
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacfta: i dont think there is a page. there might be specs00:44
* asac tries to remember when gstreamer feature was developed00:44
asacotherwise there is the gstreamer api if that helps00:45
asacwhat does that mean? ;)00:47
BUGabundomeans I should have been in bed 1h ago :)00:50
BUGabundoand that we missed you!00:50
BUGabundodon't go away for a weekend and not let us know00:51
* BUGabundo hugs asac00:51
BUGabundoI should have been in bed 1h ago :)00:51
ftaasac, this was about the codecs in chromium.. how could we do to be on par with chrome that will ship h264, mp3 and aac.00:52
ftaknowing that youtube uses h264, we have to do something00:52
* BUGabundo /sbin/movearse sofa /dev/bed; ln -s eyeupperlid eyelowerlid00:55
asacBUGabundo: haha. better go away a weekend than getting burned out completely ;)00:56
asacfta: i think gstreamer would still work more or less automatically00:56
asacfta: but most likely they want to use ffmpeg which probably lacks a app-install backend still (i think someone said that ffmpeg supports a similar on-demand mechanism now)00:57
ftaasac, they 1st need to merge the -mt branch in, it's intrusive00:58
asacwhy do they mt if they run each window/plugin in a separate process anyway?00:58
asaci would expect them to be the last application that need that00:59
ftai think the video rendered is shared00:59
asacyeah, but i find that odd somehow01:00
asacanyway. i am not sure how to put -mt branch in. maybe try to convince debian maintainer to do that ;)01:01
asacalso understanding why upstream doesnt put that in would help01:01
asace.g. ffmpeg upstream01:01
asacthey probably have concerns01:01
asacanyway. i have to hunt myself to bed now ;). 'night01:04
ftai've been told that ffmpeg-mt is not a fork, it was a GSoC project, and will be eventually merged into ffmpeg01:05
ftabut it's big, intrusive, and that takes time to review01:06
reedasac: how do I get ubuntu moblin remix?01:10
reedjcastro: ping01:16
jcastroreed, pong02:28
reedjcastro: how do I get Ubuntu Moblin Remix? Mozilla's CEO would like to try it.02:28
micahgping reed04:15
e-jatreed: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/current/05:32
reedmicahg: pong05:35
reede-jat: ah, thanks05:35
reedthat's netbook05:35
reedI want the moblin05:35
reedubuntu moblin remix05:35
micahghi, is this report valid again TB http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2009-253505:36
e-jatreed: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/moblin/releases/8.04.1/ <-- this ?05:36
reedmicahg: let me look05:37
reede-jat: hmm05:38
reedno, there's supposedly one for 9.0405:38
micahgreed: http://moblin.org/documentation/test-drive-moblin is this it?05:40
e-jatreed: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-karmic-moblin-remix | is it still in blueprint or already release for tester05:42
reede-jat: yeah05:45
reedthat looks like it05:45
micahgreed: did you get a chance to look at that?06:01
reedmicahg: let me look at that CVE06:03
micahgleave a message here06:03
micahgI'll check back06:03
micahgI'm heading home now06:03
micahgthanks reed06:03
asacreed: did you find mobling remix yet?09:17
reedasac: no09:21
reedasac: not the latest one09:21
reedwith moblin 209:21
asacreed: unrelated, but still: http://identi.ca/notice/6764568 ;)09:36
reedwoo, finally09:40
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
gnomefreakasac: now that Daneil is gone who is our main sound guy? at least i think hes gone10:33
* gnomefreak meeds an assistant10:35
asacgnomefreak: he is gone?10:36
asache is still in this channel ;)10:36
gnomefreakhe is?10:37
gnomefreakah yes i missed him the first time10:37
gnomefreak /me made an oops. i cant have coffee yet so my bain will function badly10:38
gnomefreakasac: look at diff on bug 365965 and let me know if its good :) i guess it should go into at least our daily PPA10:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365965 in firefox-3.5 "[MASTER] Firefox3.5 recommends ubufox but should suggest ubufox" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36596510:40
gnomefreakim making sure it attached fine10:40
gnomefreakasac: ok thats not hte bug10:41
asacgnomefreak: thtas obviously right. but suggesting a merge would be better as our branch has different changelog etc ;)10:41
gnomefreakasac: i made one on a nother bug but why not this one10:41
gnomefreakasac: i havent pushed to a branch yet but can oince i find the bug10:42
gnomefreakah it is10:42
gnomefreakok i see he patched ubufox and i patched FF-3.010:44
gnomefreakasac: ill push to a branch today. ok what should i use for version in changelog?10:46
reedasac: we'll be moving to Bugzilla 3.4 in the next few months10:52
reedonce that's done, launchpad integration should be easy10:53
asacgood ;)10:55
gnomefreakyay i fixed icon :) now to get it to build in LP10:55
gnomefreakah i used the version in repos not daily11:05
gnomefreakok going to use mozilla-teams lp:firefox branch instead of from repos11:12
reedasac: you're ready for the Firefox release today?11:19
asacreed: i think so ... was there a build2? we have build1 staged11:22
* reed looks11:22
asaci lost track in the mids of this 3.5 firedrill11:23
asactoo many mails ;)11:23
reedyeah, build1 is right11:24
reedI think11:24
* asac too ;)11:24
