[00:00] FYI. launchpad is on it's way back [00:02] \o/ [00:08] spm - sucessful pull here :) [00:08] now to bed. [00:08] heh [00:10] thanks team [00:12] mwhudson, a simple pull [00:12] fta: ah, ok [00:12] fta: i think i know the problem (codehosting doesn't work in r/o mode, roughly speaking) [00:16] launchpad still offline, huh? [00:16] bits of it [00:17] anyone given an estimate for when it's back up? [00:17] I gotta download me some Plone! :) [00:18] slooper: no sorry - dunno what's wrong yet. :-( ASAP. === spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad still down partially post updates: login.lp.net. no ETA yet | https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: — | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel === Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad still down partially post updates: login.lp.net. no ETA yet | https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel [00:28] Ursinha: ta :-) [00:28] spm, :) === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler [00:45] progress! we should be bringing those bring bits back to life nowish... === spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: — | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel [00:57] hmm === Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel [00:57] :P === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler === heHATEme is now known as they [01:01] gnnnh! thanks Ursinha, again :-) [01:01] uhauah === they is now known as vorian === Pici` is now known as Pici [02:28] launchpad still down? [02:29] can get to the download links, but clicking them takes me to an "offline" page [02:30] oh wait, it's working now. Firefox was caching the page from earlier [02:45] if I have accidentally committed and pushed a file I should not have (eg, contains confidential info), is there a way to remove it from a launchpad repository? [02:48] shikibu, you can delete the whole branch [02:48] thank you [02:48] shikibu, but if you want to get rid of just the file [02:48] shikibu, then maybe someone on #bzr could help [02:49] ah, it's not a deep history; I am happy to delete the branch [02:50] shikibu, ok cool. [02:50] shikibu, do you need a hand with removing it from your local history? [02:50] I wouldn't mind learning how to do so [02:51] are you using a shared repository? === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === shikibu_ is now known as shikibu === cprov is now known as cprov-zzz === jon is now known as Guest77935 [06:53] anyone who can pay some attention to https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/77266 ? lasted for several days. [06:56] happyaron: humble and abject apologies - been a hellish week. will do that right now for you. gimme a minute or two. [06:56] spm: thank you very much [07:00] happyaron: http://ppa.launchpad.net/happyaron/ [07:01] spm: and could you please delete the source packages in http://ppa.launchpad.net/happyaron/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/ [07:02] happyaron: sure [07:05] happyaron: done [07:06] spm: thanks [07:06] If I have a branch of bazaar.launchpad.net can I limit the download to only specific project members? [07:07] SpinachHead: yes, but that's a paid-for service === mordred_ is now known as mtaylor === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === apachelogger is now known as birthdaylogger [09:08] Good morning [09:08] Hi mrevell ! Welcome back :) [09:08] thanks noodles775 :) [09:09] noodles775: Did I miss much? haha [09:09] :) [09:09] mrevell: heh, just a bit ;) [09:09] :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel [11:48] mrevell! welcome back [11:49] hey kiko, thanks :) [11:49] nothing much you missed, I don't think [11:49] oh, apart from the fact that launchpad is now open source ;-) [11:50] heh, man, bad timing :) [11:50] that was a bit of a sudden surprise [11:51] heh [11:59] You were teasing us with it being blocked indefinitely on bzr 2a testing, then you went ahead and hit the original estimate :-) [12:01] maxb: and now we are scrambling with a sudden increase in 2a testing ;P [12:01] * LarstiQ heads for lunch [12:04] hello [12:04] how do I translate this? [12:04] Couldn't load plugin "%(plugin)s" [12:05] I don't know how to make the right plural in there [12:06] kneekoo: you only have to translate the first part and leave "%(plugin)s" as it is. That is a python variable which will be converted to a string when the program is running [12:06] I got this error mesage: a format specification for argument 'eroare', as in 'msgstr', doesn't exist in 'msgid' [12:06] kneekoo: it's not a plural... everything in side the quotes is just the singular name of the plugin. [12:07] and what about that trailing "s"? [12:07] (plugin)s [12:07] then there this one: %(error)s [12:07] it's error / errors [12:08] but in Romanian that word changes its form like this: eroare / erori [12:08] how do I write that? [12:14] kneekoo: The "s" is not a plural form. It means "string" [12:15] oh... thanks for explaining that [12:15] so do I have to alter this in any way? %(error)s [12:15] No, actually you _must_ _not_ alter the part between % and s in any way, or the application will break! :-) [12:16] ok, thank you [12:17] The only reason that it appears in the string is in case the structure of your target language requires that the substitution appear in a different position in the string [12:17] finally, it worked. :) === mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch === cprov-zzz is now known as cprov === henninge_ is now known as henninge === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell === noodles775 is now known as noodles775-afk [13:51] does anybody know if launchpad's openid was down around 22:57 UTC? [13:54] ahasenack: It probably was. [13:54] login.launchpad.net broke during the rollout for a while. [13:54] The rollout started at 22:00 UTC. [13:54] Someone commented about login.launchpad.net 404ing at some point during the rollout [13:55] Yes, somebody removed a symlink. [13:55] right, I saw some 404 in logs [13:55] thanks === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === vorian is now known as rofl === noodles775-afk is now known as noodles775 === rofl is now known as vorian === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara [15:29] might have head in clouds but has LP just gone down ??? [15:30] no must just be me!!! disregard... === bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools === jon_ is now known as Guest99937 === noodles775 is now known as noodles775-afk === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [17:34] https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/+archive/virt-daily-upstream/+build/1129293 [17:34] Status: Failed to upload [17:34] what does this mean? [17:34] the build succeeded [17:35] the other arches built fine [17:35] and uploaded [17:39] kirkland: the reason is in the upload log - qemu_0.10.50.20090723063001-0daily1_all.deb: Version older than that in the archive. <= [17:40] It likely means the build was retried, and by the time it had built, a later version of that package had already been built [17:41] oh, no === andrea-bs_ is now known as andrea-bs [17:42] In this case it's because you tried to build a binary package "qemu" with a lower version than the one already in the archive from a different source package [17:42] maxb: ah, okay, thanks. [17:43] maxb: hang on [17:43] It only died on i386 because i386 is the nominated architecture for building "all"-architecture packages [17:43] maxb: this is qemu-kvm which is different than qemu [17:43] oh [17:43] i see the binary package [17:43] qemu that it provides [17:43] okay, got it [17:51] mthaddon: ping [17:51] mrevell: in a meeting - what can I help with> [17:51] s/>/?/ [17:51] mthaddon: Just wanted to talk about listing admin functions on the help wiki. No rush, can do it another time. [17:52] mrevell: actually, looks like the meeting's finishing up - go for it [17:53] mthaddon: Joey suggested we publish the functions available to LP admins, so that people know it's possible to request those things via LP Answers. As one of those with said admin powers, I wondered if you'd help me compile the list. [17:54] mthaddon: I'm planning to list them, at first, here: http://help.launchpad.net/AdminFunctions/Draft [17:56] mrevell: happy to help out === mrevell is now known as mrevell-dinner === ursula_ is now known as Ursinha === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara [18:37] Hobbsee: around? [18:40] Hobbsee: when you came back can you raise the build score here? https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging [18:40] thanks :) === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch === micahg1 is now known as micahg [19:13] I have a question about mailing lists for the team. We have enabled ML for bzr-explorer-dev team. And now all bugmails going to the ML. How can I disable it? [19:15] #bzr [19:15] bialix, is it set as the team's contact address? [19:16] what is set? [19:16] beuno: "is it set" -- what is "it" here? [20:01] I have a question about mailing lists for the team. We have enabled ML for bzr-explorer-dev team. And now all bugmails going to the ML. How can I disable it? Anybody? [20:04] bialix: is it because a bug contact is set to the same team as for the mailing list or something like that? [20:05] what should I say? [20:05] yes or no ;) [20:05] * LarstiQ has a look at the bzr-explorer project [20:05] I don't know [20:05] where I can see this? === cprov is now known as cprov-afk [20:06] do you mean there should be separate team for ML only? [20:06] I can't see explicit settings for ML [20:06] me neither :/ [20:07] bialix: I recall something like that, but barry might know more [20:07] bialix: I'm pretty sure if that is the case there is a bug filed for it on launchpad [20:07] oh [20:07] bug it's a great of course [20:08] the ml part of lp is a bit of mystery to me [20:08] for some reason bugmails of TBZR do not going to ML [20:08] * LarstiQ compares tbzr [20:10] bialix: tbzr doesn't have contact details set? [20:10] what is (who is) Bug Supervisor? [20:10] contact details? where? [20:11] bialix: on the group page, next to it the link https://edge.launchpad.net/%7Etortoisebzr-developers/+contactuser [20:11] bialix: directly below the map [20:11] bialix: maybe that is what beuno meant [20:12] bialix: that if a group has a contact-address set, it will be used for bug mail [20:12] ok, will try to unset it [20:15] * bialix waiting for bugmail === Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha === ripps_ is now known as ripps [21:42] bug 215340 [21:42] Bug 215340 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/215340 is private [21:43] matsubara, do you know who controls ubottu? it'd be nice to have it hang around in #lp-dev and #lp-reviews as well [21:44] salgado, I think mup is better, but you can request it in #ubuntu-bots, IIRC [21:55] they, that new LP feature where you get to click "yes this is the bug im trying to report" and mark it as "affected me too" is a GREAT IDEA [21:55] one thing though [21:55] salgado, I guess the owner won't place it here, because it seems the bot is overloaded already [21:55] it would be nice if it printed the number of affected peole [21:56] not just duplicates but also "the number of people that clicked 'bug affects me too' on this bug is: XYZ" [21:56] Ursinha, here or there? [21:57] salgado, anywhere (but I messed up and read wrong :P) [21:58] guess we'll have to try mup, then [21:58] does anybody know why we have ubottu instead of mup here? [22:00] #ubuntu-ircbots control the bot I think [22:01] james_w, #ubuntu-bots [22:02] ubottu, owner [22:02] This bot is owned by jussi01 - Questions about ubottu should be asked in #ubuntu-bots [22:06] NEWBIE question (go easy on me guys) [22:07] is their a desktop application which gives similar functionality to the launchpad code viewer? [22:07] ie, browse the history of a bzr repository === salgado is now known as salgado-afk [22:08] LarstiQ: it seems worked now [22:08] rowinggolfer: both bzr-gtk and qbzr have log visualization [22:08] 'bzr vis' or 'bzr qlog' respectively [22:08] dash - thanks. [22:08] or you could run loggerhead locally :) [22:10] dash qbzr looks ideal. many thanks [22:14] dash - wonderful, thanks. [22:14] however one thing that the launchpad site allows is to browse a tree as it was at an earlier revision. [22:15] do you know if that is unique to loggerhead? [23:09] rowinggolfer: I'm not 100% of the context of that question, but it is not unique. [23:10] you can do it in the command line with bzr inventory -r xxx [23:10] or with bzr qbrowse -r xxx [23:12] rowinggolfer: rather than inventory you can do bzr ls -r xxx [23:13] And bzr cat -r xxx somefile [23:15] garyvdm: wgrant thanks. === Edwin is now known as Guest73206 === matsubara is now known as matsubara-dinner