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kcleungIs the REVU meeting on now?09:35
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=== dyfet__ is now known as dyfet
* ogra twiddles thumbs14:00
GrueMasterif you insist.14:00
* ogra tries to not burn his fingers on the hot kbd ... laptop still building mono14:01
loolplars, dyfet: ping14:02
MootBotMeeting started at 08:03. The chair is lool.14:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:03
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009072114:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009072114:03
lool[topic] Action Items from July 14th, 200914:04
* plars is here14:04
loolI'll skip over #14:04
loolNCommander to investigate https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vnc4/+bug/338148 (co)14:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 338148 in vnc4 "Needs new version from Debian: fails to build with removal of mesa-swx11-source" [High,Triaged]14:04
loolfor now as NCommander isn't around14:04
loolGrueMaster: GrueMaster to retest on i386 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33780914:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 337809 in linux "APIC error on CPU 0" [Medium,Triaged]14:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Items from July 14th, 200914:05
lool[action] (2nd co) NCommander to investigate  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vnc4/+bug/33814814:05
MootBotACTION received:  (2nd co) NCommander to investigate  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vnc4/+bug/33814814:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 338148 in vnc4 "Needs new version from Debian: fails to build with removal of mesa-swx11-source" [High,Triaged]14:05
lool[action] (2nd co) GrueMaster to retest on i386 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33780914:05
MootBotACTION received:  (2nd co) GrueMaster to retest on i386 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33780914:05
lool[topic] changing the form of the meeting: everybody would update its spec's status in the whiteboard and we'd review a page summarizing status14:05
MootBotNew Topic:  changing the form of the meeting: everybody would update its spec's status in the whiteboard and we'd review a page summarizing status14:05
loolI'm voluntarily skipping over Specification Review as it is impacted by this proposal  :)14:06
loolSo I've sent this proposal to the mailing list14:06
loolThe idea is basically for everybody to edit the whiteboard of their specs to reflect status14:06
* ogra gave comments via IRC, sorry for not putting them in mail yet14:06
loolJust like for Work items, we'd have a one line summary or couple of lines summary of status14:06
loolThis would allow generation of an overview page which we would all review during the meeting and then we'd have an open floor for questions14:07
loolThe goal is to have always available information (not buried in a meeting log) and to skip over the long blueprint pingpong14:07
loolOpinions?  Comments?  Reactions?  :)14:08
plarslool: I didn't see ogra's comments, have there been any objections to this idea raised by him, or anyone else?14:08
loologra: ^14:08
ograi didnt really understand the purpose when we started discussing it14:08
ograthe more i thought bout it the more i liked it14:08
davidmI like the idea, personally14:09
loolplars: I'm not 100% sure but I think it's the only critic I received14:09
ogramy initial proposal was to have at least per person status reports only on the items that block you thought14:09
loolWhich was IIRC "it sounds like additional work and I don't see the point"14:09
ograbut i think these are not needed14:09
plarsright, it's basically just a one line update on a wiki page, similar to what you'd be doing on irc if we still did it in-meeting right?14:10
ogralool's proposal as it stands is fine14:10
loolSo if there are no objections, I propose we add a "Status:" entry to whiteboards; I'll send a mail about that14:10
ograthough it requires that we actually prapare a bit more14:10
plarsI like it14:10
lool[action] lool to send email about Status: in whiteboards14:10
MootBotACTION received:  lool to send email about Status: in whiteboards14:10
lool[action] lool to implement script to dump blueprints' statuses14:10
MootBotACTION received:  lool to implement script to dump blueprints' statuses14:11
loolAs a related topic14:11
davidmplars, it an entry on the blueprint whiteboard not a wiki page14:11
lool[topic] adding work items to all specs which we work on14:11
MootBotNew Topic:  adding work items to all specs which we work on14:11
davidmplars, from that a wiki status page can be generated14:11
plarsdavidm: I see now, from lool's later comments :)14:11
ogralool, shouldnt that be an action instead of topic ? :)14:12
loolplars: Right, sorry, I went a bit fast; it's like Work items: on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-karmic-armel-toolchain14:12
loolSo on this new topic, I'd like to ask everyone to please update or add Work items: to their specs14:12
loolCurrently the burndown chart isn't terribly useful because it only works with a subset of the specs/work items which we really want to track14:13
loolThese are the errors I currently get from the cron http://paste.ubuntu.com/223547/14:13
loolSome specs should be clarified and are not really ours (e.g. hw-emablement or mid-karmic-use-mer) in which case I'll drop them from the list14:14
ogramobile-arm-karmic-offline-installer-gui has workitems14:15
* ogra sonders what he did wrong14:15
loolSo you have an empty line14:15
ograah, right14:15
ografix your script :P14:15
loolThe format should be "Work items:" and then one work item per line directly afterwards14:15
loologra: No, it could be anything after the Work items14:16
loolAlso format of work items should be "Froble with foobar: TODO" or DONE or DEFERRED14:16
loolfixed for this spec14:16
GrueMasterlool:  For future reference it would be nice to have a document specifying the format you would like to have, instead of coming back and saying we need to fix the specs after we have already written them.14:17
plarslool: perhaps, if your email about stus updates could include the format for the rest of it as well, that would be helpful14:17
loolGrueMaster: that's fair14:17
loolGrueMaster: Would you mind picking this up?14:17
loolplars: it will; thanks for the suggestion14:17
GrueMasterNo, because I don't know the exact format that your script is looking for.14:17
loolIt's pitti's script actually14:17
loolThe format is the one I documented above14:18
plarsis that script available in bzr somewhere?14:18
paulliulool: OK. I'll document it.14:18
loolit's available publicly14:18
loolplars, GrueMaster: http://piware.de/bzr/bin/workitems.py14:18
loolthe chart generator albeit unrelated is at lp:~rick-rickspencer3/+junk/py-burndown-chart14:19
loolThe script is called like:14:19
lool03 3 * * * bzr update -q $HOME/bin; $HOME/bin/workitems.py -d data/desktop-workitems.db -r karmic -p 'desktop-karmic-' -m 'https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo/Karmic?action=raw'; $HOME/bin/workitems.py -d data/desktop-workitems.db --csv --to 2009-10-01 | python ubuntu/py-burndown-chart/burndown.py --output=www/www/tmp/desktopteam-burndown-karmic.png -s 300 --height=450 --title='Desktop Team Karmic Burndown' -14:19
loolBTW this is the current burndown chart URL http://piware.de/tmp/mobileteam-burndown-karmic.png14:19
loolThis is hosted on pitti's server for now due to lack of deps on people.ubuntu.com or people.canonical.com14:20
loolAny question?14:20
loolOk moving to Specification Review14:20
lool[topic] Specification Review14:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Specification Review14:20
