
Keybukcking: heh, the only documentation I could find about ioctl (FIBMAP) was your blog! :D09:58
ckingnow that's amusing :-)09:59
ckingglad the blog is doing something useful :-)09:59
Keybuk(we use it for sorting the readahead lists on rotary hard drives)10:00
ckingKeybuk, does it work on all filesystems in a sane manner?10:03
Keybukcking: it works on ext[34]10:12
Keybukand seems to work on btrfs10:12
Keybukthat's *all* I care about ;)10:12
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apwsmb, you have a bug which is about the wrong kernel getting selected as the next kernel when a kernel is installed13:50
apwcan you remember the #13:50
smbapw, I remember there was one. But I have to dig for it13:51
apwif it takes more than a minute, don't bother i don't need it for anything other than a comment13:51
smbapw, must be bug 36402913:53
ubot3Malone bug 364029 in linux "boots into busybox with 2.6.28-11-generic kernel." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36402913:53
smbapw, It is not directly about selecting the wrong kernel, but related to what is in the / link13:54
apwright but thats the one thanks13:54
Keybukrtg_: when's the next kernel upload scheduled for?14:42
rtg_Keybuk, gotta wait until after A3 is done. Friday perhaps?14:43
Keybukthat works for me14:43
rtg_apw, do you know how the LKML tip-bot works?15:04
apwrtg_, not explicitly but i assume its reporting on the tip tree as people add branches there15:04
amitkrtg_: have you considered patchwork for our ML? http://ozlabs.org/~jk/projects/patchwork/15:22
rtg_amitk, have you used patchwork ?15:26
amitkrtg_: not personally. But it is used on several lists nowadays including the OMAP list15:27
rtg_amitk, ok, I'll get on my list of things to think about.15:28
amitkand netdev15:28
amitkrtg_: you can put it on the bottom of you TODO pile. But it looked interesting...15:28
rtg_amitk, if davem is using it, then it likely has some merit. he reviews a boatload of patches.15:29
amitkrtg_: more than review, it is useful to ensure that patches posted to the list are not lost15:30
Keybukhow clever do we think the kernel's I/O scheduler is?16:04
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apwKeybuk, better than it was before karmic16:45
apwweekly meeting in 10 mins17:47
apw*** kernel meeting starting over on #ubuntu-meeting17:59
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=== Solarion_ is now known as Solarion
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=== MT- is now known as MTecknology
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AthunyeWhen I have to pass boot options to the kernel, should I remove the -- that are in the end of the line?22:40
manjoAthunye, are you doing it on the grub edit line ? 22:43
Athunyemanjo: I'm editing the line. Although, my ubuntu does not show my Ethernet card in lspci, and wireless is detected but does not connect. 22:47
AthunyeSo, I'm looking for boot options that could help me on this issue...22:48
manjoAthunye, are you already booted into the system ? 22:48
manjowhat version of ubuntu are u running (please tell me atleast jaunty :)  )22:48
AthunyeYes. Jaunty. I'm using the live cd now.22:49
AthunyeWireless tries to connect for about 40 seconds and then gives up, saying that I'm disconnected...22:50
manjocan you do lspci -vvnn | less ? 22:50
manjolook for Network Controller 22:50
AthunyeBradcom BCM431222:52
manjoah crap22:52
AthunyeI already had it working, but I had to reinstall the system...22:52
AthunyeIt worked out of the box before. (the wireless card at least)22:53
manjoit should say in your lspci -vvnn Kernel modules:22:53
manjosee what driver it needs22:53
manjoand modprobe that driver 22:53
AthunyeIt uses wl22:53
manjolsmod | grep wl22:53
AthunyeIt is loaded.22:53
AthunyeWell, perhaps the problem is in the wireless router.22:54
Athunyeand what about the Ethernet card?22:54
