
DanaGhandy hint: edit /etc/pulse/default.pa to set tsched=100:00
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lupine_85erm. I've just noticed that Karmic doesn't seem to come with the ipv6 module compiled by default00:03
lupine_85oh, wait, compiled-in00:04
* BUGabundo $echo moo; reply: foobed00:05
yoasifhey guys -- anyone know of a bug where a second logged in user can no longer access the sound hardware?00:10
yoasifgnome volume control shows the device as "null output"00:10
=== Richard is now known as Guest13494
Guest13494I know that Karmic is still pre-release, but is it useable?  I need the updated drivers of 9.10.00:23
=== Guest13494 is now known as richardcavell
yofelGuest13494: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha3   see "Known Issues"00:24
syn-ackOh wow00:25
yofel*sigh* poeple these days just can't wait...00:25
syn-ackWe've moved to alpha 3... I forgot all about it00:25
yofelsyn-ack: I guess you weren't here yesterday? :P00:25
syn-ackyoasif, sadly, no. I've had a lot of stuff going on00:26
syn-ackhavent even updated yet00:26
* cwillu pokes yofel with a richardcavell00:37
cwillurichardcavell, if you just need graphics drivers or a newer kernel, you can do that without upgrading to karmic00:38
richardcavellcwillu: mate, I tried to do that and i broke my Jaunty installation entirely00:38
cwillurichardcavell, see the mainline kernel ppa for newer kernel packages that will mostly just work (but which are unsupported, but I'm guessing you're tired of hearing that :p)00:38
cwillurichardcavell, can you be more specific?00:38
cwilluby "ways of doing that" I expressly did not mean installing karmic packages :p00:38
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed
richardcavellcwillu: I had an installation of Jaunty - I only included stable release software, not pre-release.  I then installed everything from the xorg-edgers PPA and then my X wouldn't load at all00:39
yoasifrichardcavell, hahaha bad idea00:39
richardcavellwell what was I supposed to have done?  I wanted to get the latest versions of everything.00:40
yofelcwillu: you called?00:40
syn-ackrichardcavell, thats what backports are for00:40
cwillurichardcavell, you obviously didn't though, because the latest version of everything are known to cause breakage, they're where we're doing testing to see what the problems are00:40
cwillurichardcavell, anyways, what was the original problem precisely?00:40
richardcavellcwillu: well, look I need a solution00:40
richardcavellcwillu: I'm running Intel GMA 950.  Performance under Jaunty is dreadful, and I get errors.  I can't run games under wine.00:41
richardcavellI can't run half-life 100:41
cwillurichardcavell, no, you need to reason through the things you do so you don't make things worse00:41
richardcavellNow, Jaunty intel drivers are 2.6.300:41
richardcavellLatest version is 2.8.000:41
cwillugma950 is a 945'ish driver I think?00:41
syn-ackcwillu, well.... I dont exactly install my beta boxes from the installer either...00:41
yoasifkarmic is handling my gma950 amazingly well00:41
syn-ackmine too00:41
richardcavellso anyway I tried to restore my Ubuntu partition from my backup and it has completely fscked itself now00:42
cwillurichardcavell, under jaunties xorg, you might have been able to simply run uxa.  lots of people didn't have troubles with it, it was disabled by default because a subset of people did (about 30% or so I'd figure)00:42
richardcavellso I'm going to have to reinstall all over again00:42
richardcavellyoasif: are you just running a default installation?00:42
yoasifrichardcavell, yep00:42
richardcavellSee, lots of people with GMA950 have said that the newer drivers are working really well00:42
richardcavellso if that's the case then I'm keen to get in on it00:43
yofelrichardcavell: yes, but you need a newer kernel for those drivers as well00:43
cwillurichardcavell, you're talking to a guy who did a tonne of triage during the jaunty release cycle of intel issues00:43
cwilluyou _might_ want to consider what I'm saying :p00:43
richardcavellyofel: I installed kernel 2.6.30 as well00:43
richardcavellkernel 2.6.30 was no problem00:43
richardcavellcwillu: what's your recommendation?00:44
cwillu<cwillu> richardcavell, under jaunties xorg, you might have been able to simply run uxa.  lots of people didn't have troubles with it, it was disabled by default because a subset of people did (about 30% or so I'd figure)00:44
richardcavellI'm on a Macbook 2nd generation.  Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel GMA 950 chipset.00:44
richardcavellcwillu: how does one enable uxa?00:45
cwilluOption "AccelMethod" "uxa"00:45
cwilluin the device section00:46
richardcavellof xorg.conf?00:46
richardcavelland then restart X00:46
richardcavellyofel: do you have an opinion on cwillu's idea?00:46
cwillupresuming you're on a clean install, or at least with the bleeding edge packages removed00:46
cwilluyofel's opinion is that it's worth a shot ;p00:47
* cwillu huggles yofel with a stick held menacingly close :)00:47
richardcavellcwillu: I have to reinstall the partition all over again, though.  It will take me hours.00:47
cwillurichardcavell, what was your backup?00:48
richardcavellcwillu: and then if I want to test it I need to install wine and half-life etc00:48
cwillui.e., how did you perform it, and how did you perform the restore?00:48
richardcavellcwillu: I rsynced everything to an external hard drive.  I tried to rsync it back and I get a kernel panic00:48
cwillursync as root?00:48
* yofel askes himself if he really wants to answer...00:48
cwillu(needs to be as root originally and on restore)00:48
cwillurichardcavell, with the original kernel?00:48
richardcavellcwillu: yes00:48
cwilluI mean, did you do rsync --vax --delete or just rsync -vax?"00:48
richardcavellcwillu: I use gksudo grsync00:49
* cwillu sighs, downloads grsync and looks at what the defaults are00:49
richardcavellI copied everything to an external hard disk, then installed all the xorg-edgers packages and kernel
* cwillu notes that normally he normally charges 80 an hour to deal with this sort of mess :p00:49
richardcavellThen my X wouldn't boot00:49
richardcavellcwillu: I changed from the default options anyway00:50
cwillurichardcavell, well which options then? :p00:50
richardcavellcwillu: I thought I chose everything properly00:50
richardcavellcwillu: my idea was to create a perfect clone on the external hard disk00:50
richardcavelland then clone it back00:50
cwilluif you didn't do 'stay on one filesystem' and 'ignore errors', you probably didn't get a valid backup00:50
richardcavellI selected stay on the one filesystem00:51
cwillure: perfect cloning, I usually just dd the partition directly00:51
richardcavellcwillu: I'm going to use clonezilla in future00:51
cwilludid the permissions look sane afterwards?00:51
richardcavellcwillu: yeah they did00:51
richardcavellI can cd into the external hard drive and look around00:51
cwillurichardcavell, I'm not a big fan of gui's for my backups, much prefer knowing exactly whats going on so that I can do thing by hand when necessary00:51
richardcavellcwillu: well I'm using a disk imager from now on00:52
cwilludo you remember what the kernel panic was?00:52
richardcavellcwillu: it doesn't stay on screen for long but it's about 4 seconds into boot and it says something about sync00:52
cwillugrsync """It currently supports only a limited set of the most important rsync"""00:52
cwillusounds scarey00:52
* cwillu clicks install00:52
cwillu(scary being the quote, not the panic)00:53
richardcavellanyway, I don't have anything important on my linux partition00:53
richardcavellI have backups of all my essential files00:53