loolSo hopefully our last pingpong week14:21
lool[link] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~canonical-mobile?show=all14:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~canonical-mobile?show=all14:21
loologra: Mind updating us on your specs?14:21
loolpaulliu, plars: I'll give an update on my specs next and then it will be your turn14:22
ograsubarches in debian cd ... i started fiddling with the renaming on the weekend ...14:22
ograbut am not done yet, the buildd issues are way to pressing to do any spec work this week until we have sorted that14:22
ograso my full focus is on that14:22
ogra(mesa building atm here in chroot)14:22
loolNo update on freescale-desktopm easy-rb-mgmt offline-installer-gui and general-resolution-touchscreens?14:23
ograi fiddled with a qemu static build that if it enters karmic will speed up rootstock massively14:23
ogra(this is for offlibe installer gui)14:23
ogratouchscreens are still not started14:23
ografreescale desktop is waiting for HW which i'm supposed to recive soon14:24
loologra: How's A3 looking WRT freescale/mx51?14:24
ogra(and indeed for the renaming changes in cdimage/debian-cd)14:24
ogragiven that compiz FTBFS thanks to the 40 KDE packages being stuck on the buildd i'D say very bad14:25
ograbeyond not having mesa14:25
loolIt's uninstallable?14:25
ograhow would it be installable without kernel ?14:25
loolI'm speaking of compiz and mesa14:25
ograwell, the wrong version will be installed14:25
ogralivefs'es build, images build14:26
loolThat's better than nothing14:26
ograhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/20090721/ looks good so far but isnt of much use14:26
MootBotLINK received:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily-live/20090721/ looks good so far but isnt of much use14:26
loologra: Is it reasonnable to target these two specs for a4?14:26
ogralooks like we will have a working kernel by A414:26
ograthe changes for imx51 arent hard, uboot scripts will be a bit14:27
ograbut easier if i have HW14:27
loolOn my own specs, I didn't do any progress on the cloud stuff which I considered lower priority; I want to get something decent started before our sprint14:27
loolConcerning the toolchain bits, it's stuck on hardware for buildds as qemu isn't a serious option anymore, sadly14:28
loolAs soon as v7 buildds are deployed we can bump the toolchain reqs and move on14:28
ograqemu-system-arm is way to slow14:28
loolpaulliu: Could you update us on your specs' status?14:28
loolGrueMaster: You're next after plars14:28
ogra(which is why i went down the -static/binfmt road as well with rootstock)14:29
paulliuYes. I've request to enable compatible mode in connman packaging.14:29
paulliuSo the rest is to add it into our seed and start debugging.14:29
paulliuFor app-resolutions sorry I still don't have time to look on that.14:29
loolpaulliu: Could you add work items to your specs?14:30
paulliulool: yes.14:30
loolpaulliu: What do you think are reasonnable delivery milestones for each spec?14:30
paulliulool: before karmic?14:31
paulliulool: What do you mean milestones?14:31
loolpaulliu: alpha 4, 5, 6, beta, rc etc.14:31
lool(I just changed the implementation of mobile-unr-karmic-connman to "Started" since you mentionned work on it)14:32
paulliuFor connman alpha 5 is good.14:32
loolpaulliu: I think connman should land before FF14:32
loolOk, let's go for A514:32
paulliulool: yes, the early the better.14:32
paulliulool: And app-resolution for beta.14:32
loolSpecs updated with milestones14:32
loolpaulliu: Anything you're blocked on?  Need help with?14:33
paulliulool: it's ok. I'll push the maintainer and/or the upstream.14:33
loolpaulliu: Thanks14:34
loolplars: How are specs going for you?14:34
plarsmobile-qa-karmic-arm and mobile-qa-karmic-unr now have testplans linked on testcases.qa.ubuntu.com14:34
plarshave good progress writing checkbox testcases14:34
* StevenK appears, having lost track of time :-(14:34
loolHi StevenK we're reviewing specs status ATM; could you prepare a couple of lines of summary on the ones you're assigned to?  thanks14:34
plarssome manual (guided) and some automated14:34
plarswill be syncing up with cgregan and other soon on testcases to see what can be leveraged for each others' benefits14:35
plars mobile-unr-karmic-compliance-autotesting  is unblocked now, kinda14:35
StevenKThe only left is -wubi, which requires me to have more time14:35
loolplars: Should some implementation statuses say "Good progress"?  Do you have an ETA for delivery of these specs?14:35
loolStevenK: After GrueMaster if you don't mind14:36
StevenKTell me when14:36
* ogra hands StevenK a bag with some minutes in it :)14:36
ograthere, time :)14:36
plarsUNR one is coming along more quickly than arm one, I'd like to have them with something available for use by alpha4, though I fully expect the set of tests to continue to grow after that14:36
plarson the compliance autotesting one14:36
plarsthat's the one for application screensize/resolution testsuite14:37
plarsThe bug affecting LDTP that was blocking me on that is not fixed yet, but I've narrowed it down to the changeset14:37
loolplars: Ok changed it to good progress and targeted to A5, there's no rush to have it in A4, if we do that's nice14:37
plarsthis one is lower priority than the other two though14:37
plarsbut the testing benefits the UNR testing overall14:38
plarsso it's really nice to have14:38
loolplars: Do you think beta is a good target for the testcases specs?14:38
plarsyes, hopefully... I'll have *something* at beta, but I may not have coverage for all apps by that time14:38
loolok updated14:39
loolGrueMaster: Hola14:39
loolGrueMaster: I updated mobile-karmic-lsb-compliance-testing slightly last week; any issue wit hit?14:39
GrueMastermorning.  I have updated the mobile-karmic-lsb-compliance-testing even more since then.  I have added a new work item to move the lsb test results to wiki.ubuntu.com14:40
loolGrueMaster: I just merged the two Work items: sections into one14:41
GrueMasterI will also be testing alpha3 this week as soon as they hit iso.qa14:41
loolGrueMaster: Given the nature of it, I'm targetting it for final since you'll effectively deliver the final work items after final14:41
GrueMasterNo, I am targeting moving the test results for this week.14:42
loolGrueMaster: Anything else you'd like to raise on the topic of specs?14:42
loolGrueMaster: I mean I targetted the *spec* for delivery with final14:42
loolSince one work item is to test final14:42
loolGrueMaster: Ok thanks14:43
loolStevenK: Now would be a good time to update us on your specs  :)14:43
looldyfet__: You're next14:43
ograhe's growing underscores since he joined ...14:43
GrueMasteron the mobile-unr-karmic-applications, davidm and I had decided to abandon it due to lack of communication from the other players.  Since then, I have seen an update on the blueprint (still no email) from Pete asking why.14:43
dyfet__assuming i survive connectivity issues...14:43
StevenKRight, -wubi requires more time, which I'll be doing next week14:44
loolGrueMaster: Actually repete offered clarifications on this spec; I'm happy to participate in a phone call to help rescue the UNR apps spec14:44
StevenK-translations requiring reviewing and also more time14:44
StevenKCan anyone see a theme?14:44
loolStevenK: So you're doing translations after all?14:44
GrueMasterPete has also updated the spec wiki to include a new list of applications, which I have been reviewing since last week.14:44
StevenKlool: I did the first step, by moving them to main.14:45
GrueMasterok, guess I'm done.  sigh.14:45
StevenKI'll be discussing the next steps with dpm tomorrow.14:45