AthunyeI know it is should use the module atl1c22:54
manjoieee80211_crypt_tkip ? 22:54
AthunyeYes. It is loaded as well22:55
manjowhat ethernet card do you have ? 22:55
manjoEthernet controller: ? 22:56
AthunyeWhen I still was able to see it in lspci it was Atheros L1C Gigabit Ethernet22:56
Athunyeafter I did an update-pciids22:56
AthunyeBecause it was being called attansic, wich is not the correct22:56
manjohmm... you did an upgrade of jaunty ? 22:57
AthunyeNo. I tried a fresh install22:57
manjodid you install restricted modules ? 22:57
AthunyeNo, because I do not have connection22:57
manjoah heh22:57
manjohmm... 22:58
AthunyeThe only boot option I haven't tried yet is acpi=off22:58
manjodoes the your wireless try to connect ? 22:58
manjowhat does dmesg say ? 22:58
Athunyeeth0: no ipv6 routers present22:59
manjowlan0: ? 23:00
AthunyeNo. It gets called eth0 23:00
AthunyeThe other was called eth123:00
AthunyeI even tried karmic alpha 223:02
AthunyeI'm trying noapic23:02
manjoAthunye, what happens with alpha2 ? 23:02
jjohansenAthunye: have you tried disabling ipv6?23:03
AthunyeNo single card gets recognized.23:03
Athunyejjohansen: No. I don't know how to do that. :D23:04
manjojjohansen, even mine says no ipv6 router .. that is normal message 23:04
manjoits bad if his card does not get recognized in karmic 23:04
AthunyeIt sure is. 23:04
jjohansenmanjo: yeah, but I have seen people report turning it off make things magically happen23:04
AthunyeI was hoping 2.6.30 would make things better.23:04
manjojjohansen, oh!23:04
manjoAthunye, lets try turning off IPV6 sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/aliases23:05
manjoFind the line: alias net-pf-10 ipv623:05
AthunyeMandriva does get the wireless working.23:05
manjochange to23:05
manjoalias net-pf-10 off23:05
manjoor alias net-pf-10 off ipv6 rather 23:06
manjoand reboot23:06
AthunyeJust a moment, please23:06
jjohansenactually I was thinking more ipv6.disable=1 in grub23:07
manjoapw, you know of the issue where Atheros  L1C Gigabit Ethernet not recognized in karmic ? 23:08
manjojjohansen, heh or that 23:08
manjoAthunye, jjohansen's method is more straight fwd I think...23:08
AthunyeShould I put that after title ... -generic. Am I right?23:09
manjoyeah you can put it before ro quiet splash23:11
AthunyeAnd how coma 2.6.30 does not have wl?23:11
Athunyehow come*23:11
jjohansenwhich 2.6.30?23:12
AthunyeThe .deb ones I tried to install (I could not compile because I could not eve install ncurses-devel run make menuconfig.23:13
jjohansenAthunye: hrmm from alpha2?23:14
manjoAthunye, linux-restricted-modules23:14
AthunyeIt says "ignoring unknown option ipv6.disable=123:17
manjojjohansen, are you sure of that option ? 23:17
jjohansenmanjo: hrmm, I know it exists in some kernels, I just assumed it was present23:18
Athunyemanjo: I don't have /etc/modprobe.d/aliases23:19
Athunyeyes. I don't have that file.23:21
jjohansenhow about  echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv623:21
manjoalias net-pf-10 ipv6 off23:21
manjoalias net-pf-10 off23:21
manjoalias ivp6 off23:21
AthunyeWaht about /etc/sysctl.conf?23:22
manjoonce you reboot you can see if ipv6 is on by using the command " ip a | grep inet6 "23:24
manjoAthunye, you can also create a /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list 23:24
manjowith those lines 23:24
jjohansenyou can add net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1 to /etc/sysctl.conf23:25
manjoin the bad_list file you can say alias net-pf-10 off23:25
manjoand reboot 23:25
manjoAthunye, either way .. so you have so many options now to turn off IPV6 :) more than you needed to know 23:25
jjohansenhrmm, doing a little googling turned this up http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/04/howto-disable-ipv6-at-ubuntu-jaunty.html23:28

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