
danagei have under "other updates" the ubuntuone-client since a couple of weeks, but it's greyed out. what do i have to do?08:34
danagehi sladen08:42
imreHi! How can I uninstall Ubuntu one client from Jaunty in the terminal?08:56
imreHi! How can I uninstall Ubuntu one client from Jaunty in the terminal?09:05
MaWaLeimre : sorry for asking but why did you want to install ubuntu one client in the terminal?09:16
imreMaWaLe:I meant "UNinstall" i thought it is more simple, than handpicking the packedes in synaptic.09:21
MaWaLeimre: but synaptic is better to manage dependencies09:22
danageMaWaLe: i don't think so since it's just a front end09:24
danagei have under "other updates" the ubuntuone-client since a couple of weeks, but it's greyed out. what do i have to do?09:24
MaWaLebut if you persist to want uninstalling manually : sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntuone-client-gnome09:24
MaWaLedanage: maybe you have a broken update09:25
MaWaLetry this :09:25
MaWaLesudo sudo dpkg --configure -a09:26
MaWaLesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:26
imreMaWaLe: I just don`t wanted to miss any packages, couse i don`t know which is related to ubuntu one. All it`s packages are start with ubuntuone...?09:26
MaWaLedanage : did you added the ppa for the ubuntu one package?09:26
MaWaLeimre : sorry but i think that i don't understand very well your query09:32
MaWaLedo you want tio now the files related to the ubuntuone-client-gnome?09:32
imreMaWaLe: sorry if I was unclear. I don`t need the service of ubuntu one anymore, so i just want to uninstall it from the pc. I went to synaptic and marked Ubuntuone-client to uninstall. Synaptic didn`t marked a few pack to uninstall, like phyton-ubuntuone-client and 2 other. So i thought with one line in terminal all the related packages will go. And i dont have to worry if i missed some packages09:40
MaWaLeimre, when selecting a package in synaptic for uninstallation and you want to remove all related files, you have to select "select for complete uninstall" and not the simple "uninstall" option09:43
MaWaLeanyway : like i said, for a manually uninstallation : sudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntuone-client-gnome09:43
imreMaWaLe: thanks a lot09:44
MaWaLeimre, nevermind ;)09:45
sladendanage: hi12:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
danagei have under "other updates" the ubuntuone-client since a couple of weeks, but it's greyed out. what do i have to do?13:23
MaWaLedid you tried : sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:25
MaWaLethis command have to be typed in one line13:25
MaWaLeotherwise it must be splitted in 3 commands13:25
facundobatistaHi all13:25
__lucio__dobey: pitti said: Please note that in a default install, there should be no sync daemon process and logs _at all_. This is already a bug.14:17
__lucio__so, we cant have nautilus hooking up with the dbus signals unless there really is something to sync.14:17
dobeynautilus can't know there is nothing to sync unless it asks the syncdaemon14:22
dobeywhat the syncdaemon should do, is timeout and exit when there are no more dbus calls to it, and it's not authorized to access the user's storage account14:23
__lucio__dobey: if syncdaemon starts and exits, there should be a log.14:38
dobeythe log is not the issue here, unless we're logging crap we shouldn't14:40
dobeywhat shouldn't be there is the metadata, and the Ubuntu One folder14:40
__lucio__dobey: i like to log start and exit. why is that crap?14:42
dobeyit's not14:43
dobeythere are much worse things coming up in ~/.xsession-errors14:45
__lucio__dobey: thats an ugly file, yes.14:46
__lucio__i dont know if i like the idea of having two modes, the real working mode and the fake just for quick booting mode. when someone stores the token, will it notify syncdaemon so it can really start?14:47
dobeyit wouldn't be two modes. and currently the applet calls syncdaemon connect() when the user authorizes the machine, so yeah. we can optimize that a bit maybe in some places, but yeah14:52
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountHello you fine looking developers, let's have a meeting! Everyone here for the desktop+ developers meeting please respond with "me", we'll try going in order of response with the format DONE / TODO / BLOCKED. Your turn:15:00
__lucio__dobey: so, this is your proposal: syncdaemon is waken up because of a signal. checks for token. if there is a token, normal startup. if there is no token, wait X time. for every signal it gets in X time, check for token and do normal startup if found. after timeout: exit.15:00
dobey__lucio__: not quite, but lets continue after this standup :)15:01