richardcavellso if I have to reinstall the darn thing then I can do that00:53
cwillureally, an rsync of home is enough to get 90% of everything back00:53
richardcavelland while I'm at it I might as well fix my GMA950 drivers00:53
cwillui.e., backup home, install, rsync home back00:54
richardcavellI keep elaborate backups of everything because I've been using computers for long enough to know how to do that00:54
richardcavellso that's not a problem00:54
richardcavellI'll have to reinstall some Linux distro and then reinstall all my favourite software, set up my firefox bookmarks etc00:54
richardcavellI guess my options are: Jaunty with UXA enabled, Karmic, Debian sid.00:54
cwillurichardcavell, doesn't look like it has the --ignore-errors option, which is critical for an rsync backup00:55
richardcavellwhy is that critical?00:55
cwillu.gvfs folders aren't root readable, so you're guaranteed one error00:55
cwillufuse mounts in general are like that00:55
cwilluso the rsync probably aborted at that point00:55
richardcavellNo, it doesn't abort00:55
richardcavellthere is one thing that won't rsync across but it doesn't seem to be a big deal00:55
richardcavellit does skip a lot of files, saying "skipping non-regular file "00:56
cwilluwhich implies that it didn't --one-file-system (that would have been the /dev foldeR)00:56
cwilluwhich also could screw things up00:56
richardcavellit skips a lot of the /dev folder contents00:56
cwilluit shouldn't ever get to the /dev folder though00:56
richardcavellanyway, like I said, I'm using a disk imager from now on00:57
cwilluthat'd be the 'do not leave filsystem' option00:57
* cwillu shrugs00:57
richardcavellbut while I reinstall I might as well select a distribution that fixes my Intel video00:57
richardcavellalright I think I'm going to download Karmic and boot to the liveCD, and see how it works on my system00:58
cwillugood luck with that00:58
richardcavelland then with any luck I'll install.  At least with karmic I get ext4, GRUB200:59
richardcavelland a few other nice things00:59
cwilluext4 and grub2 are in jaunty too00:59
cwillujust not enabled by default00:59
richardcavellnot by default00:59
cwillukarmic isn't available by default :p00:59
richardcavellyofel: you still there?  Have you tried playing games under wine on Karmic?00:59
richardcavellcwillu: I get horrible OpenGL and even software rendering errors.01:00
yofelrichardcavell: no, I use a windows machine for gaming01:00
richardcavellyofel: I just got my tax return and I'm thinking of doing the same01:01
richardcavellbuy a cheap system with popular, generic parts01:01
richardcavellso driver support won't be a problem01:01
richardcavellalright boys I need to go to my University to get enough bandwidth to download Karmic, so I'll talk to you later.  Hopefully from Karmic.01:03
yoasifgrub2 is default now, no?01:04
cwillurichardcavell, at the very least, subscribe to the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list so you'll stand a chance if the usual completely-breaking-your-system screwups happen01:04
yofelerr... *why* does he want to try karmic now anyway???01:04
cwilludid I miss him?  (my enter/exit messages are turned off)01:04
yoasifmissed him01:04
yofelcwillu: yes, you missed him by ~30s01:04
cwilluyofel, he thinks intel is fixed there.  Granted, it's working better for many many people (although suspend is completely broken for me because of the same intel changes), but ya01:05
cwilluhe's active on ubuntuforums, enough said :p01:06
yoasifi got lucky -- never tried jaunty on this machine, so i dont know if intel didnt work for it01:07
yoasifbut karmic is working fine01:07
yofelwell, intel works much better on my eeePC with karmic, but it's still not in a state that I would use for gaming...01:08
cwilluyes, but I'm sure you know (a) where option "accelmethod" "uxa" goes, (b) that xorg.conf never takes effect before restarting x somehow, (c) how rsync'ing works, (d) how to find the answers to any of the above using google if you're unsure :)01:08
cwillu(e) not to blame the unhired help in #ubuntu* if things don't work :)01:08
cwilluincidently, grsync doesn't include the ignore errors option, so he definitely had a faulty backup01:09
* yofel never heard of grsync before01:10
cwillu!info grsync01:10
ubottugrsync (source: grsync): GTK+ frontend for rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 76 kB, installed size 424 kB01:10
yofelthen again, I'm more of a cli guy anyway01:10
cwilluit's the classic frontend to a cli utility that doesn't add anything01:10
cwillunot that those don't have their place, but they're only really useful for a narrow band of users01:10
yofelwell, not that I would use software with a 0. version for backup of important data...01:11
cwilluyep, ran a simulation, and it fails and kicks out on .gvfs :)01:11
cwilluthat's also something that I love, when people answer questions they don't know the answer to with an answer that doesn't include "I don't know"01:12
* cwillu wonders how much ext4 likes being imaged while mounted01:13
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
cwilluand I was in such a good mood today :)01:30
bcurtiswxhey all, the ubuntu minimal install that removes klogd and sysklogd and install rsyslog... is that ok?01:31
yofelbcurtiswx: yes, that's ok01:32
bcurtiswxyofel: ty01:32
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=== zorael_ is now known as Zorael^nb
DanaGAnyone know what would make 2.6.31 fail to recognize my initramfs images?03:48
DanaGIt reports "junk in compressed archive"03:52
oldude67ok got the -4 kernel update why doesnt it show in my grub menu?03:56
billybigriggersudo update-grub04:02
oldude67gracious...now it sees it..ugh...04:05
oldude67now to reboot and see if i can get to it.04:06
billybigriggerstill wondering why 31-4 is being held back for me04:10
billybigriggerthe new kernel must not like canadians or something, must be the last guy testing +1 to get the new kernel :)04:11
bcurtiswxim guessing you all know sound is broken after todays updates?04:35
DanaGHmm, why does grub2 not have the vbe module?04:35
DanaGNo suitable backend found for gfxterm.04:35
syn-ackUm sound isnt broken here04:36
bcurtiswxi have no sound, www.slacker.com for example i can't hear any radio04:36
bcurtiswxmy sound isn't muted04:36
bcurtiswxive killed it04:36
bcurtiswxno effect04:37
syn-ackbcurtiswx, ok.... So have you checked to see if you have modules loaded, etc?04:38
syn-ackWhat type of troubleshooting have you done?04:38
bcurtiswxsyn-ack: how would I check... (sorry the newb in me is coming out)04:39
syn-ackAnd.... youre using an Alpha?04:39
billybigriggerbcurtiswx, log out, and log in04:39
billybigriggerim pumping out some pantera right now04:39
billybigriggeri find that i don't get sound after booting04:40
billybigriggerbut logging out and back in seems to fix it?04:40
syn-ackthat may be a PULSE issue04:40
billybigriggerwouldn't doubt it04:41
billybigriggerbcurtiswx, .....?????04:41
bcurtiswxno effecct04:41
bcurtiswxno sounds04:41
billybigriggerdid you have sound?04:42
bcurtiswxhow do i check if modules are loaded?04:43
billybigriggernever had sound to begin with?04:43
bcurtiswxi did before todays updates04:43
billybigriggerkde gnome?04:43
billybigriggeri can't see anything in the changes for anything related to audio04:44
bcurtiswxsnd                    59076  18 snd_hda_codec_realtek,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_seq_oss,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device04:44
bcurtiswxanything else i can check to see what may be the problem?04:48
* DanaG is mucking around with EFI again.04:55
DanaGyargh, grub refuses to use gfxterm -- "no suitable backend"04:58
DanaGOh, and it tries to chainload the non-EFI loader from grub-efi... silly, that can't work.05:00