loolStevenK: Is there a spec about UNR updates for karmic?14:45
StevenKIf you have a phone call about UNR apps, please invite me.14:45
StevenKlool: UNR updates? Why?14:45
loolGrueMaster: Sorry, I thought you were done two minutes ago14:45
GrueMasterI can't type as fast as some of you guys.  Especially without coffee.14:46
loolStevenK: Because we'll get some UNR drops to push to karmic14:46
StevenKlool: And? They get uploaded as normal, they don't require that much paperwork14:46
loolStevenK: Ok; so there are no plans to track karmic's UNR as a spec; I would have found such a spec a better place to document the MIR work for UNR for instance14:47
loolI don't mind if you think it can simply happen immediately14:47
StevenKEr, it didn't ... ?14:47
StevenKI'm confused14:47
loolStevenK: I'm not tracking UNR plans for karmic closely; I can't comment on the scale of the task14:48
ograbtw, wasnt there some discussion about the name ?14:48
ogradoes it stay ?14:48
loolThat's not our call14:48
ogra(just a question out of interest)14:48
loolStevenK: Anything else you'd like to discuss with your specs?14:48
StevenKI can't think of any, I'm not really trying to drive -translations, just prod it to get started.14:49
loolStevenK: Could you please update status of poulsbo-packaging and mobile-hildon-input-methods to reflect their current status?  (Implemented/deferred/obsolete etc.)14:49
StevenKAnd having UNR in main was a goal of mine, irrspectively of specs14:50
lool(These are not targeted at karmic, but would be nice to get them cleared of your list)14:50
=== dyfet__ is now known as dyfet
StevenKAnd translations, etc, etc, handwave14:50
loolStevenK: That's alright14:50
loolStevenK: What's the expected delivery milestone for mobile-unr-karmic-wubi?14:50
StevenKlool: It was supposed to be alpha 3, but I suck14:51
StevenKNow alpha 414:51
* ogra doesnt ask for armel support this week :)14:51
loolI made it Alpha 4 thanks14:51
loolGrueMaster: Getting back to you, since I skipped too fast to StevenK14:51
loolGrueMaster: Anything else you'd like to discuss WRT specs?14:51
GrueMasterWhat more can I add?  I only have the two, and one has been silently killed off.14:51
loolGrueMaster: I'm available if you'd like help clarifying/resucing the UNR apps/seed spec with repete14:51
loolI think it's unfair to call it silently killed off14:52
GrueMasterI really don't even know what I am supposed to do with that spec.  I only offered to help stevenk with the writeup after UDS.  I'm not sure what direction it is supposed to go in.14:52
loolI think it was trying to cover too many things at once and was a bit of an undocumented/unclear list of changes as a result14:53
GrueMasterIt was silently killed off because no one was responding to my email inquiries.14:53
loolIf you or StevenK have some genuine interest in getting some of this stuff in karmic, let us work with repete to clarify it14:53
loolI think we could have an efficient phone meeting to kick it off again14:54
loolGrueMaster: Ok; let's chat about this off meeting if you don't mind14:54
looldyfet: How are you doing with specs?14:55
plarswe are almost out of time14:55
dyfetwell...with the lxde spec, we had community elections for packages to have in the lubuntu seed...14:55
looldyfet: So you have a clear plan?14:56
looldyfet: What the expected delivery milestone?14:56
looldyfet: alpha 6?14:57
loolIt's the latest we can add flavours IMO14:57
dyfetwell, it was a low priority spec, but we could target before a6 :)14:57
loolOk I made it alpha 514:57
ogralool, it wont be a flavout14:57
loolbut please add work items to the spec14:57
ograonly a seed and metapackage14:57
looldyfet: anything else?14:57
dyfetyes, I kept your notes from earlier on work item comments :)14:57
dyfetnot related to specs...waiting for hw today though14:58
loolOk done with specs then14:58
lool[topic] ihgh prio bugs14:58
MootBotNew Topic:  ihgh prio bugs14:58
StevenKDepends if you want things like CD builds14:58
loolStevenK: That one would be for you14:58
StevenKAnd before FF is MUCH better14:58
lool[link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-unr14:58
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-unr14:58
loolStevenK: Can you push the new webfav soon?14:59
* StevenK waves his arms furiously14:59
loolWe're running out of time; if people have other commitments they are welcome to go attend; I think we will be done in 5 to 10 mns14:59
StevenKI only have so much time :-(14:59
StevenKlool: I'm trying14:59
loolStevenK: I don't need it next week, but ff3.5 is a karmic goal15:00
loolbfiller said it was a one line change though  :)15:00
StevenKlool: I'm well aware, but there are other things wrong with webfav, which need addressing15:00
loolStevenK: Ok; I'm noting that you don't have much time but will look into it in a near guture15:00
loolStevenK: ack15:01
lool[link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-armel15:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-armel15:01
looldyfet: What about banshee?  This bug has been open in a long while15:01
looldyfet: It would be nice to get some debug action  :)15:01
dyfetI know...I had not been able to get banshee to run far enough to hit that failure on arm15:01
ograwhat HW do you have atm ?15:02
loolI just assigned myself to the ffmpeg ARM opts bugs 38324015:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383240 in ffmpeg "Integrate and enable ARMv5TE/v6/VFP and NEON optimisations from ffmpeg trunk for armel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38324015:02
dyfetwell, there is the b1....and the marvell board I cannot run X on and that has an ancient kernel...15:02
ograffmpeg looks like it will only work if we compile with --cpu=armv7-a15:03
looldyfet: What's wrong with the B1?15:03
dyfetwhen I try it on the b1, I get a failure in dbus init in banshee long before it gets to anything else...15:05
ograyou try to run it remotely ?15:05
ograthat wont work15:05
ograbanshee checks for a local session dbus15:05
loologra: Could you help dyfet get moving on this bug?15:05
looldyfet: Please bring up such issues before we discover them in the meeting; you could document them in the bug or raise them to us on IRC any time  :)15:06
dyfetI think it is something simple...and I was expecting to get new hw today also15:06
loolOk; moving to low prio bugs15:06
loolThere are way too many bugs to review15:06
loolplars, GrueMaster: Could you guys help us deal with the now larger lists of bugs?15:07
lool[link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/~canonical-mobile15:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/~canonical-mobile15:07
* ogra notices thats a reoccuring sentence lool emits every release cycle15:07
loolI wish these be triaged into armel / UNR / other bugs15:07
plarslool: I plan to spend some omre time triaging today15:07
lool[link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unr15:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unr15:07
plarslool: I could use some help on it15:07
lool[link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-armel15:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-armel15:07
loolGrueMaster: Could you help plars triaging these?15:08
GrueMasterLooking now.15:08
loolGrueMaster: As well as New bugs against UNR packages15:08
ogralool, hmm, your list has fix released bugs in it15:08
plarsit's not hard, just can be tedious... but the main thing at the moment is to get bugs figured out whether they are specific to ARM/UNR or not, and if so, subscribe them to the appropriate team... if not, remove the tag15:08
GrueMasterHow do you want me to go about armel bugs without a working image?15:08
