
=== Saj0577 is now known as saj0577
=== saj0577 is now known as Saj0577
slacker_nlcan someone give comments on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:45
slacker_nli realize it is not up to standards, but if someone reads it and gives comments/check for typo's errors or other things I might have overlooked it would be much appreciated07:46
FlannelWhy not just link to the appropriate other pages?07:51
rwwFlannel: you mean like the "(for link see the See also section)" bit? I was wondering that too.07:53
FlannelWell, we have pages from Breezy on which are up-to-date (or at the very least, mostly up to date and can certainly be made up to date)07:53
Flannelthat is, the upgrade from Breezy to Dapper.  BreezyUpgradeNotes is on wiki.ubuntu.com, and hasn't really been taken care of.07:54
FlannelAs far as your instructions, I'd stay away from sed/perl statements, and show them the sources.list they should have when switching to old-releases and stuff.07:55
FlannelYour sed lines won't work for some configurations, like if they've totally broken them, or are using other mirrors (well, were)07:56
Flanneland also, you never mention ensuring proper metapackages are installed07:57
* Flannel is sure thats not exhaustive, but its a good start.07:57
slacker_nlwhich metapackages? the update-manager packages need to be installed, which is mentioned several times07:59
Flannelupdate-manager didn't exist for pre-dapper upgrades07:59
Flannelwell, insofar as taking care of upgrades.07:59
slacker_nlyes, that's done via dist-upgrade08:00
Flannela kernel metapackage (such as linux-686 or linux-686-smp, etc), ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-minimal, and an appropriate -desktop (ubuntu-desktop)08:00
slacker_nlFlannel: that will be installed by any default ubuntu release08:00
Flannelright, but dist-upgrade won't work without the proper metapackages08:00
slacker_nlubuntu-standard is installed on a cli install iirc08:01
Flannelslacker_nl: You can't assume that they're not going to still be installed though.08:01
FlannelWhile I admit -standard and -minimal likely won't be removed, -desktop and kernel metapackages do.08:02
slacker_nldesktop packages are not needed to upgrade (at least, my server installations don't need them and you don't need them to upgrade)08:02
Flannelslacker_nl: Correct, but they're needed for a successful desktop upgrade.08:02
slacker_nli will add the kernel packages08:03
slacker_nlFlannel: will have to test that08:03
rwwslacker_nl: metapackages being installed or not is one of those things that's not absolutely necessary (and stuff will sometimes work without them), but it's a really good idea and averts a bunch of possible problems.08:04
Flannelany new programs, or things we've changed, generally get done via -desktop08:04
FlannelIt won't cause the upgrade to fail, but if the point of upgrading is "get the same as I would have with a reinstall" then without the proper metapackages, that won't succeed.08:05
slacker_nlrww: true, however, very easy to fix by aptitude install $rel-desktop package08:05
Flannelslacker_nl: Which is exactly what I said should be included in the instructions08:06
slacker_nlahh, I see what you mean, if a new package got added by -desktop (which was not in the previous release) it would not be installed if the meta package did not exist08:06
Flannelbut again, for everything after hoary to breezy, why not just link to the current upgrade notes?08:07
slacker_nl6.10 to 8.04 is not documented (properly) at the wiki's08:10
slacker_nlthat is the reason why i started that guide ;)08:11
Flannel6.10 to 8.04 isn't supported, that's why.08:11
FlannelTo go to 6.10 to 8.04, you have to go 6.10 to 7.04 to 7.10 to 8.0408:11
slacker_nli know, that's why i started the EOLupgrades08:11
slacker_nlvery easy btw08:11
slacker_nli've done it half a year ago08:12
FlannelThey're all there... juts been removed for some stupid reason.08:13
rwwah! I knew I'd seen those instructions somewhere. I went looking for them the other day and couldn't find them :(08:13
Flannelslacker_nl: Perhaps you should just move that page to EOLUpgrades/Feisty or something08:13
Flanneland then link to it08:13
Flannel(likewise for the others)08:14
Flannelthat'd make it much easier to handle in the future... move page from /*Upgrades to /EOLUpgrades/*Upgrades08:14
slacker_nlFlannel: could do that08:15
FlannelIt doesn't really need to be moved I suppose.08:16
FlannelBut, it might keep people from deleting it08:16
slacker_nlFeisty is redirected to eol upgrades, found out myself 3 days ago08:16
Flannelright, you can revert it though08:17
FlannelKeeping each upgrade separate is good though, a monolithic page will get confusing, and its less easy to link directly to where you want to put someone.08:18
slacker_nlFlannel: don't know why he did it, thought he was someone special08:20
slacker_nlso didn't bother with it08:20
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger_work
enhickmanI believe there is spam on your wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/StyleGuide/SpellingPunctuationGrammar search for "FANBOYS"? if its not spam it makes the sentence very confusing.20:07
rwwenhickman: It's meant as a mnemonic: if you take the first letter of each of the listed conjunctions, you get that word. It is confusing, though.22:38
enhickmanAh thanks I get it now.22:40
=== shaunm_ is now known as shaunm

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