asacits just that we had the build in our staging area for felt-ages11:25
asacbut that probabl was the 3.5 push that came in between11:25
reedok, cool11:25
reedjust making sure you're ready11:25
asacwe are basically sitting and waiting.11:26
gnomefreakok pushing 2 branches so im going to walk away while this happens, for some reason my connection speed drop alot since wed. of last week11:54
asacsorry for that. thanks11:58
gnomefreakasac: np i have to fix sunbird branches anyway12:09
gnomefreakyay sunbird is finally ready for push to repos :)12:34
gnomefreakpushing firefox branch now12:34
asacgnomefreak: firefox? for ubufox? yeah12:34
gnomefreakfirefox but its failing to push stalling at 43%12:39
gnomefreakim asking in #bzr if ther eis another way to push it maybe not stall that way12:42
gnomefreakasac: ubufox has a patch on that same bug it seems. it looks like 3.5 was added to ubufox deps. cant recall persons name for that patch. maybe i should have mixed his changes and gave him credit for them so the branch is updated all together. let me know if i should do that12:45
gnomefreakno i cant nevermind12:46
gnomefreaki added bug 401165 fix to sunbird and pushed so now it is done just need to test build12:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401165 in thunderbird "build dependency on GCC-4.3 [armel]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40116512:48
asacreed: why doesnt bugzilla update the Component option box entries when i change the product?12:55
asacreed: is there a trick or do i need to do two steps?12:55
=== eagles051387 is now known as eagles0513875
gnomefreakfta2: seems o3d doesnt work in firefox-3.5 checking chromium now but with firefox it tells me the plugin isnt installed13:50
gnomefreakfta2: chromium tells me This page requires the O3D plugin to be installed also13:52
gnomefreakhold that thought that was odd13:52
gnomefreaknope same error. i have a nvidia 6200 so it should be supported13:55
gnomefreakasac: having issues with bzr pushing firefox but sunbird pushed fine :(13:58
Ddordahello. i'm trying to install the Daily build PPA, can you help me?14:00
gnomefreakasking in #lp now bzr sent me there14:02
gnomefreakDdorda: what is the issue?14:02
gnomefreakthose type of questions scare me for user14:03
Ddordatrying to use the PPA of the daily build of firefox14:03
gnomefreakDdorda: that is not the problem you are having i need details on what you are trying to do and what happens14:03
Ddordai've added it to the sources list and added the authentication14:03
Ddordabut got no idea how to install it14:03
gnomefreakDdorda: run sudo apt-get update14:03
Ddordaone sec14:04
gnomefreakDdorda: than if you have 3.5 it will upgrade if not sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 or whatever package you are looking for. be extreamly careful with daily builds they can and will break, make sure you know this before using it14:05
gnomefreakif xulrunner breaks you will have issues outside of firefox thunderbird14:05
Ddordaokay, thanks :D14:05
gnomefreaknew sunbird pushed to PPA to test14:05
asacalso install firefox-3.5-gnome-support14:06
asacif you want trunk install firefox-3.6 + -gnome-support instead14:06
Ddordawhat is that for?14:06
Ddordathanks a lot you too14:06
* gnomefreak getting even more scared14:07
gnomefreakyou dont know to run update after adding PPA to sources.list you shouldnt really run daily builds14:07
gnomefreakyes i know hes gone. can we add a warning to daily build PPA page14:08
asaci think there is a warning ;)14:08
asacdailies are ok for anyone who knows that there are risks14:09
asacno particular skills required imo14:09
gnomefreakmaybe warning if you cant run update you need not use this repo :)14:09
asacexcept maybe logging into irc and joining this channel14:09
gnomefreakasac: btw it looks like LP is having issues (not sure why only one branch) but its dying with connection refused after it starts pushing14:10
asacgnomefreak: yes, that could be the case14:10
gnomefreakok 64bit built. sunbird is ready. did you want me to fix bug 401165 in tbird-214:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401165 in thunderbird "build dependency on GCC-4.3 [armel]" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40116514:11
gnomefreakasked in #lp but didnt get answer but looks like im not only one, if same issue14:11
gnomefreakhm lp is screwed up it said 64bit finished but refresh and its still there14:12
gnomefreakok good lpis an d 386 built so sunbird _is_ fixed using gcc-4.4 rather than 4.3 :)14:18
gnomefreakah it 555 not 777 :)14:19
gnomefreakthis looks like a PPA issue not package issue14:26
gnomefreakchecking whether the C compiler (gcc-4.2  -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions) works... no14:26
gnomefreakconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables14:26
asacgnomefreak: yes. want to fix armel14:27
asacdid you get all the patches?14:27
gnomefreakasac: for armel in sunbird yes14:27
asacgnomefreak: where do you get the compiler problem?14:27
asacgnomefreak: which patches did you pick?14:27
asacshould be 3 or 414:27
eagles0513875hey guys14:28
gnomefreakasac: per bug he told me either no version or 4.4 for karmic14:28
asacgnomefreak: gcc-4.214:29