ograbug 390591 is surely not affecting karmic15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390591 in mono "mono segfaults on ARM" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39059115:08
plarsGrueMaster: you don't need a working image for the most part on this, and UNR is the one that needs the most attention15:08
loolplars, GrueMaster: What I'd love for the other lists would be bugs without any Undecided/Unknown prio and in state Confirmed or Triaged15:09
plarsgeneral triaging would be useful too of course, but getting the bugs identified correctly is a big part of that15:09
loologra: it's targetted at jaunty, which we still support15:09
loolOk; we had a long meeting already15:09
ograi thought NCommander wanted to make a backport request15:10
plarsGrueMaster: I'll get with you about it later15:10
GrueMasterBug #345126 has been release-noted15:10
loolI think a week wont be enough to triage all these but we should revisit next week15:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345126 in ubuntu-release-notes "Installer on UNR image creates too small swap partition" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34512615:10
lool[topic] AOB15:10
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:10
loolThis is a chance to discuss any other important business?15:10
ogranone, close ....15:10
loolCrap there was something I wanted to mention but I forgot about15:11
loolLucky you15:11
loolOk thanks a lot folks15:11
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:11.15:11
* mathiaz waves16:00
mathiazlet's get the Ubuntu Server team meeting started16:01
MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is mathiaz.16:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
mathiazToday's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:01
mathiazthanks ttx for running the meeting last week16:02
mathiazttx: and publishing the minutes16:02
* stgraber waves16:02
ttxyou're welcome.16:02
mathiazLast week minutes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2009071416:02
mathiaz[TOPIC] #16:02
mathiazSRU tracking on server-related packages.16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  #16:02
mathiaz[TOPIC] SRU tracking on server-related packages.16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  SRU tracking on server-related packages.16:03
mathiazttx: what's you proposal on this subject?16:03
ttxWe need to better track Server-related SRU candidates. Basically monitor the development release updates for changes that could make sense in previous releases16:04
ttxto define where we want to use our resources to push them to completion.16:04
ttxSo someone could monitor the list, look up the changes and list relevant ones on a wikipage. They would get discussed at the team meeting16:05
OmahnI would be willing to help in that effort.16:05
ttxonce approved, we would assign them to the ubuntu-server team and make sure they pass the process.16:05
mathiazttx: in my experience SRU candidates are mainly coming from bugs16:05
OmahnI currently look through the SRU list for updates relevant to servers, mainly for LTS releases though as we mainly use LTS builds.16:05
ttxmathiaz: yes.16:05
mathiazttx: I'm not sure that monitoring karmic-changes would help16:06
mathiazttx: the problem we're trying to solve is to get more SRU completed or to identify more candidates for SRU?16:06
ttxmathiaz: I would say, to make sure we SRU all relevant bugs16:07
ttxand give a forum where their appropriateness would get discussed16:07
mathiazttx: right - so I'd rather focus on the ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list then16:07
ttxbut you're right that -changes monitoring is not enough.16:07
mathiazttx: it seems that karmic-changes is to noisy16:07
* kirkland cheers ttx on16:07
ttxWe need to catch all FixReleased.16:07
mathiazttx: agreed - for a specific list of packages (relevant to the server team)16:08
OmahnDoes a list of packages relevant to the server team exist?16:08
Omahn(Or is it just common sense?)16:09
mathiazOmahn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+packagebugs16:09
mathiazsbeattie: how do yo track relevant SRU bugs?16:09
mathiazsbeattie: is there a process in the bug team to track which bugs are currently under an SRU process?16:10
ttxThat doesn't mean we'll do a lot more SRUs, just give some confidence that we are not missing anything important.16:10
mathiazttx: ok - so there is already a list of bugs that are targeted for SRU16:10
mathiazttx: what's we're trying to achieve here is to get more relevant bugs on that list?16:10
ttxmathiaz: you mean the bugs nominated for a release ?16:11
mathiazttx: yes16:11
mathiazttx: if someone thinks a bug should be fixed in a stable release, one of the first step is to nominate that bug for the target release16:12
ttxBasically I want to find a way to have a team discussion on what nominated bugs should be approved.16:12
ttxand assign the key ones to the team rather than expect that the original poster has the nerves to push them to completion.16:13
mathiazttx: ok16:13
mathiazttx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/16:13
mathiazttx: this is the list of bugs related to hardy16:13
ttxunfortunately the current nomination acceptation process is a one-man decision right now16:13
mathiazttx: and you can search for all bugs to which the ubuntu-server is a subscriber16:14
mathiazttx: http://tinyurl.com/nmxppq16:15
ttxmathiaz: can you see those where hardy has been nominated but not accepted ?16:15
mathiazttx: ^^ this is the list of bugs *accepted* for hardy to which the ubuntu-server team is subsribec16:15
mathiazttx: good question - sbeattie or slangasek would know the answer about it16:15
mathiazttx: hm - there is a review nominations link in the page above16:16
mathiazttx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+nominations16:16
ttxmathiaz: so we could use the nomination process to track them.16:17
mathiazttx: http://tinyurl.com/lm7ogv16:17
mathiazttx: and ^^ this is the url relevant to the ubuntu-server tema16:17
ttxmathiaz: /someone/ would track bugs and make sure nominations are filed were relevant16:17
ttxand we would review the nominations in the team meeting16:18
ttxthen potentially assign the key ones to the team16:18
mathiazttx: right. The process may be semi-automated by processing the ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list archive16:18
mathiazttx: and present a list of bugs marked 'Fix released' on a period of time16:19
mathiazbdmurray: do you have a script that does this^?16:19
ttxThe missing part today is someone making sure everything relevant is nominated.16:19
mathiazttx: agreed.16:19
mathiazttx: so what we could do is to have a weekly review in this meeting about the bugs that have been fixed released in the last week16:20
mathiazttx: and make sure the relevant ones are nominated, approved, assigned, etc...16:20
ttxmathiaz: I fear that might take too long ?16:21
ttxmathiaz: what if someone volunteered to track FixReleased and turn them all to nominations where appropriate ?16:21
zul_why not have like a weekly posting to the ubuntu server mailing list like the kernel-team16:21
ttxthen we could review only those that make sense to be SRUed16:21
=== zul_ is now known as zul
mathiazttx: then the burden to accept the nominations would fall on the ubuntu-sru team16:22
mathiazttx: how about trying to setup the list and review it in the next meeting16:22
ttxmathiaz: you mean only ubuntu-sru should accept a nomination ? I think most devs can.16:22
mathiazttx: and put a maxmimum time we spend on it (say 10 mn)16:23
ttxubuntu-sru accept the SRU more tan the nomination16:23
mathiazttx: that way we get the ball rolling and see if we need to make some adjustement in the process16:23
ttxmathiaz: worksforme16:23
