
jelmerlifeless: those are good goals00:00
jelmerlifeless: and I think your existing proposal is in line with those goals, so +100:01
jelmerlifeless: I'll keep thinking about a good way to have Samba use this, while not losing our existing progress bar functionality00:02
lifelessI'm open to having a heirarchy00:02
lifelesssomething like00:02
lifelessprogress: 500:03
lifeless<suite runs>00:03
lifeless<suite 2>00:03
* emmajane waves from her flaky wifi connection at oscon00:04
lifelessI think push/pop is a better idiom than fractions, because fractions require global knowledge in each stream00:04
lifelesshi emmajane00:04
emmajanelifeless: hey :)00:04
lifelessemmajane: have you played with 2a formats yet?00:04
* jelmer waves back from a less flay wifi connection at debconf00:04
emmajanelifeless: not yet.00:04
jelmerlifeless: Yeah, that makes sense00:04
emmajanejelmer: nice :)00:04
jelmerlifeless: actually, push/pop seem to match start-testsuite/stop-testsuite pretty well :-)00:05
dazjorzif I understand correctly, "bzr pull" is for when you want to keep two repositories *exactly* the same, and "bzr merge" is when you want to get your changes from a master repository into your local repository?00:05
dazjorz(which has been modified)00:05
jelmerdazjorz: basically, yeah00:05
dazjorznice, I like bzr's syntax :O00:06
dazjorzand its integration with svn is one of the best surprises I've had in a while :P00:06
pooliehi emmajane00:07
emmajanepoolie: hey :)00:07
emmajanepoolie: I got your email and that looks fine. I need to get a real mail client so that i can do offline email. gmail != win.00:07
dazjorzemmajane: gmail == win, just configure your client to do imap :p00:07
poolieemmajane, i got an HTC Magic android recently and it does gmail on flakey connections very well00:07
poolieand also imap00:08
emmajaneClearly I just need better toys. :)00:09
emmajanedazjorz: I'm just doing browser-based email right now. I installed ubuntu about 12 hours before I left onto my netbook and forgot things like a useful mail client (sorry evolution)00:09
lifelessevolution needs some00:10
emmajaneI'm even using pidgin for irc. It feels so... wrong.00:11
poolieit's a shame, 12h would have been about enough time for evolution to sync too :)00:11
fullermdmutt's worked fine for the last 11 years or so   :p00:11
* dazjorz uses Quassel for IRC, Thunderbird for e-mail00:12
emmajanefullermd: I have too many family members who insist on HTML email and clients that want to send attachments.00:12
emmajanefullermd: I used mutt for years with righteous indignation though.00:12
fullermdNothing a little tasering can't cure...00:12
* emmajane chuckles.00:12
emmajaneI'll be sure to let them know.00:12
emmajanemy main computer has Kontact and Xchat-gnome.00:13
lifelesspoolie: I fixed that bug :P00:13
poolielifeless: i was thinking last night about reconfigure00:13
lifelessdangerous times00:13
lifelesshow was the talk?00:13
poolie"lifeless is right, writing code really is easier than thinking00:13
poolieor more specifically, easier than talking about it in advance"00:14
pooliethe talks were ok00:14
pooliejml's was good but not new to me00:14
pooliethe other one, about ocamlp4 was, well, ok00:14
pooliesummary is that you can use macros to let you write your program in more amenable syntax00:15
poolie... even in ocaml00:15
emmajanepoolie: are you at debconf too?00:15
poolienup, that was fp-syd, the sydney functional programming seminar00:15
* emmajane nods00:16
lifelesspoolie: so, reconfigure was easier to do that think about ?00:17
pooliewell, easier to do this specific case than to describe the general one00:17
pooliei think there is some kind of general lesson here but00:17
poolieone step at a time00:17
jelmerhmm, I guess I should start doing reviews on lp:bzr now ... :-)00:44
lifelessjelmer: yes indeed00:45
jelmerabentley: any chance you could remove bzr-gtk, bzr-stats and trac-bzr from bb ?00:48
jelmerabentley: (we discussed switching bzr-gtk to lp during UDS, and the other two projects already are using lp rather than bb in practice)00:48
jelmerabentley: there's one open merge request in bzr-gtk atm which I can migrate manually if necessary00:49
abentleyjelmer: Hmm.  I'm sure there's a way, but I don't have code that actually *deletes* projects rather than adding them.00:54
jelmerabentley: ah, ok00:54
jelmerabentley: We can just point out lp to people who use bb I guess00:55
abentleyjelmer: I'll do it, but I can't do it immediately.00:55
jelmerabentley: thanks, no hurry00:56
dazjorzjelmer: for bzr-svn, does "bzr commit" push the patch forward to the SVN repository already?00:57
jelmerdazjorz: in a checkout, yes00:57
dazjorzjelmer: can I tell it to keep the changes local until I run bzr push, or something like that? :)00:57
jelmerdazjorz: you can keep the changes local if you use a standalone branch00:58
jelmerdazjorz: this works in the same way as it would for "native" bzr branhces00:58
dazjorzI see00:58
dazjorzcan I make a standalone branch of an SVN repository, and alternatively, can I make a standalone branch as a copy of this dual-bzr-svn-checkout I already have? :)00:58
jelmerdazjorz: yes00:59
dazjorzjelmer: oooh, this seems to be a bug...00:59
dazjorzjelmer: I ran "bzr commit", and in a different window, I edited another previously not modified file01:00
jelmerdazjorz: ?01:00
dazjorzthe ChangeLog01:00
pooliespiv, shall we meet up today?01:00
dazjorzthen the commit went through, but it didn't send in ChangeLog; now, ChangeLog has its new contents but both bzr and svn say it's up-to-date with the repository when it actually isn't01:00
jelmerdazjorz: ah, this is a svn lightweight checkout?01:01
spivpoolie: good morning,01:02
jelmerdazjorz: if you can reproduce this, please file a bug (including the steps to reproduce)01:02
dazjorzjelmer: I think so, I just ran "bzr status" in my SVN checkout01:02
lifelesspoolie: You still have a chinese lunch scheduled with me ;P01:02
dazjorzjelmer: I'll do that01:02
dazjorzjelmer: I'll file it tomorrow :)01:02
spivpoolie: sounds good.  First I'll call.01:04
emmajanetalk time. woo! :)01:04
* emmajane turns off her flaky wireless.01:04
jelmerdazjorz: thanks01:05
pooliebeuno: hi?01:08
lifelesspoolie: were we going to do that lunch we talked about last week?01:11
poolieah, ok01:13
pooliei'm double booked, can we push that back again01:13
lifelesslol sure01:13
lifelessspiv: have you seen the bugs about pulling cross format?01:23
lifelessspiv: I think your new one is a dupe01:24
spivlifeless: quite possibly, none of them jumped out at me as the one obvious dupe though so I figured I'd file and let someone more knowledgeable dupe it if so.01:24
spivAnd the test patch may be useful.01:25
lifelessspiv: ack01:26
lifelessspiv: look at bugs by newest first01:26
lifelessI targeted one against 2.0 this morning01:26
spivlifeless: "NoSuchRevision error when branching with rocketfuel-get"?  (402778)01:28
spivCould well be.01:29
spivOr "upgrading branch on launchpad to 2a resulted in missing revision error" (399140)?01:30
lifelessspiv: 402778 specifically01:39
lifelesspossible 399140 as well, mtaylors upgrade bug01:40
spivlifeless: well, it's not clear to me that they are dupes.  If you're sure then of course go ahead, but I'm not planning to dig deeper into that today.01:45
lifelessspiv: I'm not 100%01:46
lifelessspiv: I suggest your new bug be 2.0 targeted though01:46
spivFair enough.01:53
spivigc: g'morning.02:02
igchi spiv!02:03
RenatoSilvaHow can CVS be just cvs.exe with ~700KB and Bazaar ~54MB (without plugins)?02:14
RenatoSilvaok remove 17,5MB for python's dll and library02:16
RenatoSilvaIt is 36,5MB yet!02:16
RenatoSilvait seems that it's not strictly because of bazaar itself, but secondary stuff like qt gui, etc...02:19
lifelessand docs02:21
lifelessare you talking about a windows binary install?02:21
RenatoSilvaother ones too02:22
lifelesswe bundle everything02:22
RenatoSilvaI just need to get the essential files02:22
RenatoSilvacompared to cvs.exe02:22
lifelessthe core (source, docs, tests) is 18MB uncompressed02:22
RenatoSilvadocs are not essential02:22
RenatoSilvacvs.exe does not contain such docs02:22
lifelessand if you compress it, 4.6MB02:23
RenatoSilvajust the part whcih would just work,, I mean02:23
lifelesswell, this is true02:23
RenatoSilvajust bzr.exe + python files02:23
RenatoSilvabut I don't know if any other files are needed02:24
RenatoSilvadlls etc02:24
lifelesshowever, its our experience that the more things to download, and options about it, the easier it is for users to download the wrong thing02:24
lifelessso we just provide a single package with it all, to make it as likely to work as possible.02:24
RenatoSilvaI just want to compare the size of cvs.exe with {bzr essential files}02:24
lifelesswhy though?02:25
lifelessits not like they do the same thing...02:25
RenatoSilvait's noteworthy you can have a full-featured cvs environment with just a ~700kb executable :)02:25
lifelessI can have a full featured OS with a 1.44MB floppy too, but that doesn't make it useful or even desirable02:28
lifelesswhere full featured, means 'very well defined and not extensible or robust'02:28
dazjorzhm, how did kernels ever fit on a 1.44 mb floppy02:30
dazjorzthey supported nothing?02:30
dazjorzmy current Mach kernel is 10 mb02:30
dazjorzall vmlinuz kernels on my Linux machine are at least 3.6 mb :P02:30
dazjorzjust *everything* compiled out or so? :)02:30
lifelessdazjorz: I remember one particular microkernel unix which had a GUI web browser, web server, generic PCI networking and disk, all on a floppy02:31
dazjorzwhoa nice02:32
lifelessdamned if I can remember the name though02:32
dazjorzeven damn small linux is 50 mb now02:32
lifelessanyhow, for embedding you use things like busybox, strip docs, man pages, compile with -Os, compress heavily02:33
lifelessRenatoSilva: I don't mean to say that wanting bzr to be small is bad; its a good thing to want02:33
lifelessRenatoSilva: but comparing the size of two hugely different tools with wildly different capabilities, written in totally different languages, isn't a meaningful comparison02:34
lifelessRenatoSilva: it can be summarised as 'compiled C is smaller than python'02:34