Andphehi there, I'm having a strange behaviour with rhythmbox, each time a tracks starts, the sound gets muted05:08
Andphethe icon at sound control displays as muted05:09
Andpheright clic and the mark isn't checked05:09
Andphecan anyone confirm this ?05:09
DanaGWell, that went badly.05:30
DanaG"unknown command: search"05:30
DanaGunknown command: linux05:30
DanaGunknown command: initrd05:31
DanaGSo yeah, it broke badly.05:32
DanaGStill no initramfs!05:33
DanaGargh, what the heck?05:36
DanaGSomething keeps disabling my two-finger-scrolling.05:36
DanaGOh, damn gnome-settings-daemon!05:38
DanaGDAMNIT, it did it again!05:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 404219 in gnome-settings-daemon "Touchpad Tap Clicking Broken (scrolling also)" [Low,In progress]05:44
DanaGso yeah, that rather irks me.05:47
* DanaG goes off muttering about "grubby little hands"05:55
DanaGwow, I managed to make gnome-settings-daemon FIGHT itself over the vertical scrolling!06:03
DanaGI opened gpointing-device-properties and enabled both types of scrolling there.06:03
DanaGSo now, the touchplad plugin wants ONLY two-finger... but the gpointing-device plugin wants both -- and thus they play tug-of-war resetting the settings repeatedly.06:04
DanaGI guess that's a separate bug.06:05
DanaGso yeah, I am now rather irritated at that misfeature.06:08
DanaGOr rather, it's a good feature... but it's badly implemented.06:08
DanaGoh, and nm-applet icon doesn't scale.06:12
DanaG... nor does gnome-do.06:12
DanaG<chirping crickets>06:15
oldude67ok updated grub and still no -4 kernel...so what now wait till i really fubar it..lol...06:23
oldude67just figure its something ive done or havent done...went about the updates like normal but it hasnt been put into grub menu...even tho when i did update-grub it showed it.???06:24
syn-ackoldude67, did it get held back?06:32
syn-ackie apt-get update06:32
syn-acksee if it was held back06:32
oldude67ill look but dont think so cause it said it was upgrading to it..but ill look again06:33
syn-ackOn a somewhat unrelated topic, anyone know if Red Hat Directory Server runs well under Ubuntu?06:34
oldude67syn-ack, no no updates being held back...besides when i update-grub it showed it..just not on the boot menu for grub06:35
DanaGaah, I managed to pry Gnome's grubby little hands off my touchpad settings.06:35
DanaGNo, wait, it BROKE them again!06:35
oldude67kick it..lol06:35
syn-ackoldude67, See, I updated just fine on this system06:36
syn-ackpastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst please06:37
oldude67ya i have a feeling this one is going to get a fresh install shortly...its starting to get me mad06:37
oldude67sure not a problem06:37
DanaGIt's also changing the EDGE boundary size!06:37
oldude67thats just the top of it...06:39
oldude67and thats after update-grub06:41
DanaGPerhaps purge all but the latest of each major version?06:45
syn-ackthats what I was thinking06:45
DanaGLike, keep one 28, one 30, and one 31.06:45
oldude67thats kind of what i was thinking06:45
syn-ackhonestly, I would keep only one "old" kernel06:46
syn-acktheres no real need to have all those in there...06:46
oldude67what would be the best way to do that with out borking my system06:46
syn-ackapt-get remove the old kernels06:46
oldude67only one i need to keep right now it -206:46
syn-ackwhichever you feel the most comfortable in keeping06:47
oldude672.6.31-3 makes my video go nuts....06:47
DanaGoh yeah, if I boot with grub2, the kernel fails to see my initramfs.06:47
DanaGoh yeah, and that "one-or-the-other" scrolling thing -- totally undocumented -- really screwed me up today -- I kept scrolling... and the damn thing refused to scroll anywhere except in a 3mm wide strip on the right side of the touchpad.06:47
syn-ackI wont touch GRUB2 till a buttload more testing and fixing is done06:52
syn-ackStill way too unstable for my comfort06:52
oldude67wow this might take a while...ugh..lol06:55
DanaGoh yeah, and when I try to efi-boot, for some reason, the kernel won't see my initramfs.06:55
oldude67ok reboot and see if that helps i only have 4 left06:58
Volkodavanubody gets wireless n speeds on MBP 5.1 ?07:00
oldude67well that may of gotten rid of some of it, but it still has a list full when i boot...do i have to edit the menu.lst too?07:03
syn-ackoldude67, try just running grub-update07:04
oldude67ugh figures lol then update-grub again..lol....07:04
oldude67i did07:04
syn-acktheres something going on with the GRUB you have installed07:04
oldude67probably have the broken version..lmao07:05
syn-ackits not like lilo, where you have to recompile it after every edit, it should do all the configuration dynamically07:05
oldude67ya im use to lilo more then grub thats for sure.07:05
syn-ack2.27.5 Feature Freeze!07:06
syn-ackthey better have the friking GDM configurator done07:07
oldude67well menu.lst still shows all the old kernels...???07:07
DanaGI just made it so I can start an xterm under the login screen.07:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 404219 in gnome-settings-daemon "Touchpad Tap Clicking Broken (scrolling also)" [Low,In progress]07:09
oldude67ok be back in a sec...lets see if i fubarred it good this time..lmao07:11
bcurtiswxbillybigrigger: i found the problem... apparently my alsamixer, turned off PCM, and had my internal speakers muted... (dell mini 9)07:14
bcurtiswxwell, at least thats how i fixed it07:15
bcurtiswxif the upgrades did that or not idk07:15
Jeruvyits a known issue07:16
bcurtiswxjeruvy: good to know, do you have a bug link, i can probably comment on a workaround if there isn't one posted already07:17
Jeruvyah there are so many I wouldn't know where to start :)07:25
syn-ackAnyone know why ekiga is being held back?08:12
jpdssyn-ack: Because it has new libraries it wants to install?08:19
syn-ackI didnt see anything else though, is all...08:20
syn-ackjust wondering08:20
jpdsTry: sudo apt-get install ekiga08:23
syn-ackI should have just checked the deps file. you're right it really was a stupid question08:25
jpdsNo. Only the unasked questions are stupid.08:26
syn-ackok, I really should have known better. :P08:26
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all, just a quick poll: do you like the new document recovery feature of evince?09:21
floatinghttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_intel_shape&num=3 I read this and wondered if there has been some progress on this..  (intel performance)09:27
Le-Chuck_ITAfloating: but the bad performance is not visible by eye anymore, is it?09:30
floatingumm, i have no idea. I haven't installed 9.10 , and was just wondering if i want to try it. ..It sounds like there has been some progress/change :)09:32
floatingwell, not like it would take long to try it out, but I thought to survey on irc first09:33
Le-Chuck_ITAfloating: it works nicely in karmic09:36
Le-Chuck_ITAwhat card do you have exactly? I don't even have an xorg.conf anymore and I have a tablet09:36
Le-Chuck_ITAMy card has pci id 8086:27a209:37
laegwhy empathy over pidgin?09:37
Le-Chuck_ITAlaeg: some say because of the mono conspiracy, but now microsoft granted patents09:38
Le-Chuck_ITAso laeg I have honestly no idea09:38
laegLe-Chuck_ITA: mono conspiracy, can you elaborate?09:39
zniavreempathy can do irc?09:39
ruslanrzniavre: at this moment, no09:40
ruslanrI asked about IRC support yesterday :)09:40
zniavrea nice i was struggling to find it  nice to hear it can 't  at this moment09:41
ruslanryeah, when I launched Empathy for the first time, I was puzzled, how can I use IRC there :)09:42
syn-ackI still fail to understand why people would want to use an IM client for IRC09:42