mathiazttx: right - -devs can accept nominations16:23
mathiazttx: IIUC we're trying to come up with a way to make sure that *all* relevant bugs end up in the nomination process16:24
ttxyes. a bug might be valid but not make a good SRU. That's the -sru teams decisions.16:25
ttxaccepting nominations is more ack-ing that the issue applies to a given release.16:25
mathiazttx: and the proposal is to get a list if fixed bugs in the last week, review it in the server meeting and nominated relevant ones16:25
ttxI would even nominate/accept them.16:26
kirklandttx: mathiaz: can we experiment on libvirt and kvm?  both of these are in jaunty-proposed at the moment16:26
kirklandI mean, experiment on the publicity, call-for-testing16:26
mathiazkirkland: ah right. I'm not sure how that is relevant to the discussion here.16:27
mathiazkirkland: testing comes after the SRU has been proccessed16:27
mathiazkirkland: ie one of the very last stage of the SRU process.16:27
kirkland<mathiaz> [TOPIC] SRU tracking on server-related packages.16:27
mathiazkirkland: we're focusing here on the very first step of the process16:27
kirklandi think the last step is important too :-)   testing in -proposed, which I suspect very little happens16:28
mathiazkirkland: how to make sure relevant bugs don't fall off the ubuntu-server radar.16:28
mathiazkirkland: yes - definetly16:28
mathiazkirkland: this is probably the subject of another topic16:28
ttxwell, we should also weekkly-review the status of the ones we committed to do.16:28
mathiazlet's break things down in manageable chunks16:28
mathiazttx: right - so let's move on16:29
ttxbut I agree that's another part of the SRU puzzle.16:29
mathiazI think we have a plan16:29
mathiazI'll talk to bdmurray to see if/how we can get a list of fixed bugs16:29
mathiaz[ACTION] mathiaz to come up with a  way to generate a list of fixed bugs in the last week for packages relevant to the server team16:30
MootBotACTION received:  mathiaz to come up with a  way to generate a list of fixed bugs in the last week for packages relevant to the server team16:30
mathiazanything else on this particular topic?16:30
mathiaznope - let's move on16:31
mathiazanything else regarding last week minutes/meeting?16:31
mathiaznope - let's move on16:32
mathiaz[TOPIC] Preparing a 2009 edition of the Server Survey16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Preparing a 2009 edition of the Server Survey16:32
mathiaznijaba: ^^?16:32
nijabayes, it has been a year since we launched our first survey16:32
nijabaor it will be in sept16:32
nijabaso it is time to start updating our question set for this coming sept16:33
nijabaanyone interested in helping could have a look at the wiki16:33
nijabaand file bugs against the project with suggestions?16:33
mathiaznijaba: which wiki page?16:34
mathiaznijaba: so v1.0.4 was used as the final set of questions for the last survey?16:35
nijabaalso, the limesurvey package needs to be updated.  if anyone feels up to it...16:35
nijabamathiaz: yep16:35
mathiaznijaba: great - seems like everything is there to get the survey updated.16:36
mathiaznijaba: any changes needed to the policy?16:36
nijabamathiaz: not that I know of16:36
mathiaznijaba: great.16:36
nijabamathiaz: but it could use a review if anyone feels up to it16:36
mathiaznijaba: any changes to the Launch plan?16:37
mathiaznijaba: or is this something to be discussed later?16:37
mathiaznijaba: also - what is the timeframe for the launch?16:37
nijabamathiaz: good question.  It can be discussed later, but from the last survey, 50% of the respondent came from the banner on ubuntu.com16:37
nijabamathiaz: end of sept is my target16:38
mathiaznijaba: did you get in touch with the ubuntu-news/marketing team?16:38
nijabamathiaz: not yet16:38
mathiazok - any specific action item to record on this topic?16:39
nijabamathiaz: just the call for review...16:40
mathiaznijaba: writing a blog post?16:40
nijabamathiaz: good idea...  i will16:41
mathiaznijaba: great.16:41
mathiaz[ACTION] nijaba to write a blog post asking for review of the ubuntu-server survey questions.16:41
MootBotACTION received:  nijaba to write a blog post asking for review of the ubuntu-server survey questions.16:41
mathiazanything else on this topic?16:41
nijabanot from me16:41
mathiazok - let's move on then16:42
mathiaz[TOPIC] Roadmap refresh16:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Roadmap refresh16:44
mathiazwhat have you been up to in the next week for karmic?16:44
mathiazwhat have you been up to in the *last* week for karmic?16:45
mathiazRoAkSoAx: ^^?16:45
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, working on ipvsadm (updating it to 1.25) which includes support for ipv616:45
RoAkSoAxthough I have some doubts about how to handle the CFLAGS in debian/rules, so if someone is an expert on the subject and has some free time to help me, please let me know :)16:46
mathiazRoAkSoAx: have you asked in ubuntu-motu?16:46
mathiazRoAkSoAx: you may be able to find some help there16:46
mathiazRoAkSoAx: what else is needed to get packages in shape for karmic?16:47
RoAkSoAxthen I already have a testing howto for heartbeat-pacemaker to do a call for testing, however I'm waiting to have latest pacemaker which I believe ivoks was working on.16:47
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, I did asked -motu with no luck :)16:47
mathiazRoAkSoAx: ok - is there a wiki page somewhere to track what needs to be done?16:48
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, in the Ubuntu-HA team no. We don't have a wikipage for that16:49
mathiazRoAkSoAx: there is a roadmap section on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHighAvailabilityTeam16:49
mathiazRoAkSoAx: could this section be updated with the plan for karmic?16:49
mathiazRoAkSoAx: just give a list of relevant packages that need to be updated in the archive16:50
RoAkSoAxmathiaz, sure. Will work on it.16:50
mathiazRoAkSoAx: and a short description of how the cluster stack would look like in karmic16:51
mathiazRoAkSoAx: great thanks.16:51
RoAkSoAxwill do :)16:51
mathiaz[ACTION] RoAkSoAx to update the Roadmap section of the Ubuntu HA team with a short description of how the cluster stack would look like in karmic16:51
MootBotACTION received:  RoAkSoAx to update the Roadmap section of the Ubuntu HA team with a short description of how the cluster stack would look like in karmic16:51
mathiazkirkland: how is powernap going?16:53
kirklandmathiaz: i've been working on cloud power management16:53
kirklandpowernap + powerwake are two opensource pieces of it16:53
kirklandgoing well16:53
kirklanduploaded, promoted to main16:53
kirklanddan nurmi of eucalyptus has16:53
kirklandadded hooks into eucalyptus16:54
kirklandto use powernap to suspend/hibernate/poweroff cloud nodes when unused16:54
kirklandand powerwake to resume them when demand requires16:54
mathiazkirkland: is there anything to be tested?16:54
kirklandUEC is now a "breathable" cloud16:54
kirklandwell, i think powernap is actually generally useful for servers16:54
kirklandsort of like a screensaver, but instead of saving your screen, you're saving your powerbill16:55
mathiazkirkland: and the planet16:56
kirklandi'm interested in other ideas, use cases, servers where powernap can be used16:56
kirklandmathiaz: yes, and on a more grand and noble basis, the planet :-)16:56
kirklandmathiaz: i'm actually using it on my mythfrontend machines16:56
Davieykirkland: Are there any check mechanisms that you would like help with implementing?16:56
kirklandmathiaz: suspending those when they're not doing anything16:56
kirklandDaviey: heh, actually, there is at least one :-)16:56