gnomefreaki had 4.3 and it failed as well with same error. only thing i did other than gcc fix is remove the set -e section for icons (it built jaunty fine. from jaunty to karmic changes was the gCC build-dep14:29
asacgnomefreak: you didnt fix debian/rules as it seems14:29
gnomefreakok looking14:29
asacjust dont set CC and CXX to anything ... it will then take the default14:29
eagles0513875hows karmic looking my desktop upstairs is jaunty atm14:31
gnomefreakasac: so CC=gcc-4.4 should be CC=gcc14:31
gnomefreakeagles0513875: i havent done updates since friday so i couldnt tell you but most is good here14:31
asacgnomefreak: just uncomment that line14:31
asaccomment i mean14:31
eagles0513875probably upgrade :)14:31
asacsame for CXX=14:31
asacgnomefreak: and drop any special build depends on gcc14:32
eagles0513875if i can ssh onto from my mac lol14:32
gnomefreakasac: got it14:32
fta2asac, do you know what is the difference between %u and %U in .desktop files?14:40
asacfta2: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html14:41
asac%u A single URL. Local files may either be passed as file: URLs or as file path.14:41
asac%U A list of URLs. Each URL is passed as a separate argument to the executable program. Local files may either be passed as file: URLs or as file path.14:41
asacfta2: ^^14:42
gnomefreaktrying ff-3.5 branch one more time for now14:46
eagles0513875you guys think i should upgrade14:57
asaci dont know your setup etc.14:57
asaci would say dont upgrade remotely14:57
asacif you want to be safe14:57
eagles0513875whats wrong with doing that i would be upgrading to karmic over the net14:57
asaceagles0513875: if you use NM you might loose net in the middle of the upgrade14:57
asacyou would need to use update-manager -d14:58
asacbut even then there might be a hickup or something else14:58
asacif the machine is not within reach you might risk of not being able to fix any distruoption14:58
eagles0513875ya i can do that from upstairs14:58
asacbut thats your own estimate14:58
fta2asac, ok so %u is enough for a browse14:58
asacso decide on your own14:58
asacfta2: well, if you want to open multple urls at one time maybe not14:58
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:59
fta2asac, we use %u for firefox14:59
eagles0513875brb guys gonna upgrade15:01
gnomefreakwhy does this keep stalling out damnit15:02
Paddy_NIgnomefreak: this?15:04
gnomefreak[###############\    ] Copying content texts:Copied record 1211/129515:05
Paddy_NIalmost there too15:05
gnomefreakwgrant says there is slashdotting going on right now maybe thats why15:06
asacfta2: true. not sure what happens if we try %U15:08
gnomefreakasac: as for tbird-2 patches they are all  there and also all there in sunbird. ill work  on tbird-2 fix for that bug in a bit. just  need to see if ff will push15:08
gnomefreaksorry so late been pulling my hair out15:09
gnomefreakyay it worked :)15:14
gnomefreakok firefox-3.5 fix and sunbird are done15:14
eagles0513875upgrading :)15:14
gnomefreakasac: proposed merge into MT firefox-3.5 branch15:20
fta2gnomefreak, changelog is wrong, previous entry was UNRELEASED, no need for a new version15:28
gnomefreakfta2: changelog for what?15:29
asacgnomefreak: ffox 35 merge request most likely15:29
gnomefreak3.5 is released why wouldnt we use a target?15:30
gnomefreakgive me a few hours and ill change it if need be15:31
gnomefreakill be back just testing build15:34
gnomefreaki lied sunbird isnt fixed yet but i have a few things to try15:49
gnomefreakok got past the configure but failed on build oh damn please tell me i didnt over look that15:55
gnomefreakok that should fix sunbird but will let you know tomorrow or way later today15:59
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)16:42
fta2gnomefreak, oh, and don't close changelog, keep it open with UNRELEASED, we always close it in a dedicated commit16:51
fta2asac, did you do something with v8 since last time?16:51
asacfta2: the patch for hidden was the last i did16:58
asacfta2: i wanted to track ABI/API afterwards to see how bad it breaks likage; at best using chromium ;)16:58
asacfta2: i think i failed to submit it because i couldnt find any hint about git cl and where to get it ;)16:59
fta2gcl is in depot_tools17:01
asacfta2: maybe we should package that to get things started ;)17:02
asacanyway, will check it out next slot17:02
asacfta: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/firefox-3.0/3.0.11+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu2.me001 uploaded17:53
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
ftaload of >20, hm, all my shells are dead18:31
ftai guess i have to reboot, somehow18:31
ftano shell, no mouse, gasp18:31
asacwelcome back netsplitters ;)18:42
micahgasac: was this fixed in TB2 already? http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2009-253518:57
asacmicahg: yes if you look in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=460713 you see its  verified1.8.1.19, verified1.9.0.518:59
ubottuMozilla bug 460713 in General "[FIX]Memory exhaustion setting HTMLSelect.length() [GSEC-TZO-26-2009]" [Critical,Verified: fixed]19:00
asace.g. ffox 3.0.5 and tbird
micahgok, I didn't know if TB2 and FF2 were on the same gecko branch19:00
asacmicahg: yes, they are both from 1.8.119:00
micahgok, cool19:01
micahgI'll ignore then19:01
asacmicahg: yeah. close it if its an ubuntu bug19:02