RenatoSilvalifeless: well, it is more about the cvs size02:34
lifelessRenatoSilva: that its small? Its mainly small because it doesn't do much. Try 'cvs push'. or02:35
lifeless'cvs uncommit'02:35
RenatoSilvalifeless: we like it or not, bzr x cvs is more about vcs x dvcs than any super feature of bzr missing in cvs, or than cvs sucks absolutely and does not work02:36
RenatoSilvalifeless: maybe as I become more familiar with both tools I can get the complexity involved in a dvcs or in bzr02:37
RenatoSilvalifeless: actually I'm not that impressed with bzr size, but with CVS02:37
RenatoSilvalifeless: we can do more or less the same sort of work we do with bzr02:37
AfClifeless: lost cause, Robert.02:39
RenatoSilvalifeless: I was considering adopting bzr at work, but cvs is enougth for us. At least, it does the basic job. A possible argument would be the leak of atomic commits in CVS, however Eclipse does magic. We just need to define ourselves 2 points of comparison (tags, branches or dates), and the result is the same as viewing a revision in bzr: you see a list of modified files, each one with the changes made.02:41
lifelessRenatoSilva: We'll be here when you're ready :)02:41
lifelessRenatoSilva: Its a shame that bzr isn't doing what you need (and I'm really not clear what that is, download size surely can't be it...02:42
lifelessnot if you're using eclipse!02:42
RenatoSilvaI'm just thinking of tracking each commit. Currently we'd have to create a tag for each commit, which is a bit non-sense. I've heard cvs 1.12 has commit-ids which would make it possible to emulate atomic commits, but I don't know if Eclipse supports it02:42
lifelessRenatoSilva: CVS is essentially dead02:43
lifelessRenatoSilva: I really wouldn't hold out any hope for improvements in it, or support for it.02:43
lifelessif you could make sure bugs are filed for the things that make bzr not comfortable for you, I'd appreciate that.02:44
RenatoSilvalifeless: if we started from nothing, bzr or another modern vcs like git or hg would certaintly be my option. The problem is that we have all of our code base under cvs. It would need a migration _effort_, including training to the whole team. Also, Eclipse's CVS support is _very_ mature (Eclipse itself uses CVS), while BzrEclipse is still in beta (ok I solved some bugs and I could help the project more, but CVS in Eclipse is far more mature and does magic02:46
lifelessRenatoSilva: Yes, migrating does take investment02:48
RenatoSilvaCVS is not dead. I don't like these flamewars. When I go to #cvs, they say the contrary, and that some dvcs (git I guess) is not a vcs, but just a patching system02:48
lifelessthey may mean darcs, which is very patch focused02:48
AfCRenatoSilva: admittedly, you are in the Bazaar hackers' IRC channel, so you need to expect a certain bias. The people here aren't in the business of fixing CVS.02:48
RenatoSilvacertaintly it is git, bzr or hg. Can't recall02:49
RenatoSilvaAfC: bias?02:49
RenatoSilvaI think that's really really bad02:49
RenatoSilvawe are technicall people02:49
lifelessYup. And I've spent the last 10 years working on/with/around VCS systems02:50
RenatoSilvawe shouldn't be sfanatic I think02:50
AfCRenatoSilva: Yes, but this is the Bazaar IRC channel, not the "let's all just chat about what CVS isn't good at" channel. We had that conversation 15 years ago.02:50
lifelessincluding CVS - written a python implementation of the protocol (nods to Kinnison who did a chunk of that too)02:50
lifeless*I* am not being fanatic. I did consider fixing CVS at one point. Why I didn't go down that path is a fascinating dicussion, but not one to have right now.02:51
lifelessbzr isn't perfect02:52
lifelesstheres lots of things we haven't got right; and many things we have.02:52
lifelessanyhow, I'm *primarily* interested in knowing what does and doesn't work for you with bzr02:58
lifelessbecause that helps us make bzr better than it is02:58
tethridgeI'm trying to get loggerhead setup on a hardy system.  I've ran through the instructions and I'm able to start it, but it dies immediately.  Nothing in the logs.  Anybody know what is going on?02:59
lifelesstethridge: when you say dies, what do you mean?02:59
lifelessand how are you starting it?03:00
tethridgeno process03:00
tethridgethe pid is created and then it disappears03:00
lifelessthere is no output at all?03:00
tethridgeI'm just trying to use the start-server script to verify it works before I setup the script in init.d03:00
RenatoSilvaI do agree that bzr/git/hg/dvcs is so much better than CVS, I just don't think that CVS sucks completely. We can live with it and that's what matters for me. These software 'gangs' are so prejudicial to the sofwtare world ihmo.03:00
lifelesstethridge: serve-branches, or bzr serve --http, are the current ways to start loggerhead03:01
tethridgeit tells me "Launching loggerhead into the background" and it tells me the location of the pid file, but that is it03:01
tethridgethis is the 1.10 release03:01
lifelessRenatoSilva: I think you've taken me saying 'essentially dead' and turned it into a much larger statement than I meant to make.03:01
lifelessRenatoSilva: I didn't say, nor did I mean to imply, that CVS sucks03:02
RenatoSilvalifeless: I think you're more open than them actually03:02
spmtethridge: suggest strace'ing the startup and seeing if anything obviously broken leaps out03:03
lifelessRenatoSilva: what can I do to help you at the moment?03:03
tethridgeusing serve-branches starts it and keeps it going03:03
RenatoSilvalifeless: sorry, I was just talking03:03
lifelessRenatoSilva: nothing to apologise for03:03
lifelessI'm going to go put my head down and get some complex stuff sorted out03:04
lifelesslater y'all03:04
tethridgethanks for the help03:04
* igc lunch03:13
cogitahello all.  I have a question.  According to StackOverflow03:36
cogita its posible to install Bazaar on a USB drive using portable Python as the python framework.03:36
cogitaI was wondering if there was anyone who could tell me which version of Portable python to use, and how to install Bazaar correctly for this solution?03:36
dazjorzbzr push in my bazaar repository checked out from svn, says "no push location known or specified"04:11
dazjorzshouldn't it have remembered that when I checked out from svn? :)04:11
poolie1dazjorz: is it a checkout or a separate branch?04:11
poolie1if it's a checkout, you don't need to push, committing will implicitly do it04:11
dazjorzugh, netsplits04:12
dazjorzpoolie1: it's a seperate branch04:12
spivHuh, test_branch_from_trivial_stacked_branch_streaming_acceptance in blackbox tests blows up if you change it to use a 2a branch.04:12
poolie1bzr doesn't assume that you want to push back on top of the parent04:13
dazjorzah, and then "bzr pull" / "bzr up" didn't tell me there were new svn revisions to merge, but bzr merge handled them nicely04:13
dazjorzI figured it would be something like that :)04:13
dazjorzokay so now I have a merge conflict between a committed revision on my checkout, and a pulled/merged revision from SVN04:14
dazjorzwhen I run bzr status, I see "pending merge tips:", then the remote revision which made for a conflict in Changelog which I already resolved (bzr resolved ChangeLog after editing it)04:15
dazjorzso what now? :/04:15
dazjorzrunning "bzr merge" again makes the conflict reappear04:15
dazjorzany ideas? poolie1 maybe?04:16
lifelessyou need to commit04:17
lifelessthe sequence for merge is:04:17
lifelessmerge; resolve if needed; commit04:17
dazjorzeven if bzr diff shows no differences atm?04:17
lifelessif 'bzr st' shows anything04:18
lifelesssuch as a pending merge04:18
lifelessor  altered files04:18
* dazjorz wonders how that will show up on SVN04:18
lifelesswell without the commit it can't show up on svn :)04:18
dazjorzso, lifeless, what exactly am I committing when I commit now? a sign to bzr that says "merges nicely against that and that remote revision" ?04:19
lifelessif you don't want to make that record, you can 'bzr revert'04:19
dazjorzhm okay04:19
lifelessto get rid of the pending merge04:19
lifelessbut it sounds like *it does not merge cleanly*04:19
dazjorzthat will revert the commit I already made, right?04:19
lifelessso in fact, you're recording what it should look like when merged.04:20
lifelessno, revert doesn't get rid of commits04:20
lifelessuncommit gets rid of commits04:20
dazjorzlifeless: so if I already did the merge itself and everything is resolved, if I run bzr revert now I have to do that again when I run bzr merge, but when I bzr commit I actually get, from the outside, an "empty" commit that just makes for a better merge against that remote revision?04:21
dazjorzoh shi-04:21
lifelessI have no idea what you just said04:21
lifelessperhaps you should start from the beginning :)04:22
dazjorz1) I made a bzr branch from a SVN checkout04:22
dazjorz2) while I was editing, the SVN checkout got another commit that changed the ChangeLog04:22
dazjorz3) I ran 'bzr commit' on my changes, but when I wanted to push, it said I had to merge04:22
dazjorz4) I ran 'bzr merge', and got a conflict on ChangeLog04:23
lifelessis there a 5?04:23
dazjorz5) I resolved the conflict and I'm trying to figure out what to do next04:23
lifelessuntil you do this commit the merge isn't saved04:23
dazjorzokay oh well04:23
dazjorzwe'll just see how it looks in svn :p04:23
lifelessbzr diff should be showing you the contents of the change made to svn in 2)04:24
lifelessif bzr diff *isn't* showing you that contents, then you've actually done something else in the middle, that you've forgotten about04:24
dazjorzit showed me nothing04:24
fullermdA perhaps better solution would have been to go the other way, and use the svn checkout to gate changes in/out of svn.04:24
lifelessdid you perhaps run 'bzr revert .' ?04:24
spivHmm, "bzr commit" on a fresh stacked 2a repository looks like it can make a repo that fails without the fallback present.04:24
dazjorzlifeless: for the life of me, I don't know that command, so I didn't run it, no :P04:25
lifelessdazjorz: ok, do this for me04:25
lifeless'bzr revert'04:25
lifeless'bzr st'04:25
lifeless(should show nothing)04:25
lifeless'bzr merge' - should conflict again04:25