kirklandDaviey: i have a mechanism that watches for activity on devices (so /dev/tty1 /dev/ptmx and friends)16:56
mathiazkirkland: right - and resuming them as fast as possible when you have an urgent need to watch a movie16:56
kirklandDaviey: and one that watches ps/2 keyboards/mice on /proc/interrupts16:57
Daviey^^ Also support USB keyboards?16:57
kirklandDaviey: i need a way of watching a usb keyboard/mouse with activity *not* happening on a console16:57
Davieyahh.. too quick :)16:57
kirklandDaviey: so, usb keyboard/mouse activity in gnome, for instance16:57
kirklandlow priority, since the server doesn't include X16:57
mathiazkirkland: ok - we're running out of time16:57
kirklandbut would be nice to have16:57
kirklandpowernap is python code, btw!16:58
mathiazkirkland: do you have a place to track the list of improvment?16:58
Davieykirkland: grab you later :)16:58
mathiazall right - time to wrap up16:58
kirklandmathiaz: launchpad16:58
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time16:58
MootBotNew Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time16:58
mathiaznext week, same time, same place?16:59
mathiazgreat then. next week, same time, same place.17:00
mathiazand happy alpha3 testing!17:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:00.17:00
sommerthanks mathiaz, later on all17:00
=== ember_ is now known as ember
* apw zones in ...18:00
* smb arrives on the bong18:00
* jjohansen waves18:00
* ogasawara waves18:00
apwRoll Call for the kernel team meeting18:00
* rtg_ is here18:00
* amitk here18:00
apwThis is the Kernel Weekly Meeting18:00
apwAgenda for this weeks meeting:18:00
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
MootBotMeeting started at 12:00. The chair is apw.18:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting18:00
* awe waves18:00
apw[TOPIC] Open Action Items: (amitk) Remove Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling from list18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Action Items: (amitk) Remove Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling from list18:01
* cking here18:01
apwthink that one can be called done18:01
apw[TOPIC] Open Action Items: (apw, ogasawara) Mark Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling as complete18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Action Items: (apw, ogasawara) Mark Blueprints: kernel-karmic-bug-handling as complete18:01
apwwicked thanks18:01
apw[TOPIC] Open Action Items: (cking) to send email about Blueprints: kernel-karmic-ssd18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Action Items: (cking) to send email about Blueprints: kernel-karmic-ssd18:01
apw[TOPIC] Open Action Items: (apw) clean up status of Blueprints: kernel-karmic-flavours18:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Action Items: (apw) clean up status of Blueprints: kernel-karmic-flavours18:01
apwthis one is also done18:01
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:02
* apw spits feathers at OSD18:02
apw[TOPIC] Karmic Release Status: Milestoned Features18:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Karmic Release Status: Milestoned Features18:02
ogasawaraRelease Meeting Bugs - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic18:03
ogasawaraRC Milestoned bugs - none for Alpha 3 or Alpha 418:03
ogasawaraRelease Targeted Bugs - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/linux18:03
ogasawaraMilestoned Features - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/karmic-alpha-318:03
apwogasawara, how we looking for alpha-3, it being to late to spin the kernel anyhow18:03
ogasawaraapw: looking good, we have no bugs targetted18:03
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-hwdb-workshop18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-hwdb-workshop18:04
* manjo waves18:04
apwthat one need to be on here any more?18:04
ogasawaraThere's ongoing discussion in bug 33877218:04
ogasawaraAlso, access to hwdb data has been restricted to the hwdb-team.  The kernel team has been added as a member of this team.18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338772 in checkbox "Data from `lshw` should be submitted to Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33877218:04
ubott2Launchpad bug 338772 in checkbox "Data from `lshw` should be submitted to Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33877218:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 338772 in checkbox "Data from `lshw` should be submitted to Launchpad" [High,Confirmed]18:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338772 in checkbox "Data from `lshw` should be submitted to Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33877218:04
ubott2Ubuntu bug 338772 in checkbox "Data from `lshw` should be submitted to Launchpad" [High,Confirmed]18:04
ubott2Launchpad bug 338772 in checkbox "Data from `lshw` should be submitted to Launchpad" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33877218:04
apwheh nice18:04
ogasawaraapw: that's it for now18:04
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-kernel-config-review18:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-kernel-config-review18:04
apwCommonised a chunk of the remaining options on the ubuntu architectures, this included crypto and filesystem options.  This is essentially complete now the remaining updates if any will come as part of testing.18:05
apwi recon this one has gone about as far as it can ... and propose we call it done18:05
* rtg_ agrees18:05
apw[ACTION] apw to close kernel-karmic-kernel-config-review18:05
MootBotACTION received:  apw to close kernel-karmic-kernel-config-review18:05
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-kms18:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-kms18:05
apwThings are generally quiet on KMS at the moment.  We are expecting a block of updates for i915 in the next rebase to 2.6.31-rc4 when that is ready.  ATI userspace is likely to be ready for ATI Radeon KMS sometime after alpha-3 releases, and we can switch it on by default.  Testing continues to be pretty encouraging, lots of fixes being pushed up to the kernel by intel as a result of our testing.18:06
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-new-kernel-on-lts18:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-new-kernel-on-lts18:06
rtg_stalled, too many Karmic issues lately.18:07
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-review-of-non-upstreamed-code18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-review-of-non-upstreamed-code18:07
smbThere are only a few items remaining but no progress on those, currently.18:07
apwwe probabally can review whats left at sprint and call it good then?18:07
smbsounds like a plan18:07
rtg_and drop those aren't being compiled18:07
apwyeah we should do that18:08
rtg_s/those/those that/18:08
apw[ACTION] smb organise a sprint session on to review our delta18:08
MootBotACTION received:  smb organise a sprint session on to review our delta18:08
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-android18:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-android18:08
apwi assume this is still waiting for resource18:08
bjfapw, yes18:08
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-sponsoring-staging-drivers18:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-sponsoring-staging-drivers18:09
apwand this also waiting for resource18:09
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-suspend-resume18:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-suspend-resume18:09
* apw prods manjo18:09
manjonothing to report was working on ARM issues all week18:09
* ogra hugs manjo 18:09
apwok waiting on resource there too18:09
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-wifi18:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-wifi18:10
