a class of user to use your software20:58
cody-somervilleseb128, which is why they should be a suggest and why you should seed20:59
seb128cody-somerville, still that defeat the purpose of recommends, which is to provide a good user experience for people not using seeds20:59
cody-somervilleseb128, we don't include a screen reader in ubuntu-standard do we?20:59
cody-somervilleseb128, or sorry, we don't have getty depending on a screen reader20:59
seb128cody-somerville, gnome-orca: Task: ubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-live, ubuntu-netbook-remix21:00
cody-somervilleseb128, thats seeds21:00
seb128well it's default install21:00
cody-somervilleseb128, because of seeds21:00
cody-somervilleseb128, Why doesn't gnome-terminal recommend ocra?21:00
cody-somervilleseb128, and gnome-mag?21:01
seb128cody-somerville, you don't agree that screen reader is something a class of users depend on?21:01
cody-somervilleseb128, I agree they should be in default install but not a recommends on every single application21:01
seb128cody-somerville, every single application doesn't have an icon to use the feature and an autostart to run it21:01
seb128cody-somerville, you still don't get that recommends are things to install to have all the components of the software working21:03
seb128the reason they are there is that users don't know about suggests and would not understand what to do to get things working if they were not installed by default21:04
cody-somervilleseb128, If they're installing gdm from a base install, I'm pretty sure they understand21:04
seb128well you argue that recommends are of no use21:04
cody-somervilleseb128, No I don't argue that21:05
cody-somervilleseb128, I argue that recommends are strong but not absolute *dependencies*.21:05
cody-somervilleseb128, look at for example catfish21:05
cody-somervilleseb128, the backends are suggests, not recommends21:06
cody-somervilleseb128, thats the debian way doing things21:06
cody-somervilleseb128, in your definition, they would be recommends21:06
seb128that's the way one debian package is doing thing21:06
seb128gvfs recommends gvfs-backends21:06
seb128firefox recommends ubufox21:06
cody-somervilleFirefox shouldn't recommend ubufox21:07
cody-somervilleIts abuse of package relationships21:07
infinitycody-somerville: For Ubuntu, it definitely should.21:07
infinitycody-somerville: According to Debian policy, anyway.21:07
cody-somervilleinfinity, how so?21:07
infinitycody-somerville: Recommends defines packages "which would almost always be found together, except in the rarest cases", and firefox/ubufox fit that for Ubuntu.21:07
cody-somervilleinfinity, I think those sort of relationships should be made via seeds, not in the package21:08
cody-somervilleinfinity, but thats just my personal opinion21:08
seb128cody-somerville, debian has no seed to the recommends definition can't take that in consideration21:08
seb128to -> so21:08
seb128you are arguing that recommends should have a different meaning in ubuntu because seeds can be used basically21:09
cody-somervilleseb128, no, I'm not21:09
cody-somervilleseb128, Debian might not use seeds but they do use metapackages21:09
seb128they don't rely on those21:09
cody-somervilleseb128, yes they do21:09
infinitycody-somerville: Metapackages in Debian aren't relied on for installation or "system sanity".21:10
cody-somervilleinfinity, tasks21:10
directhexyay tasksel21:10
seb128cody-somerville, how long have you been actively working on debian?21:10
infinitycody-somerville: Tasks != metapackages (though we overload them the way we use them), and tasks are STILL not used as recommends in Debian.21:11
infinitycody-somerville: And, while tasks and tasksel are cool and all, no one uses them to maintain system consistency, just to quickly install a set of packages.21:11
cody-somervilleinfinity, Right-o. However, IMHO, it makes sense to use tasks/metapackages/seeds/whatever to define relationships that make sense on the distribution level and keep relationships at the package level to those that only make sense in the scope of the packages.21:11
seb128cody-somerville, if a software has a feature to launch an another one that's probably because it can make use of it21:12
infinitycody-somerville: You're arguing that the package isn't part of the distribution? :)21:12
cody-somervilleinfinity, In today's world, packages can exist across multiple distributions21:12
cody-somervilleinfinity, Thats my thinking21:12
mr_pouitdoes gdm specifically require g-p-m?21:13
cody-somervillemr_pouit, no, it runs just fine without21:13
seb128mr_pouit, to be able to use the suspend and hibernate button on the login banner yes21:13
cody-somervilleWe could patch the login chooser to grey them out/hide them if gpm isn't present if it doesn't do that already21:13