vdsteknico: CardinalFang urbanape ?15:02
CardinalFangme! me me me!15:03
jblountDONE: some js hacking, delete is almost working.15:03
jblountTODO: More js hacking, fix some minor stuff that cropped up on rollout15:03
jblountBLOCKED: Nope (although looking forward to client rollout so we can have nice machine names on https://ubuntuone.com/account/machines/ )15:03
jblountvds: rocknroll15:03
vdsDONE: still fighting with ds-server weirdness, have two more branches almost ready15:03
vdsTODO: try not to hate the ds-server too much15:03
vdsBLOCKED: not really but some volunteer who'd like to share the pain with me would be appreciated...15:03
vdsdobey your turn15:03
dobeyDONE: Fixed gtk.h include for older GNOME installs, Fixed browser error dialog width, Fixed python install for non-pycentral systems15:03
dobeyTODO: 0.91.0 Release, 0.91.0 submission to Karmic, Bug Ivanka/Ted about FUSA integration, Hannibal duties, #37870715:03
dobeyBLCK: None.15:03
dobeyrodrigo_: se hablan15:03
rodrigo_DONE: submitted branches for some fixes in couchdb-glib and evo-couchdb. Fixed with statik a couple of things for oauth authentication for tomboy15:04
rodrigo_TODO: debug with Sandy and statik the tomboy's oauth process. More evo-couchdb fixes/features15:04
rodrigo_BLOCKED: none15:04
rodrigo_urbanape: go15:05
urbanapeDONE: Noodled over resurrecting details.js for populating the popups.15:05
urbanapeTODO: Actually breathe some life into it.15:05
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:05
urbanapeCardinalFang! you! you you you!15:05
CardinalFangDONE: More debugging of Spawning replacement.  Blocked.15:05
CardinalFangTODO: Get help and fix it.15:05
CardinalFangBLOCKED: Yes!  Spawning horks on searching for config file.  I think it's a problem with mixing Spawning's module-reloading design and our config singleton design.15:05
jblountMEETING ENDS15:05
jblountThanks everyone, back to "business"15:05
rodrigo_statik: around?15:06
pfibigerrodrigo_: there was an email, he's out today.15:06
urbanapestatik's out for the day15:06
rodrigo_pfibiger: ah ok15:06
teknicosorry, late15:07
teknicoDONE: testing scripts in utilities/15:08
teknicoTODO: more testing scripts in utilities/15:08
teknicoBLOCKED: none15:08
__lucio__dobey: your move.15:09
dobey__lucio__: so i'm not exactly sure how it should work, but checking for a token every time a dbus call is made, to determine whether or not it should do "normal startup" doesn't sound right to me15:14
__lucio__dobey: why not?15:15
dobey__lucio__: because keyring lookup can be expensive, and annoying to the user (it might pop up dialogs asking for permission, etc...)15:17
dobeyso doing a lookup every time we get a dbus call doesn't make sense to me15:17
__lucio__dobey: ok, one at startup, one before timeout?15:18
__lucio__but, if we cant even do keyring looksups, theres nothing we can do15:18
dobey__lucio__: let me think about it. it's not an urgent issue anyway15:19
dobey__lucio__: and i still need to read all the updates to that bug that showed up in my bug folder this morning15:19
__lucio__dobey: not so urgent, but very important. im leaving the ball on your side now.15:21
dobeyyou know. since we default to no icons on the desktop anyway, why do we bother to start nautilus by default15:22
danagei have under "other updates" the ubuntuone-client since a couple of weeks, but it's greyed out. what do i have to do?15:26
rodrigo_danage: it probably depends on new stuff, so go to a terminal and 'sudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client'15:30
danagerodrigo_: thanks a bunch, that was it15:31
danagenow the client has completely disappeared. i thought i needed to restart but that didn't bring it back. what is the name of the binary i should run? it's not in the menu anymore….15:40
rodrigo_danage: ubuntuone-client-applet15:41
danagedoesn't exist15:42
rodrigo_oh, dobey?15:42
dobeydanage: do you have ubuntuone-client-gnome installed?15:43
danageum no, i wonder why15:43
danageand here it is, thanks!15:44
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 94, Protocol Revno is 53 | Release 0.90.4
verterokdobey: ping18:15
verterokdobey: did you got a chance to take a look to the new comments in #400746?18:15
verterokdobey: I think we should change the way the nautilus integration work, insted of nautilus calling the syncdaemon change the approach to "don't call me I'll call you"18:19
verterokdobey: and change the nautilus extension to work with signals18:19
verterokdobey: this was we avoid starting up the syncdaemon until e.g: a connect() call is made18:20