floatingintel(R) 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller09:42
syn-ackos[Linux 2.6.31-4-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "karmic" 9.10] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual  CPU  T3200  @ 2.00GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1000MHz] mem[Physical: 1.9GB, 82.5% free] disk[Total: 146.6GB, 88.6% free] video[Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel]09:43
floatinghave to try the alpha 3 then :>09:44
Le-Chuck_ITAlaeg: no I can't ! it has already triggered too much discussion and proved false since microsoft granted all the relevant patents :)09:45
Le-Chuck_ITAzniavre: empathy can do everything, by design, except that it isn't implemented :)09:46
Le-Chuck_ITAsyn-ack: because it works well also as an IRC client? I mean pidgin09:46
syn-ackThats just it; it doesnt, imo09:46
Le-Chuck_ITAsyn-ack: depends on what you do on irc, for chatting, transferring files, autojoin, authentication pidgin is very good09:47
Le-Chuck_ITAand it is comfortable because I can add irc people to my buddies09:47
syn-ackWhatever floats your boat09:47
floatingI use irssi for irc, google talk and msn messenger :)09:48
syn-ackI use irssi normally skype and gaim09:48
syn-ackrather, pidgin09:49
SwedeMikeI run gui clients for msn/icq, but run jabber and irc thru irssi/bitlbee09:49
laegLe-Chuck_ITA: okay but surely someone must know why pidgin was shown the door?09:53
Le-Chuck_ITAlaeg: they *said* it is still in testing and they will decide by <insert here point in time before karmic release that I don't know>. I do not see any progress on the huge lack of features of empathy. I was enthusiastic of the voice call capabilities, except that they don't work.09:54
Le-Chuck_ITAThe reasons are e.g. voice call support :)09:54
Le-Chuck_ITAlaeg: but karmic is said to be a technology preview of the next LTS so they are free to add technology preview quality software to it09:56
laegbut does empathy support webcam?09:56
Le-Chuck_ITAand then *nobody* will be able to revert the change09:56
laegi had heard on a ubuntu podcast that pidgin has already been dropped...09:57
Le-Chuck_ITAbut in the end empathy is perhaps the only serious glitch09:57
floatingthey want to introduce that telepathy framework w/ that empathy or ? http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/Rationale09:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Le-Chuck_ITAthere is a "get feedback step"09:58
Le-Chuck_ITAlet us hope09:58
Le-Chuck_ITAis there someone using an intel video card and karmic here10:10
Le-Chuck_ITAI would like to know if you have screen flashing problems with kernel 2.6.3110:10
yofelLe-Chuck_ITA: me (eeePC - 945GME), specific application? I get some flashing when loading kde, but other than that it's fine10:13
Le-Chuck_ITAyofel: specific  application=xorg :)10:13
Le-Chuck_ITAmy laptop is unusable if I boot with kernel 2.6.3110:13
yofelLe-Chuck_ITA: tried turning KMS off?10:14
Le-Chuck_ITAbut it's clearly not the driver, must be some dri code10:14
Le-Chuck_ITAyofel: I think it's already off10:14
Le-Chuck_ITAdo you recall how can I check?10:14
yofelLe-Chuck_ITA: it's on by defautl unless you set i915.modeset=0 on the kernel boot line (grub)10:14
Le-Chuck_ITAyofel: I recall I did that in a different way for a different bug10:15
Le-Chuck_ITAyofel: but my console switching is terribly quick10:15
Le-Chuck_ITAso the change must have been undone by some upgrade10:15
Le-Chuck_ITAfor grub2 I have to change the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT variable in /etc/default/grub right?10:16
Le-Chuck_ITAthen do I need to use update-grub?10:16
yofelyes, to port that to grub.conf10:16
Le-Chuck_ITAwhere is grub.cfg btw still in /boot?10:17
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks, will now reboot and see10:17
* Le-Chuck_ITA gives yofel the title of smart guy for today10:25
Le-Chuck_ITAYes but for unrelated bugs I can't use that kernel yet :)10:26
Le-Chuck_ITAis there a tag for bugs related to kms?10:26
yofelLe-Chuck_ITA: best ask in #ubuntu-x for that10:27
yofelnot sure right now10:27
yofelsince kms is driver and kernel stuff10:28
Le-Chuck_ITAan unrelated question to all: is alt+tab behaving oddly in compiz?10:28
Le-Chuck_ITAIf a new window is created alt+tab does not switch to it10:28
Le-Chuck_ITAactually it becomes the last window in the order10:28
Le-Chuck_ITAyofel are you sure you didn't focus the latest window? try /join #test10:30
Le-Chuck_ITAand then alt+tab10:30
Le-Chuck_ITAI forgot "please" :)10:30
Le-Chuck_ITAyou need another window opened of course10:30
yofelalt+tag should focus the previously used windows, am I correct?10:31
yofel*tab -.-10:31
Le-Chuck_ITAdon't know but it didn't work like that before I think10:31
* yofel goes to make himself some coffee10:32
Le-Chuck_ITAbut is it working like I describe in your case?10:32
yofelyou mean if a new window is created in the background?10:32
Le-Chuck_ITAyes like when you do /join, actually I can't find different cases10:33
yofelLe-Chuck_ITA: I use irssi, so I only have one terminal open :P10:33
Le-Chuck_ITAyofel: ok will think about that :) go and have coffee, *please *10:33
yofelnow lets see how to get a window in the background10:34
yofelok, remembered a bug for that10:34
yofelyup, if a window is created in the background it becomes last in the alt+tab order10:35
yofelI guess 'open in background' is handled as 'append to list' for alt+tab...10:35
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BUGabundoola gente bonita11:36
dazhi guys :) is anyone free to look at bug 391461 ?11:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391461 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "Compiz Slow on Karmic w/ NVIDIA and 2.6.30 Kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39146111:50
dazstarted off wondering if it was compiz or the nvidia drivers, now it may well be a kernel bug11:51
dazI dont know enough about the problem to file it properly11:51
BUGabundodaz: kernel .30 is old11:55
BUGabundowe are already on .31-411:55
BUGabundoand compiz works fine for me on nvidia11:55
BUGabundodo you have vsync enabled?11:55
BUGabundoturn it off11:55
SwedeMike.31-4 is .31-rc4, it's still quite early in the dev process11:56
dazthe title reflects the age of the bug, it's still present on the kernel version today. the last comment in the bug report explains the problem, it specific to certain gpu/cpu combinations11:57
qoshey guys. i am on jaunty here, but installed the newest karmic kernel. now my vmware refuses to compile the necessary kernel modules. anyone has a hint?11:57
BUGabundoqos using what kernel? karmic repos or mainline?11:59
BUGabundothey are very different and that would explain why it does not work11:59
BUGabundoif you use mainline, with the headers u should be able to build11:59
BUGabundothe karmic repos require KMS12:00
* BUGabundo checks qos bug12:00
qosBUGabundo, 2.6.31-4-generic from karmic repos12:00
BUGabundoqos use mainline insteas12:02
BUGabundodaz please tell me: do you have vsync enable?12:02
qosBUGabundo, does this make a difference?12:02
BUGabundoI go from 50 FPS to 30012:02
qosBUGabundo, i used them because of better wifi support12:02
BUGabundowrong person12:02
BUGabundoqos kernel mainline IS the latest from vanila12:03
BUGabundowithout ubuntu sauce12:03
BUGabundoand are meant for jaunty (or ealry) users (testers)12:03
BUGabundokarmic repos is meant for karmic version12:03
BUGabundohey iPoRn12:03
qosBUGabundo, i know. but are the ubuntu one has special patches and fixes ... thought these would be important ...12:03
BUGabundoja usas karmic agora?12:04
iPoRnoix BUGabundo12:04
BUGabundoqos: you can have both!!12:04
iPoRnja uso desde o 1º alpha :p12:04