micahgnope, I was gonna open one if we were affected19:02
micahgasac: bug 195698 just had upstream released in trunk, xilrunner-1.9 is triaged, should I mark xulrunner-1.9 won't fix and open a xulrunner-1.9.1 task?19:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195698 in firefox "Password asked separately for each tab that requires it " [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19569819:04
asacmicahg: yes, we have to check whether we want to ask for a cherry pick for 1.9.119:05
asacor that19:10
micahgIt's already invalid19:10
asacor add firefox-3.5 and wontfix firefox19:10
micahgbut I can change the package19:10
micahgthat's what I'm wondering19:10
asackeep it that way and if you want add it to firefox-3.519:10
micahgso we don't have too many tasks19:10
micahgok, O19:10
micahgi'll just add another one19:11
asaci think its up to the triager19:11
asaci wouldnt necessarily reassign if we already have two tasks19:11
micahgThere are 3 right now, FF, FF3, and xul1.919:11
asacfor me reassigning if there is one task makes sense, but this just documents the state for the various branches in one place19:11
micahgdo we need to document ff2 anymore?19:11
fta 3668 root      20   0 2031m 1.7g 2376 R   10 88.6   5:57.27 bootchart19:12
asacmicahg: not sure. i just think that invalid is an end-state and reusing tasks sounds wrong ;)19:12
asacxulrunner-1.9 we could argue could be reused19:12
micahgjust wanted to check the policy with you19:13
asacbut keeping it open would catch duplicates if someone else thinks again its a xulrunner-1.9 task19:13
micahgyou filed it under xulrunner :)19:13
asacmicahg: also i think having wont fix bugs in firefox is good because there are still a few people filing 3.0 bugs against firefox ... and i doubt this will change19:13
micahgok, I usually try to move them19:13
micahgbut ok19:13
micahgI'll file against ff3.5 to catch dupes19:14
asacmicahg: yeah. i acutally think that this is one of the bugs that stopped me doing that19:14
micahgand it's marked maybe 1.9.119:14
asacmicahg: right. i think more tasks are better; we wont get more than one mail i hope19:14
asacand it might catch dupes19:14
micahgnah, just an intial mail saying the task is open19:14
micahgI changed ff3.0 to won't fix19:16
ftaX just crashed, wtf?19:42
asachmm. reproducible?19:52
asacor just a one timer?19:53
ftabug 34352819:53
asacno bot19:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343528 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in EvdevMBEmuBlockHandler()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34352819:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 343528 in xorg-server "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in EvdevMBEmuBlockHandler()" [Medium,Triaged]19:55
ftaslow bot, bad bot19:55
asachow does chrome do proxy config?19:58
asacthrough gconf or env?19:58
asaci think env should work on kubuntu at least19:58
asacmost likely they dont honour system settings at all ;)19:58
eagles0513875asac: chrome going to be in karmic20:23
asacchrome != chromium20:24
asacchrome is non-free20:24
asacfta: about http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=17363 ... does it work on gnome at least?20:25
ftaeagles0513875: was that a question or a fact?20:26
eagles0513875sry need to punctuate my sentences i know20:26
gnomefreakbuilders are backed up by the looks of it20:26
gnomefreakpushed it 2 hours ago and its starts building in ~1hour20:27
gnomefreakfta: did you reject the merge for me to fix it?20:27
ftagnomefreak, no, i just read the email20:28
asacgnomefreak: you can improve it and push --overwrite20:28
asacthat will resubmit it20:28
asacor you could do a new one20:28
asacwhich is probably cleaner20:28
asaci will reject it now20:29
gnomefreakasac: i can fix it thats no problem. i need to use a target for PPA thats why i always have them there :)20:29
gnomefreakasac: i could have rejected it. i just dont like apporing my own merge requests20:29
asacok done20:31
gnomefreakok its rejected20:31
asacselecting resubmit is odd20:31
asacnot sure what that means20:31
asacso i didnt do that20:31
gnomefreaki rejected it too just now20:31
gnomefreakno need for resubmit i just propose it again20:31
gnomefreakasac: i should have tbird2 done tomorrow. i think i fixed all the problems20:32
asacstill there is a status "Resubmit" if you edit a merge proposal20:32
asacthats odd20:32
asacif you try it ;)20:32
asaci read it three times and couldnt really understand what it does20:32
ftaasac, fix it, lp is open source now20:32
asacand _who_ is supposed to run it20:32
asacpackage dailies ;)20:32
asacthough i guess that would be hardly of much use ;)20:33
* gnomefreak should know better than to ask questions when the answer is going to confuse me more20:33
asacgnomefreak: which question?20:34
gnomefreaki asked "what do you mean" :( and he confused me even more20:36
gnomefreakmicahg: you around i am confused20:36
gnomefreakasac: it was about the bug that the merge request was for. but he said i was supposed to move it to another bug but the other bug was QT related20:37
* gnomefreak not even going to try to port ubufox for QT20:38
micahghi gnomefreak20:38
micahgthat's not what I said...20:38
gnomefreakmicahg: hi :)20:38
gnomefreakthats what i read20:38
micahgmust ahve been tired20:38