dobeyverterok: the extension uses signals already. but the way dbus works you can't connect to signals that don't exist, afaik18:27
dobeyverterok: ie, in order to connect the signal, it's going to spawn the syncdaemon anyway, to introspect the interface18:28
verterokdobey: no, you can18:34
verterokdobey: calling a specific method from a interface is what fires the syncdaemon18:35
verterok_dobey: my ISP is in a bad day18:39
verterok_dobey: what was the last I said? :)18:40
verterokdobey: adding signal recievers  don't start syncdaemon18:41
verterok_heh, by verterok!18:41
=== verterok_ is now known as verterok
dobeyverterok: and what do we replace the call to get_root() with?18:48
verterokdobey: a signal handler, e.g: got_root listening on e.g: SyncDaemonRoot signal18:49
verterokdobey: and only there nautlius call get_shared/s18:49
dobeyverterok: so by default when the user opens the Ubuntu One folder, we don't show the ui, because we don't know that folder is managed by the syncdaemon?18:50
verterokdobey: the user don't have a Ubuntu One folder18:50
verterokdobey: so, by default Ubuntu One is turned off, until the user runs the applet18:50
verterokdo the oauth dance, etc. and the applet calls connect18:51
* CardinalFang boggles at the sheer idiocy of Python mimetypes.guess_type() source code.19:32
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
dobeyCardinalFang: use xdg.Mime from python-xdg19:41
CardinalFangdobey, yeah.  django/views/static.py uses it.   Yay.19:43
kenvandineis there a guide to getting desktop couch running from a checkout?19:49
kenvandinestatik, ^^20:02
dobeykenvandine: statik is out today20:03
dobeykenvandine: and i don't think there is such a guide yet20:03
kenvandineok... do you know :)20:03
kenvandineit is failing for me :)20:03
dobeywhat's failing?20:03
kenvandineif i try to run advertisePort or start_local_couchdb it fails to import local_files20:04
kenvandinewhich seems weird20:04
dobeyoh ok20:04
kenvandinein just a python shell i can import it just fine20:05
kenvandinesomething is mucking with the python path :)20:06
dobeyyou are crazy20:06
kenvandinewe know that :)20:06
dobeykenvandine: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/desktopcouch/more-fixes20:17
kenvandinedobey, you rock20:17
kenvandinei had just fixed the import problem... but hadn't figured out the other failure yet20:18
verterokdobey: about nautilus-syncdaemon interaction, I think that listening for the NameOwnerChanged (STRING name, STRING old_owner, STRING new_owner) signal on init, the *arg[0] contains the bus name ('com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon'), until it get the one signal, and after that calling get_root should work without introducion yet-another-signal20:42
verterokdobey: also, the extension can query if the name is registered using:  BOOLEAN NameHasOwner (in STRING name)20:42
verterokdobey: as a another option, we could enable the nautillus extension listening to the StatusChanged signal20:43
dobeyverterok: lets deal with that tomorrow.20:45
verterokdobey: ok, I'm just trying to find the dbus-way to do this ;)20:45
verterokdobey: this is a critical bug, and we should get this fixed asap in order to be in karmic, right? :/20:46
dobeyverterok: i think we're going to need a new signal anyway, for when we handle arbitrary folders being synced20:47
kenvandineok... dobey are you an erlang guru too?20:47
kenvandine{"init terminating in do_boot",{{badmatch,{error,{{case_clause,{error,eacces}},[{couch_config,load_ini_file,1},{couch_config,'-init/1-lc$^0/1-0-',1},{couch_config,init,1},{gen_server,init_it,6},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]}}},[{couch_server_sup,start_server,1},{erl_eval,do_apply,5},{erl_eval,exprs,5},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}20:47
kenvandinetrying to start couchdb20:48
dobeyerlang is not my forte20:48
verterokdobey: I think we should fix this, and when we are going to implement arbritary folders, take a look for the signals we need20:48
kenvandinethat is a terrible error message imho20:48
dobeyyes it is a horrible error message20:49
dobeyverterok: yes we should fix it. and while fixing it we should take into consideration our future plans, so we don't end up adding stuff that we change next month because we're implementing the feature20:49
verterokdobey: sure, but there is no design for arbritary folder, I don't think we should make assumptions about how it will work, this fix is completely unrelated to the way arbritary folders are handled, changing the extension to be prepared for that looks like a lot of work, IMO we should take care of this issue as it's quite simple20:51