dazjorzbtw, I just committed the empty revision 4300 and bzr commit said, under the line "this line and those below won't appear", that there was a pending merge, and just that04:25
dazjorznothing else04:25
lifeless'bzr diff' - should show the changes made to svn in 2), as well as the conflicts you had04:25
lifelessdazjorz: ok, lets roll it back04:26
lifeless'bzr uncommit'04:26
dazjorzwant me to uncommit it? :)04:26
lifelessthat will pop off your commit04:26
dazjorzdo I need to add 4300 or will it default to the last local commit? :)04:26
lifeless'bzr revert' - that will discard any changes that were in the commit04:26
lifelessrun what I put between the ' ' ;)04:26
dazjorzokay, done04:26
lifeless'bzr st' - should show nothing04:26
dazjorzit shows nothing04:27
lifeless'bzr merge' - should conflict04:27
dazjorz1 conflict in ChangeLog04:28
lifelessbzr st04:28
lifelesssorry, 'bzr st' - that should list the changes made to svn04:29
lifelessincluding ChangeLog04:29
dazjorzI see modified ChangeLog, unknown ChangeLog.{BASE,OTHER,THIS], conflicts: Text conflict in ChangeLog04:30
lifelesssounds like the only changes made to svn were to ChangeLog :)04:30
dazjorzand a pending merge tip, dazjorz 2009-07-23 [log message for the SVN commit]04:30
dazjorzlifeless: yep, in that commit, the only change was the ChangeLog04:31
lifelessok good04:31
lifelessedit the ChangeLog and resolve the conflict04:31
lifelessthen run 'bzr resolve'04:31
lifelessand 'bzr diff' should show you the change still, but no long conflicted with <<<< markers04:31
dazjorzbzr diff shows no output04:32
lifelessso , when you resolve, you're just deleting the svn changes?04:32
dazjorznote that I already locally committed (not pushed) the change that conflicted with the SVN revision04:32
lifelessok, *thats* why you're seeing no difference04:32
dazjorzlifeless: no - the thing is, my commit made the same changes to ChangeLog, plus one extra line, which is in that committed commit ;)04:32
lifeless'bzr commit'04:32
dazjorzlifeless: vim shows me "----- This line and the folowing will be ignored ------" and below that one pending merge, the SVN revision04:33
dazjorzis that all ok ? :)04:33
lifelesshere is whats happening04:33
lifelessyou're getting a false conflict; we're conflicting where it would be better if we didn't04:33
lifelessonce you resolve it you have no textual differences.04:33
lifelessthe commit says 'the way to resolve this conflict is to use this new version of ChangeLog', which happens to be the same as you already had.04:34
lifelessin general it would be different.04:34
dazjorzah, okay04:34
dazjorzso the actual SVN commit, in a second, will have an empty diff, since it doesn't really change anything04:35
dazjorzsince SVN doesn't have all that additional DVCS merging cargo for each commit or so? :)04:35
dazjorzokay so I have a commit 4299 with some changes to source plus some changes to ChangeLog, and commit 4300 which is actually empty04:36
dazjorzgoing to push now...04:36
lifelessThe SVN commit will have an extra line, according to what you told me04:36
dazjorzbzr: ERROR: Operation denied because it would change the mainline history04:37
lifelessjelmer: ^04:37
dazjorzet the append_revisions_only setting to False on branch "https://kmess.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kmess/trunk/kmess" to allow the mainline to change.04:37
lifelesssvn has this set always04:37
dazjorzaw shit, am I really this bad? :P04:37
lifelessits a bit odd to tell you that warning04:37
dazjorzof course, svn most probably doesn't allow you to change earlier commits04:37
lifelessso if I can make a couple of small suggestions04:37
dazjorz1) throw out your SVN repository04:38
dazjorz2) ???04:38
lifelessyou can either 'bzr dpush' at this point, to push into svn04:38
dazjorz3) profit04:38
lifelessthis does a local rewrite-of-history to make it fit what svn thinks happened04:38
lifelessthis is fine, unless you're sharing your branch with other people. (Its the same as rebase, basically)04:38
dazjorzI'm not, so that's ok04:38
lifelessalternatively, and this is the way I'd tend to do it.04:39
dazjorz(why would it be a problem if I am sharing it with other people? because it invalidates their cache of my branch or so?)04:39
lifelesshandwaving, yes.04:39
lifelessit creates new uuids for all the history that you're pushing04:39
lifelessanyhow, the way I would do it is to have two branches04:39
lifelessone that is a /checkout/ of svn04:40
dazjorzdoes it push all commits as one commit or does it still have two seperate commits?04:40
lifeless(bzr checkout https://kmess.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/kmess/trunk/kmess trunk)04:40
lifelessand then your other branch that you work on offline and so on04:40
lifelessto land something in svn04:40
lifelesscd trunk04:40
lifelessbzr update04:40
lifelessbzr merge ../your-branch04:40
lifelessbzr commit04:40
lifelessthat reflects what svn is limited to04:41
lifelessand is standard for doing centralised management of a branch with bzr04:41
dazjorzmaybe I'll put that bzr checkout repository on a remote server, and push my changes there04:41
dazjorzand have it automatically sync with SVN and vice-versa04:41
lifelessif you push to it, it won't work04:41
lifelessbecause push is a mirror operation, it will stop it corrsponding 1:1 with svn04:42
lifelesswhich is the point of using checkout + update04:42
lifelessrather than branch + merge04:42
lifelessnow, if your branch is small this will perform just fine out of the box04:42
lifelessif its a large tree theres a couple of small steps to give you a single working tree and use switch to switch between the trunk checkout and your feature branches04:43
dazjorzmay I ask you for some advise -04:43
lifelessof course04:44
dazjorzthe reason I'm playing with DVCS integration with SVN, is that I'm going on a holiday this sunday, and I'm going to work on the project there, too04:44
dazjorzmost probably04:44
dazjorzhowever - it's going to be offline and I still want to commit now and then04:44
lifelessyup, your own branch for that is a good idea04:44
dazjorzpreviously, that was a pain, since I had to sum up all my commits, or commit one large change and suffer some hours of manual merging to get it right again04:45
dazjorzso what do you recommend me to do - make a bzr checkout, and then make a seperate bzr branch where I merge and commit to, and every time I get internet access I bzr update the checkout, bzr push my changes to that checkout, then bzr push the changes from the checkout back to svn?04:46
lifelessa complete recipe would be:04:47
lifelessbzr checkout <svn> trunk04:47
lifelessbzr branch feature104:47
lifelesshack in feature 104:47
lifelesswhen online:04:47
lifelesscd trunk04:47
lifelessbzr update04:47
lifelessbzr merge ../feature104:47
lifelessbzr commit -m "Current stuff -> SVN"04:47
lifelesscd ../feature104:47
lifelessbzr pull ../trunk04:47
dazjorzthat seems to make perfect sense04:48
dazjorzone thing: that will make all my changes one single commit to SVN, or won't it?04:49
dazjorzexcept, of course, when I make a branch for every group of changes I make04:49
lifelessyou can have as many features as you want04:49
dazjorzand the exact branch command is, if ./trunk is the bzr svn checkout, bzr branch trunk feature1 ?04:50
lifelesstry it now :)04:50
dazjorzI was about to, just need to get bzr-svn installed on my macbook :)04:50
* dazjorz will package it to Fink, too04:50
dazjorzwhat is the system-wide alternative to ~/.bazaar/plugins if there is one?04:55
dazjorzah, must be bzrlib/plugins/svn04:55
dazjorzuh, bzrlib/plugins04:55
lifelesssetup.py in the plugin should install it there for you04:56
spiv"Ideally chroot transports would know enough to cause the external url to be the exact one used that caused the chrooting in the first place, but that is not currently the case.05:13
* mwhudson lacks context but agrees05:13
spivWhat does that sentence in Transport.external_url's docstring mean?05:13
mwhudsonadmittedly i don't know why it's not true05:14
spivI guess I'm not sure exactly what "the exact one used that caused the chrooting in the first place" means.05:14
lifelessspiv: Neither am I05:15
spiv(urls don't kill people^W^Wchroot, code kills people^W^Wchroots...)05:16
lifelessbut I would guess at 'the original url'05:16
lifelessor something05:16
spivYeah, that's my guess too.  I was hoping to avoid guesswork, but I guess I'll cope :)05:16
spivIt seems like a bit of a non-sequitur for that docstring.05:18
poolie1spiv i think it means the real absolute url05:19
poolie1but i don't think i wrote it05:19
poolie1(igc) i'm reading https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr/bzr/smooth-upgrades/+merge/892105:22
igcpoolie1: thanks05:28
jetolecan anyone tell me if there is a way to do a push on commit?05:29
poolie1jetole: if you use a checkout, committing implicitly synchronously pushes05:29
jetolehmm, I used branch but checkout sounds familiar from my limited history with svn05:30
jetoleI will delete the dir and do a checkout05:30
jetolecheckout did it when I commited05:32
jetolepoolie1: I am recreating the branch05:41
poolie1jetole: you could have also just used 'bzr bind' :)05:41
jetoledo I need to do an initial push or is there a way I can specify the master in commit or some other way I should do thi05:42
* jetole reads bind05:42
jetolepoolie1: what is the proper way to initiate a master?05:44
jetoleshould I push then bind?05:44
fullermdThere isn't a "master" per se.  Commit goes to what you checked out from.05:44
jetolefullermd: I haven't checked out. I deleted the local repo and the repo on launchpad and then recreated the dir, copied the source back in and did a bzr init, now I know I can do a push to launchpad05:45
jetolebut I am wondering if that is how I should go, push then bind?05:45
lifelessthat will be fine05:45
jetolealso fullermd, bzr help bind => "...commits must succeed on the master branch..."05:46
* fullermd adds a bit of documentation to add to his list to take out behind the shed and beat the crap out of.05:46
jetolealso how come the only valid launchpad url starts with +junk for me?05:48
poolie1they must have either a project name or +junk05:49
poolie1do you want to work on an existing or new project?05:50
