
juvenn_hello, can I sync soft-linked files?09:25
juvennHello, all! Is there any way to sync files outside the Ubuntu One directory?09:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BUGabundoola gente bonita11:36
yellabshi there14:39
yellabsi am trying to figure out the sharing part, is it true that you cannot share with just any person, but can only share between members ( of ubuntu one ) ?14:39
yellabsfor example is sent an e-mail giving the share link, now the other person cannot find the files, becuase he/she is not a member of ubuntu one..?14:41
yellabshmm, yes i see14:45
yellabsthats the problem14:46
kholerabbihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOneFirefoxBookmarkSyncing says "You can now sync your Firefox bookmarks with UbuntuOne". Is this really available? Where can I find it?15:17
kholerabbifound: https://code.launchpad.net/bindwood15:20

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