
mbieblPuffTheMagic: 0.6 has a dbus interface00:48
mbiebldbus bindings is something slightly different :-)00:48
PuffTheMagicis it possible to build upstart with out dbus or does it strictly rely on it01:53
mbiebllibdbus is used for the internal ipc02:03
mbieblit's not possible to build without it02:03
PuffTheMagicok so the Palm Pre uses upstart for init... but I dont see anything upstart related in /etc/dbus-1/*.d/03:51
PuffTheMagiccan someone help me get get my userland setup so I can talk to upstart from another program03:51
* JamesB192 suposes it might be using 0.3.x or 0.5.x in all likelyhood in which case no dbus support.05:00
* JamesB192 has not read anything about it.05:00
KeybukPuffTheMagic: as far as I know, the Palm Pre uses Upstart 0.3.809:50
PuffTheMagicdamn... so pre dbus14:49
Keybukyeah, it's a couple of years old14:49
Keybukhaven't been able to get through to any of the Palm webOS developers14:49
sadmacahh, take-it-and-go open source. Not just for the BSD license any more!14:52
* ion posted to http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/123658 as well16:20
Steveei'm one of the developers of a linux based firewall distribution16:24
Steveeand we want to replace sysvinit with upstart in our next version16:25
Steveei've compiled upstart like the tutorial on the upstart webpage16:26
Steveebut it doesn't work correctly16:27
Steveeat first rcS is starting, and also the scripts16:27
Steveebut at the switch to the runlevel the system is freazing16:28
Steveewhen i use init=/bin/bash and use /sbin/init or /sbin/telinit plus runlevel i always get the same error message16:29
SteveeFailed to connect to socket /come/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused16:29
Steveeoh i'm sorry the error message is16:31
SteveeFailed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused16:31
plautrbaStevee: do you have any tty jobs? 16:33
Steveeyes i have tty jobs for upstart16:34
Steveebut can i use the example scripts from 3.11 also in 6.1 ?16:34
plautrbaalmost yes but it has to be in /etc/init/with .conf suffix16:37
plautrbai've started with tty9.conf with "start on startup"16:37
Steveeoh, i miss the .conf suffix16:37
Steveeokay, maybe thats the problem16:38
Steveemhm, made no difference16:52
Steveethe system feezed again16:52
Steveeafter the execution of all rcS scripts16:52
mbieblStevee: which version of upstart ?16:53
Steveethe newest one 0.6.116:53
mbieblcould you pastebin the jobs files in /etc/init/*.conf16:53
Steveeyes, no probelm16:54
mbieblStevee: you can also try to run upstart in debug mode16:54
Steveejust a  moment16:54
mbiebladd "--debug" to the kernel command line16:54
Steveemhm, how i chan do that16:54
mbiebldepends on the boot loader16:54
mbieblwith grub it's pretty easy16:54
Steveeafter init=/sbin/init --debug ?16:55
Steveea question only one job can be at startup or ?17:07
Keybukas many as you want17:08
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plautrbaStevee: anotherproblem i had was that in fedore is not /etc/init.d/rc but  /etc/rc.d/rc17:57
plautrbaStevee: it's called from rc.conf17:57
Steveeyes that was my fitst problem17:58
Steveein our distribution we also have no /etc/init.d/rcS17:59
Steveeso i had to change to exec /etc/init.d/rc S in the jobfiles17:59
plautrba/etc/init.d/rcS is for me /ert/rc.sysinit18:02
Steveeokay, now i can switch between the tty18:14
Steveeon tty1 is the boot process, but its freezed again18:14
Steveeon tty2 to tty6 i got a login promt18:15
=== Keybuk changed the topic of #upstart to: Upstart 0.6.2 "Buggrit, millennium hand and shrimp" | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/
Steveedo i need a jobfile for the runlevels ?18:38
sadmacStevee: if you want to use them for anything18:40
sadmacStevee: should be possible to have one job file cover them all now.18:40
Steveelike the rc.conf in the current ubuntu developement version ?18:41
Steveekarmic ?18:42
Steveeokay, once again, all scripts from rcS are finished19:01
Steveebut no runlevel change19:01
Steveebut i've got 6 tty's19:01
sadmacStevee: what aren't you seeing in terms of runlevel change?19:02
Steveethe problem is nothing19:04
Steveei got the echo from the last rcS script19:05
Steveeand than nothing on the tty119:05
Steveeon the other tty's i got a login promt19:05
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Steveehow can exec /etc/sulogin on tty2 or an other tty ?19:22
sadmacdon't think you can19:23
Steveethats bad19:23
sadmacwhy would you?19:23
Steveeto get into the test system19:23
Steveeat it is alpha 219:24
Steveeon other tty's i got a login promt but we have no users and passwords at the moment19:25
_|ms|_hi guys21:18
_|ms|_I need some help with the integration of upstart21:20
sadmacgo ahead21:25
_|ms|_I don't want to use the compat sysv mode :D21:25
_|ms|_and I'm searching for some advice how to do the "new" mode :D21:25
_|ms|_there are only very few example scripts...21:25
sadmacwell there's not too much of a set way of doing it. You can look at what ubuntu has on launchpad21:27
_|ms|_I already have :D21:27
_|ms|_well, what I already have done:21:27
_|ms|_./configure ... && make && make install21:27
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_|ms|_and now, do I only have to put the *.conf files to /etc/init?21:28
_|ms|_seems too easy to me :D21:28
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew

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