jetolenew project05:53
jetolebtw, although this is probably rather implied, I am a complete bzr newbie and been months to a year since I used svn05:53
fullermdWell, you should be well on the road to recovery then   8-}05:57
poolie1igc: done06:14
poolie1jetole: https://help.launchpad.net/Projects/Registering06:15
poolie1lifeless: want to merge your check-1 branch, it's reportedly approved...06:15
poolie1lifeless: also, it looks like your review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~garyvdm/bzr/register_lazy_decorated/+merge/8430 is conclusive06:16
poolie1therefore it needs to be resubmitted, not reviewed by anyone else06:16
poolie1if that's true, mark it so?06:16
poolie1otherwise i'll read it if desired06:17
lifelesspoolie1: check - yes, i should06:20
lifelessgary's branch I don't recall offhand06:20
lifelessI don't think I read the entire thing, just bits based on other peoples reviews.06:20
lifelessigc: did you see my comment on mp 8921 about --pack being unneeded06:34
lifeless(and infact a bug, as it will cause double packs)06:35
igclifeless: yes, I saw it06:36
lifelessclosing in on this06:59
dazjorzbtw -07:08
dazjorzI got bzr-svn working nicely on Fink (os x), and I'll package it sometime soon :)07:09
dazjorzalong with subvertpy :)07:09
verterokHi! any OSX 10.5 user around willing to help test the 1.17 DMG?07:15
* verterok just got working a semi automated build script for 10.4 and 10.5 (still needs a some love, but works!)07:17
* spiv is off07:31
spivHave a good weekend, all!07:32
dazjorzlifeless: seems to work perfectly, the commands you gave me - thanks a lot :)07:57
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igcpoolie: any chance of a *quick* call?08:28
* igc dinner09:01
ronnyjelmer: for dulwich, ever tought of using binascii.hexlify/unhexlify for converting digests and hexdigests?09:28
jelmerronny: not until now :-)09:32
ronnyhmm, git trees  have bad parsing properties09:33
ronnyzero terminated strings in quasi-binary file formats09:34
jelmerronny: Thanks for pointing that out, it seems like a good alternative to our own custom implementations09:34
ronnyjelmer: are trees basically matching r"((?P<mode>[0-7]+) (?P<name>[^\0]+)\0(?P<digests>.{20}))+" ?09:36
jelmerronny: generally, yeah09:37
jelmerronny: (any reason for parsing manually btw, rather than through dulwich?)09:37
ronnyjelmer: just diging around in dulwich, trying to figure if there are good way to implement it without c09:38
jelmerronny: ah09:39
ronnyjelmer: going to implement history listing for anyvc soon09:39
jelmerronny: implement it without C and perform well you mean :-)09:39
ronnyjelmer: perform well == good09:39
jelmerronny: heh, ok09:40
ronnyi wonder how re.findall compares to your parser09:40
jelmeronly one way to find out (-:09:45
jelmerI'm pretty sure my parser will be faster than re.findall09:46
jelmerNot sure whether the difference will be significant enough to really matter though09:46
ronnyjelmer: re.findall is 3 times slower, and dosnt yet convert the data propperly09:54
jelmerronny: and in comparison to the existing python implementation?09:54
ronnyjelmer: got sidetracked, will try to get it tested the next hour10:03
jelmerronny: *nod*10:06
ronnyjelmer: ok, compiledre.findall seems to be ~9 times faster than the parser in python, however it doesnt yet convert the data10:08
jelmerdetails, details, .. :-P10:09
ronnyso i hope ~7-8 times the speed is possible10:09
dazjorzjelmer: I just ran bzr up on a checkout created by bzr checkout http://..[svn repository]10:10
dazjorzuh, bzr merge, even10:10
dazjorzand the remote changes were added as changes to my local checkout10:11
dazjorzhm, wait, I talked about this with lifeless earlier, he said I had to recommit it10:11
ronnyjelmer: ok, re.findall in naive use + correct converting is about 6 times faster than the normal python implementation, and about 3,7 times  slower than the c implementation10:14
ronnyjelmer: i think the time loss can be accounted in the python loops10:15
jelmerronny: cool10:17
ronnyjelmer: i wonder if it can be done more efficient tho10:18
jelmerronny: without C extensions? I think it's hard10:19
jelmerronny: depending on the application it might also not matter very much10:19
ronnyjelmer: im im still hoping to get in a range of half the speed of the current c implementation10:20
jelmerronny: for bzr-git we have to access and parse every single tree when fetching data but generally this is not the case10:20
ronny(better loop, smarter regex)10:20
jelmerronny: for anyvc I would imagine this isn't particularly performance-critical - being able to look up objects in packs and resolve deltas would be much more important I think10:21
ronnyi'll take a look at that, to10:21
ronnyhmm, and i need to implement the "pythonic fs apis" on top of the vcs's10:22
ronnynext week will be much fun10:23
ronnygenerating + reading linear history for all vcs, generating dags of history for the dvcs's and figuring a mapping for svn10:23
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homyWhat is a "rich root" format? It is used in loads of places in the documentation, but I couldn't find its explanation anywhere.13:01
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ronnyhomy: the difference is in the amount of places where metadata may be, basically all newer formats are rich, any you never ever want a non-rich one13:05
jelmerigc: hi13:05
maxbDoes bzr have an option for pointing at a branch which is not the current directory?13:15
homyronny: thanks.13:15
maxbi.e. bzr --something foo revno, instead of cd foo; bzr revno; cd ..13:15
dazjorzjelmer: there?13:22
dazjorzor lifeless13:22
dazjorzthis could possibly be seen as a bzr-svn bug13:23
dazjorzsame problem as yesterday: a conflict is preventing me from being able to push back a revision to SVN13:24
dazjorzin other words: I merged, got a conflict, solved it and committed it to my local branch, but bzr is trying to commit that merge fix back to svn13:24
dazjorzexpected behaviour: it sees that that commit only merged a svn commit locally, and doesn't try to edit the commit at svn because it knows it won't work13:26
dazjorzreal behaviour: bzr says "you're asking me to change commit history, but I'm not allowed to do that here" (note how it doesn't even say "I can't do that here")13:29
dazjorz"operation denied because it would change the mainline history, set [...] to false on branch [...] to allow the mainline to change"13:29
igchi jelmer13:36
jelmerdazjorz: hi13:49
jelmerdazjorz: I'm not sure I understand what the problem is exactly13:50
dazjorzthe problem is that, after I run bzr merge on a bzr checkout of a svn repository and I get some conflicts, and resolve them then commit, I can't push anymore13:52
dazjorzI get the error under "real behaviour" instead of the behaviour under "expected behaviour"13:52
dazjorzdo you think that could be fixed? :)13:52
LarstiQmaxb: `bzr revno [LOCATION]` from `bzr help revno`13:55
jelmerdazjorz: that's correct behaviour13:57
jelmerdazjorz: the operation you did would change the mainliune in svn13:58
jelmersince you probably don13:58
jelmert want that bzr-svn requires you to set an option before you can do so13:58
dazjorzjelmer: I don't want it, but it's not even possible, I'd say, so how does it work when you indeed set that option13:59
dazjorzjelmer: behaviour may be correct - but it would be more "natural" for bzr-svn to handle that situation gracefully and understand that commit doesn't *have* to be changed in SVN history, since it's the same one, just a local merge :)13:59
jelmerdazjorz: it would not require that option to be set previously and that's gotten people upset (because it did change their svn mainline while they weren't expecting it)14:03
jelmerdazjorz: the merge changed the mainline14:03
jelmerdazjorz: e.g. see "bzr log -n1" and compare that to the current revisions in your svn branch14:04
dazjorzjelmer: well, I don't want to change my svn mainline, but I do want to tell bzr to just not push that commit since it's already there, and stop acting up and just do what I ask it: push the rest of my commits14:05
dazjorzjelmer: is it possible to make an option to just ignore changes to the mainline instead of failing to do everything?14:06
dazjorzfailing the complete push operation because it's not allowed to merge that one commit in that I don't even *want* to be merged in? :)14:06
jelmerdazjorz: bzr push (by definition) pushes the existing history from the local branch to the target branch without changing it14:09
jelmerdazjorz: if you don't want a change to the mainline, use rebase instead of merge14:09
dazjorzjelmer: okay, I'll take a look, thanks :)14:10
dazjorz(the thing about that is: it does push existing history from the local branch to the target branch - but as far as I'm concerned, the fact I had to manually merge the revision doesn't actually *change* the revision, so it doesn't have to be pushed back for me)14:11
jelmerdazjorz: it might in this particular case not change the contents of the tree, it does change the contents of the history14:12
awilkinsCan I clarify the exact events here, because I'm using bzr to work with SVN and it's starting to worry me? What is occuring is that dazjorz has a "trunk" branch from an SVN repo, and a "local" branch of that trunk, and he's merged a revision from "trunk" to "local"?14:15
jelmerawilkins: yeah, that's what he's done14:15
awilkinsAnd that revision gave rise to conflicts? And if you want to merge local back to trunk, and push that to SVN, it gives the error described?14:15
awilkinsOr are we talking pushing local straight into the SVN/trunk14:16
jelmerawilkins: pushing local straight into the svn/trunk14:16
jelmerawilkins: something that bzr-svn refuses as it would involve removin the merged revision from mainline in svn14:16
awilkinsRight, so would merging bzr/local to bzr/trunk and pushing that back to SVN/trunk work?14:16
jelmerawilkins: yeah, as that wouldn't change the mainline14:17
awilkinsGood, I think that's the practice I've been intuitively doing anyway :-)14:17
awilkinsOh, I mean merging bzr/local with the merged revision containing the conflict, back to bzr/trunk and pushing that14:18
awilkinsJust to be super-clear14:18