BUGabundoeither you stick with jaunty version or test naked mainline12:04
BUGabundoDON'T use karmic version12:04
qosBUGabundo, ok, don't want to annoy... but why?12:05
BUGabundoqos ask kernel ppl lolol12:05
qosBUGabundo, everything is fine... but vmware doesn't compile12:05
BUGabundoapw: are you around to provide qos with a reply?12:05
BUGabundoit should with mainline12:05
BUGabundodid you try to run the script to build it ?12:05
qosto build what?12:06
BUGabundothe modules for vmware12:06
BUGabundodaz please tell me: do you have vsync enable?12:06
qosBUGabundo, not with the mainline kernel. but with karmic kernel ...12:07
qosBUGabundo, unfortunately ... there are no helpfully error messages ... even the log says nothing12:08
BUGabundoqos: cause karmic uses KMS in a different way, and also cause VMWare is not yet ready for our build12:08
qosBUGabundo, http://paste2.org/p/341451 take a look pls12:10
BUGabundoqos: let me tell you a secrete: I never used vmware on ubuntu!!!12:11
BUGabundois just use VB12:11
qosBUGabundo, ok. how does it work? ;)12:11
BUGabundofor me: great12:12
BUGabundoI have 3 VM on it at work12:12
BUGabundoa XP, a karmic and a server to test launchpad code12:12
BUGabundoall running on debian host12:12
BUGabundowith 8GiBs of RAM ahaha12:12
qoswas it necessary to edit some config files? i like vmware because it just runs ... and every option can be set by gui very easily.12:14
BUGabundonever  did any coding around VB either12:21
BUGabundoI just installed 3.0 and it just worked12:21
BUGabundoI need to get a module on debian to make HostOnly network12:22
BUGabundobut that was with synaptic12:22
ruslanrI wonder, why we still have an old Google favicon in Firefox :)12:22
BUGabundoruslanr: :))12:25
BUGabundodon't say it out loud12:25
ruslanrsorry :)12:25
BUGabundogoogle may find out and sue canonical12:25
ruslanrmaybe this could be a perfect papercut :P12:25
BUGabundooh wait12:26
BUGabundoyou are serious!12:26
BUGabundoyou mean the search icon is old12:26
BUGabundoI though you were talking about the multisearch12:26
BUGabundoand using google branding for co-search12:27
BUGabundowhat do other FF do on other OSs?12:27
kholerabbifirefox uses google search and suggestions on windows, if that is a help12:29
BUGabundonot that12:29
BUGabundothe icon12:29
kholerabbiyeah, the old one I think :-)12:29
BUGabundoso we are not the only ones with the bug?12:29
BUGabundomaybe its upstream branding12:30
BUGabundoruslanr: kholerabbi can one of guys check mozilla bugzilla for bugs on it ?12:30
ruslanrI used Fedora recently, there was current favicon12:30
Guest66297Hello guys, I was wondering if any one has experienced the same issue as myself, I have an Dell Inspiron 630M (Intel 915 chipset/GMA900 graphics) laptop that will not boot the Alpha 3 of Karmick12:31
Guest66297the live cd starts I hear the ubuntu start theme but the panels at the top and bottom of the screen keep flashing every 5-10 seconds12:31
BUGabundoyeah I got that too the other day on nvidia12:31
BUGabundoI renamed my xorg.conf and then it worked Guest6629712:31
Guest66297I have not had this issue in either 8.04/8.10 or 9.0412:31
kholerabbiit seems the windows version uses the proper icon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wikipedia,_the_free_encyclopedia_-_Mozilla_Firefox.png12:31
BUGabundono idea on how to test that from live12:31
BUGabundokholerabbi: ruslanr one of you mind fileing a bug?12:32
BUGabundobtw is this with 3.0 or 3.5?12:32
BUGabundoFYI I still see the old one on Firefox 3.6 alpha112:32
Guest66297works perfectly on my intel x3100 system12:32
BUGabundoruslanr: $ ubuntu-bug firefox , if you please12:32
kholerabbithis bug has been reported ... searching12:32
BUGabundoI'll ask asac too12:33
ruslanrI need to activate my LP account :)12:33
BUGabundodo it now12:33
syn-ackGood morning, folks12:34
ruslanrBUGabundo: done12:34
BUGabundohey syn-ack12:35
syn-ackBUGabundo, So today may be the day my daughter is born12:35
BUGabundocongrats to you and your partner12:36
syn-ackWow, my wife is watching a billy mays advert on TV where he's selling a "fix it all pen" and I hear her ask a question "does it bring you back from the dead?"12:37
ruslanr"Timeout error" :(12:37
kholerabbihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/390077 "The Google's favicon in Firefox (Search Box) needs an update"12:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 390077 in firefox "The Google's favicon in Firefox (Search Box) needs an update" [Unknown,Fix released]12:38
ruslanrkholerabbi: thanks :)12:38
kholerabbiruslanr: apparently it is fixed in firefox 3.5... comment on the bug if you are still having this issue in the latest version12:39
kholerabbisyn-ack: congratulations! Do you have a name?12:41
kholerabbisyn-ack: Great! Next only to Emma, Alice, or Sinead... :=)12:43
richardcavellSound is pretty quiet on my Macbook on my new Karmic install. The volume slider is all the way up.  Is there something else I can change to make it louder?  (Jaunty is quiet by default but at least I can push the sliders up)12:44
syn-ackkholerabbi, I already have an emma12:44
Guest66297Bugabundo... what did you rename your xorg.conf file to?12:45
syn-ackyou cant be serious12:46
oldude67ya great name huh?12:48
syn-ackDont tell me Ubuntu has the same issues with Mozilla that debian did so they "forked" Firefox12:48
oldude67now we have 212:48
syn-ackJesus, Mary and Joseph12:48
oldude67they said its because some people dont want to switch.12:49
* lupine_85 wonders how to remove all the Ubuntu styling from Firefox12:49
hifiyou can just disable the extension?12:50
lupine_85let me tell you, that "search" page they redirect you to is insane12:50
syn-acklupine_85, Change your homepage then12:50
lupine_85nono, the top-right search bar that's always there12:51
hifidisable the extension?12:52
lupine_85I don't see one to disable, particularly12:53
richardcavellKarmic's pretty quiet by default. I only have one volume slider. Is there some other sound configuration that I'm missing?12:53
lupine_85richardcavell, alsamixer?12:53
lupine_85hifi, I can delete the google option from the 'manage search engines' box - along with the rest - now I guess I need to hunt through and find the default one12:54
hifilupine_85: Tools -> Add-ons -> Ubuntu Firefox Modifications12:55
lupine_85aha, there we go12:55
richardcavelllupine_85: well done, that's it12:55
lupine_85"Ubuntu Firefox Modifications" doesn't exist, and didn't to begin with12:56
lupine_85(on here, anyway :) )12:56
hifiwell, I dug it up from jaunty12:56
lupine_85the default just sends you to, e.g., http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&client=pub-2070091971271392&channel=1533626051&cof=FORID%3A13%3BAH%3Aleft%3BCX%3AUbuntu%2520Start%2520Page%2520%2528b%2529%3BL%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fcoop%2Fintl%2Fen%2Fimages%2Fcustom_search_sm.gif%3BLH%3A65%3BLP%3A1%3BLC%3A%230000ff%3BVLC%3A%23663399%3BGFNT%3A%230000ff%3BGIMP%3A%230000ff%3BDIV%3A%23336699%3B&adkw=AELymgUQEatsZYzZgE5qrn8ZXO706GcZvy_fG612:56
lupine_85(if you actually follow the link, it's even worse)12:57
lupine_85I wouldn't mind using their revenue-generating links, if they actually kept all of google there12:57
kholerabbilupine_85: just go to google.com -> click the search icon which will have a bluish tint -> add "Google" search12:57
lupine_85I've got one that works now, no worries :)12:58
richardcavelllupine_85: alsamixer has increased the volume but it's still soft. I had the same problem in Jaunty until I enabled surround sound. Is there a similar thing in alsamixer?12:58
lupine_85richardcavell, do you still have a single volume bar in alsamixer ?13:03
lupine_85if so, chances are that's the pulseaudio volume13:03