rtg_working on rfkill18:10
* manjo thanks ogra18:10
apwwe do have a bunch of inversions and the like reported on rfkill18:10
apwor devices disabled by default18:10
rtg_its kind of non-functional in some cases.18:10
apwshould we be pointing you at them?18:10
rtg_not yet. I need to figure out how its supposed to work.18:11
apwheh i think we expected that, its a major rewrite in there for sure18:11
manjoso rt2x00 upgrade was turned down...18:11
rtg_I'm working with slangasek on acpi-support and wireless-tools18:11
* awe sends sympathy to rtg18:11
smbmanjo, well as the big thing, yes18:11
apwi assume thats the one in ubuntu/18:12
manjono its in main dirs18:12
smbbut the big diff included a completelly new (and apparently broken) driver18:12
apwsomething to get discussed on the mailing list perhaps?18:12
manjoapw, it was18:13
apwso is that something we need to talk about now, or take offline?18:13
manjowe can take it off line18:14
smbI guess take offline18:14
rtg_manjo, IIRC even the maintainer said it wasn't ready.18:14
manjortg_, correct18:14
rtg_seems like tahts the end of the story for now18:14
apwoverall then not taking it yet seems appropriate, we await an updated version18:14
apw[TOPIC] Blueprints: kernel-karmic-better-power-mgt18:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Blueprints: kernel-karmic-better-power-mgt18:14
* apw suspects this is pending resource18:15
apw[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: AppArmor (jjohansen)18:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: AppArmor (jjohansen)18:15
jjohansenstill have the clone regression18:15
jjohansenand I know of two other oops, now18:15
apwin addition to the ones you fixed already?18:15
jjohansenthey are in change_profile, jamie reported it yesterday18:16
apwhow are they looking, are they things people are likely to hit?18:16
jjohansenand one that is showing up in cred18:16
jjohansenjamie is working on a profile that uses changeprofile18:16
apwi suggest we sync with you before the next upload and decide if you think it is still safe to enable it18:16
jjohansenwhich would be the first time its been used in Ubuntu18:17
rtg_jjohansen, do we have feature parity with Jaunty?18:17
apw[ACTION] apw/rtg to synv with Jjohansen before upload on AA enablement18:17
MootBotACTION received:  apw/rtg to synv with Jjohansen before upload on AA enablement18:17
jjohansenrtg_: yes18:17
* apw cheers18:18
apw[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: ARM-Freescale (amitk, bjf)18:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: ARM-Freescale (amitk, bjf)18:18
bjfimx51 is making good progress on all fronts18:18
amitk6.6.31 imx51 kernel now boots and manages to stay alive18:18
amitker 2.6.3118:19
amitkbig thanks to manjo and dinh @ freescale18:19
apwsouding good.  so are we expecting patches for karmic shortly?18:19
amitkI've integrated all the patches at http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=amitk/ubuntu-fsl-2.6.31.git;a=summary in case anybody is interested18:19
amitkare we going to have a separate branch for this stuff?18:19
amitkI'm cleaning up the commit messages for uniformity and then I'll send a pull request shortly18:20
rtg_amitk, thats my understanding (for now)18:20
bjfI think it should go on an "arm" topic branch in the Karmic tree18:20
apwsounds good, we can get the same machinery smb used on jaunty and use that18:20
amitkit should be on the next upload for thur/fri as discussed with apw18:20
amitk_then_ I start porting part2 of the FSL patchset to 2.6.3118:21
amitkthe stuff that bjf already SRU'ed into jaunty18:21
amitkthats it from my side18:22
apw[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: 386 Flavour (apw)18:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: 386 Flavour (apw)18:22
apwTesting has shown that the percieved performance gains from switching to i586 in the archive we actually due to gcc-4.4.18:22
apwTherefore the 386 flavour is required.  This has been reintegrated into the kernel package.  Item closed.18:22
apw[ACTION] apw to close the 386 flavour task18:22
* apw pokes mootbot18:22
apw[TOPIC] Other Release Tasks: Union Mount Solution (apw)18:23
amitkMootBot: kick18:23
apwThe latest Karmic kernel now has aufs included.  Testing reports on the livecd have been good so far.  This item is basically done.  Will monitor for a bit then close.18:23
MootBotACTION received:  apw to close the 386 flavour task18:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Other Release Tasks: Union Mount Solution (apw)18:23
apw[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels - Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy/Others (smb)18:23
smb* Dapper:   2.6.15-54.77 (security)18:23
smb* Hardy:    2.6.24-24.56 (updates)18:23
smb            Planning new proposed upload to get Acer Aspire Ones booting18:23
smb* Intrepid: 2.6.27-14.35 (security)18:23
smb            2.6.27-14.36 (proposed+security)[14] with 5/24 verifications18:23
smb            LRM-2.6.27-14.20 (updates)18:23
smb* Jaunty:   2.6.28-13.45 (security)18:23
smb            2.6.28-14.46 (proposed)[13] with 4/15 verifications18:23
smb            ABI bumping versions of LRM and LBM waiting as well18:23
smbSo Intrepid and Jaunty need a bit more bugs verified against the proposed18:23
apw[TOPIC] Status: Karmic (rtg, apw)18:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Karmic (rtg, apw)18:24
apwKernel is currently frozen for alpha-3.  We also have lots of updates for the ports architectures hopefully they will all build on the next upload.18:24
apwThe big thing is the proposal to enable AA for the next upload.  Pending jjohansen's feedback18:25
jjohansenI think yes18:25
apw[TOPIC] Status: ARM (amitk, bjf)18:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: ARM (amitk, bjf)18:25
amitkno more to add18:25
apwdo we need this separate in general?18:26
amitkprobably not if we have a blueprint18:26
apwok ...18:26
apw[TOPIC] Status: Netbook (sconklin, apw)18:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Status: Netbook (sconklin, apw)18:26
apwReleased an updated Jaunty netbook release pulling us up to the tip of jaunty and pulling in some oem patches.18:26
apwwe are waiting there on testing feedback18:26
cking...no word yet18:27
apw[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Regressions (ogasawara)18:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Regressions (ogasawara)18:27
ogasawara5 regressions were added to the bug list this week18:27
ogasawara1 regression is already Fix Committed and 1 is In Progress18:27
ogasawaraThe remaining 3 are Triaged of which 1 is assigned to smb18:27
aweapw: ChickenCutlass uploaded it... no status yet18:27
apwwe seem to be getting a lot of regressions all of a sudden18:27
apwis this due to more testing or?18:27
ogasawaraapw: yes, that's the only explanation I can think of18:28
apw[TOPIC] Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (ogasawara)18:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Incoming Bugs: Bug day report (ogasawara)18:28
ogasawaraOff to a slow start today.  Refer to http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20090721.html for current stats.18:28
apwwith the bugs being assigned bugs in a lot of cases, they are likely to move from incomplete to incomplete18:28
apwand not change your apparent stats i guess18:29
ckingsorry, I've been focused on OEM stuff today18:29
apw[TOPIC] Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?18:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion or Questions: Anyone have anything?18:29
ogasawaraapw: I was thinking that might be the case for some, I definitely don't think we'll see a large shift from open to closed18:29