jelmerawilkins: conflicts aren't relevant here14:18
awilkinsAh, it's the merge14:18
awilkinsHow would it overwrite an existing revision in SVN anyway? I didn't think that was possible remotely (do you have to enable some evil on the server?)14:19
jelmerawilkins: it would overwrite anything, but it can change the history of a branch in subversion14:20
jelmerawilkins: e.g. by replacing /trunk with an older copy of itself14:20
jelmerawilkins: well, that's what changing the mainline involves in svn, but bzr-svn won't do this by default unless you set that option14:21
awilkinsjelmer: I think that's fair... so keeping trunk as a bzr branch and merging back to that seems to be the right way to go?14:23
jelmerawilkins: yeah14:24
dazjorzjelmer: is there a way to tell bzr to throw away the changes to the history, and will that make it behave "correctly" for me?14:24
jelmerdazjorz: bzr uncommit can remove revisions from the local branch14:24
jelmerdazjorz: "bzr revert" can be used to update the working tree14:25
dazjorzmaybe you should add a note about that in the message I said14:25
dazjorz"if you don't want to change the history, use uncommit to revert your merge commit, then use revert to update the working tree to the correct version"14:25
dazjorzsince the current notice is really unclear14:26
jelmerdazjorz: The current notice assumes some knowledge about bzr's model14:26
jelmerdazjorz: uncommit + revert only gets you back to the state before the merge14:26
jelmerdazjorz: it's also very specific for your current situation14:27
dazjorzI think many of the people using bzr-svn come from svn and simply want to use bazaar as their client, and therefore start without a lot of knowledge about bzr's model14:28
jelmerdazjorz: I can't explain bzr's model in a single error message14:29
dazjorzuncommit + revert brings my working copy back to before I started my changes, effectively throwing away my changes so I can update cleanly, and then can hope I still have the patch or I'll have to fix the bug again - sounds like exactly the thing a dvcs with advanced merging capabilities is designed to circumvent14:30
awilkinsdazjorz: How about uncommit + shelve in this case14:31
awilkinsYou get to keep your changes and reapply them afterwards14:31
dazjorzsounds good14:31
dazjorzI didn't know about shelve14:31
dazjorzjelmer: what about putting that in the error message?14:31
dazjorzexplaining to the user that he merged the conflict in a way that changes SVN history, and if that's not what he meant, he should uncommit and shelve, then update and apply again?14:32
awilkinsI think it's essentially the same as what rebase does but i) included and ii) manual14:32
awilkins(is rebase in core now?_14:32
dazjorzbzr: ERROR: No help could be found for 'rebase'.14:33
awilkinsGuess not then14:33
dazjorzI guess not, then? Or at least in my version14:33
dazjorz1.15, which is old14:33
* dazjorz downloads the newest bzr to update the fink package14:33
awilkinsdazjorz: Which OS?14:34
jelmerawilkins: rebase is still a separate plugin14:34
dazjorzawilkins: Fink - Mac OS X14:34
jelmerdazjorz: uncommit + shelve would be very specific to your current situation14:35
awilkinsjelmer: I should know that... I updated my plugins a few days ago14:35
dazjorzjelmer: as far as I understand the situation, many users which tried to update and got a conflict would get that error message14:35
jelmerdazjorz: this is unrelated to update14:35
dazjorzjelmer: and you'd help all of them with a little hint "if you [.....], try uncommit + shelve, see the help for foo"14:35
dazjorzjelmer: this is caused by update -> get conflict -> fix conflict -> commit conflict fix -> changed history but not patch, right?14:36
awilkinsI think what would be most helpful is a recipe for working from an SVN repo using Bazaar that doesn't encourage working in a branch of svn/trunk.14:36
awilkinsAnd prominently linked to from wherever people get introduced to bzr-svn from14:37
jelmerdazjorz: I don't think uncommit + shelve is what you would want here actually14:37
jelmerdazjorz: no, this is unrelated to conflicts14:38
jelmerdazjorz: unrelated to *file* conflicts14:38
dazjorzdo you mean to say it could be unrelated to conflicts but in my specific case it turned out to be?14:38
jelmerdazjorz: it's caused by the fact that you are pushing a mainline into subversion that doesn't match what's there at the moment14:39
jelmerdazjorz: no, even in your case it's not related to merge conflicts14:39
dazjorzjelmer: well, history was changed because of that file conflict, because I had to commit it14:39
dazjorzmaybe I misunderstood someone's explanation14:39
dazjorzbut when I ran bzr up in my changed working tree which had a commit not in svn which I was about to push, bzr told me of a conflict, and applied the changes in svn to my working tree14:39
jelmerdazjorz: history wasn't changed, the mainline was14:39
dazjorzas lifeless recommended, I fixed the conflict, ran bzr resolved, and committed the changes14:40
dazjorzthen tried to push, since I thought the conflict was resolved and now my commit could be pushed..14:40
dazjorzI get it14:40
dazjorzyou mean I'm trying to insert a commit *before* the last commit on svn?14:40
dazjorzinstead of appending my commit to the top of the tree, like `svn commit` would do14:41
awilkinsYou've already done it...14:43
awilkinsJust not pushed it up14:43
jelmerdazjorz: I'm not sure I'm following what you've done exactly.14:43
jelmerdazjorz: You were working in a checkout of your svn branch?14:44
dazjorza bzr checkout of the svn branch, yeah14:44
dazjorzI made some changes, then committed - but as it turned out, svn was changed while I was editing14:44
dazjorzand I wanted to commit my changes to the top of that14:44
jelmerso the commit was refused I guess14:45
jelmerthen you ran update and then commit?14:45
dazjorzwell, the bzr push was refused because my checkout was out of date14:45
dazjorzso yeah, I ran bzr merge to get up-to-date with svn again14:45
jelmerdazjorz: So you weren't working in a checkout but in a standalone branch?14:48
jelmerdazjorz: (otherwise the commit would have failed, because the local branch was out of date with the master branch)14:49
dazjorzI think I was working in a checkout, I think I created it with "bzr checkout http://...", is there anyway to check that?14:50
dazjorzeither way, the commit was local14:50
dazjorzso maybe it was a standalone branch, yeah14:50
jelmerdazjorz: if the commit was local you would be working in a standalone branch indeed14:51
dazjorzsorry for the confusion, then it was a standalone branch14:52
awilkins http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/230489/ # << this seems to be what we are discussin14:53
awilkinshttp://imagebin.ca/view/pBuP7v1.html  # illustrated with this14:54
dazjorzthank you awilkins14:55
jelmerawilkins: right14:55
jelmerdazjorz: so in the screenshot awilkins posted the second svn revision has disappeared from mainline14:55
awilkinshttp://imagebin.ca/view/oGTTEoWU.html ## here we've fixed it14:56
jelmerdazjorz: bzr-svn would push revisions 1, 2 and 3 onto mainline but that would mean removing 1.1.114:56
* dazjorz is confused by the "bzr switch local" and "bzr switch trunk", but for the rest, seems about what I was doing14:56
jelmerawilkins: alternatively, you could just merge into a checkout of trunk *or* rebase14:57
awilkinsIn screenshot 2 ; we've merged local into trunk (which is our mirror branch for SVN)14:57
awilkinsThis revision pushes to SVN cleanly14:57
awilkinsjelmer: Screenshot 2 is the former ; switched our checkout to trunk and merged into it14:57
awilkinsbzr switch trunk ; bzr merge ../repo/local ; bzr commit -m "Fixed problem"14:58
dazjorzjelmer: it would mean inserting 2 in front of 1.1.1, while 1.1.1 is latest in the SVN revision and you usually don't want to insert a revision in front of another one in svn14:58
jelmerawilkins: no, screenshot 2 contains an extra unnecessary merge commit14:58
dazjorzactually I think awilkin's paste is even more complex than what I did14:59
jelmerdazjorz: no, 1.1.1 wouldn't be on the mainline at all anymore given screenshot 114:59
jelmerdazjorz: (revision numbers without dots are on the mainline)14:59
dazjorzokay, as a SVN user, I'm jumping through hoops to follow you while you're talking about mainline and moving that SVN revision to a branch off the mainline14:59
dazjorzI never wanted to do that, but apparantly, that's how it turned out :P15:00
jelmerdazjorz: I'd recommend using checkouts if you're only familiar with svn, they are most similar to svn checkouts15:00
jelmerdazjorz: rather than standalone branches, which don't really exist in svn15:00
dazjorzwell then I could just as well use svn directly - I'm looking into this specifically because I need a DVCS on my client, sending commits to a central SVN repository15:04
jelmerdazjorz: if you alternatively you could look into using "bzr rebase" to pull in new revisions from mainline15:04
dazjorzbut if possible, I'd like to avoid problems like this and having to uncommit and stack up changes because I can't make bzr-svn correctly merge svn changes with my changes so I can still send my changes in nicely15:04
jelmerdazjorz: I guess that matches more closely what you would do in subversion15:04
dazjorzI'll look at it15:05
dazjorzlifeless also gave me a different solution which came down to having a bzr checkout, and a bzr branch of that checkout15:05
dazjorzso I could bzr update in the checkout, then merge my changes from the branch, and commit them as one large patch, then update the branch back from the checkout15:05
awilkinsThat's effectively what I do but not quite the same way15:05
jelmerdazjorz: yeah, that would work as well15:05
awilkinsI use a no-trees repository with a trunk branch in it and use switch (as illustrated in paste)15:06
dazjorzI think bzr rebase sounds like what svn does: basing your repository on a different version, while keeping your changes "on top" of the rest15:06
jelmerdazjorz: yeah15:06
jelmerdazjorz: it keeps your history linear15:06
awilkinslifeless's way has it's advantages in that because "trunk" is a checkout it won't let you commit "inserted" revisions accidentally.15:06