verterokdobey: anyway, you are going to implement the extension stuff, so you could do whatever you want :)20:52
tillBingo, _changes watching working nicely now, in couchdb-qt.21:21
CardinalFangkenvandine: It's couch saying that.  You must change the permissions of the /etc/erlang* config files so you can read them as a regular user.21:32
CardinalFang...or is it /etc/couch* ...  something like that.21:33
kenvandineCardinalFang, thx21:33
CardinalFangkenvandine: I think we're asking the couchdb packager to fix it.21:34
kenvandineso is it ok to change those perms?21:35
dobeykenvandine: or just add yourself to the couch group or whatever21:35
kenvandineno sensitive data?21:36
kenvandinedobey, but we aren't going to be doing that for everyone :)21:36
dobeykenvandine: fix the packages then... you know how to do that :)21:36
bob6768ther's nobody?22:52
verterokhi bob676822:55
bob6768i've some trouble with "add this computer" button on the web,22:57
verterokbob6768: what's the problem?22:58
bob6768FF is lookinfg for localhost and after a while it crashes telling "22:59
bob6768Network Timeout The server at localhost is taking too long to respond.22:59
verterokbob6768: could you check the logs at ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log23:00
bob6768but i can upload anything simply clycking "My Account" and "upload"23:01
=== vds1 is now known as vds
bob6768i'm sending this log to u23:03
verterokbob6768: yes, the authentication is to get the oauth tokens and be able to use the client23:03
bob6768and what do u think about?23:04
verteroklet me see23:04
bob6768is a router's problem?23:05
verterokbob6768: I can get dcc to work :/, please coudl you paste it to a pastebin? :)23:06
bob6768in log i've found this:2009-07-21 23:25:02,591:591.604948044 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.main Error returned from auth process23:06
verterokbob6768: please, try running: /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon in a terminal23:07
verterokbob6768: what does it reports?23:08
bob6768"Another instance is running"obviously!23:09
bob6768/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/dbus/connection.py:242: DeprecationWarning: object.__init__() takes no parameters23:10
bob6768  super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)23:10
verterokbob6768: do you have any other lines in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log ?23:11
bob6768yes sir!23:11
bob6768do u wanna i paste it here?23:12
verterokbob6768: please :)23:12
bob6768*i paste them here?23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:34,751:751.416921616 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.main Realm 'https://ubuntuone.com' is not in config23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:34,751:751.714944839 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.main OAuth URLs are: request='https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/request/', userauth='https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/authorize/', access='https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/access/', secret='hammertime'23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,228:228.580951691 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth auth.AuthorisationClient created with parameters realm='https://ubuntuone.com', request_token_url='https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/request/', user_authorisation_url='https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/authorize/',access_token_url='https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/access/', consumer_key='ubuntuone', callback_parent='<bound method LoginProcessor.got_token of <ubuntuone.oauthdesktop.main.LoginProcessor23:12
bob6768instance at 0xa03b7ac>>'23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,229:229.033946991 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.main Calling auth.client.ensure_access_token in thread23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,267:267.107009888 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Trying to fetch the token from the keyring23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,272:272.00293541 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Access token was not in the keyring23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,273:273.79488945 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Checking whether we are online23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,276:276.463985443 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Unable to connect to NetworkManager. Trying anyway.23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,276:276.751041412 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Creating a request token to begin access request23:12
