=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening [07:50] evand: I see the commit for support for kubuntu-netbook, does that mean that wubi now groks - in project names? [07:52] StevenK: ScottK filed a bug about it, and I subsequently added it, yesterday [07:53] evand: Right, but during my testing with wubi it doesn't like a - in project names when it parses .disk/info [07:54] ah, I haven't actually tried a build with the change yet [07:54] * evand digs [07:57] evand: I don't see your update in ~ubuntu-installer/wubi/trunk, is that not the place to look? [07:59] StevenK: bzr log lp:~ubuntu-installer/wubi/trunk shows it there (r140 and r141) [08:00] Oh, duh [08:00] bzr up is a no-op for an unbound branch [08:04] evand: Okay, so the .disk/info parser won't like - in project names, which means UNR and Kubuntu netbook are both unhappy, and you've misspelt the metapackage in data/isolist.ini for Kubuntu Netbook [08:04] whoops [08:04] so I did [08:05] patches welcome (the code in question is in src/wubi/backends/common/distro.py) [08:05] evand: Can you add UNR while you're in there? [08:05] surely [08:05] just give me the info and I'd be more than happy to [08:05] evand: Oh, I have a patch, just wanted to see if it was still needed [08:05] oh [08:05] it's not [08:05] Michael C took care of it [08:05] forgot about that [08:06] (assuming we're talking about UNR and not the regex issue) [08:06] So it got merged in? [08:07] indeed [08:07] r139 [08:07] Oh, right. [08:07] evand: In which case, http://paste.ubuntu.com/226212/ is my patch [08:11] StevenK: Do you prefer to be called Steve or Steven. Your IRC nick and Canonical information seem to conflict :) [08:11] evand: The former [08:11] right-o [08:11] And yes, yay for hysterical raisins [08:11] heh [08:12] dear lord karmic is fast at reconnecting to wireless on resume from suspend [08:12] that or I just got lucky [08:13] wubi: evand * r142 trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [08:13] wubi: * Fix typos for netbook images in data/isolist.ini. [08:13] wubi: * Support dashes in project names. Thanks Steve Kowalik! [08:16] StevenK: okay, I've just uploaded it to the right place on rookery. If you trigger another kubuntu-netbook CD build you should get it [08:17] evand: Right, excellent. UNR, even? :-) [08:17] yarp [08:25] I'm happy to wait until after Alpha 3 to test it [11:47] rgreening: I've *finally* uploaded usb-creator 0.2.0 from trunk. Terribly sorry about it taking that long. [11:48] I most certainly took the wrong approach by trying to stabilize things before we released. I'll "release early, release often" moving forward. [11:49] evand: could you look at bug 402733, if you aren't doing so already? [11:49] Launchpad bug 402733 in ubiquity "9.04 Jaunty Junk characters in oem-config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/402733 [11:50] cjwatson: I wasn't, but I'm on it now [11:50] thanks for pointing me at that [11:55] cheers [12:08] usb-creator: evand * r123 usb-creator/debian/changelog: releasing version 0.2.0 [12:33] cjwatson: any suggestions on how I create an environment suitable for reproducing this? I'm assuming I have to rip out a fair bit of language infrastructure, but initial attempts have proven unsuccessful at reproducing the bug. [12:42] usb-creator: evand * r124 usb-creator/debian/changelog: (log message trimmed) [12:42] usb-creator: * Better i18n support. Thanks Loïc Minier and Juanje Ojeda Croissier! [12:42] usb-creator: * Some fixes to the KDE frontend from Roderick B. Greening: [12:42] usb-creator: - Update bug e-mail for about settings [12:42] usb-creator: - Tighten up some of the import statememnts in kde_frontend [12:42] usb-creator: - Connect the apps quit signal to kde_frontend's quit method [12:42] usb-creator: - Cleanup/improve progress bar code for kde_frontend [16:25] great news evand. thanks. At least it's in for testing... if we get the back-end updated all the better. but if we don't at least we have something... [16:27] indeed [16:27] mterry_, glancing through your plugins branch, try to remember not to commit updates to d-i/manifest during your commits [16:28] superm1, ah yes [16:40] is there an approved way of generating a network/interfaces file? I'm DHCP booting machines with a fixed entry, but I'd like to have them take that information and turn it into a network/interfaces file so they boot with static networking thereafter. Previously I/we've done this with hacky scripts in a late command - just curious if there is a best practice way of doing it [16:40] (apologies if that came through twice, irssi is doing odd things today) [16:44] I'm not aware of one [22:37] Hi, I've got the Jaunty cdrom iso booted on /dev/sda6 and want to install to /dev/sda5, but at 15% I get a failed to unmount partitions error - the install should not need to unmount any partitions (it's not changing the partition table) [22:37] is there any way to get past this error message in ubiquity? both 'go back' and 'continue' take me back to the partitioner [22:38] (it's trying to unmount /cdrom for whatever reason) [22:56] yes, one moment [23:01] ChrisAshton84: are you already using preseeding? [23:02] preseeding? [23:02] right, don't worry [23:02] no, I'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux [23:02] try running this before you start the installer [23:03] echo "d-i partman/unmount_active boolean false" | sudo debconf-communicate [23:04] it's not the same error, but it looks like their tip after step 4 did allow me to force /cdrom to unmount [23:04] hopefully it installs like this [23:04] if not I'll reboot and try your tip [23:06] dear lord [23:06] * evand sighs at really low quality documentation being put in a very official looking place [23:07] heh.. [23:07] I wasn't sure when that was written [23:07] but my install seems to be working fine [23:10] and it's complete! this actually runs fairly well, minus that one problem w/ the mount. dunno why it wanted to remount when I wasn't doing any partitioning/formatting/anything (had done that beforehand)