dazjorzbut then rebase works around that problem by changing "inserted" revisions to become revisions "on top" of the ones already in svn15:07
awilkinsI only find out I screwed it up when I try to push15:07
awilkinsBut I usually pull / merge / push quickly enough not to bump into other peoples commits15:08
awilkinsIt helps that everyone else is in another timezone :-)15:08
=== raimue is now known as Raim
Takblargh, I just had the same issue as dazjorz15:21
dazjorzTak: you made my day ;)15:21
Takhmm, rebase tells me no revisions to rebase15:28
dazjorzI think you may need to uncommit until before the merge, then rebase?15:31
awilkinsTak: Are you passing the svn branch as the parameter to rebase?15:34
Takthe upstream branch?15:34
Taksame result15:35
Takmy flow of events: I pulled this morning, fixed a bug, committed locally, went to push, was notified that the trees were out of sync, merged, went to push again, got complaint about changing mainline history15:38
awilkinsTak... ok, try this. Branch your current branch to a sibling folder (say "trunk"). cd trunk ; bzr pull <svn url> --overwrite15:39
awilkinscd ../original_branch ; bzr rebase ../trunk15:39
TakNo revisions to rebase.15:42
awilkinsWhat does bzr missing ../trunk say ?15:42
Takshows 2 revisions15:42
awilkinsBoth yours? Or theirs too?15:42
Takmy bugfix rev, and the merge commit15:43
awilkinsI think dazjorz is right, you might have to uncommit that merge and rebase instead15:43
Takin that case I agree with him15:44
awilkinsIt's small risk - it will tell you which revision you are (not) trashing15:44
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awilkinsIt doesn't think you have to rebase that revision because you already merged it15:44
awilkinsBah, these things do my head in15:44
dazjorzor, bzr diff -r[yourcommit-1]:[yourcommit] >yourcommit.diff; bzr uncommit [yourcommit]; bzr rebase; patch -p0 <yourcommit.diff; bzr commit15:45
awilkinsI don't think you need to take special measures to preserve your changes15:48
TakI diffed just in case15:48
awilkinsThat's what rebase is doing ; it's effectively replaying your patches on top of the new history and forging a new history15:48
Takbut bzr uncommit -r-3; bzr pull; bzr commit; bzr push  seems to have worked15:48
awilkinsIf you'd had more than one revision committed locally that would have smunged them all together, but that works equivalently as well as rebase for 1 revision15:50
Takbetter, because it actually saw my revision ;-)15:51
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SamBhow do I find out the HTTP URL corresponding to an lp: URL?16:46
beunoSamB, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/$whatever comes after lp:16:47
SamB... without the nonexistant lp-logout command or going and hand-editing the config file that it would edit?16:47
beunounless it's an lp:project URL16:47
SamBI wonder why that isn't in the web UI16:47
SamBbeuno: well, it is a project URL yes16:47
SamBbut I have the SSH URL so I can figure it out16:47
beunoSamB, you want the web UI to expose the long URL?16:48
beunoit's not needed16:48
SamBit might be handy16:48
SamBespecially since when I run "bzr info" on the lp: one it gives me back useless info16:49
SamBwith -v, I get this about the format:16:49
SamB       control: bzr remote bzrdir16:49
SamB        branch: Remote BZR Branch16:49
SamB    repository: bzr remote repositor16:49
SamBoops, missed a y. still, doesn't that seem pretty useless?16:50
beuno"it might be handy" is not a great argument to pollute the Launchpad UI  :)16:50
beunoyes, that's a problem with bzr16:50
beunonot being able to read remote formats properly with the smart server16:50
SamBone more line would hurt?16:50
beunoyes, *anything* extra on theUI hurts16:50
beunomore places competing for your attention16:51
SamBhmm, actually it could be a very subdued-tone link after the "bzr branch" command or something ...16:51
SamBa short one16:51
SamBwith the URL only in the href field16:51
beunoagain, without a reasonable use case....16:52
beunoLaunchpad *tells* you the format already on the UI16:52
SamBis that the same thing bzr would say?16:52
SamBno, it gives it to you in some "human-readable" format that is useless for figuring out what to pass to init-repo ...16:53
beunowell, there yout go16:53
beunothat's the problem we need to fix  :)16:53
SamBah, but so does bzr on the part I pasted before ;-)16:53
SamB        branch: Branch format 616:54
SamB    repository: Packs containing knits without subtree support16:54
SamBbut at least the first line is helpful here:16:54
SamBStandalone branch (format: pack-0.92)16:54
SamBI'm looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~mailman-coders/mailman/3.0 if that matters ;-)16:54
beunofile a bug on launchpad about it, and I'll chase it up and see how we can show that instead16:54
SamBbut if "bzr info" isn't displaying enough info in those lines, isn't that an issue too?16:56
SamBso do I need to report those seperately or together ?16:57
beunotwo bugs!  your karma will go through the roof!  ;)16:57
SamBI've reported a lot more than that16:57
SamBhmm, looks like someone did already: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/24890017:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 248900 in launchpad-code "More understandable format strings needed" [Medium,Triaged]17:02
* SamB renames the bug17:03
SamBbug 24890017:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248900 in launchpad-code "More understandable format strings needed" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24890017:03
beunoyou now know that ubottu caches  :)17:06
beunoSamB, I'll chase developers about that bug17:06
bialixigc: hi17:16
igchi bialix17:23
amanicaigc: btw. nice new doc frontpage17:24
igcamanica: thanks17:25
* emmajane waves17:27
emmajanebazaar made it to the front page of slideshare.net. :)17:29
igcemmajane: well done!17:31
emmajanethanks :)17:32
=== verterok_ is now known as verterok
=== ja1 is now known as jam
corporate_cookieif I want to use bzr+ssh to check something out do I just run bzr serve --directory=foo  ...then open up port 4155 on the remote machine ?18:45
SamBcorporate_cookie: bzr+ssh seems to use the usual SSH port18:46
corporate_cookieamazing : )18:46
SamBand attempt to invoke bzr as if it were in fact connecting to an ordinary SSH server18:47
amanicayes --serve is for the custom and not-secured protocol18:47
SamBnot to say that this is by any means necessarily the case ;-)18:47
amanicayou can also use sftp://18:47
SamBbut if it is the case, it should work without special configuration as long as you're allowed to run whatever command you like on the server ;-)18:47
corporate_cookieive been using sftp ....but im curious in checking out hpss18:48
corporate_cookiethere is only a couple of lines in the users guide referring to it18:49
SamBit's pretty typical of ssh-based access to VCSs that they work without any special configuration for people who have ssh shell access18:49
SamBthe trickiest bit being to make sure that the VCS (or subsystem of VCS needed to commit) be findable18:50
SamBbasically meaning either it has to be in the PATH used by the sshd to find the command, or the VCS client has to specify an absolute path to it18:52
agrippaGetting an error when trying bzr status18:55
agrippabzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "/Volumes/web$/tipsv2/.bzr/checkout/dirstate": [Errno 45] Operation not supported18:55
agrippaUsing bzr 1.16.1 on OS X 10.5.718:55
agrippaIs this a current bug that needs to be fixed?18:55
SamBagrippa: what does mount say ?18:55
LarstiQcorporate_cookie: all you need is ssh access and a runnable bzr on the remote side18:55
corporate_cookiethanks SamB : )18:55
LarstiQagrippa: what is /Volumes/web$ for a filesystem (what SamB said)18:56
agrippaIt's mounted via SMB18:56
SamBmy guess is it's an issue with OS X's SMB driver and/or SMB18:57
SamBjelmer___: do you know anything/18:57
agrippa  Volumes/web$ (smbfs, nodev, nosuid, mounted by rsmith)18:57
SamBagrippa: so what is this volume provided by?18:58
agrippaIt's mounting a share off of our Windows development server19:00
agrippaThe server is a Windows 2003 SP119:00
Takis there a way to flag another email address as "me" on launchpad?19:00
SamBpoor you, having to develop for windows :-(19:00
SamBTak: you can add it to your account, yeah19:00
agrippaWell, we're developing Flash, but we use Windows for the web server19:01
SamBjust go to your account and then find the little edit icons (I think they look like exclamation marks?)19:01
SamBagrippa: odd thing to do19:01
agrippaAlthough I wish we didn't use a Windows server sometimes19:01
agrippaWell, when you're organization buys whole hog into MS, that's what happens :p19:01
Takhmm, I don't have one of those next to the email19:01
LarstiQagrippa: in or on Flash?19:01
SamBagrippa: but not so whole-hog that *you* have to use Windows on your machine?19:02
LarstiQSamB: some people actually like windows :P19:02
agrippaLarstiq: Well, in Flash, and ActionScript19:02
SamBLarstiQ: but for a server ?19:02
Takblargh - also, why can't I sign the CoC with my ssh key?19:02
LarstiQSamB: yes19:02
SamBit doesn't seem like a suited job for the software that's available on Windows19:02
agrippaSamB: Yeah, our central IT likes Windows, we use OS X in our group though19:03
SamBwell, maybe there's more stuff available there than there used to be ...19:03
SamBwell, I suppose it's better than using Novell services :-(19:03
SamB... maybe I'm just biased because I've never really had money to spend on development tools :-)19:04
Takaha, found it!19:04
SamBand they didn't used to offer those free for Windows19:04
agrippaSamB: Windows 2003 isn't too bad really, it's pretty easy to manage, does most of what I need.  There are more OS web apps developed for Linux in some situations, so I wish we had a Linux server, but our central IT doesn't have the skill set for it.19:04
SamBI mean, MS didn't19:04
SamBbut I still wish it had SSH and a decent network filesystem -- though the latter could be said of *nix as well, I think?19:05
SamB... one thing I really hate about windows is the cost of process creation :-(19:06
agrippaSamB: By it, you mean Windows 2003?19:06