gnomefreakor did you mean the other patch should have gone there20:38
micahgwhat you did for that bug was right20:38
ftaasac, i wonder if anyone will do anything with the lp sources20:39
gnomefreakother patch == not mine20:39
micahgthere was a secondary issue in that bug about ubufox pulling in apturl and the suggestion about making a KDE version of apturl that ubufox could rely on20:39
gnomefreakasac: wasnt 3.0.12 released (ff)20:39
micahgbut it was already in another bug20:39
gnomefreakmicahg: ah ok20:40
micahgand then there was what asac already did which is update ubufox for ff3.5 which was also another bug20:40
gnomefreakmicahg: i was going to look at that as well but QT libs and me dont mix well20:40
micahgyeah, that's ok20:40
micahgdoes the mozillateam maintain apturl?20:40
gnomefreakmaybe we should talk with riddel about doing QT version. however i dont know if apturl needs to get looked at by mvo20:41
gnomefreakmicahg: mvo as i recall20:41
gnomefreakmicahg: as has worked on it before20:41
gnomefreakif 12 == released why push 1120:42
asacfta: thats why launchpad wasnt open-sourced initially20:43
asacfta: it wsa thought that likelyhood of someone actually contributing would be small20:43
asacfta: and hence you only get risk by opening it up early20:43
asacgnomefreak: the me001 upload was a quick shot to get something on CD20:45
asacgnomefreak: .12 isnt out yet and we couldnt wait any longer20:45
ftaasac, the installer is really messing with the system, and i'm not even sure all the pieces are included. it's far from clear by reading the initial announcement20:45
asacwe already are in freeze since this morning iirc20:45
gnomefreakasac: ah because of main freeze20:45
gnomefreaki forgot about that email20:45
asacfta: which installer?20:45
ftaasac, rocketfuel-setup20:45
asacfta: ah ... the launchpad installer ... yeah20:45
asacnote: i have no clue about anything of this, but it sounds like it was really made for internal use, where the user is a dedicated launchpad developer20:46
asacfta: i thought that fule setup thing is probably just the most high level approach that exist to get a running system20:46
asacmost likely you can do it with individual pieces20:47
ftathat part is clear when you read the sources ;)20:47
asacjust not with a single command ;)20:47
asacfta: did you see if there is anything useful for dailies etc in that snapshot yet?20:48
ftai hope some debian fanatics package that cleanly20:48
gnomefreakthis is always a bad idea. bug 30737720:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307377 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3.0 needs to show 'Icons and Text' by default in the toolbar" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30737720:48
asactahts wontfix, right20:48
gnomefreakoh and 3.0 wont get fixed anyway20:48
gnomefreakasac: thats what i say20:49
ftaasac, i didn't look at trunk yet, just the installer20:49
asaci think its also wont fix for 3.620:49
gnomefreakasac: marking as such20:49
ftaasac, bug 40269820:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402698 in gwibber "gwibber crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_free_chain_with_offset()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40269820:54
gnomefreakok someone please ask what timely manner means on bug 401462  its too wide open ill end up in trouble20:55
* micahg kicks ubottu20:58
micahgbug 40146220:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401462 in firefox-3.0 "Occasionally fails to load page in tab from link" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40146220:59
micahggnomefreak: sounds like the person's complaining about the internet21:00
gnomefreakmicahg: and you see how i would get introuble :)21:04
gnomefreakbrb smoke21:04
gnomefreakall have flash or java?21:05
gnomefreakstill not here21:05
asacfta: interesting. lets wait for the retracers21:05
asacfta: but in fact i found more sources of mt access to gtk ... which cannot be fixed until 2.021:06
asacwouldnt make sense to fix i mean21:06
asacin 2.0 all is gone becuase backend was done properly from what i was told and UI is just UI thread21:06
gnomefreak10 sites out of the whole web load slow its not firefox its sites21:08
eagles0513875is gcc a big thing to compile21:09
gnomefreakeagles0513875: im going with a yes but not as bad as say a kernel21:10
micahggnomefreak: convert to Q21:10
micahglet someone troubleshoot his network21:10
eagles0513875gnomefreak: its taking some time here21:10
gnomefreakmicahg: im testing and commenting21:12
gnomefreakeagles0513875: time eh that depends on too many things. our buildds are fast as hell for some reason though21:12
asacfta: retracers failed21:12
eagles0513875gnomefreak: i would be scared if thats the case21:13
ftaasac, so convince them to put 2.0 in trunk and package the daemon ;)21:13
eagles0513875could be servers with lots of ram and processing power21:13
asacfta: we will21:14
asacfrom what i understand its actually supposed to end up in main or even CD21:15
gnomefreakeagles0513875: i have 256 ram and a 1.3ghz and firefox thunderbird seamonkey and sunbird all take hours to do21:18
gnomefreakgwget is fast and extensions are fast i dont know the size of gcc but im guessing its not small21:19
eagles0513875ya but im on an intel i7 and 2gb ddr3 could be i have a number of things open21:19