richardcavelllupine_85: no I have Master PCM IEC958 IEC958D Speaker Speaker13:03
richardcavellI can't modify IEC958 or IEC958D.  I've pushed the other four all the way up13:04
richardcavellIt sounds just like it did in Jaunty (quiet and tinny) until I enabled surround sound13:04
lupine_85ho de hum. If it's not in alsamixer, I don't really know how to get it to show up13:06
lupine_85enabling the IEC958 stuff might (or might not) help - use 'm' to turn the booleans on and off IIRC13:06
oliverhornhello everyone13:06
richardcavelllupine_85: you're a champion!13:08
lupine_85did the trick?13:08
richardcavellit wasn't the IEC958 - I can turn it on but there's no slider that appears.  But there are two speaker volumes.  The right one is obviously surround sound. It was disabled before and now it's on.13:09
richardcavellAnd now it sounds rich and loud13:09
lupine_85good stuff13:09
oldude67!cookie | lupine_8513:09
ubottulupine_85: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:09
richardcavellalright, lupine, that's one issue fixed, about another 100 to go13:09
* lupine_85 noms good13:09
lupine_85I'm finding karmic to be remarkably smooth, actually13:10
oliverhorncan somebody help me with a problem with karmic? i've got a testing machine with a nvidia 6600gt, after the splash, where it should bring up the login screen, i just have colourful flickering13:10
lupine_85especially considering I installed it as a chroot13:10
oliverhornand on the other consoles the screen is not scrolling down automatically when the text reaches the bottom line13:10
oldude67wait theres text???13:11
lupine_85oliverhorn, laptop?13:12
oliverhornno desktop13:12
oldude67guess thats why i have an usplash.13:12
lupine_85actually, I guess not with a 66013:12
oliverhorni installed nvidia-glx-18013:13
oliverhorndidtnt help13:13
lupine_85so it doesn't work with the 'nv' *or 'nvidia' drivers?13:14
lupine_85also, deary me... looks like OO.o 3 is trying to emulate Office's ribbon?13:15
mac_vhi guys... I'v been using Karmic for sometime, now I'm thinking of installing it along with my Jaunty install, are there any problems? because of grub2 ? anything I need to lookout for?13:19
lupine_85mac_v, grub2 "just works" in my experience13:20
lupine_85but you get to try it out for free before doing anything irreversible (by default, it's set up to boot to grub, which has a menu to try out grub2)13:20
lupine_85if grub2 works, you can then install it over grub13:21
mac_vlupine_85: yeah it works , just concerned since for my Jaunty install, will it be bootable ?13:21
lupine_85grub2 can boot jaunty as easily as karmic13:21
mac_voh... ok... was worried about my Jaunty only... thanx13:21
oliverhornsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg isn't working13:23
oliverhornends with no output and noe message13:23
oliverhornthe problem also occurs with a karmic 3 live cd13:33
oliverhorn(and karmic a2 before)13:33
richardcavellWhy can't I download ad blocker pro in Firefox on Karmic?13:35
Douglas77Hi! Running alpha3, 2.6.31-4-generic-pae, ip_forwarding doesn't work :( (coming in on eth1, going out to wlan0 according to tcpdump, but the AP never receives them). Known problem?13:42
penguin42anyone else having network manager dead on resume?13:57
drs305penguin42: Not on mine. network manager 0.7.114:01
penguin42yeh same here - but I've had it on 2 out of the last 3 resumes14:01
BUGabundonot bad14:12
BUGabundo3 bugs found in a single boot14:12
BUGabundoso kernel .31-4 freezes my system14:12
BUGabundosec after login14:12
BUGabundono alt+sysreq+k or REISUB help14:13
BUGabundothen tried to fsck from recovery menu, to find that it leaves the FS in read only, failing to boot14:13
BUGabundopenguin42: yes, alt+sysreq+REISUB14:13
BUGabundois a soft reboot, where the disks are cleanly unmounted and flushed14:13
* penguin42 forgets what the RE and I are14:14
penguin42I is kill all?14:14
BUGabundopenguin42: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key14:14
BUGabundo"Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring",  "Reboot Even If System Utterly Broken"14:14
penguin42ah yes keyboard mode thingy14:14
richardcavellI'm running Karmic on a Macbook and it's terrific.  Much better video support14:15
penguin42BUGabundo: To be honest I just tend to do the SUB if I'm in console14:15
BUGabundonow getting on track14:15
DrHalan1hwo can i make notify-osd showing more than one notification bubble?14:15
BUGabundothen after read only, I restarted and tried dkpg from the recovery menu, for the kick14:15
BUGabundojust to find out  it loops it self if it has no internet14:16
* penguin42 had two reports from the resume today - network manager failed to restart and my monitors had gone into mirrored mode even though xrandr didn't say they were14:16
BUGabundoDrHalan1: you can't! its like that by code14:16
BUGabundoso I'm off to apport14:17
BUGabundoanyone else having freezes with -4 and nvidia?14:17
DrHalan1is there no config file?... hm that sucks14:18
BUGabundoDrHalan1: how long have you been using Ubuntu?14:18
BUGabundoits like that since OSD exists!14:18
DrHalan12 years or so...14:18
DrHalan1i know14:18
DrHalan1well ill look at the code of it :)14:19
BUGabundowhat's the package behind the recovery menu ??14:19
BUGabundoDrHalan1: or install the old notification system14:19
DrHalan1nah i like the new one14:19
DrHalan1just don't understand why i only am able to show one notifcation14:19
BUGabundoin case any one wants to take a look bug 40454214:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404542 in linux "system frozen after a few secs after login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40454214:27
penguin42BUGabundo: You actually have to log in to the GUI for it to hang?14:28
BUGabundopenguin42: yes14:28
BUGabundowell I didn't wait on GDM14:28
BUGabundobut I expect so14:29
BUGabundoI'm checking logs and bootchart to see what's under the wood14:29
penguin42nod - I guess it could be a zillion things that login does14:29
penguin42so much more gets configured/enabled after login these days14:30
BUGabundonothing there14:31
BUGabundochecking bootchart14:31
BUGabundohum strange14:32
BUGabundono boot chart generated for the failed boots :(14:32
SKB1BUGabundo:  how does it take you to boot?14:33
BUGabundoSKB1: ?14:33
penguin42BUGabundo: I wonder if after a failed boot you were to login to a text console and see what had been last changed in your home directory - .xsession-error or the like?14:33
SKB1boot time in other words :P14:33
BUGabundo19 secs to gdm14:33
BUGabundo20 secs to be useable after login14:33
SKB126 here14:33
BUGabundoSKB1: ^^^^^^14:36
penguin42which reminds me, I want to understand under the coverrs of readahead14:37
BUGabundoremove it and see the diffs :)14:37
ruslanrah, finally, Pidgin icon in GNOME Do is not blurred :)14:40
penguin42perhaps it was flying fast?14:40
ruslanrmaybe :)14:41
SKB1ubuntu-minimal wants to remove klogd and sysklogd and install rsyslog.. is it safe?14:42
penguin42I doubt it would cause anything to break badly14:43
mac_vdoes anyone know a command like uptime but for login?[not> finger,who,last] but calculate the total time since login14:52
ruslanrmac_v: hi14:54
mac_vruslanr: hi...do you know? ^14:54
ruslanrno :(14:54
penguin42hmm it should be friggable from last14:55
mac_vpenguin42: i can figure it out... but, i want to have an output in conky14:55
penguin42I suspect it's either a case of greping output of last and doing some date calcs; but I guess a bit of perl would be a little easier14:56
penguin42date calcs aren't easy in general14:57
mac_vaw... nothing simple :( ... especially since i keep myself logged in for days !14:57
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haanujhey what is "segmentation fautl (core dumped)16:18