SamBagrippa: well, in general19:06
SamBI actually only have XP19:07
agrippaSamB:  Our version does not have SFTP which is a bummer, but more recent versions do19:07
agrippaIn general though, you can get SSH for Windows19:07
SamBis that an actual variant of FTP, or some SSH-based protocol, or both?19:07
SamBagrippa: without paying for it ?19:08
agrippaSFTP, I think it's built on top of SSH19:08
SamBI thought there might be two SFTPs or something19:08
agrippaSamB: Yeah, I've been using puTTY for years19:08
agrippaI think there are two SFTPs19:09
SamBI meant an sshd for windows, actually19:09
agrippaThey both run on top of SSH though, if I'm right19:09
jelmer___luks: hi19:09
SamBagrippa: even worse!19:09
jelmer___luks: I've finished and merged the 'bzr send --format=svn' branch19:09
SamBjelmer___: so do you know anything about locks not working over SMB from OS X?19:09
jelmer___luks: It'll now also report property changes19:09
SamBjelmer___: what does that do?19:10
SamBhmm. I guess I should just try it?19:10
jelmer___SamB: Sorry, not familiar with the Mac OS X client19:10
agrippaSamB:  I think MS would have to improve their shell for sshd to be any good on Windows :p19:10
SamBjelmer___: thought it was worth a try :-)19:10
jelmer___SamB: it generates a files similar to "svn diff"19:10
jelmer___SamB: without any bzr metadata19:10
SamBagrippa: oh, but it could spawn bash or something19:10
agrippaSamB: Yeah, I guess spawning a bash shell from Cygwin would be cool19:11
SamBjelmer___: is that "without" supposed to be a feature?19:11
jelmer___SamB: yes19:11
SamBagrippa: and even cmd is better than nothing!19:11
agrippaBut MS did do a decent job with RDP19:11
SamBagrippa: hmm.19:11
jelmer___SamB: there's no point in sending complex bzr bundles when upstream isn't using bzr19:11
SamBagrippa: does that forward a terminal ?19:12
SamBjelmer___: yeah ...19:12
agrippaYou could open a DOS prompt in RDP or a bash shell if you had Cygwin installed19:12
SamBjelmer___: but it's too bad you can't get the bzr metadata into svn that way :-(19:12
SamBagrippa: well, yeah ...19:13
SamBbut it seems kind of an inefficient way of going about things19:13
agrippaSamB:  Have you tried this http://web.mit.edu/pismere/ssh/ssh-port.html19:14
SamBmaybe I should try it before I say that though19:14
agrippaOh wow, I just found out that OS X allows tabbed terminals by accident19:15
SamBoh, cygwin has sshd now?19:15
SamBwell ... I guess that's *kind* of nice19:15
agrippaSamB: You know, I did get SVN working over SSH from a Windows server a while back, so maybe it might just work19:16
LarstiQanyone got an idea what time lifeless tends to get online nowadays?19:17
SamBwell, it looks like he left around midnight EST last night19:18
SamBand got on around 17:52 EST19:19
SamBit's now about 14:19 EST, so I guess you'd best wait 3-4 hours ?19:20
LarstiQwhich is around my midnight19:20
SamBor you could try to see him in your morning?19:21
LarstiQyeah, I will. In the meantime updated the bug and going to do some more investigative work.19:22
agrippablarg, tried to create a symlink and that did not work either :(19:22
SamBagrippa: well, I'm pretty sure that would be MS's fault19:23
agrippaSamB: heh19:25
agrippaWell, if I copy locally it works, but meh, I don't want that19:27
agrippaDoes bzr use the svn  you have installed on your system or does it have its own copy?19:31
SamBagrippa: it probably depends on where you get bzr ;-)19:32
SamBfor me, it uses the installed SVN, but I'm running Debian19:33
SamB(though I imagine it would for anyone who had built from source as well ;-)19:33
SamB(Well, built subvertpy from source, that is)19:33
agrippaI might get ambitious and give it a shot, but I generally do have a harder time compiling things from source on OS X19:37
SamBagrippa: I can't say as I have any idea what svn subvertpy from the OS X will use19:47
LarstiQagrippa: I think it's highly likely that it will use the standard system OSX, but I can't verify19:51
jamany qbzr developers here?19:58
jamI'm seeing a lot of deprecation warnings with a checkout of qbzr trunk19:58
jamMost notably:   /home/jameinel/.bazaar/plugins/qbzr/lib/subprocess.py:600: DeprecationWarning: bzrlib.plugins.qbzr.lib.subprocess.SubprocessUIFactory was deprecated in version 1.18.20:00
jamPresumably bzr.dev started deprecating using CLIUIFactory directly20:00
jamand qbzr inherits from it?20:00
jamgaryvdm: so you *are* around, just not responding :)20:27
garyvdmjam - I just signed on now20:27
jamI just submitted a bunch of qbzr bugs so that you can feel loved20:28
jammostly, I'm doing a demo, and ran into a bunch of niggles20:28
jamThe SubprocessUIFactory being the one I'd like to see fixed first20:28
jambug #40426920:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404269 in qbzr "SubprocessUIFactory inherits from deprecated CLIUIFactory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40426920:29
garyvdmjam - I like your suggestion for bug 40427620:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404276 in qbzr "qannotate double clicking in per file graph gives diff rather than changing the annotation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40427620:30
jamMostly it is just changing the default action20:30
jamOh, I meant to submit another one20:30
jamwhich is that when you annotate to a new rev, it keeps the same line num20:31
jambut likely lines have moved20:31
fullermdjam: BTW, can you comment on my mail about that comment?  It's your rev (though to be sure your memory is 3 years cold on it)20:32
jamfullermd: "comment on my mail about that comment"20:32
jamthat is the 0.10 thing?20:32
fullermd(not necessarily right this second of course, just in general)20:33
garyvdmRight now - I'm feeling a overwhelmed. Lots of attention to qbzr lately has result in lots of good ideas and bug, and too few hours to work on them. :-~20:33
jamfullermd: responded20:34
jamgaryvdm: yeah, mostly just wanting to record ideas right now20:34
jami had some thoughts to work on qannotate for what I've been doing20:34
jamand then i found that you implemented the things I was most pressed to add :)20:34
garyvdmAnnotate old revision?20:34
jamgaryvdm: per file graph being displayed, and moving around the revision graph20:35
jamI'd still like to get things hooked into the new Annotator code, and get caching working20:35
jamwhich would make jumping around *much* faster20:35
jamWorking on 2a polish etc bugs right now, thoug20:35
garyvdmThat would be cool20:35
garyvdmAnd I want to get it to annotate the wt20:36
flvr8hey guys, one of our developers is getting: ERROR: exceptions.KeyError: 'pop(): dictionary is empty' on his branch. are there steps he can take to fix that other than completely getting a new checkout?20:38
jamLarstiQ: well, stuff like making "bundles" work20:39
flvr8he can't do a bzr diff to see his changes, because that gives the same error.20:39
LarstiQjam: pfew :)20:39
SamBjam: that's called "fix" ;-P20:39
jamflvr8: a bigger traceback is usually helpful to understand what is going on20:39
LarstiQjam: any idea how far to comletion that is?20:39
jamin the short term, things like this are often caused by plugins20:40
jamso doing "bzr --no-plugins XXXX" might work around it.20:40
jamLarstiQ: I have a branch, it has 2 tests failing that I know of20:40
jamgot side-tracked into a meeting today20:40
flvr8jam: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/235407 - same stacktrace, he says20:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 235407 in bzr "'pop(): dictionary is empty' in tsort when showing pending merges" [High,Fix released]20:40
flvr8he was on 1.5 until very recently20:40
jamflvr8: see the comments20:41
jamThe current workaround is to 'bzr revert' and re-do whatever merge got you into this situation. (As new bzr's won't let you get back into the same situation.)20:41
SamBflvr8: what's he on now ?20:41
jamor try applying the patch20:41
flvr8er, 1.16.120:41
flvr8macports doesn't have 1.17 yet20:41
jamflvr8: according to the bug, the problem is older revs of bzr wrote down bogus data20:42
jamthere is a patch that tells bzr to ignore it20:42
jamas part of the bug20:42
LarstiQagrippa: ?20:42
jamalternatively, "bzr revert; bzr merge"20:42
agrippaLarstiQ: 1.17 not being available on OS X20:42
agrippaLarstiQ: I can't get around this dirstate thing20:43
LarstiQagrippa: I feel I'm missing something, dirstate thing?20:43
jamagrippa: as of 1:45am this morning (about 13 hours ago) someone posted to the list saying that they made a 1.17 installer.20:43
jamjust not macports, I guess20:43
agrippaLarstiQ: Problem I was talking about earlier, I've been getting "Could not acquire lock" when doing bzr status20:45
agrippajam:  I saw the 10.4 installer, but not sure if that will work for 10.520:45
flvr8jam: thanks, let him know that20:46
jamagrippa: new versions probably don't help, as you are probably running "bzr commit" in the other window20:46
jamand if the lock is taken, status can't aquire it20:46
SamBoh, yeah, that's in launchpad20:47
SamBas what, I don't remember ;-).20:47
agrippajam:  Not the case here20:48
SamBbut it's sure a pain that when you do a bzr commit and it puts you in an editor, you can't interrogate your working directory+repo20:48
agrippaSamB: Just use bzr commit -m "message"20:48
jamSamB: pretty sure it is bug #9883620:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 98836 in bzr "[MASTER] "OS locks must die" - dirstate file write locks exclude readers and limit portability" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9883620:48
LarstiQagrippa: ah, didn't realise it was that20:49
agrippaYeah, this is what I'm dealing with basically: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/3100620:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 31006 in bzr "dirstate file locking doesn't work on smb mount on osx - bzr add, bzr status, and bzr commit fail over a SMB share (dup-of: 98836)" [High,Confirmed]20:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 98836 in bzr "[MASTER] "OS locks must die" - dirstate file write locks exclude readers and limit portability" [High,Confirmed]20:50
agrippaubottu's link includes that link20:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:50