gnomefreakmicahg: tested all and closed. if you like to test and confirm be my guest but hes not going to like my answer21:19
gnomefreakeagles0513875: what the hell could you have open every app in Ubuntu repos?21:20
gnomefreakyou have plenty of everything to run that build21:20
eagles0513875osx here with terminal yahoo i tunes kvirc msn and safari open lol21:20
eagles0513875im finding out when using macports its alot like emerge on gentoo it pulls source compiles and installs it that way21:21
gnomefreakclose itunes and watch you will build it in half the time lol21:21
eagles0513875im listening to some awesome trance music atm21:21
* gnomefreak still wants a mac but i think my aunt fried hers so ill have one that i will have to rebuild if i get one21:21
eagles0513875this is the 13inch base macbook pro21:22
eagles05138751200 usd21:22
eagles0513875ram can have up to 8gb of ddr3 which is over priced right now at 900 usd21:22
* gnomefreak be back feed dog, ill fix ff when i get back and propose it again21:23
micahggnomefreak: your answer is fine with me21:27
gnomefreakmicahg: ok cool21:27
gnomefreakthanks for looking21:27
gnomefreakoh shit this was the push i had issues with wasnt it21:30
gnomefreaklets see how it goes21:30
gnomefreakok pushing using sftp ill let you know when its done21:32
gnomefreakok sunbird built that is finally done and ready gcc is fixed as well as everything else. please dont yell at me for versioning its wasnt on purpose21:34
gnomefreakdamn that was fast21:34
gnomefreakasac: requested the merge for FF branches changed karmic to UNRELEASED21:36
gnomefreakok for the next while ill be in and out. test building tbird gcc fix and it lags and locks me up alot on builds21:40
eagles0513875gnomefreak: i would be scared if its done so fast21:44
gnomefreakeagles0513875: it pushed just fine i think it was LP fault this morning21:44
eagles0513875what kinda servers are used as the build servers outa curiosity sake ?21:45
gnomefreakeagles0513875: not sure how where they have them set up21:45
eagles0513875gnomefreak:  or asac can i get some help in kubuntu-offtopic with someone whose having graphics issues with an intel 96522:00
gnomefreakintel is karmic has issues some were fixed with latest upload22:01
gnomefreakeagles0513875: other than that good luck :)22:01
eagles0513875this is jaunty this guys is on22:01
* gnomefreak cnat find the fucking elif22:01
gnomefreaknsAppRunner.cpp:1373:6: error: #elif with no expression22:02
gnomefreakim guessing if i use 4.4 instead of system default this will work and use default for 1.0*. its worth a try atleast22:03
ftagnomefreak, you have to patch that, it's a known bug, we have the patch in other branches22:08
asacgnomefreak: pick it from tbird too22:08
ftagnomefreak, btw, your ff patch is still wrong :P22:08
asacor if its sm2 pick it from xul or somewhere22:08
gnomefreakfta: whats wrong with it?22:09
gnomefreakwhat branch has the patch (nake as well would help22:10
gnomefreaki dont remember seeing a patch for gcc in tbird222:11
gnomefreakthose seem new22:12
gnomefreaknope i have them22:12
gnomefreakdamnit i found it22:13
asacgnomefreak: the last one22:14
asacright ;)22:14
gnomefreakbrb but what is wrong with FF fix? ill only be  aminute22:21
ftagnomefreak, you should use dch, you would have known what's wrong22:21
gnomefreakfta: i did use dch22:22
gnomefreakdch -i to start with22:22
gnomefreakthan -r for last change22:22
ftathen remove -i22:22
ftajust dch22:22
gnomefreakother than bumping ubuntu by 1 and that is expected22:23
gnomefreakhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox/firefox.dev/revision/440  looks right to me22:25
asacSeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 122:26
gnomefreakasac: ?22:28
gnomefreakasac: i have b1 in PPA already have had it there well for a while22:29
gnomefreakbefore the FTBFS issues22:29
* gnomefreak still doesnt see a problem with changelog22:29
asacstill the announcement seems to be new22:29
gnomefreakasac: it does they were talking about pre b1 for a long time but i had b1 in PPA long before that. maybe the hg is pre b1?22:30
gnomefreakonce m-d gets fixed ill be glad to update it but take your time22:31
asacgnomefreak: b1~hg... means its pre-b122:31
gnomefreakasac: ah ok now that makes sence22:32
gnomefreakfta: if you mean the patch on the bug i havent updated it with changelog changes but as for changelog on branch i dont see anything wrong. ubuntu2 is in repos so ubuntu3 is next it has unreleased in it22:33
gnomefreakand no spelling mistakes22:33
asacgnomefreak: if the current bzr branch has UNRELEASED in it, you are supposed to add your entry to the existing changelog entry and not a new one22:34
asaci think thats all fta is asking for22:34
asacso uncommit ... move your stuff to the changelog below and remove your newly created one22:34
asactake care that its still at UNRELEASED22:34
gnomefreaki had karmic in it to start with. :) i didnt think adding to exsiting is good because 2 was released to archives22:35
asaclet me check22:35
asacgnomefreak: so bzr branch has ubuntu2 on top and its UNRELEASED22:35
asacgnomefreak: this means either we forgot to commit something or we dont have ubuntu2 in the archive22:36
asac!info firefox-3.5 karmic22:36
ubottufirefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 931 kB, installed size 3580 kB22:36
asacso that tells us that we dont have ubuntu2 in the archive22:36
asacso please add your stuff to ubuntu2 UNRELEASED ;)22:36
asaci guess you mixed firefox-3.0 up with firefox-3.522:37
gnomefreakdoing so22:37
asac3.0 hsa ubuntu2 in archive22:37
asacbut not 3.522:37
asac!info firefox-3.0 karmic22:37
ubottufirefox-3.0 (source: firefox-3.0): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.11+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 887 kB, installed size 3512 kB22:37
asacright :)22:37
gnomefreakah i see oops22:37
gnomefreakdo i uncommit the ubuntu2 entry and commit with me in there?22:41
gnomefreakor add another revision22:41
asacfta: something is odd with our firefox project and how we use release series22:41
asacseems that trunk is a branch for us22:42
asacfta: hah. i think its because we used main development focus for 3.522:43
ftai didn't do that, someone else did22:43
asacwas it me?22:43
asacthe UI is still really unintuitive22:43
asacwas really hard for me to spot where to change something of that graph22:44
asacnow its fixed: https://edge.launchpad.net/firefox/+series22:44
ftawhy is there just 1 release for everything?22:44
asacmarking old serieses obsolete22:45
asacand updating other stuff22:45
micahgasac: do mozilla bugs need to be upstreamed to be marked triaged?22:45
asaclet me first fix this ;)22:45
micahgif it's not an issue with our package22:45
asacmicahg: yes, triaged is prereq. and you should add an empty upstream task if you dont have time to file it upstream22:45
micahgI'm saying which comes first, marking triaged or upstream task?22:46
gnomefreaksame time IMO22:46
asacfta: i am not sure what benefit we would get for replaying releases on launchpad22:46
asacfta: maybe for xulrunner we could upload our tarballs22:46
ftaasac, have a nice graph22:46
asaci guess we would need some launchpadlib script for that22:47
gnomefreakfta: should i uncommit your last entry (ubuntu2) and recommit it with my changes?22:47
micahgif I can't find the upstream lets say and I open a task, do I mark triaged or confirmed?  I was marking confirmed and opening the upstream task22:47
asacthat automatically re-releases upstream tarballs there  and if upstream does not release any, release on our own22:47
micahgnote: this all had to do with a conversation I just ahd in ubuntu-bugs22:48
ftagnomefreak, no! why would you want to do that?22:48
asacmicahg: triaged + empty22:48
asacis the right one22:48
micahgdidn't know that22:48
asacthis means all info available and "needs to be send upstream"22:48
gnomefreakfta: because i added it to that changelog entry :)22:48
micahgso I guess I'm off on the whole thing22:48
micahgI thought triaged meant bug triager's job is over22:49
asacmicahg: well, its not really written somewher, but thats the idea: first forward triaged ones with empty upstream task22:49
asacmicahg: also thats the assumptions made in the upstream report are based on fromwhat i understood: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+upstreamreport22:49
ftagnomefreak, just document your changes inside the last block, as it has been done several times in that file. we often have multiple contributors for a given release22:49
ftathat's just what i'm asking22:50
micahgasac: don't know why I didn't connect the dots22:50
asacgnomefreak: simple: start with whatever is currently in bzr. commit your change, and add your stuff to _current_ changelog entry :)22:51
gnomefreakdone i pushed its updating22:52
gnomefreakasac: fta can one of you reject it ill re propsose it i am unable to open email atm thanks to tbird22:54
asacgnomefreak: why repropose?22:57
asacgnomefreak: just push again and suggest a new merge22:57
asacwe will mark the old ones appropriately then22:58
gnomefreakthats what i meant22:58
BUGabundoguud evening22:59
BUGabundofinally back22:59
* gnomefreak trys something new this time. give me a minute22:59
BUGabundonvidia broke :(22:59
gnomefreakBUGabundo: hi22:59
gnomefreakBUGabundo: mine works just o3d isnt working for some damn reason23:00
gnomefreakasac: fta http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox/firefox.dev/revision/440  before i ask for merge23:00
gnomefreaklet me know23:00
gnomefreakBUGabundo: what version of gdm do you have?23:01
gnomefreakafter 2.27.4-0ubuntu3 update. restart i had to drop to TTY and restart gdm than all worked fine23:02
BUGabundolet me check23:02
* gnomefreak been to busy to test compiz though23:02
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy gdm  Installed: 2.27.4-0ubuntu423:02
gnomefreaknothing loaded after signing in23:02
gnomefreakah i havent done updates in 6 or so hours that could be why23:03
BUGabundogot that23:03
BUGabundonvidia broke23:03
BUGabundorenamed xorg.conf23:03
gnomefreakthanks for warning :)23:03
BUGabundofixd it23:03
asacgnomefreak: we usually add   - update debian/control (like you can see everywhere else) below the comment23:03
asacbut its good that way imo23:03
asacgreen light from me to suggest a merge against firefox/3.523:03
asactake care, i just renamed the branches a bit ;)23:04
gnomefreakshit i left that out23:04
asacgnomefreak: which firefox-3.0 do you have installed?23:04
gnomefreaki normall use debian/control: bleh bleh bleh23:04
