[13:45] wow [13:45] I just totally came up with a use case for a "cool feature" I've been unable to justify for ages [14:05] Please elaborate. :-) [14:06] the ability to specify names of jobs on the command line [14:07] either to be force-started or disabled [14:14] I don't follow... [14:14] do jobs have names? job classes have names... [14:14] I should say "will they." They have them now [15:33] a good question ;-) [15:33] Keybuk: AAR, what are you on about? [15:33] I'm not entirely sure myself [15:33] it must be Friday [15:33] why...yes...it is... [21:58] hello. what is the latest version of upstart that supports dbus-1.2.14? [22:02] Better question to ask: what is the latest version of dbus that supports upstart-0.6.2 :-P [22:03] i know, but i have a problem with latest dbus [22:04] ok found it: 0.5.3.. i hope it is not too old