haanujplzzz tell me16:18
penguin42haanuj: It meant there was a bug in the program16:18
penguin42haanuj: Normally the program tried to access data via a bad pointer16:19
haanujso what is the solution16:19
haanujpenguin42 : can u tell me16:19
penguin42haanuj: Well it's a case of debugging the program and finding the mistake that the programmer made16:20
penguin42there are other possibilities (like bad hardware) but a normal bug is the most likely - especially if it happens in the same way repeatedly16:20
haanujwhen i do "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" it gives that error16:21
penguin42that works here16:21
drs305haanuj: if you run "gksudo gimp" or some other graphical app, do you get the segmentation fault as well?16:23
* drs305 Or gksudo gedit /anythingelse16:24
haanuji'll try16:24
drs305haanuj: I won't be able to give you a solution but you will know which part of the command is giving you the segfault.16:26
haanujdrs305 : "gksudo gimp" works16:27
haanujgksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list16:27
richardcavellI ran a port scan on Karmic while Firestarter was running and here's what I got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/233229/ - 16 open ports.  Why are they open?16:30
haanujalpha software means ?????16:30
TheInfinityrichardcavell: do you scan localhost?16:31
bazhanghaanuj, early development; will break/be unstable16:31
richardcavellTheInfinity: I scanned my own IP address16:31
TheInfinityrichardcavell: you know that open ports to localhost != open ports to outside?16:32
penguin421 is very unusual isn't it?16:32
haanujit means previous version is GOOD16:32
TheInfinity-> use another pc to scan16:32
richardcavellTheInfinity: well, I know that I have a router which closes most ports16:32
drs305haanuj: Alpha is early development stage. The software then advances to Beta, then Release Candidate, then normal release.16:32
penguin42richardcavell: You can look them up in /etc/services16:32
TheInfinityrichardcavell: no, you have to scan from your router to look for ports16:33
haanujdrs305 : ok!16:33
TheInfinityit does not make any sence to scan localhost16:33
penguin42richardcavell: Or also netstat -np16:33
penguin42TheInfinity: Well, he could ask why he has fingerd running16:33
richardcavellTheInfinity: By scan from the router, I take it you mean plugging my computer in on the DMZ side of the router16:33
TheInfinityrichardcavell: no you use another pc to scan16:35
richardcavellTheInfinity: does that PC have to be physically plugged in on the other side of the router?  Or is there a way of doing it from the LAN side of the router?16:35
TheInfinityno inside LAN16:35
TheInfinitybut netstat tulpen would also be interesting16:36
TheInfinityand what you did that you run so much services :p16:36
richardcavellTheInfinity: that's what I want to know too!16:36
TheInfinityask netstat :)16:37
richardcavellTheInfinity: well I suppose as long as they're not getting through my router it doesn't matter16:37
TheInfinityrichardcavell: whats so difficult to ask netstat? :o16:38
richardcavellTheInfinity: it just gives me pages of gibberish16:39
TheInfinityit gives you infos about the apps which run.16:40
TheInfinityand what app listenes at which port16:40
TheInfinityjust read it :p16:41
richardcavellI can't make sense of it16:41
TheInfinityperhaps you should use ubuntu stable if you cant read basic network tools ;)16:43
richardcavellTheInfinity: I trashed my Jaunty installation yesterday accidentally and I decided to try Karmic because it has much improved support for Intel GMA 95016:43
richardcavelland it does, it's working beautifully16:43
TheInfinityyour decision.16:45
richardcavellin Karmic, I have selected to log in automatically. Where do I find the setting to change it back to give me a login window?16:57
penguin42richardcavell: I remember last week people were saying the new setting stuff for the new login manager wasn't here yet16:58
penguin42so I'm not sure16:58
richardcavellpenguin42: ah geez16:58
richardcavellpenguin42: I want to run usermod but I can't run it when I'm logged in, so I've set up a dummy account with sudo privileges.  Now I just need to log out of my username and into the dummy account16:59
penguin42oh, so stop gdm, and log in on the command line17:00
richardcavellIf I select "Log out Richard", it logs out and then immediately logs back in again17:01
penguin42probably something like /etc/init.d/gdm stop       then logout of the session and if you are really lucky you will get a console login prompt17:01
penguin42and do that /etc/init.d/gdm start as root from the command line to restart it17:02
BluesKajrichardcavell, another way : system settings/advanced/Login Manager/Convenience tab ,deselect the Enable Autologin option17:02
penguin42BluesKaj: Where are you getting to system settings from?17:07
BluesKajpenguin42, if it's the gnome equivalent  the applications menu , in kde it's the k-menu17:08
penguin42yeh I think that's gone missing17:09
penguin42(although I'm running last weeks version at the moment - waiting for an upgrade)17:09
BluesKajpenguin42, are you on gnome ?17:10
penguin42BluesKaj: Yes17:12
hifi00~maitovalas: <bertilol>
hifioh, sorry17:13
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eagles0513875im havinv issues with karmic forwarding x to xming over ssh using putty17:39
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BUGabundooh good. no more screen lock :((19:10
kedgehi, is here anybody using Kopete on KDE 4.3 rc3?19:30
yofelBUGabundo: screen lock still works here, but click on tap with touchpad not o.O19:50
BUGabundoyofel: strange. screen on tap works on GDM, and not after login19:57
BUGabundohey piroko19:57
pirokoSo let's say I want to upgrade my system to 9.10. What would be the easiest/most direct way of doing this?20:00
yofelpiroko: make backups of your data and use 'update-manager -d'20:02
kottlettpiroko: or update-notifier-kde -d in case of kubuntu (?)20:03
yofelpiroko: and make sure to have read the alpha3 release notes before upgrading20:03
pirokoThank you :)20:04
BUGabundolet me get those links for you :)20:07
pirokoFor the release notes and such? I'm already reading20:07
DanaGscreen on tap?20:07
DanaGyou mean touchpad tapping?20:08
BUGabundoDanaG: yes20:08
yofelDanaG: yes20:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 404219 in gnome-settings-daemon "Touchpad Tap Clicking Broken (scrolling also)" [Low,In progress]20:08
yofelDanaG: thx20:08
DanaGIt sucks... it's also now screwing up and overriding my right-edge threshold settings!20:09
BUGabundoit was fixed20:09
DanaGAnd I can't figure out what the hell is doing that.20:09
BUGabundoso its now a regressions20:09
DanaGIt keeps changing rightedge value.20:09
DanaGMy FDI file sets it to 5000, and it sees it as such at GDM... but once I get to my desktop, it makes the right-edge scroll area extremely narrow -- like 3 mm wide.20:10
BUGabundoIf you install Karmic Alpha 3 alongside Windows, the grub boot menu may  not offer to start Windows. (402795)20:10
billybigriggerBUGabundo, that's hardly a bug, more like a feature :P20:11
BUGabundoits a favor we are doing them20:11
billybigriggerso am i the only person in here that has 2.6.31-rc4 still being held back?20:12
billybigriggerafter 2 days of it being released, still being held back20:13
BUGabundoguess so20:13
BUGabundobut mine is freazing after login :(20:13
BUGabundoshould be on the backlog20:13
DanaG0: hci0: Bluetooth20:13
DanaG1: phy0: Wireless LAN20:13
DanaG2: hp-wifi: Wireless LAN20:13
DanaG3: hp-bluetooth: Bluetooth20:13
BUGabundoIf you install Karmic Alpha 3 alongside Windows, the grub boot menu may  not offer to start Windows. (402795)20:13