asacgnomefreak: yes, but its good practice to keep same style of the reest of the changelog23:05
asacand not add individual entries with your personal preference - which looks unsorted in the end23:05
asacgnomefreak: do you have that running?23:05
gnomefreakwaiting to uninstall it23:05
asacgnomefreak: why?23:05
asacgnomefreak: please start firefox 3.023:05
asacdoes it work?23:05
gnomefreakasac: let me check23:06
gnomefreakasac: lp:firefox-3.5 now?23:06
gnomefreakeverything is really slow atm. what do you mean by work?23:07
asacgnomefreak: i think so yes.23:07
asacgnomefreak: start firefox 3 please23:07
asacgnomefreak: does it come up?23:07
micahgthey're doing maintenance on LP23:07
asaccheck that its firefox 3 in about -> help ;)23:07
asacmicahg: yeah. i saw a mail or two23:08
asacunscheduled downtime (/me didnt read that far)?23:08
BUGabundoasac: any date to fix the darn FF 3.6 X crax??23:08
asacBUGabundo: the --sync one?23:08
gnomefreakasac: you need to reject the merge first23:09
BUGabundoI found that starting from gnome do as less crash rate then from cli23:09
BUGabundoasac: yes that23:09
BUGabundoI just open in safemode, quit, and try 2 or 3 times and then it works23:09
asacBUGabundo: we now have an upstream bug for that https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49949823:09
gnomefreakasac: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060309 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.0.1123:09
gnomefreakworks fine here23:09
asacBUGabundo: interestingly enough the initial reporter doesnt see it anymore23:09
asacgnomefreak: ok23:10
asacgnomefreak: please test new tab23:10
BUGabundoI just saw it23:10
BUGabundoon daily ppa asac23:10
asacdo you get the ubuntu homepage there?23:10
asacBUGabundo: yeah. but shouldnt matter23:10
asacwe have a few more seeing it with 3.5.1 in archive23:10
gnomefreakasac: any other tests?23:10
ubottuMozilla bug 499498 in X-remote "BadWindow error upon first run of FF3.5 RC" [Normal,New]23:10
asacgnomefreak: yes, newtab23:10
asacgnomefreak: does that show the ubuntu homepage?23:10
gnomefreaki know new tab in 3.5 pissing me off badly testing 3.0 now23:11
gnomefreakubuntu search page but URL is empty23:11
asacthats ok23:11
BUGabundoasac: 3.5.1 too?? oh man23:11
BUGabundoso it is ubuntu specific?23:11
asacBUGabundo: yes, its grave bug in archive i would say23:11
gnomefreak3.5.1 does same thing but it has words in address bar23:11
gnomefreakdont recall what it says though23:12
asacgnomefreak: what pissed you off in newtab on 3.5?23:12
asacgnomefreak: do you see the same behaviour on 3.5 now too?23:12
gnomefreakaqsyes i liked empty one personally23:12
asaccan you restart 3.5?23:12
asaci think you should see it there now as well23:12
gnomefreakasac: yes both are about the same23:12
gnomefreaki noticed it with 3.5 update today23:12
asacits expected that someone prefers the empty one ;)23:12
gnomefreak:) cant please everyone23:13
asacok thanks. i think i got all the feedback i wanted for now23:13
gnomefreakasac: ok i rejected the other merge nad asked for merge this time23:15
gnomefreakok doing updates than im gone i havent eatten lunch or dinner yet23:16
asacgnomefreak: enjoy ... we will check when we get the mail i guess23:17
reed__asac: pushed 3.0.12 yet?23:17
asacreed__: not yet. we usually wait a few hours to protect us against the worst regressions. but the gun is definitly loaded :)23:19
BUGabundo.12? a new one23:20
BUGabundosome one please kill 3.0.x23:20
asacwhy ;)?23:20
asacits a decent user experience still23:20
BUGabundotoo oldddd23:20
asacat lesat you can start it wihtout --sync ;)23:20
BUGabundohaven't used --sync in a while :)23:22
asacBUGabundo: yeah. if you have it open you dont need it anymore23:24
EruditeHermitasac: hi23:24
EruditeHermitasac: I have a question about launchpad23:24
EruditeHermitwould you know anything about it?23:24
gnomefreakok the patched fixed sunbird now that is ready, tbird still building and ff-3.5 asked for merge if you reject it ill fix the changelog/revision tomorrow but please comment on it so i know23:24
gnomefreakEruditeHermit: we know a little but #launchpad would know more23:25
EruditeHermitah o k23:25
gnomefreakchecking email than going for night23:26
BUGabundognomefreak: how are you feeling lately ?23:30
gnomefreakBUGabundo: other than in pain im alright but pain will never go away23:31
EruditeHermitgnomefreak: what happened?23:35
gnomefreakEruditeHermit: knee problems sinc ei was 1023:36
gnomefreakBUGabundo: eye dont hurt but knee surgery didnt help knee23:36
gnomefreakeye on monday again23:36
BUGabundoguud luck23:36
gnomefreakthan glasses so i can see (everything is still very blurry23:37
gnomefreakBUGabundo: thanks23:37
gnomefreakok night guys23:37
asac_EruditeHermit: irc thing is done atm. no i dont know anything about launchpad code base yet either23:47
asac_i think dev.launchpad.net is the right resource not sure if htere is a #launchpad-dev channel; otherwise maybe #launchpad23:48
micahgyes, there is a launchpad-dev channel for the development of LP23:49
EruditeHermityeah I asked in #launchpad and figured out what I wanted23:50
EruditeHermitthanks for pointing me there23:50
bluekujaasac__, it looks like you're lagging ;)23:57
BUGabundoby several min23:58

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