mr_pouitseb128: is that really so? doesn't it rely on something providing org.powermanagement/whatever?21:13
seb128mr_pouit, which is what recommends are for having standard features exposed to users working21:13
seb128mr_pouit, right anything having the same dbus interface21:14
seb128mr_pouit, which is why I suggested having gpm | xubuntu-gpm before21:14
mr_pouitwe can do that, and everyone should be happy :]21:15
seb128that's what I argued first21:15
seb128but cody-somerville doesn't think it's right21:15
cody-somervillewe don't have "xubuntu-gpm"21:15
cody-somervillebut I can agree to gpm to being in recommends21:15
cody-somervilleIts the other stuff that gdm might launch that I think should be suggests21:15
cody-somervillelike gnome-mag21:15
seb128other things are what make gdm accessible21:15
seb128you realize that you just argue that we should cut a class of users out?21:16
mr_pouit(xubuntu-gpm = xfce4-power-manager btw)21:16
cody-somervilleseb128, yes, I realize that21:16
cody-somervilleseb128, which is why we use seeds in Ubuntu to produce a distribution that doesn't do that21:17
seb128again recommends is debian policy recommendation and doesn't take seeds in account21:17
seb128recommends are thing you should get when installing the software from a base image21:17
* cody-somerville sighs.21:18
pittimterry: wait, I just discovered another bug I'd like to fix in ubiquity21:19
pittimterry: so if you need some changes, please commit them now21:19
cody-somervilleseb128, How about I just upload gdm2.20 and you can do whatever you want with your new gdm21:19
mterrypitti, done21:19
mterrypitti, thx21:19
pittimterry: do you know the process of updateing included source packages and building a source? anything magic with that?21:20
seb128cody-somerville, feel free if you get somebody to new it for you and you are wanting to maintain it and handle bugs21:20
mterrypitti, I believe it's just the 'update' rule21:20
mterrypitti, (make -f debian/rules update)21:20
=== _Baby_ is now known as Baby
bassblueteHi developer team21:22
bassblueteat www.ubuntuusers.de I have ad a thread  to stop WiFi blinking for Dell D630 Latidude21:23
bassblueteit is not possilbe to ad this in the actual ubuntu 9.1021:23
mathiazjcastro: hey - is there a ruby team in Ubuntu?21:24
pittimterry: any idea what update-local is? I'd rather not wait for the next publisher run for the one-line patch to user-setup which I just uplaoded21:26
mterrypitti, no, I've never used it21:27
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
pittimterry: are you still going to be around for a while?21:29
mterrypitti, for about an hour21:29
pittioh, ok21:30
pittiuser-setup 1.27ubuntu5.dsc will be published in 90 minutes21:30
pittiand I'd like ubiquity to pick this up21:30
pittibut oh well, will do it tomorrow early morning then21:30
slangasekpitti: something I can help with?  I'm not gone yet, nor is my workday over :)21:31
pittislangasek: I fixed bug 402707 in user-setup (unbreaking autologin)21:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402707 in user-setup "configures "AutomaticLogin=ubuntu" in target system" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40270721:31
EvanCarrollis there anyway to update udev in a chroot, I have a failued upgrade to jaunty and one of the post-inst scripts is failing because it can't patch udev21:31
pittislangasek: so if you could debian/rules update ubiquity in ~ 2 hours and upload that?21:31
pittislangasek: it's not the end of the world, but it's such a simple fix21:32
pittislangasek: it just appals my sense of beauty and perfection :)21:32
slangasekpitti: sure, I can do that21:33
pittislangasek: I'm sure cjwatson has a clever way of updating directly from bzr instead of waiting for the publisher, but I don't know it21:33
pittiand I'd rather not mess things up21:33
pittislangasek: thanks!21:33
pittigood night everyone then21:33
pittitomorrow's dailies should be smooth as silk then21:34
superm1pitti, considering the necessity for a re-roll would that be an opportunistic time if i cherry picked the patch that fixed bug 401971 too?21:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401971 in grub2 "Unable to install grub2 onto vfat partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40197121:37
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AmpelbeinRiddell: still there?23:51
AmpelbeinRiddell: regarding mjpegtools, I was in the opinion that -0ubuntu3 got uploaded due to comment 13, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mjpegtools/+bug/351017/comments/13 . But apparently that was not the case so I uploaded it myself.23:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 351017 in mjpegtools "[SRU] mpeg2enc crashes with SIGILL on non-p4 architectures." [High,Confirmed]23:53

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