DanaGinteresting... rfkill.20:13
BUGabundobug 40454220:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404542 in linux "system frozen after a few secs after login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40454220:13
DanaGhmm, kubuntu netbook edition20:15
BUGabundonew stuff20:15
DanaGAny screenshots of it?20:16
DanaGI'm curious how they can make the (in my opinion) "bulky" kde4 be usable on small screens.20:16
BUGabundoDanaG: try it on VM ?20:17
BUGabundothere's a mail on how to force VB to set a 1024x576 size20:17
rippsI can't seem to install xvattr, does anybody know how to get my ati card to attach xv to my tv?20:21
durthey folks, is the 'options' file in /etc/modprobe.d/ completely gone now? If so, how to give modules options?20:24
cwilludurt, needs to be options.conf I believe20:25
durtok, thanks, will give it a try.20:26
cwilludurt, ideally, I think you'd put them in a name-that-means-something.conf20:27
virtualdyay, 6to4 tunnels works in rc420:27
durtcwillu, understood20:28
DanaGI have a "custom.conf" file in modprobe.d for all my stuff.20:32
rippsxv on s-video, how do I do it without xvattr?20:33
durtI just created a saa7134.conf for the options values of card= and tuner=, should be good eh?20:33
DanaGfull line is options saa7134 card=xxx tuner=xxx, right?20:34
DanaGCan't xrandr set which output gets XV?20:34
DanaGI seem to remember that somewhere.20:34
rippsDanaG: I used to be able to set that with xvattr, but I can't since it's not compatible with the version of gtk in Karmic20:35
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cwilluripps, that won't be related to gtk20:47
rippscwillu: actually, I just fixed it by installing the xvattr from debian unstable20:48
cwilluweird, it depends on it though20:48
rippsApparently Karmic is using an older version20:48
cwilluripps, would you mind filing a bug against xvattr? the gtk frontend should probably be split out, or at the very least, gtk being uninstallable shouldn't block its installation20:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 305879 in nautilus "multiple selection boxes in nautilus desktop/icon view" [Low,Triaged]20:53
virtualdwhere do i change gnomes language?20:54
DanaGShould be at the login screen.20:54
DanaGOnce you choose your username.20:54
fagansystem>admin>language support20:54
faganYou can set it there20:55
kit_hi, i want to copy my installation to another filesystem (ext4 without a journal), i've got a 64mb flash disk, can i install a minimal system on that to boot into and mount the two partitions so i can cp -a the contents from one to the other ?20:55
virtualdi get some errors on startup that some panel apps couldn't load20:55
faganOh and the new GDM doesnt pick up the other languages20:55
virtualdbut it's only if i didn't close firefox before logging out20:56
faganWhat language are you trying to install?20:56
virtualdi want to change it temporarily to english to get the errors in english20:57
virtualdso i can search for them and report them if noone else has20:57
faganCant you do that on launchpad ?20:58
faganThen pick your language20:59
yofelvirtuald: you could also type 'export LANG=C' in a terminal and start the application from there, it will be in english then.21:00
virtualdyofel: it's only on login21:00
yofelok, that won't work then :/21:01
virtualdThe panel encountered a problem while loading "%s".21:01
virtualdDo you want to delete the applet from your configuration?21:01
virtualdi've had this since several releases and haven't reported it21:05
virtualdalso i don't get why it's complaining about "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet" as that one is uninstallable atm. and not just the others like GNOME_MixerApplet and SensorsApplet21:08
virtualdalso how do i turn off the google when i open new tabs in firefox?21:11
SeveredCrossvirtuald: Disable the multisearch extension.21:12
virtualdthank you21:12
virtualddo you know what package that is in?21:13
yofelvirtuald: it's included in firefox-3.021:14
yofelvirtuald: read http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/index.php?url=archives/162-What-is-this-Multisearch-thing-in-my-Firefox-about.html21:14
fagangoogle gears + google wave == awesomeness21:17
DanaGgoogle gears + x86-64 == -- oh whait, it doesn't work.21:17
faganThere is an unoffical build21:17
faganim using it21:17
DanaGDidn't work for me on 3.5.21:17
cwilluthere is also an extra h21:17
fagan3.5 doesnt work21:17
faganBut im on 3.0.12 and it works21:18
virtualdi don't live google to be everywhere21:19
faganIt complains about compatibility but it work21:19
faganI dont mind they arent as heartless as microsoft21:20
DanaGI don't like having my search be BROKEN.21:20
faganI got an invite to google wave today :)21:20
DanaGBecause all the functions missing.... means it's broken, in my opinion.21:20
faganWhat functions are missing ?21:20
virtualdthat guy in the wave.google.com video says rasmussen funny. like raz-muse-en.21:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 404219 in gnome-settings-daemon "Touchpad Tap Clicking Broken (scrolling also)" [Low,In progress]21:23
faganOh I have that problem too21:23
DanaGheh, when making locally modified versions of packages, I like to tweak the versions:21:28
DanaGthe "++" makes it higher than the official same-version... but doesn't make it override actual higher versions.21:28
yofelDanaG: use ubuntu2~own121:30
yofelubuntu2 will be greater then ubuntu2~own1 later21:31
yofelnote that the point here is the '~' you can use anything after that, like ~danag1 etc...21:32
DanaGFeels weirder to me to do that.  =þ21:32
penguin42has anyone noticed a recent change in pulse where you can't do an alsa force-reload - it doesn't seem possible to kill pulse off21:57
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yofelcool, my /home just remounted itself read-only *-.- http://pastebin.com/f1fb750b22:17
yofeloff to reboot...22:17
durthow do network interfaces get setup in karmic? my cli install does not setup at boot, are we to rely on nm or wicd now?22:19
penguin42durt: If the NetworkManager runs then a lot of it comes from there - I haven't quite got my head around what happens if it doesn't22:20
penguin42I also haven't got my head around how you get NetworkManager to do stuff without the GUI starting22:20
virtualdnm does nothing for me as it can't do bridges nor 6to4 tunnels yet22:22
durtpenguin42, nm has a prob with eth0 and ppp0 running at the same time so I might have to go with wicd if that works.22:22
* penguin42 doesn't know wicd22:23
durtvirtuald, how do you set things up?22:23
durtI don't know wicd either22:23
penguin42if NetworkManager is uninstalled I wonder if it reverts to using /etc/network/interfaces22:23
virtualddurt: i do it in /etc/networks/interfaces, do you want me to pastebin it?22:24
virtualdmy network is wired22:25
penguin42virtuald: Wires are good; you know where your packets are going22:25
durtvirtuald, no, I know /e/n/int, just doesn't seem to be working. But I haven't restarted networking since the last few updates22:25
virtualdthe -rc3 kernel had lots of problems with networking but -rc4 works fine22:27
virtuald2.6.31-rc1 up to 2.6.31-rc322:27
durtguess it's time to do an update/upgrade then22:27
virtualdfor me, that is :>22:28
FlimmHi, I'm looking for volunteers to test an OpenOffice.org .odt thumbnailer22:37
Flimmon Karmic obviously22:37
FlimmI need somebody to download and install this .deb: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1198858/ooo-thumbnailer_0.1%7Ealpha2-0ubuntu5_all.deb22:38
Flimmand tell me if it's working or not22:38
Flimmwell, if anyone wants to, contact me at https://launchpad.net/~flimm22:59

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