Takis bzrlib gpl or lgpl?20:51
LarstiQflvr8: it was verterok who uploaded the OSX installers, but didn't update the wiki yet because he wanted testers, volunteer? :)20:51
LarstiQTak: gpl20:51
=== agrippa is now known as IHateErrno45
=== IHateErrno45 is now known as agrippa
LarstiQflvr8: http://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.17/1.17/+download/Bazaar-1.17-OSX10.5.dmg20:51
agrippaLarstiQ: I'll volunteer20:51
flvr8LarstiQ - heh no, i'm on a sane operating system. but i'll pass that on to my colleague20:52
LarstiQagrippa: cool!20:52
verterokagrippa, LarstiQ: thanks!20:52
agrippaverterok: I've got 8 procs you can crash :p20:53
LarstiQverterok: np, thanks for building it. And the config.py!20:54
verterokLarstiQ: heh, sure! it stills needs a lot of work, but at least isn't a 100% manual build anymore ;)20:56
LarstiQverterok: very very nice20:56
agrippaverterok: So, is there someplace I can download the installer?20:57
verterokagrippa: http://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.17/1.17/+download/Bazaar-1.17-OSX10.5.dmg20:57
flvr8ok, he reports that revert/merge doesn't work. he's committed some changes to his local repository but apparently is blocked from pushing to launchpad. noob question, since I haven't come across this before, how can he see which files he committed locally?21:00
agrippaHalp! All my files are deleted!21:00
LarstiQflvr8: bzr st -r -3..-1 ?21:01
LarstiQagrippa: hmm?21:01
agrippaLarstiQ: kidding21:02
LarstiQagrippa: tsk :P21:02
agrippaWell, the installer seemed to work just fine.  bzr --version gives 1.1721:02
verterokagrippa: cool!21:02
* verterok updates the wiki21:02
agrippaverterok: I looked at your launchpad page.  So you work on the Eclipse plugin?21:03
verterokagrippa: yes  trying to get some spare time to get things moving)21:03
agrippaverterok:  Is there a way to get the Eclipse plugin to work with filesystem links?21:04
verterokagrippa: filesystem links?21:04
flvr8Larstiq - thanks. this is probably the revision that caused him grief fwiw. http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daisyextension/daisyextension/main/revision/714 ... i tried uncommitting it, but bzr wants me to commit the uncommit, so i'm not sure if that'll help him out at all. (somehow my pull of his changes required a merge, which then required a commit before bzr was happy, which was why it's there)21:04
flvr8Larstiq - so if i understand the problem fully, his 1.5 client dumped bad data in there, which confused my client, which then screwed the pooch for him(?)21:05
agrippaverterok: Yeah, I've got a linked folder in Eclipse and can't seem to get the Team menu to come up21:05
LarstiQflvr8: uh, I haven't been fully following along21:05
LarstiQagrippa: symlink?21:05
LarstiQagrippa: or something more exotic?21:06
flvr8oh well, that's a general question then. how do we fix the branch's metadata?21:06
agrippaLarstiQ: It's  in Eclipse, but not a real symlink.21:06
LarstiQagrippa: aah21:06
verterokagrippa: ooh, linked resources! the support is *experimental* I need to chase down all the places where resource checks are done and also check for links21:06
LarstiQflvr8: I'm a bit overloaded to go check backlog fully, but for me to get what is going on I'd need some more debugging information21:07
flvr8Larstiq: ok, i can just file a bug. but yeah, let me know what else would be useful to include?21:08
LarstiQflvr8: not necessarily a bug21:08
LarstiQflvr8: pastebinning the command and traceback (you may have already done so?) as a start21:09
agrippaverterok: Yeah, was trying that on this machine to see if I liked using a linked folder better for my source21:09
LarstiQflvr8: but I'm going back to bug 390502 for a bit now21:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390502 in bzr "bzr's development should dogfood format 2a" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39050221:09
verterokagrippa: btw, linked resources are (or are going to be) ignored by bzr-eclipse, at least regarding Team menu21:10
verterokagrippa: as the Eclipse team framework don't allow to do much with them (I must to check 3.5 to see if something changed related to this)21:11
agrippaverterok: Ah, ok.  Thanks for the info.21:16
verterokagrippa: np21:17
poolie1hi all21:23
poolie1hi jam21:23
garyvdmjam: Bug will take me a while, because I need to try take advantage of the new apis (e.g. I can now override make_progress_view, rather than setting _progress_view)21:46
garyvdmbug 40426921:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404269 in qbzr "SubprocessUIFactory inherits from deprecated CLIUIFactory" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40426921:46
garyvdmjam: while still staying compatible with older versions of bzr21:47
garyvdmjam: so I need to check if make_progress_view is not there, if not, I need to set  _progress_view...21:48
garyvdmjam: I would like to stay compatible with bzr 1.1621:49
garyvdmpoolie1: Hi - Maybe I have the wrong approach here. Any recommendations here to make things easier for me?21:50
poolie1hi gary21:51
poolie1garyvdm: possibly you need to inherit from different classes depending on the bzr version?21:57
garyvdmpoolie1: I guess I'm looking for a silver bullet. The changes that you have made are good. It's just really hard to take advantage of them, while staying backward compatible.22:00
poolie1garyvdm: do you actually need to override the progress methods?22:00
poolie1you don't seem to do anything with them22:00
poolie1sure, cheers22:00
LarstiQdon't they get called by pbs?22:00
garyvdmpoolie1: We implement a custom TextProgressView22:01
poolie1oh of course22:02
poolie1it's also unfortunate that you need to deal with stacking22:02
poolie1that should maybe be in the view or something22:02
jamhi poolie1 you're up early22:38
poolie1i am22:38
jamhi lifeless22:38
jamespecially given that it is poolie1 nad lifeless 's weekend :)22:39
poolie1i woke up too early, i'm trying to be quiet22:39
jamluulllaabby and goooodniiitee22:40
jamgoooo to sleeep now, dear poooliee22:40
* LarstiQ is about to crash22:40
LarstiQlifeless: thanks for the reply22:42
LarstiQlifeless: did subunit actually have any stacked branches?22:42
lifelessyour problems are real22:46
lifelessby they aren't intrinsic to upgrade22:46
pygihi folks22:46
LarstiQlifeless: sure, I'm not claiming that there is no situation in which it would work22:47
LarstiQlifeless: this question I specifically asked because I upgraded everything before I noticed it was 0.92 and no stacking was going on22:47
LarstiQand I'll expand it into bugs tomorrow22:48
=== jkakar_ is now known as jkakar
lifelessLarstiQ: thanks22:51
garyvdmHi pygi22:53
garyvdmpoolie1: I like to make a change to the ui factory, and I just want to run the idea by you first.22:54
garyvdmI would like to split TextProgressView up into ProgressView and TextProgressView22:55
poolie1that sounds good22:55
garyvdmThe code which keeps track of the last task message, the transport activity rate and formats the transport activity - that would go into ProgressView22:57
garyvdmAll the terminal rendering code would stay in TextProgressView.22:57
jamgaryvdm: 'formatting the activity rate' sounds like a higher level activity (IMO)22:58
garyvdmThat would make it easier for qbzr to implementing a ProgressView22:58
poolie1garyvdm: that sounds ok22:59
poolie1if all the time-dependent or stateful stuff is localized that will help with testing too22:59
garyvdmjam: this line?  msg = ("%6dKB %5dKB/s" %  (self._total_byte_count>>10, int(rate)>>10,))23:00
garyvdmjam: I doubt that gui's would want to ever format it differently.23:00
jamgaryvdm: that looks like something where you'd want the total byte count, and could put it on separate lines, or etc.23:00
jamcertainly I think of rendering as formatting from logical information (bytes) to a string23:01
poolie1i think there should be a class that accumulates this23:01
poolie1it's almost an ActivityModel23:01
poolie1or a little state machine separate from rendering23:01
garyvdmjam, poolie1: Ok - I'll keep the formatting in TextProgressView. ProgressView will just keep state, and conduct.23:04
poolie1garyvdm: you could make the formatting available in a higher class23:05
poolie1but not assume it'll be used23:05
poolie1then guis could use it if they want to23:05
garyvdmpoolie1: Yes23:06
poolie1well in that case i might go and have a saturday :)23:13
* SamB wishes "bzr viz" supported ^revid like git ...23:17
jelmer___SamB: what does ^revid do?23:17
jelmer___SamB: also, file a wishlist bug :-)23:18
SamBjelmer___: not show revid and it's ancestors23:18
SamBof course, first it would be important to allow revision specs ...23:18
SamBnot just branches23:18
* SamB thinks ...23:18
garyvdmSamB - I assume this is when looking at multiple branches?23:23
SamBgaryvdm: well, actually it's also useful if you want to see what's changed between bzr ppa builds ;-)23:24
garyvdmSo you are using ^ revid as a stop revision?23:25
SamBno, I'm wishing I could23:25
ali_Hi, what does asterisk "*" mean in bzr status? One guy reported a bug about it, lovely enough he didn't put the answer there. Sad. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/7433323:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 74333 in bzr "Asterisk in status not documented (dup-of: 46636)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 46636 in bzr "meaning of '*' in bzr status is undocumented and unverbose" [Low,Confirmed]23:36
ali_thank you23:40
sendercan anyone tell me what's the diff between workbooks.Open() and workbooks._Open() - or the "_" notation in general?23:43
sender_Workbook workbook = workbooks.Open() and Workbook workbook = workbooks.Open() ...23:43
SamBjelmer___: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/40435823:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 404358 in bzr-gtk "support a revision-graph-specification language like that of git-rev-parse(1)" [Undecided,New]23:45
SamBnow I know what you're probably going to say -- why should this be in bzr-gtk ? -- and you're right ;-)23:46
senderapologies.. wrong window :(23:46
SamBoh, what was the bug for "bzr send" not working with 2a?23:54

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