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,277:277.414083481 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Making token request23:13
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:35,277:277.564048767 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Making a token request23:13
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:36,422:422.867059708 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Token successfully requested23:13
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:36,423:423.25592041 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Creating a listening temp web server23:13
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:36,423:423.913002014 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Webserver listening on port '<<class 'twisted.internet.tcp.Port'> of twisted.web.server.Site on 51241>'23:13
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:36,424:424.277067184 UbuntuOne.OAuthDesktop.auth Opening 'https://ubuntuone.com/oauth/authorize/?oauth_token=tNqpH9q7sJbshXNFdbtF&oauth_callback=http%253A%252F%252F127.0.0.1%253A51241%252F%253Fnonce%253D7470482' in the browser23:13
bob67682009-07-13 18:54:43,172:172.835111618 UbuntuOne.Client.Applet MAIN: <__main__.AppletMain object at 0x9f0584c>23:13
verterokbob6768: you should use a pastebin service :)23:13
verteroklike: http://ubuntuone.pastebin.com23:14
bob6768i dunnoXD23:15
verterokbob6768: np23:15
bob6768do u prefer?23:15
verterokbob6768: please try removing all the ubuntuone tokens from the keyring, and do the oauth again23:15
verterokbob6768: Applications --> Accesories > Passwrod and Ecnryption Keys under the password tab23:16
bob6768are u gonna laughting me if i tell u there isn't any ubuntuone's key?23:18
bob6768should i have to add someone?XD23:19
verterokbob6768: ok. no, that's because the auth process is failing23:19
verterokbob6768: basically a browser (or tab) is opened and you should login, after that a tiny http server is started locally wich will handle the real tokens returned by launchpad23:20
bob6768but ubuntuone-ppa-beta in Synaptic is installed!23:21
verterokbob6768: yes, and you have the applet running, right?23:22
bob6768not now23:23
bob6768i've just stopped23:23
verterokbob6768: execute the ubuntuone-client-applet, it should open a tab in firefox23:25
verterokclick on add this computer and that should be all23:25
verterokbob6768: are you getting a timeout after clicking in "add this computer"?23:26
bob6768verterok: yessir!23:26
verterokbob6768: are you using a proxy of some sort?23:26
bob6768a router.23:27
verterokbob6768: ok, a router is fine.23:27
verterokbob6768: could you try again, and paste the contents of the oauth-login.log in a pastebin23:27
bob6768un momento socio/ one moment pliz23:28
verterokbob6768: esta bien, no hay apuro / no hurry ;)23:29
bob6768here we are.23:31
bob6768aren't u italian?23:32
bob6768i was jocking.23:35
bob6768so what can u tell me about my log?23:35
verterokbob6768: no, from Argentina23:36
bob6768take a look on 178...23:37
bob6768it's saying it'd open a temp port, but "Error returned from auth process"23:38
verterokbob6768: looks like the local http server is running, but for some reason it does handle the request...or it never get a request23:38
bob6768it isn't for that?23:38
bob6768was my idea wrong?23:39
verterokbob6768: what version of the client is installed?23:43
verterokbob6768: I'm digging the bugs in order to find a similar error, without luck yet :/23:44
bob6768i dunno but i'v already sudo apt-get update23:45
verterokbob6768: could you file a bug describing this  timeout, and after that run: apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client <bug number>23:47
verterokbob6768: that will attach the logs to the bug23:47
bob6768it's 0.90.4+r9423:48
bob6768what did u ask me?23:50
verterokbob6768: it's ok. please file a bug, I don't know much about the OAuth stuff, but I'll assing it to someone that have more OAuth fu23:50
verterokbob6768: sorry I wasn't able to help23:51
bob6768anyway, thanks to support23:51
bob6768thanks a lot!23:52
bob6768see u bro!23:54
verterokbob6768: seeya later!23:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 376087 in ubuntuone-client "UnknownLoginError during request for OAuth token" [Undecided,Triaged]23:55
bob6768not similar to mine?23:55
verterokbob6768: similar in context, but the error is different :)23:56
bob6768yes, i've tried and the terminal goes, open a FF page where i could Add this damn cpu23:57

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