apw[TOPIC] Next Meeting Chair Selection18:30
MootBotNew Topic:  Next Meeting Chair Selection18:30
apwwho's up18:30
apwogra, simon didn't say18:30
ckinggood man18:30
apw[ACTION] bjf to chair next meeting18:30
apwthen i think we're done ... thanks all18:30
MootBotACTION received:  bjf to chair next meeting18:31
MootBotMeeting finished at 12:31.18:31
* apw shakes head at MootBot18:31
amitkMootBot: kick18:31
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nizarusping boredandblogging20:03
nizarusthe LoCo council meeting is cancelled ?20:04
* ausimage was wondering that20:04
* DiegoTc ask the same question20:05
* janc_ is here20:05
* ausimage is here for New York State Ubuntu Team :D20:05
nizarusit's 19utc i'm not wrong ?20:05
ausimageI had it as 3pm EDT at least from my calculation20:06
boredandbloggingwaiting on quorum20:06
DiegoTcits 19utc right now20:06
janc_juliux, popey: ping20:11
popeysorry I'm late20:11
DiegoTcno problem20:12
janc_we can start now, I guess?20:12
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popeygo for it20:13
janc_what order do we use, by date or by the table?  ;)20:16
DiegoTctable :p20:17
janc_okay Ireland first then20:17
DiegoTcjanc_ Ireland wasn't approved on the last council meeting?20:18
boredandblog_yeah Ireland was last meeting20:20
DiegoTci don't about slovenia20:21
DiegoTcI am waiting for Honduras turn ;920:21
janc_I guess they were also last meeting then (considering the date on the table)20:21
* ausimage waits for NYS, US :D20:22
janc_okay Honduras then20:22
boredandblog_DiegoTc: do you want to introduce honduras?20:23
tatica1:-D Honduras20:23
DiegoTcWell i am the team contact of U-hn20:24
DiegoTcby emails I met some persons interested on ubuntu, and with the help of the u-ni we organized our first evet this year20:24
DiegoTcwe have received many help from the ubuntu centralamerican comunity, and we were plannung to organized some schools visits this month20:25
DiegoTcbut we cancel because of the political problems the country is having right know20:26
DiegoTcwe are 40 members, and actively 8-10 guys20:26
janc_ah, right, we heard about that...20:26
DiegoTcbut we did one school visit this saturday20:27
DiegoTcthe country is adpting to the changes20:27
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DiegoTcand lets hope this doesn't stop us on out mission to spread ubuntu in the country20:27
janc_DiegoTc, how long does this LoCoTeam exist?20:28
DiegoTcjanc_ funy question20:28
DiegoTcthe team exists since 2007 i think, but it hasn't don't anything20:29
DiegoTcuntil this year20:29
popeywould be good if there were dates on the events on the wiki20:29
DiegoTcwhen we started to move with help of the u-hn members as tatica1 which is here on the meeting20:29
DiegoTcpopey the events have links to the events page20:30
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HondurasTeam/Honduras_ApprovalApplication is the page I am talking about20:30
janc_seems like the renewed activity started around early March this year?20:30
DiegoTcactually febraury with our first IRc meeting20:31
janc_I was guessing from the wiki page edit  ;-)20:31
popeymmm pizza20:31
popeyyes, that's what I'm getting at, it would be nice if the page had dates on, thats all20:31
DiegoTcpopey the pizza bash was one of our last events we did20:32
DiegoTcwe have done, my mistake20:32
popeyIt looks like most of the activity has happened in the last 1-2 months..20:32
popeyI'd like to see a longer period of sustained activity..20:33
DiegoTcwe have on feb went we meet, march our first event, april, the flisol&jaunty party20:33
DiegoTcjune and july also we did activities20:34
janc_well, preparing those events is activity too, but still at least 6 months would be nice to see20:34
DiegoTcwell from feb-to july are 6 months20:35
DiegoTcdon't you think20:36
popeyI'd like to see you guys and girls keep up the great work and come back to us around the karmic release.20:36
DiegoTcwell thanks for all popey20:37
DiegoTcwe will be here20:37
boredandblog_DiegoTc: keep up the good work20:37
janc_7-2 = 5   ;)20:37
DiegoTcokay thanks20:38
popeyKeep it going! Karmic release party - more pizza!20:39
popeyNY up next?20:39
* ausimage is here :D20:39
* ausimage sure hopes our endurance qualifies us ;)20:39
boredandblog_can we get some sinatra in here?20:40
boredandblog_NY, NY20:40
janc_anyway, don't worry, NY State had to come back too, and it looks good for them now IMO  ;)20:40
ausimageeven if sustained efforts wax and wane20:40
ausimageno not NY NY :(20:40
ausimageFingerLakes ;)20:40
popeyWho's here for NY?20:40
ausimagepopey I am...20:41
popeyI have already looked through the pages for NY and I'm easily already +120:41
boredandblog_agree with popey, +120:41
popeyimpressive back catalog of work!20:41
popeyI think a lot of teams can learn from you guys!20:42
popeyand a magic approval application20:42
ausimagecproffit has been instrumental ;)20:42
janc_+1 from me too20:42
popeythat's enough votes is it not?20:43
* ausimage holds his breath 20:43
popeywell done!20:44
ausimageYeah! finally :D20:44
boredandblog_ausimage: congrats!20:44
nizaruscongrats ausimage20:44
DiegoTccongratulations asimage20:45
* TwoToneSpirit is proud to be a New Yorker. :-)20:45
zaafouricongratulations =)20:45
* DiegoTc & U-hn saids congratulations to NY20:45
hal14450so NY gets approval then ? we're finally official?20:46
* nizarus is counting seconds until tunisia call20:47
* zaafouri too20:47
janc_hal14450, yes  :)20:47
ALAYAcongrats hal14450 :)20:48
hal14450thaank you20:48
AliBBhal14450,  Tunisia congrats NY :)20:49
RachedTNCongratulations NY :) Hope we (ubuntu-tn) are the next :)20:49
hal14450thanks all, and good luck to the other teams20:51
boredandblog_nizarus: we want to the do the re-approvals on a mailing list20:51
boredandblog_the procedure was that we would contact the LoCos...20:52
nizarusboredandblog_, whow is that ?20:52
boredandblog_we have a huge back log of re-approvals20:52
nizarusah ok i see20:52
nizarusso we have to wait until we got an email ?20:53
janc_and every time we approve a new team, next year the backlist becomes longer  ;-)20:53
boredandblog_nizarus: yeah, don't worry about it did we contact you20:53
boredandblog_is someone here from the Japan team?20:53
jkbysI'm here for Japan team20:54
boredandblog_jkbys: that applies to the japan team as well20:54
boredandblog_we'll email the contacts and inform them about reapproval20:54
jkbysI see20:54
nizarusboredandblog_, reapproval without a meeting ?20:55
boredandblog_apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused20:55
RachedTNOoops, I have prepared a party to celebrate our reapproval, I think I have to drink alone now20:55
zaafouriRachedTN, me too ='(20:55
janc_jkbys, hope you didn't have to stay up until some ungodly hour...   :-/20:56
zaafouriWe will get it =)20:56
nizaruswe remove our line entry from wiki page or we keep it ?20:56
boredandblog_nizarus: you can remove it20:56
* RachedTN whish the best for the others LoCos and keep the good works guys, VIVA ubuntu :)20:57
DiegoTcboredandblog_ just one doubt20:57
janc_DiegoTc, yes?20:58
DiegoTcyou told me we should put dates on our application20:58
DiegoTcor i didn't understand well20:59
popeyThe "Experience" section, yes20:59
DiegoTcohh thinks to do for the next meeting on october21:00
janc_DiegoTc, yes, and if you want, feel free to ask us questions before then21:01
DiegoTcwell thanks for all21:02
DiegoTcthere is not pizza this night21:02
janc_(we're often around in #ubuntu-locoteams if people want to ask questions)21:03
* janc_ hopes he can go back to the family BBQ now, already missed the cake for my nieces birthday ;)21:04
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